Hindawi Publishing Corporation Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2011, Article ID 171620, 20 pages doi:10.1155/2011/171620 Research Article A Fully Discrete Galerkin Method for a Nonlinear Space-Fractional Diffusion Equation Yunying Zheng1 and Zhengang Zhao2, 3 1 Department of Mathematics, Huaibei Normal University, Huaibei 235000, China Department of Fundamental Courses, Shanghai Customs College, Shanghai 201204, China 3 Department of Mathematics, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China 2 Correspondence should be addressed to Zhengang Zhao, zgzhao999@yahoo.com.cn Received 13 May 2011; Revised 27 July 2011; Accepted 27 July 2011 Academic Editor: Delfim Soares Jr. Copyright q 2011 Y. Zheng and Z. Zhao. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The spatial transport process in fractal media is generally anomalous. The space-fractional advection-diffusion equation can be used to characterize such a process. In this paper, a fully discrete scheme is given for a type of nonlinear space-fractional anomalous advection-diffusion equation. In the spatial direction, we use the finite element method, and in the temporal direction, we use the modified Crank-Nicolson approximation. Here the fractional derivative indicates the Caputo derivative. The error estimate for the fully discrete scheme is derived. And the numerical examples are also included which are in line with the theoretical analysis. 1. Introduction The normal diffusive motion is modeled to describe the standard Brownian motion. The relation between the flow and the divergence of the particle displacement represents Jx, t −a ∂c bc, ∂x 1.1 where J is the diffusive flow. Inserting the above equation into the equation of mass conservation ∂c ∂J − , ∂x ∂t 1.2 2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering we obtain the standard convection-diffusion equation. From the viewpoint of physics, it means that during the method of time random walkers, the overall particle displacement up to time t can be represented as a sum of independent random steps, in the case that both the mean-squared displacement per step and the mean time needed to perform a step are finite. The measured variance growth in the direction of flow of tracer plumes is typically at a Fickian rate, c − c2 ∼ t. The transport process in fractal media cannot be described with the normal diffusion. The process is nonlocal and it does not follow the classical Fickian law. It depicts a particle in spreading tracer cloud which has a standard deviation, and which grows like t2α for some 0 < α < 1, excluding the Fickian case α 1/2. The description of anomalous diffusion means that the measure variance growth in the direction of flow has a deviation from the Fickian case, it follows the super-Fickian rate c − c2 ∼ t2α when α > 1/2, or does the subdiffusion rate c − c2 ∼ t2α if 0 < α < 1/2. With the help of the continuous time random walk and the Fourier transform, the governing equation with space fractional derivative can be derived as follows ∂u β D aua Dx u buDu fx, t, u, ∂t 0 < β < 1, 1.3 where D denotes integer derivative respect to x, and Dβ is fractional derivative. There are some authors studying the spacial anomalous diffusion