March 2001 ENDOGENOUS SUBSTITUTION OF ENERGY RESOURCES: THEORY AND APPLICATION TO THE INDIAN ENERGY SECTOR by Ujjayant Chakravorty* *Associate Professor of Economics, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322, I acknowledge generous research support from the Halle Institute and the Institute for Comparative and International Studies at Emory University. I would like to thank Darrell Krulce, James Roumasset and Kin-Ping Tse for valuable insights during earlier research on this topic. 1 ENDOGENOUS SUBSTITUTION OF ENERGY RESOURCES: THEORY AND APPLICATION TO THE INDIAN CONTEXT 1. Introduction: The Theory of Endogenous Resource Substitution The analysis of climate change mitigation policies at the global or the national level ultimately depends on the assumed energy mix. In particular, on the current and projected mix of carbon-intensive resources such as coal, oil and natural gas as well as cleaner resources such as nuclear, hydro and renewables. There are several different modeling approaches currently used by researchers to project carbon emissions. Most economic analysis of climate change, especially ones that focus on aggregate fossil fuel use, tend to assume a fixed input-output relationship between aggregate resource use and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita. For instance, they postulate a certain extraction rate for fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas, that is assumed to grow proportionately with increases in GDP per capita, which in turn leads to a proportionate increase in particulate (e.g., carbon) emissions over time since emissions per unit energy use are assumed fixed (Nordhaus 1991). These fixed input-output relationships have been assumed in these models primarily because the focus of the research was on the time movement of aggregate emissions and not in detailing energy use and substitution options. However, the above specifications seem inadequate if the objective of the analysis is to examine energy sector policies and the important question of transition across fossil fuels in response to fiscal policies or market forces. For example, the significant shift from coal to natural gas in developing countries such as India within the last decade suggest that the assumption of fixed or exogenously given resource extraction rates may need to be relaxed, especially in the study of long run environmental phenomena. Even when studies have modeled the energy sector by explicit consideration of individual energy sources, resource prices have tended to be exogenously given (Manne and Richels 1991; Manne, Mendelsohn and Richels, 1993). However, resource prices change over time in response to a variety of factors such as discount rates, size of stock, demand 2 growth and more importantly in this case, their relative cost and emission characteristics. Moreover, substitution between fuels and the economic viability of alternative energy sources such as solar, biomass and wind directly depend on these relative prices and their movement over time. This paper provides an overview of a framework that endogenizes resource use over time in a Hotelling type exhaustible resource model. The partial equilibrium energy economy is divided into distinct sectors such as electricity, residential, transportation and industrial sectors. The supply of energy resources is provided by fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas and renewable energies such as solar. Demand functions within each sector are assumed to be known and independent of each other. The cost characteristics of each resource are known, as well as their estimated reserves. The cost of conversion of each resource into its end use in a given sector is also assumed to be given as well as the conversion efficiency. The model delivers resource prices specific to each sector which in turn determine which resource must be used in a given sector. In what follows, we provide the basic theory and empirical illustration of the model. We then use insights from the model to examine the Indian energy mix by individual resource as well as sector, and discuss their implications for carbon emissions and other environmental externalities. This analysis complements other approaches based on macroeconomic modelling and disaggregated sectoral analyses and points the need to develop projections of energy use and emissions based on aggregate economic parameters as well as at the level of micro-foundations. The purpose of this theory is to outline a theory of resource substitution and demonstrate that application of such a framework could provide valuable insights into India’s energy mix and emissions profile. A rigorous application of the model to the Indian context is not attempted here, and is left for future work. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 develops the theoretical framework. Section 3 provides an empirical illustration of the theory. Section 4 relates the theoretical and empirical results to the Indian case. Section 5 concludes the paper. 