Drawings and Documents Archive Ball State University Architecture building, Room 120 Muncie, IN 47304 Phone: 765-285-8441 Fax: 765-285-8149 Email: ddarchive@bsu.edu Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records 1910-1988 DADA 026 Title: Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Creator: Frederick H. Graham and Charles E. Hamilton Inclusive Dates: 1910-1988 Extent: 97.2 cu. ft. Containers: 13 flat file drawers, OVC box, manuscript box, 4 slide boxes (microfilm) Language of Materials: Materials entirely in English. Preferred Citation: Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records, Drawings and Documents Archive, Archives and Special Collections, Ball State University Libraries Biographical Note: Frederick Graham (1912-2007) earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture from the University of Michigan in 1936. He began his career with the George G. Booth Traveling Fellowship in Architecture in 1936 and became a draftsman for Alden B. Dow in 1937. He then began work for the firm of Houck and Hamilton from 1938-41. In 1941 he became partner and president of the firm Hamilton and Graham. Graham retired in 1986. Charles Eugene Hamilton began his career as a draftsman for Houck and Smenner Architects. He later partnered with Charles Houck at first (c.1934-1940) and then Graham, forming Hamilton and Graham Architects. Hamilton retired and left the firm in 1964, but his name was retained in the firm’s title for his name recognition and professional prestige. The names under which the firms conducted business are: Houck & Hamilton Hamilton, Charles Eugene Hamilton & Graham Hamilton, Graham & Hodge Hamilton, Graham, Associates 1932-40 1940 19411964-65 1966-69 Hamilton, Graham, Love & Associates Hamilton, Graham, Love & Associates, Inc. Graham, Love & Taylor, Inc. Graham, Love & Graham, Architects, Inc. DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 2 1970 1971-72 April 17, 1972-85 1985-89 Scope and Contents: Collection contains 6,013 architectural working drawings, specifications, firm commission list, photographs, negatives, and microfiche/microfilm dating from 1910-1988 for numerous building projects from the architecture firm of Graham, Love & Graham Architects, Inc. and predecessor firms. The earliest works of the collection were created by Charles Hamilton as a draftsman for Houck and Smenner Architects. Several records throughout the collection are commissions by other firms. The drawings are arranged chronologically. A commission list prepared by Frederick Graham in 1990 lists projects and commission numbers, in chronological order, from 1936-87. A detailed listing of commissions and related work to Charles E. Hamilton and Frederick H. Graham can be found in A Hundred Year Succession of Indiana Architects and Their Work 1888-1988 written by Frederick H. Graham. Conditions Governing Access: This collection is open for research. Copyright Notice: Legal title, copyright, and literary rights reside with Drawings and Documents Archive, Archives and Special Collections, Ball State University Libraries, Muncie, IN. All requests to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted to Drawings and Documents Archive. Custodial History: The Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records were received by Drawings and Documents Archive as a donation from Frederick Graham on 1998/5/27. Accruals: No additions are expected. Processing Information: Collection processing completed Finding aid created 1990/7/30 by Andrew R. Seager; revised 2012/2/17 by Julie Edwards and Carol Street. Arrangement: The Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records are arranged chronologically. Collection Inventory: Catalog no. 26- 1 Storage code(s) OVC 10 Project title Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 3 Ball State University Scheidler Apartments Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, Love, and Associates; 1970 A. Front elevation, 2 bedroom unit, Scott Wallace; ca. 1970. 1 board: ink, water color; 11x16 in. Right hand portion of board has been cut away B. Interior view; Scott Wallace; ca. 1970. 1 board: ink, water color; 20x30 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 20.001 Storage code(s) d++ Delaware County Children's Home Delaware Co., IN Houck and Smenner Architects, comm 1120; 1920 >> 2 sheets- Plans of Alterations Additions to Delaware Co. Children's Home, Reinforced Concrete Plan Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 20.002 Storage code(s) d++ Plans of Addition to Daleville High School Daleville, Delaware Co., IN Houck and Smenner, comm 820; 1920 >> 8 sheets Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 26.001 Storage code(s) d++ Saratoga High School Saratoga, Randolph Co., IN Houck and Smenner Architects, comm G2-26; 1926 >> 11 sheets Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year 26- 26.002 Storage code(s) d++ High Street Methodist Episcopal Church Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Houck and Smenner Architects, comm 1026, Bevington-Williams Inc. -Engineers; 1926 >> 18 sheets- Architectural Drawings Rev. Claude H. King –Pastor Records Notes Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Catalog no. Project title Location 26- 27.001 Storage code(s) d++ Plans of Addition to Albany High School Albany, Delaware Co., IN Houck and Smenner Architects, comm 827; 1927 >> 11 sheets- Architectural Drawings 26- 28.001 Storage code(s) Vocational and Physical Training Building Muncie, Delaware Co., IN d++ Authorship, year Records Notes DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 4 Houck and Smenner Architects, comm 2128; 1928 >> 25 sheets- Architectural Drawings For: Public Schools Extension Association Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 28.002 Storage code(s) d++ William Reed School Hartford City, Blackford Co., IN Houck and Smenner Architects, comm 228; 1928 >> 13 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 29.001 Storage code(s) d++ Van Buren School Annex Van Buren, Grant Co., IN Houck and Smenner Architects, comm 829 and 2912; 1929 >> 10 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Notes 26- 29.002 Storage code(s) d++ Physical Training and Vocational Building Hartford City, Blackford Co., IN Houck and Smenner Architects, comm 1129; 1929 >> 13 sheets- Architectural Drawings Hartford City School Building Corporation -Owners Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Notes 26- 30.001 Storage code(s) d Residence for Edgar L. Haymond 614 North Calvert Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Houck and Smenner Registered Architects, comm 1- 30; 1930 >> 8 Sheets, Architectural Drawings 20x32in. Working copy of drawings are in Collection 11- 23 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 31.001 Storage code(s) South Elwood School Elwood, Madison Co., IN Charles H. Houck Architect; 1931 >> 5 sheets- Architectural Drawings d++ Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 31.002 Storage code(s) Frankton School Frankton, Madison Co., IN C. H. Houck Registered Architect; 1931 >> 2 sheets- Architectural Drawings d++ Catalog no. Project title Location 26- 34.001 Storage code(s) d++ Butterfield Canning Co. Warehouse Lincoln and Washington Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 5 C. E. Hamilton Architect, comm 134; 1934 >> 5 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Notes 26- 35.001 Storage code(s) d++ Wabash Township School Geneva, Adams Co., IN Chas. H. Houck Registered Architect, comm 2335; 1935 >> 10 sheets- Architectural Drawings P.W.A. (Public Works Administration) Project Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Notes 26- 35.002 Storage code(s) Hill, Howard E., Dr., Residence Muncie, Delaware Co., IN 1935 >> 6 sheets- Architectural Drawings Revised Plans Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year 26- 35.003 Storage code(s) d++ Electric Light Plant Decatur, Adams Co., IN Chas. H. Houck and C. E. Hamilton Registered Architects, comm 2735; 1935 >> 8 sheets- Architectural Drawings P.W.A. (Public Works Administration) Project Number 1185, Plan of Addition Records Notes Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Notes Catalog no. Project title d++ 26- 35.004 Storage code(s) d++ School Bus Barn Spartanburg, Randolph Co., IN Drawn by George W. Courtney, Checked by C.E. Hamilton, Certified by Chas. H. Houck and C.E. Hamilton Architects, comm 3035; 1935 >> 3 sheets- Architectural Drawings 26- 36.001 Storage code(s) d++ Wilson Elementary School West 8th Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Chas. H. Houck and C.E. Hamilton Registered Architects, comm 336; 1936 >> 9 sheets- Architectural Drawings Addition to School, P.W.A (Public Works Administration) Grant Number 3004-655201 26- 36.002 Storage code(s) Brown, D.C., Residence d++ DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 6 Location Authorship, year Records Muncie, Delaware Co., IN comm 1236; 1936 >> 19 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year 26- 36.003 Storage code(s) d++ Municipal Light and Power Building Portland, Jay Co., IN W.C. Bevington and G.M. Williams Registered Engineers, Chas. H. Houck and C.E. Hamilton Registered Architects, comm 1336; 1936 >> 11 sheets- Architectural Drawings Addition and Alterations, P.W.A. (Public Works Administration) Project Number 1348 Records Notes Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Notes 26- 36.004 Storage code(s) d++ Hamilton Township School Delaware Co., IN Chas. H. Houck and Chas. E. Hamilton Registered Architects, comm 2136; 1936 >> 31 sheets- Architectural Drawings P.W.A. (Public Works Administration) Grant Project Number- IND.1352-D Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 37.001 Storage code(s) d++ Lichtenberg, Delbrook, Mr. and Mrs., Residence Hagerstown, Wayne Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Registered Architects, comm 537; 1937 >> 18 sheets- Architectural and Mechanical Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 37.002 Storage code(s) d++ Nation and Robinson Printers, One Story Masonry Building 426 East Howard Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Registered Architects, comm 637; 1937 >> 6 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year 26- 37.003 Storage code(s) d++ Indiana Dairy Marketing Association Plant and Offices Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Herbert F. Smenner and Associates Architects and Engineers, comm 1437; 1937 >> 4 sheets- Architectural Drawings Remodeling for Records Notes Catalog no. Project title Location 26- 37.004 Storage code(s) Logansport State Hospital Logansport, Cass Co., IN d++ Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 7 Houck and Hamilton Architects, comm 3751; 1937 >> 44 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 38.001 Storage code(s) d++ Hill, Howard E., Dr., Office Jackson and Liberty Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Architects, comm 138; 1938 >> 9 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 38.002 Storage code(s) d++ Greensfolk Township School addition and remodeling Randolph Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Architects, comm 238; 1938 >> 5 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 38.003 Storage code(s) d++ Root Township School addition Adams Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Registered Architects, comm 438; 1938 >> 7 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 38.004 Storage code(s) d++ Lichtenberg, F. D., Residence Hagerstown, Wayne Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Architects, comm 538; 1938 >> 17 sheets- Architectural Drawings, Electrical, Plumbing Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 38.005 Storage code(s) d++ Oyler, Gordon, Mr. and Mrs., Residence Berlington Road, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Registered Architects, comm 738; 1938 >> 6 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Notes 26- 38.006 Storage code(s) d++ Teetor, Daniel C., Mr. and Mrs., Residence Hagerstown, Wayne Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Registered Architects, comm 838; 1938 >> 8 sheets- Architectural Drawings Remodeling of Residence Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 38.007 Storage code(s) d++ Bakery Building for Logansport State Hospital Logansport, Cass Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Registered Architects, comm 938; 1938 >> 4 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 8 26- 38.008 Storage code(s) d++ Oyler, Gordon, Mr. and Mrs., Residence Burlington Road, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Registered Architects, comm 1738; 1938 >> 4 sheets- Architectural Drawings 26- 38.010 Storage code(s) d++ St. Mary's Township School addition Adams Co., IN Chas. H. Houck and C.E. Hamilton Registered Architects, comm 1838; 1938 >> 10 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 38.011 Storage code(s) d++ Office Building for J.D. Miltenberger and Son Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 38.012 Storage code(s) d++ Personnel Building for Logansport State Hospital Logansport, Cass Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Architects, comm 2238; 1938 >> 27 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 39.001 Storage code(s) d++ Ludington, N.P., Mr. and Mrs., Residence 309 North Tillotson Ave, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Registered Architects, comm 239; 1939 >> 11 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 39.002 Storage code(s) d++ Delaware County Fair Grounds North Wheeling Ave, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Registered Architects, comm 339; 1939 >> 26 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 39.003 Storage code(s) d++ Burlington Township School addition, remodeling Burlington, Carroll Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Registered Architects; 1939 >> 4 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Houck and Hamilton Architects; 1938 >> 13 sheets- Architectural Drawings 26- 39.004 Storage code(s) Kirklin Grade and High School d++ DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 9 Location Authorship, year Records Houck and Hamilton Architects; 1939 >> 14 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 39.005 Storage code(s) d++ Smith, Earl, Mr. and Mrs., Residence Warwick Road, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Registered Architects, comm 1439; 1939 >> 28 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Notes 26- 39.006 Storage code(s) d++ Jackson Housing Corporation 619 Jackson Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Registered Architects, comm 1539; 1939 >> 16 sheets- Architectural Drawings;34x36 FHA (Federal Housing