equation in theoretical analysis and numerical simulations 1–10. Now the fractional anomalous diffusion becomes a hot topic because of its widely applications in the evolution of various dynamical systems under the influence of stochastic forces. For example, it is a well-suited tool for the description of anomalous transport processes in both absence and presence of external velocities or force fields. Since the groundwater velocities span many orders of magnitude and give rise to diffusion-like dispersion a term that combines molecular diffusion and hydrodynamic dispersion, the fractional diffusion is an important process in hydrogeology. It can be used to describe the systems with reactions and diffusions across a wide range of applications including nerve cell signaling, animal coat patterns, population dispersal, and chemical waves. In general, fractional anomalous diffusions have numerous applications in statistical physics, biophysics, chemistry, hydrogeology, and biology 4, 11–20. In this paper, we mainly study one kind of typical nonlinear space-fractional partial differential equations by using the finite element method, which reads in the following form: ∂u β D aua Dx u buDu fx, t, u, ∂t u|t0 ϕx, u|∂Ω g, x ∈ Ω, x ∈ Ω, t ∈ 0, T , 1.4 t ∈ 0, T , where Ω is a spacial domain with boundary ∂Ω, Dβ is the βth 0 < β < 1 order fractional derivative with respect to the space variable x in the Caputo sense which will be introduced later on, a, b, f are functions of x, t, u, ϕ and g are known functions which satisfy the conditions requested by the theorem of error estimations. The rest of this paper is constructed as follows. In Section 2 the fractional integral, fractional derivative, and the fractional derivative spaces are introduced. The error estimates Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3 of the finite element approximation for 1.4 are studied in Section 3, and in Section 4, numerical examples are taken to verify the theoretical results derived in Section 3. 2. Fractional Derivative Space In this section, we firstly introduce the fractional integral or Riemann-Liouville integral, the Caputo fractional derivative, and their corresponding fractional derivative space. Definition 2.1. The αth order left and right Riemann-Liouville integrals of function ux are defined as follows α a Ix ux 1 Γα 1 α x Ib ux Γα x x − sα−1 usds, a b 2.1 s − xα−1 usds, x where α > 0, and Γ· is the Gamma function. Definition 2.2. The αth order Caputo derivative of function ux is defined as, α n−α d a Dx uxa Ix α x Db ux −1 n n ux , dxn n−α d x Ib n n − 1 < α < n ∈ Z , ux , dxn 2.2 n−1<α<n∈Z . The αth order Riemann-Liouville derivative of function ux is defined by changing the order of integration and differentiation. Lemma 2.3 see 8. If u0 u 0 · · · un−1 0 0, then the Caputo fractional derivative is equal to the Riemann-Liouville derivative. Definition 2.4. The fractional derivative space J α Ω is defined as follows: J α Ω u ∈ L2 Ω : a Dαx u ∈ L2 Ω, n − 1 ≤ α < n , 2.3 endowed with the seminorm |u|J α a Dαx uL2 Ω , 2.4 and the norm ⎛ uJ α ⎞1/2 2 k ⎠ ⎝|u|2J α . D u k≤α 2.5 4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering Let J0α Ω denote the closure of C0∞ Ω with respect to the above norm and