Summary of the Fall 1994 ACE Freshperson Survey ABSTRACT The fall of 1994 marked the 29th annual report of national normative data on the characteristics of students attending colleges and universities as first-time, full-time freshpersons. The nationwide survey is a project of the Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP), a continuing longitudinal study of the American higher education system sponsored by the American Council on Education (ACE)and the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Over 237,777 freshpersons at 461 colleges and universities nationwide who participated in the ACE survey represent the national norms. The national norms cited in this report are based upon a group of highly selective fouryear universities and colleges. Selectivity is determined on the basis of freshperson class average SAT scores; four-year colleges with an average of 1100 or higher on the SAT are placed in the highly selective group. The main objective of the CIRP is to assess the effects of college on students. The data is hope to provide a normative profile of freshpersons for individuals engaged in policy studies and analysis, human resource planning, campus facilities administration, educational research, and student guidance and counseling. This report describes the results for UCSC's 1994 fall freshpersons and compares them with students entering other selective institutions. The results are based upon 1,124 students, 63% of the entering class. The survey identified differences in several areas, including demographics, high school accomplishments and activities, academic goals, reasons for attending college, intended major, life and career goals, and political and social attitudes. This report was prepared by Ophelia Zalamea. Additional copies may be requested from the Institutional Research group of the Office of Planning and Budget, University of California, Santa Cruz, California 95064 (408-459-2446). 2 Demographics Survey respondents at UC Santa Cruz were more ethnically diverse than respondents nationwide. About 63% of Santa Cruz respondents identified themselves as Caucasian compared with 73% nationally.1 Each year UC Santa Cruz attracts a greater percent of students from diverse ethnic backgrounds, however Santa Cruz's lead in diversity over peer institutions has remained constant at about 10% for the last ten years.Compared with their peers, fewer Santa Cruz students are African American/Black than students nationwide (3% vs. 7%), but more Santa Cruz students identified their ethnic background as American Indian (4% vs. 1%), Chicano (13% vs. 3%), Latino (5% vs. 2%), Asian (17% vs. 15%) or Other (7% vs. 3%). Less than one percent of Santa Cruz respondents were Puerto Rican-American compared with about one percent nationwide. About 14% of UC Santa Cruz respondents checked more than one ethnic category. More Santa Cruz students learned English as a second language than students nationally (20% vs. 13%). The entering class of 1994 at UC Santa Cruz has more female than male students (65% vs. 35%), and also survey respondents were 65% women and 35% men. Questioned about their religious preference, nineteen percent (19%) of Santa Cruz students reported Protestant affiliation compared to twenty-eight (28%) percent of students nationwide, 19% were Roman Catholics compared to 31% nationally, fewer were Jewish (6% vs. 9% ) and more had other affiliations (12% vs. 13%) or no religious affiliation (44% vs. 19%) than students nationally. Because percentage of men and women and the ethnic composition of UC Santa Cruz students surveyed differed slightly from the profile of new freshmen for fall of 1994, (Caucasian and Asian students comprise only 57% and 12% of UC Santa Cruz's entering class) the results of the survey may differ somewhat from true characteristics of the Santa Cruz freshmen and should be interpreted with caution. A graphical view of the said different characteristics are presented in Table 1 below. Table 1 Demographics of UCSC and National Freshpersons Fall 1994 Sex and Religious Preference Sex Male Female UCSC National 35% 47% 65% 53% Protestant Affiliation 19% 28% Religious Preference Roman Jewish Other No Catholic Affiliation Affiliation 19% 6% 12% 44% 31% 9% 13% 19% Ethnicity UCSC National 1 AfricanAmerican 3% 7% Asian 17% 15% Ethnicity American Chicano Indian 4% 13% 1% 3% Percentages are based on students who answered the survey--not on all new freshpersons. Fall 1994 ACE Results Latino 5% 2% Euro American 63% 73% 3 Although families of Santa Cruz students were similar to the national group in socioeconomic status, the differences are interesting. The median family income reported by UCSC students was $54,230 -- $10,289 less than their peers nationally. Figure 1 shows the trend of median family income for UCSC and national respondents. Thirty-one percent of UC Santa Cruz respondents reported their parents were separated or divorced as compared with 21% of peers. Approximately 60% of Santa Cruz student's fathers have a bachelors degree or higher compared to 65% of peer fathers. More fathers of UC Santa Cruz students have graduate degrees than nationally (34% vs. 32%). Father's careers differed from national trends in that 9% fewer fathers of Santa Cruz students were employed in business than fathers nationally (23% vs. 32%). Small differences in other careers compensated for the difference, for instance 3% of Santa Cruz fathers are Artists/Performers compared to about 1% of the peer group, 9% are teachers or educational administrators compared with 7% of their peers. Fifty-four percent of mothers of Santa Cruz students have a college degree or higher compared with 55% nationally. More mothers of UC Santa Cruz students have graduate degrees than mothers of national peers (23% vs. 20%). Careers of mothers are similar to their peers nationally, but fewer mothers (25% vs. 27%) of Santa Cruz students work in traditionally female occupations such as elementary school teaching, clerical, or nursing, and fewer (17% vs. 19%) are full-time homemakers or unemployed. A greater percentage of mother of Santa Cruz students are employed in non-traditional careers such as Artists/Performers (5% vs. 2%) and in non-clerical business positions, percentage of mother of Santa Cruz students is comparable to their peers (14%). Figure 1 1985 to 1994 UCSC and National Freshpersons Family Income 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 National 0 1985 1986 Fall 1994 ACE Results 1987 1988 1989 UCSC 1990 1991 1992 1994 4 High School Activities and Academic Preparation Santa Cruz student's high school activities were similar to their national peer group's activities. Examples include studying with other students (90% vs. 90%), socializing with friends (80% vs. 80%), doing volunteer work six hours or more a week (80% vs. 78%),and being active in student clubs six hours or more per week (16% vs. 16%). However, Santa Cruz students are less likely to have attended a religious service during the last year (65% vs. 81%), worked six hours or more per week (45% vs. 53%), and more likely to have discussed politics (30% vs. 22%), visited art gallery or museum (81% vs. 69%) and participated in demonstrations (46% vs. 34%) during the last year than their national peers. Of interest is the 13% decrease in the numbers of UCSC students discussing politics, down from 47% in 1992 while a 7% increase in UCSC students doing volunteer works, up from 73% in 1992. Academically, fewer UCSC students had a high school grade average of "A-" or better compared with students nationally (38% vs. 56%), although over 93% of students at Santa Cruz reported a high school grade average of "B" or higher. UCSC students rated themselves about the same or a little below their peers in academic ability (75% above average vs. 83%), public speaking (33% vs. 37%), and intellectual self-confidence (57% vs. 64%). More UCSC students rated themselves highly in writing ability (52% vs. 50%), but lagged behind their peers in selfratings of math ability; only 41% rated themselves above average compared to 52% of the national group. Ten percent of Santa Cruz students said they would need extra time to earn a degree compared to 8% of students nationwide. Table 2 shows that UCSC students were similar to their national peers in college preparatory courses taken. Figure 2 also indicates fewer UCSC students had two years of courses in Physical Sciences (62% vs. 66%) or one semester of Computer Science (45% vs. 51%). More UCSC students had taken at least a year of Art and Music courses than their peers (85% vs. 73%), consistent with the slightly higher self-ratings of UCSC students in artistic abilities (38% vs. 30% rated themselves above average). UCSC students reported greater artistic involvement, 52% played a musical instrument vs. 43% of peers. Table 2 Academic Preparation of UCSC and National Freshpersons Fall 1985 and Fall 1994 Academic Preparation English (4years) Mathematics (3years) Foreign Language (2years) Physical Science (2years) Biological Science (2years) History/American Gov’t (1year) Computer Science (1/2year) Arts and/or Music (1year) Fall 1994 ACE Results UCSC 1994 1985 99 98 99 95 99 97 62 63 44 39 99 99 45 55 85 59 National 1994 1985 99 95 99 97 97 88 66 69 44 37 99 99 51 65 73 59 5 Self-Ratings of Personal Characteristics Students rated themselves on academic ability and other attributes such as health and social self confidence. Large differences were apparent in ratings of competitiveness, popularity, math ability, drive to achieve, leadership, emotional and physical health, as shown in Figure 2. Concerning their physical health, more Santa Cruz students reported they smoked cigarettes (11% vs. 8%), and fewer reported they spent six or more hours a week exercising or playing sports (43% vs. 50%) than their peers. Regarding their emotional health, over a third of our campus' freshpersons reported they had felt overwhelmed within the last year; 37% vs. 27% for students nationwide. Fifteen percent reported feeling depressed within the last year compared with 9% of their peers nationally. Comparatively fewer UCSC students rated themselves above average in popularity (29% vs. 41%), drive to achieve (67% vs. 76%) and competitiveness (38% vs. 61 %) than the national peer group, although ratings