Document 10968898

Corretness of
Constraint Retration
Romuald Debruyne1 , Gerard Ferrand2 , Narendra Jussien1 ,
Willy Lesaint2 , Samir Ouis1 et Alexandre Tessier2
1 Eole
des Mines de Nantes
2 Universit
e d'Orleans, LIFO
Rapport No 2002-09
Using a ltering tehnique is ruial to redue the searh spae. Most of
the solvers (eg. hip, gnuProlog, Ilog solver, hoo) use redution
operators and a propagation mehanism to enfore a loal onsisteny.
This sheme is quite universally used on stati sps. But we do not have
suh an unanimity when relaxing onstraints. Several tehniques have
been proposed to deal with dynamiity. The problem we address here is
two-fold. First, we highlight that it is possible to generalize the proposed
tehniques to relax onstraints. Seond, we show a suÆient work to do
in order to inrementally relax a onstraint.
Enforing a loal onsisteny allows reduing the searh spae. Suh a redution
an be performed before searh, to obtain an equivalent problem potentially less
ostly to solve. But the main interest is to use ltering tehniques during searh,
propagating eah hoie and so eliminating some branhes of the searh tree
that annot lead to a solution. Most of the solvers (eg. hip [2℄, gnuProlog
[12℄, Ilog solver [19℄, hoo [25℄) use the same sheme: they enfore a loal
onsisteny using redution operators and a propagation mehanism.
However, the way of handling onstraint relaxation is not that unanimous.
With dynami sps, the user an speify its problem alternatively adding and
relaxing onstraints. Maintaining global onsisteny is too prohibitive but we
an maintain a loal onsisteny to have an evaluation of the existene of a
solution. The stronger the loal onsisteny, the better the evaluation. In
this ontext, algorithms [7, 11, 23, 15℄ store information in an (a)tms-like
[13, 10℄ way or analyze redutions operators [6, 18℄ to be able to identify the
past eet of a onstraint and so to inrementally relax it. When dealing with
dynamiity during searh, allowing both to relax past hoies and onstraints,
explanation sets [23, 24℄ are kept. In this paper, we present a general sheme for
all these tehniques, showing the similarities of these approahes to eÆiently
relax onstraints. Another ontribution is the determination of a suÆient work
to do in order to inrementally relax a onstraint.
After some realls on the loal onsisteny propagation mehanisms, we
present a general sheme to perform onstraint retration. We then highlight
some properties ensuring the orretness of onstraint relaxation, and we show
the relations with previous works before onluding remarks.
In this setion, the denition of a onstraint satisfation problem is realled.
The notations introdued are well-suited to the desription of domain redution
in terms of losure. A domain redution aused by a onstraint and a loal
onsisteny is formalized by the appliation of some loal onsisteny operators.
1 This work is partially supported by the Frenh RNTL (Reseau National des Tehnolo-
gies Logiielles) projet OADymPPaC (Outils pour l'Analyse Dynamique et la mise au Point de
Programmes ave Contraintes).
The propagation mehanism used in the solvers is desribed thanks to iterations
of suh operators.
Following [27℄, a Constraint Satisfation Problem (sp) is made of two parts:
a syntati part and a semanti part. The syntati part is a nite set V of
variables, a nite set C of onstraints and a funtion var : C ! P (V ), whih
assoiates a set related variables to eah onstraint. Indeed, a onstraint may
involve only a subset of V .
For the semanti part, we need to introdue some preliminary onepts.
We onsider various families f = (fi )i2I . Suh a family is referred to by the
funtion i 7! fi or by the set f(i; fi ) j i 2 I g.
Eah variable is assoiated to a set of possible values. Therefore, we onsider
a family (Dx )x2V where eah Dx is
S a nite non empty set.
We dene the domain by D = x2V (fxg Dx ). This domain allows simple
and uniform denitions of (loal onsisteny) operators on a power-set. For
domain redution, we onsider subsets d of D . Suh a subset is alled an environment. We denote by djW the restrition of a set d D to a set of variables
W V , that is, djW = f(x; e) 2 d j x 2 W g. Any d D is atually a family
(dx )x2V with dx Dx : for x 2 V , we dene dx = fe 2 Dx j (x; e) 2 dg and all
it the environment of x (in d).
