Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Inequalities and Applications Volume 2008, Article ID 141379, 25 pages doi:10.1155/2008/141379 Research Article Boundedness of Parametrized Littlewood-Paley Operators with Nondoubling Measures Haibo Lin1 and Yan Meng2 1 School of Mathematical Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Laboratory of Mathematics and Complex Systems, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100875, China 2 School of Information, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China Correspondence should be addressed to Yan Meng, mengyan@ruc.edu.cn Received 2 April 2008; Accepted 30 July 2008 Recommended by Siegfried Carl Let μ be a nonnegative Radon measure on Rd which only satisfies the following growth condition that there exists a positive constant C such that μBx, r ≤ Cr n for all x ∈ Rd , r > 0 and some fixed n ∈ 0, d. In this paper, the authors prove that for suitable indexes ρ and λ, the ∗,ρ parametrized gλ∗ function Mλ is bounded on Lp μ for p ∈ 2, ∞ with the assumption that the ∗,ρ kernel of the operator Mλ satisfies some Hörmander-type condition, and is bounded from L1 μ into weak L1 μ with the assumption that the kernel satisfies certain slightly stronger Hörmander∗,ρ type condition. As a corollary, Mλ with the kernel satisfying the above stronger Hörmander-type p condition is bounded on L μ for p ∈ 1, 2. Moreover, the authors prove that for suitable indexes ∗,ρ ρ and λ, Mλ is bounded from L∞ μ into RBLOμ the space of regular bounded lower oscillation functions if the kernel satisfies the Hörmander-type condition, and from the Hardy space H 1 μ into L1 μ if the kernel satisfies the above stronger Hörmander-type condition. The corresponding ρ properties for the parametrized area integral MS are also established in this paper. Copyright q 2008 H. Lin and Y. Meng. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1. Introduction Let μ be a nonnegative Radon measure on Rd which only satisfies the following growth condition that for all x ∈ Rd and all r > 0: μ Bx, r ≤ C0 r n , 1.1 where C0 and n are positive constants and n ∈ 0, d, and Bx, r is the open ball centered at x and having radius r. Such a measure μ may be nondoubling. We recall that a measure μ is said to be doubling, if there is a positive constant C such that for any x ∈ suppμ and r > 0, μBx, 2r ≤ CμBx, r. It is well known that the doubling condition on underlying 2 Journal of Inequalities and Applications measures is a key assumption in the classical theory of harmonic analysis. However, in recent years, many classical results concerning the theory of Calderón-Zygmund operators and function spaces have been proved still valid if the underlying measure is a nonnegative Radon measure on Rd which only satisfies 1.1 see 1–8. The motivation for developing the analysis with nondoubling measures and some examples of nondoubling measures can be found in 9. We only point out that the analysis with nondoubling measures played a striking role in solving the long-standing open Painlevé’s problem by Tolsa in 10. Let K be a μ-locally integrable function on Rd × Rd \ {x, y : x y}. Assume that there y, exists a positive constant C such that for any x, y ∈ Rd with x / Kx, y ≤ C|x − y|−n−1 , 1.2 and for any x, y, y ∈ Rd , |x−y|≥2|y−y | Kx, y − K x, y Ky, x − K y , x 1 dμx ≤ C. |x − y| 1.3 The parametrized Marcinkiewicz integral Mρ f associated to the above kernel K and the measure μ as in 1.1 is defined by 2 1/2 ∞ dt 1 Kx, y M fx ≡ fydμy , tρ 1−ρ t 0 |x−y|≤t |x − y| ρ ρ x ∈ Rd , 1.4 ∗,ρ where ρ ∈ 0, ∞. The parametrized area integral MS and gλ∗ function Mλ are defined, respectively, by ρ MS fx ≡ ∗,ρ Mλ fx ∞ 0 ≡ |y−x|<t Rd1 1 tρ 2 1/2 dμydt Ky, z fzdμz , 1−ρ tn1 |y−z|≤t |y − z| t t |x − y| x ∈ Rd , 1/2 2 λn dμydt 1 Ky, z fzdμz , tρ 1−ρ tn1 |y−z|≤t |y − z| 1.5 x ∈ Rd , 1.6 where Rd1 {y, t : y ∈ Rd , t > 0}, ρ ∈ 0, ∞, and λ ∈ 1, ∞. It is easy to verify that if μ is the d-dimensional Lebesgue measure in Rd , and Kx, y Ωx − y |x − y|d−1 1.7 with Ω homogeneous of degree zero and Ω ∈ Lipα Sd−1 for some α ∈ 0, 1, then K satisfies 1.2 and 1.3. Under these conditions, Mρ in 1.4 is just the parametrized Marcinkiewicz ρ ∗,ρ integral introduced by Hörmander in 11, and MS and Mλ as in 1.5 and 1.6, respectively, are the parametrized area integral and the parametrized gλ∗ function considered by Sakamoto and Yabuta in 12. We point out that the study of the Littlewood-Paley operators is motivated by their important roles in harmonic analysis and PDE 13, 14. Since the Littlewood-Paley Journal of Inequalities and Applications 3 