STRUCTURES AND CRYSTAL CHEMHSTRY OF WOLLASTONITE AND PECTOLITE by CHARLES THOMPSON PREWITT S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1955) S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1960) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September, 1962 . Signature of Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... Department of Geology and Geophysics, August 20, 1962 Certified by. . .-.-.-. Thesis Supervisor Accepted by..-.-Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students Structures and crystal chemistry of wollastonite and pectolLte by Charles T. Prewitt Submitted to the Department of Geology and Geophysics on August 20, 1962, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ABSTRAC T Wollastonite, CaSi.O3 , and pectolite, Ca 2NaHSi30 9 have similar triclinic cells; because of this and their analogous chemical compositions, they have been regarded as belonging to the same mineral family. An examination of the results of least-squares' refinement of three-dimensional x-ray diffraction data reveals that although the structures contain similar metasilicate chains, .they are not as closely isotypic as had been supposed. The principle differences are in the coordinations of calcium and sodium and in the way these atoms share oxygens with the silicon atoms. The final R-factors for wollastonite and pectolite are, respectively, 0.089 and 0.075. The structures of both wollastonite and pectolite contain pseudomonoclinic subcells which are joined together on (100) to give an overall symmetry different from that of the subcell. The geometries of these sabcells and the possibility of their being joined in different ways are important in explaining the types of twinning which occur in wollastonite and pectolite. Twinning which produces an overall crystal symmetry different from some subcell, known as space group twinning, probably occurs in many types of silicate minerals. Programs written for the IBM 7090 digital computer, including full-matrix crystallographic least-squares refinement and diffractometer settings programs, are included as part of a system designed for automated crystal structure solution and refinement. Such a system is not available at present but should be ready within two years. Thesis Supervisor: Martin J. Buerger Title: Institute Professor -.--. U- , Preface This thesis is divided into three parts, A, B, and C. Part A consists of four chapters, each of which is intended for publication. Part B contains an account of work which was done during the thesis period and which is not intended for publication in its present form. There is, however, a possibility that some of this material will be used as a base for future publication. Part C contains four appen- dices, the first three of which are descriptions and listings of computer programs written during the period of thesis research. It is hoped that these programs will be of use to 6thers doing crystal structure work, and that they will eventually be incorporated into a complete system for crystal structure investigations. The fourth appendix contains observed and calculated structure factor data on wollastonite and pectolite. Acknowledgements The author gratefully acknowledges the advice and support of Professor M. J. Buerger in this work on wollastonite and pectolite. Crystals of wollastonite, pectolite, and larsenite were kindly provided by Professor Clifford Frondel of Harvard University. Mr. Alden Carpenter of Harvard loaned several specimens of parawollastonite. Pectolite and wollastonite were obtained from Dr. George Switzer and Mr. Roy S. Clarke of the U. S. National Museum. The author would like to especially thank Professor A. Pabst of the University of California for sending oscillation photographs and specimens of Crestmore parawollastonite and for his comments on parawollastonite. Dr. Waldemar Schaller of the U. S. Geological Survey gave valuable advice on the pectolite-schizolite-serandite series. Many useful and informative discussions with Mr. Donald Peacor have contributed greatly to the successful completion of this work, particularly in connection with his investigations of bustamite and rhodonite. Mrs. Hilda Cid-Dresdner, Mr. Bernhardt Wuensch, and Mr. Wayne Dollase are thanked for their interest and help throughout the period of investigation. Many conversations with Dr. Charles Burnham about computing were especially useful. Miss Gay Lorraine and Mrs. Shirley Veale contributed greatly through their typing of the entire thesis. Particular thanks are due Miss Lorraine for proofreading and for her advice on the format of the final draft. My wife, Gretchen, helped greatly through her moral support and through the preparation of many of the illustrations. Finally, the support of the National Science Foundation through part-time Research Ass istantships, and the M. I. T. Computation Center through the use of the IBM 709 and 7090 computers is gratefully acknowledged. Table of Contents Title page i Abstract LL Preface tiL Acknowledgements iv Table of Contents v List of Tables x List of Figures xi Part A Chapter I. pectolite Crystal structures of wollastonite and 1 Attempts to solve the wollastonite structure from Patterson projections 2 New diffractometer data 3 The three-dimensional Patterson function and its solution 3 Refinement of the wollastonite structure 5 Attempt to fit pectolite into a wollastonite pattern 7 Preliminary refinement of the pectolite structure 8 Comparison of the pectolite and wollastonite structures 9 Chapter II. Comparison of the crystal structures of wollastoniteand pectolite 14 Abstract 14 Introduction 15 Confirmation of the structure 16 Comparison of structures 18 Pseudomonoclinic symmetry 27 Distribution of Ca and Na 35 Interatomic distances and interbond angles 40 Twinning 48 Conclusions 56 Acknowledgements 57 ---- 7- - Vi Chapter 111. models Drilling coordinates for crystal structure 58 Abstract 58 Introduction 59 Coordinate systems 59 Calculation of p and < 63 Discussion 66 Acknowledgements 67 References 68 Chapter IV. Refinement of pectolite 69 Introduction 69 Selection of material 69 Unit cell data 71 Space group 73 Intensity collection 73 Refinement 75 Evaluation of the structure 78 Conclusions 87 References 88 Part B Chapter V. Review of the crystallographic investigation of metasilicates 91 Status of structural work 93 Future possibilities for ino-metasilicate investigations 95 References Chapter VI. Twinning in silicate crystallography Structure and space group twinning 97 99 99 Implications of space group twinning 101 Energy relations in parawollastonite and bustamite 111 Space group twinning in other silicates 112 References 115 Chapter VII. Crystal structures related to wollastonite and pectolite 116 Status of structural information 116 Pseudowollastonite 118 Hydrated calcium silicates 120 References Chapter VIII. Crystal structure of larsenite, PbZnSLO Experimental work 122 124 124 Occurrence 124 Unit cell and space group 125 Intensity cellection 125 Solution of the structure 126 Refinement 131 Discussion of results 133 Oxygen packing 133 Substructures and heavy atoms 134 Direct methods 135 References Chapter IX. Automatic crystal structure analysis 136 137 Present capabilities 137 Future capabilities 138 Expected results of automated crystal structure 140 analysis Part C Appendices Appendix I. SFLSQ3, a structure factor and leastsquares refinement program for the IBM 7090 digital computer Introduction 142 143 143 Common storage 145 Sense indicators 145 Tape usage 145 Punched output 150 Description of the main program and its subroutines 151 MAIN 151 READI 154 READ2 154 READ3 155 SET 155 LOOKUP 155 WEIGHT 155 SPGRP 156 REJECT 166 STAT 167 PRSF 167 STMAT 169 PRST 169 CHLNK3 169 TEST 172 CARD 173 DIST 173 Running the program 173 Data deck 173 Submitting a run 180 References 181 Program listing 183 Appendix II. Program for computation of drilling coordinates for crystal structure models 209 Directions for running the program DRILL 210 Data cards for DRILL 210 Description of data deck 211 Description of output 212 Program listing 213 Appendix III. Computation of diffractometer settings 215 Program description 215 DFSET 215 INDEXI 216 INDEX2 216 OUTPUT 217 MIFLIP 217 TERM 217 Speed of computation 217 Running the program Data de ck 218 218 References 222 Program listing 223 Appendix IV. Observed and calculated structure factors for wollastonite and pectolite 235 Wollastonite structure factors 235 Pectolite structure factors 264 Biographical note 290 List of Tables Chapter I 1. Refined coordinates of atoms in wollastonite and pectolite, all referred to pectolite origin Chapter II 1. Unit cells of wollastonite, NaAsO 3 , and pectolite 2. Atom coordinates for wollastonite and pectolite 3. Atom coordinates of wollastonite and pectolite referred to a pseudomonoclinic cell P2,/n (origin at 1) 4. Interatomic distances and Interbond angles in wollastonite and pectolite 5. Coordination of oxygens in wollastonite and pectolite Chapter IV 1. Compositions of two pectolites and the hypothetical composition computed from Ca 2NaHSi 0 2. Results of least-squares refinement ofpectolite cell constants 3. Refined coordinates for pectolite 4. Interatomic distances in pectolite 5. Oxygen coordination in pectolite Chapter V 1. List of crystallographically interesting metasilicates 10 17 23 33 41 45 72 74 79 82 86 92 Chapter VII 1. Classification of compounds with formula ABX3 117 Chapter 1. 2. 3. 127 128 132 VIII Comparison of larsenite and forsterite cells The forsterite structure. The larsenite structure. Atom coordinates for larsenite Appendix I 146 1. Symbols assigned to COMMON storage 2. Tape assignments for SFLSQ3 at M. I. T. Computation Center 2 3. Derivatives of F c (hki) or F (hki) with respect to -c --152 varied parameters 4. Quanttties evaluated by general space group sub158 routine 17. 5. Expressions evaluated in CHLNK3 List of Figures (The page numbers given are those of the figure legends.) Chapter 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. II Projection of the wollastonite structure along b 19 Projection of the pectolite structure along b 21 Projections of the pectolite and wollastonite structures along b 25 Projection of the wollastonite structure along c 28 Projection of pectolite along c corresponding to that of wollastonite of Figure 4 30 Structure of wollastonite projected onto (101) of four adjacent pseudomonoclinic cells 36 Structure of pectolite projected onto (101) of the four pseudomonoclinic cells 38 Three ways in which the pseudomonoclinic unit can be stacked on (100) to produce different overall diffraction effects 49 Reciprocal lattices corresponding to the geometries shown in Figures 8a, 8b, and 8c 52 Chapter III 1. Coordination group of atoms N 1 , N 2 ' N3 and central atom N, and its relation to the spherical coordinate system 2. Vectors used in the calculation of angle 43 61 64 Chapter IV 1. Pectolite structure projected onto (101) 80 Chapter VI 1. Schematic representations of the ways in which pseudomonoclinic subcells can be joined to give a different overall symmetry 2. Pseudomonoclinic CaSi.O3 subcells joined on (100) to give wollastonite (top) and parawollastonite (bottom) 3. Schematic representations of the wollastonite (top) and bustamite (bottom) structures 4. Result of joining CaSiO subcells as described in Figure 3 to give the woAastonite structure (top) and the bustamite structure (bottom) 102 104 107 109 Chapter VIII 1. Pb 1 +Pb2M 8 (xy 4 ) map of larsentte 129 -~.----4 U XIl Part A Chapter I. The Crystal Structures of Wollastonite and Pectolite. Wollastonite, CaSi.O3 , and pectolite, Ca 2NaHSi 309, belong to the same mineral family. They have the same symmetry, P1, and similar cells: Wollastonite Pectolite a 7.94 7.99 b 7.32 7.04 c 7.07 7.02 a 90 021 900311 p 95 22t 95 11i y 103026t 102028! Z 6CaSiO3 A 2Ca 2NaHSi3 09 The structure of pectolite was solved by Buerger 2, and the structure of wollastonite was solved shortly thereafter by Mamedov 3 and Below . Curiously enough, although the two structures have Buerger, M. J. The arrangement of atoms in the wollastonite group of metasilicates. Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci., 42, (f95-6) 113-116. 2 Buerger, M. J. The determination of the crystal structure of pectolite, Ca 2NaHSi3 0 9. Zeit. Krist,, 108, (1956) 248-261. 233 Mamedov, K. S. , and N.V. Belov. Crystal structure of wollastonite. Doklady Akad. Nauk. SSSR, 107 (1956) 463-466. rather similar arrangements, they are not the same, and they are described by different sets of coordinates for corresponding atoms. For two crystals of the same family to have different coordinates suggests that one of the structures might be incorrect. Since pectolite was solved in this laboratory, we were prejudiced in favor of the correctness of that structure. Accordingly we attempted to fit the wollastonite structure to the pectolite pattern with curious consequences which are noted below. Attempts to Solve the Wollastonite Structure from Patterson Projections. The structure of pectolite had been solved from the Patterson projections P(xy), P(yz), and P(xz). These were based upon intensities determined from precession photographs. The intensities were rather crude since a coarse crystal had been used, and the intensities had not been corrected for absorption. In spite of these poor data, the structure was readily solved by constructing minimum functions based upon these three Patterson projections. The same strategy, when applied to wollastonite, was not successful. Patterson peaks corresponding to the Ca1+2 inversion peaks in pectolite were used for image poitts, and they gave pectolite-like projections. But the structures corresponding to these projections had excessive distances from Si.3 to some of the oxygen atoms of its tetrahedron, and their structure factors had high values of R. This failure was attributed to poor data, so that, in due course, a new set of intensities was measured with the aid of a single-crystal diffractometer. New Diffractometer Data The copper hemisphere for wollastonite contains 1, 769 reflections. The intensities of all of these which were within recording range of our instrument (namely 1, 503) were measured with the aid of a special diffractometer detector. using a Geiger tube as Due care was exercised not to exceed the linearity limit of the detector. The resulting data were corrected for Lorentz and polarization factors, and then an approximate absorption correction was applied 2 The Three -D imens ional Patterson Function and Its Solution. The resulting F(hkl)ts were used to compute a threedimensional Patterson function. This was studied in sections Buerger, M. J. , and N. Niizeki. The correction for absorption for rod-shaped single crystals. Amer. Mineral. 43 (1958)726-731. 2 Liebau, Friedrich. Uber die Struktur des Schizoliths. Neues Jb. Mineral. , (1958) 227-229. U parallel to (010) made at intervals of b/30. Although this Patterson function did not have a clear-cut indication of the obvious image point to be used to start the minimum-function routine, as pectolite,had, a peak was present in a location corresponding to that of a Ca + pectolite. inversion peak in This was used in forming an M 2 (xyz) function. This preliminary function yielded an approximation to the substructure This revealed the which closely resembled that of pectolite. location of Ca 3 (corresponding to Na of pectolite) and this atom location permitted construction of another .M2 (xyz) function. With these two M 2 (xyz) functions, a stronger M(xyz) function was formed. This still resembled pectolite, except that appropriate locations for 07 and 08 could not be found, and an ambiguity existed in placing Si , Si.2 and 0 . None of the structures based upon this solution of the Patterson function had a small value of R, and none could be refined below R = 26%. Since a pectolite-like model of wollastonite had evidently failed, the model proposed by Mamadov and Belov2 was tested. Buerger, M.J. The determination of the crystal structure of pectolite, Ca 2NaHSi309. o_. cit. 2 Mamedov, K. S., and N. V. Belov, op. cit. Using our new values of F(hkl) and Mamedov and Belovis coordinates, the initial value of R was 31%, and this proved to be refinable, as noted later. It seemed desirable to re-examine the Patterson function in the light of these new coordinates. Accordingly, they were used as a basis for finding the Ca1+2 inversion vector, and this was used to decompose the Patterson function. As in the earlier trial, this permitted forming an M 2 (xyz) function, then an MA(xyz) function based upon all the calcium atoms. The resulting peaks of the final minimum function located all the atoms of the model on which the original inversion peak was based, and with correct weights. It was therefore evident that this solution of the Patterson corresponds to the actual structure of wollastonite. But it is also true that, as discussed in the first part of this section, if a pectolite-like image point is used as a start, a pectolite-like structure is predicted. This curious situation made it advisable to check the correctness of the pectolite structure. (The confirmation and preliminary refinement of the pectolite structure are reported in a subsequent section of this paper.) Refinement of the Wollastonite Structure Mamedov and Belov based their solution of the wollastonite structure on finding sign relations among 204 hOl reflections. This provided signs for 30% of the reflections and permitted computing a crude electron-density map. With the aid of the peaks of this map, and on the basis of experience with cuspidine and xonotlite, the Patterson projection was interpreted. R = 24% for 224 reflections. This gave a model for which Further refinement of this important structure is obviously called for. We started with our extensive Geiger-counter data for 1, 503 F(hkl) t s and Mamedov and Belov t s original coordinates (except that they were transformed to the pectolite origin by adding We employed Busing and Levy t s least-squares refi nement T0). program for the IBM 704 computer, using an appropriate weighting scheme. After the initial cycle to find an approximate scale facbr, the value of R started at 31%. After four cycles of refinement using reasonable fixed isotropic temperature factors, the value of R was reduced to 11.4%. The isotropic temperature factors (as well as coordinates) were allowed to vary in three succeeding cycles, and this reduced R to 9. 3%. An additional cycles in which the anisotropic temperature factors were refined reduced R to 8. 9%. The final coordinates of the atoms, their standard deviations, and their isotropic temperature factors are listed in Table 1. Busing, W.R., and H.A.Levy. A crystallographic least-squares program for the IBM 704. (Oak Ridge National Laboratories, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 1959). Attempt to Fit Pectolite into a Wollastonite Pattern. Wollastonite and pectolite have long been regarded as members of the same family. Yet the structure proposed by Mamedov and Belov for wollastonite and that proposed by Buerger for pectolite (and later by Liebau for schizolite) are different. Since we confirmed the correctness of the wollastonite structure, there arose a suspicion that the structure proposed for pectolite was incorrect, and that it perhaps had the wollastonite structure. From the earlier investigation2 there were available the 2 following sets of reduced intensity data: F (hk0), 2 F (hOl), and In addition, the Patterson projections based upon these F 2(Okl). sets, of F 2tt s were available, V namely P(x), P(xz) and P(_yz). One of the fundamental differences between the wollastonite structure and Buerger t s pectolite structure is the location of Ca 1 and Ca . These atoms were used in the original pectolite investi- gation for the initial M -2 solve the structure. minimum functions which were used to The locations were found by making use of the conjugate-peak relation. Knowing the general location of Ca and Ca2 in wollastonite, Liebau, Friedrich. Uber die Struktur des &chizoliths. Neues Jb. Mineral., (1958) 227-229. 2 Buerger, M. J. The determination of the crystal structure of O. Cit. pectolLte, Ca 2NaHSi.3 0; a peak was found in the Patterson projection P(xz) of pectolite whose location would correspond to an inversion peak for Ca and Ca2 if these atoms had the locations they have in wollastonite. A minimum function M2(xz) was found using this peak as an image point, and interestingly enough, a wollastonite-like pattern of peaks was revealed. The other two projections of the structure, namely M 2(xy) and M 2 (yz), were formed from the Patterson projections P(xy) and P(yz). Each had a wollastonite-like pattern. These projections provided the approximate values of the three coordinates xyz for each atom. But this structure turned out to have a discrepancy R(hkl) = 62% based upon the reflections F(hkO), F(h1), and F(Ok). An attempt was made to refine these three sets together by least-squares as described later, but R(hkl) could not be reduced below 52%. In spite of the possibility of forming minimum functions having a wollastonite-like pattern of atoms, such a structure cannot be refined and must be incorrect. Preliminary Refinement of the Pectolite Structure. Since pectolite evidently does not have a wollastonite-like pattern of atoms, it appeared that the solution of the pectolite structure given by Buerger was probably correct. The original Buerger, M. J. The determination of the crystal structure of pectolite, Ca 2NaHSi3 0 9; op. cit. 9. structure determination included a modest refinement by difference maps which left the discrepancies at R(hk0) = 16%; R(Okl) = 21%; R(hOl) = 25%. To improve this state of the structure, the original sets of F(hkO), F(Okl), and F(hOl) were treated together as a single three- dimensional least-squares refinement with a different scale factor applied to each set, using the Busing and Levy program for the IBM 704 computer . In two cycles the refinement converged to a set of coordinates for whihh the over-all R(hkl) was 17%. Considering the crude nature of the original intensity measurements, this can be regarded as a successful refinement, and it confirms the correctness of the original pectolite structure determination. The new values of the coordinates are given in Table 1. Comparison of the Pectolite and Wollastonite Structures As a result of this investigation it is evident that wollastonite and pectolite, though belonging to the same mineral family, have distinct but related structures. The relations between the two structures will be discussed in a forthcoming paper. Busing, W.R., and H.A. Levy, op.cit. Table I Refined Coordinates of Atoms in Wollastonite (upper values) and Pectolite (lower values), All Referred to Pectolite Origin Ca 1 (Ca1 1 ) x U-(x) y U(Y) z (z) B 0.1985 0.0001 0.4228 0.0001 0.7608 0.0001 0.41 0.0001 0.45 0.0001 0.37 0.0002 0.24 0.404 0.143 Ca 2 (Ca11 ) 0.2027 0.0001 0.157 Ca 3 (Ca) Na Si 0.4966 (SL 1 r) 0.1852 0.221 0.0001 0.0001 0.2495 0.0001 0.3870 0.402 0.4720 0.656 0.735 0.0002 0.7640 0.861 0.916 0.448 1 0.9293 0-.854 0.0002 0.2687 0.337 Belovis designations for atoms of wollastonite in parentheses. Because of the poorer intensity data for pectolite, standard deviations of coordinates and individual temperature factors are omitted. (Table I continued) Si 2 (Si) x c(x) y 0.1849 0.0002 0.9545 0.210 3 S 11) 0.3970 0.0002 (01) 0.4008 0.0005 0.3037 0.0005 0.3017 0.171 0.2314 0.7259 0.0005 0.4635 0.0006 0.9374 0.839 B 0.0002 0.24 0.0560 0.0002 0.22 0.8019 0.0005 0.48 0.0005 0.37 0.0006 0.60 0.0006 0.64 0.875 0.0006 0.8302 0.943 0.0006 0.4641 0.538 0.496 0.0005 0.2692 (z) 0.148 0.702 0.185 04 0.0002 0.212 0.322 03 0.7235 z 0.344 0.735 0.348 02 0.0002 0.945 0.451 0.4291 o-(y) 0.0006 0.4655 0.541 (Table I continued) 05 (Omi1!) x cY(x) y c(y) z c(z) B 0.0154 0.0005 0.6254 0.0006 0.7343 0.0006 0.63 0.0006 0.71 0.0005 0.37 0.0005 0.51 0.0005 0.68 0.070 06 (0 ) 0.0175 0.393 0.0005 0.053 07 (O IV) 0.2732 (0 ) 0.2713 0.0004 ()0 0.2188 0.260 0.5118 0.0005 0.8717 0.0005 0.1784 0.182 0.0919 0.275 0.0005 0.906 0.0005 0.7353 0.179 0.533 0.402 0 0.0006 0.896 0.396 08 0.1319 0.171 0.0940 0.275 0.0005 0.2228 0.381 13This work was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation. Part of the computation work was carried out at the M. I. T. Computation Center. iV id Chapter II. Comparison of the Crystal Structures of Wollastonite and Pectolite. Abstract Wollastonite, CaSiO 3 , and pectolite, CaNaHSi3 0 have similar triclinic cells; because of this and their analogous chemical compositions they have long been regarded as belonging to thessame mineral family. An examination of the results of least-squares refinement reveals that although the structures contain siinilar metasilicate chains, supposed. they are not as closely isotypic as had been The principal differences are in the location of the large cations between layers of oxygen atoms parallel to (101) and in the relative orientations of the metasilicate chains. The structures of both wollastonite and pectolite contain pseudomonoclinic subcells which are joined together on (100) to give an overall symmetry different from that of the subcell. The geometries of these subcells and the possibility of their being joined in different ways are important in explaining the types of twinning which occur in wollastonite and pectolite. 1.5 Introduction PectolLte and wollastonite belong to the same mineral family and have distinct but related crystal structures. and Prewitt (1962) by Buerger (1956) 2 Buerger have shown that the crystal structures proposed for pectolite and by Mamedov and Belov (1956) for wollastonite are correct. 3 The present paper describes in detail the similarities and differences between the two structures and attempts to explain some of the puzzling features of these minerals which have been observed in the past. Buerger, M.J., and C. T.Prewitt (1962). of wollastonite and pectolite. 2 Buerger, M.J. (1956). The crystal structures Chapter I, this thesis. The determination of the crystal structure of pectolite, Ca 2NaHSL3 0 9. Z. Krist., 108, 248-261. 233 3 Mamedov, K.S., Crystal structure of and N.V. Belov (1956). wollastonite. Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR, 107, 463-466. 16 Confirmation of the Structures Unit cell information for pectolite, wollastonite, NaAsO3 is given in Table 1. and The similarity of the triclinic cells (space group PI) and the analogous chemical compositions indicate that these substances might have the same structure. A comparison of the results given by Mamedov and Beloy (1956) 1 for wollastonite and Liebau (1956)2 for NaAsO3 shows that these two structures are identical. If either of these is compared to the pectolite structure given by Buerger (1956) 3 certain discrepancies are noted. For example, while in both structures the silicate chains have repeat units of three tetrahedra, they do not have the same orientation in the two structures, and the large cations all lie in a sheet parallel to (101), but do not have the same distribution in the sheet. In order to determine whether these differences were real, 1 Mamedov, K. S., and N. V. Belov, op. cit. 2 Liebau, Friedrich (1956). natrlumpolyarsenats, Uber die kristallstruktur des (NaAsO )x. 3 B, Buerger, M. J., of. cit. Acta Cryst., 9, 811-817. I Table 1. Unit Cells of Wollastonite, NaAsO Wollastonite Ca3Si 30 7. 94 7.32A 7.07 Pectolite Na 3As30 A A and Pectolite. Ca 2NaHSi3 0 8.07 7. 99 7.44 7.04 7. 32 A 7.02 90082! 90 0 90 031 95 221 91 0 30t 950 11? 103 26t 104 0 102028t 18 Buerger and Prewitt (1962) collected three-dimensional x-ray intensities for wollastonite and refined the structure by leastsquares. In addition, they refined pectolite using relatively 2 crude intensity data originally obtained by Buerger (1956)2. The final R factors for wollastonite and pectolite, respectively, were 8. 9% and 17%. When the structures and x-ray data were inter- changed, the wollastonite data could not be refined below 26% and the pectolite data not below 52%. Therefore, the structures as proposed must be correct but different. Comparison of Structures Figures 1 and 2 are projections of the wollastonite and pectolite structures along b, respectively. Coordinates for the figures in this paper were given originally by Buerger and Prewitt (1962) and are reproduced in Table 2 with a few changes so that all coordinates refer to atoms in or near the same silicate chain. Unless otherwise noted, the origin for the figures is that of the coordinates of Table 2. 2 Buerger, M. J., and C. T. Prewitt, oR. cit. Buerger, M. J., op. citt. r 10 FLgure A. Projection of the wollastonite structure along b. 10UIS 0 -90,9 Figure 2. Projection of the pectolite structure along b. the Si Although and Si2 tetrahedra should not be exactly super- imposed, they are presented this way to simplify the drawing. Au\S D Pulso Table 2. Atom Coordinates for Wollastonite and Pectolite. Wollastonite Atom Pectolite x y z Ca 1 .1985 .4228 .7608 Ca .2027 .9293 .5034 Atom x y z Ca 1 .857 .596 .146 .7640 Ca .843 .074 .139 .7505 .5280 Na .552 .265 .344 . 1852 . 3870 . 2687 Si . 221 .402 . 337 Si 2 .1849 . 9545 . 2692 Si. . 210 . 954 .344 Si. .3970 . 7235 . 0560 Si .451 . 735 . 148 01 .5709 .7686 .1981 01 .652 .788 .125 02 .4008 .7259 02 .322 .702 -. 057 0 3 . 3037 .4635 .4641 0 3 .185 .496 .538 04 .3017 . 9374 .4655 04 . 171 . 839 . 541 -. 0154 .3746 .2657 .070 .393 .171 06 -. 0175 .8681 .2647 06 . 053 .896 .179 07 .2732 .5118 .0919 07 .396 .533 .275 08 .2713 .8717 .0940 08 .402 .906 .275 0 . 2188 . 1784 .2228 0 . 260 . 