3 2. A Simple Model with Two Sectors and Two Resources In this section we outline the theory of endogenous resource substitution as developed in Chakravorty and Krulce (1994) and Chakravorty, Krulce and Roumasset (2000). For simplicity, let there be two resources, say oil and coal. Let us assume that both resources are fixed in size, and their cumulative reserves are given by Qo >0 and Qc.>0. Although the estimated stock of these resources may increase over time because of exploration and new discoveries, we abstain from considering it in this simple model. Let the unit extraction cost for each resource be given by Co and Cc, respectively. For simplicity, these unit costs are assumed constant and do not vary with residual stock. The results go through if these marginal costs of extraction are increasing and convex, although the intuition is less obvious in this latter case. Let us consider only two energy sectors, and for exposition purposes, assume that they are electricity and transportation. Non-zero energy demand in these sectors is denoted by DE and DT respectively. In this simplified partial equilibrium economy, we choose the amount of oil and coal resources to be extracted over time for each of these sectors, denoted by qOE, qOT, qCE and qCT respectively, where for instance, the subscript ‘OE’ referes to the amount of oil extracted for electricity. Note that these four variables are functions of time denoted by the variable t. Let z be the cost of converting each unit of coal from electricity to transportation. An ideal two resource two end-use model would have four conversion costs from each resource into each sector. However, it can be shown that the model presented here is a reduced form of the general model with four conversion costs achieved by appropriately shifting demand and cost functions. The optimization program could be written as the sum of the consumer plus producer surplus as follows: Maximize ∞ (1) ∫ e t0 − rt q (t ) + q ( t ) − 1 q ( t )+ qCT ( t ) − 1 ( x)dx − CE zqCT (t ) ∫ OE ( x )dx + ∫ OT DT D E 0 0 − (q (t ) + q (t )) cOo − (q (t ) + OE OT CE 4 dt qCT (t )) cC subject to (2) q (t ) ≥ 0, q (t ) ≥ 0 OE q CE OT (t ) ≥ 0, q (t ) ≥ 0, Q ≥ 0, Q ≥ 0, CE O O ⋅ ⋅ (3) Q (t ) = − o q OE (t ) − qOT (t ), and Q C (t ) = − q CE (t ) − q CT (t ). where (2) details the standard non-negativity constraints and (3) gives the rate of depletion of the stock of the two exhaustible resources at each instant and r is the social discount rate. Given λO(t) and λC(t) as the shadow prices associated with the two constraints in (3), we obtain the Hamiltonian: q (t ) + q CE ( t ) − 1 q OT ( t ) + qCT ( t ) DT− 1 ( x )dx − + ( ) H = ∫ OE x dx DE ∫0 0 − (q (t ) + OE − (q (t ) + OE which in turn generates the necessary conditions: ⋅ (4)Q (t) = − q (t) − OE o q (t) OT ⋅ (5) Q (t ) = − C q CE (t ) − q (t ). CT ⋅ (6) λo (t ) = r λO (t ) ⋅ (7) λC (t ) = r λC (t ) (8) p (t) ≤p (t), if < then q (9) p (t) ≤p (t), if < then q (10) p (t) ≤p (t), if < then q E E T O C O OE CE (t ) = 0. (t ) = 0. OT (t ) = 0. 5 zq (t ) q (t )) c − (q (t ) + q (t )) c q (t )) λ (t ) − (q (t ) + q (t )) λ (t ) CT OT OT O O CE C CT CE CT C (11) p (t) ≤p (t) + z, T C if < then λ (t ) Q (13) lim e λ (t ) Q − rt (12) lim e t→ ∞ O O C C − rt t→ ∞ q CT (t ) = 0. (t ) = 0, and (t ) = 0. where pO(t) = cO + λO(t) and pC(t) = cC + λC(t) can be interpreted as the prices of oil and coal. That is, they are the sum of the extraction cost and the shadow price of the resource at any given instant. The above problem is strictly concave and therefore the necessary conditions are also sufficient for a unique solution. We now focus on a heuristic discussion of the above necessary conditions. Notice that by (6) and (7), the shadow prices of the two resources must rise at the rate of discount, a standard property in Hotelling models with constant extraction costs. This then implies that the price paths of the two resources pO and pC must increase over time. Because this is an infinite horizon model with finite resources, both resources must be exhausted at infinity. However, the order of resource use at any given instant of time in the two sectors will be determined by conditions (8-11). Comparing (8) and (9), it is clear that the cheaper of two resources (pO and pC) will be used in the electricity sector. In the transportation sector, the comparison is between pO and pC + z, since an additional cost of z is incurred in converting coal for use in the transportation sector. Notice also that in this exhaustible resource framework, the price of energy in both sectors (given by pO , pC and pC + z) must increase over time, possibly at different rates. Although the above model is not formulated with a backstop technology, it can be easily introduced through an additional condition that specifies a terminal price in the two sectors that equals the exogenously given backstop price. In that case, the price of the resource grows until it equals the backstop price. Moreover, different mines with different extraction costs can be modeled either as distinct resources (as done in the empirical model below) or as a single resource with a rising extraction cost function. The latter of course, does not yield monotone increasing shadow price functions. 