BINAURAL INTERACTION IN HEARING IMPAIRED LISTENERS by Kaigham Jacob Gabriel ¢1 B.S. University of Pittsburgh ( 1977 ) S.M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( 1979 ) SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY August 30, 1983 Signature of Author - r - Dedrt6ýnt oi/Electrical ingineering ad Computer Science August 30, 1983 Certified by H. Steven Colburn, Thesis Supervisor Accepted by W -mACIHUSESTTINSTITUT- OF T-CH~InLOGY 4 1983 Archives C'T LIBRARP.! BINAURAL INTERACTION IN HEARING IMPAIRED LISTENERS by Kaigham Jacob Gabriel The binaural hearing of four hearing impaired listeners in interaural time discrimination, interaural discrimination, interaural correlation discrimination detection experiments. All tests was intensity and 4000 Hz. pattern techniques. narrowband model By of interaural-differences of loss as augmenting the results. suggests 2000 binaural averager, correlation measured by interaction the current a simple, representative, results time and intensity discrimination tests were relate 1000, In general, the pattern of loss in binaural hearing was independent of the audiometric binaural were conducted on each subject using third-octave bands of noise centered at 250, 500, and tested discrimination an from the interaural used and with to predict binaural and detection For both hearing impaired and normal listeners, this study that detection can narrowband be correlation characterized by a discrimination listener's interaural time and intensity differences. THESIS SUPERVISOR: H. Steven Colburn TITLE: Principal Research Scientist Research Laboratory of Electronics and NOS'rf sensitivity to Acknowledgment I always have trouble with this part. It's been four years since I last had to write an acknowledgment to a thesis. Let's hope I never have to write another one. I'm feeling sort of emotional right now, so before this gets real soppy, I thank you all for your friendship, your guidance, your enthusiasm and your patience. Success in all your endeavors. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction Motivation ......................... 1-3 Chapter 2 Previous Work A. Normal Listeners ................ 2-5 Interaural Time Disc......... Interaural Intensity Disc ... Interaural Correlation Disc. . Binaural Detection ........... i) ii) iii) iv) B. Hearing Impaired Listeners ...... 2-5 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 C. Models of Binaural Interaction .. 2-15 Chapter 3 Experiments A. Subjects ........................ 3-1 B. Stimuli ......................... 3-3 i) ii) iii) iv) Interaural Time Disc. ........ Interaural Intensity Disc. ... Interaural Correlation Disc. . Binaural Detection ........... C. Procedure ....................... 3-7 Sequential Testing Rule ......... Chapter 4 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-8 Experimental Results A. Normal Listeners ..... i) ii) iii) iv) ....... ....... Interaural Time Disc. ... Disc. Intensity Interaural Interaural Correlation Disc. . Binaural Detection ........... 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-2 4-2 B. Impaired Listeners .............. 4-3 i) ii) iii) iv) Interaural Time Disc. ........ Interaural Intensity Disc. ... Interaural Correlation Disc. Binaural Detection ........... 4-3 4-5 4-6 4-8 C. Binaural Audiograms ............. 4-9 D. Relationships Among the Tasks ... 4-12 Chapter 5 A Model of Binaural Interaction A. Outline of the Model ............ 5-1 B. Elements of the Model ........... 5-3 C. Comments ........................ 5-5 D. Estimation of Model Parameters .. 5-7 i) Separate Time and Intensity ........ Differences ..... ii) Sum of Differences (SID) ..... Chapter 6 Characterization of Stimulus Interaural Differences A. Analytical Evaluation .. Chapter 7 5-9 5-9 6-2 · · · · · · · · · i) Correlation Stimuli ii) Detection Stimuli ... · · · · · · · · · 6-2 6-7 B. Numerical Computation .. · · · · · · · · · 6-9 Binaural Performance Based on Stimulus Variability A. Distribution of Averaged Interaural Differences .......... 7-2 B. Model Predictor Equations ....... 7-4 i) Separate Time and Intensity Differences .................. 7-5 a) b) c) d) ii) Chapter 8 Intensity Alone ........... ....... Time Alone ....... ....... Sum of Diff. Linear Optimal Combination ....... 7-6 7-8 7-9 7-10 Sum of Interaural Diff. (SID). 7-11 Predictions of the Model A. Separate Time and Intensity Differences ..................... 8-1 B. Normal Listeners ................ 8-2 i) Correlation Discrimination Predictions .................. 8-3 ii) NOST( Threshold Predictions .. 8-3 C. Impaired Listeners ....... .. 8-6 i) Correlation Discrimination Predictions ................. 8-6 ii) NOS7f Threshold Predictions .. 8-8 D. Relative Use Of Interaural Cues . 8-9 Chapter 9 Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Conclusions and Remarks B. Modelling Results ................... 9-5 II Sequential Testing Methods III Estimation of Model Parameters IV Predictor Equations for Correlation Discrimination and NOS1r Detection Table 3.1 Table 7.1 Figure Captions Figures 9-1 I Waveform Generation Footnotes References A. Psychophysical Results .......... CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVITATION Binaural hearing is the sensory processing of the sounds at the two ears which extracts auditory information not present at either ear alone. The utilization of this binaural information enables us to locate sounds in the environment, focus on specific sounds within a multitude of different masking sounds, and perceive the spaciousness of sounds. The physical differences between provide binaural information the include acoustic signals differences in the spectral characteristics of the sounds, differences in the arrival sounds at the two from different In natural environments, these path geometries differences in the diffraction of sounds body, etc.) times of ears and differences in the intensities of the sounds at the two ears. arise which involved in the differences (different path caused the transmission by lengths, head and of the sound from the source to the two ears. From an evolutionary point of view, it is clear hearing is an advantage. was binaural The degree to which our distant ancestors were able to distinguish and locate the prey) that sounds of predators directly related to their chances for survival. (and Certain INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVITATION aspects of our Page 1-2 present-day interactions with the environment, although less exotic and primitive, are still dependent on binaural hearing. Warnings about the objects, and perceptions direction of approaching complex or noisy in people or environments are greatly enhanced by our binaural hearing. A substantial number of normal listeners in binaural information. experiments have been performed on an effort to quantify our ability to perceive Many of these experiments have measured the ability of human listeners to discriminate interaural differences of simple sounds Although presented these in controlled listening situations. sounds would not normally be encountered in natural environments, their interaural differences can be finely and extraneous, example, by contaminating presenting factors electronically can be controlled eliminated. generated and For controlled sounds over headphones, arbitrary interaural time differences can be created with no interaural intensity differences. Such a stimulus configuration would be difficult, if not impossible, to achieve with naturally occuring sounds. In models conjunction of binaural with the hearing experimental in normal efforts, listeners developed. Like all succesful models, these provide framework within which the different binaural hearing are organized. to an exposition which might not succesful a of relationships otherwise model is be at have also been an experimental This organization theoretical economical results naturally in leads between the different results apparent. organizing In data, addition, the more the more binaural performance in many different binaural tasks can be characterized by INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVITATION a set of model. the Page 1-3 experiments which specify the parameter values of such a Most of thesq models have been processes functional descriptions of presumed to be performed by the physiological system and imply no specific correspondence between physiological processes and a model's elements. Motivation Hearing impairments at the peripheral level (the portion of the auditory neural system which firing transduces acoustic signals at the ear into patterns) neurophysiological level or (or at both) a higher, can result degradation of binaural hearing (Durlach everyday et al., more central in a significant 1980). In life of an impaired listener, the degradation can manifest itself as an inability to localize sound sources or an inability function in complex auditory environments. consequences in situations such as work where the auditory warnings are important. deficits can impaired listeners have social avoid and or to This can have dangerous environments and traffic, Moreover, binaural hearing psychological consequences when are uncomfortable in situations with many speakers because their binaural impairments make it difficult to focus on a single speaker. With few exceptions, current clinical procedures do not include measurements of binaural capabilities in hearing impaired listeners. Because the standard audiometric evaluation of involves separately testing hearing impairments each ear, little or no information is provided about the effect of an impairment on binaural hearing. In INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVITATION fact, some Page 1-4 multiple sclerosis patients show audiometrically normal hearing and yet exhibit severe degradation in binaural hearing (Hausler and Levine, 1980). The lack of any primarily binaural tests interaural intensity detection) should time, of be it capabilities. variety clinical due to not knowing what to measure. aspect of binaural hearing (e.g., testing in is interaural discrimination, tested. to It is not clear what time discrimination, test due to only constraints a relating The ability to characterize binaural performance in a different binaural tasks with a few, representative set the different be capable successful types of binaural phenomena. none of the current models of binaural interaction have to on minimum set of of tests, requires a description of binaural interaction at is or binaural target-in-masker Moreover, necessary evaluations To date, been shown of relating even the above four phenomena in normal listeners under the same set of assumptions (Colburn and Durlach, 1978). A way to determine the characterize impaired to (a) obtain: experiments, subset of measurements necessary to binaural hearing in an individual subject is results from a number of different binaural each performed on every impaired subject in the study; and (b) a model of binaural interaction which can simulate simply given impairment's effect on binaural hearing. a Such a model should focus on the use of binaural information to effect performance (and hence, on the relations between the different tests), rather than on any detailed assumptions about how such information is obtained. INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVITATION Page 1-5 The first requirement is a consequence of binaural hearing abilities encountered the differences in across different impaired listeners, even for listeners with the same audiological description (Durlach al., et Hausler and Colburn, 1981). 1980 ; assumption in the modelling of normal listeners have similar binaural hearing. different subjects and integrated and on considered is An implicit that they all Results from different studies (with different equivalent binaural to phenomena) results For from impaired are a single extensive study on one normal listener. listeners, this assumption is not valid. Thus, the different types of binaural experiments must all be performed on each impaired listener used a study if any in valid model of impaired binaural hearing is to be developed. The requirements on the model are made because different of impairment origins. between have varying, complicated, or unknown physiological Thus, in a model intended binaural phenomena, it to is explore more interrelationships general (and easier) to describe the overall effect an impairment has on the binaural information types is processed, description of the impairment. rather than way in which on any specific Although models with more detailed descriptions of the impairments are possible, it is not evident that such modelling will necessarily improve our ability to relate the different binaural hearing phenomena. This study presents an attempt to define measurements required to characterize binaural restricted, but representative, set of binaural variety of impaired listeners. the minimum set of performance in a experiments for a INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVITATION The experiments in dependence of structure) discrimination, binaural masked four Page 1-6 this study binaural phenomena: interaural detection, These four binaural descriptive the functional the frequency intensity time discrimination, interaural tests (fine were correlation chosen as being aspects of the binaural hearing as described earlier in this chapter. chapter, on interaural and discrimination. of focused As will be seen in the next interaural time and intensity discrimination is related to localization ability, binaural masked detection to focusing ability, and interaural correlation discrimination to the perception of spaciousness or.extent of the acoustic image. Our interest in the frequency dependence of hearing is generated by several signals it is generally accepted binaural factors. that, in impaired One, binaural for narrowband normal listeners, the system is most sensitive to interaural time differences at low frequencies (less than 1500 Hz) and roughly equaly sensitive interaural intensity differences at all frequencies. narrowband stimuli, performance in to As such, for different binaural tasks (with both interaural time and intensity cues available) is believed to be mediated by interaural which interaural processing at low frequencies intensity processing at high frequencies. this intensity time frequency processing delineation exists in and The extent to between interaural impaired listeners time can and be an important factor in determining the nature of the impairment and can have consequences for both the type of interaural information and the way in which interaural information hearing aids. is processed in binaural Page 1-7 INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVITATION Two, comparison of binaural hearing to impairments current, audiometrically defined monaural losses would be more meaningful and facilitated by a frequency dependent measure of binaural hearing. Finally, the auditory organized up system is known to be tonotopically to the level of the VIIIth nerve bundle (Kiangt4,1965) and at least as far as the superior olivary complex (Guinanetl.,1972). Thus, a frequency dependent measure of binaural hearing loss may also delineate regions of physiological loss in the peripheral and central portions of thA auditory system. Because of our interest in the frequency dependence of binaural hearing, we have chosen to use narrowband (one-third octave wide) noise at five different center frequencies. instead of pure tones for the following reasons. theoretical thrust of this different binaural We used noise waveforms study phenomena. is an attempt One, the basic to As such, we wanted to use the same stimuli in both the detection and discrimination tasks. narrowband noise used in in chapter 2, Thus, the the discrimination experiments were the same noise waveforms used in the detection experiments. discussed four relate certain binaural apparent when testing with wideband stimuli and Two, as impairments are are apparent is not only when a narrowband stimulus is used (Hausler et al., 1985). Chapter 2 reviews a selection of binaural phenomena and relevant hearing in binaural to this normal study. models This includes a description of binaural listeners, a general description of current interaction models, and a brief review of past research on binaural hearing in impaired listeners. INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVITATION Page 1-8 Chapter 3 describes the experiments, stimuli and subjects in the study. used A new, general method of psychophysical testing was developed, which has been particularly useful in the testing of hearing impaired listeners. In Chapter 4 the results of the experiments are discussed in relation normal listeners' presented and to the impaired subjects' audiograms and to performance. In addition, we present a new description of binaural performance (" binaural audiograms ") which reveal some interesting patterns of loss not apparent in the traditional representations of binaural performance. Chapter 5 presents a model of binaural interaction for a single frequency band which uses only intensity differences of narrowband binaural information. interaural stimuli time as magnitudes of the variables of Moreover, this model limits the performance of normal listeners and simulates the effects of the and interaural noise terms added to the an impairment by ideally processed interaural time and intensity differences of the stimuli. In