AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Daniel Sattel for the degree of Master. of Science in Geophysics presented on October 4g 1990 Title: P and S Velocity Abstract approved: the Gulf of Maine Redacted for Privacy Seismic refraction data collected in 1985 by the USGS were used in this study to derive the P and S velocity structure of the crust beneath the Gulf of Maine. The data quality differs among instruments and is affected by surficial lateral heterogeneities, a ringy source signature and reverberations. Velocity models of the crust were computed by onedimensional raytracing and by wavefield continuation. Pg arrivals were modeled using both techniques to derive the P velocity of the upper 5-15 km of the crust and give very similar results. Strong Sg arrivals were also observed, and computed S amplitudes generated from P-S conversion for different scenarios show that the observed S wave is generated at the basement top. Two small sediment basins are indicated in the Central Plutonic Zone and two faults are suggested in the Fault Zone and the Central Plutonic Zone, respectively. Beneath the sediments the layering is uniform with dips of less than 2° and a fairly laterally homogeneous velocity structure, in spite of lateral variations in reflectivity. P and S velocities increase from 5.3 and 2.8 km/s, respectively, at the basement to and 3.7 km/s at 10 km depth. A laterally discontinuous low velocity zone is indicated at 6-10 km depth which might be caused by laccolithic 6.4 granitic intrusions. However, magnetic and gravity data do not show indications for felsic intrusions where the low velocity zones are observed. Velocity differences among some instruments suggest anisotropy in the upper 6 km of the crust, as observed in onshore Maine. These instruments indicate velocities parallel to the structural grain of the Appalachians of 6.1-6.4 km/s and velocities transverse to the grain of 5.8-6.1 km/s in the depth range 2-6 km. Cashes Ledge granite, a site of an intense magnetic high, has a reduced velocity compared to surrounding rocks and might extend to at least 10 km depth. Poisson's ratio for the upper crust ranges from 0.23-0.26. To derive the velocity structure of the middle and lower crust, wideangle reflections interpreted to be PmP and SmS were modeled by onedimensional raytracing. In addition synthetic seismograms were computed using the WKBJ method to constrain possible middle and lower crust velocity models by their PmP and SmS amplitudes. Recorded PmP and SmS wide-angle reflections have quite different amplitudes and travel-times among instruments suggesting a heterogeneous lower crust. The crust below 10 km depth has an average P velocity of 6.5-6.8 km/s and an average S velocity of 3.7-3.9 km/s. Most instruments indicate a Poisson's ratio of around 0.25 between 10 km depth and Moho and one instrument suggests a Poisson's ratio of 0.28. Hence, the middle and/or lower crust under the Gulf of Maine is heterogeneous and represents average crust modified by mafic intrusions, probably during Mesozoic extension. Moho depth is indicated between 30 and 37 km depth. Wide-angle reflections coming from 28 km depth as indicated by two instruments are interpreted to come from the top of a lower crustal intrusion. This interpretation is supported by an observed mismatch between the models giving a thickness of 28 km and the reflection data. Although it represents a different geological terrane, the velocity and thickness of the crust beneath the central Gulf of Maine is very similar that onshore Maine. P and S Velocity Structure Beneath the Gulf of Maine by Daniel Sattel A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fufflulment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Completed October 4, 1990 Commencement June 1991 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Maj QProssor: Associate Professof of Geophysics Redacted for Privacy Dean oCollee of Redacted for Privacy Dean of Gra(date School Date thesis is presented October 4. 1990 Typed by the author Daniel Sattel TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .1 TECTONICSETTING .................................................................... 3 PREVIOUSRESULTS .................................................................... 9 DATAACQUISITION .................................................................. 16 DATA PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS METHODS ........................ 17 Wave Field Continuation......................................................... 27 P-S CONVERSION ....................................................................... 31 RESULTS ..................................................................................... UpperCrust ........................................................................... LowerCrust........................................................................... 58 Results of Wavefield Continuation and Comparison to Raytracing Results ............................................................ 72 DISCUSSION ................................................................................ 84 UpperCrust........................................................................... 84 LowerCrust ........................................................................... 89 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................ 95 BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................... 97 APPENDIX ................................................................................ 106 LIST OF FIGURES Figiire 1. Page Locations of USGS seismic refraction lines collected during cruise GYRE-85-11 .................................................... 4 2. Tectonic map of the Gulf of Maine and surrounding region....... 5 3. Simplified magnetic map of the Gulf of Maine ........................ 10 4. Bedrock lithology of the Gulf of Maine, derived from gravity and aeromagnetic data ............................................... 11 5. Summary of velocity models around the Gulf of Maine........... 14 6. Frequency spectrum of line 7 OBS A2 trace 7121 vertical component, prior and after resampling at 16 ms ..................... 18 7. An illustration of fk-filtering ................................................ 21 8. Raytracing of P velocity model L7A2 shown in figure 16 ........ 22 9a. Determination of acceptable velocity models of OBS L7A2 ...... 23 9b. Acceptable and unacceptable fit of first arrival at OBS L7A2...24 10. Comparison of first onset at two distances (OBS L7C3 HYD)...26 11. P-S conversion ................................................................... 32 12. Tectonic setting and bathymetry of line 7 ............................... 34 13. OBS L7C3, seismic section and determined P velocity ............. 35 14. OBS L7C3, seismic section and determined S velocity with corresponding Poisson's ratio ............................................... 36 15. OBS L7A2, seismic section and determined P velocity ............ 37 Page Figure 16. OBS L7A2, seismic section and determined S velocity with corresponding Poisson's ratio ............................................... 38 17. P and S velocity of the upper crust at line 7 ............................ 42 18. Tectonic setting and bathymetry of line 8 ............................... 44 19. OBS L8C3, seismic section and determined P velocity ............ 45 20. OBS L8C3, seismic section and determined S velocity with corresponding Poisson's ratio ............................................... 46 21. OBS L8A2, seismic section and determined P velocity ............47 22. OBS L8A2, seismic section and determined S velocity with corresponding Poisson's ratio ............................................... 48 23. P and S velocity of the upper crust at line 8 ............................ 50 24. Tectonic setting and bathymetry of line 3 ............................... 51 25. OBS L3C6, seismic section and determined P velocity ............ 52 26. OBS L3C6, seismic section and determined S velocity with corresponding Poisson's ratio ............................................... 53 27. P and S velocity of the upper crust at line 3 ............................ 55 28. P and S velocity of the upper crust at line 5 & 6 ..................... 56 29. Illustration of Pg, PmP and Pn arrivals .................................. 59 30. L7C3, P velocity of middle and lower crust determined from PmParrival ........................................................................ 61 31. L7C3, synthetic seismograms corresponding to the P velocity modelsin figure 30 .............................................................. 62 Page Figure 32. L7C3, S velocity of middle and lower crust determined from SmSarrival ......................................................................... 63 33. L7A2, P velocity of middle and lower crust determined from PmParrival ........................................................................ 64 34. L7A2, synthetic seismograms corresponding to the P velocity models in figure 35. L7A2, synthetic seismograms corresponding to the P velocity models in figure 36. 33 .............................................................. 65 L7A2, S 33, using a "ringy" source wavelet ................ 66 velocity of middle and lower crust determined from SmSarrival ......................................................................... 68 37. L7A2, synthetic seismograms corresponding to the S velocity models in figure 38. 36 .............................................................. 69 Pre-processed and muted data sections of L7C3 and L7A2 used for wavefield continuation .................................................... 73 39. Pre-processed and muted data sections of L8C3 and L3C6 used for wavefield continuation .................................................... 74 40. Tau - velocity wavefield of L7C3 and L7A2 ...........................75 41. Tau - velocity wavefield of L8C3 and L3C6 ...........................76 42. Velocity - depth wavefield of L7C3 and L7A2 ........................ 77 43. Velocity 44. Data recorded at L7C3 and L7A2 overlain by travel-time depth wavefield of L8C3 and L3C6 ........................ 78 curves obtained by wavefield continuation.............................. 79 Page Figure Data recorded at L8C3 and L3C6 overlain by travel-time curves obtained by wavefield continuation .............................. 80 Comparison of raytracing and wavefield continuation velocity models.for.L7C3 and L7A2 .................................................. 81 47. Comparison of raytracing and wavefield continuation velocity models of L8C3 and L3C6 ....................................... 82 Comparison of upper crustal P velocities determined at line 3, 5, 7 and 8 .............................................................. 