CRUST AND UPPER MANTLE STRUCTURE OF THE NORTHEASTERN UNITED STATES by Steven R. Taylor B.S., Ohio University, Athens, Ohio (1975) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OFDOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the 0 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY May, 1980 Signature of Author................. Department of Earth 7 Certified . .. by. . .. nd-Planetary Sciences 1980 IMay *0 -- -... .. hesi Accepted by......... Chairman, .... .. q - - 200T Departmental CoAi Lf ~ - ------. Supervisor ---.. duate Students CRUST AND UPPER MANTLE STRUCTURE OF THE NORTHEASTERN UNITED STATES by Steven R. Taylor Submitted to the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences on May 9, 1980, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ABSTRACT Recognition that mountain belts are places where oceans have closed implies that continental structure differs across them. Using the northeastern United States (NEUS) seismic network, it is shown that this applies to the northern Appalachians by investigating the crustal structure of the Precambrian Grenville Province in New York state and the New England Paleozoic Appalachian Province. The crust and upper mantle structure of the NEUS is studied by combining teleseismic and regional body wave observations with surface wave dispersion measurements. The velocity models suggest that structures down to possibly 200 km and greater can be correlated with surficial geologic and tectonic features and that the two orogenic belts show marked differences in crustal structure. This has the important implication that major orogenic belts have effects that reach well into the lithosphere which are stable for extended periods of time, perhaps as long as 1 b.y. Regional travel times recorded across the NEUS seismic network indicate that the northern Appalachians are characterized by a well-defined two layer crust, with a relatively high velocity lower layer. The upper crustal layer, approximately 15 km thick with P and S velocities of 6.1 and 3.6 km/s, respectively, overlies a high velocity lower crust with P and S velocities of 7.0 and 4.1 km/s. The average crustal thickness is approximately 40 km. The crust of the Grenville Province is vertically homogeneous with nearly constant P and S velocities of 6.6 and 3.7 km/s, respectively, and an average crustal thickness of 37 km. Analysis of Rayleigh wave phase and group velocities yields structural models that are relatively consistent with the models derived from regional travel times. A method for calculating interstation phase and group velocities from the interstation transfer function using Wiener deconvolution is 2 presented. The Rayleigh wave phase and group velocities along different paths are inverted simultaneously using a maximum-likelihood technique. Phase and group velocities are also calculated across the MIT short-period network in southeastern New England by estimating the frequency-wavenumber power spectra. Lateral variations in structure are studied using time term analysis and teleseismic P wave residuals. A region of thick or low-velocity crust trends northeast across eastern New York, western Massachusetts, southeast Vermont, central New Hampshire, and central Maine. In eastern New York this zone correlates with Bouguer gravity lows and with the Taconic klippen; a thick pile of thrusts emplaced during the mid-Ordovician Taconic orogeny. The crustal thickening beneath central New England correlates well with Bouguer gravity lows and is found in the region of highest topography indicating an isostatically compensated highland area. The suture between the Grenville and Appalachian Province in the NEUS probably occurs along a north-northeast trending belt extending from northwestern Vermont to southwestern Connecticut. High crustal velocities and/or crustal thinning, a linear gravity high, a serpentinite belt, Precambrian uplifts, and the Taconic thrusts are found along much of this belt which shows many similarities to the Ivera zone in northern Italy. There is also the possibility of a second suture located in the eastern section of the study area separating the central orogenic belt from an eastern block (Avalonia). Refraction models, and Pn and teleseismic P wave residuals indicate that the crust of the eastern block is probably thinner than that of the central belt and may be missing the high velocity lower crustal layer. In eastern Massachusetts, these two regions are separated by prominent fault zones across which no formations can be traced. Three-dimensional inversion of teleseismic P wave residuals indicates that a relatively low velocity anomaly extending to depths in excess of 200 km and dipping to the northwest shows a spatial correlation with the Bronson Hill - Boundary Mountains Anticlinorium in central New Hampshire and Maine. These structures occupy the sites of a complex series of island arc sequences last active in Early Devonian time prior to the Acadian orogeny. This low-velocity region may represent subducted oceanic lithosphere which has undergone post-orogenic radioactive heating. Alternatively, the oceanic lithosphere may have been totally subducted resulting in lower velocity material filling the vacated Benioff zone. The observed differences in crustal structure between the Grenville and Appalachian Provinces are probably the result in variations of petrology, chemistry, water content, temperature, and tectonic evolution. Comparison of seismic velocities with resistivity measurements suggests that the lower crust of the Grenville Province may be composed of rocks with hydrous mineral phases resulting in lowered velocities and a higher Poisson's ratio. Alternatively, the rocks of the lower crust beneath the Grenville Province may be similar to those found on the surface while higher velocity, mafic mineralogies are prevalent in the lower crust of the Appalachians. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the Grenville crust underwent substantial reactivation, thickened, and became vertically uniform during the Grenville orogeny. In contrast, the rocks of the Appalachian belt probably were associated with a cycle of oceanic opening and closure which suggests an ensimatic origin of the lower crust in this region. Thesis Advisor: M. Nafi Toksoz Professor of Geophysics ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ones The old adage "giving the tie off to applies my advisor M. Toksoz Nafi neck" gave who tremendous amount of help and support over the literally me a His years. insight for identifying interesting geophysical problems and defining ways to solve them made things much easier for me. I will remain indebted to Nafi. Sykes Lynn and Golisano, Mary Aggarwal, Yash Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory freely provided used data period in many aspects and College Ed Chiburis of Weston Observatory at Boston of short Many of this thesis. geological discussions with B. C. Burchfiel, Pat Barosh, and Frank Spear are also greatly appreciated. My fellow partners-in-crime kept my spirits up and me all in aspects of my work. aided My fuzzy-faced office-mate Michael Clair Fehler demonstrated to me that a can person finish a thesis at M.I.T. without becoming a babbling idiot. MCF is a real star, and although he specialized in the more sensual aspects of geophysics such as the study of jerky and wet cracks, and hot dry rocks, he would always take time to listen my problems, then say something like "You don't know that? Its simply the then set me straight. correspondence I'll over-the-glasses looks, his funny and his stink to executive command. man of many talents, can tell you principle." always miss accent, his his and stern binoculars, Arthur C. H. Cheng, the about dominant diagonal 5 matrices and the lie of Rick Middleton's hockey stick in the same breath (unless he's reading the sports which case he won't tell you stinks and can't anything.) I George Zandt tell the difference between a phone line glitch and a deep earthquake velocity), Although (both have a high apparent hope that our continued search for mysterious blocks in the lithosphere and resurgent domes causes cross paths. Clifford H. Thurber, my office-mate, sits over there at his desk frustrate me with his efficency. us to theoretical-type and continues to His programs work the first time, he write lots of papers on every different topic in geophysics, and attitude on life. he continues to maintain a healthy Never once did he give me a hard time for stealing cookies out of his desk drawer. Norm Burr, Bill Ellsworth, and Randy major influence during Richardson my formative years at M.I.T. introduced me to the wonders of computer and most me hacking, importantly to Hilltop Steak House. took me under his wing and helped with told "Yes, Steve were there is a Without intending to, Randy convinced 3-D to a Norm LLL, Bill sort of inversions and U Lambda V-transpose". me to let somebody else figure out the state of stress in the lithosphere. In later years, I had along the way Albert Hsui, Mike John Sean Solomon, Chaplin, recommend with fun Rob drinking interesting discussions Nabelek, Jay Pulli, Jim Muller, Wai Ying Chung, Comer, and and Gerardo and Mark Willis. giggling with Suarez, I also highly Steve Roecker, especially on a mountain. Of course, students, I Roger shan't Buck, forget input into stellar seismology Ken Tubman, Rob Stewart, Dan Davis, Lynn Hall, and all the others. much my Ken Tubman also provided the surface wave analysis and good old RB kept my ego pumped up. These guys are all going to be superstars. There are also the fifth floor. Sara "real" people scattered Brydges seemed to be doing me favors everytime I turned around else, and in addition helped me keep up on local gossip. to about everything George Keough, Al Taylor, and Dave Johnston provided much assistance with maintenance and operation of the the M.I.T seismic network. Then there's always the other two crazies at the end of hall, the the Judy Roos and Sharyn Belk. Of course, none of this would have been possible without the love, help, and support from both sets of my parents, my sister-ugly who sent me funny rocks from the Canadian Rockies, and the rest of the Goff family. Pino's Pizza (End your quest, at Pino's you've found the best) supplied me with my weekly grease quota. And without getting mushy, I thank Heather for everything. This research was supported Commission by the Nuclear Regulatory contract NRC-04-76-209 and the Advanced Research Projects Agency, monitored by the Air Force office Scientific Research under contract F44620-75-C-0064. of TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Abstract 1 Acknowledgements 4 Chapter 1. Introduction 11 Chapter 2. Geologic and Geophysical Setting 16 2.1 Geologic Setting 16 2.2 Geophysical Setting 19 2.2.1 Gravity and Magnetics 20 2.2.2 Heat Flow and Resistivity 22 24 Figures Crustal Structure from Regional Chapter 3. Travel Times 3.1 Structure from Measured Quarry Blasts 3.2 Average Structure Using P and S Arrivals 31 32 from Regional Earthquakes 3.2.1 Data 34 3.2.2 Analysis of Travel Time Curves 36 3.2.3 Error Analysis 38 3.2.4 Results Lateral Structure from Time Term Analysis 3.3 of the Pn Branch 40 3.3.1 Method 41 3.3.2 Results and Interpretation 43 Comparison With Other Refraction Models in 3.4 Eastern North America 46 48 Tables Figures Chapter 4. Structure Derived from Surface Waves 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Crust and Upper Mantle Structure from Mea- 69 69 surement of Interstation Phase and Group Velocities 4.2.1 Data 70 70 9 PAGE 4.2.2 Interstation Transfer Function Using Wiener Deconvolution 4.2.3 Measurement of Interstation Phase Velocities 4.2.4 74 Measurement of Interstation Group Velocities 76 4.2.5 Error Analysis 81 4.2.6 Description of Rayleigh Wave Phase and Group Velocities 4.3 72 85 Estimation of Frequency-Wavenumber Power Spectrum in Southeastern New England 4.4 87 4.3.1 Data 89 4.3.2 Interpretation and Discussion 91 Simultaneous Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Phase and Group Velocities Using a Maximum-Likelihood Technique 4.4.1 93 Information Derived from Fundamental Mode Rayleigh Wave Phase and Group Velocities 4.4.2 Inversion Results Tables 102 Figures 105 Chapter 5. Crust and Upper Mantle Structure from P Waves 148 5.1 Travel Time Residuals 150 5.2 Three-Dimensional Inversion 160 Teleseismic Tables 170 Figures 173 Chapter 6. Variations of Crust and Upper Mantle Structure in the Appalachian Orogenic Belt: 6.1 Implications for Tectonic Evolution Summary of Results Presented in Previous Chapters 6.2 190 190 Contrasts Between Grenville and Appalachian Provinces in the NEUS 194 6.2.1 Compositional Differences 195 6.2.2 Contrasts in Tectonic Evolution 198 PAGE 6.3 Contrasts Between Northern and Southern Appalachians 6.4 209 Tectonic Evolution of the Northern Appalachians 212 Table 219 Figures 220 References 226 Appendix A. Generalized and Stochastic Inversion Appendix B. Non-Linear Inversion of Travel Time Data 240 for Cross-Over Distances and Apparent Velocities 246 Appendix Time Term Analysis 251 Appendix Computation of Frequency-Wavenumber Power Spectra Figures Appendix E. 267 Calculation of Phase and Group Velocity Partial Derivatives Appendix F. 270 Maximum-Likelihood Inversion of Phase and Group Velocity Appendix G. 257 273 Interstation Transfer Function Using Wiener Deconvolution Figures Biographical Note 277 283 287 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION With the network in northeastern operation United since States 1975, it and upper mantle of the Precambrian Grenville Province in New York state and the New England Paleozoic The this thesis is region under study in segment of extends seismic became possible to investigate for the first time the crust structure (NEUS) an at impressive least 3,000 Appalachian Paleozoic km actually one small mountain from Province. chain that the southeastern United States through New England and into Newfoundland. The tectonic history of ancient mountain belts is usually interpreted in terms of the reigning evolutionary models for neo-tectonic belts such as the Himalayas, the Alps, Zagros. However, the geology and mountain belts is often known in difficult to formulate evolutionary model because encountered. cores of great even of geophysics a the detail simple numerous or of and the older it first is order complications Ancient orogenic belts represent deeply eroded more recent mountain chains and detailed geologic and geophysical studies of these older Appalachians should provide belts important such as the constraints for interpreting the younger belts. Many of the geologic, tectonic, and geophysical problems associated with the northern Appalachians were discussed at the Zen-Zietz Penrose Conference of the of America in 1972, (1973). During detailed seismic geologic and and the Geological Society are summarized by Zietz and Zen conference, it became clear that work would be necessary to aid in solving tectonic problems. A detailed seismic refraction survey was judged to be too expensive. "Without it, however, calculations based on gravity data are too unconstrained to lead to much more than inconclusive speculation. Lynn Sykes suggested that some of the desired information velocity structure less cost by a observations might long-term using be obtained at vastly program of although the convergence through of earthquake arrays of geophones linked by telephone; this suggestion seemed to interest, on in much the core area, because of phyical metamorphism arouse properties and (largely intrusion) supracrustal rocks and the basement, that remote physical measurements of the one may doubt could lead to reasonable discrimination of these rocks. Cross-sections extending to crust and preferably potentially geologists base of the lower, are, nonetheless, a profitable and the meeting geophysicists ground because for these sections help to define the geometric problems a foldbelt. Geologists can use of structural, 13 lithologic, and metamorphic data obtained surface to predict geologic kilometers below the surface physical conditions of and and to some types of give of reconstruct the past, including such estimates Geophysicists can the conditions several things as the structure and volume eroded at of crustal important downward rocks shortening. assistance projection near-surface environment and now can in provide to the almost the only information available for deeper parts of the crust and mantle." The above quote taken from Zietz and Zen (1973) summarizes some of the goals of this thesis; i.e. to collect body and surface wave data from a regional seismic network, derive a structural model, and interpret the model in terms of geologic and other geophysical information. Chapter 2 is mainly a literature review geologic setting of New England summarizing and other the relevant geophysical observations such as seismic, gravity, magnetic, heat flow, and electrical measurements. In Chapter blasts are 3, refraction first profiles presented and from timed contrasts quarry between the Precambrian Grenville Province in New York Paleozoic explored using travel times from network. Appalachian regional Lateral Province are earthquakes variations recorded State by and the the NEUS in structure across the NEUS are then analyzed by a time term analysis of the Pn branch of the travel time curve. The last section in Chapter 3 compares the derived velocity models with other models from both the northern and southern Appalachians. Surface wave dispersion Chapter 4 for a measurements number northeastern North America. velocities are measured function which is Rayleigh across wave the from presented different Interstation calculated the paths phase interstation using Wiener in across and group transfer deconvolution. phase and group velocities are also measured MIT short-period frequency-wavenumber observed of are phase power and seismic spectra. group network from the For each path, the velocities are inverted simultaneously using a maximum-likelihood technique in order to derive a shear velocity with depth profile. In Chapter across the 5, NEUS teleseismic P wave residuals recorded seismic network are analyzed to determine lateral variations in beneath the region. crust and upper mantle structure The residuals are compared with gravity and the time term observations and a three-dimensional model for the crust and upper technique of Aki et al., In Chapter 6, the first summarized. between in mantle is presented using the (1977). results from previous chapters are Then the crust and upper mantle structure the Grenville and Appalachian Provinces is compared terms of variations in composition and tectonic evolution. Contrasts in geologic and geophysical structures are then 15 made between the northern and southern COCORP Blue findings across the Appalachians. Ridge and The Piedmont in Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee have solved numerous long-standing geologic and tectonic problems in the southern Appalachians and are included in the discussion. Finally, a first order plate tectonic model England Appalachians is presented geologic and geophysical constraints. which of the satisfies New many 16 CHAPTER 2 GEOLOGIC AND GEOPHYSICAL SETTING In this chapter, the geologic setting of the northeastern United States tectonic is reviewed a simple model for evolution will be presented in Chapter 6. structures only regional, large-scale discussions are geophysical studies the in techniques seismic using the chapters, Then, general. Because analyzed following quite kept are its previous seismic, gravity, magnetic, utilizing and electrical techniques are reviewed. heat flow, 2.1 and GEOLOGIC SETTING The northern complex extremely have Appalachians undergone geological development. long a and Table 6.1 lists major orogenic episodes in the Appalachians and the maximum manifestation in the area of influence (from Rodgers, 1970). and Dating been complicated northern by numerous Appalachians tectonic units (Bird and western belt correlation stratigraphic can be Dewey, orogenic between regions has episodes. The three major divided into 1970; Naylor, 1975): a and an eastern belt possibly representing the margins of two once convergent continental masses surround a central orogenic belt underlain by rocks of eugeoclinal western unit is mainly Province Grenville and Berkshires, Hudson the overlying the Grenville basement Unconformably Highlands. of Precambrian the Mountains, such as the Green mainly in the Adirondacks and outlying massifs exposed are which The 2.1). (Figure lithologies composed grades is an Eocambrian to Cambrian platform sequence which a into upward were Paleontological evidence suggests that they contemporaneously with the shelf sediments (Zen, through Quebec contains of Gulf the Synclinorium previously discussed from Connecticut traced St. broad of Lawrence. CVS The a thick, highly metamorphosed eugeoclinal sequence into divided to be can and massifs Precambrian the of east the (CVS) is found to Valley Connecticut The warps. deposited 1972). The central orogenic belt consists of a number structural of graywackes. and sandstones, shales, deep-water primarily consist which klippe above are the Taconic Found clastic sequence. Ordovician Lower two members Ordovician unconformity. separated a by major Middle A linear serpentinite belt follows the western flanks of the CVS. East of CVS lies the consists which a of Bronson chain of Hill Anticlinorium elliptical gneissic domes (Oliverian Plutonic series in New Hampshire). can be Hampshire traced and from is Connecticut probably through continuous Mountains Anticlinorium in Maine. (BHA) with The structure New northern the Boundary Mantling the domes is a of series mafic metavolcanics associated with felsic metavolcanics and metasediments (Ammonoosuc Volcanics in New Hampshire) of Middle Ordovician age or older (440 of m.y.; Unconformably overlying the Ammonoosucs is a Naylor, 1975). series 30 Silurian to Lower Devonian highly metamorphosed clastics with some carbonates and volcanics. (MS) Eastward of the BHA lies the Merrimack Synclinorium major a is which Maine extending from eastern Connecticut through New It Brunswick. Ordovician to metamorphosed (Devonian Lower to into and the site of thick accumulations of is metasediments Devonian Formation) can typically These metasediments grade. sillimanite Littleton feature tectonic northeast-trending be with correlated The MS also contains Devonian strata at the top of the BHA. large volumes of intrusives belonging to the Middle Devonian New Hampshire Plutonic Series the and Mesozoic White Mountain Magma series. On the eastern flank of the MS a major northeast-trending thrust belt (Clinton-Newbury, Bloody Bluff, Faults) extends from and Lake Char southern Connecticut through eastern Massachusetts (Skehan, 1969). with the formations in the Magnetic anomalies associated thrust belt suggest that the faults continue offshore in an east-northeast direction into the Gulf of Maine (Weston Geophysical, 1976) and possibly into New Brunswick eastern 1976; Alvord et al., (Nelson, 1976). In Massachusetts the northwest dipping thrusts greatly offset metamorphic isograds and no stratigraphic units can be across traced them Barosh, (P. personal commun.). Deformation and metamorphism in the MS probably delineate of the Middle Devonian Acadian intensity maximum of zone a orogeny (Rodgers, 1970). described thrust belt. the of rocks with These units are probably correlative Zone Avalon metasedimentary and scattered age dating have made geologic enigmatic (Naylor, 1975; Zarrow greater than 650 from et al., interpretations 1978). according to Naylor (1975), no rocks have been age age Unfossiliferous strata to Carboniferous. Precambrian rocks metavolcanic and metamorphosed mainly to chlorite grade ranging in late Nelson, 1970; The region in eastern Massachusetts is characterized plutonic, by and Newfoundland in Dewey, southeastern New Brunswick (Bird and 1976). above exposed to the east of the The Eastern Basement is However, assigned an m.y. which is significantly younger than the Grenville age rocks ( 1,100 m.y.) in the western belt. GEOPHYSICAL SETTING 2.2 To date, very little seismological work pertaining to crust and mantle structure has been done in the northeastern United States. Early studies involving analysis of local earthquake data and timed quarry Leet (1941), Linehan (1962), blasts include Katz (1955), those by and Nakamura and Howell (1964). More recently, some refraction work has been published by Chiburis and Graham (1978), Aggarwal in Schnerk et al., (1976), and Taylor and Toksoz (1979a). These studies along with other refraction models from neighboring regions are summarized in Table 3.5 and discussed in section 3.4. Some observations have been made on teleseismic recorded in the measured dT/d& stations and by the five Fletcher et study the Although Boston original al., by College who observed (1978), the teleseismic P wave residuals across Canada. waves by Wu and Allen (1972) who directly NEUS across P U.S. eastern and et al., (1978) Fletcher their involves readings from only a few nuclear explosions, observations are quite similar to those discussed in Chapter Early 5. arrivals are observed Grenville Province relative to for those in stations the in the Appalachians especially for sources from the northwest. Surface wave studies in the NEUS are limited to those by Brune and Dorman (1963), Dorman and Ewing (1962), and Taylor and refraction Toksoz (1979b) and are consistent with results and are discussed in Chapter 4. 2.2.1 GRAVITY AND MAGNETICS Gravity correlations and with magnetic geologic anomalies show very good features in the eastern United States. Their prominent features will be described in section and will eastern U.S. into the tectonic framework of the fit their Detailed 6. Chapter in discussed be this gravity and areomagnetic maps are available over much of the A generalized Bouguer gravity map after Kane et al., NEUS. the for 2.2b U.S. eastern in and shown in Figure 2.2a for the NEUS is (1972) Figure (Diment et al., (1972)). The prominant features observed in the regional gravity field in the NEUS are a low over the Taconic klippen in the over low a York, Vermont and gravity high western is Massachusetts, found western in western western Connecticut, Quebec into and Vermont, in trending north-northeast A Maine. CVS the over low Hampshire, and a northeast-trending New northern New in Mountains White eastern and is associated with the Precambrian uplifts and the serpentinite There is also a gravity high found belt. (1972), more detailed maps show a et al., regional As noted by Kane and along the Atlantic coast. Adirondacks trends where broad discontinuity northeast-striking elements of eastern and northern New England the from in gravity separated are more northernly-trending anomalies of western New along England northern the in a line extending from Rhode Island to north-central Vermont. Excellent areomagnetic data is available over much of the NEUS. to much Because a dipolar field falls of as r-3 r'A as opposed for the gravity data, the magnetic anomalies are of higher wavenumber and show a very impressive correlation with surface geologic Areomagnetic data has been structural and features (Figure 2.3). crutial for mapping important stratigraphic contacts where they are often obscured by glacial sediments or water (Alvord et al., 1976; Weston Geophys. observed on Res. the Inc., Prominant features areomagnetic maps are the Clinton-Newbury and Bloody Bluff Fault zone eastern 1976). Connecticut, in rocks eastern Massachusetts and of the White Mountain Plutonic series, diabase dikes associated with Triassic rifting, Oliverian domes and gneiss domes of the BHA. Cambrian-Ordovician rocks such as the the In general, Nashoba Formation the Clinton-Newbury and Bloody Bluff Fault Zone have within a stronger magnetic signiture than Silurian-Devonian rocks. 