AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF DONALD C. SOLMON (Name) in MATHEMATICS (Major) for the DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Degree) presented on April 25, 1974 (Date) Title: THE X-RAY TRANSFORM Signature redacted for privacy. Abstract approved: Kennan T. Smith The problem of determining a function from its integrals over 0 < k < n, k-planes, is studied. It is shown that when k < n/2, the x-ray transform of an arbitrary square integrable function is in a certain LP If space on a fiber bundle over the Grassmann manifold k > n/2, the x-ray transform of a square integrable func- tion may not exist. A characterization of the range of the transform is given and a generalization of a theorem of Ludwig on the Radon transform is proved. Finally a relationship between a theorem on the null space and a particular iterative scheme that is being used to detect brain tumors is discussed. The X-Ray Transform by Donald C. Solmon A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy June 1974 APPROVED: Signature redacted for privacy. Professor of Mathematics in charge of major Signature redacted for privacy. Chai ,- an of Department of Mathematics IA 4, 411,'. Signature redacted for privacy. Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Clover Redfern for April- 25, 1974 Donald C. Solmon ACKNOWLEDGMENT I am indebted to Professor Kennan T Smith for suggesting the study of the x-ray transform. Professor Smith's advice and encouragement have been invaluable throughout the research and writing of the thesis. I also wish to thank both the mathematics faculty and graduate students of Oregon State for numerous conversations on the thesis topic and other mathematical areas. The openness and availability of the faculty and the comradeship of the graduate students have made my tenure at Oregon State both profitable and enjoyable. Professor Aldo Andreotti among the faculty and Gregory Fredricks among the graduate students have been especially helpful. A special expression of love and gratitude goes to my wife, Elizabeth, who has born with my varying moods through the successes and failures of the last four years. Lastly, I would like to thank the typist, Mrs. Clover Redfern, who has been very helpful in preparing the final copy. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page INTRODUCTION 1 DEFINITION AND FUNDAMENTAL PROPERTIES OF THE X-RAY TRANSFORMATION 6 LOWER DIMENSIONAL INTEGRABILITY OF L2 FUNCTIONS 14 THE X-RAY TRANSFORM AS AN UNBOUNDED OPERATOR 19 AN INVERSION FORMULA 26 THE SUPPORTS OF f AND Lf 29 THE RANGE OF L 40 THE NULL SPACE OF L Tr 48 BIBLIOGRAPHY 53 THE X-RAY TRANSFORM INTRODUCTION The problem of characterizing a function on Rn, n > 2, means of its integrals over k-dimensional planes, a new one. tion f 0 < k < n, by is not Radon [12] and John [8] proved that a differentiable func- with compact support in R'1 uniquely determined by means of its integrals over the hyperplanes in the space. The Radon transform is defined by R0f(t) = where 0E Sn1 , x (x) f()dan-1 <x,0>=t t E R1, and an-1 is the (n-1)-dimensional sur- face area measure in Rn. Considerable literature on the Radon transform exists. The lower dimensional problem, has received less k < -2, attention. However, Helgason [6] and [7], has obtained some inter- esting results. In order to motivate the lower dimensional case, consider the following situation. An object in 3-dimensional space is determined by a density function f on the space at the point a function x. L0f R3, f(x) being the density An x-ray pictkire taken in the direction on the subspace orthogonal to 0 0 provides whose value at a point x of this subspace is the total mass along the line through in the direction 0. from its x-rays Lef. The problem is to recover a density function x f If we restrict ourselves to a 2-dimensional cross section of the 3-dimensional object then the problem is exactly the Radon problem. However, if we wish to reconstruct the object without going to cross sections, the problem is one of integration over lines in and the R3 Radon theory does not apply. The above x-ray reconstruction problem has been the object of a great deal of recent mathematical and practical research. For example, see [4] where a bibliography of recent results is given. Within the past year R. Guenther and K. T. Smith [5], have detected brain tumors in a human patient by reconstructing cross sections of the skull from ordinary x-ray data. The research in this thesis stems from the reconstruction problem and was suggested by K. T. Smith. Let us put the problem in a more abstract setting. If direction in Rn, n >2, space orthogonal to 0 0 is a x is a point in the (n-1)-dimensional suband f is an integrable function, then the ordinary x-ray of the object with density function f in the direction 0 at x is given by 3 L0 f(x) = f(x+t0)dt _oo provided that the integral exists in the Lebesgue sense. Note that the x-ray of a function ES n-1 depends on the variables f x E r. Thus the x-ray of and tangent bundle f with (0, x) is a function on the to the sphere. T(Sn-1) More generally let be a