6 3. An Empirical Application In this section we present the empirical model, which is described in detail in Chakravorty, Roumasset, and Tse (1997). New results from that model that deal with sector-specific energy prices and technological change are discussed below. The model consists of four demand sectors: electricity, industry, residential/commercial, and transportation. As in Nordhaus (1979), industrial demand is composed of non-electric process and space heating, residential includes non-electric space and other heating, while transportation includes all private and public transportation such as trucks, buses, autos, and air, water and rail transport. To keep the model tractable, we only consider oil, coal, and natural gas, which together account for 90 percent of the world’s primary energy consumption (International Energy Agency (IEA) 1995). Other resources such as nuclear, hydropower, geothermal, and wind energy have much smaller shares of global energy consumption and are neglected in this model. Similarly, although solar is chosen as the single backstop technology, nuclear fusion is another candidate expected to become economical by the middle of the next century (Furth 1995). However, solar is chosen over nuclear fusion because major advances have been made in improving the former technology in the last two decades and it is already commercially viable in many developed and developing countries with annual sales in billions of dollars (Hoagland 1995). Global annual demand functions for each sector are assumed to be a Cobb-Douglas function of price and income as follows: α D j = A j Pj j Y βj (14) where α j and β j are respectively the price and income elasticities of demand in end-use j, A j is the constant coefficient, Pj is the price of delivered energy service in sector j, and Y is the aggregate income or output level measured by the GDP of the world economy. The price and income elasticities are obtained from Nordhaus (1979) while the constant A j is computed using equation (14) from world GDP, energy consumption, and 7 price of energy resources in the base year, taken to be 1990. Efficiencies of conversion from resources to end-uses are obtained from engineering data. Typically, there are a multitude of devices that convert a certain resource into an end-use; for example, buses, trains, ships, and autos all convert oil to transportation units. Even within each of these categories, fuel efficiencies vary dramatically. Instead of choosing the more appropriate but tedious procedure of computing weighted (by the proportion of resource consumed by that particular device) efficiencies, some of which are not well documented, we choose representative activities for each end-use sector such as lightduty passenger cars for transportation, stove heating for the residential/commercial sector, industrial process heating for the industrial sector, and electricity generation for the electricity sector. The conversion cost for these devices was computed from amortizing capital and maintenance costs over the lifetime of the device. In some cases, multi-step conversion processes were used. For example, since oil, coal, and solar energy are seldom used for stove heating, oil was first converted to Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and the cost of a LPG stove was used. Similarly, coal is gasified and then used for stove heating. Solar energy is converted to each demand by first converting solar energy to electricity and then electricity to that particular demand. Extraction costs are estimated from data on worldwide proven and estimated reserves for oil, natural gas, and coal. Since extraction cost functions are expected to increase with cumulative extraction, non-linear exponential and S-specifications are estimated; these are in turn further approximated by step functions to reduce computational difficulties with continuous functional forms. This reduces the problem to one grade of natural gas, two grades of oil, and three grades of coal, each with a constant marginal cost of extraction. For oil, grade I has a lower cost (high quality) than grade II, and similarly for coal with three different grades. Energy demand is expected to grow continually as the large low energy intensity countries in Asia such as China, India, and Indonesia continue to modernize their economies. Asian energy demand has been growing historically at rates significantly 8 higher than the world average (International Energy Agency 1995), although