INTEGERS 13 (2013) #A37 GONI: PRIMES REPRESENTED BY BINARY QUADRATIC FORMS Pete L. Clark Department of Mathematics, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia Jacob Hicks Department of Mathematics, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia Hans Parshall Department of Mathematics, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia Katherine Thompson Department of Mathematics, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia Received: 8/4/12, Revised: 2/28/13, Accepted: 5/2/13, Published: 6/14/13 Abstract We list 2779 regular primitive positive definite integral binary quadratic forms, and show that, conditional on the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis, this is the complete list of regular, positive definite binary integral quadratic forms (up to SL2 (Z)-equivalence). For each of these 2779 forms we determine the primes that they represent by elementary combinatorial methods, avoiding Gauss’s genus theory. The key intermediate result is a Small Multiple Theorem for representations of primes by integral binary forms. 1. Introduction An imaginary quadratic discriminant is a negative integer ∆ which is 0 or 1 modulo 4. For a given imaginary quadratic disciminant ∆, let C(∆) be the set of SL2 (Z)-equivalence classes of primitive positive definite integral binary quadratic forms of discriminant ∆. Then C(∆) is a finite set [3, Thm. 2.13] which, when endowed with Gauss’s composition law, becomes a finite abelian group, the class group of discriminant ∆ [3, Thm. 3.9]. Thus a form q of discriminant ∆ determines an element [q] ∈ C(∆). A quadratic form q is ambiguous if [q]2 = 1. For a q = �A, B, C�, the form q = �A, −B, C� represents the inverse of [q] in C(∆) [3, Thm. 3.9]. Note that q and q are GL2 (Z)equivalent: q(x, y) = q(x, −y), so q and q represent the same integers. INTEGERS: 13 (2013) 2 A discriminant ∆ is idoneal if every q ∈ C(∆) is ambiguous; this holds if and only if C(∆) ∼ = (Z/2Z)r for some r ∈ N. A quadratic form is idoneal if its discriminant is idoneal. A discriminant ∆ is bi-idoneal if C(∆) ∼ = (Z/4Z) ⊕ (Z/2Z)r for some r ∈ N. A quadratic form q is bi-idoneal if ∆ is bi-idoneal and q is not ambiguous. A full congruence class of primes is the set of all primes p � 2∆ with p ≡ n (mod N ) for fixed coprime positive integers n and N . We say q is regular if the set of primes p � 2∆ represented by q is a union of full congruence classes. Recall Fermat’s Two Squares Theorem: an odd prime p is of the form x2 + y 2 if and only if p ≡ 1 (mod 4). In our terminology then the form q(x, y) = x2 + y 2 is regular. Indeed, much classical work on quadratic forms can be phrased as showing that certain specific binary quadratic forms represent full congruence classes of primes, or are regular. Among primitive, positive definite, integral binary quadratic forms, how many are regular? How many represent full congruence classes of primes? Remarkably, this problem has recently been solved (conditionally on GRH) but the answer does not appear explicitly in the literature. Here it is: Theorem 1. Let q be a primitive, positive definite integral binary quadratic form. a) The following are equivalent: (i) q is regular. (ii) q represents a full congruence class of primes. (iii) q is either idoneal or bi-idoneal. b) There are at least 425 and at most 432 imaginary quadratic discriminants which are either idoneal or bi-idoneal. These 425 known discriminants give rise to precisely 2779 SL2 (Z)-equivalence classes of regular forms: see Table 1. c) The list of idoneal and bi-idoneal discriminants of part b) is complete among all imaginary quadratic discriminants ∆ with |∆| ≤ 80604484. Assuming the Riemann Hypothesis for Dedekind zeta functions of imaginary quadratic fields, there are precisely 425 imaginary discriminants which are idoneal or bi-idoneal. For these 2779 regular forms, it is natural to ask for explicit congruence conditions, as in Fermat’s Two Squares Theorem. The following result accomplishes this. Theorem 2. Let q = �A, B, C� be one of the 2779 primitive, positive definite integral binary quadratic forms in Table 1, and let ∆ = B 2 −4AC be the discriminant of q. For a prime p � 2∆, the following are equivalent: a) The form q integrally represents p: there are x, y ∈ Z with q(x, y) = p. b) All of the following conditions hold: (i) ( ∆ p ) = 1. INTEGERS: 13 (2013) 3 p A (ii) For each odd prime m | ∆, if m � A, then ( m ) = (m ), and if m � C, then p C ( m ) = ( m ). (iii) If 16 | ∆ and 2 � A, then p ≡ A (mod 4). If 16 | ∆ and 2 � C, then p ≡ C (mod 4). (iv) If 32 | ∆ and 2 � A, then p ≡ A (mod 8). If 32 | ∆ and 2 � C, then p ≡ C (mod 8). We will prove Theorem 1 by deducing it from Gauss’s genus theory together with results of Meyer, Weinberger, Louboutin, Kaplan-Williams and Voight. We do this mostly for completeness and perspective. Our main goal is quite different: we will give a new proof of Theorem 2 using none of Gauss’s genus theory but instead using elementary ideas from the Geometry of Numbers. Our methods build on the classical proof of the Two Squares Theorem via Minkowski’s Convex Body Theorem and its recent generalization to the 65 principal idoneal forms x2 + Dy 2 of T. Hagedorn [5], although we find it simpler to use (sharp) bounds on minima of binary quadratic forms going back to Lagrange and Legendre. We may compare the two methods as follows: let q be a binary form of discriminant ∆, and let p � 2∆ be a prime. To analyze the question of whether q represents p, genus theory begins with the observation that ( ∆ p ) = 1 if and only if � some q ∈ C(∆) represents p and attempts to rule out the representation of p by all forms q � �= q. Our method begins with a small multiple theorem: if ( ∆ p ) = 1, then q represents some multiple kp of p with k bounded in terms of ∆ and via a combination of elimination and reduction attempts to show that we may take k = 1. Our method is more computational – at present it is more a technique than a theory – and the reasons for its success in all 2779 cases are rather mysterious! However, our technique can be used in settings where genus theory does not apply: in [2] and [8] some of us use these ideas to establish universality of most (but not all) of the 112 positive definite quaternary universal forms of square discriminant. In [1], the first author extends the method to a technique for proving representation theorems for quadratic forms in 2d variables over a normed Dedekind domain. 