k-dimensional subspace of Rn. 7 The x-ray of f in the direction Tr at the point x" in Tr-L- is defined by f(x' LTrf(x") = ")dxl It provided that the integral exists in the Lebesgue sense. general, once a subspace x' and It is fixed, we write x = (x', x") are the orthogonal projections of x" The k-dimensional subspaces of The x-ray of T(Gn, k) When f k= 1 or Note when Gn, k x on Tr and where Tr-L. form the Grassmann manifold is a function Lf(Tr, x") with base space Here, and in on a fiber bundle and fibers isomorphic to Rn-k. k = n-1, Gn,k = Sn-1. k n-1, Radon transform. In fact the x-ray transform is essentially the 4 Ref(t) L f(tO) . eJ- Thus in this case all results on the Radon transform carry over with appropriate change of notation. The central problem of this thesis is the study of the relationship between a function f and the transformed function Lf. Although one might expect the results to depend somewhat on the magnitude of k there is a surprising difference in the results when k < n/2. Indeed, we prove that any square integrable function. on R is actually integrable over almost every translate of almost every k-space, k < n/2, while an example is given of a square integrable function on Rn which is not integrable over any k-plane, k > n/2. We also show that when k < n/2, the x-ray transforma- tion has a natural extension as a closed operator from a domain Dk C L2(R) into a certain L2 space on the fiber bundle T(Gn,k) Again this is shown to be impossible when k > n/2. An inversion formula is given for all k. A characterization of the range of the Radon transform was given by Ludwig [10]. We do the same here for the x-ray transform, giving necessary and sufficient conditions that a function on the fiber bundle T(Gn, k) be the x-ray of a square integrable function with support in a given compact convex set K. Our proof fails when k n-1, but the result holds from the work of Ludwig. However, we 5 prove more. Indeed, we show that it is possible, in some cases, to get inside the convex hull of the support of f from the knowledge of the x-rays when space of Lif k < n-2. Finally, a characterization of the null is given and a few remarks are made on the relation- ship of this theorem to the particular iterative scheme that is being used to detect brain tumors. 6 DEFINITION AND FUNDAMENTAL PROPERTIES OF THE X-RAY TRANSFORMATION 1. If is a k-dimensional subspace of Tr integrable function f in the direction TT Rrl the x-ray of the at the point x" in is defineddefined by (1.1) Litf(x") = f(x', x")dx' it provided that the integral exists in the Lebesgue sense. Here, and in general, once a subspace where and and manifold For x = (x', x") are the orthogonal projections of x on Tr The k-dimensional subspaces of Rn form the Gras smann Tr-L. T(Gn, k) x" is fixed, we write it The x-ray of f is a function on a fiber bundle Gn, with base space k=1 or k -1, Gn, k Lemma (1. 2). If k-space f and fibers isomorphic to Gn, k - = Sn1 is integrable on Rn, then for each L f is an integrable function on Tri and f< f 11 L (R Ll(Tr.L) Proof. Rn-k. 1 n ) The proof is an immediate application of Fubini's theorem. From (1. 1) we have 7 IIL f f(xl , x") I dx1dx" = < Ilfil1(Rn) L L 1 (Tr-L) Lemma (1.3). If variable and for fixed on p is a locally integrable function of one yll E 7r1, is integrable p(<x", y"))LIFIf 1(x") 1T, (1.4) t.) I P(<x", y">)L f ")dx" = p(<x, y">)f(x)dx. Tr-L. Proof. Fubinils theorem gives Tr .L. p(<x", y">)LTrf(x")dx" = p(<x, y">)f(xl ")dxIdx" Tr Tr p(<x,y">)f(x)dx. The Fourier transform of an integrable function on Rn is given by (21.)_1112 Thus if g E L1(Tr1), "g( ) (2 e- <x, f(x)dx. Rn where k-n) /2 Tr is a k-space, it is natural to define e -i<x, g(x)dx, for E Trj" From Lemmas (1.2) and (1.3) we derive immediately a relationship between the Fourier transform of f and the Fourier transform of L f. Lemma 1.5). For each k-space (LTrf) Proof. ") = (2Tr) ( Tr ki2Af(t") and integrable function for f, t" E 7r. The proof is immediate if one takes p(t) = e -it Lemma (1. 2). If V is any dimensional subspace of Rn and (k+1) is an arbitrary point in Rn, - then E i for some k-space contained in V. Lemma (1.5) tells how to compute L f. Since Tr A f( ) from is uniquely determined by its Fourier trans- f E L1 (Rn ) form, f 7 C V. Thus we have proved the following result, is uniquely determined by its x-rays in the directions the submainfold of Gn,k Gn, k(V) being consisting of the k-spaces contained in V. Corollary (1.6). For any (k+1) dimensional subspace Rn, Tr an integrable function f on V is uniquely determined by its x-rays in the directions Gil, k(V). Note that if k = sphere Sn-i . 