2.2.2 HEAT FLOW AND RESISTIVITY. Heat flow measurements subject such to as radiogenic heat summarizes early 2.4). for the NEUS are few and are many effects which are difficult to correct for climatic corrections in variations, thermal production. heat for More recent measurements radioactivity Diment flow Pleistocene al., (1972) measurements and makes which variations include is (Figure corrections were made by Jaupart (1979). trending and et climatic indicates that central New England north-northeast conductivity, Figure 2.4 characterized zone of high heat flow. by a Although many of these measurements are taken from highly radioactive plutons, Jaupart (1979) concludes that these trends after persist corrections for radioactivity which suggests that the anomalies may be caused by differences in mantle temperature. Resistivity measurements of a highly Mountains conductive lower approximately 15 (Kasameyer, 1974). in the km underlies thick a upper 1979), slightly crust Using geomagnetic Adirondack New England conductive, in New sounding, crust. caused However, by Merrimack highly the resistivity Bailey et at the base of the anomaly they observe may actually be conductive Synclinorium such contain abundant graphite formations found in the as the Brimfield Schist which and iron sulfides (T. Madden, comm.). In the next three chapters, body wave data from teleseismic events and measurements will be presented. will England which they attributed to a 200 degree thermal anomaly and low and while (1978) found evidence for high telluric current flow in central pers. crust in New York state (Connerney et al., a resistive lower crust al., in the NEUS suggest the presense be jointly interpreted surface wave In Chapter 6, with the regional dispersion the results geologic geophysical information summarized in this chapter. and 24 FIGURE CAPTIONS Figure 2.1a Generalized geologic map of northeastern United States. Modified from King (1969). Figure 2.1b Major tectonic structure in northeastern United States. Shaded regions correspond to sillimanite-grade metamorphic zones. Figure 2.2a Bouguer gravity in northeastern United States. Areas with positive gravity anomalies are shaded. Modified from Kane et al. (1972). Figure 2.2b Bouguer gravity in eastern from Diment et al. (1972). Figure 2.3 Areomagnetic map of New interval is 100 gammas. Figure 2.4 Heat flow corrected for Pleistocene climatic variations; from Diment et al., (1972). United England. States; Contour EXPLANATION Thrust fault, barbs on upper block """ Normal fault, hachures on downthrown side STRATIFIED ROCKS D Cenozoic glacial deposits Triassic red beds Carboniferous Silurian - Devonian eugeoclinal rocks Cambrian - Ordovician foreland rocks Cambrian - Ordovician deformed miogeoclinal rocks Cambrian - Ordovician eugeoclinal rocks W Precambrian rocks of the eastern block Precambrian uplifts, Grenville basement Precambrian Grenville basement jG.NEOUS ROCKS 1 74 72 70 68 D Mesozoic White Mountain Plutonic Series Devonian New Hampshire Plutonic Series Cambrian - Ordovician serpentinites, ultramafics Precambrian anorthosites Figure 74 72 70 68 Figure 27 74 72 70 68 Figure 2. 2a 900 800 70* 500- 400 400- 300 C 3Q0* 90* 80* Figure 2.2b Figure 2.3 5900 S)oor 700 300 Figure 2.4 31 CHAPTER 3 CRUSTAL STRUCTURE FROM REGIONAL TRAVEL TIMES Analysis of travel earthquakes in the limited in scope indicating (1941) have yielded complicated using small network. York quarry United States have been inconsistent early and results, results in Leet New data from regional earthquakes recorded on a Katz (1955) published refraction results State from work has in interpretation of a few timed quarry blasts recorded along linear arrays. refraction blasts structure in the region. and Linehan (1962) published England New from northeastern and the times been More recently, some reported by Chiburis and Graham (1978), Aggarwal (in Schnerk et al., 1976), and Taylor and blasts are Toksoz (1979). In this chapter, results from presented seismic using data network. velocity from Average structure using timed quarry portable stations and the NEUS compressional and shear regional earthquakes are derived using data from the NEUS network, and lateral variations structure the Pn wave in are studied by performing a time term analysis of travel contrasted time branch. Finally, the results are with other travel time studies in other portions of the Appalachians and eastern North America. 3.1 STRUCTURE FROM MEASURED QUARRY BLASTS Ten quarry blasts have been Canada and stations. timed in New England and recorded on both portable and permanent seismic The blasts and stations used are shown in Figure 3.1, and the origin times, and blast locations are listed in Table 3.1. About half of the blasts were southern New England, and the rest in the asbestoes mines in Quebec. located in large, open pit Three shots were also recorded in Vermont. Instruments used both for collecting origin times and portable stations recording on recording FM consisted smoked paper signals on of Sprengnether drums, and USGS cassette tapes. as MEQ-800's J-302 VCO's Drum recordings were made with a speed of 240 mm/min where reading precision for sharp arrivals has a standard error of about The cassette sec. recordings could be discrimminated and played back at very high speeds (3 cm/s precision 0.05 or greater) and is on the order of a few milliseconds. readings, accuracy was limited by the drift of reading For these the crystal oscillator clock, whose timing corrections were less than 20 ms/day, and the impulsiveness of the signal. The quarry approximately and roadcut 5,000-20,000 blasts kg. ranged Shot in size configurations were generally an array of 40-200 drillholes, each 15-20 and 8-10 cm in diameter. from m deep The delay time along the string was up to 0.5 sec and the explosive was usually a mixture of 33 ammonium-nitrate and fuel oil. The 5,000 Kg shots generally produced clear arrivals out to 150 km this distance are and readings beyond and are limited to only the larger few blasts. A composite refraction profile and compressional model is shown in Figure 3.2 and listed in Table velocity 3.2. One of the most notable features discovered upon analysis of the travel times uppermost is the crustal extreme regional variability of the layer. Velocities in eastern Massachusetts range from less than 5 km/s to 5.8 km/s, and a 6.0 km/s 'upper Because the layer blasts was identified produced few in southern Maine. impulsive arrivals at distances greater than 150 km, the crustal thickness and the velocities However, of it the does characterized by lower appear layers are not well constrained. that the lower crust is velocities greater than 7.0 km/s and that the cross-over distance for the Pn branch is greater than 160 km, indicating crustal thicknesses in excess of 35 km. 3.2 AVERAGE STRUCTURE USING P AND S ARRIVALS FROM REGIONAL EARTHQUAKES Refraction models derived useful from timed blasts are very in determining crustal structure and as discussed in the previous section indicate a high complexity in the NEUS. However, degree of structural there are a number of 34 difficulties in working solely with the surveys. First, the data seismic collection expensive, and time-consuming. refraction can be difficult, A number of refraction lines were set up by the author only to find that the blast either occurred much earlier than expected or was delayed, too small to produce usable recordings. Second, importantly, most of the blasts were too small impulsive crustal Pn arrivals thickness. profiles was also which are by certain crutial distance intervals. to was and more generate essential in estimating Interpretation complicated or of the refraction the paucity of data at In constrast, a wealth of information can be derived by analyzing readings from the large number of earthquakes recorded and cataloged over the past four or five years since the NEUS seismic initiated. Although the network earthquake-generated was dataset contains errors which are due to effects of mislocations and errors in origin times, it represents a much collection of surveys using earthquake more complete arrival-time information than the refraction explosive dataset sources. In this section, the and the method of analysis is discussed along with a description of the results. 3.2.1 DATA A dataset of 1545 P-wave and 546 S-wave readings from regional 170 earthquakes with eqicentral distances up to 600 km was selected from earthquake bulletins of the network (Chiburis et al., 1975-1979). seismic The earthquakes used The magnitude are shown in Figure 3.4. NEUS range was between 1.5 and 3.8, and small magnitude events and swarms with poor epicentral control well-constrained Adirondacks were focal were eliminated. depths deleted of from A about few events with 10 km the dataset. in These events were characterized by "depth" hyperbolae (Figure 3.5a) readings at nearby stations which would carrections were made. as discussed unless Some relatively deep events (d>10 km) were located by the Canadian However, from cause positive errors in velocity estimates of upper crustal layers depth the network in Quebec. below, the effects that these focal depths have on the travel times to the distant NEUS stations is small. Because most events are shallow (less than 10 km) a surface focus was assumed, and travel times were computed with respect to published epicenters and origin times. Travel time event-station plots were combinations constructed and for various it became readily apparent that significant differences in travel time curves existed between stations lying above Grenville basement and stations lying in the belt and the New England Appalachians. Precambrian uplifts were The serpentinite used stations into the two regions (Figure 2.1a). time above plots using Grenville separately and P and to separate Reduced travel and S travel times for stations lying Appalachian shown in basement Figures 3.6 are and plotted 3.7. The Appalachian and Grenville stations show similar travel times past epicentral overlays of significant regions. travel distances the travel crustal For time about time is less 200 curves differences distances curve of However, demonstrate exist than km. between that the two 200 km, the Grenville remarkably linear, while the Appalachian curve shows lower velocities out to at least 100 km where arrival times on the separate plots begin to rapidly converge. Although readings made from the enlarged develocorder films generally have a standard error of 0.1 sec, the travel origin time time, scatter in plots arise from errors in hypocenter and misidentification of phases, and lateral complexities in structure. ANALYSIS OF TRAVEL TIME CURVES 3.2.2 A number interpretation 3.6. of different of are available was analysis. region in However, the distribution of events the NEUS is not suitable for this type of Many of the events being velocity considered following the technique described by Aki and Lee (1976). stations for the travel time profiles shown in Figure A simultaneous inversion for hypocenters and structure and techniques used occur outside of the modeled and were originally located using the Canadian Seismic Network. There is also a lack of deep events and the resolution of deeper crustal layers would be very poor. A Wiechert-Herglotz or tau inversion was also considered. However, because of the scatter in the data these techniques were judged to be too eloquent. On the other extreme, identifying and fitting straight line travel inversion segments to time branches is very subjective and may not achieve a best solution in a least squares sense. A more systematic, technique of yet Mitchell Appendix.B for details). simple approach following the and Hashim (1977) was selected (see Given a set of travel time data, a nonlinear least squares method is used to solve for apparent velocities, critical distances, and corresponding times for a plane layered earth model. system of equations critical distance containing divided The method solves a nonlinear by intercept terms refractor involving velocity (see Appendix B and Figure 3.3). Because a distances, least their squares technique corresponding is times, used, critical and apparent velocities are perturbed about a trial model. model was selected by corresponding times from expanded time scales. estimating reduced The initial critical distances and travel time plots with Trial apparent velocities were then calculated by taking the inverse slope of a least squares line fit to the data along the selected distance interval. 38 ERROR ANALYSIS 3.2.3 The travel time data generally had a of about 0.7 sec. standard deviation This scatter is probably caused mostly by errors in epicentral location, focal depth, and origin time. Reading errors, phase misidentification, and differences in travel time with azimuth caused structure and anisotropy by are lateral variations in probably also important events are probably factors. Epicentral locations accurate to within 5 km. for most Location errors of 5 km will cause travel time errors of less than one second. Effects of errors in earthquake depth on travel times was also investigated. Adirondacks With the exception of one in the and La Malbaie, Quebec, most earthquakes in the study area have foci of less than 10 1977). area Recently, accurate km (Sbar of location Sykes, aftershocks near Bath, Maine indicated depths of less than 7 km Chiburis, 1980). and (Graham and For a homogeneous upper crust, the partial derivatives of travel time with respect to depth, z, can be approximated by DT where VO is distance. the These crustal (3.1%) velocity, x is the partial derivatives for various depths are plotted as a function of distance in Figure 3.5b 6.5 km/s. For epicentral for VO = depth errors of 5 km, the errors in travel time will be less than 1 second and will be negligible for distances greater than about 40 km. It is possible that the velocity model used the earthquakes interpretation. times used in velocity introduces the model the NEUS NEUS were (Chiburis stations calculated et al., located by demonstrated constructing an 1975-1979). The combining readings variations in small differences in curves shown array can in Figure fairly accurate be obtained by a series of station bisectors based on relative arrival times with no Although same by Anderson (1979), epicenter locations within simply the model should not have a significant effect on the appearence of the travel time As using lateral velocity such as eastern North America, 3.6. the In a region with reasonably dense station coverage and without strong velocity into with the Canadian network using a different velocity model. the bias locating Most of the earthquake locations and origin earthquakes in Canada were from some in information on velocities. most of the earthquakes are located using the same velocity model, the differences in travel times observed between Appalachian and Grenville stations (Figure 3.6, 3.7) gives further support that the location velocity model introduces little bias into the final interpretation. 3.2.4 RESULTS 40 The final velocity Appalachian and models, Grenville and P fit to the data for and S travel time curves are shown out to 300 km in Figure 3.7. The critical distances, corresponding times, apparent velocities, layer thicknesses, and model discussed errors in interpretation are section of listed 3.4, the in the 3.3. results As will be obtained from travel time profiles are consistent with previous refraction models and the two orogenic belts. between Table show large contrasts The crust of the Grenville Province appears to be very homogeneous with nearly constant P and- S wave velocities respectively, with In the contrast, slightly thicker an of about and 3.7 km/s, average crustal thickness of 37 km. Appalachians are (approximately 40 well-defined layers. 6.6 The upper crust characterized km) in crust the by with a two Appalachians shows relatively low P and S velocities of about 6.1 and 3.6 km/s, respectively, to about 15 km where an abrupt increase to 7.0 km/s and 4.1 km/s occurs. Both regions show similar Pn velocities of 8.0 km/s for the Grenville and 8.1 km/s for the Appalachians. 3.3 LATERAL STRUCTURE FROM TIME TERM ANALYSIS OF THE Pn BRANCH The least squares technique section represents an discussed in the previous average crustal model for two large regions and cannot adequately portray lateral variations crustal structure. To study these lateral variations in crustal structure, a time term analysis was applied Pn branch of the travel in time curve for to the all stations North America simultaneously (D > 200 km). Previous time term studies include those by James et al. States, Berry and West in eastern (1968) (1966) in the Middle Atlantic from the Lake Superior refraction experiment, and Berry and Fuchs (1973) in eastern Canada. 3.3.1 METHOD The time term method (Scheiddegger Willmore and and Willmore, 1957; Bancroft, 1960) is based on the fact that the travel time, Tij, between a source i and station j can be represented by the sum of a source and receiver term and the distance, Dij, divided by the average refractor velocity (in this case the Pn velocity) Vpn (Figure 3.8) Because the sum of the source and receiver terms equal constant (the zero-distance intercept time branch), there are infinitely many system is singular (see Appendix C). inverse operator for the system was a time of the travel solutions and the Thus, the generalized computed and the one zero eigenvalue resulting from the non-uniqueness of the source and receiver term was truncated (Wiggins, 1972). A of derivation dip of number of the crutial is made in the First, it is assumed that the equation 3.2. refractor are assumptions small. Without an adequate azimuthal distribution of sources, problems similar to those of an unreversed seismic refraction profile can result and there can be refractor velocity. However, 3.4, there is a reasonably good events. in errors systematic the time and terms can be seen from Figure as azimuthal distribution of Also, in an older, stable geologic province such as that in the NEUS, the regional dips of the Moho are expected to Similar errors can occur if there exist large be small. As discussed regional variations in the refractor velocity. in the previous section, although the and Grenville England Appalachians show regional differences in New the crust, the Pn velocities appear to be quite similar. It is are also assumed that effects of anisotropy velocity small and that a large velocity gradient does not exist travel time branch is small). 1975). defined into involving distance be (1973) Fuchs anisotropy terms sines and the time term equation (McCollom and Crosson, Berry and gradients can Pn Velocity anisotropy can be examined by including azimuthal terms cosines the of in the upper mantle (i.e. the second derivative in Grenville the modeled found by only Province. incorporating into equation 3.2. poorly weak, Velocity higher order However, as can be seen from Figure 3.6, the Pn travel time branch is fairly linear, and the coefficients of the higher order terms would be small. RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION 3.3.2 Earthquakes were selected from those of Figure 3.4 yielded three or more Pn arrivals in the distance range of In all, 71 events, 61 stations and 343 readings 200-600 km. were used. For each event, epicentral distances and moveout times from the nearest station station which time terms, j were Relative calculated. were computed by subtracting off the mean time term from each station time term, Ki , using where N is the number of stations. The calculated Pn velocity is 8.04 km/s and the station relative time terms, standard errors, and number of readings are listed in Table 3.4 and shown in Figure 3.9 for stations with four or more readings. As will be discussed in Chapter 5, the station time terms have fewer readings and therefore are less constrained than the average relative teleseismic P-wave residuals, although the two sets correlation. are observed of residuals do show a relatively good A trend of positive time terms (late arrivals) in part of eastern New York, western Massachusetts, southeast Vermont, central New Hampshire, and central Maine. terms (early arrivals) are northeastern New York and northwestern Vermont in observed Negative time and also along much of the coastline. As discussed in Appendix C, for a layer over a half-space time model, the station thickness, velocity, terms and functions are upper mantle velocity. unless some constraints can be placed on time terms can be interpreted station crustal of the Thus, problem, the a number of different ways. Because constant the and Pn velocities the average appear crustal to be relatively velocities are similar across the NEUS, it was decided to model the time terms as a function of terms crustal thickness. time absolute Inverting for crustal thickness requires the direct measurement of the source terms, Sj, at a given site origin time resulting and travel measuring the j, by intercept time vs. distance plot. recording the time from the It would then be necessary to record a Pn arrival at the same site, calculate the resulting "station Because all of term", for and equate = Sj Rj. the station terms are relative, this would assign absolute values to invert Rj, absolute them, crustal which could be used to thickness assuming a crustal velocity function. Only relative time terms were calculated in so the this study, crust and upper mantle parameters from this and the previous section could be used to obtain, at best, a first order approximation of crustal thickness variations. obtain the crustal thickness values from the relative time at each station To site terms, a single layer over a half space model is used where the crustal thickness is and where Vpn = 8.04, Va stations = 6.6, hO 38 = km for and 39 km for Appalachian stations. Grenville Note that the estimate of the average crustal velocity is slightly high so the crustal thickness variations are probably the maximum to in The crustal thickness map is shown be expected. Figure 3.10. As indicated by observing the relative station time terms in Figure 3.9, the crustal thickness appears to be greatest (and/or velocities are lowest) in a northeast trending belt running from Hampshire, eastern and into York,' New Maine. This belt shows a remarkable correlation with the belt of Bouguer gravity lows Figure 2.2. velocities) Crustal is thinning found in New central through (and/or northwestern shown high in crustal Vermont and northeastern New York and along the Atlantic coast. The thickness crustal simplified model approximation. and map is represents based at best an on a overly first order Many factors contribute to erroneous crustal thickness estimations many of which are described in detail 46 by Bath (1978). 3.4 COMPARISON WITH OTHER REFRACTION EASTERN IN MODELS NORTH AMERICA Results suggests from that observations of regional travel significant differences in crustal structure exist between the Grenville and Appalachian this section, Provinces. In the models presented in this chapter will be compared with other refraction models North times America. measured in eastern The tectonic implications of the structural differences will be examined in Chapter 6. Refraction Appalachians Table 3.5. of a layers. models and the the northern and relatively southern Grenville Province are contrasted in The northern Appalachians appear to be composed 40 km crust with two well-defined thick, The lower crust is characterized by relatively high velocities of 7 km/s. models for of Leet This is (1941) consistent with and Steinhart et al., refraction (1962) in the NEUS, R.L.Street (pers. comm.) in central New Hampshire, and Dainty et al. (1966) in Newfoundland. by Chiburis and Two models presented Graham (1978) in southeastern New England and Nakamura and Howell (1964) in eastern Maine suggests a missing high velocity lower layer along the Atlantic coast. The region where the Chiburis and crustal thinning and Graham (1978) model was compiled is located in a region characterized by a zone of negative time terms and apparent crustal thinning (Figures these surveys may 3.9 and 3.10). Interestingly, have sampled rocks of the eastern Block (or Avalon zone) discussed in Chapter 2. Refraction models from the Grenville Province be along similar fairly appear to its length from the southeastern In eastern Canada the high velocity U.S. to eastern Canada. lower crustal layer is absent or weakly developed (Dainty et It also appears that the al., 1966; Berry and Fuchs, 1973). Grenville crust thickens from about 36 edge at km its eastern about 45 km at its western edge in the vicinity of to In New York state, the Grenville crust the Grenville Front. appears to be uniform, about 36 km ranging 6.4 from 6.6 to km/s with thick, velocities 1955; Aggarwal (Katz, in Schnerk et al., 1976). Further south, west of the Blue Ridge, the Grenville crust appears to have two layers but the lower crustal layer is about 6.7 km/s which is low relative to the northern Appalachians (Steinhart and Meyer, 1961). layer upper miogeoclinal The could composed the of that Appalachians are more appear like to high thick allochthonous show velocity the Grenville models than those of the northern Appalachians because of the km rocks. southern structures by The 14 the lack of velocity lower crustal layer (Long, 1979; Warren, 1968; Bollinger et al., 1980). This has very implications that will be discussed in Chapter 6. important Table 3.1 Blast Locations and Origin Times Date Location Lat. 8/25/76 Keating Quarry 42,539 Lon g. O.T. 71. 689 21:24:51.53 10/4/76 i 21:36:20.0 4/7/77 i" 21:29:42.2 " 8/30/76 Benevento Sand & Gravel 42.588 71. 138 19:28:08.25 5/3/77 Cook Concrete 43.698 70. 262 17:30:47.65 6/17/77 East Barret, Vt. 1-91 roadcut blast 44.323 72. 041 19:25:08.1 6/22/79 National Mines, Que. 46.140 71.225 19:44:02.61 6/27/79 John Mansville Mines, Que 45.771 71,949 19:47:42.24 8/1/79 Vermont Asbestoes 44.76 72.53 18:31:50.75 8/14/79 " "o i 18:47:11.25 TABLE 3.2 Refraction Model From Timed Quarry Blasts (Km) DEPTH VP 0. -- 22.1 6.0 22.1 - 7.1 Moho 44.6 8.1 (Km/s) Table 3.3 Vo=6.4 km/s Travel Time Models Grenville Appalachians P P S S # events 128 96 82 58 Til 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.4 Ti 2.9 6.2 0.8 0.8 6.9 11.4 5.9 12.5 ti 22. 011.0 39. 4±1. 6 17. 6±6.1 16. 8±4 .1 t2 30.0 57.3 34.2 60.3 Xcl 133.6+6.5 139.3±5.6 112.4+40.0 59.2±14.9 Xc 2 189.3+7.9 214. 4±9. 0 223. 011.5 220.0±10.9 V1 . 6.1 3.6 6.6 3.7 V2 7.0 4.2 6.6 3.7 V3 8.2 4.7 8.0 4.6 ZO Zi 2.2 2.1 3.1 1.9 10.9±0.5 14.9±0.6 0.7±0.2 0.3±0.7 Z2 26.7±1.1 24.8±1.0 32.01.7 35.6±1.6 Ztotal 39.8 41.8 35.8 37.8 0.72 0.60 0.87 Ti 2 3 data Std. Dev. 0.73 (See Figure 3.3 for symbol definitions) Table 3. 4 Station Time Terms, Errors, and Number of Readings Vpn = 8. 04 Station AGM APT BCT BML BNH CBM coV D3A DANY DNH ECT EMM ESJ FLET FLR GFN GLO HDM HKM HNH HRV JKM LNX MARL MDV MIM MPVT NSC ONH PNH PNY PTN QUA TBR TMT TRM UCT WES WFM WND WNH WNY WPNY WPR km/s 71 events Relative Time Term -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 0.1 0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 0.4 -0.6 -0.2 -0.4 -0.1 0.2 -0.5 -0.4 0.0 0.0 -0.2 0.6 1.1 0.2 -0.1 -0.4 -0.2 -0.4 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.4 -0.1 0.3 0.3 -0.3 -0.5 -0.2 0.8 0.2 -0.1 0.6 0.0 343 readings No. Readings 5 2 12 12 18 8 3 11 2 8 20 34 1 2 2 4 5 4 1 5 5 4 4 5 4 26 3 6 3 5 4 3 8 5 5 9 11 9 6 3 8 3 2 5 Std. Error .05 .08 .03 .06 .03 .04 .06 .04 .08 .04 .02 . 03 .10 .08 .08 .06 .05 .06 .10 .05 .05 . 06 .06 . 05 .06 .03 .06 .05 .07 .05 .06 .06 .04 .05 .04 . 04 .04 .04 .05 .06 .05 . 06 .08 .05 Table 3.5 Generalized Refraction Models in Eastern North America Canadian Appalachians Cont. Margin Appalachians Grenville Berry and Fuchs (1973) (km/s) Depth (km) V, 0.-20. 20.-40. Moho 6.3 6.6-6.9 8.06 Dainty et al. (1966) 0.~-37. Moho 6.25 8.18 Dainty et al. (1966) Dainty et al. Depth vi Depth Vp_ 0.-15. 15.-25. 25.-42. Moho 5.9 6.3 7.2 8.1 0.-9. 9.-35. Moho 5.4 6.25 8.0 Northeastern United States Grenville Katz (1954) 0.-35. Moho 6.4 8.14 Aggarwal in (Schnerk et al. 0.-4.0 4.0-35.0 Moho 6.1 6.6 8.1 1976) Appalachians Cont. Margin Street Nakamura and Howell (1964) (1976) 0.-2.5 2.5-26.0 26.0-42.1 Moho 5.76 6.40 7.47 8.13 Taylor and Toksoz (1979) 0.-7.3 7.3-26.1 26.1-39.0 Moho Leet (1941) 0.-16.0 16.0-29.0 29.0-36.0 Moho 5.7 6.3 7.3 8.13 0.-30. Moho Chiburus and Graham (1978) 0.-3.0 3.0-13.0 13.-31.0 Moho 6.13 6.77 7.17 8.43 Steinhart et al. (1962) (Gulf of Me. to Me. interior) 0.-20.0 20.0-40.0 40.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 6.0 8.1 5.6 6.1 6.6 8.1 (1966 Table 3.5 (continued) Southern Appalachians Grenville Appalachians Steinhart and Meyer (1961) Bollinger et al. Depth (kin) 0.-13.7 13.7-45.3 Moho VP (km/s) 6.20 6.73 8.06 0.-15.0 15.0-39.0 Moho (1980) 5.63 6.53 8.18 Long V, (1980) (km/s) 6.09 6.50 8.18 (1968) 0.-20.0 20.0-38.0 Moho 6.1 6.7 8.0 Bollinger et al. 0.-10.0 10.0-49.0 Moho (kin) Warren Warren (1968) 0.-23.0 23.0-40.0 Moho Depth (east of Blue Ridge) 6.0 6.7 8.1 (1979)+ 0.