NMBGMR Open-file Geologic Map 81 Last Modified 07 AUGUST 2006 NEW MEXICO BUREAU OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES A DIVISION OF NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING AND TECHNOLOGY 106°12'30"W 389000 106°10'0"W 390000 391000 392000 Description of Map Units to Accompany Geologic Map of the Chilili 7.5-Minute Quadrangle 106°7'30"W 393000 394000 395000 396000 397000 Description of Map Units Pennsylvanian Bruce D. Allen, May 2004 Qcr &ws Qvac &ws Qvac Qa &ws Qvac 3 &wp &wp Qvac Qvac Qa Qcr Qcr 3873000 5 Qvac Qa 1 Qvac &ws Qa Qcr Qcr Qcr Qvac &ws &ws Qcr Qcr &wp Qcr Qcr Qa 2 3 Qcr Qcr Qcr Qcr &wp Qcr &ws Qcr Qcr Qp Qcr Qcr Qcr Qcr Qcr &ws &wp &ws Qcr &ws Qa 3867000 &wp &wp &wp 1 &ws &ws Qcr &ws 2 &ws &ws &wp Qcr 1 Qa Qvac &wp &wp &ws &wp &wp &wp &ws Qvac Qcr &wp Qcr Qcr Qcr &ws &wp Qcr Qcr &ws Qvac 34°55'0"N &wp Qcr Qcr &wp Qcr Qcr &ws &ws Qvac &ws &wp &wp Qvac 34°55'0"N Qcr Qa &ws Qcr &wp 3863000 Qcr Qcr Qa Qcr &wp &ws Qcr &ws 2 &ws Qa &wp Qcr Qcr Qa &wp 3863000 Qcr 2 &wp Qcr &ws Qa Qcr &ws Qvac Qp Qcr &ws &ws Qvac &wp &ws Qvac &ws 2 &wp &ws &wp Qcr &wp Qa Qcr 1 3 &wp Qcr &ws Qcr Qvac &ws 1 Qcr Qcr Qcr Qcr Qcr &wp Qa Qcr Qcr Qcr 2 &wp Qcr Qcr Qcr Qa 34°52'30"N 388000 &wp Qa Qa Qcr &wp Qcr 389000 106°15'0"W Qcr Qcr Qa Qcr 387000 Qcr Qcr Qa Qcr 386000 Qcr &wp &wp &wp Qcr Qcr Qcr Qcr &ws &ws 3861000 &wp &wp Qcr Qvac Qvac Qa &wp Qvac &ws &ws 3862000 Qcr &ws 3861000 Qa &wp &ws &ws 3860000 &wp Qcr &wsQvac &wp Qvac &wp Qcr Qvac 3862000 3864000 Qa Qcr &wp Qvac Qvac &ws &ws 3865000 &wp Qcr Qcr Qcr Qa &wp Qa Surface exposures of bedrock in the map area belong to the Madera Group. The Middle to Upper Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian-Virgilian) Madera Group includes marine and marginal-marine carbonate and siliciclastic sediments consisting of interbedded limestone, shale, sandstone, and minor conglomeratic sandstone. The thickness of the Madera Group in the vicinity of the Sandia and Manzano Mountains ranges from about 400 m (Kelley and Northrop, 1975) to perhaps 580 m (Read et al., 1944, measured section 14), or more, and has traditionally been divided (e.g. Read et al., 1944; Kelley and Northrop, 1975) into a lower unit containing a large proportion of limestone ("lower gray limestone"), and an upper unit containing a large proportion of siliciclastic sediments ("upper arkosic limestone"). The Madera Group gradationally overlies rocks of the Middle Pennsylvanian (Atokan) Sandia Formation, which is also marine to marginal-marine in origin and is dominated by siliciclastic sediments. The Sandia Formation generally overlies Proterozoic crystalline rocks in the area, although a thin (up to 20m thick) sequence of limestone and shale deposited during Mississippian (?) time is present between the Sandia Formation and Proterozoic crystalline rocks at several localities in the Sandia and Manzano Mountains (Kelley and Northrop, 1975). The Madera Group is gradationally overlain by the Bursum Formation (Virgilian-Wolfcampian), which, in the Manzano Mountains, consists of interbedded siliciclastic sediments with a few thin limestone interbeds. The Bursum Formation was probably deposited as the last of the Pennsylvanian seas withdrew from the area, and is overlain by continental redbeds of the Abo Formation. Subdivision of the Madera Group in the Manzano Mountains was formalized by Myers (1973), who elevated the Madera to group status and designated two formations within the Madera- the Los Moyos Limestone and the overlying Wild Cow Formation (Myers also included the Bursum Formation in the Madera Group). The Los Moyos Limestone and Wild Cow Formation generally correspond to the earlier concept of lower gray limestone and upper arkosic limestone members of the Madera "Formation". As noted by Myers (1973), the Los Moyos and Wild Cow Formations are likely equivalent to the Gray Mesa and Atrasado Members, respectively, of the Madera "Formation" as defined by Kelley and Wood (1946) in the vicinity of the Lucero uplift. Recent recommendations to