MFTt1CDS, OF TEST 'FOIE IFTFIMIiNING STRFNGTI I PROPERTIES OF CCRF MATLRIAF- TOR SAND WICI1 CONSTRUCTION, AT NORMAL-TFMIPFIR,ATIJRL S Revised October 1948 , This Report is One of a Serie s Issued In Cooperation with th e AIR FORCE-NAVY-CIVIL SU13CUMMITT E on AIRCRAFT DESIGN CRITERIA Under the Supervision of th e AIRCRAFT CUMM1TTF F of the MUNITIONS BOARD No. 155 5 UNITED _ STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUR E FOWEST SERVIC E FOREST'RODUCTS LABORATOR Y Madison 5, Wisconsi n In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin Table of Contents Page Introduction 1 Compression flatwise 5 Compression edgewise 7 Tension flatwise 8 :Shear test for the determination of the modulus of rigidity 9 Torsion pendulum shear test for the determination of th e modulus of rigidity in any plane 11 Shear strength and stress-strain curves of core materiels 13 The determination of moisture content and specific gravity 15 Report No . 1555, revised r: F-I-7-r-'7"77717 METHOti' 0 TEST FOR DETERMINING STRENGTH PROPERT OF CORE MATERIAL FOR SANDWICH CONSTRUCTION A T NORMALTEMPERATURES! 3; ' ' Sandwi' : ~ ori5'rQ03'&rl-nay be defined as a materials, consisiOdi- of a comparatively lightweight faces of which ark bonded relatively thin facings o f a denser and stronger -material . Method. of testing core materials here outlined are based o n experience obtain** nga large number of specimens and have prove n satisfactory . The core matt e. at are us e several categories, " _ . natural, &Aped -tV 1 le .raiaban, n ' .Test I , Tit WO. of 't c _ R w•~ i . . .wpic -perties O eert i tai*, ._ ch construction fall int o such as balsa ; synthetic ate, f sr p ee , ~ esins,• Ir ; hard ness ]I ~ '' and the r~'. . _ ,' ~e core ' '" ~ . es _ L ~ t. , ually pe _` J materials, however, do not ha F strength axes, so that it may be nece .=oary tot ( ri . detail in order to provide complete informatio ! In me instances, parallel or perpendicular to th arellel or perpendicular to the machin e ematri riptive eno identify the 'direction in which th e In these t-e cedures erms -s. "flatwise e sandwich and "edgewise direction" used to describe directions of loa d e, to directions that ar e e core material in the sandwich i s -rials the test • -o.. edures would have to ion e a complet e si p This progress report is one of a series prepared and distributed by th e Forest Products Laboratory under U . S . Navy, Bureau of Aeronautics No . NBA-PO-NAer 00619, Amendment No, 1, and U . S . Air Force No . USAF-PO-(33--038)48-L1E . Results here reported are preliminary and may be revise d as additional data become available . Report No . 1555, revised . -1- General information is included on gluing procedures that have bee n found satisfactory, as well as descriptions of fabrication methods and jig s that may be helpful to the user of this report in preparation of specimens , Scone 2, These methods cover procedure for determining the following strengt h properties of core materials : (a) Compression : j .) In the flatwise direction (perpendicular to the plan e of the sandwich) , (2) In the edgewise direction (parallel to the plane o f the sandwich) . .'4b) Tension : (1) In the flatwise direction (perpendicular to the of the sandwich) . plane (c) Shear : ( 1) Shear test for the determination of the modulus o f rigidity associated with shearing strains in plane s ., parallel to the faces of the plate . j ~ . . E 4(2) Torsion pendulum shear test for the determination o f -s he modulus of rigidity in any plane . ~ .. , 1_ . . (3) Shear strength in the flatwise plane (parallel to th e plane of-the sandwich) . . st Specimen 47 ,. - .. _ _ _. 3 . (a) Selection of test specimens .