Constraints are dened by their set of allowed tuples. A tuple t on W V
is a partiular environment suh that eah variable of W appears only one:
t D jW and 8x 2 W; 9e 2 Dx ; tjfxg = f(x; e)g. For eah 2 C , T is a set of
tuples on var(), alled the solutions of . Note that a tuple t 2 T is equivalent
to a family (ex )x2var() and note that t is identied with f(x; ex ) j x 2 var()g.
We an now formally dene a sp.
Denition 1 A Constraint Satisfation Problem ( sp) is dened by:
a nite set
of variables;
a nite set
of onstraints;
a funtion var : C
! P(
a family (Dx )x2V (the domains);
a family (T )2C (the onstraints semantis).
An illustrative onstraint solver
From now on, we will illustrate onepts and results using the PaLM onstraint
solver [22℄. PaLM is a onstraint solver built on top of the free onstraint solver2
2 hoo is an open soure onstraint engine developed as the kernel of the OCRE projet.
The OCRE projet (Outil Contraintes pour la Reherhe et l'Enseignement ) aims at building
free Constraint Programming tools that anyone in the Constraint Programming and Constraint Reasoning ommunity an use.
[25℄. The interest of hoo (and therefore PaLM) is that the implemented onepts are generally the same as in \ommerial" onstraint solvers
(eg. hip [2℄, gnuProlog [12℄, Ilog solver [19℄).
The PaLM objet model (based upon the hoo model) is a diret implementation of the theoretial framework introdued before. Indeed, a onstraint
problem in PaLM is dened by a set of variables (with their assoiated domain)
and a set of onstraints (dened in extension by a set of allowed tuples).
PaLM is an event-based onstraint solver: during propagation, onstraints are
awaken (like agents or daemons) through the all to redution operators eah
time a variable environment is redued (this is an event) possibly generating
new events (value removals). There are therefore two key onepts that needs
some details: the domain redution mehanism (the redution operators) and
the propagation mehanism itself.
Domain redution mehanisms
In the PaLM model, a onstraint is fully haraterized by its behavior regarding the basi events suh as value removal from the environment of a variable
(method awakeOnRem) and environment bound updates (methods awakeOnInf
and awakeOnSup).
Example 1
(Constraint x
y + )
This is one of the basi onstraints in hoo. It is represented by the
GreaterOrEqualxy lass. Reating to an upper bound update for this onstraint an be stated as: if the upper bound of x is modied then the upper
bound of y should be lowered to the new value of the upper bound of x
(taking into aount the onstant ). This is enoded as:
-> if (idx = 1)
updateSup(.v2,.v1.sup - .ste)℄
idx is the index of the variable of the onstraint whose bound (the upper
bound here) has been modied. This partiular onstraint only reats to
modiation of the upper bound of variable x (.v1 in the hoo representation of the onstraint). The updateSup method only modies the value of
y (.v2 in the onstraint) when the upper bound is really updated.
More generally, we an onsider that some loal onsisteny operators are
assoiated with the onstraints. Suh an operator has a type (Win ; Wout ) with
Win ; Wout V . For the sake of larity, we will onsider in our formal presentation that eah operator is applied to the whole environment, but, as shown
above, it only modies the environments of Wout and this result only depends
on the environments of Win . It removes from the environments of Wout some
values whih are inonsistent with respet to the environments of Win .
In example 1, the awakeOnSup method an be onsidered as a loal onsisteny operator with Win = f:v1g and Wout = f:v2g.