operators of high dimension were first introduced by Stein in 15, a lot of papers focus on these operators, among them we refer to 16–21 and their references. When ρ 1, the operator Mρ as in 1.4 is just the Marcinkiewicz integral with nondoubling measures in 22, where the boundedness of such operator in Lebesgue spaces and Hardy spaces was established under the assumption that Mρ is bounded on L2 μ. Throughout this paper, we always assume that the parametrized Marcinkiewicz integral with nondoubling measures Mρ as in 1.4 is bounded on L2 μ. By a similar argument in 22, it is easy to obtain the boundedness of the parametrized Marcinkiewicz integral Mρ with ρ ∈ 0, ∞ from L1 μ into weak L1 μ, from the Hardy space H 1 μ into L1 μ, and from L∞ μ into RBLOμ the space of regular bounded lower oscillation functions; see Definition 2.5 below. As a corollary, it is easy to see that Mρ is bounded on Lp μ with p ∈ 1, ∞. The main purpose of this paper is to establish some similar results for the parametrized ρ ∗,ρ area integral MS and the parametrized gλ∗ function Mλ as in 1.5 and 1.6, respectively. This paper is organized as follows. In the rest of Section 1, we will make some conventions and recall some necessary notation. In Section 2, we will establish the ∗,ρ boundedness of Mλ as in 1.6 in Lebesgue spaces Lp μ for any p ∈ 1, ∞. And we will also consider the endpoint estimates for the cases p 1 and p ∞. In Section 3, ∗,ρ we will prove that Mλ as in 1.6 is bounded from H 1 μ into L1 μ. And in the last ρ section, the corresponding results for the parametrized area function MS as in 1.5 are established. For a cube Q ⊂ Rd we mean a closed cube whose sides parallel to the coordinate axes and we denote its side length by lQ and its center by xQ . Let α > 1 and β > αn . We say that a cube Q is an α, β-doubling cube if μαQ ≤ βμQ, where αQ denotes the cube with the same center as Q and lαQ αlQ. For definiteness, if α and β are not specified, by a doubling cube we mean a 2, 2d1 -doubling cube. Given two cubes Q ⊂ R in Rd , set k N Q,R μ 2 Q 1.8 KQ,R ≡ 1 k n , k1 l 2 Q where NQ,R is the smallest positive integer k such that l2k Q ≥ lR see 23. In what follows, C denotes a positive constant that is independent of main parameters involved but whose value may differ from line to line. Constants with subscripts, such as C1 , do not change in different occurrences. We denote simply by A B if there exists a positive constant C such that A ≤ CB; and A∼B means that A B and B A. For a μ-measurable set E, χE denotes its characteristic function. For any p ∈ 1, ∞, we denote by p its conjugate index, namely, 1/p 1/p 1. ∗,ρ 2. Boundedness of Mλ in Lebesgue spaces ∗,ρ This section is devoted to the behavior of the parametrized gλ∗ function Mλ in Lebesgue spaces. Theorem 2.1. Let K be a μ-locally integrable function on Rd × Rd \ {x, y : x y} satisfying 1.2 ∗,ρ ∗,ρ and 1.3, and let Mλ be as in 1.6 with ρ ∈ 0, ∞ and λ ∈ 1, ∞. Then for any p ∈ 2, ∞, Mλ is bounded on Lp μ. 4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications ∗,ρ To obtain the boundedness of Mλ in Lp μ with p ∈ 1, 2, we introduce the following condition on the kernel K, that is, for some fixed σ > 2, ∞ lσ sup r>0,y,y ∈R l1 |y−y |≤r d Kx, y − K x, y Ky, x − K y , x 2l r<|x−y|≤2l1 r 1 dμx ≤ C, |x − y| 2.1 which is slightly stronger than 1.3. Theorem 2.2. Let K be a μ-locally integrable function on Rd × Rd \ {x, y : x y} satisfying 1.2 ∗,ρ ∗,ρ and 2.1, and let Mλ be as in 1.6 with ρ ∈ n/2, ∞ and λ ∈ 2, ∞. Then Mλ is bounded from L1 μ into weak L1 μ, namely, there exists a positive constant C such that for any β > 0 and any f ∈ L1 μ, μ C ∗,ρ x ∈ Rd : Mλ fx > β ≤ fL1 μ . β 2.2 By the Marcinkiewicz interpolation theorem, and Theorems 2.1 and 2.2, we can ∗,ρ immediately obtain the Lp μ-boundedness of the operator Mλ for p ∈ 1, 2. ∗,ρ Corollary 2.3. Under the same assumption of Theorem 2.2, Mλ is bounded on Lp μ for any p ∈ 1, 2. Remark 2.4. We point out that it is still unclear if condition 2.1 in Theorem 2.2 and Corollary 2.3 can be weakened. ∗,ρ Now we turn to discuss the property of the operator Mλ in L∞ μ. To this end, we need to recall the definition of the space RBLOμ the space of regular bounded lower oscillation functions. Definition 2.5. Let η ∈ 1, ∞. A μ-locally integrable function f on Rd is said to be in the space RBLOμ if there exists a positive constant C such that for any η, ηd1 -doubling cube Q, mQ f − ess inf fx ≤ C, x∈Q 2.3 and for any two η, ηd1 -doubling cubes Q ⊂ R, mQ f − mR f ≤ CKQ,R . 