Chapter 6, a characterization of the binaural experiments is given (time) and intensity differences. two difference simplified variables second-order distributions. are stimuli used in the in terms of their interaural phase Probability distributions for the presented along with an approximate statistical description of the Page 1-9 INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVITATION results In Chapter 7, the model discussed in Chapter 5 and the given 6 are combined to estimate the parameters of the Chapter in This noisy binaural information processing. binaural narrowband for equations leads experiments to prediction in which stimulus interaural time and intensity characteristics are known. predictions Chapter 8 presents the the class of models by the model of chapter 5) under different assumptions (represented combination the concerning of of interaural time and intensity An argument is made for a weighted linear combination differences. of the two differences as a near-optimal combination scheme and one best which agrees with the normal and impaired binaural hearing results. Finally, Chapter 9 discusses the results of the tests model in relation to: impaired listeners, interaction hearing aids. and the (1) clinical and academic research on hearing (2) testing and modelling of binaural in normal listeners and (3) the development of binaural In addition, generalizations and possible of the model to other binaural phenomena are discussed. extensions CHAPTER 2 PREVIOUS WORK We begin with a review of binaural phenomena in normal and hearing impaired listeners which are of particular relevance to this study. Specifically, narrowband binaural we consider phenomena. the In studies which used narrowband noise frequency dependence of general, we cite results from stimuli similar to the ones which were used in this study. In addition, we review past models of binaural interaction suggest a refinement to such and models which unify predictions for lateralization and detection phenomena. The majority characterized different of the cues ability just-noticeable-difference difference (along studies sensitivity interaural Discrimination the some by is discussed of the binaural performing often (jnd). jnd e.g., intensity) between a reference stimulus and a corresponds to some specified level in a signal- plus-noise chapter system is in to interaural test of as a the time stimulus of performance. the tests. terms defined detection capability is characterized in terms of a ratio this discrimination described A dimension, in or which Similarly, signal-to-noise stimulus which is just noticeably PREVIOUS WORK Page 2-2 different from a stimulus with only noise present. Localization (the apparent source position for an signal) and lateralization (the phenomena related to the laterality of an auditory image perceived to be within the been by tested sensitivity measuring to head) ability interaural has time (fine Lord Rayleigh was structure) differences and intensity differences. the externalized first to suggest that different types of binaural cues are used effect at different frequencies to theory of localizes on the frequencies and of basis In his duplex he proposed that the binaural system hearing, binaural localization. time interaural at differences low at high To a first order, this description is still valid today. Mills interaural differences intensity frequencies. (1960) compared jnds tones, relative to reference, to in a interaural diotic he was signals) minimum audible angles (MAAs) measured from directly able For below frequencies 6000 to predict the MAAs obtained from the interaural phase (or equivalently, interaural time) and frequencies identical (interauraly in front of a listener in free-field. Hz, and intensity of pure phase intensity jnds. For below approximately 1500 Hz, interaural phase jnds were consistent with observed MAAs, while above 1500 Hz, interaural measured interaural intensity differences predicted the observed MAAs. More recently, Domnitz and Colburn (1977) time and intensity jnds for a 500 Hz tone at various reference time and intensity differences. In addition, they also measured the subjective lateral position of a 500 Hz tone (with position matching PREVIOUS WORK Page 2-3 experiments) for the same set of subjects and differences. The interaural reference interaural time jnds were predicted by a simple model of lateralization which used a Gaussian position variable mean of which was determined from the lateralization data and the variance of which was determined from the results. In later work, Stern succesfully predict the same set model that activity. the explicitly and of included intensity discrimination Colburn (1978) were able to lateralization a description This model, referred to as the data using a of auditory-nerve position-variable model, will be discussed in more detail later in this chapter The increased detectability of maskers sounds in the background due to binaural interaction have been tested in the past by measuring the binaural masking level difference different interaural signal-to-noise (MLD) the presence of a masker for in configuration. defined as the difference between the threshold of a in of some The MLD is target signal "reference" configuration and the threshold of the same signal several, in interaural a different interaural configuration. The largest such difference in thresholds occurs between (interaurally identical) presence of a a diotic diotic masker (usually signal in the termed NOSO) and the same signal 180 degrees out of phase between the two ears in the presence of the same diotic masker (NOST ). We chose to test this particular difference in our experiments because (1) it difference produces the in signal thresholds and hence, one which we presumed to be the easiest difference to detect by impaired listeners it has largest recently and (2), been tested on a large number of hearing impaired listeners by several investigators (Lynn et al., 1981 ; Jerger et PREVIOUS WORK al., 1982 ; Page 2-4 Noffsinger, 1982). In further discussions, when the term MLD is used, it is with reference to this difference measured in decibels. Interaural correlation discrimination, while not a frequently measured classic or binaural phenomenon, tests discrimination of a "pure" binaural difference. There stimuli the measurement of binaural capability. which contaminate are no monaural In the detection experiments, the presence of the the energy of the target in small possible impaired for for normal signal the increases total stimulus at the target frequency. these increases are that cues While thresholds, it is listeners (with increased thresholds) these monaural cues would play a larger role in binaural detection experiments. In addition, Pollack and Trittipoe (1959 the interaural cross-correlation perceptual fusion of binaural (1982) has proposed that a,b) ears provide a stimuli. More interaural recently, Lindemann cross-correlation functions received at the measure of the acoustic "spaciousness" of the sounds. Finally, a large compute as their that provides a direct measure of the (computed in different frequency bands) of sounds two suggested number binaural of binaural processor output interaction models a function which is essentially the interaural cross-correlation of the signals (Colburn and Durlach, 1978). Note that for all four conditions were diotic experiments stimuli. performed, the reference Sensitivity to interaural time, intensity and correlation differences are best (smallest jnds) when PREVIOUS WORK reference Page 2-5 conditions are diotic (Domnitz and Colburn, 1977 ; Kearney, 1979 ; Pollack and Trittipoe, 1959alBecause discrimination performance best is at this reference condition, we thought that impaired listeners (with interaurally symmetric losses) this task easiest to perform. Moreover, interactions with the environment, the (corresponding to in diotic would terms find of natural reference condition straight-ahead sound sources) is the one usually encountered. A. Binaural Phenomena in Normal Listeners To date, there exists in the literature a substantial amount of data from experiments related to the frequency binaural interaction in normal-hearing listeners. review of these studies up Durlach and Colburn (1978). to the dependence A of comprehensive early 1970s is available in In this section, we focus on the four experiments introduced above. i) Interaural Time Discrimination Klumppand Eady (1956) measured interaural bands of narrowband using several noise at various center frequencies. Using a 2-second duration signal presented at levels (total time of 60 - 80 dB SPL noise power), they measured an average jnd of 14 usecs for a band of noise ranging from 425 - 600 Hz and a jnd of 62 usecs for band of noise ranging from 3056 - 3344 Hz. a PREVIOUS WORK Page 2-6 Interaural time jnds for normal listeners using narrowband noise at center frequencies of 500 Hz (100 Hz wide) and 4000 Hz (500 Hz) were reported listeners. At a by Hawkins (1977) in a study of impaired stimulus level of 85 dB SPL (total noise power), average time jnds were 17 usec for the 500 Hz noise and 61 usecs for the 4000 Hz noise. McFadden and Pasanen (1976), using narrowband waveforms centered at 500 Hz (100 Hz wide) and 4000 Hz (500 Hz wide), measured average time jnds of 17 usec at 500 Hz and 42 usecs at 4000 Hz. A relatively small time jnd at high frequencies was measured by Henning Hz. (1974) using a 600 Hz wide band of noise centered at 3900 He reported average time jnds of approximately 20 usecs. The discrepency between the high-frequency results of the latter two and former two studies are most likely due to differences in the low-frequency energy of the different stimuli. In a more low-frequency recent energy experiment in concerned high-frequency Bernstein and Trahiotis (1982) measured narrowband noise centered at low-frequency-skirt slopes of the tested (24 dB/octave, and 4000 with the time discrimination, interaural Hz noise. as a At the effect time of jnds for of the function steepest slope thus the condition which had the least amount of low frequency energy) the average jnd obtained stimulus level of 70 dB SPL) was approximately 80 usecs. (at a PREVIOUS WORK As is seen reviewed here), Page 2-7 in Figure 2.1 sensitivity (an to aggregation interaural time of the results differences for normal listeners is best in the frequency region between 250 Hz, gradually increasing to approximately 80 usecs at 4000 Hz. 1000 The jnds observed for narrowband noise are consistent with low-frequency time jnds observed for tonal stimuli at frequencies corresponding to the center frequencies of the noise waveforms (Klump and Eady, ; 1956 Durlach and Colburn, 1978). ii) Interaural Intensity Discrimination Hawkins (1977), in an ancilllary experiment, measured intensity jnds (using the same narrowband noise as in the time discrimination experiment) for one normal-hearing listener. intensity jnd was measured for the At 85 dB SPL, a 0.9 dB 500-Hz noise and a 0.6 dB intensity jnd was measured for the 4000-Hz noise. Zurek and Leshowitz (1975), in intensity jnds and frequency a study selectivity, comparing interaural measured interaural intensity jnds for a 250 ms, 100-Hz wide noise centered at At 60 dB 500 Hz. SPL (total noise power), they measured average intensity jnds of 1.5 dB, about a factor of two larger than the jnds reported by Hawkins. We have not been able to find any other studies which interaural intensity jnds of narrowband noise waveforms. measured PREVIOUS WORK Page 2-8 The results presented by Hawkins are consistent with discrimination bursts in of tonal stimuli. normals frequencies is between approximately 0.6 dB Intensity discrimination of tone approximately 200 at intensity and 1000 4000 Hz constant Hz, at 0.8 grasually (Durlach and dB for decreasing Colburn, to 1978). Results from the two narrowband studies are presented in Figure 2.2. iii) Interaural Correlation Discrimination Compared to interaural time discrimination, sensitivity to differences in interaural correlation has received relatively little attention. we Due to the paucity of correlation discrimination data, review wideband correlation data in addition to the single study which has measured narrowband correlation jnds. Despite the importance of interaural correlation processing models of binaural Trittipoe, 1959 a,b; reported on the correlation. the hearing, Gabriel ability of only and three Colburn, papers 1981) have to which the a a reference directly measure of signals at the two ears are similar, is varied and a subject is asked to distinguish changes in between and listeners to discriminate interaural In this type of task, the correlation, degree (Pollack in correlation value correlation and some test correlation value. Pollack and Trittipoe (1959 a,b) measured the of wideband correlations. (6800 Hz) Gaussian At a reference correlation jnd noise for a variety of reference correlation of unity (interaurally PREVIOUS WORK identical Page 2-9 stimuli), they measured a jnd of approximately 0.04, i.e. discrimination performance was 75% correct perfectly correlated noise ( = 0.96). noise No definitive studies function of frequency. ( = have when and correlation Colburn interaural correlation jnds for a 500 Hz narrowband as a function of compared 1) to a slightly decorrelated measured Gabriel subjects the noise bandwidth. jnds as a (1981), measured noise waveform At a bandwidth of 115 Hz, they reported an average correlation jnd of 0.008 and a value of 0.03 for wideband (0 - 4kHz) noise. iv) Binaural Detection Although experiments many (see researchers have performed Durlach and Colburn, 1978), individual thresholds obtained in the NOSO configuration. Since the focus of NOS7r study signal-noise is the binaural "unmasking" ability as evidenced by NOSrT thresholds, the data are discussed (not MLDs). following threshold As noted above, NOSO results are measured for comparison and as an upper bound the MLD few have reported the and this binaural on performance. In sections, detection results are reported in units of 10log(E/No). Hirsch and Webster (1949), measured NOSO and NOSqT thresholds using waveforms. For a 50-Hz wide masker centered at 250 Hz, the NOSO threshold a was detection 250 Hz target masked by three different masker found to be 6.0 dB and average the average NOST PREVIOUS WORK Page 2-10 threshold was -5.0 dB. Bourbon (1966), in a study on the effects of on MLDs, target. masker bandwidth measured NOSO and NOSIT detection thresholds for a 500 Hz Using a stimulus duration of 150 msec (with 25 msec rise/fall times) he measured an average NOSO threshold equal to 8 dB and an average NOSIT threshold equal to - 9 dB, for a noise masker bandwidth equal to 130 Hz (approximately equal to a one-third octave noise). Wightman (1971), in a similar study on the bandwidth on the MLD, reported NOSO and NOSTr for an 800 Hz target. reported an average With NOSO the "heavily threshold of effects masker detection thresholds filtered" 10 of stimuli, he dB and average NOS-7 thresholds of -4 dB for an 800-Hz target masked by a 200 Hz wide, 800-Hz centered noise masker. Most recently, Zureketfl.(•,t) for a 4000 Hz measured NOSO and NOS7r tone with various masker bandwidths. thresholds For a masker bandwidth of 1000 Hz, he obtained average NOSO thresholds of 14 dB and average NOS1T thresholds of 9.0 dB. These results are plotted together in Figure 2.3. the results are in agreement with wideband MLD results reported in other studies (Durlach and Colburn, 1978). tonal, In generall, target signal frequency in As a function of the the background of a broadband masking noise, the MLD shows a maximum of approximately 15 dB in the region between 250 to 500 Hz, remaining constant up to approximately 1000 Hz. For frequencies above 1000 Hz monotonically to approximately 4 dB at 4000 Hz. the MLD decreases PREVIOUS WORK B. Page 2-11 Binaural Phenomena in Impaired Listeners In contrast listeners, to the experimental on listeners, and even dependence of binaural interaction. 