University of California, Office of the President DRAFT Summary Statistics for UCUES Core Table 111a Satisfaction: UC gpa 1 = Very dissatisfied 2 = Dissatisfied 3 = Somewhat dissatisfied 4 = Somewhat satisfied 5 = Satisfied 6 = Very satisfied Skipped question Possible Respondents Actual Respondents (Valid N) *Valid Response Rate Total N **Item Response Rate Mean Difference from Systemwide Mean Standard Deviation Systemwide Total 4747 7998 12062 14654 13203 4531 852 58047 57195 98.5% 153173 37.3% 3.65 0.00 1.39 % Satisfied ("Somewhat Satisfied," "Satisfied", "Very Satisfied") 56.6% 67.0% % Satisfied ("Satisfied", "Very Satisfied") 31.0% 39.9% *ratio of actual to possible (those who logged in) respondents. **ratio of actual respondents to total N. 8% 14% 21% 26% 23% 8% Santa Cruz 252 500 921 1371 1529 493 63 5129 5066 98.8% 13114 38.6% 3.97 0.32 1.31 5% 10% 18% 27% 30% 10% Prepared by UCOP/SA Admissions Research Evaluation, pz, on 10 Oct 2006 Source: UCUES 2006 University of California, Office of the President DRAFT Summary Statistics for UCUES Core Table 111b Satisfaction: overall social experience 1 = Very dissatisfied 2 = Dissatisfied 3 = Somewhat dissatisfied 4 = Somewhat satisfied 5 = Satisfied 6 = Very satisfied Skipped question Possible Respondents Actual Respondents (Valid N) *Valid Response Rate Total N **Item Response Rate Mean Difference from Systemwide Mean Standard Deviation Systemwide Total 2266 4155 8032 15644 17749 9306 895 58047 57152 98.5% 153173 37.3% 4.23 0.00 1.30 % Satisfied ("Somewhat Satisfied," "Satisfied", "Very Satisfied") 74.7% 80.4% % Satisfied ("Satisfied", "Very Satisfied") 47.3% 54.8% *ratio of actual to possible (those who logged in) respondents. **ratio of actual respondents to total N. 4% 7% 14% 27% 31% 16% Santa Cruz 145 248 602 1296 1725 1052 61 5129 5068 98.8% 13114 38.6% 4.45 0.22 1.24 3% 5% 12% 26% 34% 21% Prepared by UCOP/SA Admissions Research Evaluation, pz, on 10 Oct 2006 Source: UCUES 2006 University of California, Office of the President DRAFT Summary Statistics for UCUES Core Table 111c Satisfaction: overall academic experience 1 = Very dissatisfied 2 = Dissatisfied 3 = Somewhat dissatisfied 4 = Somewhat satisfied 5 = Satisfied 6 = Very satisfied Skipped question Possible Respondents Actual Respondents (Valid N) *Valid Response Rate Total N **Item Response Rate Mean Difference from Systemwide Mean Standard Deviation Systemwide Total 1037 2441 6554 17310 21874 7870 961 58047 57086 98.3% 153173 37.3% 4.40 0.00 1.10 % Satisfied ("Somewhat Satisfied," "Satisfied", "Very Satisfied") 82.4% 83.4% % Satisfied ("Satisfied", "Very Satisfied") 52.1% 53.9% *ratio of actual to possible (those who logged in) respondents. **ratio of actual respondents to total N. 2% 4% 11% 30% 38% 14% Santa Cruz 81 225 532 1494 2015 710 72 5129 5057 98.6% 13114 38.6% 4.44 0.03 1.09 2% 4% 11% 30% 40% 14% Prepared by UCOP/SA Admissions Research Evaluation, pz, on 10 Oct 2006 Source: UCUES 2006 University of California, Office of the President DRAFT Summary Statistics for UCUES Core Table 111d Satisfaction: value of your education for the price you're paying 1 = Very dissatisfied 2 = Dissatisfied 3 = Somewhat dissatisfied 4 = Somewhat satisfied 5 = Satisfied 6 = Very satisfied Skipped question Possible Respondents Actual Respondents (Valid N) *Valid Response Rate Total N **Item Response Rate Mean Difference from Systemwide Mean Standard Deviation Systemwide Total 3053 4678 9015 15996 15662 8724 919 58047 57128 98.4% 153173 37.3% 4.10 0.00 1.36 % Satisfied ("Somewhat Satisfied," "Satisfied", "Very Satisfied") 70.7% 60.0% % Satisfied ("Satisfied", "Very Satisfied") 42.7% 30.0% *ratio of actual to possible (those who logged in) respondents. **ratio of actual respondents to total N. 5% 8% 16% 28% 27% 15% Santa Cruz 451 568 1007 1524 1144 374 61 5129 5068 98.8% 13114 38.6% 3.68 -0.41 1.37 9% 11% 20% 30% 23% 7% Prepared by UCOP/SA Admissions Research Evaluation, pz, on 10 Oct 2006 Source: UCUES 2006 University of California, Office of the President DRAFT Summary Statistics for UCUES Core Table 111e Campus climate: I feel that I belong at this campus 1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Disagree somewhat 4 = Agree somewhat 5 = Agree 6 = Strongly agree Skipped question Possible Respondents Actual Respondents (Valid N) *Valid Response Rate Total N **Item Response Rate Mean Difference from Systemwide Mean Standard Deviation Systemwide Total 1954 2872 5398 14638 18955 13026 1204 58047 56843 97.9% 153173 37.1% 4.49 0.00 1.27 3% 5% 9% 26% 33% 23% Santa Cruz 192 237 434 1260 1639 1273 94 5129 5035 98.2% 13114 38.4% 4.54 0.04 1.29 % Agree ("Agree Somewhat," "Agree", "Strongly Agree") 82.0% 82.9% % Agree ("Agree", "Strongly Agree") 56.3% 57.8% *ratio of actual to possible (those who logged in) respondents. **ratio of actual respondents to total N. 4% 5% 9% 25% 33% 25% Prepared by UCOP/SA Admissions Research Evaluation, pz, on 10 Oct 2006 Source: UCUES 2006 University of California, Office of the President DRAFT Summary Statistics for UCUES Core Table 111f Campus climate: Knowing what I know now, I would still choose to enroll at this campus 1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Disagree somewhat 4 = Agree somewhat 5 = Agree 6 = Strongly agree Skipped question Possible Respondents Actual Respondents (Valid N) *Valid Response Rate Total N **Item Response Rate Mean Difference from Systemwide Mean Standard Deviation Systemwide Total 2381 2671 5109 10673 17276 18905 1032 58047 57015 98.2% 153173 37.2% 4.66 0.00 1.36 4% 5% 9% 19% 30% 33% Santa Cruz 223 240 442 956 1512 1680 76 5129 5053 98.5% 13114 38.5% 4.65 -0.01 1.37 % Agree ("Agree Somewhat," "Agree", "Strongly Agree") 82.2% 82.1% % Agree ("Agree", "Strongly Agree") 63.5% 63.2% *ratio of actual to possible (those who logged in) respondents. **ratio of actual respondents to total N. 4% 5% 9% 19% 30% 33% Prepared by UCOP/SA Admissions Research Evaluation, pz, on 10 Oct 2006 Source: UCUES 2006