Learning outcomes for the German Studies Major Students who complete the German Studies major should emerge with the following knowledge and skills: Language Mastery of the German language sufficient to engage in scholarly discussions, to understand lectures in the language, and to read primary and secondary texts in literature, history, philosophy, art, music, and other humanities-related fields. History and Literature A knowledge of the history, literature, and culture of Germany and German-speaking Europe. Transdisciplinarity and Cross-Cultural Analysis The skills to think, do research, and write in a cross-disciplinary or transdisciplinary fashion. The ability to work across multiple cultures and linguistic traditions. Critical Reading The ability to read closely and to think rigorously, analytically, and imaginatively about different kinds of texts. The ability to use primary and secondary sources to understand historical and literary narratives. The ability to understand and evaluate historical ideas, arguments, and points of view, and place them within the larger cultural context of Europe and the world. The ability to evaluate competing interpretations and multiple narratives of the past through the use of fictional and non-fictional literature. Research and Evidence The skills to gather and assess primary historical and literary evidence in order to create and challenge narratives and interpretations of Germany’s present and past. The skills to compile a bibliography and utilize footnotes effectively. Collaboration The ability to provide constructive and effective critiques of each other’s work. The ability to undertake and complete a shared research project. Communication The ability to write lucid, concise, and effective prose. The ability to speak cogently and persuasively in both English and German. The skills to present clear and compelling arguments, based on critical analysis of diverse historical, literary, and philosophical sources, and effectively communicate them in written essays, oral presentations, and/or other media. The skills to develop a research question and complete a well-supported piece of written scholarship about it. Scope and Thematics Transnational or transcultural circulations of ideas, people, and cultures inside and outside Central Europe. Modern intellectual and cultural traditions in the German-speaking area and their impact on other parts of the world. Learning Outcomes for the German Studies Major Home Dept. Course No. Course Title History/ Literature Transdiscipline Critical /Cross-Cultural Reading Critical Reading Mastery of the German language sufficient to engage in scholarly discussions, to understand lectures in the language, and to read primary and secondary texts in literature, history, philosophy, art, music, and other humanities-related fields. Knowledge of the history, literature, and culture of Germany and Germanspeaking Europe. The skills to think, do research, and write in a crossdisciplinary or transdisciplinary fashion. The ability to work across multiple cultures and linguistic traditions. The ability to read closely and to think rigorously, analytically, and imaginatively about different kinds of texts. The ability to use primary and secondar y sources to understa nd historical and literary narrative s. The ability to understa nd and evaluate historical ideas, argument s, and points of view, and place them within the larger cultural context of Europe and the world. X X X X X X X X X X X X X LANG GERM 1 LANG GERM 1A Accelerated German X LANG GERM 1B Accelerated German X LANG GERM 2 First-Year German X LANG GERM 3 First-Year German X LANG GERM 4 Second-Year German X LANG GERM 5 Second-Year German X LANG GERM 119 German Media HIS HIS 80W/HIS 80L HIS 172A HIS First-Year German Language The Holocaust: The Destruction of European Jewry German History Research and Evidence Collabor Communication ation The ability to evaluate competin g interpreta tions and multiple narrative s of the past through the use of fictional and nonfictional literature. The skills to gather and assess primary historical and literary evidence in order to create and challenge narrative s and interpreta tions of Germany’ s present and past. The skills to compile a bibliograp hy and utilize footnotes effectivel y The ability to provide constructi ve and effective critiques of each other’s work. X X X The ability to undertak e and complete a shared research project. The ability to write lucid, concise, and effective prose. The ability to speak cogently and persuasiv ely in both English and German. The skills to present clear and compellin g argument s, based on critical analysis of diverse historical, literary, and philosoph ical sources, and effectivel y communi cate them in written essays, oral presentat ions, The skills to