Authority) Project 073-00010, at Jackson and Vine Streets Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 39.007 Storage code(s) d++ Home Economics Unit, Daleville High School Daleville, Delaware Co., IN C.H. Houck and C.E. Hamilton Registered Architects, comm 1639; 1939 >> 4 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 39.009 Storage code(s) d++ Jay County Hospital Portland, Jay Co., IN Herbert F. Smenner and Associates Architects and Engineers;1938 >> 18 sheets- Architectural Drawings, Electrical, Plumbing, Ventilating, Heating Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 40.001 Storage code(s) d+ Jail Building For Delaware County Indiana High and Gilbert Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Registered Architects, comm 140; 1940 >> 27 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 22.5x35in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Notes 26- 40.002 Storage code(s) d+ Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks No. 245 Washington Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Registered Architects; 1940 >> 14 sheets, Architectural Drawings, varying sizes, 21x36in., or smaller Plan of Remodeling Catalog no. 26- 40.003 Storage code(s) d+ Project title Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 10 Farmland Grade and High School Farmland, Randolph Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Registered Architects, comm 740; 1940 >> 10 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 21x35in., 11x31in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 40.004 Storage code(s) d+ Crane Company Pershing Ave and Broadway, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Registered Architects, comm 940; 1940 >> 12 sheets, Architectural Drawings, varying sizes, 20x33.5in. or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 40.005 Storage code(s) d+ Residence for Mr. and Mrs. D.K. Kennedy Riverside Ave., Westwood Addition, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Registered Architects, comm 1240; 1940 >> 31 sheets, Architectural Drawings, varying sizes, 18x34in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 40.006 Storage code(s) d+ Office of the Franklin Security Company alterations, additions Hartford City, Blackford Co., IN Houck and Hamilton Architects, comm 1440; 1940 >> 9 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 21x39.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 40.007 Storage code(s) d+ Harry Pazol Jewelry Store additions, alterations Walnut at Jackson Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN C.E. Hamilton Architect, comm 1640; 1940 >> 22 sheets, Architectural and Electrical Drawings, 21x33.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 41.001 Storage code(s) d+ Show Room for Knapp Supply Company remodel Ohio Ave. and Dudley Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN C. Eugene Hamilton and Frederick Graham Architects, [comm 141]; 1941 >> 2 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 19x31in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Catalog no. Project title Location 26- 41.002 Storage code(s) d+ Residence for Z.V. and Pearl C. Hazelton Lot #85 Woodridge Ave., Maple Ridge Addition, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN C. Eugene Hamilton and Frederick Graham Architects, comm 241; 1941 >> 4 sheets, pencil on trace, 21 x 30 in. 26- 41.003 Storage code(s) Residence For Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Gilcrest Richmond, Wayne Co., IN d+ Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 11 C. Eugene Hamilton and Frederick Graham Architects; 1941 A. 34 sheets, pencil on trace; blueline, varying sizes, 21 x 41 in. or smaller B. Collection includes two sets of house plans, plans for pumphouse, grille, living room paneling, radio record cabinet, radiator enclosures, bookshelves, and hot water heating system. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 41.004 Storage code(s) d+ New Sears and Roebuck Building Walnut at Jackson Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN C. Eugene Hamilton and Frederick Graham Architects, comm 841; 1941 >> 41 sheets ; 21.5 x 43 in. and smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 41.005 Storage code(s) d+ A Retail Store for Sears Roebuck and Company Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 841, job 534; 1941 >> 5 sheets, Architectural Drawings, varying sizes, 24x38in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year 26- 41.006 Storage code(s) d+ Muncie Federal Savings and Loan Association 14th and Jefferson Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN C. Eugene Hamilton and Frederick Graham Registered Architects, comm 1041; 1941 >> 1 sheet, Architectural Drawing, 19x24in. Records Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year 26- 41.007 Storage code(s) d+ Residence for Dr. and Mrs. L.O. Walters Hamilton Park, Fort Wayne, Allen Co., IN C. Eugene Hamilton and Frederick Graham Registered Architects, comm 1241; 1941 >> 5 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 18.5x29in. Records 26- 41.008 Storage code(s) d+ Radio Station WLBC Transmitter and Studio Muncie, Delaware Co., IN C. Eugene Hamilton and Frederick Graham Registered Architects, comm 1341; 1941 >> 25 sheets, Architectural Drawings, varying sizes, 21x41in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 42.001 Storage code(s) d+ The Broderick Company power plant, hydraulic shell plant Windsor Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 742-43Q; 1942 >> 77 sheets, Architectural Drawings, varying sizes, 35x60in.,or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 12 26- 43.001 Storage code(s) d+ Pure Mike Company Plant 925 South Nebraska Street, Marion, Grant Co., IN C.E. Hamilton and Frederick Graham Registered Architect, comm 435; 1943 >> 5 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 30x44.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 43.002 Storage code(s) d+ Shell Plant Toilet and Locker Rooms for Broderick Company Windsor Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 438; 1943 >> 5 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 21x37.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 43.003 Storage code(s) d+ Independent Gospel Tabernacle Church Building Bethel Heights, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 439; 1943 >> 1 sheet, Architectural Drawing, 21x46in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 44.001 Storage code(s) d+ New Factory and Boiler House for National Homes Corporation of Indiana U.S. Highway 52 and Kossuth Street, IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 441; 1944 >> 10 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 31x45in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 44.002 Storage code(s) d+ Indiana Dairy Marketing Association 401 Broadway, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 4311; 1944 >> 8 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 22x44in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 44.003 Storage code(s) d+ Steel Book Stacks for Muncie Public Library Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Remington Rand Inc., Tonawanda Plant; 1944 >> 8 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 22x34in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 44.004 Storage code(s) d+ New Ceiling Finish for Salem Township School Daleville, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Registered Architects; 1944 >> 5 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 21.5x36in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title 26- 44.005 Storage code(s) d+ Additions and Alterations to Present Boiler Plant, Wilson DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 13 Location Authorship, year Records Junior High School Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 443; 1944 >> 4 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 25x35 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 44.006 Storage code(s) d+ Kitchen and Cafeteria Building for the Jay Garment Company 50 Meridian Street, Portland, Jay Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 444; 1944 >> 8 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36.5 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 44.007 Storage code(s) d+ Residence Remodel for Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Hayden Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 446; 1944 >> 3 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 22.5x36 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 44.008 Storage code(s) d+ New Factory for the City Tool and Die Company East Washington Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 447; 1944 >> 17 sheets, Architectural Drawings, varying sizes, 29x39 in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 44.009 Storage code(s) d+ Steel Generator House for Broderick Company Windsor Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 4411; 1944 >> 6 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 22x36 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 44.010 Storage code(s) d+ The White Machine Works U.S. Highway 27 at Clay Street, Fort Wayne, Allen Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 4413 and 4414; 1944 >> 26 sheets, Architectural Drawings, varying sizes, 21.5x40.5 in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 44.011 Storage code(s) d+ Additions and Alterations to Existing School Building Selma, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 448; 1944 >> 22 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 26x37 in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location 26- 45.001 Storage code(s) Addition to Wilson Junior High School Muncie, Delaware Co., IN d+ Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 14 Hamilton and Graham Architects; 1945 >> 5 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 21.5x34 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 45.002 Storage code(s) d+, bx Sunday School Addition to First Presbyterian Church 1400 West Riverside Ave, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects; 1945 >> 16 sheets, Architectural Drawings, varying sizes, 21.5x31.5in., or smaller, (10x) Photographs 3x4 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 45.003 Storage code(s) d+ Instillation of New Boilers and Stokers at Harrison Township School Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 454; 1945 >> 1 sheet, Architectural Drawing, 20.5x34in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 45.004 Storage code(s) d+ Plans of Warehouse for The Butterfield Canning Company Plum Tree, Huntington Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 455; 1945 >> 4 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 21x39in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 45.005 Storage code(s) d+ Garage Building for Macdonald Motor Sales 322 North Walnut Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 4511; 1945 >> 9 sheets, Architectural Drawings, varying sizes, 27x36in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 45.006 Storage code(s) d+ Additions and Alterations to the Municipal Light and Power Building Portland, Jay Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 4512; 1945 >> 19 sheets, Architectural Drawings, varying sizes, 27x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 45.007 Storage code(s) d+ Extension of Plant No. 1 for General Motors Corporation Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Registered Architects, comm 4514; 1945 >> 9 sheets, Architectural Drawings, varying sizes, 34x46in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year 26- 45.008 Storage code(s) d+ Muncie Police Department Radio Station Highland Ave, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Registered Architects, comm 4516; 1945 Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 15 >> 11 sheets, Architectural Drawings, varying sizes, 33x37.5 in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 46.001 Storage code(s) d+ Basement Plan for Chamber of Commerce Building 300 1/2 Main Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects; 1946 >> 9 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 19x37 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 46.002 Storage code(s) d+ First Presbyterian Church Studies 1400 West Riverside Ave, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Harry Leslie Walker Architect, Hamilton and Graham Architects; 1946 >> 8 sheets, Architectural Drawings, varying sized, 21.5x29 in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 46.003 Storage code(s) d+ Chevrolet Muncie Office Building Extension Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Registered Architects; 1946 >> 10 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 32x48 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 46.004 Storage code(s) d+ Plumbing Shop Building, Tibbett's Plumbing and Heating Company Pearl Street, Union City, Randolph Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Registered Architects, comm 546; 1946 >> 4 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 20x39 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 46.005 Storage code(s) d+ Warehouse Addition for Nation-Robinson Printers Inc. 426 East Howard Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Registered Architects, comm 466; 1946 >> 3 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 20x43.5 in. Catalog no. Project title 26- 46.006 Storage code(s) d+ Locker and Toilet Room Additions, Chevrolet Muncie, division of General Motors Corporation Location Authorship, year Records Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Registered Architects, comm 469;1946 >> 5 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 36x43 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 46.007 Storage code(s) d+ Alterations and Additions to the Office of Dr. Howard E. Hill Corner of Jackson and Liberty Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 4610; 1946 >> 3 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 21x33 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 16 26- 46.008 Storage code(s) d+ Plan of Office and Plant of Muncie Newspapers Inc. Corner of High and Jackson Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 4611; 1946 >> 40 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 21.5x46.5 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 46.009 Storage code(s) d+ Evaporating Room Addition for Butterfield Canning Company Plum Tree, Huntington Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, 4613; 1946 >> 1 sheet, Architectural Drawing, 21x44 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 46.010 Storage code(s) d+ Transmitter Room Addition to Radio Station WLBC-AM