-5.0 5.0-35.0 Moho 6.3 6.5 8.1 * Crust thins to 31 km to the east beneath central Piedmont + Crust varies from 30-37 km thickness FIGURE CAPTIONS Figure 3.1 Blasts, portable and permanent stations used in refraction surveys. Figure 3.2 Travel times from blasts and model fit. Figure 3.3 Terminology used for two-layer half-space model (see Appendix B). Figure 3.4 Events used in travel time analysis. Figure 3.5a Travel times from Grenville earthquakes. Solid lines correspond to travel times from depths of 5 and 10 km. Figure 3.5b time with Partial derivatives of travel depth for layer over a half space model. Figure 3.6a Reduced P-wave travel times to Appalachian stations. Figure 3.6b Same as Figure 3.6a for Grenville Figure 3.6c S-wave travel times stations. Appalachian Figure 3.6d Same as Figure 3.6c for Grenville Figure 3.7 Same as Figure 3.6 to 300 km models and model fit. with velocity Figure 3.8 Terminology used for time discussion (see Appendix C). term analysis Figure 3.9 Map of relative station seconds. Figure 3.10 Crustal thickness from relative time terms. to Pn over 600 600 time km a for stations. km for stations. terms in 46 44 42 (QUARRY BLASTS) TRAVEL TIME 40- 0 20 0 200 lee DISTANCE (KM) 300 400 T - - - - --- - - - - -. . V3 - T xc V0 xc2 V, V3 Figure 3.3 West Longitude, degrees 800 780 760 740 720 700 680 660 640 480 470 460 450 z 0 rt I rt rt 440 430 ( (D 42* (D (D 410 400 390 380 Figure 3.4 15 10 -5 0 20 40 60 80 100 (KL:) Figure 3.5a d t/d z 05 ----. . - -. Z=15 ,. km 10 '- los O.DN- I 0 20 IV 0s10 40 DISTANCE 0 (kin) Figure 3.5b T - X/8 APPALACHIAN 30 P UAUES - 20 10 -10 0 100 200 DISTANCE 300 400 500 600 (km) Figure 3.6a T - GRENVILLE X/8 P WAUES 30 20 10 0 -10 0 100 200 DISTANCE 300 400 500 600 (km) Figure 3. 6b T - X/4.6 APPALACHIAN S WAVES 30 20 10 0 -10 0 100 200 DISTANCE 300 400 500 600 (km) Figure 3.6c T - X/4.6 GRENUILLE S UAUES 30 20 10 0 -10 0 100 200 DISTANCE 300 400 500 600 (km) Figure 3. 6d P APPALACHIANS 0 GRENVILLE 5 S 0 P T - X/80 100 200 300 100 200 300 100 200 300 100 200 300 T - X/80 T- X/46 DISTANCE (km) VELOCITY (km/s) Figure 3.7 4a 4S 14R Figure 3.8 46 44 42 74 72 70 68 Figure 3.9 48 A 44 40 74 70 66 Figure 3.10 Chapter 4. STRUCTURE DERIVED FROM SURFACE WAVES 4.1 INTRODUCTION In order to study average properties upper NEUS, the in mantle of surface crust the and dispersion wave information is collected using a variety of techniques along a number different of in investigations paths. America include those by North eastern Dorman Brune and Dorman (1963) in the Canadian Shield, Ewing and New York State, Long and Mathur (1972) in in (1962) wave surface Previous (1979) the southern Appalachians, and Mitchell and Herrmann for the eastern United States. inversion In this chapter we discuss the measurement and of surface phase wave Because the surface wave structure and group velocities in the NEUS. dispersion reflects average the a given path, the stations and events used along are selected such that the paths are confined mainly to either the Grenville or one Appalachian tectonic region, Province. For crust and upper mantle structure, long period (15-50 sec) phase and group velocities are computed from the windowed of Rayleigh interstation functions which are estimated using a least squares filtering technique. waves transfer inverse The transfer function gives the phase delay of the interstation medium from which the phase velocities are calculated. The multiple filtering technique is transfer then applied to the function to calculate interstation group velocities. Rayleigh wave phase ranging from 15-40 and sec group are velocities calculated in for periods southern New England by measuring the frequency-wavenumber power spectrum across the Rayleigh M.I.T. short-period wave phase and group The network. seismic are velocities simultaneously using a maximum-likelihood technique. last section, the shear wave velocity structure is inverted In the compared between different regions. CRUST AND UPPER MANTLE STRUCTURE 4.2 FROM MEASUREMENT OF INTERSTATION PHASE AND GROUP VELOCITIES 4.2.1 DATA In this section we describe the measurement wave phase of Rayleigh and group velocities between Canadian and WWSSN station pairs. The long-period seismograph records from St. Johns, Newfoundland (STJ); Montreal, Quebec (MNT); Ottawa, Quebec (OTT); Weston, MA (WES); and Ogdensburg, NJ (OGD) are used in this of part the analysis. Great circle paths between a variety of station pairs are chosen different regions in the Appalachians which sample and the Grenville The parameters for the 10 events used and station Province. pairs are listed in Table 4.1 and shown in Figure 4.1. Most station pairs lie within 1 degree of the same from the source. and OGD-MNT Grenville basement is sampled between OGD-OTT using from events South are sampled between OTT-WES and the A2). Structure parallel the northern the MNT-WES using earthquakes from Sicily simplicity, the path and Crete path (MNTOTT-WES) path A2; and the path km later spatial and small relatively section, of the tradeoff except resolution, the errors spatial involved As will be good. and are However temporal phase and group the in the those for spacings resolution is between of Most G. station the eastern the STJ-WES and OGD which are 1500-1900 km. a For Appalachians in path interstation separations are 400-500 discussed in the the other Appalachian the (MNT,OTT-OGD) Province Al). (Path to parallel (STJ-WES,OGD) will be called path Al; Grenville of fabric tectonic the is sampled between STJ-WES-OGD using Appalachians earthquakes because and Kuriles, Alaska, and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Path from between America The central New England Appalachians G). (Path Carribbean azimuth velocities are fairly large. frequency domain. approximately 5 enlarged copies records seismic the Analysis of km/s Group and 2.5 is performed windows velocity km/s were in the between digitized from of photographic film at an uneven sampling rate of about 1 sample/s, interpolated using the weighted average slope technique of Wiggins (1976) and resampled at 2 A samples/s. perpendicular to the swing of the base-line order to prevent distortion galvanometer was selected in as waveforms by described digitized seismograms were 20% cosine The Linde (1971). and James tapered, of detrended, corrected for instrument response using the formulas of and Examples Hagiwara (1958) as corrected by Brune (1962). seismograms of and their corrected amplitude and phase spectra are shown in Figure 4.2. 4.2.2 INTERSTATION TRANSFER FUNCTION USING WIENER DECONVOLUTION Using the interstation are more details paths phase as than velocities Figure phase 4.1, identical are group required to we calculate Group velocities velocities gradients. velocity models can produce phase in and group velocities. sensitive such shown to structural However, a suite of velocity curves, discrimminate and between these. Both phase and group velocities are measured between long period station pairs by choosing stations lying on the azimuth from an earthquake. velocities are measured by difference between Typically, interstation phase calculating station same pairs. Fourier phase Interstation group the velocities can be calculated by measuring the group arrival 73 times at each station either directly from the seismograms or by narrow bandpass filtering each seismogram and dividing the time difference into the station separation. Landisman et al., cross-correlogram (1969) suggest approximates the that the windowed interstation impulse response and can be used to measure both interstation and group velocities. Although this is a useful technique for phase velocities, test cases show phase performed in Appendix G that measurement of interstation group velocities from the cross-correlogram can lead to errors of almost 10% for station separations of 500 km A more accurate technique is to estimate the interstation transfer function using a Wiener or least squares deconvolution (see Appendix G for details). Given two seismograms positioned circle path from a source, we interstation transfer function (also impulse response or Green's along want the to known function). same great estimate as the medium The phase of the transfer function gives the phase delay of the system will be which used to calculate the interstation phase velocity. The shape of provides the the transfer information on function the in the time domain dispersiveness of the system which will be used to estimate interstation group velocity. The convolution of the input at station the 1 which system and produces the output at station 2 is drives given by the frequency domain representation v(J~ ~ IFM ~ F ( 41 where the subscripts 1,2 and m refer to station 2, and the 1, interstation medium, respectively. deconvolve the output by dividing (4.1) by station We wish to the input and computing the transfer function This simple particularly deconvolution in the can presense be very of spectral holes for which frequencies the filter parameters (transfer be indeterminant. to find (Wiener, 1966; Peacock and Treitel, The cross-correlation isw are Levinson = F, actually the recursion Appendix G). Thus, 1949; Treitel and 1969). function gives - r I t.'M e which will coefficients and we have chosen a least squares or Wiener deconvolution 2 function) Various deconvolution schemes can be used the filter Robinson, unstable, ; OL 4)/- 2 e- normal I4' equations solved using in the least squares deconvolution (see by comparison of equations 4.2 with 4.3, we see that the cross-correlogram gives the phase delay of the interstation medium but not necessarily the group delay. 4.2.3 In MEASUREMENT OF INTERSTATION PHASE VELOCITIES this interstation section, phase we discuss velocities. the measurement Assuming of identical instruments (or applied) one that an instrument correction and that the focal phase,,(W), azimuth, the observed Fourier is has been a constant along phase at each station along a great circle path is station 2: 40 (j)) §4s) station 1: where: ti - digitizing epicentral distance start to time at station i; ()- station i; - xi instrumental phase shift. Subtracting gives the phase difference Rearranging terms gives the following formula for measuring the interstation phase velocity Phase velocities were first computed by phase differences between the two stations. be seen from Figure unstable, particularly difficult to small, the unwrap. proper 4.2, at the phase spectrum can be very frequencies, higher the Because integer However, as can N is and was station separation is obvious but the phase velocities are very sensitive to small errors in the phase. From equation 4.2, it can be seen that the phase spectrum of the interstation transfer function gives the phase delay of the system and can be used to measure interstation phase velocities. The transfer function contains information on digitizing start times and the phase velocities are computed using (T)x where is the phase of the transfer function and tO is the first lag time. To reduce spectrum, the the effect transfer correlation is high. transfer of function noise in the spectrum recomputed. The of the windowed resulting spectrum is much smoother and the phase velocities are stable. phase function can be windowed where the The phase is random Landisman et al., phase more (1969) suggest that the length of the windowed cross-correlogram (or transfer function in this case) be approximately five times the value of the longest period desired. 4.2.3 MEASUREMENT OF INTERSTATION GROUP VELOCITIES Because controlled the dispersion in the transfer function is by the properties of the interstation medium, it can be used to measure interstation group velocities. Group velocities can be accurately measured using narrow band-pass filtering (multiple filtering; The Dziewonski et al. (1969)). method is particularly useful when a signal is not well dispersed such as in the vicinity of a stationary phase where visual measurements are impossible. The seismic signal is with at first detrended, tapered, least 2N zeros (where N is the number of samples), Fourier transformed, and corrected for instrument The signal represents response. is then narrow bandpass filtered about a center frequency WO . It is assumed the real part imaginary part is the signal padded (Oppenheim that of Hilbert and a the bandpassed complex waveform and the transform Schafer, trace of 1975). the filtered Depending on the dispersive characteristics of the medium, the group arrival time is approximately equal to the time of maximum amplitude of the envelope of the complex filtered signal (Cara, 1973). It should be noted that the phase velocity can also be computed from the instantaneous phase at maximum amplitude (Taner et al., the 1979). time the envelope function are plotted the This process is repeated for a series of center frequencies and of of as the values a function of frequency vs. time or group velocity. The original signal, f(x,t), is convolved with a filter,hO(t), symmetric about a giving a filtered trace fO(x,t). center In the bandpass frequency frequency W.o , domain, the convolution is given by where, x - epicentral distance,&CJ - center frequency,CJC- cutoff frequency, discussed by Dziewonski et al. gives the optimum half tradeoff (1969), between bandwidth, and W. . a Gaussian time and - As filter frequency resolution. The spectrum of the filter is defined to be A constant Q filter is often used where the is bandwidth,&Q proportional to the center frequency, Q ; AND a_C= z or ND~ ca. IA ,&(j10c-4J Thus, the frequency cutoffs are given by C =(It BA N))4Qo and the filter bandwidth increases On a group scale log-period velocity Representations of the Schafer, function the filters are have equal width. found by calculating the of the bandpassed signals (Oppenheim and 1975; Taner et al., analysis,, frequency. signal power as a function of frequency and time or group velocity envelope center gives constant resolution of this because with 1979). In complex waveform signal, fr(t), is represented as bandpassed the real part of a complex function of time; 5(t= where and phase i ~t+ z Ate(49 Aenvelope (f) function r(40)((()Ir() =instantaneous The real and imaginary parts of s(t) are tranform by their Once fi(t) is calculated from the ideal Hilbert transforms. Hilbert related of (by fr(t) the phase by 90 shifting degrees), the envelope function of the bandpassed signal can be calculated from equation 4.9. bandpassed An of example a narrow and its envelope function after inverse signal Fourier transforming is shown in Figure 4.3. the To the first order, the maximum of of envelope the signal corresponds to the arrival time of the wave filtered group about the center frequency (Dziewonski et al.,1972). This is derived by truncating the Taylor series expansion of and k( 0) F(W)) However, as discussed by Cara expansions into equation 4.6. (1973) and Dziewonski et al. not valid necessarily 1 are always not this (1972), for approximation showing frequencies dispersion or in the vicinity of a and order and inserting the first the past stationary small. Thus, a expansion of k(W) is necessary to adaquately dispersion Numerical curves. et al, 1972). are are selected of phase where third order describe around the basis of the the 1-2% Gaussian first dispersion characteristics of the region under study 1973; Inston et al., most However, errors can be minimized if the relative bandwidth, and the damping of filter strong experiments have shown that the errors caused by the above assumption (Dziewonski is order (Cara, 1971). Many of the problems associated with the dispersiveness of the system can be reduced by computing the interstation 80 transfer function. As discussed in section 4.2.2, the dispersion observed on the transfer function is of the station separation interstation medium. generally transfer much less calculated group than the Thus, velocities of the distance, group taking station. the the because the errors in by the assumptions of Attempts were velocities difference However, systematic caused filtering technique on each of small epicentral the terms are reduced. '2. interstation and properties function exhibits less dispersion than each of the stations. the the function Because the interstation separation is individual small and a by made to find using the multiple individual seismograms in group arrival times at each the interstation distance is relative to the epicentral distance, a small error in the absolute travel time resulted in large errors velocity. This technique computation time than also analysis of requires the in group much more windowed transfer function. Figure 4.4 shows examples of contoured plots of group velocity vs. frequency derived by performing narrow bandpass filtering and numbers description and in the windowed transfer functions. on correspond to signal power of Figure 4.4 for details). section 4.2.4, the transfer The letters in db (see As discussed above function shows little dispersion over distances of 500 km and the group velocities can often be very unstable, particularly in the vicinity of spectral holes. Velocities were generally determined by picking the maximum of the envelope function. However, in a number of cases we ignored small frequency ranges which gave unreasonable group velocities. 4.2.4 ERROR ANALYSIS To determine whether differences in group velocities on the phase in various regions are significant, necessary to identify the effects observed sources of measurements. errors it necessary to determine the effects of measurement the model derived reasons, is their will be error on from inversion of the dispersion curves (see section 4.4). of it and Subsequently, and Measurement errors result for including instrument and noise in the data, and assumptions and a number processing errors, techniques used in calculating phase and group velocities. Digitizing errors were checked by comparing generated plots with the original seismograms. in section 4.2.1, systematic spectral digitizing table swing of the instrument with the corrections to prevent errors, was the oriented galvanometers. response polarity for using waveform vertical parallel Corrections computer As discussed distortion axis of and the to the estimated were made for the formulas of Hagiwara (1958) correction of Brune (1962). Timing WWSSN stations are generally less than 0.1 second which is only a small fraction of the travel time for 82 a given phase between two stations. a Epicenter mislocation may be error Because the events used were all relatively large stations. ISC (Table 4.1) the 25 are locations accurate probably to Interstation distance is the factor used in km. by caused a azimuth and determination, velocity group the phase and errors of source to the calculation of relative distance between two related within small mislocation of 25 km at a tangential distance of 5000 km to the nearest station will be much less than At interstation distances of one degree. 500 km an azimuth error of one degree causes a relative distance error of 0.1 approximately resulting in velocity errors of km less than 1%. For most events used, the stations were within refraction and multipath that results from section 4.3 show than 20 can sec) have apparent transmission are small, shorter (less periods azimuths of possibly 10 difficult These effects are degrees from the true azimuth. to degree Although it is assumed effects of of the great circle path. lateral 1 for using a two-station technique and can cause correct phase or group velocities to be too by high up to .05 However, few of the seismograms used in this study km/sec. show serious effects of beating resulting from multipathing. Signal generated noise in the form of body wave or higher mode fundamental windows were mode waves surface wavetrain. selected to can For include contaminate the also this arrivals study, higher digitized mode arrivals. However, for most events, if higher modes were present, they showed little correlation between stations and were not evident on the filtered transfer functions. Errors in phase velocity can be determined by the errors estimating in the phase spectrum of the transfer function. For period T, the percentage error in phase velocity caused by a phase error,A4 , is Ax _ A where is the wavelength and distance. The phase errors ax is the interstation are related to the signal to noise ratio (Clay and Hinich, 1970) by where and spectra of are the values for the amplitude the noise and signal for frequency f. Then the phase velocity errors for frequency f become c. - trAX \s6f)~ By calculating the interstation phase windowed transfer velocities from the function, the uncorrelated noise between the two records is reduced, thus decreasing the magnitude of the errors. In general, spectrum the smoothness of the unwrapped phase indicates the accuracy in phase determination. By comparing Figure 4.2 with Figure 4.5 it can be seen that the phase spectra of the windowed transfer more stable than that functions are of the individual stations. much For a number of events, the phase spectra were smoothed by fitting a polynomial to examples the unwrapped Figure 4.6 be The signal to noise ratio be can improved by increasing the number of measurements. At the expense of spatial resolution, phase velocity can shows of a polynomial fit to the unwrapped phase and the calculated phase velocity. also phase. reduced by increasing ratio (equation 4.12). wavelength to errors the distance to wavelength For many paths in this study, the distance ratio varied from 1/10 to 1/2 which is quite large. However, a number achieved velocity phase of other measurements studies accurate have to 2% or better with similar wavelength to distance ratios (McEvilly, 1964; McCowan et al., Figures 4.7 1978). a,b,c show measured phase and group velocities for three different paths; 4.7a - between STJ and WES and OGD parallel to the trend of the Appalachians (Path Al); 4.7 b - paths between mainly confined OTT, and WES OGD and MNT, OTT most Grenville Province (Path G). deviations. Also which sample period 4.4). Table 4.2 summarizes can usually be seen that determined (approximately the to 2.5 - 5%). (see the phase and group velocities and standard deviations shown in Figure it and shown in Figures 4.8 are phase and group velocities calculated from structural models section are Figure 4.8 shows the phase and group velocities averaged at each standard which to the New England Appalachians (Path A2); and 4.7c - paths between eastern MNT, 4.8 and phase and group velocities are within 0.05 to 0.15 km/s Errors were set to 0.10 and 0.20 85 km/s for phase and group velocity respectively, for periods with insufficient data. In general, the group velocity errors are slightly larger than the phase consistent velocity with errors (Table 4.2). This is the discussion by Knopoff and Chang (1977) who show under the phase errors condition of random and uncorrelated that the group velocity errors will be larger than the phase velocity errors. As discussed in section 4.2.3, systematic errors in group velocity may arise from approximations made in the filtering analysis. The group velocity correlated between neighboring periods if very close. errors the multiple may samples be are Using a constant Q filter, the percentage error in group velocity is approximately (Der et al.,1970) a,q-- U( - 4 13) which implies errors of 15% for the period range used in this study. 4.2.6 DESCRIPTION OF RAYLEIGH WAVE PHASE AND GROUP VELOCITIES A summary of the interstation phase and group velocities, and a comparison with other dispersion eastern North measured in America is shown in Figures 4.8 and 4.9. As can be seen from Figure three paths curves are subtle 4.8 and the for differences many between periods are the not significant under consideration of the standard errors. The group velocities for path Al and G are quite while similar the phase velocities along Al are generally less than those along G. As discussed by Pilant and Knopoff (1970), a suite of different earth models can produce velocity phase curves with different similar group velocities. In contrast, paths A2 and Al show similar phase velocity curves but the group velocities differ for periods less than about 26 seconds. For most periods, the phase velocities paths fall in along all three between those of the Canadian Shield (Brune and Dorman, 1963) and the New York state - Pennsylvania area (Dorman and Ewing, regions are 1962). The group velocities in all similar except the velocities measured in this study show a steeper increase between periods of 20 and 35 seconds indicating greater dispersion. Although the differences in phase for the three paths and group velocities are not large, the dispersion curves will be inverted separately in a later section to show the models are consistent that with the body wave travel time studies discussed in Chapters 3 and 5. Addition of Love wave dispersion data help increase (Wiggins, 1972). the resolution However, errors theoretically can of a surface wave inversion in compiling Love wave velocities may be caused by the contamination of fundamental modes with horizontal higher modes and in digitizing and rotating two seismograms to the radial and transverse directions. Thus, the errors in calculating the Love wave dispersion over the short continental paths than those may involved with the Rayleigh waves. to discrimminate larger Inclusion of Love wave dispersion curves probably would not ability be enhance the between different crustal models for this experiment. 4.3 ESTIMATION OF FREQUENCY-WAVENUMBER POWER SPECTRUM IN The interstation phase and group velocities measured in SOUTHEASTERN NEW ENGLAND the previous because of ratios. mode section the In stations subject relatively this Rayleigh are large to significant errors wavelength waves recorded across six short period in southeastern New England are used to invert for The phase and velocities are measured from the frequency-wavenumber (f-k) power Because distance section, phase velocities of fundamental crust and upper mantle velocity structure. group to the spectra of network signals diameter traversing is small the network. relative to the wavelengths being measured, the errors in the phase velocity calculations would station be large technique. In using the contrast, conventional because frequency-wavenumber method used in this study is be a stacking technique, the where N is the number of stations. shown errors are reduced by two the to 1/N' Thus, accurate phase and group velocity measurements are possible good spatial resolution. while maintaining Additionally, beamsteering allows for the minimization of effects caused by multipathing which are shown to be particularly severe for periods less than 20 seconds. Early studies utilizing a time-domain wavefront correlation method were applied to surface waves propagating across Japan (Aki, 1961) and across the United States (Ewing and Press, 1959). have been More recently, high resolution techniques developed frequency-wavenumber designed arrays for space such as analyzing using LASA seismic data and from al. (1969), Theoretical of Clay (1970), Linville and Laster (1966), in specially NORSAR. development of the application and limitations approach are outlined by Burg (1964), signals the f-k Lacoss et Smith (1956), and Arnold (1978). Applications of surface waves the include and Lacoss, 1968) and f-k technique for the study of the analysis of microseisms (Toksoz Rayleigh propagation at LASA (Capon, 1970). and Love wave multipath The method has also been successful in separating out higher modes propagating across Europe (Nolet and Panza, 1976) and the United States (Cara, 1978). Frequency-wavenumber power spectra have been used in geothermal exploration to identify the noise propagating from sources of seismic areas of hot spring activity (Liaw and McEvilly, 1979; Donze and Laster, 1979). The technique used in this study to estimate the frequency-wavenumber power spectra is discussed in Appendix D. 4.3.1 DATA Two earthquakes occurring on August Rica (10.05 N, 85.25 December 12, 1979 in W, 23, depth Equador in Costa km, Ms = 7.0) and 48 (1.584N, 1978 79.386W, depth=33, Ms=7.9) generated surface waves in the period range of 10 to 30 the seconds that were recorded very well by six stations of Massachusetts Institute of Technology short period network (Figure 4.10). The stations are all equipted with a vertical 1 component, hz seismometer. Signals are telemetered to M.I.T. and recorded on 16mm develcorder film. For the Costa Rica event, record mode with group Rayleigh samples/sec, a six minute waves was digitized each the at approximately and resampled at 2.5 used fairly 4 km/s was digitized for the same six M.I.T. stations for bandpassed 4.11. 