Denition 2 A loal onsisteny operator of type (Win ; Wout ), with Win ; Wout
, is a monotoni funtion r : P (D )
! P (D ) suh that: 8 D ,
( )jV nW
r d
= D j V nW ,
( ) = r(djW )
r d
Classially [15, 28, 5, 4℄, redution operators are onsidered as monotoni,
ontratant and idempotent funtions. However, on the one hand, ontratane
is not mandatory beause environment redution after applying a given operator
r an be fored by interseting its result with the urrent environment, that
is d \ r(d). What is important is the operator r and not d 7! d \ r(d) as
shown further in the text when dening dual operators. On the other hand,
idempotene is useless from a theoretial point of view (it is only useful in
pratie for managing the propagation queue). This is generally not mandatory
to design eetive onstraint solvers. We an therefore use only monotoni
funtions in denition 2. We just need to speify that only the environments of
Wout are modied (rst item in denition 2) and that the result only depends
on the environments of Win (seond item).
The solver semantis is ompletely desribed by the set of suh operators
assoiated with the handled onstraints. More or less aurate loal onsisteny
operators may be seleted for eah onstraints (eg. handling allDifferent onstraints using Regin's algorithms [26℄ or using liques of dierenes onstraints).
Moreover, our framework is not limited to ar-onsisteny but may handle any
loal onsisteny whih boils down to domain redution as shown in [16℄.
Of ourse loal onsisteny operators should be orret with respet to the
onstraints. In pratie, to eah onstraint 2 C is assoiated a set of loal
onsisteny operators R(). The set R() is suh that for eah r 2 R(): the
type of r is (Win ; Wout ) with Win ; Wout var(); and for eah d D , for eah
t 2 T , t d ) t r (d).
The propagation mehanism: iterations
Propagation in PaLM is handled through a propagation queue (ontaining events
or onversely operators to awake). Informally, starting from the given initial
environment for the problem, a loal onsisteny operator is seleted from the
propagation queue (initialized with all the operators) and applied to the environment resulting to a new one. If an environment redution ours, new
operators (or new events) are added to the propagation queue.
Termination is reahed when:
a variable environment is emptied: there is no solution to the assoiated
the propagation queue is emptied: a ommon x-point (or a desired onsisteny state) is reahed ensuring that further propagation will not modify
the result.
The resulting environment is atually obtained by sequentially applying a
given sequene of operators. To formalize this result, let onsider iterations.
The following denition is taken from Apt [3℄.
Denition 3 The iteration from the initial environment
to an innite sequene of operators of R: r ; r ; : : :
environments d0 ; d1 ; d2 ; : : : indutively dened by:
with respet
is the innite sequene of
= d;
2. for eah
2 IN,
i+1 = di \ r i+1 (di ).
Its limit is \i2IN di .
A haoti iteration is an iteration with respet to a sequene of operators of
R (with respet to R in short) where eah r 2 R appears innitely often.
The most aurate set whih an be omputed using a set of loal onsisteny operators in the framework of domain redution is the downward losure.
Chaoti iterations have been introdued for this aim in [14℄.
Denition 4 The downward losure of d by a set of operators
j 0 8 2
R; d
0 r(d0 )g and is denoted by
d; R
is maxfd0 Note that C L # (d; ;) = d and, if R0 R, then C L d; R) C L # (d; R0 ).
Obviously, eah solution to the problem is in the downward losure. It is
easy to hek that T
C L # (d; R) exists and an be obtained by iteration of the
operator d0 7! d0 \ r2R r(d0 ). Using haoti iteration provides another way to
ompute C L # (d; R) [9, 15℄. Iterations proeed by elementary steps, using only
one loal onsisteny operator at eah step. Chaoti iterations is a onvenient
theoretial denition but in pratie eah iteration is nite and fair in some
Lemma 1 The limit of every haoti iteration of the set of loal onsisteny
is the downward losure of
Proof: Let d0 ; d1 ; d2 ; : : : be a haoti iteration of R from d with respet to
1 be the limit of the haoti iteration.
; r ; : : : Let d
)) 1 : For eah i, C L # (d; R) di , by indution: C L #
= d. Assume C L # (d; R) di , C L # (d; R) ri+1(C L #
i+1 (di ) by monotoniity. Thus, C L # (d; R) di \ ri+1 (di ) =
d; R
(d; R
(d; R
i+1 .
