Infinitely many Solutions to boundary value problems for a coupled system of fractional differential equations Peiluan Li 1,* , Changjin Xu 2 (1.School of Mathematics and Statistics, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang, 471023,China; 2.Guizhou Key Laboratory of Economics System Simulation,Guizhou College of Finance and Economics,Guiyang,550004, China) Abstract Using variational methods, we investigate the solutions to the boundary value problems for a coupled system of fractional order differential equations. First, we obtain the existence of at least one weak solution by the minimization result due to Mawhin and Willem. Then, the existence criteria of infinitely many solutions are established by a critical point theorem due to Rabinowitz. At last, some examples are also provided to illustrate the results. Keywords: Fractional Differential Equations; Coupled system; Variational methods; Infinitely many solutions 2010 MSC: 34B37, 34K10, 26A33 1 Introduction Recently, a great attention has been focused on the study of boundary value problems (BVP) for fractional differential equations. Fractional calculus provide a powerful tool for the description of hereditary properties of various materials and memory processes [1-2]. Fractional differential equations have also recently proved to be strong tools in the modeling of medical, physics, economics and technical sciences. For more details on fractional calculus theory, one can see the monographs of Kilbas et al. [3], Lakshmikantham et al. [4], Podlubny [5] and Tarasov [6]. Fractional differential equations involving the Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative or the Caputo fractional derivative have been paid more and more attentions. In recent years, some fixed point theorems and monotone iterative methods have been applied successfully to investigate the existence of solutions for nonlinear fractional boundary-value problems, see for example, [7-12] and the references therein. In [11], Bai and Fang studied the following singular coupled system of fractional differential equations DT (u (t )) f (t , v), DT (u (t )) g (t , u ), where 0<t 1, 0<t 1, 0 , 1 , D , D are two standard Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives. By applying the Krasnoselskii’s fixed point theorem and the nonlinear alternative of Leray–Schauder theorem in a cone, the authors have obtained the existence of positive solutions for the coupled system. *Corresponding author. Email addresses:; (Changjin Xu) 1 By means of the nonlinear alternative of Leray–Schauder theorem, Ahmad and Alsaedi in [12] established the existence and uniqueness results for the following fractional differential equations c c (k ) DT u (t ) f (t , DT v(t )), u k , 0 t 1, c c (k ) DT u (t ) g (t , DT u (t )), v k , 0 t 1, c where D denotes the Caputo fractional derivative, , (m 1, m), , (n 1, n) with , , k 0,1, 2, …, m 1, , , , N , and k , k are suitable real constants. On the other hand, critical point theory and the variational methods have been very useful in dealing with the existence and multiplicity of solutions for integer order differential equations with some boundary conditions. But until now, there are few works that deal with the fractional differential equations via the variational methods; see [13-21]. It is often very difficult