2. Proof of Theorem 1 2.1. Part a) (i) =⇒ (ii): By [3, Thm. 9.12], q represents infinitely many prime numbers. Having established this, the implication is immediate. (ii) =⇒ (iii): Suppose that there are coprime integers n and N such that for all primes p, if p � 2∆ and p ≡ n (mod N ), then q represents p. By [9, Thm. 2], if q is ambiguous then ∆ is idoneal hence so is q; whereas if q is not ambiguous then ∆ is bi-idoneal and hence – since q is not ambiguous – so is q. INTEGERS: 13 (2013) 4 (iii) =⇒ (i): Let G(∆) = C(∆)/C(∆)2 , and let r : C(∆) → G(∆) be the quotient map. The fibers of r are called genera; they are cosets of C(∆)2 , the principal genus. Let c = #C(∆)/#G(∆). Thus ∆ is idoneal if and only if c = 1 and bi-idoneal if and only if c = 2. For q ∈ C(∆), we define g(q) to be the set of n ∈ (Z/∆Z)× which are represented by q. We will need the following tenets of genus theory: • For all q, q � ∈ C(∆), g(q) = g(q � ) ⇐⇒ r(q) = r(q � ) [3, pp. 53-54]. • If q ∈ C(∆)2 , then g(q) is a subgroup, H, of (Z/∆Z)× [3, Lem. 2.24, Thm. 3.15]. • For all q ∈ C(∆), g(q) is a coset of H in (Z/∆Z)× [3, Lem. 2.24, Thm. 3.15]. • Let n be a positive integer which � � is relatively prime to 2∆. Then there is q ∈ C(∆) representing n if and only if ∆ n = 1 [3, Thm. 2.16]. � � In particular, let p � 2∆ be an odd prime. Then if ∆ = −1, no q ∈ C(∆) reprep � � sents p, whereas if ∆ = 1, then some q ∈ C(∆) represents p, and if q, q � ∈ C(∆) p both represent p, then r(q) = r(q � ). Suppose ∆ is idoneal, let q ∈ C(∆), and�let�p � 2∆ be a prime. If q represents p then p ∈ g(q); conversely, if p ∈ g(q) then ∆ = 1, so some q � ∈ C(∆) represents p � p and any such q must lie in g(q). But since ∆ is idoneal, c = 1, and q is the only form in r(q). Thus q represents p if and only if p ∈ g(q), so q is regular. Suppose ∆ is bi-idoneal, let q ∈ C(∆) be a nonambiguous form, and let p � 2∆ be a prime. As above, if q represents p then p ∈ g(q); conversely, if p ∈ g(q) then some q � ∈ r(q) repesents p. But since c = 2, r(q) = {[q], [q]} = {[q], [q]−1 }, and q and q represent the same primes. Thus q represents p if and only if p ∈ g(q), so q is regular. Remark. The implication (ii) =⇒ (iii) for fundamental discriminants was first proven by Kusaba [10], using methods of class field theory. In [9] the general case is proved, and their proof uses Gauss’s genus theory together with a theorem of Meyer [12]: if n and N are coprime positive integers, p ≡ n (mod N ), p � 2∆ is a prime number and q ∈ C(∆) represents p, then q represents infinitely many prime numbers q ≡ n (mod N ). See [6] for a proof of Meyer’s theorem and a second proof of (ii) =⇒ (iii), both using class field theory. 2.2. Part b) That the total number of idoneal and bi-idoneal discriminants lies between 425 and 432 is [14, Thm. 8.2]. 2.3. Part c) This is [14, Prop. 5.1] and [14, Thm. 8.6]. The latter result builds on work of Weinberger [15] and Louboutin [11]. INTEGERS: 13 (2013) 5 3. A Small Multiple Theorem Let q = �A, B, C� be a real binary quadratic form with discriminant ∆ �= 0. Recall: • If ∆ > 0, then q is indefinite: it assumes both positive and negative values. • If ∆ < 0 and A, C > 0, then q is positive definite: it assumes only positive values except at (x, y) = (0, 0). • If ∆ < 0 and A, C < 0, then q is negative definite: it assumes only negative values except at (x, y) = (0, 0). Since q is negative definite if and only if −q is positive definite, negative definite forms do not require separate consideration. Theorem 3. Let q = �A, B, C� be a binary form over R with discriminant � ∆. a) If ∆ < 0, there are integers x and y, not both zero, such that |q(x, y)| ≤ |∆| . � 3 b) If ∆ > 0, there are integers x and y, not both zero, such that |q(x, y)| ≤ ∆ 5. Proof. The core of the proof is the following “reduction lemma”: if x0 , y0 are coprime integers with q(x0 , y0 ) = M �= 0, then there are b, c ∈ R such that q is SL2 (Z)-equivalent to M x2 + bxy + cy 2 with −|M | < b ≤ |M |. For the details, see e.g. [7, Thm. 453, Thm. 454]. A lattice Λ ⊂ RN is the set of all Z-linear combinations of an R-basis b = {v1 , . . . , vN } for RN . If Mb ∈ MN (R) is the matrix with columns v1 , . . . , vN , then Λ = Mb ZN . Proposition 1. Let q = �A, B, C� be an integral form of discriminant ∆. Let p be 2 an odd prime with ( ∆ p ) = 1. Then there is an index p sublattice Λp ⊂ Z such that for all (x, y) ∈ Λp , q(x, y) ≡ 0 (mod p). � � 1 0 Proof. If p | A, take Mp = and Λp = Mp Z2 . If p � A, by the quadratic 0 p � � p r 2 formula in Z/pZ, there is r ∈ Z with Ar + Br + C ≡ 0 (mod p); set Mp = 0 1 2 and Λp = Mp Z . In either case, q(x, y) ≡ 0 (mod p) for all (x, y) ∈ Λp . Theorem 4. Let q = �A, B, C� be an integral form of discriminant ∆. Let p be an odd prime with ( ∆ p ) = 1. � a) If q is positive definite, there are x, y, k ∈ Z with q(x, y) = kp and 1 ≤ k ≤ |∆| 3 . � ∆ b) If q is indefinite, there are x, y, k ∈ Z with q(x, y) = kp and 1 ≤ |k| ≤ 5. Proof. By Proposition 1, there is an index p sublattice Λp = Mp Z2 ⊂ Z2 with q(x, y) ≡ 0 (mod p) for all (x, y) ∈ Λp . Thus the quadratic form q � (x, y) = q(Mp (x, y)) has discriminant (det Mp )2 ∆ = p2 ∆ and is such that q � (x, y) ≡ 0 (mod p) for all (x, y) ∈ Z2 . Apply Theorem 3 to q � : if q is positive definite, there 6 INTEGERS: 13 (2013) �� |∆| 3 � are integers x and y, not both zero, such that |q(Mp (x, y)| = |q (x, y)| ≤ p. � Thus q(x, y) = kp with 1 ≤ |k| ≤ |∆| 3 ; since q is positive definite, k > 0. If ∆ > 0, � there are integers x and y, not both zero, � such that |q(Mp (x, y)| = |q (x, y)| ≤ �� � ∆ ∆ 5 p, so q(x, y) = kp with 1 ≤ |k| ≤ 5. � Remark. Taking q = �1, 1, 1� (resp. �1, 1, −1�) shows that the bound in Theorem 4a) (resp. Theorem 4b) is sharp. � Remark. Let q = �A, B, C� be positive definite with |∆| < 12. Then |∆| 3 < 2, � � and Theorem 4 takes the form: every odd prime p with ∆ = 1 is Z-represented by p q. It is easy to see that these are the only odd primes p � 2∆ which are represented by q (c.f. Proposition 2), so this proves Theorem 2 for these forms, namely for �1, 1, 1�, �1, 0, 1�, �1, 1, 2�, �1, 0, 2�, and �1, 1, 3�. 4. 2779 Regular Forms In this section we will use Theorem 4 to prove Theorem 2. Henceforth “forms” are primitive, positive definite integral binary quadratic forms. 