182 .381 2 Ca 3 05 3 -. 1698 2 1 2 3 05 Figures 1 and 2 reveal that the structures are topologically different. Si For example, the bonds between the superposed Si tetrahedra and the Si3 tetrahedron are reversed. and The large cations, however, occupy approximately the same positions in the two structures. One immediately wonders whether the misfit is merely a result of identical structures being oriented in different ways. The authors spent some time in considering this possibility and found that the structures can be oriented so that the silicate chains are nearly superposed. This is accomplished by inter- changing the a and c axes and shifting the origin of one of the structures. Figure 3 shows projections of wollastonite and pectolite along b in which the silicate chains are oriented to correspond with one another. The y coordinates of the atoms in the respective chains are about as close to each other as are the x and z coordinates. are not similar. The locations of the large cations, however, In fact, the large cations occupy completely different interstices between oxygens when the structures are oriented in this way. The structures must then be different even though the packing of oxygens is roughly similar. The authors originally thought that this kind of comparison might be more useful than the conventional one, but further investigation as reported below showed that the conventional orientations should be retained. Figure 3. Projections of the pectolite and wollastonite structures along b. The origin and orientation of wollastonite has been changed from that of Fig. I so that the silicate chains in wollastonite have the same orientation as in pectolite. . a sin7 -c sina asiny c sina PEC TOLIT E WOLLASTONITE ?,7 Pseudomonoclinic Symmetry A number of investigators have commented on the unusual features which are observed in x-ray diffraction photographs of wollastonite and pectolite. Among these features are a mirror symmetry between relative even-numbered reciprocal lattice levels normal to b, and the presence of a substructure along b with a period of b/2 as indicated by the average spot intensity in even-numbered reciprocal lattice levels normal to b being greater than in the oddnumbered levels. Ito (1950) discussed these effects and proposed that triclinic wollastonite could be constructed by starting with a hypothetical monoclinic cell and shifting successive cells along (100) in increments of *b. To this pseudomonoclinic cell he attributed a symmetry of P 2/n or P 21 /m. Figures 4 and 5 show that both wollastonite and pectolite can indeed be so regarded, and that the space group of this unit, which is infinite in the b and c directions and one unit cell thick along a, is P2 1 /m. Liebau (1956)2 also noticed that NaAsO3 can be so regarded. This shift between successive pseudomonoclinic units not only determines the triclinic symmetry in pectolite and wollastonite, but is also the key to twinning in these minerals and probably will be found to be significant in other triclinic metasilicates as well. Ito, T. (1950). X-ray studies on polymorphism. Maruzen, Tokyo, 93-110. Liebau, Friedrich, op. cit. Figure 4. Projection of the wollastonite structure along c. The mirror planes and screw axes are elements of the pseudomonoclinic unit. g'u!S D mm -~ Figure 5. Projection of pectolite along c corresponding to that of wollastonite of Fig. 4. Note that the orientations of the silicate chains are different In the two structures. 'uIso The results of the different shifts which can be made are discussed in another section of this paper. It is interesting to note how closely the refined atom coordinates conform to the monoclinic symmetry. The coordinates were refined in the space group P 1 so that all atoms were in the general position with no restrictions on x, y or z. Table 3 gives the wollastonite and pectolite coordinates transformed to the pseudomonoclinic cell using the cell transformation' Pseudomonoclinic 1 Triclinic - 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 and adding 0.125 to the transformed y coordinates. For the atoms Ca3' Si 3 O , 02 and 0 which would be on the mirror plane in P 2 1 /m, should be . 250 or . 750. in wollastonite, the y coordinates The very small deviations of about . 001 (or .007A) are within the expected accuracy of the measurements. The other atoms which are related by the mirror planes also show little deviation from the positions they would occupy if the monoThis transformation is not exact when there is a departure of a (triclinic) from 900; a in wollastonite is nearly 900 and departs from 900 by only 31 in pectolite. Table 3. Atom Coordinates of Wollastonite and Pectolite referred to a Pseudomonoclinic Cell P2 1 / Pseudoequipoint Wollastonite Atom x (Origin at i). Pectolite y z Atom x y z 2Ca1 . 1.985 . 4982 . 7608 2Ca1 . 857 2Ca . 2027 . 0038 . 7440 2Ca . 843 2Ca 3 . 5034 . 7496 . 5280 2Na . 552 . 252 . 344 2Si1 . 1852 .4657 . 2687 2Si 1 . 221 .472 . 337 2Si 2 . 1849 . 0333 . 2692 2Si . 210 1.026 . 344 2c 2Si 2i3 .3970 .7492 .0560 2Si .451 .747 .148 2e 201 .5709 .7509 .1981 201 .652 .750 .125 2e 20 2 .4008 .7507 1698 20 2 .322 .746 .057 4f 20 3 .3037 .5126 .4641 203 .185 .575 . 538 204 . 3017 . 4870 .4655 20 4 . 171 . 921 . 541 2 -. 2 2 -. . 507 .146 002 .139 205 -. 0039 .5035 .2657 20 5 .070 .500 .175 206 -. 0044 .9975 .2647 206 .053 1.008 .179 207 .2732 .5685 .0919 20 7 .396 .559 .275 208 .2713 .9287 .0940 208 .402 .930 .275 20 9 . 2188 . 2487 .2228 20 9 . 260 . 242 .381 clinic symmetry held. If the space group P 2k/n is assumed, then the following paired atoms are equivalent and occupy the general position: Ca Ca3' Si 3 1 , Ca2 O, Si' 02 and 0 S 2 03, 05, 06 07, 08* are each in the special positions m. Although the atoms in pectolite have the same pseudoequipoint distributions as do those in wollastonite, the refined coordinates for the pectolite atoms do not conform as closely to the monoclinic symmetry. For example, the y coordinate of 0 .242 as compared with .250 if 0 is a deviation of about 0.06A. were on the mirror plane. is This A detailed refi nement of pectolite now being carried out in this laboratory will determine whether these deviations in the pectolite coordinates are real. The pseudosymmetry gives rise to the strong substructure along b, since all the atoms except 07 and 08 in both wollastonite and pectolite and Na in pectolite have x and z coordinates similar to another atom of the same type located -b away. It is interesting that Ca3 and its inversion equivalent in wollastonite have similar x and z coordinates and are approximately Lb apart, while Na and its inversion equivalent in pectolite do not have similar x and z coordinates even though they are separated by -b. This is one of the major differences between these minerals. The similarities and differences between wollastonite and pectolite brought out in this section seem to be more useful in describing the structures than do those in the last section where a special orientation of one of the structures was used to show how the silicate chains could be superposed. Because of this, the authors feel that the conventional orientation should be retained and that while the other aspect is interesting, it will not be useful except, for example, in a classification of metasilicates based on oxygen packing. Distribution of Ca and Na The main difference in the wollastonite and pectolite structures is in the way the large cations are distributed in the sheet parallel to (101). Figures 6 and 7 show parts of the wollastonite and pectolite structures projected onto (101) of the pseudomonoclinic cell. Only the silicate chains on the upper side of (101) are shown. The Ca in wollastonite are arranged in a nearly planar hexagonal pattern which is separated into bands 3 Ca columns wide running in the b direction and parallel to the silicate chains. Fig. 6 Structure of wollastonite projected onto (101) of four adjacent pseudomonoclinic cells. Only the silicate chains on the near side of (101) are shown. The axial directions are for the pseudo- monoclinic cell. [ol 38 Figure 7 Structure of pectolite projected onto (101) of the four adjacent pseudomonoclinic cells. Only the silicate chains on the near side of (101) are shown. The most likely location for the hydrogen bond is indicated by the dotted line between the labeled 03 and 0 . The Na and Ca in pectolite are also arranged in a hexagonal pattern with bands consisting of 2 Ca columns bounded on either side by a half-filled Na column. by Because each of these bands is translated 1b with respect to neighboring bands, every other Na in a particular Na column is missing. This is necessary because otherwise the Na-Na distances between neighboring Na columns would be much too small. Interatomic Distances and Interbond Angles. Interatomic distances and angles given in Table 4 were calculated for wollastonite and pectolite using a computer program written by Busing and Levy (1959) . The Si-O distances in both wollastonite and pectolite show a considerable variation, the lengths apparently being determined by the coordinations of the oxygens. Table 5 gives the coordination and distances of cations around the oxygens. It can be seen that, for O through 06 of wollastonite, the Si-O distances are longer when an oxygen is coordinated by 3 Ca than when coordinated by 2 Ca. Busing, William R., and Henri A. Levy (1959). function and error program for the IBM 704/ Laboratory Central Files No. 59-12-3. The situation A crystallographic Oak Ridge National Oak Ridge, Tenn. 1-95. Table 4. Interatomic Distances and Interbond Angles in Wollastonite and Pectolite. Interatomic Distances Atoms Si 1 WollastonLte 03 1.61 05 1. 572 1.59 07 1.659 1.60 09 1.647 1.67 1.62 1.62 O4 06 1.617 1.63 1.58 1 1.61 08 1.650 1.75 09 1.637 1.58 0 1.62 1.64 av Si2 Si3 Ca A Pectolite av 0 1.59 1. 63 1.59 02 07 1.59 1.68 1.665 1.68 08 av 1.673 1.63 1.63 1.65 0 2.30 2 2.33 0 03 2.272 2.31 2.324 2.35 05 2.30 2 2.35 O r 5. - 2.44 06 07 2.272 0 2. 31 av 2.34 2.412 4 2.35 A (Table 4 continued) Atoms Ca Ca 2 3 Wollastonite Pectolite 01 2.501 2.30 02 04 2.421 2. 31.6 2.25 05 2.368 2.51 06 06 2.316 2.35 0 2.406 .8 av Na - 2.45 6 2.38 0 2.43 02 2.34 03 2.42 03 04 2.335 2.44 0 41 2.34 09 2.642 2.390 (excluding Ca 3 -0 9) Oav 2.32 2.36 02 2.32 0 2.46 0 2.54 07 2.50 0!1 2.97 08 2.57 08 . 2.97 09 2.32 0 2. 45 (excluding Na-071 Na-0 8) av 3 ~+ (Table 4 continued) Wollastonite Atoms 1 Si 3.165 3.10 Si. 3 3.11 6 3.04 Si 3 3. 125 3.11 Si Si 2 2 Si - 0 - Si 1 9 2 Si Si 2 3 - 0 -0O Pe ctolite I I Interbond Angles 149. 00 149. 50 8 - Si. 3 140.0 134.70 7 - Si. 1 139.00 136.10 is different for 07 through 0 because these oxygens are coordinated by 2 Si as well as Ca, showing that Paulingts rule does not hold. The Si-O distances here are larger than in either of the examples above. The coordination of oxygens in wollastonite can thus be divided into three classes: 1. Oxygen coordinated by one Si and three Ca (01, 02' 3' 0 4); 2. Oxygen coordinated by one Si and two Ca (0,Y 06) 3. Oxygen coordinated by two Si and one Ca (07, 08' 0 ). It is felt that an analysis of the pectolite interatomic distances before a detailed refinement is completed would be premature, particularly since the range in Si-O distances is so great, varying from 1.58A for Si2- O to 1.75X for Si2 08' This may be a real variation, however, eince Morimoto, Appleman and Evans (1960) reported a range of 1. 58 - i.74AR for Si-O in clinoenstatite. Ca and Ca2 in wollastonite are octahedrally coordinated by six oxygen atoms at average distances of 2. 383 2. 388 A for Ca2. and Ca3 is surrounded by six oxygen atoms at an average distance of 2. 39 0 1 for Ca A and by an additional oxygen (09) at 6 Mor imoto, N. , D.E. Appleman and H. T. Evans (19 0). The crystal structures of clinoenstatifte and pigeonite. Z. Krist., 114, 120-147. Table 5. Coordination of Oxygens in Wollastonite and Pectolite. Wollastonite Atoms 0 Pectolite Interatomic Atoms Distances Si3 Ca 1 1.. 59 9 2.30 2 Ca 2.316 2 Ca 3 Si. 3 Ca 1 Ca Ca 03 I 2 3 1. 59 9 02 05 2.30 2 Si 3 1.68 2.31 2. 36 9 Ca 2.25 2. 34 9 Na 2.32 Si 1.63 2.42 9 Ca3 2.335 Si 2 1.617 Ca 2 Ca 03 2 1 Ca 1 2.35 2.46 1.63 2.42 Si2 Ca 2.44 Na 2.54 Si 1.59 Ca 3 2.349 Si 1.572 1 Ca Ca 1 Ca 3 3 2.33 2. 272 2. 324 04 1.59 Si3 a1 2.439 1.618 SLi 0 Interatomic Distances 0 2 05 1 2.32 2.35 Ca 1 2.302 Ca Ca 2.50 Ca 1 2.44 Ca 2.51 2 1 2 (Table 5 continued) 06 O Si2 1.58 Ca 1 Ca 2 06 S2 1.61 2.272 Ca 2.34 2.50 Ca2 2.35 Ca 2 2.45 Si. 1.60 Si 1.65 Si 3 1.665 S 3 1.68 Ca 1 2.412 Na 2.50 07 Na t o8 Si. 2 Si 3 Ca 2 1.65 33 0 0 8 1.67 2.40 6 Si 21.75 2 Si 3 Na 1.63 2.57 Nar 0 9 Si. 1 Si.2 1.64 Ca 3 2.642 7 1.637 0 9 Si. 1 Si 2 1.67 0 2.39 1.58 =====;PW 4+7 2.64 . . The Ca- 0 sheet is similar to a brucite sheet separated into slabs running along b and distorted by the presence of 0 . The coordination of Ca that of Ca of 2. 35. and Ca and Ca in pectolite is similar to in wollastonite with an average Ca - 0 distance and an average Ca 2- 0 distance of 2. 36X. Na is surrounded by six oxygen atoms at an average distance of 2.45AX, and two further oxygen atoms, both at 2. 97A. The most probable location for the hydrogan bond in pectolite is between 03 and 0 . These atoms are separated by 2.44A which is short even for a hydrogen bond. This is represented by a dotted line between the labelled 03 and 0 in Fig. 7. This separation is much less than between similar atoms in the wollastonite chain as seen in Fig. 6. Buerger (1956) attributed the presence of a shorter b axis in pectolite than in wollastonite to the hydrogen bond. In both structures, the silicon-oxygen-silicon angles have the same distribution, with Si - 0 -Si2 being larger than Si2-0 8 Si 3 - 0 7 -Si, sh which are approximately equal. 3 and This difference results from the somewhat abnormal location of 0 9in the oxygen sheet. Buerger, M.J., o. cit. Twinning One of the most interesting aspects of the pectolite and wollastonite structures is the way in which twinning can occur. Mention has already been made of the way in which pseudomonoclinic subcells are fitted together to give a triclinic structure. shown schematically in Fig. 8b. This is It is also possible to reverse the shift between successive pseudomonoclinic subcells to give the sequence shown in Fig. 8a, which corresponds to a twinned structure. If, however, the shift is reversed in each successive cell, the effect is as shown in Fig. 8c. This sequence was suggested 1 2 by Ito (1950) for parawollastonite which was originally distinguished bfrom wollastonite by Peacock (1935a) 3 Peacock (1935b)4 found that the twin law in pectolite is such that b is the twin axis with (100) as the composition plane. consistent with Fig. 8a since a rotation of 180 This is around b of one of the pseudomonoclinic units would be approximately equivalent to 1 Ito, T., o . cit. 2 The Commission on Mineral Data recommended at the meeting of the International Mineralogical Association in Washington, D. C., April 17-20, 1962, that wollastonite and parawollastonite be redesignated wollastonite-T Peacock, M.A. (1935a). Am. J. Sci., and wollastonite-2M, respectively. On wollastonite and parawollastonite. 30., 495-529. Peacock, M.A. (1935b). On pectolite. Zeit. Krist. 90, 97-111. Figure Fig. 8a (top), 8. b (middle) and c (bottom). Three ways in which the pseudomonoclinic unit can be stacked on (100) to produce different overall diffraction effects. TWINNED TRICLINIC MONOCLINIC translating it by b along a neighboring cell. This is not exactly true unless the cell is actually monoclinic, thus making a (triclinic) equal to 90 . The authors have taken x-ray photographs of several twinned pectolite crystals from various localities and have found that the diffraction effects substantiate the above ideas. Fig. 9a represents part of the composite reciprocal lattice of twinned pectolite. When the members of the twin are present in equal amount, oscillating crystal photographs around b, as well as c-axis precession photographs, b. show an apparent mirror plane normal to Close examination of the films reveals, however, that the registry of superposed spots is not perfect and that the registry is slightly different in different specimens. If the pseudomonoclinic cells are joined as in Fig. 8c, the parawollastonite structure is formed having an oveidll monoclinic symmetry with a doubling of the cell along a. this monoclinic cell should be P2 /a The symmetry of with extra centers of symmetry, not required by the space group , being present. an attempt to refine the structure of parawollastonite, In however, Tolliday (1958)2 found that the structure could not be refined using Tolliday (1958) gives the systematic absences in the parawollastonite diffraction pattern as: for hkl, 2h+k = 4n+2, and for OkO as k= 2n+1. 2 Tolliday, Joan (1958) . Nature, 182, 1012-1013. Crystal structure of p-wollastonite. Figure 9 Figure 9a (left), 9b (middle) and 9c (right). Reciprocal lattices corresponding to the geometries shown in Figs. 8a, 8b, and 8c. E -A (I I I -9- t ~I1 TWINNED V + #+ O* TRICLINIC a* MONOCLINIC the centrosymmetric space group P2k/a and that when the noncentrosymmetric space P2 satisfactorily. was assumed, the refinement proceeded Since no coordinates, structure factors or R-factors were published, the validity of this assumption cannot be evaluated. This is an extremely important point in the crystal chemistry of CaSiO3 and one which should be resolved. One of the interesting features of Figs. 9a, 9b, and 9c is that the reci procal-lattice levels with k even are identical (when a = 90 ) and that the differences between triclinic, monoclinic and twinned composite reciprocal lattices occur in only the odd levels. It is simpler for wollastonite than for pectolite to alternate to form the parawollastonite type because a in wollastonite is 900 (within experimental error) and because the symmetry of the repeating unit in wollastonite is nearly monoclinic, tetrahedra, as well as Ca i.e., the Si and Si2 and Ca 2 , are symmetrically equivalent. The authors examined several wollastonite specimens from the Monte Somma, Italy, Csiklova, Romania, and Crestmore, California, localities before finding one which gave a parawollastonite diffraction pattern. Continuous radiation streaks along reciprocal lattice rows parallel to a* were observed in the b-axis Weissenberg photographs with k odd for the monoclinic as well as several triclinic specimens. The parawollastonite crystal (locality:Crestmore, California) was supplied by Professor A. Pabst from a specimen, 138-80, University of California collection. in the -I :5 This effect was interpreted by Jeffery (1953) as a type of disorder due to the presence of regions of wollastonite and parawollastonite, but it could also be thought of as an irregular sequence of pseudomonoclinic subcells. Peacock (1935a)2 was unable to find any twinned triclinic wollastonite in the material available to him. Spencer (1903)3 however, reported a twinned wollastonite crystal from Chiapas, Mexico, which would presumably give a diffraction pattern si.milar I to our twinned pectolite. It is possible that some of the material reported in the literature as ordered parawollastonite is actually twinned wollastonite. One could be misled by diffraction photographs if the members of the twin were present in equal amounts. One point which should be brought out here is that the way in which these pseudomonoclinic units fit together results in what Ito (1950)4 called "space-group twinning" and "structure twinning". The "space-group twinning" is seen in the joining of pseudomonoclinic cells to give an overall triclinic or a different monoclinic symmetry, while "structure twinning" corresponds to our twinned pectolite. This may be a valuable concept in an attempt to classify the triclinic metasilicates. 1 Jeffery, J.W. (1953). wollastonite. Unusual diffraction effects from a crystal of Acta Cryst., 6, 821-825. 2 Peacock, M.A. (1935a) op. cit. 3 Spencer, L.J. (1903). 4 Ito, T. (1950). op. cit. see paper by Collins, H.F. Min.Mag.,13, 356-362, Conclusions It has been established that wollastonite and pectolite have many structural similarities, but yet must be classified as having different structures. Whether the pseudomonoclinic unit found in both wollastonite and pectolite will be of significance in an overall classification of the triclinic metasilicates will depend on the results of structural investigation of such minerals as bustamite, rhodonite and pyroxmangite. This pseudomonoclinic unit at present appears to be important in determining the relations between different modifications of a particular mineral in the wollastonite series. Its departure from actual monoclinic symmetry may also be a controlling factor in determining what forms of a particular triclinic metasilicate can occur. Certainly, any study of the stability relations of wollastonite and parawollastonite would have to be concerned with the details of the structures 'to a greater extent than is usual in such investigations, because the difference in energy between the two structures must be quite small. Acknowledgements The authors wish to express thanks to Professor Clifford Frondel and Dr. Alden Carpenter of Harvard University, Professor Adolf Pabst of the University of California and Dr. George Switzer of the U.S. National Museum for supplying much of the material used in this investigation, and to Donald R. Peacor for many helpful discussions. Foundation. This work was supported by the National Science The computations were carried out at the M. I. T. Computation Center. Chapter III. Drilling Coordinates for Crystal Structure Models Abstract Calculation of the spherical drilling coordinates, p and <, for crystal structure models often requires a prohibitive amount of time, especially for structures of low symmetry. The coordinates are readily calculated using a vector algebraic method which is applicable to any crystal system. This method is designed for computation with a digital computer. INTRODUCTION Many papers have described the construction of crystal structure models . In those methods in which the structure is represented by balls connected with rigid pins, it is necessary to drill holes in the balls to maintain interatomic angles. Several drilling devices have been described2-4 which may be used to drill these holes if the spherical drilling coordinates are known. tion of these drilling coordinates, p and <, Calcula- may be the most time- consuming part of building a crystal structure model, especially when the structure is one of low symmetry. Because of this, the structure is often "idealized" to save computation time, thus obscuring important structural features. A straightforward method of calculating drilling coordinates for any crystal system has been developed. This method is easily programmed for a digital computer and has been used in the construction of complex crystal structure models. COORDINATE SYSTEMS Computations are most easily carried out if atom positions are known relative to an orthogonal coordinate system in which coordinates are given directly in angstroms. The transformation 60 of coordinates from a general axial system to an orthogonal system is given by p= xia + y. (b cos y) + z (c cos q7 = yi (b sin y) - z* (c M) = r (1) z. [ c(sin 2 p - M 2 where a, b, c, a, P and y are unit cell parameters of the original axial system; x., y. and z are fractional coordinates of atom i relative to this system; p., q. and r. L L are coordinates of atom i based -L upon an orthogonal axial system, and M = (cos P cos y - cos a)/si n y. The coordinate axes are fixed so that, if L, Z and k are unit vectors of the orthogonal coordinate system, i and a are colinear and i, , a and b are coplanar. Consider a coordination group of n atoms, designated by N. (i = 1, 2,. .. , n), which surrounds a central atom N . All atoms are at the ends of vectors s. from the unit cell origin, where 2 2 2 s. = (p. + q. + r. ) L The vector u. = s. L - s the coordinating atoms. L L . (2) is the vector from the central atom to one of Figure 1 shows the spherical coordinate system used in computing the drilling angles. origin, the vector u containing u and u Atom N is at the defines the direction p = 0, and the plane defines the condition coordinates of any atom N. , say N, L -3) 4 = 0. The drilling are computed from these Figure 1 Coordination group of atoms N , N , N -o -2' -3 atom N , and central and its relation to the spherical coordinate system. 2:"-o - - 2: Z3 -I in- Ze49 fixed positions. CALCULATION OF p AND 4 For all atoms N. (i = 1, -L - atom N , -0' U 2, ... , n) coordinating the central .U (3) p. = cos 1 L Figure 2 shows the vectors u which is normal to u . plane. Let proj. and u 3 projected onto a plane Any angle 4., say 4, L 3 is measured in this -. 2 define the direction 4 = 0 in this plane. Then 4. is the angle, taken counterclockwise, from proj. u to proj. u... 1 1".02 Consider a vector v. = u to u X u . All such vectors are normal and therefore lie in the plane of Fig. 2. angle between and v. y ~NL Furthermore, the is 4., whose magnitude may be determined by cos where, -i v v 2 2 .v v i (4) i since 4 may vary from 0 to 27r, and since the cosine function is unique only in the reglion 0 to 7r, L or 4,. L L 2r- 4.r. L . (5) The ambiguity in the magnitude of 4. may be resolved in the following way. Consider the vector w = u x v 2 This vector lies Figure 2 Vectors used in the calculation of angle <p3. of the drawing is normal to vector Plane of Fig. 1. ......................................................... ...... .. ............... ....... ....... ............. ...... .. .... .... .... ....... ................. .... .............. .................... .. ..... ........ ........................... ........................................ ........................ ....................... ...... ...................... ................... .. . .............. . ........... ............ ................................ ............... ..................... n [id ... ....... ........... ............. .......................................... ... ....... ................... ........... ................... ............. .................... ........... ..... ..... ............ ....... ... ............... ........ .................... ................................................ ................... ....... ........ ........ .......... ......................... ...................... .......................... .................... .................... . .......... .............. ... Znf% ............. ................. ......... ....... . ..... .. . .......... ................. ... ....... ........ ....... .......... ............... ........... ................... ......................... .......... ... ......... ............... .................. ... ..... ............. ..................... X ............ .................. .......... ........................... ............. ........... ........ ....... ..... . . .......... ....................... .......... ..... .......... ................ ................ ..................... ............... ............. .... .......... . ......... .. .......... .......... .................. 66 in the plane of Fig. 2 and has a direction opposite to that of proj. 12. ~2' The cosine of the angle 9 between v. and w is given by . V. Cos w = V. (6) w L If cos 0 > 0, V. lies in the shaded portion of Fig. 2 and = If cos 9 < 0, v. lies in the unshaded portion and *. = 2 r L L DISCUSSION This method was designed specifically for use with a digital computer although it is certainly possible to use it with a desk calculator. In programming the computations it has been found convenient to h4ve the interatomic distances u. printed out as a check L on the accuracy of input data. In addition, results may be obtained for enantiomorphically related coordination polyhedra. coordinates of two such polyhedra, _N. and _N., The drilling are related by LL p. = p. PL 3 L 27 27r *.= (7) - 4 In this laboratory, open structure models are usually built on the scale of half scale. - inch = 1A with the ball diameters at approximately Using half-scale balls permits the interiors of the models and the bonding directions to be seen more easily. The balls are 67 joined by inch brass rods cut so that the center-to-center distances are proportional to the bond lengths. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation, and was done in part at the M. I. T. Computation Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts. The authors wish to thank Professor M. J. Buerger for his helpful review of the manuscript. 68 REFERENCES Deane K. Smith, Bibliography on molecular and crystal structure models, National Bureau of Standards, Monograph 14, Washington D.C., May 1960. 2 M. J. Buerger, Rev. Sci. Instr. 6, 412 (1935) B. F. Decker and R. T. Asp, J. Chem. Educ. 32, 75 (1955) C. A. Haywood, J. Sci. Instr. 