1 UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES RG 4/1/14 White, Dr. Raymond E., Papers, 1952-1996 10 boxes Container List Box 1 2 Folder Contents 1 Agenda Committee, May-Oct. 1969 Appointments 2 1986 3 1982-83 & 1989 4 1981-1992 5 1970-1972 6 Autobiographical Information, 1970's Awards 7 Althea Stoeckel Awards Incentive Program, 1979 8 Outstanding Teacher, 1978 9 Bicentennial Coffee, Dec. 18, 1975 10 Bicentennial Coffee-Invite List, 1975 11 Budget-Merit Pay Policy Proposal, 1983 12 Budget-Salary Plans, 1984/85? 13 Community Involvement-BSU, n.d. 14 Competition, 1976 Correspondence 15 n.d. 16 April-June 1996 17 Dec. 1995-Mar. 1996 18 Feb.-Nov. 1995 19 June 1994-Jan. 1995 20 Nov. 1993-May 1994 21 April-Oct. 1993 22 Sept. 1992-April 1993 23 Mar.-August 1992 24 Oct. 1991-Feb. 1992 25 Jan.-Sept. 1991 1 April-Dec. 1990 2 Sept. 1989-March 1990 3 Jan.-August 1989 4 July-Dec. 1988 Container List Box 2 3 Folder Contents Correspondence (cont’d) 5 March-June 1988 6 1988-94 7 Sept. 1987-Feb. 1988 8 April-Aug. 1987 9 Sept. 1986-April 1987 10 Sept. 1985-Aug. 1986 11 Sept. 1984-Aug. 1985 12 Sept. 1983-Aug. 1984 13 Sept. 1982-Aug. 1983 14 Sept. 1981-Aug. 1982 15 Sept. 1980-Aug. 1981 1 Sept. 1979-Aug. 1980 2 Sept. 1978-Aug. 1979 3 Sept. 1976-Aug. 1978 4 Sept. 1974-Aug. 1976 5 Sept. 1972-Aug. 1974 6 Sept. 1970-Aug. 1972 7 Sept. 1968-Aug. 1970 8 1965-Aug. 1968 9 1964 10 1962-1963 11 Order Letters, n.d. 12 Smeltsor, Dean, 1987-88 Tenure 13 1972-1973 14 1968-1981 15 Letters of Support, 1972 16 Wheeler, Oct. 1982 Curriculum 17 American History and Music, 1982 18 American History Through Music, Spring 1982 19-20 American Identity, 1980-1981 21-22 Black Experience, 1974-75 23 Notes, 1972 24 Notes, 1968 25 Notes On Racism, n.d. 26 Colonia and TransAppalachian- Evaluations, 1978-1979 27 Colonia and TransAppalachian- Materials, n.d. Demurrers 28 1983-1984 29 1982-1983 Curriculum (cont’d) 2 Container List Box 3 4 Folder Contents Demurrers (cont’d) 30 1977-1978 31 1976-1977 32 1974-1975 33 1973-1974 34 1972-1973 35 1971-1972 36 1970-1971 37 Materials on, n.d. 38 Planning 530, 1973-1974 Experiencing History 1 n.d. 2 1980 3 1978-80 4 Indians, n.d. 5-8 Experimental 203, 1970-74 9-10 Evaluations, 1977-1978 11 Evaluations, Summer 1974 12-13 Evaluations, 1970 14 Notes, 1974-1975 15 Notes, 1972 16 Notes and Handouts, n.d. 17 Future Course, 1971 18 Future Course-Paolo Solieri, 1972 19-20 Hist 201-Notes, n.d. Hist 202 21 Syllabus, 1993-94 22 Syllabus and Notes, 1990 23 Syllabus and Tests, n.d. Hist 203 24 n.d. 25 America in the 20th Century-Notes, 1975 26 Recent U.S. History, 1975-1976 27 Syllabus, n.d. 28 Syllabus, Fall 1969 29 Syllabus and Notes, 1969 30 U.S. History-Syllabus, 1983-84 31 WII Songs, n.d. Hist 600 32 Fall 1988 33 Progressivism in Indiana, n.d. Curriculum (cont’d) Indiana History 3 Container List Box 4 5 5 Folder Contents 34 1966-1970 35 Evaluations, Summer 1970 36 Exams and Assignments, n.d. 37 Glaciers, n.d. 38 Indians in Indiana, n.d. 39 Lecture Outlines, n.d. 40 Maps, n.d. 41 Materials, 1990 42 Notes, n.d. 43 Notes, 1971 44 Syllabus, Fall 1991 45 Tests, n.d. 46 Tests and Counties, n.d. 47 