Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders Personal Reference Form University of Northern Iowa Graduate School Admission 230 Communication Arts Center Cedar Falls IA 50614-0356 To the Applicant: This is a required form for admission to the Communication Sciences and Disorders Graduate Program at the University of Northern Iowa. This form should be given to professors who are able to comment on your qualifications for graduate study. It is expected that you will request recommendations only from faculty/clinical supervisors. Complete A, B, C, and D. Deliver this form to the references with a stamped envelope addressed to: International Admissions University of Northern Iowa 2 Gilchrist Hall Cedar Falls IA 50614-0018 A. _________________________________________________ Student’s Last Name First/Given Major: Speech-Language Pathology Middle or Maiden B. Name of the individual (reference) completing this form:_____________________________________ C. Period of time you have known the individual and in what capacity? ____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ D. List the courses you have taken under the direction of this person: Course Number Course Title When Taken Grade Applicant’s Waiver of Rights to Access The signature below constitutes a waiver of the applicant’s right of access to this reference; if not signed, the reference will be made available to the applicant. Please Print: Name: _________________________________ Date: ___________ Signature:___________________________________ The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders requests this information for the purpose of considering your acceptance into the departmental graduate program. No persons outside the University are routinely provided this information. Release of any information is governed by Board of Regents rules and applicable state and federal statues. To the Individual Completing this Form: The student on the reverse side has applied for admission to the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of Northern Iowa. The completed Reference Form, and any additional statements must be returned by January 20 (Fall Admission) or September 15 (Spring Admission). 1. I have verified sections C and D are correct. 2. Please rank this applicant in comparison with other students with whom you have worked with. No basis to judge Weak Average Good Very Good Written expression: Oral expression: Dependability: Basic intellectual ability: Common sense: Leadership skills: Self-evaluation skills: Self-confidence (esteem): Organization: Tact: Performance relative to potential: Potential as a graduate student: Potential as a graduate assistant: 3. Please rate the following if you have had clinical experience with this student. No basis to judge Weak Average Good Problem-solving skills: Responsiveness to constructive criticism: Application of academic knowledge to clinic: Ability to relate to clients/families: Overall clinical abilities: 4. Would you recommend this candidate be accepted into your graduate program? (Check one) 1. Strongly recommend 2. Recommend with some reservation 3. Would not recommend 5. We encourage you to attach a letter of support. Name: Department: Signature: Institution: Position: Date completed: Mail completed reference: International Admissions University of Northern Iowa 2 Gilchrist Hall, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0018 Very Good Superior Superior