26, 379 (1949) r6 Chapter IV Introduction Although the gross details of the crystal structures of several of the triclinic metasilicates have been known for several years, the results of detailed refinements have just recently become available (Chapter 1; Peacor, 1962). These refinement results are extremely useful for comparing related structures and are absolutely necessary if one is interested in deducing the physical and chemical principles upon which these structures are based. Chapter I describes a least-squares refinement of pectolite, Ca 2NaHSi 30 , which was carried out with relatively crude intensity data originally used by Buerger (1956) to solve the structure. It was not possible to refine R below 17% using this data (sets of hkO, Okl, and hOl reflections). Because of the unusual interatomic distances which resulted from this refinement, and because of the high R, it was felt that further work should be done to improve the pectolite situation. Further- more, this would also provide another set of reliable data to be used in comparing the different triclinic metasilicates. Selection of material A problem which arises when working with pectolite is that it is quite hard to obtain a uniform single crystal. The mineral 170 occurs in needles which tend to "feather" when broken. end of a broken crystal consists of many smaller, The feathered somewhat mis- oriented crystals which cause the major diffraction spots on a Weissenberg film to be streaked parallel to the needle (when the needle axis is the rotation axis). When using a counter diffractometer, this is especially troublesome because the long tails on the diffraction peaks make the background corrections rather difficult. A large number of pectolite samples from several localities were searched for a crystal which would be small enough to be entirely bathed by the x-ray beam and which would produce negligible streaking in the diffraction photographs. This was not achieved and, instead, a long needle which would extend out of the x-ray beam at all equi-inclination angles, ±e , was chosen. This crystal* was transparent and bounded by distinct (100) and (001) faces with b as the needle axis. The crystal had the following dimensions: between (100) and (100) . 110 mm between (001) and (001) . 087 mm needle length 3.68 mm Even with this crystal, which was photographed with each end of the needle out of the x-ray beam, the Weissenberg photographs showed a slight streaking of the diffraction spots, indicating some misorientation of different regions of the crystal. These were, however, U.S.National Museum number 2452. Locality: Erie railroad cut, Bergen Hill, New Jersey. (Manchester, 1919). '71 by far the best photographs obtained from any of the pectolite crystals examined, although it appears that a penalty results from this in that large primary extinction is evident in the observed diffraction intensities (see the section on refinement). An interesting result of the search for good single crystals was that many of those examined were twins. When the members of the twin were present in equal amounts, b-axis oscillation photographs showed an apparent mirror symmetry normal to b. This is discussed in Chapter 11 in a comparison of twinned pectolite and twinned wollastonite. Apparently there are no published analyses of Bergen Hll pectolite. Schaller (1955), however, gives several analyses for pectolite including two for New Jersey pectolites, one from Paterson and the other from Franklin. Both of these analyses are given in Table I along with the stochiometric composition. It is likely that the Bergen Hill material has a composition more like the Paterson pectolite than the Franklin pectolite. Unit cell data Buerger (1956) published unit cell data on pectolite which was obtained from precession films. An attempt was made in the present study to obtain precision Weissenberg photographs (Buerger, 1942) from which measurements could be made and then refined with a 72 Table 1 Compositions of two pectolites and the hypothetical composition computed from Ca 2NaHSi 30 Pater son, N. J. (data from Schaller, 1955) Franklin, N. J. 31.15 Hypothetical CaO 33.20 MnO .12 2. 57* FeO 1.00 1.29 Na2 0 9.01 7.97 9.32 53.80 52.04 54.23 2.94 3.07 2.71 Si2 H20c Etc. 33.74 2.12 100.07 *Includes 0.26 % ZnO 100.21 100,00 least-squares program written by Burnham (1962b). pectolitets needlelike habit, however, Because of the only satisfactory photo- graphs were ones taken with b as the rotation axis, thus giving refined values of only a , c , and p Since these reciprocal cell parameters compared very favorably with those of Buerger, the old values for * * b , a ,and y * * were combined with the new for a, a slightly different direct cell. * c ,and p * to give The old and new reciprocal and direct cells are given in Table 2. Space group All previous investigators have assumed that the pectolite space group is P1, although the author could find no experimental evidence for a center of symmetry. Peacock (1935b) does not report any doubly terminated crystals for pectolite as he does for wollastonite (Peacock, 1935a). Although the refinement proceeded satisfactorily assuming space group P1, it would be interesting to test pectolite for piezoelectricity and to try a cycle of refinement assuming space group P1. Intensity collection Three-dimensi onal x-ray intensities were collected with a Weissenberg counter diffractometer using CuK radiation. Ni foils - ----- ! -!,.,1,,,,__ __I- -_ Table 2 Results of least-squares refinement of pectoli.te cell constants. Buerger (1956) .12878 A Results of refinement Adopted cell 0.128785+0.000002 .14549 .14310 0.143001+0.000003 88. 320 84. 58 0 84. 57808 +'0. 001060 77. 430 A 7. 99 7. 98818 +0. 7.04 7.03996 7.040 7.02 7.02468+0.00013 7.025 00011 7. 988 90. 520 90. 51984 90. 520 95. 180 95. 18062 95. 180 102.470 102.46865 102. 470 383.98 A3 * Refinement using precision Weissenberg data (59 observations) and Burnham (1962b) IBM 7090 program LCLSQ III. COMM"M at the x-ray tube and at the proportional counter aperture were used in conjunction with a pulse height analyzer to discriminate against unwanted radiation. The proportional detector was a standard Philips Xe-filled tube with preamplifier. rate observed was about 9 X 103 c.p. s. The largest counting Background was counted for 50 seconds on each side of a peak and the total intensity plus background was obtained as the crystal rotated through a given angle, A4>. The integrated intensity, I, was obtained from I = C - (B 1 + B 2 ) T/100 where C is the total count, B and B2 are backgrounds, and T is the time required to collect C. Structure factors were obtained using data reduction programs written by Burnham (1962a) and Prewitt (1960). This included a prismatic crystal absorption correction in which path lengths for the zero level were computed for all reflections and then divided by cos p . replaced by In addition, the linear absorption coefficient, I/cos ' 1 ,was to compensate for the increased scattering volume for upper levels due to the use of an "infinite" crystal. A total of 1357 structure factors were thus produced. Refi nement All refinement was carried out using the IBM 7090 program, SFLSQ3, described in Appendix I. Starting coordinates were those ........... given in Table I of Chapter 1. Form factors for atoms assumed to be half-ionized were taken from Freeman (1959), and correction was made for both the real and imaginary anomalous scattering factors for Ca (International Tables (1962), Vol. II). The first cycles of refinement used only reflections from the reciprocal lattice levels 0, 1, 2, and 3 in order to save computing time. After an initial cycle to adjust the scale factor, the initial R-factor was 0. 174, which is, incidentally, about the same as was found using the original Buerger data and the same atom coordinates. In a further cycle in which all atom coordinates plus the overall scale factor were varied, the R went up to 0. 239. This result made the statistical weighting scheme (Burnham, 1962a) suspect, especially since fT (F reflections. - F ) varied quite widely for different In the next two cycles, the original coordinates were used as a starting point and a weighting scheme recommended by Cruickshank (1961) was incorporated into the program where (Vw= 1/(a+F +C F o 2 0 In this expression, a = 2F. me n and C = 2/F max . At the end of the second cycle the R was 0.085, thus supporting the assumption that the weighting in the original cycles was incorrect. In order to check whether the Burnham weighting scheme itself was causing trouble or whether the philosophy of weights based only on counting statistics alone was in error, two more cycles were tried using the Evans (1961) weighting scheme which is somewhat different from that of Burnham. At the end of the two cycles, the R had gone up to 0. 148. After this, all weighting was carried out using the Cruickshank method. No analysis has been made of why trouble was encountered with the Burnham and Evans methods, but it appears that there must be systematic errors present in the data which are not accounted for in schemes based solely on counting statistics. In the next cycle, temperature factors in addition to atom coordinates were varied, resulting in an R of 0.079. however, 0 negative temperature factors for atoms SL There were, Si.2' 3, and Another cycle was run in which reflections were rejected from the refinement but included in the R-factor. The R was reduced to 0.075 and all temperature factors refined to positive values. A further cycle using all 1357 reflections but with the rejection test, left R at 0.075. It is noteworthy that for the strongest reflections, the calculated value is much larger than the observed, indicating the need for a primary extinction correction. Although none was made, it should be done before this work is published. A possible correction to the observed intensities is I C= 1I /(1 - t 1I ) 'c o/(-tI where t is a very small number determined by comparing the present I and I . -o -c The need for this correction is supported by the fact that removing the two strongest reflections (120 and 220) reduces R to 0. 070 and that removing the twenty strongest reduces R to about 0. 05. It is probable that inclusion of a hydrogen contribu- tion in the calculated structure factor plus anisotropic temperature factor refinement will lower the R even further. The final atom coordinates and isotropic temperature factors are given in Table 3. It is doubtful that there will be any significant change in these coordinates in further refinement. Evaluation of the structure Figure 1 is a projection of the pectolite structure onto (101) of the pseudomonoclinic pectolite cell described in Chapter It. The structure is made up of double columns of edge-sharing Ca octahedra which extend in the b-direction. Adjoining sets of octahedra are linked by single silicate chains and irregularly coordinated Na atoms. The silicate chains share only corners with the Ca octahedra, but five edges of the Na polyhedron are shared with the silicate tetrahedra. This is in contrast with the wollastonite structure where the Ca octahedra are found in columns of three edge-sharing octahedra wide with the Ca and Ca octahedra each sharing one edge with the Si.3 tetrahedron, and the Ca3 octahedron sharing edges with only the other octahedra. Table 4 is a compilation of the interatomic distances in pectolite, computed using the coordinates of Table 3. Each silicon 70 Table 3 Refined coordinates for pectolite Atom x y z B Ca 1 .8549 .5939 .1449 .39 Ca2 .8465 .0837 .1404 .38 Na .5520 .2591 .3430 .83 Si .2182 .4010 .3373 .20 Si2 .2152 .9553 .3446 .23 Si3 .4505 .7353 .1448 .06 0 .6520 .7863 .1296 .45 02 .3299 .7036 -. 0524 .24 03 .1861 .5010 .5385 .30 04 .1782 .8433 .5406 .40 05 .0626 .3853 .1742 .34 06 .0598 .8958 .1775 .44 07 .3987 .5411 .2720 .38 08 .3952 .9044 .2750 .37 09 .2630 .1934 .3861 .32 8; Figure 1 Pectolite structure projected onto (101). The Ca locations and coordination are represented by octahedra, but, because of its irregular coordination, Na is represented by both a shaded circle and, for a single sodium atom, an irregular polyhedron. Table 4 Interatomic distances in pectolite SL Si Si 2 3 03 1.638 05 1. 597 07 1.666 09 1.611 Av. 1. 628 04 1.612 06 1. 612 0 8 1.668 09 1.654 Av. 1.637 0 1.585 02 07 0 8 Ca 4 1.599 1.638 1.652 Av. 1.619 01 2.322 02 2.336 03 2.359 05 2.439 05 2. 390 A Ca Na O 2 06 2. 381 Av. 2.371 0 2.318 02 2.320 0 2.330 05 2.425 06 2.414 06: 2.3 Av. Z-(o 0 2 2.319 03 2.461 04 2.489 07 2.578 0 7 2.991 0 2.560 08 T 2.961 0 2.303 Av. 2.583 (2.452 excluding 0 7 and 08 02 2.709 07 2.639 08 2.654 02 07 2.626 2.639 03 3r 2. 971 04 2.424 05 2.710 07 2. 616 09 2.620 2.696 04 2.636 09 05 07 09 2.678 2.695 2.673 Os 07 08 2.692 09 2. 687 08 2.564 09 2.618 0 2.629 is coordinated by four oxygen atoms, the average Si-O distance being 1. 628 A, a little higher than the "ideal" metasilicate distance of about 1.622 given by Smith and Bailey (1962). The range from the smallest (1.585A) to the largest (1.668A) Si-O distance is 0.083A, as large a spread as Burnham (1962) found in sillimanite, where there is supposed to be "drastic" shortening of shared polyhedron edges. Ca and Ca 2 are octahedrally coordinated by 6 oxygens at average distances of 2. 371A and 2. 362 A, respecti vely. Na is irregularly surrounded by 6 oxygens at an average distance of 2.452 A with two more at 2. 991 A and 2. 961 A. Table 5 gives some of the interatomic distances rearranged to show how each oxygen is coordinated by cations. Because of the complicated way in which the Na polyhedron shares edges with the silicate tetrahedra, it is not as easy to divide the oxygen atoms into different "types" according to their coordination. In addition, until the hydrogen location is proven, a realistic division cannot be made. In general, however, 0 through 06 can be characterized by being coordinated by one Si and two or three cations while 07 through 09 are coordinated by two Si and one or two cations. When an oxygen is coordinated by two Si, the Si-O distances are considerably longer than when the oxygen is coordinated by only one Si. As was stated in Chapter II, the most likely location for H is between 03 and 0 distance of 2.424 A. because of the anomalously short 0 3-04 This, however, is the edge of the Si3 Table 5 Oxygen coordination in pectolite 0 02 Si3 1.585 Ca 1 2.322 Ca 2.318 SI 2 1 Ca 2 Na 03 Ca 2 1 1 1.666 2. 320 Si.3 1.638 2. 319 Na 2.578 Nar 2.991 Si 1.668 Si.3 1.652 Na 2.560 Na' 2.961 Si 1.611 07 2.359 08 1.612 2 Ca 2 2.330 2.489 Na 1.597 SLi Ca 09 Si 2 Na H? 0 5 2.414 Si 2. 322 HI Si 2. 381 Ca2 2.461 Na 04 1.612 1.638 Si Ca Si 2 Ca 1 1. -') -) 3 Ca 06 1 2.439 Ca 1 2.390 Ca 2.425 2 1.654 2.303 r'7 tetrahedron shared by the Na polyhedron. Difference maps will have to be computed to show whether hydrogen is actually present between 03 and 04. It is interesting to note that all shared polyhedron edges are shorter than unshared ones, in accordance with Pauling t s rules. The unshared tetrahedral edges are in the range of 2. 673 2.710 1 1 while the shared edges range from 2. 564 I to 2. 636 to 1. Conclusions There is no doubt that we now have a reasonably accurate set of interatomic distances for pectolite, even though a few additional improvements could be made by including a correction for primary extinction and by refining anisotropic temperature factors. In addition, some investigation should be made of the possibility that the Na position contains more scattering power than has been assumed, i. e., a small percentage of heavier atoms. This is supported by the large temperature factor of Na (B = 0. 83). -9 References Buerger, Martin J. (1942), X-ray Crystallography. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Buerger, M.J. (1956), The determination of the crystal structure of pectolite, Ca 2NaHSi 30 Burnham, Charles W. (1962a), . Z. Krist., 108, 248-261. The structures and crystal chemistry of the aluminum-silicate minerals. Ph.D. Thesis, M. I. T. , Cambridge, Mass. Burnham, Charles W. (1962b), Crystallographic lattice constant least-squtares refinement program, LCLSQ (Mark III). Unpublished IBM 7090 computer program. Cruickshank, D.W.J., and Mary R. Deana E. Pilling, A. Truter (1961), Bujosa, F.M. Lovell, In Computing methods and the phase problem in x-ray crystal analysis. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 32-78. Evans, Howard T., Jr. (1961), Weighting factors for single-crystal x-ray diffraction intensity data. Acta Cryst. 14, 689, : . Freeman, A.S. (1959), Atomic scattering factors for spherical and aspherical charge distributions. Acta Cryst. 12, 261-271. International Tables for X-ray Crystallography, Vol. III (1962). The Kynoch Press, Birmingham, England. Manchester, James G. (1919), Am. Mineral., The minerals of the Bergen archways. 4, 107-116. Peacock, M.A. (1935a), On wollastonite and parawollastonite. Am.J.Sci., 30, 495-529. Peacock, M.A. (1935b), On pectolite. Z. Krist., 90, 97-111. Peacor, Donald R. (1962), The structures and crystal chemistry of bustamite and rhodonite. Ph.D. Thesis, M. I.T., Prewitt, Charles T. (1960), Cambridge, Mass. The parameters T and 4> for equi-inclination, with application to the single-crystal counter diffractometer. Z. Krist., 114, 356-360. Schaller, Waldemar T. (1955), series. Am. Mineral., 40, The pectolite-schizolite-serandite 1022-1031. - 0C - . 7 4 9 - - 4s e02 n1 Chapter V Review of the crystallographic investigation of metasiLicates The metasilicates are classically grouped together because of their characteristic chemical composition which is hypothetically derived from metasilic acid, H 2SiO . This is not entirely satisfac- tory because the structures of the minerals classed as metasilicates can be quite different from one another. A classification based on structure was proposed by Strunz (1941) which uses Greek prefixes to describe the way in which the silicate tetrahedra are linked together. This classification divides metasilicates into two cate- gorLes, cyclosilicates (rings of tetrahedra) and inosilicates (chains of tetrahedra). Inosilicates, however, which are not metasilicates, e.g., contain additional members amphiboles. The present chapter, therefore, discusses ino-metasilicates, which can be further defined as compounds of formula Am (SiO 3n) containing single chains of silicate tetrahedra. Table I is a compilation of the more common members of the ino-metasilicate group and shows the current status of structural work on each entry. Although only a few of these structures have been refined in detail, the gross relations between the minerals are much clearer today than they were just a few years ago. Table I List of crystallographically interesting metasilicates Name enstatite Formula MgSiO MgSi.O P2 1 /c 3 protoenstatite MgSi0 Pbcn? 3 p igeonite (Ca, Mg, Fe)SiO3 P2 /c augite (Ca, Mg, Fe)Si.O 3 C2/c diops ide CaMgSi. hedenbergite CaFeSi acmite NaFeSi~ O jade ite NaAlSi2 06 it spodumene LiAISi2 06 ft wollastonite CaSiO parawollastonite CaSiO bustamite CaMnSi2 0 Al rhodonite pyroxmang ite CaMn5 6 018 (Mn, Fe, Ca, Mg)Si.O 3 pectolite Ca 2NaHSi30 P! Pi P! serandite Mn 2NaHSi3 0 P!. babingtonite (Ca, Fe+2, Fe 3)S3 P! 2 B - inferred or incomplete C - structure correct D - structure refined x tI johannsenite A - not known x 06 06 CaMnSi2 06 Key to status of structure: Status of structure A B C D Pbca 3 clinoenstatite Space group It It 6 x x 3 3 P2 1 /a x x Status of structural work. The first pyroxene structure to be solved by x-ray methods was that of diopside (Warren and Bragg, 1928). This was followed closely by two more papers on the structures of pyroxenes, the first on enstatite (Warren and Modell, 1930) and the other on the monoclinic pyroxenes (Warren and Biscoe, 1931). In the latter paper, Warren and Biscoe compared diffraction patterns of diopside with those of hedenbergite, augite, clinoenstatite, acmite, jadeite, and spodumene and concluded that they were all very similar in crystal structure. An attempt was also made to solve the structures of wollastonite and pectolite, but since their structures were quite unlike that of diopside, this attempt did not succeed. A few years later Barnick (1935) proposed a ring structure for parawollastonite which has since been proven to be wrong. As will be pointed out in Chapter VI, this choice of material was unfortunate. He should have worked with the triclinic structure, wollastonite, instead, because parawollastonite is a twinned wollastonite. Two important papers (Peacock, 1935a;1935b) on wollastonite t and pectolite appeared at about the same time as Barnick s paper. Although these papers did not directly shed now light on the structures of these minerals, they have been proven to be very valuable as a source of morphological and optical data. Warren and Biscoe (1931) had shown that both the wollastonite and the pectolite they had there examined were triclinic, and Peacock showed further that were actually two forms of wollastonite which were being confused. He called the triclinic phase wollastonite and the monoclinic one parawollastonite. He further named the high temperature form first described by Bourgeois (1882) and which was not being confused with wollastonite, pseudowollastonite. No further structural work was done until Ito (1950) tried to explain the differences between wollastonite and parawollastoni.te. Since he based much of his argument on the assumption that the Barnick structure was correct, this work has not been given proper credit for the portion that really described the basis for distinguishing wollastonite and parawollastonite (Chapters II and VI). In 1956, structures for pectolite and wollastonite were published which have subsequently been found to be correct (Chapters I and II). Shortly thereafter, reinvestigations of the Mg-Fe-Ca pyroxenes showed that the space groups of clinoenstatite and pigeonite were different from that of diopside(P2,/c instead of 2/c) and that protoenstatite was a distinct phase with an apparently different structure from the other enstatites. Morimoto, Appleman, and Evans (1960) refined the structures of clinoenstatite and pigeorite, and Lindemann (1961) refined enstatite, thus giving fairly reliable sets of coordinates for these pyroxenes. refinements of diop side, acmite, No spodumene, jadeite, hedenbergite, but it is probable or j-ohannsenite are known at the present time, that these will be refined in the near future. No minerals are known with the pectolite structure except schizolite and serandite, which involve substitution of Mn for Ca in pectolite. The ideal formula for schizolite is CaMnNaHSi 30 and for serandite is Mn NaHSi 309, but as far as has been determined, a continuous series exists from pectolite to a phase containing about 77% of the manganese end member (Schaller, 1955). There may be more to this problem than one might suppose, since Warren and Biscoe (1931) found that the c axis in schizolite (locality not given) was double that of c in pectolite. This is exactly the same relation as bustamite has to wollastonite and consequently bears further investigation. However, Ito (1939) and Liebau (1957) give cell constants which are approximately those of pectolite. Peacor (1962) has refined the structures of bustamite and rhodonite, thus providing detailed information about these structures. This leaves the pyroxmangite type structure as the only category of Table 1 in which no detailed refinement has been done although Liebau (1959) proposed a structure but did not give any coordinates. One Future possibilities for ino-metas ilicate investigations. of the most probable things that will be found when metasilicates are further investigated is that additional phases will be found which are a result of space group twinning (Chapter VI). The hydrated calcium silicates will also be of considerable interest if any are shown to definitely have single silicate chains. communication) thinks that babingtonite, Peacor (personal (Ca, Fe +2, Fe3 )SO 3 may have the rhodonite structure and it would be very interesting to see whether other structures like those of rhodonite and pyroxmangite could be found. Another topic of interest for the future would be the relating of the physical and chemical properties of the minerals to their structures. This has already been done to some extent, but a number of things are left to be explained in terms of the structures. These include cleavage, optical properties, chemical bonding, mechanisms of phase changes, twinning, and crystal morphology. The ultimate as far as the mineralogist or petrologist is concerned is to be able to relate natural phase assemblages with conditions necessary for their formation. This, of course, involves much more than the ino-metasilicates and probably will require many years of work before a satisfactory solution is found. References Barnick, Max A. W. (1935), Wollastonite. Strukturuntesuchung des nattirlichen Mitt. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Inst. Silikat forsch., No. 172, 1-36. Bourgeois, L. (1882), Essai de production artificielle de wollastonite et de meionite. Brown, W.L., Bull. Soc. Min. France, 5, 13-16. N. Morimoto, and J.V.Smith (1961), A structural explanation of the polymorphism and transitions of MgSiO3' J. Geol., 69, 609-616. Ito, T. (1939), The determination of lattice constants of triclinic crystals from one crystals setting- a special case. Z. Krist., 100, 437-439. Liebau, Friedrich (1957), Uber die Struktur des Schizoliths. Mh., Neves Jb. Mineral., Lindemann, W. (1961), Jahr. Min., 10, 227-229. Bertrag zur Enstatit struktur. Neves 10, 226-233. Peacock, M.A. (1935a), On wollastonite and parawollastonite. Am. J. Sci., 30, 495-529. Peacock, M.A. (1935b), On pectolite-. Z. Krist., 90, 7-111. Peacor, Donald R. (1962), Structures and crystal chemistry of bustamite and rhodonite. Schaller, Waldemar T. (1955), series. Am. Min., Smith, J.V. (1959), Acta Cryst., M.I. T. Ph.D. Thesis. The pectolite-schizolite-serandite 40, 1022-1031. The crystal structure of proto-enstatite, MgSiO3' 12, 515-519. Strunz, Hugo (1941), Mineral. Tabellen. Akademische Verlags- gesellschaft Leipzig. S4 Warren, B.E. and J. BLscoe (1931), monoclini.c pyroxenes. Warren, B., Z. Krist., 80, 391-401. and W. Lawrence Bragg (1928), diopsLde, CaMg(SLO3 )2. Warren, B. E., MgSLO 3 . The crystal structure of the Z. Krist., and D. I. Modell (1930), Z. Krist., 75, 1-14. The structure of 69, 168-193. The structure of enstatite Chapter VI Twinning in silicate crystallography The presence of twinning is probably the most common cause of experimental difficulty in the field of silicate crystallography. It is obvious that one can expect to have trouble solving or refining a crystal structure if the material being investigated is twinned, although techniques have been developed (Morimoto, Appleman, and Evans, 1960; Frueh, 1962) which will give reasonable results if the nature of the twinning is known. It is sometimes difficult, however, to establish what twin laws are operating in a crystal, or that twinning exists at all. It will be the purpose of this chapter to look into some of the aspects of twinning in silicate minerals, particularly in the light of experience gained in working with wollastonite and parawollastonite as described in Chapter II. Structure and space group twinning. It is not generally realized that in addition to the macroscopic twinning of crystals there is another type which takes place on unit cell scale. This latter type produces a reduction or enhancement of the symmetry of the crystal over the symmetry of some basic repeating unit. Ito (1950) called these structure twinning and space group twinning. Structure twinning is represented by all examples of twinning given in, say, a standard mineralogy textbook. Space group twinning, however, manifests itself in a much more subtle way and can usually only be detected as such by interpretation of x-ray diffraction patterns. Good and perhaps classic examples of space group twinning are found in wollastonite and parawollastonite as discussed in Chapter II. Other possibilities for space group twinning will be discussed below. One problem which arises when space group twinning is considered is how one distinguishes very fine polysynthetic twinning from actual space group twinning, since the two are quite similar except for the scale of the repetition. of the diffracted x-rays; that is, The answer seems to be in the nature since our only tool for comparing these phenomena is x-ray diffraction, then the criteria for distinguishing between them are to be found in differences in diffraction effects. If, for example, the observed diffraction pattern is an apparent result of space group twinning, the resulting structure must be accepted as having the symmetry of the observed space group even though it is possible that polysynthetic twinning is present on a very fine scale. If, however, a method is devised which will distinguish between these two alternatives, then one or the other can be adopted. The exact nature of the space group twin does not concern us here. What is important is that the repetition is on a fine enough scale so that x-ray coherence is such that the diffraction pattern has an apof the parent symmetry and that this symmetry is representative crystal structure in question. 101 Implications of space group twinning. Aside from academic interest in this phenomena, the most important result of understanding the nature of space group twinning lies in the phase equilibria of a system containing a compound which exhibits space group twinning. Take CaSi.O3 , for example. Triclinic wollastonite has been demonstrated to have a definite stability field, but parawollastonite has not been synthesized and probably forms only under very unique conditions. From this standpoint, parawollastonite appears to be a metastable phase under most conditions and may not even have a stability field at all. Figure 1 demonstrates the geometrical relationships between wollastonite and parawollastonite. In the upper left of the diagram, the wollastonite pseudomonoclinic subcell described in Chapter II is represented by a cell containing two triangles on mirror planes at y = 13 -and y = -. Each of these triangles represents a silicate chain in the actual structure. There are no symmetry elements other than the single center and the two mirror planes. If the other identical cells are added in the y direction, then centers 1 of symmetry and a 2 1 axis at x = -2 relate the cells to one another. Now, Fig. 2 shows that it is possible to join as wollastonite cells on (100) in one of two ways which, as far first coordination spheres are concerned, are geometrically identical (provided the symmetry of the subcell is truly monoclinic). 