analysts have been downgrading near-term projections of demand growth because of the recent economic slowdown in several important Asian economies such as Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and Indonesia. However, various recovery scenarios constructed by the energy industry suggest that although short-run demand in these countries may decline by 10 percent or so, longer-run growth may not be significantly affected. Most global warming models assume a GDP growth rate of approximately 3 percent for the period 1990-2000 declining to 1.96 percent during 2050-75 (Manne and Richels 1991; Nordhaus 1992). Our model assumes an intermediate value of 3.0 percent world GDP growth in 1990 and decreasing at the rate of 10 percent every decade. Simulation Procedure and Results The simulation algorithm is written in the programming language Pascal and guesses the scarcity rents of the six resources and grades (three grades for coal, two for oil and one for natural gas) in the initial time period. Since solar energy is available in unlimited supply, it is not an exhaustible resource, and so its scarcity rent is zero. The scarcity rents of the other six resources rise at the rate of interest and are completely determined by their initial guesses. Resources are allocated to each demand by comparing their prices, i.e., the sum of their extraction cost, conversion cost to the specific demand, and the scarcity rent. The six-dimensional vector that yields the maximum net benefits using an annual discount rate of 2 percent yields the optimal solution. There is a large body of literature in electrical and power engineering that suggests that historically the costs of solar energy, more specifically the cost of converting solar energy to electrical energy through photovoltaic systems, has been going down in real terms by approximately 50 percent every ten years (Ahmad 1994). Surveys of the future potential for renewable energy resources have suggested that the costs of electricity generation are expected to decrease from the current 25¢/kwh (kilowatt-hour) to around 4-6¢/kwh. The precise estimates of a lower bound of course cannot be predicted accurately and hence vary across studies, but there is a clear consensus regarding its continuous decline in the next 3-4 decades, as a result of increased R&D as well as an expansion in the size of the 9 market. For example, the Clinton Energy Plan, announced by the previous US administration before the 1997 Kyoto Summit on Global Warming, envisages a five-fold increase in renewable energy research that if implemented may have significant impacts on solar energy costs in the near term. Similarly, the Kyoto Protocol has called for “promoting research, development, and increased use of new and renewable forms of energy...” (Kyoto Protocol, 1997, p.2). Depending on how these proposals are implemented, the costs of production for renewable energy, in particular solar energy, are expected to decline at varying speeds. In this paper, we examine a range of cases, from the baseline case (no solar cost reduction) to the 50 percent per decade solar cost reduction projected by Ahmed (1994) and others, and set a lower bound for the cost of solar electricity at 2¢/kwh in all experiments. In the optimistic scenario of a 50 percent per decade cost reduction, the cost of electricity from solar falls to 4¢/kwh in about 40 years, a trend supported by several studies (Ahmed 1994; Dracker and De Laquil 1996; National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) 1992). It is important to understand that solar energy prices decline at different (assumed) rates but asymptotically approach the lower bound. Table 1 summarizes the main results from the modeling exercise under three different rates of technological change, given by percentage reductions in the cost of the backstop technology. Under the marginal 10% reduction in the cost of the backstop every ten years, notice that fossil fuels continue to be the exclusive supplier of energy for the next 70 years. Coal is used for power generation, natural gas for residential use and oil for transportation and industrial consumption. Oil is substituted by coal in the industrial sector, and is completely exhausted by about 2070. Natural gas is exhausted around 2060, and coal and solar are the only energy resources for several decades. When the rate of backstop cost reduction increases to 30%, more oil is used in industry, and solar energy becomes economical much earlier than in the previous case. A 50% rate of solar energy cost reduction accelerates this process. Table 2 shows the same runs in the baseline (no technological change) and carbon tax scenarios. It suggests that $100 or even $200/ton of carbon taxes will not make a significant difference to the long run usage profile. 