seminorm. Definition 2.5. Define the seminorm |u|H α |iw|α Fu L2 Ω , 2.6 and the norm ⎛ uH α ⎝|u|2H α ⎞1/2 2 k ⎠ , D u 2.7 k≤α where i is the imaginary unit, and F is the Fourier transform, and which can define another fractional derivative space H α Ω. Let H0α Ω denote the closure of C0∞ Ω with respect to the norm and seminorm. Definition 2.6. The fractional space Jsα Ω is defined below Jsα Ω u ∈ L2 Ω : a Dαx u ∈ L2 Ω, x Dbα u ∈ L2 Ω, n − 1 ≤ α < n , 2.8 endowed with the seminorm 1/2 |u|Jsα a Dαx u, x Dαb u L2 Ω , 2.9 and the norm ⎞1/2 2 2 k ⎝ D u |u|Jsα ⎠ . ⎛ uJsα 2.10 k≤α Theorem 2.7 see 3, 6. Jsα , J α , and H α are equal with equivalent seminorm and norm. The following are some useful results. Lemma 2.8 see 3. For u ∈ J0α Ω, 0 < β < α, then α a D x ux α−β a Dx β a D x u. 2.11 Lemma 2.9 see 2. For u ∈ H0α Ω, one has uL2 Ω ≤ c|u|H0α . 2.12 |u|H β Ω ≤ c|u|H0α . 2.13 For 0 < β < α, 0 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5 Since Jsα , J α , and H α are equal with equivalent seminorm and norm, the norms with each space which will be used following are without distinction, and the notations are used seminorm | · |α and norm · α . 3. Finite Element Approximation Let Ω a, b, and 0 ≤ β < 1. Define α 1 β/2. In this section, we will formulate a fully discrete Galerkin finite element method for a type of nonlinear anomalous diffusion equation as follows. Problem 1 Nonlinear spacial anomalous diffusion equation. We consider equations of the form ∂u β D aua Dx u buDu fx, t, u, ∂t ux, t φx, t, x, t ∈ Ω × 0, T , 3.1 x ∈ ∂Ω × 0, T , x ∈ Ω. ux, 0 gx, We always assume that 0 < m < au < M, 0 < m < bu < M, 0 < m < fu < M. 3.2 The algorithm and analysis in this paper are applicable for a large class of linear and nonlinear functions including polynomials and exponentials in the unknown variables. Throughout the paper, we assume the following mild Lipschitz continuity conditions on a, b, and f: there exist positive constants L and c such that for x ∈ Ω, t ∈ 0, T , and s, t ∈ R, |ax, t, s − ax, t, r| ≤ L|s − r|, 3.3 |bx, t, s − bx, t, r| ≤ L|s − r|, 3.4 fx, t, s − fx, t, r ≤ L|s − r|. 3.5 In order to derive a variational form of Problem 1, we suppose that u is a sufficiently smooth solution of Problem 1. Multiplying an arbitrary v ∈ H0α Ω in both sides yields ∂u v dx ∂t Ω Ω β D aua Dx u v dx buDuv dx fx, t, uv dx. Ω Ω 3.6 Rewriting the above expression yields Ω ∂u v dx ∂t Ω β aua Dx uDv dx − Ω buDuv dx Ω fx, t, uv dx. 3.7 6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering We define the associated bilinear form A : J0α Ω × J0α Ω → R as β Au, v aua Dx u, Dv − buDu, v, 3.8 where ·, · denotes the inner product on L2 Ω and J0α Ω. For given f ∈ J −α Ω, we define the associated function F : J0α Ω → R as Fv f, v . 3.9 Definition 3.1. A function u ∈ J0α Ω is a variational solution of Problem 1 provided that ∂u ,v ∂t Au, v Fv, ∀v ∈ J0α Ω. 3.10 Now we are ready to describe a fully discrete Galerkin finite element method to solve nonlinear Problem 1. In our new scheme, the finite element trial and test spaces for Problem 1 are chosen to be same. For a positive integer N, let t {tn }N n0 be a uniform partition of the time interval 0, T such that tn nτ, where τ T/N, and let tn−1/2 tn − τ/2. Throughout the paper, we use the following notation for a function φ: φn φtn , ∂t φn φn − φn−1 , τ n φ φn φn−1 , 2 3φn−1 − φn−2 φn . 