86 Upper crustal P velocity in Coastal Maine and in the Gulf of Maine ................................................................................. 87 1ij Moho depth and average middle and lower crust P velocity determined from PmP wide-angle reflections .......... 90 51. Moho depth and average middle and lower crust S velocity determined from SmS wide-angle reflections ........... 91 52. Average Poisson's ratio of middle and lower crust determined from PmP and SmS wide-angle reflections ............ 92 53. Determined velocity models superposed on interpreted line drawing of the migrated reflection data of USGS line1A ............................................................................... 93 54. OBS L7A8, seismic section and determined P velocity ........... 106 55. OBS L7A8, seismic section and determined S velocity with corresponding Poisson's ratio ...................................... 107 56 OBS L7C4, seismic section and determined P velocity .......... 108 Page Figure 57. OBS L7C4, seismic section and determined S velocity with corresponding Poisson's ratio ...................................... 109 58. OBS L8A8, seismic section showing Pg arrival ..................... 110 59. OBS L8A8, seismic section showing Sg arrival ..................... 111 60. OBS L3C4, seismic section and detennined P velocity .......... 112 61. OBS L3C4, seismic section and determined S velocity with corresponding Poisson's ratio ...................................... 113 62. OBS L3A2, seismic section and determined P velocity .......... 114 63. OBS L3A2, seismic section and determined S velocity with corresponding Poisson's ratio ...................................... 115 64. Tectonic setting and bathymetry of line 65. OBS L6A2, seismic section and determined P velocity .......... 117 66. OBS L6A2, seismic section and determined S velocity 5 & 6 ....................... 116 with corresponding Poisson's ratio ...................................... 118 67. OBS L6A8, seismic section and determined P velocity .......... 119 68. OBS L6A8, seismic section and determined S velocity with corresponding Poisson's ratio ...................................... 120 69. OBS L5A8, seismic section and determined P velocity .......... 121 70. OBS L5A8, seismic section and determined S velocity with corresponding Poisson's ratio ...................................... 71. L7C4, P 122 velocity of middle and lower crust determined fromPmP arrival .............................................................. 123 Page Figure 72. L7C4, S velocity of middle and lower crust determined fromSmS arrival ............................................................... 124 73. L8C3, P velocity of middle and lower crust determined fromPmP arrival .............................................................. 125 74. OBS L8C3, synthetic seismograms corresponding to the P velocity models in figure 73 .................................... 126 75. OBS L8C3, S velocity of middle and lower crust determined fromSmS arrival ............................................................... 127 76. L8A8, seismic section showing the PmP arrival .................... 128 77. L8A8, seismic section showing the SmS arrival ..................... 129 78. L3C6, P velocity of middle and lower crust determined fromPmP arrival .............................................................. 130 79. L3C6, synthetic seismograms corresponding to the P velocity models in figure 80. L3C6, S 78 .................................... 131 velocity of middle and lower crust determined fromSmS arrival ............................................................... 132 synthetic seismograms corresponding 81. L3C6, 82. to the S velocity models in figure 80 .................................... 133 L3A2, P velocity of middle and lower crust determined fromPmP arrival .............................................................. 134 83. L3A2, S velocity of middle and lower crust determined fromSmS arrival ............................................................... 135 P AND S VELOCITY STRUCTURE BENEATH THE GULF OF MAINE INTRODUCTION During cruise GYRE-85-1 1 performed by the U.S. Geological Survey in September-October, 1985, seismic reflection and refraction data were collected in the Gulf of Maine. Located east of New England and south of the Canadian Maritime Provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, the Gulf of Maine is part of the Appalachian Orogen. Most of its area is associated with Avalonian rocks. In onshore Maine, seismic data indicate local low velocity zones (LVZs) and anisotropy in the upper crust (Kiemperer and Luetgert, 1987; Luetgert, 1985a, 1985b; Stewart et al., 1985). Average velocities below 10 km depth are 6.6-6.8 km/s and Moho depth is 31-34 km (Luetgert, 1985b; Luetgert et al., 1986; Stewart et al., 1985; Unger et al., 1987; Luetgert et al., unpublished). Reflection data collected in the Gulf of Maine show a change in the seismic signature from northwest to southeast, a reflective lower crust and a Moho depth between 10 and 11 s TWTT (two way travel time) (Hutchinson et al., 1987, 1988). 2 The seismic refraction data investigated in this paper were acquired by deploying ocean-bottom seismometers and using two 2000 cubic inch airguns as the sources. Despite the reverberatory nature of the signal due to an untuned source and a hard seafloor, a good signal/noise ratio was recorded for P wave arrivals on most instruments. However, the ringy source signature made it difficult to use Pg amplitude information to detect triplications. Clear S wave arrivals are also observed on most records. Because the source, an airgun in water, only generates P waves, the depth where P to S conversion occurs was determined. After reviewing the tectonic setting and previous work about the study area, the seismic refraction data are used to derive crustal P and S wave velocity models in the central region of the Gulf of Maine especially to look for the presence of low velocity zones, anisotropy and to determine the lower crustal velocity. First arrivals constrain only the upper crustal structure. PmP and SmS wide angle reflections are used to determine the Moho depth. Constraints on the upper and lower crustal composition are derived by computing Poisson's ratio. Finally, our results are combined and compared with the results of previous studies of the Gulf of Maine and adjacent areas in order to lead to a better understanding of the history and structure of the Appalachian Orogen. 3 TECTONIC SETTING Figures 1 and 2 show the location of the seismic refraction profiles and the tectonic structure of the Gulf of Maine. The refraction profiles cover mostly the Gulf of Maine Fault Zone and adjacent Central Plutonic Zone, which are separated by the Fundy Fault. The profiles also extend into Nashoba and Coastal Maine terrane. Today the Gulf of Maine has a mean water depth of 250 m (Ballard and Uchupi, 1975). A thin unconsolidated sediment layer (max. 200 m), consisting mainly of gravel and sand close to the shore, probably glacial debris (Hathaway et al., 1965), and silt and clay in deeper parts of the basins (Uchupi, 1966) overlies the basement. Paleozoic and Precambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks are exposed along the coast (Ballard and Uchupi, 1975). Bedrock samples taken from the central Gulf are predominantly granitic and have ages between 231 my and 407 my (Ballard and Uchupi, 1975). The Gulf of Maine is the eastern part of the Appalachian orogen and is bounded to the southeast by the Atlantic passive continental margin. The Appalachian orogen was the result of a sequence of converging and diverging tectonics and neighbours the Grenville province, a craton 71°W 70°W 44°l 68°W 69°W 'i2 .LINE6 1 sA2 /NE3 A2 A8 C4 . C6 LINE 5 LINE 7 A8 C4 43,1 A8 LINE 4 A2 43°N 0A2 , A2/ V C4 I' 'S 'S 42°N ' C3 71°W 70°W 69°W I A8 c\LINE 42°N 2 68°W Figure 1. Locations of USGS seismic refraction lines collected during cruise GYRE-85- 11. The profile midpoints are indicated and give an idea of the locations of wide-angle reflection points. 740 460 / ", 440 '/ !DV EXPLANATION ,-.-'- IMAI. FAULT MESOZOC BASAU FAULT ON TERRANE BOUGOART - DEEP DEIC REFLECTION PROFLE 000 NIRISCAN FRONT r--- .** A BASEMENT HPDE ZONE ECMA DEOROCK SAMPLE RIFT BASIN, EXPOSED *******0t** TROUGH MESOZOIC -FAULT ZONE{AIAI.DN) 4000 SP -. ?- -:- RIFT BASIN. INFERR FROM SEIOMUC AUSI MAGNETIC DATA .010* OCEANIC AWN, MAPPED ON CfIUS RIFED 2OMA CENTRAl. PLUTONC ZONE RIFTED SOUTHERN a- OLOCK PLUTONIC ZONE (AVALON? hEGUMA?) (AVALON) 2000 3000 PLUTO (MEGUMA) 000 - ---:--------- -' UPPER MANTLE KM Figure 2. Tectonic map of the Gulf of Maine and surrounding region. The generalized terranes of the Appalachian orogen, the configuration of the continental margin, and location of the Quebec-Maine-Gulf of MaineGeorges Bank seismic transect (Hutchinson et al., 1988) are indicated. Abbreviations are: NFZ, Norumbega fault zone; TH, Turtle Head fault zone; BL, Belle Isle fault; VF Variscan front; FF, Fundy fault; CLMA, Cashes Ledge magnetic anomaly; NA, Nauset anomaly; ECMA, East Coast magnetic anomaly; PZ, Plutonic zone. Below, the line drawing of USGS line 1A is shown (Hutchinson et al., 1988). 1.1 b.y. old, to the west. Descriptions of its development are given by Taylor and Toksöz (1982), Zen (1983) and Williams and Hatcher (1983), from which the following summary of the history of the northern Appalachian orogen is derived: Tectonic activities can be traced back as early as 820 m.y. ago when the fonnation of the Iapetus Ocean (proto-Atlantic) started (Rankin, 1976). Early or Middle Ordovician to Permian time, the proto-Atlantic was closing and hence the ancient North American east coast represented a converging margin during that episode. The major tectonic activities during the closing occurred in three orogenies, namely the Taconian, Acadian and Alleghanian movement. The Taconian event (about 480 to 430 m.y. ago) was probably an arc-continent collision. The second and primary event, the Acadian movement (about 360 to 400 m.y. ago) was most probably a continent-continent collision of the North American and Avalonian block and was a period of high metamorphism and plutonism. The Alleghanian event (about 250 to 300 m.y. ago) was probably the second stage of the continent-continent collision. In addition to compression, there is evidence for strike-slip motions during the late Paleozoic (Arthand and Matte, 1977; Mosher, 1983). Continental divergence started in late Triassic and produced the present North Atlantic Ocean south of the Azores (Pitman and Taiwani, 1972). Since the Early Jurassic when the continents were separated and ocean floor started to fill the gap left behind, tectonic activity decreased significantly (Ballard and Uchupi, 1975). 