What is a Hoosier?, n.d. Laboratory Course in American History 48 n.d. 49 1980-1983 50 Computers, n.d. 51 Footnote Examples, n.d. 52 Handouts, n.d. Materials 1 1992 2 1990-1991 3 1979 4 Male in U.S. History, 1973-76 5 Male in U.S. History-Video Presentation, Late 1970's 6 Negro in American Society-Bibliography, n.d. 7-8 New Courses, 1978-9 9 New Courses-Proposals, 1980 10 New Courses-Sample Forms, 1980-1984 11 Nixon Course, Fall 1973 North American Indian 12 Article, 1981 13 Notes, Summer 1985 14 Materials, n.d. 15 Postings, 1980 & 1983 16 Radicalism Course, 1970 17 Revision of Frontier History, n.d. 18 Social and Intellectual History, Summer 1985 19 Spanish Borderlands, n.d. Curriculum (cont’d) Trans-Mississippi West 20 n.d. 4 Container List Box 5 5 Folder Contents 21 1986 22 Bibliography, n.d. 23 Christo's Valley Curtain, 1972 24 CookBook, n.d. Evaluations 25 1982-1983 26 1975 27 1974 28-29 1970 30 Frederick Turner, n.d. 31-32 Logbooks, n.d., 1981 33 Maps, n.d. 34-36 Notes, 1973-5 37 Projects, n.d. Syllabi 38 n.d. 39 Spring 1992 40 1987-1991 41 Tests, n.d. 42 White Racism-Jerry Stearn's Independant Study, 1969 Departmental Chair 43 Election, 1995 44 Marek's Transition, 1995 45 Notes, n.d. 46 Departmental Evaluation, 1981 Departmental Information 47 Accreditation, 1980-1981 Annual Report, 48 1979 49 1977-1978 50 1979 51 1976 52 1975-1976 53 1974-1975 54 1973-1974 55 1972-1973 56 Faculty Directories/Committee Members, 1984-97 57 National Science Foundation-Review Panels Committee, 1975 58 Postcards from Faculty/Staff, n.d. Departmental Information (cont’d) Postcards from Faculty/Staff 59 1992-1995 60 1987-1991 5 Container List Box 6 6 Folder Contents 61 Ray's House, n.d. 1 Students, n.d. Students' Photos 2 1990-1991 3 1988-1995 4 1982 5 Teacher Education Certification, 1979-1980 6 ICHE, 1980-81 Departmental Policies 7 Addendum, 1973 8 Report on Reform and Structure, 1969 9 Structure, 1965-75 Faculty 10 Anson, Bert, 1991-1992 11 Bios, n.d. 12 Faculty List, 1993 13 Retirees, 1992-1995 14 Rosenberg Interview, 1995 15 Field Studies-West, 1982 16 Flanner House-Urban Experience, 1971 17 Graduate Program-Doctoral-Bivens, Don, 1987-1989 18 Graduate Program-Doctoral-Poucher Beal, Martha, 1985 19 Graduate and Undergraduate Funding, n.d. 20 Great Lakes Western History Conference, 1986 21 History Computer Classes, 1988 22 Indiana Historical Society Conference, 1981 23 Job Search, 1972-1973 24 Job Search, 1959 25 LaFollette Film Forum, 1942 Miscellany 26 Analysing Photographs, 1990 27 Dream Journals, 1976-1977 28 Election Ballots, 1952 29 Inauguration, 1961 30 Liberalism, n.d. 31 Negro Teachers, 1967 32 Notes-Bibliography, n.d. 33 Notes on Ball State, 1968-71 Miscellany (cont’d) 34 Notes on Community Affairs, 1965 35 Oh Susanna!, n.d. 36 Pitts Campaign, 1965 37 Presidents, n.d. 6 Container List Box 7 7 Folder Contents 38 Teaching, n.d. 39 Travel Logs, 1976-77 & 1985 40 You Know You Are A Hoosier If..., n.d. 41 OAH Seminar, 1976 42 Planning-Program Review, 1980-1981 Popular Culture Assn. 43 Conventions, 1983-1985 44 Newsletter, 1983-1985 45 Standards Committee, 1983-1984 46 Congratulations!, 1985 47 