Before you complete your graduation application, check to make sure... ready to graduate:

Before you complete your graduation application, check to make sure you are
ready to graduate:
1. Meet with an academic advisor to review your degree audit and verify that all your degree
requirements will be met by the graduation semester.
2. Confirm that the business courses you need are offered in the semester you plan to complete
them. For a current list of courses, see:
3. If you are completing a minor, you must submit a minor form. Some minors require a signature
from the department offering the minor. Check here to see if the minor you are pursuing
requires a signature: If you
need a signature, you will need to schedule an appointment with the department contact listed
on the minor sheet to obtain the minor form and signature. If you do not need a signature for
your minor, you must complete a general minor form, available in Rm. 120 Schoenbaum.
4. Know the departments, course numbers and credit hours for each of the courses you plan to list
on the application.
Steps to Filling out the Graduation Application:
Version IE10 or higher, chrome or Firefox is needed to run the application.
Step 1 Choose the semester you are graduating. All course work must be completed by the graduation
Step 2: List all of your specializations, minors, and honors programs. You must list all designations on
your application or they will not appear on your transcript.
Specializations: Select your specialization(s) from the drop down menu. After each selection,
click the add button.
Minor: If you are completing a minor(s), upload the minor form.
To add a minor: Click the add minor button  Choose your minor from the drop down
menu  Go to choose file to upload the minor form from your files  Once the form is
uploaded, click the blue save button
If you turn in an updated minor form, you must resubmit the graduation application,
delete the old minor form and add the new minor form.
Additional Degrees : If you are completing a second degree in another college, choose which
college you plan to march with at commencement.
Honors Programs: If you are graduating with Honors, you must indicate which business
honors program you will complete. Latin honors will be awarded by the University and will be
added automatically to the transcript. Questions about honors or distinction should be
discussed with an honors advisor.
Combined Graduate Programs: If you are graduating with a combined degree (MAcc or
MHRM), you will march with the graduate school.
Step 3: Course Selection – Choose either the Gen Ed or department button and add the course number
and hours. If you are taking a class at another institution, check the yes button and complete the boxes
in the Non-OSU course information section.
If you do not know the exact course you are choosing for a Gen Ed course or for
electives, choose the General Education button. A pull down menu of all the Gen Ed
choices or Elective will be displayed.
If you are taking a course by credit for examination, click the credit for examination
Step 4: Commencement Demographics – List your hometown (what you would like displayed in the
commencement bulletin), phone number (where you can be reached for application questions and
graduation issues).
Any name changes must be made at the Student Academic Services Building, 281 Lane Avenue and
should be done before the 11th week of your graduating semester.
Step 5: Notes Examples of possible notes would include exceptions, pending petitions or if credit is
coming from a study abroad program.
Step 6: After reviewing and ensuring all information is accurate, check the box and click the apply for
graduation button.