2.4 The minimal constant C as above is defined to be the norm of f in the space RBLOμ and denoted by fRBLOμ . Remark 2.6. The space RBLOμ was introduced by Jiang in 24, where the η, ηd1 -doubling √ √ n1 cube was replaced by 4 d, 4 d -doubling cube. It was pointed out in 25 that it is √ √ n1 convenient in applications to replace 4 d, 4 d -doubling cubes by η, ηd1 -doubling cubes with η ∈ 1, ∞ in the definition of RBLOμ. Moreover, it was proved in 25 that the definition is independent of the choices of the constant η ∈ 1, ∞. The space RBLOμ is a subspace of RBMOμ which was introduced by Tolsa in 23. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 5 Theorem 2.7. Let K be a μ-locally integrable function on Rd × Rd \ {x, y : x y} satisfying ∗,ρ 1.2 and 1.3, and let Mλ be as in 1.6 with ρ ∈ 0, ∞ and λ ∈ 1, ∞. Then for any f ∈ L∞ μ, ∗,ρ ∗,ρ Mλ f is either infinite everywhere or finite almost everywhere. More precisely, if Mλ f is finite ∗,ρ at some point x0 ∈ Rd , then Mλ f is finite almost everywhere and ∗,ρ M f ≤ CfL∞ μ , RBLOμ λ 2.5 where the positive constant C is independent of f. We point out that Theorem 2.7 is also new even when μ is the d-dimensional Lebesgue measure on Rd . In the rest part of Section 2, we will prove Theorems 2.1, 2.2, and 2.7, respectively. To prove Theorem 2.1, we first recall some basic facts and establish a technical lemma. For η > 1, let Mη be the noncentered maximal operator defined by Mη fx ≡ sup Qx Q cube 1 μηQ fydμy, x ∈ Rd . 2.6 Q It is well known that Mη is bounded on Lp μ provided that p ∈ 1, ∞ see 23. The following lemma which is of independent interest plays an important role in our proofs. Lemma 2.8. Let K be a μ-locally integrable function on Rd × Rd \ {x, y : x y} satisfying ∗,ρ 1.2 and 1.3, and η ∈ 1, ∞. Let Mρ be as in 1.4 and Mλ be as in 1.6 with ρ ∈ 0, ∞ and λ ∈ 1, ∞. Then for any nonnegative function φ, there exists a positive constant C such that for all f ∈ Lp μ with p ∈ 1, ∞, Rd 2 ∗,ρ Mλ fx φxdμx ≤ C Rd 2 ρ M fx Mη φxdμx. 2.7 Proof. Notice that 2 ∗,ρ Mλ fx φxdμx 2 λn 1 dμydt Ky, z t fzdμz φxdμx ρ 1−ρ d1 t |x − y| t |y−z|≤t |y − z| tn1 Rd R ∞ 2 λn dt 1 Ky, z φx t sup ≤ fzdμz dμx dμy ρ 1−ρ t t>0 tn Rd 0 t |y−z|≤t |y − z| Rd t |x − y| λn 2 ρ φx t dμx dμy. M fy sup tn t>0 Rd Rd t |x − y| 2.8 Rd Thus, to prove Lemma 2.8, it suffices to verify that for any y ∈ Rd , sup t>0 Rd t t |x − y| λn φx dμx Mη φy. tn 2.9 6 Journal of Inequalities and Applications For any fixed y ∈ Rd and t > 0, write λn φx t dμx t |x − y| tn d R λn λn φx φx t t dμx dμx n t |x − y| t t |x − y| tn |x−y|≤t |x−y|>t 2.10 ≡ E1 E2 . Let Qy be the cube with center at y and side length lQy 2t. Obviously, {x : |x−y| < t} ⊂ Qy , which leads to φx 1 dμx φxdμx Mη φy. 2.11 E1 ≤ n μ ηQy Qy |x−y|≤t t As for E2 , a straightforward computation proves that λn ∞ φx t E2 ≤ dμx t |x − y| tn k k1 k0 2 t<|x−y|≤2 t ∞ 1 1 nλ k1 n t φxdμx 2 k1 n k |x−y|≤2k1 t 2 t k0 2 2.12 Mη φy. Combining the estimates for E1 and E2 yields 2.9, which completes the proof of Lemma 2.8. Proof of Theorem 2.1. For the case of p 2, choosing φx 1 in Lemma 2.8, then we easily obtain that 2 2 ∗,ρ ρ 2.13 Mλ fx dμx M fx dμx, Rd Rd which, along with the boundedness of Mρ in L2 μ, immediately yields that Theorem 2.1 holds in this case. For the case of p ∈ 2, ∞, let q be the index conjugate to p/2. Then from Lemma 2.8 and the Hölder inequality, it follows that ∗,ρ 2 2 ∗,ρ M f p sup Mλ fx φxdμx L μ λ φ≥0, φLq μ ≤1 Rd sup φ≥0, φLq μ ≤1 Rd 2 Mρ fLp μ f2Lp μ 2 Mρ fx Mη φxdμx sup φ≥0, φLq μ ≤1 sup φLq μ φ≥0, φxLq μ ≤1 f2Lp μ , which completes the proof of Theorem 2.1. Mη φ Lq μ 2.14 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 7 To prove Theorem 2.2, we need the following Calderón-Zygmund decomposition with nondoubling measures see 23 or 26. Lemma 2.9. Let p ∈ 1, ∞. For any f ∈ Lp μ and λ > 0 (λ> 2d1 fL1 μ /μ if μ < ∞), one has the following. a There exists a family of almost disjoint cubes {Qj }j (i.e., j χQj ≤ C) such that p 1 fxp dμx > λ , 2d1 μ 2Qj Qj p 1 fxp dμx ≤ λ ∀η > 2, 2d1 μ 2ηQj ηQj |fx| ≤ λ 2.15 μ-a.e. on Rd \ ∪j Qj . b For each j, let Rj be the smallest 6, 6n1 -doubling cube of the form 6k Qj , k ∈ N, and let ωj χQj / k χQk . Then, there exists a family of functions ϕj with suppϕj ⊂ Rj satisfying ϕj x ≤ Bλ 2.16 ϕj xdμx fxωj xdμx, Rd Qj j (where B is some constant), and when p 1, ϕj ∞ μ Rj ≤ C fxdμx; L μ 2.17 Qj when p ∈ 1, ∞, ϕj xp dμx Rj 1/p 1/p C ≤ p−1 μ Rj λ fxp dμx. 2.18 Qj Remark 2.10. From the proof of the Calderón-Zygmund decomposition with nondoubling measures see 23 or 26, it is easy to see that if we replace Rj with Rj , the smallest √ √ n1 √ k 6 d, 6 d -doubling cube of the form 6 d Qj k ∈ N, the above conclusions a and b still hold. Here and hereafter, when we mention Rj in Lemma 2.9 we always mean Rj . Proof of Theorem 2.2. Let f ∈ L1 μ and β> 2d1 fL1 μ /μ note that if 0 < β ≤ 2d1 fL1 μ /μ, the estimate 2.2 obviously holds. Applying Lemma 2.9 to f at the level β, we obtain fx ≡ gx bx with bx ≡ bj x, 2.19 gx ≡ fxχRd \j Qj x ϕj x, ωj xfx − ϕj x j j j where ωj , ϕj , Qj , and Rj are the same as in Lemma 2.9. It is easy to see that gL∞ μ β and ∗,ρ gL1 μ fL1 μ . By the boundedness of Mλ in L2 μ, we easily obtain that μ ∗,ρ 2 ∗,ρ x ∈ Rd : Mλ gx > β ≤ β−2 Mλ gL2 μ β−1 fL1 μ . 