on social self-confidence (44% vs. 49%); and cooperativeness were about the same (72% vs. 74%). More UCSC students rated themselves above average in leadership (59% vs. 49%), artistic ability (37% vs. 30%), creativity (62% vs. 55%), understanding of others (80% vs. 73%) and writing skill (52% vs. 50%) than their peers nationally. Figure 2 Self Ratings of UCSC and National Freshpersons Fall 1994 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 UCSC Fall 1994 ACE Results National Competitive Popularity Mathematics Leadership Emotional Health Drive to Acheive Physical Health Sensitivity Intellectual Confi Academic Public Speaking Cooperative Creativity Writing Understand Others Social Confi Artistic 0 6 Figure 3 Self Ratings of UCSC Students in 1985 and 1994 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1985 Social Confi Artistic Drive to Acheive Emotional Health Writing Leadership Intellectual Confi Popularity Mathematics Academic 0 1994 There has been a significant decline during thestlanine years in the percentage of UCSC students rating themselves above average in academic ability, (89% in 1985 vs. 75% today), math ability (52% vs. 41%), popularity (40% vs. 29%), intellectual self confidence (69% vs. 57%), leadership ability (56% vs. 49%), writing ability (63% vs. 52%), and drive to achieve (71% vs. 67%). Ratings of artistic ability (39% vs. 38%) and social self confidence (47% vs. 44%) have also slipped, although not as greatly as the other measures. This suggests that our freshpersons are less self confident and less academically prepared than freshpersons nine years ago. Nationally, student's self ratings have declined over the past nine years in leadership (60% rated above average nine years ago vs. 59% today), popularity (50% vs. 41%), emotional health (65% vs 60%), physical health (66% vs 59%), and social self confidence (51% vs. 49%), but other self ratings have been fairly stable. Academic Goals As in previous years, UCSC students reported different reasons for attending college than their national peers. They were more interested in receiving a liberal arts education than their peers nationally, who were more motivated by the practical benefits of an education. Nationally, Fall 1994 ACE Results 7 more students attended college with the aim of getting a better job (73% vs. 65%) or making more money (67% vs. 47%); while a greater percentage of UCSC students considered gaining a general education (79% vs. 66%), becoming a more cultured person (56% vs. 46%), improving their academic skills (53% vs. 41%), learning more about things (89% vs. 79%), and getting away from home (32% vs. 23%) as significant reasons for attending college. About the same proportion of Santa Cruz students as students nationally estimated their chance of completing a bachelors degree was 'very good' (83% vs. 82%). This proportion has varied from 83% to 87% percent over the last nine years at UCSC. Ten percent of UCSC students reported the likelihood of requiring more time to finish a degree, down from 12% two years ago. Nationally, 8% of students thought they would need extra time to complete a degree last 1992 and this year. Two percent of UCSC students reported they believed they would stop out temporarily, compared with 1% of their peers. About the same percent of Santa Cruz students planned to continue their education in graduate or professional school as their peers nationally, (88% vs. 85%), but a larger percent of Santa Cruz students planned to earn a doctorate (36% vs. 22%) rather than a professional degree (17% vs. 26%). College Selection More than two-thirds of UCSC students listed UC Santa Cruz as their college of first choice. The criteria which students rated important in selecting a particular college varied from their peers nationally. Local students were most influenced by the size of the school and the academic reputation, although no one factor was rated very important by more than 37% of the students. Nationally, 74% of freshpersons were concerned with academic reputation, and 58% selected a college because graduates get good jobs. Opportunities for graduates to attend top schools (24% vs. 45%) or get good jobs (26% vs. 58%) was less influential to UCSC students than their peers. Social reputation was also not nearly as important to UCSC students as to students nationally (19% vs. 35%). More UCSC students cited special programs, financial assistance and proximity to home as important factors in college selection. Financial assistance, (a topical issue in light of California's state budget and today's economy), was rated very important by 25% of UCSC students and 19% of students nationally. Fewer UCSC students rated low tuition as very important in college selection as their peers nationally (15% vs. 32%). About twenty-two percent of UCSC and national students cited special programs as an important factor in choosing a college. Only thirteen percent of Santa Cruz students considered proximity to home an important selection criteria, compared to 11% of their peers. Important reasons cited for coming to a particular school are listed in Table 3. Two years of data are provided for