2 3.11 Let Kh {K} be a partition of spatial domain Ω. Define hk as the diameter of the element K and h maxK∈Kh hK . And let Sh be a finite element space Sh v ∈ H0α Ω : v|K ∈ Pr−1 K, K ∈ Kh , 3.12 where Pr−1 K is the set of polynomials of degree r−1 on a given domain K. And the functions in Sh are continuous on Ω. Our fully discrete quadrature scheme to solve Problem 1 is to find uh : for v ∈ Sh such that β n ∂t unh , v a u nh a Dx unh , Dv − b u nh Dunh , v f u h , v . 3.13 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7 The linear systems in the above equation requires selecting the value of u0h and u1h . Given u0h depending on the initial data gx, we select u1h by solving the following predictorcorrector linear systems: u1,0 − u0h h τ u1h − u0h τ ,v f 1,0 u0h βu a u0h a Dx h , Dv 2 ,v a u0h u1,0 h 2 u0h u1,0 h 2 1 β uh a Dx u0h 2 u1,0 u0 h b u0h D h ,v 2 − − , Dv b u0h u1,0 h 2 D f u0h , v , u1h u0h 2 ,v ,v . 3.14 α Lemma 3.2. For u, v, w ∈ Js,0 Ω, 0 < m ≤ au ≤ M, α 1 β/2, there exist constants γ1 , γ2 such that β aua Dx u, Dv ≤ γ1 uα · vα , β awa Dx v, Dv ≥ γ2 v2α . 3.15 Proof. With the assumption of au in 3.3 and the property of dual space β β awa Dx u, Dv ≤ awa Dx u 1−α · Dv−1−α ≤ Mcu1−αβ · v−1−α1 ≤ γ1 uα · vα , β β awa Dx v, Dv − Dawa Dx v, v − 1−β/2 β 1β/2 awa Dx v, x Db v a Dx 3.16 ≥ m|v|2Jsα ≥ γ2 v2α . Lemma 3.3 see 2. For Ω ⊂ Rn , α > n/4, v, w ∈ H0α Ω, ε > 0, one has vbw, ∇v ≤ c0 −p/q qε ∇bwp · v2 εv2α , p 3.17 where p 4α/4α − n, q 4α/n. Theorem 3.4. Let unh be bounded, then for a sufficiently small step τ, there exists a unique solution unh ∈ Sh satisfying scheme 3.13. 8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering Proof. As scheme represents a finite system of problem, the continuity and coercivity of unh , ωnh /τ Aunh , ωnh is the sufficient and essential condition for the existence and uniqueness of unh . Let v unh , w ωnh , then v, v v, v β Av, v awa Dx v, Dv − bwDv, v τ τ v2 γ2 vα − c0 Dbw2 v2 − εv2α τ γ2 − ε v2α τ −1 − c0 Dbw2 v2 ≥ 3.18 ≥ cv2α . For the chosen sufficiently small τ, the above inequality holds. v, w v, w β Av, w aua Dx v, Dw Dbuv, Dw τ τ ≤ u · w γ1 vα wα v · Dbuw τ 3.19 u · w v · w γ1 vα wα M ≤ τ h ≤ cvα wα . Hence, the scheme 3.13 is uniquely solvable for unh . Let ρn Ph un − un , and θn unh − Ph un , then unh − un unh − Ph un Ph un − un θn ρn , 3.20 where Ph un is a Rits-Galerkin projection operator defined as follows: β awa Dx un − Ph un , Dv 0, β au0 a Dx un − Ph un , Dv 0. 3.21 Lemma 3.5. Let au, bu be smooth functions on Ω, 0 < m ≤ au, bu ≤ M, and Ph un is defined as above, then a Dαx un − Ph un ≤ chk1−α uk1 , Ph un − un ≤ chk1 uk1 . 3.22 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 9 Proof. Using the definition of Ph un , one gets a Dαx Ph un − un 2 | a Dαx Ph un − un , a Dαx Ph un − un | ≤ c a Dαx Ph un − un · a Dαx χ − un , 3.23 where χ ∈ Sh . Utilizing the interpolation of Ih un leads to a Dαx Ph un − un ≤ inf c χ − u α ≤ cIh un − un α ≤ chk1−α uk1 . χ∈Sh 3.24 Next we estimate Ph un − un . For all φ ∈ L2 Ω, w is the solution of the following equation: −a Dx2α w φ, w 0, w ∈ Ω, 3.25 w ∈ ∂Ω. So we have w2α ≤ γ3 φ . 