10 A key insight from this overly simplified model is the natural specialization of resources in each sector. Given the conversion cost of each resource into the end-use, it is clear that coal is the fuel of choice in power generation, natural gas for domestic use and oil in the industrial and transportation sectors. Fig.1 shows the time path of scarcity rents for selected grades of fossil fuels. As discussed in the theoretical section above, oil and natural gas are “scarce” resources and therefore their shadow prices (or scarcity rents) are higher at the beginning of the extraction period. Their higher usage is also reflected in the faster rate of growth. Coal shadow prices are the lowest, and reflects the relative abundance of the resource. Fig.2 shows the total costs of different resources for the transportation sector. That is, these costs sum the cost of extraction and conversion to end use as well as the shadow price of the resource. Oil is the cheapest resource, followed by natural gas. However their exhaustion over time allows coal to kick in as the most economical resource, followed by the backstop technology in the final phase of extraction. Fig.3 shows the real price of energy in the elecricity sector under alternative scenarios for technological change. These prices are relative to the model base year. Thus, under no technological change, sectoral prices rise monotonically until they hit the backstop price, as theory predicts. However, with technological change, prices increase marginally as the exhaustible resource is used, but once the sector makes the transition to the renewable energy, prices remain constant over time. Different rates of technological change affect the transition path of prices to the backstop price. Fig. 3 shows the aggregate use of coal under alternative scenarios of technological change. It suggests that even under low rates of technological change, coal use will decline significantly. For countries like India, with a heavy dependence on coal reserves, this figure suggests that the rate of coal use may be highly sensitive to the assumed rates of technological change in the energy sector, especially the availability of cleaner backstop technologies. 11 4. Implications of the Proposed Framework for the Indian Energy Sector In this section, we use the above theoretical and empirical insights and apply them to the Indian context. While detailed descriptions of the Indian energy sector are provided in companion chapters in this volume and formal modeling of the Indian energy economy using the proposed framework is beyond the scope of this paper, we attempt to highlight important issues relating to the long term trends in fuel substitution and energy use using the above framework. In India, coal, oil and natural gas are the primary energy resources. At current rates of use, coal is the most abundant resource and its life expectancy is expected to be more than 200 years. The proven reserves of the major fossil fuels and their reserve-production ratios are shown in Table 3. Notice that while coal resources are substantial, the reserve to production (R/P) ratio of natural gas is higher than for crude oil. This suggests the likelihood of increased substitution away from oil to natural gas in the future. Already the share of natural gas in the fuel mix has increased from 16 million TOE in 1991-92 to 22.6 million TOE in 1997-98 (TERI, 2000). Moreover, the R/P ratio for crude oil has fallen from 25.6 in 1991 to 15.6 in 1997, indicating that if historical trends continue, domestic production of crude oil is unlikely to increase drastically in the future while natural gas use will increase, a trend that is observed in other developing and developed countries as well. Fuel substitution has taken place in all the major sectors of the Indian economy. Kerosene and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) have substituted soft coke in residential use. In rail transportation, which is a major provider of public transportation, diesel oil has replaced traditional steam locomotives. Natural gas is increasingly the fuel of choice as fuel and feedstock in the fertilizer, petrochemicals, power and sponge iron industries. Applying the results of the theoretical framework presented earlier, it is easy to see that the shadow prices of coal are likely to remain low relative to those of oil and natural gas. This is mainly because available stocks of coal are abundant relative to the stocks of oil 12 and natural gas. It is possible that with significant policy reforms, such as those currently on the table regarding deregulation and liberalization of oil and gas exploration, significant increases in the stocks of oil and natural gas relative to coal could happen. For example, with increased investment in exploration and use of new technology in drilling, crude oil reserves could be increased. However, this is unlikely to happen in a businessas-usual scenario. On the other hand, the increase in the extraction of coal in recent years, by which the share of coal in