4.1. Necessity Proposition 2. Let q = �A, B, C� be a form with discriminant ∆. Let p be an odd prime not dividing ∆. Suppose there exist x, y ∈ Z with q(x, y) = p. Then p satisfies conditions (i) - (iv) from Theorem 2. Proof. Via the discriminant-preserving transformation �A, B, C� �→ �C, B, A� we may assume in m � A in part (ii) and 2 � A in parts (iii) and (iv); otherwise, q would not be primitive. (i) If both x and y were divisible by p, this would imply p2 | q(x, y) = p, a contradiction. If p � y, then we have A(xy −1 )2 + B(xy −1 ) + C ≡ 0 (mod p). Let r ∈ Z with r ≡ xy −1 (mod p). Then (2Ar + B)2 = 4A(Ar2 + Br + C) + B 2 − 4AC ≡ ∆ (mod p) As p � ∆, we conclude ( ∆ p ) = 1. The case p � x follows similarly. (ii) Let m be an odd prime such that m | ∆ and m � A. Via a change of variables we can diagonalize q over Z/mZ as �A, 0, C − B 2 (4A)−1 �, so there are w, z ∈ Z with p = q(x, y) ≡ Aw2 + (C − B 2 (4A)−1 )z 2 (mod m) . INTEGERS: 13 (2013) 7 Multiplying by 4A gives 4Ap ≡ 4A2 w2 (mod m). Hence p ≡ Aw2 (mod m). It p A follows that ( m ) = (m ). (iii) Suppose 2 � A and ∆ ≡ 0 (mod 16). We have B 2 ≡ 4AC (mod 16), so B = 2B0 for some B0 ∈ Z. Then 4(B02 − AC) ≡ 0 (mod 16), so B02 − AC ≡ 0 (mod 4). Case 1: B0 is odd. Then A ≡ C ≡ ±1 (mod 4). Now, Ax2 + 2B0 xy + Cy 2 = p, so x2 + y 2 ≡ p ≡ 1 (mod 2), and x �≡ y (mod 2). If y ≡ 0 (mod 2), p ≡ A (mod 4) as claimed. Similarly if x ≡ 0 (mod 2), p ≡ C (mod 4). But since A ≡ C (mod 4), p ≡ A (mod 4) as claimed. Case 2: B0 is even. Then AC ≡ 0 (mod 4). As 2 � A, C ≡ 0 (mod 4). Hence, Ax2 ≡ p (mod 4), and so p ≡ A (mod 4) as claimed. (iv) Suppose 2 � A and ∆ ≡ 0 (mod 32). Put B = 2B0 , so B02 − AC ≡ 0 (mod 8). Case 1: B0 is odd, Then A ≡ C (mod 2) and in fact A ≡ C (mod 8). Thus x2 + y 2 ≡ p ≡ 1 (mod 2), so x �≡ y (mod 2). If y ≡ 0 (mod 2), set y = 2y0 . Then Ax2 +4y0 (B0 x+Cy0 ) = p. If y0 is even, then Ax2 ≡ A ≡ p (mod 8). If instead y0 is odd, then since B0 , x, and C are odd, B0 x + Cy0 is even and Ax2 ≡ A ≡ p (mod 8). Similarly if x ≡ 0 (mod 2), then p ≡ C ≡ A (mod 8). Case 2: B0 is even. Put B0 = 2B1 and C = 4C0 , so B12 ≡ AC0 (mod 2) and p = Ax2 + Bxy + Cy 2 = Ax2 + 4y(B1 x + C0 y). Thus x is odd and x2 ≡ 1 (mod 8). If y is even, then p ≡ Ax2 ≡ A (mod 8). If y is odd then either B1 ≡ C0 ≡ 0 (mod 2) so p ≡ Ax2 ≡ A (mod 8) or B1 ≡ C0 ≡ 1 (mod 2), so B1 x + C0 y is even and once again p ≡ Ax2 ≡ A (mod 8). 4.2. Sufficiency Our proof that (b) implies (a) in Theorem 2 is handled individually for each of the 2779 forms. For each form, we apply a three step process. First, we use Theorem 4 to demonstrate that our form represents a small multiple of a prime. In the second step, we eliminate certain multiples from consideration. In the final step, we reduce the remaining multiples to find a representation of p. Example. Consider q = �3, 3, 5� with ∆ = −51. Let p be an odd prime not dividing ∆ that satisfies conditions (i) - (iv) of Theorem 2. Step 1. From condition (i) of Theorem 2, ( ∆ ) = 1. Apply Theorem 4: there are � p x, y, k ∈ Z with q(x, y) = kp and 1 ≤ k ≤ 51 3 = 4.123 . . .. Step 2 (Elimination). We will show that the cases k = 2 and k = 3 cannot occur. • Suppose q(x, y) = 2p. Then x and y are both even, so q(x, y) = 2p ≡ 0 (mod 4), contradicting the fact that p is odd. • Suppose q(x, y) = 3p. Then q(x, y) ≡ 5y 2 ≡ 0 (mod 3), so 3 | y. Hence, INTEGERS: 13 (2013) 8 � � q(x, y) ≡ 3x2 ≡ 3p (mod 9), so p3 = 1. As 3 | ∆, from condition (ii) of Theorem 2, ( p3 ) = ( 53 ) = −1: contradiction. Step 3 (Reduction). Note that we cannot hope to eliminate the possibility of k = 4: indeed, we want to show that there are x, y ∈ Z such that q(x, y) = p, and then necessarily q(2x, 2y) = 4p. (A similar argument will be needed for any value of k which is a perfect square). We must instead argue that a representation of 4p by q implies a representation of p by q. In this case, this is easy: suppose q(x, y) = 4p. Then as above x and y are both even, so q( x2 , y2 ) = p. In Lemmas 1 and 2, we collect a number of congruence restrictions that apply assuming a form q represents kp. In particular, for our 2779 forms, we use Lemma 1 in the elimination step and Lemma 2 in the reduction step. Lemma 1 (Elimination). Let q = �A, B, C� be a form of discriminant ∆. Let p � 2∆ be a prime. Suppose there are x, y, k ∈ Z, k ≥ 1, with q(x, y) = kp. a) Let a ∈ Z, a > 1. Suppose 2a+2 | ∆ and 2a | B. If p ≡ A (mod 2a ), then k is a square modulo 2a . b) If k is even, A, C are odd, B ≡ 0 (mod 4) and A + C �≡ 2 (mod 4), then 4 | k. p A c) Let m be an odd prime dividing ∆. If ( m ) = (m ), then k is a square modulo m. ∆ d) Let m be an odd prime dividing k. If ( m ) = −1 or m2 | ∆, then m2 | k. p A e) Let m be an odd prime dividing gcd(∆, k) such that m2 � k. If ( m ) = (m ) then k/m −∆/m ( m ) = ( m ). � � Proof. a) Since ∆ ≡ B 2 ≡ 0 mod 2a+2 , and A is odd, 2a | C. Then kp ≡ Ax2 ≡ px2 (mod 2a ), and since p is odd, this implies k ≡ x2 (mod 2a ). b) We have q(x, y) ≡ Ax2 + Cy 2 ≡ A(x2 − y 2 ) ≡ kp (mod 4). Since k is even, x ≡ y (mod 2) and thus kp ≡ A(x2 − y 2 ) ≡ 0 (mod 4). Since p is odd, 4 | k. c) Via a change of variables we can diagonalize q over Z/mZ as �A, 0, C −B 2 (4A)−1 �, so there are w, z ∈ Z with kp = q(x, y) ≡ Aw2 + (C − B 2 (4A)−1 )z 2 (mod m) . Thus, p A 4Akp ≡ 4A2 w2 (mod m), implying kp ≡ Aw2 (mod m). As ( m ) = (m ) �= 0, k is a square modulo m. ∆ d) Suppose first that ( m ) = −1. We have q(x, y) ≡ 0 (mod m). If m � y, then −1 q(xy , 1) ≡ 0 (mod m), so ∆ is a square modulo m: contradiction. So m | y. Then Ax2 ≡ 0 (mod m), and m � A, since otherwise ∆ ≡ B 2 (mod m). Hence 2 m | x. Then m2 | q(x, y) = kp, and since ( ∆ p ) = 1, we have p �= m and m | k. Next suppose m2 | ∆. If m | gcd(A, C), since m | ∆ we would also have m | B, contradicting the primitivity of q. We may assume without loss of generality that m � A. As B 2 − 4AC ≡ 0 (mod m), C ≡ B 2 (4A)−1 (mod m). Hence, INTEGERS: 13 (2013) 9 Ax2 + Bxy + B 2 (4A)−1 y 2 ≡ 0 (mod m), so by multiplying through by 4A, 4A2 x2 + 4ABxy + B 2 y 2 ≡ (2Ax + By)2 ≡ 0 (mod m) . � � 2 2 Since m is prime, 2Ax+By ≡ 0 (mod m), so 4A2 x2 +4ABxy+B y ≡ 0 mod m2 . � � � � As B 2 − 4AC ≡ 0 mod m2 , we have B 2 (4A)−1 ≡ C mod m2 . Then � � 4Akp ≡ 4A2 x2 + 4ABxy + B 2 y 2 ≡ 0 mod m2 . Since p � ∆, m �= p. Then m does not divide 4Ap, so m2 | k. e) Since m | ∆ and p � ∆, m �= p. We may write ∆ = �m∆0 and � k = mk0 with ∆0 , k0 ∈ Z and m � k0 . Then Ax2 + Bxy + Cy 2 ≡ mk0 p mod m2 . As in part d), � � Ax2 + Bxy + (B 2 (4A)−1 )y 2 ≡ 0 mod m2 . � � Subtracting gives (C − B 2 (4A−1 ))y 2 ≡ mk0 p mod m2 . Since gcd(m, k0 p) = 1, it follows that m � y. Multiplying through by 4A, we get � � −m∆0 y 2 ≡ (4AC − B 2 )y 2 ≡ 4Amk0 p mod m2 . � � Then (4Ak0 p + ∆0 y 2 )m ≡ 0 mod m2 , so 4Apk0 ≡ −∆0 y 2 (mod m). It follows 2 −∆0 y 4Apk0 p k0 k0 A 0 that ( −∆ m ) = ( m ) = ( m ) ≡ ( m )( m )( m ) = ( m ). Lemma 2 (Reduction). Let q = �A, B, C� have discriminant ∆. Let p be an odd prime not dividing ∆. Suppose there exist x, y, k ∈ Z with q(x, y) = kp and k ≥ 1. a) Let a ∈ Z with a ≥ 1. If p ≡ A (mod 2a ), then q(x, y) ≡ Ak (mod 2a k). b) Let a ∈ Z with a ≥ 0, and let m | ∆ be an odd prime. If m2a | k, m2a+1 � k, and 2a 2a p A (m ) = (m ), then we have ( q(x,y)/m ) = ( Ak/m ). m m Proof. For a), write p = 2a � + A. Then q(x, y) ≡ k(2a � + A) ≡ Ak (mod 2a k). For 2a 0p 0 b), write k = m2a k0 . Then ( q(x,y)/m ) = ( km ) = ( Ak m m ). 