374000 Description of Map Units 106°22'30"W 375000 Quaternary B Tbr Tpa Tbr Tpa Tpb Qec Tbh Tpv Tpa Tpbhd 70 Qc Tm Tbp Tbi Tbi 3956000 14 Qbo Qc Qbo Tbr? 6.52 Tbr Tphd Tbp Tcc Tcct? Qc Tbr 60 7.06 75 Tbi 55 65 Qbt Qc Qbt Tbp 6.63 Tbi 7.1 6.93 Qbt Qbt Tbp Tbr Tbi Tbi 3953000 Tbi Tbp 37 Qc Qc Tbp Qbt 27 Tbp Tpa Qal A 35°42'30"N Qbo 87 Qbo Qc Tbr Tbp Tbr Qal Tbi Tpbd Qbo Tbp 5 Qal Tbi Tpa Tbp Tbp Tbp Tpbd 27 Tbi Qec 25 83 Tbp 8 80 15 Qc Tbi 16 40 27 25 Qbt Qal Tbi Qc 82 80 Qbt Qal Tbr 3950000 Qal 12 Tglp? Qc Qbo Qbt Qc Tglp Qbo Qal Qec Tbr Qc 3949000 QTc Qc Tglp Qec 12 Qt2 Tbp Tglp Tglp Tbp Qc QTc 3948000 35°40'0"N Tbr Tbr Qc Tglp Qc Tbr Tglp Qc Qc Tbr Qc QTc Qbt Tglp Tglp? 35 70 Qec Qal Qbo Qec Qoa Qt2 Qec 3948 000 Qec Tbp 56 55 15 QTc Qt3 Tglp Qal 50 Qal QTc Qe Qal 3947 000 Qt1 Qec Qec QTc 50 Qe Qt1 QTc Qbo QTc Qec Qal 13 Qal Tglp Tglp Qe 3946000 Qc QTc Qe QTc QTc Qc Qec QTc Qec 3946 000 QTc Qe Qal Tglp Qec QTc Tglp Tglp Qal QTc Tglp QTc QTc QTc Qc QTc Qc Qc Qal QTc Tglp Qe QTc 3943000 364000 365000 106°30'0"W Qe 366000 367000 106°27'30"W Digital cartography by S. D. Lynch, M. M. Mansell, and D. J. McCraw BLAND 0 Cañada 371000 0 1000 2000 3000 106°25'0"W Qal Tbp 372000 5000 6000 COCHITI DAM NEW MEXICO Magnetic Declination May, 2006 9º 48' East At Map Center 0.5 0 Holocene Qal QTslg QTslg 373000 QTc Qt4 374000 7000 FEET 35°37'30"N 375000 106°22'30"W New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources New Mexico Tech 801 Leroy Place Socorro, New Mexico 87801-4796 1 KILOMETER CONTOUR INTERVAL 20 FEET NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 SANTO DOMINGO PUEBLO SW SANTO DOMINGO PUEBLO Comments to Map Users Tsf May 2005 7.12 Qe Qt4 Peralta Canyon Tbp Tpbd Tphd Units by Area East QTc Bland Canyon Tbi Tbp Tbp Tbp Tpb Tpv Tpbd Tppa Tpa Tpa Tphd Tpoa he nc n Ca on ny on P & T Valle Grande Qs Qs Qb & P Qs o Ts Qs 35°45' Tb @ Ti T Ts Gr Cañada p_ P @ & @ Q ³ Tb @ QT T aQT QT QT Q Cochiti Reservoir Miles 5 0 Q - Quaternary sediments T - Tertiary sedimentary rocks Ti - Tertiary intrusive rocks & - Pennsylvanian sedimentary rocks Qb - Quaternary basaltic volcanic rocks Tb - Tertiary basaltic volcanic rocks @ - Triassic sedimentary rocks p_ - Precambrian rocks undifferentiated QT - Quaternary -Tertiary sediments Ts - Tertiary silicic volcanic rocks P - Permian sedimentary rocks volcanic vents Generalized geologic map of the Jemez Mountains depicting the location of the Cañada quadrangle on the southern flank of the Jemez caldera. References Dethier, D.P., Harrington, C.D., and Aldrich, M.J., 1988, Late Cenozoic rates of erosion in the western Española basin, New Mexico: Evidence from geologic dating of erosion surfaces: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 100, p. 928-937. Dethier, D.P., 1996, Geologic map of the Cochiti Dam quadrangle: unpublished mapping for the U.S. Geological Survey, 1:24,000. Dethier, D.P., and McCoy, W.D., 1993, Aminostratigraphic relations and age of Quaternary deposits, northern Española basin, northern New Mexico: Quaternary Research, v. 39, p. 222-230. Stein, H.J., 1983, Geology of the Cochiti mining district, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico [M.S. thesis]: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, 122 p. WoldeGabriel, G., and Goff, F., 1989, Temporal relations of volcanism and hydrothermal systems in two areas of the Jemez volcanic field, New Mexico: Geology, v. 17, p. 986-989. fa r Pe Tbr Tbp Tpa t ul fa io Qbt Qbt Tbr ed Tbp Tpa Tpa D 8000 fa M Qbt Qbo Qbo ia Qbt Tbp Qbo Tppa Tpa Pa r ja ito t ul fa 7000 Qbt Qbo Tppa Qbo 6000 No vertical exaggeration ks B B' an C ta ral Pe 8800 8800 8000 8000 n yo > 1 - Gary Smith and Andrika Kuhle, 1997-2006 2 - Scott Lynch, 2003 3 - Scott Lynch, 2003; Stein (1983) 4 - Goff et al. (1990) 5 - Goff et al. (1990); Lavine (1995) 6 - Gary Smith, 1997 Tbr Tbp Tbi a añ C da t ul oc 3944 Q Q tR 3946 7000 ta al Tbr t ul 6000 1 p_ Smith, R.L., Bailey, R.A., and Ross, C.S., 1970, Geologic map of the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Investigations Map I-571, scale 1:125,000. yo an zC iti ch A' Line of cross section ny n Te A Fault, dashed where approximate, solid where certain, dotted where concealed Ball on downthrown side, dip shown where measured 3948 Valles Caldera A' 8000 esa 87 Contact, dashed where approximate, solid where certain, dotted where concealed, dip shown where measured P A M 60 QT Smith, G.A., McIntosh, W.C., and Kuhle, A.J., in press, Sedimentologic and geomorphic evidence for teeter-totter subsidence of the Santo Domingo accommodation-zone basin, Rio Grande rift, New Mexico: Geological Society of America Bulletin. Hoodoos eroded in the Peralta Tuff member of the Bearhead Rhyolite (foreground) and gravel of the Cochiti formation (skyline) provide the geologic framework of the Kasha Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument. Photo by Gary Smith. est W New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM, 