comparison for UCSC and their peers trends. Freshpersons were also asked about their funding for educational expenses. Forty-nine percent of UCSC students believed they would have to get a job to help pay expenses compared to 40% of their peers. Thirty percent of our students expected to obtain support from college work-study grants compared to 12% nationwide.This 11% increase from 1992 is due to the $3,000 decrease in family median income of UCSC students ($57,400 to $54,230 today). About the same percentage expected funding from parents or family (85% vs. 87%) and loans (35% vs. 23%). In spite of the 85% parents funding their child’s education, there is still an 11% increase of Fall 1994 ACE Results 8 our students expected to obtain support from college work study grants suggest that the amount provided by the parents is not enough. Over half (52%) of UCSC students and students nationally expressed some concern about financing college, but significantly more Santa Cruz students said they had major concerns about financing college (28% vs. 16%). Financial reasons for choosing a college have become more important to our freshpersons than students nine years ago. In 1985, living near home was considered important to only 8% of our students compared with 13% today; low tuition was noted by 12% of students compared with the current 15%; and financial assistance was important to only 10%, while it was marked very important by 25% of students in the fall of 1994. Table 3 Reasons cited by UCSC and National Freshpersons for Selecting a College Fall 1985 and Fall 1994 Creteria for Selecting a College Academic reputation Social reputation Financial assistance Special programs Low tuition Attend top graduate school Get good jobs Proximity to home Size of school UCSC 1994 1985 35 33 19 17 25 10 22 20 15 12 24 21 26 18 13 8 36 na National 1994 1985 74 75 35 37 19 11 21 17 32 27 45 35 58 53 11 9 23 na Intended Major, Career and Life Goals There were large differences between freshpersons at UCSC and their peers nationwide in their choice of majors. Santa Cruz students showed a preference for biological sciences (29% vs. 13%), social sciences (23% vs. 11%), arts and humanities (16% vs. 11%), and the physical sciences (6% vs. 4%). Their peers show greater interests in professional majors (4% vs. 16%) business (3% vs. 13%) and engineering (3% vs. 11%). About 21% of UCSC students said it was likely that they would change their majors compared with 19% of freshpersons nationally. More UCSC students selected probable careers in scientific research (11% vs. 3%), writer/journalist (4% vs. 3%), art/theater arts (5% vs. 3%), clinical psychologist (4% vs. 2%), conservationist (2% vs. 1%), high school teacher (5% vs. 4%) or college teacher (2% vs. 1%) compared with their peers nationally. About 24% of UCSC students were undecided about their probable career, compared with about 15% nationally. Fall 1994 ACE Results 9 UC Santa Cruz students also differed from their natio nal peers in the life goals they rated very important, as shown in Figure 4. Developing a philosophy of life was the goal most UCSC students agreed was very important (66% vs. 51% nationally), followed by helping others in difficulties (65% vs 64%), raising a family (59% vs. 71%) and becoming an authority in own field (57% vs. 68%). Nationally, most freshpersons considered raising a family and being well off financially (71%) the most important goal, followed by becoming an authority in own field (68%) and helping others in difficulties (64%). Figure 4 Life Goals of UCSC and Students Nationally Acheive Performing Arts Create Artistic Works Community Leader Theoretical Contrib to Sci Community Action National UCSC Influence Social Values Well off Financially Racial Understanding Raise Family Develop Philosophy of Life 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Percent of Students Rating Goals as Very Important or Essential Significantly more UCSC students cared about being involved in environmental cleanup (49% vs. 27%) than their peers nationally. Local interest in environmental cleanup surged from 41% in 1987, to 51% after the Exxon-Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska in 1989. Social concern for racial understanding has decline from 59% to 55% among UCSC students over the past two years, with the passage of Proposition 187, an initiative denying federal funds for education and health of illegal immigrants. Nationally, interest decreased from 50 % to 43% over the last two years. Interest in influencing social values of UCSC students is also down 3% from 1992. Compared to their peers, UCSC students placed more emphasis on writing original works (26% vs. 15%), creating art (25% v. 13%), influencing the political structure (29% vs. 22%), and Fall 1994 ACE Results 10 making theoretical contributions to science (30% vs. 24%). UCSC students expressed increased interest in community action; 37% rated this very important compared with 28% of peers. Political and Social Views As in past years, students at UCSC continue to hold more liberal views than freshpersons nationwide; 57% vs. 33% rated themselves as liberal or far left. This