1 Curriculum Vitae Assistant Professor of Educational Foundations

Curriculum Vitae
Bradley Scott Ellison, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Educational Foundations
Department of Educational Psychology & Foundations
Graduate College
University of Northern Iowa
Work Address:
Schindler Educ Ctr 646
Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0607
Telephone: 319-273-2749
Email: bradley.ellison@uni.edu
University of Tennessee
Ph.D. Cultural Studies in Education
Foundations (2009)
Specialization: Sociology & Philosophy of
Research Interests: International Trends in
Education Policy & Reform, Educational
Equity & Social Justice, Cultural Studies and
Qualitative Research Methodologies, Social
Theory & Political Philosophy
Courses Taught
Graduate Courses:
Inquiry I & II
Advanced Sociology of Education
Issues in Cultural Studies
Cultural Studies Seminar
Introduction to Qualitative Research
Topics in International Education
Sociology of Education
Trends & Issues in Education
Teachers, Schools & Society [online]
Undergraduate Courses:
Schools & American Society
International Comparative Education
Introduction to Sociology
Anderson, A., Aronson, B., Ellison, S. & Fairchild-Keyes, S. (2015). Pushing Up
Against the Limit-Horizon of Educational Change: A Critical Discourse Analysis of
Popular Education Reform Texts. Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies, 12(3),
Ellison, S. (2014). God & Man at a Southern Appalachian Community College:
Cognitive Dissonance & the Cultural Logics of Conservative News Talk Radio
Programming. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies. 36(2), 90108.
Ellison, S. (2014). Attack of the Cyborgs: 'Economics Imperialism' and the Human
Deficit in Educational Policy-Making & Research. Journal of Educational
Controversy. 8(1).
Ellison, S. (2013). Transformational Crisis? Thinking Within and Beyond the Limits
of Neoliberal Education Policy: A Review of Neoliberalism and After? Education,
Social Policy, and the Crisis of Western Capitalism by Michael A. Peters.
International Education. 42(2), 95 – 97.
Ellison, S. (2012). It's in the Name: The Knowledge is Power Program. Educational
Studies. 48(6), 550-575.
Ellison, S. (2012). Intelligent Accountability: Re-thinking the Concept of
'Accountability' in the Popular Discourse of Education Reform. Journal of Thought.
47(2), 19 – 41.
Ellison, S. (2012). From within the Belly of the Beast: Re-thinking the Concept of
the 'Educational Marketplace' in the Popular Discourse of Education Reform.
Educational Studies. 48(2), 119 – 136.
Thayer-Bacon, B. & Ellison, S. (2011). Learning to Trust Our Teachers. In Factis Pax.
5(1), 15 – 38.
Ellison, S. (2010). In the Shadow of Hegel: Toward a Methodology Appropriate to
the Sociological Consciousness of Philosophic Inquiry. Education & Culture. 26(1),
44 – 66.
Ellison, S. (2009). Hard-Wired for Innovation? Two Policy Paths Toward Innovative
Schooling. International Education. 39(1), 30 – 48.
Elliison, S. (2009). On the Poverty of Philosophy: The Metaphysics of Peter
McLaren's 'Revolutionary Critical Pedagogy'. Educational Theory. 59(3), 327 – 351.