1 C L # (d; R): There exists k 2 IN suh that d1 = dk beause
is a well-founded ordering. The iteration is haoti, hene dk is a
ommon x-point of the set of redution operators assoiated with R,
thus dk C L # (d; R) (the greatest ommon x-point).
The previous well-known result of onuene [9, 14, 4℄ ensures that any
haoti iteration reahes the losure. Notie that, sine is a well-founded
ordering (i.e. D is a nite set), every iteration from d D (obviously dereasing)
is stationary, that is, 9i 2 IN; 8j i; dj = di : in pratie omputation ends
when a ommon x-point is reahed (eg. using a propagation queue).
Constraint retration
Constraint retration is a ommonly addressed issue in onstraint programming:
it helps handling dynami problems. Several approahes have been proposed:
using a (a)tms-like [13, 10℄ mehanism [7, 11, 23, 15℄ or only analyzing redution operators [6, 18℄.
A ommon behavior an be identied for both approahes.
Performing onstraint retration
Following [18℄, onstraint retration is a two-phases proess: enlarging the urrent environment (in order to undo past eets of the retrated onstraint) and
restoring a given onsisteny for the resulting onstraint network. More preisely, the inremental retration of a given onstraint is performed through
the following steps [21℄:
1. Disonneting The rst step is to ut from the onstraint network. needs to be ompletely disonneted (and therefore will never get propagated again in the future).
2. Setting bak values The seond step, is to undo the past eets of the
onstraint. Both diret (eah time the onstraint operators have been
applied) and indiret (further onsequenes of the onstraint through operators from other onstraints) eets of that onstraint. This step results
in the enlargement of the environment: values are put bak.
3. Controlling what has been done Some of the put bak values an
be removed applying other ative operators (i.e. operators assoiated
with non retrated onstraints). Those environment redutions need to
be performed.
4. Repropagation Those new environment redutions need to be propagated.
At the end of this proess, the system is in a onsistent state. It is exatly
the state that would have been obtained if the retrated onstraint would not
have been introdued into the system.
This proess enompasses both (a)tms-like methods and tms-free methods.
The only dierene relies on the way values to set bak are determined.
Computing domain enlargements
(a)tms-like methods reord information to allow an easy omputation of values
to set bak into the environment upon a onstraint retration. [7℄ and [11℄
use justiations : for eah value removal the applied responsible onstraint
is reorded. [15℄ uses a dependeny graph to determine the portion of past
omputation to be reset upon onstraint retration.
More generally, those two methods amount to reord some dependeny information about past omputation. A generalization [23, 24℄ of both previous
tehniques rely upon the use of explanation-sets : a set (subset of all the existing
operators) of operators responsible for a value removal during omputation.
Denition 5 Let R be the set of all existing loal onsisteny operators in the
onsidered problem. Let h 2 D and d D .
We all explanation-set for h w.r.t. d a set of loal onsisteny operators
E R suh that h 62 C L # (d; E ).
Sine E R, C L # (d; R) C L # (d; E ). Hene, if E is an explanation-set
for h then eah super-set of E is an explanation-set for h. An explanation-set
E is independent of any haoti iteration with respet to R in the sense of: if
the explanation-set is responsible for a value removal then whatever the haoti
iteration used, the value will always be removed. Notie that when h 62 d, d
being the initial environment, ; is an explanation-set for h. Explanation-sets
allow a diret aess to diret and indiret onsequenes of a given onstraint
For eah h 62 C L # (d; R) an explanation-set is hosen and denoted by
To retrat a onstraint
amounts to retrat some operators. The new set
of operators is R
= 2C nfg R(0 ). The environment enlargement to be
done (value removal to undo) onsidering the retration of onstraint is the
f 2 j9 2 n
new ; r 2 expl(h)g
Notie that both the justiations of [7, 11℄ and the dependeny graph of [15℄
give a (often strit) super-set of the set of equation 1. Moreover, the tehniques
used in tms-free approahes [6, 18℄ amount to ompute a super-set of equation 1
on demand.