and WMUN-FM Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 4616; 1946-48 >> 3 sheets, Architectural Drawing, 20x37 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 46.011 Storage code(s) d+ Remodeling of Interior for Richey's Clothing Store 219 South Walnut Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 4617; 1946 >> 7 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 21x39 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 46.012 Storage code(s) d+ Plans of Remodeling for the City Tool and Die Company Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 4620; 1946 >> 2 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 20x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 47.001 Storage code(s) d+ McKinley Grade School, Heating and Ventilating Equipment Muncie, Delaware Co., IN 1947 >> 3 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 23x33.5 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 47.002 Storage code(s) d+ H.F. Koch Summer Camp for Handicapped Children Perry Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 147; 1947 >> 15 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 25x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location 26- 47.003 Storage code(s) d+ Additions and Alterations to Existing Buildings for Covalt Dairy Company 2124 Godman Ave., Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Authorship, year Records Catalog no. Project title DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 17 Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 447; 1947 >> 36 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24x39 in., or smaller Location Authorship, year Records 26- 47.004 Storage code(s) d+ Additions to the Light and Power Plant of the Municipal Electric and Water Utility Jasper, Dubois Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 547; 1947 >> 19 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24x33 in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 47.005 Storage code(s) d+ Union Township Consolidated School Eaton, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 647; 1947 >> 14 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24x38 in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Notes 26- 47.006 Storage code(s) d+ Vault Room for City Tool and Die Company Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 747; 1947 >> 1 sheet, Architectural Drawing, 15.5x18 in. Raymond Turner- Owner Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 47.007 Storage code(s) d+ Residence for Mr. and Mrs. O.E. Bartling Rural Route 6, Portland, Jay Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 847; 1947 >> 11 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 21x33 in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 47.008 Storage code(s) d+ New Store Front Setting, Ball Stores Inc. Walnut and Charles Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1147; 1947 >> Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 21x37.5 in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 47.009 Storage code(s) d+ Sears Roebuck and Company Store Kokomo, Howard Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1547; 1947 >> 36 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 28x40 in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year 26- 47.010 Storage code(s) d+ Auto-Teller Window for Merchants Trust Company 110 East Main Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1847; 1947 Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 18 >> 2 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 17.5x36 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 47.011 Storage code(s) d+ Community Canning Center for Ball Brothers Company Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects; 1947 >> 10 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 21x39 in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 48.001 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to and alteration of Penzel's Store 211 South Walnut Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 148; 1948 >> 8 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25x42 in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 48.002 Storage code(s) d+ Addition and Alterations to the Portland Indiana Elks Lodge No. 768 Portland, Jay Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 248; 1948 >> 12 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 25.5x35 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 48.003 Storage code(s) d+ Summer Home for Mr. and Mrs. F.G. Drompp Lot No. 1-2-3 Medborn Addition, Lake Maxinkuckee, Marshall Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 348; 1948 >> 15 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 23 x 32.5 in., and smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 48.004 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to Warehouse for the Butterfield Canning Company Plum Tree, Huntington Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 548; 1948 >> 3 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 20.5x36.5 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 48.005 Storage code(s) d+ Alterations for New Heating System for William Sutton Elementary School Dunkirk, Jay Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Registered Architects, comm 648; 1948 >> 3 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 19x25.5 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 48.006 Storage code(s) d+ Residence for Dr. and Mrs. Henry E. Bibler South Parkway, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 748; 1948 >> 20 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 19 21.5x42.5 in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 48.007 Storage code(s) d+ File Storage Room for Ball Brothers Company Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 948; 1948 >> 1 sheet, Architectural Drawing, 18x30 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 48.008 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to Heat Treat Building for City Tool and Die Company 1302 East Washington Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1048; 1948 >> 2 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 18x30 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 48.009 Storage code(s) d+ Union City Memorial Hospital North Columbia and Carter Streets, Union City, Randolph Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 4842 and 5619; 1948 and 1956 >> 15 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36.5 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 48.010 Storage code(s) d+ Residence for Dr. and Mrs. J. Paxton Powell River Drive and Cherry Street, Marion, Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1448; 1948 >> 16 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 21x37.5 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 49.001 Storage code(s) d+ Office Building Alterations for Ball Brothers Company Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, 149; 1948-1949 >> 8 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24x39 in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 49.002 Storage code(s) d+ Randolph County Hospital Winchester, Randolph Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 249; 1949 >> 24 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 26x37 in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 49.003 Storage code(s) d+ High School for Mississinesa School Holding Corporation Main Street and Broadway, Gas City, Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 349; 1949 >> 88 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 36x61 in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 20 26- 49.004 Storage code(s) d+ Boiler Room Addition City Light and Power Plant Jasper, Dubois Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 649; 1949 >> 12 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 28.5x44.5 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Notes 26- 49.005 Storage code(s) d+ Vocational Agriculture Building Union Township School Eaton, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 849; 1949 >> 3 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 28x36.5 in. W. Raymond Gibson- Trustee Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 50.001 Storage code(s) d Residence for Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Spurgeon Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 50.002 Storage code(s) d+ Football Stadium for School City of Muncie Indiana Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 50.003 Storage code(s) d+ Muncie Boy's Club, Inc. South Madison Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 250; 1950 >> 17 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 32.5x43in., document pages, 8.5x13.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 50.004 Storage code(s) d+ Wilbur E. Sutton Elementary School East Memorial Drive at Delawanda, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 550; 1950 >> 26 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 31x43in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 50.005 Storage code(s) d++ Addition to Winchester High School Winchester, Randolph Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 650; 1950 >> 16 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 38x54in., or smaller Catalog no. C. Eugene Hamilton and Frederick Graham Architects; ca. 1950 >> 7 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 21x31 in. Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 150; 1950 >> 16 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 26x49 in. 26- 50.006 Storage code(s) d+ Project title Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 21 Additions and Alterations to Municipal Power and Light Plant Huntingburg, Dubois Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 750; 1950 >> 11 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 26x42in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 50.007 Storage code(s) d+ Kenmore Shopping Center Jackson and Tillotson, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 850; 1950 >> 4 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 31.5x36.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 50.008 Storage code(s) d+ Jay County Memorial Hospital Jay Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 950; 1950-1953 >> 35 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 31x42.5in, or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 50.009 Storage code(s) d+ Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price Forest Avenue and West Main Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1050; 1950 >> 17 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24x36in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 50.010 Storage code(s) d+ Additions to J.C. Knight Building Jonesboro, Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1150; 1950 >> 4 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 25x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 50.011 Storage code(s) d+ Alterations and Additions to Merchants' Trust Company 110 East Main Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1250; 1950-1951 >> 8 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 32.5x42in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 51.001 Storage code(s) d+ Existing Lay-out of Riley School North Walnut Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects; 1951 >> 3 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 27.5x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year 26- 51.002 Storage code(s) d+ Residence for Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Retting North McKinley Avenue, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 251; 1951 Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 22 >> 13 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 30.5x37.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 51.003 Storage code(s) d+ Bar-Tel Apartment Building Gilbert and Martin Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 451; 1951 >> 8 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 28.5x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 51.004 Storage code(s) d+ Boiler Room Addition to Riley Elementary School Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 551; 1951 >> 6 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 31x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 51.005 Storage code(s) d+ Office Alterations to Administration Building at Ball State Teachers College Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 751; 1951 >> 3 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 20.5x37in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 51.006 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to Butterfield Canning Company Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 851 and comm 851A; 1951 >> 7 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 32x37in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 51.007 Storage code(s) d+ Additions and Alterations to Forrest Park Elementary School Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1051; 1951 >> 36 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 31x44.5in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 51.008 Storage code(s) d+ Alterations to Merchants Trust Building Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1151A; 1951 >> 1 sheet, Architectural Drawing, 22.5x32in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 51.009 Storage code(s) d+ Warehouse for Mr. Johnson Biery Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1651; 1951 >> 5 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 20.5x42.