3.26 For all χ ∈ Sh , with the help of approximation properties of Sh and the weak form, we can obtain α n n α Ph un − un , φ − Ph un − un , a D2α x w − x D b Ph u − u , a D x w − x Dαb Ph un − un , a Dαx w − χ ≤ Ph un − un α w − χ α ≤ Ph un − un α inf w − χ α χ∈Sh ≤ chr−α ur hα w2α chr ur φ , P h u n − un , φ n n ≤ chr ur . Ph u − u sup φ 0 φ∈L2 Ω 3.27 / Lemma 3.6 see 21. Let Th , 0 < h ≤ 1, denote a quasiuniform family of subdivisions of a polyhedral domain Ω ⊂ Rd . Let K , P, N be a reference finite element such that P ⊂ W l,p K ∩ W m,q K is a finite-dimensional space of functions on K , N is a basis for P , where 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, and 0 ≤ m ≤ l. For K ∈ Th , let K, PK , NK be the affine equivalent element, and Vh v : v is measurable and v|K ∈ PK , for all K ∈ Th . Then there exists a constant C Cl, p, q such that k∈Th 1/p v2W l,p K ≤ Ch m−lmin0,d/p−d/q · k∈Th 1/q q vW m,q K The following Gronwall’s lemma is useful for the error analysis later on. . 3.28 10 Mathematical Problems in Engineering Lemma 3.7 see 2. Let Δt, H and an , bn , cn , γn (for integer n ≥ 0 be nonnegative numbers such that aN Δt N N N bn ≤ Δt γn an Δt cn H, n0 n0 3.29 n0 for N ≥ 0. Suppose that Δtγn < 1, for all n, and set σn 1 − Δtγn −1 . Then aN Δt N N bn ≤ exp Δt σn γn n0 Δt N n0 ! cn H , 3.30 n0 for N ≥ 0. The following norms are also used in the analysis: |v|∞,k max vn k , 0≤n≤N |v|0,k N 1/2 τvn 2k 3.31 . n0 Theorem 3.8. Assume that Problem 1 has a solution u satisfying utt , uttt ∈ L2 0, T, L2 Ω with u, ut ∈ L2 0, T, H k1 . If Δt ≤ ch, then the finite element approximation is convergent to the solution of Problem 1 on the interval (0,T], as Δt, h → 0. The approximation uh also satisfies the following error estimates u − uh 0,α ≤ C hk1 ut 0,k1 hk1−α u0,k1 τ 2 utt 0,0 τhk1−α utt 0,k1 τ 2 uttt 0,0 , u − uh ∞,0 ≤ C hk1 ut 0,k1 hk1−α u0,k1 τ 2 uttt 0,0 τhk1−α utt 0,k1 τ 2 utt 0,0 hk1 u2∞,k1 . 3.32 3.33 Proof. For t tn − τ/2 tn−1/2 , n 0, 1, . . . , N, find un−1/2 such that ∂t un−1/2 , v a un−1/2 a Dx un−1/2 , Dv − b un−1/2 Dun−1/2 , v f un−1/2 , v . 3.34 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 11 Subtracting the above equation from the fully discrete scheme 3.13, and substituting unh − un unh − Ph un Ph un − un θn ρn into it, we obtain the following error formulation relating to θn and ρn : β n ∂t θn , v a u nh a Dx θ , Dv − b u nh Dθn , v β β n n nh a Dx Ih u , v ∂t un−1/2 , v − ∂t Ih un , v a u nh a Dx Ih u , Dv b u β nh , v − f un−1/2 , v a un−1/2 a Dx un−1/2 , Dv − b un−1/2 Dun−1/2 , v f u β β n β n − a u nh a Dx ρn , Dv a un−1/2 a Dx un−1/2 − a u h a Dx u , Dv n n n n n−1/2 n−1/2 Du h Du − b u , Dv b u h Dρ , v b u f u nh − f un−1/2 , v ∂t un−1/2 − ∂t Ih un , v R1 v R2 v R3 v R4 v R5 v R6 v. 3.35 Setting v θn , we obtain n n n β n un a Dx θ , Dθ − b un Dθ , θ ∂t θn , θn a R1 θ n R2 θ n R3 θ n R4 θ n R5 θ n R6 θ 3.36 n . Note that ∂t θn , θn θn − θn−1 θn θn−1 , τ 2 2 1 n 2 θ − θn−1 . 