7 Basement rock of the Avalon Zone is well exposed onshore, e.g. in southeastern Massachusetts (Fairbaim et al., 1967). The Avalon Composite Terrane was a relatively stable shelf or platform during Paleozoic time. Paleozoic orogenies affected only locally shallow water sediments, which are interbedded with volcanic rocks and were intruded by granites dated to be 560-650 my old (Rast et aL, 1976; McCartney et aL, 1966; Fairbairn et al., 1967). Metamorphic rocks usually belong to the greenschist facies (Poole, 1967). During the Carboniferous to Permian a basin evolved which stretches from Boston 250 km northeast into the Gulf and holds intrusive and sedimentary rocks (Ballard and Uchupi, 1975). The Appalachian orogen can be divided into numerous terranes with different developments. Terranes in our study area are, from west to east, the Dunnage terrane in coastal Maine and the Nashoba, Avalon and Meguma terranes in the Gulf of Maine. The Dunnage terrane represents the North American craton and miogeocline and contains remnants of oceanic crust, whereas the Nashoba, Avalon and Meguma terranes are composed of continental island arc rocks and continental rocks of the Avalon block of pre-Africa (Robinson and Hall, 1980; Williams and Hatcher, 1983; Zen, 1983; Rast and Skehan, 1983). Because the Meguma terrane was little effected by the Taconian movement, Avalon rocks and Meguma rocks carry different magnetic and tectonic signatures (Poole, 1967; Kane, 1972). Whereas the boundary between Avalon and Meguma terrane is clearly indicated in Nova Scotia by large magnetic anomalies (Keppie, 1985), it is difficult to define this contact in the Gulf of Maine. Hutchinson et al. (1988) further divide the Gulf of Maine into four blocks of differing reflection and magnetic character. These are from the coast seaward; the Gulf of Maine Fault Zone, the Central Plutonic Zone, the Southern Plutonic Zone and the Rifled Block. The Gulf of Maine Fault Zone, the Central Plutonic Zone and probably the Southern Plutonic Zone are part of the Avalon terrane, whereas the block south of the Southern Plutonic Zone, characterized by rift basin rocks, is correlated with Meguma rocks of Nova Scotia (Hutchinson et al, 1988; Schenk, 1981). The Gulf of Maine's Moho may have been produced by Mesozoic crustal extension (Hutchinson et. al., 1988). Three rift systems from the Triassic period are identified in the Gulf of Maine by Ballard and Uchupi, 1975: the Fundy Fault system, the Wilkinson Basin system and the Georges Basin/Bank system. The Triassic to Early Jurassic rift basins found in the Gulf of Maine contain igneous and metamorphic rocks (Uchupi, 1966; Ballard and Uchupi, 1975; Klitgord et al., 1982). The central part of the Gulf probably represents a "structural horst of uplifted basement rock" and major faults within the Gulf are thought to have formed at the beginning of the Late Triassic tectonic activity (Ballard and Uchupi, 1975). Since Tertiary time the history of the Gulf of Maine includes Pliocene uplift, fluvial erosion, Pleistocene glaciation, glacial erosion (Shepard et al., 1934, Murray, 1947), ice retreat at least 11,000 years ago (Emery et al., 1965; Zeigler et al., 1965), sea level rise and sedimentation (Uchupi, 1966; Ballard and Uchupi, 1975) PREVIOUS RESULTS Due to its shallowness, thin sediment cover and its interesting location between coast and continental margin, the Gulf of Maine has experienced numerous geophysical projects. The refraction profiles of this study are part of the U.S. Geological Survey Deep Crustal Studies Program Maine transect, which extends from Quebec to the oceanic crust east of Georges Bank. The results of gravity, magnetics and seismic investigations are summarized in the following paragraphs. An interpretation of gravity and magnetic data collected in the Gulf of Maine was done by Kane et al. (1972). The high average Bouger gravity of the Gulf of Maine relative to the surrounding coast is explained by the relative uplift of older basement (Paleozoic or Precambrian) and deeper denser crust, or it might imply that the Gulf has a different composition or a higher proportion of mafic rocks. Maine and the Gulf of Maine have a slightly positive free-air gravity field, indicating almost isostatic equilibrium for the area. Both the gravity and magnetic field show a northeast trend that is parallel to the Appalachians. The Gulf of Maine has the highest average magnetic field and the most intense anomalies recorded along the Atlantic coast (see figure 3). Gravity highs are associated with mafic igneous lithic units, whereas gravity lows are correlated with felsic 10 / A o cL/I ., 2 ECI* Figure 3. Simplified magnetic map of the Gulf of Maine (Zietz et al., 1980; Hutchinson et al., 1988). Deep seismic reflection profiles and the investigated refraction lines are indicated. Abbreviations are as on figure 2. 11 GEOPHYSICAL FIELD INVESTIGATIONS E X P LANA TI ON i. .. - Area of pronounced gyarity high ,ndicating prisoner of mafic pluto,ic rock. or possibly In IOsii places. ramafsc rocl Area of moderate gravity lo rndicatuig presence ,f this bodies of felsac compo.i. lieu, or of moderate thickness., of strati- fied rocks hicb are at most partly metamorphosed ' Ar.a of pronounced areally large, .eronsag- notic high indicating presence of m.fic pluton.c rock Aros of moderate gravity high indicating presence of mafic rock, probably of volcanic one.,, Principal magnetic none boimday incur none boundary Area of pronounced gravity lo probably caused by felsic plulonic rock. Broad eros In central porte of zones B and C may be underlain is part by stratified rocks X X X Prono,nced linear aeromagnetic high, proDably caused by oltramaf,c rock Figure 4. Bedrock lithology of the Gulf of Maine, derived from gravity and aeromagnetic data (Kane et al., 1972). Location of investigated refraction lines are also shown. 12 igneous rocks or porous sedimentary rocks. Magnetic highs are caused by igneous rocks, intense anomalies are associated with mafic and ultramafic rocks. In the central Gulf, mafic and felsic plutonic rocks are abundant and some of these lithologies occupy broad areas. A summary of the results is shown in figure 4. Cashes ledge is the location of the gravity and magnetic peak of the Gulf. A granite sample recovered from there indicates therefore a felsic rock unit overlying a mafic unit. Tn 1984, as part of the U.S. Geological Survey Deep Crustal Studies Program Maine transect, seismic reflection data were collected in the Gulf of Maine. The location of the recorded profile and results are shown in figure 2 (Hutchinson et al. 1987, 1988). The data indicate a varying reflection character across the Gulf of Maine and an essentially flat Moho between 10-11 s TTWT or 33-36 km depth. Bands of moderately dipping reflections dominate the northern Gulf. The central section has a fairly transparent upper crust, an indication for granitic basement rock and shows discontinuous subhorizontal lower crust reflections. The southern end of the profile shows dipping and subhorizontal reflections throughout the crust. The reflection character in the central and southern plutonic zones, showing a band of subhorizontal lower crust reflections, is typical for extensional regimes. In the 1984 Maine-Quebec experiment conducted by the USGS in cooperation with the Canadian Earth Physics Branch, reflection and refraction profiles were shot at different sites in Maine. The refraction 13 profiles and determined velocity models are shown in figure 5.(Luetgert et al., unpublished). The upper crust has a velocity of 5.3 - 6.5 km/s and low velocity zones are indicated by two profiles (figure 5, profiles 2+4), one from 7 to 14 km depth and the other from 15 to 21 km depth. Seismic reflection data across the coastal volcanic belt show the contrast between reflection-free plutons and reflection-rich metavolcanic rocks (Stewart et al., 1986). Refraction data collected in coastal volcanic terrane of southeastern Maine (figure 5, profile 4) indicate anisotropy in the upper 6 km (Kiemperer and Luetgért, 1987; Kafka and Reiter; 1987). Velocities are 10% higher parallel than transverse to the structural grain of the Appalachians (see figure 5 & 49). The surface rocks in the data acquisition area are metasedimentary schists, and the velocities obtained are comparable to laboratory velocity results on metamorphic rocks. In the Northern Appalachians, the crust thickens from 30-35 km in coastal Maine towards the axis of the Appalachians to 38-40 km (Cipar et al., 1986; Luetgert, 1985b; Luetgert et al., 1986; Luetgert, 1990; Luetgert et al., unpublished; Stewart et al., 1985; Taylor and Toksöz, 1982; Unger et al., 1987). The crustal thinning is explained by Mesozoic stretching (tJnger et al., 1987). The average velocity between 10 km depth and Moho is 6.6-6.7 km/s (Luetgert et al., unpublished). According to Luetgert et al. (1987) and Luetgert (1990) the mean Poisson's ratio for the crust in Maine is 0.25. However, the middle and lower crust of Maine seems to consist of quartz rich rocks as indicated by a reduced Poisson's ratio (Luetgert et al., 1988). The absence of reflections coming from the mantle suggests a gradational Figure 5. Summary of velocity models around the Gulf of Maine. Tic marcs are 10 km. References: 1-5 Luetgert et al. (unpublished); 6, Taylor et al. (1980); 7, Chiburis and Ahner (1979) as cited in Taylor and Toksoz (1982); 8, Dainty et al. (1966). 15 crust-upper mantle transition (Luetgert, 1985a, Luetgert et al., 1987, Stewartetal., 1985). Figure 5 also shows velocity models of refraction data in southern New England (Chiburis and Abner, 1979) and along Nova Scotia (Dainty et al., 1966). Results from Taylor et al. (1980), who analyzed earthquake records are also shown. To summarize previous studies, seismic data indicate a crustal thickness of 30 - 35 km in coastal Maine, an upper crustal velocity of 5.7- 6.3 km/s, localized low velocity zones and anisotropy in the upper crust. The average velocity below 10 km depth is 6.6 - 6.7 km/s (Luetgert et al., unpublished). 