develop a research question and complete a wellsupporte d piece of written scholarsh ip about it. X X X X X X Scope and Thematics X X X X X X X X Transnati onal or transcultu ral circulatio ns of ideas, people, and cultures inside and outside Central Europe. Modern intellectu al and cultural traditions in the Germanspeaking area and their impact on other parts of the world. HIS HIS 172B German Film, 1919–1945 X X X X X X X X X X X HIS HIS 172C German Film, 1945 - Present X X X X X X X X X X X LIT LTGE 102 Introduction to German Literature X X X X X X X X X X X X X LIT LTGE 120 X X X X X X X X X X X X X LIT LTGE 150 Fear of the Foreign: Xenophobia in German Literature and Culture German Romanticism X X X X X X X X X X X X X LIT LTGE 154 The German Novelle X X X X X X X X X X X X X LIT LTGE 164 Modern German Fiction X X X X X X X X X X X X X LIT LTGE 165 German Drama X X X X X X X X X X X X X LIT LTGE 166 Contemporary German Literature and Film X X X X X X X X X X X X X LIT LTGE 167 Modern German Literature and Film X X X X X X X X X X X X X LIT LTMO 145B Modern Literature: Bertolt Brecht X X XX X X X X X X X X X LIT LTMO 167G Goethe's "Faust" X X X X X X X X X X X X LIT LTMO 168D Germany in War and Peace X X X X X X X X X X X X HIS HIS 196G Modern Germany and Europe X X X X X X X X X X X X HIS HIS 196P Hitler and Stalin X X X X X X X X X X X X LIT LTMO 190Z Topics in German Literature and Culture X X X X X X X X X X X X HIS HIS 65A Medieval Europe, 200-1000 X HIS HIS 70A Modern European History, 1500-1815 X HIS HIS 70B Modern European History, 1815-Present X HIS HIS 75 Film and the Holocaust X HIS HIS 105 Nations & Nationalism X HIS HIS 169 Dutch and Belgian History, 1500 - Present X HIS HIS 174 Spies: History and Culture of Espionage X HIS HIS 176 Eastern Europe, 1848-2000 X HIS HIS 178E Modern Jewish Intellectual History X HIS HIS 183B Fascism and Resistance in Italy X HIS HIS 185J The Modern Jewish Experience X HAVC HAVC 137A Northern Renaissance Art X HAVC HAVC 190Q Portraiture: Europe and America, 1400–1990 X HISC HISC 119 Politics of Recognition X LIT LTMO 144C Literature and the Holocaust POLI POLI 105B Early Modern Political Thought X POLI POLI 105C Modern Political Thought X POLI POLI 176 International Political Economy X PHIL PHIL 106 Kant X PHIL PHIL 107 Nineteenth-Century Philosophy X PHIL PHIL 110 Heidegger X X Assessment Plan for the German Studies Program Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) and Postgraduate Activities Data source Is this an existing assignment or it will be created? From whom evidence will be collected Assessment tool When evidence will be collected Analysis or Report PLO 1 - German 1-5 Existing Students enrolled in German 5 Collaboration with Language Program to make sure German 5 students are ready for upper-division courses taught partially or primarily in German Fall, Winter, Spring 2014-15 Fall 2015 Lower- and Upper-Division History and Literature Core Courses Existing German Studies majors enrolled in History and Literature Core courses Collaboration with History and Literature departments to ensure the quality of Core courses Fall, Winter, Spring 2015-16 Fall 2016 Fall, Winter, Spring 2013-14 Fall 2014 Language Competency PLO 2 History and Literature Random sampling of essays and exams PLOs 4, 5, 6, 7 4 - Critical Reading 5 - Research & Evidence 6 - Collaboration 7 - Communication Prepared S. Sawyer Senior Thesis or Research Papers from History and Literature for the disciplinary communications (DC) requirement. Existing All German Studies majors who have completed History or Literature DC senior seminar courses or senior thesis courses Independent reading of essays by 2 or more German Studies faculty. Special scrutiny of lowerquality essays to make sure they meet minimum standards; and of highestquality essays for possible writing awards and participation in undergraduate seminars and symposia Monday, December 9, 2013 Assessment Plan for German Studies Program Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) and Postgraduate Activities Data source Is this an existing assignment or it will be created? From whom evidence will be collected Assessment tool When evidence will be collected Analysis or Report PLO 3, 8 Declared Majors Existing All German Studies Courses Comprehensive analysis of student pathways thru the major to assess student exposure to broad chronological time frames, geographies, and thematics Fall, Winter, Spring 2016-17 Fall 2017 Graduates Existing Report from the UCSC Career Center 2013-2018 Career Destinations Survey Spring 2018 Fall 2018 Report from UCSC Institutional Research Student survey data (UCUES) Transdisciplinarity and Cross-Cultural Analysis Scope and Thematics Survey of postgraduate activities (Career Destinations Suvey) Prepared S. Sawyer Monday, December 9, 2013