2τ 3.37 According to 3.2 and Lemma 3.2, we have n a u n β n a Dx θ , Dθ n 2 n−1 2 n 2 ≥ mθ ≥ c |θ |α θ . α 3.38 α From Lemma 3.3, the following inequality can be derived: n 2 n n 2 n 2 b un θ , Dθ ≤ c0 ε2−c1 Db un c θ ε3 θ α 2 n θn θn−1 2 n−1 −c1 n c2 θ θ c0 ε2 Db u ε3 2 2 ≤ 2 c3 ε2−c1 Db un c 3.39 α n−1 2 n−1 2 n 2 θ θ c4 ε3 θ α θ . n 2 α 12 Mathematical Problems in Engineering Substituting 3.37–3.39 into 3.36 then multiplying 3.36 by 2τ, summing from n 1 to N, we have N 2 2 n−1 2 n 2 θ − θ τ 2mc − 2c4 ε3 θ α θ n 2 α n1 ≤ 2τ N 2 n c2 h θn 2 θn−1 c3 ε2−c1 Db u 3.40 n1 2τ N " n n n n n n # R1 θ R2 θ R3 θ R4 θ R5 θ R6 θ . n3 We now estimate R1 to R6 in the right hand of 3.40, n β n a u nh a Dx ρn , a Dαx θ R1 θ a D1−α x n n ≤ M a Dαx ρn , a Dαx θ ≤ M a Dαx ρn a Dαx θ n 2 c2 2 ≤ ε4 θ 5 ρn α α 4ε4 3.41 2 2 c2 ε4 n ρ ρn−1 5 θn θn−1 α α 2 16ε4 2 c 2 7 n 2 ρ α ρn−1 . ≤ ε4 c6 θn 2α θn−1 α α ε4 Secondly, we deduce the estimation of R2 , n β β n n nh a Dx un , Dθ a un−1/2 a Dx un−1/2 , Dθ R2 θ −a u β n β n n n β h a Dx u , Dθ a un−1/2 a Dx un−1/2 −a Dx un , Dθ a un−1/2 − a u R21 R22 , 3.42 where R21 # " n β n un a D x u a un−1/2 − a , Dθ n 2 " # β 2 c8 un a D x u n ε5 Dθ a un−1/2 − a α−1 1−α 4ε5 β n 2 n 2 un a Dx u ≤ c9 a un−1/2 − a ε5 θ ≤ n 2 ≤ c9 L un−1/2 − u n ε5 θ , α 1−α α Mathematical Problems in Engineering β n β R22 a un−1/2 a Dx un−1/2 −a Dx un , Dθ 13 n 2 " β # c10 β n 2 a un−1/2 a Dx un−1/2 −a Dx u ε6 Dθ −1α 1−α 4ε6 2 n 2 2 β β ≤ c10 a un−1/2 a Dx un−1/2 −a Dx un ε6 θ ≤ 1−α 2 2 ≤ c10 M2 un−1/2 − un ε6 c θn 2α θn−1 . α α α 3.43 The estimations of un − un−1/2 and un − un−1/2 α can be derived as follows: n−1/2 2 3 τ τ n−1/2 utt n n−1/2 n−1/2 3 u −u − ut O τ u 2 2 2! 2 n−1/2 1 n−1/2 3τ n−1/2 utt 3τ 2 3 n−1/2 − u ut −u − O τ 2 2 2! 2 ≤ c11 τ 2 utt tn−1/2 ≤ c11 τ 2 tn utt ·, sds, tn−1 ! tn tn−1/2 −1 n 2 2 n−1/2 s − tn utt sds s − tn−1 utt sds τ u − u α tn−1/2 tn−1 tn ≤ c12 τ utt sds tn−1 ≤ c12 τ tn tn−1 3.44 α α utt sα ds ≤ c12 τhk1−α tn tn−1 utt sk1 ds. Thirdly, it is turn to consider R3 , n n n n n h Dρ −α θ nh Dρn , θ ≤ b u R3 θ b u α n 2 n 2 n 2 c13 b u h ρ 1−α ε7 θ ≤ α 4ε7 c14 n−1 2 n−1 2 n 2 n 2 ρ 1−α ρ ≤ ε7 c15 θ α θ . 1−α α 4ε7 3.45 14 Mathematical Problems in Engineering Next, n n n nh Dun , θ − b un−1/2 Dun−1/2 , θ R4 θ b u n n b u nh Dun − b un−1/2 Dun , θ b un−1/2 Dun − Dun−1/2 , θ R41 R42 , 3.46 where 2 n 2 c16 n h − b un−1/2 Dun ε8 θ b u α 1−α 4ε8 2 c16 L n 2 n 2 uh − un−1/2 Dun 1−α ε8 θ ≤ α 4ε8 n 2 2 c16 L n 2 uh − u n u n − un−1/2 Dun 1−α ε8 θ α 4ε8 2 n 2 n 2 n h − u u − un−1/2 ε8 θ ≤ c17 u n c17 R41 ≤ 3.47 α 2 2 n 2 n u − un−1/2 ε8 θ ≤ c17 θn ρn c17 α 2 n 2 n 2 2 u − un−1/2 ε8 θ . ≤ c18 θn ρn c17 α Rewriting R42 by the aid of 3.20, we have R42 ≤ 2 n 2 c19 n u − un−1/2 ε9 θ . α 4ε9 3.48 The estimation of R5 is deduced as follows: n nh − f un−1/2 θ R5 θn ≤ f u n n ≤ L uh − un−1/2 θ 2 n 2 Lc20 n uh − un−1/2 ε10 θ 4ε10 2 2 n 2 n n n n−1/2 ≤ Lc21 θ ρ u −u ε10 θ ≤ 2 n 2 n n 2 n 2 u − un−1/2 ε10 θ . ≤ c22 θ ρ Lc21 3.49 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 15 Last, we estimate R6 , n n n R6 θ ∂t un−1/2 , θ − ∂t Ph un , θ n n ∂t un−1/2 − ∂un , θ ∂t un − ∂t Ph un , θ ∂t u n−1/2 − ∂t u , θ n n ∂t ρ , θ n n 3.50 ≤ ∂t un−1/2 − ∂t un θn ∂t ρn θn , where tn−1/2 tn n−1/2 −1 2 2 n − ∂u 2τ c23 s − tn uttt sds s − tn−1 uttt sds ∂t u tn−1/2 tn−1 tn ≤ c23 τ uttt sds tn−1 ≤ c23 τ tn uttt sds, tn−1 3.51 tn n n−1 n ρ − ρ −1 n ρt sds ≤τ ∂t ρ tn−1 τ ≤τ −1 tn ut sds ≤ τ −1 tn−1 tn tn−1 ut s ≤ hk1 tn tn 1ds tn−1 tn tn−1 ut sds tn−1 ut sk1 ds. The θ2 should be estimated