Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Inequalities and Applications Volume 2010, Article ID 351419, 13 pages doi:10.1155/2010/351419 Research Article On Multiple Interpolation Functions of the q-Genocchi Polynomials Seog-Hoon Rim,1 Jeong-Hee Jin,2 Eun-Jung Moon,2 and Sun-Jung Lee2 1 2 Department of Mathematics Education, Kyungpook National University, Tagegu 702-701, South Korea Department of Mathematics, Kyungpook National University, Tagegu 702-701, South Korea Correspondence should be addressed to Seog-Hoon Rim, shrim@knu.ac.kr Received 14 December 2009; Accepted 29 March 2010 Academic Editor: Wing-Sum Cheung Copyright q 2010 Seog-Hoon Rim et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Recently, many mathematicians have studied various kinds of the q-analogue of Genocchi numbers and polynomials. In the work New approach to q-Euler, Genocchi numbers and their interpolation functions, “Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 105– 112, 2009.”, Kim defined new generating functions of q-Genocchi, q-Euler polynomials, and their interpolation functions. In this paper, we give another definition of the multiple Hurwitz type qzeta function. This function interpolates q-Genocchi polynomials at negative integers. Finally, we also give some identities related to these polynomials. 1. Introduction Let p be a fixed odd prime number. Throughout this paper Zp , Qp , C, and Cp denote the ring of p-adic rational integers, the field of p-adic rational numbers, the complex number field, and the completion of the algebraic closure of Qp , respectively. Let N be the set of natural numbers and Z N ∪ {0}. Let vp be the normalized exponential valuation of Cp with |p|p p−vp p 1/p see 1. When one talks of q-extension, q is variously considered as an indeterminate, a complex q ∈ C or a p-adic number q ∈ Cp . If q ∈ C, then one normally assumes |q| < 1. If q ∈ Cp , then we assume that |q − 1|p < 1. In this paper, we use the following notation: 1 − qx , x x : q 1−q see 2, 3. Hence limq → 1 x x for all x ∈ Zp . x−q x 1 − −q 1q 1.1 2 Journal of Inequalities and Applications We say that f : Zp → Cp is uniformly differentiable function at a point a ∈ Zp and we write f ∈ UDZp if the difference quotients Φf : Zp × Zp → Cp such that fx − f y Φf x, y x−y 1.2 have a limit f a as x, y → a, a. For f ∈ UDZp , the q-deformed fermionic p-adic integral is defined as I−q f Zp fxdμ−q x lim N →∞ p 1 N N −1 p x fx −q 1.3 −q x0 see 4–6. Note that I−1 f lim I−q f q→1 Zp fxdμ−1 x 1.4 see 7–9. Let f1 x be the translation with f1 x fx 1. Then we have the following integral equation: I−1 f1 I−1 f 2f0, 1.5 see 10–12. The ordinary Genocchi numbers and polynomials are defined by the generating functions as, respectively, Ft et ∞ tn 2t Gn , 1 n0 n! |t| < π, ∞ 2t xt tn Ft, x t e Gn x , n! e 1 n0 1.6 |t| < π. Observe that Gn 0 Gn see 10, 11, 13. These numbers and polynomials are interpolated by the Genocchi zeta function and Hurwitz-type Genocchi zeta function, respectively, ∞ −1n , ζG s 2 ns n1 ∞ −1n ζG s, x 2 s, n0 n x s ∈ C, 1.7 s ∈ C, 0 < x ≤ 1. Thus we note that Genocchi zeta functions are entire functions in the whole complex s-plane see 14–16. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 3 Various kinds of the q-analogue of the Genocchi numbers and polynomials, recently, have been studied by many mathematicians. In this paper, we use Kim’s 14–16 methods. By using p-adic q-Vokenborn integral 6, Kim 2, 7–9, 14–18 constructed many kind of generating functions of the q-Euler numbers and polynomials and their interpolation functions. He also gave many applications of these numbers and functions. He 14 defined qextension Genocchi polynomials of higher order. He gave many applications and interesting identities. We give some of them in what follows. Let q ∈ C with |q| < 1. The q-Genocchi numbers Gn,q and polynomials Gn,q x are defined by Kim of the generating functions as, respectively, t Zp t Zp e ext dμ−q x ∞ Gn,q n0 xyt tn , n! |t| < π ∞ tn dμ−q y Gn,q x , n! n0 1.8 |t| < π see 1, 8–11, 13, 14, 17. By using the Taylor expansion of ext , ∞ n0 Zp xn dμ−q x ∞ ∞ G n tn tn−1 n1,q t G0,q . Gn,q n! n0 n! n 1 n! n0 1.9 By comparing the coefficient of both sides of tn /n! in the above, G0,q 0, Gn1,q n1 n n 1 2 . x dμ−q x −1l n 1 ql1 1 − q l0 l Zp n 1.10 From the above, we can easily derive that ∞ tn t Gn,q xn dμ−q x n! Zp n0 n0 ∞ tn n! ∞ n n 1 2 t −1l n 1 ql1 1 − q l0 l n0 2t ∞ tn n! 1.11 −1m qm emt . m0 Thus we have, following that, Fq t 2t ∞ −1m qm emt m0 ∞ tn Gn,q . n! n0 1.12 4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications Using similar method to the above, we can find that G0,q x 0, Gn1,q x n1 Zp n n 1 2 . x y dμ−q y −1l qlx n 1 ql1 1 − q l0 l n 1.13 Thus we can easily derive that Fq t, x 2t ∞ −1m qm emxt m0 ∞ Gn,q x n0 tn . n! 1.14 Observe that Fq t Fq t, 0. Hence we have Gn,q 0 Gn,q . If q → 1 into 1.14, then we easily obtain Ft, x in 1.6. Let q ∈ C with |q| < 1, r ∈ N, and n ≥ 0. We now define as the generating functions of r r higher order q-extension Genocchi numbers Gn,q and polynomials Gn,q x, respectively, r Fq t tr r Fq t, x Zp Zp ex1 ···xr t dμ−q x1 · · · dμ−q xr ∞ n r t Gn,q , n! n0 r times t ··· r Zp ··· Zp e xx1 ···xr t dμ−q x1 · · · dμ−q xr ∞ t r Gn,q x n! n0 1.15 n . r times Then we have ∞ Zp n0 ··· Zp ∞ x1 · · · xr n dμ−q x1 · · · dμ−q xr r t Gn,q n0 where tn n! r−1 ∞ Gr n−r n nr,q t r t , Gn,q nr n! n! r! n! n0 n0 n−r 1.16 r nr n r!/n!r!. By comparing the coefficient of both sides of tn /n! in the above, we can derive that r r r r G0,q G1,q · · · Gr−1,q 0, r Gnr,q nr r! r Zp ··· Zp x1 · · · xr n dμ−q x1 · · · dμ−q xr n n 1 2r −1l n r . 1 − q l0 l 1 ql1 1.17 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 5 Therefore we obtain r Fq t r r 2 t ∞ mr−1 m m −1 q emt m m0 ∞ n r t Gn,q . n! n0 1.18 Using similar method to the above, we can also derive that r r r G0,q x G1,q x · · · Gr−1,q x 0, r n n Gn,q x 1 2r nr −1l qlx n r . 1 − q l0 l 1 ql1 r! r 1.19 Thus we can easily obtain the following theorem. Theorem 1.1. For r ∈ N and n ≥ 0, one has r Fq t, x r r 2 t ∞ mr−1 m m −1 q m m0 emxt ∞ r Gn,q x n0 tn . n! 1.20 It is noted that if r 1, then 1.20 reduces to 1.14. Remark 1.2. In 1.20, we easily see that r lim Fq t, x q→1 2 t r r ∞ −1 m mr−1 2 t e r r tx ∞ mr−1 m0 emxt m m0 m −et m 1.21 2r tr etx 1 et r F r t, x. From the above, we obtain generating function of the Genocchi numbers of higher order. That is F r t, x ∞ tn 2r tr etx r Gn x . r t n! 1 e n0 1.22 Thus we have r r lim Gn,q x Gn x. q→1 1.23 6 Journal of Inequalities and Applications Hence we have F r t, x 2t t e 1 2t t e 1 ··· 2t etx et 1 rtimes 2r tr etx ∞ −1n1 en1 t n1 0 −1n2 en2 t · · · n2 0 ∞ 2r tr etx ∞ ∞ −1nr enr t nr 0 1.24 −1n1 n2 ···nr en1 n2 ···nr t n1 ,n2 ,...,nr 0 ∞ tn r Gn x . n! n0 In 14, Kim defined new generating functions of q-Genocchi, q-Euler polynomials and their interpolation functions. In this paper, we give another definition of the multiple Hurwitz type q-zeta function. This function interpolates q-Genocchi polynomials at negative integers. Finally, we also give some identities related to these polynomials. 