Operational omputation of explanation-sets
The most interesting explanations (and onits) are those whih are minimal regarding inlusion. Those explanations allow highly foused information
about dependeny relations between onstraints and variables. Unfortunately,
omputing suh an explanation an be exponentially ostly [20℄.
Several explanations generally exist for the removal of a given value. [24, 23,
21℄ show that a good ompromise between preision and ease of omputation of
explanation-sets is to use the solver-embedded knowledge. Indeed, onstraint
solvers always know, although it is sarely expliit, why they remove values
from the environments of the variables. By making that knowledge expliit and
therefore kind of traing the behavior of the solver, quite preise explanationsets an be omputed.
Explanation-sets for value removals need to be omputed when the removal is atually performed i.e. within the propagation ode of the onstraints
(namely in the denition of the loal onsisteny operators { the awakeOnXXX
3 The original set of operators R is S
( 0 ) where
0 2C R operators assoiated with the onstraint 0 .
( 0 ) is the set of loal onsisteny
R methods of PaLM). Extra information needs to be added to the updateInf or
updateSup alls: the atual explanation-set. Example 2 shows how suh an
explanation-set an be omputed and what the resulting ode is for a basi
onstraint. Example 3 gives another point of view on explanations for lassial
binary sp (onsidering ar-onsisteny enforement).
Example 2
(Modifying the solver)
It is quite simple to make modiations onsidering example 1. Indeed, all
the information is at hand in the awakeOnSup method. The modiation of
the upper bound of variable .v2 (y ) is due to:
(a) the all to the onstraint (operator) itself (it will be added to the
omputed explanation);
(b) the previous modiation of the upper bound of variable .v1 (x) that
we aptured through the alling variable (idx).
The soure ode is therefore modied in the following way (the additional
third parameter for updateSup ontains the explanation-set attahed to the
intended modiation):
-> if (idx = 1)
updateSup(.v2, .v1.sup - .ste,
beauseOf(, theSup(.v1)))℄
The beauseOf method builds up an explanation from its event-parameters.
Example 3
(Explanation-sets for ar-onsisteny enforement)
Explanation-sets for lassial binary sp (onsidering ar-onsisteny enforement) an be easily stated.
When applying onstraint xy between variables x and y , we want to remove
value a from the environment of x if and only if all supporting values for a
(fb j f(x; a); (y; b)g 2 Txy g) in the environment of y regarding onstraint xy
have been removed. This an be expressed this way:
expl(x; a) = fxy g [
expl(y; b)
Corretness of onstraint retration
In order to give a proof of the orretness of a family of onstraint retration
algorithms, inluding PaLM algorithm, rule systems assoiated with loal onsisteny operators are going to be dened. Proofs (trees) of value removal are
dedued from these rules and alled explanation-trees. Explanation-trees are
the basi tools of this theoretial framework.
Denition 6 A dedution rule of type (Win ; Wout ) is a rule h
2 D jW
D jW
suh that
A dedution rule h B an be understood as follows: if all the elements of
B are removed from the environment, then h does not appear in any solution
of the sp and may be removed harmlessly.
A set of dedution rules Rr may be assoiated with eah loal onsisteny
operator r. It is intuitively obvious that this is true for ar-onsisteny but
it has been proved in [17℄ that for any loal onsisteny whih boils down to
domain redution it is possible to assoiate suh a set of rules. Moreover there
exists a natural set of rules for lassial loal onsistenies [16℄. It is important
to note that, in the general ase, there may exist several rules with the same
head but dierent bodies.
A set of rules assoiated with a loal onsisteny operator r denes its dual
operator [1℄. The dual operator of r is d 7! r(d). It is the reason why r has
been dened and not the ontratant operator (d 7! d \ r(d)).
We onsider the set R of all the dedution rules for all the loal onsisteny
operators of R dened by R = [r2R Rr .
The initial environment must be taken into aount in the set of dedution
rules. The iteration starts from an environment d D , then it is neessary to
add fats (dedution rules with an empty body) in order to diretly dedue the
elements of d: let Rd = fh ; j h 2 dg be this set.