--The number of test specimens t o be chosen for test and the method of their selection depend on the purpos e of the particular tests under consideration, so that no general rule can b e given to cover all cases . However, with the exception of the plate shea r test, no less than five specimens of a type shall be tested . A minimum o f two specimens shall be tested for the determination of the modulus o f rigidity by the plate shear method unless the results of the two tests do no t agree, then mox'e tests shall be required . Any natural skin the core materia l may have from the manufacturing process shall be removed before the specimen s are tested . If desired, supplemental tests may be made on specimens that d o not have the natural skin removed, but when this is done, the records of th e test shall indicate this clearly . '+'►' t ' ti }. Report Noa 1555, revised . r f .r2 it 1 'l ;1'_J I ~IfJ `.11 _4 0 )1 4~ L-,, I Note : Surfacing techniques for use in preparing balsa, cellula r cellulose acetate, cellular hard rubber, and paper, glass-fabric, and cotton fabric honeycomb cores are described in Forest Products Laboratory Report No . 157)4, "Fabrication of Lightweight Sandwich Panels of the Aircraft Type . " (b) Control of moisture content and temperatures--The strength-proper ties of some core materials may depend on the moisture content and tempera ture at time of test . When this is the case, all core material for tes t shall be preferably conditioned to approximately constant weight and b e tested in a room of controlled temperature and humidity . In any event, wher e moisture content or temperature differences may affect results of tests, th e tests shall be conducted so that the conditions will be uniform throughou t the thickness, and so that changes will not occur during test . A temperatur e of 75° F . and a relative humidity of 6L1 percent or a temperature of 75° F. and a relative humidity of 50 percent are recommended . (c) Adhesive processes and alining jigs for use in specime n fabrication .--The adhesive process to be used in bonding the core specimen s to test fixtures will depend on the mechanical and chemical properties of th e core materials . For cores low in strength, room-temperature-settin g resorcinol-resin adhesives can be used . If the solvents in these adhesive s affect the core material, they may be replaced by room-temperature-settin g urea-resin adhesives or intermediate-temperature-setting phenol-resin adhe sives, A medium spread of adhesive should be applied to both the core an d the fixture surface, and an open-assembly period of 5 to 10 minutes b e allowed, followed assembly and pressing. Maximum allowable pressure (15 by p .s.i. has been found satisfactory for a number of core materials) that wil l not damage the core should be applied and allowed to remain on the specime n f,hours at room temperature . If the intermediate-temperatureT-resin adhesives are used, a glue-line temperature of 180° F . ,0 mi rr es should result in sufficient curing of the joint . When the ~ures4 re of metal, application of a heat-curing priming adhesive to th e Otal andd its curing are required prior to the bonding of the core to th e primed metal . . For high-strength and all honeycomb-type cores, special hot-settin g adhesives, of the type formulated . for bonding to metal, shall be used fo r .bonding the aat4rials to the n4#a,l fixtures . Manufacturers' direction s shall ba fold J the use ofth i adhesive s4 Maximum allowable pressur e : ..• Wit .dddinage to tie cc:el material lae used (15 p.s .i . has been use d *&th honeycomb cores,'and te high A5~with end-grain balsa) . S'ifficient time should be allowed for the heat to penetrate any alining ji g a .1 fixtures to insure proper curing of the adhesive . NN metal fixtures shall be cleaned to remove any surface contamination prio At bonding to the core material . A recommended procedure fo r aluminum istfirst to remove as much contamination as possible by wiping wit h an acetone-soaked cloth and then to immerse it for 10 minutes at 140° t o 160° F . in a solution of 10 parts by weight of concentrated sulphuric acid , one part by weight of sodium dichromate, and 30 parts by weight of water , and then to wash it in hot water and air dry . Steel plates have been cleane d by abrading with No . 1/2 emery cloth and washing off the particles with ho t water and steam, and then quickly air drying . Report No . 