to establish a suitable space and variational functional for fractional boundary value problem for several reasons. First and foremost, the composition rule in general fails to be satisfied by fractional integral and fractional derivative operators. Furthermore, the fractional integral is a singular integral operator and fractional derivative operator is non-local. Besides, the adjoint of a fractional differential operator is not the negative of itself. By means of critical point theory, Jiao and Zhou [13] first considered the following fractional boundary value problems t DT (0 Dt u (t ) F (t , u (t )), u (0) u (T ) 0, where (0,1) , 0 Dt t DT are the left and right Riemann-Loiuville fractional derivatives F :[0, T ] R N R (with N 1 ) is a suitable given function and F (t , x) is the respectively. gradient of and a.e. t [0, T ], F with respect to x . In [21], the authors investigated the existence of weak solution for the following coupled system of fractional differential equations t DT (a (t ) 0 Dt (u (t )) Fu (t , u (t ), v(t )), t DT (b(t ) 0 Dt (u (t )) Fv (t , u (t ), v(t )), u (0) u (T ) 0, v(0) v(T ) 0, where is a positive real parameters, b0 : ess inf b(t ) 0 , , (0,1] , [0,T ] fractional derivatives of order 0<t T , 0<t T , a, b L [0, T ] with a0 : ess inf a(t ) 0 and [0,T ] 0 Dt and t DT are the left and right Riemann-Liouville respectively, and F :[0, T ] R 2 R is a function such that F (, x, y ) is continuous in [0, T ] for every ( x, y ) R 2 and F (t , , ) is a C 1 function in R 2 for any t [0, T ] , and Fs denotes the partial derivative of F with respect to s . By means of the 2 variational methods and a critical point theorem due to Bonanno and Marano, the authors get the existence of three distinct weak solutions. Motivated by the works above, in this article, we consider the following coupled system of fractional differential equations t DT (a(t ) 0 Dt u (t )) v(t ) Fu (t , u (t ), v(t )), t DT (b(t ) 0 Dt (v(t )) u (t ) Fv (t , u (t ), v(t )), u (0) u (T ) 0, v(0) v(T ) 0, 0<t T , 0<t T , (1.1). First, we obtain the existence of at least one weak solution by the minimization result due to Mawhin and Willem. Then, the existence criteria of infinitely many solutions are established by a critical point theorem due to Rabinowitz. At last, some examples are given to illustrate the results. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, some definitions and lemmas which are essential to prove our main results are stated. In Section 3, we give the main results. And, two examples are offered to demonstrate the application of our main results. 2 Preliminaries At first, we present the necessary definitions for the fractional calculus theory and several lemmas which are used further in this paper. f be a function defined by [a, b] . The left and right Riemann-Liouville Definition 2.1 ([3]).Let fractional derivatives of order for function f denoted by a Dt f (t ) and t Db f (t ) respectively, are defined by a Dt f (t ) dn 1 dn n D f ( t ) t dt n ( ) dt n t (t s) dn (1) n d n n f (t ) t Db f (t ) ( 1) t Db dt n ( ) dt n n 1 0 n b t f ( s )ds, ( s t ) n 1 f ( s )ds, t [a, b], 0, provide that the right-hand side integral is pointwise defined on [a, b]. Lemma 2.2 ([3]). The left and right Riemann-Liouville fractional integral operators have the property of a semigroup; that