2.20 8 Journal of Inequalities and Applications From a of Lemma 2.9, it follows that −1 −1 fx dμx β μ ∪j 2Qj β Qj j Rd fxdμx, 2.21 and therefore, the proof of Theorem 2.2 can be deduced to proving that ∗,ρ fxdμx. μ x ∈ Rd \ ∪j 2Qj : Mλ bx > β β−1 √ For each fixed j, let R∗j 6 dRj . Notice that ∗,ρ μ x ∈ Rd \ ∪j 2Qj : Mλ bx > β ∗,ρ −1 ≤β Mλ bj xdμx Rd \R∗j j j 2.22 Rd R∗j \2Qj ∗,ρ Mλ bj xdμx . Thus, it suffices to prove that for each fixed j, ∗,ρ fxdμx, Mλ bj xdμx Rd \R∗j ∗,ρ R∗j \2Qj Mλ bj xdμx Qj fxdμx. Qj 2.23 2.24 2.25 √ To verify 2.24, for each fixed j, let Bj BxQj , 2 dlRj , and write ∗,ρ Rd \R∗j bj xdμx Mλ 1/2 2 dμydt ≤ dμz n2ρ1 dμx 1−ρ t Rd \R∗j |y−x|<t |y−z|≤t |y − z| ⎡ ⎤1/2 2 λn dμydt Ky, zbj z t ⎣ dμz n2ρ1 ⎦ dμx 1−ρ |y−x|≥t t |x − y| t Rd \R∗j |y−z|≤t |y − z| ⎡ ⎣ Rd \R∗j t t |x − y| λn Ky, zbj z y∈Bj |y−x|≥t y∈Rd \Bj t t |x − y| λn Ky, zbj z |y−z|≤t |y − z|1−ρ ⎤1/2 2 dμydt dμz n2ρ1 ⎦ dμx t ≡ F1 F2 F3 . 2.26 For each fixed j, further decompose ⎡ ⎤1/2 2 dμydt Ky, z ⎣ F1 ≤ bj zdμz n2ρ1 ⎦ dμx |y−x|<t ∗ d |y − z|1−ρ t R \Rj ⎡ ⎣ y∈4Rj Rd \R∗j ≡ H1 H2 . |y−z|≤t |y−x|<t y∈Rd \4Rj |y−z|≤t ⎤1/2 2 dμydt Ky, z bj zdμz n2ρ1 ⎦ dμx |y − z|1−ρ t 2.27 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 9 √ It is easy to see that for any x ∈ Rd \R∗j , y ∈ 4Rj with |y−x| < t and z ∈ Rj , |x−xQj |−2 dlRj ≤ √ |x − y| < t and |y − z| < 4 dlRj . This fact along the Minkowski inequality and 1.2 leads to H1 ≤ Rd \R∗j Rd \R∗j ⎡ ⎤1/2 2 ⎥ ⎢ bj z⎢ |y−x|<t |Ky, z| dμydt ⎥ dμzdμx ⎣ ⎦ 2−2ρ n2ρ1 t Rj |y−z|≤t |y − z| bj z Rj y∈4Rj √ |y−z|<4 dlRj |y 1 − z|2n−2ρ × bj z Rj ∞ dt dμy √ n2ρ1 |x−xQj |−2 dlRj t 1 dμy √ 2n−2ρ |y − z| |y−z|<4 dlRj 1/2 dμz 1/2 Rd \R∗j dμzdμx 1 dμx |x − xQj |n2ρ/2 bj L1 μ . 2.28 As for H2 , first write H2 ≤ Rd \R∗j ⎡ ⎢ ⎣ Rd \R∗j |y−x|<t, y∈Rd \4Rj √ t≤|y−xQj |2 dlRj ⎡ ⎢ ⎣ |y−x|<t, y∈Rd \4Rj √ t>|y−xQj |2 dlRj ⎤1/2 2 dμydt ⎥ Ky, z bj zdμz n2ρ1 ⎦ dμx 1−ρ t |y−z|≤t |y − z| ⎤1/2 2 dμydt ⎥ Ky, z bj zdμz n2ρ1 ⎦ dμx 1−ρ t |y−z|≤t |y − z| 2.29 ≡ J1 J2 . Notice that for any z ∈ Rj , x ∈ Rd \ R∗j and y ∈ Rd \ 4Rj , |y − z|∼|y − xQj |, and |x − xQj | < √ 5 d|y − xQj |. Thus, by 1.2 and the Minkowski inequality, we obtain that J1 Rd \R∗j bj z Rj bj z Rd \R∗j Rj bj z Rj bj L1 μ . 1 2n−2ρ d |y − z| R \4Rj |y−x √ dlRj Qj |2 |y−z| dt tn2ρ1 1/2 dμy dμzdμx 1/2 l Rj dμy dμzdμx n1/2 y − xQ 2n1/2 Rd \4Rj y − xQj j 1 1/2 1/2 1/4 l Rj l Rj dμz n1/2 dμy n1/4 dμx Rd \4Rj y − xQ Rd \R∗j x − xQ j j 2.30 10 Journal of Inequalities and Applications √ On the other hand, it is easy to verify that for any y ∈ Rd \ 4Rj and t > |y − xQj | 2 dlRj , Rj ⊂ {z : |y − z| ≤ t} and |x − xQj | < 2t. Choose 0 < < min{1/2, λ − 2n/2, ρ − n/2, σ/2 − 1} we always take to satisfy this restriction in our proof. The vanishing moment of bj on Rj and the Minkowski inequality give us that ⎧ ⎪ ⎨ J2 ⎩ Rd \R∗j⎪ ≤ |y−x|<t,y∈Rd \4Rj √ t>|y−xQj |2 dlRj Rd \R∗j Qj 2 Ky, z K y, xQj − 1−ρ y − xQ 1−ρ Rd \4Rj |y − z| j ⎫1/2 2 dμydt ⎬ K y, xQj Ky, z b zdμz n2ρ1 − dμx t |y−z|≤t |y − z|1−ρ y − x 1−ρ j ⎭ bj z Rj 1/2 22 log t/l Rj dt × dμzdμx 22 dμy √ |y−xQj |2 dlRj t2ρ−n1 t2n log t/l Rj 1 bj z 1 Rd \R∗j |x − xQj |n log x − xQj /l Rj Rj ∞ × 2 Ky, z K y, xQj − 1−ρ y − xQ 1−ρ Rd \4Rj |y − z| j × ∞ 22 log t/l Rj √ |y−xQj |2 dlRj t2ρ−n1 dt dμy 1/2 dμzdμx. 2.31 It follows from 27, Lemma 2.2 that for any y ∈ Rd \ 4Rj , ∞ 22 log t/l Rj √ |y−xQj |2 dlRj t2ρ−n1 √ 22 log y − xQj /l Rj 2 d dt , √ y − xQ 2 dl Rj 2ρ−n j 2.32 which, together with 2.1, leads to J2 Rd \R∗j 1 x − xQ n log x − xQ /l Rj 1 j j bj z × Rj 2 Ky, z K y, xQj − 1−ρ y − xQ 1−ρ Rd \4Rj |y − z| j √ 22 1/2 log y − xQj /l Rj 2 d × dμy dμzdμx √ y − xQ 2 dl Rj 2ρ−n j Journal of Inequalities and Applications 1 1 n Rd \R∗j x − xQj log x − xQj /l Rj ⎧ ∞ ⎨ k 122 bj z × ⎩ k1 k 2ρ−n Rj 2 l Rj ⎡ Ky, z − K y, xQ 2 j ⎣ × |y − z|2−2ρ 2k lRj ≤|y−xQj |<2k1 lRj 11 ⎤⎫1/2 2 ⎬ 2 1 1 ⎦ K y, xQj − dμy dμzdμx |y−z|1−ρ y − x 1−ρ ⎭ Qj 1 1 n Rd \R∗j x − xQj log x − xQj /l Rj ⎧ ∞ ⎨ k 122 bj z × ⎩ k1 k 2ρ−n Rj 2 l Rj ⎡ ×⎣ 1 2k lRj ≤|y−xQj |<2k1 lRj k n−2ρ 2 l Rj Ky, z − K y, xQ j |y − z| ⎤⎫1/2 2 ⎬ l Rj 2n−2ρ2 dμy⎦⎭ dμzdμx y − xQ j 1 Rd \R∗j x − xQ n log x − xQ /l Rj 1 j j 1/2 ∞ k 122 bj z 1 dμzdμx 22k Rj k1 bj L1 μ . 