1978) on binaural interaction reviewed in Durlach et al. in of hearing less about hearing impaired separately, listeners tests are employed versus tone pure tone thresholds example, flat-loss in audiogram. relative frequency. Impairments categorized on the basis of the frequency dependence For are the impairments (Davis and Silverman, 1970), the thresholds are obtained at frequencies spaced one octave plotted frequency (1981). most common description of impaired hearing is the ear the Results from experiments (up to Although many different clinical each normal-hearing relatively little is known about binaural interaction in hearing-impaired diagnosis results listeners are impaired are of to For normal apart and sometimes the loss. listeners whose threshold levels are elevated by a relatively constant amount at all frequencies, and hence have a relatively flat audiogram. Current clinical tests can also classify losses in terms of the general underlying physiological impairments. two such descriptions: conductive losses and sensori-neural losses. Conductive losses are impairments of the ear function. These There typically are external and middle two portions of the auditory system transmit the acoustic signal from the environment to the cochlea (the site of PREVIOUS WORK transduction Page 2-12 from mechanical Conductive losses are bone-conducted (commonly clinically hearing refered conductive-loss energy into neural firing patterns). defined thresholds to as by and the differences air-conducted air-bone gap). between thresholds Typically, listeners show normal bone-conducted thresholds but air-bone gaps of approximately 40 - 60 dB (Davis and Silverman, 1970). Sensori-neural losses are impairments cochlear-losses) and neural pathways in of the the inner ear auditory Sensori-neural losses are difficult to describe in general (or system. and can result in complicated and different impairments. Hawkins (1977), measured interaural time discrimination from reference delay and Hz. 4000 of zero usec for narrowband noises centered at 500 Their impaired subjects were bilaterally symmetric, sensori-neural losses: listeners, 2 listeners. low-frequency-loss Hawkins found that all listeners simply particular, and 2 the flat-loss-listeners high-frequency-loss had larger frequency narrowband noise. measured intensity found no intensity flat-loss impairments there was a that relatable to the magnitude of the audiometric loss. both interaural correlation In between discrimination. For than listeners and was In the normal time jnds for the low addition, jnds with 2 high-frequency-loss listeners, for 6 substantial degradation of interaural time discrimination not a Hawkins and Wightman for two of their subjects and interaural time and interaural example, at 4000 Hz, the flat-loss subject with a very abnormal time jnd (approximately 622 usec) had a normal intensity jnd (approximately 0.8 dB). PREVIOUS WORK Page 2-13 Subjects for the survey conducted by Hausler et al., (1983) included 39 normals, 17 unilateral or bilateral conductive losses, 7 bilateral sensori-neural losses with good speech discrimination, and 7 bilateral sensori-neural losses with poor speech discrimination. Furthermore, auditory in conjunction with evoked potentials, the another study on brain stem survey also included 26 multiple sclerosis patients, all of whom had normal audiograms and better than 88% speech discrimination. All of the hearing-impaired subjects (aside from the multiple sclerosis patients) had moderate to severe hearing losses (> 35 dB). The stimuli for all the tests were 1-sec bursts - (0.25 10 of wideband noise kHz ) presented at a level of 65 dB SPL for the normal listeners and 85 dB SPL for the hearing-impaired listeners. Although most of the tests performed on the study used wideband additional tests listeners using on stimuli, Hausler bilaterally in this and Colburn also performed symmetric, one-third-octave subjects bands sensori-neural of noise at loss center frequencies of 500 and 3300 Hz. They found that the listener with good speech discrimination (> 92 %) had normal time jnds at both 500 Hz (20 usecs) and 3300 Hz (30 usecs). gave In contrast, the person very abnormal time with poor speech discrimination jnds at 3300 Hz (> 500 usecs) but a near normal time jnd at 500 Hz (30 usecs). PREVIOUS WORK Page 2-14 Since the wideband time jnds were near normal (< 40 usecs) the majority listeners; above of bilaterally symmetric, regardless of their speech result sensori-neural discrimination scores, for loss the suggests that there are frequency regions of impaired binaural activity which are apparent only the non-impaired frequency regions are not stimulated. Each MS subject showed abnormal localization in localization had normal Another at audiograms finding the one test -- a significant result since all the MS subjects and normal (consistent speech with the discrimination binaural system's interaural intensity. processing scores. findings of Hawkins, 1977) obtained from testing the MS patients was the apparent of least of independence interaural time There were MS subjects with normal and intensity jnds but abnormal time jnds, abnormal intensity jnds but normal time jnds, and subjects with both time and intensity jnds abnormal. suggests (but This does not require) different physiological mechanisms for the processing of interaural time and intensity differences. In addition to these studies, many clinical investigators have tested the efficacy of the MLD as a diagnostic tool for neurological disorders (Noffsinger et al., 1975 ; al., 1981). Olsen et al., 1976 ; a wideband noise bilateral, sensori-neural loss subjects. for 180 unilateral of the and Results showed that 46% of the cochlear-loss subjects had abnormal MLDs (defined by MLDs et In a recent study, Noffsinger (1982) measured MLDs of a 500 Hz tone masked by as Lynn Noffsinger less than 8 dB) while 76% of the subjects with impairments VIIIth sensori-neural nerve had abnormal MLDs. This suggests that impairments have a significant effect on the MLD and Page 2-15 PREVIOUS WORK supports the notion of using binaural experiments detection as diagnostic tests. Jerger et al. of 649 impaired measured the MLD for a 500 Hz tone masked by a broadband listeners, noise. in an exhaustive test (1982) MLDs for 71 bilaterally symmetric (symmetric 9 within dB interaural threshold differences), sensori-neural loss subjects were The reduction obtained. in the MLD found was no significant (approximately equal reduction to 11 dB). was observed of 40 - directly in the MLDs For losses in the range from 20 - 40 dB, MLDs were reduced to approximately 7 dB. range be For hearing losses of proportional to the threshold loss at 500 Hz. 0 - 20 dB, to For losses in the 60 dB, MLDs were essentially non-existent (about 1 dB). Unfortunately, in both the Jerger and Noffsinger studies, the individual thresholds for the NOSO and NOST' configurations were not reported and it is hard to determine whether normal MLDs to normal NOSO and NOST( thresholds. Moreover, it is not clear whether abnormal MLD were a result of increased NOSIT normal NOSO thresholds correspond thresholds and or differential increases in both the NOSO and NOSW thresholds. C. Models of Binaural Interaction Most models of binaural interaction can be described by a block diagram from one of the form shown in Figure 2.+. another in the detailed Individual models differ assumptions about (1) the PREVIOUS WORK peripheral Page 2-16 processing of the signals, and (2) the form of the binaural interaction mechanism. The peripheral transduction of the stimuli usually critical-band over which Moreover, the peripheral peripheral imperfectly, and is auditory system transduction generally degraded and assumed by some physiological an stimuli. to form be of done noisy This noisy processing reflects psychophysical evidence neural activity. from combines is of internal "noise" limiting performance in tasks a filter, the narrow (1/3 octave wide) frequency region the processing. includes recordings of monaural the and binaural intrinsically random The embodiment of this noisy processing has varied additive noise term (Osman, 1971) a to physiologically consistent description of the stimulus detailed, transduction into neural firing patterns (Colburn, 1973). The computes binaural interaction portion of typically in different The models from a functional description (either explicitly (Sayers and Cherry, 1957 ; the model the cross-correlation of the signals at the two ears. embodiment of the cross-correlation operation varies the energy Osman, 1971) or implicitly (in the calculation of in the difference between the interaural signals in the EC model, Durlach, 1963) to a presumed neural coincidence mechanism which effects an interaural correlation measurement (Jeffress, 1949; Colburn, 1973). The decision mechanism is assumed to have available to two monaural channel interaction mechanism. outputs and For stimulus the output of configurations the in it the binaural which the Page 2-17 PREVIOUS WORK output of the binaural mechanism provides information which improves performance, the decision mechanism is presumed to use the stimulus configurations in which the for Similarly, information. binaural binaural output provides less information than the monaural, the decision process is assumed to use the better monaural channel. These models in predictions mainly have binaural performance to applied been detection and lateralization experiments. Colburn and Durlach (1978) have extensively analyzed the predictions of the different models and the dependence of these predictions on the different modelling assumptions. this study, instead of With regard to the purpose concentrating on the success predictions in any one of the tasks, we focus on past of attempts of the at relating discrimination and detection tasks within the framework of a single model. determine to Our what characterized ability extent results by to relate different from a these binaural small two tasks phenomena will can be number of "elementary" followed by Jeffress experiments. Starting with al.,(1956), many of detectability differences is Webster (1951) researchers signals directly have in suggested Specifically, improvements binaural to Webster detection differences resulting from the addition signals and maskers. that processes (1951) are of due interaural which hypothesizes to et the increased with configurations related lateralization. in and effect that interaural time interaurally different PREVIOUS WORK Thus, Page 2-18 given differences a (for measure of example, a sensitivity to measure the of interaural time just-noticeable interaural time difference) and a description of the interaural time differences resulting from the addition of a signal to a masker, one can predict that required to the produce signal level at threshold is that level the just-noticeable amount of interaural time difference. Hafter (1971), in relating a lateralization model to binaural signal-in-noise detection, assumed a binaural decision variable, , which was weighted sum of the instantaneous intensity differences. No internal interaural binaural detection configurations. between of signal-to-noise for values of (9 (1976) out point because contribution of MLD as interaural phase configuration, S ranging from 0 to T . Domnitz and a , Colburn that such a fit is not dependent on the specific model assumed but is a.function addition, the Using such a model, Hafter was succesful at predicting the dependence of the function and noise was explicitly assumed since Hafter was primarily concerned with the relation different time of the stimulus parameters. In his binaural decision variable also included the interaural intensity differences, Hafter's lateralization model, like the model presented by Durlach (1964), is capable of predicting high-frequency MLDs. used only (Jeffress interaural et al., high-frequency MLDs. phase 1956) differences were Previously, models which as the unsuccesful binaural at cues predicting Page 2-19 PREVIOUS WORK Note however, that the binaural decision (a sort of compound interaural time difference) calculated variable at Hafter's of value the in threshold signal-to-noise NOS7i is configuration Clearly, if such a model were to be applied approximately 90 usecs. both to localization and detection, it would not be able to predict the observed 10-20 usec time jnds and the observed signal-to-noise thresholds in an NOS7r paradigm. Another, more recent, model which also combines interaural time and intensity differences is the position-variable model mentioned in the beginning of this chapter (Stern and Colburn, 1978). conception, this model generated a binaural timing display original of neural coincidence counts after a fixed between interaural delay, of fibers an Stern included with a units width, fixed the W on position function, L ('Z), was lateralization, P was assumed to be a and interaural dependent intensity function, of interaural delay so that the two L (•r) function L (( ) and L ( C). interaural analogous to transformed relative is obtained. functions could be combined. form This the assumed interaural delays and a timing with function (designated L (z)) L (T_ ), , ' pairs of fibers of the same characteristic frequency. distribution of coincidence counts is then weighted by the number its In then Gaussian "mean" equal to M (1: intensity formed difference. in ), a A from the product of The binaural decision variable used in effecting , was obtained this resultant position function. by calculating the centroid of PREVIOUS WORK Page 2-20 To date, this model has not been applied to detection data, but has been quite succesful at predicting subjective lateral-position data and interaural discrimination of time in the presence of noise (Stern and Bachorski, 1983) In general , if the parameter values of any model of discussed in this these two tasks are related processes, identical tasks experiments, value 20 dB the observed thresholds (Colburn and Durlach, 1978). identical of experiments for the the it variables may be lower Although effected by not necessarily true that the two are is mechanism. In lateralization looking based on shifts in the mean variable, correlation decision is based on changes in binaural performance decision decision in and is the binaural (and type section are chosen to fit interaural time jnds, the predicted binaural detection thresholds are 15 to than the the distribution. while in binaural detection discrimination experiments), the width In the (or variance) analysis to of the follow, important consequences can be seen to follow from these differences. CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENTS We tested four hearing-impaired listeners in binaural experiments intensity interaural ; (1) interaural discrimination, fundamental time discrimination, (2) interaural (3) discrimination and (4) binaural detection. four correlation The same stimuli and the same paradigm were used for all the subjects in all the experiments. A. Subjects The symmetric two criteria (within subject for were bilaterally 5 dB), sensori-neural hearing loss with no known differences in physiological damage simplified selection between the two ears. This the issue of signal level presentations (see Durlach, et al., 1981) and allowed us to present signals of equal SPLs at the two ears. The subjects used in this study were three subjects with moderate-to-severe bilaterally symmetric hearing losses diagnosed as sensori-neural in origin and a Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patient no hearing high-frequency loss. losses Two of (both these subjects subjects had been had with noise-induced regular pistol Page 3-2 EXPERIMENTS shooters) and had audiograms which matched within plus or minus 5 dB at all 48 were subjects as diagnosed These 3.2). and 3.1 Figures and 65 years old, had good speech discrimination wear not scores and did (cf., tested frequencies having hearing The aids. presbycusis of subject third type strial-atrophy the (Schucknecht, 1974) and showed a relatively flat loss 3.3) (Figure This subject with slightly larger losses at the higher frequencies. regularly scores, was 62 years old, had poor speech discrimination was a hearing aid in her everyday life, but did not wear it during wore The the experiments performed in this study. as hearing normal measured audiological tests, but had been in (cf., diagnosed subject fourth Figure as 3.4) having had standard MS. This subject.was 30 years old, did not wear a hearing aid, and had normal speech discrimination scores. In addition to the impaired of one listeners, a subset of we tested the respectively. conditions These subjects this normal were tested tested with the hearing-impaired listeners in order (1) to provide a comparison of the in two whom was the author, the other an undergraduate student , aged 28 and 19 in subjects, methods used study by comparing our normal results to previous data and (2) to fill in "gaps" in the normal data, particularly in interaural intensity and interaural correlation experiments. B. Stimuli Page 3-3 EXPERIMENTS Stimuli for of bands noise discrimination the five around centered tests were one-third-octave of the frequencies usually Stimuli the for noises (as maskers) and experiments were synthesized on amplitude, random phase at tones pure the the same narrowband a computer (see cosines from Appendix of sums I). (at a 10 random The digital waveforms were stored on disk and were reconstructed over channels center corresponding All the noise stimuli used in the (as target signals). frequencies were experiments detection Hz). 