16 DATA ACQUISITION The data acquisition for this experiment has been described by Tréhu (1987), and is summarized here. Data collection of each profile started with the deployment of oceanbottom seismometers (OBS) from the USGS, which were equipped with one to four components (a hydrophone and three orthogonal geophones). Next the ship fired two 2000 cubic inch airguns simultaneously at 2000 psi at a fixed time interval along the profile. For lines 3 and 8, a shot was fired every 2 minutes, and for lines 4, 5, 6, and 7 every minute, corresponding to shotspacings of approximately 125 m and 250 m, respectively. The interval between the clock pulse and the firing of the port gun was held between 22 and 26 ms. The delay between the two guns was held within 5 ms. A cartridge recorder recorded the events on a pre-programmed schedule. For each sample, sixteen bits were recorded to achieve a nominal dynamic range of 132 db. 32 kilobytes storage were provided for each event. The total recording capacity was 16 megabytes, which translates into approximately 500 32-s-long 4-component events or 2000 onecomponent events at 8 ms sample rate. 17 DATA PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS METHODS Figure 6 shows the spectrum of one trace of instrument A2 at line 7. This trace and other investigated traces show that hardly any energy was recorded above 25 Hz. Therefore the data were resampled at 16 ms prior to any filtering to save processing time. The second step in working on any section was to check the location of the instrument. Because instruments and shots are located at different times by smoothed Loran C readings, uncertainties occur due to the influence of atmospherical conditions. A visual check was used to determine if the OBS location and ranges calculated from the navigation were compatible with the first arrivals. If not, the OBS was relocated using the observed direct wave arrival time from several shots at known locations to determine the best fit instrument location. Corrected OBS locations are accurate within 0.05 km (based on traveltime-, depth- and water velocity uncertainties and divergence of relocation algorithm) and were not more than 0.2 km away from their initially determined location. The seismic data are bandpass filtered from around 5-18 Hz with a 48 dB/octave cutoff minimum-phase filter. Different cutoff frequencies were Frequency Spectrum 18888 p (R) 188 ie 31.21 Freq (Hz) Figure 6. Frequency spectrum of line 7 OBS A2 trace 7121 vertical component, prior and after resampling at 16 ms. used for different profiles to eliminate background noise below 3-6 Hz and noise above 15-20 Hz, mainly generated by whales. Finally a topographic correction was applied on the data. For detailed discussion of the method applied see Purdy (1982). The apparent velocity, which is used to calculate the angle by which shots are projected onto the sea floor, was set to 6.0 km/s for P-wave sections and 3.5 km/s for S-wave sections; the assumed water velocity was 1.47 km/s. Unfortunately the topographic correction does not remove all shallow travel time perturbations because the basement does not follow the topography, as assumed by the correction algorithm. Additionally the Gulf of Maine is reported to have an irregular seafloor (Ballard and Uchupi, 1972), which makes the raypath more complicated than assumed. Record sections were then plotted with reduction velocities appropriate for emphasizing P and S wave arrivals, i.e. 6.8 km/s and 3.9 km/s, respectively. Amplitudes in a given section have been scaled by a factor of (range)c where 0<a<0.3, depending on the S/N ratio. To enhance S wave arrivals, especially at close ranges, a velocity filter was applied on some sections. The passing apparent velocity window went from 0.8 to 4.0 km/s, the cutoff velocities were set to 0.5 and 5.0 km/s to taper the transition from pass to stopband. Before being fk-filtered, sections were bandpass filtered from 5-10 Hz to avoid spatial aliasing. An example is shown in figure 7. The results show that in some cases the 1kfilter is a powerful tool to enhance S wave arrivals. An attempt was made to apply an NMO correction to sections showing PmP and SmS arrivals from the Moho in order to improve the visibility of these reflections, but without success. Predictive deconvolution was also attempted, but was not successful due to the extremely "ringy" nature 'of the signal caused by a hard and shallow seafloor combined with a very "ringy" source signature. Velocity modelling started with one-dimensional raytracing (see figure 8) that was used to match the digitized first arrival. The resulting model was used to generate a traveltime curve that was overlain on the actual seismic section. If the fit was not satisfactory, the model was changed until the resulting traveltime curve matched the recorded first arrival. Discrepancies between model travel times and recorded travel times are generally less than 0.1 s and greater deviations are most probably local surface effects. To obtain the whole range of possible and reasonable velocities the best fitting traveltime curve was used as a reference and acceptable models had to generate very similar travel time curves (see figures 9a & b). The allowable departure is variable with offset and ranges from below 0.1 s at shots where the first arrival is clear to below 0.3 s where the first arrival is ambiguous or invisible. Hence, an optical check was preferred over a computational one. Initial S velocity models were (s)6/x-II (s)/x-yflj E C,) 0 C) 0 41) rd I- 41) 21 II 11 11 22 RAYTRACING 1 1 DISTANCE (kin) eq '5 10 I5 DISTANCE (Ian) Figure 8. Raytracing of P velocity model L7A2 shown in figure 16 (bold line). The upper section shows the close range affects of a soft sediment layer overlying basement. Refractions observed at a distance of 5 km penetrate the upper 500 m of the crust. The lower section shows a triplication between 68 and 98 km distance caused by a layer of increased gradient between 8.5-11 km depth. 23 p-VELOCiTY (km/s) 50 60 DISTANCE (km) Model A: Perfect fit Figure 9a. Determination of acceptable velocity models of OBS L7A2. The crosses represent fixed data points fitted by the shown models. Travel-time curves of model B and C are shown on the following page. 24 3 00 k 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 70 80 90 100 110 DISTANCE (kin) Model B: Acceptable fit 3 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 DISTANCE (1cm) Model C: Unacceptable fit Figure 9b. Acceptable and unacceptable fit of first arrival at OBS L7A2. 25 calculated from the P velocity models by assuming a Poisson's ratio of 0.25. Depth of layer boundaries for the S velocity model correspond to depth of boundaries in the P velocity model. Because of the attenuation of the seismic signal it can be hard to identify the onset of the first arrival beyond certain distances. Therefore later arriving, stronger phases of the first arrival can be used as a reference to pick the invisible first onset. Certainly this is only valid if the time difference between first onset of arrival and stronger later arriving phases stays constant over distance. Comparison of phases and amplitudes of traces at different distances show that indeed a later arriving stronger phase can be delayed by a constant offset. An example is shown in figure 10. If the amplitude decay of the first arrival is abrupt rather than gradual, the presence of a low-velocity zone is assumed. Amplitude modelling was tried for all ranges, but because of smallscale upper crustal heterogeneity did not provide satisfactory results for the first arrivaL However, computed amplitudes of PmP and SmS wide-angle reflections using the WKBJ method (Chapman, 1978) provide some information about the lower crust, but are limited due to the short offset of most sections. Upper mantle velocities of 8.0 km/s (Steinhart et al.,1962) and 4.62 km/s were reasonably assumed to model these Moho reflections. 26 22.2 B 23.2 0 1 2 3 4 3.4 4.4 - X / 6.8 (s) 552 562 0.4 1.4 2.4 TIME - X /6.8 (s) Figure 10. Comparison of first onset at two distances (OBS L7C3 HYD). The very first onset dies out, while later arriving stronger phases can still be correlated. The arrow indicates the observed onset in the upper figure and the assumed onset in the lower figure. 27 Wave Field Continuation In addition to raytracing, the data were analysed by transforming the wavefield into the tau-p domain followed by downward continuation to obtain the z-p wavefield, where tau is the intercept time and p is the ray parameter or horizontal slowness, which is the inverse of phase or apparent velocity v. The first process, the tau-p inversion or slant stack transforms a seismogram linearly into a tau p wavefield (Chapman, 1978; Phinney et al., 1980): S(tau,p)=JU(x, tau+px)dx Here S(tau, p) is the slant stacked wavefield, U(x, t) is the recorded seismogram at range x, p is the ray parameter, and tau is the intercept time. For fixed tau values, amplitudes are summed in the t - x domain along the slope p. In order to achieve finer sampling at low p's (high velocities), we preferred to compute the tau p wavefield for constant velocity increments rather than p increments. We used the slant stack algorithm described by Henry et al. (1980), which is a 3 dimensional transformation (by assuming a point-source geometry) and computes the tau-p (or tau-v) wavefield in the frequency domain. Artifacts of slant stacking are generally introduced by the finite aperture of the data set, incoherence of the source signature, spatial aliasing, lateral heterogeneity and noise (Clayton and McMechan, 1981; McMechan and Ottolini, 1980). The long offset of our data and a coherent source signature should reduce these artifacts. However, the lateral heterogeneity indicated by the seismic sections and spatial aliasing were expected to produce artifacts. The trace spacing of our data is 125 and 250 m, hence the nyquist frequency is around 20 and 10 Hz, respectively. Therefore, due the frequency content of our data shown in figure 6 spatial aliasing is expected. Lateral heterogeneity not only makes an interpretation p wavefield questionable due to the change of p along the raypath, but also introduces destructive interference of the first arrival of a tau during slant stacking. The data preparation prior to slant stacking included bandpass filtering to reduce spatial aliasing, range scaling to compensate for attenuation and geometrical spreading, and muting to eliminate unwanted energy. Although the slant stack method is robust for some spatial aliasing (McMechan et al., 1982), high frequencies were tapered prior to slant stacking. In addition, trace interpolation doubling the range sampling was tried on one profile. However, the resulting resolution of the tau v wavefield and derived velocity function did not improve significantly. To apply a range scaling, the data were scaled by a factor of (range)°.3. Next, the data around the refraction were muted to eliminate noise, multiples and slower arrivals (see figures 38-39). Unfortunately this muting eliminated post-critical reflections as well, but the advantage of muting unwanted energy exceeded the utility of scarce upper crustal reflections. For OBS L7C3 it was additionally necessary to mute traces contaminated by 20 Hz 29 noise (generated by whales). After slant stacking low frequencies were filtered out to compensate for the time stretching induced during slant stacking (McMechan and Ottolini, 1980). The second step of the analysis is a downward continuation of the tau - velocity wavefield into the depth - velocity