1555, revised -3- •y 1 I L uI ~ i in the tension. test, can b Aluminum cubes, ed by sanding off adhdalve and core ma and resurfacing to a uniform thickness on a mill ingr nine . In sot> tances, adhesives have been removed through the us e ffi4"s-4f hot molten salts . The cubes shall not be reused whe n , 5400 inch of thickness has been removed during reuse . Stee l g es c* reused by scraping off as much adhesive and core material a s possibley0by applying heat if necessary, and then sanding off th e remainder; emery cloth . Slinement of specimen and fixtures is an important factor i f accurate test results are to be obtained, it is recommended that an alinemen t jig be used in the fabrication of test specimens . Alinement jigs that hav e been used satisfactorily in the preparation of tension and shear specimens ar e shown in figures 1 and 2 . The tension specimen jig will permit preparation of as many as 25 test specimens on a single core sample . Specimens are fabricated in this jig by placing the cubes, with adhesive spread on thei r upper surface, in the lower alining holes ; laying the core material, wit h adhesive on both surfaces, on the cubes ; insertion of upper alining bars o n top of the jig ; and then placing cubes, with adhesive on the lower surface , in the upper holes of the jig . The assembly is then pressed under prope r conditions . Following the curing of the specimens, the jig is taken apar t and the specimen assembly removed . Individual specimens are cut from th e group with the use of a bandsaw . The shear-specimen jig shown in figure 2 has a ;lumber of adjustment s to permit its use with several thicknesses and lengths of plates . In assembl y the lower plate is positioned with the loading end against the movable end o f the jig and with the adhesive-spread surface up ; the core, spread on bot h faces with adhesive, is placed on top of the plate ; hinges are inserted a t the ends of the core ; and then the top plate is placed with the adhesive spread surface down and loading end against the fixed end of the jig on to p of the core, The movable end of the jig is then tightened until the distanc e lalmnm the upper gtwps is equal to the length of the plate . In a properly -tsadfORGI jig, the d ig between the middle stops will be equal to th e jMqIPk of the . ._ 1 ckness of the two hinges, and the core will be ' y posi tween the plates . The specimen is then pressed and cure d IIle ' I' amen removed from the jig . s* 'i . . . - _ '~ •it 1 J, Sy n= f i' d 4 . The reps -of Bch test shall inotude a Complete description o f 'b rterial, incl g its origin and kind ..-;-.T type of test and any detail s wing to the ication of the specimelRe 7ti bo given . When specimens OPMN40zceived arly .,VOial conditioning prior='to test, this shall be stated . =4'' he " zhall be given, as well as any othe r facto *'might ha m '!t,#W 'its of the tests . These shal l inter• glues,-4 m*00 tures, 'end predbures used in fabricating specimens , directioj_o f, 4 for other orientation data, and type of extensometer used . A comple eesc ion of type of trailure shall be included in the report . .. y, f r? 6~, . . 1 l• r •• µ ber Compression Flatwis e Scope 5. This method shall be used to test the core material in compressio n in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the sheet of the finishe d sandwich . Test Specimen 6. The test specimen shall be 2 inches square by 5 to 8 inches i n height . The cut edges shall be smooth and free of burs . The width, depth , and thickness shall be measured to the nearest 0 .001 inch . If the availabl e thickness of core material is less than 5 inches, a group of identical tes t pieces having all surface irregularities removed shall be stacked on e .on to p of the other without bonding to a height not less than 5 inches . If stress strain data are desired, the minimum practical height of individual tes t piece will be 1/2 inch . Loaded Surfaces Paralle l 7. Care shall be taken to prepare the test specimens so that th e loaded faces (2- by 2-inch) will be parallel to one another and perpendicula r to the edges of the specimen . Where additional support