Future-Ready Core Graduating Future-Ready Impact on Agency Areas Council provides cross-functional lens Human Resources NC WISE NCVPS Curriculum, Instruction & Tech Accountability Talent Management Future-Ready Core Policy and Planning Student Support Communications CTE District and School Transformation Exceptional Children Purpose of Council Work for FRC In a cross-functional setting, plan and develop informational resources to facilitate successful implementation of the Future-Ready Core for LEAs, schools and families. Informing Our Work CrossFunctional Internal Input External Stakeholder Input Research Leading to… An understanding of and preparation for LEA, school and family needs Future-Ready Core Web Resource Why a Web Resource? o Flexible o Accessible o Linkable o Saves the environment! http://www.ncpublicschools.org/gradrequirements/ Future-Ready Core Web Resource Some Examples of Developed Informational Resources Tools and Work o Math course requirements overview o Guidelines & flowchart for math substitution decision making o HS student planner o Parent credit checklist o FAQs (e.g. Math, Concentrations, Exceptional Children, Access to High-Quality Courses, Limited English Proficient, etc.) Overview of Math Requirements 1 Algebra I or Integrated Math I + 2 3 Geometry or Integrated Math II Algebra II or Integrated Math III + Eligible for UNC System 4 e.g. AP Statistics, Precalculus 4th Math + In rare instances where a principal, in consultation with parents, teachers, counselors, and the student, has evidence that a substitute path is appropriate, the student may take the following sequence: Eligible for Most Community Colleges e.g. Drafting, Engineering Math Substitution 1 Algebra I or Integrated Math I 2 3+4 Algebra II, Geometry or Integrated Math II + 2 applied math course credits e.g. Applied Math I and Applied Math II Principles of Business and Personal Finance and Small Business Entrepreneurship Drafting I and Drafting II Note: N.C.G.S. §115C-81(b) will remain in effect. Suggested Decision-Making Process for Mathematics Substitution 1 Request is made 2 Committee convenes 3 Review Multiple Data Sources • A written request with • The principal • Committee meets reasons is made to convenes a and reviews multiple substitute mathematics school-based sources of course credits to the committee to summative and recommended Future review the request formative Ready Core • Committee should assessment data mathematics courses meet at a time • Committee reviews • Request is received by amenable to a intervention the school counselor parent/guardian’s strategies that have • Request may be made schedule been in place prior from a parent/guardian, to the substitution school counselor, request principal (or designee), • Committee or teacher considers student’s • If the request is made graduation by school personnel, timeframe evidence of parent consent should be present 4 5 Committee Recommend s • Committee makes recommendation aligned with student needs and postsecondary plans • Principal receives the committee recommendation Decision by Principal • Principal makes the final decision. • All relevant parties are informed. • Schedule is changed to minimize any lost instructional time • Documentation of decision and changes are noted A student’s parent/guardian should be fully informed and involved throughout the process Student Planner • Tool If it is green, you have to take it! Senior Junior Sophmore Freshman Year Type of Course ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS MATH SOCIAL STUDIES SCIENCE ELECTIVE ELECTIVE ELECTIVE ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS MATH SOCIAL STUDIES SCIENCE ELECTIVE ELECTIVE ELECTIVE ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS MATH SOCIAL STUDIES SCIENCE ELECTIVE ELECTIVE ELECTIVE ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS MATH SOCIAL STUDIES SCIENCE ELECTIVE ELECTIVE ELECTIVE ELECTIVE Does the plan you have laid out meet all your local High School Requirements? Course you will plan on taking English I (ELA) Algebra I (Math) World History (SS) Physical Science (Sci) Health (PE) Language (Spanish, French, Chinese, etc.) Business and Technology (CTE) English II (ELA) Algebra II (Math) Civics and Economics (SS) Chemistry (Sci) Language (Spanish, French, Chinese, etc.) Health Occupations (CTE) English III (ELA) Geometry (Math) US History (SS) Physics (Sci) Language (Spanish, French, Chinese, etc.) Future-Ready Core Course of Study Planner Graduate-o-Meter MATH: You classes and Algebra I/Ge Integrated M If you want t university sy math higher Here for a vi sequence. Your Plan Requirements 4 4 English Classes 4 4 Math Classes 3 3 or 4 Social Studies 3 3 or 4 Sciences 1 1 PE or Health 6 6 Electives 21 Good work! Will you be prepared for the future you envision? Will I graduate in the Future-Ready Core? Have I met Future Ready Mathematics Requirements? Can I apply to a NC System University like NC State or UNC? {Add Suggestions} {Add Suggestions} {Add Suggestions} YES YES YES English IV (ELA) AP Statistics (Math) Directions: Marketing (CTE) Yes Add courses to the white column. Click on the cell and choose the courses you want to take from the drop-down menu. Keep adding courses until you have a scenario that aligns with you plans. 2 ELECTIVE from either • CTE • FOREIGN L need two FL to apply the • ARTS 4 ELECTIVE It is suggest 4 elective co of this might 4 courses in 4 in JRTOC o 4 in Automo Your school your options Timeline for Future-Ready Core Dissemination and Implementation 2008 Project Phases 2009 Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Development o Policy HSP-N-004 approved o Research: other states, national o Communication sends out preliminary documents o Council develops FAQs, tools, web resource, input from relevant divisions o External input meeting o Update to SBE GCS (math) Communication & Dissemination Where we are o Update SBE GCS (scope of project) o Edit tools, upload on web o Mail letter to Superintendents, et al with web information o Communicate within agency o Divisions embed FRC into professional development plans, conferences, and materials o Continue feedback loop within agency divisions and from LEAs o Continue professional development Implementation o o o o Freshman class (2009-2010) Continue professional development Provide technical assistance Monitor math course taking patterns Rollout Parent Checklist Plans and Time Line for Roll-Out Next Steps Overview of Future-Ready Core Roll-Out 2008-2009 Major activities: 2008 HSP-N-004 Policy (HS Diploma Requirements) Approved DPI disseminates chart & other documents to LEAs and schools Sep Council develops web resource guide for multiple stakeholders Council garners external input to ensure “best fit” of resource guide • Council conducts research (internal, other states, national) Council revises web resource and shares with relative DPI divisions for use with their constituencies for dissemination & professional development 2009 DPI divisions employ different vehicles to disseminate information and conduct PD (webcasts, conferences, regional contacts) • Communication division disseminates general information to LEAs • SBE approves graduation requirements policy (HSP-N-004) Continue feedback loop from LEAs and DPI divisions, make modifications as necessary • Council develops guidelines for math exception and other anticipated needs • Council develops web-based resource (FAQs, planning tools, etc) Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May • Council seeks input from external LEA reps to ensure best fit of developed materials • Council seeks partnerships from agencies for augmenting roll-out Guiding Principles o Aligning to the intent of policy o Ensuring a consistent message o Providing informational resources to ensure clarity and transparency o Meeting the needs of all stakeholders