4000 tested in pure-tone audiometry (250, 500, 1000, 2000 and dual D/A kHz sampling rate) followed by lowpass filters with 4.5 kHz cutoff frequencies. In all the stimulus experiments, interval durations of 300 msec (rise-fall times of 15 msec; of 270 msec) and interstimulus interval durations of 100 on-time msec were used. Stimulus levels at each frequency were held constant across the different subject, binaural but were tests. These above threshold levels and were different for each within the range of comfortable listening (generally 30 dB above a subject's threshold). Table 3.1 lists the stimulus levels for each subject at the five testing frequencies. The stimulus waveforms presented to the left and right ears each of the the experiments methods described below. i) Interaural Time Discrimination were constructed in according to the Page 3-4 EXPERIMENTS Interaural time differences less than 100 usecs were created by 16 of sets synthesizing independent waveforms, each with time differences (relative to the zero-standard set) ranging from 2.5 steps 47.5 usec in sets were generated of 5 usecs. at each of to Thus, a total of 11, 16-waveform the five center different frequencies. Interaural time differences greater than 100 usecs were created by delaying presentation in one D/A channel. This was done for ease of presentation since it was easier to delay the waveform outputs by multiple sample values (at large generate sets of delayed waveforms. waveform (envelope (onset) interaural delays) rather than Note that this causes and fine structure) delay. a total For delays less than 100 usec, only a delay of the fine structure was created. For any one presentation, the delayed waveform was presented to either the left or right ear in the first interval and then to the opposite ear in the second interval or where ' or ni(t) is one is the interaural time difference and n-(t) L J of 16 the waveforms chosen at random. The ear to which the delay was first presented was chosen randomly with equal probability. ii) Interaural Intensity Discrimination Page 3-5 EXPERIMENTS Interaural intensity differences were and amplifying one created by of 64 uncorrelated waveforms chosen at random. For any one presentation, the attenuated waveform was the either attenuating presented to left or right ear in the first interval and then to the opposite ear in the second interval L=-&X= A~± -vYyL() or where A and B are the waveform amplitudes 4A</2 and such that we to one ear also attenuated the signals at both ears in each interval by a common, random amount (0 - 10 intensity = 6• is equal to the interaural intensity difference in dB. Since it is possible to perform this task by listening only, 20log(B/A) cues. to confound any monaural A roving level over this range makes it impossible to use monaural discrimination dB) intensity cues to perform interaural intensity for intensity differences less than 6.0 dB. The ear in which the lesser amplitude waveform is first presented is chosen at random with equal probability. iii) Interaural Correlation Discrimination Different interaural correlations were created by varying the relative amount of a common signal in one of the two intervals or where n,(t) and n-(t) are uncorrelated waveforms chosen from C i a set Page 3-6 EXPERIMENTS of uncorrelated 64 correlation. in ear each power. is and waveforms , the average Note that regardless of interaural test the power noise is equal since all n 's had the same ensemble average The interval in which the test correlation appears is chosen at random with equal probability. iv) Binaural Detection A tonal target signal was added to an in-phase noise masker one two of signal phase interaural the first In conditions. interaural configuration (NOSO), the tone was added to each ear (an phase in difference of 0 radians) in one of the two intervals as shown below or and where s(t) is the tone target uncorrelated waveforms used discrimination experiments. the tone was added to in In the n(t) the is the from correlation second set and configuration of 64 intensity (NOS7-), one ear and subtracted from the other (an interaural phase difference of '7- radians) in one of the two intervals or In both configurations, the interval which contained the target tone was chosen at random with equal probability. Page 3-7 EXPERIMENTS C. Procedure Subjects responded via push-button response boxes with no fixed two-interval, a in duration response-interval two-alternative-forced-choice (21,2AFC) paradigm with feedback. such a paradigm, temporally ordered pairs of stimuli are presented an and the subject is asked to indicate in which interval "event" In appeared. auditory For discrimination experiments, such an event is the test difference along some dimension which must be distinguished from a difference. reference For detection experiments, such an event is the presence of a target sound which must be from a masking sound alone. distinguished Typical runs of such presentations lasted from 15 to 20 minutes. Hence, condition, for a a plot particular of percent and reference correct performance versus several different test conditions was obtained. in attribute stimulus Percent correct was plotted logit units and a weighted, minimum-chi-square fit (see Appendix II) was used subject's to discrimination just-noticeable difference characterize the curve. ability difference between the (jnd), reference From was which capability was signal-to-noise ratio, which was condition defined and defined test by as a a the condition Similarly, a subject's characterized was plots, characterized corresponding to 75% correct discrimination. detection such as by the ratio which corresponds to 75% correct detection. a threshold signal-to-noise Page 3-8 EXPERIMENTS Representative psychometric functions and normal both from impaired listeners are presented in Figures 3.5 - 3.&. Sequential Testing Rule in The method outlined in this section and discussed in detail Appendix II (a draft of a paper) was motivated by a desire to reduce to performance levels substantially different corresponding values (stimulus values stimulus extreme at the number of observations from a desired performance level) in a fixed-number-of-trials (FNOT) procedure. impaired hearing with testing method of listeners. several stimulus values. of Performance estimates are usually obtained throughout fixed presenting a specified, fixed number of trials, recording run, pyschometric function is then constructed from estimates at several stimulus values bracketing the corresponding clear to the to the desired performance level. experimenter what stimulus suitably sampled psychometric function. there will necessarily be trials cases to 5 such 3 value stimulus It is not a priori will produce a Hence, in a FNOT procedure, a considerable number of are used to estimate performance at extreme stimulus values. This uncertainty about the range testing where values run. the responses and calculating a percent correct at the end of A at level performance by selecting a particular stimulus value which is the particularly A typical experiment with this estimation requires efficient, not generally The FNOT procedure is of hearing is especially important in the impaired listeners since the range of suitable Page 3-9 EXPERIMENTS significantly stimulus values can vary requiring a new stimulus from subject determination range for to subject, each subject tested. Extreme stimulus values correspond to nearly perfect or performance. In each after the first 5 to 10 trials it is case, used is either very stimulus value discern. Intuitively, in order to save time vitality, the experimenter the remaining trials. continued presentation the that usually apparent to both the subject and the experimenter being chance easy or very hard to and preserve subject should stop the run without presenting However, the FNOT procedure requires of all the trials in the run. the Practically, an experimenter often implements an arbitrary criterion (e.g., if a subject has 10 consecutive correct responses, then stop) in order to terminate such runs early. In Appendix II, we formalize the above intuitive notions reducing experimental data collection well-defined, objectively implemented rule. into a about systematic, CHAPTER 4 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Results from the four binaural experiments discussed in relation are presented and to individual subject's hearing impairments and to normal binaural hearing. A. Normal Listeners i) Interaural Time Discrimination Average results for the two listeners at 250, 1000 and 2000 are presented in Figure reviewed in Chapter 2. 250 Hz, 15 usecs at Hz 4.1, along with results from the studies Observed interaural time jnds (20 usecs at 1000 Hz and 70 usec at 2000 Hz) are in good agreement with results from previous work. ii) Interaural Intensity Discrimination Page 4-2 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Average interaural intensity jnds versus noise center frequency are presented for the two listeners in Figure 4.2 along with results from the studies reviewed in Chapter For 2. both the subjects, interaural intensity jnds obtained (0.8 dB at 250 Hz, 0.9 at 500 Hz, Hz) 0.8 at 1000 Hz, 0.7 at 2000 Hz and 0.6 at 4000 with values dependence obtained by consistent Hawkins (1977), as well as the frequency intensity smaller (slightly observed are jnds at high frequencies relative to intensity jnds at low frequencies). iii) Interaural Correlation Discrimination Figure 4.3 presents average interaural correlation jnds from reference correlation of unity versus noise center frequency. Hz obtained from the study a Also by plotted is the one point at 500 Gabriel and Colburn (1981). Interaural correlation jnds are best at low frequencies (approximately 0.01), increasing gradually to 0.05 at 4000 Hz. iv) Binaural Detection Figure 4.4 presents average NOSO and NOS7T versus target (or noise center) frequency, along with the results from the studies reviewed in chapter 2. NOS71 detection thresholds Except at 500 Hz, where the threshold reported for our normal listeners are approximately 5 dB higher than the threshold obtained in a threshold with measurements detection thresholds. are consistent previous study, previous our binaural Page 4-3 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Generally, the normal data from this study is in agreement with results from past studies on narrowband, binaural discrimination and It is important to note that due to constraints on time, detection. the testing of normal listeners was not as extensive as the testing of the impaired listeners and was only results from and studies previous intended provide to gaps fill in consistency check a between past results and the results of this study. B. Impaired Listeners i) Interaural Time Discrimination Results from the two high-frequency loss subjects are shown Figures 4.5 and 4.6 . Despite their audiometric similarity (Figures 3.1 and 3.2), they had different sensitivities differences. to interaural on the order of 60 - frequencies (2000 and 4000 Hz), 100 usec time At low frequencies (250 - 1000 Hz) subject FG had time jnds ranging from 30 - 50 usecs (Figure 4.5), while subject jnds in while DH showed 100 usecs (Figure 4.6). DH had At higher subject FG had time jnds of 80 and a marked loss of sensitivity with jnds equal 550 and 600 usecs. Note that subject FG has near-normal (Figure to 4.1) sensitivity interaural time difference at high frequencies where his loss is most severe. In contrast to FG, subject DH has degraded time sensitivity at both low an high frequencies. interaural Page 4-4 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Results from the subject with a flat hearing loss, subject (Figure 4.7) show no sensitivity to interaural time differences (up to 1 msec, the largest time difference where the jnd is 100 usec. 500 Hz Subsequent detailed measurements of this from to 400 are consistent with her audiogram (Figure 3.3) and show no Hz) such region of good monaural hearing in either to appears at except tested) subject's thresholds near 500 Hz (at 10 Hz increments 600 VF, have an "island" of ear. sensitivity This subject to interaural time differences at 500 Hz. Finally, results from the MS listener, subject sensitivity (up to 1 CS, showed no msec) to interaural time differences at any frequency tested (Figure 4.8). Recall that this subject two high frequency had a normal audiogram at all frequencies. The listeners time jnds obtained for listeners, Hawkins reports time using the 4000 Hz centered noise. at loss are in good agreement with the results of Hawkins (1977), except for subject DH at 4000 Hz. usecs the 4000 Hz, a For his two high-frequency loss jnds ranging from 85 to 123 usec Subject DH has a time jnd of 600 factor of 6 worse than the average time jnd reported by Hawkins at this frequency. The time jnds of subject VF are similar to the time jnds of the two low-frequency loss listeners (no observable time jnds) tested by Hawkins. time The two flat-loss listeners in Hawkins's study had smaller jnds than those of subject VF (43 usecs at 500 Hz and 600 usec at 4000 Hz). Page 4-5 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS ii) Interaural Intensity Discrimination Interaural intensity jnds measured from the two loss subjects shown are similar sensitivities to subjects larger had in high-frequency They indicate Figures 4.9 and 4.10. interaural intensity Both differences. than normal intensity jnds ranging from 2.5 - 3.0 dB at low frequencies (< 1000 Hz), decreasing to 2.0 - 2.5 dB at the frequencies. higher The low frequency intensity jnds are a factor of 3 - 4 worse than normals (Figure 4.2), subjects had normal hearing those at though even frequencies, where both subjects have severe losses, higher At frequencies. the both intensity jnds were a factor of 4 - 5 worse than normal. Results from the flat-loss listener are shown in This dB. 4.11. Figure subject's low-frequency intensity jnds are between 3.0 and 4.5 At high frequencies, her intensity jnds increased to a of 8 dB at 4 kHz. maximum At all frequencies, this subject's intensity jnds were significantly worse (a factor of 6 - 10 larger) than normal. Intensity discrimination results for the MS subject in Figure 4.12. In contrast differences at 500 Hz sensitivity and 1000 Hz. to interaural Since the jnds at other frequencies are near 6.0 dB, it is possible that this used monaural (see below). cues shown to interaural time discrimination, subject CS, the MS patient, showed some intensity are subject to perform interaural intensity discrimination Thus, despite a normal audiogram, subject CS has poor (a factor of 6 - 8 larger than normal) interaural intensity jnds. Page 4-6 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS of The random, 10 dB roving level added to each interval experiment the uses of monaural intensity information to precluded an to effect performance up At and above 75% this difference, it is possible to perform better than correct intensity changes even with the 10 dB roving level. monaural using of difference intensity interaural dB (assuming a 21, 2AFC paradigm). 6.0 approximately this Thus, except at 4000 Hz for subject VF and at 250, 2000 and 4000 for Hz CS, interaural intensity discrimination could not have subject been mediated by monaural intensity cues. Unfortunately, Hawkins did not measure the his loss high-frequency listeners. intensity jnd for one of his flat near-normal waveform. (0.8 This intensity However, loss jnds of he did measure the listeners and obtained a intensity jnd using the high-frequency noise dB) result is not consistent with our flat loss listener's 8 dB intensity jnd at 4000 Hz. iii) Interaural Correlation Discrimination Results from the two high-frequency loss listeners are shown in Figures 4.13 and 4.14. Despite their audiometric similarity, the two high-frequency loss subjects exhibited dissimilar to interaural correlation differences. sensitivities Subject FG has relatively constant jnds equal to approximately 0.25 (a factor of 5 - 10 larger than normal) at the middle frequencies (500, 1000 and 2000 Hz), decreasing to a near normal 0.05 at 250 Hz and to 0.1 Subject DH has no at 4000 Hz. sensitivity to interaural correlation (subject could not distinguish between correlated and uncorrelated noise) at Page 4-7 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Moreover, this subject's sensitivity is worse 250 Hz (Figure 4.14). at the low frequencies and best at the high not does which a frequencies, result seem to be consistent with either his audiogram or his time discrimination data. As in the time discrimination experiment, subject VF showed to sensitivity interaural correlation may be processing at 500 Hz where we interaural a that This suggests measured a jnd of 0.7 (Figure 4.15). mechanism except no correlation and time common differences at low frequencies. As in interaural time to sensitivity interaural correlation at any differences further support the notion that no frequency (Figure interaural to The results from this subject any frequency. at showed CS subject Recall that subject CS showed no sensitivity 4.16). time discrimination, interaural time correlation and processing are related. In general correlation discrimination proved to be a for task subjects to perform. The training for this task took longer than in other tasks and this task was reported as and at times confusing by all of the subjects. by Gabriel and Colburn This is consistent as (1981) and Widjadja (1982). It should be noted that in the latter study, one unable "annoying" listeners with reports of correlation discrimination by reported difficult normal normal listener was to discriminate perfectly correlated noise from uncorrelated noise at 500 Hz even after a considerable amount of training. vi) Binaural Detection Page 4-8 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Detection thresholds for both the NOSO and NOS7r conditions are 10 - (5 elevated dB than higher FG subject are approximately 7 - 8 dB higher than normal and NOSTi thresholds are approximately 8 - 10 dB higher an unexpected subject had subject DH are are the NOSTr thresholds, monaural normal--- than at low frequencies where this particularly result, normal, thresholds More precisely, NOSO elevated by roughly equal amounts. for all at thresholds normal) the NOSO and NOSY thresholds are both Furthermore, frequencies. Both show and 4.18 for subjects FG and DH. 4.17 Figure in shown NOSO thresholds. for thresholds also approximately 8 - 10 dB higher than normal as As with subject thresholds. particularly Hence, subjects FG and DH at low the have normal FG, the elevated NOSO frequencies, is surprising. or, MLDs equivalently, a normal amount of advantage in listening to a target plus masker with interaural differences, even though they have elevated detection thresholds. As shown in Figure 4.19, results from subject VF, the flat-loss listener, show a different pattern of threshold elevation. She had near normal NOSO thresholds (within 2 - 3 dB) but elevated (a 12 dB increase above normal) frequencies (and hence, no MLDs). NOS 1 thresholds at almost The one frequency which largest difference between the NOSO and NOST7j had 10 all the thresholds was 500 Hz, but this appears to be due to an elevated NOSO threshold rather than a reduced NOSW threshold. If we had been measuring only the MLD, we might have incorrectly attributed the presence of the MLD to the Page 4-9 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS of "island" interaural time sensitivity this subject seems to have at 500 Hz. The results from the above three subjects are in agreement with the results MLDs (albeit hearing at of Jerger (1982). 