1 This stacking Involves a shift of +-.b, resulting in an overall triclinic 102- Figure i Schematic representations of the ways in which pseudomonoclinic subcells can be joined to give a different overall symmetry. The diagram in the upper left shows how the subcells can be stacked on (010) to give space group P2,/n. On the right, the cells are joined on (100) in successive shifts of +lb or -1b to give obverse and reverse P! symmetry (wollastonite). In the lower left, cells are joined with alternating shifts of + and -- b to give overall P2 1 /a symmetry (parawollastonite). TRICLINIC + 0 ~~~~~~-0 a TRICLINIC MONOCLINIC i a sin / I Figure 2 Pseudomonoclinic CaSi.O3 subcells joined on (100) to give wollastonite (top) and parawollastonite (bottom). TRICLINIC + 0 0 + 0 TRICLINIC MONOCLINIC | a sin/3 I 1±6 symmetry. Returning to Fig. 1, the stacking of subcells with successive shifts of +ib of -- b, gives the same triclinic cell as do shifts except that the cells are oriented differently in space. Parawollastonite is formed by adding cells on (100) with alternating shifts of +-b and -- b. 4at x = When this is done, the centers in the single cell still exist for the single cell, but do not relate adjoining cells with each other. Instead, the centers which arise between subcells define a new cell with symmetry p2 1 /a. In order to check the validity of the above findings, structure factors were calculated for each structure with a single atom placed on the mirror plane of the subcell. The resulting patterns exactly duplicated the extinction rules observed in wollastonite and parawollastonite, respectively. It is interesting to compare these results with the bustamite structure which has been solved by Peacor (1962). Figure 3 shows the two ways in which the wollastonite pseudomonoclinic subcells can be joined on (001) with shifts of either +-b or -- b. 22Here, because of the cell geometry, the mirror planes are continuous across the cells. The sequence in the upper part of the figure produces the wollastonite structure and the one in the lower part produces the bustamite structure. This is really the only difference between bustamite and wollastonite. however, This does result, in different coordinations for two-thirds of the large cations in each of the structures. Figure 4 shows how the actual Figure 3 Schematic representations of the wollastonite (top) and bustamite (bottom) structure. The relation between wollastonite and bustamite is similar to that between wollastonite and parawollastonite except that successive pseudomonoclinic subcells are not shifted on (001) in wollastonite and are shifted by + or -- b in bustamite. WOLLASTONIT E c sinl, BUSTAMITE c sin/3 Figure 4 Result of joining CaSiO3 subcells as described in Figure 3 to give the wollastonite structure (top) and the bustamite structure (bottom). WOLLASTONI TE BUSTAMITE lec sine- structures look when joined in this way. It is interesting to note that although bustamite has an A-centered cell, the extinction rule is compatible with space group extinction rules, but this is not so with parawollastonite. This occurs because the bustamite structure does not contain the "leftover" centers of symmetry that are found in parawollastonite. Also the bustamite structure is much more different from wollastonite than is parawollastonite. Energy relations in parawollastonite and bustamite. There must be some way of rationalizing the foregoing observations in terms of energy. To provide a means of describing the ways in which cells can be joined, the letter A can be assigned to an interface with a shift of, say, +. b, and B to one with a shift of -- b. 4- 4- wollastonite would be represented by AAAAA... parawollastonite by ABABAB... . Then or BBBBB. .. and Now, ignoring the mechanism of twin formation, we can say that in the ideal case, there is no difference in energy between the interfaces A and B. must be between AA and AB. The difference It is probable that under most con- ditions,thea6ionition;AA, nrBB has a lower energy than AB, and therefore wollastonite is the stable phase. Other conditions, such as mechanical stress, could favor AB and parawollastonite would be formed. On the other hand, bustamite seems to favor the AB sequence to the exclusion of AA. It would be interesting to try calculating these different energies using just Coulombic interaction such as was done by Zoltai and Buerger (1960) on rings of tetrahedra. Space group twinning in other silicates. There are other silicates which, although common, have not been successfully shown to have definite stability fields in the laboratory. Boyd (1959) states that conditions for stability of anthophyllite have not been found. Ito (1950) tried to show that the orthorhombic anthophyllite structure was the result of space group twinning of the tremolite (or cummingtonite) structure, but was unsuccessful. There are, however, cer- tain relations between these structures which bear further investigation and which may shed light on the problems of the Mg-Fe amphi bole s. There is more evidence for a space group twinning relationship between the ortho and clino pyroxenes. Strunz (1958) states that the orthorhombic pyroxene structures arise from the monoclinic through a space lattice twinning on a(100). Brown, Morimoto, and Smith (1961) show that although the orientations with respect to the silicate chains are different, the structures of protoenstatite, clinoenstatite and rhombic enstatite differ in the same way as do wollastonite and parawollastonite. In the notation given above for the interfaces of adjoining cells, these pyroxenes are represented as clinoenstatite AAAAAA (wollastonite) protoenstatite ABABAB (parawollastonite) enstatite AABBAA (no known equivalent) It is interesting that the phase relations between these minerals are as yet unclear (Brown, Morimoto, and Smith, 1961) because of the tendency for these minerals to exist metastably. Energy calculations could well be introduced here. There are many parallels in the feldspar problem to what is found in wollastonite-parawollastonite, feldspars are much more complex. although apparently the Feldspar diffraction patterns contain extra spots, diffuse spots, and streaks which are also observed in the wollastonites. Although the feldspar situation is much too involved to be discussed here, it should be noted that there seems to be a common thread running through all of the structual discussions of feldspars which is not yet clearly defined. This, too, is a fruitful field for research. One thing that is common to all silicate structures is that there is a tendency for the oxygen to form close-packed, although distorted, arrangements. This is more evident in olivine than in quartz, but it is to some extent true in all silicate structures. The analogy here is to stacking faults seen in close-packed structures such as those of the metals and the fact that a close-packed plane offers different sites for the location of adjoining atoms which differ little in energy. It may well be that the location of a twin boundary in the silicates will often be one of these close-packed planes. This point is not clear in parawollastonite because (100) is not strictly a plane of close packing, but the ease of demonstrating the twinning on (100) may be misleading and the real differences may occur elsewhere. It is true, however, that there is a definite boundary in parawollastonite which is common to adjoining cells and that this boundary plane contains only oxygen atoms. It is quite evident that while much work has been done on twinning of the silicates, not much of it has concerned the actual structures. There is much room for descriptive investigations to compare the similarities and differences among different twinned silicates and for analytical investigations which can justify why a particular twin occurs. I References Boyd, Francis R. (1959), Hydrothermal investigations of amphiboles. Researches in geochemistry, P.H.Abelson, Ed. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Brown, W. L., N. Morimoto, and J.V. Smith (1961), A structaral explanation of the polymorphism and transitions of MgSiO3' J. Geol., 69, 609-616. Ito, T. (1950), X-Ray Studies in Polymorphism. Maruzen, Tokyo. Morimoto, Nobuo, Daniel E. Appleman, and Howard T. Evans, Jr. (1960), The crystal structures of clinoenstatite and pigeonite. Z. Krist., 114, 120-147. Strunz, Hugo (1957), Mineralogische tabellen, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig. Zoltai, Tibor, and M. J.Buerger (1960), rings of tetrahedra. L Z. Kr st., The relative energies of 114, 1-8. Chapter VII Crystal structures related to wollastonite and pectolite Liebau (1957;1961) has made extensive compilations of inorganic silicates, germanates, phosphates, arsenates, vanadates, and fluoberyllates whose structures contain chains of tetrahedra. Although there appears to be a great number of these compounds, all fall into relatively few classes, one of which is represented by the wollastonite structure. No attempt will be made here to reproduce or improve this extensive tabulated data except to give examples of each class and to comment briefly on the status of structural information for each of these classes. Table 1 is a listing of the different structure types as proposed by Liebau. Each structure type in this table is character- ized by the number of tetrahedra in the repeating unit of the chain. For example, the pyroxene and the wollastonite structures have repeats of two and three tetrahedra, respectively, whereas rhodonite and pyroxmangite contain five and seven tetrahedra, respectively. The pseudowollastonite structure contains chains of three tetrahedra li.nked together to form a three-membered ring. Status of structural information. One of the most interesting aspects of the classification is that here is a series of compounds which vary in structure primarily because of differences in atom radii. With enough information about the structures, one Table I Classification of compounds with formula ABX 3 (after Liebau, 1961) Number of tetrahedra in repeat unit Compound CuGeO 3 Cation radius ratio . 99 Remarks CuSiO3 not known MgSiO 3 (enstatite) 1.60 well refined CaMg(SiO 3 ) 2 (diopside) 1.98 structure known but not refined 7 (Ca,Mg) (Mn,Fe) (SiO 3) 7 6 (pyroxmangite) 1.98 structure proposed but not refined 5 CaMn 5 (SiO 3 ) 6 (rhodonite) 1.98 well refi ned 3 CaSiO 3 (wollastonite) 2.36 well refined CaMn(SiO 3 ) 2 (bustamite) 2.14 well refined CaSi.O3 (pseudowollastonite) 2.36 SrSiO 3 2.67 structure proposed but not proven or refined SrGeO 1.53 2 co (3- member ed r ing) 3 2 BaSiO 3.19 3 BaGeO 1 .84 3 structure proposed but not proven might be able to relate crystal chemistry with phase equilibria in a quantitative way. It might be possible, for instance, to predict the temperature at which wolastonite transforms to pseudowollastonite by knowing how the effective radii of Ca, Si, and 0 vary with temperature. The cation radius ratios given in Table i show that there is a considerable range in the radius ratio among the different structural types, although this is apparently not the only factor which controls the structure of a particular phase. Undoubtedly, quantitative work would require that the radii of all atoms be known accurately at different temperatures. At present, only a few structures in the groups of -,Table 1 are known with any degree of accuracy, some are very poorly known, and no work at all has been done at other than room temperature. The status of the pyroxenes was discussed in Chapter V, there being refined coordinates for only enstatite, clinoenstatite, and pigeonite. In the other groups, only wollastonite, bustamite, and rhodonite have been adequately refined. Structures have been proposed for CuGeO 3 (Ginetti, 1954), pseudowollastonite (Dornberger-Schiff, 1962), BaSiO3 (Lazarev et al., 1962), and pyroxmangite (Liebau, 1959), but none have been refined and some may even be wrong. Certainly, there is much room for further work in this series of compounds. Pseudowollastonite. Since pseudowollastonite is very closely related to the subject of this thesis, some important features of the status of its structure should be noted here. It was originally intended that some experimental work would be done on this structure but, due to the difficulty of obtaining good single crystals for Since Hilmer (1958) had structure refinement, this was not done. published a note on the structure of SrGeO3 which is thought to have about the same structure as pseudowollastonite, the prospect of publishing a proposed pseudowollastonite structure without a refinement was not too interesting. sequently done this very thing. Dornberger-Schiff (1962) has subThe structure proposed is much like one the author picked in a study of the octahedral cation sheet in wollastonite. The pseudowollastonite structure consists of layers of Ca octahedrally coordinated by oxygens. These octahedral layers are connected by rings of Si tetrahedra which share oxygens with the Ca octahedra in'layers above and below the rings. Dornberger- Schiff (1962) reports the presence of diffuse reflections and radiation streaks in pseudowollastonite diffraction patterns which are indicative of disregistry between adjoining octahedral sheets. The phase equilibria between pseudowollastonite and wollastonite are of interest. Pseudowollastonite, thesized by Bourgeois (1882), which was first syn- can be formed by heating CaO and Si.O2 above 12000 C. (melting point of pseudowollastonite: 15400 C.) and will persist in a metastable state if cooled to room temperature. It can also be synthesized hydrothermally at as low as 6000 C. (Flint, McMurdie, and Wells, 1938). Although wollastonite can be formed from pseudowollastonite under certain circumstances (Allen, White, and Wright, 1906), no evidence has been presented that this takes place in natural systems. primary mineral. Instead, wollastonite seems to form as a It is still probable, however, that whether wollastonite or parawollastonite occurs may have some connection with the temperature of formation, even if pseudowollastonite is not involved. Hydrated calcium silicates. Many hydrated calcium silicates are known, most of which show some relationship with wollastonite, such as a transformation to wollastonite upon being heated. None of these have been shown to have a wollastonite-like silicate chain, however. Not too much work has been done in this area and some phases may have the wollastonite structure with hydrogen bonding as in pectolite, or with H 20 in the large holes which exist in the wollastonite structure. There is one hydrated calcium silicate which bears mentioning here, and that is xonotolite, Ca 6 60 (OH)2. 6 1 7 (OH 2 . Mamedov and Belov aeo'n eo (1955) have published a structure for xonotolite which seems to be correct (Raw 20%). This structure consists of silicate chains which are similar to those in wollastonite except that the chains are paired with the Si.3 tetrahedra in each pair sharing a corner. Although no investigation of xonotolite has been made in connection with this 121 thesis, there are certain aspects of the proposed structure which should be further studied. The primary reason for suspicion is the great similarity between the reported diffraction diagrams for xonotolite and those for parawollastonite. For example, a in both xonotolite and parawollastonite is approximately double the wollastonite a. Dent and Taylor (1956) report that the odd layers photographs of xonotolite are streaked and very weak. It could be that xonotolite does not have a really different structure from wollastonite and varies only in the way that the cells are put together. Whether this is true could probably be determined by computing interatomic distances from coordinates given by Mamedov and Belov (1955). Even if their structure is correct, there is no doubt that it should be refined. 122 References Allen, E. T., W. P. White, and F. E. Wright (1906), On wollastonite and pseudowollastonite, polymorphic forms of calcium metasilicate. Am. J. Sci., 21, 89-108. Bourgeois, L. (1882), Essai de production artificielle de wollastonite et de meionite. Bull Soc. Min. France, 5, Dent, L. S. and H. F. W. Taylor (1956), 13-16. The dehydration of xonotolite, Acta Cryst, 9, 1002-1004. Dornberger-Schiff, K. (1962), The symmetry and structure of strontium germanate, Sr(GeO3), a-wollastonite, Ca(SiO 3 ). as a structure model for Soviet Physics- -Crystallography, 6, 694-700. Flint, E. P., H. F. McMurdie, and L. S. Wells (1938), Formation of hydrated calcium silicates at elevated temperatures and pressures. Bur. Stand. J. Res., Ginetti, Y. (1954), 21,' 617-638. Structure cristalline du metagermanate de cuivre. Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg., Zur strukturbestimrnmung von strontium- Hilmer, Waltraud (1958), germanat SrGeO 63, 209-216. Naturwiss. 10, 238-239. Lazaref, A. N., T. F. Tenisheva, and R. G. Grebenshchikov (1962), The structure of barium silicates. Soviet Physics--Doklady, 6, 847-850. Bemerkungen zur systematik der Liebau, Friedrich (1956), kr istall strukturen von s ilikaten mit hochkondens ierten anionen. Z. Phys. Chemie., 206, 73-92. Liebau, Friedrich (1959), Uber die kristallstruktur des pyroxmangits (Mn, Fe, Ca, Mg)Si0 3 Acta Cryst., 12, 177-181. Liebau, F. (1960), Zur kristallchemie der silikate, germanate und fluoberyllate des formeltyps ABX . N. Jb. Miner., Abh., 1209-1222. Mamedov, Kh.C., xonotolite, and N.V.Belov (1955), DokladyAkad. Nauk SSSR, Crystal structure of 104, 615-618. 94, Chapter VIII Crystal structure of larsenite, PbZnSiO 4 Experimental work Although the structure of larsenite has no direct connection to those of wollastonite and pectolite, this account is presented because many of the experimental and computing techniques used by the author for wollastonite and pectolite were developed in the study of larsenite. As the structure of larsenite has not been completely solved, this chapter represents more of a progress report than a finished paper. The solution of the larsenite structure is especially interesting in that it appears that it will be a structure unlike that of any of the olivines or other orthosilicates. This, however, will not be certain until the work is finished. Occurrence. Larsenite has been reported only from Franklin, New Jersey. The specimens are found in veins cutting massive willemite-franklinite ore along with garnet, hodgkinsonite, calcite, zincite, willemite, and clinohedrite. The crystals are slender needles 10 to 20 times longer than they are thick. nated crystals have been found (Palache, 1935), be doubly terminated. Although termi- none are known to Larsenite has one good cleavage parallel to (120) of the morphological unit. I RNEEMEMM 1 Unit cell and space group. The unit cell and space group of larsenite was published by Layman (1957). Table 1 compares Laymanrs cell data with that obtained in the present investigation and with forsterite. Layman stated that the larsenite cell apparently was that of ollvine doubled along a and b. As will be shown below, this seems to be a fortuitous comparison. The space group given by Layman, Pnam or Pna, was confirmed by the author. Since no doubly terminated crystals have been found, it is difficult to establish to which of these space groups larsenite belongs. Because, however, of the large number of minerals reported in space group Pnam versus only one in Pna (Donnay and Nowacki, 1954), Pnam seems to be the more likely. Intens ity collect Lon. -1 (p = 911 cm for CuK Since absorption is quite large radiation) in larsentte, a thin needle was selected for intensity determination. The absorption correction was made by assuming that the crystal approximated a cylinder with a radius of 0.0015 cm (15 microns), giving a IR of 1. 37. The intensities were collected with a Weissenberg Geiger counter diffractometer (Buerger, 1960) using CuK radiation. Care was taken that the linearity limits of the Geiger tube was not exceeded. The integrated intensities were obtained by measuring with a planimeter the peak areas above background as recorded on a strip chart recorder. In all, 822 intensities were recorded. 1 26 Solution of the structure. The three-dimensi onal Patterson function was computed using the Fourier program MIFRI1 (Sly and Shoemaker, 1960). At this point it was thought that the structure might be solved by inspection if it were similar to that of olivine. Table 2 gives the equipoint distribution of the atoms in forsterite (Belov and Belova, 1951) and the possible equipoints in Pnam for lar senite. Examination of the Patterson sections normal to c shows that all of the strong peaks lie on p = 0 and z = 1. It is relatively easy to determine whether Pb or Zn are located on centers of symmetry in4 a or 4 b. If 4a and/or 4 b were filled with Pb or Zn, large peaks would occur in the Patterson at 00 -. Since there is a negative region at this point, 4a and 4b certainly do not contain Pb or Zn and probably not 0. Si is excluded since it never is found on centers of symmetry in orthosilicates. This leaves only 4 c and 8 d to be filled. Since all the strong peaks in the Patterson lie on sections which are separated by ?z it is probable that the heavy atoms are in 4 c (the mirror planes at 4z and 3z). peaks for Pb (.082, .465, With this in mind, inversion and Pb2 with supporting satellites were located at ,) and (. 304, .118, -), respectively. inversion peaks it was possible to construct an function of the crystal structure. From these Pbl+Pb? M 8(XY) This map is given in Fig. 1. The -)'7 f Table I Comparison of larsenite and forsterite cells Larsenite 1 Larsenite 2 X For ster ite 3 a 8.23+.01 b 18.94+.01 c 5.06+.01 5.06 5. 997 z 8 8 4 formula space group 3 19.1 PbZnSiO 4 PbZnSLO 4 Pnam Pnam Layman (1957) 2 Prewitt 8. 30 X (this work) Belov and Belova (1951) 4.765 10.23 Mg 2 Si O Pbnm A -128 Table 2 The forsterite structure (Belov and Belova, 1951) 4Mg 2 Sio 4 , space group Pbnm Atom Equipoint Symmetry Mg 1 4a i Mg 4c m Si 4c m O1 4c m 4c 8d 2 02 03 -. 01 . 218 .415 .095 1/4 229 . 083 1/4 m . 221 . 430 1/4 I .262 .152 .027 -. The larsenite structure 8PbZnSiO , space group Pnam* Equipoint Equivalent positions Symmetry 4a -0; 000; 00-; 2' 4b 100; 4c xy 4; xy; 8d xyz; 2+x 22 2' 2 O1A ; 0-10; 01 -X, 2.-y, +Y,4 Z1 z x, +y, z; xyz; ] -x, -+y, x, y, -z; +X, I-yz -Y,4 Y, -Z+z; j-x, *Equivalent positions for this orientation are not given in International Tables, Vol. I. 2; +x, +z; Figure 1 Pb +Pb 2 M 8 (xy ) map of larsenite Iuz !SSq zqqd q 0 13j large peaks are Pb and the somewhat smaller ones correspond to Zn. It is almost certain that Si also lies on the mirror plane since the short c axis would require that if Si were not on the mirror plane, the silicate tetrahedra would have to be linked in chains across the mirror planes and this cannot be the case in orthosilicates. ing this, the most likely location for Si is at (.24, .44, (.28, * 67, Accept- -) and ). Although the cations are located rather easily, the oxygen positions present a problem. There is no information on the M 8 (xy ) function which will give a consistent set of oxygen coordinates. An attempt to find these locations is discussed in the next section. Refinement. A number of cycles of refinement were tried, using a computer program written by Prewitt (Appendix I). lowest R-factor obtained was 19. 7%. refinement are given in Table 3. The The final coordinates for this It is evident that the oxygens are not located properly here since other refinement cycles in which the oxygen coordinates were completely different gave R-factors almost as low as 19. 7%. A three-dimensional difference map using the coordinates of Table 3 was computed to assist in relocating the oxygen atoms, but apparently either enough signs were wrong or enough reflections were in error to produce a rather ambiguous map. Some changes were made according to a best guess of what information the map contained, but further refinement was unsuccessful. It is noteworthy that the difference map showed a depression Table 3 Atom coordinates for larsenite Atom x y Pb .037 .270 Pb 2 .148 .059 .498 .943 Zn z 1 4 1 1 Zn 2 .674 .656 1 Si .796 .824 Si 2 0* * .226 .423 .988 .877 02 .649 .876 .352 .475 04 .091 .460 05 .250 .353 .427 06 .809 .775 .493 4 1 1 03 3 4 1 4 * The oxygen coordinates are provisional '33 in the region of Zn2 which was not large enough to be the result of misplacing one of the zinc atoms, but which indicates that something is wrong with the proposed structure. Discussion of results Since the least-squares refinement has reached a point where some modification of the larsenite structure has to be made, it is useful to review the facts and to recommend what procedures should be followed to reach a successful conclusion. It is believed that the answer will be forthcoming if a reasonable effort is put into the solution. Oxygen packing. One of the first things that should be considered is whether the oxygen might have an olivine-like packing and consequently similar cation coordination, or whether the structure might be related to that of willemite, Zn2S.Og, where the Zn is in tetrahedral coordination. The space group of forsterite and larsenite are the same, but attempts to fit the Pb and Zn of larsenite into the forsterite oxygen structure have not been successful. It also has not been possible to find a reasonable structure where the Zn are tetrahedrally coordinated. The tentative inter- pretation of this is that the larsenite structure is really a new one. Other chemical and physical evidence should be collected and tabulated before any further work is done. This includes refractivities, interatomic distances, and coordinations of Pb and Zn. One difficulty here is that there is very little reliable structural data available on Pb and Zn silicates. Because of this, the solution of larsenite becomes even more interesting and points the way to a much larger field of investigation. Substructures and heavy atoms. Another approach to structure solution which comes to mind is the heavy atom method. Since, however, there are two crystallographically distinct Pb atoms in larsenite, this is not a foolproof approach because the structure factor amplitudes due to Pb cancel for many of the reflections. This technique was used to determine the signs of about one-fourth of the reflections after the lead positions were determined. This is discussed further below in connection with direct methods. Although the cations lie on mirror planes at z = I and3, and the oxygens probably lie on both the mirror plane and in the general position, there is no set of reflections which can be picked that contain contributions from only part of the atom population. The trigonometric formula for the general position in Pnam, h+k+l A = 8 cos27r(hx- h-) shows that for atoms with z = of the value of 1. h+k cos 27r(ky+ -~) 1 cos27r(lz+'), , the third cosine is +1 regardless It is true that oxygen in the general position would contribute more heavily to the even levels, and an electron density calculation using only these reflections may be computed. Direct methods. The most interesting and promising method for solving larsenite is with Harker-Kasper inequalities or through suitable application of sign relationships (Woolfson, 1961). As was stated above, the signs of about one-fourth or 200 reflections are known because if F Pb+Zn>8f then the sign of F Pb+Z factor. + 32f , must control the sign of the whole structure Tests have shown that within these 200 strong reflections, the sign relationship, s (H) s (Ht) s (H+H) is always obeyed. ~ +1, This relation and others can be used to find signs for many other reflections. 136 References Belov, N. V., E. N. Belova, N. H. Andranova, and P. F. Smirnova (1951), Determination of the parameters in the olivine (forsterite) structure with the harmonic three-dimensional synthesis. Nauk. SSSR, Doklady Akad. 81, 399-402. Buerger, Martin J. (1960), Crystal structure analysis. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Donnay, J. D. H. and werner Nowacki (1954), Crystal data. Geol. Soc. Am. Memoir 60. Layman, Fredric G. (1957), PbZnSiO .0 Unit cell and space group of larsenite, Am. Mineral., Palache, Charles (1935), 42, The minerals of Franklin and Sterling Hill, Sussex County, New Jersey. Sly, William G., and David P. U. S. G. S. Prof. Paper, 180, 80-81. Shoemaker (1960), MIFRI1: Two- and three-dimensional crystallographic Fourier summation program for the IBM 704 computer. Woolfson, M. M. (1961), Unpublished report. Direct methods in crystallography. Clarendon Press, Oxford. '37 Chapter IX Automatic crystal structure analysis Because of extremely rapid developments in the fields of automation, control, and digital computing, it is possible today to design a system for nearly automatic crystal structure determination and refinement. There are some tremendous advantages to such a setup, both philosophical and practical, and also some disadvantages. The advantages are that a great deal of useful, reliable structural information can be gained in a relatively short time and investigators can begin to spend more time interpreting results than in repeating the experimental details over and over again. One disadvantage is that the costs per unit time will be quite high even though the cost per crystal structure should be much lower than at present. Another disadvantage is that a few people will have to spend considerable time in setting up an automated system and in eliminating the deficiencies that are bound to be present. Present capabilities. Considerable progress toward largescale automation has been made in connection with this thesis, and also other theses by Burnham (1961) and Peacor (1962). Burnham outlined a series of data reduction programs for the IBM 7090 computer which have since been augmented and improved and which are listed below. In addition, the automatic diffractometer is now a reality and should be available soon in a number of forms. The 13'8 author has done considerable work on possible control systems for the Weissenberg diffractometer, including the writing of the diffractometer settings program described in Appendix III. The following IBM 7090 programs are now in use in the Crystallographic Laboratory at M. 1. T. and, with revisions, could be incorporated into an automated system. i. Least-squares refinement of lattice constants (Burnham) 2. We is senberg diffractometer settings (Prewitt) 3. Data reduction and prismatic absorption correction (Burnham) 4. Cylindrical and spherical absorption correction (Prewitt) 5. Fourier synthesis (Sly, Shoemaker andYan den Hende) 6. Structure factors and full-matrix least-squares refinement (Prewitt) 7. Structure factors and diagonal matrix least-squares refinement (Van den Hende) 8. Drilling coordinates for crystal structure models (Peacor and Prewitt) This program is now under development. General absorption correction (Wuensch and Prewitt) Future capabilities. These programs need to, be obtained or written before an automated system would be practical. 1. Diffractometer control 2. Processing of diffractometer output 139 3. Structure determination (a) Minimum function (b) Inequalities (c) Statistics 4. Refinement - differential synthesis 5. Output (a) Fourier plot - cathode ray tube (b) Fourier plot - mechanical or electrostatic (c) 6. Structure drawing - mechanical or electrostatic Interatomic distances and interbond angles With an automatic diffractometer and the above programs working correctly, a structure analysis could be practically automatic except for selection, mounting, and cell determination of the crystal and the writing of the final paper. Some work would be required in the supervision of the equipment and in transferring data between the diffractometer and the computer, but this would be very small in comparison with what is now being done. Of course, many experimental difficulties can be expected before such a system is perfected, but it is not inconceivable that, once a typical mineral crystal is set up, the whole process from data collection to final refined structure and illustrations could be carried out in two weeks. The time required at present for the same thing can vary from a few months to over a year. This does not include protein or other structures with especially large cells, or situations in which special problems arise. Time required for these latter investigations is often on the order of several years. As Expected results of automated crystal structure analysis. was stated earlier, automation will allow the investigator much more time in which to evaluate the results of his work--that is, unless he spends the extra time working on more different structures. In either case, there will be opportunity to do more thinking about the physical rather than the mechanical aspects of the problem. As it is today, the pressure for turning out results may cause important concepts to be overlooked and poorer papers to be written. Another, less obvious, result of automation is that the data and therefore the results will be much more reliable. Although the less expensive human operator can set an instrument as well as a machine for any individual diffraction intensity, he cannot possibly be as consistent over several hundreds or thousands of observations. Experience has shown that data from manually operated diffractometers have contained errors which could have caused the more difficult problem to fail completely. Automation will enable the investigator to obtain reliable information on many related compounds such as different pyroxenes which would have been skipped previously as not being a good investment of time. From this work, much information about such 14- topics as bonding, polymorphism, and phase equilibria should be obtained, thus enabling the crystallographer to become more involved in what he is working on than in what he is working with. 142 Part C Appendix I SFLSQ3, a structure factor and least-squares refinement program for the IBM 7090 digital computer Introduction The writing of this program was begun in the spring of 1961, a few months after the installation of an IBM 709 digital computer at the M. I. T. Computation Center. At that time this laboratory was using the crystallographic least-squares program, ORXLS, written by Busing and Levy (1959) for the IBM 704. Since many difficulties were encountered in using the 704 program on the 709 and since the running times were so long that many problems could not be undertaken, the author decided to write a program modeled after the one by Busing and Levy which would be very flexible, faster, and operable under the Fortran Monitor System. The resulting program, SFLSQ3, has been in use for over a year and has been used successfully by a number of people for both structure factor and least-squares calculations. The programming of SFLSQ3 is in FORTRAN with the exception of the normal equation matrix storage routine, the Busing and Levy matrix inverter, and library routines, which are written in FAP. Much of the program is broken up into subroutines which communicate With each other and with the main program through a large common storage. This enables the user to make many changes which would be impossible with most other similar programs. It is felt that by coding in FORTRAN and by providing a detailed writeup and references, the user should find this program no harder to set up and run than others of similar type which have been distributed. Although the mathematical method in SFLSQ3 is similar in many respects to ORXLS of Busing and Levy (1959), the programming is completely new except for the matrix inversion routine ORSMI (Busing and Levy, 1962) which was obtained from Dr. Busing through Dr. Karl Fischer. As SFLSQ3 is now constituted, the full normal equation matrix is inverted to obtain the necessary parameter shifts. It would be quite possible to provide the option of refining using only the dLagonal matrix, a feature which would considerably reduce the time required to run the program. Then, presumably, there would be an optimum procedure for carrying out a complete least-squares refinement, depending on the number of observations and the number of variable parameters. For example, in a problem involving a large number of observations and variable parameters, considerable time might be saved by first refining using the diagonal approximation until convergence is almost obtained and then switching to a few cycles of full matrix and anisotropic temperature refinement, so that as good a solution as possible is obtained. For smaller problems, the most advantageous approach would probably be to use the full matrix in all the computations. When run under the Fortran Monitor System (FMS), SFLSQ3 consists of a main program and 16 subroutines, plus subroutines called from the library tape. The program as distributed will refine up to 172 variables (full matrix refinement) and an essentially unlimited number of reflections. It was originally intended that subroutine CHLNK3 could be compiled as a main program so that it would be read in separately as a CHAIN LINK, thereby increasing the number of registers available for storing the matrix. This can still be done, but it might be more useful to consider the IBM 1301 Disk File which will soon be available as the means for storing larger matrices. Common storage . Communication between the main program and the subroutines is principally through a large block of COMMON storage which is divided into six dummy arrays, CMA, CMB, CMC, CMD, CME, and CMF. Variable symbols are assigned to portions of these arrays by means of EQUIVALENCE statements. Table 1 is a list of the symbols which refer to COMMON storage. Sense indicators. The array CMA contains the sense indica- tors which control much of the flow of the program. The definitions of these indicators are given in the section on running the program. They will be referred to frequently in the sections that follow. Tape usage. given in Table 2. The tape assignments for this program are A copy of the M. I. T. IOU subprogram which 146 Table 1 SymbolLs assigned to COMMON storage Symbol Di.mension CMA 50 CMB5 07 CMC 6 51 CMD 7 00 CME 4 19 CMF 50 AR Dummy array t 149 69 V It Normal equation matrix 2 00 TITLE Function Vector matrix 12 Title for printed output MODE, INV, ISAN, NPU, NEW NU, NS, NFOUR, NCOR, SUMDL, KARD, ID, NFSQ See directions for preparing sense card. A, B, C, ALPHA, BETA, GAMMA each Cell constants SUMDL 1(4w A) 2 hkI NPAR Total number of parameters NVAR 1. NCOUNT KSEL S BO 5 04 50 1 Number of parameters varied Number of observations used in refinement Parameter selection words Scale factors Overall temperature factor ~~~-'qm -~ Table 1 continued MF 50 Form factor indicator 50 each Atom coordinates BI 50 Isotropic temperature factor BI1, B22, B33, B12, Bi3, B23 50 each Anisotropic temperature factors SYM 50 Atom "scale factor" or multiplicity NAME 50 Atom name for printed output X, Y, Z NF FORM F 1 32, 20 Number of form factor tables Form factor tables 20 f. L ASTER 4 Asterisks for printed output RHO, RHOSQ I each s nO/>A-, ARG sin q/2 Arguments for form factor tables 32 ISAVE Indicator of last entry into form factor table arguments FOBS F FCAL F c(hkl) Fc AOBS, ACAL, BOBS, BCAL (hkl) A 0, A c, o c Bo, B c DELTA (F F ) =A c SIGMA Observation error EXTI, EXT2 1each 1 each o - S m Optional extra input SQRTW MSI. Scale factor subscript r Ln. Table 1 continued MREJ 1 Rejection indicator MH, MK, ML 1 each Fixed point h, k, 1 TH, TK, TL I each Floating point h, k, 1 DA, DB Derivatives of A 200 each SFC 1 S SMSFC 1 2 S F (hkl) hkl m c SQDL 1 (wA) DELTAI 1 SUMFOI 1 WDLI 1 (hkl(wA) WFOI 1 ( DELTA2 1 SUMFO2 1 WDL2 1 WFO2 1 m hkl and B c c F (hkl) c 2 A including zero F Is o - F including zero F Is o hkl o 2 including zero Fo Is (wF))2 0 hkl including zero F Is o Same as for preceding four symbols except without zero F Is Table 2 Tape assignments for SFLSQ3 at M. I. T. Computation Center Use Logical Physical 1 Al Library 4 A2 Input 2 A3 Output 8 A4 Derivatives if CHAIN JOB is used 9 A5 Optional input for ERFR2 (Fourier synthesis) 5 BI 6 B2 Chain tape (optional) 7 B3 Scratch 3 B4 Punched output 10 B5 Binary output tape used as input to next cycle correlates the logical and physical tape designations is provided with the program deck. If the physical designations do not correspond with the usage of a particular computing center, it is generally easier to change the IOU rather than the logical tape numbers in the FORTRAN input-output statements. One should, however, check with the computing center if he is uncertain as to how to proceed. Punched output. At the M. I. T. Computation Center, punched output may be produced from a tape or on-line depending on whether sense switch 4 is down. The FORTRAN statements, PUNCH N, List, in subprograms PRSF and CARD may have to be replaced by WRITE OUTPUT TAPE M, N, List, if punched output is desired at a particular center where the sense switch option is not available. Otherwise, all card punching will be done on-line. A subprogram from the M.I. T. library, MIFLIP, is provided with the program which will cause identification cards to be punched along with any off-line punched output. If this feature is not desired, a dummy subprogram, SUBROUTINE PILFI (FLP, N), may be compiled or statements 16 and 17 in READI removed. Description of the main program and its subroutines MAIN. Although the main program is primarily used as a means of connecting the various subroutines, essential computational functions. it does perform some For example, the statements from 500 to 501 convert temperature factors from isotropic to anisotropic form when so requested by the sense card. At state- ment 8, the program tests whether reflection data is to be read from A2 or B5 and then reads and processes one reflection at a time until all are read in. or read from B5. For each reflection, the value of sin /X is computed When this quantity is computed, the program evaluates 2 2 p = 2 2 *2 (sin 6/X ) = (h a 2 *2 +k b 2 *2 +1 c ** ** +2hka b +2klb c +21hc ** a )/4. (1) The main program also computes the derivatives of F (hkl) or -c -- 2 F (hkl) with respect to varied parameters beginning at statement 38. -- These relations are given in Table 3. In order to be able to run consecutive structure factor calculations or cycles of refinement with a minimum of difficulty, all input data with the exception of title and sense cards is written on B5 at the end of a structure factor or least-squares calculation. The main program (or subroutine CHAIN) has to put some of this information fi rst on B3 so that B5 can be updated on each cycle. Table 3 Derivatives of F (hkl) or F 2 (hkl) with respect to varied parameters (After Busing and Levy, 1959) C C F (hid) c Computed Quantity Centrosymmetric s F m c 2 s 8 (s mF ) ( as m m 8(s F 8B m Sp s m exp(-B o p2 ) (Ac2 + Bc 2) exp(-B p ) Ac o c m m 2 c 2 s m c m 2 -p)-p m c 0 (sm Non-centrosymmetric 2 Ac exp(-B p )Ac o (sF ) m c F (s Bp s m 2 2 exp(-Bp ) (Ac + Bc o0p8 Ac( 8Ac 8B + Bc(--)] Table 3 continued F C2(hid) Computed Quantity (s Fc) 2 O(s m F c )2 Os 4 sm 2 F m 8B 0 2 2 2 exp(-2B0p ) Ac s F )2 /s m m 8(s O(s Centrosymmetric c Non-centrosymmetric s 2 2 (s m 2 2 2 exp(-2B0p ) (Ac + Bc ) m F ) 2 /s c m ) c F ) m c Op - 2 p 2(s 8 s m F )2 m c 2 exp(-2B p o -2p2(s O2)A 8Ac 8p 2 s m m F )2 c 2 exp(-2B p2) [Ac(Ac) + Bc(8Bc 0p Op o I. Nor- The following symbols not listed in Table i are used in the main program. Symbol Dimension DF 200 Function Storage for derivatives ALPHA 1, BETAI, GAMMA I 1 each Reciprocal cell angles in radians AA, BB, CC, ABC, BCA, CAB 1 each Functions of cell paramete r s I,J, K 1 each Variable subscripts N, NT I each Number of storage registe rs in normal equation matrix P1 T RAD 7r/180.0 TO Exponential of B C I, C 2, Q Terms used in calculating derivatives LAST Indicator of last reflection card IEND Indicator of the end of run MS Scale factor subscript WDEL V w-A READ 1. 0 The title, sense, and cell cards are read from A2. If data is available from a previous calculation, all but the reflection data is read in from B5. PILF1 is called, if requested, to write identification of off-line punched output on B4. The only symbol defined in READ I is FLP, an array of four registers used for storing the punched output identification. READ 2. Reads and stores form factor tables unless the fis were read from B5 and are not to be altered. READ 3. Reads and stores scale factors, overall temperature factor, atom coordinates and temperature factors, atom multiplicities, atom names, number of parameters, and parameter selection card. If this data was read in from B5 in READ I and is to be used without change, the program does not attempt to read A2. SET. See STMAT. LOOKUP. If f's have not already been computed in a previous calculation, this routine performs a linear interpolation in the form factor tables. The program "looks" both ways in a table of arguments (array ARG) to find the location of sinD/A for a particular hkl and then computes and stores interpolated frs for all different types of atoms in array F. Each succeeding entry to the argument table will be at the point of last exit so that the program is more efficient if reflections wi th similar sin 0/X are grouped together. It should be noted that it would be relatively easy to change the interpolation scheme to a more sophisticated one or to substitute a subroutine which would compute the form factors directly. The only requirement is that the fIs are stored in array F in the proper order. WEIGHT. either reading Weighting for least-squares is accomplished by (fw or in this subroutine. dummy subroutine. = -) from reflection data cards or by calculating If U is read from cards, WEIGHT must be a The main program computes V-w = 0 if a = 0. 1 56 If a weighting scheme requires the calculated structure factor, vW could be computed in REJECT. Possible weighting schemes are given in International Tables (1959), Vol. II, p. 3 28, Cruickshank (1961), Evans (1961), and Burnham and Buerger (1961). SPGRP. Since this is the only subroutine which will require alterations for most routine work, considerable space will be devoted to its details. Many arguments have been advanced for coding space group manipulations in one way or another. In order to avoid this problem and because there are definite advantages in having particular space group routines for specific applications, the choice is left up to the user, The main program requires that SPGRP computeACAL and, if the space group is non-centrosymmetric, BCAL. It also requires computation of derivatives of ACAL and BCAL with respect to the parameters that are to be varied. Two space group routines, however, are provided with the program. One is a general routine which can be easily adapted for any space group and with which anisotropic temperature factors can be refined. The other is written for space group P. only and is representative of routines which can be written for other specific space groups by using the Lonsdale formulas for the general position (International Tables, 1952, Vol. I). Unfortunately, except for P1 and P!, not easy to refine anisotropic temperature factors using this approach. it is The remaining part of this section will be used to describe the two subroutines distributed with the program. Those interested in other approaches to the problem are referred to papers by Rollett and Davies (1955), Marsh (1961), Trueblood (1956), Cruickshank (1961), Hybl and and International Tables (1959), Vol. II, p. 326-328. Table 4 gives the quantities which are calculated by the general space group routine. reflection. SPGRP is entered once for each A (hkl) and B (hkl) are computed and stored in ACAL and -c --- BCAL respectively, while derivatives of A and B are stored in -c -c arrays DA and DB, respectively. The only changes which must be made to allow for different space groups are in the 300 group of statements unless modifications for atoms in special positions are required. The general space group routine computes the contribution to the structure factor of each atom in the cell exclusive of atoms related by translations or centers of symmetry. For these latter groups of atoms, the contribution of one atom is computed and multiplied by a multiplicity factor M (designated SYM in the program). The transformation of symmetry related atoms is accomplished by transforming indices instead of atom coordinates. This is done mainly so that anisotropic temperature factors can be handled properly. The symmetry considerations are resolved by supplying the routine with the transformed indices. As an example, consider Table 4 Quantities evaluated by general space group subroutine j Atoms i are transformed through Computed Quantity Isotropic temperature factor Ac(hkl) M. f. exp(-T.) L L Anisotropic temperature factor cos27r(h.x.+k.y.+1.z.) J L L J L J M f. L L L I j exp(-T..) cos2r(h.x.+k.y.+1.z.) M. f. exp(- T.) L L L s in2(h.x.+k.y.+. z.) L M. f. L L Ji Lj j iL Bc(hkl) equivalent positions L JL ) L L exp(-T..) sin27r(h.x.+k.y.+1.z.) L L LLJ B~ 2 B~ph. Tij T.j j e Ac M A E M. LJ 2 2 *+k. p .+1. p .+2h.k.1 ii L j Co 2 Ls 33 L J j p f cos.. f. exp L L L 2 L exp.. cos.. L3 L 8jBc 0fBc 8 M. L ex. L -c2rM. 8 aX._ x; L si nM. L Lj Ac i f. exp h.cs.. xLpL h 2_M.fep.hc LL J Lco L exp.. sin.. 3 L3 -27rM. f. h Li s.__ L . . L h.ex j i. x. L . L 3 co . LiJ- ~J13 .+2h.l.p3 .+2k.l.p2. L J j iSL 23 L Table 4 continued Computed Quantity Isotropic temperature factor 2 8 Ac B Cos.. s.. p M. f. exp. L 8 B.L L L 8 Bc 2 -p 8B. Anisotropic temperature factor M. f. ex. L 7 L3 SLn.. L 8 Ac a %j i .Bc a P - M. f. h. exp.. cos.. - M. f. h. exp.. s in.. L . 3 p = s in 9/A M. B. L L is atom multiplicity is the isotropic temperature factor Bc(hkl) is the imaginary component of the structure factor L3 L3 L3 L3 r); space group Pnam. The general position in Pnam is represented by the coordinates xyz; L+x, -y ;iy plus their centrosymmetric equivalents. z -x, zy It is evident that cos 27(htx+kty+lz+t) = cos 27r(h(*+x)+k( -y)+l( -z)) t where hl = h, k = -k, 11 = -1, and t = (h+k+1)/2. and I are stored in TH, TK, and TL, and hi, k T , 1, RL, and T. (2) In SPGRP, h, k, and t in RH, RK, The only requirement for Pnam is that RH, RK, RL, and T be transformed to correspond to each of the four equivalent This is accomplished by writing the following positions above. sequence of FORTRAN instructions and compiling them into SPGRP. Note that only those indices which are different from the previous loop have to be computed. 300 DO 413 J=1, 4 301 GO TO (302, 303, 304, 305), J 302 RH = TH RK = TK RL = TL T = 0.0 GO TO 400 303 RK =-TK RL =-TL T = (TH+TK+TL)/2.0 GO TO 400 161 304 RH=-TH RL = TL T = TL/2.0 GO TO 400 305 RK = TK RL =-TL T = (TH+ TK)/2.0 400 413 PHI = TPI*(RH*X(I)+RK*Y(I)+RL*Z(I)+T) CONTINUE This is the only change required for most situations. Extra modifi- cation may be necessary, however, when computing anisotropic temperature factors for atoms in special positions, for atoms with redundant coordinates, and for anomalous dispersion corrections. Anisotropic temperature factor computations for atoms in special positions of Pnam are not difficult because the only restraints are that for atoms lying on the mirror plane in equipoint 4c, P13 This can be taken care of by simply not 23 = 0 (Levy, 1956). varying p13 and p2 3 . When refining structures in space groups of higher symmetry, however, the constraints on the anisotropic temperature factor lead to special coding problems. example, the space group P6 Levy (1956). 3 /mmc Take, for discussed in this regard by He finds that for equipoint 12k with symmetry n, p12 = 22, 13 23' 162 These restrictions would be handled in SPGRP in the following way. SPGRP normally evaluates the anisotropic temperature factor as given in Table 4. Since P12 and p31 are redundant, they must not be varied. The expression which is evaluated is then exp{-[ h.p .+(k +h.k.)p j iiL J J 3 22L +.+1. p l+(2h.k.+k.l.)P J P33L 3 J J J 23i ] }. (3) This would be accomplished by substituting the following statements for those in SPGRP from 407 to 407 +5. 407 RHH = RH**2 RKK = RK**2+RH*RK RLL = RLL**2 RHK = 0.0 RHL = 0.0 RKL = 2. 0*RH*RK+RK*RL In the event that different types of special positions are present, a statement at 407, GO TO (Ni, N 2 ,... N7), I, where I is number of the atom being considered, would direct the program to the proper index transformation. After a cycle of refinement is completed, the redundant pts should be set to their proper values in TEST before the test for negative temperature factors is made. Redundant positional stateparameters which are handled similarly in the 300 group of ments can also be reset at this point. 163~ If any particular diffi culty is encountered in determining what to do about ani.sotropic temperatures or atom coordinates in specific space groups reference to Levy (1956), (1961), Busing and Levy (1959), Trueblood (1956), Cruickshank or International Tables (1959), Vol. II, might be helpful. Anomalous dispersion can easily be allowed for in any version of SPGRP. In the general space group routine, the dispersion terms One way of doing this is are added in the 500 series of statements. to compute the contributions to the structure factor for the real and imaginary scattering factor terms separately and then add the components of the structure factor vectorially. For example, if the total scattering factor is f = f + Af t +iAf", (4) then (neglecting temperature factors), {(f +Af)cos A = B ={(f and c J sin4 = 0. (5) } (6) +Aft) sin4+Af"cos for non-centrosymmetric space groups. groups, -Af"sin4} In centrosymmetric space For atoms in the cell which do not exhibit appreciable anomalous scattering, Af = Af" = 0. Since centro- symmetric structures are treated as though they are non-centrosymmetric, the user must remember to run the program with INV = 2 and to adjust the multiplicity to account for the fact that the main program will not multiply ACAL by two (see Table 3). As an example, b 164 the following sequence of statements is suggested for a problem with two atoms, the first being an anomalous scatterer and the other not. Data for the first atom, Fe in CuK International Tables (1962), radiation, is taken from Vol. III. 500 GO TO (501, 502, 502), ISAN 501 TMP = EXPF(-BI(I)*RHOSQ)*SYM(l) GO TO 503 502 TMP = SYM(I) 503 GO TO (504, 505), 1 504 TMPA = (F(JJ)-1. 1)*TMP TMPB = 3.4*TMP GO TO 506 505 TMPA = F(JJ)*TMP TMPB = 0. 0 506 AR = TMPA*SMCP Al = TMPB*SMCP BR = TMPA*SMSP B I = TMPB*SMSP 507 ACAL = ACAL +AR - BI BCAL = BCAL+BR+AI 508 GO TO (700, 600), MODE Statements 600 to 600 + 3 compute constants required for the derivatives. If no anomalous scattering correction is used, TMPB should be made equivalent to TMPA with a statement, TMPB = TMPA, or EQUIVALENCE (TMPA, TMPB). Derivatives are calculated in the general SPGRP routine as noted in Table 4. For each atom in turn, the program computes the contributions to A -c , B -c , and derivatives of A -c and -c B respect to the atom parameters that are to be varied. with If the number of derivatives calculated exceeds the number of parameters to be varied the program skips to the calculations for the next atom in the list. Space group calculations which evaluate the Lonsdale formulas differ 6nly in that the expression for the general position is used instead of finding the contribution of each symmetry equivalent atom separately. The computation time for this method is probably some- what less than for the general routine, but there are two drawbacks. One is that auisotropic temperature factors cannot be handled conveniently except in P1 or P!, and the other is that the expressions for the derivatives have to be worked out separately for each space group. An example for P1 coded in this way is supplied with the program deck. There are undoubtedly many variations in the methods of calculation of structure factors which could be profitably used in SPGRP. Considerable machine time could be saved In spec ial problems if the coding were done especially for those problems. One obvious way to cut down on the running time would be to program SPGRP in FAP. It is estimated that the number of machine instructions F 166 in the general SPGRP routine could be reduced by at least one-half if the routine were written in FAP. Symbols unique to the general SPGRP routine are listed below. Symbol Dimension Function Subscript for derivatives DA and DB Subscript for KSEL, the parameter selection words 27r TPI 27r PHI 4. = (h.x.+k.y.+l.z.) -3- L 3J;-L -J3-L CP cos4. or exp. cost. SP s in. SMCP o r exp. sin. I cos4. 1 SMSP RH,RK, RL, T L Z sin. 3 3 h., k., I., t ~3 -3,h.2 -3 Exponential of anisotropic temperature factor expression - RHH E CPH 2 h. cos. TMP, TMPA, TMPB Temporary storage AR, A, BR, BI Contribution of 1 atom to structure factor TA, TB, RA, RB Derivative multipliers REJECT. Any reflection not wanted in the refinement can be rejected here by storing zero in MREJ. Otherwise, all reflections 167 except those for which F -c refinement. is identically zero will be included in the The criterion for rejection can either be computed from data available in COMMON or can be sensed from information punched in the EXT I and/or EXT 2 fi elds of the reflection data cards. EXT I and EXT 2 are stored in COMMON also. STAT. This subroutine accumulates statistical data for R-factor calculations or any other desired reliability indicators. Several registers in addition to those used in the distributed routine are available in array CMF for transmitting this data to PRST, the routine which prints statistical results after all structure factors have been computed. The quantity (7) A(hkl) = F o - s m F c is given the sign of F -c F is computed in this routine, where -o . This differs from many refinement programs which compute the difference F and F of the absolute magnitudes of -o -c . Of course, in non- centrosymmetric structures, F-c is always positive. The only symbol unique to STAT is SQFO which contains (wA)2 PRSF. This routine controls the structure factor output, both printed and punched. For each reflection the following is written on the output tape: h,k,l, IF o , A , B s F , A 1, -n-c -o -c -o , B -c , A, A/, asterisks where i A _-o = IF -o (A /sF) - m F(B /s andB F). c -in-c -o B -o and B 6 -9 are not -c written on tape for centrosymmetric structures in SPGRP unless an One asterisk is anomalous dispersion correction has been made. written if the reflection has been rejected from the refinement and two are written if A/ > 2. 