1, then Gn,k(V) of is a great circle on the 9 The preceding result can be improved upon when f has compact support. First a well known algebraic result is needed. Lemma (1.7). The vector space of homogeneous polynomials of degree m in is spanned by those polynomials of the form R1.1 <a, x> Proof- The monomials x a al = an .. xn xl with =M i=1 form a basis for the homogeneous polynomials of degree m. A linear functional A on this vector space can be represented by aaxa ) = A( am b aaa, b0 EC. lal=rn Now <a, x> = ( al ... a al a)a ...a n n l n a a 1 xl xn Ial =m where (a If A 1. . a ) = al m! !. an! vanishes on all polynomials of the form <a, x> then 10 al an ba(a1... an)a1 =0. But this is a polynomial in a. Thus ba(al... an) = 0 for all a. ba =0 for all a. So Lemma (1.8). A nonzero homogeneous polynomial of degree m in Rn can vanish identically on at most m distinct hyper- planes. Proof. The proof is by induction on m. If m = 0, then the result is trivial. Suppose that the result has been established for m<I 0. J_ and that ±0., Pi vanishes on the hyperplanes 01, ., 01+1, j. Without loss of generality we may assume 01 = el' i the direction of the x1 axis. Then PI (x) = 0 whenever xi = 0. Thus PI (x) = x1Q1 -1(x) with Q1 homogeneous of degree 1-1. But Q1 vanishes on )2 - 0\1 01_L for it follows that i = 2, ...,/+1. Since vanishes on Q -1 hypothesis implies Q For any integer tive integers = 1, . Q -1 0., vanishes on a closed set and the induction i>2 a- 0. k>0 1 k) let Nk be the set of k-tuples of posisuch that < 2< k. 11 Definition (1.9). such that any of the (k+1) , are linearly independent. For each (). let Nk, E 0.1 be a sequence of directions in Rn Let be the k-space generated by el . The set :j {Tr Nk} E is called a fundamental system 1 of k-spaces for RII Theorem (1.10). If has com act susoort, then f E L1( L f coming from any fundamental is uniquely determined by the Tr system of k-spaces for Rn. Proof. Suppose Tr, j E J for a fundamental set of k-spaces =0 L Nk. Formula (1.4) gives for "> ( 1 . 11 ) JTr where P y II E Cx, y >f(x)dx = P (y") f(x ")dx" = Tr is the homogeneous polynomial defined by the right hand side of (1.11). From the assumption P Let I E Nk-1. For each is contained in IT , j Thus Tri. C J hyperplane in Tri 1 P m vanishes on J 7 ,1_ such that j = (I, jk) Nk E vanishes on 771 1 . Each Tr-L. for all the space is a distinct 3 by construction of the fundamental system. Since Tr-!.- J that P m vanishes on for all TrI, I i I E E Nk it follows from Lemma (J..8) Nk-l Proceeding inductively it easily follows from the construction of the fundamental system of k-spaces that Pm vanishes on the hyperplanes Oi where the Oi 12 are the directions generating the fundamental system as in Definition (1. 9). Now Lemma (1.8) implies Pm is identically zero for all while (1.11) and Lemma (1.7) imply f nomials. Since f is orthogonal to all poly- has compact support, Note that if k = 1, f 0 almost everywhere. a fundamental system is contained in any infinite set of directions with distinct entries. Thus if f has compact support, is uniquely determined by any infinite set of f ordinary x-rays. Remark. No function f is determined by any finite set of x-rays. Indeed if 01, ..., 0 is a finite set of directions, oo any open set in Rn, 4 E Co (0), P( ) C2 is and we define = <,(31> 0m> then [P(D)qi]A( ) = Thus Lemma (1.5) shows that if g = P(D)kii, LO. g = 0, The set of all functions i = 1, g .. then , m. P(D)Lii with Do if, E C0 (0) is obviously infinite dimensional. Thus the set of functions with compact support in any open set C2 C Rn having the same x-rays in a finite number 13 of directions is infinite dimensional. Also if the assumption of compact support is dropped in Theorem (1.10), the theorem fails even for analytic functions. Indeed let I:0 E Cx0(Rn) with exists an open set G C Sn - 1 is empty. If ip supp (I:1C B(b, 1), is the inverse Fourier transform of kp Logi 0 There 1° such that for all 0 E G, analytic and Lemma (1.5) implies L0 b B(b, 1) 0 (1), ip is for all 0 E G. Thus vanishes in a continuum of directions. In fact by choosing sufficiently large the x-rays of ip b can be made to vanish in all directions outside of an arbitrarily small neighborhood of b-Lrm SnI This is the best that can be said about the vanishing of the x-rays of an integrable function since the Fourier transform of a non-zero function in Ll(Rn) is continuous and thus nonzero on some open set. 14 2. LOWER DIMENSIONAL INTEGRABILITY OF Lz FUNCTIONS The symbol L2(T(Gn,k)) will be used to designate the measurable functions on the fiber bundle T(Gn,k) which satisfy sg(ff' XIT)dx"dp. < co G where la n, k is the finite measure on invariant under orthogonal Gil, k transformations [11], and normalized so that I-L(Gn,k) = Isn-k-11 the bars denoting the appropriate area measures on the spheres. The symbol L be used when the x-ray is acting in the direction of a fixed k-space be denoted by Tr. The total x-ray transformation will L. Lemma (2.1). If g is nonnegative and measurable on the sphere Sn - 1 , then Gn, k Proof. g(0)d0 g(co)doidp. -1 Tr Sn - 1 The integral on the left defines a continuous linear form on the space C(Sn-1), (hence a measure on 5n-1 ). This 15 form is obviously finite and rotation invariant and there is only one such up to a constant factor, namely the integral on the right. The normalization of is chosen to make the constant [1, 1. Once the formula is established for continuous functions it extends immediately to nonnegative measurable functions by the standard arguments of measure theory. Lemma (2.2). If is nonne ative and measurable on