simplify the stratigraphic nomenclature of Pennsylvanian rocks in New Mexico (Kues, 2001) suggest that the formation names Los Moyos and Wild Cow may eventually be abandoned in favor of the names Gray Mesa and Atrasado, which have precedence. Myers (1988) concluded that most of the Los Moyos Limestone lies within the fusulinid zone of Beedeina, indicating that the unit is correlative to Desmoinesian strata of the mid-continent. The overlying Wild Cow Formation lies within the zone of Triticites, and corresponds for the most part to Missourian and Virgilian strata of the mid-continent. The Wild Cow Formation was subdivided by Myers (1973) into three members. The three members in ascending order are the Sol se Mete, Pine Shadow, and La Casa. Each of the three members conceptually consists of a basal sequence containing an abundance of siliciclastic beds that grade upward into capping intervals dominated by carbonate-shelf limestone beds. Subdivision of the Madera Group on the geologic map and cross sections uses the nomenclature of Myers (1973). Surface exposures in the map area are limited to portions of the Sol se Mete and Pine Shadow Members of the Wild Cow Formation. &wp &wp Qvac Qa Qvac Kues, B.S., 2001, The Pennsylvanian System in New Mexico- overview with suggestions for revision of stratigraphic nomenclature: New Mexico Geology, v 23, p. 103-122. General Qa &wp Qcr Qvac Qcr Qcr Qa 390000 391000 3860000 Qa 392000 393000 106°12'30"W 394000 395000 Qa 396000 106°10'0"W 1 MORIARTY NORTH 0.5 0 1 MILE NEW MEXICO 940 CHILILI CHILILI 0 MILBOURN RANCH Read, C.B., Wilpolt, R.H., Andrews, D.A., Summerson, C.H., and Wood, G.H., Jr., 1944, Geologic map and stratigraphic sections of Permian and Pennsylvanian rocks of parts of San Miguel, Santa Fe, Sandoval, Bernalillo, Torrance, and Valencia Counties, north-central New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Investigations Preliminary Map 21, scale 1 in = 3 mi. 397000 106°7'30"W Contact (approximate) 940 1880 2820 3760 4700 5640 6580 FEET Geologic map of the Chilili quadrangle, Bernalillo and Torrance Counties, New Mexico. U Fault, dashed where inferred, dotted where covered. Relative displacement across fault,"D" on downthrown side, "U" on upthrown side D MORIARTY SOUTH 1 TAJIQUE New Mexico State Engineer, 1967, Thickness of alluvium, valley fill and lake deposits, Estancia underground water basin: New Mexico State Engineer Office, Open-file Map, scale 1 in = 2 mi. 34°52'30"N ESTANCIA QUADRANGLE LOCATION This draft geologic map is preliminary and will undergo revision. It was produced from either scans of hand-drafted originals or from digitally drafted original maps and figures using a wide variety of software, and is currently in cartographic production. It is being distributed in this draft form as part of the bureau's Open-file map series (OFGM), due to high demand for current geologic map data in these areas where STATEMAP quadrangles are located, and it is the bureau's policy to disseminate geologic data to the public as soon as possible. After this map has undergone scientific peer review, editing, and final cartographic production adhering to bureau map standards, it will be released in our Geologic Map (GM) series. This final version will receive a new GM number and will supercede this preliminary open-file geologic map. DRAFT Magnetic Declination March 20,2003 10º08' East At Map Center 0.5 0 1 KILOMETER 3 Qa Qp Qvac Qcr Pwp Pws Pm 2 CONTOUR INTERVAL 20 FEET by Bruce Allen 1 NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Open-file Map Series X Strike and dip of bedding plane, dashed where approximate May 2004 1 Correlation of map units, Chilili 7.5' quadrangle Monoclinal flexure NMBGMR, 801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM, 87801 OFGM 81 A' COMMENTS TO MAP USERS Mapping of this quadrangle was funded by a matching-funds grant from the STATEMAP program of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Act, administered by the U. S. Geological Survey, and