1 Equador earthquake, an eleven minute section corresponding to a group velocity window of about to 4 using the weighted average slope technique described by Wiggins (1976) For of velocities corresponding to fundamental interpolated sample/sec. section the Costa between Rica 10 and As can be seen from coherent event. Filtered seismograms 50 seconds are shown in Figure Figure 4.11, the signals are across the array and show some evidence of multipathing as indicated by the "beating" observed on many of the records. also were noise ratics and response, array inadequate of low signal to because However, digitized. Rica not also complicated by P waves from an was event was it Analysis for the possible to separate out the higher modes. Costa waves Rayleigh Group arrivals thought to be higher mode aftershock occurring 12 minutes after the main shock (mb 5.5) which masked part of the higher mode wavetrain. The amplitude and phase spectra for stations, uncorrected The 4.11. Figure in shown are for instrument response signals are strongly peaked at approximately .055 hz (T = 18 As seconds). be can these 4.12, Figure from seen frequencies are about 104 magnification units down from of response peak response curves absolute Although the shape of the each station. the for MIT similar, are stations magnifications are not well known. dividing spectra were because the by through left phase frequencies well away 1958). tapered. The windowed normalized The phase the maximum amplitude. uncorrected for from the Appendix D gives a nearly peak seismograms response instrument is correction detailed constant response were the Therefore, the measured amplitude spectra for each station were by the also for (Hagiwara, 20% description cosine of sources of errors in the frequency-wavenumber analysis. the 4.3.2 INTERPRETATION AND DISCUSSION Using the Costa Rica earthquake, the was computed using the Figure 4.11 and along the clockwise (measured total beam from is shown the direction 6 decibel .05 204 degrees array center. The power and power is presented steps below the maximum amplitudes measured. hz (20 sec). hz, the calculated phase almost of in Figure 4.13 where the frequency units Reasonable phase velocities were below spectra representing the azimuth are in hz, and wavenumber in km in power minute signals shown in north) between the earthquake and spectra 6 f-k computed for frequencies However, for frequencies above .05 velocities increased rapidly to 3.9 km/sec possibly indicating group arrivals coming in off-azimuth with high apparent velocities. This was confirmed when the array was steered sweep of azimuths between 190 and 225 degrees. a-d, show across a Figures 4.14 the beamformed signal for frequencies decreasing from .0645, .0596,.0547,.0508 hz respectively (T = 15.5, As can be seen from Figure 4.14, 16.8, 18.3, 19.7 seconds). arrivals with frequencies above .05 hz come in as much as 15 degrees off azimuth which arrivals explains For frequencies apparent phase velocities. the partially around the large .05 hz are incident from an azimuth of approximately 204 degrees. To reduce the problem of the lateral refractions, we selected a 3.3 km/sec group velocity window with a length of 3 minutes which included arrivals preceeding the first beat shown in Figure 4.11. The recomputed f-k power spectrum is the phase velocities in Figure shown in 4.18. From Figure 4.18, it appears that the shortened group and 4.15 Figure power arriving Lateral refraction of Rayleigh waves have been discussed the of much excluded window velocity off-azimuth. authors including McGarr (1969), many by von Seggern (1978). discontinuities causing the and Sobel of Identification lateral and the refractions can be a However, from highly non-unique problem. Capon (1970), regionalized the phase velocity map for 20 second Rayleigh waves presented in is it (1978), Seggern von and Sobel possible that the refracted multipathed arrivals recorded in New England were of south the United States and propagated northwards along the continental margin. direction of the smooth but The calculated phase velocities consistently were indicated that all periods were approximately frequencies two to for arriving the 4.11 multipath are very transmission an from of southeast beamsteered were Beamsteering high. power azimuth the true spectra an azimuth range between 170-210 The seismograms from the Equador degrees. Figure degrees Figure 4.17 shows the azimuth. for 10 beam the on spectra Equador event (191 degrees) is 12/12/79 shown in Figure 4.16. very power frequency-wavenumber The event shown in coherent and show little effects of as evidenced by the lack of modulation. Thus, rather than using a group velocity window to multipathed arrivals, the phase velocities were elimate reduced by multiplying all periods by both events are shown in Figure 4.18. from velocities phase The cos(10. periods above 30 seconds, the phase velocities were For still These errors may be caused by the low signal to quite high. noise ratio at these longer periods. were Group velocities The differentiation the power spectra. to fit polynomial the differentiating by obained became unstable in both cases for periods less than about 20 seconds and greater than 32 seconds. SIMULTANEOUS INVERSION OF RAYLEIGH WAVE PHASE AND GROUP 4.4 VELOCITIES USING A MAXIMUM-LIKELIHOOD Once the phase and group velocity paths compiled are is it consuming time for different necessary to interpret them in methods Trial and error terms of earth structure. very curves TECHNIQUE systematic and versatile approach is minimizes which be and give no information regarding the uniqueness (resolution) or errors in the solution. inversion can the A more to perform a linearized errors in a least squares sense. an Initially, inverted be just found velocities, inversion routine phase velocities. that they accurately often was that Although structures could reproduced failed programmed to match observed observed phase group velocities. The inversion scheme was then expanded to invert phase and group velocities simultaneously. As discussed in section 4.2.4, observation errors between phase and period. Also, calculation partial group derivatives integrals over the necessary to velocities of thickness weight the and as a function of phase involves the of and group evaluation a solution differ layer. velocity of energy Thus, it is in both data and model space and a maximum-likelihood approach is used. 4.4.1 INFORMATION DERIVED FROM FUNDAMENTAL MODE RAYLEIGH WAVE PHASE AND GROUP VELOCITIES In setting up the surface wave inversion, it is necessary to parameterize the problem and define what phase and velocities earth the structure. presents between of a Inversion non-unique certain thickness. fundamental However, Rayleigh mode reveal about of problem parameters phase as of results in a more non-unique problem 1970) resulting phase and from group integration, two the velocities because such inversion group of alone the trade-off velocity and layer group velocities alone (Pilant and Knopoff, derivative relationship between velocity. Because structures of generating a constant different of phase velocity curves can produce identical group velocity curves. Although phase independent and group variables, velocities they are not completely do provide slightly differing sensitivities to different structures and can be used phase and simultaneously to increase resolution. Much information on the group power of velocities can be obtained by examining their partial derivatives. and resolving group velocity Appendix E. (1977) The methods used for the calculation of partial derivatives is phase outlined Der and Landisman (1972) and Knopoff and give a detailed discussion Chang of the sensitivity of phase and group velocities to various layer parameters as function of period. for all depths, while second-most important parameter. the compressional a For fundamental mode Rayleigh waves, both phase and group velocities are most sensitive to velocity in wave the density However, velocity significant effect on dispersion. for also has shear is the the crust, a fairly In general, the magnitude of the phase velocity partials are smaller and smoother than those for the group velocity. equal Thus, it appears that for errors, group velocities have greater resolving power than phase velocities. With respect to shear velocity, the group velocity partials have a zero crossing while the phase velocity partials do not. This indicates that the effects of a shear velocity increase at one depth can be compensated for by a decrease at another depth with no resulting in the group velocity curve. structures different dispersion. errors, Numerical group can This further confirms that two produce experiments velocities change are more the same group velocity show that, for equal sensitive to velocity gradients or changes in major interface depths such Moho (Der and Landisman, Under certain conditions, inherently as the 1972; Knopoff and Chang, 1977). the group velocity errors may be larger than those of the phase velocity which will degrade the resolving power of the group velocity (see section 4.2.4). Shear wave velocity has a greater group velocities than density, effect on phase even though the effect of density is not small (Burkhard and Jackson, 1976). phase and group velocity partials with have a zero-crossing and respect However, to density indicating the trade-off with depth. Shear velocity and density are not independent variables and are coupled by the equation A shear velocity fundamental mode necessarily (Wiggins, and density phase decrease and the . in the group number Thus, inversion velocities of degrees is using does of not freedom 1972; note his definition of number of degrees of freedom is actually the number of non-zero which including both not eigenvalues, p, the statistical definition , m-p, where m is the number of observations). Ccmpressional either wave velocities have little effect on phase or group velocities except for shallow layers. Thus, P-wave velocities can be set according to regional refraction profiles (which was done in this study) or can be adjusted to maintain shear velocity is a reasonable Poisson's ratio as the adjusted. The phase and group velocities are inverted for shear fixed. density and P-wave velocity are held while only, velocity The simultaneous inversion for not does density paramenters are the improve and the two velocities are because problem P-wave independent. not velocity shear known fairly well from regional travel time studies. The effects of imprecisely known interface depths on the final solution are minimized by using a large number of thin This makes adjoining layers dependent on each other layers. and avoids a diagonal resolution matrix. The result gives an average of the actual velocity model over a depth range where the resolution in significant. The details of the are Appendix in given inversion maximum-likelihood The F. is method Aki basically (Wiggins, stochastic inverse on a transformed system scheme a 1972; and Richards,1980) where elements of the data space are weighted according to the observation errors and the model and group space is uniformly dimensionalized. In summary, simultaneous velocity may improves resolve velocity. structures phase better than the phase group velocity is also useful in fixing the slope of the phase velocity constraints to the inversion. 4.4.2 of the inversion because the group velocity certain The inversion INVERSION RESULTS curve and may provide added In this the from results section of inversions the dispersion information from the three paths (Al, A2, G) are presented. It must again be emphasized that because of relatively large errors phase and group velocity the in curves measurements, the differences between the dispersion subtle are and the However, models are very non-unique. models are calculated which are the body the with consistent wave data presented in chapters 3 and 5. Initial models for the inversion were chosen on the basis of refraction the models in discussed made using a large number of thin (4 km) if will be resolution attainable false that areas Models thick layers showing velocity gradients which may or Also, a better fit to model the dispersion curves was attainable because the parameters and of using thin layers. may not have been real were observed. more upper impression using thin layers were similar to those using except and crust too For final runs, thicker excessively high. layers were used which eliminated the velocity this In layers. the initial guess for the crustal thickness is great, the final velocities for the lower mantle To the effect of the initial model, primary runs were minimize case, 3. Chapter greater flexibility. had For the period range used, the resolution was optimal for the crust between 10-40 km, so 10 km thick layers were chosen for and 20 km layers for the mantle. the crust, Final models were chosen on the basis of resolution, model covariance, RMS fit to the dispersion and on the reliability of the solution. If the 99 final solution gave abnormal structures such as excessively large crustal velocities low-velocity zones or unreasonable Sn with large errors, different initial models were used or the damping of the transformed system was increased. The measurement errors shown in Figure 4.7 and listed Table 4.2 were calculated by taking the standard deviation of the phase velocities from the mean. errors The phase velocity were doubled to give the group velocity errors which decreased the weight of the group velocities inversion. errors on the final If there were only two or three data points, the were set at 0.20 km/s for group velocities, and 0.10 km/s for phase velocities. the in standard velocities deviations and 0.2 km/s Because path G has little were set for to group data, 0.1 km/s for phase velocities for all periods. The final shear velocity models and errors for paths are shown in Figure the 4.19 and resolving kernals in Figure 4.20. The model errors are calculated by taking square of root matrix. the four diagonal elements the of the covariance The fits to the observed phase and group velocities are shown in Figures 4.8. The solution for path Al converges that is very consistent with it is felt that this is the models because phase and different group events. path a model most reliable of the was the longest and the measured velocities The to the Appalachian refraction model. the rapidly were crust is most consistent characterized by for two 100 well-defined layers with a high velocity lower layer and is approximately 40 km thick. The shear velocity model for the Grenville path (path also is characterized by approximately 35 km thick. a two layer However, the crust lower that crust G) is does not exhibit velocities that are as high as those found along path Al. reasonable Assuming approximately velocities 0.25, the Poissons are only about 0.1 km/s higher than the 6.6 km/s crust found from the refraction data. the from compressional crustal lower of ratios The two layer crust inversion of the Grenville dispersion data is not in agreement with models an have the refraction average results although both shear velocity of about 3.7 km/s. This may be explained by noting the location of path G which crosses part of the Taconic thrust belt. The thrust belt is a thick pile of sediments and metasediments possibly thick et (Diment characterized by al., a 1972) thick which low would velocity 10 km probably be layer overlying Grenville basement. The calculated phase and group velocities and G are different. crust relatively for paths Al even though the models are similar The model for path Al has a slightly thicker with a higher velocity lower layer than the model for path G and there is a trade-off between layer thickness velocity. This demonstrates and the inability of the surface waves to discriminate between different crustal models in an older tectonic region where the velocity differences are not 101 great. The dispersion curves for path A2 were more difficult because fit to and group velocities were inconsistent. phase The observed phase and group velocities appear to be too low model. The model is similar to those expected from final the refraction results and shows a high crustal layer with a 40 km thick crust. more of path. just a reasonable any to fit and high, respectively, for a good velocity gradient velocity lower There appears to be in the lower crust for this Also shown in Figures 4.8 and 4.19 is a good fit the phase velocity curve and the corresponding model. The model is expected very consistent that with which would across the region traversed by path A2. probably has the thickest crust in the entire study, the and a be This area region under 45 km thick crust generates phase velocities that fit the observed very well while maintaining a high velocity lower crustal layer. The dispersion frequency-wavenumber power spectra England were inverted separately over periods than for the -other paths. in a southeastern narrower band New of The results are similar to the other Appalachian paths in that they with a high velocity lower crust. the from measured curves are consistent 102 Table 4.1 Events and Stations Used in Surface Wave Analysis Events M, Date O.T. Lat. Long. 8/14/69 6/15/75 11/6/73 2/27/70 12/9/72 5/4/72 14:19: 01. 00:19: 34. 09:36: 05. 07: 07: 58. 06:44: 40. 21:40: 00. 43.1N 43. 667N 51. 6N 50.lN 15.2N 35. 124N 147. 5E 147. 801E 175.4W 179.6W 45.2W 23. 612E t " 1/15/68 "o 9/19/72 4/5/75 7/30/68 i 02:01:04.1 37. 78N i i 01:36:52. 09: 34: 36. 20:38:42. 19.5N 10. ON 6.930 S Stations MNT WES OTT STJ OGD 45. 503N 42. 385N 45. 393N 47.57 N 41. 067N 73. 623W 71.322W 75. 715W 52.73 W 74.617W " 13. 03E i 70.1W 69.8W 80. 455W Sta. separation Stas. 6.1 5.9 6.4 6.0 5.7 5.9 "I 6.1 "I 6.1 6.1 6.0 MNT-WES "o OTT-WES 392.5 "1 485.9 " 11 WES-OTT STJ-WES STJ-OGD STJ-WES STJ-OGD OGD-OTT " OGD-MNT it 1569.0 1880. U 1569.0 1880.0 488.7 i4 499.3 103 Table 4.2 Mean Phase and Group Velocities and Phase Velocity Standard Errors Path A2 C Path G Path Al U 3.00 3.02 3.08 3.14 3.20 3.26 3.34 3.42 3.50 3.56 3.64 3.68 3.72 3.74 3.76 3.78 3.79 3.80 3.82 E 09 08 06 05 05 06 06 06 07 07 08 06 08 08 08 07 07 07 07 C 3.40 3.45 3.52 3.56 3.64 3.68 3.74 3.80 3.85 3.88 3.92 3.95 3.98 4.00 4.02 4.04 4.05 4.05 4.06 U E 08 08 08 06 06 16 26 40 52 58 64 68 72 74 75 76 76 77 78 09 09 07 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 06 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 C 3.46 3.54 3.58 3.64 3.68 3.74 3.76 3.82 3.86 3.92 3.94 3.96 4.00 4.02 4.05 4.08 4.10 4.12 4.14 U 3.04 3.04 3.06 3.15 3.22 3.26 3.34 3.44 3.54 3.60 3.65 3.68 3.74 3.76 3.78 3.82 3.84 3.84 3.85 E .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 104 Table 4.3 Final Velocity Models From Inversion of Phase and Group Velocities Path Al Layer Thickness, Depth 10. 10. 10. 10. 20. 20. 20. 0. 10. 20. 30. 40. 60. 80. 100. Path A2 10. 10. 10. 10. 20. 20. 20. 10. 20. 30. 40. 60. 80. 100. Path G 5. 10. 10. 10. 20. 20. 20. 0. 5. 15. 25. 35. 55. 75. 95. (km) Va 6.0 6.2 7.0 7.0 8.1 8.1 8.2 8.2 Density (g/cc) 105 FIGURE CAPTIONS Figure 4.1 Stations and events used analysis. Figure 4.2 corrected Seismograms and 8/14/69 and 12/9/72 events. Figure 4.3 envelope Narrow band-passed signals and functions for frequencies of .04980 hz and 0. (a) alpha = .03979 hz, BAND=0.25; (b) alpha = 20.; (c) (boxcar function); for surface wave spectra for alpha = 50. Figure 4.4 Examples of group velocities from multiple filtering of interstation transfer function. Character a represents lowest power; 9 increments. (a) highest power in dbinc 8/14/69 event; (b) 12/9/72 event; (c) 5/4/72 event. Figure 4.5a Transfer functions for 8/14/69, 12/9/72, and 5/4/72 events. Figure 4.5b Spectra of signals shown in Figure 4.6a fit Unwrapped phase spectrum and polynomial in Figure shown to spectra of three events 4.5b. Figure 4.6b Interstation phase velocities smoothed phase spectrum from events shown in Figure 4.6a. Figure 4.7 Composite phase and group velocities for all (c) Path events; (a) Path Al; (b) Path A2; G. Figure 4.8 Averaged phase and group velocities and calculated with deviations standard velocities from models shown in Figure 4.20. (a) Path Al; (b) Path A2; (c) Path A2 with 45 km crust; (d) Path G. Figure 4.9 Phase and group velocities from this study compared with those of other studies in eastern North America. Figure 4.10 MIT stations analysis. Figure 4.11 Short-period seismograms and examples of from 2 events used in F-K analysis. spectra used in Figure 4.5a. calculated for three frequency-wavenumber 106 Seismograms are bandpassed filtered between 10 and 50 seconds. (a) 8/23/78 event; (b) 12/12/79 event. Figure 4.12 Typical instrument response period stations. Figure 4.13 spectra Frequency-wavenumber (F-K) power from 8/23/78 event using total signal shown Beam direction is 204 in Figure 4.11a. (azimuth to the event). north degrees from Shading in 6db steps below maximum power is shown in the figure legend. Figure 4.14 Beam-steered power spectrum for selected .0596, and .0547, frequencies of .0508, .0645 hz along a range of azimuths from 8/23/78 event. Actual azimuth to event is 204 degrees from array center. Same shading as in Figure 4.13. Figure 4.15 F-K power spectra using 3.3 km/s group velocity window of three minute length along beam direction of 204 degrees. Same shading as in Figure 4.13. Figure 4.16 F-K power spectra from 12/12/79 event using signal shown in Figure 4.11b. Beam total degrees (azimuth to the direction is 181 Symbol 0 corresponds to lowest event). to highest in 6 db steps below power; 5 maximum power. Figure 4.17 selected Beam-steered power spectra for 18.5 sec) and = .0542 hz (T frequencies of a range of 30 sec) along .0332 hz (T Actual event. 12/12/79 from azimuths azimuth to event is 181 degrees from array center. Same contours as in Figure 4.16. Figure 4.18 Phase and group velocities from F-K analysis of 8/23/78 and 12/12/79 events across MIT network. Figure 4.19 Shear velocity with depth from simultaneous inversion of phase and group velocities. standard Horizontal bars indicate model errors for each layer. See Figure 4.8 for calculated phase and group velocities from these models. (a) Path Al; (b) Path A2; (c) Path G. Figure 4.20 Layer resolving kernels from simultaneous inversion of phase and group velocities as a for MIT short 107 function of depth. Arrow points to position of layer. (a) Path Al; (b) Path A2; (c) Path G. STRTIONS FiND EVENTS + (D - GNOMONIC FI9OJECTI(ON 109 I AA hhhf, AAW-vA -OYAOO^A-pmv -V IjWVH"IMU 01111"I'l wqi i~4d~LLL IW It HOW AWWAAA AA A A P II I A . . . :WNV .. . . A pnvvvvmvvvvKt -j Figure 4. 2 . 110 -2 Me 0 *4910 0a __. - as i il ii. s* I _ _ - i eei s ?o it"WO 15" a Me Figure 4. 3a 24 0 -3 Figure 4.3b .e s.. is. ... 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S * 0 F- 0000 0 0 0 C-) 0 -j w * * 0 0 * 3.0 0 00 00 0 .50 0 0* .y 0 * 0 0 e000 0 .. 00' PATH A2 0.00 0 0 0 0.0 00 0 *000 0 0000 15 20 * 0 25 30 35 PERIOD (sec) 40 45 50 Figure 4.7b 4.01- -0 0 0 0 * . 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 a 00 0. .0 Og 0 0 0 *0 0 1 E 3.5 ~0 0 0 - 0 0 ~0 C-) 0 -J LUJ 00 - 0 - 0 0 00.0 PATH G a 3.0 15 20 25 30 PERIOD 35 40 45 50 (sec) Figure 4. 7c PATH Al PHASE VELOCITY 4.2 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 I0 20 30 PERIOD 40 50 Figure 4.8a GROUP VELOCITY 4.0 - - - - - - 3 .86 3. 3.2- -_ 2.8- _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ I 10 20 30 PERIOD 40 50 Figure 4. 8a PATH A2 PHASE VELOCITY 4.2 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 10 40 20 50 PERIOD Figure 4.8b GROUP VELOCITY 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.0 2.8 1020 30 PERIOD 40 Figure 4.8b PHASE VELOCITY 4.2- 4.0- 00 3.8-O 0 0 3.6- 3.4 10 20 30 PERIOD 40 50 Figure 4.8c GROUP VELOCITY 3.8- 0 3.6 0 3.4- 3.2- 10 20 30 PERIOD 40 50 Figure 4.8c PATH PHASE VELOCITY 4.2 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 20 30 PERIOD 40 50 Figure 4.8d GROUP VELOCITY 4.0 3.8 3.4 -- - ---- 4 - 3.2 3.0 2.8 ; 10 i I 20 I I I I 30 PERIOD 40 I I I 50 Figure 4.8d 129 PHASE VELOCITY PERIOD rPO)UP I)ELO'ITY PERIOD PATH Al PATH A2 PATH G EUS Mitchell & Herrmann (1979) CANADIAN SHIELD Brune & Dorman (1963) N.Y.- PENN. Oliver et al. (1961) Figure 4. 9 130 P PNH GLO WFMO HRV* Figure 4. 10 131 361, no. pts- C' 0.020 hz time 1.00 int.- tim 36, Spt. Oc .0.0ae 0.100 ha highcut. hz nt."100 highcut * 1 min 1 min dnh length- 360.0 sec. O.5geh00 bmndpas6* fzLtered. tocuit . rec. max 1 eptd.2 no. pts- 0.020 hz 1.00 361. time Int.highcut * S0 0.100 hi t rea. dength 360.0 a59, no. pts. 361, .ame ant.. uaai-pitrdeo..5 -h00 . bmndpa littered, io.omt 0 .Oz0 hi haghoht - 1.00 sec 0.100 hi min rec. tength- 360.0 aec, no. 0.54e+00 cm toucut - Mi.amptitude= oandpas (Amtered. pta. 361, 0.020 hz time Ant.highcut 1.00 sec 0.100 ha e. or Cgth.i.0 3.c, -.- am.litud. 0.41-t+0 oandPas'- ji tter-ed, toucu~t o. pts- 361, ti. nt.= 1.00 sec cm -0.020 h= highcut -0.100 AC 0-100ha ba 1 1min Figure 4.lla I" .cc. ,qh 7'4 1.' 1'! h G. sec, no. pLS- ;59, ime t 'nt.- 1.00 121 Sec 79 . Ie .d.. .. t - 0.020 h= hihcut - 3067 Hz 1 Mi. '1.) 12 * 0c. 1.cnth-G9.0 dec, no. pts659, time int.1.00 sec M . mplitud0.11E+01 ca 0.067 hz 0.020 h; highcut bandpazs i ttered. t I Mi, * - ec. mabandp in 6F9, 0.020 hz highcuIt t.. 1.00 0.067 - sec h 12 12 79 Lec. Length65.0 ec. M.mplitudc.S0E+00 bandpos IItered, 1--c.ut lowcut hj .oIcut Min U1 79 0.1tEE+01 bundpas. I, tted, I 12* C. lc.tfh- .29.0 mi.MPk' b.nd.s filte no. Ptc0 9, t M lint.- 1.00 sec 6 c. 0.020 hz h;.hcut bz 0.067 1 mi'. 12 12 79 pts6E9, no. c59.0 zec, cm k.IE+01 hz 0.020 towcut Io f ed, Lenqth- amplitudce '. ti.e Int.- 1.00 highcut - 12 79 0 sac 0.067 12 Hz sec, sa c. tength, c59. no. Mac. rmplitude 0.11E+01 cm banldp. * cd, o.cut lItt.. pta- 659, 0.020 h time hIghcut int.- 1.00 - sec 0.067 hz 1 .mi Figure 4.llb 133 *'nh S/23 7S AMPLITUDE cmi*ec 1 ot II 10 30 20 40 50 60 70 80 PERIOD (sec) PHASE (cycles) 1 -- r- 40 50 PERIOD (sec) 12 12 '79 cmitsec oinh MNIPLITUDE 100- 10 20 30 40 60 50 70 30 PERIOD (sec) PHASE (cycles) 1-r CA I Ia 10 I I I 20 I 1 30 I I I I I I1 1 40 50 PERIOD I I I I I 70 I 80 (sec) Figure 4.11 134 \0 0 10 RELATIVE MAGN 10- 10i2 |0| 10 FREQUENCY 10' (hz) Figure 4.12 BEAM DIRECTION = 204*0 db below max 18 - 12 .06 12- 6 6 - 0 LII LII .05 0--6 < -6 U) z uJi .04 D LU .03 .02 .004 .008 .012 .016 .02 WAVENUMBER Figure 4.13 136 FREQUENCY = .0547 220. 210. An!Eta: W . ....... ... MOOR!E !!!! an!!!!!nommo! .ONCE!no!MEMO, Im!!!us nn "MOORE,!!U 200. 190. .004 .008 .012 .016 .02 .016 .02 WAVENUMBER FREQUENCY = .0508 220. 210. 200. 190. .0 .004 .008 .012 WAVENUMBER Figure 4.14 137 FREQUENCY = .0645 220. 210. 200. 190. .0 .004 .008 .0120 .0160 .020 .0120 .0160 .020 WAVENUMBER FREQUENCY = .0596 220. 210. 200. 190. .0 .004 .008 WAVENUMBER Figure 4.14 BEAM DIRECTION = 204*0 .06 .05 z D Ld .04 aLL .03 .02 .004 .008 .012 WAVENUMBER .016 .020 .024 Figure 4.15 139 bearn directiont 191.30 0.664E-01 1111111B2222222222222iiiiiiiaaeaaaiiii 00 00 *.65E-01 1111122222222222222221±1111 0000000SS000ulu11I2aaaaaa22222222aa2aaa21111 0 00 0 0111000090 00 0 0.6S4E-S1 22288222228111111111I G @OlliIX1IllIlllll111111111Ie22222auaazaaa22aaeaaa211l11 0. 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A 4.0 12/12/79 8/23/78 . * . . . . * A A ci) A 0 A 0 E *A AAIAA 3.5 0 0 * 0 0 3.0 20 25 PERIOD 30 35 40 (sec) Figure 4.18 142 SHEAR VELOCITY (km/s) 3.0 10 4.0 5.0 PATH Al 20 30 40 I H- 50 uJ 60 70 80 90 Figure 4.19a 143 SHEAR VELOCITY 3.0 4.0 (km/s) 5.0 0 PATH A2 10 20 --- fit to c only I I inv of c,u coup_ 30 Ez 40 n 50 60 70 80 90 Figure 4.19b 144 SHEAR VELOCITY (km/s) 3.0 4.0 5.0 0 P ATH G 10 -- 20-- 30-- E40-. F- 50- 60- 70 - 80-- 90- Figure 4.19c EPT RESOLVING KERNELS (km) PATH Al 5 (2) 15 (3) 25 (4) 35 (5) 50 (6) 70 (7) 90 (1) (2) 40 30 20 10 0 (3) (4) 50 (5) 60 70 (6) 80 90 (7) DEPTH (km) Figure 4 . 2 0a (layer) DEPTH (km) (I) 5 RESOLVING KERNE L S PA TH A2 (2) 15 (3) 25 (4) 35 (5) 50 (6) 70 (7) 90 , I 10 I (2) I 20 I (3) I 30 I (4) , . . 40 50 (5) 60 70 (6) 80 90 (7) DEPTH (km) Figure 4.20b (layer) DEPTH (km) RESOLVING KERNELS PATH G . 