Rn, then Ix G n, k I g(x")dx"dp. =g(x)dx Rn Tr Proof. Using polar coordinates in the integral over Tr-1T gives x" k g(x")dx"dp, ,51 n, k r n-1 g(re")d0"dp.dr. =.C'S 0 Gn, k Sn-1 The result follows from Lemma (2.1). In terms of Fourier transforms the operator (2.3) (Af)A( ) If() A is defined by 16 To avoid cumbersome notation the same symbol is used irrespective of the space Rn, or subspace of Rn in which Theorem (2.4). The ma from L2(Rn) into (2Tr -k/2 Ak/2L) A acts. is an isometry L2(T(Gn, Proof. It is enough to establish the result on a dense subset of L2(Rn) . then clearly A(L f) f E Cm(Rn) If 0 The definition of The Tr is in (2.3), the Parseval relation on A, L2(). Tr-L, Lemma (1.5), and the last lemma give k/2 SG = S L LTr f(x")12dx"dp. n, k kA 1,"1 If(,")1 (27)k 2 "dI-1 = (2'7 11 112 2 L (R Gn, k n ) The space of bounded, measurable, functions which vanish out00 side a compact subset of Rn is denoted by L0 (Rn ) The next theorem, which is a rather surprising one, is part of a recent paper done jointly with K. T. Smith. See [13] for complete details of the proof. Theorem (2.5). For in on k and n k < n/2 there is a constant such that if f E L2(Rn c (de end- then for almost ever 17 Tr EGk' n, is defined almost everywhere on LTrf by an absolutely Tr-I- convergent integral and (Z. 6) S ii Lirf 11 2q L (TT Gn, k c2 110 dp. ) 2 L2(R) q- Proof. It is sufficient to prove inequality (2.6) for 2(n-k) n-2k f E Lc); (Rn) Indeed if this has been done and f E L2(Rn), f > 0, we can choose n fn E L 000(R n) an increasing sequence of functions and with converging to fn f. with f> 0, fn Inequality (2. 6) for the fn and the monotone convergence theorem give the desired result for nonnegative f. The result follows immediately for all f E L2(Rn). Assume that f E Lco(Rn). It is clear that 0 oo Lf E L 0(Tr-L)C 2L2() so that Af E L 2 , According to Lemma Tr (2. 2) STri. IV! kA2 fl dVdt1 < Gn,k and it follows that for almost every E Fix any such Tr. f.( Since II) = VI I g(V) TT L2(71') . 18 and since both f and are in g the theorem in [13] on L2(7-1-) the Riesz transform gives that Lf=-R k/2 a (2.7) Tr - R k/2 L f /21 A1 Tr where R ah(x) = C(n, a) S Rn Now, Sobolev's inequality in the space Rm R ag q Cg In the present case we have 0 < a < n. la-nh(Y)dY, a = k/2 1 1 for 2 [14], asserts that q = 2 - a m > O. and m = n-k, so we get from (2.7) and Sobolev's inequality that q- < C Aki2L fil , 11 TT L.TrfLq(71.) Squaring and integrating over LL(Tri-) 2(n-k) n-2k and making use of Theorem Gn,k (2.4) gives the desired result. Remark (2.8). f(x) = The function lx1-n/2,(loglxh 0, otherwise -1 >2 is square integrable on Rn but is not integrable over any plane of dimension >n/2. 19 3. THE X-RAY TRANSFORM AS AN UNBOUNDED OPERATOR We shall study the x-ra,y transformation as an unbounded operator from L2(Rn) L2(T) into L2 (T(Gn,k)). (We will usually write in place of L(T(Gn,k)) .) The natural domain would appear to be the set (3.1) Dk {f E L2 (Rn ) k11L Tr c1P- < f112,G Gn, } L (Tr) k < n/2, This turns out to be entirely satisfactory for but not for k > /2. In the latter case, for example, we have not been able to decide whether the operator is even closable with domain Dk. Lemma (3.2). (3.3) fE L1 If 111422 < L (T) Proof. Since f E rTh 2 )1(0 L1 L2, then f L2 E Dk 11f1122) 11-1111121 it follows that and . E L2 and an easy calculation shows that (3.4) 11 10 -k /2A 2 f11< 1Sn-11 11/112,) 1111122 L L On the other hand, Parseval's relation on Lemma (2.2) with g = 10 -k/2A give Tr-L, Lemma (1. 5), and 20 Lf1122 L (T) ddi. sc (27)k SI = Gn, -k /2A 2 f L2 k = (2Tr) 11 1 The result follows from (3. 4), Parseval's relation on Rn and the fact that co 11/f11 11f11 L L Let us define 2 (3.5) Dk = {f E L: I Tr whenever fED Proof. CC)° 7n E in and 0 (R n D and for almost k If /2A f a. e. k > n/2, 1T, on then D k D . k 0 < k < n and assume that such that fn A f in L 2 and fE 1 1 Dk. -k12" fn Choose 10 f A be the inverse Fourier transforms of fn respectively. Since Afn E COoo (R n ) , it follows that L2. Let il Let (27)k A ) . Tr (L f= (3. 7) 2 -k /2A f E L2} k < n/2 then Dk = Theorem (3. 6). If every k-space I fn E 1,4 (Rn), fn and f (the space of rapidly decreasing functions of Schwartz). Lemma (1.5) and Lemma (2.2) give 21 f )A_ (270k/2/p 2 S 11(.1-Tr I n, k = (2Tr) L 2 _k A 0\ 2 s (2Tr)nn 111'n-71122 L (Tr Gn, k But the last integral converges to ) as 0 so, choosing a co, subsequence if necessary, we have for almost every LTrf n (3. 8) where iT a. e. g Tr is defined by g (3.9) = (2Tr) k/2Af on Tr TT -I- Theorem (2.5) shows that for almost every However when k < n/2, Tr, Tr, and again a suitable subsequence, LTrfn LTrf a. e. It follows that for almost every =Lf (3.10) Tr Hence fE a. e. Tri IT on Tr Moreover (3.9) and (3.10) show that (3.7) is valid. Dk. Conversely suppose f (x) = e in _,-,21x I 2 ' A consequently f fE Dk, k < n/2, It is easy to see that f(x). f in and define f f in L 2 and L.2 Lemma (2.2) implies (for a suitable 22 sequence of pis) (3.11) uirn that 0 p for =0 I Tr -I- P a. e. I and Theorem (2.6) gives (for a suitable sequence of L fL f IT p for in p's) a. e. that IF, TT and hence that Lf LTif p (3.12) where T(rr-L) in for T(iri) a. e. denotes the tempered distributions in the Fourier transform is a topological isomorphism on E fp it, Since Tr-L. err ) and Lemma (1.5) and (3.12) give L1, (3. 