4.3. Proof of Theorem 2 (a) =⇒ (b): This is Proposition 2. (b) =⇒ (a): Let q = �A, B, C� be one of the 2779 regular forms, and let p � 2∆ be a prime satisfying conditions (i) - (iv) from Theorem 2. Step 1. Using condition � (i), Theorem 4 implies there exist x, y, k ∈ Z such that q(x, y) = kp with 1 ≤ k ≤ |∆| 3 . � Step 2 (Elimination). For each k ∈ {2, . . . , � |∆| 3 �}, assume q(x, y) = kp. If k does not satisfy the conditions imposed on it by Lemma 1, we have a contradiction. INTEGERS: 13 (2013) 10 We similarly have a contradiction if k does not satisfy the conditions imposed on it by applying Lemma 1 to the equivalent forms q(y, x) = �C, B, A� and q(x + y, x + 2y) = �A + B + C, 2A + 3B + 4C, A + 2B + 4C� representing kp. We eliminate these k from consideration. � Step 3 (Reduction). For each k ∈ {2, . . . , � |∆| 3 �} that was not eliminated in Step 2, assume q(x, y) = kp. Using a computer, we have verified that this assumption leads to a representation of p by q in every case. Our algorithm is as follows. First, we construct the finite set of matrices �� � � � a b � M= ∈ M2 (Z) � a ≥ 0, q(a, c) = kA and q(b, d) = kC c d � � a b by enumerating the representations of kA and kC by q. Given M = ∈ M, c d q(M (x, y)) = kAx2 + (2abA + (ad + bc)B + 2cdC)xy + kCy 2 . In particular, q(M (x, y)) = kq(x, y) whenever 2abA + (ad + bc)B + 2cdC = kB. By iterating over M and checking this condition, we verify that there exists some M ∈ M such that q(M (x, y)) = kq(x, y). Fixing such an M , we further check whether for each (x, y) ∈ Z2 with q(x, y) ≡ 0 (mod k) that also satisfies the congruence restrictions imposed by Lemma 2, the pair (x0 , y0 ) = M (x, y) satisfies x0 ≡ y0 ≡ 0 (mod k). It suffices to check this condition modulo k∆ by an exhaustive search. In every case we’ve considered, this search successfully produces such an M ∈ M. Once such an M has been found, we can set x0 = kw and y0 = kz. Then q(M (x, y)) = q(kw, kz) = k2 p, so q(w, z) = p. Therefore, we’ve shown that q represents p. Example. Consider q = �2, 1, 7� with ∆ = −55. Let p be an odd prime not dividing ∆ that satisfies conditions (i) - (iv) of Theorem 2. Step 1. From condition (i) of Theorem 2, ( ∆ p )�= 1. Thus, applying Theorem 4 yields x, y, k ∈ Z with q(x, y) = kp and 1 ≤ k ≤ 55 3 = 4.28 . . .. . Step 2 (Elimination). By Lemma 1(c), k is a square modulo 5. As ( 25 ) = ( 35 ) = −1, k ∈ {1, 4}. Step 3 (Reduction). Suppose q(x, y) = 4p. One might try to argue, as in the example in Section 4.2, that both x and y are even. However, this need not be the case: e.g. q represents 7 and q(3, 1) = 4 · 7. Applying the algorithm described above 11 INTEGERS: 13 (2013) we obtain �� M= � � � � � � � 1 −3 1 −1 1 0 1 , , , −1 −1 −1 2 −1 −2 −1 � � � � � � � � � 2 −3 2 −1 2 0 2 0 2 , , , , 0 −1 0 2 0 −2 0 2 0 � � 0 1 , 2 −1 � � 1 2 , −2 0 � � � 1 1 3 , , −2 −1 1 �� 3 . 1 � 1 −3 Set M = . Set (x0 , y0 ) = M (x, y) = (x − 3y, −x − y) and note q(x0 , y0 ) = −1 −1 4q(x, y) = 16p. If we knew x0 ≡ y0 ≡ 0 (mod 4), then we could divide through by 4 to obtain an integer representation of p. Certainly we need only consider (x, y) ∈ Z2 with q(x, y) ≡ 0 (mod 4). Further, since we’re assuming ( p5 ) = ( 25 ) = −1 p 2 and ( 11 ) = ( 11 ) = −1, condition (ii) of Theorem 2 implies we need only consider q(x,y) 4p 4p 2 (x, y) ∈ Z with ( q(x,y) 5 ) = ( 5 ) = −1 and ( 11 ) = ( 11 ) = −1. By an exhaustive 2 search modulo 220, we verify the only such (x, y) ∈ Z yield x0 ≡ y0 ≡ 0 (mod 4). Setting x0 = 4w and y0 = 4z, we have q(x0 , y0 ) = 32w2 + 16wz + 224z 2 = 16p. Dividing through by 16, we see q(w, z) = 2w2 + wz + 7z 2 = p. Therefore, we’ve shown that q represents p. Acknowledgements. This work was done in the context of a VIGRE Research Group at the University of Georgia during the 2011-2012 academic year. The group was led by the first author, with participants the other three authors together with Christopher Drupieski (postdoc), Brian Bonsignore, Harrison Chapman, Lauren Huckaba, David Krumm, Allan Lacy Mora, Nham Ngo, Alex Rice, James Stankewicz, Lee Troupe, Nathan Walters (doctoral students) and Jun Zhang (master’s student). References [1] P.L. 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The discriminants were calculated by Voight in [14]. We redid this calculation, and in so doing found a minor error of tabulation which Voight confirmed. The forms were generated using Sage. Table 1: Representatives for 2779 SL2 (Z)-equivalence Classes of Regular Forms |∆| 3 11 16 24 32 36 40 51 55 63 68 75 84 91 96 100 115 120 128 132 �A, B, C� �1, 1, 1� �1, 1, 3� �1, 0, 4� �1, 0, 6� �1, 0, 8� �1, 0, 9� �2, 0, 5� �1, 1, 13� �2, ±1, 7� �2, ±1, 8� �3, ±2, 6� �3, 3, 7� �3, 0, 7� �1, 1, 23� �4, 4, 7� �1, 0, 25� �1, 1, 29� �3, 0, 10� �3, ±2, 11� �6, 6, 7� |∆| 4 12 19 24 32 36 43 51 56 64 72 80 84 91 96 100 115 120 132 136 �A, B, C� �1, 0, 1� �1, 0, 3� �1, 1, 5� �2, 0, 3� �3, 2, 3� �2, 2, 5� �1, 1, 11� �3, 3, 5� �3, ±2, 5� �1, 0, 16� �1, 0, 18� �3, ±2, 7� �5, 4, 5� �5, 3, 5� �5, 2, 5� �2, 2, 13� �5, 5, 7� �5, 0, 6� �1, 0, 33� �5, ±2, 7� |∆| 7 15 20 27 35 39 48 52 60 64 72 84 88 96 99 112 120 123 132 144 �A, B, C� �1, 1, 2� �1, 1, 4� �1, 0, 5� �1, 1, 7� �1, 1, 9� �2, ±1, 5� �1, 0, 12� �1, 0, 13� �1, 0, 15� �4, 4, 5� �2, 0, 9� �1, 0, 21� �1, 0, 22� �1, 0, 24� �1, 1, 25� �1, 0, 28� �1, 0, 30� �1, 1, 31� �2, 2, 17� �5, ±4, 8� |∆| 8 15 20 28 35 40 48 52 60 67 75 84 88 96 99 112 120 123 132 147 �A, B, C� �1, 0, 2� �2, 1, 2� �2, 2, 3� �1, 0, 7� �3, 1, 3� �1, 0, 10� �3, 0, 4� �2, 2, 7� �3, 0, 5� �1, 1, 17� �1, 1, 19� �2, 2, 11� �2, 0, 11� �3, 0, 8� �5, 1, 5� �4, 0, 7� �2, 0, 15� �3, 3, 11� �3, 0, 11� �1, 1, 37� 13 INTEGERS: 13 (2013) Table 1: Representatives for 2779 SL2 (Z)-equivalence Classes of Regular Forms |∆| 147 156 160 168 180 187 192 195 208 224 228 235 240 260 267 276 280 288 308 312 315 328 340 352 360 372 384 403 408 420 420 435 448 456 475 480 480 483 520 528 532 552 555 568 580 595 603 616 627 640 660 660 672 672 708 715 720 736 760 772 795 819 832 840 �A, B, C� �3, 3, 13� �5, ±2, 8� �7, 6, 7� �3, 0, 14� �2, 2, 23� �1, 1, 47� �4, 4, 13� �5, 5, 11� �7, ±4, 8� �5, ±4, 12� �6, 6, 11� �5, 5, 13� �5, 0, 12� �3, ±2, 22� �1, 1, 67� �7, ±2, 10� �7, 0, 10� �8, 8, 11� �6, ±2, 13� �6, 0, 13� �9, 9, 11� �7, ±6, 13� �2, 2, 43� �4, 4, 23� �7, ±2, 13� �2, 2, 47� �7, ±6, 15� �1, 1, 101� �3, 0, 34� �3, 0, 35� �10, 10, 13� �1, 1, 109� �1, 0, 112� �5, ±2, 23� �7, ±1, 17� �5, 0, 24� �12, 12, 13� �11, 1, 11� �1, 0, 130� �7, ±2, 19� �7, 0, 19� �7, ±6, 21� �5, 5, 29� �11, ±2, 13� �11, ±6, 14� �7, 7, 23� �9, ±3, 17� �10, ±8, 17� �3, 3, 53� �11, ±8, 16� �2, 2, 83� �10, 10, 19� �1, 0, 168� �8, 0, 21� �1, 0, 177� �1, 1, 179� �7, ±6, 27� �11, ±10, 19� �10, 0, 19� �11, ±8, 19� �3, 3, 67� �9, ±3, 23� �11, ±2, 19� �5, 0, 42� |∆| 148 160 163 168 180 187 192 195 219 228 232 240 252 260 267 280 288 291 312 315 320 336 340 352 360 372 387 403 408 420 420 435 448 456 480 480 483 504 520 528 532 552 555 576 592 595 612 624 627 651 660 660 672 672 708 715 720 760 763 792 795 820 840 840 �A, B, C� �1, 0, 37� �1, 0, 40� �1, 1, 41� �6, 0, 7� �5, 0, 9� �7, 3, 7� �7, 2, 7� �7, 1, 7� �5, ±1, 11� �1, 0, 57� �1, 0, 58� �1, 0, 60� �8, ±6, 9� �6, ±2, 11� �3, 3, 23� �1, 0, 70� �1, 0, 72� �5, ±3, 