wavefield, imaging the onedimensional velocity function. The equation for downward continuation is (Clayton and McMechan, 1981; Lyslo, 1988): s(p, z) = S(tau = iy(p, z), p) where iv(p, z) = 2 p21112 dz Here s(p, z) is the ray parameter - depth wavefield, S(tau, p) is the tau p wavefield and v(z) is the user-provided velocity function. We continued to use constant velocity increments rather than p increments for the downward continuation to obtain the velocity - depth wavefield s(v, z). The user-provided velocity function v(z) maps each v (or p) trace from the tau domain into the depth domain. For a detailed discussion of downward continuation see Clayton and McMechan (1981). Downward continuation is an iterative process, repeated until the input velocity function converges with the locus of energy of the resulting velocity - depth wavefield. For a causal data set, the velocity function is imaged in the depth domain as the locus of the onset of the wavelet containing the maximum energy (Lyslo, 1988). Picking the first arrival can be difficult especially in zones of small velocity gradients, because the tau-p inversion spreads energy towards lower velocity and higher tau values (Lyslo, 1988; McMechan and Ottolini, 1980). Because the velocity function is limited to one dimension, lateral heterogeneity can cause the image to be broken and multivalued (McMechan et al., 1982). Convergence is independent of the initial velocity model because each iteration uses the original tau - velocity wavefield. The resolution of the fmal imaged velocity is defined by the width of the fitted wavelets at convergence and the coherence of the image (McMechan et al., 1982). 31 P-S CONVERSION Clear S waves are observed on all stations. Since the source, an airgun in water, generates only P waves, it is necessary to determine where the conversion occurs in order to obtain reliable Poisson's ratio estimates. To do this, we calculated expected amplitudes of arrivals for several possible scenarios. The two most likely, i.e. conversion at sediment-basement interface versus conversion at water-sediment boundary (seafloor) are shown in figure 11. The parameters of the layers were defined as the following: water: Pw=l° g/cm3; vp=l.47 km/s; vs=O.Ol km/s; sediment: ps=1.8 g/cm3; Vp2.8O km/s; vs=1.05 km/s; basement: pb=2.4 g/cm3; vp=S.25 km/s; vs=3.0 km/s. The results indicate that conversion occurred at the sediment-basement interface. Hence, the S velocity of the sediment layer has still to be calculated. The average velocity of the sediment layer is then 1.05 km/s, and knowing the P velocity (2.80 km/s) the S velocity is determined as v5O.65 km/s. P-S Conversion at: Seafloor Basement Top 0.5I 0.4- 0.4- :1 : DISTANCE (km) I DISTANCE (km) Figure 11. P-s conversion. Clear S waves are observed on all stations. Since the source, an airgun in water, generates only P waves, it is necessary to determine where the conversion occurs to obtain reliable Poisson's ratio estimates. To do this amplitudes of possible scenarios were calculated. The above figure indicate that conversion occurred at the sediment-basement interface. 33 RESULTS Upper Crust At offsets greater than 2 km, P refracted in the basement is the first arrival. Because of the rapid increase in velocity at shallow depth, the first arrivals measure only the velocity of the upper 3-15 km of the crust, depending on the maximum offset of each station. A detailed line-by-line discussion follows. Line 7 Line 7 starts in the Nashoba terrane, crosses the Gulf of Maine Fault Zone and extends into the Gulf of Maine Central Plutonic Zone. The bathymetry, tectonic setting and the location of the OBS are shown in figure 12. Instruments with the best data quality and longest offset are OBS C3 and A2. Figures 13 to 16 show seismic sections and the derived velocity models for C3 and A2. The predicted arrival is shown as a bold line superposed on the seismic section. Dashed lines show the uncertainty range of the upper crust velocity model, obtained as explained in the previous chapter. Sections showing S wave arrivals show the S velocity model and corresponding Poisson's ratio model. NW BATHYMETRY LINE 7 0 Nashoba>< ------------------------------------------------------ Terrane fl 1 Avalon Terrane -------------------------------- < --------- Fault Zone ------------------------------------------- Central Plutonic Zone ---------- C4 E SE '-1 Fault? <---> Abrupt travel-time decrease to the NW A8 A2 C3 Basin indicated by refraction data <---> Basin indicated by reflection data 1 1 DISTANCE (1cm) Figure 12. Tectonic setting and bathymetry of line 7. The locations of the OBS are indicated by vertical lines. Two consistent unmodeled refraction anomalies are indicated. One suggests a NW-dipping fault close to C4, another suggests a small basin. The exact location and extension of the basin vary among OBS, hence the entire possible range is indicated. A basin indicated by unpublished reflection data is indicated for comparison. L) - NW LINE 7 OBS C3 HYD SE 3 00 '0 DISTANCE (kin) P-VELOCITY MODEL fl 10 4 5 6 7 VELOCITY (km/s) Figure 13. OBS L7C3, seismic section and determined P velocity. The superposed travel-time curve corresponds to the bold velocity model. 1 LINE7 OBSC3H1 NW ,-' 3 __ .. - en < SE 2 .. .-. ; .. 1 .' -.. I - -. .t.I . .. II'- 0100 96 . 'Y'' ' . . '.u. II... 76 80 66 I .. 56 . i 40 3 DISTANCE (1cm) POISSON'S RATIO S-VELOCITY MODEL 0 1 0- - NwV 8 SE 10 2 I \, I 3 VELOCITY (km/s) I 4 0I PO1SSONS RATIO Figure 14. OBS L7C3, seismic section and determined S velocity with corresponding Poisson's ratio. LINE7OBSA2V NW SE 3 00 P-VELOCITY MODEL DISTANCE (km) 0 4 5 6 7 VELOCITY (km/s) Figure 15. OBS L7A2, seismic section and determined P velocity. (J) ratio. Poisson's corresponding with velocity S determined and section seismic L7A2, OBS 16. Figure RATIO POISSON'S (km/s) 4 VELOCITY 3 2 0 0 12 12 15 15 RATIO POISSON'S MODEL S-VELOCITY DISTANCE(km) 1 01 4, o 4 NW OBSA2V LINE7 39 The travel time departure recorded at OBS C3 (see figures 13 & 14) between 17 and 38 km distance shows up on all instruments at that approximate geographic location and is probably due to a small basin. An examination of unpublished coincident seismic reflection data (Hutchinson, personal communication), did indicate the presence of a sedimentary basin in that area (see figure 12). Other possible small basins are observed, but do not have a signature in the refraction data. However, the abrupt travel time decrease in the distance range 62-65 km shows up on all instruments and is confined to a location 4 km northwest of OBS L7C4. Hence, it probably represents a fault, that juxtaposes either upward dipping layers vs. horizontal layers or less sediments vs. more sediments. The depicted reverse fault is arbitrary and might as well be a normal fault as long as the relative motion of the two juxtaposed blocks is preserved. The basement top has P and S velocities of around 5.2 and 3.1 km/s, respectively. The velocities increase with an increased gradient between 4 and 6 km depth to 6.2 and 3.6 km/s at 7.5 km depth. A low-velocity zone is indicated at a depth of 7.5-9.7 km with a velocity decrease by 0.3 to 0.6 km/s. An LVZ was assumed at that depth range and not shallower, because first arrivals can be traced as far as 65 km and then end abruptly. A closeup of the first arrival at a distance of 55 km is shown in figure 10. At 10 km depth the velocities are 6.3 and 3.65 km/s for P and S waves, respectively. Poisson's ratio is 0.22±0.04 at the basement top and increases to 0.245±0.01 at 6 km depth. In the low velocity zone Poisson's ratio estimates range from 0.19 to 0.33 and is constrained to 0.245±0.005 beneath it. The southeastern part of the section, shows a higher apparent velocity and therefore suggests either a small dip (1-2°) of the uppermost layers to the northwest or a velocity increase to the southeast. Due to the absence of close shots at OBS A2 (see figures 15 & 16), a location check of instrument A2 is not possible and there is no detailed information about the upper 0.5 km. A small basin is indicated at a distance of 45-55 km and the abrupt travel-time decrease at 92 km suggests a fault, both indicated by C3 and shown in figure 10. The basement P and S velocities at 0.5 km depth are 5.85 and 3.35 km/s with Poisson's ratio around 0.25; P and S velocities increase gradually to 6.05 and 3.65 km/s at 8.5 km depth, while Poisson's ratio decreases to 0.214±0.03. Between 8.5 km and 11 km depth an increased P velocity gradient centers Poisson's ratio back to 0.25±0.015 and causes a travel-time triplication from 70-110 km. However, the amplitude of this triplication is drowned by the ringy source enhanced by reverberations in the source and receiver area. At 15 km depth P and S velocities are 6.6 and 3.8 km/s, with Poisson's ratio at 0.25±0.02. An LVZ was not implemented, because of the continuous first arrival, visible as far as 75 km. Seismic sections of instruments C4 and A8 are shown in figures 54-57. Unfortunately data recorded at instrument A8 are very noisy and did not provide any additional information. Data from OBS C4 are also noisy, but suggest a P velocity model for the upper 2 km that is similar to the one derived from C3. Hence, the Fault Zone and the Central Plutonic Zone have a similar upper crustal velocity structure. A8 and C4 also indicate a 41 small basin and fault at the locations shown in figure 12. A signature of the Fundy Fault has not been observed by any instrument. All velocity models determined at line 7 are summarized in figure 17. Local departures of the data from the model are frequent, due to surficial heterogeneities, and probably contribute to noise. Both C3 and A2 show an increased velocity gradient sandwiched between two layers of lower gradient. The absence of a low-velocity zone at A2 in spite of the small distance to C3 (28 kin) indicates that this LVZ must be laterally variable. An explanation for the derived reduced Poisson's ratio at A2 between 6 and 11 km depth may be offered by the Cashes Ledge Granite which is located between C3 and A2. In this case, the data suggest that the vertical extension of the granite is limited to the upper 8-11 km. A mafic or ultramafic material directly underlying the granite, as suggested by gravity and magnetic data, is not confirmed by the calculated Poisson's ratio but the offset might be too short to show an increase of Poisson's ratio caused by such material. VELOCITY MODELS OF LINE 7 0 0 3 3 16 12 12 15 15 P-VELOCITY (km/s) Figure 17. P and S velocity of the upper crust at line 7. S-VELOCrFY (krn/s) L7A2 L7C3SE - - - L7C3NW - - L7C4 Line 8 Line 8 is perpendicular to line 7 and is entirely through the Central Plutonic Zone in a southwest-northeast fashion. The bathymetry of line 8 and the location of the instruments is shown in