2 )5 (2) l0 (3) 20 (4) 30 (5) 45 (6) 65 (7) 85 (1) 10 (2) 20 (3) 30 (4) 40 50 (5) 60 70 (6) DEPTH (km) 80 90 (7) Figure 4.20c 148 CHAPTER 5 CRUST AND UPPER MANTLE STRUCTURE FROM TELESEISMIC P WAVES This chapter teleseismic reports P on wave the arrival Northeastern Seismic Network. P wave travel beneath and an array. in the recorded by of the teleseismic crust and upper 1966; Nuttli and Bolt, 1969; Iyer, 1976) at LASA (Sheppard, 1966; Iyer and , 1969) in Arizona 1967), in Japan (Zandt, 1975; Hirahara, 1977), at NORSAR (Aki et al., (Iyer, study Notable studies include those in Healy, 1972; Greenfield and Sheppard, (Johnson, a The inversion of information California (Bolt and Nuttli, Steeples times of time residuals is a commonly used method of extracting velocity mantle results 1975; 1977), Zandt, in Yellowstone 1978), in Hawaii National Park (Ellsworth and Koyanagi, 1977)in New Madrid (Mitchell et al., southeastern United States (Volz, 1979), 1977), in the and beneath the Tarbela Array (Menke, 1977). Many of the earlier studies consisted of determination of residual patterns and development of qualitative explain the observed trends. three-dimensional structure comprehensive analysis of method will not be the to Recent models have utilized the techniques developed by Aki et al. the models (1977) beneath an , for mapping array. three-dimensional The inversion discussed in this chapter because the 149 details are covered in Aki et al., (1977), Zandt (1978), and Ellsworth (1977). To date, very little crust and upper seismological mantle structure northeastern United States. and Katz Leet work has pertaining been (1941), done in the Linehan (1962), (1955) published refraction results using a small permanent array combined with some portable stations. recently relevant studies Schnerk et residuals beneath of residuals across United (Fletcher et Chapter 3 we and (1976). teleseismic Newfoundland (Stewart, 1978) study of teleseismic P-wave States al. include a surface wave analysis in New York (Dorman and Ewing, 1962), analysis PP More some refraction work has been reported by Chiburis and Graham (1978) and Aggarwal in Other to Canada discussed the crustal , the al., models and a eastern 1978). derived In from interpretation of regional travel time data. In this teleseismic chapter, P-wave a three-dimensional residuals is inversion presented using collected from the Northeastern Seismic Network. is interpreted in conjuction with geological observations in an attempt crust ancient and upper mantle structure orogenic belts, the Provinces. An The of data model other geophysical and to learn beneath Grenville about two and the adjacent Appalachian effort is also made to interpret the models in light of, and to place constraints on a origin for both orogenic belts. plate tectonics 150 TRAVEL TIME RESIDUALS 5.1 Teleseismic P-wave arrival times were collected stations 50 which are part of the Northeastern Seismic Network (Figure 5.1). by from research of uniform, Geological Observatory, Technology. although spacing. operated groups at Boston College (Weston Observatory), Lamont-Doherty Institute The stations were installed and are there Station are and Massachusetts distribution is areas with large fairly station Not all of the stations were in operation for the duration of this study. Because the network was not in full operation until February, covered a 1976, events used in this study time range between February, 1976, and December, 1977. Most stations are equipped with short period 1 or 2 hz geophones. vertical component, Signals are telemetered to central recording sites (located at each of the above institutions) and recorded on develocorder film. The relative arrival times read from enlarged copies of teleseismic P-waves of 16mm develocorder film. were In general, strong scattering in the frequency bandwidth of the incident P coherency waves of is not observed as by the the first few cycles across the network. The signals from each of the stations were using an overlay of trough early visually waveforms. representative arrival measurements were taken from indicated a prominent correlated Relative peak or in the signal, and readings were taken to the nearest 0.1 second. A misidentification of the peak or 151 trough would cause a residual error of 0.5 to 1.0 seconds which is readily apparent once the residuals are calculated. 1822 arrival times from 68 events were read from stations of the northeast network. between The epicentral distances 25 and 95 degrees and azimuths were mainly from the northeast (from Eurasia), south and southwest South ranged America), and the northwest (Central and (Aleutians, Kuriles), (Figure 5.2). Elevation corrections were applied to the data and travel times were reduced Absolute P-wave to a datum residuals elevation were at calculated sea level. using Herrin travel-time tables and are defined to be T; where Ri tables time is the absolute residual with respect to Herrin obs station i , event j; Tli for using event bulletins; I; Herrin (S.0) is earth. calculating locations the The relative and is the observed travel origin theoretical residuals residuals were with times travel from PDE time through a further reduced respect to a by mean residual computed for each event; where N is the number of stations reporting P arrivals for event j. Using represent the late above relationships, arrivals positive residuals where the incident rays have been 152 slowed in the crust or upper mantle beneath the network. should be observed noted in that the no values significant of Jeffreys-Bullen travel time Herrin Tables. An the differences relative tables were residuals when used instead all stations the structure at and variations beneath the array are major causes of the absolute residuals. a The the source, heterogeneities encountered along the major portion of the travel path, structural of similarly and will drop out when relative residuals are computed. of were error in the reported origin time or a source correction term will affect effects It teleseismic source Intuitively, the cone of rays from to different stations in the network will sample nearly identical travel paths until they diverge into the upper mantle and crust beneath the array. is reasonable to assume that the computed average contain the Thus, it residuals information regarding this common travel path up to point where subtracting off the the rays diverge average significantly. residual, By effects caused by mislocation errors or heterogeneities encountered along the common path are greatly reduced. The above approximations network aperture is the which are reasonable small become progressively less valid as network aperture is increased. If the apparent network aperture is large enough, the curvature (second of when the travel time curve becomes significant. derivative) The problems involved in the analysis of relative P-wave residuals been Using data from discussed by Engdahl et al. (1977). have 153 Alaskan-Aleutian primary stations, Engdahl concluded the source of observed variations in relative residuals was from local structure beneath the network. separations comparable Northeastern U.S. residuals from earth models, more that residuals Network maximum (600 km), scatter mislocations, reading accuracy. station diameter of in the relative source structure, were at most 0.2 seconds, recorded conclusions. the epicenter etc. our than to For which is of Analysis little relative in the northeastern U.S. supports these We found no systematic differences in relative residuals from various depths in the same epicentral regions where it is presumed rays would encounter source different structures. Two additional sources of error remain to Because of down-time for some stations, be discussed. and of stations that became operational during the period study, other of this slightly different station subsets are available for each earthquake, and the mean residual subtracted off from a given source region may vary for different events. this problem is greatly stations (typically reduced 25-35) used the time base. compensated fact were large number calculate other the problem of mean results that each subnetwork records on a different Each subnetwork operates a temperature crystal oscillator clock and timing corrections are generally less than tests the to The residual for each earthquake. from by However, 20 ms/day. To assure accuracy, made by comparing signals from a common station 154 recorded on more than on subnetwork. time residuals was carried The distribution out The analysis of travel relative using of average relative residuals,R, for each station is shown in Figure 5.3. The relative residuals as a function of azimuth and incidence variations network (Figure 5.4). across the angle show suggest the presence of large scale lateral in the crust required to residuals. significant These trends heterogeneities and upper mantle, and considerable effort is separate the factors causing the observed patterns. Average relative azimuths. each Large positive residuals throughout central and northern Maine and eastern Vermont. al. for these (1978) residuals in southeastern station New New arrivals) sharply Vermont, York, with Fletcher large northern the observed York, Connecticut. result varying trends between adjacent stations. the slowly varying distribution of residuals et negative New southwestern and occur Hampshire, southern As was observed by contrast western (late Shallow, localized structural differences should rapidly were ten or more readings from well-distributed with calculated residuals in However, suggests that variations are probably due to deep, regional structures such as differences in crustal thickness and upper mantle velocity. As a first step we compare the geologic and other geophysical data. residuals with surface Figure 5.5 illustrates the relationship between average relative station residuals, 155 R , and the regional Bouguer gravity taken from each station site (Kane et al. (1972), gravity anomalies regional wavelength ( "100km) long the Because (1972)). and Diment et al. Simmons, (1964), reflect probably variations in Moho topography, (Simmons, 1964), the correlation between gravity and residuals suggests that for many stations, the average average depend residuals variations. It on partly thickness crustal is also interesting to note the dependence of average residuals on the age of the basement beneath each station. to The two sets of symbols in the the York and New England stations are atop younger (< of basement the stations within arrivals relative Bouguer the gravity thickness variations regions, 1.0 b.y.) Paleozoic earlier). Clearly, see early Province Grenville Appalachian in the younger because of the relationship between and station elevation it obvious is this separation totally to crustal (Figure In 5.6). isostatically crustal thickness should be correlated elevations illustrates (Woolard, that there 1959; is Tseng, 1975). a poor correlation between gravity and elevation and more importantly there no the those attribute to surface older anomalies difficult compensated described to However, 5.6 above located Province (the central mobile Appalachian belt, and eastern belt Province. are Jersey (> 1.0 b.y.) Grenville basement, while most New Precambrian Figure correspond inferred age of the basement for each station site. Stations in New with figure separation between the two regions. is To explain 156 to the behavior of both Figures 5.5 and 5.6 it is necessary profiles by This idea is supported variations in crustal thickness. refraction possible any to addition in changes velocity invoke constructed the northeastern U.S. in Although little detailed refraction work has been in done this region, existing studies and results cited in Chapter 3 higher average crustal velocities in the slightly indicate Province. Grenville Province, as opposed to the Appalachian Table 3.5 shows refraction models collected from regional travel times in the models NEUS. that indicates Appalachian Province is slower, and it is approximately Comparison of the refraction crust beneath this part of the the and on the average slightly thicker possible to account for almost half of the 0.5 second difference in relative residuals between the two regions. The dependence of average relative residuals crustal on properties is also supported by the results of the time-term analysis indicates a positive correlation between Pn which residuals and teleseismic P-wave residuals (Chapter 3). The relative Pn and teleseismic P wave residuals are compared in 5.7a. Figure representing sets of assuming Also the residuals a simple shown in theoretical assuming Figure 5.7a is a line relationship between the two total crustal By effects. crustal model, we compare Pn time terms with teleseismic "time terms" from a shallow focus event, degrees away (Figure 5.7b). 50 From Figure 5.7b, we define the crustal thickness h=35 km; crustal velocity Vc = 6.4 km/s; 157 upper 8.1 Vm velocity mantle and the apparent km/s, velocity of the teleseismic P wave is calculated to be Va The incidence angle for the refracted wave is 14.7 km/s. = If the variations in residuals across the degrees. are wave ij P teleseismic the for and degrees 52 ic = 26 network differences in crustal thickness, Ah, then by caused = the resulting difference in travel time for the refracted the slope given by wave through the crust is C. Similarly for the teleseismic P wave The ratio (5.3) of (5.4) to gives of the relationship to be expected SI-(VcjvhA' For the parameters given above, the slope the Because will equal A T values represent the time it takes for the wavefronts to move vertically upward through the crust, two set of residuals P in mean wave residuals are a result of variations in crustal thickness, the trend of shown the should show a positive correlation. Because of the differences in incidence angles, if the teleseismic 0.7. Figure 5.7 should the have Pn vs. Pt residuals a slope less than one. Although there is a fairly good correlation between the two 158 the of sets about the line in variations residuals, there is a large amount of scatter should cluster teleseismic P-wave residuals crustal thickness appears due to order, it are first the the that the distribution of average teleseismic P wave by affected residuals is effects. To differences. if about they which thickness crustal velocity or these observations cannot fully explain However, three-dimensional by Figures 5.5 and 5.6 and, as indicated models presented in the next section, structural differences between the two regions extend into the upper mantle. In addition to distinct patterns in the average residuals Polar shown in Figure 5.4. arrivals incidence from the stations northeastern Moving from south to north we see a number of interesting residual for and azimuth plots of relative residuals as a function of azimuth and incidence angle for many are of across the network, most stations show a strong dependence in residuals with angle. distribution In trends. northeast, Connecticut, become residuals the increasingly less positive (arrive earlier) as the incidence angle decreases until in southwest Connecticut and New Jersey residuals are largely negative. northern Rapidly varying structure is observed to the south which will be reflected presented in the next to the in the three-dimensional section. In northwest and models Massachusetts, small to arrivals are late the south and northeast while New Hampshire and southern Maine observe late arrivals from azimuths. all Negative residuals are observed in the Grenville 159 Province across most New where regions, northern of York, large particularly negative in the residuals are observed from the northwest. The residual patterns indicate that between the Grenville differences exist and Appalachian orogenic belts, structural in the crust, large region and into the upper mantle. of relatively It a appears that velocities occurs in the low upper mantle beneath central New England and that velocities increasingly become Province to the higher distribution similar Grenville older the From Figure 5.3 it is evident that west. most stations in close beneath proximity in to residual one show another values implying a that Since the lateral variations are not a near surface effect. incidence angles are small for the teleseismic P-waves (15 - 30 degrees), lateral variations in crustal velocities cannot account for the observed effects. rays enter For example, teleseismic of equal slowness and incident from opposite azimuths, the crust with a maximum separation of 50 km. Azimuthal variations of one second and greater would require unreasonably large lateral velocity differences. The possibility of a dipping Moho as a cause of azimuthal variations in residuals order in was investigated. To the first the dip,o( , the maximum differential travel time for a teleseismic ray approaching from opposite azimuths perpendicular to the strike of a dipping layer is given by TsC 160 where is the depth to oc station; represents (Taylor, is the the the dip beneath of angle incident 1977). interface at given interface; G_ the the a and (1Ci/i interface; Substitution into equation 5.6 implies that unreasonably large regional dips of the Moho - (20 30 Thus, it degrees) are required to satisfy the observations. is reasonable to assume that laterally varying structures in the upper mantle beneath the network are required to explain the pronounced residual versus azimuth and incident angle variations. THREE-DIMENSIONAL INVERSION 5.2 Qualitative description of residual patterns previous section is a useful estimating the encounters beneath the network. a from results teleseismic structual but inadequate disturbances time illustrated by Aki et al. in means incident inversion data following the of sub-divided is Using blocks. individual relative a that teleseismic slowness perturbations for the ith the each series of right rectangular block relative to a layer average. shown ray The initial model used in (1977). into of techniques the inversion consists of a plane-layered medium where layer the In this section we present three-dimensional travel an as station P wave residuals, are computed for each Aki et al. (1977) has and jth event, relative P 161 residuals (with respect to a mean) can be represented by £CTJ# 57 * V where 1 ;jk T;Jk -~j~ -V times ' reduced travel time through kth block t - ;j - -(I, percent perturbation in slowness to the layer average ( Ok travel k:i ) - number of observations for event j - number of layers In matrix form relative r = Am where r - n-length vector containing relative residuals m - k-length vector containing unknown velocity perturbations A - n x k symmetric times matrix with reduced travel 162 Solution of the system (5.8) by classical fails because there exist The first source can be results in vertical other source caused by "coupling" of insufficient of average a non-uniqueness within a residual given determinant from layer, only to the the common is and sampled ray path. inherent data. velocity within data inadequately formulation of the problem and results from the the squares two sources of non-uniqueness. blocks in separate layers which share The least to the removal of This implies that perturbations are a constant and no information regarding absolute velocities is attained. technique squares least (5.8) is solved by using a damped Thus, the system a positive constant is added to the diagonal elements where of ATA which reduces the effect of zero-eigenvalues generalized inverse solution. The solution on the to (5.8) is given by where 9 matrix. is the damping parameter and The resolution and I is covariance the identity matrices are, respectively C rSLA*&t where Because is the )IY ATA estimate of the data variance, 6 . addition of the damping parameter has the effect of 163 reducing the number of degrees between of freedom, resolution and standard-error order to select a proper choice for 6 9 chose the trade-off should be examined in . For this study = 0.1 (sec/%). Selection of the experimentation initial with model different geometry requires configurations in order to derive a well-resolved solution with small standard The blocksize of errors. depends on the station distribution, and the number of observations. minimum Because it is desirable to have The inversion should be carried to a depth of at least one array diameter which we be 500 km. height to a ten rays sample each block, we chose our blocks to be one degree on a side. to we selected As suggested by Ellsworth (1977), a suitable width satisfactory. ratio is 1.5:1 which we found to be Experimentation with displaced layers (in an effort to decouple blocks) and rotated coordinate systems showed little, if any, improvement on the final model. The initial model used for the ray tracing was a spherical model with constant velocities layered in each layer. Velocity differences of up to 10% do not substantially alter the sampling of the blocks. Herrin earth model to We averaged velocities from a derive the layer velocities (Table 5.1). The velocity perturbations and the number of observations for blocks in each layer of the final Figure elements 5.8 of and the listed in resolution Table model 5.2 matrix. are with In shown in the diagonal these figures, 164 negative velocity velocities. perturbations represent relatively lower We only included blocks which were sampled by a minimum of ten rays which mainly eliminated the outermost elements. Modeling of the crust is probably one of the most crucial results we wish to obtain. incidence angles, to blocks. the directly decouple the underneath. effects layer were increased. blocks would then contain a discontinuity (the large This makes in of the two superposed Resolution could be improved if surface small most rays pass through the crustal block and the block lying difficult Unfortunately, because of the thickness of However, the surface and important velocity Moho) and information regarding crustal structure would be lost. Problems may also arise because distribution. crust, a If number potentially of the uneven station rectangular prisms are used to model the of stations located in areas with different structures may be included within the same element. To remedy this problem perturbations for each individual station rather than for a given block configuartion. It was we found compute that velocity using this approach had little effect on the upper mantle layers and it facilitated a means to compute a three-dimensional crustal thickness model which is described below. Although resolution is poor and standard errors are large, the velocity perturbations show a good average station residuals (Figure correlation with the 5.9). This further 165 supports previous conclusions that the average station residuals are mainly dependent on crustal structure, and may reflect crustal thicknesses and velocity and Healy (1972) model crustal successfully used a general thickness at average station residuals. homogeneous crust particular region They made the beneath in the they section, crustal the to use were array assumption of a which be a may order crustal model in the modeling. U.S. show velocities that we must account order relationship to However, in the we concluded that the two orogenic belts northeastern average Iyer LASA from the distribution of reasonable assumption for a first previous variations. for regional differences and thicknesses. lateral velocity in This implies variations in the average residuals for crustal thickness. Combination of the velocity perturbations with the average station residuals allows us to construct a crustal thickness model. Although there is a trade-off between crustal thickness and lateral velocity differences we feel that method is justified because suggests the dependence of independent geophysical data average station residuals crustal thickness and lateral velocity variations. effects of certain regions the upper through the on However, mantle may leak into the model in both the average residual and velocity perturbation terms. We assumed that the velocity perturbations,liy V represent differences from an average crustal velocity, Vc It should be stressed that any information regarding 166 absolute velocities in the three lost and the technique we are approximation and represents model. The average dimensional using only crustal a is first velocity, inversion is therefore an order Vi, crustal beneath each station i is then 100) +vc0 v; v)(() and the crustal thickness is V,; +~ where hO is some average crustal thickness to be varied. chose Vc = 6.5 km/s and = hO 38 km and calculated We the crustal thickness and average crustal velocity maps shown in Figure 5.10. Overall, Province appears to Grenville. be Average the 3 crust beneath the Appalachian km crustal thicker than that of the velocities differ very little but may be slightly lower in many parts of the Appalachians. There is a eastern region Vermont, of New greater Hampshire, western Vermont, and western thickness where gradients crustal and thickness southern Maine. Connecticut the crust there thins These features are located just to the east of thrust belt and beneath are In high to the west. the Taconic in western Vermont, the gradients show an impressive correlation with the serpentinite belt. Slight crustal thinning is obseved in eastern Massachusetts, and it is not clear if this represents a trend which may continue eastward towards the outer edge of the continental margin. 167 Alternatively, central may orogenic earlier. New it represent belt and the the contact between the eastern belt described The average crustal thickness of 36 km in northern York agrees very well with refraction models of Katz (1955) and those of Aggarwal in Schnerk et al. (1976). The upper mantle (layer 2) between 35 and 200 km 5.8b) depth is characterized by a northeast trending region of low velocities beneath Massachusetts, New southern Maine. parallel with structure. the The suggests orogenic "grain" resolution the the Appalachian Precambrian into upper the mantle configuration in layer 2 incident element, waves, each elements, observe a good because azimuths somewhat the are surface appear to increase to the west Grenville upper Province. is number of limited better the a suited of outer obsevations to The Because the block for particularly cross-fire towards mantle. layer increases markedly relative to that of the crustal elements. degrades and structural differences between the two extends in of velocities that belts Hampshire The trend of this zone has an interesting and northwest beneath the This (Figure small the rays. edges sampling Resolution of the model decreases, sector. resolution and standard errors are best for this central and The the overall particular layer. In layer 3 (200 - 350 km) the region of lower is shifted velocities west and northwest and is found beneath Vermont and central Maine. There is still some evidence of higher 168 velocities in the western-most blocks in the model. The deepest layer (layer 4; 350 - 500 resemblance to the overlying layers. appear to be of shorter wavelength there is little, if km) shows little The overall trends and, not surprisingly, any distinction between the two geologic provinces observed at the surface. The results dependent shown in the block and Figure not 200 km. extend are configuration inadequate to describe the case did 5.8 where highly used lateral would of be differences below a depth significantly shallower than Because of the relatively sparse network addition model more geometry, layers or smaller blocks would seriously degrade resolution. However, qualitative analysis of the variation of residuals with incidence angle between stations as shown in Figure 5.4 suggests that major differences in lateral structure extend to depths of at least 150 km. In summary, we suggests have presented geophysical data which that structural differences between two juxtaposed orogenic belts exist to depths of 200 km and greater. indicates -that major episodes have very long collisional lasting deep-seated effects as well as large areal Crustal thickness and thicker Appalachian crust Precambrian velocities with associated and Province lower Grenville extents. velocity variations are correlative with many surficial geologic Paleozoic This the features. The appears to have a slightly average Province. with tectonic velocities The Grenville than higher the average Province are 169 evident to Adirondack extending depths dome. to of A depths 200 km particularly relatively low beneath velocity the anomaly of at least 200 km and dipping to the northwest shows a spatial correlation with the Bronson - Boundary Mountains Anticlinorium. Hill 170 Table 5.1 Initial Layered Velocity Model For Three-Dimensional Inversion Layer No. Velocity (km/s) Thickness (km) Block Length 6.4 35.0 8.2 165.0 10 8.6 150.0 10 9.2 150.0 lo (see text) 171 Table 5.2 Diagonal Elements of Resolution Matrix for 3-D Inversion Laver 2 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 64 0.82 0.85 45 77 0.91 0.93 89 81 0.91 0.92 92 76 0.82 0.92 94 78 0.92 0.94 93 79 0.87 0.91 86 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 25 0.57 0 0.25 0 0.54 44 0.81 79 0.68 33 0.80 86 0.39 33 0.85 90 x yer 0.0 0.42 0.60 0.32 0.60 x 32 0.91 91 64 0.85 88 0.0 0 0.82 88 0.0 28 0.83 81 0.0 0 0.48 0 0.0 0.62 0.0 0.0 172 Table 5.2 (continued) Layer 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.28 0.27 0.52 0.60 0.69 0.44 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.42 0.55 0.44 0.51 0.0 0.0 0.35 0.0 0.50 0.74 0.79 0.74 0.75 0.70 0.67 0.66 0.52 0.36 0.66 0.69 0.79 0.87 0.86 0.76 0.77 0.43 0.43 0.0 0.62 0.72 0.81 0.86 0.86 0.85 0.85 0.0 0.37 0.0 0.33 0.79 0.89 0.88 0.88 0.89 0.86 0.52 0.25 0.0 0.76 0.85 0.89 0.91 0.89 0.87 0.74 0.64 0.33 0.31 0.72 0.85 0.88 0.89 0.87 0.80 0.79 0.67 0.0 0.55 0.77 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.85 0.57 0.52 0.29 0.0 0.58 0.70 0.86 0.89 0.91 0.85 0.73 0.33 0.0 0.0 0.47 0.73 0.86 0.88 0.87 0.65 0.