13) (2Tr) k /ZI\ f (L f)A in ( Tr) a. e. for Tr. From this and (3.11) it follows that (LTrf)A for any it (27)k /2A f a. e. on for which (3.11) and (3.13) hold. Since (2.2) shows that case = ki /2A 1 1 f E L2 , fE Dk, Lemma and the theorem is proved for the k < n/2. To prove the second part of the theorem, we construct a 23 function such that g E L2 1 1-k12',..gA E LZ but g is not Lebesgue integrable over any plane of dimension k > n/2. Assume that k >n/2 and let be the function in Remark (2.8). Define f(x) 0 by f(x), (3. 14) g0 (x) , mks run through the integers. where the line, .. g0 2mk < xk < 2mk +1, k = 1, otherwise (For example, on the on alternate intervals between integers.) Let =0 en ,n be the unit vectors along the axes, and put g ( ) g1(x) = gk-1(x+ek) One may easily check that is not Lebesgue integrable over any gn k-plane. Moreover = (e - (e -1)go( ) which gives the desired result since (e -1)...(e n-1)10 -11. is bounded. Theorem (3.15). The x-ra transform with domain admits a closure L with domain Dk (=Dk for co Co k < n/2 and Dk 24 k > n/2). for Proof. First we show that the x-ray transformation admits a closure. Suppose that fn in oo E in 0 fn CO L(T). We must show that g = 0. L (T) 2 r Trj_ Now A lim II E Gn, k lk y E >0 A fn SiGn, k 00 G >0 n it,Tiki/f\ I.' In es. I > n, k , is fixed and we let n is arbitrary and g E L2(T) made arbitrarily small. Thus g = 0. 2 dt"di.t. 71- Gn,k E have been used. Lemma (2. 2) gives co , A Ig Since 2 dVdP, If where Lemma (1.5) and Parseval's relation on E Lfn urnLirfnli 22 L n If and n-00 G n, k (2T)k 1im E L2(Rn) , the right-hand side can be g 25 Let Dk be the domain of L . If f E D then there exists k' 00 such that fn in L2(Rn) while Lfn -in L2(T). The proof of the first part of the theorem shows that for a sequence fn almost every E CO Tr, (and an appropriate subsequence if necessary), k/2" (2Tr) fa. e. n Tr on 71 But we also know that for an appropriate sequence of n, on R a. e. fn It follows that (3.16) gT, = Since g E L2(T) , 2 -k/21\ f L (R11). E 2 k /2A a,. e. on Tr for a. e. it follows from Lemma (2.2) and (3.16) that Thus Finally suppose h f E E Dk. the first part of the proof of Theorem Dk, h in (3.6) shows that there exists hn (Rn) such that hn Thus it suffices to show L2(Rn) and Lhn converges in L2(T) E that fC Ll Rn) (Rn) C -I5k (Rn), But this is immediate from (3.3). Indeed, if simply choose L2(Rn), e. , 00 fn in E C0 L1 such that (Rn)and in fn f L2(Rn). in 26 4. AN INVERSION FORMULA From Theorem (Z. 4) we know that isometry from L2 (Rn ) into L2 (T) = L2 (2Tr) -k/2 (k/2A L) (T(Gn,k)) is an and it follows that (27)k [(Ak/2 L) (Ak/2 L)]f = f where (A k /2 L) * denotes the adjoint of if f E L2(Rn) (Ak/2 L). In this chapter we investigate the adjoint of the x-ray transform, L, inversion formula which shows how to recover from Lf or Ef whenever f E Dk . 2 Lemma (4.1). If L f and give an , is in the domain of then provided that /(x) g(Tr,x")dy. E L2 (Rn )- Gn,k Moreover the above formula defines the adjoint operator, i.e. = Lg. Proof. By Theorem (3.15) it is enough to compute the adjoint of the restriction of Lf E oo L0 (T) L to 00 Co (Rn). If oo f E Co , then and the use of Fubin.Ps theorem is justified in the 27 following calculations. If tion of x on g E L2(T) and P is the projec- (x) then Tr4", oo > L f(x")g(Tr, x")dx"di.i. Gn, k SS n, k f(x` x")g(Tr, x")dxIdx"dp. Tr 1T Sf(x)g(Tr, P Rn (x))dxdp. Tr"1" Gn, k =f(x)( Rn f712dx P (x )dp. g g(, _L dx )(Tr, 5G Tr k . 1R.1.1 Since the range of L must be contained in L2(Rn) the result follows. Theorem (4. 2). (Inversion Formula) k < n/2, or L.f = g, k >n/2, (2TT) (Note that the eNs. If fED k and Lf = g, then -kAk/2 L A k/2 g= f. Ak/2 on the left is acting in Rn while the on the right is acting on each fiber in T(Gn, k) ) Ak2/ 28 Proof. Let f and satisfy the hypotheses of the g theorem. First we show that Ak /2g hEC (Rn 0 ). is in the domain of L. Let Parseval's relation, Theorem (3.6), (3.16), and Lemma (2.2) give that = <(Lh ) A ,(A /2 g) A> L-(T) Lz (T) <Lh, Ak/2 g> 2 k" = (2w) <h, IV 1 k/24f> L2 (T) = (21T)k<i\l, -1(/21.\> 1 L2 (Rn ) kAA = (21r) <h, u> L2(Rn) where (4.3) Since -1c/2/\ f u= 4"2 n f EU E L (R ). k' A transform of u, Thus if u Parseval's relation on Rn gives that <Lh, Ak /2g> 2 = (27)k<h, L (T) for every Ak /2g hE is the inverse Fourier 00 Co (Etn ). /2g = ) According to Theorem (3.15) it follows that is in the domain of L*Ak u> L2 L and that (27)k u. The theorem now follows from the definition of A and (4.3). 29 THE SUPPORTS OF f AND Lf 5. If is a subset of Rn the support function of A A is defined by (5. 