figure 18. OBS C3 has a relatively good S/N ratio and results are shown in figures 19 and 20. The basement P and S velocities start with 5.95 and 3.4 km/s and increase gradually to 6.0 and 3.5 km/s at 2 km depth. An increased gradient raises the P velocity from 6.05 km/s at 3 km depth to 6.45 km/s at 9 km depth. At 12 km depth the P velocity reaches 6.5 km/s. S velocity information is limited to the upper 3 km and the northeastern part of the section suggests an S velocity up to 0.2 km/s higher than that determined from the southwestern branch. Because the P velocity shows only a small velocity increase on the northeastern branch and the S wave section has a lower S/N ratio, this discrepancy is questionable. Poisson's ratio of the upper 3 km is estimated at 0.225±0.025. OBS A2 still has an acceptable S/N ratio that allows us to determine the velocity structure of the upper 5 km (see figures 21 & 22). The southwestern branch clearly indicates shallow anomalies from the close range out to 25 km distance suggesting a basin, that is indicated in figure 18. However, the anomalies' northeastern extension is hard to define and must be between 0 and 10 km to the SW of A2. The NE branch shows a faint first arrival and strong reverberations. Both branches start with P and S velocities of 5.3 and 2.2 km/s at the basement top and increase to 5.9 SW BATHYMETRY LINE 8 Avalon Terrane, Central Plutonic Zone A2 C3 A8 > Basin indicated by refraction data 1 DISTANCE (kin) Figure 18. Tectonic setting and bathymetry of line 8. Consistent travel-time anomalies suggest a fault and a basin at the indicated locations. SW LINE 8 OBS C3 HYD NE 3 L 80 70 60 40 50 30 20 DISTANCE (kin) P-VELOCITY MODEL 0 2 4 5 6 7 VELOCITY (km/s) Figure 19. OBS L8C3, seismic section and determined P velocity. 10 0 10 20 30 rir C z 0 o I I- 0 E- -L' I©z 0 I CPj 0 C 0 '1 CPj C,, 0 0 1 . SI 0 C 0 (vc) aici 0 C') C : 0 C - tn 0 SW LINE 8 OBS A2 V 3 ¼, 00 > n DISTANCE (kin) P-VELOCITY MODEL 2 10 4 I VELOCITY (km/s) Figure 21. OBS L8A2, seismic section and determined P velocity. NE SW NE LINE 8 OBSA2V 4 DISTANCE (km) POISSON'S RATIO S-VELOCITY MODEL 0 0 10 10 2 3 VELOCITY (km/s) 4 POISSON'S RATIO Figure 22. OBS L8A2, seismic section and determined S velocity with corresponding Poisson's ratio. km/s and 3.6 km/s at 2 km depth. At 4 km depth the P velocity reaches 6.2 km/s. Poisson's ratio is 0.23±0.02 for the upper 4 km. OBS A8 is shown in figures 58-59 but has a low S/N ratio and does not allow conclusive velocity modelling. However, an abrupt travel-time increase to the NE suggests a basin flanked to the SW by a fault at the same location as suggested by A2. The reverse fault shown in figure 18 could as well be a normal fault, as long as the relative motion of the block containing the basin is downwards. A summary of all line 8 velocity models is shown in figure 23. Line 3 Line 3 runs along the Gulf of Maine Fault Zone. Its bathymetry and the location of deployed OBS are shown in figure 24. Surficial anomalies are hardly observed at line 3. Seismic data recorded at OBS C6 show a good S/N ratio (see figure 25 & 26) and suggest a low velocity zone between 6 and 10 km depth. The velocity model shown corresponds to the northeastern branch, but was also used to overlay a travel time curve on the southwestern branch. Although the data from the SW branch show some deviations from that model the fit indicates a uniform layering without dip or lateral velocity variation. Basement P and S velocities start with 5.2 and 2.75 km/s and increase to 6.34 and 3.69 km/s at 6 km depth. The low velocity zone has P and S velocities of 5.85±0.25 and 3.4±0.1 km/s and is underlain by material with velocities of 6.36 and 3.71 km/s. Poisson's ratio is 0.24±0.01 in the upper 6 km and below the LVZ. Within VELOCITY MODELS OF LINE 8 0 0 3 3 16 12 12 / 15 15 S-VELOCITY (km/s) P-VELOCITY (km/s) Figure 23. P and S velocity of the upper crust at line 8. LSC3SW - L8A2NE L8C3NE - - - L8A2SW U' 0 SW BATHYMETRY LINE 3 z DISTANCE (1cm) Figure 24. Tectonic setting and bathymetry of line 3. NE SW LINE 3 OBS C6 HYD 3 DISTANCE (km) P-VELOCITY MODEL 10 4 5 6 7 VELOCITY (km/s) Figure 25. OBS L3C6, seismic section and detemiined P velocity. NE SW NE LINE 3 OBS C6 Hi 4 DISTANCE (km) S-VELOCITY MODEL POISSON'S RATIO 0 10 10 2 3 VELOCITY (km/s) 4 0.15 025 POISSON'S RATIO Figure 26. OBS L3C6, seismic section and determined S velocity with corresponding Poisson's ratio. 54 the LVZ estimates of Poisson's ratio range. from 0.17 to 0.30 and hence carry to much uncertainty to allow any conclusion about its composition. Seismic sections and velocity models of OBS C4 and A2 are shown in figures 60-63. Both instruments suggest a slightly lower P velocity than OBS C6 above 6 km depth, but a similar upper crustal S velocity. Lateral velocity variations are not indicated by the two branches of OBS C4 and A2. In spite of the long offset recorded at OBS A2, no indications for a low velocity zone are observed. This suggests that the one determined from OBS C6 must be local. Poisson's ratio estimated from these two instruments is 0.24±0.03 for the upper 10 km of the crust. P and S velocity models determined at line 3 are summarized in figure 27. Lines 5 & 6 Lines 5 & 6 are coincident with the deep crustal reflection line studied by Hutchinson et al. (1987, 1988) and run NNW-SSE. Line 5 starts in Coastal Maine and runs into the Gulf of Maine Fault Zone. From there line 6 continues and extends into the Central Plutonic Zone. Lines 5 and 6 do not provide enough offset to record any wide angle reflections. However they provide velocity information of the upper crust up to 6 km depth. The bathymetry and seismic sections of lines 5 and 6 with corresponding velocity models are shown in figures 64-70. A summary of the derived velocity models is shown in figure 28. The basement P velocity starts at 5.2-5.6 km/s and increases to 6.3-6.6 km/s at 5 km depth. VELOCITY MODELS OF LINE 5 & 6 0 0 3 3 16 12 12 15 15 P-VELOCITY (km/s) Figure 28. P and S velocity of the upper crust at line 5 & 6. S-VELOCITY (km/s) L5A8NW L5A8SE - - - - L6A2NW L6A2SE - - L6A8NW - - L6A8SE 57 The S velocity starts at 2.6-3.0 km/s at the basement top and reaches 3.73.8 kin/s at 5 km depth. Poisson's ratio in the upper crust is 0.25 ± 0.04. The layers are indicated to be fairly horizontal and although slight velocity differences exist between different sections of line 5 and line 6, a pattern can not be inferred. Lower Crust Figure 29 illustrates raypathes of Pg, PmP and Pn arrivals with their corresponding travel-times. Below 15 km depth, the crustal structure must be inferred from travel-times and amplitudes of PmP and SmS reflections rather than from Pn and Sn refractions, because of the limited source- receiver offset. The locations of reflection points of the wide-angle reflections are indicated in figure 1 and fall in the Central Plutonic Zone (for OBS of line 7 & 8) and in the Fault Zone (for OBS of line 3). Because we are not able to distinguish middle and lower crust we use the term 'average lower crust velocity' for the average crustal velocity between 10 km depth and Moho. The quality of recorded PmP and SmS reflections varies quite a lot among stations, and due to the ringy source and reverberations that may either occur in the lower crust or in the sediment column underlying the instruments, it is difficult to pick the first onset. Because the refracted Pg arrival show that the first onset carries less energy than later arriving phases, the very earliest arriving fragments of PmP or SmS arrival were used to model these reflections. Some energy of SmS reflections will be converted to P at the basement-sediment interface, which results in slightly shallower Moho depth estimates, but due to the thin sediment cover this underestimation should always stay below 1.0 km. A line-by-line discussion follows. 5 PmP 4 0 0 10 20 30 40 DISTANCE (km) Figure 29. Illustration of Pg, PmP and Pn arrivals. Pg and Pn are basement and upper mantle refractions, respectively, and PmP is the Moho reflection. The PmP arrival shown is post-critical. In addition pre-critical PmP were identified on some instruments. Line 7 PmP and SmS wide angle reflections are visible on all three instruments and are strongest on instrument C3. Figure 30 shows the recorded PmP arrival of OBS C3. Velocity models satisfying the travel time of the arrival are shown and their critical distances are indicated on the section. Model #1 has its critical angle at a distance of around 75 km, which comes close to the observed strong amplitude increase. In addition the three models are tested by looking at their predicted PmP amplitude with respect to the refracted Pg arrival. Figure 31 shows synthetic sections generated by using the corresponding velocity models shown in figure 30. These synthetic sections suggest velocity model #1, which has an average lower crust velocity of 6.5 km/s and a Moho at 28 km depth. The SmS arrival is shown in figure 32 and the travel time indicates a Moho depth of 29-31 km and an average lower crust S velocity of 3.8-3.9 km/s. In spite of being close to OBS C3, instrument A2 shows a quite different PmP arrival (see figure 33). The curvature of the travel-times of the identified PmP arrival suggests an average lower crust velocity of 6.95- 7.15 km/s and a Moho depth of 35-37 km. The two possible velocity models were used to compute the synthetic sections shown in figure 34 and go along with the recorded relative amplitudes. Hence, the absence of a strong PmP or Pn arrival, in spite of the big offset, confirms a higher lower crust velocity. Due to this significantly higher velocity the Moho is computed to be 4 km lower than it would be assuming an average lower S. 'I S S S SI_IS ..S S. . 1.1 S.'IS S S .55 IS - .1 S SI. S. II .5 I S I I I. S. $ I H £ I SI U, I R 11 41 I 30. figure in models velocity P the to corresponding seismograms synthetic L7C3, 31. Figure (kin) DISTANCE (km) DISTANCE (kin) DISTANCE 0 0 00 oq c 8 8 3 Model 8 2 Model 1 Model Sections Synthetic . . . S i ._ S I .SI S S. 4 - S S I, 0 $ 1' - I, 1 I' I I. I, I III UI sul A IA -;',y (TI. ?v 0) p i'? f' SI,," 3 lt1lt (/ / h , v' : a a f_'f a I P :a 'I II. IS I I.. I S I Synthetic Sections Model 2 Model 1 8 8 6 6 00 oq < 0 4 2 2 0 0 DISTANCE (km) DISTANCE (km) Figure 34. L7A2, synthetic seismograms corresponding to the P velocity models in figure 33. Synthetic Sections Model 2 Model 1 JJH j1 IIff : 60 70 8 90 DISTANCE (km) 100 1il 110 : 60 ii I 70 80 90 100 110 DISTANCE (kin) Figure 35. L7A2, synthetic seismograms corresponding to the P velocity models in figure 33, using a "ringy' source wavelet. The travel-time triplication shown in figure 15 is concealed by the interference of "ringy" arrivals. 