15� �1, 0, 78� �1, 1, 79� �3, ±2, 27� �5, ±2, 17� �5, 0, 17� �8, 0, 11� �9, ±6, 11� �3, 0, 31� �9, ±3, 11� �11, 9, 11� �6, 0, 17� �5, 0, 21� �11, 8, 11� �3, 3, 37� �4, 4, 29� �10, ±8, 13� �1, 0, 120� �8, 0, 15� �1, 1, 121� �5, ±4, 26� �2, 0, 65� �8, ±4, 17� �13, 12, 13� �11, ±8, 14� �13, 11, 13� �5, ±2, 29� �8, ±4, 19� �13, 9, 13� �7, ±2, 22� �5, ±4, 32� �11, 11, 17� �5, ±3, 33� �3, 0, 55� �11, 0, 15� �3, 0, 56� �8, 8, 23� �2, 2, 89� �5, 5, 37� �8, ±4, 23� �1, 0, 190� �13, ±11, 17� �9, ±6, 23� �5, 5, 41� �11, ±4, 19� �1, 0, 210� �6, 0, 35� |∆| 148 160 168 171 180 192 195 196 220 228 232 240 256 264 275 280 288 292 312 315 320 336 340 352 363 372 388 408 420 420 427 435 448 468 480 480 483 504 520 532 544 555 564 576 595 600 612 624 627 651 660 660 672 672 708 715 723 760 768 792 795 820 840 840 �A, B, C� �2, 2, 19� �4, 4, 11� �1, 0, 42� �5, ±3, 9� �7, 4, 7� �1, 0, 48� �1, 1, 49� �5, ±2, 10� �7, ±2, 8� �2, 2, 29� �2, 0, 29� �3, 0, 20� �5, ±2, 13� �5, ±4, 14� �3, ±1, 23� �2, 0, 35� �4, 4, 19� �7, ±4, 11� �2, 0, 39� �5, 5, 17� �7, ±4, 12� �8, ±4, 11� �10, 10, 11� �8, 8, 13� �7, ±1, 13� �6, 6, 17� �7, ±2, 14� �1, 0, 102� �1, 0, 105� �6, 6, 19� �1, 1, 107� �5, 5, 23� �7, 0, 16� �7, ±6, 18� �3, 0, 40� �8, 8, 17� �3, 3, 41� �10, ±4, 13� �5, 0, 26� �1, 0, 133� �5, ±4, 28� �1, 1, 139� �5, ±4, 29� �9, ±6, 17� �1, 1, 149� �7, ±4, 22� �11, ±2, 14� �11, ±6, 15� �13, 7, 13� �11, ±3, 15� �5, 0, 33� �13, 4, 13� �4, 4, 43� �12, 12, 17� �3, 0, 59� �11, 11, 19� �11, ±5, 17� �2, 0, 95� �7, ±4, 28� �13, ±12, 18� �15, 15, 17� �13, ±8, 17� �2, 0, 105� �7, 0, 30� |∆| 155 160 168 180 184 192 195 203 224 228 235 240 259 264 276 280 288 308 312 315 323 340 352 355 372 384 400 408 420 420 427 435 448 468 480 480 483 507 520 532 544 555 564 580 595 600 616 627 640 660 660 667 672 672 708 715 736 760 768 795 819 832 840 840 �A, B, C� �3, ±1, 13� �5, 0, 8� �2, 0, 21� �1, 0, 45� �5, ±4, 10� �3, 0, 16� �3, 3, 17� �3, ±1, 17� �3, ±2, 19� �3, 0, 19� �1, 1, 59� �4, 0, 15� �5, ±1, 13� �7, ±4, 10� �5, ±2, 14� �5, 0, 14� �8, 0, 9� �3, ±2, 26� �3, 0, 26� �7, 7, 13� �3, ±1, 27� �1, 0, 85� �1, 0, 88� �7, ±3, 13� �1, 0, 93� �5, ±4, 20� �8, ±4, 13� �2, 0, 51� �2, 2, 53� �7, 0, 15� �7, 7, 17� �11, 7, 11� �11, 6, 11� �9, ±6, 14� �4, 4, 31� �11, 2, 11� �7, 7, 19� �7, ±5, 19� �10, 0, 13� �2, 2, 67� �7, ±4, 20� �3, 3, 47� �10, ±6, 15� �7, ±6, 22� �5, 5, 31� �11, ±4, 14� �5, ±2, 31� �1, 1, 157� �7, ±2, 23� �1, 0, 165� �6, 6, 29� �11, ±9, 17� �7, 0, 24� �13, 2, 13� �6, 6, 31� �13, 13, 17� �5, ±2, 37� �5, 0, 38� �13, ±8, 16� �1, 1, 199� �5, ±1, 41� �7, ±6, 31� �3, 0, 70� �10, 0, 21� 14 INTEGERS: 13 (2013) Table 1: Representatives for 2779 SL2 (Z)-equivalence Classes of Regular Forms |∆| 840 868 900 915 928 960 960 987 1008 1012 1035 1056 1092 1092 1120 1120 1128 1140 1152 1155 1155 1227 1248 1248 1275 1312 1320 1320 1344 1360 1380 1380 1395 1428 1428 1435 1440 1443 1488 1540 1540 1560 1600 1632 1632 1659 1680 1683 1716 1768 1780 1824 1827 1848 1848 1860 1920 1992 1995 1995 2016 2035 2040 2080 �A, B, C� �14, 0, 15� �13, ±4, 17� �13, ±6, 18� �11, ±3, 21� �8, 8, 31� �1, 0, 240� �12, 12, 23� �11, ±5, 23� �11, ±2, 23� �17, 12, 17� �7, ±1, 37� �13, ±6, 21� �1, 0, 273� �7, 0, 39� �1, 0, 280� �8, 0, 35� �11, ±4, 26� �7, ±6, 42� �11, ±6, 27� �5, 5, 59� �17, 1, 17� �11, ±7, 29� �1, 0, 312� �8, 8, 41� �11, ±1, 29� �7, ±2, 47� �3, 0, 110� �11, 0, 30� �5, ±4, 68� �8, ±4, 43� �3, 0, 115� �15, 0, 23� �17, ±13, 23� �1, 0, 357� �7, 0, 51� �1, 1, 359� �7, ±4, 52� �11, ±3, 33� �17, ±12, 24� �5, 0, 77� �14, 14, 31� �14, ±8, 29� �17, ±10, 25� �8, 0, 51� �23, 22, 23� �15, ±9, 29� �11, ±6, 39� �9, ±3, 47� �17, ±16, 29� �22, ±16, 23� �19, ±14, 26� �13, ±10, 37� �19, ±15, 27� �6, 0, 77� �21, 0, 22� �21, ±18, 26� �17, ±16, 32� �23, ±20, 26� �7, 7, 73� �23, 11, 23� �20, ±12, 27� �19, ±13, 29� �21, ±12, 26� �4, 4, 131� |∆| 852 880 912 928 952 960 960 987 1012 1027 1035 1056 1092 1092 1120 1120 1128 1140 1152 1155 1155 1240 1248 1248 1275 1312 1320 1320 1344 1360 1380 1380 1408 1428 1428 1435 1440 1443 1507 1540 1540 1560 1632 1632 1635 1672 1680 1716 1752 1771 1792 1824 1848 1848 1860 1920 1947 1995 1995 2016 2020 2040 2067 2080 �A, B, C� �7, ±4, 31� �7, ±4, 32� �8, ±4, 29� �1, 0, 232� �11, ±4, 22� �3, 0, 80� �15, 0, 16� �13, ±1, 19� �1, 0, 253� �7, ±3, 37� �9, ±3, 29� �15, ±12, 20� �2, 2, 137� �13, 0, 21� �4, 4, 71� �8, 8, 37� �13, ±4, 22� �11, ±2, 26� �16, ±8, 19� �7, 7, 43� �19, 17, 19� �11, ±6, 29� �3, 0, 104� �12, 12, 29� �13, ±5, 25� �13, ±12, 28� �5, 0, 66� �15, 0, 22� �11, ±8, 32� �11, ±2, 31� �5, 0, 69� �19, 8, 19� �13, ±10, 29� �2, 2, 179� �14, 14, 29� �5, 5, 73� �9, ±6, 41� �17, ±11, 23� �13, ±1, 29� �7, 0, 55� �22, 22, 23� �17, ±2, 23� �1, 0, 408� �8, 8, 53� �11, ±9, 39� �7, ±6, 61� �13, ±6, 33� �5, ±2, 86� �13, ±4, 34� �5, ±3, 89� �11, ±10, 43� �15, ±6, 31� �1, 0, 462� �7, 0, 66� �7, ±4, 67� �11, ±4, 44� �13, ±9, 39� �1, 1, 499� �15, 15, 37� �5, ±2, 101� �11, ±2, 46� �7, ±2, 73� �11, ±1, 47� �5, 0, 104� |∆| 852 880 912 928 952 960 960 1003 1012 1032 1056 1060 1092 1092 1120 1120 1131 1140 1155 1155 1204 1240 1248 1248 1288 1320 1320 1332 1344 1380 1380 1387 1408 1428 1428 1435 1440 1467 1540 1540 1555 1560 1632 1632 1635 1672 1680 1716 1752 1771 1792 1824 1848 1848 1860 1920 1947 1995 1995 2016 2020 2040 2067 2080 �A, B, C� �14, ±10, 17� �13, ±2, 17� �11, ±10, 23� �4, 4, 59� �13, ±6, 19� �4, 4, 61� �16, 16, 19� �11, ±3, 23� �2, 2, 127� �7, ±2, 37� �5, ±2, 53� �7, ±2, 38� �3, 0, 91� �14, 14, 23� �5, 0, 56� �17, 6, 17� �5, ±3, 57� �13, ±2, 22� �1, 1, 289� �11, 11, 29� �5, ±4, 61� �17, ±16, 22� �4, 4, 79� �13, 0, 24� �13, ±8, 26� �1, 0, 330� �6, 0, 55� �9, ±6, 38� �15, ±6, 23� �1, 0, 345� �6, 6, 59� �13, ±11, 29� �16, ±8, 23� �3, 0, 119� �17, 0, 21� �7, 7, 53� �11, ±10, 35� �9, ±3, 41� �1, 0, 385� �10, 10, 41� �17, ±3, 23� �19, ±6, 21� �3, 0, 136� �12, 12, 37� �13, ±9, 33� �14, ±8, 31� �19, ±12, 24� �10, ±2, 43� �17, ±4, 26� �13, ±7, 35� �16, ±8, 29� �20, ±4, 23� �2, 0, 231� �11, 0, 42� �13, ±8, 37� �13, ±2, 37� �17, ±5, 29� �3, 3, 167� �19, 19, 31� �13, ±8, 40� �22, ±2, 23� �13, ±12, 42� �19, ±17, 31� �8, 0, 65� |∆| 868 900 915 928 955 960 960 1008 1012 1032 1056 1060 1092 1092 1120 1120 1131 1140 1155 1155 1204 1243 1248 1248 1288 1320 1320 1332 1344 1380 1380 1395 1411 1428 1428 1435 1440 1488 1540 1540 1560 1600 1632 1632 1659 1680 1683 1716 1768 1780 1824 1827 1848 1848 1860 1920 1992 1995 1995 2016 2035 2040 2080 2080 �A, B, C� �11, ±10, 22� �9, ±6, 26� �7, ±3, 33� �8, 0, 29� �7, ±5, 35� �5, 0, 48� �17, 14, 17� �9, ±6, 29� �11, 0, 23� �14, ±12, 21� �7, ±6, 39� �14, ±2, 19� �6, 6, 47� �17, 8, 17� �7, 0, 40� �19, 18, 19� �15, ±3, 19� �14, ±6, 21� �3, 3, 97� �15, 15, 23� �10, ±6, 31� �17, ±7, 19� �8, 0, 39� �19, 14, 19� �17, ±2, 19� �2, 0, 165� �10, 0, 33� �18, ±6, 19� �17, ±4, 20� �2, 2, 173� �10, 10, 37� �13, ±3, 27� �5, ±3, 71� �6, 6, 61� �19, 4, 19� �19, 3, 19� �13, ±4, 28� �8, ±4, 