Denition 7 A proof tree [1℄ with respet to a set of rules R [ Rd is a nite
tree suh that for eah node labeled by h, let B be the set of labels of its hildren,
B 2 R [R .
Proof trees are losely related to the omputation of environment redution.
Let d = d0 ; : : : ; di ; : : : be an iteration. For eah i, if h 62 di then h is the root of
a proof tree with respet to R [ Rd . More generally, C L # (d; R) is the set of
the roots of proof trees with respet to R [ Rd (see [17℄).
Eah dedution rule used in a proof tree omes from a paket of dedution
rules, either from a paket Rr dening a loal onsisteny operator r, or from
Rd . A set of loal onsisteny operators an be assoiated with a proof tree:
Denition 8 Let t be a proof tree. A set of loal onsisteny operators assoiated with t is a set X suh that, for eah node of t: let h be the label of the
node and B the set of labels of its hildren:
or there exists
= ;);
X; h
2 Rr .
Note that there may exist several sets assoiated with a proof tree, for
example a same dedution rule may appear in several pakets. Moreover, eah
super-set of a set assoiated with a proof tree is also onvenient (R is assoiated
with all proof trees). It is important to reall that the root of a proof tree
does not belong to the losure of the initial environment d by the set of loal
onsisteny operators R. So there exists an explanation-set (denition 5) for
this value.
Lemma 2 If t is a proof tree, then eah set of loal onsisteny operators assoiated with t is an explanation-set for the root of t.
Proof: Beause C L # (d; R) is the set of the roots of proof trees with respet
to R [ Rd and denition 5.
From now on a proof tree with respet to R [ Rd is therefore alled an
explanation-tree. We proved that we an nd explanation-sets in explanationtrees. So it remains to nd explanation-trees. We are interested in those whih
an be dedued from a omputation.
From now on, we onsider a xed iteration d = d0 ; d1 ; : : : ; di ; : : : of R with
respet to r1 ; r2 ; : : :.
In order to inrementally dene explanation-trees during an iteration, let
(S i )i2IN be the family reursively dened as, where ons(h; T ) is the tree dened by h is the label of its root and T is the set of its subtrees, and where
root(ons(h; T )) = h:
= fons(h; ;) j h 62 dg,
i+1 = S i [ fons(h; T ) j h 2 di ; T
froot( ) j 2 g 2 Rr +1 g.
S ;h
It is important to note that some explanation-trees do not orrespond to any
but when a value is removed there always exists an explanation-tree
in i S for this value removal.
It is easy to show (see [16℄ for the details) that:
Lemma 3 froot(t) j t 2 S i g = di .
Proof: By indution on i.
Note that when the iteration is haoti (i.e. fair) i di = C L # (d; R).
Among the explanation-sets assoiated with an explanation-tree t 2 S i , one
is preferred. This explanation-set is denoted by expl(t) and dened as follows:
where t = ons(h; T )
if 2 then expl( ) = ;,
0 suh that 2
S there
expl( ).
i >
t 2T
i 1 , then expl(t) =
f ig [
In fat, expl(t) is expl(h) dened in setion 3.2) where t is rooted by h.
Note that there an exist several explanation-trees for the removal of an
element Sh. But there an also exists several explanation-trees with the same
root in i S i (see [16℄). Indeed for a given operator, there an exist several
appliable rules with the same head4 h. But here, it is suÆient to retain only
one of them. A way to formalize this is to keep only one of them in the denition
of S i when several appliable rules have the same head. In the following, we
will assoiate a single explanation-tree, and therefore a single explanation-set,
to eah element h removed during the omputation. This set will be denoted
by expl(h).
4 In the partiular ase of ar onsisteny, for eah element h there exists at most one rule
of head h assoiated with an operator.
Constraint retration
Let us onsider a nite iteration from an initial environment d with respet to a
set of operators R. At the step i of this iteration, the omputation is stopped.