500 elevated to due Hz (Figures Both subjects FG and DH have normal near-normal and thresholds) NOSO 3.1 and 3.2), while subject VF has a abnormal MLDs and monaural threshold loss greater than 40 dB at all frequencies (Figure 3.3). Finally, as is elevated seen in advantage detecting 4.20, Figure NOSO thresholds and NOS7r the high-frequency loss signals. in listeners, out-of-phase has both furthermore, unlike thresholds; subject CS subject CS showed almost no signals relative to in-phase Given the lack of any sensitivity to time and the degraded sensitivity to intensity differences, it is not surprising that the NOST' configuration offers no listening advantage to subject CS. C. Binaural Audiograms In this section, we present a new method of displaying the results of interaural discrimination experiments on hearing impaired listeners. descriptions audiograms. This and method is similar to current audiometric hence, we will refer to the new plots as binaural Page 4-10 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS interaural Binaural audiograms are plots of observed decilog Figures 4.1 - 4.3 display the normal units re normal jnds. discrimination jnds used in in jnds the We development. following have chosen a log scale in order to conveniently plot the increased range (typically 1 to 2 orders of magnitude larger than and correlation encountered jnds in testing normal) of time hearing impaired listeners. audiogram For interaural time discrimination, the binaural is constructed by plotting Figure 4.21 plots versus the center frequency of the stimulus. the interaural time audiograms for all the subjects tested in our study. Note that the time audiogram clearly illustrates features which not In particular, subject readily apparent in the previous plots. FG has a low-frequency time "loss" (in are his region of normal, monaural hearing) and normal, high-frequency time discrimination (in the region of his loss). In contrast, subject DH (the other high-frequency loss subject) has an approximately constant time loss as a function of frequency, a characteristic not easily seen in expressed in Figure 4.6 . Since decibels interaural and intensity binaural jnds are already audiograms are plots of "dB loss" re normal jnds, the intensity audiogram consistent with the time and monaural audiograms is a plot of (aO/, 00 - versus the stimulus center intensity (A ;?)OJAtL frequency. Figure 4.22 presents audiograms for the four subjects of this study. the Note the Page 4-11 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS relatively constant intensity loss of the two high-frequency loss subjects. Furthermore, subjects VF and CS exhibit a high-frequency interaural intensity "loss", discrimination a pattern of loss highlighted by the intensity audiogram. Finally, Figure 4.23 presents the correlation audiograms of the subjects. four Interaural correlation jnds were converted to dB re normal jnds by the transformation Note that subjects FG and DH show a low frequency correlation "loss" which resembles their time loss at low frequencies. In summary, binaural audiograms (1) highlight patterns of which are not apparent readily in conventional displays, loss (2) incorporate the increased range of jnds observed in hearing impaired listeners and (3) provide which is similar to current a description of binaural performance audiometric of descriptions monaural hearing loss. Clearly, binaural audiogram descriptions are dependent on However, the basic utility of the binaural is termed "normal" data. audiograms in exposing patterns independent of what of impaired binaural hearing any specific set of normal data assumed. is Hence, we feel that binaural audiograms are an informative display of binaural discrimination "loss" in hearing become a standardized method of impaired reporting results. D. Relationships Among the Four Tasks listeners impaired and should discrimination Page 4-12 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Scatter plots (Figures 4.24 - 4.29) of four Each scatter plot combines data from for the from results the tests are presented for all possible combinations of binaural pairs. and the different subjects. different frequencies Only measured data points (i.e., correlation jnds less than unity and time jnds less than 1000 usecs) are plotted and used in the calculation of the sample correlations. The sample correlations, r, calculated for the various pairs are presented below : r(.AT , 4( ) = -0.28 r( e" , 4 ) = -0.03 , n = 11 , n = 10 r( ,iotl.a5) r(Q( , 6 r(Ao( ,toh/.) = -0.38 , n = 11 r(A4 .,Lo.) , n = 10 = 0.60 )= 0.41 = -0.20 , n = 11 ,n 10 For n = 10, the critical values of are Y < -0.63 and and r > 0.60. r Thus, > 0.81. none `Y at 95% confidence levels For n = 11, they are of the sample f < -0.60 correlations are significantly different from 0 at the 95% confidence level. The low (and negative) sample correlation jnds and believed NOS¶r between correlation detection thresholds is surprising in light of the dependence of processors (see Chapter 2). binaural interaction on However, if we express ( 4 correlation ). in units Page 4-13 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS causes of a signal-to-noise ratio which amount of a masker for an NOS7? signal configuration by the in decorrelation equivalent an transformation : (A ) = log(WT) + 10log----------- we compute a new sample correlation equal to 0.67. not larger is it but significant, This still is than what it was before (and positive instead of negative). The above analysis suggests that correlation values expressed in This not is need only based on correlation obtained above by such a transformation. discrimination experiments from a reference one presents typically be similar to signal-to-noise ratios in detection units experiments. should test correlation the increased In correlation correlation unity, of values ranging over two orders of magnitude (0.9 to 0.999) in order to sample a psychometric The function. range spanned by the transformed correlation value (see equation above), is less than a factor Pollack and of three. Note that Trittipoe (1959 a,b) plotted their results in terms of equivalent common-to-uncommon noise ratios rather than correlation. Scatter plots of the results from the four binaural monaural threshold losses are presented subjects. and in Figures 4.30 - 4.33. Each scatter plot combines data from different frequencies different tests and for Only measured data points are plotted and used in the calculation of the sample correlations. Page 4-14 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The sample correlations, r, calculated for the various tests are , HL r( HL r( ) = 0.50 Sn= 11 ) = -0.10 Sn = 15 , HL- ) = 4 r(to % , -0.08 Sn = 10 0.29 , n = 20 ) = For n = 15, the critical values of levels values are four Y are r binaural < -0.59 and < -0.19 and tests C appear monaural hearing losses. r Yr > 0.45. > 0.66. to be at the 95% confidence For n = 20, the critical None of the results from the correlated with the measured CHAPTER 5 A MODEL OF BINAURAL INTERACTION interaction in an introduce we In this chapter attempt to : general a model of binaural unify interaural time and (1) intensity discrimination phenomena with binaural detection phenomena in normal and and listeners; impaired (2) a provide simple characterization of binaural hearing on the basis of interaural time and interaural intensity processing. With this goal in mind, the model presented in this study is not a final model and is in a described way that allows alternate assumptions to be investigated. It is a working hypothesis that serves as basis for the development and modification of existing models of binaural interaction. A. Outline of the Model The basic thrust of interaction time model is to characterize process and is interaural assumed intensity differences. The to be intrinsically stochastic (or noisy) and limited in its temporal tracking capability. these binaural as decisions based on imperfect estimates of interaural differences estimation the The use of imperfect difference estimates is assumed to be ideal subject Page 5-2 A MODEL OF BINAURAL INTERACTION to a specific combination rule. performance The parameters of the model are estimated from the of the individual impaired subjects in interaural time and intensity discrimination experiments. either continuous Although the model can be formulated in time or discrete time, we have chosen a discrete has attempt No time formulation in order to simplify the calculations. been made to address bandwidth effects and individual frequency bands are assumed to be processed separately. problem As discussed in Chapter 2, a general binaural interaction lateralization and parameter is their detection values. A inability performance possible with resolution to with to predict the same without changing the mean value of both set of this problem is an additional mechanism which reduces the variability of statistic models the binaural of the statistic. A mechanism which achieves this is an averager (or lowpass filter) differences. binaural As will be seen in this chapter, of the incorporation (or inclusion) of this mechanism in a general model of binaural interaction appears to make predicted NOS7T thresholds consistent with predictions based on observed discrimination jnds. Evidence for such a mechanism is (Blauert, 1972 ; Perrot present in several studies and Musicant, 1977), most recently in a series of papers by Grantham (1980) and Grantham and Wightman (1980) concerned follow with time the measurement of the binaural system's ability to varying interaural differences. For interaural correlation differences about zero correlation, they measured cutoff frequencies of 5-8 Hz for a 500 Hz-centered narrowband noise. At a Page 5-3 A MODEL OF BINAURAL INTERACTION frequency of 1000 Hz, they measured an 8-15 Hz cutoff center noise frequency, and at 2000 Hz, 18-25 approximately The Hz. roughly proportional to they the a measured center of cutoff frequencies is in increase frequency cutoff the of frequency noise and suggests a constant ratio of peripheral-filter bandwidth to low-pass filter cutoff frequency. B. Elements of the Model of Figure 5.1 illustrates a block diagram section of the one binaural portion of the model. frequency-band The assumptions of the model are: 1. The stimulus waveforms at each ear are filtered with a rectangular, 1/3-octave bandpass filter of width Wcb ; 2. The binaural system processes only a 300 the signal for each decision. msec segment of Equivalently, the effective duration of the stimulus is limited to 300 msec. 3. A temporal sequence of instantaneous interaural intensity samples ( '- interaural time and and k; ) are obtained from the filtered stimuli at time intervals equal to ). bandwidth (Wcbinverse of the peripheral filter inverse of the peripheral filter bandwidth (Wcb ). the Page 5-4 A MODEL OF BINAURAL INTERACTION 4. by corrupted are The interaural time and intensity estimates independent, zero-mean additive Gaussian noise terms of deviations of the noise ( and r ), each standard the by specified are difference interaural and band each in levels noise The fixed level. the only estimates are are and free parameters of the model. 5. corrupted of sequences Both interaural over K samples. Individual estimates separately averaged of Z. 0- are not available nor are running Each and average and estimate, parameter of the parameter in each consider different it model, frequency for Ks is (available every K on samples) is independent of the others. Although K At most, is a a free considered not band. averages. we will interaural time and intensity averaging. 6. The two averaged interaural estimates can as be approximated Gaussian random variables and are available as separate inputs to an ideal decision mechanism. 7. Two monaural channels are available to the mechanism which, in the limit the predicted NOS1f the monaural thresholds. ideal decision context of this study, serve to thresholds to be no worse than Page 5-5 A MODEL OF BINAURAL INTERACTION C. Comments The first four elements are not the of sort included assumptions in most interaction (Colburn and Durlach , 1978). are different significantly of models from binaural The first two assumptions to the present study (we used only one-third-octave irrelevant bands of noise and a duration of 300 msec), made on and stated are for completeness. The is assumption third basis the of the characterization of a narrowband signal n(t) of bandwidth W by S*- = A (-t) c.os t?- t T. 7c-e) 1 where A(t) is equal to the envelope function, C (t) is equal to phase and function fo the center frequency of the narrowband is signal (Wozencraft and Jacobs, 1965). When n(t) is a Gaussian noise A(t) is a stochastic function with time samples which are function, Rayleigh distributed random variables function the with time time q (t) is a stochastic samples which are uniformly distributed in the interval between 0 and 271 independent and samples (Davenport and Root, 1958). of Furthermore, both A(t) and q (t) occur every W-1 seconds (the first time instant when the autocorrelation functions of A(t) and (f(t) equal zero) and completely describe the stochastic functions A(t) and YC(t) (Van Trees, 1968). the interaural time (phase) difference and interaural intensity difference Thus, the samples of Page 5-6 A MODEL OF BINAURAL INTERACTION AJ&) L (where = t completely to assumed are i/Wcb) the describe interaural time and intensity difference functions (Footnote 1). characterization This processing. of assumption is both types of hearing impairments. various time and intensity interaural imperfect the independent allow to order The fourth assumption is made in and simple applicable to Moreover, the additive noise term is presumed to characterize the combined noisy processing of the peripheral and central portions of the auditory system. The fifth, key assumption is the for in Chapter 2, variability of the detection and additional An averaging mechanism reduces the Section C. difference interaural correlation argued mechanism statistics discrimination in binaural experiments without affecting the predictions of the interaural difference statistics in interaural time and intensity discrimination experiments. Initially, for ease of presentation calculation, we assume equal Ks (or equal temporal tracking capability) for both interaural time and interaural intensity processing. different averaging Ks for the In chapter 8, we interaural will time and show that intensity estimates provide a better fit to observed results. The last assumption allows us to explore various including the optimal combination, of interaural time and intensity differences. normal combinations, This exploration is not only relevant to modelling listeners, but is in particularly important in modelling the binaural hearing of impaired listeners, where one of the interaural Page 5-7 A MODEL OF BINAURAL INTERACTION measures difference so degraded as to be of little use in be may the separates which interaural model a Without providing binaural information about the stimuli. time and intensity processing and defines the combination of-the two interaural differences, it is not clear observed from interaural and intensity jnds what the time relative usefulness of the two cues are in a given binaural task. Ito This model is similar to the one proposed by (1982) that Their a study of masked interaural time discrimination. in they assumed no intensity interaural specific linear combination of the interaural here presented model can be considered a special case of the model in et al., (1982) processing and a phase observations. Moreover, the averaging of their interaural phase difference samples was explicitly performed since they assume that mean interaural phase differences are used in forming the decision variable. Similarly, Hafter's lateralization model (described in 2) can also be considered a special case of the general model in that he assumed no temporal averaging of the interaural and a specific Chapter linear of combination the differences interaural time and intensity differences. D. Estimation of the Model Parameters As stated independent earlier, interaural the difference number, K, of these samples. K seems to averager reduces samples by the number averaging From the Grantham studies, the of a fixed number be constant across different center frequencies and is Page 5-8 A MODEL OF BINAURAL INTERACTION Thus the only approximately equal to 20. single-critical-band 6 gZ and are the internal noise levels, model the of parameters free , in each of the binaural difference processors. The most direct way estimating of interaural time discrimination two any by however, could be used to estimate the binaural other results general, In experiments. experiments binaural parameters; model parameters. is model predictions to results from interaural intensity and matching from these (e.g. experiments discrimination and detection) generally produce changes correlation in both the interaural time and intensity differences chapter (see 6). using Further, differences ?