67 crust velocity of 6.6 km/s. Figure 35 shows synthetic sections of the same models generated with a ringy source wavelet in order to simulate the observed source signature. It shows a reduced resolution due to destructive interference. The SmS arrival recorded at OBS A2 is shown in figure 36. Possible velocity scenarios include models with low and high lower crust velocities. The computed amplitudes as shown in figure 37 support rather the lower S velocity models (3.8 km/s) with a Moho depth of 33-35 km than the higher S velocity model. Combined, the determined lower P and S velocities imply mafic to ultramafic material in the lower crust. PmP and SmS arrival can also be identified on OBS C4 (see figures 71-72) and suggest a Moho depth between 27.5 and 30 km and average lower crust velocities of 6.55 and 3.7 km/s for P and S waves, respectively. If the lower crust has a lower velocity all along line 7, then the differences in amplitude observed between A2, C4 and C3 suggest lateral variation in lower crust properties on a scale of less than 28 km. In order to resolve a truly 2-dimensional velocity-depth profile more data are needed, and some of this difference may also be due to differences in shallow structure beneath both source and receiver. a. . A %Y II - 0 0 0 0 0 1 36. figure in shown models velocity S the to corresponding seismograms synthetic L7A2, 37. Figure (km) DISTANCE (km) DISTANCE 10 10 8 8 4 4 f, Model (km) DISTANCE 0 0 3 h4 n Iii 8 10 2 Model 1 Model Sections Synthetic 70 Line 8 Wide-angle Moho reflections are more difficult to identify in the data collected along line 8 in spite of large offsets recorded. This is in part due to higher background noise levels. The PmP arrival identified on instrument C3 allows a broad range of average lower crust velocities from 6.6 to 7.2 km/s and implies a Moho between 32 and 40 km depth (see figure 73). However synthetic results generated by the possible velocity models show that the recorded PmP amplitudes support a lower crust velocity of 6.6 km/s and a Moho depth at 32-36 km depth (see figure 74). Travel time of SmS suggest an average lower crust S velocity of 3.7-3.8 km/s and a Moho depth between 30 and 34 km (see figure 75). Reliable PmP and SmS identifications are not possible at OBS A8 (see figures 76-77). Although an SmS arrival is suggested in figure 77, its first onset is too ambiguous to derive the lower crustal velocity and Moho depth. Line 3 A clear PmP arrival is recorded by OBS C6 (see figure 78). The travel-time slope of the reflection indicates an average lower crust velocity and a Moho at 35.5 km depth. Only one travel time curve overlying the data is visible, because both velocity models produce exactly the same travel time. Relative amplitudes of the two models contradict the of 6.95 km/s 71 recorded amplitudes, which suggest a slower lower crust P velocity and imply a shallower Moho (see figure 74). Travel time and amplitude from the SmS arrival suggest an average lower crust S velocity of 3.8 km/s and a Moho depth of 30 km (see figures 80-81). The shallower Moho depth derived from SmS suggests that the PmP amplitude data is indeed reliable and the P velocity probably lower than indicated by the PmP travel time. Data recorded at OBS A2 show PmP and SmS arrivals. The PmP reflection indicates an average lower crust velocity of 6.6-6.75 km/s and a Moho depth of 35-36 km (see figure 82). The SmS reflection suggests an average lower crust S velocity of 3.8-3.9 km/s and a Moho at 32-33 km depth (see figure 83). 72 Results of Wavefield Continuation and Comparison to Raytracing Results For the data sets we investigated, wavefield continuation provides good results. The derived velocity models are compatible with results from raytracing and the differences in velocity structure among the instruments L7C3, L7A2, L8C3 and L3C6 derived from raytracing are confirmed by the results. The pre-processed and muted data sections used for wavefield continuation are shown in figures 38-39. The tau - velocity and velocity - depth wavefields of L7C3, L7A2, L8C3 and L3C6 are shown in figures 40-43. The velocity functions that mapped the tau - v wavefield best into the depth domain are superposed as bold lines. No attempt was made to resolve low velocity zones because arrivals coming from below and above the LVZ interfere in the velocity depth domain. The velocity function and the imaged wavelets in the depth domain have converged and the frequency content of the wavelets suggests a depth resolution of ± 1-3 km. Convergence was reached after 10-15 iterations. Energy smeared to high velocities is caused by close range water bottom reflections, precritical reflections and a ringy source wavelet combined with spatial aliasing (McMechan et al., 1982; Yilmaz, 1988). The traveltime curves calculated with the velocity functions shown are superposed on the seismic section in figures 44-45 and show a good fit. Only for L7C3, the fit is inferior to the one achieved by raytracing in the distance range 45-60 km (see figure 13). Figures 46 & 47 show a 3 ' 2- 'r d. :4. ) 1 0 I I I 90 100 I I I A. i . I I I 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ;1..f' .'j'- .' i.: ... . 0 DISTANCE (km) 32 1: " :b - ..l. I 110 I 100 I I 90 I I 80 I I 70 I I 60 I I 50 I I 40 I I 30 I I 20 10 DISTANCE (kin) Figure 38. Pre-processed and muted data sections of L7C3 (above) and L7A2 (below) used for wavefield continuation. 0 ' 1 0 C' 0 00 0 0 0 0 to I At J. 1.J s1.11fl.r.13uIu..s.:...l i. U IAILL ". ::f .4 ,.. (s) W9/X c..l (s) W9 I X VLL 0 I- 1) I0 74 '1 '4 - B B SI I S I II I: I I $ I e -4 -. - -. I S 77 LINE7 OBSC3 0 3 6 12 15 18 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 VELOCiTY (kmfs) LINE7 OBSA2 4 8 12 16 20 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 VELOCiTY (km/s) Figure 42. Velocity - depth wavefields of L7C3 and L7A2. The velocity functions that were used for the wavefield continuation are superposed as bold lines. ii 00 'a I DISTANCE (km) 3 00 '0 DISTANCE (km) Figure 44. Data recorded at L7C3 (upper section) and L7A2 (lower section) overlain by travel-time curves obtained by wavefield continuation. The corresponding velocity functions are shown in figure 42. 3 oc \0 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 DISTANCE (kin) 3 00 0 DISTANCE (kin) Figure 45. Data recorded at L8C3 (upper section) and L3C6 (lower section) overlain by travel-time curves obtained by wavefield continuation. The corresponding velocity functions are shown in figure 43 30 81 LINE7 OBSC3 0 L -...--- - 3- I I 6 - \ 1215- I' ' 18- 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 ' 7.0 VELOCITY (km/s) LINE7 OBSA2 I I 4I \' 8121.L I 6 VELOCITY (km/s) Figure 46. Comparison of raytracing (dashed lines) and wavefield continuation (solid lines) velocity models of L7C3 and L7A2. The outer dashed lines show the uncertainty range associated with the raytracing model. LINE8 OBSC3 0 3 6 12 15 18 5.0 6.0 5.5 6.5 7.0 6.5 7.0 VELOCiTY Ouiils) LINE3 OBSC6 0 3 6 12 15 18 5.5 I I I 5.0 6.0 VELOCiTY (km/s) Figure 47. Comparison of raytracing (dashed lines) and wavefield continuation (solid lines) velocity models of L8C3 and L3C6. The outer dashed lines show the uncertainty range associated with the raytracing model. *3 comparison of the velocity models computed by raytracing and by wavefield continuation. The dashed lines represent the raytracing model as explained in the previous chapter, the bold lines represent the wavefield continuation result. The raytracing models were derived from the first arrival and the PmP wide-angle reflection. For all instruments raytracing and wavefield continuation results agree well at least in the upper 8 km. For L7C3 the slower wavefield continuation model below 8 km depth can be explained by the absence of the LVZ which taken into account gives both models a similar average velocity. For L7A2 and L8C3 the wavefield continuation model is slower below 11 km depth. This might be a resolution problem of this method, caused by the low frequency content of the image or it may represent energy that got smeared to higher tau values. However, wavefield. continuation results agree to differences in velocity models among instruments found by raytracing. Therefore, the lower gradient for L8C3 and L7A2 above 8 km and the lower gradient indicated for L7C3 above 4 km in contrast to the high shallow velocity of L3C6 are confirmed by wavefield continuation results. DISCUSSION Upper Crust Beneath the sediments the velocity structure of the Gulf of Maine is laterally fairly homogeneous and is not clearly correlated with the lateral block structure of the Gulf as indicated by seismic reflection and potential field data. Moreover, anisotropy as observed in onshore Maine was indicated by some instruments. A soft sediment layer is indicated in all seismic sections, and its thickness varies between 50 and 300 m. The P velocity of this surface layer is 1.5-2.5 kin/s. The inferred S wave velocity is 0.6-0.9 km/s and Poisson's ratio is around 0.40. The P velocity of the basement starts around 5.3 km/s and increases to 6.4 km/s at 10 km depth. The S velocity of the basement is around 2.8 km/s and increases to 3.75 km/s at 10 km depth. Poisson's ratio is estimated at 0.24±0.03 in the upper crust. Two of the instruments, L3C6 and L7C3, indicate the presence of a low-velocity zone in the upper crust around 6-10 km depth. The other instruments do not show any such layer, which implies that any upper crustal low velocity zone beneath the Gulf of Maine must be laterally variable. Localized low velocity layers have been reported in Maine (Luetgert, 1985a, 1985b; Kiemperer and Luetgert, 1987; Luetgert et al. unpublished). Mueller and Landisman (1966), proposed the general presence of LVZs in the upper crust, which have been reported globally by a large number of studies in the depth range of 5 to 15 km (Krishna et al., 1989). Upper crust LVZs have been explained by zones of laccolithic granitic intrusions (Mueller, 1970; Landisman et al. , 1971). The water content and pore pressure in these granites keep the density lower, hence the velocity lower, than the surrounding basement rocks (Mueller, 1977). The presence of granitic plutons in the Gulf of Maine (Hermes et aL, 1978; Hutchinson et aL, 1988) and the discontinuity of LVZs suggest that regions of low velocity in the Gulf are due to laccolithic granitic intrusions. However, the magnetic or gravity data from the Gulf of Maine do not indicate felsic material at these LVZs. The determined Poisson's ratio in the upper crust, i. e. the upper 10 km, is 0.24±0.05, mostly ±0.02 and indicates a slightly quartz enriched upper crust, as expected from the presence of granitic plutons. The orientation of the profiles made this survey suitable to investigate the refraction data for anisotropy in the Gulf of Maine. Figures 48 and 49 show velocity models of good data determined from all profiles and results from