The urrent environment is di . Note that this environment is not neessarily
the losure of d by R (we have C L # (d; R) di d). At this ith step of
the omputation, some onstraints have to be retrated. Following setion 3.1,
performing onstraint retration amounts to:
4.2.1 disonneting
of operators to onsider is new , where new =
SThat is the( ),new0 set
is the set of retrated onstraints. Constraint retration
2C nC
amounts to ompute the losure of d by Rnew .
4.2.2 setting bak values
That is, instead of starting a new iteration from d, we want to benet from the
previous omputation of di . Thanks to explanation-sets, we know the values
of d n di whih have been removed beause of a retrated operator (that is an
operator of R n Rnew ). This set of values is dened by d0 = fh 2 d j 9r 2
new ; r 2 expl(h)g and must be re-introdued in the domain. The next
R n R
theorem ensures that we obtain the same losure if the omputation starts
from d or from di [ d0 . That is, it ensures the orretness of all the algorithms
whih re-introdue a super-set of d0 .
Theorem 1
d; R
) = C L # (di [ d0 ; Rnew )
Proof: : beause di [ d0 d and the losure operator is monotoni.
: we prove C L # (d; Rnew ) di [ d0. Redutio ad absurdum: let h 2 C L #
(d; Rnew ) but h 62 di [ d0 . h 62 di , so expl(h) exists.
either expl(h) Rnew , so h 62 C L # (d; Rnew ): ontradition.
either expl(h) 6 Rnew , so h 2 d0 : ontradition.
Thus, C L # (d; Rnew ) di [ d0 and so, by monotoniity:
C L # (C L # (d; R
); Rnew ) C L # (di [ d0 ; Rnew ).
We have proved that when a set of operators is removed, we do not have to
re-ompute the losure from the initial environment. But we just have to add
some values to the urrent environment and to ontinue the omputation from
this point. The resulting environment will be the same. i.e. the enlargement
step of onstraint retration as implemented in PaLM is valid.
For any loal onsisteny, as said before, the omputed explanation-set is not
unique. In this setion, we onsider that we always keep only one explanationset for eah element removed. But it ould be possible to keep all the (omputed) explanation-sets for eah removed element. In this ase, if there exists an
explanation-set whih ontains only operators of Rnew then this explanation-set
remains valid. Then, the set d0 of elements to re-introdue in the environment
should be the set of elements for whih all the explanation-sets ontains at least
one operator of R n Rnew .
A seond improvement is that we do not need to put all the operators in
the propagation queue.
4.2.3 Controlling what has been done and repropagation
In pratie the iteration is done with respet to a sequene of operators whih is
dynamially omputed thanks to a propagation queue. At the ith step, before
setting values bak, the set of operators whih are in the propagation queue is
new must stay in the propagation queue.
R . Obviously, the operators of R \ R
The other operators (R
n R ) annot remove any element of di, but they
may remove an element of d0 (the set of re-introdued values). So we have
to put bak in the propagation queue some of them: the operators of the set
new j 9h
R = fr 2 R
B 2 Rr ; h 2 d g. The next theorem ensures that the
operators whih are not in R [ R do not modify the environment di [ d0 , so
it is useless to put them bak into the propagation queue. That is it ensures
the orretness of all algorithms whih re-introdue a super-set of R0 in the
propagation queue.
Theorem 2
8 2
n( i[
0 ); di [ d0 r(di [ d0 )
Proof: we prove di r(di [ d0 ):
i r (di )
beause Rnew n (Ri [ R0 ) Rnew n Ri
r(d [ d ) beause r is monotoni
we prove d0 r(di [ d0 ):
Redutio ad absurdum: let h 2 d0 but h 62 r(di [ d0 ). Then there exists
B 2 Rr , that is r 2 fr 2 R
j 9h B 2 Rr ; h 2 d0 g, then r 62
n (Ri [ R0): ontradition. Thus d0 r(di [ d0).
Therefore, by the two theorems, eah algorithm whih restarts with a propagation queue inluding Ri [ R0 and an environment inluding di [ d0 is proved
orret. Among others the PaLM algorithm for onstraint retration is orret.