of the bearing sur faces is necessary, the ends of the specimen shall be cast in a suitable mold ing material (plaster of Paris or cast resin) so that the ends will be flus h with the exterior surface of the cast base as shown in figure 3 . Loading Procedur e 8. The load shall be applied to the specimen "through a spherical load ing block, preferably of the suspended, self-alining type . The load shall b e applied with a continuous movement of the movable head of 0 .003 inch per inc h of height of specimen per minute, with a permissible variation of ± 25 percent . Stress-strain Curve s 9. (a) Data for stress-strain curves may be taken to determine th e modulus of elasticity, proportional limit, and yield strength at 0 .2 percen t offset . Increments of load shall be so chosen that approximately 12 reading s of load and deformation are taken to the proportional limit . Deformation s shall be read to at least the nearest 0 .0001 inch by means of a compres someter having a gage length not exceeding two-thirds of the height of th e specimen, or two-thirds the height of the test piece in a built-up specimen . The compressometer shall measure the strain over the central portion of th e thickness of the specimen, or the central portion of the middle test piece i n a built-up specimen, and, if of the lever type, shall have adequate suppor t Report No . 1555, revised -5- e n, spherics rig block, a -s a uremen? . Also shown is the total deformation in th e ding a specime n ing strain tha t extensometer . The orms to th e f strain gag e e 4 gives constrain material, but the weight o f ge tends t o strain measurements on weak ials . I wa s e gage suspended on 7/8 inch l o brads, ch the specimen, significantly affec e cellulose acetate of about 6 pounds per c obtain4d in this manner was 80 percen t obta th a ~,.9rted in figure 5 ' in which the d by ies focused on a specific poin t 1~ ~~'beh rand. sat 0 .017-inch-diameter needles that penetrate t 0pecimen to a dept ;Ai ,; Electric-type strain gages ar e usually not considered satisfactory because heir stiitfness . Note : The use of dial gages for measuring head travel is not s o accurate as, nor exactly comparable to, the use of strain gages mounted o n the specimen, but is permissible for preliminary evaluation of core material . Definition of Ultimat e 10. Ultimate stress shall be the maximum stress attained on the speci men or the stress on the specimen at 2 percent strain, whichever occurs first . If the ultimate stress occurs below 2 percent strain, the strain at ultimat e shall be reported (note) . Note : It has been necessary to define failure because some core mate rials continue to yield almost indefinitely, with the load increasing wit h the yield . Moisture Content and Specific Gravit y 11. The moisture content and specific gravity of each specimen shal l be determined as outlined in section 42 . Report No . 1555, revised -6- CompressionEd gewis e Scope 12. This method shall be used to test the core material in compression in the dip @~ tion parallel to the plane of the sheet of the finishe d sandwich . Test Specimen 13. The test specimen shall be 2 inches wide by 2 inches high by 1/ 2 inch in thickness measured perpendicular to the plane of the sandwich (note) . The cut edges shall be smooth and free of burs . The width, height, and thick ness shall be measured to the nearest 0 .001 inch . Note : If a specimen 1/2 inch in thickness cannot be obtained, a specimen 1 inch wide by 4 inches in height by the thickness of the materia l shall be obtained and tested with lateral support in a jig as shown i n figure 6 . End Surfaces Parallel 14. Care shall be taken to prepare the test specimen so that the en d surfaces will be parallel and be perpendicular to the faces of the specimen . Loading Procedure 15. The load shall be applied to the specimen through a spherica l loading block, preferably of the suspended self-alining type . The load shall be applied with a continuous movement of the movable head of the testin g machine of 0 .003 inch per inch of height of specimen with a permissible