0. Provision is made for punching of cards for input to ERFR2 (Sly, Shoemaker, and Van den Hende, , B_), iF o-/s h,k,1, A o , Ac , (B -o -c -- 1962). In this option, I are either punched on-line or written on B4 for off-line punching, depending on whether sense switch 5 is up or down. Since the option of on- or off-line punching may not be available at a particular computing center, PUNCH statements, 8 and 64, may haveto be changed. This same information may, however, be wri tten on A5 so that input to ERFR2 does not have to go through the punched card state. Enough information is available in COMMON to enable the user to tailor the output to suit almost any requirement. One might, for example, substitute new SPGRP and PRSF routines which would calculate and put out unitary structure factors. Special symbols used in PRSF are listed below. dimension of 1. Symbol Function C I F /(s DS Iiat -o FOSC |IF I-m IIndicator F ) -m- for a ster isks All have a 169 STMAT and SET. Since the storage of the normal equation and vector matrices is the most time-consuming single operation in large The entry point SET is problems, this routine is written in FAP. used to set up the indexing and addresses needed in STMAT. The storage loops are about as efficient as possible for this type of program. STMAT is entered once for each reflection accepted in the refinement. PRST. The statistics accumulated in STAT are written on A3. These include various R-factors and an error of fit given in Table S. Extra symbols used in PRST are as follows: RI, R2, WRI, WR2 R-factors RSUMDL (E w TEST )2 Error of fit CHLNK3. Presently constituted as SUBROUTINE CHAIN. It may be compiled as a main program and run as a chain link with SFLSQ3 which would then call the FMS subroutine CHAIN instead of CHLNK3. This requires several modifications in the main program and STMAT as well as CHLNK3. CHLNK3 calls the matrix inverter SMI, writes the Geller correlation matrix (Geller, 1961) on A3, computes and applies the parameter shifts, and writes the refinement results on A3. Following the notation of Busing and Levy (1959) and Geller (1961), Table 5 lists the various relations evaluated by CHLNK3. Only the binary deck of the matrix inversion routine, ORSMI, is supplied with this program. However, a description of the numerical methods used has been published by Busing and Levy (1962). Three other subroutines are called by CHLNK3 which will be discussed below. One of these, TEST, tests whether the temperature If the user so desires, the symbol K factors are positive-definite. in the calling sequence to TEST can be made non-zero if one or more temperature factors are not positive-definite and the run will be stopped regardless of how many cycles are left to be run. zero, however, If K is the program will attempt to go through another cycle if requested to do so. If a singular matrix occurs, CHLNK3 will list the offending elements on A3 and terminate the run. A singular matrix is generally the result of trying to vary parameters for which derivatives have not been computed. This can occur, however, when an attempt is made to vary atoms in special positions or when varying c'oordinates of overlapping atoms using two-dimensional data. The following symbols not in COMMON are used in CHLNK3. Symbol ART Function Dimension 20 Line of correlation matrix EP 1 Parameter change ERFIT 1 FIT 1(-n) FIT 1 Ii, 12, IT, MT, NV I each Subscripts used in generating correlation matrix output 171 Table 5 Expressions evaluated in CHLNK3 (after Busing and Levy, 1959) Quantity Normal equation matrix Relation D7) (~wD ) (N h, aQ Vector v. = Inverse matrix b = A../d ( ~wD ) ( I- Aw JL Lj Parameter shift A p. = 3Db..v. Error of fit E { Standard error of Ap. o-(p.)= Correlation coefficient pij L = = J LJ J V LLL (,w)2 m) E (/,)] b iJ./[(1T.) LL JJ Definitions [ (sign of F ) F ] c o A s m scale factor D. derivatives A. cofactor of a.. d det a p. parameters L - s m F c IJD, U, NM, N, NT 1 each Subscripts used in manipulating least-squares matrices I, J, K 1 each Subscripts KA I Positive-definite temperature factor indicator SUMCH Ez L piv. L L L TEST. This subroutine is used to test whether the new temperature factors are positive-definite and may also be used to reset relations between parameters. factor B If the overall temperature it is added to the individual atom temperature is non-zero, factors and the following tests are made. For isotropic temperature factors, .01 and K is left at zero. if B < 0, B. will be set to L L For anisotropic temperature factors the Otherwise K will be non-zero following relations must be satisfied. and the program will stop upon return to CHLNK. p .0, lit- p >0 >0, p 3 3L22L7- p1 1 p1 2 p1 3 p1 2 P22 p2 3 0 p1 3 p2 3 p3 3 23 >220 P23 P33 P11 13 P13 P33 > 0 11 12 > 0 p1 2 p2 2 The program can be changed so that after these tests are made, the offending elements are altered so that they will pass the positive-definite tests. Another feature that could be added is to '73 compute an equivalent isotropic B for each set of anisotropic pts. See Hamilton (1959) or Lipscomb et al. (1956) for relations between B and Prs. CARD. This subroutine will write the new atom parameters on B4 for off-line punching. This is particularly useful if a large number of atoms are being refined. DIST. A subroutine, not written as yet, which will compute interatomic distances and angles after the end of a cycle. Running the program Data deck. directive below. The data cards are prepared according to the An understanding of FORTRAN format statements is assumed. FORMAT 1. TITLE: Any identification in cols. 1-72 2. FLP: Information for identifying punched output. May be blank if NPU below is zero. The problem and programmer numbers are for use at M. I. T. Actually any Hollerith characters may be used. Col. 1-6 Program number 7-12 Programmer number 13-24 Blank 4A6 -174 3. Sense card. Col. MODE: 1 - structure factors only II 2 - structure factors plus least-squares 2 INV: 1 - centrosymmetric I1 2 - non-centrosymmetri c 3 ISAN: 1 - isotropic temperature factors I 2 - anisotropic temperature factor s 3 - change from isotropic to an- isotropic before refining 4 NPU: 0 - no punched card structure factor output II I - punched card structure factor output (writes tape B4) NEW(5): 0 for old values and I for new values of: 5 5IH (a) number of form factors and cell constants 6 (b) form factor tables 7 (c) atom parameters 8 (d) key card and parameter selection cards 9 (e) reflection data This allows the user to select whether the old values from a previous structure factor or least squares calculation (written in binary on B5), or new values in the input deck are to be used. There are restrictions on the changing of certain of these, e.g., the number of form factor tables may not be altered without changing the card corresponding to (a) above. These values must all be 1 unless the binary output tape (B5) from a previous run is available to the program. If data from B5 is used, the corresponding cards must not be in the input deck. 10-11 NU: number of atoms in the asymmetric unit 12 number of scale factors 12 12-13 NS: 14 NFOUR: 0 - no BCD output tape (A5) will be I1 wr itten I - BCD output tape (A5) will be written with end of data card for ERFR2 (1 in col. 1) and rewound 2 - BCD output tape with end of data card and not rewound This option permits writing a tape with the title above as the first record and with h, k,1, A , A , and B sary, plus IF0/s and B , if neces- i i n succeeding records for input to ERFR2. 15 NCOR: 0 - no correlation matrix 11 1, - will write the Geller correlation matrix on A3 for off-line printing (Used only in mode 2) 16 KARD: 0 - no punched card output of atom parameters 11 1 - the new scale factors, overall temperature factor, and atom coordinates and temperature factors will be written on B4 for off-line punching 17 ID: 0 - no interatomic distances and interbond angles 11 176 1 - will compute and put out inter- atoirnidcletances and interbond angles after end of cycle. Subrou- tine DIST which computes these functions is not available at this ti me. 18 NFSQ: I1 0 - refine on F 11 0 I - refi ne on F 2 0 4. Cell card (note that angles are used and not cosines as in ORXLS) Col. 5. 1-2 Number of form factor tables 12 3-9 Blank 7X 10-18 a* 19-27 b* 28-36 c* 37-45 a* 46-54 p* It 55-63 y* t (-, a not-) F9.4 a (in degrees) It Form factor tables (same format as ORXLS). One set of four cards for each different kind of atom. 1-9 f for * 64-71 6. Card 2 Card 1 Col. = 1.15 1.55 0 1.20 Scale factors (1 per card). 0 Card 3 .75 7F9.2, F8. 2 Card 4 .35 00 .80 .40 0 There must be NS cards. Col. 1-9 F9.4 7 7. ?7 Overall temperature factor Col. 1-9 8. F9.4 Atom parameters (may be used in ORXLS) (One card for each atom in asymmetric unit) Col. 1-2 Form factor table to be used 12 3-7 Blank 5X 8-14 x F7.4 15-21 y t 22-28 z t 29-35 B or P 36-42 p22 43-49 p3 3 50-56 p1 2 p1 3 57-63 64-72 9. p2 3 'Multiplicity. "1 This is the quantity M7 i n Table 4. 12F6.4 Col. 10. 1-6 Atom I 7-12 Atom 2 67-72 Atom 12 Atom name Col. 1-6 Any BCD characters desired to correspond to atom 1, etc. 7-12 Any BCD characters desired to correspond to atom 2, etc. 12A6 -I r7 Q 67-72 Any BCD characters desired to correspond to atom 12, etc. Use as many of cards 9 and 10 as are needed to describe all atoms. 11. Key card Col. 1-3 NPAR: 4-6 Blank 7-9 NVAR: Total number of parameters 13 3X Number of parameters varied 13 NVAR must always be less than the number of nonzero weight, non-rejected reflections. 12. Parameter selection card 7211 Col. 1-72 0 if the corresponding parameter is not to be varied, 1 if it is to be varied. The following order is to be observed: s , s2'... M, x, y, z, ,Yyz Bl, .. ., M , x 1VV BT represents either B7 or s ,B V ,B V . p1, p12i' P13i' P23L. Use as many cards as necessary to describe NPAR above. its need not be punched for mode 1 calculation. 13. Reflection data (may be used in ORXLS) Col. 1-3 h 13 4-9 blank 6X 10-12 k 13 13-18 blank 6X 19-21 13 - 11- 1 '70 22-27 blank 28-36 F 37-45 sigma (program computes 46-47 number of scale factor to be used for this 0 6X or F 2 F9.2 0 VW= It -) 0- reflection 12 48-54 blank 7X 55-63 extra input i F9.2 64-70 extra input 2 F7. 2 71 blank iX 72 blank I1 Use one card for each reflection. Note that identifying letters in col. 72 sometimes used in ORXLS will cause this program to stop. 14. End of reflection deck Col. 15. 1-71 blank 71X 72 1 11 Run termination card Col. 1-71 blank 71X 72 Mode 1: If 0, the program will stop. 11 If 1, the program will attempt to read a new set of data. Mode 2: If 0, the program will stop. If 1, a new cycle will be begun either by returning to the main program from subroutine CHAIN or by calling in SFLSQ2 as a chain link, depending on the way the run is set up. Submitting a run. The following main program and subroutine decks (left) should be included in the run deck (right). SFSLQ3 (main program) * ID card READ1 * XEQ READ2 SFLSQ3 READ3 Subroutines LOOKUP * DATA WEIGHT Data deck SPGRP Data deck for additional cycles. REJECT STAT PRSF STMAT/SET CHLNK3 SMI TEST CARD DIST MIFLIP MIIOU Tape B5 is always used by the program and may be saved as input to further computations. References Busing, William R., and Henri A. Levy (1959), A Crystallographic Least-squares Program for the IBM 704. (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Central Files No. 59-4-37, Oak Ridge, Tenn.) Busing, William R., and Henri A. Levy (1962), A Procedure for Inverting Large Symmetric Matrices. Comm. Assoc. Computing Mach. In press. Burnham, Charles W., and M. J. Buerger (1961), crystal structure of andalusite. Refinement of the Zeit. Krist. 115, 269-290. Cruickshank, D. W. J., Deana E. Pi.lling, A. Bujosa, F. M. Lovell, and Mary R. Truter (1961), In Computing Methods and the Phase Problem in X-Ray Crystal Analysis, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 32-78. 41 Evans, Howard T., Jr. (1961), Weighting factors for single-crystal x-ray diffraction intensity data. Geller, S. (1961), refinement. Acta Cryst. 14, 689. Parameter interaction in least squares structure Acta Cryst. 14, 1026-1035. Hamilton, W. C. (1959), On the isotropic temperature factor equiva- lent to a given anisotropic temperature factor. Acta Cryst. 12, 609-610. Hybl, Albert, and Richard E. Marsh (1961), Structure factor and least-squares calculation for orthorhombic systems with anisotropic vibrations. Acta Cryst. 14, 1046-1051. International Tables for X-Ray Crystallography. (1959), Vol. III (1962). Levy, Henri A. (1956), Vol. II The Kynoch Press, Birmingham, England. Symmetry relations among coefficients of the anisotropic temperature factor. U Vol. 1 (1952), Acta Cryst. 9, 679. Rollett, J. S., and David R. Davies (1955), The calculation of structure factors for centrosymmetric monoclinic systems with anisotropic atomic vibrations. Rossmann, Michael G., Acta Cryst. 8, 125-128. Robert A. Jacobson, F. L. Hirshfeld, and William N. Lipscomb (1959), An account of some computing experiences. Sly, W. G., D. P. Acta Cryst. 12, 530-535. Shoemaker, and J. H. Van den Hende (1962), Two- and Three-dimensional Crystallographic Fourier Summation Program for the IBM 7090 Computer. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Esso Research and Engineering Company). Trueblood, Kenneth N. (1956), Symmetry transformations of general anisotropic temperature factors. Acta Cryst., 9, 359-361. 183 L IST LABEL * * CSFLSQ3 C MAIN PROGRAM FOR STRUCTURE FACTOR AND LEAST SQUARES REFINEMENT C THIS VERSION STORES THE NORMAL EQUATION MATRIX DIRECTLY IN CORE C 6/7/62 COMMON CMACMBCMCCMDCMECMFAR,V EQUIVALENCE (CMATITLE),(CMA(13),MODE) (CMA(14),INV),(CMA(15),ISAN 1),(CMA(16),NPU),(CMA(17),NEW),(CMA(22),NU),(CMA(23),NS),(CMA(24),A 2),(CMA(25)9B)9(CMA(26),C),(CMA(27),ALPHA),(CMA(28),BETA),(CMA(29), 3GAMMA),(CMA(30),NFOUR),(CMA(31),NCOR),(CMA(32),SUMDL),(CMA(33),KAR 4D),(CMA(34),ID),(CMA(35),NFSQ) EQUIVALENCE (CMBNPAR),(CMB(2),NVAR),(CMB(3),NCOUNT),(CMB(4),KSEL) EQUIVALENCE (CMC'S),(CMC(51)BO)'(CMC(52)'MF),(CMC(102),X),(CMC 1(152),Y),(CMC(202),Z), (CMC(252),Bll-)BI),(CMC(302),B22),(CMC(352), 2B33),(CMC(402)9B12),(CMC(452),B23),(CMC(502),B13),(CMC(552),SYM),( 3CMC(602),NAME) EQUIVALENCE (CMDNF),(CMD(2)'FORM),(CMD(642),F),(CMD(662),ASTER),( 1CMD(666),RHO),(CMD(667),RHOSQ),(CMD(668),ARG),(CMD(700),ISAVE) EQUIVALENCE (CMEFOBS), (CME(2) ,FCAL) '(CME(3) ,AOBS) (CME(4) 'ACAL),( 1CME(5),BOBS),(CME(6),BCAL),(CME(7),DELTA),(CME(8),SIGMA),(CME(9),E 2XTi),(CME(10),EXT2),(CME(ll),SQRTW),(CME(12),MS1),(CME(13),MREJ),( 1 2 B3 B B B 4 3CME(14),MH),(CME(15),MK),(CME(16),ML),(CME(17),TH)'(CME(18),TK),(C 4ME(19),TL),(CME(20)'DA),(CME(220),DB) EQUIVALENCE (CMF SFC) (CMF(2) SMSFC),(CMF(3),SQDL),(CMF(4),DELTAl) 1,(CMF(5),SUMF01),(CMF(6),WDL1),(CMF(7),WFo1),(CMF(8),DELTA2),(CMF( 29),SUMF02),(CMF(10),WDL2),(CMF(11),WF02) DIMENSION CMA(50) CMB(507)CMC(651),CMD(700),CME(419),CMF(50) DIMENSION TITLE(12),NEW(5) DIMENSION FORM(32,20)tF(20),ASTER(4),ARG(32) DIMENSION S(50),MF(50),X(50),Y(50),Z(50),BI(50),Bil(5O),B22(50),B3 13 (50) '812(50) 'B23 (50) ,B13(50) 9SYM(50) ,NAME(50) DIMENSION DA(200),DB(200)pDF(200) DIMENSION AR(14969) V(200) DIMENSION KSEL(504) CALL READ1 IF(NEW(2))2,3,2 CALL READ2 ASTER(1)=605454735460 ASTER(2)=605460606060 ASTER(3)=605454606060 ASTER(4)=606060606060 CALL READ3 ARG(32)=0.0 DO 4 I=1,31 J=32-I K=33-I ARG(J)=ARG(K)+.05 CONTINUE ISAN=ISAN MODE=MODE INV=INV ISAVE=1 NCOUNT=O SUDL=0.0 184 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 500 501 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 180 181 182 183 21 22 23 DO 400 I=1,50 CMF(I)=0.0 GO TO (4079402),MODE NT=NVAR+1 N=NVAR*NT N=N/2 DO 404 I=1N AR(I)=0.0 DO 406 1=1NVAR V(I)=0.0 CALL SET(N*DFWDEL) PI=3.1415927 RAD=PI/180.0 ALPHAl=ALPHA*RAD BETA1=BETA*RAD GAMMAl=GAMMA*RAD AA=A*A/4.0 BB=B*B/4.0 CC=C*C/4.0 ABG=A*B*COSF(GAMMA1)/2.0 BCA=B*C*COSF(ALPHA1)/2.0 CAB=C*A*COSF(BETA1)/2.0 GO TO(6,69500),ISAN DO 501 I=1,NU B22(I)=BI(I)*BB B33(I)=BI(I)*CC B12(I)=BI(I)*ABG/2.0 B13(I)=BI(I)*CAB/2.0 B23(I)=BI(I)*BCA/2.0 B1l(I)=BI(I)*AA CONTINUE REWIND 7 IF(NEW(5))10,9,10 READ TAPE 10,MHMKMLFUBSSIGMAMSIEXT1,EXT2,LASTRHORHOSQF GO TO 15 READ INPUT TAPE 4,11,MHMKML,F0LS,5IGMA,MSEXT1,EXT2,LAST FORMAT(3(I3,6X),2F9.2,I2,7XF9.2,F7.2,1X,Il) FREQUENCY 12(1,591)913(15.1),15(1,100,1) IF(MS)13,15,13 IF(MS-MS1)14,15,14 MSl=MS IF(LAST)5b,16,b TH=MH TK=MK TL=ML IF(NEW(5))182,181,182 IF(NEW(2))182,183,182 RHOSQ=TH*TH*AA+TK*TK*BB+L*TL*CC+TH*TK*ABG+TK*L*BCA+TL*TH* CAB RHO=SQRTF(RHOSO) CALL LOOKUP WRITE TAPE 7,MHMKMLFOBSSIGMAMS1,EXT1,EXF2,LA$T ,RHORHO6QF CALL WEIGHT FREQUENCY 22(1,25,1) IF(S16MA)23,24,23 SQ TW=1.0/SIGMA 185 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 34 340 341 342 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 450 451 46 47 48 GO TO 25 SQRTW=0.0 TO=EXPF(-BO*RHOSQ) CALL SPGRP MSl=MS1 GO TO(27,30),INV Q=2.0*S(MS1)*TO SFC=Q*ACAL Q=SFC*SQRTW IF(NFSQ)29,34,29 SFC=SFC**2 Q=2.0*SFC*SQRTW GO TO 34 Q=S(MS1)*TO FCSQ=ACAL**2+BCAL**2 FCAL=SQRTF(FCSQ) SFC=Q*FCAL Q=SFC*SQRTW IF(NFSQ)29,34,29 CALL REJECT FREQUENCY 340(1090,10) IF(SFC)342,341,342 MREJ=0 CALL STAT CALL PRSF FREQUENCY 35(091925),36(0s1,20) IF(MREJ)36,8,36 IF(SQRTW)37,8,37 NCOUNT=NCOUNT+1 SUMDL=SUMDL+SQDL GO TO(8,38),MODE K=0 DO 43 J=1,NS IF(KSEL(J))40,43,40 K=K+1 IF(MS1-J)41,42,41 DF(K)=0.0 GO TO 43 DF(K)=Q/S(MS1) CONTINUE J=NS+1 IF(KSLL(J))44,450U44 K=K+1 DF(K)= -RHOSQ*Q FREQUENCY 450(1,1950) IF(NVAR-K)52,52,451 I=1 K=K+1 GO TO(47,49),INV Cl=Q/ACAL DO 48 J=KNVAR DF(J)=DA(I)*C1 I=I+1 (CONTINUE GOA TO 52 49 50 51 52 53 55 550 551 552 553 554 555 56 560 57 580 581 582 583 584 59 60 61 62 * * C Cl=Q/FCSQ DO 51 J=KtNVAR DF(J)=(ACAL*DA(I)+BCAL*DB(I))*C1 I=I+1 CONTINUE WDEL=SQRTW*DELTA CALL STMAT GO TO 8 WRITE TAPE 7,MHsMKMLFOBSSIGMAMSlEXT1EXT2,LAST RHO.RHOSQF REWIND 7 REWIND 10 GO TO(552,56),MODE WRITE TAPE 10NFABCALPHABETAGAMMASSEBOMFXYZBllB229B339 1812.B13,B23.SYM.NAMENPAR.NVAR.KSEL READ TAPE 79MHMKMLFOBS SIGMAMS1,EXTiEXT2 LAST RHO.RHOSQF WRITE TAPE 10MH.MK.MLFOBSSIGMAMS1,EXTlsEXT2,LASTgRH0sRHOSQ.F IF(LAST)555*553,555 REWIND 7 REWIND 10 CALL PRST IF(NPU)57,580,57 END FILE 3 IF(NFOUR)581,584,581 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 9,582 FORMAT(1H171X) IF(NFOUR-1)583,583,584 REWIND 9 GO TO(59961),MODE READ INPUT TAPE 4,609IEND FORMAT(71X9Il) IF( IEND)1962ol CALL CHAIN(2#B2) GO TO 1 CALL EXIT END LIST LABEL SUbROUTINE READ1 READ INITIAL INPUT DATA AND WRITE HEADINGS ON OUTPUT TAPE CUMMUN CMACMB,9(M.,(MD EQUIVALENCE (CMATITLE),(CMA(13),MODE),(CMA(14),INV)9(CMA(15). ISAN 1),(CMA(16),NPU),(CMA(17),NEW),(CMA(22),NU),(CMA(23),N5).(CMA(24),A 2),(CMA(25),B),(CMA(26)tC).(CMA(27),ALPHA),(CMA(28),BETA),(CMA(29), 3GAMMA),(CMA(30),NFOUR),(CMA(31)NCOR),(CMA(32)6UMDL)(CMA(33)KAR 4D),(CMA(34)pID)v(CMA(35)qNFSQ) T.Mb (4fltL) EQUIVALENCL (CMbNPAR)9 (CML(2) NVAR) (CMB(3)9NGUUNI )91 (CMCS),(CMC(51)BO)(CMC(52),MF),(CMC(102),X),(CMC EQUIVALENCE 1(152)9Y)#(CMC(202)q4)9 (CMC(252) Bll BI) (CMC(3U2)9b22)1(CMC(352)' 2B33),(CMC(402),B12).(CMC(452),B23),(CMC(502),B13),(CMC(552)9SYM),( 3CMC(602)#NAME) EQUIVALENCE (CMDNF),(CMD(2),FORM),(CMD(642),F),(CMD(662),ASTER).( 1CMD(666),RHO),(CMD(667)HUQ),(CMD(668)9ARG)9(CMDV(700)9IAVt) DIyENSION CMA(50),CMB(507),CMC(651),CMD(700) 187 DIMENSION TITLE(12),NEW(5) DIMENSION S(50),MF(50),X(50),Y(50),Z(50),BI(50),B11(50)'B22(50)'83 13(50),B12(50),B23(50),B13(50),SYM(50),NAME(50) DIMENSION KSEL(504) DIMENSION FLP(4) READ INPUT TAPE 4,1,TITLE 1 FORMAT(12A6) READ INPUT TAPE 4,2,FLP(3),FLP(4),FLP(1),FLP(2) 2 FORMAT(4A6) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,3,TITLE 3 FORMAT(lHll2A6) READ INPUT TAPE 4,49MODEINVISANNPUNEWNUNSNFOURNCORKARDID 1,NFSQ 4 FORMAT(9Il,2I2,5II) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 295 5 FORMAT(3OHOSENSE CARD AS READ BY PROGRAM) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,6,MODEINVISAN.NPUNEWNUNSNFOURNCORKARD, 1IDtNFSQ 6 FORMAT(lHO9Il92I2,5Il) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,3PTITLE REWIND 10 7 IF(NEW(1))8,12,8 IF(NEW(2))9,12,9 8 9 IF(NEW(3))10,12,10 10 IF(NEW(4))11,12J11 11 IF(NEW(5))14,12,14 12 READ TAPE 10BNF#A#BCALPHA,8ETAGAMMA*SB0,MFXYZBllB22,B33,B ll2,B13,B23,SYMNAMENPARNVARKSEL 13 IF(NEW(1))14,16,14 14 READ INPUT TAPE 4,15,NF,A,B,C,ALPHABLTAGAMMA 15 FORMAT(I2#7X,6F9,4) 16 IF(NPU+KARD)17,18,17 CALL PILF1(FLP,4) 17 18 IF(NFSQ)181,180,181 8180 OBS=602646226260 B CAL=602623214360 GO TO 182 B181 OBS=462262545402 B CAL=232143545402 182 GO TO (19,21),INV 19 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,20,OBSCAL 20 FORMAT(18HO H K L A6,/H A6,5/H AUB5 1 ACAL OBS-CAL (OBS-CAL)/SIGMA) GO TO 23 21 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2922,OBSCAL 22 FORMAT(18HO H K L A6,7H A6983H AUBS 1 ACAL BOBS BCAL OBS-CAL (OBS-CAL)/SIGMA) 23 IF(NFOUR)24,25,24 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 9,1,TITLE 24 RETURN 25 END * LIT LAPEL 188 CREAD2 C 5 6 SUBROUTINE READ2 READ FORM FACTOR FACTOR TABLES COMMON CMA#CMB,CMCCMD EQUIVALENCE (CMATITLE) (CMA(13)tMODE)t(CMA(14),INV),(CMA(15)s ISAN 2)(CMA(25)tB)t(CMA(26)C)9(CMA(27),ALPHA),(CMA(28),BETA)(CMA(29), 3GAMMA),(CMA(30),NFOUR),(CMA(31),NCOR),(CMA(32),SUMDL) EQUIVALENCE (CMBtNPAR) EQUIVALENCE (CMC#S) EQUIVALENCE (CMDNF).(CMD(2),FORM)9(CMD(642),F),(CMD(662),ASTER),t( 1CMD(666)tRHO),(CMD(667),RHOSQ),(CMD(668),ARG),(CMD(700),ISAVE) DIMENSION CMA(50),CMB(507),CMC(651),CMD(700) DIMENSION FORM(32,20),F(20),ASTER(4)tARG(32) DO 6 J=lNF READ INPUT TAPE 4,5q(FORM(I#J),I=1,32) FORMAT(7F9.2,F8.2) CONTINUE RETURN END LIST LABEL * * C 1 2 3 4 5 SUBROUTINE READ3 SUBROUTINE FOR READING ATOM PARAMETERS COMMON CMACMBCMC EQUIVALENCE (CMATITLE),(CMA(13),MODE)t(CMA(14),INV),(CMA(15),ISAN 1),(CMA(16)tNPU),(CMA(17),NEW),(CMA(22),NU),(CMA(23),NS).(CMA(24),A 2)*(CMA(25)B) (CMA(26) C) (CMA(27)tALPHA) (CMA(28) BETA) (CMA(29), 3GAMMA),(CMA(30),NFOUR),(CMA(31),NCOR),(CMA(32),SUMDL),(CMA(33),KAR 4D)#(CMA(34)#ID) EQUIVALENCE (CMBtNPAR) (CMB(2) NVAR) (CMB(3) NCOUNT),(CMB(4),KSEL) (CMCS),(CMC(51),BO),(CMC(52),MF),(CMC(102),X),(CMC EQUIVALENCE 1(152)tY)#(CMC(202)tZ), (CMC(252) Bl1BI ) (CMC(302)tB22)t(CMC(352)' 2B33),(CMC(402),B12),(CMC(452),B23),(CMC(502)9B13),(CMC(552)'SYM)( 3CMC(602)#NAME) DIMENSION TITLE(12),NEW(5) DIMENSION $(50),MF(50),X(50)tY(50)9,(50),BI(50)9811(50)9B22(50)983 13(50) B12(50)9B23(50) B13(50),SYM(50),NAME(50) DIMENSION KSEL(504) DIMENSION CMA(50),CMB(507),CMC(651) IF(NEW(3))2.9,2 DO 4 I=lNS READ INPUT TAPE 4,3*S(I) FORMAT(F9.4) CONTINUE READ INPUT TAPE 4t5,BO FORMAT(F9.4) READ INPUT TAPE 4,6,(MF(I),X(I) Y(I),Z(I),Bll(I),B22(I),B33(I),B12 1(I)ipB13(I)tB23(I),I=leNU) 6 7 8 FORMAT(I2,5X,9F7.4) READ INPUT TAPE 4,7,(SYM(I)tI=1=NU) FORMAT(12F6.4) READ INPUT TAPE 4,8v(NAME(I)*I=l#NU) FOFMAT(12A6) 189 9 10 11 12 13 14 * * LIST LABEL C 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 12 13 20 21 22 23 24 30 31 C 32 33 34 C IF(NEW(4))10,14,10 READ INPUT TAPE 4,11.NPARtNVAR FORMAT(I3,3XI3) READ INPUT TAPE 4,13,(KSEL(J),J=1,NPAR) FORMAT (7211) RETURN END SUBROUTINE LOOKUP TABLE LOOK-UP FOR FORM FACTORS COMMON CMAoCMB.CMCPCMD EQUIVALENCE (CMAtTITLE) EQUIVALENCE (CMBtNPAR) EQUIVALENCE (CMCS) EQUIVALENCE (CMDNF),(CMD(2),FORM),(CMD(642),F),(CMD(662),ASTER),( 1CMD(666),RHO),(CMD(667),RHOSQ),(CMD(668),ARG),(CMD(700),ISAVE) DIMENSION FORM(32,20),F(20),ASTER(4),ARG(32) DIMENSION CMA(50),CMB(507),CMC(651),CMD(700) FREQUENCY 1(OO1)'2(0,0,1),4(1,O,1),6(1,O,10),8(5),12(5),21(10,O0 11)22(5)t30(5)p37(5) IF(RHO)32,30,2 IF(1.55-RHO)35,37,3 I=ISAVE IF(RHO-ARG(I))20,12,5 I=1-i IF(RHO-ARG(I))8,12,5 DO 10 J=1,NF F(J)=(FORM(I+1,J)-FORM(IJ))*(ARG(I)-RHO)/.05+FORM(I.J) CONTINUE ISAVE=I RETURN DO 13 J=1,NF F(J)=FORM(ItJ) CONTINUE ISAVE=I RETURN 1=1+1 IF(RHO-ARG(I))20,12,22 DO 23 J=1,NF F(J)=(FORM(IJ)-FORM(I-1,J))*(ARG(I-1)-RHO)/.05+FORM(I-1,J) CONTINUE ISAVE=I RETURN DO 31 J=1,NF F(J)=UKM(32 ,J) CONTINUE RETURN NEGATIVE RHO WRITE OUTPUT TAPL 2933 FORMAT(3OHONEGATIVE RHO - RUN TERMINATED) CALL ExIT RH0 GREATER THAN 1.55 190 35 36 37 38 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2.36 FORMAT(39HORHO GREATER THAN 1.55 CALL EXIT DO 38 J=1NF F(J)=FORM(1,J) CONTINUE RETURN END - RUN TERMINATED) LIST LABEL SYMBOL TABLE * * * C 100 200 201 202 203 SUBROUTINE SPGRP GENERAL SPACE GROUP ROUTINE COMMON CMAtCMBCMCPCMDoCME EQUIVALENCE (CMA.TITLE),(CMA(13),MODE),(CMA(14),INV)#(CMA(15),ISAN 1),(CMA(16),NPU).(CMA(17) NEW),(CMA(22),NU) (CMA(23),NS),(CMA(24),A 2)t(CMA(25),B),{CMA(26),C),(CMA(27),ALPHA),(CMA(28)9BETA)9(CMA(29)9 3GAMMA),(CMA(30),NFOUR),(CMA(31),NCOR),(CMA(32),SUMDL),(CMA(33),KAR 4D),(CMA(34),ID) EQUIVALENCE (CMBNPAR).(CMB(2) NVAR),(CMB(3),NCOUNT),(CMB(4),KSEL) (CMC.S),(CMC(51),BO),(CMC(52),MF).(CMC(102) X),(CMC EQUIVALENCE 1(152)#Y)#(CMC(202),Z), (CMC(252)B.11,BI),(CMC(302) B22),(CMC(352)' 2B33),(CMC(402),B12)*(CMC(452),B23),(CMC(502)9B13),(CMC(552)9SYM)*( 3CMC(602),NAME) EQUIVALENCE (CMDNF),(CMD(2),FORM),(CMD(642)9F),(CMD(662),ASTER),( 1CMD(666),RHO),(CMD(667),RHOSQ),(CMD(668),ARG),(CMD(700),ISAVE) EQUIVALENCE (CMEFOBS),(CME(2),FCAL),(CME(3)9AOBS),(CME(4)9ACAL),( 1CME(5),BOBS),(CME(6),BCAL)(CME(7)DELTA),(CME(8),SIGMA)9(CME(9),E 2XT1),(CME(10),EXT2),(CME(11),SQRTW)9(CME(12)9MS1),(CME(13),MREJ),( 3CME(14),MH),(CME(15),MK),(CME(16),ML),(CME(17),TH)9(CME(18),TK),(C 4ME(19) TL) (CME(20),DA),(CME(220),DB) DIMENSION TITLE(12),NEW(5) DIMENSION FORM(32,20),F(20),ASTER(4),ARG(32) DIMENSION S(50)#MF(50),X(50),Y(50)#Z(50)tBI(50),B11(50)9B22(50),B3 13(50) B12(50) B23(50) B13(50) SYM(50),NAME(50) DIMENSION KSEL(504) DIMENSION DA(200),DB(200) DIMENSION CMA(50),CMB(507),CMC(651)9CMD(700)9CME(419) INV=INV ISANISAN MODE=MODE ACAL=0.0 BCAL=O.0 K=1 L=NS+2 TPI=6*2831854 DO 700 I=1NU JJ=MF(I) SMCP=0.0 SMSP=o.0 GO TO(300,203),MODE CPH=O0 CP6=0.0 191 204 205 C 300 C C 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 400 401 402 403 404 405 CPL=O.0 SPH=0.0 SPK=0.0 SPL=0.0 GO TO(300#205,205),ISAN CPHH=0.0 CPKK=0.0 CPLL=0.0 CPHK=0.0 CPHL=0.0 CPKL=O.O SPHH=0.0 SPKK=0.0 SPLL=O.0 SPHK=0.0 SPHL=O.0 SPKL=0.0 LOOP FOR EACH ATOM IN ASYMMETRIC UNIT DO 414 J=1,6 INDEX TRANSFORMATION SECTION SPACE GROUP R 3BAR C GO TO(302,303,304,305,3069307),J RH=TH RK=TK RL=TL T=0.0 GO TO 400 RH=TK RK=-(TH+TK) GO TO 400 RH=-(TH+TK) RK=TH GO TO 400 RH=TK RK=TH RL=-TL T=TL/2.0 GO TO 400 RH=-(TH+TK) RK=TK GO TO 400 RH=TH RK=-(TH+TK) PHI=TPI*(RH*X(I)+RK*Y(I)+RL*Z(I)+T) GO TO(402#407.9407),ISAN CP=COSF(PHI) SP=SINF(PHI) EQUIVALENCE (CPHSPH),(CPK,SPK),(CPLSPL),(SMCPsMSP) EQUIVALENCE(CPHHSPHH),(SPKKSPKK),(CPLLSPLL),(CPHKSPHK) EQUIVALENCE(CPHL.SPHL),(CPKLSPKL) GO TO (413,404),MODE SPH=SPH+SP*RH SPK=SPK+SP*RK SPL=SPL+SP*RL GOTO (413,406),INV 192 406 CPH=CPH+CP*RH CPK=CPK+CP*RK CPL=CPL+CP*RL GO TO 413 407 GO TO(407094071),I 4070 RHH=RH**2 RKK=RK**2+RH*RK RLL=RL**2 RHK=0.0 RHL=0.0 RKL=2*0*RK*RL+RH*RL GO TO 408 4071 RHH=RH**2+RK**2+RH*RK RKK=0.0 RLL=RL**2 RHK=0.0 RHL=0.O RKL=0.0 408 E=EXPF(-(RHH*B11(I)+RKK*B22(I)+RLL*B33(I)+RHK*B12(I)+RHL*B13(I)+RK 1L*B23(I))) CP=COSF(PHI)*E SP=SINF(PHI)*E 409 GO TO(413,410),MODE 410 SPH=SPH+SP*RH SPK=SPK+SP*RK SPL=SPL+SP*RL CPHH=CPHH+CP*RHH CPKK=CPKK+CP*RKK CPLL=CPLL+CP*RLL CPHK=CPHK+CP*RHK CPHL=CPHL+CP*RHL CPKL=CPKL+CP*RKL 411 GO TO (413#412)tINV 412 CPH=CPH+CP*RH CPK=CPK+CP*RK CPL=CPL+CP*RL SPHH=SPHH+SP*RHH SPKK=SPKK+SP*RKK SPLL=SPLL+SP*RLL SPHK=SPHK+SP*RHK SPHL=SPHL+SP*RHL SPKL=bPKL+5P*RKL 413 SMCP=SMCP+CP SMSP=SMSP+SP 414 CONTINUE 500 GO TO(50195029502)#ISAN 501 TMP=EXPF(-BI(I)*RHOSQ)*SYM(I) GO TO 503 502 TMP=SYM(I) 503 GO TO(5049505)oI 504 TMPA=(F(JJ)-ll)*TMP TMPB=3.4*TMP GO TO 506 TMPA=F(JJ)*TMP 505 TMFB=0.0 193 506 507 508 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 AR=TMPA*SMCP AI=TMPB*SMCP ACAL=ACAL+AR BCAL=BCAL+AI GO TO(700,600),MODE TA=TPI*TMPA TB=TPI*TMPB RA=-RHOSQ*TMPA RB=-RHOSQ*TMPB IF(NVAR-K)700,601,601 IF(KSEL(L))602,606,602 DA(K)=AR/SYM(I) GO TO(605,604),INV DB(K)=BR/SYM(I) K=K+1 L=L+1 IF(KSEL(L))607,610,607 DA(K)=-TA*SPH GO TO(609,608),INV DB(K)=TB*CPH K=K+1 L=L+1 IF(KSEL(L))611,615,611 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 DA(K)=-TA*SPK GO TO(614,613),INV D8(K)=TB*CPK K=K+1 L=L+1 IF(KSEL(L))616,620#616 DA(K)=-TA*SPL GO TO(619,618),INV DB(K)=TB*CPL K=K+1 L=L+1 GO TO(622,628,628)oISAN IF(KSEL(L))623,627,623 DA(K)=RA*SMCP GO TO(626,625),INV DB(K)=RB*SMSP K=K+1 L=L+1 GO TO 700 IF(KSEL(L))629,633,629 DA(K)=-TMPA*CPHH GO TO(632,631),INV D8(K)=-TMPB*SPHH K=K+1 L=L+1 IF(KSEL(L))634,638,634 DA(K)=-TMPA*CPKK GO TO(637,636),INV DB(K)=-IMPB*SPKK K=K+1 L=L+l IF,(KSEL(L) )639,643,639 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 700 * * C DA(K)=-TMPA*CPLL GO TO(642,641),INV DB(K)=-TMPB*SPLL K=K+1 L=L+1 IF(KSEL (L) )644,648,644 DA(K)=-TMPA*CPHK GO TO(647,646)#INV DB(K)=-TMPB*SPHK K=K+1 L=L+1 IF(KSEL(L))649,653,649 DA(K)=-TMPA*CPHL GO TO(652o651)*INV DB(K)=-TMPB*SPHL K=K+1 L=L+1 IF(KSEL(L))654,658,654 DA(K)=-TMPA*CPKL GO TO(657,656),INV DB(K)=-TMPB*SPKL K=K+1 L=L+1 CONTINUE RETURN END LIST LABEL SUBROUTINE SPGRP SPACE GROUP Pl BAR WITH DISPERSION CORRECTION FOR 2 CA. COMMON CMA#CMBCMCCMDCME EQUIVALENCE (CMA.TITLE),(CMA(13),MODE) (CMA(14)'INV),(CMA(15) ISAN 1),(CMA(16),NPU),(CMA(17),NEW),(CMA(22),NU),(CMA(23.),NS),(CMA(24),A 2),(CMA(25),B),(CMA(26),C),(CMA(27),ALPHA),(CMA(28),BETA),(CMA(29), 3GAMMA),(CMA(30),NFOUR),(CMA(31)9NCOR),(CMA(32),SUMDL),(CMA(33),KAR 4D)9(CMA(34),ID) EQUIVALENCE (CMBNPAR),(CMB(2),NVAR),(CMB(3),NCOUNT),(CMB(4),KSEL) (CMC,5),(CMC(51),BO),(CMC(52)OMF),(CMCIlU2),X)9(CMC EQUIVALENCE 1(152)#Y),(CMC(202),Z), (CMC(252),B11BI).(CMC(302),B22),(CMC(352), 2B33),(CMC(402),B12),(CMC(452),B23)#(CMC(502),013),(CMC(552),5YM),( 3CMC(602)tNAME) EQUIVALENCE (CMD'NF),(CMD(2),FORM),(CMD(642),F),(CMD(662),AbJER),( 1CMD(666),RHO),(CMD(667),RHOSQ),(CMD(668),ARG) (CMD(700),ISAVE) EQUIVALENCE (CMEFOBS),(CME(2),FCAL),(CME(3),AOBS),(CME(4),ACAL),( 1CME(5),BOBS),(CME(6),BCAL),(CME(7),DELTA),(CME(8),SIGMA).