2.33 Combining the estimates for H1 , J1 , and J2 yields F1 bj L1 μ fxdμx. 2.34 Qj To estimate F2 , first notice that for any y ∈ Bj , x ∈ Rd \R∗j , and z ∈ Rj , |y−x| ≥ |x−xQj |/2, √ |y−z| ≤ 4 dlRj , and |x−y|∼|x−xQj |. Thus, by the Minkowski inequality and 1.2, we easily obtain that F2 ≤ Rd \R∗j Rj ⎡ ⎤1/2 2 2n2 ⎢ Ky, z dμydt ⎥ t ⎥ dμzdμx bj z⎢ |y−x|≥t ⎣ t |x − y| |y − z|2−2ρ tn2ρ1 ⎦ |y−z|≤t y∈Bj 12 Journal of Inequalities and Applications bj z Rd \R∗j Rj √ |y−z|≤4 dlRj x × 1 2n2 − xQj |y − z|n− |y−x| t −1 1/2 dt dμy dμzdμx 0 bj z Rj 1 dμy √ n− |y−z|≤4 dlRj |y − z| bj L1 μ fxdμx. 1/2 dμz 1 n/2 dμx Rd \R∗j x − xQ j Qj 2.35 It remains to estimate F3 . By 1.2, we can write ⎡ ⎤1/2 λn ⎢ dμydt ⎥ 1 t ⎥ bj z⎢ F3 ⎢ |y−z|≤t≤|y−x|, y∈Rd \Bj ⎥ dμzdμx 2n−2ρ n2ρ1 ∗ ⎣ ⎦ t |x − y| |y − z| t Rd \Rj Rj t≤|y−xQ |C lRj j |x−xQj |≤2|y−xQj | Rd \R∗j ⎡ ⎤1/2 λn ⎢ dμydt ⎥ 1 t ⎥ bj z⎢ ⎢ |y−z|≤t≤|y−x|, y∈Rd \Bj ⎥ dμzdμx 2n−2ρ n2ρ1 ⎣ ⎦ t |x − y| |y − z| t Rj t≤|y−xQ |C lRj j |x−xQj |>2|y−xQj | Rd \R∗j ⎡ ⎢ ⎣ t≤|y−x|, y∈Rd \Bj |y−xQj |C lRj <t ⎤1/2 2 λn Ky, z t dμydt ⎥ bj zdμz n2ρ1 ⎦ dμx t t |x − y| |y−z|≤t |y − z|1−ρ ≡ L1 L2 L3 , 2.36 √ 22/ where C 8 de . Note that for any y ∈ Rd \ Bj and z ∈ Rj with |y − z| ≤ t ≤ |y − x|, √ then |y − z|∼|y − xQj | and |y − xQj | ≤ t dlRj . Consequently, ⎡ |y−x |C lR Qj j ⎢ dt bj z ⎣ L1 ≤ √ y∈Rd \Bj n2ρ1 |y−xQj |− dlRj t Rd \R∗j Rj |x−xQj |≤2|y−xQj | ⎤1/2 × Rd \R∗j Rj bj L1 μ . ⎡ ⎢ bj z⎣ y∈Rd \Bj |x−xQj |≤2|y−xQj 1 ⎥ dμy⎦ 2n−2ρ |y − z| dμzdμx ⎤1/2 l Rj ⎥ dμy⎦ dμzdμx y − xQ 3n1 j | 2.37 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 13 A trivial computation involving the fact that |x − y| > |x − xQj |/2 for any x ∈ Rd \ R∗j and y ∈ Rd \ Bj satisfying |x − xQj | > 2|y − xQj | proves that ⎡ 2n2 ⎢ 1 t bj z ⎣ L2 ≤ y∈Rd \Bj 2n−2ρ ∗ t |x − y| d |y − z| R \Rj Rj |x−xQj |>2|y−xQj | × Rd \R∗j Rj ⎡ ⎢ bj z ⎣ Rd \R∗j bj bj z Rj L1 μ j |C lRj Qj |C lRj dt 1 ⎤1/2 ⎥ dμy⎦ √ n2ρ1 |y−xQj |− dlRj t |y−x dμzdμx dt √ 2ρ−n−21 |y−xQj |− dlRj t y∈Rd \Bj |x−xQj |>2|y−xQj | ⎤1/2 × |y−x Q 1 |x − y|2n2 |y − z|2n−2ρ ⎥ dμy⎦ dμzdμx 1/2 l Rj 1 dμy dμzdμx n−21 x − xQ 2n2 Rd \Bj |y − z| j . 2.38 Finally, let us estimate L3 . It is easy to see that for any y ∈ Rd \ Bj and t > |y − xQj | C lRj , Rj ⊂ {z : |y − z| ≤ t} and t |x − y| ≥ |x − xQj | C lRj . Thus, from the vanishing moment of bj on Rj , it follows that ⎡ λn ⎢ t bj z ⎢ d L3 ≤ ⎢ y∈R \Bj ⎣ t>|y−x t |x − y| Rd \R∗j Rj |C lR Qj j |y−z|≤t≤|y−x| ⎤1/2 2 Ky, z K y, xQj dμydt ⎥ ⎥ dμzdμx × − |y − z|1−ρ y − x 1−ρ tn2ρ1 ⎦ Qj ⎡ ⎢ tλn ⎢ |bj z| ⎢ 22 y∈Rd \Bj 2n ⎣ t>|y−x |C lR t |x − y| Rd \R∗j Rj log t |x − y| /l Rj Qj j |y−z|≤t≤|y−x| × log 22 t |x − y| /l Rj λn−2n t |x − y| ⎤1/2 2 Ky, z K y, xQj dμydt ⎥ ⎥ dμzdμx × − 1−ρ |y − z| y − xQ 1−ρ tn2ρ1 ⎦ j 14 Journal of Inequalities and Applications Rd \R∗j |bj z| n 1 Rj x − xQj C l Rj log x − xQj C l Rj /l Rj ⎡ 2 Ky, z K y, xQj ⎢ ×⎣ − y∈Rd \Bj |y − z|1−ρ y − x 1−ρ Qj |y−x|≥|y−xQj |C lRj 22 tλn log t |x − y| /l Rj × λn−2n |y−xQj |C lRj t |x − y| 1/2 1 × n2ρ1 dt dμy dμzdμx t bj z n 1 Rd \R∗j Rj x − xQj C l Rj log x − xQj C l Rj /l Rj ⎡ 2 Ky, z K y, xQj ⎣ × − 1−ρ y − xQ 1−ρ Rd \Bj |y − z| |y−x| j × log ⎤1/2 y − xQ C l Rj /l Rj 22 j dμy⎦ dμzdμx, y − xQ C l Rj 2ρ−n j 2.39 where in the penultimate inequality, we have used the following inequality |y−x| |y−xQj |C lRj 22 22 log y − xQj C l Rj /l Rj log t |x − y| /l Rj , λn−2n n2ρ1−λn dt y − xQ C l Rj 2ρ−n t t |x − y| j 2.40 which can be proved by the same way as in 28, page 357. Thus, by an argument similar to the estimate of 2.33, we obtain that 2.41 L3 bj L1 μ . Combining the estimates for L1 , L2 , and L3 yields that fxdμx, F3 bj L1 μ 2.42 Qj which along with the estimates for F1 and F2 leads to 2.24. Now we turn to prove the estimate 2.25. Observe that if supp h ⊂ I for some cube I, then by 1.2, we have that for any s > 1 and any x ∈ Rd \ sI, ∗,ρ Mλ hx hz ≤ I |y−z|≤t t t |x − y| λn dμydt 1 |y − z|2n−2ρ tn2ρ1 hz M1 z M2 z M3 z dμz, ≤ I 1/2 dμz 2.43 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 15 where ⎤1/2 dμydt 1 ⎦ , |y−z|≤t |y − z|2n−2ρ tn2ρ1 2|y−z|>|x−z| ⎤1/2 ⎡ λn dμydt 1 t ⎦ , M2 z ≡ ⎣ |y−z|≤t,|y−x|<t t |x − y| |y − z|2n−2ρ tn2ρ1 2|y−z|≤|x−z| ⎤1/2 ⎡ λn dμydt 1 t ⎦ . M3 z ≡ ⎣ |y−z|≤t,|y−x|≥t t |x − y| |y − z|2n−2ρ tn2ρ1 ⎡ M1 z ≡ ⎣ t t |x − y| λn 2.44 2|y−z|≤|x−z| Some trivial computation leads to that for any x ∈ Rd \ sI and z ∈ I, ∞ 1/2 1 dt M1 z ≤ dμy 2n n1 |x−z|/2 t 2|y−z|>|x−z| |y − z| 1/2 1 1 dμy |x − z|n 2|y−z|>|x−z| |y − z|2n 2.45 1 . |x − xI |n As for M2 z, notice