ý and in stimuli with fixed (non-random) interaural interaural discrimination experiments of this type, the can be considered as statistics with means equal to k interaural differences and variances equal to zero. Thus, the only limitations on performance are the additive internal noise stimulus terms. In the following sections, using standard techniques of communication theory (Van Trees, 1968), we will relate ez and to the interaural difference jnds, (AT)o this and relationship intensity depends difference and (A.X ) . The form of on the way in which the interaural time estimates are decision mechanism. i) Separate Time and Intensity Differences combined prior to the Page 5-9 A MODEL OF BINAURAL INTERACTION With the assumption ( estimates difference each that ) , ideal decision mechanism Figure of averaged the interaural is individually available to the 5.2 (a), it follows that (see Appendix III) Sl ( 5.1 a) and d where V =( 5.1 b) cý = number of independent samples of L or obtained during the stimulus duration, T, (or 300 msec, whichever is shorter) and is given by K ii) Weighted Sum of Interaural Differences (SID) As an illustration of the way in which these relationships change for different mixing assumptions, one combination rule (which has been perception, suggested see as Chapter interaural differences represented here the by variable 2) is (Figure the a 5.2 underlying lateralization fixed, weighted sum of the two (b)). parameter b The and fixed turns weight out to ((•)/((T) ), the inverse of the time-intensity trading ratio. is be A MODEL OF BINAURAL INTERACTION Page 5-10 Given this assumption, there is effectively only one noise term, which is related to the interaural intensity jnd by + 2 14 . - (4 ) ( 5.2 a ) or, equivalently, from the interaural time jnd by + 6 - ( 5.2 b ) Since the left-hand-sides are the same in clear that b must be equal to these equations, ((AC).o)((r,)•), 6 values of 6 decision and ( assuming This no combination SID rule is still band, we must specify b and prior by predicting a two-parameter model. z tested. Thus, we the the noise now have that For each critical . z can be level estimates from observed interaural time and intensity jnds at each bands to In addition, note The parameters of each narrowband portion of the model specified the has consequences for the predictions of the two assumptions presented in chapter 8. the Moreover, in this sort of combination is less than the and 6, mechanism. is the ratio of the interaural intensity jnd to the interaural time jnd. values of it a of simple the five model frequency of binaural interaction which allows us (1) to match the frequency dependence of interaural time and intensity jnds in normal and impaired listeners, and (2) to predict performance in other binaural hearing tasks with Page 5-11 A MODEL OF BINAURAL INTERACTION no additional assumptions or parameter choices. It is important to realize that the theoretical predictions are independent of (1) whether the averaging mechanism is placed before or after the noisy processing and (2) that in the case of for interaural time independent of whether differences occurs and intensity the before averaging, combination or after of the predictions two the averaging. the order Ks are interaural Although the values of the processing noise variances would change for orders, equal different of the operations is not important (because the operations following the extraction estimates are linear). of the interaural difference CHAPTER 6 CHARACTERIZATION OF STIMULUS INTERAURAL DIFFERENCES According to the intensity differences are averaged, and then used mechanism. given Thus, in model 5, Chapter interaural time and extracted from the stimulus, corrupted, as observations a for an ideal decision specification of the corruption (i.e., of the from the interaural intensity and time (or phase) differences present in the additive noise terms) and the model for a given binaural the averaging, task can be predictions calculated stimuli at the two ears. In this intensity chapter, and we present the statistics of interaural interaural phase differences for the stimuli used in the correlation discrimination and binaural detection experiments. Using the method outlined by Domnitz and Colburn (1976), we obtained analytic expressions for the instantaneous interaural intensity and interaural too phase intractable to correlation the and numerical differences ratio. at differences. evaluate The analytically signal-to-noise ratio; calculations limiting and for expressions at intermediate proved values of however, they were used in characterizations of the values of correlation and signal-to-noise CHARACTERIZATION OF STIMULUS INTERAURAL DIFFERENCES A. Page 6-2 Analytic Evaluation of Interaural Differences i) Correlation Discrimination Stimuli In the correlation discrimination experiments, the the left ear, Re[EXt+f)], and at stimuli at the right ear, Re[r(t)], can be described as complex waveforms of the form XCjt) = N(e) Ie ( ( where fo is the center frequency of the noise, N( (t) Rayleigh stochastic distributed sample stochastic time time functions (i.e., values), functions distributed sample values). and (i.e., (t) and N (t) are functions with Rayleigh and (t) are functions The correlation time with (i.e., uniform uniformly the time instant at which the autocorrelation function first equals zero) for all the functions is equal to the inverse of the noise bandwidth. Forming the interaural complex ratio of the two get waveforms, we Page 6-3 CHARACTERIZATION OF STIMULUS INTERAURAL DIFFERENCES (t) are both Since (, (t) and from interval that (e(t) (6.2 fit. - ) in distributed uniformly we have to 77- and the phase is circular in 2'77, - 7 - Y(t)= (t), where C(t) is uniformly the distributed from - 7t to 7 . I(ti) Thus, at any time instant, = I is a complex random variable given by 3 C where N I and N2 are independent, variables random in the interval -7T and (fis ( 6.3 ) identically distributed Rayleigh a uniformly distributed random variable to ?7 . the The magnitude of I, or equivalently interaural magnitude ratio at any instant in time, is given by 47 /(6.4 ) thus the difference in decibels is equal to zero. For 1 this magnitude ratio is identically unity and = 1, For interaural = , intensity CHARACTERIZATION OF STIMULUS INTERAURAL DIFFERENCES Since N and N variables of S2 are degree identically 2, their distributed ratio variable, usually represented by F(v: of freedom. is 2) ,= = Thus, 0.4-333 ) F] L From Johnson and Katz (1970), we have S :L F = o ( 6.7a ) V L"- F 0 Z-2 ( 6.7b ) It then follows that, E and 2•o ,Iti 0- chi-squared random an F-distributed random with (6.6 Page 6-4 (6.8 ) 2 degrees CHARACTERIZATION OF STIMULUS INTERAURAL DIFFERENCES Vo-4 2.o~o Page 6-5 ( 6.9 (Tjz in dB Therefore, the interaural intensity difference (201logIIl) = at 0 has an expected value of zero and a standard deviation equal to approximately 7.9 dB. Eqn. in shown is Furthermore, as 6.3, the amount of variability in I (and in III) is modulated by L-$ 1. hence, Clearly, the maximum variability occurs 7.9 dB is 0, and intensity waveforms correlated the difference fluctuations possible for ý = interaural of amount maximum the at of 6.1 . Eqn. The phase of I, the interaural phase difference at any instant in time, is given by the expression 22 ,ctp is satisfied multiples of 2 a of Since the above equation (the angle plane) ( 6.10 by an infinite set of , we restrict the values be in the principal-value range of -11 < ) 4 we have chosen symmetric about zero, and hence, the for near to . < TF above complex development ._I in our .I the I values differing in Although any continuous range of length 2i7( principle-range, in vector could serve range diotic as a because it is stimuli (small CHARACTERIZATION OF STIMULUS INTERAURAL DIFFERENCES interaural phase. near Page 6-6 differences), the phase distribution clusters about zero Since the stimulus conditions of interest in this study are diotic (near-zero interaural intensity and phase differences), the above principal-value range is appropriate. f = 1i,we have For difference. I = 0, and hence, no interaural phase = 0, For ( 6.11 ) 3 As in the case of III, the distributions is modulated by amount of 1 - 2 variability in the phase = and the variablility at 0 represents the maximum amount of variability in the stimulus phase difference. To realize that this represents the variability, it is helpful to consider the probability maximum distribution of the phase difference to be defined over a circular abscissa, with -Ti and 7[ near being the same point on the circle. For values of 1, all the probability is clustered around the 0 point. decreases to 0 , the probability becomes distributed As uniformly around the circle. Finally, it is important to note that III and 41 are functions of the random these variables waveforms. variables, N2 /N are independent I and of @ . the The statistics of both power in the stimulus Thus, for correlated waveforms of the form in Eqn. the interaural difference statistics depend only on . 6.1, Page 6-7 CHARACTERIZATION OF STIMULUS INTERAURAL DIFFERENCES ii) Binaural Detection Stimuli Just as in the in waveforms stimulus described as correlation the discrimination binaural waveforms. complex the experiments, detection experiments can be For the NOSO detection configuration (in-phase noise added to an in-phase signal) we have ( 6.13a ) L L where N(t) is a uniform ( 6.13b ) +A At)4= e ,/) stochastic Rayleigh time function, L (t) the a stochastic time function, fo is the center frequency of the noise as well as the frequency of the target signal, and A is to is signal amplitude. equal Hence, for all signal-to-noise ratios, I(t) = 1 which implies 201loglII = 0 and .I = 0. For the NOSWT detection configuration (in-phase noise added an out-of-phase signal) we have, 5) e-1[J -=A(4e-) ?C§-t= AJC-)e where N(t), ( (t), ) ( 6.13c ) - Ae 6.13d ) fo and A are as defined above. to CHARACTERIZATION OF STIMULUS INTERAURAL DIFFERENCES Page 6-8 Forming the interaural complex ratio, we get c+ • C> ÷ ( 6.14 ) Hence, at any instant of time, I(ti) = I is a random variable given by A - WC 711 ( 6.15 ) A -f fQe, The magnitude of the interaural intensity ratio is given by 0Sce _ N~cse IT-( A - I-k K~ L = ZAA6.16 ) SI' For the case of no signal present (A/N = 0), implies 201logIII = 0. we have III = 1 which In the limit as the signal-to-noise ratio approaches infinity, III again approaches 1 and 201logII 0. The phase of I is given by -'•a,,v L cz 5. approaches Page 6-9 CHARACTERIZATION OF STIMULUS INTERAURAL DIFFERENCES L-a ta~6 -I - -)I M ( 6.17 For A/N = 0, we have 4 In difference. I = and 0, hence, ) no limit as the signal-to-noise ratio approaches the infinity, the argument of the first term of Eqn. from a negative value while the approaches 0 from a positive value. ?'t- o B. phase interaural argument 6.17 approaches of 0 second term the Therefore, we have = 7 Numerical Computation of Interaural Differences At intermediate values of distributions of 201loglII computer simulations. variables were techniques and signal-to-noise ratio, the and LI were empirically obtained through phase Rayleigh amplitude and uniform generated a and by pseudo-random inverse number cumulative generator random distribution (Dahlquist and Bjork, 1974). Using equations 6.4, 6.10, 6.16, and 6.17, and second-order density histograms statistics of interaural intensity and interaural phase differences were obtained from 10,000 samples of from a uniform distribution in - 'i to T7 CP (chosen ) and N, ,N7 (chosen from a Rayleigh distribution corresponding to a unit-normal Gaussian, i.e. CHARACTERIZATION OF STIMULUS INTERAURAL DIFFERENCES & = (2 - )) Example at each value of distributions differences at intensity Figures 6.1 Figures (PDFs) 0.995, 0.80 and interaural and phase r and signal-to-noise ratio through - 6.1 for 0.0. 6.3 6.12. illustrate interaural Figures intensity 6.4 phase differences at - In each figure, signal-to-noise ratios illustrate PDFs of -26.0, for 6.6 probability density differences at illustrate PDFs = 0.995, 0.80 and 0.0. 6.7 - 6.9 illustrate PDFs for interaural 6.12 differences density is plotted versus interaural intensity or phase difference. functions and signal-to-noise ratio. intermediate values of are illustrated in probability of Page 6-10 intensity -21.5 and 0 dB. interaural phase = for Figures differences at Figures 6.10 differences at signal-to-noise ratios of -26.0, -21.5 and 0 dB. In the correlation (Figures case for values of equal that unimodal, 0.995 6.1 and 6.4), 0.8 (Figures 6.2 and 6.5) and 0 (Figures 6.3 and 6.6) both difference distributions are unimodal and Note to as mean. approaches zero, both distributions retain their zero-mean distribution zero characteristics becoming increasingly with uniform the phase difference (as predicted by Eqn. 6.11) and the intensity distribution reaching its maximum width. For the detection (Figures 6.7 and 6.10), case at signal-to-noise ratios also zero Although it is not apparent in each figure, the distributions of both differences are also bimodal. phase dB -21.5 dB (Figures 6.8 and 6.11) and 0 dB (Figures 6.9 and 6.12) both difference distributions are mean. -26 The bimodal structure of the distributions (Figures 6.10, 6.11, and 6.12) is more apparent Page 6-11 CHARACTERIZATION OF STIMULUS INTERAURAL DIFFERENCES than that of the intensity distributions, particularly at the higher signal-to-noise ratios where the double peaks are more pronounced and separate. The detailed functional forms of these difference distributions are not important from the modelling point of view but are presented here for completeness. averages Since approximately the model Chapter chapter random Gaussian 5 variables Such averaging must be carefully defined for the 7). interaural phase estimates since phase is a circular this in 20 such difference estimates, the resulting averaged samples can be approximated by (see presented In function. study, we assume that (as a result of the averaging), the PDFs of the phase distributions are circularly convolved average resultant, distribution. distributed phase ( phase does not In the to case obtain of the uniformly and 10log(S/N) equal to zero), averaging result the in convergence to a Gaussian distribution. However, since most of the predicted correlation jnds in the next chapter are less than 0.7 (correlation values greater than 0.3), the uniform phase distribution does not appear in our predictions. Given the Gaussian assumption, a sufficient characterization of the stimuli which is useful for second order description of the dependence the modelling predictions is a difference estimates. Thus, of the standard deviations of 20logIII and 4-I versus and signal-to-noise ratio are plotted in figures 6.13 through For all values of of intensity 6.16. and signal-to-noise ratio, the expected value of both 201logIIl and 4I were equal to zero. values the In addition, for all and signal-to-noise ratio, the interaural phase and measures appeared to be uncorrelated (numerically CHARACTERIZATION OF STIMULUS INTERAURAL DIFFERENCES calculated correlations Page 6-12 were always a factor of 10 -3 less than the product of the individual standard deviations). In the correlation case, for both difference is a monotonic increase in standard deviations as unity to zero. deviation rises Specifically, the intensity sharply at values of of 5.6 (ordinate values divided by variables, f decreases from difference the maximum phase difference standard deviation showed near unity (a normalized slope standard near 1, a normalized slope ordinate a value), = 0.6 . reaching a constant value of approximately 7.0 dB at rise there relatively The shallower of 3.7) and increased at a linear rate of 1.25 radians per unit decrease in for less than 0.9 In the detection case, as with the correlation waveforms, there is a monotonic increase in standard deviations as signal-to-noise ratio increases up to approximately 0 dB. However, unlike the correlation waveforms, the intensity difference and phase difference standard deviations rise at approximately the same (0.018 Moreover, approximatly at higher signal-to-noise and ratios (up to 0 dB), both difference standard deviations increase at a linear rate of 0.4 dB intensity difference per dB ratio. rate for intensity and 0.013 for phase) for small signal-to-noise ratios. ratio normalized 0.07 signal-to-noise radians of phase difference per dB signal-to-noise CHAPTER 7 BINAURAL PERFORMANCE BASED ON STIMULUS VARIABILITY We have presented experimental results from normal and impaired listeners in four binaural experiments narrowband noise center frequencies. simple, narrowband at several In chapter 5, we different presented a model of binaural interaction which facilitates the exploration of relationships between the four different binaural tasks. The major goal of this model is to unify the relationship between interaural time and intensity discrimination and the ability to discriminate interaural