87801 Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, 87131 Ca T Qs Qs Smith, G.A. and Kuhle, A.J., 1998, Geology of the Santo Domingo Pueblo and Santo Domingo SW 7.5' quadrangles, Sandoval County, New Mexico, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Open-file Geologic Map OF-GM 15 and 26, scale 1:24,000. Tcct Tpv Tphd 6 Co on Strike of vertical flow foliation 5 ny 1 ta Ts Qs Geologic Cross Sections Ca ral Q 375 nd Pe P @ Smith, G.A., and Kuhle, A.J., 1998, Hydrostratigraphic implications of new geological mapping in the Santo Domingo Basin: New Mexico Geology, v. 20, p. 21-27. Tpbd Tcc x Cerro Balitas 2 3950 & 36°00' Smith, G.A., and Lavine, A., 1996, What is the Cochiti Formation?: in: Goff, et al., eds., New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 47, p. 219-224. Tbr 3952 Strike and dip of flow foliation Tb Ts Smith, G.A., 2001, Development of a pyroclastic apron adjacent to rhyolite domes in a subsiding basin: Upper Miocene Peralta Tuff, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico, in Volcanoes of New Mexico, L. Crumpler and S.G. Lucas, editors: New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 18, p. 85-96. Sanchez Canyon Tbr Sa Bearhead x Peak T T p_ Smith, G.A., 1999, Tectonics and volcanism of the late Miocene Bearhead magmatic episode in the southeastern Jemez Mountains, New Mexico: New Mexico Geology, v. 21, p. 37-38. 4 Bla 3954 106°15' Tb McIntosh, W.C., and Quade, J., 1995, 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of tephra layers in the Santa Fe Group, Española basin, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 46, p. 279-287. Tsf 373 106°30' P Goff, F., Gardner, J.N., and Valentine, G., 1990, Geology of St. Peter’s Dome area, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Geologic Map GM-69, 2 sheets, scale 1:24,000. 3 Strike and dip of bedding Strike of vertical joints 78 371 on by Scott D. Lynch 1, Gary A. Smith 2, and Andrika J. Kuhle 2 27 3956000m N. 369 ny Horizontal bedding 367 365000m E. 106°45' Lavine, A., Smith, G.A., and Goff, F., 1996, Volcaniclastic rocks of the Keres Group: insights into mid-Miocene volcanism and sedimentation in the southeastern Jemez Mountains: New Mexico Geological Society 47th Field Conference Guidebook, p. 211-218. Tm Tpa The rocks in the Cochiti mining district are hydrothermally altered and intensely fractured. Faults and fractures in the district are commonly filled with N-S and NE-SW trending, gold and silver bearing epithermal quartz veins up to 1 meter wide. The rocks are variably chloritized, silicified, and argillized. WoldeGabriel and Goff (1989) dated hydrothermal illite and determined this alteration occurred between 5.9-6.5 Ma and may thus be associated with Bearhead Rhyolite magmatism. Chamberlin, R.M., Pazzaglia, F.J., Wegmann, K.W., and Smith, G.A., 1999, Preliminary geologic map of the Loma Creston 7.5-min. quadrangle, Sandoval County, New Mexico, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Open-file Geologic Map OF-GM 25, scale 1:24,000. Qec Qoa Tbr North of Bearhead Peak there is mostly hypabyssal rocks of the Cochiti mining district. The area is in the footwall of a NE-trending fault zone, including the major Bland fault (Stein, 1983). Uplift and erosion of these blocks has exposed the feeder system of the Keres Group volcanic rocks, a depth of exposure seen nowhere else in the Jemez volcanic field. The rocks are primarily dikes and stocks of the Paliza Canyon formation that are intruded by Bearhead Rhyolite dikes and stocks. The dikes commonly are near vertical and strike north to northeast, coincident with fault orientations in the area. Lavine, A., 1995, Sedimentologic and temporal relations between volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of the Keres Group, Jemez Mountains: Implications for the physical and volcanic evolution of Keres Group composite volcanoes [M.S. thesis]: Albuquerque, University of New Mexico. Colle Canyon Tbi The Bearhead basin accommodates the 500 m thick, west-tilted section of Peralta Tuff between Peralta and Medio Dia Canyons (Smith, 1999). The fault zone of Peralta Canyon forms the western stepped margin of the basin, with the Peralta fault forming its far western edge. The Peralta Tuff thins against the western margin, and is abruptly truncated by the Peralta fault. The down to the west Medio Dia fault zone forms the eastern margin of the Bearhead basin. The southeastern margin of the basin is partly uplifted in the footwall of the Pajarito fault. This uplift, along with possibly greater displacement along the Peralta fault zone than the Medio Dia fault zone, accounts for the westward tilt of the Bearhead basin. The basin is about 8 km wide near its southern end. It tapers to the north between northeast trending faults and the northwest trending Medio Dia fault. It is about 2.5 km wide near the northern quadrangle boundary, where