is, b [ a provided that q 1, b a Dt f (t )]g (t )dt [ t Db g (t )] f (t )dt , 0, a f Lp ([a, b], R), g Lq ([a, b], R) and p q, q 1, 1 1 1 . p q 3 1 1 1 or p 1, p q Lemma 2.3 ([3]). The left and right Riemann-Liouville fractional integral operators have the property of a semigroup; that is, b [ a provided that b a Dt f (t )]g (t )dt [ t Db g (t )] f (t )dt , 0, a f (a ) f (b) 0, f L ([a, b], R N ) and g L1 ([a, b], R N ) or g (a ) g (b) 0, f L ([a, b], R N ) and f L1 ([a, b], R N ) . In order to establish a variational structure which enables us to reduce the existence of solutions of problem (1.1) to one of finding critical points of corresponding functional, it is necessary to construct appropriate function spaces. Let us recall that for any fixed u t [0, T ] and 1 p , max u (t ) , u t[0,T ] T p 1 p ( u ( s ) ds ) . Lp 0 0 1, We define the fractional derivative spaces E0 by the closure of Let C0 ([0, T ], R ) with respect to the weighted norm u T T 2 1 2 ( a(t ) 0 Dt u (t ) dt u (t ) dt ) 2 , u E0 . 0 (2.1) 0 where C0 ([0, T ], R) {u C ([0, T ], R) : u (0) u (T )} . Clearly, the fractional derivative space E0 is the space of functions u L2 [0, T ] having an -order fractional derivative 0 Dt u (t ) L2 [0, T ] and u (0) u (T ) . Lemma 2.4 ([13]).Let (i) u Let 2 L T ( 1) 1 1; for all u E0 , one has 2 0 Dt u (t ) u (ii) L2 T 1/2 ( ) 2 1 0 Dt u (t ) L2 a0 min a (t ) , from Lemma 2.4, one has tJ 1 u L2 T 2 T ( a(t ) 0 Dt u (t ) dt ) 2 , 0 ( 1) a0 (2.2) 1 u T 2 T 1/2 ( a(t ) 0 Dt u (t ) dt ) 2 . ( ) a0 (2 1) 0 (2.3.) By (2.2),(2.3), we can also defined u T 2 1 2 ( a(t ) 0 Dt u (t ) dt ) , u E0 . 0 4 (2.4) u Then we can conclude that In the sequel, we will consider defined in (2.1) is equivalent to the norm E0 with the norm u u defined in (2.4). defined in (2.4). Obviously, E0 is a u . reflexive and separable Banach space with the norm It follows (2.2)-(2.4) that u L2 T u , ( 1) a0 u T 1/2 u . ( ) a0 (2 1) (2.5) 0 1, we define the fractional derivative spaces E0 by the closure of Similarly, let C0 ([0, T ], R ) with respect to the weighted norm T v Let T 2 1 2 2 ( b(t ) 0 Dt v(t ) dt v(t ) dt ) . 0 (2.6) 0 b0 min b(t ) . According to Lemma 2.4, one has t J v 2 L 1 T 2 T ( b(t ) 0 Dt v(t ) dt ) 2 , ( 1) b0 0 (2.7) 1 v T 2 T 1/ 2 ( b(t ) 0 Dt v(t ) dt ) 2 . ( ) b0 (2 1) 0 From (2.7), (2.8), it is easy to see that v It is easy to see that the norm In the sequel, we will consider E0 is a Hilbert space with the norm b(t) T 0 (2.8) 2 0 Dt u (t ) dt 1 2 , E0 . (2.9) v defined in (2.9) is equivalent to the norm v defined in (2.6). E0 with the norm v defined in (2.9) . From (2.7),(2.8), we have v We denote v L2 T v , ( 1) b0 v T 1/ 2 v . ( ) b0 (2 1) X E0 E0 equipped with the norm (u , v) X are defined in (2.4) and (2.9). Similar to some properties in [13], we have the following results. 5 u v , where u (2.10) and , (0,1] . Lemma 2.5 Let The fractional derivative space X E0 E0 is a reflexive and separable Banach space. , (0,1] Lemma 2.6 Let and the sequence {uk } converges weakly to u in E0 , the sequence {vk } converges weakly to v in E0 , then uk u , vk v in C ([0, T ], R ); that is, un u 0 , vn v 0 , as k . Definition 2.7 By the solution of the coupled problem (1.1) , we mean any (i) t (u , v) X such that DT 1 (a (t )0 Dt u (t )) , 0 Dt 1u (t ) , t DT 1 (b(t ) 0 Dt v(t )) , 0 Dt 1v(t ) are derivatives for every t [0, T ] , and (ii) (u , v) X satisfies (1.1). Definition 2.8 (u , v) X is called a weak solution of problem (1.1) if T 0 T a(t )0 Dt u (t ) 0 Dt x(t )dt b(t )0 Dt v(t ) 0 Dt y (t )dt 0 T T 0 0 (v(t ) x(t ) u (t ) y (t ))dt ( Fu (t , u (t ), v(t )) x(t ) Fv (t , u (t ), v(t )) y (t ))dt 0 for all ( x, y ) X . Similarly to the proof of Theorem 5.1 in [13], we have the following Lemma 2.12. Lemma 2.9 Let 0 , 1 and u E0 . If (u , v) X is a non-trivial weak solution of the problem (1.1), then (u , v) X is also a non-trivial solution of the problem (1.1). Throughout this paper, we assume that the following condition ( H1 ) is satisfied. ( H1 ) . 0 is a real parameters, a, b L [0, T ] , , (0,1] , and F :[0, T ] R 2 R is a function such that F (, x, y ) is continuous in [0, T ] for every ( x, y ) R 2 with F (t , 0, 0) 0 , F (t , , ) is a C 1 function in R 2 for any t [0, T ] , and Fs denotes the partial derivative of F with respect to s . We consider the functional (u, v) : X R , defined by T 2 2 1 T [a (t ) 0 Dt u (t ) b(t ) 0 Dt v(t ) (u 2 (t ) v 2 (t )]dt F (t , u (t ), v(t ))dt . 0 2 0 (2.11) 6 Then is continuously differentiable under the assumption T T 0 0 ( H1 ) , and we have (u , v), ( x, y ) a(t )0 Dt u (t ) 0 Dt x(t )dt b(t )0 Dt v(t ) 0 Dt y (t )dt T T 0 0 (v(t ) x(t ) u (t ) y (t ))dt ( Fu (t , u (t ), v(t )) x(t ) Fv (t , u (t ), v(t )) y (t ))dt , (2.12) for all ( x, y ) X . Hence the critical point of is the weak solution of problem (1.1). Next, we consider the critical point of . Finally, we need the following results in critical point theory. Definition 2.10 Let E be a real Banach space, and C 1 ( E , R) . We say that satisfies the Palais–Smale condition if any {um } E for which (um ) is bounded and (um ) 0, as m , posses a convergent subsequence. The proofs of the main results in this paper are based on the following critical point theorems. is weakly lower semi-continuous (w.l.s.c) on a reflexive Banach space X and has a bounded minimizing sequence, then has a minimum on X. Lemma 2.11 ([22, Theorem 1.1]). If X be a real Banach space and let C 1 ( X , R) be an even Lemma 2.12 ([23, Theorem 9.12]) Let functional, which satisfies the Palais–Smale condition and where dimV , and (1) there exist (0) 0 . Suppose that X V E , satisfies that: a, 0 such that B E a, where B {u X : u }, (2) for any finite dimensional subspace W X , there is R R (W ) such that (u ) 0 on W \ BR (W ) . Then, possesses an unbounded sequence of critical values. 3. Main results Lemma 3.1 (u , v) X is bounded if and only if u E0 , v E0 are all bounded. Proof. From (u , v) u X (u , v) X v , for M 0 is a constant, it is easy to proof M u v M u M, v M , which shows the conclusion of Lemma 3.1. Next we give the first result which is based on the minimization theorem due to Mawhin and Willem. Theorem 3.2 Let ( H1 ) hold and 1 , 7 1 2 ( 1)a0 1 2 ( 1)b0 ( ), ( )} 2 T 2 2 2T 2 ( H 2 ) . There exist a positive constant a1 min{ such that lim sup x , y uniformly for F (t , x, y ) 2 x y 2 a1 , (x, y ) R 2 , t [0, T ] . Then (1.1) possesses at least one weak solution. Proof. First, we prove that is weakly lower semi-continuous. Since X is a separable and reflexive real Banach space, we assume that 2.6, we can obtain that {uk , vk } X converges weakly to (u , v) in X . By Lemma uk u , vk v uniformly in C ([0, T ], R ) , as k , that is, uk u vk v 0, 0 , as k . and lim inf (uk , vk ) k Then it follows X lim inf ( uk k vk ) u v (u, vk ) X . ( H1 ) that lim inf (uk , vk ) lim inf{ k k 2 2 1 T [a (t ) 0 Dt uk (t ) b(t ) 0 Dt vk (t ) 2 0 T (uk 2 (t ) vk 2 (t ))]dt F (t , uk (t ), vk (t ))dt} 0 2 1 [ a ( t ) D u ( t ) b ( t ) D v ( t ) 0 t 0 t 2 0 T 2 T (u 2 (t ) v 2 (t ))]dt F (t , u (t ), v(t ))dt (u, v) . 