Hindawi Publishing Corporation Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2011, Article ID 567319, 10 pages doi:10.1155/2011/567319 Research Article Positive Almost Periodic Solution on a Nonlinear Differential Equation Ni Hua, Tian Li-xin, and Liu Xun Faculty of Science, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212013, China Correspondence should be addressed to Ni Hua, nihua979@126.com Received 17 March 2011; Accepted 10 July 2011 Academic Editor: Jitao Sun Copyright q 2011 Ni Hua et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We study the following nonlinear equation dxt/dt xtat − btxα t − f t, xt gt, by using fixed point theorem, the sufficient conditions of the existence of a unique positive almost periodic solution for above system are obtained, by using the theories of stability, the sufficient conditions which guarantee the stability of the unique positive almost periodic solution are derived. 1. Introduction Let us consider the following Logistic-type equation dxt atxt − btx2 t et. dt 1.1 When the external perturbation et ≡ 0 and at, bt are positive constants, 1.1 is the typical Logistic equation. It was firstly introduced as a mathematical model for studying population dynamics and has become a classic topic in the textbooks on ordinary differential equations and its quality theory see 1, 2. By using the method of separation of variables and integration by partial fractions, we can get explicitly all the solutions of the typical Logistic equation and completely analyze the behavior of all the solutions. But when at, bt are no longer constants and there exists some perturbation, the problem is not so simple as no explicit solutions can be found in general. In 2–6, the time-periodic case was considered. In 7, the existence of positive almost periodic solutions was considered when at, bt are almost periodic and there is no perturbation. When at, bt satisfy the assumption α ≤ at ≤ A, β ≤ bt ≤ B, and there is no external perturbation et ≡ 0, but there 2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering is a nonlinear perturbation qt, xx, Nkashama 8 obtained the existence of bounded and positive almost periodic solutions. In 9, Zhu et al. considered the case that at, bt satisfy the assumption α ≤ at ≤ A, β ≤ bt ≤ B and there exists an external perturbation et, and they got the existence and uniqueness of positive periodic solutions and almost periodic solutions of 1.1. In this paper, we consider the following more complex system: dxt xt at − btxα t − ft, xt gt, dt 1.2 where α > 0, t ∈ R, at, bt, gt are all continuous almost periodic functions, and ft, x is almost periodic in t and uniformly with respect to x ∈ R. In this paper, we use the fixed point theorem and get the existence and uniqueness of positive almost periodic solution for 1.2, the stability of the unique positive almost periodic solution of 1.2 is also discussed, and some new results are obtained. 