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 23 26- 51.010 Storage code(s) d+ Additions and Alterations of the City Tool and Die Company Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1751; 1951 >> 6 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x42in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 51.011 Storage code(s) d+ Alterations and Additions to the Marion Pure Milk Dairy Building Marion, Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1851; 1951 >> 10 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 31.5x45in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 51.012 Storage code(s) d Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hook Godman Avenue and Lombard Drive, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham; 1951 >> 5 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 20x24in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 51.013 Storage code(s) d+ Randolph County Hospital Winchester, Randolph Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 151; 1951 >> 57 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 30.5x37in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 52.001 Storage code(s) d+ New Industrial Building for Beckett Bronze Company 23rd Street at Liberty Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 352; 1952 >> 13 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 32x45in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 52.002 Storage code(s) d Remodeling of Building for Muncie News Papers Inc. High and Jackson Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 452; 1952 >> 1 sheet, Architectural Drawing, 20x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 52.003 Storage code(s) d+ Residence for Mr. and Mrs. William Butterfield Lot 27 West Parkway Drive, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 552; 1952 >> 18 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25x37.5in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location 26- 52.004 Storage code(s) d+ Alterations for Ball Stores Inc. Walnut and Charles Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 24 Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 952; 1952 >> 13 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 21.5x37in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 52.005 Storage code(s) d+ Alterations to the Fairmount High School Jefferson Street, Fairmount, Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1152; 1952 >> 6 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 20x39in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 52.006 Storage code(s) Dining Hall for L.W. Gishler Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 52.007 Storage code(s) d Lake Cottage for Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Floyd Twin Lake, Howe, Lagrange Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1052; 1952 >> 7 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 21x27in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 52.008 Storage code(s) d++ Westview Elementary School West Jackson Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 852; 1952 >> 57 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 39x59in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 53.001 Storage code(s) d+ Residence for Dr. and Mrs. Walter F. Kammer Tillotson Avenue, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 153; 1953 >> 19 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 27.5x36in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 53.002 Storage code(s) d Alterations for New Fire Escape for William Sutton Elementary School Dunkirk, Jay Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 453; 1953 >> 1 sheet, Architectural Drawing, 17x33.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 53.003 Storage code(s) d+ Additions and Alterations to the First Church of the Navarene Columbus Avenue at Jefferson Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 653; 1953 >> 11 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 27x40in. d Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 652; 1952 >> 1 sheet, Architectural Drawing, 24x30in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 25 26- 53.004 Storage code(s) d Alterations to the Moore - Hurley Clinic Building Main at Cherry Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 753; 1953 >> 9 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25x36in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 53.005 Storage code(s) d Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beckett Main Street at Alden Road, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 953; 1953 >> 13 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 53.006 Storage code(s) d Addition and Alteration to Mrs. F.J. Petty's Cabin Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1053; 1953 >> 3 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 21x24.5in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 53.007 Storage code(s) d Alterations to Ball Stores Parking Lot Charles and Jefferson Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1253; 1953 >> 2 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 21x29.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 53.008 Storage code(s) d+ Additions and Alterations to the Fairmount High School Fairmount, Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1353; 1953 >> 14 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24.5x41in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year 26- 53.009 Storage code(s) d+ Alterations to Administration Building Ball State Teachers College Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, job no. 5343, [comm 1153 or 1453]; 1953-1956 >> 16 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24.5x37in., or smaller Records Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Notes 26- 53.010 Storage code(s) d Branch Bank Buildings for Merchants Trust Company Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1553; 1953-1954 >> 16 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 20x30in. Broadway branch located at Broadway and 10th Street, Jackson Street branch located at Jackson Street and Manning Avenue, Muncie, IN Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 26 26- 53.011 Storage code(s) d++ Plans of Elementary and High School for Mount Pleasant Township State Road 32, Yorktown, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1653; 1953-1954 >> 54 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 36x58in., or smaller 26- 53.012 Storage code(s) d+ First Presbyterian Church Riverside Avenue, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Carr and Cunningham- Architects comm 102, Hamilton and Graham- Associate Architects; 1953 >> 41 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 31x44.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 54.001 Storage code(s) d++ Richland-Union Jr.-Sr. High School Madison Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 154; 1954 >> 42 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 37x56in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 54.002 Storage code(s) d+ Alterations of French Steam and Dye Works Madison and Main Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 254; 1954 >> 5 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 21.5x36.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 54.003 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to the Muncie Clinic 420 West Washington Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 454; 1954 >> 10 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 21.5x43.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 54.004 Storage code(s) d+ Additions and Alterations to the Madison Street Methodist Church Madison Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 854; 1954 >> 10 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 26x36.5in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 54.005 Storage code(s) d+ The Edward S. Goodrich Auditorium Winchester, Randolph Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 954; 1954 >> 37 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 30.5x41in., or smaller Catalog no. 26- 54.006 Storage code(s) d+ Project title Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 27 Additions and Alterations to Office Building Chevrolet Muncie Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1054; 1954-1955 >> 9 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 26.5x37in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 54.007 Storage code(s) d Residence for Dr. Alice W. Nichols Berwyn Road, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1154; 1954 >> 6 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 21x34in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 54.008 Storage code(s) d+ Hazelwood Christian Church 1000 University Avenue, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1254; 1954 >> 27 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 30.5x47in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 54.009 Storage code(s) d New Receiving Room for Randolph County Hospital Randolph Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1454; 1954 >> 2 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 21.5x29in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 55.001 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to the Shick Building Jackson Street at Tillotson, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 255; 1955 >> 7 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 31x37in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 55.002 Storage code(s) d+ Elementary Classroom Units for Mississinewa Joint Schools Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 355; 1955 >> 11 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 27.5x39in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 55.003 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to the Indiana National Guard Armory Marion, Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 455; 1955 >> 10 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24x36.5in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year 26- 55.004 Storage code(s) d Winchester Home and Savings Association Winchester, Randolph Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 655; 1955 Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 28 >> 9 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 21.5x30in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 55.005 Storage code(s) d+ Residence for Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wallace Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 755; 1955 >> 9 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 25.5x41in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 55.006 Storage code(s) d+ Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith Oakden Road, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 855; 1955 >> 17 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 28x36in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 55.007 Storage code(s) d+ Elementary School for School City of Fairmount, Indiana Sycamore Street, Fairmount, Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 955; 1955 >> 16 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24.5x40in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 56.001 Storage code(s) d+ Wesley Foundation Building McKinley Avenue and Washington Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Harold E. Wagoner Architect, comm 1253; 1956 >> 20 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 23x38in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 56.002 Storage code(s) d Camp Building for the Delaware County Society for Crippled, Inc. Isanogel Farm, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 156; 1956 >> 14 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 21.5x31.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 56.003 Storage code(s) d+ Ball Stores Inc. Remodeling Washington and 5th Street, Marion, Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 256; 1956 >> 16 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 22x42in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 56.004 Storage code(s) d+ Ball Stores Inc. Remodeling Washington and 5th Street, Marion, Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 256; 1956 >> 31 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 34x44in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 29 26- 56.005 Storage code(s) d+ The B.K. Beshara Building 1602 University Avenue, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 356; 1956 >> 9 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24.5x36in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 56.006 Storage code(s) d Union City Memorial Hospital Union City, Randolph Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 556; 1956 >> 13 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24x34.5 in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 56.007 Storage code(s) d++ Rochester Township Elementary School Fulton Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 756; 1956 >> 11 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 40x58.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 56.008 Storage code(s) d++ Addition to the Muncie Clinic Building Washington and Liberty, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 956; 1956 >> 19 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 21.5x49in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 57.001 Storage code(s) d+ Kemp Memorial Methodist Church Tipton, Tipton Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 157; 1957-1958 >> 25 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 25x36.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 57.002 Storage code(s) d+ Additions and Alterations to the Madison Street Methodist Church Madison Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 257; 1957 >> 14 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 30.5x37in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 57.003 Storage code(s) d+ Center Township School Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 557; 1957 >> 25 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 36.5x49.5in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title 26- 57.004 Storage code(s) Muncie Chamber of Commerce Building d+ Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 30 518 North Walnut Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 657; 1957 >> 9 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 25x36.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 57.005 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to J.C. Knight Elementary School Jonesboro, Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1157; 1957-1958 >> 8 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 28x39in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 57.006 Storage code(s) d Spurgeon Enterprises Apartment Building North Tillotson Avenue, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1257; 1957 >> 6 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 22x35.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 58.001 Storage code(s) d+ Intern Housing Apartment Building for Ball Memorial Hospital Gilbert Street and Cole Avenue, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 158; 1958 >> 8 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 28.5x49in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 58.002 Storage code(s) d+ New Church Building for Grace Lutheran Church Reserve Street and Beechwood Avenue, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 358; 1958 >> 13 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 27.5x36in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 58.003 Storage code(s) d+ Grace Lutheran Church Reserve Street and Beechwood Avenue, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 358; 1958 >> 16 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24.5x36.