(CME(9),E 2XT1),(CME(10),EXT2),(CME(11),SQRTW),(CME(12),M51),(CME(13)9MREJ),( 3CME(14),MH),(CME(15),MK),(CME(16),ML),(CME(17),TH),(CME(18)9TK),(C 4ME(19),TL),(CME(20)tDA),(CME(220) DB) DIMENSION TITLE(12),NEW(5) DIMENSION FORM(32,20),F(20),A5TER(4),ARG(32) DIMENSION S(50) MF(50),X(50),Y(50),Z(50),BI(50)'811(50),B22(50),B3 13(50),B12(50),B23(50),B13(50),SYM(5U),NAME(50) DIOENSION KSEL(504) 195 1 DIMENSION DA(200),DB(200) DIMENSION CMA(50),CMB(507),CMC(651),CMD(700),CME(419) ACAL=0.0 BCAL=0.0 IP=l ISAN=ISAN MODE=MODE L=NS+2 K=1 C2=6*2831854 DO 27 I=1,NU J=MF(I) GO TO(101,102*102)tISAN TMP=EXPF(-BI(I)*RHOSQ)*SYM(I)*2.0 100 101 1010 IF(IP-2)1011,1011,1012 1011 Cl=(F(J)+0.2)*TMP D1=1.4*TMP GO TO 103 1012 C1=F(J)*TMP D1=0.0 GO TO 103 THS=TH*TH 102 TKS=TK*TK TLS=TL*TL THKS=TH*TK TKLS=TK*TL THLS=TH*TL TMP=EXPF(-(THS*Bll(I)+TKS*822(I)+TLS*B33(I)+2.0*(THKS*B12(I)+THLS* 1B13(I)+TKLS*B23(I))))*SYM(I)*2.0 GO TO 1010 103 C3=C2*(TH*X(I)+TK*Y(I)+TL*Z(I)) C4=COSF (C3) C5=SINF(C3) AR=Cl*C4 AJ=D1*C4 ACAL=ACAL+AR BCAL=BCAL+AJ GO TO(26,200),MODE 200 IF(NVAR-K)26,201,201 IF(KSEL(L))202,203,202 201 DA(K)=AR/SYM(I) 202 DB(K)=AJ/SYM(I) K=K+1 203 L=L+1 IF(KSEL(L))3,4,3 DT=-C2*TH*C5 3 DA(K)=DT*Cl DB(K)=DT*D1 K=K+1 4 L=L+1 IF(KSEL(L) )5,6,5 DT=-C2*TK*C5 5 DA(K)=DT*Cl DB( K)=DT*D1 K=6+1 196 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 L=L+1 IF(KSEL(L))7,8,7 DT=-C2*TL*C5 DA(K)=DT*C1 DB(K)=DT*D1 K=K+1 L=L+1 GO TO(10.13913)tISAN IF(KSEL(L))11,12.11 DT=-RHOSQ*C4 DA( K) =DT*C1 DB( K)=DT*D1 K=K+1 L=L+1 GO TO 26 IF(KSEL(L))14915.14 DT=-THS*C4 DA(K)=Cl*DT DB(K)=D1*DT K=K+1 L=L+1 IF(KSEL(L))16.17o16 16 17 DT=-TKS*C4 DA(K)=Cl*DT DB(K)=D1*DT K=K+1 L=L+1 IF(KSEL(L))18919918 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 DT=-TLS*C4 DA(K)=Cl*DT DB( K)=D1*DT K=K+1 L=L+1 IF(KSEL(L))20921#20 DT=-THKS*C4 DA (K) =Cl*DT DB(K)=D1*DT K=K+1 L=L+1 IF(KSEL(L))22,23.22 DT=-THLS*C4 DA(K)=Cl*DI DB( K) =D1*DT K=K+1 L=L+1 IF(KSEL(L) )24,25924 DT=-TKLS*C4 DA( K)=Cl*DT DB(K)=D1*DT K=K+1 L=L+1 IP=IP+1 CONTINUE RETURN ENP 197 LIST LABEL * * C C 1 2 5 6 * * SUBROUTINE WEIGHT STORE STANDARD ULVIATION IN LOCATION SIGMA IF DIFFERENT THAN ON DATA CARD. MAIN PROGRAM COMPUTES SQRT WEIGHT=l/SIGMA. COMMON CMA#CMBCMC#CMDtCME EQUIVALENCE (CMATITLE) EQUIVALENCE (CMBPNPAR) EQUIVALENCE (CMCS) EQUIVALENCE (CMDNF),(CMD(2),FORM),(CMD(642),F),(CMD(662),ASTER),( 1CMD(666),RHO),(CMD(667),RHOSQ),(CMD(668),ARG),(CMD(700),ISAVE) EQUIVALENCE (CMEFOBS),(CME(2),FCAL),(CME(3),AOBS),(CME(4),ACAL),( 1CME(5),BOBS),(CME(6),BCAL),(CME(7).DELTA),(CME(8),SIGMA),(CME(9),E 2XTl),(CME(10),EXT2),(CME(11),SQRTW),(CME(12),MS1),(CME(13),MREJ),( 3CME(14),MH),(CME(15),MK),(CME(16),ML),(CME(17),TH),(CME(18),TK),(C 4ME(19),lL),(CME(20),DA),(CME(220),LDb) DIMENSION CMA(50),CMB(507),CMC(651),CMD(700),CME(419) FREQUENCY 1(01,10)p2(2,0,1) IF(FOBS)2,5,2 SIGMA=SQRTF(3.02+FOBS+.0193*FOBS**2) GO TO 6 SIGMA=0.0 RETURN END LIST LABEL SUBROUTINE REJECT REJECTION TEST FOR REFLECTION DATA. REJECT IF MREJ=O. COMMON CMACMBCMCCMDCMECMF EQUIVALENCE (CMATITLE) EQUIVALENCE (CMBqNPAR) EQUIVALENCE (CMCS) EQUIVALENCE (CMDoNF) EQUIVALENCE (CMEFOBS),(CME(2),FCAL),(CME(3),AOBS),(CME(4),ACAL),( 1CME(5),BOBS),(CME(6),BCAL),(CME(7),DELTA),(CME(8),SIGMA),(CME(9),E 2XTl),(CME(10),EXT2),(CME(11),SQRTW),(CME(12)9MS1)9(CME(13),MREJ),( C 3CME(14),MH),(CME(15),MK),(CME(16),ML),(CME(17),TH),(CME(18),TK),(C 10 1 2 3 4 5 4ME(19),TL),(CME(20),DA),(CME(220),Db) EQUIVALENCE (CMFSFC),(CMF(2),SMSFC),(CMF(3),SQDL),(CMF(4),DELTAl) 1,(CMF(5),SUMFO1),(CMF(6),WDL1),(CMF(7),WFO1),(CMF(8),DELTA2),(CMF( 29),SUMF02),(CMF(10),WDL2),(CMF(11),WF02) DIMENSION CMA(50),CMB(507),CMC(651),CMD(700),CME(419),CMF(50) IF(FOBS)1,4,1 IF(.333*FOBS-ABSF(SFC))2,4,4 IF(((ABSF(FOBS-ABSF(SFC)))/FOBS)-.20)3,4,4 MREJ=1 GO TO 5 MREJ=O RETURN END 198 * * LIST LABEL SUBROUTINE STAT ACCUMULATION OF STATISTICAL DATA COMMON CMAtCMBCMCCMDCMEgCMF EQUIVALENCE (CMATITLE),(CMA(13),MODE),(CMA(14),INV),(CMA(15),ISAN 1),(CMA(16),NPU),(CMA(17),NEW),(CMA(22),NU),(CMA(23),NS),(CMA(24),A 2),(CMA(25),B),(CMA(26),C),(CMA(27),ALPHA),(CMA(28),BETA),(CMA(29), 3GAMMA),(CMA(30),NFOUR),(CMA(31),NCOR),(CMA(32),SUMDL) EQUIVALENCE (CMBNPAR) EQUIVALENCE (CMCS) EQUIVALENCE (CMDNF) EQUIVALENCE (CMEFOBS),(CME(2),FCAL),(CME(3),AOBS),(CME(4),ACAL),( 1CME(5),BOBS),(CME(6),BCAL),(CME(7),DELTA),(CME(8),SIGMA),(CME(9),E 2XT1),(CME(10),EXT2),(CME(11),SQRTW),(CME(12),MS1),(CME(13),MREJ),( C 3CME(14),MH),(CME-(15),MK),(CME(16),ML),(CMIE(17),TH),(CME(18),TK),(C 1 10 11 12 13 3 4 5 * * C 4ME(19),TL),(CME(20),DA) (CME(220),DB) EQUIVALENCE (CMFSFC)(CMF(2),SMSFC),(CMF(3),SQDL),(CMF(4),DELTA1) 1,(CMF(5),SUMFO1),(CMF(6),WDL1),(CMF(7),WFO1),(CMF(8),DELTA2),(CMF( 29),SUMF02),(CMF(10),WDL2),(CMF(11)#WF02) DIMENSION CMA(50),CMB(507),CMC(651),CMD(700),CME(419),CMF(50) SMSFC=SMSFC+ABSF(SFC) INV=INV GO TO(1112),INV DELTA=SIGNF(FOBSACAL)-SIGNF(SFCACAL) GO TO 13 DELTA=FOBS-SFC SQDL=(SQRTW*DELTA)**2 SQFO=(SQRTW*FOBS)**2 DELTA1=DELTA1+ABSF(DELTA) SUMFQ1=SUMFO1+ABSF(FOBS) WDLl=WDL1+SQDL WFO1=WFO1+SQFO IF(FOBS)4,5,4 DELTA2=DELTA2+ABSF(DELTA) SUMF02=SUMF02+ABSF(FOBS) WDL2=WDL2+SQDL WF02=WF02+SQFO RETURN END LIST LABEL SUBROUTINE PRSF SUBROUTINE FOR PRINTING STRUCTURE FACTORS COMMON CMACMBCMC*CMDgCMEsCMF EQUI.VALENCE (CMATITLE),(CMA(13),MODE),(CMA(14),INV),(CMA(15),ISAN 1),(CMA(16),NPU),(CMA(17),NEW),(CMA(22),NU),(CMA(23)9NS)9(CMA(24),A 2),(CMA(25),B),(CMA(26),C),(CMA(27),ALPHA),(CMA(28),BETA),(CMA(29), 3GAMMA),(CMA(30),NFOUR),(CMA(31),NCOR),(CMA(32),SUMDL) EQUIVALENCE (CMBNPAR) EQPIVALENCE (CMCS) 199 EQUIVALENCE (CMDNF),(CMD(2),FORM),(CMD(642),F),(CMD(662),ASTER),( 1CMD(666),RHO),(CMD(667),RHOSQ),(CMD(668),ARG),(CMD(700),ISAVE) EQUIVALENCE (CMEFOBS),(CME(2),FCAL),(CME(3)'AOBS),(CME(4),ACAL),( ICME(5),BOBS),(CME(6),BCAL),(CME(7),DELTA),(CME(8),SIGMA),(CME(9),E 2XT1),(CME(10),EXT2),(CME(11),SQRTW),(CME(12),MS1),(CME(13),MREJ),( 3CME(14),MH),(CME(15),MK),(CME(16),ML),(CME(17),TH),(CME(18),TK)9(C 4ME(19),TL),(CME(20),DA),(CME(220),DB) EQUIVALENCE (CMFSFC),(CMF(2),SMSFC),(CMF(3),SQDL),(CMF(4),DELTA1) 1,(CMF(5),SUMFO1),(CMF(6),WDL1),(CMF(7),WFO1),(CMF(8),DELTA2),(CMF( 1 18 19 29),SUMF02),(CMF(10),WDL2),(CMF(11),WF02) DIMENSION TITLE(12),NEW(5) DIMENSION CMA(50),CMB(507),CMC(651),CMD(700),CME(419),CMF(50) DIMENSION FORM(32,20),F(20),ASTER(4),ARG(32) DIMENSION S(50) FREQUENCY 21(10,1,10),22(1,1,5)925(1,1,5) INV=INV MSl=MS1 GO TO(18,19),INV AOBS=FOBS/S(MS1) FOSC=AOBS AOBS=SIGNF(AOBSACAL) GO TO 20 C1=FOBS/SFC FOSC=FOBS/S(MS1) A0BS=Cl*ACAL 20 21 22 25 31 32 33 34 5 51 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 61 62 63 64 65 BOBS=Cl*BCAL DS=DELTA/SIGMA IF DIVIDE CHECK 21,21 IF(MREJ)25,22,25 IF(2.0-ABSF(DS))31,31,32 IF(2.0-ABSF(DS))33,33,34 I=1 GO TO 5 I=2 GO TO 5 1=3 GO TO 5 I=4 GO TO(51,61),INV WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,6,MHMKMLFOB5,5FCAOBSACALDELTAD5,ASTER(I 1) FORMAT(3I4,93X,4(F9.2,4X),F9.2,3X.F9.2.A6) IF(NPU)8,10,8 PUNCH 9,MHMKMLAOBSACALFOSCASTER(I) FORMAT(3I4,12X,2F8.2,16XF8.2,8XA6) IF(NFOUR)11,13911 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 9,12,MHMKMLAOBSACALFOSC FORMAT(314,12X,268.2,16Xd8.2,A) RETURN WRITE OUIPUT TAPE 2,62,MHgMKML#FOB5,5FCAOB5,ACALBOBbBCALDELIA 1,DStASTER(I) FORMAl(314,3X,6( 9.2,4X),F9@2,3A,69.2,A6) IF(NPU)64,66,64 bAltKil) PUNCH 65,MHMKMLAUB5,ACALb,00bBCALgb FORMAT(3I4,12X,5F8.2,8XA6) 200 66 67 68 69 * IF(NFOUR)67,69,67 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 9,68,MHMKMLAOBSACALBOBS.BCALFOSC FORMAT (314,12X95F8.2,8X) GO TO 13 END FAP COUNT REM ENTRY ENTRY CLA SET STA CLA ADD STA STA STA CLA STA CLA STD STD TRA STMAT SXD $XD SXD CLA TA SUB PDX LXD PXD AA PDX REM LDQ BA FMP FAD STO TXI TXI IXL EB8 REM LDQ FMP FAD STO TXI TXL BC LXD LXD LXD TRA PZE ONE BgS SA 50 ROUTINE FOR STORING NORMAL EQUATION MATRIX SET STMAT STORE ADDRESSES FOR ARGUMENTS 194 TA 2,4 =1 BA BA+1 BB+1 3,4 BB+2 NVAR BB BC 4,4 SA,1 SA+1,2 SA+2,4 N ONE 0,4 ONE,1 0,1 0,2 LOOP TO FORM AND STORE MATRIX ELEMENTS DF+1 0,1 DF+1 0,2 AR,4 AR,4 *+1,2,1 *+1#49-1 BA92 LOOP TO FORM AND STORE VECTOR ELEMENTS DF+1 0,1 WDEL V+1,1 V+1,1 *+1,1,1 AA91 SA,1 SA+1,2 SA+2,4 1,4 0,0,1 3 201 NVAR AR V * * COMMON COMMON COMMON COMMON END 51 2326 14969 1 FOR SFLSQ3 AND CHLNK3 LIST LABEL C 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 SUBROUTINE PRST PRINT STATISTICAL RESULTS COMMON CMA#CMBCMCCMDCME*CMF EQUIVALENCE (CMATITLE),(CMA(32),SUMDL) EQUIVALENCE (CMBNPAR),(CMB(2),NVAR),(CMB(3),NCOUNT),(CMB(4),KSEL) EQUIVALENCE (CMC5) EQUIVALENCE (CMDNF) EQUIVALENCE (CME*FOBS) EQUIVALENCE (CMFSFC).(CMF(2) SMSFC) (CMF(3),SQDL),(CMF(4)tDELTA1) 1,(CMF(5) SUMFO1) (CMF(6),WDL1) '(CMF(7),WFO1),(CMF(8) DELTA2) (CMF( 29),SUMF02)t(CMF(10) WDL2) (CMF(ll),WF02) DIMENSION CMA(50),CMB(507),CMC(651),CMD(700),CME(419),CMF(50) DIMENSION TITLE(12) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,31,TITLE FORMAT(lH112A6) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2933 FORMAT(79HODISCREPANCY FACTORS BASED ON INPUT PARAMETERS. NUMERAT lOR DENOMINATOR R) R1=DELTA1/SUMFOl WDL1=SQRTF(WDLl) WFO1=SQRTF(WFOl) WR1=WDL1/WFO1 R2=DELTA2/SUMFO2 WDL2=SQRTF(WDL2) WF02=SQRTF(WF02) WR2=WDL2/WFO2 RSUMDL=SQRTF(SUMDL) TEST=RSUMDL/SQRTF(FLOATF(NCOUNT-NVAR)) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2*349DELTAleSUMFOlR1 FORMAT(48HOR FACTOR INCLUDING ZEROS F10.3t3H 1 F10.3v5H F5.3) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,35,DELTA2,SUMFO2,R2 FORMAT(48HOR FACTOR OMITTING ZEROS F10.393H 1 F10.395H F5.3) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,36#WDL1WFOlWR1 FORMAT(48HOWEIGHTED R FACTOR INCLUDING ZEROS F10.393H 1 F10.3#5H F5.3) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2937*WDL2#WF02#WR2 FORMAT(48HOWEIGHTED R FACTOR OMITTING ZEROS F1O.393H 1 F10.3,5H F5.3) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2938*RSUMDLPNCOUNTtNVARgTEST FORMAT(48HOSQUARE ROOT (SUM W(OBS-CALC)**2/(M-N)) F10.3#6H 1 SQRT(1491H-I3,3H) F6.3) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,39,SMSFC FORMAT(48HOSUM FCAL F10.3) RETURN 202 END LIST LABEL * * CCHLNK3 SUBROUTINE CHAIN(KXXKZZ) COMMON CMAtCMBCMCVDIAG#EPS EQUIVALENCE (CMATITLE),(CMA(13),MODE),(CMA(14),INV),(CMA(15),ISAN 1),(CMA(16) NPU),(CMA(17),NEW),(CMA(22),NU),(CMA(23)tNS),(CMA(24),A 2),(CMA(25),B),(CMA(26),C),(CMA(27),ALPHA),(CMA(28),BETA),(CMA(29), 3GAMMA),(CMA(30),NFOUR),(CMA(31),NCOR),(CMA(32),SUMDL),(CMA(33),KAR 4D),(CMA(34),ID) EQUIVALENCE (CMB.NPAR),(CMB(2).NVAR),(CMB(3),NCOUNT),(CMB(4),KSEL) EQUIVALENCE (CMC'S),(CMC(51),BO),(CMC(52),MF),(CMC(102),X),(CMC 1(152),Y)*(CMC(202),Z), (CMC(252),BllBI),(CMC(302),B22),(CMC(352), 2B33),(CMC(402),B12),(CMC(452),B23),(CMC(502),B13),(CMC(552),SYM),( 3CMC(602),NAME) EQUIVALENCE (CMC(652),SN)'(CMC(702),BON),(CMC(703),XN),(CMC(753),Y 1N),(CMC(803),ZN),(CMC(853),BINBilN),(CMC(903),B22N),(CMC(953),B33 2N),(CMC(1003),B12N),(CMC(1053),B23N),(CMC(1103),B13N),(CMC(1153),S 3YMN),(CMC(1203),CHG),(CMC(1403),STD) EQUIVALENCE (CMC(652)#NFA),(CMC(1821)'AR) DIMENSION CMA(50),CMB(507),CMC(2403) DIMENSION AR(14969)*V(200),DIAG(200) DIMENSION TITLE(12),NEW(5) DIMENSION S(50),MF(50),X(50).Y(50),Z(50),BI(50),B11(50),B22(50),83 13(50)812(50),B23(50),B13(50).SYM(50),NAME(50) DIMENSION SN(50),XN(50),YN(50),ZN(50),BIN(50),BllN(50),822N(50),B3 13N(50) 812N(50),B23N(50),B13N(50) DIMENSION SYMN(50) DIMENSION CHG(200),STD(200),EPS(200) DIMENSION KSEL(504) DIMENSION ART(20) DIMENSION F(20) ISAN=ISAN 1 NF=NFA ISING=O 2 N=((NVAR+1)*NVAR)/2 NM=N 400 DO 406 I=1,NVAR 401 DU 402 403 404 405 406 IF(J-I)4049403,404 IF(AR(N))404,56,404 N=N-1 CONTINUE CONTINUE 5 CALL 5MIl(AK(NM),NVAKelaiNU) C 6 7 40! J=leNVAR IF ISING = 0, MATRIX IS NON-SINGULAR IF(ISING)52,6t52 DO 12 I=1,NVAR EP=0.0 IJ=NM-I+1 IJD=NVAR-1 DO 11 J=1,NVAR 203 EP=EP+AR(IJ)*V(J) IF(J-I)8,9,10 8 IJ=IJ-IJD IJD=IJD-1 GO TO 11 DIAG(I)=SQRTF(AR(IJ)) 9 10 IJ=IJ-1 11 CONTINUE EPS(I)=EP 12 CONTINUE 1200 IF(NCOR)120,136,120 120 N=NM FREQUENCY 121(50)9122(25) 121 DO 124 I=1,NVAR 122 DO 123 J=INVAR AR(N)=AR(N)/(DIAG(I)*DIAG(J)) N=N-1 123 CONTINUE 124 CONTINUE Il=1 12=20 NV=NM+1 125 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,126,TITLE 126 FORMAT(lHll2A6) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 29127 127 FORMAT(31HOPRINTOUT OF CORRELATION MATRIX) 128 DO 135 K=1,25 129 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,130#Il 130 FORMAT(lH 15) IT=1 FREQUENCY 1310(50) 1310 DO 1315 I=11,12 MT=NV-I FREQUENCY 1311(0,0,1) 1311 IF(MT)1312,1312,1313 1312 ART(IT)=0.0 GO TO 1314 1313 ART(IT)=AR(MT) 1314 IT=IT+1 1315 CONTINUE 1316 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,132,(ART(IT),IT=1,20) 132 FORMAT lH F5.2,19F6.2) 133 IF(NM-I2)136,136,134 134 I112+1 12=11+19 135 CONTINUE GO TO 125 136 SUMCH=0.0 DO 13 I=1,NVAR SUMCH=SUMCH+EPS(I)*V(I) 13 CONTINUE FIl=SRIlF(UMDL-bUMH) ERFIT=FIT/SQRTF(FLOATF(NCOUNT-NVAR)) J=1 14 DO 17 I=1,NPAR 204 22 220 IF(KSEL(I))15,16,15 CHG(I)=EPS(J) STD(I)=DIAG(J)*ERFIT J=J+1 GO TO 17 CHG(I)=0.O STD(I)=0.0 CONTINUE DO 18 J=1NS SN(J)=S(J)+CHG(J) CONTINUE J=NS+1 BON=BO+CHG(J) J=J+1 DO 22 I=lNU SYMN(I)=SYM(I)+CHG(J) J=J+1 XN(I)=X(I)+CHG(J) J=J+1 YN(I)=Y(I)+CHG(J) J=J+1 ZN(I)=Z(I)+CHG(J) J=J+1 GO TO (20,21,21),ISAN BIN(I)=BI(I)+CHG(J) J=J+1 GO TO 22 B11N(I)=Bil(I)+CHG(J) J=J+1 B22N(I)=B22(I)+CHG(J) J=J+1 B33N(I)=B33(I)+CHG(J) J=J+1 B12N(I)=B12(I)+CHG(J) J=J+1 B13N(I)=B13(I)+CHG(J) J=J+1 B23N(I)=B23(I)+CHG(J) J=J+1 CONTINUE WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,126,TITLE 23 24 WRITE UUIPUF IAPE 2'24 FORMAT(79HOESTIMATE OF 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 WRITE OUIPUF 29 NUMERAT lOR DENOMINATOR R) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,25,FITNCOUNTNVARERFIT FORMAT(50HOSQUARE ROOT (SUM W(OBS-CALC)**2/(M-N)) 1H SQRT(14,1H-I3#3H) F6.3) WRITE OUTPUT IAPE 2v26 FORMAT(28HOBASED ON OUTPUT PARAMETERS.) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2v27 OLD CHANGE FORMAT(57HOPARAMETER 1R) DO 30 J=1,NS 1APE F9.3,6 NEW ERRO 2,29,J ,(J),CHG(J),5N(J),tlD(J) FORMAT(14HOSCALE FACTOR I2,F9.4,3H F8.4v2H F8.4,4H F7.4) 205 30 31 32 33 34 340 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 470 471 472 473 474 CONTINUE J=NS+1 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,31,BOCHG(J),BONSTD(J) FORMAT(16HOOVERALL B F9.4,3XF8.4,2X,F8.4,4XF7.4) J=J+1 DO 47 I=1,NU WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,33,INAME(I) FORMAT(6HOATOM 12,3XA6) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,349MF(I) FORMAT(19H FORM FACTOR 12) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,340,SYM(I),CHG(J),SYMN(I),STD(J) FORMAT(15H ATOM S.F. 4(F1O,7,1X)) J=J+1 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,35,X(I),CHG(J),XN(I),STD(J) FORMAT(15H X 4(F1O.7,1X)) J=J+1 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,36,Y(I),CHG(J),YN(I),STD(J) FORMAT(15H Y 4(F10.7,1X)) J=J+1 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,37,Z(I),CHG(J),ZN(I),STD(J) FORMAT(15H Z 4(F1O.7#1X)) J=J+1 GO TO (38,40,40),ISAN WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,39,BI(I),CHG(J),BIN(I),STD(J) FORMAT(15H ATOMIC B 4(F1O.7,1X)) J=J+1 GO TO 47 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,41,Bll(I),CHG(J),BilN(I),STD(J) FORMAT(15H BETA(1,1) 4(F1O.7,1X)) J=J+1 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,42,B22(I),CHG(J),B22N(I),STD(J) FORMAT(15H BETA(2t2) 4(F1O.7,1X)) J=J+1 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,43,B33(I),CHG(J),B33N(I),STD(J) FORMAT(15H BETA(3,3) 4(F1O.7,1X)) J=J+1 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,44,B12(I),CHG(J),B12N(I),STD(J) FORMAT(15H BETA(1,2) 4(F1O.7,1X)) J=J+1 WRITE OUIPUT TAPE 2,45,B13(I),CHG(J),B13N(I),5iD(J) FORMAT(15H BETA(1,3) 4(F1O.7,1X)) J=J+1 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,46,B23(I),CHG(J)9823N(I),STD(J) FORMAT(15H BETA(2,3) 4(F10./91X)) J=J+1 CONTINUE CALL TEST(KA) WRITE IAPE 10,NtABCALPHABIAGAMMASNBONMFXNYN,4NBllNB2 12NB33NB12NBl3NB23NSYMNAMENPARNVARKSEL READ TAPE 7,MHMK'MLFOBS'SIGMAMS1,EXT1,EXT2,LASTRHORHOSQF WRITE TAPE 10,MH'MK'MLFOBSSIGMAM,1,EXT1,EXT2,LASTRHORHOSQF IF(LAST)472,470,472 IF(KARD)473,474,473 CALL CARD IF,(ID)475,476,475 206 475 476 CALL DIST REWIND 10 REWIND 7 IF(KA)51948,51 48 49 50 51 54 55 56 57 58 * * READ INPUT TAPE 4,49,IEND FORMAT(71X.Il) IF(IEND)50t51,50 RETURN CALL EXIT WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,53 FORMAT(19HOMATRIX IS SINGULAR) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2.54 FORMAT(39HOLISTING OF DIAGONAL OF INVERTED MATRIX) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,55,(DIAG(I),I=1,NVAR) FORMAT(10E10.3) GO TO 58 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2953 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,57%1 FORMAT(22HODIAGUNAL TERM NUMBER 13,38H IN THE NORMIAL EQUATION MATN lIX IS ZERO) ISING=1 GO TO 404 CALL EXIT END LIST LABEL C 1 3 SUBROUTINE TEST(K) TEST FOR NEGATIVE TEMPERATURE FACTORS COMMON CMACMBCMC EQUIVALENCE (CMATITLE),(CMA(13),MODE),(CMA(14),INV),(CMA(15),ISAN 1),(CMA(16),NPU), (CMA(17),NEW),(CMA(22),NU),(CMA(23),NS),'(CMA(24),A 2),(CMA(25),B),(CMA(26),C),(CMA(27),ALPHA),(CMA(28),BETA),(CMA(29), 3GAMMA),(CMA(30),NFOUR),(CMA(31),NCOR),(CMA(32),SUMDL),(CMA(33),KAR 4D),(CMA(34),ID) EQUIVALENCE (CMB#NPAR) EQUIVALENCE (CMC'S),(CMC(51),BO),(CMC(52),MF),(CMC(102),X),(CMC 1(152),Y)'(CMC(202),Z), (CMC(252),Bll BI),(CMC(302),B22),(CMC(352), 2B33),(CMC(402),B12),(CMC(452),B23),(CMC(502),B13),(CMC(552), YM), ( 3CMC(602)#NAME) EQUIVALENCE (CMC1652),5N),(CMC( /U2),bUN)9(CML 7U3),AN),(CMC( l53),Y 1N),(CMC(803),ZN),(CMC(853),BINBilN),(CMC(903),B22N),(CMC(953),B33 2N),(CMC(1003) l812N),(CMC(1053),623N),(CMC(1103),Al3N),(CMC(1603),C 3HG),(CMC(2103),STD),(CMC(2203),EPS) DIMENSION CMA(50),CMB(507),CMC(2403) DIMENSION S(50),MF(50),X(50),Y(50),Z(50),BI(50),B11(50),B22(50),B3 13(50 )B12(50),B23(50),B13( 50) ,SYM(5U),NAME(50) DIMENSION SN(50),XN(50),YN(50),ZN(50),BIN(50),BllN(50),B22N(50),B3 13N(50),B12N(50),B23N(50),B13N(50) K=0 ISAN=ISAN GO TO(3,5,5),ISAN DU 4 I1,NU BI(I)=BIN(I)+BON 207 4 5 CONTINUE GO TO 7 AA=BON*A*A/4.0 BB=BON*B*B/4.O CC=BON*C*C/4*0 AB=BON*A*B*COSF(GAMMA)/4.0 BC=BON*B*C*COSF(ALPHA)/4.0 AC=BON*A*C*COSF(BETA)/4.0 DO 6 I=lNU Bll(I)=B11N(I)+AA B22(1)=B22N(I)+BB B33(I)=B33N(I)+CC B12(I)=B12N(I)+AB B23(I)=B23N(I)+BC B13(I)=B13N(I)+AC 6 CONTINUE 7 GO TO(8,12,12),ISAN 8 DO 11 I=1,NU IF(BI(I))9,11,11 9 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,10,1 10 FORMAT(28HOTEMPERATURE FACTOR OF ATOM I292-H IS NOT POSiTIVt-OLFIN 1ITE) BIN(I)=.o1 11 CONTINUE GO TO 20 12 DO 19 I=1,NU 13 IF(811(1))18.14,14 14 IF(B22(I))18,15,15 15 IF(B33(I))18.16,16 16 IF(Bil(I)*B22(I)*B33(I)+2.0*B12(I)*B23(I)*B13(I)-(B13(I)*B13(I)*B2 12(I)+B12(I)*B12(I)*B33(I)+Bll(I)*B23(I)*B23(I)))18,160,160 160 IF(B22(I)*633(I)-B23(I)**2)18,161,161 161 IF(B11(I)*B33(I)-Bl3(I)**2)18,162,162 162 IF(Bll( )*B22(I)-B12(I)**2)18.17,17 17 GO TO 19 18 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,10,1 K=K+1 19 CONTINUE RETURN 20 END * * C LIST8 LABEL SUBROUTINE CARD PUNCH ATOM PARAMETER CARDS COMMON CMA#CMB#CMCVPDIAGPEPS EQUIVALENCL (CMATIILL),(CMA(13),MUDE),(CMA(14),INV),(CMA(15),IAN 1),(CMA(16),NPU),(CMA(17),NEW),(CMA(22),NU),(CMA(23),NS),(CMA(24),A 2),(CMA(25),B),(CMA(26),C)'(CMA(27),ALPHA),(CMA(28),BEIA),(CMA(29), 3GAMMA),(CMA(30),NFOUR),(CMA(31),NCOR),(CMA(32)SUMDL)(CMA(33)KAR 4D),(CMA(34),ID) EQUIVALENCE (CMBNPAR),(CMB(2),NVAR),(CMB(3),NCOUNT),(CMB(4),KSEL) EQUIVALENCL (CMC'5,tMC(51),BO)(MC(52),),MC(IU),),1cML 1(lp2),Y)*(CMC(202)vZ) (CMC(252).BllBI),(CMC(302)9B22),(CMC(352)9 208 2B33),(CMC(402),B12),(CMC(452),B23),( CMC(502),B13),(CMC(552),SYM),( 3CMC(602) ,NAME) EQUI-VALENCE (CMC(652),SN) '(CMC(702), BON)9(CMC(703),XN)f(CMC(753),Y 1N),(CMC(803),ZN),(CMC(853),BINBilN) ,(CMC(903),B22N),(CMC(953),B33 2N),(CMC(1003),B12N),(CMC(1053),B23N) ,(CMC(1103),B13N),(CMC(1603),C 3HG),(CMC(2103),STD) EQUIVALENCE (AR9CMC(652),NFA) EQUIVALENCE (CMC(1153),SYMN) DIMENSION CMA(50),CMB(507),CMC(2403) DIMENSION AR(14969).,V(200) ,DIAG(200) DIMENSION TITLE(12),NEW(5) DIMENSION S(50),MF(50),X(50),Y(50),L(50),BI(50) '811(50),B22(50),83 13(50),B12(50),B23(50),813(50),SYM(50),NAME(50) DIMENSION SN(50),XN(50) YN(50) ,N(50),BIN(50),BllN(50),B22N(50)B3 13N(50),B12N(50),B23N(50),B13N(50) DIMENSION SYMN(50) DIMENSION CHG(200),STD(200),EPS(200) DIMENSION DF(200) DIMENSION KSEL(504) DIMENSION ART(20) DIMENSION F(20) ISAN=ISAN 1 DO 3 I=1,NS PUNCH 2#SN(I) 2 FORMAT (F9.4) 3 CONTINUE PUNCH 4,BON 4 FORMAT (F9.4) 5 DO 11 I=1,NU 6 GO TO (7,9,9),ISAN 7 PUNCH 8,MF(I),XN(I),YN(I),ZN(I),BIN(I) 8 FORMAT (I2,5X#3F7.59F7.4)GO TO 11 9 PUNCH 10,MF(I),XN(I)*YN(I),2N(I),B11N(I),B22N(I),B33N(I),B12N(I),B X13N(I),B23N(I) 10 FORMAT (1295X67.5,3/.4) 11 CONTINUE 12 END FILE 3 13 RETURN END FAP * DIST COUNT ENTRY REM TRA END 2 DIST DUMMY SUBROUTINE DIST 1,4 - C Appendix II Program for computation of drilling coordinates for crystal structure models Chapter III gives a mathematical account of the procedures for calculating drilling coordinates for crystal structure models. This contains some details of a program written for the IBM 7090 computer which will compute these drilling coordinates. written, the program is a rather elementary one, As it is since it contains no provision for generating coordinates of symmetry-related atoms. It works well, however, and its use not only saves time in calculation of drilling coordinates, but it reduces the possibility of computational errors which could cause considerable trouble in putting a model together. Since the computational methods are very similar, an obvious extension of this program would be to compute interbond angles as well as drilling coordinates and interatomic distances. In such a program, symmetry transformations could be included so that only the coordinates of atoms of the asymmetric unit would have to be submitted with the program. In addition, although they are not required for the drilling coordinates, the errors in interatomic and interbond angles could also be computed. Directions for running the program DRILL This program computes the driling angles atoms N. coordinating atom N,, 4 and p for all given cell parameters, atom coordL- nates, and information defining coordination polyhedra. No symmetry transformations are performed on input atom coordinates. Therefore all transformations must be performed by the program user and all atoms with unique coordinates must be supplied to the program. The program is designed to be run under the Fortran Monitor System and is coded entirely in FORTRAN. DATA CARDS FOR DRILL 1. TITLE CARD. Format (12A6) Cols. 1-72; Any identification information may be included. 2. CELL PARAMETER CARD. cols. Format (3(F7.4, 3X), 3(F6.2,4X), 12) Format Parameter 1-7 F7. 4 11-17 i 21-27 31-36 alpha (in degrees) F6.4 41-46 beta (in degrees) i 51-56 gamma (in degrees) t 61-62 NT 12 NT is the number of atoms and is equal to the number of atom parameter cards or atom coordination cards. NT must not be greater than 72. 0 L" 3. ATOM PARAMETER CARDS. Format (12, 2X,A6, 2X, 3(12, 2X), 3F6.4) Cols. Parameter 1-2 atom number, n. 12 5-10 atom name A6 13-14 no. of atoms coordinating atom n 12 L 17-18 no. of the atom with rho = 0.0 " 21-22 no. of the atom with phi = 0. 0 " 25-30 x. F6.4 31-36 yI 37-42 Z. Format L L t L Columns 13-14, 17-18, and 21-22 are left blank if no atoms coordinate atom n.. (i.e. Atom n. is only coordinated to some other atom in this case.) x, y, and z may be negative or greater than 1.0 There are NT such cards, one card for each atom with unique coordinates. 4. ATOM COORDINATION CARDS. Format(721) NT cards, one for each atom. These cards designate the numbers of the atoms which coordinate atom a.. -L A blank card must be used if no atoms coordinate atom n,. Cols. 1-72: Punch 1 in the columns whose numbers correspond to the atom numbers coordinating atom n. Cards of type 3 and 4 are arranged such that n. increases uniformly. The two cards of types 3 and 4 for atom n. are placed together with that of type 3 first. DESCRIPTION OF DATA DECK * DATA Title card Cell parameter card Atom parameter card for atom I Atom coordination card for atom i Atom parameter card for atom 2 Atom coordination card for atom 2 Atom parameter card for atom NT Atom coordination card for atom NT DESCRIPTION OF OUTPUT The numbers, names and angles phi. and rho of all atoms coordinating some atom n. are printed out for each coordination group and its -L enantiomorphic equivalent, i. e., for atoms related by a mirror plane or an inversion center. In addition, interatomic distances are printed out and may be used as a check on the correctness of the input data. 213 FORTRAN LISTING OF PROGRAM DRILL C 1 2 3 4 ROUTINE TO COMPUTE DRILLING COORDINATES PHI AND RHO + INT DIST DIMENSION TITLE(12),N(72),NAME(72),NCRD(72),NRHO(72),NPHI(72), 1X(72),Y(72),Z(72),NC(72,72),DX(72),DY(72),DZ.(72),DIST(72),RHO(72) 2ARHO(72),U(72),V(72),W(72),SIZE(72),PHI(72)$PHIN(72),XP(72),YP(72) 3,ZP(72),T(3,3) FREQUENCY 11(0,3,1),13(0,10,1),23(01O ,1),31(0,101 ),33(5,1,5) READ INPUT TAPE 4,1,(TITLE(I),I=1,12) FORMAT(12A6) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,2,(TITLE(I),I=1,12) FORMAT(lH112A6) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,3 FORMAT(88HOCENTER ATOM COORDINATING ATOM PHI RHO * PHI RHO) ENANTIOMORPH 1 READ INPUT TAPE 4,4,A,B,C,ALPHABETAGAMMANT FORMAT(3(F7.4,3X),3(F6.2,4X),12) DO 7 I=1,NT READ INPUT TAPE 4,5,N(I),NAME(I),NCRD(I),NRHO(I),NPHI(I),X(I),Y(I) 1,Z(I) 5 6 7 FORMAT(I2,2XA6,2X,3(I2,2X),3F6.4) READ INPUT TAPE 4,6'(NC(IoJ)qJ=1,72) FORMAT(7211) CONTINUE PI =3.1415927 RAD =PI/180.0 ALPHA=ALPHA*RAD BETA=BETA*RAD GAMMA=GAMMA*RAD ONE=(COSF(ALPHA)-COSF(BETA)*COSF(GAMMA))/SINF(GAMMA) T(1,1)=A T(1,2)=B*COSF(GAMMA) T(1,3)=C*COSF(BETA) T(2,1)=0.0 T(2,2)=B*SINF(GAMMA) T(2,3)=C*ONE T(3,1)=0.0 T(3,2 )=0.0 T(3,3)=C*SQRTF(SINF(BETA)**2-ONE**2) DO 8 I=1,NT XP(I)=X(I)*T(1,1)+Y(I)*T(1,2)+Z(I)*T(1,3) YP(I)=X(I)*T(2,1)+Y(I)*T(2,2)+Z(I)*T(2,3) ZP(I)=X(I)*T(391)+Y(I)*T(3,2)+Z(I)*T(3,3) 8 10 11 12 121 13 14 CONTINUE DO 50 I=1,NT IF(NCRD(I))50,50,12 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,121,N(I),NAME(I) FORMAT(lHOI2,2XA6) DO 21 J=1,72 IF(NC(IoJ))21,21,14 DX(J)=XP(I)-XP(J) DY(J)=YP(I)-YP(J) 19 21 22 23 24 241 242 243 244 245 246 28 29 30 31 32 321 322 323 324 329 33 35 36 41 49 50 214 DZ(J)=ZP(I)-ZP(J) DIST(J)=DX(J)**2+DY(J)**2+DZ(J)**2 DIST(J)=SQRTF(DIST(J)) CONTINUE DO 28 J=1,72 IF(NC(ItJ))28,28,24 K=NRHO(I) SCALA=DX(K)*DX(J)+DY(K)*DY(J)+DZ(K)*DZ(J) RHC(J)=SCALA/(DIST(K)*DIST(J)) IF(RHO(J)-1.0)243,242,242 RHO(J)=0.0 GO TO 246 IF(RHO(J)+1.0)244,244,245 RHO(J)=3ol415927 GO TO 246 RHO(J)=ACOSF(RHO(J)) ARHO(J)=RHO(J)/RAD U(J)=(DY(K)*DZ(J))-(DZ(K)*DY(J)) V(J)=(DZ(K)*DX(J))-(DX(K)*DZ(J)) W(J)=(DX(K)*DY(J))-(DY(K)*DX(J)) SIZE(J)=SINF(RHO(J))*DIST(K)*DIST(J) CONTINUE L=NPHI(I) UU=(DY(K)*W(L))-(DZ(K)*V(L)) VV=(DZ(K)*U(L))-(DX(K)*W(L)) WW=(DX(K)*V(L))-(DY(K)*U(L)) DO 49 J=1,72 IF(NC(ItJ))49,49,32 SCALA=U(L)*U(J)+V(L)*V(J)+W(L)*W(J) PHI(J)=SCALA/(SIZE(L)*SIZE(J)) IF(PHI(J)-1.0)323,322,322 PHI(J)=O0* GO TO 36 IF(PHI(J)+1.0)324,3249329 PHI(J)=180.0 GO TO 36 PHI(J)=ACOSF(PHI(J)) PHI(J)=PHI(J)/RAD SCALE=UU*U(J)+VV*V(J)+WW*W(J) IF(SCALE)35,36,36 PHI(J)=360.0-PHI(J) PHIN(J)=360.0-PHI(J) TAPE 2,41iJNAME(J),PHI(J),ARHO(J),PHIN(J),ARHO(J), WRITE OUTPUT 1DIST(J) FORMAT(19XI2,2XA6,6XF6.1,3XF6.1,24XF6.1,3XF6,1,5XF7.3) CONTINUE CONTINUE CALL EXIT END Appendix III Computation of diffractometer settings In recent years many laboratories engaged in single-crystal x-ray diffraction work have begun to use counter diffractometers to measure diffraction intensities. Many of the difficulties which were first encountered in this area have been overcome, and, with the advent of complete automation of the equipment, this method should be much better than the conventional film methods. Prewitt (1960) published the relations needed to compute the angular settings for the equi-inclination Weissenberg diffractometer (Buerger, 1960) which is being used in a number of laboratories in the U. abroad. S. A. and This appendix describes an IBM 7090 program written to compute these settings. Program description. This program, which is designed to operate under the Fortran Monitor System, consists of a main program DFSET and several subroutines. After a brief description of each section of the program, instructions for setting up a run will be given. DFSET. The main program reads the input data from A2, computes necessary constants, writes headings on the output tape A3 and transfers to the selected hki generation subroutine INDEXi or INDEXZ. Upon return from one or the other of these subroutines, a selected hkl has been stored in COMMON. The main program computes s inD and compares it to a maximum allowable sin9 prescribed by the input data. If the computed sin B is too large, one of the indexing routines is called again and a new hki generated; otherwise the main program goes on to compute T, 4,, and 1/Lp as given by Prewitt (1960). coordinates, Also computed are the precision Weissenberg and , (Buerger, 1942; Prewitt, 1960), which are very useful in indexing precision Weissenberg films. OUTPUT is then called to write tapes for printing and/or punching. from OUTPUT, Upon the return the main program again calls one of the indexing routines. INDEXI. data deck. This subroutine will read hklts from cards in the Upon reading a termination card as described below, the subroutine TERM will be called. INDEX2. This routine is coded in FAP and generates hklts according to extinction rules given in International Tables (1952), Vol. 1, pp. 53-54. Input data to the program contains lower and upper limits for hkl and INDEX2 examines all combinations between these limits for compliance with the extinction rules. If a particular hki passes, it is stored in COMMON and control is returned to the main program. INDEX2 could be used in conjunction with any program which requires the generation of hkls according to a particular extinction rule. All communication with the main program is through COMMON. The information needed by INDEX2 to operate successfully is found at the end of the program listing in the COMMON section. These 217 symbols are defined in the instructions for running the program. Upon exceeding the upper limits of hkl, to terminate the run. exceeded, TERM will be called If for some reason h, k, or I is accidentally sense light 1 will be turned on before TERM is called. OUTPUT. h, k, 1,2T , c, to the calling sequence) and I, 1/n, sin 0, and (with their addition are written on A3 and/or B4 for * printing and/or punching, respectively. Note that statement 24 is a PUNCH statement which might have to be changed if this would cause on-l1ne punching at a particular computing center. MIFLIP. An M. I. T. subroutine which writes punched output identification records on B4. May be eliminated by removing state- ments 131 and 131-1 in the main program. TERM. Depending on the end of run indicators, this routine will either call EXIT and stop the run or will call CHAIN (2, A4) which will cause the program to be read in from A4 and a new set of data evaluated. Speed of computation. Settings are computed at a rate of 30-45 per second, depending on the extinction rules and the speed of the tape drives being used. The punched cards produced by this program may be used as input to the Burnham (1961) program DTRDA. Running the program Data deck. The cards of the data deck are assembled in the following order: FORMA T 1. TITLE: Any identification in cols. 1-72. 