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.45 0.72 0.83 0.85 0.79 0.52 0.23 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 173 FIGURE CAPTIONS Figure 5.1 Seismograph stations used for three-dimensional inversion of teleseismic P wave residuals. Labeled stations correspond to those referred to in the text or shown in Figure 5.4. Figure 5.2 Epicenters of earthquakes used as P wave sources. Figure 5.3 Map of average relative travel time residuals in seconds for seismograph stations in northeastern United States. Figure 5.4 plots. projection Station focal sphere Relative residuals plotted as a function of azimuth to the source and incidence angle. Figure 5.5 Mean relative teleseismic travel time residual in seconds relative to Bouguer gravity for northeastern United States stations. Open circles correspond to stations located in the Grenville Province above Precambrian basement. Solid circles correspond to stations mainly in the Appalachian Province located above Paleozoic basement. Figure 5.6 Bouguer gravity relative elevation for northeastern stations. Figure 5.7a Relative Pn residuals from time term analysis versus relative teleseismic P wave residuals. Solid line indicates theoretical fit assuming total crustal effects (not a least squares fit; see text). Figure 5.7b Terminology used in deriving line shown in Figure 5.7a. Figure 5.8a Percent velocity variations for crust and upper mantle layer 1 beneath northeastern in parentheses Numbers United States. correspond to the number of observations in each element used in the inversion. Figure 5.8b Same as Figure 5.8a for layer 2; 35-200 km. Figure 5.8c Same as Figure 5.8a for layer 3; 200-350 km. and explosions to station United States theoretical 174 Figure 5.8d Same as Figure 5.8a for layer 4; Figure 5.9 Percent velocity variations for the crustal layer plotted against mean relative travel time residual for the northeastern United States seismic stations. Figure 5.10a Lateral average second). Figure 5.10b Crustal thickness variations in kilometers across the northeastern United States. velocity 350-500 km. (kilometers per 175 74 72 70 68 Figure 5.1 176 Figure 5.2 177 74 72 70 68 Figure 5.3 ptn PnY N E N cbm w mdv wnh tbr wfm hdm POSITIVE NEGATIVE o E IRI < 0.2 + 0 2 < IRI < 0 4 + 0.4 < IRI < 0.6 + 0.0 < w 0.6 < IRI 0o Figure 5.4 179 (mgal) -g 50- o 0 PALEOZOIC o PRECAMBRIA N BASEMENT BASEMENT 0 0 I I 1% I I I I -0.5 0.5 p 0 0 -0 0 0 00 * 0 e 0 0 0 -- 50e Figure 5.5 I1"l|| 180 g (mgol) 50 . 0 * PALEOZOIC BASEMENT o PRECAMBRIA N BASEMENT o m I I I I 500 0 e 0.00 - 0 I ELEV (m) 0 * o0e 0 0 0 0 0 -50- 00 0 0 0 Figure 5.6 181 8.04 VPn= 0.5 I. aa-I * I w -I--u 0 I Rt 0.5 A- S 0 I -~ 0 -. 5 0 ~4, 0 S S *0e~ 0 9 0 theoretical assuming relationship total crustal effects (not a least squares fit) Figure 5.7a 182 Station n- - i 1 vw' Figure 5.7b 183 74 72 70 68 Figure 5.8a 184 74 72 70 68 Figure 5.8b 185 74 72 70 68 Figure 5.8c 186 74 72 70 68 Figure 5.8d 187 -3.0 3V V 2.0 -1.0 I 0 I I I I 17 I 0 i 1' I R *. - I I I a 0.5 -0.5 -1.0 - -2.0 - -3.0 - Figure 5.9 188 74 72 70 68 Figure 5.10a 189 74 72 70 68 Figure 5.10b 190 CHAPTER 6 VARIATIONS OF APPALACHIAN CRUST AND OROGENIC UPPER BELT: MANTLE STRUCTURE IMPLICATIONS IN FOR THE TECTONIC EVOLUTION In the previous chapters we have data from measured earthquakes Although with the blasts surface variations and wave in synthesized regional body wave and teleseismic dispersion measurements. regional structure are subtle (which is not unexpected in an ancient orogenic belt), structural measurement models derived using different techniques are relatively self-consistent and important constraints northern Appalachians. review the on In the tectonic this provide evolution chapter, we will the some of the first basic results of previous chapters and then, by combining our results with other geologic information, the we will contrast and structure geophysical of the New England Appalachians with the Grenville Province the the results will be southern Appalachians. Finally, and interpreted in a plate tectonic framework and simple, order with first plate tectonic models will be presented which satisfy geological and geophysical constraints. 6.1 SUMMARY OF RESULTS PRESENTED IN PREVIOUS CHAPTERS 191 Figure 6.1 previous summarizes chapters. the features observed in the The Appalachians are characterized by a two-layer, 40 km thick crust with a relatively high velocity lower crustal layer. To the west in the Grenville Province, the crust thins by a few kilometers and appears to homogeneous belt. except This Appalachians in also contrast in and Grenville Province occurs across the the crustal structure appears to eastern block (Avalonia) the structure To the the east, Appalachians described Because of the proximity to the coastline, in between be a contrast in crustal structure between the central orogenic belt of the very vicinity of the Taconic thrust the north-northeast trending serpentinite belt. there be in and Chapter this 2. difference (which may occur across the Clinton-Newbury - Bloody Bluff fault zone in eastern Massachusetts) is poorly defined. To depths of about 200 km, the beneath the Province Grenville upper are mantle velocities about 2% higher than those beneath the Appalachians. Specific observations are outlined below in greater detail. Regional travel times recorded across the NEUS seismic 1. network indicate that a. The northern well-defined velocity Appalachians two lower are characterized by a layer crust, with a relatively high layer. The upper crustal layer, 192 approximately 15 6.1 km/s, and 3.6 km thick with P and S velocities of respectively, velocity lower crust and km/s. The 4.1 overlies a high with P and S velocities of 7.0 average crustal thickness is approximately 40 km. b. The crust of the Grenville Province is vertically homogeneous with nearly constant P and S velocities of 6.6 and 3.7 km/s, respectively, and an average crustal thickness of 37 km. c. Pn velociities are 8.0 km/s for the Grenville and 8.1 km/s for the Appalachians. d. A time term analysis of the Pn branch defines a region of thick across or low-velocity eastern New crust York, trending western northeast Massachusetts, southeast Vermont, central New Hampshire, and Maine. observed Crustal in thinning, northeastern or New central higher velocities are York and northwest Vermont and also along much of the coastline. 2., Analysis of Rayleigh wave phase and group in models the region yields structural velocities that are relatively consistent with those described above. a. For a path along the strike of the Appalachians, a km 40 thick crust with upper layer S velocities of about 3.6 km/s overlies a relatively high velocity lower layer with S velocities around 3.9 - 4.1 km/s. b. A second path, mainly in the Appalachians (path A2) is characterized by a 40 to 45 km thick crust. The upper 193 crustal layer velocities (approximately 20 km thick) has S of about 3.5-3.6 km/s and overlies a lower crust of relatively high velocity (3.9-4.0 km/s). contrast In to the other Appalachian path (path Al), the lower crust is characterized by more of a positive velocity gradient with depth. c. The Grenville path (path G) appears to have a thinner 35 km crust with a slightly lower velocity lower-crust relative to the Appalachian paths. time travel In contrast to the models which show a homogeneous crust, a two layer crust is necessary to fit the observed phase and group velocities. wave However, part of the surface path crosses the Taconic thrust sheet in eastern New York where a two layer crust in not unexpected. d. Phase and group velocities calculated from the frequency-wavenumber power spectra in southeastern New England appear to be relatively high which implies that the high velocity lower crustal layer is probably well-developed. Analysis of teleseismic 3. structures and is which useful residuals P-wave delineates correlate well with surface geology for studying lateral variations in structure. a. Structures down to at least 200 km can be correlated with surficial geologic and tectonic features. b. The Grenville upper mantle is characterized by velocities that are approximately 2% higher than those 194 beneath the Appalachians. These velocities are dips the maximum beneath the Adirondack dome. c. A relatively northwest low velocity beneath the anomaly central mobile to belt of the Appalachians and shows a spatial correlation with the Bronson Hill - Boundary Mountains Anticlinorium in New Hampshire and Maine. d. Crustal features are relatively consistent with derived from the time term analysis, those and Appalachian crust appears to be slightly thicker the than the Grenville. e. Rapid crustal thinning or high velocities in the crust occur in northwestern Vermont and southeastern Connecticut. f. Thick crust is observed over the Taconic thrusts in east-central New York and western Massachusetts. g. There is some evidence that the crust becomes thinner along the coastline. 6.2 CONTRASTS BETWEEN GRENVILLE AND APPALACHIAN PROVINCES IN THE NEUS One of the most significant results of this study is pronounced difference in crustal structure between the the Precambrian Grenville Province and the Paleozoic Appalachian Province. The observed differences in crustal structure 195 between the variations two orogenic belts are probably the result in of temperature, petrology, chemistry, and tectonic evolution. water content, These factors will be examined in this section. 6.2.1 Recent COMPOSITIONAL DIFFERENCES summaries of geophysical, geological, and geochemical information suggest that beneath the sedimentary layer, the upper crust is composed mainly of schists and gneisses of the amphibolite facies which grade downward into migmatites and finally basic and intermediate granulites the lower crust (Smithson, 1977). velocities increase rapidly from Because amphibolite to in seismic granulite facies rocks, the depth of the Conrad discontinuity may mark the location of this change in metamorphic grade (Fountain, 1976). Numerous crustal layers characterized by low velocities, high and low velocity gradients, etc., have been observed and/or techniques (cf. reviewed postulated Mueller, here. using 1977; Giese, crust in a 1976) sounding and will not be a highly conductive the Adirondack Mountains in New York State (Connerney et al., 1979), underlies seismic Electrical measurements in the northeastern United States suggest the presence of lower deep while a resistive lower crust slightly conductive 15 km thick upper crust in New England (Kasameyer, 1974). The slightly conductive 15 196 km thick upper layer in New England correlates well with the 15 km thick, upper layer observed in this study and probably corresponds to metamorphosed eugeoclinal rocks of the major synclinoria. This implies that the observed differences in velocity and conductivity of the lower crust between the two belts may be the result of a hydrated lower crust beneath the Grenville Province. crust may be Although the chemically rocks similar, of the lower a hornblende-granulite petrology beneath the Grenville would yield lower velocities than a pyroxene-granulite (Christensen and Fountain, beneath the Appalachians 1975). The existence of a low velocity lower crust Grenville beneath the Province is also supported by the study of the Sp phase across eastern Canada by Jordan and Frazer (1975), who found evidence for a lower crustal layer with Poisson's ratio of 0.33. identify a very high Because we only acquired travel times of first arrivals, it positively a was low not possible velocity zone. for us We found shear velocity models with low velocity crustal layers that fit the observed surface wave dispersion curves. these models were inadequate and eliminated the model because errors the Using velocity regional derived from could However, resolution the P and S which wave travel times, the Poisson's ratio of the lower crust beneath the Grenville 0.27 was too large to positively identify a low velocity layer. models to is is slightly higher than the value of 0.24 found beneath the Appalachians. 197 The values of Poisson's ratio and shear velocity for and Appalachian Provinces are shown on Figure 6.2 Grenville (modified from Jordan and Frazer, 1975) which is a Poisson's ratio versus shear velocity number of rocks that may exist in the that the at plot of 10 kbar for a lower crust. Rocks may be classified as amphibole granulites (Christensen and Fountain, 1975) and granulites; Manghani graph (note that these temperature). From pyroxene et al., granulites are 6.2, it granulite beneath the not corrected for can be seen that the observed lower crustal velocities may amphibole gabbroic 1974) are also shown on the velocities Figure (or be explained by an Grenville Province and a pyroxene granulite beneath the Appalachians. Interestingly, the Grenville point on Figure 6.2 plots in the vicinity of gneiss Province is and anorthosite. characterized by a number bodies. Dewey and The of Burke large (1973) Province is a deeply eroded zone similar to a Tibetan plateau. lower crust Grenville anorthosite suggest of intrusive the basement Grenville reactivation Partial melting of a dioritic during the Grenville Orogeny may have resulted in potassic granitic melts which rose to higher crustal levels leaving an anorthositic refractory residue. The above mineral interpretation phases beneath of the hydrous versus Grenville and Appalachian observed resistivity Provinces is also consistent with the models. anhydrous However, the cause for the observed differences in water content is unknown. 198 Temperature observed in pressures may the lower crust. representative geologic on differences of affect the velocities However, at temperatures and the lower crust in belts (Blackwell, 1976), the effect of temperature seismic velocities (Christensen, 1979). is small relative Christensen (1979) to pressure concluded critical thermal gradients resulting in low velocity can older that layers be reached at temperatures and pressures representative of the upper and middle crust in shield areas. This is particularly apparent for coarse grained rocks with euhedral crystals such as granites, amphib olites, anorthosites, and granulites which have grain boundaries that open temperatures. However, at greater at pressures, boundary cracks remain closed even at elevated higher the grain temperatures and it is more difficult to reach critical thermal gradients in the lower crust. As will be discussed in the next section, temperature differences may also the upper mantle and be important in may account for the observed P-wave delays. 6.2.2 CONTRASTS IN TECTONIC EVOLUTION The rocks of the Grenville and Appalachian Provinces show contrasts in their chemistry and petrology that are caused by differences in their tectonic evolution. section, causes' for the may observed In this crust and upper mantle 199 differences between the two provinces will be discussed and related to their orogenic history. The northern Appalachians crustal layer relative have to the a high Grenville appears to have a vertically homogeneous this observation velocity lower Province which crust. Combining with resistivity models suggests that the differences may be due to variations in caused However, compositional by hydrous mineral phases. changes may also be important. 6.2, As was rock conductivity noted from Figure rocks of the lower crust in the Grenville Province may be very similar to those found on the surface. models suggest that some Plutonic series in central reaction of members New of Geochemical the White Mountain Hampshire were formed by fractionated mantle derived alkali basalt with metamorphosed tholeiitic (oceanic) basalt at the base of the crust (Loiselle, representative 1978). At temperatures and pressures of the lower crust, a tholeiitic basalt will alter to a garnet or pyroxene granulite (Green and Ringwood, 1972). From Figure 6.1, the upper 15 km layer Appalachians probably subjected to a shortening high during the in the northern corresponds to rocks which have been degree of compression and crustal Taconic and Acadian orogenies. rocks of the Appalachian belt probably were associated a cycle of oceanic opening and closure. The with It is therefore possible that the chemistry of the lower crust was strongly affected by tectonic interaction of these sediments with the 200 underlying basement during orogeny. Thus, involvement of ocean floor within the Appalachians would higher velocities account for the found in the lower crust relative to the predominantly ensialic crust of the Grenville Province. The homogeneous character of the crust in the Grenville that the Province crust thickened, is became substantial vertically Grenville orogeny (Dewey and Burke, the thickening, the of consistent with the hypothesis underwent and this portion crust was reactivation, uniform 1973). during the Subsequent to eroded to relatively deep levels, as evidenced by the surface exposure of granulite terrains (Putman and Sullivan, 1979). Based data on residuals, it P-wave teleseismic and residuals Pn appears that the transition zone between the Grenville and Appalachian Province in the NEUS occurs in the vicinity of the Precambrian belt (Figure 6.1). uplifts and the This north-northeast trending belt may mark the suture zone between the two orogenic many locations along this postulated suture, northwest Vermont, there are geological features such as high crustal velocities, a a high, serpentinite belt, Precambrian Taconic thrusts which show many similarities in zone serpentinite northern Italy (Giese and Prodehl, belts. At particularly in and geophysical linear gravity uplifts, and the to the Ivera 1976; Fountain, 1976). There is also the possibility of a second suture in the eastern section of the study area. located This feature is 201 marked by the Clinton-Newbury - Bloody Bluff fault zone (CN - and BB F.Z.) in eastern Massachusetts (see Figure 6.1, Chapter 2) and other structures such as the Norumbega zone in eastern Maine (Loiselle eastern Massachusetts, the CN that are BB Ayuso, F.Z. 1979). separates In rocks probably correlative with Avalon rocks from those of the central mobile zone and fault is belt. The northwest-dipping fault also well-marked by such features as the offset of metamorphic isograds, a strong mylonite zone that gravity anomaly is is also up magnetic signature, to 1.5 km thick. associated with and a A pronounced the fault zone (Taylor et al., 1980), and the Bouguer gravity is relatively high over the eastern basement (Figure 2.2a). Loiselle and Ayuso (1980), present evidence suggesting that post-Acadian strike slip juxtaposed faulting plutonic along rocks of the Norumbega differing fault has geochemistry, texture, and mode of emplacement. The deep crustal structure of the eastern to differ from that of the central belt. Pn block appears Refraction models, and teleseismic P-wave residuals indicate that the crust of the eastern block is, probably thinner than central belt and may be missing a that of the high velocity lower crustal layer. Although there are a few localities along F.Z. highly the CN - BB where mafics and ultramafics are exposed that resemble altered communication, ophiolites 1980), (P. Osberg, personal the paucity of ophiolites along this 202 zone is problematical. of intense erosion As discussed by Dewey (1977), suturing undergo the most uplift and subsequent and may ophiolite. In exhibit general, the most the a deeply eroded cryptic suture high structural zone ophiolites. For example, few levels. little evidence ophioite bodies observed along the eastern portion of the the of may be observed as a narrow high-strain or thrust zone with any suture ophiolites are thrust in the late stages of orogeny and occupy Thus, zones Indus of are suture of Himalayas where the collision appears to have been more intense (LeFort, 1975). have become a Additionally, the CN - BB F.Z. transform fault (Skehan, 1968; Ballard and in Uchupi, late 1975) Paleozoic which may may time have obliterated any evidence of ophiolites. Alternatively, the suture may be located further west and the CN - BB F.Z. may have had a history similar to the Main Central Thrust or the Boundary Fault of the Himalayas. This hypothesis which is supported suggest north-central that recent by Lower Devonian volcanics from Maine have paleopoles closer to Avalonia than to North America (Brown, 1980). the suture paleomagnetic results remains cryptic and Even in this case, however, numerous other tectonic problems are encountered. Irrelevant of its mode of emplacement, the eastern has undergone than that of the crustal a significantly central structure belt, across the block different orogenic history and CN differences in - are BB F.Z. deep not 203 unexpected. Three dimensional illustrates that inversion structures of down travel to greater can be correlated with surface the important implication effects that reach stable for will extended billion years. of the crust that into time perhaps data 200 km and geology. This has major orogenic belts have the lithosphere which are periods of time, perhaps as long as 1 The lateral variations in seismic properties and upper mantle beneath the northeastern United States are very small relative to those observed over similar distances in active tectonic regions such as central Asia or the western United States. that absolute P-residuals square root indicates are a Poupinet (1979) showed linear function of the of age inside stable continental plates. that the crust and upper mantle This become increasingly more uniform with age during evolution toward a state of equilibrium. In addition to the regional differences existing the two structural between provinces in the northeastern U.S., we see smaller scale features that are related to specific segments of each orogenic belt and to the intervening suture zone. As discussed previously, the Taconite belt, the eastward-lying Precambrian uplifts (The Berkshire Highlands and Green Mountains), and serpentinite belt are Lower Ordovician structures that may be related to the closure an of inner-arc basin and to a continent-island arc collision. This region is not only a site of large scale geologic 204 deformation but it is also characterized by geophysical anomalies such as apparent crustal velocities, and (Figure 2.2a). related large It is thinning, high crustal positive Bouguer gravity anomalies possible that these effects are to deep-seated thrusts emplaced near the end of the Taconic orogeny which carried oceanic crust and upper mantle material to higher levels within the crust. would have high velocities 'This material and densities relative to the surrounding eugeoclinal lithologies model the observed geophysical anomalies. consistent with and would provide There are at least two objections to this model. is that higher The a first crustal velocities are obseved just to the west of the Taconic thrust belt at stations PNY and WNY. Secondly, we see that geophysical anomalies are not observed along the entire Taconide belt. A similar pattern is observed on the map showing station time terms (Figure 3.9). This gap in the zone of high crustal thickness and gradients, east of and parallel to the thrust belt in southwestern Vermont and western Massachusetts, in the vicinity of the Taconic klippen velocity is located and a regional northeast trending gravity low extends from southeastern New York into this zone velocities and/or (Figure thick 2.2a). This region of low crust may be related to the thick pile of thrusts of the Taconic klippen. As pointed out by Fletcher et al. residuals beneath ultramafic bodies PNY whose may be presence (1978), the anomalous related to buried mafic or is indicated by local 205 gravity highs (anomaly 22 of Simmons, 1964). readily apparent that all of the stations in northern New York record very early arrivals from implies the However, it is existence of the regional, northwest. deep-seated extending to the northwest beneath the Adirondack is supported 5.8). by the three This effects dome and dimensional inversion (Figure Interestingly, the large negative residuals from northwest the are not observed at stations farther south, which suggests that the velocities is Adirondacks. zone of controlled relatively by a high structure It has been postulated that upper mantle unique to the the Adirondacks and associated Grenville basement represent deeper levels of an ancient "Tibetan Plateau" thickening and shortening zone characterized behind a continental crustal collision (Dewey and Burke, 1973; Toksoz and Bird, 1977). not clear when the Adirondack dome cause of relatively high mantle beneath the region Grenville belt does was elevated, velocities remains represent found an analog then possibly another Adirondacks depth (Putman Isachsen, 1980). surface geologic in the upper of If a average the Tibetan 36 Rocks presently exposed in appear to have been temperature and pressure conditions found km the km, 15 km of crust has been eroded away since the Late Precambrian. southern It is and problematical. Plateau, and crustal thicknesses presently 20 by and Sullivan, This implies that features of the the subjected the to at approximately 1979; McLelland and presently Adirondacks exposed represent 206 lithologies deformed, metamorphosed, and intruded at great crustal depths. Another prominent feature in the apparent crustal thickening and southern Maine. of highest Devonian in is England highland orogeny the beneath central New Hampshire New compensated Acadian model Topographically, these are the elevations isostatically crustal had and are therefore areas. a regions severe The Lower impact on the structure as evidenced by high grade metamorphism, intrusion of granitic plutons, and large scale westward folding of many of these plutons (Naylor, 1968). of evidence belt. York suggest the recumbent Many lines uplift of a significant mountain Early Devonian miogeoclinal sediments in eastern are overlain by a sequence of the Catskill derived from the (Rodgers, 1970). northern Maine is thick clastic - Delta thick Devonian clastic wedge uplifted landmass in central New England The crustal thinning towards central and correlated with the drop-off in the grade of metamorphism (Thompson, 1968). continental a Middle New collision of the This implies Acadian that orogeny the was particularly severe in southeastern and central New England, and we would expect to see greater crustal thicknesses in these regions. In eastern Massachusetts we again see an apparent crustal thinning over much of earlier section. the eastern belt described in an These contours conform very well with the position of the middle Paleozoic thrust belt and the abrupt 207 falloff to the southeast in metamorphic isograds from sillimanite to chlorite (Thompson, 1968). The low velocity anomalies in the upper mantle (35 km) beneath Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and southcentral Maine strike northeast parallel to the structural the Appalachian orogenic belt. km. grain of There is some evidence that this feature dips to the northwest to 200 200 depths greater than Because of the geometry of the initial model, the vertical extent of this structure is only constrained to lie somewhere between 200 and 350 km. It is interesting to note the spatial correlation of this low velocity trend with Bronson - Hill Boundary Mountains Anticlinorium. discussed previously, these structures probably sites of a complex active in the Early orogeny. If it east-southeast of direction, we series of Devonian is the true As the island arc sequences last time that Bronson occupy the prior to subduction Hill in a the Acadian last occurred west-northwest may expect to observe some anomalous feature at these depths. Assuming that a subducted oceanic slab can produce such a long-term anomaly, the lower than the existence of velocities are surrounding mantle material is surprising, yet not necessarily inconsistent with its evolution. that possible thermal Thermal models of downgoing oceanic lithosphere (Toksoz et al., 1973) illustrate that in the early stages of subduction, the slab is surroundings to a cold and depth of dense at relative least 600 to its km. At 208 approximately 100 m.y. from the cessation of subduction, the slab reaches thermal equilibrium. Thermal models suggest that beyond about 100 m.y. the subducted oceanic lithosphere starts al., to heat 1971). induced up relative to the surroundings (Toksoz et The anomaly is not necessarily and other explanations related to the compositional changes of the descending lithosphere If we thermally assume the velocity may be anomalies constructed. are produced by temperature changes, and take the temperature coefficient of velocity for dunite, a 1% velocity decrease corresponds to a temperature increase of about 100 - 200 observations are consistent with degrees C. These preliminary unpublished heat flow measurements in central New England corrected radioactivity which show regions for of highest heat flow in central and southeastern New Hampshire relative to northern New Hampshire and southeastern Massachusetts (Jaupart, pers. comm.). Geomagnetic data from the northeastern anomaly States suggests a 200 degree C temperature United in the lower crust beneath central New Hampshire and southern Maine (Bailey et al., 1978). Alternatively, the oceanic lithosphere in lower filling the vacated Benioff zone. This totally subducted consistent dipping with westward California resulting observations beneath (Cockerham the may have velocity been material interpretation is of relatively low velocities Great Valley and Ellsworth, 1979). in central In this case, the oceanic slab would not have had sufficient time to heat 209 up (5 m.y. at most) and if still present, would probably result in higher rather than lower velocities. It is also interesting to note teleseismic PP that similar trends in residuals are observed beneath Newfoundland (Stewart, 1978). Newfoundland is a northward the orogenic Appalachian that the crust and upper belt mantle extension of and it is not inconsistent structures appear to be similar to our observations in New England. 