total energy supply has increased from 60 to 61.3% between 1991-92 and 1997-98 (see Table 4) has also benefited from an increase in open cast mining and the use of new mining technology. In the same period, as shown in Table 4, the share of crude oil has declined from 28.2 to 26.5% while the share of natural gas has increased from 8.3 to 9.2%. Table 5 shows the sectoral consumption of energy in India. The big-ticket items are industry and transport with 48% and 24% of the total share respectively. Between 199198, the agriculture sector although small, grew at a high 7.7% a year while industrial consumption increased at about 4% a year. In terms of the contribution of the major fuels in individual sectors, coal is the premier energy source in the industry sector supplying about 72% of the total demand in 1997-98. Oil and petroleum products supply more than 98% of transportation demand. Surprisingly, oil is the major fuel used in the residential sector. This is mainly because of the widespread use of kerosene for cooking purposes, while Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) has a small but growing share in the urban areas. Biomass fuels supply most of the cooking energy in rural areas, where consumers are unable to afford commercial cooking energy in the form of kerosene or LPG. Even government subsidies for kerosene have not brought it within the economic reach of most rural households. In the electricity sector, coal is the fuel of choice with more than a 70% share. Hydroelectricity supplies another 25%, and other fuels such as natural gas, nuclear power, oil and renewables all account for the residual 5%. The substitution of fuels in the energy supply mix is also driven by the heavy reliance on 13 imports, mainly of coking coal, crude oil and petroleum products. Between 1985-86 and 1997-98, imports of crude oil and petroleum products has increased from 2 million tonnes to 17 million tonnes. In 1997-98, these imports alone accounted for 24% of all export earnings. This trend may continue without serious harm to the Indian balance of payments if increasing energy imports are compensated by rising exports, such as from the booming software sector. However, if this does not happen, then the steady increase in energy imports will soon prove to be a severe drain on the Indian economy. Although not considered explicitly in the theoretical and empirical framework proposed above, it is easy to see that high import costs will lead to a higher shadow price of foreign exchange which in turn will result in an increased shadow price for imported resources such as oil, natural gas and higher quality coal. This in turn will exacerbate the substitution towards cheaper resources, which esssentially means increased reliance on domestic coal. If coal use tends to gain market share as recent trends predict, then the availability of clean coal technology will make a huge difference in the magnitude of environmental externalities of energy use in India. However, clean coal technology is currently expensive and will further increase the cost of energy to consumers or stress the government’s tight budgetary resources. Technology transfer projects such as under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) could be used to reduce the environmental effects of a large-scale substitution to coal use. The other major sources of energy are hydroelectricity and other renewable energy sources such as biomass and agricultural crop residues. India has a large hydroelectric potential estimated at around 84,000 MW. However, the problems in building new generation facilities are primarily social and political. Increased environmental consciousness and intense lobbying by activist environmental groups as in the recent Narmada dam case, will prevent any large-scale development of water resources to produce energy. The same can be said with regard to a proposed significant increase in nuclear power generation which is compounded by issues relating to the availability of modern technology and the country not signing the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. At the same time, increasing population pressure and degradation of the rural 14 environment has meant a serious scarcity of traditional fuels such as fuelwood, animal and crop residues. In rural India, these fuels supply the bulk of the cooking energy, and government efforts at providing commercial substitutes such as kerosene have not been very successful because it is still out of reach of the low-income rural households. Subsidies on kerosene have the unintended effect of encouraging illegal adulteration of higher priced diesel with kerosene (TERI 2000). These trends in the Indian economy suggest that without major technological change, increased reliance on coal is the most obvious outcome. However, technological change both on the supply and demand side are directly dependent on government policies. The