1) SA( ) = sup < y> yEA The support function is convex, homogeneous of degree lower semicontinuous, with values in (-00,00]. and 1, The value +00 may be obtained when A is unbounded. Until further notice convex subset of Rn. Lemma (5.2). If then x+Tr intersects (5.3) <x,(4> < Proof. If some yE Tr. will denote an n-dimensional, compact, K is a k-dimensional subspace of Rn, Tr if and only if K SK x+Tr But if for all (co) CO E intersects K then E Tr-I- is in (x+y) K for then <x, co> = <x+y, co> < SK(w). Conversely suppose (5.3) holds. Let projections of K and x on Tr-L. K" Now for all <x" , 0j> = <X, W> < SK(W) =SKI, (w) and u) x" E be the 30 Thus tains x" is contained in each halfspace in Since K" is closed and convex, K" intersects K and hence x" + Tr which con- is in K". Thud x" intersects x + Tr The following is an immediate consequence of Lemma (5.2). Corollary (5.4). If f is integrable and has support in then LTrf(x") = 0 <x", w> > whenever for someJ- (w) w E 7T . More interestingly the converse of Corollary (5.4) holds when k < n-2. Theorem (5.5). Let f k-space Tr, LTrf(x") = 0 does not intersect X" +IT outside K. E Ll and k < n- for almost every K, then f x" E . If for every Tr -L- such that vanishes almost ever where The result fails when k = n-l. Proof. Let H be a supporting hyperplane of K and let H+ {x: <x, e> >t0} be the open half space determined by H dis- joint from K. Define f(x), XEH h(x) = , otherwise. 31 If Tr LTrh(x") = 0 for if <x", 0> < other hand if t' then <x", 0> > to, L h(x) k < n-2, for a. e. x" + 7 x" E does not intersect H+. On the then (x" +Tr) C H. and LTrf(x") = 0 Tr Since it is clear that is a k-dimensional subspace in for a. e. x" E H rTh Tr-L Corollary (1. 6) shows that h vanishes almost everywhere. Thus f vanishes almost everywhere in H+. Since H was an arbitrary supporting hyperplane of K, the result fol- n-1 it is more con- lows. To see that the theorem fails when k venient to use the Radon transform notation. Recall that the Radon transform of an integrable function f is defined by Ref(t) = where 0 E Sn-1, t E <x, 0>=t R1, f(x)dan- 1 (x) and an-1 is the n-1 dimensional Lebesgue measure. Notice that Ref(t) = LerLf(t0). Thus it suffices to construct f E Ll(Rn) such that f does not have co12-n compact support but Ref(t) = 0, Let h for 1, log Ix 1 for be a when x C t n > 3. When n = > 1. Let A for all < 00 0. which is equal to function on Rn let h be equal to , be obtained from h by differen- f tiation in such a manner that f pact support. If <r 32 is integrable but does not have com- denotes the Laplacian, then Af = Ah = 0, >1. X Moreover t >1, (Ref)" = R (46f) = 0, primes denoting differentiation with respect to t. But since Ref 0 is an integrable function of t, as 0 Ref t Thus 00. jt >1, Ref(t) = 0, and the theorem is proved. Remark (5.6). A function a neighborhood of a point hood in 9 Rn ofin Tr° g(rr, x) (Tro, xo) Gn, k on T(Gn, k) vanishes in if there exists an open neighbor- and an open neighborhood such that g(Tr, x) = 0 for all (Tr, x) E (g X U) T(Gri, U of x 0 33 The function vanishes in an -neighborhood of g above can be chosen to contain the ball vanishes in a neighborhood, A C T(Gn, k) (E B(xo, if (70, xo) E As usual we E U f sa:,r -neighborhood), of a subset if it vanishes in a neighborhood, (E -neighborhood), each point of A. If is a subset of Rn and 6) U is a subset of Gn, k, we define u= Note U X E CU r1 (Pxu) T(Gn, k) consists of the pairs (Tr, x) with E9 ir and j-) The idea for the proof of the next theorem comes from Lemma (3.1) in [10]. The importance of the theorem is that it shows that it is possible in some cases to get inside the convex hull of the support of f from a knowledge of its x-rays in dimensions Theorem (5.7). Let Tro k < n-2. be a k-space k < n-1, an open, connected, unbounded subset of Tr-L0 . If f and co E C (Rn) V be and 0 Lf vanishes in a neighborhood of Tr 0 [E) V then f vanishes on Tro Proof. Without loss of generality assume that Choose neighborhoods N1, Nk of Tro = [e1, el, ..., ek such that ek]. 34 whenever w = (w1 wk) E NiX in a subspace of dimension k. Now if s 00 L f(y) = then Trw = [w1, xNk, yE , define Rn, 00 f(y+tiwi+. .+tkwk)dti...dtk -00 Note 1 (5. 8) Lwf(Y) = Wk L n wf(Y") Lf vanishes in a neighborhood of Tro ar V, Since vanishes in a neighborhood of each point Lwf yE w1 +V), (1T 1 = 1 al a a )( a w a k goo wki. -00 00 a 00 -00 ki 21 al . a ) \ wil = 1. If w.w. ) 1 (L f(y)) Iw=(e 1, w E N. with and 1 -00 a = (al, ak) 1 . . f(y+tlw1+...+tkwk t ...dtk (y+tiel++tkek)dti...dtk I and I al = i=1 vary in , ek) ) -00 ak f . tk ax a t1 . . where Letting wk) a 2 /a w a 1 (y, w1 is fixed, then +V TrO b.e. E N.. w. (5.8) shows that Tro + V we have w=(ei, ek) a as I I 35 tkkf(y+tlel t1 c:- CO a a a1 00 . +tkek)dt1...dt . = O. Thus (5.9) s: Pa(Y) a a is a polynomial of degree less than Since + yi +tkk e )d tl' ° *dtk tkkf(y+t e, was arbitrary I al Pa(Y) in the domain yi in is a polynomial in each of its variables separately and it follows that Pa(y) is a polynomial in in the domain y supp f C B(0, r) Tr 0 + V. 0 on [Tro + It follows that the polynomials on + V. Since Tr0 + V. f(y+t le 1+ t1' . r>0 such that then f Tr0 If we choose V (V \ B(0, r))] C Tro Pa(Y) + V. vanish on an open subset of is connected the polynomials vanish identically But then (5.9) shows that for all y E V, . +tkek) tk. Since is orthogonal to all polynomials in the variables f has compact support, f vanishes on The convolution of two integrable functions f given by the function and h Tr 0 is + V. 36 f *h(x) = f(y)h(x-y)dy and it is well known that (f*g)A = (27) n /2A /\ f g. Thus it follows from Lemma (1.5) that (5.10) LTr(f *g) = LTrf (L7g). Theorem (3. 