6.3 CONTRASTS BETWEEN NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN APPALACHIANS Recent southern COCORP seismic Appalachians reflection indicates profiling that the in the platform rocks overlying the Grenville basement can be traced beneath the Blue Ridge and continue at least 150 km to the east (Cook et al., 1979). show many history, Because the northern and southern Appalachians contrasts it may in structural style and tectonic not be possible to extrapolate the COCORP results to the northern Appalachians (north of about 41 Appalachians is degrees latitude). The tectonic history reviewed of the southern by Hatcher (1978) and Cook et al. (1979) and shown in Figure 6.3 (from Cook et al., 1979). As will be seen in the next section, the tectonic evolution of the northern and southern Appalachians is very similar up through the Acadian orogeny. However, the southern Appalachians have an 210 additional orogenic episode (the Alleghenian orogeny; Figure 6.3f) which resulted in the westward thrusting of Ridge, Inner Piedmont, and Carolina the Slate Belt. Blue In the northern Appalachians, the Alleghenian orogeny was only felt in southeastern New England further north. and by strike slip faulting It has been suggested that the Alleghenian deformational belt truncates the Appalachian-Caledonian belt in southern Connecticut and Rhode Island and is with the 1974). correlative Hercynian belt in central Europe (Dewey and Kidd, The Paleozoic extensive crustal shortening of Alleghenian marginal fold confined mainly to the southern Appalachians. relatively and the thrust late belt is Slices of unmetamorphosed carbonates are found to the east of the Blue Ridge in the Brevard zone and Mountain The ultramafics found window (Cook et al., 1979). the Grandfather in the southern Appalachians are diffuse and are irregularly distributed throughout the Piedmont involvment in the numerous zone thrusts north-northeast the northern trending their of the allochthonous crystalline belt (Misra and Keller, 1978). ultramafics of indicating Appalachians In contrast, the form a narrow belt and lower Paleozoic platform rocks are not found east of the Precambrian outliers in the northern Appalachians (Figure 6.1). The COCORP results indicate that the suture between proto-Africa and North America is located at least 150 km to the east of the Blue Ridge. However, by combining gravity and geologic information, Diment et al. (1972) suggested 211 that the suture (which would actually separate North America from Avalonia) cuts across southern New England and trends north-northeast up the coast of New England (boundary EF Figure 6.4). Figure 6.4) is In the southern Appalachians, boundary EF (in actually on a thin-skinned 'allochthonous of the westward-directed thrusts may Reconstruction belt. in allign the two segments of boundary EF. Seismic refraction crustal structure Appalachians. in west data also between suggests the differences northern and The structure to the west of the in southern Ridge Blue the southern Appalachians (Table 3.5) is similar to that of the Appalachians. Precambrian Both regions lower crustal layer and Grenville basement. outliers, the relatively Appalachians. missing composed of northern a high velocity the homogeneous However, to the east of the Precambrian southern homogeneous, to contrast are are the in outliers Appalachians low velocity crust two-layer the These continue similarities in crust to show a in of the crustal marked northern structure across the Blue Ridge are consistent with the interpretation that crystalline the rocks of the Ridge,. Blue Inner Piedmont, and the Carolina slate belt are allochthonous overlie structure .Grenville across Appalachians basement. the suggest The serpentinites contrasts in the crustal northern that they are located in the vicinity of the suture separating the Grenville from the Province. in and Appalachian 212 Observation residuals zone and in of 3-D the southeastern relatively parallel to inversion the low trend of the vertically or to the southeast P-wave United States delineates a velocities of teleseismic (approximately Appalachians under the 1-2%) and dipping Piedmont (Volz, 1979). 6.4 TECTONIC EVOLUTION OF THE NORTHERN APPALACHIANS A possible scenario for the Appalachians will evolution of the be outlined in this section. northern Figure 6.4 shows cross-sections (taken approximately across line AA' in Figure 6.1) illustrating the Table possible tectonic evolution. 6.1 lists major orogenic episodes in the Appalachians and the maximum manifestation in the area of influence (from Rodgers, 1970). It must over-simplified first be order defined, conflicting geology. scale features are emphasized model, that is an based on often poorly However, many correlative this with of the observed large velocity anomalies described in previous section. The oldest rocks in the study area Adirondacks and the Precambrian are outliers exposed of in the the Green Mountains, Berkshires, and Hudson Highlands. On the basis of petrological and structural arguments Dewey and Burke (1973) suggested that levels of part the of Adirondacks represent deep erosional an ancient Tibetan-type plateau formed 213 behind a continental collision (" orogeny 1,100 m.y.). may be due to affecting zone during the Grenville Doming in the southern Adirondacks intersection of regional fold structures Precambrian rocks (McLelland and Isachsen, 1980). Since the late Precambrian, the Adirondacks have remained a regional high, as suggested apparently by the onlap of Paleozoic sediments (Rodgers, 1970). It is currently thought that a continental rifting initiated approximately formation of the The 1976). 820 Iapetus m.y. Ocean leading (proto-Atlantic) to the (Rankin, and Cambrian geology of the Precambrian late ago stage western belt is characterized by the establishment of an Atlantic-type, stable continental margin (Figure 6.5a). Late Precambrian lithologies on indicate a the eastern belt also rifting stage with the development of an active continental margin paleomagnetic, and (Kennedy, 1976). paleontological Geochemical, evidence suggests that the western and eastern belts were located on opposite sides of the Iapetus Ocean (Strong et Cocks, 1976; Kent and Opdyke, Early or characterized (Figure 6.5b). Mid-Ordovician by al., 1974; McKerrow and 1978). through Permian times are the episodic closing of the Iapetus Ocean The BHA was a site of major volcanic activity in this time period as evidenced by the presence of thick to the volcanic sequences. northwest) volcanics and the The curvature of the BHA (convex asymmetrical distribution of (Osberg, 1978) in the central mobile belt suggest 214 an eastward dipping However, in Benioff zone existed at this time. a later section we will present evidence for a reversal of the polarity of subduction following the Taconic orogeny. Major deformation occurring Ordovician time marked the phase Middle deep seated west of the BHA (Figure thrusts involved the Grenville basement emplacement 1975). (Ratcliffe, the Precambrian were emplaced at altered, Cambrian probably represent highly Ordovician (Chidester, 1968) Iapetus of massifs The linear belt of ultramafics found to the east of the massifs the time, to obducted oceanic crust and Lower of the Ocean or of a marginal sea behind the volcanic arcs of the central mobile belt. metamorphic long-term events heating, reactivation subducted is The sequence indicative increased resulting lithosphere. of of effects ductility from induced This tectonic and is 1977) as well as on active continental margins oceanic lithosphere and subductive collisions (Burchfiel and Davis, zones (Toksoz that Bird, involving arc-continent metamorphism the Taconic orogeny in New England probably was an episode of arc-continent collision. segments and in 1975). Evidence based on styles of deformation and indicates above observed convergence by basement convection effect and caused continent-continent arc Late The Taconic klippe were thrust at this time and late resulting in the only and climax of the Taconic orogeny which affected rocks within and 6.5c). in and inner-arc Numerous island basins now located within the 215 central mobile deformation. belt were Although a probably involved in the major unconformity was formed in the CVS at this time, the lack of any major unconformity and Ordovician deformation in the MS (Moench and Zartman, indicates that oceanic terrain continued continental crust of the eastern belt However, the from 1976) to separate North America. amount and type of volcanism in the central mobile belt following the Taconic closure of the Iapetus orogeny indicate was nearly complete. that It may have been the close approach of the eastern belt and possibly the attempted subduction of an oceanic ridge island arcs which to converge onto North America. (1978) suggest that the middle Ordovician was caused the Delong et al. a period of a period of ridge subduction in central Newfoundland. The Silurian to Early relative quiescence (Boucot, 1968). of increased and Devonian erosion time was of the Taconic highlands In the Early Devonian era there is evidence tectonic activity as indicated by the deposition of vast thicknesses of turbidite sequences across the major synclinoria (Littleton Formation of New Hampshire) and renewed volcanism along arcs in the central mobile belt (Figure 6.5d). the This episode of major deformation is called Acadian orogeny and appears to have spanned a period of approximately 30 m.y. (Naylor, 1971) which is similar to the duration of the main collisional (Toksoz and Bird, stages of the Himalayas 1977). The Acadian orogeny (Figure 6.5e) is typified by the 216 following overlapping sequence of events: metamorphism in southeastern New England, granitic plutons, of many of the development 3) of 2) large scale westward plutons, and large 4) belts. intrusion of recumbent folding brittle thrust 1) high grade deformation These and styles of documented in deformation show many parallels with other zones (Dewey, 1977). period of metamorphism, intrusion, and ductile deformation continental convergence those The are deep crustal processes characteristic of a major thermal event associated below resulting collision and with from initial asthenospheric 1975) Plutonic are of the crust from convection prior to post-collisional radioactive heat generation (Toksoz and Bird, 1977). Hampshire heating The binary Series indicative of granites of the New (dated around 360 m.y.; Naylor, extensive crustal heating and partial fusion of crustal sediments and are similar to those found throughout much of the Himalayas (Bird, 1976). Three major events recorded in New following England. the Acadian Alleghenian Pennsylvanian to Permian times strongly southeastern New England. deformation affected Iapetus collision of America. suggested (Dewey and with Kidd, rocks are in in The Allegheny orogeny probably represents the final closure of the Africa orogeny North 1974) that Ocean the It by the has been Alleghenian deformational belt truncates the Appalachian-Caledonian belt in southern Connecticut and Rhode Island and is correlative with the Hercynian belt in central Europe. Strike slip 217 faulting in the northern Appalachians may have been important in the late Paleozoic (Rodgers, 1970; Arthand and Matte, 1977; Ballard and Uchupi, 1975) although the sense of motion is not well defined. In Late Triassic time large were developed rift-valley graben along the trend of the Appalachians. grabens were filled with thick accumulations red beds. The rifting was eruption of basaltic lavas and diabase systems dikes, sills and accompanied the of stocks. non-marine by intrusion This These the fissure of numerous period of time represents the initial opening of the modern Atlantic Ocean. The most recent major tectonic activity in New England was the emplacement of the White Mountain Magma Series, intruded over a 100 (Chapman, m.y. interval from Jurassic to Cretaceous time 1976). The northeastern U.S. is presently an adjacent to a intraplate stable continental margin, characterized by relatively low-level, diffuse seismicity. at The this time region Province compressive controlled It is not clear what structures control seismicity patterns. within is region and possibly characterized stress and east of the Grenville by a northeast trending maximum some earthquakes appear to be by reactivated Paleozoic faults (Sbar and Sykes, 1977). In New England, the stress pattern complex, with distribution local and appears to be more stress concentrations controlling the mcechanism of earthquakes (Pulli and 218 Graham, 1979). Table 6.1 219 Orogenic Movements in the Appalachian Region Orogenic episode and approximate date Appalachian movements Palisades Late Triassic (Carnian-Norian) 190-200 m.y. Known area of influence Maximum manifestation Belt along central axis of already completed mountain chain Fault troughs, broad warping, basaltic lava, dike swarm West side of central and southern Appalachians, southeast side of northern Appalachians, perhaps also in Carolina Piedmont Strong folding, also middle-grade metamorphism and granite intrusion at least in southern New England Early Ouachita Mid-Mississippian through early Pennsylvanian (Visean to early Westphalian) Only in southernmost Appalachians'in central Alabama Clastic wedge, also possibly broad east-west structures that influenced later deformation Acadian Devonian, mainly Middle but episodic into Mississippian (Emsian-Eifelian) 360-400 m.y. Whole of northern Appalachians, except along northwest edge; as far southwest as Pennsylvania Medium- to high-grade metamorphism. granite intrusion Salinic Late Silurian (Ludlow) Local on northwest side of northern Appalachians Mild angular unconformity, minor clastic wedge General on northwest side of northern Appalachians, local elsewhere; an early phase in Carolinas and Virginia, perhaps general in Piedmont province Strong angular unconformity, gravity slides (?), at least low-grade metamorphism, granodioritic and ultramafic intrusion Local on northwest side of northern Appalachians Strong angular unconformity, slaty cleavage, possibly some intrusion Southeastern Newfoundland, Cape Breton Island, southern New Brunswick; probably also central and southern Appalachians (Florida?) Probably some deformation, uplift of sources of coarse arkosic debris, gravity slides(?) Southeastern Newfoundland, Cape Breton Island, southern New Brunswick; perhaps eastern Massachusetts Mostly low-grade metamorphism, granitic intrusion Alleghany Pennsylvanian and/or Permian (Westphalian and later) 230 -260 m.y. Taconic Middle (and Late) Ordovician (Caradoc, locally probably older) 450-500 m.y. Penobscot Early Ordovician or older (Arenig or older) Avalonian Latest Precambrian Late Precambrian about 580 m.y. Grenville (pre-Appalachian) movements - Late Precambrian 800-1100 m.y. Eastern North America including western part of Appalachian region High-grade metamorphism, granitic and other intrusion 220 FIGURE CAPTIONS Figure 6.1 Generalized geologic map of the northeastern United States (King, 1969) and schematic structural cross-section along profile AA'. Key to abbreviations: T - Taconic thrust belt; GM - Green Mountains; CVS - Connecticut Valley Synclinorium; BHA Bronson Hill Anticlinorium; MS - Merrimac Synclinorium; CN-BB - Clinton-Newbury - Bloody Bluff fault zone. Figure 6.2 A plot of Poisson's ratio versus shear velocity at 10 kbar for a number of rocks that are possible constituents of the lower crust. Ranges of Poisson's ratio versus shear velocity for amphibole granulites from Christensen and Fountain (1975) and gabbroic granulites from Manghnani et al. (1974). Symbol A corresponds to Poisson's ratio and shear velocity for Appalachians and G for Grenville using regional travel times in this study. Figure modified from Jordan and Frazer (1975). Figure 6.3 Schematic illustration of plate tectonic model for evolution of southern Appalachians from Cook et al. (1979). Figure 6.4 Some tectonic features of eastern North America. Line EF represents line across which there are marked differences in Bouguer gravity (Diment et al., 1972). Figure 6.5 Schematic illustration model for evolution Appalachians. of plate of New tectonic England 221 EXPLANATION Thrust fault, barbs on upperblock wuam"Normalfault, STRATIFIED hachureson downthrown side ROCKS Cenozoic glacialdeposits Triassicred beds Carboniferous Silurion- Devonianeugeoclinal rocks Cambrian - Ordovicianforeland rocks - Ordovicion Cambrian deformedmiogeoclinal rocks Cambrian - Ordovician eugeoclinal rocks Precambrian rocksof the easternblock uplifts, Grenvillebasement Precambrian Precambrian Grenvillebasement IGNEOUSROCKS 74 72 - *Mesozoic 70 68 WhiteMountainPlutonicSeries Series Plutonic Devonian NewHampshire - Ordovicianserpentinites, ultramofics Cambrian . GRENVILLE A Precambrian anorthosites APPALACHIANS T GM CVS BHA MS CN-BB, A -'61 MOHO -100 1% HIGHER VELOCITY 1% LOWER VELOCITY 100 km -200 Figure 6.1 222 Vs (km/s) Figure 6. 2 223 800-700 Ma. 700-600 Ma. BO 600-500 Ma. C. 500-400 Ma. 400- 350 Ma C>.0. E. 7'~2 PRESENT VR F.ANI KMB 1 100 km. 100 km. Figure 6.3 224 70* 800 600 40 4tt X~ 4. 00 Kiometersj C 0 E3 1 2 El 3 13 4 5 MI' 6 Za1 1 1 is 1 Some tectonic features of eastern North America. Geologic features generalized from King (1969). (1) Precambrian rocks. (2) Paleozoic metasediments, metavolcanics, and plutonic rocks of core of the Appalachians. (3) Niogcosynclinal rocks. (4) Paleozoic platform deposits. (5) Cretaceous and later deposits of the coastal plane and Mississippi embayment. (6) On the land, post Paleozoic alkaline intrusive rocks; in the oceans, sCamounts. (7) Areas of unusual concentrations of small alkaline Cretaceous and early Tertiary intrusions. (8) Fault systems in the platform deposits. (9) Depth contours: in ocean areas depth of water, in continental areas depth to Precambrian basement. 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Given a set of experimentally observed velocity data, theoretical E. and and group phase and group velocities are calculated using the propagator (1953) phase matrix method of Haskell the variational principle described in Appendix Assuming the surface wave velocities, v, are not rapidly varying and the small, the perturbations problem can be to the linearized initial model by expanding in a Taylor series about the initial model to the first order i y... v; os - Aj- V - eroder dex d;Herenvce beAteen obstrved and\I iueoretical velocill at per;od i f~~fl~nv~~rfor JCA~j~ f pcrameter correc'onr for lager ,j Equations 1 can be re-written in matrix form v1 mo j of\ 1Y± Afj are (z)" 241 or b =Ax (3) Following the generalized inverse technique of Lancsoz (1961), the matrix A in equation 3 is decomposed into AzukAv T where (4) U- contains n eigenvectors u; of data space A V length m from - diagonal matrix with n eigenvalues - contains n eigenvectors vjof length n from the model space The matrices U and V satisfy the relationships AAN\A' (5) ATAvv -(V) The matrices U and V are coupled through the p non-zero only non-zero eigenvalues by A u-p=- GAf where,& ? is a eigenvalues. diagonal The matrix eigenvectors containing associated with (n-p) zero eigenvalues in U and V become independent A vO\ In the presence of zero semi-orthogonal and T I eigenvalues, U and V are 242 But because the non-zero eigenvalues may not span either both the data or to equal guaranteed identity matrices, model the spaces, LAPA m-dimensional respectively. AV= A[vV 01 [UuuO]f or are not n-dimensional Equations 6 and 7 can be written as and since and VVf or 1) 0 VVTZJ A OD yk - The generalized inverse operator is given by A-'V (to) As discussed by Lancsoz (1961), and VO space, A- minimizes in the the presence of UO length of the error vector in the data space and the length of the solution vector in the model space simultaneously. This second property is useful in that the perturbations to the model are kept small which tends to stabilize the inversion. A measure of uniqueness of the solution the calculating resolution matrix, R. solution and x the "true" solution. and Then is obtained by A Let x be the model from equation 3 the properties discussed above, the inverse solution is given by A =vT 243 If there is no VO space V\4 1:. and -g and is unique even in the presense of UO space. of VO space,\V~jl the of VV terms In the presence Thus, VO space is the . source of non-uniqueness in the solution parameters are dependent. filters the true solution x to supplies information results R equals p. when The resolution matrix R give regarding and the the 2. estimate it numbers of degrees of freedom (uniqueness) in the system (m-p) because of solution and the solution will be dependent on off-diagonal various the the trace The rows of R are called resolving kernals (Jackson, 1972). Similarly, the information density matrix, the resolution in data space. properties of the eigenvectors predicted From predicted of system) u u I* b, are above, the data by data UC-space and equals (for the the expressed system UO=O, VA\Ae observed example model flexibility to predict the data. data equation 3 and the discussed For a symmetric or underdetermined presence describes by the generalized inverse, bg, is related to the observed data, the S, does in data. In and the an overdetermined not have enough In this case the predicted as a weighted average of the observed. The information density matrix provides information on the inter-dependency of elements of the data vector. The covariance matrix gives an estimate of the the solution &, due to errors in the data ao error in and is given 244 by =(-A) The covariance matrix is defined by If the data are uncorrelated and c-ov= 61 VfP uTeAfIl r p 1 It is clear that the errors large when suggests the eigenvalues eliminating eigenvalues. in This have the the eigenvectors variance (1is) = 6AA~Ve solution become small. decreases same become Wiggins (1972) associated with small the magnitude of the errors, but the number of degrees of freedom is increased and the resolution is Another inverse on (damped hence degraded. method eigenvalues very of off-setting the effects of small the solution is obtained using a stochastic least illustrated as follows. squares) Franklin (1970) and is Given a system of equations 3 A() the least squares solution is X given by 0 (ArA)_'A1 However, in the presence of VO space, a pure solution fails. constant term E A The by adding a A"A which gives +(TA 1)(A) +b squares solution can be "damped" to the diagonal elements of X= least 245 where G and are the variances in data and respectively. spaces, model Rather than minimizing jAX-'o\ are now minimizing 1A4X e we . The damped least squares operator is given by (Aki and Richards, 1980) where eAV and p is non-zero eigenvalues. (r8) V-~T L =(A TA 4I)AT the order of space spanned by From 18 the resolution matrix is seen to be For uncorrelated errors the covariance matrix is Cov 6f (A'A+ SI ' (-V Vf V6j (o) Note as &' goes to zero, the stochastic inverse operator and its resolution and covariance matrice reduce to those of the From equations 19 generalized inverse discussed previously. and 20 it can parameter to be the reducing- the model Thus, in actual seen that generalized error at the addition inverse the of- a the effect of has expense of resolution. use, the trade-off between resolution and errors must be examined in order to select a proper parameter. damping damping 246 APPENDIX B NON-LINEAR INVERSION OF TRAVEL-TIME DATA FOR CROSS-OVER DISTANCES AND APPARENT VELOCITIES Given a complete set of travel time data, a fairly simple and suprizingly stable least squares technique can to solve for apparent be used velocities, critical distances and corresponding intercept times for a plane layered earth model following the technique of Mitchell and Hashim (1977). For a layer over a half-space model, the two branches of the travel-time curve can be described by where th - calculated travel time at distance xi - critical distance and corresponding time V, V Vt) - velocity of upper and lower layer, respectively - slope of travel time curve for branch i - Heaviside step function To the first order, the difference between the calculated and observed travel time at distance xi is whre where lit 4 ar perturationstoAt are perturbations to the model and &)k~ from() C).=1 C)t C =Xk )(< (2) X x .1 247 For m observations we solve for given )< an initial guess using (3) In matrix terms, (3) becomes (Q) 6,-MA 5 And the least squares solution is found by solving AT b AAx () using LU decomposition (A"A)- (Steinberg, 1974) (6) A Although the problem has been higher o's , order terms in the linearized neglecting Taylor series expansion about non-linear the equations (1) still contain the involving by distance divided by refractor velocity. terms However, test cases show that the system (5) converges accurately and rapidly to a final solution given a reasonable initial guess. For three travel time branches (see Figure 3.3 definitions) the travel time is given by U(c)[X;-XC)I,+ 1.AC)/Vct1 A X-X,)(+t]. A.(Y- for 248 Linearizing the problem by expanding in a first order Taylor series about i &ICA;';~~L *~ ~), + + AX 4 ~ )~o + A (8) where tcO.~ 4 C q Vt and the partial derivatives are given by al A. - t X S-4, 0 X4 XCI. Xgt ax C 0 (to) X O < As before the system (8) is transformed into the form of (5) and solved using the LU method. Although equation (7) represents the for three travel curve branches, the first branch generally has a small non-zero intercept time which is either due to of time effects the a thin, relatively low velocity upper layer or the focal depth of the events. function To calculate the velocity with a three layer over a half-space model must be used where the velocity of the upper layer, vO, is fixed. the depth terminology Using shown in Figure 3.3, the thickness of each layer is computed by calculating the zero-distance intercept time of each travel time branch and following equations. 1I.YL X ~~4(r~ i substituting T-* VV 0 . __1 ___ '~~4)4 / V~ .i) V into the (Ti 249 The convergence of the solution is checked by calculating the RMS fit of the predicted to the observed travel times (Bevington, 1969) 66) where - number of observations - number of parameters = m - n = number of degrees of freedom (dimension of UO - space; see Appendix A) The model calculated errors from caused by errors the covariance matrix. in the data are Given the solution to a system of equations (6), the covariance matrix is (see Appendix A) Cov <ex = (A A A T~ 4 ,b> A (ATA)o (13) For uncorrelated errors (13) becomes (14) 7-ov' (9 Cov= 6 (A*A where G is the data variance (12). Because of the large number of degrees of freedom in determination of the apparent velocities, the variances of the calculated velocities are very small. assumed the the velocities are It well-determined is therefore and that the 250 errors in the thickness of each layer, A z, are proportional to the distances, errors xs, in calculated the . Thus, layer thickness are estimated by 11Cs critical the relative errors in 251 APPENDIX C TIME TERM ANALYSIS Given a set of travel times for waves given layer, it velocity, V1, is possible to refracted solve from a for the apparent and the zero-distance intercept time, a, using the equation where Tij is the travel time from source i and Dij is the VO, receiver j, distance between the source and receiver. For a single layer overlying velocities to V1, a horizontal respectively, refractor equation (1) with becomes (Dorman, 1976) Equation (2) indicates that the intercept time is a function of upper layer thickness, velocity, and refractor velocity. In a time term analysis, the intercept time is broken into a source term, Si, plus a receiver term, Rj, 34+~ A7-V.2=G VIVO Then (2) becomes -D '' (3) up 252 In the case of a layer over a horizontal refractor and constant lateral velocities For the case of lateral variations in layer thickness and velocities, the variations. station For time terms if example, will will stations. source have If a larger these a station consistently shows delayed arrivals relative to all others, term reflect positive the station terms are this value station time than the other well-constrained, the time terms will absorb errors in source location and origin time. location To see this, consider two events at where times same one event has an error in origin time. calculated velocity and arrival the about the the distribution mean (assuming no other errors). velocity of the should station be equal Then the only parameter left to absorb the error in the origin time is the source term. will The As be discussed below, the source and receiver time terms are non-unique because their sum can only be determined to within a constant and there are infinitely many solutions to equation (4). The time term method is based on the fact that the travel time between a source and receiver can be represented by sum of three terms, a source and receiver time term, and a term consisting of the distance divided by the refractor velocity (Scheiddegger and Willmore, 1960) weJ 1957; Willmore and Bancroft, 253 where travel time from source i to receiver j i- R. V source time term (delay time) time term receiver - distance between source and receiver - mean refractor velocity As illustrated in Figure 3.8, the travel time from S to R can be written by the sum of three terms 1S o4e Rv + -Dco ) The symbols are defined in Figure 3.8, dip of the refractor. is the apparent If the dip of the refractor is small (5) reduces to vo v or The source and receiver time terms represent the time takes for vertically the critically the through refracted upper wavefront layer. For a it to travel horizontal refractor, the vertical apparent velocity is to 0 tet G For n separate events recorded at every station m stations (assuming records the head waves), there will be n x m equations in n + m + 1 unknowns; the source and station time 254 terms and the average refractor velocity. However, because the signals from an event are recorded at every station only rarely, the number of equations is reduced somewhat. The resulting system of equations (4) is written in the matrix form where ;.