northeast trending, down to the southeast faults form its northern margin. The thick section of Peralta Tuff Member and overlying Cochiti Formation is absent east and west of the Bearhead basin, indicating deposition during basin subsidence (Smith, 1999). Justet, L., 1999, The geochronology and geochemistry of the Bearhead Rhyolite, Jemez volcanic field, New Mexico [M.S. thesis]: University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 152 p. Qbo QTslg Many of the Keres Group magmas intruded and erupted along faults in the southern Jemez volcanic field (Gardner et al. 1986). In the Canada quadrangle, several Bearhead Rhyolite stocks and domes are found at the intersection between N-S trending and NE-SW trending faults. In the northwest corner of the quadrangle, Bearhead Rhyolite vents are aligned along N-S trending faults, which are intruded by rhyolite dikes. The intermediate and rhyolitic dikes in the Cochiti mining district very commonly trend N-S and NE-SW. Sandstone (Miocene) - White, silicified and metamorphosed fine-grained, well-sorted, sandstone. Consists of ~90% quartz with minor feldspar and lithic fragments. Mostly massive but locally includes faint horizontal and cross bedding. Based on grain size, composition, and lack of associated mudstone, the sandstone is tentatively correlated to middle Miocene eolian sandstones, such as the Zia sandstone, in the Albuquerque basin, and the Ojo Caliente sandstone Member of the Tesuque formation, in the Espanola basin. Stein (1983) and Smith (2001) interpret as roof pendants within stocks of unit Tm. Maximum thickness is 100 m. Qbt Tglp The Pajarito fault zone is a major north to northeast trending structure in the Jemez Mountains. In the Canada quadrangle it has a record of movement in the middle Pleistocene. Between Bland and Cochiti Canyons it displaces the Bandelier Tuff by 80 meters. In Bland Canyon it also cuts middle Pleistocene terrace gravel (Qt3), which is in fault contact with Peralta Tuff. Goff et al. (1990) estimate a maximum displacement of 300 m in the Keres Group rocks along the Pajarito fault between Bland and Cochiti Canyons. Bailey, R.L., Smith, R.L., and Ross, C.S., 1969, Stratigraphic nomenclature of volcanic rocks in the Jemez Mountains: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1274P, 19 p. Qt1 West The Jemez volcanic field is at the intersection of the north-trending Rio Grande Rift and the northeast-trending Jemez lineament. High-angle normal faults trending north, north-northwest and northeast are numerous in the Canada quadrangle. Most of these faults dip between 65°-80° to the east or southeast. A notable exception is the major Medio Dia fault, which is down to the west. They are well exposed in the Keres Group volcanics, commonly with fault gouge, breccias, slicks, alteration zones, and in some places quartz veins. The displacement in Keres Group rocks is greater than 170 meters where the Peralta fault enters Peralta Canyon and juxtaposes Peralta Tuff against Paliza Canyon andesite ( Tpa). The Bland fault juxtaposes hypabyssal Keres Group rocks in the footwall against Peralta Tuff in the hanging wall. Several faults also offset upper Pliocene pediment gravels (Tglp) in the southern part of the quadrangle by as much as 70 m, and a few displace the 1.22 Ma Bandelier tuff (Qbt) in the northern part by typically less than 30 m. Santa Fe Group Qt2 Units by Area The Cochiti Formation (QTc) gradationally overlies the Peralta Tuff Member in the southern part of Canada quadrangle and is interbedded with the Sierra Ladrones Formation (QTslg) near the southeastern corner. Bandelier Tuff ( Qbo) is present within the uppermost Cochiti Formation east of Tent Rocks. Gardner, J.N., and Goff, F., 1984, Potassium-argon dates from the Jemez volcanic field: implications for tectonic activity in the north-central Rio Grande rift, New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 35, p. 75-81. Index to Geologic Mapping Age (Ma) Volcanic vent New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Open-file Geologic Map 85 Qc Bearhead Rhyolite is stratigraphically above Paliza Canyon Formation in the Canada quadrangle. The Peralta tuff member (Tbp) is typically overlain and intruded by Bearhead Rhyolite domes, flows, and intrusions (Tbr/Tbi), but in Peralta Canyon they are intercalated or the Peralta Tuff buries the lava. Bandelier Tuff (Qbo/Qbt) overlies Bearhead Rhyolite and Keres Group. Gardner, J.N., Goff, F., Garcia, S., and Hagan, R.C., 1986, Stratigraphic relations and lithologic variations in the Jemez volcanic field: Journal of Geophysical Research, v.91, p. 1763-1778. http://geoinfo.nmt.edu Explanation of Map Symbols 2 Tcct Tcc Ca The map has not been reviewed according to New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources standards. The contents of the report and map should not be considered final and complete until reviewed and published