12A6 2. FLP: Information for identifying punched 4A 6 output. May be blank if no punched output is requested.. Col. 3. 1-6 Problem number (at M. I.T.) 7-12 Programmer number 13-24 Blank Sense card Col. 1 LSQ: I - cell constants are to be I read from data cards 2 - if this is a chain link with the Burnham (1961) lattice parameter least-squares program. IKL: 1 - hkl are to be read from data 11 cards 2 - internal generation of hki is to be used NPRNTR -1 2- print output 11 punch output 16-20 SINTHO: upper limit of sin 1 for which F5.4 settings are to be computed. When computing for all reflections, this probably should be . 99999 o-~ rather than 1.0 because of possible trouble in the arcsin routine. 23-25 MH1: lower limit for h 28-30 MH2: upper "1 I I 33-35 MKI: lower It " k 38-40 MK2: upper " II "t 43-45 MLI: lower " "I 48-50 ML2: upper " U " 53 ISE T: 12 0 LAST: It - I - I rotation axis is c 3 72 13 t I I1 b "a ifthis is the last (or only) H group of settings to be computed 1 - if there is another set of data and chain cards are in their proper places 4. Reciprocal cell data and space group extinction selection. The cell data is not needed if the program is operated with the Burnham lattice constant refi nement program. Col. 1-7 Al: a* (1/a, not X/a) 8-14 BI: b* 15-21 Cl: c* 22-28 ALRHAI: a* (in degrees) 29-35 BE TAI: p* 36-42 GAMMAI: y* 43-49 WVLNG: x (.) F7. 6 F7.4 0 220), 61-69 Extinction rules 61 LHKL: 1- h+k= 2n 2 - k + I 3 - 62 63 64 65 LHKO: LOKL: LHOL: LHHL: +h =2n hkl all odd or all even 5 - h+k+I= 2n 6 - h+k+1= 3n 7- h-k+1= 3n 8 - h - k = 3n 0 - no restrictions 1 - h = 2n 2- k = 2n 3- h + k = 2n 4- h + k = 4n 1 - h = 2n 2- 1 = 2n 3- k + 1 = 2n 4- k + 1 = 4n 1 - I = 2n 2- h = 2n 3- 1 + h = 2n 4- 1 + h = 4n 1 1 = 2n - 2h +1 = 4n 66 LHML: 1 - 1 = 2n 67 LHOO: 1- h = 2n 2- h = 4n 1 k = 2n LHOKO: 2n 4 - 2 - 68 911 - (hhl) FT 69 5. LOOL: 1- I= 2n 2 - I = 3n 3 - 1 = 4n 4 - 1 = 6n hkl cards--needed only if there is a I in col. 4 of the sense card. If this option is used, diffractometer settings will be com- puted for all reflections for which sin 6 is less than the allowable maximum. Col. 1-3 MH: h 5-7 MK: k 9-11 ML: 1 72 IEOF: End of hkl deck indicator. 13 Ii Blank except on last card which is blank except for I in col. 72. The deck should be composed as follows: * I.D. card * XEQ card * CHAIN(2,A4) -- include this card if more than one set of data is to be run and col. 72 of the same card contains a one. Also include this card if the program is being run as a chain link with the Burnham (1961) lattice constant refinement program. DFSET (main program) Subroutine s * DATA Data deck for 1st set of reflections "1 I t 2nd It Data deck for nth set of reflections References Buerger, M. J. (1942), X-Ray Crystallography. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Buerger, M. J. (1960), Crystal Structure Analysis. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Burnham, Charles W. (1961), The Structures and Crystal Chemistry 9fthe Aluminum-silicate Minerals. Ph.D. thesis, M. I. T. , Cambridge, Mass. Prewitt, Charles T. (1960), The parameters T and < for equi- inclination, with application to the single-crystal diffractometer. Z. Krist. 114, 355-360. 223 LIST8 * LABEL CDFSET C PROGRAM FOR COMPUTING EQUI-INCLINATION SINGLE-CRYSTAL 1/11/62 DIFFRACTOMETER SETTINGS PLUS 1/LP AND SIN THETA C COMMON AlB1,ClALPHA1,BETA1,GAMMAlNTEST, IMHMKMLLASTNPRNTMH1,MH2,MK1,MK2'ML1,ML2,ISET, 2LHKLLHKOLOKLLHOLLHHL.LHMLLHOO.LOKOLOOL FREQUENCY 25(1,50,1),28(5v0,1)o31(8,0,1) DIMENSION FLP(4),TITLE(12) 50 READ INPUT TAPE 4,1,(TITLE(I),I=1,12) FORMAT(12A6) 1 READ INPUT TAPE 4,2,FLP(3),FLP(4),FLP(1),FLP(2) 2 FORMAT(4A6) READ INPUT TAPE 4,4,LSQIKLoNPRNTSINTHOMH1,MH2,MK1,MK2,ML1,ML2, 3 1ISETLAST FORMAT(Il,2XIl,2XIl,8XF5.4,2X,6(I3,2X),Il118XII) 4 41 GO TO(5,7),LSQ READ INPUT TAPE 4,6,AlB1ClALPHA1,BETA1,GAMMAlWVLNG'LHKLLHKOL 5 1OKLLHOLLHHLLHMLLHO0,LOK0,LOOL 6 FORMAT(3F7.6,3F7.3,F7.4,11X,9Il) NTEST=1 GO TO 9 READ INPUT TAPE 4,8,WVLNGLHKLLHKOLOKLLHOLLHHLLHMLLHO0,LOKO, 7 1LOOL FORMAT(42XF7.4,11X,9Il) 8 IF(NTEST-1)35,9,35 81 9 PI=3.1415927 RAD=PI/180.0 GO TO(101112),ISET 10 A=Al*WVLNG B=Bl*WVLNG C=Cl*WVLNG ALPHA=ALPHA1*RAD BETA=BETA1*RAD GAMMA=GAMMA1*RAD GO TO 13 A=Cl*WVLNG 11 B=Al*WVLNG C=B1*WVLNG ALPHA=GAMMA1*RAD BETA=ALPHA1*RAD GAMMA=BETA1*RAD GO TO 13 A=B1*WVLNG 12 B=Cl*WVLNG C=Al*WVLNG ALPHA=BETA1*RAD BETA=GAMMA1*RAD GAMMA=ALPHA1*RAD COSA=COSF(ALPHA) 13 COSB=COSF(BETA) COSG=COSF(GAMMA) SING=SINF(GAMMA) ABG=A*B*COSG ~~~~~1 21JL BCA=B*C*COSA CAB=C*A*COSB AA=A*A BB=B*B CC=C*C BCOSG=B*COSG CCOSB=C*COSB BSING=B*SING CNST1=(COSA*COSA+COSB*COSB-2.0*COSA*COSB*COSG)/(SING*SING) CNST2=CNST1/4.0 CNST3=C*(COSA-COSB*COSG)/SING TLTST=100 GO TO(14,131,131),NPRNT 131 CALL PILF1(FLP,4) GO TO(141,18,141),NPRNT 14 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,142t(TITLE(I),I=1,12) 141 FORMAT(lHll2A6) 142 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,15,AlB1,C1,WVLNG LAMBDA = F7. B* = F7.6,7H C* = F7.6,11H FORMAT(7H A* = F7.6,7H 15 14) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,16,ALPHAlBETA1GAMMAl FORMAT(11H ALPHA* = F8.4,10H BETA* = F8.4.11H GAMMA* = F8.4) 16 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,17 SIN 1/ LP PHI UPSILON L H K FORMAT(63HO 17 1(THETA)) 18 181 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 DO 34 I=1950 GO TO(19,20),IKL CALL INDEXl GO TO 21 CALL INDEX2 GO TO(22,23,24),ISET TH=FLOATF(MH) TK=FLOATF(MK) TL=FLOATF(ML) GO TO 25 TH=FLOATF(ML) TK=FLOATF(MH) TL=FLOATF(MK) GO TO 25 TH=FLOATF(MK) TK=FLOATF(ML) TL=FLOATF(MH) IF(TL-TLTST)26,27,26 TLTST=TL TLLCC=TL*TL*CC SIG=TH*TH*AA+TK*TK*BB+2.0*(TH*TK*ABG+TK*TL*BCA+TL*TH*CAB) SINTH=(SQRTF(SIG+TLLCC))/2.0 IF(SINTH-SINTHO)29,29,181 XISQ=SIG+TLLCC*CNST1 XI=SQRTF(XISQ) RSQ=1.0-TLLCC*(.25-CNST2) OMEGA=ASINF(SQRTF(XISQ/(4.0*RSQ))) XIX=TH*A+TK*BCOSG+TL*CCOSB XIY=TK*BSING+TL*CNST3 FREQUENCY 291(50,1,50),292(1,0,1) 291 292 293 294 295 296 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 IF(XIX)2959292,295 IF(XIY)293,295,294 PSI=-PI/2.0 XIX=1.0 GO TO 296 PSI=PI/2.0 XIX=1.0 GO TO 296 PSI=ATANF(XIY/XIX) PHI=PI-(XIX/ABSF(XIX))*PI/2.0-PSI+OMEGA UPSILN=2oO*OMEGA VLP=(2.0*RSQ*SINF(UPSILN))/(1.0+(COSF(2.0*ASINF(SINTH)))**2) PHI=PHI/RAD UPSILN=UPSILN/RAD PSI=PSI/RAD IF(PHI-360.0)33#32,32 PHI=PHI-360.0 GO TO 31 CALL OUTPUT(UPSILNPHIVLPtSINTH) CONTINUE GO TO 14 WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2936 TERMINATE.) FORMAT(4lHlLEAST-SQUARES REFINEMENT BAD# CALL EXIT END LIST8 LABEL * * 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 SUBROUTINE OUTPUT(UPSILNPHIVLPSINTH) COMMON A1B1,ClALPHA1,BETA1GAMMA1'NTEST, IMHMKtMLLASTNPRNT GO TO(22,23,22),NPRNT WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 29 269 MHMKMLUPSILNPHIVLPSINTH GO TO(25*24,24),NPRNT PUNCH 27,MHMKMLUPSILNPHIVLP.SINTH RETURN I3,2X#I3,2XI3,2F12.2,F12.49F11.4) FORMAT(2H FORMAT(3I3,2X,2(F6.2,1X),2(F6.4,1X)) END LIST8 LABEL * * C 1 2 3 4 5 SUBROUTINE INDEX1 SUBROUTINE FOR READING HKL FROM DATA CARDS COMMON AlB1,ClALPHA1,BETAlGAMMA1NTEST, 1MHMKMLLAST READ INPUT TAPE 4,2,MHMKMLtIEOF FORMAT(I3,1X,I3,1XI3,59XIl) IF(IEOF)5,4,5 RETURN CALL TERM END 226 * * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * LIST8 LABEL SUBROUTINE TERM COMMON AlB1,ClALPHA1,BETA1,GAMMA1NTEST, 1MHMKMLLASTNPRNT IF(SENSE LIGHT 1)9,2 GO TO(4,3,3),NPRNT END FILE 3 IF(LAST)5,6,5 CALL CHAIN(2#A4) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,7 FORMAT(11HOEND OF RUN) CALL EXIT WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 2,10 FORMAT(116H1AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED IN THE INDEXING SUBROUTINE. ONE 1OF THE INDICES HAS EXCEEDED ITS STATED LIMIT. RUN TERMINATED.) GO TO 8 END FAP COUNT ENTRY REM REM INDEX2 SXD SXA NOP CLA STO CLA STO CLA STO CLA STO REM NOEXT ZET TRA ZET TRA ZET TRA ZET TRA ZET TRA ZET TRA ZET TRA ZET TRA ZET 405 INDEX2 SUBROUTINE TO GENERATE HKL AND TO REJECT HKL WHICH DO NOT CONFORM TO SPACE GROUP EXTINCTION RULES. SAVEo1 SAVE92 TRABA *-2 MHl MH ENTER INITIAL INDICES MK1 ML1 ML CHECK FOR ZEROES IN EXTINCTION RULE REQUESTS LHKL AA LHKO AA LOKL AA LHOL AA LHHL AA LHML AA LHOO AA LOKO AA LOOL 227 AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AK TRA CLA STO TRA REM CLA TZE PDX CLA STO CLA TZE PDX CLA STO CLA TZE PDX CLA STO CLA TZE PDX CLA STO CLA TZE PDX CLA STO CLA TZE PDX CLA STO CLA TZE PDX CLA STO CLA TZE CLA STO CLA TZE PDX CLA STO AA BYPASS EXTINCTION RULES TRAEA TRNS AM CHOOSE EXTINCTION RULES HKL LOOL AB 0,1 XA+4,1 TRNS LOKO AC O1 XB+2,1 TRNS+1 LHOO AD 0,1 XC+2,1 TRNS+2 LHOL AE 0,1 XD+4,1 TRNS+3 LOKL AF o1 XE+4, 1 TRNS+4 LHKO AG 091 XF+4,1 TRNS+5 LHHL AH 0,1 XG+2 , 1 CLA TRNS+6 LHML AK XH TRNS+7 LHKL AM 0,1 XK+8,1 TRNS+8 ISET,1 SETTR+3 TRABD BA TRABB STO BD1 AM LXD AN XEC CLA STO ROTATION AXIQ IS C, Bs RuTATION AXIb IS B OR A q28 AO BA BB CLA STO TRA CLA STO CLA STO CLA STO TRA NOP CLA CAS TRA TRA ADD TZE TRA SSP BB1 SC Bcl BD BD1 BB2 bC2 BD2 CA STO TRA NOP CLA CAS TRA TRA ADD TZE TRA SSP STO TRA NOP CLA CAS TRA TRA ADD TZE TRA SSP STO TRA TRA CLA STO TRA CLA STO TRA CLA ST 0 TRA R EM CLA TRAEX BCl CA T RABC BA TRABB BD1 TRAEX i-<TATION AXI z I CA MH MH2 E RROR BB2 ONE *+2 *+2 1iCI-LMENT MK MK 2 E RR OR BC2 ONE *+2 MK CA IAC N LL ENT L IL2 ERROR 8D2 ONE *+2 *+2 ML CA EX MHl MH BB1 MK1 MK MyL I ML B01 PLACE ML Ht K, ANG L IN I iul)rTUR A DAl DA2 DA3 DA4 DPi DB2 DC1 DC2 DD1 DD2 DD3 DD4 SSP ARS A)M ALS ADM PAI TRA REM OFT TRA CLA TRA OFT TRA CLA TRA OFT TRA CLA TRA OFT TRA CLA TRA OFT TRA CLA TRA OFT TRA CLA TRA OFT TRA CLA TRA OFT TRA CLA TRA OFT TRA CLA TRA OFT TRA CLA TRA OFT TRA CLA ADD TRA OFT TRA 18 MH 9 MK T RNS EXTINCT ION RULL NOUTINL 0 L YA 1,2 ML TEST2 YA 1,2 ML TEST3 YA 192 ML TEST4 YA 192 ML TLST6 OKO Yb 1,2 MK TE.ST2 YB 1,2 MK TEST4 HOG YC 1 ,2 MH TEST2 YC 1,2 MH TEST4 HOL YD 192 ML TEST2 YDL 1,2 MH TEST2 YD 1,2 ML MH TEST2 YD 1,2 230 DEl DE2 DE3 DE4 DF1 DF2 DF3 DF4 ML 18 CLA ARS LBT TRA TRA CLA ARS LBT TRA TRA CLA ADD TRA OFT TRA CLA TRA OFT TRA CLA TRA OFT TRA CLA ADD TRA OFT TRA CLA ARS LBT TRA TRA CLA ARS LBT TRA TRA CLA ADD TRA OFT TRA CLA TRA OFT TRA CLA TRA OFT TRA CLA ADD TRA OFT *+2 BA MH 18 *+2 BA ML MH TEST4 YE 1o2 MK TEST2 , OKL YE 192 ML TEST2 YE 1,2 MK ML TEST2 YE 1,2 MK 18 *+2 BA MH 18 *+2 BA MK ML TEST4 YF 192 MH TEST2 YF 1,2 MK TEST2 YF 1,2 MH MK TEST2 YF HKO ?31 DG1 DG2 DH1 DK1 DK2 DK3 DK4 Dr,5 DK6 TRA CLA ARS LBT TRA TRA CLA ARS LBT TRA TRA CLA ADD TRA CLA SUB TZE TRA CLA TRA CLA SUB TZE TRA CLA ADD ADD TRA CLA ADD TZE TRA CLA TRA CLA ADD TRA CLA ADD TRA CLA ADD TRA OFT TRA TRA ONT TRA TRA CLA ADD ADD TRA CLA CHS 1.2 MH 18 *+2 BA MK 18 *+2 BA MH MK TEST4 MH MK *+2 192 ML TEST2 MH MK *+2 192 MH MH ML TEST4 MH MK *+2 192 ML TEST2 MH MK TEST2 MK ML TEST2 ML MH TEST2 YK *+2 EA YK BA EA MH MK ML TEST2 MH HHL H(-H)L HKL ?7~2 DK7 DK8 EA TRNS TEST2 TEST3 TEST4 TEST6 THREE FOUR SIX XA XB ADD ADD TRA CLA SUB ADD TRA CLA SUB TRA LXD LXA TRA REM NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP TRA REM S$P ARS LBT TRA TRA SSP LRS DVP TZE TRA SSP LRS DVP TZE TRA SSP LRS DVP TZF TR A OCT OCT OCT REM TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX MK ML TEST3 MH MK ML TEST3 MH MK TEST3 SAVE 1 SAVE,2 14 SECTION ASSEIBLINO 0OL OKO HOO HOL 0KL HKO HHL H (-H) L HKL TO EXIT EA ROUTINES FUR TESTING FOR TRAraFER IN"STrUCTIONS INDICES FIT EXTi4CTIUN EXTINCTION RULL SELECTIUN nWHETHL EA 36 THREE FOUR EA BA 36 SIX EA BA 000000000003 0000000Q0004 000000000006 TRANSFER INSTRUCTIUNS 00L DA4,2 DA3,2 DA2 ,2 DAl ,2 OKO DB,2 '2 DB1 ,2 rUN RULE - ~WE ~ 2D33 XC XD XE XF XG XH XK TRABA TRABB TRABC TRABD TRAEA TRAEX SLTTR YA YB YC YD YE YF YK SAVE ONE EX EPROR MH MK ML MHl MH2 MK1 MK2 TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TS X TSX TSX TSX TSX TSX TRA TRA TRA TRA TRA TRA TRA TRA TRA RCM OCT OCT OCT OCT OCT OCT OCT PZE OCT CALL PSE TRA C OMMON COMMON COMMON COMMON COMMON COMMON COMMON COMMON HOO DC2,2 DC1 ,2 HOL DD4,2 DD3 , 2 DD2,2 DD1,2 DE4,2 OKL DE3 , 2 DE 2,2 DE1t2 HKO DF4,2 DF3 , 2 DF2 , 2 DFl ,2 HHL DG2,2 DG1 ,2 H(-H)L DHi,2 DK8,2 HKL DK7 ,2 DK6 ,2 DK5 ,2 DK4,2 DK3 , 2 DK2 , 2 DK1 2 BA BB BC BD EA EX ROTATI ON AXI) AO I A AN ROTATI ON AXIo IS B RO TAT ION AXIS IS C CA MASKS IOR IDENTIFYIN G SPECIAL REFLECTIONS 0 0L 777777000000 0 KO 777000777000 H 00 000777777000 H OL 000777000000 777000000000 0 KL 000000777000 H KO H KL(ODD OR EVEN) 001001001000 000001000000 TERM 141 EX 7 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 TURN ON SENSE LIGHT 1 ML1 ML2 I SET LHKL LHKO LOKL LHOL LHHL LHML LHOO LOKO LOOL COMMON COMMON COMMON COMMON COMMON COMMON COMMON COMMON COMMON COMMON COMMON COMMON END 235 Appendix IV Observed and calculated structure factors for wollastonite and pectolite Wollastonite structure factors The FCAL t s for wollastonite were computed using the coordinates and isotropic temperature factors given in Chapter 1. Separate scale factors assigned to each reciprocal lattice level were varied in the last refinement cycles. The scale factors used for Appendix IV FCAL s were 2. 2127, 2.4003, 2. 1966, 2. 3820, 2. 2853, 2.3164, 2.3359, 2.4079, and 2.4977, for levels zero through eight, respectively. The contribution to the structure factors due to the imaginary component of the anomalous scattering of Ca is listed under BOBS and BCAL for both wollastonite and pectolLt4. H -0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 K -0 -0 -0 -0 -o -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -4 4 -2 2 3 3 -5 5 7 -0 7 -0 6 6 -8 8 9 9 -4 4 -2 2 -3 3 -5 5 7 7 6 -8 8 9 -0 1 -4 4 -2 3 -0 -1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -o-0 -1 -1 -1 _2 -2 -1 -1 -1 7:-1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -0 -0 -0 -0F -0 2 -3 L -1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 FOBS 20.03 37.96 59.94 52.44 52.65 -3 -3 57.36 AOBS -18.78 -37.92 -59.92 -52.07 52.49 61.90 61.94 70.31 35.53 33.99 35.28 27.31 28.13 25.62 16.04 15.75 46.40 16.22 24.95 26.89 23.32 14.69 10.46 48.90 14.86 -26.34 -28*09 -25.61 13.35 15.33 -45.86 -15.98 26.68 24o84 - 26.68 24.43 40.00 5.78 57.97 28.29 22.36 16.07 23.78 60.82 17.20 13.78 1.79 9.83 82.64 82.40 25.31 10.25 64.77 46.71 61.62 46.34 94.98 85.29 30.02 42.50 5.66 62.61 27.57 20.28 15.15 22.29 68.47 15.30 13.23 2.84 8.95 94.51 100.67 25.37 11.76 64.52 52.81 65.46 50.73 114.54 102.69 39.25 1.90 -23.89 39.99 0.00 57.91 28.13 21.72 16.06 -23.63 -60.47 -16.07 13.77 -1.31 6.47 -82.58 -82.29 -25.31 10.14 64.34 46.35 61.61 46.30 -94.78 -85.05 -25.02 44.21 58.49 90.89 28.86 23.26 29.43 24.14 41.86 63.59 15.51 80.35 1323 103.00 27.51 24.88 29.46 29.54 20.45 8.24 2.97 25.02 44.57 58.80 15.81 91.71 16.54 -3 FCAL 6.67 22*19 64.73 60.14 -0 -3 29.65 23.6 -0 -3 8.70 15*59 3 9.*45 2.37 -15.46 -91.65 -16008 90.67 ACAL -6.25 -22.17 -64.71 -59.72 57.19 70.26 33.55 -24.07 -26.85 -23.31 12.22 10.18 -48.32 -14.64 -24.84 -29.35 42.49 0.00 62.53 27.41 19.70 15.14 -22.15 -68.08 -14.30 13.23 -2.09 5.89 BOBS -6.98 -1.87 -1.61 -6.21 4.08 2.30 4.22 -7.19 -1.41 -0.79 8.90 -3.62 -7.12 2.73 0.16 -5.12 BCAL -2.32 -1.09 -1.74 -7.12 4.45 2.62 4.01 -6.57 -1.34 -0.72 8.15 -2.41 -7.50 2.50 0.15 100.54 -25.37 11.64 64.09 52.40 7.40 -3.00 -4.17 -0.05 1.44 7.44 5.80 -6.30 -0.93 5.66 3.05 2.93 4.80 -0.57 2*50 -7.36 -5.45 0.20 -1.93 6.74 -3.43 -5.09 -0.05 1.65 7.42 6o56 65.44 1.21 1.29 50.68 114 * 30 102.39 39.o19 1.51 1.99 -6.15 -6.43 2*17 -7.42 -7.74 1.79 1.14 -24.14 0.37 0.35 41.53 50.59 -94.45 63.25 -15.17 -80.30 -12.87 102.75 -0.87 5.78 2.83 3.01 5.29 -0.60 2.67 -6.54 -6.13 0.21 -1.21 6.04 -3#23 -3.27 -2.86 -3*84 -3*0/ 6.24 -27.42 2.35 -22.13 26.92 -29.61 -23.68 29.04 -7.16 -'.2#8 1.65 22.4/ 8.69 8.23 6.53 -3.29 -28.76 -29.50 19.46 5.25 7.07 2.24 -7.66 -4.3 /.25 1.65 6.28 0.29 0.28 -5 5 -7 7 -6 6 -8 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 8 9 -0 -0 -0 -0 -1 1 -o -0 -4 4 -0 -0 -2 -0 2 -0 -3 -0 3 -0 -5 5 -0 -0 -7 7 -0 -6 -0 -0 6 8 -0 -0 -0 -0 -1 1 -0 -0 -4 -0 -0 -2 2 -0 -0 -3 3 -0 -0 -5 -0 -0 -7 7 -0 -6 8 -1 -4 4 -2 -2 -3 3 -5 5 7 -6 6 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -0 -0 -0 -0 -04 12.49 5.97 0.89 53.60 18.17 5.92 16.47 4.53 9.36 4.32 5.15 54.54 19.16 58.64 70.44 10o91 18.51 32.49 70.28 50.98 47.96 51.71 27.28 46.51 22.17 71.31 16.76 114.70 13.61 19.14 17.31 17*89 26.72 32.90 16.51 15.95 29.80 11.73 5.45 16.69 -5 -5 -6-5 -o-0 -65 -6 -0 -0 -6 -6 -0 -0 -0r -6 -0 -6 -0 -0 -6 -0 0. 49.51 18.69 5.78 18.65 5.55 11.08 3.97 4.64 58.84 21.57 55.78 64.00 12.18 20.79 33.08 66.81 48.01 46.74 46.06 27.06 47.07 23.06 62.52 18.96 98.99 15.59 21.82 18.78 17.92 27.28 34.17 18.11 17.96 31.34 -6 -6 -6 -6 -0.37 53.59 18.17 0.34 -14.96 4.06 -9.19 0.79 -4.63 -54.42 -19.06 70.27 -10.66 -18.26 -32.48 -70.10 -50.48 47.87 51.64 -26.61 -46.23 22.11 71.14 -16.61 114.47 -11.79 19.00 -16.52 -1 75)9 26.71 -33.57 -32.32 -6.38 -17.85 17.61 31.15 11.89 5.49 -16.27 15.64 29.62 11.17 5.01 -3.05 -16.49 -13.43 -2.55 -4.26 -4.82 -35.6t 12.73 -5e52 -5eb2 -0.56 -0.54 0.25 -0.48 58.63 0. 1.23 0.20 5.78 -7.80 2.46 2.07 -3.90 -2.04 -3.90 -2.26 0.94 4.41 2.55 -3.41 -1.08 0.81 1.33 0.20 5.91 -6.89 2.01 1.75 -0. 49.49 18.69 0.33 -16.94 4.98 -10.88 0.73 -4.17 -58.71 -21.45 55.77 63.85 -11.91 -20.51. -33.06 -66.64 -47.54 46.66 45.99 -26.39 -46.79 23.00 62.37 -18.79 98.80 -13.51 21.67' -17.93 -1763 27.28 -4*67 -6.70 2.85 2.42 -5.95 -5.13 1.63 4.29 -2.56 6.17 7.79 -2.57 -5.60 -4*25 -2.26 -3.62 -2*00 0.98 4.85 2.28 -3.04 -1.06 -4.91 -7.11 2.93 2.72 -6.00 -5.07 1.57 4.90 -2.27 7*15 6.80 -2.26 -5.16 3623 3.22 -0.40 -0.39 -6T14 -2.78 3.12 3.26 3.51 3.43 3.81 2.36 2.94 3.58 2.15 5.17 35o49 13.03 29.38 2.42 5.86 36.10 12.74 2z6.08 0.53 0.21 -2.22 61.92 69.23 -61./6 -69.06 -4o33 27.18 28.03 6.42 63.06 31.28 1.20 48.29 51.93 51.23 16.83 -27.09 -27.93 6.07 62.77 31.05 -0.50 48.17 -51.68 -2.27 -4o84 -2o34 2*58 2o07 5.67 6.05 3.86 3o75 4.15 3.39 -4.46 1.08 3.47 -5.06 -50.90 -5*45 -5*82 7.99 59.14 32.21 4.58 47.22 45.79 47.96 18.12 12.08 11.99 10.18 -3-506 13.02 U.28 0.97 7.56 58.86 31.98 -1.92 47.10 -45.58 -47.65 -18.10 -11091 -11.82 -16.81 -90.95 0.81 1.099 -10o04 -2.01 3933 0.75 -1.71 238 -0 -0 -1 -2 -3 -4 1 2 3 4 5 6 -1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 1 -0 -0 2 3 -0 4 -2 -0 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5-4 -3 -2 -1 -0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 -1 -1 4 -4 -4 2 -0 -0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 3 -3 -3 53 5 -8 -8 -8 -8 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0o -o -0o -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 1 -1 1 -1 54.84 20.09 10.84 4.27 6.68 5.32 31.49 5.58 0. 9.54 0. 28.44 12.19 3/(.05 16.29 37.47 2.81 32.23 22.68 3.94 17.60 31.02 6.59 1.14 18.17 6.37 34.59 13.75 0. 0. 28.66 23.94 9.08 9.18 4.27 20.98 21.58 7.08 18.31 59.49 18.32 10.40 3.97 7.09 4.31 32.65 4.00 0.60 8.86 2.88 29.10 10.87 -59.41 -18.01 9.65 3.81 5.03 -3.64 32.39 2.02 -0.32 -6.81 2.61 29.03 10.73 40.73 -16.00 -2.96 -3.66 -4.03 -1.22 4.71 2.86 3.98 4.82 0. -6.11 -0. 1.93 -1.96 2.91 3.21 16.01 -54.76 -19.75 10.06 4.09 4.75 -4.49 31.24 2.81 -0. -7.33 0. 28.37 12.03 36.94 -16.28 -0.64 -0.63 43.53 -3/.29 -43.32 -3.62 -l57 -31.83 22.36 3.94 17.59 -31.01 6.59 -0.67 -2.33 -32.41 -5.08 -4.20 -1.00 -5.17 24.77 3.49 16.34 -30.84 3.80 0.19 0.62 -0.88 -0.04 -0.26 0.64 -0.13 -0.09 -0.23 0. 0. -0.12 0.25 -0.13 0.18 -0.67 0.37 -0.05 0.73 -0.61 4.09 1.20 32.82 25.12 3.50 16.35 30.86 5.70 0.49 18.31 6.10 40.63 12.61 1.77 0.10 30.20 26.63 8.41 8.87 4.09 20.54 22.17 7.44 16.31 10 /3 37.90 T9*06 4.58 21.91 36.14 40*86 5.70 -4.08 -4.57 24.00 21090 7.61 -6.72 23.98 -7.57 -754 -6.56 0.33 0.28 41.60 42.67 -0.37 -0.38 -0.81 -0.77 U.41 0.43 0.32 -U./U 0*28 -34.59 6.75 -1 -1 41.60 42.67 -1 -1-1 19.39 18.63 -19.38 22.00 23o93 -22.69 5.10 -18.61 -23o92 -5.09 -289i 27.83 -3191 -11.83 -1 -1 7.55 26.68 5.65 27.83 3.91 -4.90 -26.48 26.68 -1.65 12.53 11.83 -12.53 28.92 -1 ~1 -1, 4.91 4.21 0.17 0.58 -0.88 -0.04 -0.11 0.65 -0.13 13.75 0. -0. 28.66 -23.94 -9.08 9.18 -4.21 20.98 -21.58 7.04 -18.30 11.86 36.14 18.16 6.37 -1 -1 -3.21 -3.33 -3.87 -1.14 4.99 2.32 4.12 3.46 0.50 -5.67 -1.21 1.98 -1.75 -0.48 18.30 6.09 -40.63 12.61 1.77 -0.01 30.20 -26.63 -8.41 8.87 -4.04 20.54 -22.17 7.40 -16.30 100 0 37.90 -loll -1 -1 -2 -2 -6 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -/ -8 -8 -8 -0.49 -0.28 0.780 -0.64 0.31 -U.D4 0.27 -U.UU -0.00 -0.10 -0.21 0.06 0.10 -0.12 0.27 -0.12 0*17 -0.64 0.36 -0.05 0.77 -0.54 0./0 -0.52 -0.31 0.88- -0.72 -0.00 -0.000 239 5 -5 7 -7 -7 6 6 -6 -6 8 8 -8 -8 9 9 -9 -0 -0 1 -1 -1 4 4 -4 -4 2 2 -2 -2 3 3 -3 -3 5 5 -5 -5 7 7 -7 6 6 -6 8 8 -8 -8 9 9 -97 -0 -1 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23.84 18.98 9.97 19.36 20.22 33.11 8.41 19.32 24.28 4.05 6.96 36.33 37.75 9.63 32.36 21.33 20.78 36.74 4.99 21.28 24.06 5.66 22.27 6.11 34.45 3.06 23.82 1.59 30.89 5..75 0.25 25.66 10.50 18.15 13.12 16.42 20.10 62.76 65*23 5.54 5*76 14.43 14.49 33.27 31*29 8.32 -42.20 -3.66 8.92 16.78 14.75 22.92 -19.98 -15.10 1.01 -32.85 -16.69 -58.66 -23.96 7.82 -44.98 -3.30 8.10 15.01 14.75 22.55 -21.05 -14.84 1.45 2.86 5.86 -0.50 -2.89 -3.98 -0.62 2.19 2.83 2.04 -1.69 -3.04 2.37 2.87 5.51 -0.47 3.56 -24.45 -17.49 10.10 -19.12 19.85 -33.31 -8.94 17.99 23.49 -4.34 -6.98 35.06 -35.66 9.40 31.91 -20.64 20.35 30.44 -5.16 20.69 -22.25 -4.27 -33.50 -15*86 -65.29 -5.65 -23.46 2.84 -23.05 -18.14 9.57 -19.32 20 * 16 -32.84 -8.00 18.46 23.49 -3.89 -6.86 0.95 -6*69 36.06 -37.45 9.50 32.10 -21.28 20.74 36.36 -3.25 -5.04 -6.44 -5.39 2.93 -1.21 1.45 -4.28 -2.89 5.55 6.18 -1.24 2.00 4.29 -4.48 -1.55 4.05 -1.51 1.40 4.39 2.36 -3*08 -3 .59 -0.56 1 *96 2.83 2*00 -1.78 -2*99 3*40 -5.76 -3.09 -5.61 -6.72 0.76 -6.07 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22.19 17.81 19.34 15.03 19.50 15.38 13.02 4.87 1.01 23.84 6.34 11.99 13.15 15.66 16.15 27.85 0.83 31.34 -2 5.99 4*64 -2 2 9.40 34.80 20.54 8.44 37.74 19.18 -2 -2 2 2 -2 2 -7 -2 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 2 -2 2 -2 2 -2 -2 2 -2 2 -3 3 -3 3 -3 3 -3 3 -3 3 -3 5. 19.05 9.49 13.58 0. 9.00 18.64 6.88 12.20 3.99 26.63 15.34 11.16 17.36 22.10 20.26 2.06 4.60 0. 9.48 21.06 19.17 9.43 27.71 25.13 3*18 27.13 4.60 17.02 9.49 13.57 0.75 9.08 18.30 7.89 11.53 2.14 26.48 15.25 10.36 16.67 21.76 21.36 2.54 3.19 1.73 8.54 20.08 20.79 -24.31 -5.56 -7.21 -0. -24.71 -0. 23.62 -19.78 19.77 -13.92 -18.70 -17.19 14.67 5.60 -0. 23.08 -3.64 -12.10 14.21 16.35 -19.19 28.41 0. 33.48 9.80 -26.79 -24.38 3*88 -28*80 5.63 -9.39 -34.78 -20.52 -24.33 -4.33 -7.14 -0.05 -25.52 -0.96 22.19 -17.81 19.34 -15.03 -19.50 -15.36 12.98 4.70 -0.56 23.83 -6.27 -11.99 13.14 15.66 -16.14 27.85 0.79 31.31 9.43 -27.71 -25.09 3*16 -27.10 . 4.36 -8.43 -37.72 -19.17 -0.48 -0.79 0.55 -0. 0.65 0. 0.23 0.16 -0.53 0.07 -0.40 0.99 -1l.13 1.50 -0. -0.60 0.58 0.17 0.59 0.01 -0.76 -0.32 0. 1.62 -0.31 0.06 -1.29 0.46 -1.37 2.05 -0.34 -1.10 0.74 5.22 4.59 19.01 -9.38 -13.58 0. 8.94 18.63 6.88 12.12 -3.61 26.62 -15.31 -11.09 -17.32 22.08 20.20 1.63 4.29 0. 9.45 -21.04 19.17 16.99 -9.38 -13.56 0.50 9.03 18.28 7.89 11.46 -1.94 26.46 -15.23 -10.28 -16.63 21.74 21.30 2.02 2.97 1.23 -1.42 0.13 0. -0.97 0.71 -0.13 1.37 -1.70 0.95 -0.85 1.32 -1.16 0.77 -1.59 1.25 0*82 -0. 0.69 -0.90 0.41 8.52 -20.*06 20.79 -0.3 1.65 -0.48 -0.62 0.54 -0.77 0.67 0.17 0.22 0.14 -0.52 0.07 -0.42 0.88 -1.00 1.26 -0.83 -0.62 1.00 0.17 0.55 0.01 -0.64 -0.31 0*27 1.51 -0*30 0.07 -1 *33 0.37 -1 *29 1 . 59 -0.31 -1 . 19 0.69 -0).3 1.10 -1.42 0.13 0.56 -0.98 0.70 -0.15 1.29 -0.92 0.95 -0.84 1.22 -1.11 0.76 -1.67 1.54 1 .14 -1 *53 0.62 -0.85 0*45 262 -2 5 D 6 -0 -0 1 1 -1 -1 3 3 4 4 2 2 -2 5 -0 -0 1 3 2 2 -1 -0 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -8 -8 3 -3 3 -3 -3 3 -4 4 -4 4 -4 4 -4 4 -4 4 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23.85 25.12 -16.77 -17.37 -3.71 10.*03 -16*75 -19.92 -36.70 -39.01 -21.69 26*36 26.21 -13.69 -14.47 -4.36 -3.45 4.90 5.89 -2.74 -2.85 0*24 -0 14 -5.15 -2.76 -4.11 -4.*49 -3 . 09 5.42 6 . 15 -2.24 -2 37 26~3 S-8 3 -8 2 -8 2 -8 3 -3 -3 3 37.38 35.20 22.97 21.11 39.76 38.98 22.60 d0.46 36.95 34.79 -22.73 -20.90 39.32 38.54 -22.36 -20.26 L.65 5.30 -3.33 -2.95 6.01 5.87 -3.28 -2.86 264 Pectolite structure factors The FCAL's for pectolLte were computed in the same way as for wollastonite except that the coordinates and temperature factors of Chapter IV were used together with a single overall scale factor. 265 0 1 1 2 2 0 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 3 0 1 3 1 2 3 4 2 4 4 3 4 0 1 1 3 2 4 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 4 1 0 3 5 4 2 1 5 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L 0 1 -1 1 0 -1 2 -2 1 2 -2 -1 2 1 3 -3 3 -3 2 0 -2 3 -1 1 -3 -2 4 -4 3 -4 2 -3 -1 4 -4 1 FOBS 12.43 16.49 22.45 7.11 40.57 5.21 44.90 60.32 58.74 72.67 55.67 62.72 13.00 16.63 25.01 40.91 71.65 51.37 7.88 34.35 42.69 31.79 23.41 42.23 50.17 4.66 25.53 73.96 27.05 51.21 52.93 51.45 12.23 60.12 40.44 41.36 19.09 19.11 87.12 49.69 3 -03 5 4 2 -4 -5 -3 -1 0 5 -2 41.18 FCAL 11.46 16.44 20.74 5.58 43.46 5.27 49.64 81.00 71.20 98.65 69.32 76.68 9.42 17.28 23.09 39.43 95.14 54.13 8.08 33.67 41.66 28.67 20.39 41.26 50.22 4.50 24.15 84.89 24.82 51.76 55.08 52.71 11.30 65.31 39.89 40.85 18.67 19.22 104.71 49.28 40.51 4.641 AOBS 11.90 16.11 22.40 -0.47 -40.54 -0.96 -44.89 -60.20 58.68 72.62 -55.53 -62.58 11.32 15.77 24.93 -40.59 -71.56 51.37 -7.82 -34.34 -42.59 -31.40 -23.01 -42.22 -49.90 2.39 25.18 -73.84 27.02 -50.99 52.68 51.32 -12.03 59.93 40.23 41.36 -19.07 18.36 -87.05 ACAL 10.98 16.06 20.69 -0.37 -43.42 -0.97 -49.63 -80.84 71.13 98.58 -69.15 -76.51 8.20 16.39 23.02 -39.12 -95.01 54*13 -8.02 -33.66 -41.57 -28.32 -20.04 -41.26 -49.95 2.30 23.82 -84.75 24.80 -51.55 54.82 52.58 -11.12 65,&10 39.68 40.85 -18.66 BOBS 3.58 3.50 -1.57 7.09 -1.56 -5.12 -1.11 -3.79 2.55 2.68 -3.84 -4.26 -6.40 5.27 -2.02 -5.13 -3.66 -0.55 -0.96 -0.82 2.91 -4.93 4.29 -0.36 -5.18 4.01 4.23 -4.26 -1.11 -4.70 5.12 3.59 -2.19 4.89 4.15 -0.12 -0.75 BCAL 3 *31 3*49 -1.45 5 .57 -1.67 -5*18 -1 *22 -5.09 3.09 3.63 -4.78 -5.21 -4.64 5.48 -1.86 -4.94 -4.86 -0.58 -0.98 -0.81 2*84 -4.45 3.73 -0.35 -5*18 3.86 4.00 -4.89 -1.02 -4.75 5.33 3.68 -2.03 5.31 4*10 -0*12 -0*74 18.46 5.30 5.33 104.63 -3.51 -4.22 49.41 49.01 ').*2 / 41.10 40.43 2Z/4 -24.49 2.61 5.22 2 *57 -1.30 3.45 -1 *22 is./0 26.14 68.66 67.08 44.42 17.50 24.92 60.44 68.48 12.18 52.3 24.52 78.32 73.94 44.61 15.46 68.58 78.23 3.32 -66.92 -44.34 16.44 -73.76 -4.62 -44.o53 2.61 23.53 24.38 65.43 72.25 12.34 5.50 60.40 23.03 65*39 11.47 52.24 72.07 11.63 5.s43 5.58 5.76 3.48 3*58 7.59 7.79 /.28 /.48 -26.11 68.31 14.52 6.00 -5.15 2.24 4.82 4.08 2.64 -4.37 2.14 -5*10 2.63 5*30 -4.87 2.42 5.08 4*14 2.80 -4.50 2.19 266 5 5 4 3 6 6 7 5 7 3 5 6 7 7 3 1 0 6 1 5 8 8 7 3 4 8 8 2 8 4 8 7 6 6 3 7 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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-16.2 16.70 -31.34 -3.08 22.40 7.84 2.82 -13.90 11.95 -21.30 -1.93 22.63 -31.14 11.25 9o63 9.10 -0.18 0.03 1.02 -0.04 0.87 0.01 0.65 -0.47 -0.04 1.13 -0.40 -1 . 3 1.22 1 .16 -0.50 -0.64 0.41 0.30 0 .29 0. 1c 0 .29 -0.37 -0*04 -0034 1 0.7 0.57 0.07 0.1 0.2s -1.33 -0090 -0 .76 1.295 -0.42 -0.00 -0.99 1.36b 0.21 07 0.46 u 0.06 -0.64 0.18 0.26 -0.94 -0.83 -- 0.77 1 *04 -0.44 -0.00 -0.70 1.31 0.28 ~oo Biographical Note Charles Thompson Prewitt was born on March 3, 1933, in Lexington, Kentucky. Thompson Prewitt. He is the son of John Burton and Margaret He attended the public schools in Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, and graduated from Mt. Sterling High School in June, 1951. All undergraduate and graduate schooling was taken at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he received an S. B. in Geology in June, 1955, an S.M. in Geology and Geophys ics in June, 1960, and began work on a Ph.D. in Crystallography and Mineralogy in September, 1960. He received a National Science Foundation travel grant to attend the N.A. T. 0. Advanced Study Institute on "Modern Methods of Crystal Structure Determination", held at the College of Science and Technology, Manchester, England, August 25-September 9, 1960. He served on active duty as a second lieutenant with the U. S.Army from January to July, 1956, and is presently a member of the U. S. Army Reserve in the rank of captain. Professi onal experience includes a number of summer or part-time jobs in government, industry, and university positions, including a half- time Research Assistantship at M. I. T. during the graduate school years, 1956-57 to 1961-62. He is married to the former Gretchen Beatrice Hansen of Virginia, Minnesota. Titles of publications: The Crystal Structure of Cahnite, Ca X-ray Study of Pyrographite 2 BAsO4 (OH)4 (with M. J. Buerger) (with Otto J. Guentert) The parameters I and 4 for equi-inclination, with application to the single-crystal counter diffractometer Professional societies: Sigma Xi American Crystallographic Association The Geochemical Society The Mineralogical Society of America