current administratively fixed price of energy, and the complex web of taxes and subsidies distorts private investment and encourages waste in the energy sector. While controlled energy prices provide quasi-rents to a selected few, it encourages inefficiency and a higher degree of negative environmental externalities. For example, if energy pricing reforms are undertaken so that consumers pay the marginal cost of energy, significant improvements in energy efficiency and conservation could result, as was seen in the US economy during the post oil price shock era. A rising price of energy that reflects opportunity costs and liberalization of the energy sector will mean higher profits in the energy sector, and more foreign firms will enter with scarce investment resources and advanced technologies. Given the current state of reforms, major investment in generating new energy supplies and demand side conservation is not deemed economical by the private sector. Privatization in the energy sector can also spur investment in decentralized renewable technologies such as wind, solar and small-scale hydro, a considerable potential for which exists in the country. A detailed analysis of these alternatives is provided in the companion paper by Shukla, Ghosh and Garg (2001). Past efforts at popularizing these technologies have all been initiated by the public sector, and have failed because of the usual incentive problems associated with top-down technology transfer. Yet another scenario would suggest that India continue to rely on imported oil and gas, and the share of oil and gas in the overall energy mix rises over time. In that case, the 15 bulk of these resources will need to be imported from abroad, mainly from the Middle East countries. It is then likely that any international obligations the country makes towards reducing its aggregate carbon emissions will exacerbate this shift away from coal to cleaner natural gas in power generation. As the paper by Sengupta and Gupta (2001) suggests, prospects for substantive additions to domestic reserves are dim, hence one may see a continued reliance on imported fossil fuels. If the domestic coal industry does not become more productive even increased imports of coal are likely, causing strains on the national economy and on the world price of coal. 5. Concluding Remarks: Energy Substitution and Implications for Climate Change This paper develops a theory of endogenous resource substitution that is driven by rising resource shadow prices in a Hotelling-type framework. A simple model demonstrates the theoretical formulation and an empirical model suggests how this framework could be used to obtain dynamic resource use profiles in a partial equilibrium model. The insights from the model are used to examine sectoral energy use profiles for the Indian economy. This framework complements more detailed models of the Indian economy, such as MARKAL (Shukla 1996). The unique feature of the proposed model is the determination of resource prices that are a function of resource scarcity, discount rate, and the cost of extraction and conversion to alternative end uses. At the country level, the model could be expanded to include exports and imports of energy and the added cost of imports could be incorporated by means of the shadow price of foreign exchange. Alternative price regimes in world resource markets could be easily incorporated as policy shocks. One important insight from the endogenous substitution model is that assumptions regarding technological change could make a significant difference to projections of the resource use profile. While most forecasts of energy use and the emissions trajectory for India tend to be alarmist, it is clear that much will depend on government policies. As India becomes a more open and deregulated economy, large-scale investments in energy efficiency and conservation could make a significant reduction in emissions per capita GDP, and possibly result in a major restructuring of existing smoke stack industries as is 16 happening in the economies of the Former Soviet Union. 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New Delhi: Tata Energy Research Institute. 19 TABLE 1 SECTORAL RESOURCE USE PROFILE UNDER ALTERNATIVE RATES OF SOLAR ELECTRICITY COST REDUCTION 10% Rate of Solar Electricity Cost Reduction Period (Year) Elect Coal Coal 2010-19 Coal Coal 2030-39 Coal Coal 2050-59 Coal Coal 2070-79 Coal Coal 2090-99 Coal Coal 2110-19 Coal Coal 2130-39 Coal Coal 2150-59 Coal Coal 2170-79 Coal Solar 2190-99 Solar : 2210-19 : 1990-99 2230-39 2250-59 2270-79 2290-99 Tran Resid Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas/Coal Coal Oil Coal Solar Solar Coal Solar Coal Solar Coal Solar Coal Solar Coal : Coal : Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Solar Solar : : 30% Rate of Solar Electricity Cost Reduction Indust Elect Tran Indust Elect Tran Resid Indust Oil Oil Oil