correlation and detect targets in binaural signal configurations. In chapter 6, we characterized time (phase) differences for the interaural intensity the stimuli used in the correlation discrimination and binaural detection experiments of this study. this and In chapter, we derive the equations for predicting performance in the correlation discrimination and binaural detection experiments. These predictions are obtained from the model presented in chapter 5 in conjunction with the stimulus characterization discussed 6. chapter BINAURAL PERFORMANCE BASED ON STIMULUS VARIABILITY Depending assumed, on the the interaural model differences predicts performance relationship between the time and intensity noise ) parameters of the model variability in the stimulus ( the ). model Thus, given the and interaural time and The the a ( intensity available in difference internal and of to the the correlation terms of distributions, under rule particular the time stimuli estimate performance in these two tasks assumptions. from jnds characterization intensity combination "information" discrimination and binaural detection Page 7-2 various their we can combination results of the formulations which are derived in this chapter are presented and discussed in chapter 8. A. Distribution of Averaged Interaural Differences In the derivations that follow, we interaural difference observations, ' assume and that the averaged c/ , are Gaussian random variables with means equal to the mean of the corresponding stimulus interaural of the differences corresponding and variances proportional to the variances stimulus interaural differences plus the processing noise variances ( see Figure 5.1 ). Figures 7.1 through 7.8 illustrate plots of the log-probability distributions for twenty (20) averaged values of Y' and C<, along with Gaussian distributions which have the same means and variances. Averaged interaural intensity distributions (Figures 7.1 and 7.2) and phase distributions (Figures 7.3 correlation values of 0.995 and 0.80. and 7.4) are presented for Averaged interaural intensity distributions (Figures 7.5 and 7.6) and phase distributions (Figures BINAURAL PERFORMANCE BASED ON STIMULUS VARIABILITY 7.7 and 7.8) are also presented for for NOSr1 detection stimuli at signal-to-noise ratios of -26.0 dB and -21.5 dB. differences, from the Page 7-3 Note that for both the'variability seen in these figures comes completely external variability of the stimulus; the Gaussian, internal noise is not included. As can be seen in discrimination and these figures, binaural for detection both the waveform correlation statistics, Gaussian assumption is supported out to more than 2 or 3 the standard deviations. Furthermore, critical to because the the predictions variance of these estimates presented in this chapter, we were concerned about the effect of a small number of very on the variances important for "natural" limiting computed the in chapter interaural intensity occurs in as differences ( the natural limiting phase in 2 r ). Therefore, clipped the interaural absolute intensity 6. case being the of circularity no of the hard-limited or samples values of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 dB. where interaural phase symmetrically difference samples This is particularly differences the we large is at maximum, From Figures 6.5 - 6.8 it is clear that the variance of the interaural intensity difference is largest at a correlation Hence, clipping would variances near Therefore, in the computed this have the and largest correlation following signal-to-noise ratio of zero. and discussion, effect on the signal-to-noise the differences computed value. in the variances at the various clipping maxima are presented for a correlation and signal-to-noise ratio equal to zero. differences decrease The reported to zero as the correlation increases to unity BINAURAL PERFORMANCE BASED ON STIMULUS VARIABILITY Page 7-4 and the signal-to-noise ratio decreases. We found that for clipping bounds greater than or equal dB, the decrease unclipped noise. were decreased 15 in the computed variances was at worst 5% of the For clipping bounds less than 15 dB, the variances by more than 5% ; however, for bounds of this decrease was at most 10% of the unclipped value. a to 10 dB, The effect of 5 - 10 % decrease in the variance on the predictions proved to be less than the variability of the predictions variability in the measured time due to the observed and intensity jnds. predictions in this chapter are based on the Thus, the unclipped variances computed before averaging in chapter 6. The above intensity results differences suggest greater that than processing of approximately provide any significant, additional information about interaural 15 dB does not the variance or width of the interaural intensity distribution in the correlation and detections tasks. value It is interesting to note that the "critical" of the hard limiting of the intensity difference ( r- is close to the value observed which results in a 15 dB ) completely lateralized image ( Durlach and Colburn, 1978 ). B. Model Predictor Equations For a correlation configuration, differences interaural are the zero discrimination mean and values the or of variances an the are NOS7r detection stimulus interaural functions correlation or the signal-to-noise ratio. of the Therefore, in BINAURAL PERFORMANCE BASED ON STIMULUS VARIABILITY these experiments, the ( 't observations only and DC aspect of the Page 7-5 binaural difference ) which changes between the test and reference stimulus conditions is the variance of the two, averaged interaural differnces. The just-noticeable change in variance will correspond to stimulus parameter value ( ? or signal-to-noise ratio ) which so produces just enough additional stimulus variability just noticeable from that as to the variance of the noisy processing. be Given the stimulus presentation structure of the form described in chapter 3, Interval Sl R = reference stimulus S2 T = test stimulus and assuming a reference condition variability ( with no interaural difference reference correlation of unity or masker alone in an NOSW7 paradigm ), we obtain prediction equations under the following combination rules. i) Separate Time and Intensity Difference Observations In this section, we assume that interaural time differences and intensity are separately available to an ideal decision mechanism ( Figure 5.2 a ). Given this assumption, predictions four for possible we combinations can of investigate the the interaural BINAURAL PERFORMANCE BASED ON STIMULUS VARIABILITY differences : alone, (3) (1) intensity differences alone, (2) time differences weighted, linear sum of the interaural differences , a and (4) the optimal combination of the two By testing interaural differences. the predictions of these four combinations, we are able to explore : time Page 7-6 and (1) how the optimal intensity compares combination to a rule difference interaural lateralization-like, combination rule of interaural time and intensity, interaural of and linear (2), which cue is important in effecting performance at different frequency regions. It is important to note that for all the processing noise estimates are four made combination on the separately available differences ( Equations 5.1 such, the a rules, assumption of and b ). As linear sum considered in this section is not the same as the weighted, fixed linear sum considered Figure 5.2 b ). in the next section ( The linear combinations are different in two ways : (1) the processing noise estimates are different ( Equations 5.1 and 5.2 ) and (2) the combination weight in section B-i is assumed to be the ratio of the interaural lateralization-type models difference ) whereas jnds in ( section consistent B-ii chapter, the weighting is constrained to be the ratio of of with this interaural difference jnds. a) Interaural Intensity Difference Alone Assuming the use performing a of interaural likelihood ratio intensity test, differences alone and the optimal decision test ( based on a minimum probability-of-error criterion, Van Trees, 1968 ) BINAURAL PERFORMANCE BASED ON STIMULUS VARIABILITY Page 7-7 results in a decision rule of the form ( see Appendix IV ) S, II 2-5 or equivalently 2- W where > , is the interaural intensity observation L interval. Combined in the ith with the processing noise estimate of equation 5.1 a, the above equation implies the just-noticeable change in test stimulus interaural variability ( the &T ) is satisfied by the an F-distribution equation d'0('r (Loo~l where K = 20 and 7.1) ý is equal to and F (1 , ) is the critical .z• probabililty of 0.25 with value -1 = for = 9 right-hand side of equation stimulus. b) Interaural Time Differences Alone a degrees of freedom. Hence, the test-stimulus value corresponding to 6r which the at satisfies 7.1 is the just-noticeable test Page 1-8 BINAURAL PERFORMANCE BASED ON STIMULUS VARIABILITY Similarly, using interaural time alone, we rule obtain decision a S 2. > Combining the above decision rule with the processing noise estimate we get that the just-noticeable change in the b, 5.1 equation of stimulus interaural phase variability ( ) is satisfied by T 6'C (7.2 ) C A-r\ where C , the band critical of usec/radian ( fo is the center frequency = 0,/ ), a conversion factor from interaural filters phase difference to an interaural time difference. To compute the prediction at any one frequency, we use the time and jnds intensity measured for that critical band and scale the 6.16 interaural differences standard deviations ( Figures 6.13 by 1/C(A)r and Cy /Cy) ) We then find the scaled standard deviation equal to the expression on the right appropriate for that frequency. The stimulus value corresponds which that to standard scaled deviation is the just-noticeable stimulus value. to Because the rate of independent difference samples is equal the is bandwith of the stimulus and the bandwidth of the critical band proportional independent to the center frequency, rate at which stimulus differences samples are available is higher at high frequencies than at low frequencies. independent the averaged and therefore, a larger Hence, there are more difference samples available to the processor . This increase is reflected in a BINAURAL PERFORMANCE BASED ON STIMULUS VARIABILITY smaller "threshold". for the Page 7-9 variability as seen in the stimulus expression to the right of the equality in Equations 7.1 and 7.2 Since this threshold expression will appear once again and is of importance in the predictions to follow, we have tabulated values narrowband of the expression in Table 7.1 for the different center frequencies tested in this study. c) Linear Sum of Differences Assuming a linear combination of the form, +I = forming an LRT and using the processing noise estimates of equations 5.1 a and b, we find that the just-noticeable test stimulus value corresponds to interaural difference variances which satisfy ( see of the Appendix IV ) 7IFr (,2fe-7 c"C. has elements Equation 7.1 Note that the above variance expression interaural-intensity-alone expression ( interaural-time-alone expression ( Equation 7.2 ). time or intensity processing is severely degraded ( much greater than 6C ý fI- or 6 ), then the ) and the Moreover, (~ if )o or (4? ) left-hand side of BINAURAL PERFORMANCE BASED ON STIMULUS VARIABILITY equation 7.3 reduces to the left hand side of equation 7.1 or 7.2 reduced by a factor of /Fi is if sub-optimal Page 7-10 the . Clearly, the interaural linear-sum combination are differences separately available. d) Optimal Combination of Interaural Differences i.e, With no a priori combination assumptions, assuming both interaural time and intensity difference observations are separately available, we form an LRT and obtain a decision rule of the form ( see Appendix IV ) S2 where ~2 -14 d =t i is a variable processing binaural noise terms seems to mixing and the coefficient stimulus dependent interaural on the difference variances. There be no tractable or expression for the performance of this rule. enlightening analytic Hence, the predictions of this rule were numerically obtained by Monte Carlo simulations of the decision rule. One thousand sample values of I 'z 2, , and BINAURAL PERFORMANCE BASED ON STIMULUS VARIABILITY Page 7-11 -- were generated ( as detailed in chapter 6 ) at each value of and 10log(S/N), and used to calculate a percent correct based on the above decision rule. Jnds and detection thresholds were then estimated from the correlation value and signal-to-noise ratio which corresponded to 75% correct. Predictions of this rule 2 that lateralization will be discussed in chapter 8. ii) Fixed Sum of Interaural Differences We know from phenomena the suggest review the interaural differences variable. Moreover, of chapter binaural processor weights and sums the two and from forms the a single analysis weighting coefficient, b, must equal the binaural of chapter ratio of the difference 5, a fixed interaural difference jnds. Thus, assuming the model is forced to use a fixed, linear combination of the form ( see Figure 5.2 b ) and performing an LRT , we obtain a decision Appendix IV ) rule of the form ( S 2.- S Combined with the processing noise estimate of equation 5.2 ( recall that under the fixed, linear sum assumption there is essentially only one noise term in the model ) we find that the test just-noticeable stimulus value corresponds to interaural difference variations Page 7-12 BINAURAL PERFORMANCE BASED ON STIMULUS VARIABILITY which satisfy " e7. =C r Jar ( differences is combination ) SID of sum Note that the prediction equation of the fixed, interaural to the expressions related Specifically, obtained for either interaural difference alone. if the processing of either interaural intensity or time differences is or (dt). severely degraded ( (4) much than larger stimulus the difference variations ), the fixed linear sum predictions approaches the predictions of the separate, non-impaired interaural ( 7.1 Equations ). 7.2 and section B-i-c, in Furthermore, Equation difference to the contrast optimal predicts 7.4 development in performance given the assumption of the fixed, SID combination rule ( see Figure 5.2 b ). In the next chapter, we present the values predicted for equations both normal listeners in this study. listeners and hearing the these by impaired Not only do we investigate the predictions of different interaural difference combinations, but in addition, by comparing the values of the time and stimulus variability to the other intensity components expressions of at threshold, we assess the relative importance of the two interaural differences effecting impairment. the in performance for a given binaural task and a given hearing CHAPTER 8 COMPARISONS OF PREDICTIONS WITH OBSERVATIONS The equations of chapter 7 were used in performance binaural obtained characteristics stimulus in the detection in correlation interaural experiments. chapter compare them with to the predict and Below, we present the predictions observed the 6 discrimination of the four combination rules investigated in the and with conjunction previous' chapter correlation jnds and NOS detection thresholds of chapter 4. correlation For the graphs presented in this chapter, observed jnds detections and thresholds are plotted with connecting-lines along with the predictions of the model connected by solid lines. dashed which are In addition, vertical bars representing the range of predicted values obtained due to the variability of the observed time and intensity jnds (approximately 10 - 15 % of the observed jnds and thresholds) are included with the predictions. A. Separate Time and Intensity Difference Observations Page 8-2 COMPARISONS OF PREDICTIONS WITH OBSERVATIONS None of rules combination four the considered this under assumption, including the optimal, non-linear combination rule, were both Specifically, frequencies. all the weighted linear sum and optimal combination rules predicted correlation thresholds and detection that thresholds at thresholds able to predict correlation jnds and NOS7T detection NOS7I larger than the observed jnds and were detection thresholds (Figures 8.1 and 8.2). Moreover, the predictions of the model (Chapter section 7, of B-i-c) interaural optimal combination rule. predictions the of As can be seen in Figures 8.1 and 8.2, the difference between the predictions of within sum intensity and time differences is not significantly different than the the linear the using two the rules are range of predictions due to the observed variability of the observed time and intensity jnds. the Thus, in predictions model. alone of the remainder weighted, of this chapter, will present sum-of-interaural differences (SID) The time alone component of the SID rule and the intensity component of the SID rule are presented for comparison and to show the relative usefulness of the interaural the different frequency bands. B. we Normal Listeners i) Interaural Correlation Predictions difference cues at COMPARISONS OF PREDICTIONS WITH OBSERVATIONS Page 8-3 Predictions of the SID rule for normal listeners in Figure 8.3. The functional form frequency curve is correctly predicted (Figure 8.4) and intensity differences differences at at high low presented of the observed jnd versus and, from the time alone alone (Figure 8.5) predictions, it is apparent that the SID rule predictions are time is frequencies frequencies. effected and However, by interaural interaural intensity note