Promotion Application, 1982 Promotion & Tenure 48 1970-1996 49 Aquila & Chase, 1980 Committee 50 1979-80 51 1975-77 52 1974-1975 53 1973-1974 54 1972-1973 55 Additions to Minutes, 1979-1980 1 Corrections, 1977 Letters 2 1978-1979 3 1977-78 4 1976-77 5 1975-76 6 1974-1975 7 Vita, 1984-1985 Publications 8 1983-1987 9 1957-1986 10 Articles and Book Reviews, n.d. 11 Book Review, 1994 12 Bicenntennial, 1975 13 CLIO II, 1996 14 Conspectus of History-Cambridge Billing, 1983 Publications (cont’d) Conspectus of History-Cambridge Billing (cont’d) 15 1982 16 1981 17 1980 18-20 1978-1979 7 Container List Box 7 Folder Contents 21-22 1976-1977 23 1975-1976 24 Drafts for Book on 20th Century U.S. History, n.d. 25 Listing, 1975 26 Newspaper Clippings, n.d. 27 Notes for Book on 20th Century U.S. History, n.d. 28 Teaching, 1970's 29 White River Review, n.d. Research 30 B Movie Westerns, 1986 31 Bibliographies, 1961 32 Doctoral Dissertation-Correspondence, n.d. Graduate 33 Alexander Hamilton, n.d. 34 Historical Periodicals, 1957-1958 35 Important Ones, 1956 Grants 36 Creative Teaching, 1985 37 NEH-Report, 1987 Proposals 38 1975-1985 39 1969-1975 40 Hoosiers in Hollywood, n.d. 41 ICH, 1986 42 Travel to Collections, 1986-1987 43 High School, 1952 Leave Proposals 44 1985 45 1971-75 46-7 Special, 1975-77 48 Master's Thesis-Correspondence, 1956-1957 49-50 Notes for Book on Learning, 1976-1977 Proposals 51 B-Movie Westerns, 1986 52 Rogers/Evans, 1987-88 Research (cont’d) Proposals (cont’d) 53 Rogers/Evans, 1987-88 54 Reductions-Report, 1986 55 Rights of Students in the Classroom, 1967 56 Rogers' Bibliography, 1991 Texas Cotton Ginning 8 Container List Box 8 8 8 Folder Contents 1 1967 2 1959? 3 1957-58 4 Rough Draft, n.d. Undergraduate 5 Anglo-Iranian Oil Dispute, 1958 6 Keats and Tuberculosis, 1954 7 Papers and Tests, n.d. 8 Political Terms, 1955 Simulation 9 California Gold Rush, n.d. 10 Depression and New Deal, 1978 11 Home front WWII, 1978 12 Muncie High School, n.d. 13 Scopes Trial, 1978 14 Women's Suffrage and Prohibition, 1978 Teaching 15-16 Teacher Education Certification, 1976-77 17 Appointments with Students, 1970's 18 Booklists-Spring 1990 & 1991 19 Class Logs, 1969-1975 20 Chronology of U.S. History, late 1970's 21 Grading, n.d. 22-23 Grading Alternatives, Nat'l Conferences, 1972-73 24 Evaluations, n.d. 25 Evaluation Cards, 1980-1984 26 Lecture Notes, n.d. 27 Lecture on the American Cowboy, n.d. 28 Letters to Students, 1974-1976 29 Notes, early 1970's 30 Notes and Ideas, early 1970's 31 Notes on 20th Century History, mid 1950's 32 Readings used in Classes, n.d. Tests 33 Hist 201 & 202, n.d. Teaching (cont’d) Tests (cont’d) 34 Hist 203, n.d. 35 Upper Level Courses, n.d. 36 Value Exercises, n.d. Tenure 37 Notes, 1972 38 Difficulties, 1972 9 Container List Box 9 10 Folder Contents 39 Difficulties-Grading Policy, n.d. 40 Difficulties-News Clippings, 1972 41 Texts-Review of "Out of Many"-Prentice Hall, Feb. 1988 42 Undergraduate Notes, n.d. 1 Tenure, 1972 Undergraduate Notes, 1 n.d. 2 1959 3-4 1958 5-9 1955-1956 10 1954 11 n.d. 12 1952 13 Old South, 1957 14 Undergraduate Teaching Interns-Manual, 1989 10