Oil Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Solar Solar : : Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar : : Oil Gas Oil Oil Gas Oil Oil Gas Oil Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Oil Gas Solar Oil Solar Gas/Oil/Coal Coal Solar Coal Coal Solar Coal Coal Solar Coal Solar Solar Solar Coal Solar Solar Coal Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar : : : : : : Coal Coal Coal Coal Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar : : Oil Oil Oil Oil Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar : : Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar : : Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar : : 20 Resid 50% Rate of Solar Electricity Cost Reduction TABLE 2 SECTORAL RESOURCE USE PROFILE FOR BASELINE MODEL WITH CARBON TAX Baseline Period (Year) 1990-99 2010-19 2030-39 2050-59 2070-79 2090-99 2110-19 2120-29 : : 2260-69 2270-79 2290-99 2310-19 2330-39 2350-59 2370-79 2390-99 : : Elect Tran Resid Coal Oil Gas Coal Oil Gas Coal Oil Gas Coal Oil Gas Coal Oil Gas Coal Oil Gas Coal Oil Gas/Coal Coal Oil Coal Coal Oil Coal Coal Oil/Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal : : : : : : Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Solar Solar Coal Coal Solar Coal Solar Solar Solar Coal Solar Solar Coal Solar Solar Coal Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar : : : : : : Baseline with $100 Carbon Tax Baseline with $200 Carbon Tax Indust Elect Tran Resid Indust Elect Tran Oil Oil Oil Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal : : Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar : : Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal : : Coal Coal Coal Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar : : Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Coal Coal Coal Coal : : Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar : : Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas/Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal : : Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Solar Solar Solar : : Gas Oil Oil Oil Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal : : Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Solar Solar Solar : : Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal : : Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar : : Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Coal Coal Coal Coal : : Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar : : 21 Resid Indust Gas Gas Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Coal Coal Gas/Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal : : : : Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Solar Coal/Solar : : : : Table 3. Proven Reserves of Fossil Fuels and Reserve/Production Ratio in India and the World Fuel End 1987 Reserves India World Coal 62.54 Crude Oil Natural End 1997 R/P Ratio India Reserves R/P Ratio World India World India World 1040.5 195 239.00 69.9 1031.6 212 219.00 0.8 135.4 25.6 43.4 0.6 140.9 15.6 40.9 0.7 124 48.8 58.7 0.49 144.8 22.9 64.01 Gas Source: BPSR (1998). The units are coal and crude oil in billion tonnes, and natural gas in trillion cubic meters. 22 Table 4. Supply of Commercial Energy in India Energy 1991-92 Energy Supply 1997-98 Share (%) Energy Supply Share (%) Coal 115.3 60.0 150.5 61.3 Oil 54.3 28.25 65.1 26.5 Natural Gas 16.0 8.32 22.6 9.2 Electricity 6.6 3.43 7.1 2.89 Total 192.2 100.00 245.3 100.00 Source: TERI (2000). Energy supply is in million tonnes of oil equivalent (MTOE). 23 Table 5. Sectoral Consumption Patterns in 1997-98 (in MTOE). Sector Coal Petroleum Natural gas Electricity Total Products Industry 60.93 11.74 2.91 8.49 84.08 Agriculture - 0.94 0.11 7.69 8.75 Residential - 12.80 0.27 4.14 17.21 Transport 0.04 40.94 - 0.56 41.55 Others - 13.98 6.76 3.72 24.47 Total 60.97 80.41 10.06 24.62 176.08 Source: TERI (2000) 24 140 Base - Grade I Oil 120 Base - Grade I Coal Scarcity Rent ($/Mmbtu) Base - Natural Gas 100 50% Rate - Grade I Oil 50% Rate - Grade I Coal 80 50% Rate - Natural Gas 60 40 20 0 1995 2015 2035 2055 2075 2095 2115 2135 2155 Year Figure 1. Time Paths of Scarcity Rents for Oil, Coal and Natural Gas 25 2175 500 Oil Total Cost ($/Delivered Mmbtu) 400 Coal Natural Gas Solar 300 200 100 0 1995 2015 2035 2055 2075 2095 2115 2135 2155 2175 2195 2215 2235 2255 2275 2295 2315 Year Figure 2. Total Costs of Using Oil, Coal and Natural Gas in Transportation: Baseline Model 26 7 6 Base Normalized Price Level 30% Rate 5 50% Rate 4 3 2 1 0 1995 2035 2075 2115 2155 2195 2235 2275 2315 2355 Year Figure 3. Electricity Sector Prices under Alternative Rates of Solar Electricity Cost Reduction (Normalized to the Base Year Price of the Baseline Model) 27 100 100 90 Coal Stock Consumed (%) 80 70 66.92 60 50 40 30 25.57 20 10 8.98 3.03 1.54 0 0 10 20 30 40 Rate of Solar Electricity Cost Reduction (%) Figure 4. Effect of Solar Electricity Cost Reduction on Aggregate Coal Use 28 50