0 which implies that is weakly lower semi-continuous. Now, we are in the position to show that the functional From is coercive. ( H 2 ) , we know there exist two positive constants a2 , a3 large enough such that 2 2 F (t , u , v) a1 ( u v ), for u a2 , v a3 , t [0, T ] On the other hand, from the continuity of for F (t , u , v) , we con clued that F (t , u , v) is bounded u a2 , v a3 , t [0, T ] . Then there exists a constant b1 0 such that F (t , u, v) b1 , for u a2 , v a3 , t [0, T ] . 8 (t , u , v) [0, T ] R 2 , we can get Hence, for all 2 2 F (t , u , v) a1 ( u v ) b1. Together with (2.5), (2.10), (2.11) , one has T 2 2 1 T 2 2 [ a ( t ) D u ( t ) b ( t ) D v ( t ) ( u ( t ) v ( t )] dt 0 t 0 t 0 F (t , u (t ), v(t ))dt 2 0 2 2 1 T [a (t ) 0 Dt u (t ) b(t ) 0 Dt v(t ) (u 2 (t ) v 2 (t )]dt 2 0 (u, v) T 2 2 [a1 ( u v ) b1 ]dt 0 1 (u 2 2 2 T v ) ( a1 ) [(u 2 (t ) v 2 (t )]dt b1T 0 2 1 T 2 [ ( a1 ) 2 )] u 2 2 ( 1)a0 In view of a1 min{ u as , v b1T , . is coercive. Thus, by virtue of Lemma 2.11, the functional a critical point of 2 1 2 ( 1)a0 1 2 ( 1)b0 ( ), ( )} , we can conclude 2 T 2 2 2T 2 (u, v) , Then 1 T 2 [ ( a1 ) 2 ]v 2 2 ( 1)b0 2 has a minimum, which is . It follows that the boundary value problem (1.1) has one weak solution. ( H 2 ) becomes the subquadratic case, that is Remark 3.3 If the asymptotically quadratic case in e e lim sup F (t , x, y ) e x 1 e0 y 2 , 1 e1 , e2 2, e, e0 0 , x , y we can get the similar result. Our task is now to use Lemma 2.12 to find infinitely many critical points of functional Theorem 3.4 Let on X. ( H1 ) hold. If the following assumptions ( H 3 ) - ( H 5 ) are satisfied. 1 2 ( 1)a0 1 2 ( 1)b0 ( H 3 ) . There exists a positive constant c0 min{ ( ), ( )} 2 T 2 2 T 2 such that lim sup x 0, y 0 uniformly for F (t , x, y ) 2 x y 2 c0 , (x, y ) R 2 , t [0, T ] . ( H 4 ) . There are constants 2 , M 0 such that 2 2 0 F (t , x, y ) xFx (t , x, y ) yFy (t , x, y ) , for all t [0, T ] and x y M . 9 here, Fs denotes the partial derivative of F with respect to s . ( H 5 ) . F (t , u , v) F (t , u , v) . (0, min{ Then for every 2 ( 1)a0 2 ( 1)b0 , ) , the problem (1.1) has infinitely T 2 T 2 many solutions. ( H 4 ) implies there exist d 0 0, d1 , d 2 , d3 0 such that Proof. We note that 1 F (t , x, y ) [ xFx (t , x, y ) yFy (t , x, y )] d 0 , for t [0, T ], (x, y ) R 2 , F (t , x, y ) d1 x d 2 y d 3 , for t [0, T ], (x, y ) R 2 . The assumption (3.1) (3.2) ( H1 ) implies that is continuous and continuously differentiable. In view of the expression (2.11) and ( H 5 ) , it is obvious that is even and (0) 0 . we divide our proof into three steps. Step 1. We proof that satisfies the Palais-Smale condition. Let we show {uk , vk } X such that (uk , vk ) is bounded and (uk , vk ) 0, as k . First, {uk , vk } X is bounded. It follows (2.10), (2.12) and (3.1) that (uk , vk ) 2 2 1 T [a (t ) 0 Dt uk (t ) b(t ) 0 Dt vk (t ) (uk 2 (t ) vk 2 (t ))]dt 0 