2. Modified Generating Functions of Higher Order q-Genocchi Polynomials and Numbers In this section, we study modified generating functions of the higher order q-Genocchi numbers and polynomials. We obtain some relations related to these numbers and polynomials. Therefore we define generating function of modified higher order q-Genocchi r r polynomials and numbers, which are denoted by Gn,q x and Gn,q , respectively, in 1.15. We give relations between these numbers and polynomials. We modify 1.20 as follows: q t, x , r −x r Fq t, x Fq 2.1 r where Fq t, x is defined in 1.20. From the above we find that r Fq t, x ∞ r q−nrx Gn,q x n0 tn . n! 2.2 After some elementary calculations, we obtain r r Fq t, x q−rx exp xq−x t Fq t, 2.3 where r Fq t r r 2 t ∞ m m −1 q m0 rm−1 m emt ∞ n r t Gn,q . n! n0 2.4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 7 r From the above, we can define the modified higher order q-Genocchi polynomials εn,q x as follows ∞ tn r r Fq t, x εn,q x 2.5 n! n0 Then we have r r εn,q x q−nrx Gn,q x. 2.6 By using Cauchy product in 2.3, we arrive at following theorem. Theorem 2.1. For r ∈ N and n ≥ 0, one has r εn,q x q −nrx n n j0 j r qjx xn−j Gj,q . 2.7 By using 2.7, we easily obtain the following result. Corollary 2.2. For r ∈ N, and n ≥ 0, one has r εn,q x q −nrx n−j n ∞ m0 j0 l0 n−j m−1 n j, l, n − j − l m r −1l qmxjl Gj,q . 2.8 We now give some identity related to the Genocchi polynomials and numbers of higher order. Substituting x 0 into 1.24, we find that r ∞ ∞ n j r r r nkk . Gn 2 t −1n1 n2 ···nr 2.9 j1 , j2 , . . . , jr n1 ,n2 ,...,nr 0 j1 ,j2 ,...,jr 0 k0 j1 j2 ···jr n By 1.24 and 2.8, we arrive at the following theorem. Theorem 2.3. For r ∈ N and n ≥ 0, one has r Gn n n j0 j r −xn−j Gj x. 2.10 By using 1.24, we easily arrive at the following result. Corollary 2.4. For r, v ∈ N and n ≥ 0, one has r v G x G r where Gr xn is replace by Gn x. n n n rv xn−j Gj y y , j j0 2.11 8 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 3. Interpolation Function of Higher Order q-Genocchi Polynomials Recently, higher order Bernoulli polynomials, Euler polynomials, and Genocchi polynomials have been studied by many mathematicians. Especially, in this paper, we study higher order Genocchi polynomials which constructed by Kim 15 and see also the references cited in each of the these earlier works. In 14, by using the fermionic p-adic invariant integral on Zp , the set of p-adic integers, Kim gave a new construction of q-Genocchi numbers, Euler numbers of higher order. By using q-Genocchi, Euler numbers of higher order, he investigated the interesting relationship between w-q-Euler polynomials and w-q-Genocchi polynomials. He also defined the multiple w-q-zeta functions which interpolate q-Genocchi, Euler numbers of higher order. By using similar method to that in the papers given by Kim 14, in this section, we give interpolation function of the generating functions of higher order q-Genocchi polynomials. From 1.20, we easily see that ∞ ∞ kr tk r r Gk,q x 2 r! k! k0 r k0 ∞ m m −1 q mr−1 m m0 m xk tkr . k r! 3.1 From the above we have r Gkr,q x ∞ kr r 2 r! r r mr−1 m m −1 q m m0 r m xk , 3.2 r G0,q x G1,q x · · · Gr−1,q x 0. Hence we have obtain the following theorem. Theorem 3.1. Let r, k ∈ Z . Then one has r Gkr,q x r 2 r! kr ∞ r m0 m m −1 q mr−1 m m xk . 3.3 r Let us define interpolation function of the Gkr,q x as follows. Definition 3.2. Let q, s ∈ C with |q| < 1 and 0 < x ≤ 1. Then we define r ζq s, x 2 r ∞ nr−1 n0 r n −1n qn . n xs We call ζq s, x are the multiple Hurwitz type q-zeta function. 