47� �2, 2, 193� �11, 0, 35� �7, ±6, 57� �13, ±8, 32� �4, 4, 103� �17, 0, 24� �5, ±1, 83� �8, ±4, 53� �7, ±5, 61� �15, ±12, 31� �11, ±6, 41� �13, ±12, 37� �5, ±4, 92� �17, ±3, 27� �3, 0, 154� �14, 0, 33� �14, ±10, 35� �16, ±8, 31� �13, ±6, 39� �5, 5, 101� �21, 21, 29� �19, ±6, 27� �7, ±3, 73� �14, ±12, 39� �1, 0, 520� �8, 8, 67� 15 INTEGERS: 13 (2013) Table 1: Representatives for 2779 SL2 (Z)-equivalence Classes of Regular Forms |∆| 2080 2088 2100 2112 2128 2163 2208 2244 2272 2280 2340 2368 2400 2436 2451 2464 2496 2520 2580 2632 2640 2688 2715 2760 2772 2788 2880 2907 3003 3003 3040 3040 3060 3108 3168 3172 3192 3220 3315 3315 3355 3360 3360 3360 3360 3432 3480 3520 3588 3627 3640 3648 3795 3808 3828 3840 3843 4020 4032 4123 4128 4180 4260 4368 �A, B, C� �13, 0, 40� �18, ±12, 31� �22, ±10, 25� �21, ±18, 29� �13, ±2, 41� �17, ±9, 33� �21, ±12, 28� �10, ±6, 57� �13, ±4, 44� �14, ±4, 41� �19, ±4, 31� �23, ±22, 31� �11, ±8, 56� �10, ±2, 61� �15, ±3, 41� �20, ±4, 31� �11, ±10, 59� �17, ±8, 38� �17, ±2, 38� �23, ±6, 29� �24, ±12, 29� �16, ±8, 43� �21, ±15, 35� �13, ±10, 55� �17, ±4, 41� �23, ±8, 31� �23, ±8, 32� �27, ±15, 29� �3, 3, 251� �21, 21, 41� �4, 4, 191� �19, 0, 40� �11, ±8, 71� �13, ±8, 61� �13, ±2, 61� �23, ±18, 38� �31, ±30, 33� �26, ±2, 31� �3, 3, 277� �17, 17, 53� �23, ±7, 37� �5, 0, 168� �12, 12, 73� �24, 0, 35� �31, 22, 31� �31, ±28, 34� �26, ±24, 39� �13, ±4, 68� �17, ±4, 53� �11, ±5, 83� �31, ±24, 34� �32, ±24, 33� �17, ±9, 57� �13, ±12, 76� �14, ±6, 69� �17, ±6, 57� �17, ±13, 59� �31, ±14, 34� �29, ±12, 36� �29, ±13, 37� �28, ±4, 37� �31, ±6, 34� �31, ±24, 39� �17, ±16, 68� |∆| 2080 2100 2112 2115 2139 2208 2212 2244 2275 2280 2340 2392 2400 2436 2464 2475 2496 2520 2580 2640 2667 2688 2755 2760 2772 2832 2880 2968 3003 3003 3040 3040 3060 3108 3168 3192 3220 3243 3315 3315 3360 3360 3360 3360 3432 3480 3507 3520 3588 3640 3648 3712 3795 3808 3828 3840 4020 4032 4048 4128 4180 4260 4323 4368 �A, B, C� �20, 20, 31� �11, ±10, 50� �7, ±4, 76� �9, ±3, 59� �5, ±1, 107� �7, ±2, 79� �17, ±10, 34� �15, ±6, 38� �19, ±9, 31� �17, ±10, 35� �22, ±6, 27� �7, ±4, 86� �21, ±6, 29� �15, ±12, 43� �5, ±4, 124� �23, ±3, 27� �15, ±12, 44� �18, ±12, 37� �19, ±2, 34� �8, ±4, 83� �17, ±11, 41� �17, ±10, 41� �13, ±1, 53� �22, ±12, 33� �26, ±6, 27� �8, ±4, 89� �27, ±24, 32� �13, ±10, 59� �7, 7, 109� �29, 19, 29� �5, 0, 152� �20, 20, 43� �18, ±6, 43� �22, ±18, 39� �19, ±10, 43� �11, ±8, 74� �11, ±6, 74� �17, ±15, 51� �5, 5, 167� �29, 7, 29� �1, 0, 840� �7, 0, 120� �15, 0, 56� �24, 24, 41� �17, ±6, 51� �13, ±2, 67� �13, ±9, 69� �17, ±4, 52� �22, ±14, 43� �11, ±10, 85� �11, ±2, 83� �16, ±8, 59� �19, ±9, 51� �19, ±12, 52� �21, ±6, 46� �19, ±6, 51� �13, ±6, 78� �9, ±6, 113� �8, ±4, 127� �7, ±4, 148� �17, ±6, 62� �13, ±2, 82� �19, ±3, 57� �23, ±18, 51� |∆| 2080 2100 2112 2115 2139 2208 2212 2244 2275 2280 2340 2392 2400 2436 2464 2475 2496 2520 2580 2640 2667 2688 2755 2760 2772 2832 2880 2968 3003 3003 3040 3040 3060 3108 3168 3192 3220 3243 3315 3315 3360 3360 3360 3360 3432 3480 3507 3520 3588 3640 3648 3712 3795 3808 3828 3840 4020 4032 4048 4128 4180 4260 4323 4368 �A, B, C� �23, 6, 23� �17, ±12, 33� �17, ±8, 32� �13, ±11, 43� �15, ±9, 37� �11, ±6, 51� �19, ±12, 31� �19, ±6, 30� �23, ±5, 25� �21, ±18, 31� �23, ±12, 27� �14, ±4, 43� �25, ±20, 28� �23, ±18, 30� �17, ±16, 40� �25, ±15, 27� �20, ±12, 33� �19, ±8, 34� �22, ±18, 33� �13, ±8, 52� �23, ±1, 29� �23, ±16, 32� �17, ±13, 43� �26, ±16, 29� �27, ±24, 31� �24, ±12, 31� �27, ±12, 28� �26, ±16, 31� �11, 11, 71� �31, 29, 31� �8, 0, 95� �29, 18, 29� �22, ±14, 37� �26, ±18, 33� �23, ±12, 36� �17, ±2, 47� �13, ±2, 62� �19, ±5, 43� �13, 13, 67� �31, 23, 31� �3, 0, 280� �8, 0, 105� �20, 20, 47� �28, 28, 37� �19, ±8, 46� �19, ±4, 46� �23, ±9, 39� �28, ±20, 35� �33, ±30, 34� �17, ±10, 55� �23, ±20, 44� �31, ±16, 32� �29, ±27, 39� �29, ±22, 37� �23, ±6, 42� �23, ±22, 47� �17, ±14, 62� �11, ±4, 92� �17, ±10, 61� �21, ±18, 53� �23, ±12, 47� �23, ±8, 47� �23, ±1, 47� �24, ±12, 47� |∆| 2088 2100 2112 2128 2163 2208 2244 2272 2280 2340 2368 2400 2436 2451 2464 2496 2520 2580 2632 2640 2688 2715 2760 2772 2788 2880 2907 3003 3003 3040 3040 3060 3108 3168 3172 3192 3220 3315 3315 3355 3360 3360 3360 3360 3432 3480 3520 3588 3627 3640 3648 3795 3808 3828 3840 3843 4020 4032 4123 4128 4180 4260 4368 4420 �A, B, C� �9, ±6, 59� �19, ±16, 31� �19, ±4, 28� �8, ±4, 67� �11, ±9, 51� �17, ±6, 33� �5, ±4, 113� �11, ±4, 52� �7, ±4, 82� �11, ±6, 54� �19, ±8, 32� �7, ±6, 87� �5, ±2, 122� �5, ±3, 123� �19, ±14, 35� �5, ±2, 125� �9, ±6, 71� �11, ±4, 59� �19, ±16, 38� �19, ±18, 39� �13, ±4, 52� �7, ±1, 97� �11, ±10, 65� �13, ±6, 54� �19, ±10, 38� �7, ±2, 103� �27, ±21, 31� �1, 1, 751� �13, 13, 61� �1, 0, 760� �8, 8, 97� �9, ±6, 86� �11, ±4, 71� �9, ±6, 89� �19, ±18, 46� �22, ±8, 37� �22, ±6, 37� �1, 1, 829� �15, 15, 59� �13, ±5, 65� �4, 4, 211� �8, 8, 107� �21, 0, 40� �29, 2, 29� �23, ±8, 38� �23, ±4, 38� �7, ±6, 127� �11, ±8, 83� �9, ±3, 101� �22, ±12, 43� �29, ±8, 32� �13, ±1, 73� �11, ±8, 88� �7, ±6, 138� �16, ±8, 61� �9, ±3, 107� �26, ±6, 39� �23, ±4, 44� �17, ±5, 61� �23, ±14, 47� �29, ±24, 41� �26, ±2, 41� �8, ±4, 137� �7, ±2, 158� 16 INTEGERS: 13 (2013) Table 1: Representatives for 2779 SL2 (Z)-equivalence Classes of Regular Forms |∆| 4420 4440 4452 4480 4488 4512 4515 4680 4740 4788 4960 4992 5083 5115 5152 5160 5187 5208 5280 5280 5280 5280 5355 5412 5440 5460 5460 5460 5460 5520 5712 5952 6160 6195 6240 6240 6307 6420 6435 6528 6580 6612 6688 6708 6720 6720 6820 6840 7008 7035 7072 7140 7140 7315 7392 7392 7392 7392 7395 7480 7540 7755 7968 7995 �A, B, C� �14, ±2, 79� �19, ±14, 61� �17, ±6, 66� �17, ±12, 68� �26, ±20, 47� �13, ±8, 88� �19, ±11, 61� �18, ±12, 67� �22, ±10, 55� �13, ±10, 94� �17, ±2, 73� �19, ±10, 67� �31, ±1, 41� �35, ±25, 41� �31, ±26, 47� �34, ±12, 39� �33, ±15, 41� �38, ±32, 41� �5, 0, 264� �12, 12, 113� �24, 24, 61� �41, 38, 41� �31, ±15, 45� �39, ±36, 43� �32, ±8, 43� �5, 0, 273� �13, 0, 105� �26, 26, 59� �42, 42, 43� �19, ±16, 76� �19, ±8, 76� �29, ±14, 53� �23, ±2, 67� �31, ±25, 55� �17, ±4, 92� �28, ±12, 57� �23, ±15, 71� �33, ±24, 53� �37, ±15, 45� �37, ±24, 48� �34, ±30, 55� �37, ±14, 46� �37, ±34, 53� �37, ±10, 46� �31, ±10, 55� �39, ±12, 44� �38, ±18, 47� �43, ±30, 45� �43, ±42, 51� �33, ±15, 55� �41, ±12, 44� �26, ±6, 69� �39, ±6, 46� �37, ±23, 53� �7, 0, 264� �12, 12, 157� �28, 28, 73� �47, 38, 47� �35, ±5, 53� �41, ±8, 46� �41, ±2, 46� �35, ±15, 57� �39, ±12, 52� �37, ±21, 57� |∆| 4420 4440 4452 4480 4488 4512 4515 4680 4740 4788 4960 4992 5115 5152 5160 5187 5208 5280 5280 5280 5280 5355 5412 5440 5460 5460 5460 5460 5467 5520 5712 5952 6160 6195 6240 6240 6420 6435 6528 6580 6612 6688 6708 6720 6720 6820 6840 7008 7035 7072 7140 7140 7315 7392 7392 7392 7392 7395 7480 7540 7755 7968 7995 8008 �A, B, C� �19, ±8, 59� �22, ±20, 55� �22, ±6, 51� �19, ±2, 59� �29, ±6, 39� �31, ±18, 