by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, (Dr. Peter A. Scholle, Director and State Geologist, Dr. J. Michael Timmons, Geologic Mapping Program Manager). New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources New Mexico Tech 801 Leroy Place Socorro, New Mexico 87801-4796 [505] 835-5490 http://geoinfo.nmt.edu A A geologic map displays information on the distribution, nature, orientation, and age relationships of rock and deposits and the occurrence of structural features. Geologic and fault contacts are irregular surfaces that form boundaries between different types or ages of units. Data depicted on this geologic quadrangle map may be based on any of the following: reconnaissance field geologic mapping, compilation of published and unpublished work, and photogeologic interpretation. Locations of contacts are not surveyed, but are plotted by interpretation of the position of a given contact onto a topographic base map; therefore, the accuracy of contact locations depends on the scale of mapping and the interpretation of the geologist(s). Any enlargement of this map could cause misunderstanding in the detail of mapping and may result in erroneous interpretations. Site-specific conditions should be verified by detailed surface mapping or subsurface exploration. Topographic and cultural changes associated with recent development may not be shown. Cross sections are constructed based upon the interpretations of the author made from geologic mapping, and available geophysical, and subsurface (drillhole) data. Cross-sections should be used as an aid to understanding the general geologic framework of the map area, and not be the sole source of information for use in locating or designing wells, buildings, roads, or other man-made structures. Line of Cross section A A' 8000 Pwp 7000 Elevation (ft) ESCABOSA Myers, D.A., 1988, Stratigraphic distribution of fusulinid foraminifera from the Manzano Mountains, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1446, 65 p. Ps 1:24,000 EDGEWOOD Myers, D.A., 1973, The upper Paleozoic Madera Group in the Manzano Mountains, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1372-F, 13 p. Qp Qvac &wpQa Qcr Qa Qcr Base map from U.S. Geological Survey1975. 1927 North American datum, UTM projection -- zone 13N 1000-meter Universal Transverse Mercator grid, zone 13, shown in red SEDILLO Kelley, V.C., and Wood, G.H., 1946, Lucero uplift, Valencia, Socorro, and Bernalillo Counties, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Investigations Preliminary Map 47, scale 1 in = 1 mi. Bedrock Map Units &wp &wp &wp 1 3864000 Qa &wp &wp Qa Kelley, V.C., and Northrop, S.A., 1975, Geology of Sandia Mountains and Vicinity, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Memoir 29, 135 p. 3866000 &wp Qcr References &wp &wp &wp &wp Qcr 3865000 Qcr Qcr Qvac Qvac &wp &wp 3866000 Qcr &ws Qcr Qcr Alluvium, colluvium, and residuum on valley backslopes and interfluvial summits in bedrock uplands. Holocene to middle Pleistocene (?). Predominantly silt, clay, and sand. Derived from weathering of the Madera Group (residuum on relatively flat-laying areas), and from downslope transport of weathering products. Mapped where accumulations cover extensive areas and are sufficiently thick to support large areas of grass cover. Also includes areas of unmapped bedrock exposure. Unit ranges from less than one to several meters in thickness. &wp &ws Proterozoic XuProterozoic crystalline rocks, undifferentiated (cross sections). Qcr- 3867000 &ws &ws &wp Qcr Qvac &wp &ws &ws Qa &wp Qcr &ws 2 &wp Qa &ws Qvac Qa &ws Qa &wp &wp &wpQvac &ws Qa Sandia Formation (cross-sections). Middle Pennsylvanian. On adjoining quadrangles to the west and northwest, the Sandia Formation consists of sandstone, shale, and pebbly sandstone, with thin interbeds of limestone and calcareous shale in some areas. The thickness of the Sandia Formation is variable, with an average thickness of about 45 m in the Sandia Mountains (Kelley and Northrop, 1975) and ranging up to about 90 m in the Manzano Mountains (Myers, 1988). Pre-Sandia Formation (Mississippian (?)) sedimentary rocks in the map area, if present, are included in the Sandia Formation in the accompanying cross sections, with an assumed, overall thickness of the combined Sandia Formation plus pre-Sandia strata of 45 m (~150 ft). QvacUpland-valley alluvium and colluvium. Holocene to middle Pleistocene (?). Predominantly silt, sand, and gravel grading into relatively coarse-grained colluvium along valley backslopes. Along higher order drainages unit consists of eroded older deposits and younger inset fills. Includes unmapped bedrock exposures along valley backslopes. Thickness ranges from a few meters or less in upland valleys and over bedrock highs, to an estimated 10 m or more along trunk drainages. 2 &wp |Ps- 3868000 &wp Qcr Qcr 2 Pleistocene (?). Includes alluvial fan and coalescent alluvial fan complex, inset alluvial fills, and colluvium on hillslopes where piedmont deposits have been incised by drainages. Predominantly silt and sand, with coarser grained deposits dominated by sand and gravel adjacent to bedrock uplands and along higher order drainages. Unit ranges in thickness from a few meters or less where it forms a thin mantle over bedrock, to approximately 10 m, and overlies older basin-fill deposits along the eastern edge of the map area. &ws &wp Qa &wp Qp- Upper piedmont slope alluvium and colluvium, undivided. Holocene to middle 34°57'30"N Qa &wp &wp Qcr 2 &wp Qcr Los Moyos Limestone (cross sections). Middle Pennsylvanian. On adjoining quadrangles to the west and northwest, the Los Moyos Formation is characterized by severalmeter-thick intervals of thin- to thick-bedded limestone and thin shale and calcareous shale interbeds, separated by one to several-meter-thick intervals containing relatively abundant, fine-grained siliciclastic sediment. The formation also contains relatively minor sandstone and pebbly sandstone interbeds. Limestones commonly contain abundant chert. Overall the Los Moyos Formation contains a higher proportion of limestone relative to siliciclastic sediments than the overlying Wild Cow Formation. Assumed to be 180 m (~600 ft) thick on the cross sections. Holocene Qcr &wp Qcr Qcr &ws &wp Qvac Qa Qvac Qa |Pm- 3869000 Qcr &wp 3868000 Qa &wp Qcr Qcr Qcr &ws &ws Qcr &wp Qvac 1 &wp &wp Qcr Qa- Valley-floor alluvium. Holocene. Predominantly silt, sand, and clay deposits of modern drainages and associated floodplains. Coarser grained sediments are present in some areas. Unit is inset into older deposits of units Qvac and Qp, and interfingers with younger deposits of units Qvac and Qp along drainage foot slopes. Includes unmapped bedrock exposures in scoured channel reaches. Unit is generally less than 3 m thick. Late Pleistocene &wp Qvac Qa Qcr Qcr 1 &ws Qvac Qa &wp Description of Map Units Qa Qa Qcr |Pws- Sol se Mete Member. Approximately 30 m (~100 ft) of the upper part of the member is exposed in the map area. The upper 5 to 10 m (~15 to 30 ft) of the unit is dominated by thick beds of ledge-forming limestone. Underlying deposits consist of yellow, gray, and red shale with discontinuous siltstone and sandstone interbeds, and limestone beds that range from less than one to a few meters in thickness. Limestone beds are typically mudstones and wackestones, although brachiopods, crinoid stems, and other bioclasts are abundant in some intervals. Laterally continuous limestone intervals containing abundant fusulinids were not identified in the map area. Total thickness of the Sol se Mete is assumed to be 90 m (~300 ft) thick on the cross sections. 