with 3.14. Let n 1 then subtracting 3.34 from the two equations of 3.14, respectively, one gets β 1,0 1,0 1,0 0 0 ∂t θ , v a uh a Dx θ , Dv − b uh Dθ , v β β β − a u0h a Dx ρ1,0 , Dv − a u1/2 a Dx u1/2 − a u0h a Dx u1,0 , Dv b u0h Dρ1,0 , v b u0h Du1,0 − b u1/2 Du1/2 , Dv f u0h − f u1/2 , v ∂t u1/2 − ∂t Ih u1,0 , v R1 v R2 v R3 v R4 v R5 v R6 v, 16 Mathematical Problems in Engineering β 1 1 ∂t θ1 , v a u0h Dx θ , Dv − b u0h Dθ , v a − a u0h u1,0 h b u0h u1,0 h f −f u 2 Dρ , v u0h u1,0 h − 1 2 0 ! β uh u1,0 β 1 h 1/2 1/2 a u −a a Dx u a D x u , Dv 2 β 1 a D x ρ , Dv 2 b 1/2 u0h u1,0 h 2 ! ,v Du − b u1/2 Du1/2 , Dv ! 1 ∂t u1/2 − ∂t Ih u1 , v R1 v R2 v R3 v R4 v R5 v R6 v. 3.52 Setting v θ1,0 , and using the similar estimation see 3.40, one has t1 t1 2 1,0 utt s2α ds h2k1−α u2k1 τ 2 uttt s2 ds θ ≤ c τ 2 t0 t0 ch2k1 t1 t0 ! ut s2k1 ds 3.53 . Letting v θ1 , applying the above result of θ1,0 , and using the similar estimation see 3.53, we get t1 t1 2 1 utt s2α ds h2k1−α u2k1 τ 2 uttt s2 ds θ ≤ c τ 2 t0 ch t0 2k1 t1 t0 ! ut s2k1 ds 3.54 . Using T Nτ and Gronwall’s lemma, we get |θ|20,α N τθ2α . 3.55 n0 Hence, using the interpolation property and |u − uh |0,α ≤ |θ|0,α ρ 0,α , the estimate 3.32 holds. 3.56 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 17 Also using the interpolation property, Gronwall’s lemma, and the approximation properties, we get |u − uh |∞,0 ≤ |θ|∞,0 ρ ∞,0 ≤ max |θn |2 h2k1 |u|2∞,k1 , 3.57 0≤n≤N which is just the estimate 3.33. 4. Numerical Examples In this section, we present the numerical results which confirm the theoretical analysis in Section 3. Let K denote a uniform partition on 0, a, and Sh the space of continuous piecewise linear functions on K, that is, k 1.. In order to implement the Galerkin finite element approximation, we adapt finite element discrete along the space axis, and finite difference scheme along the time axis. We associate shape function of space Xh with the standard basis of hat functions on the uniform grid of size h 1/n. We have the predicted rates of convergence if the condition Δt ch of u − uh 0,α ∼ O h2−α , u − uh ∞,0 ∼ O h2−α , 4.1 provided that the initial value ϕx is smooth enough. Example 4.1. The following equation 2x1.5 ∂u x0.5 2 0.5 D u 0 Dx ux, t − 2xx − 1 − e−2t Du − ux, t ∂t Γ2.5 Γ1.5 2x0.5 x−0.5 2 −t − , 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1, −u e Γ1.5 Γ0.5 ux, 0 xx − 1, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, u0, t u1, t 0, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1, 4.2 has a unique solution ux, t e−t xx − 1. If we select Δt ch and note that the initial value u0 is smooth enough, then we have u − uh 0,0.75 ∼ O h1.25 , u − uh ∞,0 ∼ O h1.25 . 4.3 18 Mathematical Problems in Engineering Table 1: Numerical error result for Example 4.1. h 1/5 1/10 1/20 1/40 1/80 1/160 u − uh ∞,0 2.2216E−003 1.3551E−003 5.5865E−004 3.0515E−004 1.2423E−004 5.1033E−005 u − uh 0,0.75 1.0213E−003 6.0779E−004 2.3188E−004 1.0545E−004 3.9883E−005 2.1310E−005 cvge. rate — 0.7132 1.2784 0.8724 1.2964 1.2835 cvge. rate — 0.74875 1.3901 1.1367 1.4027 0.9042 Table 1 includes numerical calculations over a regular partition of 0, 1. We can observe the experimental rates of convergence agree with the theoretical rates for the