3.4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 9 Remark 3.3. It holds that r lim ζq s, x q→1 2 r ∞ nr−1 n n0 −1n . n xs 3.5 From 1.24, we easily see that ζr s, x 2r ∞ −1n1 n2 ···nr s , r n1 ,n2 ,...,nr 0 j1 nj x 3.6 where s ∈ C. The functions in 3.5 and 3.6 interpolate the same numbers at negative integers. That is, these functions interpolate higher order q-Genocchi numbers at negative integers. So, by 3.5, we modify 3.6 in sense of q-analogue. In 3.5 and 3.6, setting r 1, we have ∞ −1n ζ1 s, x 2 s ζG s, x, n0 n x 3.7 where ζG s, x denotes Hurwitz type Genocchi zeta function, which interpolates classical Genocchi polynomials at negative integers. Substituting s −k, k ∈ Z into 3.4. Then we have r ζq −k, x 2 r ∞ rn−1 n0 n −1n qn n xk . 3.8 Setting 3.3 into the above, we easily arrive at the following result. Theorem 3.4. Let r, k ∈ Z . Then one has r ζq −n, x r Gnr,q x nr . r! r 3.9 4. Some Relations Related to Higher Order q-Genocchi Polynomials In this section, by using generating function of the higher order q-Genocchi polynomials, which is defined by 1.20, we obtain the following identities. 10 Journal of Inequalities and Applications By using 1.20, we find that r ∞ Gkr,q x mr−1 k r m m kr 2 −1 q m qm x m r! m0 r 2 r ∞ k mr−1 k m m −1 q m m0 j j0 k mr−1 k mj qmk−j xk−j j 1 − qm mk−j 2 −1 q xk−j j q m j 1−q m0 j0 j ∞ k mr−1 k j −1a qmak−j xk−j r m m 2 −1 q j m j a0 a 1−q m0 j0 j k ∞ k j −1a xk−j m r − 1 mak−j r m m q 2 −1 q j a m 1−q m0 j0 a0 j r 2 r ∞ m m j k k j j0 a0 2 r j k j −1a xk−j j r 1 − q 1 qak−j1 a −1 xk−j j r . 1 − q 1 qak−j1 k a j0 a0 4.1 a, j − a, k − j Thus we have the following theorem. Theorem 4.1. Let q ∈ C with |q| < 1. Let r be a positive integer. Then one has r j k Gkr,q x k r a kr 2 −1 a, j − a, k − j r! j0 a0 xk−j j r . 1 − q 1 qak−j1 r 4.2 By using 1.20, we have r Fq t, x r r 2 t ∞ mr−1 m m −1 q m m0 r r 2 t ∞ ∞ m r − 1 1 − qmx n tn 1−q n! m m m −1 q m0 n0 r r 2 t ∞ ∞ m m −1 q m0 n0 2r tr n ∞ n n0 j0 emxt j mr−1 1 1−q m n n n j0 j j t n −qmx n! ∞ mr−1 −1j qjx tn −1m qj1m . n n! 1 − q m0 m 4.3 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 11 Thus we have ∞ ∞ n −r n −n tn tn r r r . Gn,q x 1−q 2 t −1j qjx 1 qj1 n! n0 n! j n0 j0 4.4 By comparing the coefficients tn /n! of both sides in the above, we arrive at the following theorem. Theorem 4.2. Let q ∈ C with |q| < 1. Let r be a positive integer. Then one has r n −r n Gnr,q x −n r 1−q . nr 2 −1j qjx 1 qj1 j r! r j0 4.5 By using 1.20, we have ∞ r Gn,q x n0 2 ∞ tn tn y Gn,q x n! n0 n! ry ry t ∞ ∞ n r − 1 nxt n y − 1 nxt n n n n e e . −1 q −1 q n n n0 n0 4.6 By using Cauchy product into the above, we obtain ∞ n n n r r t Gj,q xGn−j,q y n! j n0 j0 2 ry ry t n ∞ n n0 j0 j j r−1 j j −1 q j −1 n−j n−j q n−j y−1 n−j ejxt en−jxt . 4.7 From the above, we have ∞ ⎛ ⎝ m0 m m j0 ∞ j ⎞ tm r r Gj,q xGm−j,q y ⎠ m! ⎛ ⎝2ry try m0 n ∞ n0 j0 −1n qn j r−1 j ⎞ n − j y − 1 m tm ⎠ . j x n−j x m! n−j 4.8 By comparing the coefficients of both sides of tm /m! in the above, we have the following theorem. 12 Journal of Inequalities and Applications Theorem 4.3. Let r, y ∈ Z . Then one has kry j0 kry y r Gj,q xGkry−j,q x kry ry ! j k 2ry ∞ n −1n qn n0 j0 j r−1 n − j y − 1 k j x n−j x . j n−j 4.9 Remark 4.4. In 4.9 setting y 1, we have kr1 kr1 j0 r 1 Gj,q xGkr1−j,q x kr1 r 1! j k 2 ∞ n r1 n0 j0 −1n qn 4.10 j r − 1 k j x n−j x . j References 1 T. Kim, L. C. 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