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 58.004 Storage code(s) d+ Office Building for The Central Indiana Gas Company Main and Jefferson Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 458; 1958 >> 53 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 30.5x44in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year 26- 58.005 Storage code(s) d+ Alterations to Administration Building Ball State Teachers College Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 758; 1958 Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 31 >> 4 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25x36in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 58.006 Storage code(s) Alterations and Repairs to Fowlerton Elementary School Fowlerton, Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 858; 1958 >> 3 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 21x25.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 58.007 Storage code(s) d+ Change Order No. 1, J.C. Knight School Jonesboro, Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1058; 1958-1959 >> 23 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 27x39in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 58.008 Storage code(s) d+ Oak Hill High School State Roads 18 and 13, Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1158; 1959 >> 71 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 33.5x48in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 59-4 Storage code(s) d Ball, W. C., house, conversion to apartments Minnetrista Blvd., Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton & Graham, comm. 459; 1958-60 A. Plans of existing conditions; 1958. -- 3 sheets: pencil on vellum; 24 x 36 in. B. Prelim. plans for conversion; 1958. -- 2 sheets: pencil, col. pencil on vellum; 24 x 36 in. C. Working dwgs; 1959. -- 12 sheets: pencil on vellum; 24 x 36 in. D. Working dwg. for garage addition; 1960. -- 1 sheet: pencil on vellum; 24 x 36 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 59.001 Storage code(s) d+ Professional Arts Center, Inc. Marion, Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 259; 1959 >> 27 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 35x44in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 59.002 Storage code(s) d+ Apartment Conversion of the W.C. Ball Residence Minnetrista Boulevard, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 459; 1959-1960 >> 18 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 22x37.5in. Catalog no. 26- 59.003 Storage code(s) d+ Project title Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 32 Addition to Muncie Boy's Club Building South Madison Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 659; 1959-1960 >> 30 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 26x37in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 59.004 Storage code(s) d+ Alterations to Merchants Trust Building East Main and North Walnut Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 759; 1959 >> 10 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 27.5x37in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 59.005 Storage code(s) d+ Alterations to Administration Building Ball State Teachers College Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 859; 1959 >> 3 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24.5x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 59.006 Storage code(s) d Fire Station No. 5 North Tillotson Avenue, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 959; 1959 >> 14 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 22x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Notes 26- 59.007 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to Park Elementary School Jackson and Sycamore Streets, Fairmount, Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1059; 1959 >> 11 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 25.5x36.5in. For the School City of Fairmount Indiana Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 59.008 Storage code(s) d Addition to Merchants Trust Company West Jackson Street Branch Bank West Jackson Street and Manning Avenue, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1159; 1959 >> 7 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 22x32.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 59.009 Storage code(s) d+ North Miami High School Murphy Road, Miami Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1259; 1959-1960 >> 60 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 33.5x45.5in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title 26- 59.010 Storage code(s) North Miami High School d DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 33 Location Authorship, year Records Murphy Road, Miami Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1259; 1959-1960 >> 28 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 30.5x47.5in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 60.001 Storage code(s) d Office and Health Building for Camp Sing-A-Long Tri-Lakes, Whitley Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects; 1960 >> Architectural Drawing, 20.5x34in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Notes 26- 60.002 Storage code(s) d+ Merchants National Bank, Charles Street Branch Charles Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 160; 1960 >> 3 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 28x36in. No commission number and no date listed on documents Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 60.003 Storage code(s) d Addition West Ward School Fairmount, Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects; 1960 >> 9 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 21x29in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 60.004 Storage code(s) d+ Merchants National Bank Auto Bank 317 East Jackson Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 160; 1960 >> 8 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 22x37in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 60.005 Storage code(s) d+ Alterations to the Dr. and Mrs. J.L. Cullison Residence 1003 West Parkway Drive, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 360; 1960 >> 16 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25x36.5in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 60.006 Storage code(s) d+ Alterations to the City Council and Court Room, Muncie City Hall Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 560; 1960 >> 6 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24.5x36.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location 26- 60.007 Storage code(s) Muncie Music Center Jackson and Franklin Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 34 Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 660; 1960 >> 22 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25.5x37in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 60.008 Storage code(s) Central Indiana Gas Company, Distribution Plant 20th and Monroe Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 760; 1960 >> 16 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 30.5x48in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 60.009 Storage code(s) d+ Alterations to Administration Building Ball State Teachers College Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 860; 1960 >> 7 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 25.5x 36.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 60.010 Storage code(s) d+ Muncie Newspapers Inc. 125 South High Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 960; 1960 >> 32 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 26x43in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 61.001 Storage code(s) d+ Addition and Alteration to the First Methodist Church Portland, Jay Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 161; 1961 >> 35 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 28x37in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 61.002 Storage code(s) d+ Steck's Villager 508 North Martin Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 261; 1961 >> 16 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25x37in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 61.003 Storage code(s) d+ Layout for the Offices of Hamilton and Graham Architects 506 North Martin Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects; 1961 >> Architectural Drawing, 25x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 61.004 Storage code(s) d+ American National Auto Bank East Main Street and North Walnut Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 461; 1960-1961 >> 25 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 27x38in., or smaller DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 35 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 61.005 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to Liberty Township Elementary School East Street and State Road 32, Selma, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 561; 1961 >> 30 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 31.5x41in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 61.006 Storage code(s) d++ Jefferson Township High School Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 661; 1961 >> 44 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 30.5x50.5in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 61.007 Storage code(s) d+ Indian Heights Elementary School State Road 26 and U.S. Highway 31, Kokomo, Howard Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 761; 1961-1962 >> 27 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25.5x38in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 61.008 Storage code(s) d Meeks Mortuary 415 East Washington Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects; 1961 >> 5 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24x27in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Notes 26- 61.009 Storage code(s) d+ Traffic Control Tower, Delaware County Airport Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1061; 1961 >> 14 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 26x37in. Delaware County Board of Aviation Commissioners Federal Aviation Agency Project #9-12-030-02 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 62.001 Storage code(s) d Professional Arts Center, Inc. Marion, Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 362; 1962 >> 11 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 18x30in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 62.002 Storage code(s) d+ Mississinewa High School Annex Gas City, Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 662; 1962-1964 >> 24 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 36 25.5x36.5in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 62.003 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to the Residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Steck Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 762; 1962 >> 18 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25.5x36in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 62.004 Storage code(s) d Addition and Alterations to Hartford City City Hall Building Hartford City, Blackford Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, [comm 1162]; [1962] >> 6 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 23x32.5in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 62.005 Storage code(s) d+ Alterations to Meeks Mortuary Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 1262; 1962 >> 4 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25x36in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 62.006 Storage code(s) d+ West Entrance Design for Ball Stores Home Furnishings Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1562; 1962 >> 1 sheet, Architectural Drawing, 24x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 63.001 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to Indian Heights Elementary School Howard Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 163; 1963 >> 31 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25.5x38in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 63.002 Storage code(s) d+ Education Building and Alterations to the First Methodist Church Perry and South Market Streets, Hagerstown, Wayne Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 263; 1963 >> 43 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 26x38in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 63.003 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to Longfellow Elementary School Elgin Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 363; 1963 >> 20 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25.5x37.5in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 37 26- 63.004 Storage code(s) d+ Friends Memorial Church Educational Building 418 West Adams Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 463; 1963 >> 13 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 63.005 Storage code(s) d+ WLBC, WMUN Radio and Television Station, with fallout shelter Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 563; 1963 >> 10 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25.5x36.5in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 63.006 Storage code(s) d+ The Harrington Building 2722 West Jackson Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 663; 1963 >> 12 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 63.007 Storage code(s) d+ Alterations to High Street Methodist Church High Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 863; 1963 >> 4 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24.5x36.