varia tion of ± 25 percent . Stress-strain Curve s 16. (a) Data for stress-strain curves shall be taken to determin e the modulus of elasticity, proportional limit, and yield strength at 0 .2 per cent offset . Increments in load shall be so chosen that approximately 1 2 readings of load and deformation are taken to proportional limit . Deformations shall be measured to the nearest 0 .0001 inch by means of a compres someter having a gage length not exceeding two-thirds of the height of th e specimen . The compressometer shall measure the strain over the central por tion of the height of the specimen . The apparatus for test and the limit s thereon shall he the sane as specified for the compression flatwise test i n section 9 . Report No, 1555, revised -7- 1* fatim open shwa e- c in (?a1 - * Ito o >> _ n def le c ftra]L re eached, the height of the spec s ', :e wlU r suit tn some mai Oer other than in n - go :__ . r_ Definition of U _ 'e' --. : ~; ~, , ,~ ;~1 . •., , e.sls_ tai :E1 •bn the 17 . Intimate stave' the Am or- Ulm stress on the s _ at , ; ,t . e7r occurs first . a:f tile ui t- Mate s occ O bel.oW 2 • p t stg:dddl, strain at ultimat e 'll be reported . 'I" 1 .1 »►T - -L tiyy ' is '4► , ~`• t , Y. n'_ £ ,y}y~, r . , li 'I I1 np_ p■.a .,+~`-tit 1 a !qt --' T. -. }- .'I' 1st i' e Contest Gravity &.' jam# F' `. .."~~ ' 1 : 1 j .4 - =~~+X1 I4 4i 18.. The moister coat 5.t anti sou in sectio n 19 . This method of test shall be used to determine the tensil e strength of the core material in the direction normal to the plane of th e sandwich . all be a 1-inch square section of the core mate ess as will be used in the finished panel . One(17ST aluminum alloy is recommended for use wit h rd-maple cubes, bonded to the-side-grain surfac e Yiia having tensile strengths to 350 pounds pe r Sri 12qt1 ~cie ater- i 1 . One hole , the hol e The ~ t "Ca 'Ire s shall be ubes the illed into the side gr a m the face opposite th e bonding face, and equidistant ( etween the adjacen t sides . The specimen shall .be as s holes in the two cube s ented at 90° to each other , apposite sides of the core mat and the sides of the two cubes b e maximum offset tolerance , The dimensions of t hall be measured to th e nearest 0 .001 inch . The completed specimen and ngs that apr. y the load are shown in figure 7 . With cellular-type cor e als havin, ell open ss of 3/8 inch, the s increased -1 sh e t~ f woo3 ''core I t cqata B ' 11P Loading Procedure 21 . The specimen shall be loaded to failure in the fitting as show n in figure 8 . The fittings for applying load to the specimen shall be made a s shown in figure 9 . The load shall be applied to the specimen by continuou s motion of the movable head of the testing machine, The rate of . head travel shall be 0 .035 inch per minute with a permissible variation of ± 25 percent . Test Data 22. This specimen will fail in tension in the core material or at the glue lines, whichever is weakest . The stress at failure shall be obtained by dividing the ultimate load by the cross-sectional area . If the failure is i n or partially in the glue bond between core and test fixture, the test shall be considered unsatisfactory . Moisture Content and Specific Gravit y 23. The moisture contest and specific gravity of each specimen shal l be determined as specified iii section 42 . Shear , Test for the Determination of the Modulus of Rigidity ? Scope 24. This method of test shall be used to determine the modulus o f rigidity associated with shearing strains in the plate o f, the plate or planes parallel thereto (notes 1 and 2) . Note 1 : The modulus of rigidity as determined by this test method i s the same in directions if the material is isotropic . If not, it is the modulus associated with the shear distortion in the planes parallel to th e faces of the plate . all Note 2 : This method of test can be used instead of the method de scribed in sections 30 to 34, inclusive, for determining the modulus o f rigidity in any of the planes of elastic symmetry by suitably cutting th e material and edge gluing the strips obtained to provide a plate whose face s are parallel to the plane for which the modulus of rigidity is desired . ?Further description and discussion of this method of test may be obtaine d from Forest Products Laboratory Report No . 