2. The Existence and Uniqueness of Positive Almost Periodic Solution Before we start with our main results, for the sake of convenience, suppose that f is a continuous bounded function, and we denote fM supt∈R ft and fL inft∈R ft; first, we introduce some lemmas. Lemma 2.1 see 10. Consider the following equation: dx atxt bt, dt 2.1 where at, bt are continuous almost periodic functions; if Re mat / 0, then 2.1 exists a unique almost periodic solution ηt, and ηt can be written as follows: ⎧ t t ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ e s aτdτ bsds, Re mat < 0, ⎪ ⎨ −∞ ηt ⎪ ∞ t ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩− e s aτdτ bsds, Re mat > 0, 2.2 t where mat limT → ∞ 1/T T 0 atdt, Re mat is the real part of mat. Lemma 2.2. Consider 1.2; if gt ≥ 0; then the domain R {x | x > 0} is a positive invariant with respect to 1.2. Proof. Since gt ≥ 0, it follows that dxt xt at − btxα t − ft, xt gt dt ≥ xt at − btxα t − ft, xt , 2.3 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3 thus we have t xt ≥ xt0 exp α as − bsx s − fs, xs ds , 2.4 t0 the assertion is valid for all xt0 > 0. The proof is completed. Theorem 2.3. Consider 1.2; α is a constant and 0 < α < bL /bM −bL , at, bt, gt are continuous almost periodic functions, ft, x is a continuous almost periodic function in t ∈ R and uniformly with respect to x ∈ R, ft, 0 ≡ 0; if the following conditions hold: 1 aL > 0, bL > 0, gL ≥ 0, 2 |ft, x − ft, y| ≤ L|x − y|, for all t, x, y ∈ R, where L is a positive number, 3 Lγ /αaL β1α/α L/aL β1/α gM γ 1/α 1α/αaL < 1, where β 1αbL −αbM /1 αaM αaL α2 aL , γ 1 αbM aM αaL αaL bL /aL 1 αaM αaL α2 aL , then 1.2 exists a unique positive almost periodic solution φ∗ t, and 1/γ 1/α ≤ φ∗ t ≤ 1/β1/α . Proof. Let ut 1/xα t, since we only consider positive solutions of 1.2, by Lemma 2.2, it follows that xt u−1/α t, then 1.2 can be written as follows: du −αatut αbt αutf t, u−1/α t − αu1α/α tgt. dt 2.5 B ϕt; ϕt ∈ AP R, β ≤ ϕt ≤ γ , 2.6 Define where AP R denotes the set of almost periodic functions in R, the norm is defined as ϕ supt∈R |ϕt|, thus B, · is a Banach space, given any ϕt ∈ B, consider the following equation: du −αatut αbt αϕtf t, ϕ−1/α t − αϕ1α/α tgt, dt 2.7 since aL > 0, it follows that mat > 0, thus m−αat < 0, from 2.7, by virtue of Lemma 2.1, we can know that 2.7 has a unique almost periodic solution ηt, it can be written as follows: ηt α t −∞ e−α t s aτdτ bs ϕsf s, ϕ−1/α s − ϕ1α/α sgs ds. 2.8 4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering Now, define an operator T as follows: Tϕt α t −∞ e−α t s aτdτ bs ϕsf s, ϕ−1/α s − ϕ1α/α sgs ds, 2.9 note that Tϕt ≤ α ≤α ≤α t −∞ t −∞ t −∞ e−αaL t−s bs ϕsf s, ϕ−1/α s ds e−αaL t−s |bs| ϕsf s, ϕ−1/α s − fs, 0 ds e−αaL t−s |bs| Lϕsϕ−1/α s ds 2.10 1 bM γ Lβ−1/α . ≤ aL Since the condition Lγ /αaL β1α/α L/aL β1/α gM γ 1/α 1 α/αaL < 1 holds, it follows that Lγ < αaL β1α/α ; thus, we have Tϕt ≤ 1 bM αaL β γ. aL 2.11 Also Tϕt α ≥α t −∞ t −∞ e−α t s aτdτ bs ϕsf s, ϕ−1/α s − ϕ1α/α sgs ds e−αaM t−s bL − γ Lβ−1/α − γ 1α/α gs ds. 2.12 Since Lγ /αaL β1α/α L/aL β1/α gM γ 1/α 1α/αaL < 1, it follows that gt ≤ αaL /1αγ 1/α ; thus, we have Tϕt ≥ α t −∞ e−αaM t−s bL − γ Lβ−1/α − γ 1α/α gs ds αaL γ 1 ≥ β. bL − αβaL − aM 1α 2.13 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5 Hence Tϕt ∈ B; therefore, T : B → B. For any ϕt, ψt ∈ B, it follows that t −α t aτdτ Tϕt − Tψt α ϕsf s, ϕ−1/α s − ϕ1α/α sgs e s −∞ −ψsf s, ψ −1/α 1α/α