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 63.008 Storage code(s) d+, OVC Sigma Chi Fraternity House 414 Riverside Avenue, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1063; 1962 A. 4 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25.5x37.5in., or smaller B. 1 Boards: (OVC 10) Roll 1 of 2 Notes Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Notes 26- 63.009 Storage code(s) d+ Sigma Chi Fraternity House 414 Riverside Avenue, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1063; 1963 >> 31 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 30.5x44.5in., or smaller Roll 2 of 2 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year 26- 63.010 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to Stecks Villager 506 North Martin Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 1163; 1963 Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 38 >> 8 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25.5x36.5in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 63.011 Storage code(s) d+ Community Branch YMCA Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 1263; 1963 >> 16 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 32.5x38in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 63.012 Storage code(s) Alterations to Meeks Mortuary Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 1463; 1963 >> 11 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25x36in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 63.013 Storage code(s) Addition to Highland High School Madison Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 1563; 1963-1964 >> 42 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 30x47in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Notes 26- 63.014 Storage code(s) d+ New Auto Bank Facilities for American National Bank Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 1663; 1963 >> 10 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 25x36in. Two locations: Broadway Branch and West Jackson Street Branch Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 63.015 Storage code(s) d+ Camp Building Addition, Delaware County Society for the Crippled, Inc. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 63.016 Storage code(s) d+ Basement of Grace Methodist Church Hartford City, Blackford Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, [comm 1863]; 1964 >> 1 sheet, Architectural Drawing, 25x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 64.001 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to Starke County Memorial Hospital Culver Street at U.S. Highway #35, Knox, Starke Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 164; 1964 >> 3 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 25.5x36in. Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 1763; 1963 >> 5 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 22.5x36in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 39 26- 64.002 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to the Professional Arts Center Marion, Grant Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 264; 1964 >> 9 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25.5x36.5in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 64.003 Storage code(s) d+ American National Branch Bank and Trust Company West Street and State Highway #32, Yorktown, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 364; 1964 >> 41 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 26x37.5in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 64.004 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to First Presbyterian Church 1000 Riverside Avenue, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, [comm 464]; 1964 >> 9 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 64.005 Storage code(s) d+ A.E. Boyce Building Jefferson and East Jackson Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 764; 1964 >> 38 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25.5x38in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 64.006 Storage code(s) d+ Residence of Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. Vivian State Highway #103 North, New Castle, Henry Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 864; 1964 >> 15 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25.5x42in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 64.007 Storage code(s) d+ The Central Indiana Gas Company Cowan and Hines Roads, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, and Hodge A.I.A. Architects, comm 1264; 1964 >> 91 sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25x38in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 64.008 Storage code(s) d+ Bethel Court Office Building Bethel Avenue, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, [comm 1364]; 1964 >> 2 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 25.5x36in. Catalog no. Project title 26- 64.009 Storage code(s) d+ Headquarters Building for Jay County R.E.M.C. DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 40 Location Authorship, year Records Portland, Jay Co., IN Lennox, Matthes, Simmons, and Ford Incorporated Architects and Engineers, file number 1019B; 1964 >> 21 sheets, Architectural Drawings, 29.5x40in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 65.001 Storage code(s) d+ Nettle Creek High School Hagerstown, Wayne Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, and Hodge A.I.A. Architects, comm 265; 1965 >> 21 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 27.5x37in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 65.002 Storage code(s) d+ New Canopy for the Meeks Mortuary Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, and Hodge A.I.A. Architects, comm 465; 1965 >> 4 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 65.003 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to the Desoto Methodist Church Desoto, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, and Hodge A.I.A., [comm 665]; 1965 >> 18 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 25x37.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 65.004 Storage code(s) d+ Educational Unit Addition and Alterations to First Methodist Church Sinclair Street and Highway 15, Wabash, Wabash Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, and Hodge A.I.A. Architects, comm 865; 1965 >> 21 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24.5x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 65.005 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to Muncie Newspapers Plant 125 South High Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, and Hodge A.I.A. Architects, comm 1065; 1965-1966 >> 12 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 66.001 Storage code(s) d American National Bank and Trust Company Parking Lot Jackson and High Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, and Associates Architects; 1966 >> 3 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 18x24in. Catalog no. Project title Location 26- 66.002 Storage code(s) d+ Executive Building, Free Methodist Church, World Headquarters Winona Lake, Kosciusko Co., IN Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 41 Architects Hamilton, Graham, and Hodge, [comm M66]; 1965 >> 12 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24.5x36in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 66.003 Storage code(s) d+ Additions and Alterations to Starke Memorial Hospital Culver Street at U.S. Highway #35, Knox, Strake Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 366; 1966-1967 A. 31 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 25.5x37in. B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #2 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 66.004 Storage code(s) d+ Additions and Alterations to Starke Memorial Hospital Culver Street at U.S. Highway #35, Knox, Starke Co., IN Hamilton and Graham A.I.A. Architects, comm 366; 1966-1967 >> 61 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25x38in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 66.005 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to College Avenue Methodist Church College Avenue and Washington Street, Muncie, Delaware Co.,IN Hamilton and Graham Architects, comm 466; 1966 A. 28 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25x37in., or smaller B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #2 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 66.006 Storage code(s) bx Alterations to BSU Administration Building Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Commission 866; 1966 >> Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #2 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 66.006 Storage code(s) d+ Hagerstown Elementary School Addition Hagerstown, Wayne Co., IN Hamilton, Graham and Associates Architects, comm 766; 1967 A. 39 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24x37.5in., or smaller B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #2 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year 26- 66.007 Storage code(s) d+ Delaware County Building Main and High Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, and Associates Architects, comm 966, George W. Cox- Architect; 1967-1968 A. 32 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 31x43in., or smaller B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #2, Shelf 20 Records Catalog no. 26- 66.008 Storage code(s) d+ DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 42 Project title Location Authorship, year Records Delaware County Building Main and High Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, and Associates Architects, comm 966, George W. Cox- Architect; 1967-1968 >> 10 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 30.5x42.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 66.008 Storage code(s) OVC 10 Juvenile Detention Facility Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Commission 1066; 1966 A. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #2 B. Exterior View, Associated Illustrators ca. 1970. 1 Board: ink and acrylic in mat 20x30 in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year 26- 66.009 Storage code(s) d+ Delaware County Building Main and High Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, and Associates Architects, comm 966, George W. Cox- Architect; 1967-1968 >> 24 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 30x43.5in. Records Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Catalog no. Project title 26- 66.010 Storage code(s) d+ Delaware County Building, Detention Cells and Landscape Design Main and High Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, and Associates Architects, comm 966, George W. Cox- Architect; 1967-1968 >> 5 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 30x43in., or smaller 26- 66.011 Storage code(s) d+ Delaware County Building Main and High Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, and Associates Architects, comm 966, George W. Cox- Architect; 1967-1968 >> 97 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 30.5x45in., or smaller 26- 67.001 Storage code(s) d+ Lawrence J. Scheidler Apartments, Married Student Housing, Phase 1 McGalliard Street and Tillotson Avenue, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, and Associates Architects, comm 167; 1967 A. 22 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24.5x36in., or smaller B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #2 26- 67.002 Storage code(s) d+ Additions to Delaware County Home and addition of Sewage Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 43 Treatment System and Modernization State Road 32, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, and Associates Architects, comm 267; 1967 >> 12 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 30x43.5in., or smaller, Document- 39 page booklet "Specifications For Alterations and Repairs to the Boiler House Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 67.003 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to the Muncie Boy's Club South Madison Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, and Associates Architects, comm 367; 1967 >> 11 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24x36in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 67.004 Storage code(s) d+ Library Addition to High Street Methodist Church High Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 467; 1967 >> 4 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 67.005 Storage code(s) d+ Lawrence J. Scheidler Apartments, Married Student Housing, Phase 2 McGalliard Street and Tillotson Avenue, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 967; 1967 A. 11 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #2 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 67.006 Storage code(s) Windigo Swimming Pool Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 68.001 Storage code(s) d+ Muncie Aviation Inc. Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 268; 1968 >> 12 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 34x44.5in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 68.002 Lawrence Opticians bx Commission 767; 1967 >> Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #2 Storage code(s) d Hamilton, Graham, Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 568; 1968 >> 1 Sheet, Architectural Drawings, 20.5x29.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 44 26- 68.003 Storage code(s) d+ Additions and Alterations to Newspaper Plant and Office 125 South High Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 868; 1969 A. 22 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24.5x36.5in., or smaller B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #2 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 68.004 Storage code(s) d+ Moose Lodge Country Club Riggin Road, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 1068; 1969 A. 29 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #2 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 68.005 Storage code(s) d+ Addition No.3 Elm Ridge Mausoleum Highway 32 West, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 1368; 1969 >> 15 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 34.5x36in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 69.001 Storage code(s) d+ Additions and Alterations to American National Bank, Broadway Branch Broadway, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 969; 1969 >> 8 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Notes 26- 69.002 Storage code(s) d+ Shell Type Industrial Building Cowan and Hines Roads, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 1069; 1969 >> 4 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. Shook Industrial Park Buildings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Notes 26- 69.003 Storage code(s) d+ Isanogel Memorial Center Isonogel Road, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 1369; 1969 >> 18 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 27x38.5in., or smaller Johnson, Ritchhart and Associates- Architects and Engineers Catalog no. Project title Location 26- 69.004 Storage code(s) Brannon Apartments Muncie, Delaware Co., IN d+ Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 45 Hamilton, Graham, Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 1669; 1970 >> 2 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 70.001 Storage code(s) d+ W.C. Spurgeon Apartments Adams Street and Hackley Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 170; 1970 >> 8 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 70.002 Storage code(s) d+ Stecks - Muncie Mall Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 270; 1970 >> 16 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24x36in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 70.003 Storage code(s) d+ Additions and Alterations to Harry Gaunt Residence Highway 67 North, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 570; 1970-1971 >> 8 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 70.004 Storage code(s) d+ Concrete Vault for American National Bank Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 770; 1970 >> 1 Sheet, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 70.005 Storage code(s) d+ New Castle Public Library South 15th Street, New Castle, Henry Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 870; 1973-1976 A. 46 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #2 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 70.006 Storage code(s) d+ Law Office for Shirey and Slagle South Walnut Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, and Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 970; 1970 >> 5 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year 26- 70.007 Storage code(s) d+ Additions and Alterations for Pepsi Cola Bottling Company Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, and Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 1570B; 1971 Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 46 >> 1 Sheet, Architectural Drawing, 24x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 70.008 Storage code(s) First Main Corporation 23rd Street Warehouse, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, and Associates A.I.A.; 1970 >> 2 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. and site plan 11x19.