6) shows that when k < n/2 and formula f E Dk, (5.10) holds almost everywhere on Tri for almost every Corollar V, 70 5.11). Let be as in Theorem (5. 7 ciently large integers (5.12) E . L1(Rn) have com act su ort and Assume in addition that for suffi- n>0 Vn = {x" E V d(x", rroi \V) > 1/n) (where d denotes distance), is an o en, unbounded, connected sub- set of V. Then if Lf vanishes in a neighborhood of vanishes almost everywhere on Proof. Let El) E Cx0(Rn) unit ball, and satisfy Tr0 7 0 El V, + V. be nonnegative, have support in the f 37 4)(x)dx = 1. If (x) then 4) is in C,0 oo *f n>0 has support in B(0, p) + supp f f For p >0 -11(x /p), p in L1 (R sufficiently large, n as ) p and 0. in (5.12) is an open, unbounded, Vn connected subset of V. Suppose that f has support in B(0, r). Since Lf Vn n B(0, r+1) is compact and contained in vanishes in an E -neighborhood of ciently small E ( n ) > 0. L( (5. 13) 1T If Ix for suffi- El (Vn n B(0, r+1)) Tr0 From (5.10) we have *f)(x") = and > r +1 y" E B(0, p) p V, L 0 < p < 1, Tr p (y")L f(x"-y")dy" . Tr then Ix" - y"1 > r for all and Corollary (5.4) implies L(4 p*f)(x") =0. Tr If Ix "1 < r+1 (Tro,x") and X" E TT-1- 0 vanishes in an E -neighborhood of Lf and (5.13) shows that L( 1T p *f)(x") vanishes if 38 0<p<E<1 and is sufficiently close to Tr (5.7) implies that vanishes on 10p *f Tro Tro. Now Theorem + V. Letting n go to infinity we get the desired result. Remark (5.14). The assumption of the unboundedness of is necessary. Indeed consider the function with support in the rectangle I x. <n defined by 1< , 0 <x1 <1 1, f(x) = -1 < x < 0 -1, If Tr =[e , ek], = 0 < r < 1, E Tr-Hx.1 and r, j = (n-k+1), <V then LTrf vanishes in a neighborhood of vanish on Tr + V. Corollary (5.13). If fE L1 (Rnhas compact support and for each (n-1)-dimensional subspace does not intersect side K, ii, LTrf(x") = 0 whenever x" + IT then f vanishes almost everywhere out- K. Proof. Set k = (n-1) V Tr 0 V while f does not is a half line. Thus Tr0 in Corollary (5.11). In this case the set +V is a halfspace. Corollary (5.11) 39 implies that f vanishes almost everywhere on each halfspace not containing K. Since K is convex we are done. 40 THE RANGE OF L 6. Ludwig [101, and later Lax and Phillips [ 9 ] , derived necessary and sufficient conditions that a measurable function 0,o, 0 sn-1, t E R be the Radon transform of a square integrable function with support in an n-dimensional, compact, convex set. The same is done here for the operator L. Although our proof fails in the case of hyperplanes, Ludwig's theorem establishes the result. Moreover when k <- n-2 Corollary (5.11) gives a characterization of the sup- port of f which, in some cases, is sharper than the convex hull f. Lemma (6.1). If f yE R (6.2) E n L1 (R) has compact support and then P (y) =<y, x">m L7 f(x")dx", 11 J- is- inde endent of the choice of the k-s ace. Tr C varies in Gn, k the integrals y E Tr, Moreover as Tr a homogsneotzspolL- nornial of degree m on Rn Proof. Taking p(t) Pm(y) tm < Tr -I- , in Lemma (1.3) gives x">m L f(x")dx" = <y, x>mf(x)dx. 41 The integral on the right is independent of and obviously defines 7 a homogeneous polynomial of degree m on Rn Let f E L1(Rn) have compact support. We investigate the polynomials (6. 3) ) Pm( = Pm(f, <x, = f(x)dx, E Rn. Rn These can also be defined for E simply by replacing Cn by in (6.3). Lemmas (6.4) and (6. 6) were established by K. T. Smith in an unpublished paper where he gives a new proof of Ludwig's theorem. Lemma (6.4 . If Fourier transform of has compact support, then the f E L1 (Rn ) f extends to a complex analytic function on with the expansion oo (6.5) = -mPm( ) (27)-n/2 m! m=-0 Proof. The extension of the Fourier transform is given by the Laplace transform AfR) (27)-n/2 e -i<x, f(x)dx . 42 En The integral converges absolutely for every even after differentiating under the integral sign, and does determine an entire function on Tn. On the other hand if the support of f is contained in B(0, r), then from (6.3) 1Pm()1 <WI I This shows that the series on the right of (6.5) converges absolutely En for every and also determines an entire function. Thus to prove (6. 