that for any x, y, z ∈ Rd satisfying |y − x| < t and 2|y − z| ≤ |x − z|, |x − z|/2 < t. From this fact and ρ ∈ n/2, ∞, it follows that for any x ∈ Rd \ sI and z ∈ I, M2 z ≤ 1 2n−2ρ 2|y−z|≤|x−z| |y − z| ∞ 1/2|x−z| dt tn2ρ1 1/2 dμy 1 . |x − xI |n 2.46 To estimate M3 z, we first have that for any x, y, z ∈ Rd satisfying 2|y − z| ≤ |x − z|, 2|y − x| ≥ |x − z|, and |y − x| ≤ 3|x − z|/2. Consequently, for any x ∈ Rd \ sI and z ∈ I, M3 z ≤ 1 1 n− |x − z|2n2 |y − z| 2|y−z|≤|x−z| |y−x| 0 |y − x| 1 dμy 2n2 |y − z|n− 2|y−z|≤|x−z| |x − z| 1/2 dt dμy t1− 1/2 2.47 1 . |x − xI |n Combining the estimates for M1 z, M2 z, and M3 z, we obtain that for any x ∈ Rd \ sI, 1 ∗,ρ 2.48 Mλ hx n hzdμz. x − xI I On the other hand, it follows from 26, Lemma 2.3 see also 23, Lemma 2.1 that 1 n dμx 1. ∗ Rj \2Qj x − xQj 2.49 16 Journal of Inequalities and Applications This fact together with 2.48 tells us that R∗j \2Qj ∗,ρ Mλ ωj f xdμx 1 R∗j \2Qj dμx x − xQ n j fydμy Qj fydμy. Qj 2.50 The last estimate and the following trivial estimate that ∗,ρ R∗j Mλ ϕj xdμx ≤ R∗j ∗,ρ 2 M ϕj x dμx R∗j λ ϕj x2 dμx 1/2 1/2 1/2 μ R∗j 1/2 μ Rj 2.51 fxdμx, Qj ∗,ρ which is obtained by the Hölder inequality and the L2 μ-boundedness of Mλ , imply the inequality 2.25. This finishes the proof of Theorem 2.2. Proof of Theorem 2.7. Recalling that the definition of RBLOμ is independent of the choices of √ the constant η ∈ 1, ∞, we choose η 16 d in our proof. Hence, to prove Theorem 2.7, it is ∗,ρ enough to prove for any f ∈ L∞ μ, if Mλ fx0 < ∞ for some point x0 ∈ Rd , then for any √ d1 √ 16 d, 16 d -doubling cube Q x0 , ∗,ρ ∗,ρ mQ Mλ f − ess inf Mλ fx fL∞ μ , x∈Q 2.52 √ √ d1 and for any two 16 d, 16 d -doubling cubes R ⊃ Q, ∗,ρ ∗,ρ mQ Mλ f − mR Mλ f KQ,R fL∞ μ . 2.53 We first verify 2.52. For each fixed cube Q, let B be the smallest ball which contains Q and has the same center as Q. Denote by r the radius of B. Decompose f as fx fxχ8B x fxχRd \8B x ≡ f1 x f2 x, 2.54 and write ∗,ρ Mλ f2 x 1/2 2 λn dμydt 1 Ky, z f zdμz ≤ tρ 1−ρ 2 tn1 0 Rd |y−z|≤t |y − z| 1/2 ∞ 2 λn dμydt 1 Ky, z t f zdμz tρ 1−ρ 2 tn1 r Rd t |x − y| |y−z|≤t |y − z| ∗,ρ ∗,ρ ≡ Mλ,0 f2 x Mλ,∞ f2 x. 2.55 r t t |x − y| Journal of Inequalities and Applications Thus, 17 ∗,ρ ∗,ρ mQ Mλ f − ess inf Mλ fx x∈Q ∗,ρ ∗,ρ ∗,ρ ∗,ρ mQ Mλ f1 mQ Mλ,0 f2 sup Mλ,∞ f x − Mλ,∞ f2 x x ∈Q 2.56 ∗,ρ 1 ∗,ρ sup Mλ,∞ f2 x − Mλ,∞ f2 x dμx. μQ x ∈Q ∗,ρ By the Hölder inequality and L2 μ-boundedness of Mλ , we obtain that 1/2 ∗,ρ ∗,ρ 2 1 fL∞ μ . mQ Mλ f1 ≤ Mλ f1 x dμx μQ1/2 Rd 2.57 From 1.2 and the fact that for any x ∈ Q ⊂ B, z ∈ Rd \ 8B, y ∈ Rd satisfying |x − y| < r, and t ≤ r, {z ∈ Rd : z ∈ Rd \ 8B} ∩ {z ∈ Rd : |y − z| ≤ t} ∅, it follows that 1/2 r 2 dμydt 1 1 ∗,ρ Mλ,0 f2 x dμz n−λn2ρ1 fL∞ μ n−ρ λn t 0 |x−y|≥r |x − y| |y−z|≤t |y − z| r 1/2 2.58 1 1 ∞ μ dμy dt f L λn n−λn1 0t |x−y|≥r |x − y| fL∞ μ , which gives us that ∗,ρ mQ Mλ,0 f2 fL∞ μ . 2.59 Obviously, for any x ∈ Q, z ∈ 8B, and y ∈ R with |x − y| > 16r, |x − y|∼|y − z|. Some computation involving this fact and 1.2 yields that ∗,ρ ∗,ρ sup M f2 x − M f x x ∈Q λ,∞ ≤ sup λ,∞ ∞ x ∈Q d Rd r t t x − y 1/2 2 λn 1 dμydt Ky, zf z 1 dμz tρ 1−ρ tn1 |y−z|≤t |y − z| ∞ 2 1/2 dμydt 1 |f1 z| sup dμz ρ n−ρ tn1 r |x −y|≤16r t |y−z|≤t |y − z| x ∈Q ⎛ ⎞1/2 ∞ 2 f1 z dμydt 1 ⎠ sup ⎝ dμz n−ρ n1 |x −y|>16r tρ |y − z| t r |y−z|≤t x ∈Q ⎛ sup ⎝ |x −y|<t ∞ x ∈Q r ⎞1/2 2 f1 z dμydt 1 1 dμz n−λn1 ⎠ |x −y|>16r t x − yλn tρ |y−z|≤t |y − z|n−ρ |x −y|≥t fL∞ μ sup x ∈Q sup x ∈Q fL∞ μ . ∞ r |x −y|<t 1 λn2n |x − y| |x −y|>16r f1 z 8B r n−ρ 1/2 2 dμydt dμz n2ρ1 t 1/2 |x −y| 2 f1 zdμz dt dμy tn−λn1 r 8B 2.60 18 Journal of Inequalities and Applications Thus, the proof of the estimate 2.52 can be reduced to proving that for any x, x ∈ Q, ∗,ρ ∗,ρ M 2.61 f2 x − Mλ,∞ f2 x fL∞ μ . λ,∞ For any x, x ∈ Q, write ∗,ρ ∗,ρ M f2 x − Mλ,∞ f2 x λ,∞ ∞ λn λn t t ≤ − − y t |x − y| x t r |x−y|>8r 1/2 2 1 dμydt Ky, z × ρ f2 zdμz t |y−z|≤t |y − z|1−ρ tn1 ∞ λn λn t t − − y t |x − y| x t r |x−y|≤8r 2.62 1/2 2 1 dμydt Ky, z × ρ f2 zdμz t |y−z|≤t |y − z|1−ρ tn1 ≡ U1 U2 . It follows from the mean value theorem that for any x, x ∈ Q ⊂ B and y ∈ Rd with |x−y| > 8r, λn λn1 λn x − x t t t − , 2.63 t |x − y| t t |x − y| t x − y which, along with 1.2, tells us that 1/2 ∞ 2 x − x dμydt 1 dμz n2ρ1−nλ fL∞ μ U1 λn1 n−ρ t r |x−y|>8r t |x − y| |y−z|≤t |y − z| 1/2 |x−y| ∞ r 1 r dt dμy dμydt fL∞ μ n2 λn1 tn−λn1 r r |x−y|>8r |x − y| |x−y|≤t t fL∞ μ . 2.64 As for U2 , first note that for any x, y ∈ Rd satisfying |y − x| ≤ 8r and t > r, t |y − x| ≤ 9t, and then λn λn x − x t t . 