2 T F (t , uk (t ), vk (t ))dt 0 1 ( uk 2 2 2 vk ) 2 T 0 [(uk 2 (t ) vk 2 (t )]dt T 1 ( [uk Fuk (t , uk , vk ) vk Fv (t , uk , vk )] d 0 )dt 0 1 ( uk 2 1 2 vk T 2 ) 2 T 0 2 [(uk 2 (t ) vk 2 (t )]dt T 2 { a (t ) 0 Dt uk (t ) dt b(t ) 0 Dt vk (t ) dt (uk , vk ), (uk , vk ) 0 0 T (uk 2 (t ) vk 2 (t ))dt} d 0T 0 1 1 ( )( uk 2 2 1 1 2 vk ) ( )( uk 2 10 2 L2 vk 2 L2 ) 1 (uk , vk ) (uk , vk ) d 0T 1 1 ( )[ uk 2 1 2 (1 T 2 T 2 2 ) (1 ) vk ) 2 2 ( 1)a0 ( 1)b0 (uk , vk ) (uk , vk ) d 0T , 2 ( 1)a0 2 ( 1)b0 For (0, min{ , ) , according to the condition (uk , vk ) is T 2 T 2 bounded with (uk , vk ) 0, Then Lemma 3.1 shows as k , it easy to proof that u E0 , v E0 are all bounded. {uk , vk } X is bounded. From the reflexivity of X E E , we know {uk , vk } X has a weakly convergent subsequence. Without loss of generality, we assume that {uk , vk } X converges weakly to (u , v) in X . By Lemma 2.6, we can obtain that uk u , vk v in C ([0, T ], R) , as k , that is, uk u vk v 0, 0 , as k . (3.3) From (2.12), we have T T 2 2 (uk , vk ), (uk , vk ) { a(t ) 0 Dt uk (t ) dt b(t ) 0 Dt vk (t ) dt 0 0 T T 0 0 (uk 2 (t ) vk 2 (t ))dt [uk Fuk (t , uk , vk ) vk Fv (t , uk , vk )]dt ( uk 2 vk T 2 ) [(uk 2 (t ) vk 2 (t )]dt 0 T [uk Fuk (t , uk , vk ) vk Fv (t , uk , vk )]dt , 0 Then, it follows that uk u 2 vk v 2 (uk , vk ) (u, v), (uk u, vk v) ( uk u T 0 uk (t ) u (t ) dt vk v T 0 vk (t ) v(t ) dt ) T Fuk (t , (uk u )(t ), (vk v)(t ))dt uk u 0 T Fvk (t , (uk u )(t ), (vk v)(t ))dt vk v 0 11 , (3.4) From (3.3) and (uk , vk ) 0, as k , we have (uk , vk ) (u, v), (uk u, vk v) (uk , vk ), (uk u, vk v) (u , v ), (uk u, vk v) (uk , vk ) uk u, vk v (u , v ), (uk u , vk v) X 0, as k . In view of (3.3)-(3.5), we know that uk u 0, vk v (3.5) uk u 2 2 vk v 0 , as k , which shows 0 , as k . So we known (uk u, vk v) X 0, as k . Then {uk , vk } converges strongly to (u , v) in X . Therefore satisfies Palais-Smale condition. Step 2. We show that the condition (1) in Lemma 2.12 holds. ( H 3 ) , there exists a constant c 0 small enough and a constant c0 0 such that From 2 2 F (t , x, y ) c0 ( x y ), for 2 2 1 ( u v ) 2 c , t [0, T ] Let 1 T 2 1 T 2 c1 min{ [1 ( 2c0 ) 2 ], [1 ( 2c0 ) 2 ]} . 2 ( 1)a0 2 ( 1)b0 ( H 3 ) implies c1 0 . The assumption Then for 2 2 1 ( u v ) 2 c , t [0, T ] , it follows from (2.5), (2.10) and (2.11) that T 2 2 1 T [a (t ) 0 Dt u (t ) b(t ) 0 Dt v(t ) (u 2 (t ) v 2 (t ))]dt F (t , u (t ), v(t ))dt 0 2 0 T T 1 2 2 ( u v ) [(u 2 (t ) v 2 (t )]dt c0 [(u 2 (t ) v 2 (t )]3 dt 0 2 2 0 (u, v) 1 (u 2 2 T 2 2 v ) ( c0 )[ 2 )u 2 ( 1)a0 1 T 2 [1 ( 2c0 ) 2 ]u 2 ( 1)a0 2 2 T 2 2 v ] 2 ( 1)b0 1 T 2 [1 ( 2c0 ) 2 ]v 2 ( 1)b0 12 2 c1 ( u For 2 2 v ), 0 c, let 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 (u , v) 2 ( u v ) , B {u X : (u , v) 2 ( u v ) } . Then, we can easily choose a constant a1 0 such that B E Step3. For any finite dimensional subspace W X , we prove (u , v) W \ (0, 0) with u For any r 0 and (0, min{ (ru, rv) a1 . (u ) 0 v on W \ BR (W ) . 