by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the State of New Mexico, or the U.S. Government. Qls In the western part of the quadrangle, Paliza Canyon Formation andesite flows (Tpa) and intrusive rocks (Tm) are the oldest volcanic units exposed. Paliza Canyon Formation biotite dacite flows (Tpbd) overlie andesite flows (Tpa) along the western quadrangle margin. A Paliza Canyon Formation hornblende dacite flow (Tphd) is present beneath Peralta Tuff ( Tbp) and apparently above andesite flows (Tpa). It is a single exposure in the northwest corner of the quadrangle and its stratigraphic relationship with the biotite dacite (Tpbd) is unknown. Canovas Canyon rhyolite (Miocene) - tuff. White to pink ash-fall and ash-flow tuffs. Consists of at least four mappable units. Lowermost unit consists of pink lithic-rich ash-fall tuff containing abundant lithic fragments of pink flow-banded rhyolite. Other units consist of thin beds of white, fine-grained ash and pumice. Maximum observed thickness about 20 m. Tcct lle Cross sections are constructed based upon the interpretations of the author made from geologic mapping, and available geophysical, and subsurface (drillhole) data. Cross-sections should be used as an aid to understanding the general geologic framework of the map area, and not be the sole source of information for use in locating or designing wells, buildings, roads, or other man-made structures. Geologic map of the Cañada quadrangle, Sandoval County, New Mexico STATEMAP quadrangles are available for free downloads at: Co A geologic map displays information on the distribution, nature, orientation, and age relationships of rock and deposits and the occurrence of structural features. Geologic and fault contacts are irregular surfaces that form boundaries between different types or ages of units. Data depicted on this geologic quadrangle map may be based on any of the following: reconnaissance field geologic mapping, compilation of published and unpublished work, and photogeologic interpretation. Locations of contacts are not surveyed, but are plotted by interpretation of the position of a given contact onto a topographic base map; therefore, the accuracy of contact locations depends on the scale of mapping and the interpretation of the geologist(s). Any enlargement of this map could cause misunderstanding in the detail of mapping and may result in erroneous interpretations. Site-specific conditions should be verified by detailed surface mapping or subsurface exploration. Topographic and cultural changes associated with recent development may not be shown. Tcc Qt3 Tbr [505] 835-5490 LOMA CRESTON Qal QTc Mapping of this quadrangle was funded by a matching-funds grant from the STATEMAP program of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Act, administered by the U. S. Geological Survey, and by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, (Dr. Peter A. Scholle, Director and State Geologist, Dr. J. Michael Timmons, Geologic Mapping Program Manager ). 1 MILE 4000 Qt4 Tbp FRIJOLES 1 BEAR SPRINGS PEAK Tbp A 12.4 Ma Canovas Canyon Rhyolite flow (Tcc) and an underlying tuff (Tcct) are exposed in Sanchez Canyon and are the oldest volcanic units in the Canada quadrangle. The flow is overlain by intercalated Paliza Canyon Formation andesite and dacite flows, domes, and volcaniclastic deposits. The lower part of this sequence is intercalated with Canovas Canyon rhyolite domes, flows, and tuffs as young as 9.2 Ma (Gardner and Goff, 1984). There is no compositional progression in this sequence of rocks (Goff et al., 1990). The sequence is overlain by Peralta Tuff, which is overlain by a Bearhead Rhyolite dome. Canovas Canyon rhyolite (Miocene) - Domes, flows, and intrusions. White to gray to pink, flowbanded devitrified rhyolite and rhyodacite. Contains phenocrysts of quartz, plagioclase, biotite, ±sanidine, ±hornblende. May contain flow breccia, perlite, and rare obsidian at margins of intrusions. Tcc underlies or intrudes intermediate-composition rocks of lower Keres Group. K-Ar ages of four domes and flows range from 9.24 ±1.50 Ma to 12.4 ±2.0 Ma (Goff et al., 1990). Maximum observed thickness about 110 m. Correlation of Map Units QTslg QTc 370000 0.5 1000 REDONDO PEAK 14 Qt4 1:24,000 1 QTc Qt4 QTslg 369000 3944 000 Qt4 The northern 2/3 of the Canada quadrangle is Keres Group rocks and Bandelier Tuff, and the southern 1/3 is primarily volcaniclastic basin-fill sediments and pediment gravels of the Santa Fe Group. The Keres Group rocks form prominent highlands along the northwestern and northeastern sides of the quadrangle, with Bandelier Tuff capping the mesas in between. Keres Group rocks are also present in the deeply incised canyons between the mesas of Bandelier Tuff. Paliza Canyon formation (Miocene) - Olivine basalt. Contains sparse phenocrysts of plagioclase, augite, and olivine. Exposed in Colle Canyon at northern quadrangle margin. Intruded by Tm. Tpb QTc Tglp 368000 Base map from U.S. Geological Survey 2002, from photographs taken 1996, edited in 2002. 