UNI School of Music Student Outcomes Assessment Plan: Graduate Division


UNI School of Music

Student Outcomes Assessment Plan: Graduate Division

There are two distinct degree tracks in for graduate study in the School of Music: the

Master of Arts in Music and the Master of Music.

Program Goals

Graduates of the School of Music Master of Music and the Master of Arts in Music programs will demonstrate competencies in (1) general studies in music at the graduate level

(graduate music core) and (2) specialization in the area of the specific degree program.

The Master of Arts, Major in Music involves a course of study comprising a minimum of specialization in an applied area and a maximum of curricular flexibility. Requirements include studies in performance, music history or ethnomusicology, and music theory.

Students may choose either a research paper or thesis for the final project requirement.

This project is reviewed by a faculty committee. Graduates will demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the field of music.

The Master of Music degree is a professional degree designed to prepare the graduate for:

(1) enhanced opportunity in public and private school music teaching, (2) a college teaching career, (3) a performance career as a professional musician or composer, or (4) further graduate work at the doctoral level. At the completion of program requirements students will demonstrate advanced capacities to work independently and make effective artistic and intellectual judgments and professional decisions in the area of specialization.

Students are required to demonstrate professional competence in the area of specialization before peers and faculty and produce a final project (thesis/recital/research paper) which is reviewed by a faculty committee. Graduates will demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the field of music.

Philosophy of Assessment

Each degree program, while distinctly different in specialization, contains twelve hours of common coursework which comprise the Graduate Music Core. The plan that follows stipulates a common assessment of the Graduate Music Core (Music History, Music Theory, and Research and Writing) for all degrees. Each area of the Core will be assessed on a rotating basis. Specific program assessments, including performance recitals, practicum teaching and program-specific proficiencies are listed subsequent to the Graduate Music

Core. Areas of specialization will be assessed on a rotating basis.