39� �23, ±19, 53� �23, ±14, 53� �29, ±4, 41� �18, ±6, 67� �23, ±10, 55� �29, ±24, 48� �7, ±3, 183� �13, ±10, 101� �13, ±12, 102� �11, ±7, 119� �19, ±6, 69� �1, 0, 1320� �8, 0, 165� �15, 0, 88� �33, 0, 40� �9, ±3, 149� �13, ±10, 106� �11, ±4, 124� �1, 0, 1365� �6, 6, 229� �14, 14, 101� �30, 30, 53� �19, ±9, 73� �24, ±12, 59� �24, ±12, 61� �32, ±24, 51� �31, ±28, 56� �33, ±3, 47� �19, ±12, 84� �29, ±16, 56� �11, ±2, 146� �9, ±3, 179� �16, ±8, 103� �11, ±8, 151� �17, ±16, 101� �7, ±2, 239� �23, ±10, 74� �11, ±10, 155� �32, ±24, 57� �19, ±18, 94� �9, ±6, 191� �13, ±8, 136� �11, ±7, 161� �11, ±10, 163� �13, ±6, 138� �29, ±20, 65� �13, ±11, 143� �1, 0, 1848� �8, 0, 231� �21, 0, 88� �33, 0, 56� �7, ±5, 265� �19, ±14, 101� �17, ±12, 113� �7, ±1, 277� �13, ±12, 156� �19, ±17, 109� �17, ±4, 118� |∆| 4420 4440 4452 4480 4488 4512 4515 4680 4740 4788 4960 4992 5115 5152 5160 5187 5208 5280 5280 5280 5280 5355 5412 5440 5460 5460 5460 5460 5467 5520 5712 5952 6160 6195 6240 6240 6420 6435 6528 6580 6612 6688 6708 6720 6720 6820 6840 7008 7035 7072 7140 7140 7315 7392 7392 7392 7392 7395 7480 7540 7755 7968 7995 8008 �A, B, C� �35, ±30, 38� �33, ±24, 38� �33, ±6, 34� �32, ±16, 37� �31, ±10, 37� �33, ±30, 41� �29, ±3, 39� �31, ±30, 45� �33, ±12, 37� �26, ±10, 47� �29, ±12, 44� �32, ±16, 41� �17, ±11, 77� �17, ±4, 76� �17, ±12, 78� �17, ±7, 77� �23, ±6, 57� �3, 0, 440� �8, 8, 167� �20, 20, 71� �37, 14, 37� �13, ±1, 103� �23, ±4, 59� �31, ±4, 44� �2, 2, 683� �7, 0, 195� �15, 0, 91� �35, 0, 39� �31, ±19, 47� �37, ±20, 40� �29, ±28, 56� �32, ±8, 47� �40, ±20, 41� �37, ±13, 43� �21, ±12, 76� �35, ±30, 51� �22, ±2, 73� �17, ±5, 95� �23, ±2, 71� �17, ±4, 97� �23, ±14, 74� �28, ±12, 61� �29, ±22, 62� �13, ±12, 132� �32, ±8, 53� �29, ±16, 61� �18, ±12, 97� �17, ±8, 104� �23, ±7, 77� �23, ±14, 79� �19, ±2, 94� �37, ±36, 57� �29, ±15, 65� �3, 0, 616� �8, 8, 233� �24, 0, 77� �43, 2, 43� �21, ±9, 89� �23, ±8, 82� �23, ±2, 82� �19, ±15, 105� �23, ±6, 87� �23, ±3, 87� �29, ±24, 74� |∆| 4440 4452 4480 4488 4512 4515 4680 4740 4788 4960 4992 5083 5115 5152 5160 5187 5208 5280 5280 5280 5280 5355 5412 5440 5460 5460 5460 5460 5520 5712 5952 6160 6195 6240 6240 6307 6420 6435 6528 6580 6612 6688 6708 6720 6720 6820 6840 7008 7035 7072 7140 7140 7315 7392 7392 7392 7392 7395 7480 7540 7755 7968 7995 8008 �A, B, C� �11, ±2, 101� �11, ±6, 102� �16, ±8, 71� �13, ±6, 87� �11, ±8, 104� �13, ±3, 87� �9, ±6, 131� �11, ±10, 110� �9, ±6, 134� �11, ±10, 115� �16, ±8, 79� �19, ±3, 67� �21, ±3, 61� �19, ±4, 68� �26, ±12, 51� �29, ±27, 51� �37, ±34, 43� �4, 4, 331� �11, 0, 120� �24, 0, 55� �40, 40, 43� �23, ±21, 63� �26, ±10, 53� �32, ±24, 47� �3, 0, 455� �10, 10, 139� �21, 0, 65� �37, 4, 37� �8, ±4, 173� �8, ±4, 179� �17, ±10, 89� �8, ±4, 193� �11, ±3, 141� �7, ±2, 223� �23, ±4, 68� �19, ±1, 83� �31, ±20, 55� �19, ±5, 85� �32, ±16, 53� �22, ±14, 77� �34, ±18, 51� �31, ±16, 56� �31, ±22, 58� �19, ±14, 91� �33, ±12, 52� �37, ±32, 53� �29, ±2, 59� �39, ±18, 47� �31, ±23, 61� �29, ±2, 61� �23, ±6, 78� �38, ±2, 47� �31, ±1, 59� �4, 4, 463� �11, 0, 168� �24, 24, 83� �44, 44, 53� �31, ±13, 61� �38, ±24, 53� �34, ±22, 59� �21, ±15, 95� �29, ±6, 69� �29, ±3, 69� �34, ±4, 59� 17 INTEGERS: 13 (2013) Table 1: Representatives for 2779 SL2 (Z)-equivalence Classes of Regular Forms |∆| 8008 8052 8160 8160 8320 8352 8512 8547 8580 8580 8680 8715 8835 8932 9108 9120 9120 9240 9240 9568 9867 10080 10080 10528 10560 10560 10920 10920 10948 11040 11040 11067 11328 11715 11872 12160 12180 12180 12768 12768 12915 13195 13440 13440 13728 13728 13860 13860 13920 13920 14280 14280 14560 14560 14763 14820 14820 16192 16555 17220 17220 17472 17472 17760 �A, B, C� �37, ±24, 58� �41, ±36, 57� �28, ±4, 73� �43, ±28, 52� �32, ±16, 67� �37, ±26, 61� �41, ±4, 52� �43, ±15, 51� �29, ±2, 74� �42, ±18, 53� �43, ±36, 58� �43, ±33, 57� �43, ±25, 55� �38, ±6, 59� �34, ±2, 67� �28, ±20, 85� �51, ±48, 56� �26, ±4, 89� �46, ±12, 51� �53, ±48, 56� �47, ±35, 59� �36, ±12, 71� �47, ±42, 63� �41, ±38, 73� �32, ±24, 87� �52, ±36, 57� �29, ±10, 95� �57, ±48, 58� �47, ±12, 59� �33, ±24, 88� �52, ±20, 55� �47, ±5, 59� �43, ±14, 67� �51, ±27, 61� �52, ±20, 59� �43, ±40, 80� �34, ±14, 91� �53, ±40, 65� �33, ±6, 97� �51, ±30, 67� �53, ±21, 63� �55, ±15, 61� �32, ±16, 107� �48, ±24, 73� �31, ±6, 111� �57, ±54, 73� �31, ±20, 115� �62, ±42, 63� �39, ±30, 95� �61, ±54, 69� �33, ±30, 115� �59, ±36, 66� �41, ±6, 89� �55, ±20, 68� �59, ±39, 69� �43, ±12, 87� �59, ±44, 71� �61, ±20, 68� �47, ±41, 97� �34, ±18, 129� �62, ±58, 83� �32, ±8, 137� �68, ±36, 69� �44, ±4, 101� |∆| 8052 8160 8160 8320 8352 8512 8547 8580 8580 8680 8715 8835 8932 9108 9120 9120 9240 9240 9568 9867 10080 10080 10528 10560 10560 10920 10920 10948 11040 11040 11067 11328 11715 11872 12160 12180 12180 12768 12768 12915 13195 13440 13440 13728 13728 13860 13860 13920 13920 14280 14280 14560 14560 14763 14820 14820 16192 16555 17220 17220 17472 17472 17760 17760 �A, B, C� �19, ±2, 106� �7, ±4, 292� �35, ±10, 59� �16, ±8, 131� �9, ±6, 233� �13, ±4, 164� �17, ±15, 129� �7, ±4, 307� �31, ±10, 70� �13, ±2, 167� �19, ±5, 115� �11, ±3, 201� �13, ±8, 173� �9, ±6, 254� �7, ±6, 327� �31, ±26, 79� �13, ±4, 178� �34, ±12, 69� �7, ±6, 343� �29, ±15, 87� �9, ±6, 281� �37, ±24, 72� �19, ±6, 139� �13, ±10, 205� �32, ±8, 83� �11, ±6, 249� �33, ±6, 83� �37, ±2, 74� �11, ±2, 251� �39, ±6, 71� �13, ±3, 213� �31, ±24, 96� �17, ±7, 173� �13, ±6, 229� �16, ±8, 191� �13, ±12, 237� �37, ±20, 85� �11, ±6, 291� �37, ±16, 88� �9, ±3, 359� �11, ±7, 301� �16, ±8, 211� �37, ±18, 93� �17, ±12, 204� �37, ±6, 93� �9, ±6, 386� �41, ±30, 90� �13, ±4, 268� �41, ±26, 89� �11, ±8, 326� �46, ±16, 79� �11, ±2, 331� �43, ±24, 88� �23, ±7, 161� �17, ±2, 218� �47, ±28, 83� �17, ±14, 241� �29, ±27, 149� �17, ±16, 257� �43, ±18, 102� �17, ±2, 257� �47, ±24, 96� �11, ±4, 404� �47, ±10, 95� |∆| 8052 8160 8160 8320 8352 8512 8547 8580 8580 8680 8715 8835 8932 9108 9120 9120 9240 9240 9568 9867 10080 10080 10528 10560 10560 10920 10920 10948 11040 11040 11067 11328 11715 11872 12160 12180 12180 12768 12768 12915 13195 13440 13440 13728 13728 13860 13860 13920 13920 14280 14280 14560 14560 14763 14820 14820 16192 16555 17220 17220 17472 17472 17760 17760 �A, B, C� �31, ±16, 67� �13, ±2, 157� �39, ±24, 56� �23, ±12, 92� �31, ±24, 72� �32, ±24, 71� �23, ±3, 93� �14, ±10, 155� �35, ±10, 62� �26, ±24, 89� �23, ±5, 95� �33, ±3, 67� �19, ±6, 118� �17, ±2, 134� �17, ±14, 137� �35, ±20, 68� �17, ±12, 138� �37, ±26, 67� �28, ±20, 89� �37, ±7, 67� �17, ±16, 152� �43, ±38, 67� �23, ±12, 116� �19, ±2, 139� �39, ±36, 76� �19, ±10, 145� �38, ±28, 77� �41, ±32, 73� �13, ±6, 213� �43, ±22, 67� �37, ±25, 79� �32, ±24, 93� �29, ±1, 101� �31, ±30, 103� �29, ±22, 109� �17, ±14, 182� �39, ±12, 79� �17, ±4, 188� �44, ±28, 77� �19, ±9, 171� �43, ±7, 77� �29, ±4, 116� �41, ±34, 89� �19, ±16, 184� �51, ±12, 68� �18, ±6, 