1927 North American datum, UTM projection -- zone 13N 1000-meter Universal Transverse Mercator grid, zone 13, shown in blue QTc Qbo QTc Qe B' 6.81 Tbp Tglp QTc QTc 12 QTslg Qal Qc QTc Qbo Qbo Tbp Qt1 Qt4 Qbo Tglp QTc Tglp Qt4 Tglp Tbp Tglp QTc Qbo Tbp QTc QTc 35°37'30"N Tglp Qbo Tbp Qal 3944000 Qc Qc Qal Qbo Tbp Qc Qec Qe 15 Qc QTc QTc Qt1 Pliocene Tglp Qal Qe Tglp 3945 000 Tglp Tglp Qe Tglp QTc Qbo Qe Tglp QTc QTc Qt1 Qbo Qc Qc QTc Qc QTc QTc Qt1 Qbo 26 QTc TERTIARY Miocene 3945000 Qc In the southern Jemez volcanic field, the Bandelier tuff erupted over a rugged terrain of volcanic rocks known as the Keres Group (Bailey et al., 1969). The group was refined by Gardner et al. (1986) and consists of Canovas Canyon rhyolite, Paliza Canyon formation, and Bearhead rhyolite. Paliza Canyon Formation dominates Keres Group, and consists of voluminous andesitic to dacitic, with some basaltic, lavas and associated volcanic breccias (Gardner et al., 1986). Canovas Canyon rhyolite flows and tuffs typically underlie Paliza Canyon andesites and dacites, but are intercalated locally. Most of the Canovas Canyon and Paliza Canyon volcanic rocks were erupted 8-10 Ma (Gardner et al., 1986; Goff et al., 1990; Lavine et al., 1996; Chamberlin et al., 1999). Overlying the Paliza Canyon formation is the Bearhead Rhyolite, which consists of rhyolite intrusions, lava flows and domes, and the associated pyroclastic and sedimentary strata of the Peralta Tuff Member. Bearhead rhyolite erupted between 6-7 Ma (Gardner et al., 1986). Paliza Canyon formation (Miocene) - Monzonite dikes and stocks. Characterized in detail by Stein (1983). Contains phenocrysts and locally glomerocrysts of plagioclase and augite set in a fine-grained phaneritic to aphanitic groundmass of plagioclase, orthoclase, quartz, and augite. Fine-grained or aphanitic locally. Light to very dark gray to dark green to black, pervasively hydrothermally altered. Present along Colle Canyon in footwall of major NE-striking fault. Intruded by Tbi. Dikes range between 1 cm to 30 m wide, trend northerly, and are vertical. Tm Cochiti Formation (Upper Miocene to Lower Pleistocene) - Volcanic sand and gravel in poorly sorted, tabular beds. Clasts consist of Keres Group volcanic rocks with a distinct upward increase in the abundance of devitrified and altered rhyolite at the expense of vitric rhyolite. Gradationally overlies the upper Miocene Peralta Tuff Member of the Bearhead Rhyolite (Smith and Lavine, 1996; Smith, 2000). The basal contact at Tent Rocks is located about 10 m above a 6.79 ±0.05 Ma pyroclastic deposit (McIntosh and Quade, 1995). A 6.16 ±0.07 Ma (W. McIntosh, personal communication, Oct. 1997) rhyolitic tephra is present in lower beds of the formation at Tent Rocks. East of Tent Rocks, the lower Pleistocene Bandelier Tuff (Qbo) is present within the uppermost Cochiti Formation. In the Cochiti Dam quadrangle, the upper Cochiti Formation contains primary and reworked tephra-fall beds dated at 1.87 ±0.01 Ma and 1.84 ±0.02 Ma by 40Ar/39Ar (W. McIntosh, personal communication, Feb. 1997 ) and correlated, by visual comparison, to the San Diego Canyon A and B ignimbrites. The Cochiti Formation is interbedded with unit QTslg near the southeastern corner of the quadrangle. QUATERNARY Pleistocene Tglp Qe Tpv Sierra Ladrones Formation (Upper Miocene to Lower Pleistocene) - Gravel deposited by axial river (ancestral Rio Grande). Restricted to outcrops in the southeastern corner of the quadrangle, but also found as clasts in Peralta Tuff at Tent Rocks, and in fault gouge along Pajarito fault on west side of Bland Canyon. Contains about 35-40% quartzite, 20% granitic and metamorphic rocks and the remainder mostly volcanic rocks. Clasts of Oligocene Pedernal Chert comprise 1 to 5% of most outcrops. In the adjacent Santo Domingo Pueblo SW quadrangle, axial gravel is interbedded with beds of Peralta Tuff Member of the Bearhead Rhyolite (Smith and Kuhle, 1997b) that yield 40Ar/39Ar ages of 6.81 ±0.02, 6.81 ±0.01, and 6.88 ±0.01 Ma (W. McIntosh, personal communication, Feb. 1997 ). At Tent Rocks, rhyolitic hydromagmatic deposits dated at 6.90 ±0.06 Ma (McIntosh and Quade, 1995; Smith, 2000), and clearly from a lower stratigraphic position than the samples providing the three ages above, contain accessory clasts derived from axial gravel deposits. Tephra, apparently reworked from the lower Bandelier Tuff, and dated at 1.62 ±0.01 Ma (W. McIntosh, personal communication, Feb. 1997 ) is present approximately 20 m below the top of the Sierra Ladrones Formation in the Santa Fe River valley immediately upstream of Cochiti Dam in the Santo Domingo Pueblo quadrangle (Smith and Kuhle, 1997a). These dates limit the age of the Sierra Ladrones Formation outcrops in the Santo Domingo from late Miocene to early