onshore Maine (Kiemperer and Luetgert, 1987). Although line 7 and 8 are perpendicular they do not indicate anisotropy in the upper crust. However, comparing line 3 and line 7 suggests anisotropy in the upper 6 km of the crust as observed in onshore Maine. Anisotropy in Maine is related to the orientation to the strike or structural grain of the northern LINE 3, 5 & 8 LINE 7 & 8 0 0 3 3 6 6 F :2 12 15 15 18 18 P-VELOCITY (km/s) P-VELOCITY (km/s) Figure 48. Comparison of upper crustal P velocities determined at line 3, 5, 7 and 8. COASTAL MAINE GULF OF MAINE LINE 3 & 7 0 0 3 3 6 6 12 12 15 15 18 18 P-VELOCiTY (km/s) P-VELOCITY (km/s) Figure 49. Upper crustal P velocity in Coastal Maine (Kiemperer and Luetgert, 1987) and in the Gulf of Maine. Locations of profile 1 & 2 are shown in figure 5. Appalachians with the fast velocity along the strike. It might be caused by the orientation of microcracks and/or mineral alignment (Kafka and Reiter, 1987; Park and Simmons, 1982). The presence of metamorphosed rocks in Maine confirms this assumption and the observed anisotropy of 10 % agrees well with velocity determinations of layered crystalline rocks (Kiemperer and Luetgert, 1987; Birch, 1960; Christensen, 1982). The low velocities determined at L7A2 and L8C3 above 9 and 6 km, respectively, can be explained by the Cashes Ledge Granite. Lower Crust Figures 50 and 51 show the average crustal velocity between 10 km depth and Moho determined from different instruments. OBS L7A2 suggests a high average P velocity of 6.95-7.15 km/s. The other instruments suggest lower P velocities (v<6.8 km/s) and all instruments indicate low S velocities (v<3.95 km/s) in the lower crust. The corresponding Poisson's ratios are shown in figure 52. Three instruments (L3A2, L7C4 & L7C3) determine Poisson's ratio of the lower crust to fall between 0.24 and 0.27 whereas OBS L8C3 suggests 0.225±0.015 and OBS L7A2 suggests 0.29±0.01. Phanerozoic extensional terranes are reported to have a transparent upper crust and a reflective lower crust (Meissner, 1984; Kiemperer, 1987; Cheadle et. al, 1987). As figure 53 shows, a highly reflective lower crust has been reported beneath the Gulf of Maine confirming this trend (Hutchinson et al., 1988). Figure 53 also shows velocity - two way travel time (TWTT) models calculated from the determined velocity depth models projected onto the line drawing. The obtained Moho depths agree very well for all instruments except L7C3. The Moho depth determined for L7C3 is 28 km and too shallow when compared with the reflection data. Determined Moho depths in coastal Maine were 30-35 km and combined with the reflection results suggest that for L7C3 the reflection identified as PmP might actually come from the lower crust. This suggests that for L7C4 as well the wide-angle reflection has been misidentified as STRUCTURE OF THE LOWER CRUST 25 - L3A2 - - L7C4 L7A2 L7C3 35 L8C3 40 ru P-VELOCITY (km/s) Figure 50. Moho depth and average middle and lower crust P velocity determined from PmP wide-angle reflections. STRUCTURE OF THE LOWER CRUST 25 - -------------- L3A2 L3C6 - - L7C4 30 L7A2 L7C3 L8C3 40 S-VELOCITY (km/s) Figure 51. Moho depth and average middle and lower crust S velocity determined from SmS wide-angle reflections. POISSON'S RATIO OF THE LOWER CRUST POISSON'S RATIO Figure 52. Average Poisson's ratio of middle and lower crust determined from PmP and SmS wide-angle reflections. GULF OF MAINE USGS LINE IA > LU 0 SP CENTRAL FAULT ZONE PLUTONIC ZONE (AVALON) (AVALON) LINE 3 4000 LINE 7 C3 LINE 7 A2 3000 LINE 8 C3 I ' I l I Pluton FAU I -Jw OLLJCj H .F U I 0 VELOCITY(kmfs) .1 V I Cd 0 vELoerrY (Iun/s) I 0 J Ii0 I_I 1 UPPER MANTLE 0 VEL0CrrY(km/s) 0 10KM Figure 53. Determined velocity models superposed on interpreted line drawing of the migrated reflection data of USGS line 1A (Hutchinson et al. (1988). (J) PmP. For L7C3 and L7C4, the identified wide-angle reflection might come from the top of a lower crustal intrusion, which was penetrated by PmP recorded at L7A2. The increased Poisson's ratio at L7A2 (see figure 52) suggests this intrusion to be mafic. A mafic to ultramafic, high-velocity lower crust is suggested by the abundance of plutonic rocks sampled from the central Gulf, which indicates extensive melting during the Paleozoic which might have lead to differentiation of the crust (Hutchinson et al. (1987). Poisson's ratio determined in this study (figure 52) however, suggests an average crustal composition with one mafic intrusion indicated by L7A2 that probably occurred during Mesozoic extension. Therefore, for the Gulf of Maine a heterogeneous lower crust is suggested that represents an average lower crust that is underplated by mafic to ultramafic material. Due to the scarce Poisson's ratio estimates in the lower crust it can not be determined if these intrusions are only locally or occupy most of the lower crust. Data from Maine suggest an average (Taylor and Toksöz, 1982) to felsic (Luetgert et al., 1988) middle and lower crust, indicating a similar composition of at least the middle crust. 95 CONCLUSIONS No correlation between the velocity structure and the lateral block structure of the Gulf of Maine determined from seismic reflection data was observed. The lateral velocity structure is uniform, layers are horizontal or have only small dips (<2°). P and S-wave velocity models indicate the presence of a soft sediment layer at the top of the Gulf of Maine having a thickness up to 300 m and velocities of 1.5 to 2.5 km/s and 0.7 to 0.9 km/s for P and S-waves, respectively. The S wave is generated at the sediment/basement interface by P-S conversion. The velocities for P and S-waves at the basement top are around 5.3 km/s and 2.8 km/s and increase to 6.3 km/s and 3.6 km/s within the upper 5 km. Between 5 and 10 km the velocity is around 6.4 km/s and 3.7 km/s for P and S waves, respectively. Poisson's ratio starts with 0.4 in the soft sediment layer and ranges from 0.23 - 0.26 in the upper crust, which indicates average crustal composition, slightly quartz enriched by the presence of granitic plutons. Localized low velocity zones are suggested by two instruments and best explained by laccolithic granitic intrusions. Anisotropy is suggested by our data, as observed in Maine with the faster velocity along the strike. Travel time and amplitude information yield that the Moho is found at a depth of 28 to 37 km with average P and S velocities of 6.5-6.8 km/s and 3.7-3.9 km/s in the middle and lower crust, which implies a Poisson's ratio of around 0.25. 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Figure RATIO POISSON'S (km/s) VELOCiTY 4 2 10 1-_-4......... 30 i ._ - - - . 1 -r.4..; 20 i : . ..4 1 10 i 0 ...... 0 DISTANCE 10 . 'dr...!lIZ" z - 0 MODEL S-VELOCITY RATIO POISSON'S (kin) i -.. ; .. - - 20 - b..-'-- - .e.... - , 30 40 60 * - . - 70 0- St 4.....LL - 1 -". 1 2 . en .i.L. NW OBSA8V LINE7 SE DEPTH (KM) 0 00 TIME - X / 6.8 (s) O\ t') 111111 liii 9' C CD C (-J CD Cl) C z tTl I- C Cri 109 C 0 0 o ci (vc) iu.ia C) C N z C 00 - LINE 8 OBSA8V 3 oc 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 DISTANCE (1cm) Figure 58. OBS L8A8, seismic section showing the Pg arrival. 60 70 80 90 00 C 00 z cn e1 (s)6/x-a C C' C 00 C C _ Cc) I- . C,) 111 LINE3OBSC4V SW - DISTANCE (km) P-VELOCITY MODEL VELOCITY (km/s) Figure 60. OBS L3C4, seismic section and determined P velocity. NE SW NE L1NE3OBSC4H1 4 0' 1 DISTANCE (km) POISSON'S RATIO S-VELOCITY MODEL 0 0 10 2 3 VELOCITY (km/s) 4 5 POISSON'S RATIO Figure 61. OBS L3C4, seismic section and determined S velocity with corresponding Poisson's ratio. SW LINE3 OBSA2V 3 Co - 0 1 0 DISTANCE (1cm) P-VELOCITY MODEL 0 10 4 5 6 7 VELOCITY (km/s) Figure 62. OBS L3A2, seismic section and determined P velocity. NE SW 4 3 O\ LINE3 OBSA2H1 -i ';.' - ? a-I- a' I ,_,. 1 :", - . . ;. , : .. :..zr - A V . __ I I ê .,-.. a. . .. ' a tIi 4.._#_'._. a I DISTANCE (kin) S-VELOCITY MODEL POISSON'S RATIO 0 0 2 8 10 2 3 VELOCiTY (km/s) S1 .p_-.'; 4 POISSON'S RATIO Figure 63. OBS L3A2, seismic section and determined S velocity with corresponding Poisson's ratio. NW BATHYMETRY LINE 5 & 6 SE ------------------------------------------ Avalon Terrane -----------------------------------------------------zCoastal Maine>< --------------------------- Fault Zone ----------------------------- ><Central Plutonic Zone> 3000 10 20 i 30 i i 40 i i 50 do i 70 i i 80 i 90 I 1D DISTANCE (km) Figure 64. Tectonic setting and bathymetry of line 5 & 6. 0\ LINE6 OBSA2V NW SE ii 00 1 0 DISTANCE (kin) P-VELOCITY MODEL 0 4 5 6 VELOCITY (km/s) Figure 65. OBS L6A2, seismic section and determined P velocity. NW LINE 6 OBS A2 V SE DISTANCE (km) POISSON'S RATIO S-VELOCITY MODEL 4 VELOCITY (km/s) ;.i5 025 POISSON'S RATIO Figure 66. OBS L6A2, seismic section and determined S velocity with corresponding Poisson's ratio. 0.35 NW LINE6OBSA8V SE 3 00 0 DISTANCE (kin) P-VELOCITY MODEL 0 10 4 5 O VELOCITY (km/s) Figure 67. OBS L6A8, seismic section and determined P velocity. NW LINE 6 OBS A8 V SE 1 DISTANCE (km) POISSON'S RATIO S-VELOCITY MODEL 0 I I 10 10 2 3 VELOCiTY (km/s) 4 POISSON'S RATIO Figure 68. OBS L6A8, seismic section and determined S velocity with corresponding Poisson's ratio. NW LINE5 OBSA8V SE 3 00 I [C DISTANCE (kin) P-VELOCITY MODEL [C I 10 4 5 6 / VELOCITY (km/s) Figure 69. OBS L5A8, seismic section and determined P velocity. NW LINE 5 OBS A8 V SE 4 [1 DISTANCE (km) POISSON'S RATIO S-VELOCITY MODEL 0 0 10 10 2 3 VELOCITY (km/s) 4 POISSON'S RATIO Figure 70. OBS L5A8, seismic section and determined S velocity with corresponding Poisson's ratio. t\) , IIs S S. I..S . S S .SS IS I. 4. ; S II 11 IS I I, I, V U & C C a. a V 'V a a I I 4 I . . I. I. I S .SII III I. 4 dl- I I 14 I' I, I I, tz A I' C a. I r a I 1 a. a . .1 . e 0 0 0 -I Model 3 Model 2 Model 1 8 8 8 6 2 2 0 0 DISTANCE (kin) Model 4 0 DISTANCE 0cm) Model 5 DISTANCE 0cm) Model 6 [ DISTANCE (kin) DISTANCE (kin) DISTANCE (km) Figure 74. L8C3, synthetic seismograms corresponding to the P velocity models in figure 73. 0\ II S s. - i' e is is 115. N * I 14 I, - N U I a S o :11 .. 5S ' I' . IS . S. - - SS - SS . - . .5, S :: - I S 0 I e 55 ' I' .1 II . 1 S. S. S S I S '.11 . - .55 - ;. - I ts I, u V I, I S 0 . I. II. , S .SS I II I: I'. .1 S. S S s i - I, I, I,' I I 'I III a I I Synthetic Sections Model 2 Model 1 8 8 6 6 oq 00 2 0 0 DISTANCE (km) DISTANCE (kin) Figure 79. L3C6, synthetic seismograms corresponding to the P velocity models in figure 78. 1 S P. I . - Si .ii S S. I I I, ii I: is P ''..PTa ''4)I.t 'I I 5U .1I I Ii, Ii, I! lid I : 'I I I S I Synthetic Sections Model 2 Model 1 10 10 -6 oq %0 oq '0 -.6 DISTANCE (kin) DISTANCE (kin) Figure 81. L3C6, synthetic seismograms corresponding to the S velocity models in figure 80. . 'I ( ,_ S SI' 511 5 S - I S 51 I. I, I' I. O I' a aI ii aI iv I :10 I I A1 A : A SI £ - - S .1 I $ :1 I I : : £ I