1 , by the conditions 2 , 2 ( 1)a0 2 ( 1)b0 , ) and (3.2) , we have T 2 T 2 r2 2 T 0 2 2 [a (t ) 0 Dt u (t ) b(t ) 0 Dt v(t ) (u 2 (t ) v 2 (t ))]dt T F (t , ru (t ), rv(t ))dt 0 T r 2 F (t , ru (t ), rv(t ))dt 0 T T r 2 d1r u dt d 2 r v dt d3T 0 0 , as r . Hence, there exists a constant r0 0 such that (ru, rv) and (ru , rv) 0 for any r r0 . Since W is a finite dimensional subspace of X , we know all the norms in W are equivalent. For all (u , v) W \ (0, 0) with u can choose the same v 1 , similarly to the procedure in [24], we r0 0 such that there exists R(W ) 0 and (u , v) 0 on W \ BR (W ) . All the conditions in Lemma 2.12 hold. Then it follows Lemma 2.12 that the function has infinitely many critical points. That is, the boundary value problem (1.1) has infinitely many weak solutions. As a consequence of Lemma 2.9, we deduce that the boundary value problem (1.1) has infinitely many solutions. Finally, we give two examples to illustrate the usefulness of our main result. Consider the following coupled system of fractional differential equations Example 3.5 13 1 12 v (t ) 2 D ( D Fu (t , u (t ), v(t )), 0<t 1, t T 0 t u (t )) 2 1 12 u (t ) Fv (t , u (t ), v(t )), 0<t 1, t D1 ( 0 Dt2 v(t )) 2 u (0) u (1) 0, v(0) v(1) 0, Let F (t , u (t ), v(t )) u 2 (t ) v 2 (t ) , we can easily verify that all the conditions of ( H1 ) is 9 satisfied. From (3.6), we know We Choose (3.6) 1 2 1 2 , a(t ) b(t ) 1, T 1 , . 1 a1 , it follows that 8 1 2 ( 1)a0 1 2 ( 1)b0 1 3 1 1 1 ( ) ( )} ( 2 ( ) ) a1 . 2 2 2 T 2 T 2 2 2 8 4 8 It is also see to see 1 2 2 (u v ) F (t , u , v) 1 1 lim sup 2 lim sup 9 2 a1 , 2 2 9 8 u , v u v u , v u v which implies condition ( H 2 ) holds. Then the problem (3.6) satisfies all the conditions in Theorem 3.2. In view of Theorem 3.2, the problem (3.11) has at east weak solution. Example 3.6 1 12 2 D ( D t T 0 t u (t )) v(t ) Fu (t , u (t ), v(t )), 1 1 2 D ( D t 1 0 t2 v(t )) u (t ) Fv (t , u (t ), v(t )), u (0) u (1) 0, v(0) v(1) 0, Let 0<t 1, 0<t 1, (3.7) F (t , u (t ), v(t )) u 4 (t ) v 4 (t ) , it is easy to check the hypothesis ( H1 ) and ( H 5 ) hold. (3.7) shows that 1 , a (t ) b(t ) 1, T 1 . A direct calculation shows 2 2 ( 1)a0 2 ( 1)b0 3 min{ , } 2 ( ) . 2 2 T T 2 4 Then for each c0 1 (0, ) , we choose c0 ( ) , which implies 4 4 4 1 1 1 2 ( 1)a0 1 2 ( 1)b0 ( ) ( ) min{ ( ), ( )} . 4 4 2 4 2 T 2 2 T 2 14 It is also easy to see lim sup x 0, y 0 F (t , x, y ) 2 x y which shows Let 2 lim sup x 0, y 0 4 4 2 2 x y x y 0 c0 , uniformly for (x, y ) R 2 , t [0,1] , ( H 4 ) is satisfied. 3 , for (x, y ) R 2 , t [0,1] , we can get 0 F (t , x, y ) 3(u 4 v 4 ) xFx (t , x, y ) yFy (t , x, y ) 4(u 4 v 4 ) . Hence each ( H 4 ) holds. Then all the conditions in Theorem 3.3 are satisfied. Owing to Theorem 3.3, for (0, ) the coupled system (3.7) possesses infinitely many solutions. 4 Acknowledgments The authors thank the referees for their careful reading of the manuscript and insightful comments, which help to improve the quality of the paper. We would also like to acknowledge the valuable comments and suggestions from the editors, which vastly contribute to the perfection of the paper. This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.11001274,11101126, 11261010), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No.20110491249), Key Scientific and Technological Research Project of Department of Education of Henan Province (NO. 12B110006), Youth Science Foundation of Henan University of Science and Technology(NO. 2012QN010), The Natural Science Foundation to cultivating innovation ability of Henan University of Science and Technology(NO. 2013ZCX020). References [1] Y. 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