193� �45, ±30, 82� �19, ±8, 184� �52, ±4, 67� �22, ±8, 163� �47, ±14, 77� �17, ±14, 217� �44, ±20, 85� �47, ±29, 83� �29, ±12, 129� �51, ±36, 79� �32, ±24, 131� �37, ±13, 113� �29, ±8, 149� �51, ±18, 86� �23, ±10, 191� �51, ±36, 92� �19, ±10, 235� �55, ±40, 88� |∆| 8052 8160 8160 8320 8352 8512 8547 8580 8580 8680 8715 8835 8932 9108 9120 9120 9240 9240 9568 9867 10080 10080 10528 10560 10560 10920 10920 10948 11040 11040 11067 11328 11715 11872 12160 12180 12180 12768 12768 12915 13195 13440 13440 13728 13728 13860 13860 13920 13920 14280 14280 14560 14560 14763 14820 14820 16192 16555 17220 17220 17472 17472 17760 17760 �A, B, C� �38, ±2, 53� �21, ±18, 101� �41, ±32, 56� �31, ±22, 71� �36, ±12, 59� �32, ±8, 67� �31, ±3, 69� �21, ±18, 106� �37, ±2, 58� �29, ±22, 79� �41, ±31, 59� �41, ±29, 59� �26, ±18, 89� �18, ±6, 127� �21, ±6, 109� �41, ±8, 56� �23, ±12, 102� �39, ±30, 65� �43, ±8, 56� �43, ±25, 61� �19, ±16, 136� �45, ±30, 61� �29, ±12, 92� �29, ±24, 96� �41, ±10, 65� �22, ±16, 127� �55, ±50, 61� �43, ±24, 67� �29, ±26, 101� �44, ±20, 65� �39, ±3, 71� �32, ±8, 89� �43, ±29, 73� �41, ±10, 73� �32, ±16, 97� �26, ±14, 119� �51, ±48, 71� �31, ±2, 103� �47, ±4, 68� �45, ±15, 73� �47, ±23, 73� �31, ±18, 111� �47, ±40, 80� �23, ±16, 152� �53, ±30, 69� �23, ±20, 155� �46, ±26, 79� �23, ±8, 152� �57, ±30, 65� �23, ±16, 158� �55, ±30, 69� �31, ±14, 119� �53, ±42, 77� �53, ±17, 71� �34, ±2, 109� �58, ±46, 73� �32, ±8, 127� �41, ±3, 101� �31, ±4, 139� �58, ±50, 85� �32, ±24, 141� �59, ±46, 83� �33, ±18, 137� �57, ±48, 88� 18 INTEGERS: 13 (2013) Table 1: Representatives for 2779 SL2 (Z)-equivalence Classes of Regular Forms |∆| 17760 17952 17952 18720 18720 19320 19320 19380 19380 19635 19635 20020 20020 20640 20640 20832 20832 21120 21120 21840 21840 22080 22080 22848 22848 24640 24640 27360 27360 29568 29568 29920 29920 31395 31395 32032 32032 33915 33915 34720 34720 36960 36960 36960 36960 40755 40755 43680 43680 43680 43680 57120 57120 57120 57120 77280 77280 77280 77280 87360 87360 87360 87360 �A, B, C� �61, ±28, 76� �37, ±20, 124� �53, ±42, 93� �36, ±12, 131� �72, ±48, 73� �41, ±14, 119� �73, ±68, 82� �39, ±30, 130� �69, ±66, 86� �41, ±39, 129� �59, ±37, 89� �38, ±14, 133� �74, ±58, 79� �51, ±24, 104� �68, ±44, 83� �41, ±18, 129� �69, ±12, 76� �41, ±6, 129� �71, ±40, 80� �40, ±20, 139� �59, ±52, 104� �37, ±34, 157� �76, ±44, 79� �32, ±8, 179� �76, ±60, 87� �32, ±8, 193� �67, ±4, 92� �43, ±26, 163� �72, ±24, 97� �47, ±18, 159� �83, ±48, 96� �53, ±48, 152� �92, ±76, 97� �47, ±1, 167� �85, ±15, 93� �59, ±8, 136� �89, ±50, 97� �55, ±25, 157� �79, ±23, 109� �52, ±4, 167� �91, ±56, 104� �37, ±22, 253� �65, ±60, 156� �85, ±10, 109� �104, ±96, 111� �43, ±3, 237� �93, ±45, 115� �33, ±12, 332� �61, ±22, 181� �83, ±12, 132� �95, ±20, 116� �44, ±28, 329� �69, ±60, 220� �88, ±16, 163� �115, ±60, 132� �51, ±6, 379� �85, ±40, 232� �116, ±76, 179� �136, ±40, 145� �43, ±4, 508� �96, ±24, 229� �127, ±4, 172� �159, ±120, 160� |∆| 17952 17952 18720 18720 19320 19320 19380 19380 19635 19635 20020 20020 20640 20640 20832 20832 21120 21120 21840 21840 22080 22080 22848 22848 24640 24640 27360 27360 29568 29568 29920 29920 31395 31395 32032 32032 33915 33915 34720 34720 36960 36960 36960 36960 40755 40755 43680 43680 43680 43680 57120 57120 57120 57120 77280 77280 77280 77280 87360 87360 87360 87360 �A, B, C� �13, ±12, 348� �39, ±12, 116� �9, ±6, 521� �45, ±30, 109� �17, ±14, 287� �51, ±48, 106� �13, ±4, 373� �43, ±20, 115� �19, ±7, 259� �43, ±39, 123� �19, ±14, 266� �46, ±6, 109� �13, ±2, 397� �52, ±28, 103� �19, ±12, 276� �43, ±18, 123� �16, ±8, 331� �43, ±6, 123� �8, ±4, 683� �43, ±2, 127� �19, ±6, 291� �57, ±6, 97� �19, ±16, 304� �57, ±54, 113� �23, ±4, 268� �41, ±40, 160� �9, ±6, 761� �45, ±30, 157� �16, ±8, 463� �48, ±24, 157� �19, ±10, 395� �67, ±30, 115� �17, ±15, 465� �51, ±15, 155� �17, ±8, 472� �68, ±60, 131� �11, ±3, 771� �61, ±1, 139� �13, ±4, 668� �65, ±30, 137� �13, ±8, 712� �39, ±18, 239� �67, ±52, 148� �89, ±8, 104� �23, ±1, 443� �69, ±45, 155� �11, ±10, 995� �44, ±12, 249� �67, ±2, 163� �87, ±78, 143� �11, ±6, 1299� �47, ±28, 308� �77, ±28, 188� �89, ±14, 161� �17, ±6, 1137� �53, ±10, 365� �87, ±18, 223� �119, ±28, 164� �32, ±24, 687� �53, ±14, 413� �101, ±56, 224� �129, ±90, 185� |∆| 17952 17952 18720 18720 19320 19320 19380 19380 19635 19635 20020 20020 20640 20640 20832 20832 21120 21120 21840 21840 22080 22080 22848 22848 24640 24640 27360 27360 29568 29568 29920 29920 31395 31395 32032 32032 33915 33915 34720 34720 36960 36960 36960 36960 40755 40755 43680 43680 43680 43680 57120 57120 57120 57120 77280 77280 77280 77280 87360 87360 87360 87360 �A, B, C� �29, ±12, 156� �47, ±40, 104� �23, ±18, 207� �53, ±28, 92� �29, ±20, 170� �53, ±48, 102� �23, ±20, 215� �46, ±26, 109� �31, ±9, 159� �53, ±9, 93� �23, ±6, 218� �47, ±40, 115� �17, ±10, 305� �61, ±10, 85� �23, ±12, 228� �47, ±6, 111� �32, ±16, 167� �48, ±24, 113� �24, ±12, 229� �53, ±46, 113� �32, ±24, 177� �59, ±24, 96� �29, ±2, 197� �61, ±24, 96� �31, ±6, 199� �59, ±50, 115� �29, ±4, 236� �59, ±4, 116� �32, ±16, 233� �53, ±18, 141� �23, ±16, 328� �76, ±28, 101� �31, ±15, 255� �61, ±9, 129� �29, ±10, 277� �71, ±42, 119� �33, ±3, 257� �67, ±11, 127� �29, ±14, 301� �79, ±44, 116� �17, ±10, 545� �51, ±24, 184� �68, ±44, 143� �91, ±70, 115� �31, ±17, 331� �79, ±3, 129� �19, ±18, 579� �55, ±10, 199� �76, ±20, 145� �88, ±56, 133� �23, ±14, 623� �55, ±50, 271� �79, ±32, 184� �92, ±60, 165� �29, ±18, 669� �68, ±28, 287� �107, ±98, 203� �123, ±54, 163� �32, ±8, 683� �59, ±14, 371� �111, ±90, 215� �139, ±40, 160� |∆| 17952 17952 18720 18720 19320 19320 19380 19380 19635 19635 20020 20020 20640 20640 20832 20832 21120 21120 21840 21840 22080 22080 22848 22848 24640 24640 27360 27360 29568 29568 29920 29920 31395 31395 32032 32032 33915 33915 34720 34720 36960 36960 36960 36960 40755 40755 43680 43680 43680 43680 57120 57120 57120 57120 77280 77280 77280 77280 87360 87360 87360 87360 �A, B, C� �31, ±20, 148� �52, ±12, 87� �31, ±2, 151� �67, ±24, 72� �34, ±20, 145� �58, ±20, 85� �26, ±22, 191� �65, ±30, 78� �37, ±7, 133� �57, ±45, 95� �37, ±16, 137� �61, ±54, 94� �39, ±24, 136� �65, ±50, 89� �37, ±6, 141� �57, ±12, 92� �37, ±28, 148� �61, ±48, 96� �37, ±8, 148� �56, ±28, 101� �32, ±8, 173� �71, ±70, 95� �32, ±24, 183� �73, ±72, 96� �32, ±24, 197� �61, ±2, 101� �36, ±12, 191� �72, ±48, 103� �43, ±4, 172� �73, ±56, 112� �41, ±16, 184� �79, ±10, 95� �43, ±9, 183� �71, ±49, 119� �37, ±26, 221� �79, ±68, 116� �41, ±19, 209� �77, ±63, 123� �43, ±14, 203� �89, ±48, 104� �23, ±22, 407� �52, ±44, 187� �69, ±24, 136� �92, ±68, 113� �41, ±9, 249� �83, ±9, 123� �29, ±20, 380� �57, ±18, 193� �77, ±56, 152� �88, ±32, 127� �33, ±6, 433� �59, ±46, 251� �88, ±72, 177� �109, ±66, 141� �41, ±28, 476� �73, ±10, 265� �109, ±108, 204� �136, ±96, 159� �37, ±16, 592� �96, ±72, 241� �113, ±92, 212� �148, ±132, 177