Pleistocene, although outcrops on this quadrangle are all of late Miocene age. QTslg Qal Qbo QTc 6.19 Qal Qec Qec QTc Qec The Canada quadrangle is located at the boundary between the southern Jemez volcanic field and northern Santo Domingo Basin, and on the western edge of the Rio Grande rift. The Santo Domingo Basin is an accommodation zone within the rift that is filled primarily with Santa Fe Group sediments (Smith and Kuhle, 1998). The Jemez volcanic field is at the intersection between the rift and the northeast-trending Jemez lineament. These structures are characteristically expressed in the Jemez Mountains as northerly and northeasterly trending normal faults. Miocene to Pleistocene lavas and pyroclastics ranging in composition from basalt to rhyolite make up the volcanic field, and its development culminated with the formation of the Valles caldera and associated 1.22 Ma eruption of the Bandelier tuff. The southeastern margin of the Valles caldera is about 10-15 km northwest of the Canada quadrangle. Paliza Canyon formation (Miocene) - Volcaniclastic deposits. Coarse-grained volcaniclastic breccia, conglomerate, and sandstone interbedded with thin Paliza Canyon formation lava flows and flow breccias of basalt and basaltic andesite composition. Primarily debris-flow and fluvial deposits consisting of reworked flow-breccia blocks and tephra. Locally includes primary and slightly reworked gray, andesitic tephra and white rhyodacitic and dacitic tephra. Outcrops in Cochiti and Sanchez Canyons include monolithologic breccias with sparse radially-jointed blocks that may be block-and-ash-flow deposits. Stratigraphy, volcanology, and sedimentology of these deposits described by Lavine (1995) Quaternary and Tertiary 35°40'0"N Tglp Qe Qbo QTc Tglp Tglp Qe QTc Qoa Qt4 QTc Qe Qe Qt1? 45 Tglp Tglp QTc QTc 18 7 QTc Tglp Qt1 70 Paliza Canyon formation (Miocene) - Olivine andesite. Domes and flows of black to gray andesite and minor red cinder deposits. Contains plagioclase, clinopyroxene, hypersthene and iddingsitized olivine in itersertal to glassy groundmass. May contain sparse plagioclase-pyroxene clots. May contain apatite microphenocrysts. Flows massive with vesicular flow tops. Flows rarely sheeted. Tpoa Bandelier Tuff, Otowi Member and Guaje Pumice Bed (Lower Pleistocene) - White to tan nonwelded rhyolite ash-flow tuff containing abundant (~10-15%) phenocrysts of euhedral quartz (3 mm) and sanidine, with more quartz than sanidine, and trace mafic phenocrysts. Commonly contains abundant (3-10%) mafic lithic clasts. Basal pumice-fall deposit (Guaje Pumice Bed) occurs locally (less than 2 m thick). Typically forms slopes, and tent rock formation is also common. Erupted ~1.61 Ma during the Toledo caldera formation. Maximum thickness ~100 m. Qbo Qec Qbo Qc Tbp Qec Tglp 6.91 Qec Tbr Qe QTc Qal Qec Qe Qe Qbo Qec 75 7 QTc 3949 000 50 Qal Tglp Tglp 3947000 35 Qbo Qal Qec Qe QTc Qt4 Qec Tbr 24 QTc QTc Tglp Tbp Qc Tbp Tglp Tglp Qt1 Paliza Canyon formation (Miocene) - Flows, domes, and minor intrusives of gray to dark pink to black porphyritic andesite. Also includes associated volcanic breccias, which are especially thick in upper Cochiti Canyon (Lavine, 1995). Contains 1-5% phenocrysts of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and lesser amounts of hypersthene. Maximum observed thickness about 140 m. Commonly flow banded. Tpa Bandelier Tuff, Tshierge Member and Tsankawi Pumice Bed (Lower Pleistocene) - White to tan to orange, non-welded to welded, rhyolite ash-flow tuff containing abundant (~15%) phenocrysts of quartz and sanidine, with quartz more abundant than sanidine, and trace clinopyroxene. Quartz phenocrysts are large (up to 3 mm) and euhedral. Sanidine is clear and commonly displays a blue iridescence. Locally contains abundant lithic clasts but typically lithic-poor (less than 2%). Compound cooling unit consisting of at least three flow units. Typically non-welded to slightly welded, but is densely welded locally. Basal pumice-fall deposit (Tsankawi Pumice Bed) occurs locally (less than 2 m thick). Forms conspicuous orange cliffs. Erupted ~1.22 Ma during Valles caldera formation. Maximum thickness ~150m. Qbt QTc Qt1? Qt1 QTc Qe Qt4 Qt3 60 46.4, 46.7 Tglp Tbp Qt1 QTc 3950 000 Qe Qt3 Qbt Qal QTc Qal Qt3 Tpv Qt3 Tbp QTc Qal Tbp 10 QTc Paliza Canyon formation (Miocene) - Porphyritic andesite. Domes and flows of coarse, gray to black porphyritic andesite having large phenocrysts of plagioclase and abundant phenocrysts of clinopyroxene and hypersthene in a glassy almost intersertal groundmass of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, hypersthene, and opaque minerals. Plagioclase may be complexly zoned, and may contain clots up to 20 cm in diameter. Flows may be sheeted or contain flow breccia. K-Ar age west of Rancho Canada 9.33 ±0.19 Ma (Goff et al., 1990). Maximum observed thickness about 150 m. Tppa Older alluvium (Lower Pleistocene?) - Alluvial gravel and sand locally underlying Bandelier Tuff north of Peralta Canyon. Delineates paleodrainages incised into the Peralta Tuff Member of the Bearhead Rhyolite, Cochiti Formation, and gravel of Lookout Park, and later filled by the BandelierTuff. Thickness is typically 1-3 m. Qoa Qec Qt1 Qt3 Qal Tbp Qbo Tpv Qbo Tglp QTc Qt3 Qt3 Qt4 Qt2? 