5) it is enough to show it for gE as two distinct Rn, entire functions cannot agree on Rn If 0 is a direction in Rn and D ( a a agi agn ) then Taylor's formula gives oo <0, D>rn ?1(0)Till f(TO) = m! m---0 while Pm(0) (2T)n/2(<x, 0>m f(xi ))n I (27)11(<0,D>mlf\)(0) - Comparison of the two gives formula (6.5) for =T 0. The following theorem of Smith gives a characterization of the 43 possible sequence of polynomials P that can arise from a square integrable function f with support in B(0, r). Lemma (6.6). Let {13 be a sequence of polynomials such } that P m is homogeneous of degree Pm() < ill m- for all m and all E -m P IY1 ( m! c) The sum ) (which converges by b) is square integrable on Rn. Then there is a square integrable such that Pm() = Pm(f, f with support in the ball B(0, r) for all Proof. Define the entire function f by the formula (6.5). According to c), A f is square integrable on the real space, so it is the Fourier transform of a square integrable f, to show that f and the problem is has support in B(0, r). By virtue of b) 141 <(Z7) rl c-11/2 e 11+' +1.1 < cle By the Paley-Wiener theorem [3] f must vanish outside the cube Q fx 1 <- r, i = 1, By a rotation of coordinates becomes any cube that circumscribes outside the ball. B(0, r), so f Q must vanish 44 The Sobolev space Hs, s > 0, consists of those functions 11 on the fiber bundle T(Gn, k satisfying g(Tr,x) sA 2 ilgis=g ) IgTr(V)12dVd1J- < Gn, k These spaces will be denoted Theorem (6.7 K Let HS(T). or be a measurable function on Tr, x There exists a square integrable function T(Gn, k). in . Hs(T(Gn,k)) such that for every L7f g Tr with support Tr, a. e. on Tr -I- if and only if g E Hk (T) a_<y,x> k-space gTr(x)dx, y E Tr-L, is independent of the varies in Gn,k these integrals define a homogeneous polynomial of degree m in Tr C yL_ and as 7 Rn. g(Tr,x) = 0 whenever x + Tr there exists a constant c > 0 <c g L (Tr-L) for all does not meet K. such that 1T G n,k 45 Proof. When k = n-1, this is the theorem of Ludwig [10], and our proof fails. We prove the theorem when k < n-2. The necessity of the conditions has already been shown. We proceed to establish the sufficiency. For each (6.8) P and Tr Tr,m ( ) Rn E Tri, g (x)dx . <x, = define Tr Tr Condition (ii) shows that ( ) = P 772/M ( if ) E TrtcmTrt. Moreover (iii), (iv), and Lemma (6.4) give that A7T , M oo (6.9) i g ( ) Tr = _rn, (2Tr)(k-n)/2 P m! ( ) for each Tr. m=0 Now condition (ii) implies that (6.10) Pm( ) = (2Tr) -n/ ZP,Tr is a homogeneous polynomial of degree the polynomials P 111 on R. We claim that satisfy the conditions of Lemma (6.6). We have already shown that (a) holds. Moreover (6.10), (6.9), (i), and 46 Lemma 2.2) show that 00 (6.11) f( i-mP ) = ( m! is square integrable on Rn. Thus (c) also holds. To establish (b) in Lemma (6.6), note that each polynomial P has a unique ril extension to Tri-='RE given by writing E in place of 'IT , E 1T j in (6.8). If K C B(0, r), then (iii) and (iv) imply that pTr mg) < crm I Moreover since P = E I (27)-n/2P G Tr, on TT unique extension of P 111 Thus if n E I But agrees with PTr (En /71 on is perpendicular to a real k-space, then Prn( {x e Rn: <x, to it follows that the I < I Pit, = 0} =I.( I < Crnil OM is a subspace of dimension > . Thus (b) of Lemma (6.6) is satisfied. Now, if f is the inverse Fourier transform of Af, Lemma (6.6) implies that f has support in the 47 ball B(0, r). Consequently, Lemma (1.5), (6.11), (6.10), and (6.9) give that for each (L f) 7 (2Tr) 1c/2^ f =A g Tr Thus Lf = g. The fact that Theorem (5.5). on f has support in K follows from 48 7. THE NULL SPACE OF Let K be a fixed compact subset of Rn. We denote the square integrable functions on Rn with support in Lemma (7.1). For each k-space, is continuous from L2(K) Proof. Let f function of into L2(K) E the transformation E inequality in and we have ILf II2? L it denote the characteristic and let x K. Lemma ( 1 . ) shows that for each L2(IT) L2(K). L2 (Tr .) for almost every x" TT Tr, K by Tr, f(x', x") L2(n) E Thus we may use the Cauchy Schwarz =S IL fl 2dX" L 1-11 Tr X(xl,xll)f(x',xu)dx1I2 dx" = 71-1- IT Oci,x")dx1)1 < IT /Z IT If(x',x")I 2dxf)1 ( / 2dx" Tr < C(k,K)IIf 1122 where C(k, K) = sup E TT x(x x u)dx it Theorem(7.Z). The null space is a closed subspace of 49 2 L (K) whose orthogonal complement consists of the functions in 2 that are constant in the direction L (K) or more precisel on_ Tr, the intersection of k-planes in the direction Proof. Lemma (7.1) shows that with ir is Continuous Lir is closed. Without loss of generality assume It = [e1,. , function h is constant on k-planes in the direction if h f is a function of x" = (0...0, x Xh where function of X ,x n ) , It SO . , ek]. A It if and only alone. Suppose that is the characteristic function of K and h is a alone. If x" k+1 K. then gE Tr <g,f> = S. Rn Tr since the inner integral is L7g(x") Suppose hçgdxd gxhd h1 O, TT . It is sufficient to find a function h of x" f EV/ft alone such that L f = L Xh TT 7T Indeed if such an h is found, then L (f-xh) = 0, SO f Xh But by the above cflL 7 Thus f = xh, xh ILL lv So (f-xh) E IL. L 50 To find note that h Lf L xh Tr Tr if and only if (7.3) f(x x")dx = X (x', x")h(x")dx1 = 6(x ")h(x") Tr where Define xh E 6(x") LX II h(x) by the above formula. We need only show that L2 (K). Now (7.4) 1 Xh 1dx = S,5 5(x )1h(x )12dx SiTi.II But since xf = f, XIII2dxidx!' Tr 1T II . 7.3) and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality give (6( "))2 1 h(x") 1 2 Xf(xl x")dx? 1 = Tr It follows from (7.4) that s1 xh 1 2dx Rn . L (R n ) _11f1122 2 < 6(x") slf, 2dx1 Tr . 51 and we are done. We now describe an iterative scheme due to Kacmarz [2] that is being used to detect brain tumors. In the brain tumor work the method is used in two dimensions to reconstruct cross sections. 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