1301, June 1942 . 'This testing procedure is described in and is a part of ASTM Specification D805-47 , " Methods of Testing Plywood, Veneer, and Other Wood and Wood-bas e Materials . " Report No . 1555, revised -9- ngth othe ess . ength and wid kness equal to th e shall be not less s shall be measured nearest 0 .01 inch . igief1001 , e. .le inivature ; ia1b . If sp,eelens have Initial curvature, it I'LL tn 'OBI/00hif IMrace thI *Ices of the plate to remove the -r ' - , _ r. . ii-i :-17-r ti aaa,ftti, '1,1 n 5hit*ik. .Ardlp."rlc' riff,* 6 011 ‘ef.; ski; ITtAo .1k.aFe, drawn .iwl. Ilopikk4eq.,ijao shall be 9Mporte d ly o" ,site corers, nd shall ite coxters as shOwn i e 10 . of tiVir-eirwhwoli sions may be mad ter not to excee d at the corners . be applied le head of th e of ,per Igta otherwisebr ipaipom fit INS .•-rvl F5 Deformations shall be measured t o Fie defter a yoke ex oint di the tjl0j, 4IM 1100b, 110APOPIOP4ilAim .4itom IFft'srilPlItEr-hnetrate the ' Ptuts be measure at the quarter p4lnt s "late . ably e chosen, care shall be 41f at be cruse of load and to av ation corn elastic limit , ngs of load at le sha ,ma'•vature , be o fined. Successive st end prefer sets or ° from the previous se t pendicular to the plan e 1 be averaged to obtain 'dity. edalc form M two' I I I { Calculation s 1~Ahe modulus of rigidity shall be calculated from the averaged dat a the formula : l ~+"# where ;' G _ 3U2 P .. . W +, 2L3 = modulus of ,igidity, in pounds per square inc h P = load applied to each corner, in pound s L = thickness of the plate, in inche s W = deflection of the plate at a point along the diagonal with reference to the center, in inches, an d U = distance from the center of the plate to the point wher e the deflection is measured, in inches . Generally, values of P/W are taken from the slopes of the load-deflectio n curves, which give averaged values . It'can be noted from the test set-u p shown in figure 10 that P is one-half the load indicated by the testin g machine and W is one-half the deflection indicated by the dial . However, th e ratios of the two sets of readings are identical . Moisture Content and Specific Gravit y 29. The moisture content and specific gravity shall be determined fo r each specimen as specified in section 42 . Torsion Pendulum Shear Test for the Determination of the Modulus of Rigidity in any Plan e Scope 30. This method of test, though not so accurate as the method of tes t described in sections 24 to 28, may be used for preliminary evaluations or where for any reason that method is not feasible . The modulus of rigidity associated with shear distortion in any specified plane in an anisotropi c material can be obtained by having the length-width plane of the specime n under test parallel to the specified plane . ; L1~ 'I/*1 7c Z imen shall be at least four times the thickness . The length of the cimen shall be at least 20 times the width . The other dimensions of the The test specimen shall be a long rectangular strip . The widt h ppeeimen shall be such that the period of oscillation of the system (whe n oscillated as specified in the following section) shall be approximately 2 seconds or more . The width and thickness of the specimen shall be measure d to the nearest 0 .001 inch, and the clear length between clamps to the neares t 0 .01 inch, . Test Equipmen t 32. The specimen shall be suspended vertically and be rigidly clampe d at the upper end . A bob shall be clamped to the free end perpendicular t o the wide plane of the specimen with the center of gravity of the bob at th e centerline of the thickness of the specimen . This bob shall be a round tub e or cylinder and may be of steel, alloy, or plastic . The bob must be hel d rigidly in the clamp so that there is no play in the clamp when the specime n is oscillating . The bob may be from 1 to 3 feet long and from 0 .1 to 3 