s ψ sgs ds t t α e−α s aτdτ ϕsf s, ϕ−1/α s − ψsf s, ψ −1/α s −∞ ψsf s, ψ −1/α s − ψsf s, ψ −1/α s 1α/α 1α/α gs ψ s − ϕ s ds ≤α ≤α t −∞ t −∞ e−α t s aτdτ ϕsf s, ϕ−1/α s − f s, ψ −1/α s ϕs − ψsf s, ψ −1/α s gsϕ1α/α s − ψ 1α/α s ds e−αaL t−s Lϕsϕ−1/α s − ψ −1/α s Lψ −1/α sϕs − ψs gsϕ1α/α s − ψ 1α/α s ds. 2.14 According to mean value theorem, we can get Tϕt − Tψt ≤ α t −∞ e −αaL t−s 1 −1/α−1 ϕs − ψs Lψ −1/α ϕs − ψs L ϕs − ξ α 1 α 1/α ζ ϕs − ψs ds, gs α 2.15 where ϕs < ξ, ζ < ψs or ψs < ξ, ζ < ϕs. Notice that ϕt ≤ γ , ζ1/α ≤ γ 1/α , ψ −1/α t ≤ β−1/α , ξ−1/α−1 ≤ β−1/α−1 ; it follows that Tϕt − Tψt ≤ 1 Lγ 1 β−1/α−1 ϕ − ψ Lβ−1/α ϕ − ψ gM 1 α γ 1/α ϕ − ψ aL α α 1 1 1 α 1/α ϕ − ψ . Lγ β−1/α−1 Lβ−1/α gM γ aL α α 2.16 6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering Note that Lγ /αaL β1α/α L/aL β1/α gM γ 1/α 1 α/αaL < 1, and L is a positive number; it follows that 0< 1 1 1 α 1/α γ Lγ β−1/α−1 Lβ−1/α gM < 1, aL α α 2.17 therefore, T is a contraction mapping on B, that is to say, T has a unique fixed point on B, the unique fixed point is the unique positive almost periodic solution φt of 2.5, and β ≤ φt ≤ γ . Notice that ut 1/xα t, and, by Lemma 2.2, 1.2 has a unique positive almost periodic solution φ∗ t φt−1/α , and 1/γ 1/α ≤ φ∗ t ≤ 1/β1/α . This completes the proof of Theorem 2.3. 3. The Uniqueness of the Solution with Initial Value Problem Consider 2.5; if given initial value ut0 u0 , and β ≤ u0 ≤ γ , then we have the following theorem. Theorem 3.1. Consider 2.5; α is a constant and 0 < α < bL /bM − bL , at, bt, gt are continuous functions, ft, x is a continuous function in t ∈ R and uniformly with respect to x ∈ R, ft, 0 ≡ 0; if the following conditions hold: 1 aL > 0, bL > 0, gL ≥ 0, 2 |ft, x − ft, y| ≤ L|x − y|, for all t, x, y ∈ R, where L is a positive number, 3 Lγ /αaL β1α/α L/aL β1/α gM γ 1/α 1 α/αaL < 1, where β 1 αbL − αbM /1 αaM αaL α2 aL , γ 1 αbM aM αaL αaL bL /aL 1 αaM αaL α2 aL , then 2.5 exists a unique continuous solution ut with initial value ut0 u0 and β ≤ ut ≤ γ t ≥ t0 . Proof. The initial value problem of 2.5 is equivalent to the solution of the following integral equation: t ut e t0 −αaτdτ u0 α t e−α t s aτdτ bs usf s, u−1/α s − u1α/α sgs ds. t0 3.1 Define an operator T as follows: Tut e t t0 −αaτdτ u0 α t e−α t s aτdτ bs usf s, u−1/α s − u1α/α sgs ds. t0 The following proof is similar as the proof of Theorem 2.3, so we omit it here. 3.2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7 4. The Stability of the Positive Almost Periodic Solution Theorem 4.1. Consider 1.2; α is a constant and 0 < α < bL /bM − bL ,at, bt, gt are continuous almost periodic functions, ft, x is a continuous almost periodic function in t ∈ R and uniformly with respect to x ∈ R; if the following conditions hold: 1 aL > 0, bL > 0, gL ≥ 0, 2 |ft, x − ft, y| ≤ L|x − y|, for all t, x, y ∈ R, where L is a positive number, 3 Lγ /αaL β1α/α L/aL β1/α gM γ 1/α 1α/αaL < 1, where β 1αbL −αbM /1 αaM αaL α2 aL , γ 1 αbM aM αaL αaL bL /aL 1 αaM αaL α2 aL , then there exists a region Ω {t, x; 1/γ 1/α ≤ x ≤ 1/β1/α , t ≥ t0 }, and, in this region, the unique positive almost periodic solution of 1.2 is uniformly asymptotically stable. Proof. From Theorem 