15 Qt4 Qt3 Qal 16 Tbp 72 Qc 54 Qbo Qt1 Qal Qt3 Qbo 6.97 Tbp Qc 3951 000 Qt4 Paliza Canyon formation (Miocene) - Hornblende dacite. Domes, flows, and minor intrusives of gray to pink porphyritic dacite containing ~1-5% phenocrysts of plagioclase, hornblende, minor clinopyroxene, ±biotite. May contain clots of plagioclase and mafic minerals. Flows massive to banded, may contain flow breccia. Outcrop in NW corner of quadrangle is coarsely porphyritic with plagioclase and hornblende phenocrysts up to 1 cm. Maximum observed thickness about 60 m. Tphd El Cajete Member Pumice (Valles Rhyolite, Upper Pleistocene) - Discontinuous sheetwash and fluvially reworked rhyolite pumice-fall deposit, typically less than 5 m thick. Also includes poorly to moderately sorted primary deposits that occur along the Pajarito fault zone and in Bland Canyon. Pumice clasts are white to tan, vesicular, and typically less than 7 cm in diameter. They contain less than 2% phenocrysts of quartz, sanidine, biotite, and rare clinopyroxene and hornblende. Erupted approximately 60 ka from the El Cajete crater in southern moat of Valles caldera. Quarried in many locations. Maximum thickness about 10 m. Qec Qt4 Tpv 10 Tbr Tbp Qbo Qbt 80 15 Qbt 18 Qec Qc Qbo Qec Tbr Qc Qt4 Qbo Tbp Qbt Qt1 Qt1 Tbr Tbr 6.99 Qc Tbp Qc Qbo Qbo 3952 000 Paliza Canyon formation (Miocene) - Biotite dacite. Domes, flows, and minor intrusives of gray to pink porphyritic dacite containing ~1-5% phenocrysts of plagioclase, biotite, ±clinopyroxene, ±hornblende, ±quartz. Typically massive but is flow banded or flow brecciated locally. Maximum observed thickness is about 150 m. Tpbd Terrace gravel (Middle Pleistocene) - Fill-terrace gravel, generally 3-5 m thick, but locally as much as 20 m thick, marking former courses of Peralta and Cochiti Canyons. This gravel deposit commonly forms inverted ridges rather than being inset along modern drainages and, therefore, is technically not a terrace deposit, but is mapped as a terrace deposit to be consistent with designation of presumed correlative gravel. Terrace gravel in a similar landscape position on the Santo Domingo Pueblo Southwest quadrangle contains the 620 ka Lava Creek B ash (Smith and Kuhle, 1997b). Qt1 Qt4 Qec Qec Tpv Tbp A' QTc Tpv 30 Qc Qbo 50 Qt4 Qec Qt4 35°42'30"N Tpa 9 Tpv Qbo Qal 67 Qbt Qec Qbt Qc Qal Tbp 32 Tbi Qbo Qbo 6.96 Qbt 81 Qc 6.86 Qc Tpv 10 15 7.06 Qbo 38 Tbp Tbp Qc Tpa Qc 17 77 18 Qbt 60 6 Qbo Qbt 9.33 71 10 Tbp Tbp Tbi Qbo 7 Qc 3951000 Qbt Qec Qal 30 77 Tbr Qbt 25 Qbo Tbp 85 Qbo Qbo Qal 27 Tbi Qec Tppa 7 3952000 Tpv 30 60 Qec Qbt 9.25 Tppa 10 Tbr Terrace gravel (Middle Pleistocene) - Fill-terrace gravel, 5-10 m thick, located approximately 50-70 m above grade. The correlative terraces along the Rio Grande on the Santo Domingo Pueblo quadrangle are less than 550 ka (Smith and Kuhle, 1998) and are tentatively correlated to Española Basin terraces for which Dethier and McCoy (1993) estimate an age of 310 ±70 ka. Qt2 is probably correlative with the Cañada terrace of Aby (1997). Qt2 23 Tpv 30 Tbp Tpv Qal Qbt Qc Tbi Tpbd Qbt 18 3953 000 Qbt Tbi 24 25 47 Qec Qbt Tpbd Bearhead rhyolite, Peralta tuff member (Upper Miocene) - White to tan to pale pink, pyroclasticfall, flow, and surge deposits interbedded with gray to tan sandy gravel. Pyroclastic deposits consist of pumice and ash of crystal-poor rhyolite containing less than 3% phenocrysts of quartz, sanidine, biotite, and plagioclase. Typically contains abundant (10%) lithic clasts of dominantly andesite and rhyolite lava with lesser amounts of dacite and basalt lava. Sedimentary layers contain exclusively volcanic clasts, which are predominantly glassy and devitrified rhyolite, with variable amounts of intermediate-composition rocks from the older Paliza Canyon formation. Sedimentary strata are thickest near the base of the unit in Bland Canyon, and are restricted to the Bearhead basin (Smith, 2001) between Peralta and Bland Canyons. The stratigraphy of the Peralta Tuff is described by Smith (2001). Forms tent rocks locally. Erupted between about 6.2-7.0 Ma (Smith, 2001). Thickness in the map area is about 500 m. Tbp Terrace gravel (Middle Pleistocene) - Fill-terrace gravel 5-10 m thick, with an upper surface approximately 30-35 m above grade. Terraces probably correlate to similarly numbered terrace deposits along the Rio Grande in the Santo Domingo Pueblo quadrangle (Smith and Kuhle, 1998). The Rio Grande terraces likely correlate to those for which Dethier and McCoy (1993) estimate an age of 170 ±40 ka. Qt3 Tppa Qls Tcc? Tcc Qec 12 Tbi Tcc 