PRENATAL RECORD Patient Name: Date of Birth: Cora Denny Med Record #: 321008 Age: 42 Page 1 of 4 pages Patient Information Street Address: Single: Divorced: Home phone #: (616) 555-0008 Cell phone #: (616) 555-8008 Work phone # : None Husband/Father of Baby Name: Chad Involved: X Not Involved: Occupation Sales Emergency Contact Chad Relationship: husband Phone #: (616) 555- 2008 Marital Status Married: X Separated: Widowed: Education (last grade completed) 16 years Race: _X_C (non-Hispanic white) __African American __Asian __ Hispanic __Native American __Other Reproductive History LMP EDC Gravida Para Term Preterm 1 2 Date 5 yrs ago Abortions Spont Elect Ectop Living 1 Prior Pregnancies Delivery Complications C/S Fetal distress Gestation 39 Deceased Outcome Girl, 7 lb 5 oz Initial Laboratory Data (Date: xx-xx-xx) Blood Type: Rh: Rubella Immune: Non-Immune: Hemoglobin RPR/VDRL Positive: Negative: Hematocrit HBsAG Positive: Negative: GBS Positive: Negative: Pap Smear Date: xx-xx-xx Results: WNL (negative for malignancy) Type GC Chl HIV Positive: Negative: Declined: Cultures Date Results xx-xx-xx xx-xx-xx 8-18 Weeks Laboratory Data Ultrasound Multiple Markers Test Date: Results: Date: Results: Amnio/CVS Date: Results: Karyotype 46, XX 46, XY Other: History of Substance Use Use of Tobacco Type of Tobacco Used: # of Cigarettes Years Smoked: Use of Alcohol (ETOH) Number of drinks per day # of (average) Years Drinking: Prior to PG: Prior to PG: Now: Occasional` 0 2/day Now: 0 25 25 years Street Drugs Type: Denies Use # of years Use: None Prior to Now: PG: None None PRENATAL RECORD Patient Name: Date of Birth: Cora Denny Med Record #: 321008 Age: 42 Page 2 of 4 pages Past Medical History [ 0 = Negative / + = Positive and describe] Allergies: No Known Allergies (NKA) Gonorrhea: Chlamydia: HSV: HPV: 0 0 0 0 Syphilis: 0 HIV: TB: 0 STD/HIV Risk 0 Pulmonary/Asthma BCP w/in 90 days of conception Hospitalizations 0 Neuro/Epilepsy + Surgeries + Transfusions 0 0 Hepatitis/GI 0 Psychiatric 0 0 Thyroid 0 Diabetes 0 0 HTN/Vascular 0 Cardiac Problems or Disease Kidney/ UTI 0 Varicosities/ Phlebitis Uterine Anomalies Or DES exposure Abnormal Pap Results Trauma/Domestic Violence + Previous delivery, pyelonephritis 10 years ago Cesarean Hx pyelo Hepatitis B: 0 0 0 0 Immunization Status Td Booster: xx-xx-xxx MMR: 3 doses received Varicella: xx-xx-xx (at age 23) xx-xx-xx; xx-xx-xx; xx-xx-xx Polio: 3 doses received Hepatitis B: immunized Flu: xx-xx-xx; xx-xx-xx; xx-xx-xx Initial Pregnancy Examination [ N = Negative/Normal/None; P = Positive] Date: Today Height: Pre-Preg Weight: Current Weight: pounds pounds Gestational Age by LMP Vital signs T = ; P = ; R = ; BP = Planned Pregnancy? Yes Physical Exam Alert/Cooperative N HEENT N Thyroid/Neck N Lungs N Heart/Pulses N Breasts N Abdomen N Extremities/Skin N Pelvic Exam Vulva N Vagina N Cervix P Goodell’s/Chadwick’s Uterus P signs noted. Uterus is soft Adnexa N and enlarged – about 10 week size Rectum N Present Pregnancy History Nausea/Vomiting P Vaginal Bleeding N Vaginal Discharge N Urinary S/S N Constipation N Fever/Rash N Infection N Other N Assessment/Plan Ethnicity: Caucasian weeks PRENATAL RECORD Patient Name: Date of Birth: Cora Denny Med Record #: 321008 Age: 42 Page 3 of 4 pages Medication List Medications Ordered Type Prenatal vitamins 1 tab orally each day Date xx-xx-xx Script given to patient Notes Dispense one bottle of 60 capsules Refills: 4 Medications Administered in Office Name J. Geddes Type RhoGAM 300 mcg IM (if indicated) Mfg: Lot # Exp. Date: Influenza Vaccine 0.5 mL IM (Oct 1 – March 1) Mfg: Lot # Exp. Date Date/Site Provider Name PRENATAL VISITS Date xx-xx today Wks Gest Weight (lbs) BP Urine/ Protein Urine/ Glucose Edema FHR Fundal Ht-cm Fetal Activity Pres PTL S/S Next Appt Ini PRENATAL RECORD Patient Name: Date of Birth: Cora Denny Med Record #: 321008 Age: 42 Progress Notes Date xx-xx-xx Today Notes Page 4 of 4 pages