DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION RETURNING COMPUTER SCIENCE STUDENTS Name MSU Student ID: ______________________ Last First Middle Address______________________________________________ Telephone No. ( ) City_____________________________ State__________________ Zip ________________ Email: ________________________________________________________ Full-Time: Yes No Current Overall GPA: _____ (Must be greater than or equal to 3.0) CMPS GPA: ______ (Must be greater than or equal to 3.0) Classification: ____________________ (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or Senior) Earned Hours: _______ ACM Member: Y___ N ___ ACADEMIC BACKGROUND (List computer science, science and math courses taken in last 2 semesters--fall/spring) Course Title Year Taken Grade COMMENTS (List additional information which you feel supports your application) Signature Date Complete form and print it. Mail or hand carry to MSU, Computer Science Dept., 3410 Taft Blvd., BO #126, Wichita Falls, TX 76308. APPLICATION DEADLINE: March 3rd All filed submissions will be reconsidered for a period of one year Return to: Scholarship Coordinator, Computer Science Department, Midwestern State University, 3410 Taft Boulevard, Wichita Falls, TX 76308 F:CMPS/Undergrad Scholarship/Returning Student Scholarship Appl 011014 Updated 01/10/14 Student’s Relationship to MSU’s Board of Regents Members State law requires that each student identify any relation to a current Board of Regent member. A student who is related to a current member of the governing board of that institution is prohibited from receiving scholarships unless the scholarship is awarded exclusively based on academic merit or is an athletic scholarship. It is a Class B misdemeanor to file a false statement. Please review a list of current Midwestern State University Board of Regent members at and then select the most appropriate answer below indicating your relation to any of the Board of Regent members. ___Not Related to a Regent ___Regent's mother, father, daughter or son ___Regent's brother, sister, grandparent or grandchild ___Regent's great-grandchild, uncle (brother of parent), aunt (sister of parent), nephew (son of brother or sister), or niece (daughter of brother or sister) ___Regent's spouse; spouse's child's spouse's mother or father; child's spouse; or parent's spouse ___Regent's spouse's brother or sister; spouse's grandparent; spouse's grandchild; brother or sister's spouse; grandparent's spouse; or grandchild's spouse Student’s name (printed) ______________________________________________ Student’s signature___________________________________________________ Date _______________________________ F:CMPS/Undergrad Scholarship/Returning Student Scholarship Appl 011014 Updated 01/10/14