3870000 Qcr 2 the member is exposed in the map area, where it consists of 2 to 3 siliciclastic intervals, several meters thick, and intervening intervals, up to a few meters in thickness, dominated by ledge-forming limestone beds. Siliciclastic intervals are generally poorly exposed and contain thin interbeds of tabular- and nodularweathering limestone and calcareous shale. A one- to several-meter-thick sandstone to silty sandstone commonly crops out approximately 12m (~40 ft) above the base of the member in the map area. Blocks of sandstone from this interval are generally red to yellow, are composed of fine- to coarse-grained sand and pebbly sand, and are quartzose to arkosic. Ledge-forming limestone intervals typically consist of mudstones and wackestones, although coarse skeletal fragments are abundant in some beds. Fusulinids are locally abundant in limestone beds in the lower part of the unit. Total thickness of the Pine Shadow Member is approximately 60 to 90 m (200 to 300 ft) thick on adjoining quadrangles to the west and northwest. A' &wp Qvac &wp &wp Qcr 34°57'30"N &wp Qa Qa Qcr Qa &ws &ws Qvac &ws Qcr &wp Qvac Qvac Qcr Qvac &ws &ws Qcr Qcr 1 &ws Qcr Qcr Qvac Qcr 2 2 &ws 2 &ws Qvac Qcr &ws A Qcr Qa Qcr Qvac &ws Qvac &ws Qcr Qvac Qvac 3871000 &ws Qvac Qcr 3869000 &ws Qa &ws Qa &ws &ws Qcr Qcr Qcr &ws Qcr Qa Qvac Qvac Qa &ws Qcr &ws 1 Qcr Qa 3 Qcr Qcr Qvac &ws 2 3870000 3872000 Qa &wp Qcr 3871000 Qp &ws &ws Qvac Qa Qcr &wp |Pwp- Pine Shadow Member. Approximately 60 m (~200 ft) of the lower part of Unconsolidated surface deposits in the map area largely consist of upland-valley alluvium and colluvium derived from the weathering of shale, limestone, and sandstone of the Pennsylvanian Madera Group. Sediment transport is toward the east and the western piedmont of the topographically closed Estancia basin. The upper piedmont slope of the Estancia basin is present along the eastern edge of the map area. Map units consist of valleyfloor alluvium associated with modern drainages (Qa), upland-valley alluvium and colluvium (Qvac), alluvium, colluvium, and residuum on valley backslopes and bedrock uplands (Qcr), and piedmont alluvium and colluvium (Qp). Unconsolidated deposits in upland valleys are generally less than 10 m thick, but locally may be up to 20 m thick along higher order drainages. Unconsolidated deposits along the eastern edge of the map area attain a maximum thickness of approximately 30 m, based on well-driller’s logs for the area. These upper piedmont slope deposits include the surface deposits shown on the map (Qp and Qa), and underlying deposits referred to here as older basin fill. Unconsolidated sediments in the Estancia basin to the east of the map area reach a maximum thickness of ~120 m (New Mexico State Engineer, 1967). Radiometric ages for Quaternary map units on the Chilili quadrangle are not available. Likewise, little is known regarding the age of the older basin-fill deposits that are covered by the surface deposits shown on the eastern edge of the map. These older basin-fill deposits may range in age from Pliocene to late Miocene (Smith, 1957). Geologic events leading to topographic closure of the Estancia basin, and the timing of basin closure, are also speculative. Qa &wp &wp 3872000 General 3873000 Qvac Qcr &ws Qcr Qa &wp Qa part of the Wild Cow Formation is exposed across the map area. Outcrops are largely restricted to limestone ledges and resistant sandstone beds; exposures of fine-grained siliciclastic intervals are generally limited to roadcuts and the walls of arroyos. Quaternary Map Units Qa Qa 4 &wp Qcr Wild Cow Formation. Upper Pennsylvanian. Approximately 90 m (~300 ft) of the lower 35°0'0"N Qvac Qvac &wp Middle Pleistocene Qcr &ws Qvac CENOZOIC Qcr PALEOZOIC Qvac PROTEROZOIC 35°0'0"N Late 388000 Middle 387000 Quaternary 386000 Pennsylvanian 106°15'0"W Pwp Pm 6000 Pwp Pws Ps Pm X X 5000 This and other STATEMAP quadrangles are (or soon will be) available for free download in both PDF and ArcGIS formats at: http://geoinfo.nmt.edu/publications/maps/geologic/ofgm/home.html The map has not been reviewed according to New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources standards. The contents of the report and map should not be considered final and complete until reviewed and published by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the State of New Mexico, or the U.S. Government. Pws 4000 Note: Attitude of fault surface inferred. Arrows indicate relative vertical displacement. Ps