numerical solution. Example 4.2. The function ux, t costx2 2 − x2 solves the equation in the following form: ∂u 0 Dx1.7 ux, t buDu − u41 − x tan t fx, t, ∂t ux, 0 x2 2 − x2 , u0, t 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ 2, u2, t 0, x ∈ 0, 2, t ∈ 0, 1, 4.4 0 ≤ t ≤ 1, where √ u bu √ , cos t ⎡ ⎤ 24 x1.3 2 − x1.3 8 x0.3 2 − x0.3 24 x2.3 2 − x2.3 cos t ⎢ ⎥ − − fx, t ⎣ ⎦. cos0.85π Γ3.3 Γ2.3 Γ1.3 4.5 If we select Δt ch, then u − uh 0,0.85 ∼ O h1.15 , u − uh ∞,0 ∼ O h 1.15 4.6 . Table 2 shows the error results at different size of space grid. We can observe that the experimental rates of convergence still support the theoretical rates. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 19 Table 2: Numerical error result for Example 4.2. h 1/5 1/10 1/20 1/40 1/80 1/160 u − uh ∞,0 1.3010E−001 4.6402E−002 1.6843E−002 6.6019E−003 2.7979E−003 1.2665E−003 u − uh 0,0.85 3.2223E−002 1.4133E−002 6.2946E−003 2.8571E−003 1.3137E−003 6.0848E−004 cvge. rate — 1.4878 1.4620 1.6843 1.2386 1.1434 cvge. rate — 1.1890 1.1669 1.1395 1.1209 1.1103 Table 3: Numerical error result for Example 4.3. h 1/5 1/10 1/20 1/40 1/80 1/160 u − uh ∞,0 8.3052E−002 3.6038E−002 1.3839E−002 5.0631E−003 1.8920E−003 9.9899E−004 u − uh 0,0.85 2.8009E−002 1.0086E−002 3.2327E−003 1.1789E−003 5.9555E−004 3.0034E−004 cvge. rate — 1.2045 1.3807 1.4507 1.4201 0.9214 cvge. rate — 1.4735 1.6414 1.4554 0.9851 0.9876 Example 4.3. Consider the following space-fractional differential equation with the nonhomogeneous boundary conditions, ∂u 3 0 D1.7 x ux, t − ∂t x x u dx − 0 ux, 0 x2 , u0, t 0, 2x0.3 e−t , Γ1.3 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, u1, t e−t , 4.7 0 ≤ t ≤ 1, whose exact solution is ux, t e−t x2 . We still choose Δt ch, then get the convergence rates u − uh 0,0.85 ∼ O h1.15 , u − uh ∞,0 ∼ O h1.15 . 4.8 The numerical results are presented in Table 3 which are in line with the theoretical analysis. 5. Conclusion In this paper, we propose a fully discrete Galerkin finite element method to solve a type of fractional advection-diffusion equation numerically. In the temporal direction we use the modified Crank-Nicolson method, and in the spatial direction we use the finite element method. The error analysis is derived on the basis of fractional derivative space. The numerical results agree with the theoretical error estimates, demonstrating that our algorithm is feasible. 20 Mathematical Problems in Engineering Acknowledgments This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant no. 10872119, the Key Disciplines of Shanghai Municipality under grant no. S30104, the Key Program of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission under grant no. 12ZZ084, and the Natural Science Foundation of Anhui province KJ2010B442. References 1 S. Chen and F. Liu, “ADI-Euler and extrapolation methods for the two-dimensional fractional advection-dispersion equation,” Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 295– 311, 2008. 2 V. J. Ervin, N. Heuer, and J. P. Roop, “Numerical approximation of a time dependent, nonlinear, spacefractional diffusion equation,” SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 572–591, 2008. 3 V. J. Ervin and J. P. 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