2.65 − t |x − y| t t x − y Therefore, U2 ∞ r ∞ r |x−y|≤8r r n1 dt tn2 x − x 1 tρ 2 1/2 dμydt 1 dμz fL∞ μ n−ρ tn2 |y−z|≤t |y − z| 1/2 fL∞ μ fL∞ μ . The estimates for U1 and U2 yield 2.61. 2.66 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 19 √ √ ∗,ρ Now we prove that Mλ f satisfies 2.53. Let Q ⊂ R be any two 16 d, 16 dd1 doubling cubes. Set N ≡ NQ,R 1. For any x ∈ Q and any y ∈ R, write ∗,ρ ∗,ρ ∗,ρ ∗,ρ Mλ fx ≤ Mλ,0 f1 x Mλ,0 f2 x Mλ,∞ fχ4Q x NQ,R ∗,ρ ∗,ρ fχ2k1 Q\2k Q x Mλ,∞ fχRd \2N Q y Mλ,∞ 2.67 k2 ∗,ρ Mλ,∞ fχRd \2N Q x ∗,ρ − Mλ,∞ fχRd \2N Q y . By 1.2, we obtain that for any x ∈ Q, NQ,R ∗,ρ fχ2k1 Q\2k Q x Mλ,∞ k2 ≤ N Q,R ⎡ ∞ ⎣ k2 r 2k−1 Q t t |x − y| ⎡ N Q,R ∞ ⎣ k2 2k2 Q\2k−1 Q r N Q,R ⎡ ∞ ⎣ k2 r Rd \2k2 Q λn 1 tρ |y−z|≤t z∈2k1 Q\2k Q λn 1 t tρ t |x − y| t t |x − y| ⎤1/2 2 dμydt ⎦ dμz |y − z|n−ρ tn1 fz λn 1 tρ ⎤1/2 2 dμydt ⎦ dμz |y − z|n−ρ tn1 fz |y−z|≤t z∈2k1 Q\2k Q ⎤1/2 2 dμydt ⎦ dμz |y − z|n−ρ tn1 fz |y−z|≤t z∈2k1 Q\2k Q ≡ V1 V2 V3 . 2.68 The Minkowski inequality involving the fact that for any y ∈ 2k−1 Q and z ∈ 2k1 Q \ 2k Q, |y − z|∼|z − xQ | and t ≥ |y − z| ≥ 2k−2 lQ gives us that 1/2 ∞ N Q,R 1 1 dμydt dμz V1 fL∞ μ n n1 2k−2 lQ 2k−1 Q t 2k1 Q\2k Q z − xQ k2 fL∞ μ N Q,R k2 2.69 1 n dμz 2k1 Q\2k Q z − xQ KQ,R fL∞ μ . It is easy to verify that for any y ∈ 2k2 Q \ 2k−1 Q and x ∈ Q, |y − x|∼|y − xQ |, which leads to NQ,R 1/2 ∞ 1 V2 dt dμy fL∞ μ n1 2k2 Q\2k−1 Q |y−x| t k2 NQ,R k2 1 λn 2k2 Q\2k−1 Q |x − y| NQ,R k2 1 2k2 Q\2k−1 Q KQ,R fL∞ μ . |x−y| 0 1/2 1 tn−λn1 dμy y − xQ n dt dμy 1/2 fL∞ μ fL∞ μ 2.70 20 Journal of Inequalities and Applications To estimate V3 , we first have that for any x ∈ Q, z ∈ 2k1 Q \ 2k Q, and y ∈ Rd \ 2k2 Q, |y − xQ |∼|y − x|∼|y − z| and |z − xQ | 2k lQ. This fact and the Minkowski inequality state that V3 fL∞ μ N Q,R ) 2k1 Q\2k Q k2 Rd \2k2 Q y fL∞ μ N Q,R k2 ∞ 1 2n − xQ |y−x| t 1 Rd \2k2 Q y 1/2 1 dt dμy n1 2nλn − xQ |y−x| 0 1 t dt dμy n−λn1 1/2 * dμz 1 n dμz 2k1 Q\2k Q z − xQ KQ,R fL∞ μ . 2.71 Combining the estimates for V1 , V2 , and V3 yields that ∗,ρ Mλ,∞ NQ,R fχ2k1 Q\2k Q x KQ,R fL∞ μ . 2.72 k2 An argument similar to the estimate of 2.60 shows that for any y ∈ R, ∗,ρ ∗,ρ Mλ,∞ fχRd \2N Q y ≤ Mλ fy CfL∞ μ . 2.73 By some estimate similar to that for 2.61, we easily obtain that for any x, y ∈ R, ∗,ρ ∗,ρ M fχRd \2N Q x − Mλ,∞ fχRd \2N Q y fL∞ μ . λ,∞ 2.74 Therefore, for any x ∈ Q and y ∈ R, ∗,ρ ∗,ρ ∗,ρ ∗,ρ Mλ fx − Mλ fy Mλ,0 f1 x Mλ,∞ fχ4Q x KQ,R fL∞ μ . 2.75 Taking mean value over Q for x, and over R for y, then yields ∗,ρ ∗,ρ ∗,ρ ∗,ρ mQ Mλ f − mR Mλ f mQ Mλ,0 f1 mQ Mλ,∞ fχ4Q KQ,R fL∞ μ KQ,R fL∞ μ , ∗,ρ 2.76 ∗,ρ where we used the fact that mQ Mλ,0 f1 fL∞ μ and mQ Mλ,∞ fχ4Q fL∞ μ , which can be proved by a way similar to that for the estimate 2.57. This finishes the proof of Theorem 2.7. Remark 2.11. From the proofs of Theorems 2.2 and 2.7, we can see that if we replace the ∗,ρ assumption that Mρ as 1.4 is bounded on L2 μ by the one that Mλ is bounded on L2 μ, then Theorems 2.2 and 2.7 still hold. Therefore, applying the interpolation theorem see ∗,ρ 23, Theorem 7.1 between the endpoint estimates that Mλ is bounded from L∞ μ into ∗,ρ RBLOμ, which is a subspace of RBMOμ, and the boundedness of Mλ in L2 μ, we can Journal of Inequalities and Applications 21 ∗,ρ obtain that Mλ as in 1.6 is bounded on Lp μ for p ∈ 2, ∞ with the kernel satisfies 1.2 and 1.3. On the other hand, it follows from the Marcinkiewicz interpolation theorem that ∗,ρ Mλ as in 1.6 is also bounded on Lp μ for p ∈ 1, 2 with the kernel satisfying 1.2 and 2.1. ∗,ρ 3. Boundedness of Mλ in Hardy spaces ∗,ρ In this section, we will prove that the operator Mλ as in 1.6 is bounded from H 1 μ into L1 μ. To state our result, we first recall the definition of the space H 1 μ via the “grand” maximal function characterization of Tolsa see 29. Definition 3.1. Given f ∈ L1loc μ, set MΦ fx ≡ sup ϕ∼x Rd fyϕydμy, 3.1 where the notation ϕ∼x means that ϕ ∈ L1 μ ∩ C1 Rd and satisfies i ϕL1 μ ≤ 1, ii 0 ≤ ϕy ≤ 1/|y − x|n for all y ∈ Rd , iii |∇ϕy| ≤ 1/|y − x|n1 for all y ∈ Rd . Definition 3.2. The Hardy space H 1 μ is defined to be the set of all functions f ∈ L1 μ + satisfying that Rd f dμ 0 and MΦ f ∈ L1 μ. Moreover, we define the norm of f ∈ H 1 μ by 3.2 fH 1 μ ≡ fL1 μ MΦ f L1 μ . Theorem 3.3. Let K be a μ-locally integrable function on Rd × Rd \ {x, y : x y} satisfying 1.2 ∗,ρ ∗,ρ and 2.1, and Mλ be as in 1.6 with ρ ∈ n/2, ∞ and λ ∈ 2, ∞. Then, Mλ is bounded from H 1 μ into L1 μ. We begin with the proof of Theorem 3.3 with the atomic characterization of H 1 μ established by Tolsa in 23. Definition 3.4. Let η ∈ 1, ∞ and p ∈ 1, ∞. A function b ∈ L1loc μ is called to be an atomic block if i there exists some cube R such that suppb ⊂ R; + ii Rd bxdμx 0; iii there are functions aj with supports in cubes Qj ⊂ R and numbers λj ∈ R such that b ≡ j λj aj , and aj ∞ ≤ μ ηQj 1/p−1 KQ ,R −1 . j L μ Then, we define |b|H 1,p μ ≡ atb j 3.3 |λj |. 1,p A function f ∈ L1 μ is said to belong to the space Hatb μ if there exist atomic 1,p blocks bi such that f ≡ ∞ i1 bi with i |bi |H 1,p μ < ∞. The Hatb μ norm of f is defined by atb fH 1,p μ ≡ inf i |bi |H 1,p μ , where the infimum is taken over all the possible decompositions atb atb of f in atomic blocks. 22 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 1,p It was proved in 23 that the definition of Hatb μ is independent of the chosen 1,p constant η ∈ 1, ∞, and for any p ∈ 1, ∞, all the atomic Hardy spaces Hatb μ are just the Hardy space H 1 μ with equivalent norms. Proof of Theorem 3.3. By a standard argument, it suffices to verify that for any atomic block b as in Definition 3.4 with η 2 and p ∞, ∗,ρ M b 1 |b| 1,∞ . H μ L μ λ 3.4 atb Let all the notation be the same as in Definition 3.4. Write ∗,ρ Rd Mλ bxdμx √ Rd \6 ∗,ρ dR Mλ bxdμx ∗,ρ √ Mλ bxdμx 6 dR ≡ W 1 W2 . 3.5 By 2.24 and Definition 3.4, we have W1 bL1 μ |b|H 1,∞ μ . 3.6 atb To estimate the term W2 , let b ≡ λj W2 ≤ j 2Qj j λj aj be as in iii of Definition 3.4, and further write ∗,ρ Mλ aj xdμx λj j ∗,ρ Mλ aj xdμx. √ 6 dR\2Qj 3.7 ∗,ρ The L2 μ-boundedness of Mλ via the Hölder inequality states that for each fixed j, ∗,ρ 1/2 aj L∞ μ μ 2Qj 1. aj xdμx ≤ Mλ aj L2 μ μ 2Qj ∗,ρ 2Qj Mλ 3.8 On the other hand, it follows from 2.48 that √ 6 dR\2Qj ∗,ρ Mλ aj xdμx √ 6 dR\2Qj 1 n dμxaj L1 μ x − xQ j KQj ,R aj L∞ μ μ Qj 3.9 1. Thus, W2 λj |b| 1,∞ , H μ j which completes the proof of Theorem 3.3. atb 3.10 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 23 ρ 4. Boundedness of MS in Lebesgue spaces and Hardy spaces ρ In this section, we will investigate the boundedness for the operator MS as in 1.5 in Lebesgue spaces and Hardy spaces. It is easy to verify that for any ρ ∈ 0, ∞, λ ∈ 1, ∞, and x ∈ Rd , ∗,ρ ρ MS fx ≤ Mλ fx, 4.1 ρ which, together with Theorems 2.1 and 2.2, gives us the boundedness of the operator MS in Lp μ for p ∈ 1, ∞ as follows. Theorem 4.1. Let K be a μ-locally integrable function on Rd × Rd \ {x, y : x y} satisfying 1.2 ρ ρ and 1.3, and MS be as in 1.5 with ρ ∈ 0, ∞. Then, for any p ∈ 2, ∞, MS is bounded on Lp μ. Theorem 4.2. Let K be a μ-locally integrable function on Rd × Rd \ {x, y : x y} satisfying 1.2 ρ ρ and 2.1, and MS be as in 1.5 with ρ ∈ n/2, ∞. Then, MS is bounded from L1 μ to weak L1 μ. By the Marcinkiewicz interpolation theorem, and Theorems 4.1 and 4.2, we easily ρ obtain the Lp μ-boundedness of the operator MS for p ∈ 1, 2. Corollary 4.3. Let K be a μ-locally integrable function on Rd × Rd \ {x, y : x y} satisfying ρ ρ 1.2 and 2.1, and MS be as in 1.5 with ρ ∈ n/2, ∞. Then, MS is bounded on Lp μ for any p ∈ 1, 2. ∗,ρ For the case of p ∞, we also obtain the similar result for the operator Mλ . Theorem 4.4. Let K be a μ-locally integrable function on Rd × Rd \ {x, y : x y} satisfying 1.2 ρ ρ and 1.3, and MS be as in 1.5 with ρ ∈ 0, ∞. Then, for any f ∈ L∞ μ, MS f is either infinite ρ everywhere or finite almost everywhere. More precisely, if MS f is finite at some point x0 ∈ Rd , then ρ MS f is finite almost everywhere and ρ M f ≤ CfL∞ μ , 4.2 S RBLOμ where the positive constant C is independent of f. ρ As for the behavior of the operator MS in Hardy spaces, we have the following conclusion. Theorem 4.5. Let K be a μ-locally integrable function on Rd × Rd \ {x, y : x y} satisfying 1.2 ρ ρ and 2.1, and MS be as in 1.5 with ρ ∈ n/2, ∞. Then, MS is bounded from H 1 μ to L1 μ. We point out that Theorems 4.4 and 4.5 can not be easily deduced from 4.1, and Theorems 2.7 and 3.3. However, using the same method, we can prove the above results ∗,ρ more easily than the corresponding results for Mλ . Here, we omit the proofs for brevity. Acknowledgments This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China no. 10701078. The authors want to express their deep thanks to Professor Dachun Yang for his useful advices. The authors would like to thank the referee for his very careful reading and many useful remarks. 24 Journal of Inequalities and Applications References 1 D. Deng, Y. Han, and D. Yang, “Besov spaces with non-doubling measures,” Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 358, no. 7, pp. 2965–3001, 2006. 2 Y. Han and D. Yang, “Triebel-Lizorkin spaces with non-doubling measures,” Studia Mathematica, vol. 162, no. 2, pp. 105–140, 2004. 3 G. Hu, Y. Meng, and D. 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