pounds in weight . The weight of the specimen shall be negligible when compared to the weight of the bob . The weight of the bob shall not exert a damaging tensile force on the specimen . A suitable test set-up is shown i n figure 11 . Test Procedur e 33. When making the test, oscillating of the system is started b y twisting the specimen with the bob and then relying it so that the bob rotates about an axis through the center of the specimen . Care shall b e taken to avoid any kind of vibration other than torsion . The time require d for 5 or 10 complete oscillations shall be obtained with a stop watch . This procedure shall be repeated several times, and the results be averaged to obtain the period of vibration . This shall be repeated several times o n each of two or more specimens, preferably of different lengths . Calculations 34. The moduli for the specimens shall be calculated individually , and the results be averaged . The following approximate formula shall b e used to calculate the modulus of rigidity : G = 2 2 1 Lb' :4 .44 11 5 .331' w d L .Tr; gt2 ab 3 _a) (3 ~ _ ~ , where a = width of specimen, in inche s b = thickness of specimen, in inche s G = modulus of rigidity in the a-L plane, in pounds per square inc h w = weight of bob, in pound s Report No . 1555, revised -12 - ' 1I II d = length of bob, in inche s 11. length of specimen between clamps, in inches 164( r.,-2* '.1ZEMOR-Ije acceleration of gravity 38 inches p . ) nd2 ;-'_1 ; period of oscillation, in seconds (time from IV en d swing to the other and back again), and As ,.1 ,, ,, :. mi,. 3, _ errs-fig. = ? 4en a/b is greater, han 2 . 5 . irn } k moisture content and specific gravity shall be determined for , as sified in section 42 . .r• . , r r,. .011 iiiii . The strength obtained in this test . ure is the s trengt to the ngth-width plane of the specimen in G test jig and can b e illa-tiny core material by varying the specimen orieptation . The modulus qty obtained is that associated with the strains in a plane normal ta p ii! rtes ~f t est jig parallel to the direction o.f the appli forces . :~`i -- ecimen shall be 2'inches wile and 12 times the thickess shall be approximately 1/2 inch . The thick e nearest 0 .01 inch, and the length and width t o test specimen shall be rigidly supported by mean s to the faces and ends as shown in figure 12 . The may be varied in accordance with'the strength of th e dimensions shall be such that the line of action o f compressive force shall pass through the diagonall y of the sand 'ch as shown in figure 12 . the e the rigid plates i n 1 block or universal join ; I ss the width of the specimen . The n of the movable head of th e of application of 0 .005 inch per inch of lengt h nute, wptil a permis ble variation of +- 25 percent . tea_ ,.~ ~.= 1 ~ ~' = l W r I% lo4Gl-de± atioi cures may be toak n etermi'r' , of M erap.l 'abet 0 .2 pent offset yield s nts of d sh be tak in approximately l adings of load. gait formation belay : tit oho Omit . !-_ ormationsitiaAare,e r d to 4► Al* *moot 0 .000 an opts x sstem, dial gaga. '® ter s u ata. tatana . she up using a died;I , s, :; oxg a,agg 4miSionso . Calculation s 40 . i t T1 qiljmiflr ing forx) . ~. with the ds~ be 11 t .dir. . - i t Ps __ ps - y 7i-04,1 . i,:fv-t .Agktmg' shear std P . & . inches, r: in inches . ,seL„re width of The maximum shear strength i t ' Q Jai 1 1 y stowff . r :fit .a . '. i ,;' .,- ; t a .}'i 4-is=1 4c';is' r- :f 1 I r '+' is, -of a aerse, obtained by t. $ *fR~hen P equals the maximum load . It ure A -maximum ' Ike ~+ d if load is due to a der 'bond be'EEveen _°the ewe- alga few pia!tee, the test shal l be considered unsatisfactory . However, ecru, Est bed ki. , effectiveness of the bona by observing th,cation of th + . . shear failure in the core occurs- aver a tively short. gth of the- nac specimen and a subsequent failure, ~. , .nterpretea.`Iftb being in t bond but really is adjacent to it, ocitodIK )Sbqhtvile remaining length of t h specimen . ~• 1. : , -01 ,r . The shear strains shall be cor ed as the angular movement of one plate of the test jig with respect tc' other about an axis located on th e inside face of one plate, perpendicu7 Mlle..-thickness plane and , # refore is : t *he's .'r stx uiin'•aipl*aka_ . . .r , ,',_ s . .~ .µ. Gr . .J 41 ' '_%slurs roa i-mSi me ,q'f one plate wi . respect to 3u [1 4 * 1k - tie, . :.gin _ I l es, -eftdiA; . .. = thickness of core or distance between plates, in inches . Report . No . 155, revised -14 - r1 - 4-4441401 i i S+ The modulus of rigidity shall be obtained by computing the slope o f the initial straight line portion of the stress-strain curve . Moisture Content and Specific Gravit y 41. The moisture content and specific gravity shall be determined fo r each specimen as specified in section 42 . TheDetermination of Moisture Content and Specific Gravit y 42. (a) The strength properties of some core materials are dependen t on moisture content . When this is the case, the moisture content at time o f test must be determined . In any case, it will be necessary to remove al l moisture from the coupon before weighing to determine the specific gravity . Because the volume of the core taterials is usually changed or the specime n otherwise damaged by test, separate coupons for this determination shall b e prepared from the same material as is used in preparing the specimen . Thes e coupons shall be kept with the specimen until time of test . Immediatel y after test the coupon shall be weighed and measured . The thickness of th e sample shall be measured to the nearest 0 .001 inch, and the length and widt h to at least the nearest 0 .01 inch . The sample shall be dried in an oven a t 100° C . until approximately constant weight is attained . After drying, the sample shall be weighed immediately . The weight of the sample shall be deter mined to an accuracy of not less than 0 .2 percent . (b) The moisture content 'shall be calculated as follows : M= W-F x100 F where M = moisture content, in percen t W = initial weight, an d F = final weight, when oven-dr y (note) : ( ) The apparent specific gravity shall be computed as follow s Apparent specific gravity = F x 0 .061 L x w x t where F = final weight, when oven-dry, in grams L = length of coupon, in inche s t = thickness of coupon, in inches, an d w = width of coupon, in inches . Note : The specific gravity as determined above is based on volume a t test and weight when oven-dry . Report No . 1555, revised -15- Figure 3 .--Compression test of honeycomb-type sandwich core material showing metho d of providing additional end support at the bearing surface through the use of a plaster-of-Paris cast base . A Marten's mirror type of compressometer is attache d to the specimen for obtaining deformation readings . z M 7$957 F Figure 4- .--Test-set-up Yon C pie 3.on 1Latwis e a contest of core mate ar for sa dw struction . . emera1 layers of calk serial are stacked together to miniOize the effects of end restraint . Figure 5 .--Test set-up for compression flatwise test of core material showing us e of Filar microscopes to measure deformations . Z M 71127 F Figure 6 .--Lateral-support J4 of a type suitable for use in making,• . compression-edgewise teats on materials less than 1/2 inch in ' , thickness . 1 z'X 78958 r _ •r I Figure 8 .--Test set-up for tension f1atw1$e .test of core material for sandwich=typ e cons#ructios , showtng specimen a .fitting for . eipplyipg+ . load. . . PULL APPLIED AT THIS ENO ASSEMBLED V/E W SHOW/NG /DENT/GAG SECTIONS ?El,/Se? . A/ARWM /94D 2 14 77014 F SPEC/MEN HOLDER U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGR/CULTUR E FOREST SERVICE FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATOR Y MAO/SON., WISCONSIN SCALE : FULL SIZE DRN BY : A,E .W. DATE : AUG . 1;1945 CHkD BY: TR 'D BY: NUMBER APPD BY: /,$'HEFTS T/6 Figure 9 .--Details of construction of the fittings for tension'flatwis e test of core material for sandwich-type construction . .. . . _ n . _ .1 -, . - - -figure 11 .--Torsion pendulum test for the determination of th e ' modulus of rigidity for core materials for sandwich construction . Z M68cflF Figure 12 . --Shear test for sandwich material .