10.5 Tpv Tpv Tbp Tbr Tpa 3954 000 Tpv Tpoa Tppa Qal Qls Tcct Tppa Tpa 10 Tcc Qbt Tpa Tpv Bearhead rhyolite (Upper Miocene) - White to light gray rhyolite dikes, plugs and stocks. Contain 1-3% phenocrysts of quartz, sanidine, biotite, ±minor plagioclase. Commonly displays intense, vertically oriented platy cleavage. Vitrophyre typical near margins. Present along and at the intersection of N-S and NE-SE striking faults. Tbi Terrace gravel (Upper Pleistocene) - Fill-terrace gravel with an upper surface approximately 1820 m above grade along Peralta and Cochiti Canyons. Gravel is typically no more than 3 m. On the Santo Domingo Pueblo quadrangle, Qt4 grades to a terrace along the Rio Grande that is overlain by ca. 60 ka El Cajete pumice (Smith and Kuhle, 1997a). Dethier and McCoy (1993) estimate an age of 95 ±15 ka for fill terraces at a similar elevation above grade in the Española Basin. Qt4 12.4 Tpv 80 Tbr Qbo Tbp Tpv Tphd Qbo Tphd Tbp Tpa Tbr Qc Tbp 9.18 Tpa Qec Tcct? Tbr Tcct? 65 Terrace gravel (Pleistocene) - Fill and strath piedmont-stream terraces formed along tributaries to the Rio Grande, primarily associated with Peralta, Bland, and Cochiti Canyons. Gravel is composed of variably altered andesitic and rhyolitic clasts and, in Peralta Canyon, Bandelier Tuff fragments. 40 Tpbd Tcct? Qbt Tpbd Tbi Tcc Tppa Tpa 3954000 Tcct 15 Tbi? 35 50 50 Tbr Qbt Tbp 65 3955 000 Qbt Qls Tbp Tcct Bearhead rhyolite (Upper Miocene) - Lava domes and flows of white to pale pink to light gray rhyolite and volcanic breccias. Contains 1-3% phenocrysts of quartz, sanidine, biotite, ±minor plagioclase. Commonly strongly flow banded with vitrophyre near margins. Domes distributed along N-S and NE-SW striking faults. Erupted between 6.52-7.06 Ma (Justet, 1999). Maximum thickness is ~370 meters observed near the type locality of Bearhead Peak. Tbr Eolian sand and silt (Upper Pleistocene to Holocene) - Massive fine sand and coarse silt forming a 0.5-3 m thick deposit, primarily on top of the ancient geomorphic surface that is underlain by the gravel of Lookout Park. Qe Tpa Keres Group Landslides (Upper Pleistocene to Holocene) - Poorly sorted debris that has moved down steep slopes chaotically or as a series of blocks. Qls Tbp Qbt Tpv Tcct? 85 Tbr Tpv Qc Qbo 7.12 Tbr Tpv Tpa Tbi 9.24 Tbi Tpa Qbt Tbr Tpa Tm Tpa Tpa Qbt Tcct? Tbp Qbt Qc 3955000 Tpoa Tpbd Tbi Qbo Tpv 3956 000 Tcc Gravel of Lookout Park (Upper Pliocene) - Cobble to boulder gravel resting on a broad pediment surface cut primarily on Cochiti Formation in the southwestern part of the quadrangle. The gravel is composed mostly of Keres Group andesite and rhyolite clasts, and is 5-15 m thick. Gravel is inset below basalt of Santa Ana Mesa dated at 2.41 ±0.03 Ma, on the Santo Domingo Pueblo Southwest quadrangle (Smith and Kuhle, 1997b), and underlies lower Bandelier Tuff (1.61 Ma), indicating deposition during a short period of the late Pliocene. Remnants of a stage IV calcic soil horizon are present at the surface in some places. This older soil was stripped and then the gravel was largely buried in eolian sand and silt (Qe) in which a new soil has formed with a stage II-stage III calcic horizon evident in various places. Tglp Colluvium (Upper Pleistocene to Holocene) - Hillslope and talus deposits from local sources. In the southern half of the quadrangle, colluvium is loose gravel primarily eroded from the gravel of Lookout Park. Most hillslopes contain a few centimeters to a meter thickness of colluvium, but unit Qc is mapped only where the thickness and distribution of colluvium prohibits confident mapping of other units. As thick as 20 m locally. Qc 30 Qbo 8 Tbi Tbi Tpbd Tpv Tpoa 9.11 Tbi Tbr Qbo Tbi Tbi Tpbd 9.32 75 20 Tbi Tpoa Qbt Tpbd Qbt Tpa Alluvium deposited by active streams (Upper Pleistocene? to Holocene) - Poorly sorted gravelly sand and sandy gravel deposited in channels and minor floodplain areas of ephemeral streams and arroyos. Beds of eolian fine sand up to 0.5 m thick are locally present, and colluvium is present near valley margins. Total thickness is unknown but may be as much as 10-30 m. Qal 35°45'0"N Tpv Tpv Qbt Tpv 10 Tpa Tm Tpa Qbt Tpbd Tcc Tpa Qbt Qec Qls Tpa Qbo Qls Tm Qc Tpv Qec Tpbd Tpy Tbi Tm Qbt Tpa Tm Tpa 3957 000 Tpbd Qls Tbp Tbi Tm Tpbd Qec Qbo Tpa Tbi Qc Qbt Qbo Tsf Tm Tm Tm ul t Tpbhd 3957000 Geologic Overview Tertiary > fa 35°45'0"N Last Modified 28 June 2007 7000 Tm Tbi Tbr Tm Qbt Qbo Tglp Tglp Tbi ? No vertical exaggeration Qbt Tbp Tpa 6000 Qbt Tbr Tbp Tbp Tpa Tpa Tglp 7000 Tbp Tpa QTc 6000 Elevation (feet) 373000 nd e 372000 Elevation (feet) 106°25'0"W 371000 Ri 370000 lta 369000 ra 368000 Pe 106°27'30"W 367000 NMBGMR Open-file Map Series OFGM 85 ? 366000 > 365000 > 106°30'0"W Elevation (feet) 364000 A DIVISION OF NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING AND TECHNOLOGY Elevation (feet) NEW MEXICO BUREAU OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES