EM radiation is produced by accelerating charges. example Radio waves + + EM waves 3.2 - • Producing EM waves • Electromagnetic Spectrum • Energy in EM waves E field lines B field lines at t=0 Time-> Evolution of the E and B fields Dipole Antenna +q + -q - Dipole antenna d(t) Oscillating Dipole λ/4 Electric Field lines λ/2 radiation ⊥ to the dipole axis Half-wave antenna Quarter wave antenna Electric field lines No radiation || to the dipole axis (Why?) Question A cell phone uses a frequency of 2.0 GHz. Find the length of the quarter wave antenna. 1) 3.8mm 2) 0.38 cm 3) 3.8 cm 4) 38 cm Interactions of EM radiation with an Antenna. Oscillating Electric field drives the movement of charges in a conductor + E • An optimal antenna to capture energy from an EM wave has a size close λ. (λ/2 for a dipole antenna) 1 Passage of EM radiation through holes in a conductor reflected Spectrum of EM waves transmitted • EM waves pass easily through holes in a conductor that are larger than λ but are blocked by holes smaller than λ. • When the size of the hole is close to the λ, interference and diffraction effects are observed (discussed later). Radio Waves Microwaves Fm radio, TV f~ 100 MHz λ~1m f~ 1-10 GHz λ~ 1-10 cm dipole antenna length =λ/4 Visible Light Silver nano-particles f~1015 Hz λ~ 400-700 nm stained glass, gold particles with diameter ~100 nm scatter specific colors of light Electron micrograph light micrograph 2 X-rays X-rays f ~ 1016-1020 Hz X-rays penetrate soft tissue but are absorbed by heavy atoms, such as Calcium in bones. λ~ 10-8 -10-12 M Atomic dimensions x-ray diffraction pattern 3-dimensional structure Energy carried by an EM wave Energy density of E and B fields (from capacitor and inductor) 1 2 Intensity Average power P= µE = ε o E 2 µB = Joules/m3 2 B 2 µo Average energy density (average of Eo and Bo are the peak fields µE = 1 1 1 Bo2 ε o Eo 2 = ε o c 2Bo2 = 4 4 4 µo µB = Use E o2 = c 2Bo2 Bo2 4 µo Use => 1 ε o E o2c 2 1 Bo2 S= c 2 µo => S= 1 µE = ε o Eo 2 => 4 µB = Bo2 4 µo Eo = cBo In general expression for the intensity of EM radiation uv uv uv ExB S= µo The average intensity Saverage = Erms xBrms µo uuv uuv uv E xB S average = o o 2 µo Units W/m2 λ c=λ/T S= The average energy density for E and B are the same Poynting Vector T P S = = µtotal c = 2µE c = 2µB c A Average Intensity sin2θ=1/2) µtotal Aλ V=Aλ A 1 Bo Eo 2 µo 34.4 Light intensity The light intensity at noon on a sunny day is about 1kW/m2. What is the peak E field due to the light? What is peak B field? Electric Field S= Eo = 1 ε o Eo2c 2 2S 2(1000) = = 8.7x102 V / m εo c 8.85x10−12 (3x108 ) Magnetic Field Bo = Eo 8.7x102 = = 3x10−6 T c 3x108 In terms of normal laboratory fields the E field is more significant than the B field. (i.e. for interactions with matter. 3 Cell phone Microwave ovens and cell phones. If a cell phone antenna can detect a peak electric field of 10-3 V/m how much power must a transmitter that is 10 km away have if it transmits waves in all directions. Frequency =2.45GHz Power ~ 1kW compare to cell phone power ~1W. • Microwaves are reflected from the walls of the cooking chamber and the energy is confined to cook the food. • Microwaves form standing waves in the chamber. Microwaves are absorbed by water molecules reoriented by the E field E field O H H electric dipole orients with the fluctuating field 4