3.1, we know when β ≤ u0 ≤ γ , 2.5 exists a unique solution ut with initial value ut0 u0 , and β ≤ ut ≤ γ , since the transformation ut 1/xα t, it follows that xt 1/u1/α t, so 1.2 exists a unique solution with initial value xt0 1/u1/α 0 , and 1/γ 1/α ≤ xt ≤ 1/β1/α . It is easy to know that, the conditions of Theorem 4.1 are met with Theorem 2.3, so 2.5 exists a unique positive almost periodic solution φt; from 2.9, the unique positive almost periodic solution φt of 2.5 can be expressed by integral equation as follows: φt α α t −∞ t0 −∞ α e−α e−α t t s t e−α s aτdτ bs φsf s, φ−1/α s − φ1α/α sgs ds aτdτ bs φsf s, φ−1/α s − φ1α/α sgs ds t s aτdτ bs φsf s, φ−1/α s − φ1α/α sgs ds t0 t e t0 −αaτdτ φt0 α t e−α t s aτdτ bs φsf s, φ−1/α s − φ1α/α sgs ds. t0 4.1 The solution of 2.5 with initial value ut0 u0 is given as follows: ut e t t0 −αaτdτ u0 α t t0 e−α t s aτdτ bs usf s, u−1/α s − u1α/α sgs ds, 4.2 8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering from 4.1 and 4.2, when t ≥ t0 , we have t ut − φt e t0 −αaτdτ ut0 − φt0 α t e−α t s aτdτ t0 f s, u−1/α s us − φs φs f s, u−1/α s − f s, φ−1/α s 1α/α 1α/α gs φ s − u s ds t ≤ e t0 −αaτdτ α t e−α t s ut0 − φt0 aτdτ t0 f s, u−1/α s us − φs φsf s, φ−1/α s − f s, u−1/α s gsφ1α/α s − u1α/α s ds t ≤ e t0 −αaτdτ α t e−α t s ut0 − φt0 aτdτ t0 −1/α s us − φs Lφsφ−1/α s − u−1/α s Lu gsφ1α/α s − u1α/α s ds. 4.3 According to mean value theorem, we can get t ut − φt ≤ e t0 −αaτdτ ut0 − φt0 α t t0 e−α t s aτdτ 1 −1/α s us − φs Lφs− ξ−1/α−1 φs − us Lu α 1 α 1/α ζ φs − us ds, gs α 4.4 where φs < ξ, ζ < us or us < ξ, ζ < φs. Notice that |φ| ≤ γ , |ξ−1−1/α | ≤ β−1−1/α , |u−1/α | ≤ β−1/α , |ζ1/α | ≤ γ 1/α ; it follows that t ut − φt ≤ e t0 −αaτdτ ut0 − φt0 t 1 e−αaL t−s Lβ−1/α us − φs Lγ β−1/α−1 us − φs α α t0 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 9 1 α 1/α gs γ us − φs ds α t ≤ e t0 −αaτdτ t ut0 − φt0 1 α 1/α 1 −1/α−1 −1/α us − φsds γ α Lβ e Lγ β gM α α t0 ≤ e−αaL t−t0 ut0 − φt0 t 1 α 1/α 1 us − φsds. γ α e−αaL t−s Lβ−1/α Lγ β−1/α−1 gM α α t0 −αaL t−s 4.5 Multiplying both sides of the above inequality by eαaL t−t0 , we have eαaL t−t0 ut − φt ≤ ut0 − φt0 t 1 α 1/α 1 γ us − φsds. eαaL s−t0 Lβ−1/α Lγ β−1/α−1 gM α α α t0 4.6 According to Bellman’s inequality, we can obtain t αLβ−1/α Lγ β−1/α−1 gM 1αγ 1/α ds eαaL t−t0 ut − φt ≤ ut0 − φt0 e t0 . 4.7 Multiplied both sides of the above inequality by e−αaL t−t0 , we get ut − φt ≤ ut0 − φt0 e−αaL αLβ−1/α Lγ β−1/α−1 gM 1αγ 1/α t−t0 . 4.8 Notice that ut 1/xα t, hence xt u−1/α t, and φ∗ t φ−1/α t is the unique positive almost periodic solution of 1.2, so we have xt − φ∗ t u−1/α t − φ−1/α t 1 −1/α−1 − ζ1 ut − φt α ≤ 1 αβ1α/α 4.9 ut0 − φt0 e−αaL αLβ−1/α Lγ β−1/α−1 gM 1αγ 1/α t−t0 , where ut < ζ1 < φt or φt < ζ1 < ut, note that the condition 3 holds, it follows that −αaL αLβ−1/α Lγ β−1/α−1 gM 1 αγ 1/α < 0, 4.10 10 Mathematical Problems in Engineering therefore, there must be a small positive constant δ such that the following equality holds: xt − φ∗ t ≤ 1 αβ1α/α ut0 − φt0 e−δt−t0 . 4.11 From 4.11, we know that the unique positive almost periodic solution φ∗ t of 1.2 is uniformly asymptotically stable. 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