Another way to perform onstraint retration has been proposed in [18℄. The
main dierene with our work is that they do not modify the solver mehanism.
Indeed, onstraints dependenies are omputed only when a onstraint has to
be removed. In these onditions, the omparison with our work is diÆult.
Nevertheless, the orretion of their proposed algorithms is ensured by three
lemmas. It is important to note that these three lemmas are veried here.
The method we have hosen to perform onstraint retration onsists in
reording dependenies during the omputation. Suh a method has also been
used in [15℄ thanks to a dependeny graph. They say: \Note that the onstraint
dependeny graph is not optimal in the sense that it forgets whih onstraint
removed whih value from a variable domain". In other words, if the relaxed
onstraint has removed values of a variable x, then all these values are restored. Next, if another onstraint has removed values of another variable y
beause of an environment redution of x then all of them are put bak even
if the removal of a value of y is the onsequene of the removal of a value of
x whih has not been removed by . So thanks to our more preise notion of
explanation, less values are restored. Note that sine [8℄ uses a simpler dependeny graph for intelligent baktraking, the same remark an be done about
preision. Furthermore, beause of dynami baktraking, onstraints are relaxed only when a failure ours. Thus their algorithms are members of the
family of algorithms proved orret here.
Like PaLM, DnAC-* algorithms (DnAC-4 [7℄, DnAC-6 [11℄) perform a onstraint
relaxation in two phases. First, they ompute an overestimation of d0 , then
they remove the restored values that are not ar-onsistent. To determine
the set of values to restore, DnAC-* algorithms store a justiation, namely
the rst enountered onstraint on whih the value has no support, for eah
value deletion. The aim of this data struture is the same than the one of the
explanation-sets, but justiations store only the diret eets of a onstraint:
the indiret eets have to be omputed by propagation. DnAC-* algorithms
restore the values whose deletion was diretly justied by the relaxed onstraint,
or that have a restored support on their justiation. The values that are not
restored still have a valid justiation, namely a onstraint on whih they have
no support. Therefore, all the values diretly or indiretly deleted beause of the
relaxed onstraint are restored and espeially all the values of d0 . So, aording
to theorem 1, DnAC-* algorithms obtain the losure they would have obtained
restarting from the initial environment.
To reinfore ar-onsisteny, DnAC-* algorithms do no look for a support
for eah value on eah onstraint. They only hek whether the restored values
still have at least one support on eah onstraint, and obviously propagate
the eventual removals. Therefore, DnAC-* begin the propagation looking for
supports only when this an lead to the deletion of a restored values. However,
the theorem 2 ensures that this is suÆient.
The paper fouses on the orretness of onstraint retration algorithms in the
framework of domain redution and is illustrated by the onstraint solver PaLM.
Furthermore, a suÆient work to do in order to relax onstraints is given.
Constraint retration is addressed as a two phase proess: enlarging the
urrent environment and re-propagating. Of ourse, for a onstraint retration
algorithm, the less values and operators re-introdued, the more eÆient the
The proof of orretness proposed here uses the notions of explanation dened in an adapted theoretial framework. Explanations are used by the proof,
but the proof obviously apply to algorithms whih do not use explanations insofar as they re-introdue a good set of values in the environment and a good
set of operators in the propagation queue.
The preision obtained in the paper is due to the dedution rules. Any
loal onsisteny operator an be dened by suh a set. A dedution rule
allows to desribe the withdrawal of a value as the onsequene of others value
removals. The linking of these rules ompletely denes, in terms of proof trees,
explanations of value removals.
For a onstraint retration, it is then easy to know the set of values diretly
or indiretly removed by this onstraint (and so to re-introdue them during
the phase of enlargement of the urrent environment). Furthermore, the operators to add to the propagation queue an learly be identied thanks to the
dedution rules whih dene them (that is if one of them has a head whih is a
re-introdued element).
This preision allows us to prove the orretness of a large family of onstraint retration algorithms whih has been disussed in the previous setion.
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