was reflected in UCSC students views on current issues, as shown in Figure 5. UCSC students diverged from students nationally in expressing greater support for legalized abortion (85% vs. 72%), national health care (77% vs. 71%), increased taxation of the wealthy (74% vs. 66%), control pollution (94% vs. 86%), and abolish death penalty (36% vs 24%). Figure 5 UCSC and National Social Views Control pollution Control handgun Legalize abortion Discourage energy use National health care plan Protect consumer Wealthy pay more taxes Legalize marijuana Consensual sex ok Concern for criminals Employers drug tests Prohibit racist speech Laws violate values Mandatory test Aids De-emp college sports Abolish death penalty Raise taxes-reduce deficit Racial discrim problem Married women home Prohibit homo relations 0 10 20 30 40 50 UCSC 60 70 80 National Percent of Students who Agree or Support View Fall 1994 ACE Results 90 100 11 Striking differences were found in attitudes towards consensual sex (63% vs. 47%), in support of legalizing marijuana (65% vs. 39%), and de-emphasize college sports (37% vs. 28%). UCSC students favored consumer protection (74% vs. 68%), discourage energy consumption (82% vs 77%), and disobey laws that violate values (49% vs 37%) more strongly than students nationally. UCSC students agreed less strongly than their national peers with conservative ideas like employers be able to require drug tests (56% vs. 75%), too much concern for criminals (58% vs. 70%), AIDS testing be mandatory (42% vs. 54%), married women should stay at home (10% vs. 19%), and homosexual relations be prohibited (8% vs. 20%). As shown in Figure 6, social attitudes among UCSC freshpersons have become more liberal in the last decade. The greatest single change has been an increased awareness of the need for legalization of marijuana, up 23% from 1985. Eighty-five percent of students locally now support legal abortion, up about 3% in nine years. The percentage of students who believe the government is not adequately protecting consumers has increased from 61% to 75% of UCSC students today. Seventy-seven percent of UCSC freshpersons now realizes the need for national health care plan, an increase of 13% since 1985. Agreement with conservative viewpoint to raise taxes to reduce deficit declined by 6% to 32% in nine years. The small percentage of students who favor prohibition of homosexual relations declined by 9% to a record low of 8% in 1994. Figure 6 Changes in UCSC Social Views Prohibit homo relations Married women home Raise taxes-reduce deficit Abolish death penalty Legalize marijuana Wealthy pay more taxes Protect consumer National health care plan Discourage energy use Legalize abortion Control pollution 0 10 20 30 40 50 1994 60 70 80 1985 Percentage of Students who Agree or Support View Fall 1994 ACE Results 90 100 12 Ratings of UCSC Each campus is given the opportunity to include elective questions providing additional insight into the attitudes of the entering freshpersons. Questions unique to UC Santa Cruz questions focused on the academic and social reputation of the University. Students were asked to rate the campus as "Excellent", "Very Good", "Better than Average", "Average", or "Below Average" on a number of institutional characteristics. Table 1 reports the percentage of respondents who rated Santa Cruz as "Excellent" or "Very Good" on these characteristics. Data from 1990, 1992 and 1994 are included for comparison. Table 4 Percent of Student Rating Institutional Characteristics Very Good or Excellent Institutional Characteristics 1994 1992 1990 Academic (Very Good or Excellent) Overall reputation Opportunity for undergraduate research Individualized instruction Rigorous academic standards Offers small classes 58% 62% 59% 53% 67% 47% 56% 62% 66% 51% 57% 43% 61% 64% 64% 64% 59% 53% Social/Physical (Very Good or Excellent) Physical setting Social Environment Multicultural/multiethnic environment 79% 91% 77% 68% 80% 94% 76% 71% 82% 94% 80% 73% Table 1 shows the percent of respondents who rated institutional characteristics of the University highly. The physical setting of the University continued to be the most highly rated institutional characteristic, followed by the social and cultural environment. The academic reputation is again up largely because of increasing ratings for rigorous academic standards, individualized instruction and small class offerings. Overall, the academic environment of the University was rated highly by 58% of this year's survey respondents, while the social/physical environment received high ratings by 79% of those responding. UCSC respondents also rated the institution highly in other areas such as campus size 80%, grading system 74%, character of students enrolled and preparation of students to graduate schools was rated 70%, career preparation and gradauation rate got a 66% and 61% respectively. The ACE survey will next be administered again in fall 1996. Thereafter it will be used every other year, alternating with a locally developed survey designed to provide more specific information about freshpersons and advanced standing transfer students. Fall 1994 ACE Results