=1 .0. if event i is recorded j, otherwise In matrix shorthand V -A 0() Ax In order decompose at station to A solve into the system of equations (7), we its eigenvalues and eigenvectors using a singular value decomposition (see Appendix A). A = AAVl Using the solution to generalized (7) (N) inverse is given by of Lancsoz (1961), the 255 However, because of the non-uniqueness receiver terms, the rank of the this and of A is one less than the total number of parameters resulting in one zero remove source indeterminacy, the one eigenvalue. zero To eigenvalue is truncated (Wiggins, 1972). As discussed in Appendix A, the covariance matrix is ) given by (for uncorrelated errors in the data, Gg { CovGtVjft . and the model resolution matrix by R Initial perfectly \V- runs (1I') demonstrated that the Pn velocity was resolved (i.e. R11 = 1) and that all the diagonal elements of R corresponding to the source and station terms were equal to where NT is the number of source This and station time is a problem similar to that encountered by Aki et al. (1977) and results from the fact that the rank of A less terms. than the time terms + 1). number is one of parameters (number of source and As discussed in Appendix A, the trace of the resolution matrix equals the rank of A and therefore the diagonal elements of the best possible resolution matrix are given by equation (12). If more than one eigenvalue was truncated, the resolution would be degraded and the values 256 of the Rii terms would be correspondingly less than those of equation (12). 257 APPENDIX D COMPUTATION OF FREQUENCY-WAVENUMBER POWER SPECTRA The data used in this study consist of a number of temporal signals distributed across a seismic network and is thus suitable for analysis processing techniques. using space-time Beamforming is the spatial analog of temporal filtering because it is possible separate out signals within to identify with a prescribed frequency response. narrowband Similarly, if the signal propagating across a region is sampled locations, the array can and a given band of wavenumbers. Each seismometer in the array acts as a temporal filter signal at given be used as a spatial narrowband filter with a spatial frequency response referred to as beampattern or array response. between spatial and temporal allows for the direct Because frequency, computation the of the relation f=ck, beamforming of phase velocity, c, group velocity, u=df/dk, and the direction of propagation. Because the array elements lie along a narrow range of azimuths, we make a plane-wave approximation and assume that the stations form a linear, non-uniformly oriented radially from the source. In this spaced array way the only distance parameter for each station is a normalized distance relative to the array origin and the event. Computation of the first involves the frequency-wavenumber calculation of the power spectrum two-dimensional 258 Fourier transform JtAo where s(t,4) is the output of a single () seismometer at position A , time t. Opposite signs are used for the two Fourier transforms so that the waves travel in the positive A spectrum is calculated in two steps. Fourier transform is computed direction. First, the The f-k temporal for the signal recorded at each station where f = (m-1) / Tat , mth frequency component t - sampling inverval T - number of time samples - postition of station j the phase or where A and < are amplitude and spectrum for frequency component f. A phase shift is then applied corresponding in the frequency domain to the distance between two stations, ax, and a frequency-dependent phase velocity, c(f). Incrementing the wavenumber k through a given range of values, k~x= c(LI;) 4 259 and given that yields the phase shift Therefore, all frequency components of all phase shifted by A4 phase velocity) stations corresponding to a given wavenumber (or and summed. This is equivalent to a delay and sum stacking technique commonly used in the time (Lacoss et al., are domain 1969) and is referred to as phase stacking by Nolet and Panza, (1976). As will be discussed below, phase stacking shifts the main lobe of the array response over any desired position in the wavenumber plane which signals with a range of phase approach. allows for velocities the detection of and azimuths of Thus, the f-k spectrum is given by and the f-k power spectrum in decibels is P(f~k)=- 20 los I F1 (8) Once the power spectrum was scheme was used the maximum power. group maximum computed, an interpolation to select the wavenumber corresponding to In order to facilitate calculation of velocities, a polynomial was fit to the f-k points of power using the wavenumber as the dependent 260 variable. The phase velocity was calculated from k and the group velocity from As will be calculations discussed indicated in a a later frequency section, initial range with abnormally high phase velocities indicating the presense of laterally refracted or multipathed arrivals coming in off-azimuth. confirm To this, it was necessary to steer the array to select beams in order to identify the azimuth of approach of frequencies. To do this, given the relative distances between stations were recalculated along a given beam direction and the f-k power spectrum was computed for a set frequency as a function of azimuth azimuth to the source computed for a range using equations 7 and 8. was of known, the azimuths Because the spectrum of was approximately only 30 degrees. If the number of stations is small, will be characterized (Figure 4.10). the the array response by a main lobe flanked by sidelobes These allow for the leakage of energy into phase stack with undesired wavenumbers, and can make it difficult to separate out overlapping modes of similar wavenumber. Also, if the recorded signal is contaminated by multipathed arrivals, the f-k spectrum along a specified beam may yield unreasonable phase velocities. One way to 261 eliminate these effects is to move a group velocity window function, D (tu), across the array where velocity (Nolet and Panza, 1976). u is the group The signals are windowed along a specified beam direction in the time domain and are given by Dj The amplitude and phase spectrum for each station is calculated and the phase shift applied before stacking is L4:(kf ) Thus, the frequency wavenumber spectrum for the group velocity windowed signals is ) N.Ait; U- ( ;)A where the amplitude and phase spectrum are now functions of u. Sources of errors include those caused processing response. problem, Because and influence of uncorrelated proportionally by 1/ifW, inadequacies measurement spectra is essentially a delay and sum any general of the f-k stacking errors in spectrum assumes the power technique, will decrease where N is the number of sensors. The plane wave approximation used in calculating the power data errors such as digitizing errors, approximations made in setting up the array by a f-k laterally homogeneous earth and neglects local structure beneath each station. Beamsteering 262 allows some control on these arrival of energy off azimuth. effects by computing the The plane wave approximation also assumes that the stations lie on a narrow azimuth range and the variation of the source phase is nearly constant for all stations. This is a valid approximation assuming the stations do not lie near a nodal pattern waves where the source phase can of the vary rapidly. been Rayleigh plane in the Although a fault plane solution has compiled the either earthquake, for radiation not yet the high surface wave amplitudes suggest that New England lies along an lobe of the radiation pattern. A significant cause of errors is probably introduced by inadequacies in the array response for the six stations used to measure the f-k power spectra. Most other short period stations in New England have an analog high-pass filter at each caused by station microseisms, site and were to cut down therefore of noise unable to detect the long-period surface waves. To define the array response we refer to the above discussion where it was seen that beamforming is a shift and sum stacking technique. If we add the outputs, s(t,Ag), of the seismometers together, the stack, y(t), is given by 0 where N is the number of stations. of constant temporal and Assume that a plane wave spatial frequency respectively, propagates across the array S(t ) 4) = e 6 %1 fo, kO 263 In electronics, a common technique function is of a network to find the transfer to input a complex exponential source and divide the output by the input (see Senturia Wedlock, 1975). Therefore, complex exponential, e P we drive the system with the and divide , and the output by the input giving, The normalized array or spatial frequency response defined to be |w(k)j . determining the that unwanted Rica important in wavenumber resolution of the array and the sidelobes will have energy into the system. on the "leakage" of The wavenumber resolution lobe. is determined by the width of the main array Costa illustrated in Figure D.1. Detailed analysis of the array response is effects then The array response for the six M.I.T. stations along the beam direction of the the event is is Because the response shown in Figure D.1 is for a broadside array using unshifted summation, the mainlobe is located at k = which implies the array will selectively pass waves having infinite apparent discussed 0 wavelengths and velocities. phase As in the previous section, we are using a delay and sum stacking method which has the effect of placing the main lobe over selected wavenumbers, k5. In this becomes W(k) = Z Se 21(&() ~ (3 case (2) 264 The array will velocities be of selective c5 and to plane horizontal waves with apparent phase wavelengths o S given by f The width of the resolution and main is lobe mainly diameter of the array. determines controlled by This is directly the wavenumber the length analogous to or the Uncertainty Principle and analysis in the time domain which states that the length of a time series is inversely proportional to the range of resolvable frequency components (Claerbout, 1976). Similarly, the diameter of the array ,a d, is inversely proportional to the range of resolvabe wavenumbers, Ak, As can be seen from Figure D.1, characterized waves with amplitude largely by sidelobes unwanted and by the respectively. number An of and is an differing response is permit the "leakage" of into these the stack. sidelobes position of evenly illustrated The are governed the stations spatial in Figure D.2. spaced, linear array recording the arrival of two plane waves with equal and array extreme case of leakage of other spatial frequencies into the stack is Pictured which wavenumbers position the frequencies. undelayed summation of each wave will temporal In result frequencies both in cases the an same 265 stack. However, the delay and sum technique or steering the array will allow discrimmination of the two wavetrains. sidelobes are caused by the The finiteness of the array and again are analogous to convolving the Fourier transform of a time series with a sinc function (the Fourier transform of a rectangular truncation function). effect is to taper wavenumber domain sidelobes Arnold of which the (1978), in space this before transforming to the decreases truncation various One way to minimize the amplitude function. spatial shading As of the discussed by (or tapering) functions such as a Chebyshev or cosine taper may be used to decrease the amplitude of the sidelobes. stations were used in this study, it was difficult to select a useful shading function because the two outermost sensors would be Because only six contribution of the minimized and resolution would be degraded. Another undesirable effect that can occur and space is both time that of inadequate sampling or aliasing. For an evenly spaced array with station in separation a x, the array response is a periodic function of the wavenumber with a period of 1/Ax. Aliasing (or folding) occurs for spatial frequencies above the Nyquist frequency . -L The problem of aliasing is reduced somewhat by irregularly spaced points. sampling at The network used in this study have an approximate station spacing of 25 km so the highest 266 resolvable spatial frequency is .02 km. arrivals with wavelengths of frequencies of obout .067 hz (T These correspond to approximately 15 50 seconds) km and assuming a phase velocity of 3.4 km/sec. As discussed by Clay and Hinich (1970), in the phase velocity measurements standard for a errors plane wave propagation along the line of the array are given by Ig SO) I C where N - number of stations . -wavelength for frequency f D - array diameter f)I/S(1ho - signal to noise ratio. Thus, the errors in the dispersion measurements depend on the signal to noise ratio, the square root of the number seismometers, array. and of the number of wavelengths traversing the A large array aperature increases the precision of the measurements (by reducing the width of the main lobe) at the expense of spatial resolution. 267 FIGURE CAPTIONS Figure D.1 Normalized array response for six MIT stations shown in Figure 4.10 as a function of wavenumber along beam direction of 204 degrees from north. Figure D.2 Schematic illustration of energy leakage into a broadside array stack. Two plane waves of differing wavenumber produce identical array response resulting in a main lobe and a sidelobe of equal amplitudes in a figure such as that in Figure D.1. 268 Figure D.1 269 C) -4 270 APPENDIX E CALCULATION OF PHASE AND GROUP VELOCITY PARTIAL DERIVATIVES Because there are fewer boundary conditions to be met, it is generally more convenient to demonstrate the of calculation phase and group velocities and their partial derivatives using Love frequency (W waves. , Consider propagating a in displacement parallel to the y-axis plane wave of angular the x-direction, with the as a function of z, v(z); f(k, z,W)=v(z)exp(i(wt-kx )) The kinetic and potential energies averaged over a cycle are (Aki and Richards, I where 1980; Takeuchi et al., 1964) 0= is the density and y is the rigidity. The 1/4 comes from averaging of cosine and sine squared terms over a cycle. Because the kinetic and potential energies averaged over a cycle are equal where IT 271 Using the variational principle under the condition of no body forces or surface tractions, it can be shown energy equation 1 that the is unchanged for a perturbation of v(z) about the actual motion. As an extension of this fact, it can be shown that there exists a linear relationship between fractional changes in changes in elastic parameters phase velocity with respect to small and equation 1 becomes to the first dSI, Thus, 2p that for a fixed k order e=S~2 (3) I once a root of the period equation for a particular has been found as a function of wavenumber k F(c)k) =o the phase various velocity layer equation 3. (4) partial parameters derivatives can be found The group velocity \A: in terms of the energy integrals with respect to immediately from can also be expressed (2). By differentiating equation 1 with respect to k it can be shown that (S) __ The variational chase D.G. velocit principle is partial used in computation of erivatives in a program written by Harkrider. A program was written to partial derivatives calculate (1975). the group velocity U with respect to the in the relationship U: the group velocity using numerical differention following an approach used by Rodi et al., and the (C By differentiating phase velocity C e 272 where m represents the layer parameters, it can be shown that C-U.) 51;C + f U Z*2- if)) f (7) Defining ) C0 z- + C- ) C~1= 'hA ~ ~& 0 C04 k~. 4 41 jtC. 1) *C41 where fO is the frequency at which the period equation 3 is being evaluated, then UO CO U0 ~C)41 4M..Iwft C.j dM em (R) 273 APPENDIX F MAXIMUM-LIKELIHOOD INVERSION OF PHASE AND GROUP VELOCITY In Appendix A, it was assumed that the errors in the data are uncorrelated and have the same variance. in Chapter 4, the As errors in the phase and group velocity vary as a function of period and, in general, the for the group velocity phase velocity. phase discussed curve variances are greater than those for In addition, the partial derivatives for and group velocity are a function of layer thickness. Thus, it is necessary to weigh the solution in both model and data spaces. As described equation in Annendix A a lineari7Ped systqiem of is set up for the simultaneous inversion of phase s and grou velocities. only shear velocity is adjusted while the compressional th For reasons discussed in Chapter velocity and density are held fixed. , eeia C:4 I0/ A; F. L-. -&O) where and j - shear velocity - adjustment to shear velocity in layer in layer j 4, 274 In matrix form, DC, C2. r1k &CA DL,. 9'L Civ ~Cff t~ C) A* &ctm~ J,\AA b = Ax Let RA (a) and W be the data covariance and model weighting matrices, respectively, '/4" G . "4' R (3) 0 1/4 where G thickness the variance of the ith data point, and 4 -is of the ith layer. Because R,\ and non-singular symmetric matrices they can be decomposed a product of 1961). orthogonal simultaneously. are into matrices (Lancsoz, Rnv%= NAjN V n The generalized eigen-vector W the inverse With (4) A o1a operator the minimizes weighting in bothjI Axi' and data space it is iji 275 desired to minimize (b~~ P,, such that the according to (b-A2!) -|b-A perturbations the in the length of the model errors in the data. weighting is inversely proportional weighted (s) *f weighted In model space, the to solution are the thickness vector is and minimized according to xTW'x= X x-1 (6) The coordinate transformation that satisfies 5 and 6 (Wiggins, 1972; Aki and Richards, 1980) -'K h:A~ NL~ a rvie 6'/k , ~:A~A r~'~ (S) N~A ri'~A"~ -~K'~ MT 1/lt A: t Then we solve b*=At (q) using the stochastic inverse (see Appendix A) X*=A = (A A* 4 Gl)A 3* (10) Transforming back to original coordinates using 7 A A and A A- I x (11) is 276 where R is the resolution matrix. The covariance matrix given by cov = A3' Rnn (A3~' (T is 277 APPENDIX G INTERSTATION TRANSFER FUNCTION USING WIENER DECONVOLUTION Given two seismograms positioned circle path from a source, along we want interstation transfer function (also impulse response or Green's the to known same estimate as function). great the medium The phase of the transfer function gives the phase delay of the system will be which used to calculate the interstation phase velocity. The shape of provides the the transfer information on function the in the time domain dispersiveness of the system which will be used to estimate interstation group velocity. Figures G.1a,b illustrate the problem frequency in time and domain where the input signal at station 1 drives the system and produces the output recorded The the convolution is given by the at station frequency 2. domain representation where the subscripts 1,2 and m refer to station 2, and the interstation medium, respectively. deconvolve the output by dividing computing the transfer function (1) by the 1, station We wish to input and 278 This simple particularly deconvolution in the presense can be very of spectral holes for which frequencies the filter parameters (transfer be indeterminant. to find unstable, function) will Various deconvolution schemes can be used the filter coefficients and we have chosen a least squares or Wiener deconvolution (Wiener, 1949; Treitel and Robinson, 1966; Peacock and Treitel, 1969). Let the vector b represent the input (signal 1) to at station the system f, and d be the output (signal at station 2) where b =(bb We wish to construct a filter, f, that the desired f best estimate output, d, when driven by an input b. the n+m length vector c design will such that represent the actual Letting output, we the difference between the actual and desired output t - is minimized in a least squares sense (Figure G.1.c). requires that the length E, of the error series, e, is minimized "1 E e 2 Ze Ix t Ct) This 2 (3) 279 and we design f such that b* s (4%) or tro where * denotes convolution. Using notation, matrix the convolution is given by * 0 0 C0 i' o CI b 0 iV 0 (fm 4 k) 4 )A (A., 1) Introduce the desired output d, which is station (S) *y 2, the signal at and solve for f such that the length squared of the difference vector 1r. oC~ b0 b, b' o% b60b 0 is minimized C,0 280 In matrix shorthand Solve for f using least squares It turns out that the terms B B give the autocorrelation of the input b tro0 and BTd is the cross-correlation vector of b and d t :0 Thus, the m-length Wiener filter results the from solution of the normal equations of the form C0 . k16z . 4 ~cc Q 44 1 C 1I CAoaI C; C. (6) L . or from equation (1) we are solving F, It -;C z The autocorrelation Toeplitz diagonals F I F2. e matrix in S% . $ 1) equation ( -7) (6) is in a form with an interesting symmetry where all of the are the same and the main diagonal is the 281 autocorrelation of the input at zero lag. Because of its symmetry, the system (6) can be solved efficiently and a minimum of computer storage using Levinson recursion (Wiener, 1949; Treitel and Robinson, .1966). Although system (6) is always nonsingular (assuming a. / Herne, 1966), For this the problem framework contaminated the 0) (Ford and numerical instabilities may occur for large m. case stochastic with by where can the be formulated input signal, using a b, is noise, n, and the actual input x, is given by Assuming the noise is stationary, the system can be solved using the damped least squares technique discussed in Appendix A. To do this we add a small constant to the autocorrelation function at zero lag which stabilizes the solution. As discussed in suggest that the Chapter 4, Landisman interstation when earthquake. the (1969) of the interstation a source is applied at the station nearest the Comparison of equations (2) cross-correlogram gives but not the group delay. impulse al., cross-correlogram gives an approximation of the impulse response medium et response function where the of the output and (7) shows that the phase delay of the system To test this, we assume interstation equals the medium input. that the is a delta Using the 12/9/72 seismic records recorded at WES shown in Figure 4.2b 282 we compute the cross-correlation output (Figure G.2a, of the which is above (Figure least the actually input at station WES) function using the of the input with the autocorrelation and the interstation transfer squares deconvolution described Both signals shown in Figure G.2a,b G.2b). are then windowed between lags of 0-400 seconds. of Figures G.2a and approximates a b shows delta "cross-correlogram". that function The phase and Comparison the transfer much better amplitude function than the spectrum of windowed transfer function gives a better approximation the to that of a Also shown delta than function the in Figures G.2 a and b is fit to the narrow bandpassed signals As can be seen from Figure G.2a, cross-correlogram. the envelope function for the amplitude is at a lag of 10 seconds which velocity errors of about 8% over two frequencies. time of maximum can group cause of 500 km. distances Between periods of 17 to 50 seconds, the lags of the maximum amplitude for the function transfer are all within two seconds or one digital point in this case where the sampling interval was 2 seconds. For periods below 17 seconds the error increased to 4 seconds (two digital points) which is the portion of the spectrum that was not flat. Although Landisman et al., (1969) were correct in stating that the cross-correlogram gives an approximation of the impulse response of the interstation medium, test cases show that substantial errors of interstation group velocity determinations can occur for short station separations. 283 FIGURE CAPTIONS Figure G.1 Schematic illustration showing the meaning of the interstation transfer function. Figure G.2 Comparison of performance for cross-correlogram (a) versus interstation transfer function (b) for modeling the interstation medium response. Input equals output and medium response should be a delta function. (a) Cross-correlogram, spectrum, and narrow band-passed signal and envelope function; (b) Transfer function calculated using Wiener deconvolution, spectrum,and narrow band-passed signal and envelope function ei FL((-)) (ca) Z. 111 Figure G. 1 285 12/9/72 wos 3 autocorrelation X10- 0.2 0.1- e.0 129/72 MMPLITUDE 0.004 was autocorrelation cm*sec 0.00210 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 60 70 30 PERIOD (sec) PHASE (cycles) 030 £0 '10-4 0 30 BAND- 0.250 I . 40 50 PERIOD (60c) .pha* fiequencg= 0.04950 0.5- 0.0 - Ples'" 0 840 200 300 -W" 41 x1,0 Figure G.2a 286 TRANSFEP FUNCTION 12/9/72 was-wes damping-1. 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 -e.6 12/9/72 TPANSFER FUNCTION kMPLITUDE cm*sec damping-1. Wes-we3 4 10 60 50 40 30 20 as 70 PERIOD (see) PHASE (cclea) I 46 -36 76 GO so PERIOD (sac) BAND- 0 250 al ha* 0.0 0.04980 frequencg- 000- -0.1 , * 9 BAee10ee 2O a he-'0 300 ar frequen - f "'"ne- 0.48 44 0.03283 -0.05-I -11 ,, - 10 ,i a3ea0 ,, 44 Figure G.2b 287 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE The author was November 10, 1952. born in He Rottenchester, fell New York on in love with pizza at Ray's Pizza Place where he worked in 1968 and with Heather Goff at a party in 1969. High school earth science and with Co. Mobil Oil as experiences a Petroleum Distribution Engineer convinced him that geology for fun and profit was a suitable life endeavor. Heather and he then set off for University where they (from 45701 and Ohio both tooled for four years emerging with a B.S. in Geology, horsemanship Athens an AA Meredith in Science, a degree in Manor) and a marriage license betwixt them. Without knowing the difference between phase and velocity (a concept that continues to elude him), naively decided to study learned the fine arts organizing of geophysics hand waving, the author at M.I.T. There he computer hacking, boondoggles, eating 16 inch pizzas with 1/2 of a steak and mushroom sub w/ mayo and a quart of coke, the puck group on Arthur's putting stick, and telling people that they stink. Fortunately, the author before COCORP ran a managed to finish his thesis line across New England and he prays nightly that drilling technology never enables mankind to penetrate the crust. The author is presently living with Heather and at least 288 two crazy parrots in sunny California and is working at Lawrence Livermore Labs in Livermore, California. Publications along the way include: Taylor, S.R. and M.N. Toksoz, Three-Dimensional crust and upper mantle structure of the northeastern United States, J. Geophys. Res.,84, 7627-7644, 1979. Taylor, S.R., M.N. Toksoz, and M.P. Chaplin, Crustal structure of the northeastern United States: Contrasts between the Grenville and Appalachian Provinces, Science,208,595-597,1980. Chaplin, M.P., S.R. Taylor, and M.N. Toksoz, A coda-length magnitude scale for New England, Earthquake Notes (in press), 1980.