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year 26- 70.009 Storage code(s) d+ Central Indiana Gas Company Jackson and Mulberry Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, Love, and Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 1770; 1971-1973 A. 155 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25x38in., or smaller B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #2 Records Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 70.009 Detention Home Storage code(s) bx Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 70.010 Storage code(s) Sewage Plant County Home Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 70.011 Storage code(s) bx Married Student Apartments Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Commission 1370; 1970 >> Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #2 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 71.001 Storage code(s) d+ Red Baron Lounge Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, Love, and Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 571; 1971 >> 5 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24.5x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year 26- 71.002 Storage code(s) d+ Additional Facilities for Stark Memorial Hospital Knox, Starke Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, Love, and Associates A.I.A. Architects, Commission 370; 1970 >> Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #2 bx Commission 1170; 1970 >> Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #2 DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 47 Records Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records comm 671; 1971 >> 2 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. 26- 71.003 Storage code(s) d+ Star Building Renovation Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, Love, and Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 1171; 1971 >> 2 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. 26- 71.004 Storage code(s) d+ Office Commercial Building for Joseph P. Brady Associates Wheeling and Bethel Avenues, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, Love, and Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 1371; 1972 >> 8 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 71.005 Storage code(s) d+ Alteration for Eldor Hotel Bryan, Williams Co., OH Hamilton, Graham, and Associates A.I.A. Architects; 1971 >> 2 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24x36in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 72.001 Storage code(s) d+ Muncie Area Career Center Elgin Avenue, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 272; 1972 A. 24 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #2 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year 26- 72.002 Storage code(s) d+ Janney Pool Building 23 Hickory Road, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, Love, and Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 372; 1972 >> 7 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24x36in., or smaller Records Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Catalog no. 26- 72.003 Storage code(s) d+ High Street Methodist Church High Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 472; 1972 >> 24 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24.5x37in., or smaller 26- 72.004 Storage code(s) d+ Project title Location Authorship, year Records Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Notes Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 48 Yorktown Elementary School, I.M.C. Addition Yorktown, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, Love, and Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 572A; 1972 A. 20 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24.5x36.5in. B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #2 26- 72.005 Storage code(s) d+ Yorktown Middle School and High School Yorktown, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 572B; 1973 A. 134 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24.5x38in. or smaller B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #2 J.M. Rotz Engineering Company In.- Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, File is rolled due to oversize 26- 72.006 Storage code(s) d+ Friends Day Spring Church County Road 50N, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, and Love Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 872; 1972 >> 3 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 30x42in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 72.007 Storage code(s) d+ Edgewood Country Club Golf Club Road, Anderson, Madison Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 972; 1972 >> 1 Sheet, Architectural Drawing, 24x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 72.008 Storage code(s) d+ Press Building Alterations to Ontario Corporation Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 1072; 1972 >> 13 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24.5x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 72.009 Storage code(s) d+ Grab It Here Store Remodeling Kentland, Newton Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 1372; 1972 >> 1 Sheet, Architectural Drawing, 24x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year 26- 73.001 Storage code(s) d+ Apartment Building for Kenneth Parker Kickapoo and Jefferson Streets, Hartford City, Blackford Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 173; 1973 Records Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 49 >> 2 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. 26- 73.002 Storage code(s) d+ Stark Memorial Hospital, Emergency Room Refurbishing and Laboratory Facilities Knox, Starke Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 373; 1973 >> 7 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 73.003 Storage code(s) d+ Muncie Y.M.C.A. Jefferson and Seymour Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 1273; 1973-1974 A. 57 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24.5x38in., or smaller B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #3 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 73.004 Storage code(s) d+ Downtown Plaza for Muncie, IN Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 1373; 1973-1974 A. 38 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25.5x37in., or smaller B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #3 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 73.005 Storage code(s) d+ Additions and Alterations to Newspaper Plant and Office 125 South High Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton, Graham, and Associates A.I.A. Architects, comm 1673; 1973 >> 21 Sheets, Architectural Drawings (16x), 24.5x37in., documents (5x), 8.5x11in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 73.006 Overhead Door Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 74.001 Storage code(s) d+ United Day Care Center of Delaware Co., Inc. Charles and Vine Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Associates Inc., comm 174; 1974 A. 27 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24x36in., or smaller B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #3 Catalog no. Storage code(s) bx Commission 1073; 1973 >> Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #3 26- 74.002 Storage code(s) d+ Project title Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 50 Mutual Home Federal Savings and Loan, Winchester Branch Pearl and Main Streets, Winchester, Randolph Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc., comm 374B; 1974 A. 27 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24.5x37in., or smaller B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #3 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 74.003 Storage code(s) d+ Industrial Trust and Savings Bank, Yorktown Branch Bank Walnut and Smith Streets, Yorktown, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 774; 1974-1975 A. 27 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #3 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 74.004 Pepsi Garage Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 75.001 Storage code(s) d Grace Episcopal Church 300 South Madison Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 375; 1975 >> 2 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 17x22in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 75.002 Storage code(s) d+ Delaware County Building Remodeling Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 475; 1975 A. 31 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 30x36in. B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #3 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 75.003 Storage code(s) d+ Indiana Vocational Technical College, Industrial Centre Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 575; 1975 >> 20 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24x36in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 75.004 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to and Remodeling of existing Garfield Elementary School 1600 South Madison Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 875G; 1975-1976 A. 61 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 32x43.5in., or smaller B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #3 Storage code(s) bx Commission 574; 1974 >> Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #3 Catalog no. Project title Location DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 51 26- 75.005 Storage code(s) d+ Addition to and Remodeling of existing Wilbur E. Sutton Elementary School Biltmore Avenue and Memorial Drive, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Authorship, year Records Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 875S; 1975-1976 A. 61 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 30.5x45in., or smaller B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #3 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 75.006 Storage code(s) bx BSU West Class Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Commission 175; 1975 >> Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #3 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 76.001 Storage code(s) d+ IVTC, Indiana Vocational Technical College Industrial Centre 4110 Cowan Road, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 176; 1976-1977 A. 133 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24.5x39in. or smaller B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #3 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 76.002 Storage code(s) d+, bx First United Methodist Church Cambridge City, Wayne Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 276; 1976-1977 A. 24 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24.5x36.5in., or smaller B. 1 Book, First Methodist Church proposal, 8.5x11in., plastic spine bound, 36 pages, 3 photographs glued to pages, item stored in collection box 1, shelf 20 C. 36 pages of unbound proposal, 14 photographs (8x10in.), 41 Photograph Negatives, item stored in collection box 1, shelf 20 D. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #3 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 76.003 Storage code(s) d+ Service Building for Mount Pleasant Township Community Schools Yorktown?, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 476; 1976 A. 4 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #3 Catalog no. Project title 26- 76.004 Countryside Y.M.C.A. Storage code(s) d+ Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 52 Dearfield Road, Lebanon, Warren Co., OH Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 1176; 1976 >> 35 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24.5x36.5in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 76.005 Ivy Tech Unit D Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 77.001 Storage code(s) d+ Muncie Y.M.C.A. Camp Crosley swimming pool, bath house North Webster, Kosciusko Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 177; 1977 A. 15 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24x36in., or smaller B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #3 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 77.002 Storage code(s) d+, bx Wayne County, Indiana Historical Society building renovation 1150 North A Street, Richmond, Wayne Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 677B; 1978 >> 21 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24x36in., or smaller, Documents (41 pages) 8.5x11in., Photographs (3x) 3.5x4.25in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 77.003 Storage code(s) d+ Frankling and Edgewood Park, Department of Parks and Recreation Edgewood Avenue, Marion Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 1077; 1977 >> 32 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 30x42in., or smaller Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 77.004 Storage code(s) d+ Medical Office Building West Jackson Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 1177; 1977 >> 16 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24.5x36in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 77.005 Storage code(s) bx Yorktown High School Yorktown, Commission 277; 1977 >> Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #3 Catalog no. Project title Storage code(s) bx Commission 1076; 1976 >> Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #3 26- 78.001 S torage code(s) d+ Stark Memorial Hospital, Kitchen Alterations, Food Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 53 Facilities Equipment, Alterations to X-Ray Room Knox, Starke Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 178; 1978 A. 10 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #3 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 78.002 Storage code(s) d+ Re-construction of storm damaged areas of Yorktown High School Yorktown, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 278; 1978 A. 18 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 24x36in. B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #4 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 78.003 Storage code(s) d+ Federal Office Building 225 North High Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 478; 1978 A. 38 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24x36in., or smaller, Photographs (3x) 8x10in. B. Photographs are stored in file box for collection Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 78.004 Storage code(s) d+ Addition and Renovation to Hillcrest Center 114 East Streeter Avenue, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 778; 1978 A. 14 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 24.5x36in., or smaller B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #4 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 78.005 Storage code(s) d, bx Addition and Renovation to Hillcrest Center, Roof Plans 114 East Streeter Avenue, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 778B; 1979 >> 18 Sheets, Architectural Drawings (2x) 17x22in., Documents (16x pages) 8.5x11in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 78.006 Storage code(s) d+ Effingham Y.M.C.A. Wenth Street, Effingham, Effingham Co., IL Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 1178; 1981 A. 53 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, various sizes, 25.5x38in., or smaller B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #4 Catalog no. Project title Location 26- 79.001 Storage code(s) Wayne County Historical Society Richmond, Wayne Co., IN d++ Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 54 Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 479; 1979 >> 10 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 79.002 Storage code(s) d++ Yorktown Middle School Yorktown, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 979; 1979 >> 1 sheet- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 79.003 Storage code(s) d++ Delta High School Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 1079; 1979 >> 2 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 79.004 Storage code(s) d++ Honeywell Golf Course Pro-Shop Wabash Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 1279; 1979 >> 23 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 79.005 Storage code(s) d++ Y.M.C.A. of Auburn - Phase I 310 North Main Street, Auburn, De Kalb Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 1579; 1979 A. 51 sheets- Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical Drawings B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #4 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 79.006 Storage code(s) d++ Y.M.C.A. of Auburn - Phase II 310 North Main Street, Auburn, De Kalb Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 1579; 1979 A. 45 sheets- Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing Drawings B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #4 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 79.007 Daleville High School Catalog no. Project title Location Storage code(s) bx Commission 779; 1979 >> Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #4 26- 79.008 Storage code(s) Medical Office Building bx DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 55 Authorship, year Records Commission 1679; 1979 >> Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #4 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 80.001 Storage code(s) d++ Albany Elementary School State Road 28 and Cleo Street, Albany, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 180-A; 1980 A. 32 sheets- Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical Drawings B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #4 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 80.002 Storage code(s) d++ Delta Middle School, Roll 1 Roads 600 N and 200 E, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 180-D; 1980 A. 33 sheets- Architectural, Landscape, Structural, Equipment, Mechanical, Electrical Drawings B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #4 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 80.003 Storage code(s) d++ Delta Middle School, Roll 2 Roads 600 N and 200 E, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 180-D; 1980 >> 99 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 80.004 Storage code(s) d++ Delta High School Locker and Restroom Building State Road 28 and 200 East, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 180-L; 1980 A. 8 sheets- Architectural Drawings B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #4 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 80.005 Storage code(s) d++ Royerton Elementary School Addition Royerton, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 180-R; 1980 A. 25 sheets- Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical Drawings B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #4 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 80.006 Storage code(s) d++ Addition to X-Ray Services Company Office Building 2311 West Jackson Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 680; 1980 A. 12 sheets- Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical Drawings B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #4 DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 56 Storage code(s) d++ Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 80.007 Muncie YMCA 500 South Mulberry Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 780-B; 1980 A. 4 sheets- Architectural Drawings B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #4 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 81.001 Storage code(s) d++ Tuhey Pool and Bathhouse Wheeling Avenue and White River Blvd, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 181; 1981 A. 24 sheets- Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical Drawings B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #4 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 81.002 Storage code(s) d++ Yorktown Schools Alterations and Additions State Road 32, Yorktown, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 381; 1981 A. 20 sheets- Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical Drawings B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #4 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 81.003 Storage code(s) d++ Yorktown Schools Yorktown, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 681; 1981 A. 14 sheets- Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical Drawings B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #4 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 81.004 Storage code(s) d++ Effingham Y.M.C.A. Wenthe St at Interstate 70 and 57, Effingham, Effingham Co., IL Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 881; 1981 A. 9 sheets- Architectural Drawings B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #4 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 81.005 Storage code(s) d++ Delta High School, Miscellaneous Alterations Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 1481-B; 1981 A. 4 sheets- Architectural Drawings B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #5 Catalog no. Project title 26- 81.006 Storage code(s) d++ Delaware County Association for Retarded Citizens, Alterations to Group House Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 57 1505 West 8th Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 1781; 1981 >> 2 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 81.007 Storage code(s) Waste Water Treatment Plant Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 82.001 Storage code(s) d++ Basement Alterations Delaware County Building Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 782; 1982 >> 2 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 82.002 Storage code(s) d++ Green Park Memorial Chapel Portland, Jay Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 982; 1982 >> 4 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year 26- 82.003 Storage code(s) d++, bx Delaware County Justice Center Muncie, Delaware Co., IN GLG/P, a joint venture, Graham Love Graham/ POLSON Architects, comm 1182A A. 109 sheets- Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, and Electrical Drawings B. 1 Book, Project Manual, Volume 1, plastic spine bound, 8.5x11in., 401pages, item stored in collection box 1, shelf 20 C. 1 Book, Project Manual, Volume 2, plastic spine bound, 8.5x11in., 158 pages, item stored in collection box 1, shelf 20 Records Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Catalog no. Project title Location bx Commission 1481 C; 1981 >> Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #5 26- 82.004 Storage code(s) d++ Muncie Fieldhouse Renovation North Walnut Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 1782; 1982 A. 36 sheets- Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical Drawings B. Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #5 26- 82.005 Jay Co. REMO Storage code(s) bx DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 58 Authorship, year Records Commission 182; 1982 >> Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #5 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 83.001 Storage code(s) d++ North-Central Downtown Parking Deck Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 1083, Walker Parking Consultants; 1983 >> 5 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 83.002 Storage code(s) d++ McCulloch Park Site Improvements Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Rundell Associates Land Planners / Landscape Architects; 1983 >> 5 sheets- Landscape Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 84.001 Storage code(s) d++ Eastern Elementary School Renovation and Addition Meridian Street, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Taylor Inc. Architects, comm 1384-A; 1984 >> 36 sheets- Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, and Electrical Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 85.001 Storage code(s) d++ Delaware County Association for Retarded Citizens, Manual/Automatic Door Operators Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, Graham Inc. Architects, comm 1285; 1985 >> 1 sheet- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 85.002 Storage code(s) Westside Middle School Remodeling Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 86.001 Storage code(s) d++ Office Building 101 West Ohio Street 101 West Ohio Street, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN Browning Day Mullins Dierdorf Inc., comm 856; 1986 >> 39 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title bx Commission 685; 1985 >> Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #5 26- 86.002 Storage code(s) Office Building 101 West Ohio Street d++ Location Authorship, year Records DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 59 101 West Ohio Street, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN Browning Day Mullins Dierdorf Inc., comm 856; 1986 >> 29 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 86.003 Storage code(s) d++ Ponderosa Remodel 3100 North Oakwood Ave, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Graham Architects, comm 1186; 1986 >> 26 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 86.004 Storage code(s) Hartford City Fire Station Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 87.001 Storage code(s) d++ Delaware Country Club Country Club Road, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Graham Architects, comm 1487; 1987 >> 44 sheets- Architectural, Structural, Mechanical Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 87.002 Storage code(s) bx Munsyana Homes Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Commission 187; 1987 >> Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #5 Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 88.001 Storage code(s) d++ Muncie Central High School, Additions and Alterations Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Graham, Love, and Graham Architects; 1988 >> 11 sheets- Architectural Drawings Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records Catalog no. Project title bx Commission 886; 1986 >> Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #5 26- 90.001 Storage code(s) bx Bound Commission List for Graham, Love, and Graham, Architects, Inc. and predecessor firms, 1936-1987 Fred Graham; 1990 >> 1 Book, 8.5x11in., Plastic spine bound, 58 pages 26- 90.002 Storage code(s) bx Commission List for Graham, Love, and Graham, Architects, Inc. and predecessor firms, 1936-1987 DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 60 Location Authorship, year Records Fred Graham; 1990 >> 8.5x11in., un-bound, 58 pages Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 99.001 Storage code(s) d Normal City United Brethren Church Jackson and Calvert Streets, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Hamilton and Graham Architects >> 5 Sheets, Architectural Drawings, 21.5x32in. Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 99.002 Storage code(s) Department Store Interior Remodeling Catalog no. Project title Location Authorship, year Records 26- 99.003 Storage code(s) Washington Carver Elementary School d Hamilton and Graham Architects >> 1 Sheet, Architectural Drawing, 20.5x35in. >> Microfilm/microfiche, Collection Box #3 Controlled Access Headings: Architecture, American Architecture--Indiana--Indianapolis Architecture, commercial Drawings, architectural (visual works) Elevation drawings School buildings Documents Architecture--Designs and plans--Working drawings Photographs Graham, Frederick H. Hamilton, C. E. (Charles Eugene) College buildings Fire station Store, retail Buildings, commercial Buildings, apartment Buildings, school Buildings, university Buildings, religious Buildings, residential Government buildings Hospital buildings bx DADA 026 Hamilton & Graham Architectural Records Page 61 Library Building, bank