the that high frequency (2000 and 4000 Hz) jnds are significantly smaller than the observed jnds. ii) NOS'W Detection Thresholds Figure 8.6 presents the predictions of the SID rule for listeners along with observed average data. normal The predicted values are close to the observed thresholds at 250 and 1000 Hz, but significantly different (> 5 dB) at 500 Hz, 2000 Hz and 4000 Hz. in the correlation jnd predictions, the mediated 8.7) and by threshold predictions are As are interaural time differences at low frequencies (Figure interaural intensity differences at high frequencies (Figure 8.8). Part of the discrepancy between the predicted and observed jnds and thresholds is almost time, interaural intensity, and binaural listeners. rather than detection certainly interaural results from due to not having interaural correlation the same discrimination set of normal For example, at 500 Hz, if a 20 usec time jnd were a used 10 usec jnd, the predicted threshold would be -7 dB rather than -10 dB -- which is only 1 dB lower value and well within experimental variability. than the observed Page 8-4 COMPARISONS OF PREDICTIONS WITH OBSERVATIONS However, the SID rule appears Predictions thresholds at high frequencies (2000 and 4000 Hz). the frequencies high at model be could the value of the variance "threshold" terms derived increase would correlation in chapter 7, and hence, the model would predict larger 8.9 plots the value of this Figure thresholds. higher and jnds frequency, threshold (the expression tabulated in Tabel 7.1) versus K with parameter. a as Note the large relatively effect of compared increasing K on the threshold values at low frequencies as to threshold values at high frequencies. the 8.10 - plot 8.13 threshold K's Larger bands. of assuming by improved different averaging K's at different frequency detection and jnds discrimination correlation observed than lower predict consistently to the predictions correlation for time In addition, Figures and discrimination detection alone (Figures 8.10 and 8.12) and intensity alone (Figure 8.11 and 8.13) for the corresponding values of K. K's In terms of the model's complexity, allowing different frequencies high begins trivializes the predictions. would equivalent an have to A detract from modification effect of of and simplicity its the increasing model the which predicted correlation jnds and detection thresholds at high frequencies is have different averaging. by to K's for the interaural time and intensity estimates Since the predictions of the model appear to be mediated interaural time processing at low frequencies (frequencies less than or equal to 1000 Hz) and high at frequencies, interaural intensity processing at a larger K for intensity estimate averaging will not affect predictions of the model at low frequencies, but it will COMPARISONS OF PREDICTIONS WITH OBSERVATIONS increase the predictions high frequencies. interaural both for equal K's at Page 8-5 and time The assumption of was samples intensity originaly made to simplify calculations. The value for interaural intensity averaging (to be denoted K ) which best by fit both the correlation jnds and the detection thresholds at 2000 and 4000 Hz Predictions of was found to 8.16. a = K 40. the different-K's SID rule, Figure 8.14 (henceforth refered to as simply the SID rule), are presented and be As expected, the predictions in Figures 8.15 at low frequencies are unaffected by the increased K for intensity sample averaging. More importantly, the predictions of the SID rule at high frequencies are in good agreement with discrimination and NOSnT observed results and b , the both correlation detection. Note that by assuming a different K averaging, for for interaural intensity number of independent estimate averages ( ) is now different for time and intensity. '. Specifically, for time estimates we have and for intensity estimates we have E, Thus for the predictions presented in Figure 8.15 and 8.16, frequencies (frequencies less at low than or equal to 1000 Hz) where the predictions of the model are predominately due to interaural time Page 8-6 COMPARISONS OF PREDICTIONS WITH OBSERVATIONS processing, we used a threshold value computed from a K = 20. At value as high frequencies (2000 and 4000 Hz) we used threshold a computed from a K = 40 (see Figure 8.9). The analysis above suggests that different K's interaural for time and intensity processing result in predictions which are closer Specifically, to the observed results. jnd and NOS'7 detection predictions high-frequency (both predominantly due to interaural intensity processing in this model) observed, normal results. correlation are to closer the Hence, we now compare the different K's rule to observed results from the hearing impaired listeners. C. Impaired Listeners In this section, we present the predictions with the different averaging of the SID rule K's for time and intensity samples. Consistent with the assumptions of the model as presented in chapter 5, the total effect of the hearing impairment on binaural hearing is and presumed to be described by an increased variance in the time In the following intensity processing noise (Figure 5.1). predictions, we have assumed the same "normal" K's (K', = 20 and K, = 40) for all of the impaired subjects. i) Interaural Correlation Predictions COMPARISONS OF PREDICTIONS WITH OBSERVATIONS Page 8-7 Predictions of the SID rule for subject FG is shown 8.17. Note that the in Figure functional form of the observed frequency dependence is correctly predicted and that predicted jnds are most, a factor of 2 - 3 Moreover, from Figures 8.18 intensity alone different and predictions), 8.19 from (plots time of alone and it is clear that the predictions of time low processing and at the observed values. the SID model is essentially due to interaural frequencies , interaural intensity processing at at high frequencies. Predictions of the SID rule for Figure 8.20. The observed subject frequency DH are presented dependence is generally predicted and the predicted jnds are within a factor of 2 or at all frequencies except 500 Hz. in better From the time alone and intensity alone predictions (Figures 8.21 and 8.22), it seems as if subject DH is predominately using interaural intensity information at all the frequencies, even at 500 Hz where there is useful information in the interaural time difference. Predictions of the SID rule for Figure 8.23. The observed subject frequency VF is dependence presented is in correctly predicted as is the jnd at 500 Hz where she was able to discriminate correlation. It (Figure 8.24) nor correctly predict intensity jnds, is interesting intensity this one alone point. would to have note that neither time alone (Figure From VF's 8.25) were interaural incorrectly able time attributed correlation sensitivity solely to her time sensitivity at 500 Hz. to and her COMPARISONS OF PREDICTIONS WITH OBSERVATIONS Page 8-8 For subject CS (the MS patient) the SID rule, intensity alone frequencies. all As such, predicted the jnds predictions greater of all time alone and than 1 at all rules are three presented in Figure 8.26 for this subject. ii) NOS7r Threshold Predictions Figure 8.27 shows the predictions of the SID rule FG. subject predicted thresholds are close to the observed thresholds The at except for predictions 2000 Hz. As in the case of the jnd correlation for this subject, the SID predictions are primarily due to time processing at low frequencies (Figure 8.28) and intensity processing at high frequencies (Figure 8.29). Predictions of the SID rule for subject DH (Figure 8.30) show a reasonable fit to the observed thresholds at 500 Hz and 1000 Hz but are too high at 250 Hz and too low at 2 and 4 kHz. From the alone 8.31 and 8.32) and intensity neither time although nor alone intensity predictions seems to (Figures dominate the time predictions, the functional form of the frequency dependence (except at 250 Hz) is close to that observed in the time alone predictions. For subjects VF and CS, the SID rule predicted NOSW thresholds higher than their observed NOSO thresholds at all frequencies except at 500 Hz. (Figure Hence, except at 500 Hz for subject 8.33 and 8.34) predicted NOSTr thresholds, i.e. signal VF, At 500 Hz, SID rule thresholds equal to the NOSO no binaural advantage between the configurations. the the SID two rule interaural predicted a Page 8-9 COMPARISONS OF PREDICTIONS WITH OBSERVATIONS threshold of 10 dB when the observed threshold is about 6 dB. again, Once as in the correlation discrimination predictions for subject VF, neither time nor intensity alone was individually sufficient to predict the 10 dB threshold. D. Relative Use of Interaural Difference Cues While the ratio of the time and jnds intensity provides a measure of the relative sensitivity to interaural time and intensity differences, it does not provide a the ratio 7.1) (Equation to of the intensity-alone their relative measure of the variance By component time-alone variance component of (Equation the and C 7.2) the SID rule at threshold values of 0' a of in- effecting performance for a given binaural task. importance plotting description usefulness relative of the cr , we two obtain interaural differences. For normal listeners, Figure 8.35 shows the expected dependence of this ratio (plotted on a dB discrimination and NOSW -signal detection. 1000 Hz), for scale) At low both correlation frequencies, interaural time differences account for more than 90% of the SID rule predictions (a ratio of approximately -10 dB). Hz, (< At 1000 both differences contribute equally to the SID rule predictions (a ratio of 0 dB). differences account greater than 20 dB). At for higher more frequencies, interaural intensity than 95% of the predictions (ratios COMPARISONS OF PREDICTIONS WITH OBSERVATIONS Subject FG, despite his Page 8-10 low-frequency time loss, shows a near-normal dependence interaural time differences (Figure 8.36). Interestingly, subject DH shows a close to normal dependence on the two interaural differnces (Figure 8.37) despite a significant amount of loss in both time and intensity. Moreover, although the and observed correlation jnds and NOSj -- signal thresholds predicted for subjects FG and DH were quite different, the ratios of relative usefulness are very similar except at 2 kHz. Plots for the remaining two subjects were not no since presented thresholds were predicted except at 500 Hz, where subject VF had a ratio of 7.2 dB, which is approximately 17 dB higher than Hence, time for predictions interaural account differences time this only account 10% for whereas subject, differences for of normal. the SID rule normal listeners, for more than 90% of the SID rule predictions. It is generally accepted that the binaural system is unable make use of narrowband (Durlach interaural signals waveforms (fine frequencies Colburn, 1978). and structure) at time discrimination structure) above approximately 1500 Hz tasks with complex, high frequency is believed to be mediated by processing of low frequency processor of the model being Since the interaural considered assumed to be processing fine-structure time technically stimulus differences for Performance in interaural time (fine differences in the envelopes of the waveforms. time differences to incorrect in the in using predictions the of the in this study is differences, model interaural at the we are phase higher Page 8-11 COMPARISONS OF PREDICTIONS WITH OBSERVATIONS frequencies (2000 frequencies are and 4000 Hz). essentially due However, the predictions at these to the interaural differences in the stimuli (see Figures 8.25 - 8.27). the time jnds larger at 2000 and 4000 model Hz intensity Hence, making (effectively making the have no sensitivity to fine-structure time differences) has a negligible effect on the predictions of the model. CHAPTER 9 CONCLUSIONS AND REMARKS The discussion in this divided is chapter parts. two into First, we evaluate the impaired binaural phenomena with attention to for future hearing in directions binaural and clinical impaired academic introduced in chapter 5, of Second, we evaluate the listeners. essential features of the augmented model investigations of interaction binaural not only as a predictive tool, but as a generally applicable modification to existing models of binaural interaction. A. Conclusions from the Psychophysical Results The conclusions we draw from the observed binaural phenomena are 1. The audiogram tells us very little about the impairments in binaural hearing. This is true for both describing the frequency regions in which impaired binaural hearing and the extent or amount of binaural impairment. occur 6.0- Iý I. .- ýW % .. 2. 60 .ý. %_ . . 6 .4 . ýW. 6, .ý._6 b 4. 6-4'.J ~lj-- Noise-induced, high-frequency loss audiograms and presumed subjects etiologies with ~ similar can have significant differences between their binaural hearing abilities. includes differences in the u frequency This regions of their impaired binaural hearing and the extent of the impairments in their binaural hearing. 3. Impairments in interaural independent of impairments discrimination. (subject VF time in discrimination interaural intensity one frequency at Except for one subject at 500 are there was no clear correlation Hz), between the impairments in the two tasks. 4. Interaural correlation discrimination, although to be difficult low (at high intensity proved for subjects to discriminate, provides a direct and simple measure of (at it interaural time sensitivity frequencies) and interaural intensity sensitivity frequencies). discrimination Moreover, and unlike NOS7r-signal interaural detection, it cannot be mediated by monaural cues. 5. The MLD alone is not a good indicator of loss in hearing impaired listeners. binaural Although the absence of an MLD implies a loss in binaural hearing ( see for subject VF and CS), hearing results the presence of a normal MLD does not necessarily imply normal binaural hearing ( subjects FG and DH ). -Future investigations of the MLD in impaired listeners should report the NOSO and NOS7F thresholds along with the MLD. Page 9-3 CONCLUSIONS AND REMARKS 6. Our results also suggest that studies with large numbers of hearing listeners are not as useful in modelling impaired on hearing impairments as as series of complimentary tests a Our two, matched high-frequency few impaired listeners. loss listeners ( FG and DH ) significantly different is almost certainly due to the detailed This loss. time had the differences in their physiological loss not exposed by Thus, while an average can be useful audiogram. monaural as a descriptive measure of binaural hearing impairment, it is little of value the assessing in loss of any one individual listener within that class. 7. A useful representation of impaired binaural discrimination is the binaural audiogram. jnds These plots of dB loss re normal jnds are similar to monaural audiograms in structure and are capable of displaying patterns of binaural hearing loss not readily apparent in the traditional of methods representation. 8. Finally, studies on large groups of impaired listeners find it useful to classify listeners on the basis of their binaural audiograms and "binaural" look subject FG would be for similarities within intensity-loss listeners be viewed but low-frequency time-loss listener a while subject .DH would be a flat time-loss listener. not a Thus, subjects FG and DH would categorization. both be classified as flat, should may as This a conflicting set of data, but rather as a verification of the need for an increase in the number of dimensions which fully characterize a hearing CONCLUSIONS AND REMARKS Page 9-4 impairment. Given the importance of measuring results from all the tests on each impaired subject in a study, we feel the most critical problem in testing hearing impaired listeners is the duration of the testing program. Even with the development of our routines ( which reduced our testing time by each subject that, unlike individually tested. subjects approximately 40% ), in our study was tested approximately 16 hrs per week for almost four months. fact sequential testing The problem is further normal listeners, compounded impaired Not only is it difficult to by the listeners must be obtain impaired willing to participate in studies of the type presented in this report ( particularly at academic institutions ), but such programs are also a drain on the experimenter. A resolution to this problem would be the development of quick, simple and robust binaural tests analogous to Bekesy audiometry. Standard audiometry can easily be perform binaural detection ( modified tasks, but equally easy was to test interaural time, as Jergereil.1982 yet, interaural ) to there exists no intensity or interaural correlation discrimination. In chapter 1, we argued for the use of narrowband noise appropriate impairments. chapter In addition, we introduced the binaural audiogram 4, a new description of impaired discrimination jnds. description an stimulus for the frequency analysis of binaural hearing definition of impaired binaural hearing is dependent on an tasks. as of normal binaural hearing in in This accurate these discrimination Thus, given the paucity of data on the frequency dependence CONCLUSIONS AND REMARKS Page 9-4 impairment. Given the importance of measuring results from all the tests on each impaired subject in a study, we feel the most critical problem in testing hearing impaired listeners is the duration of the testing program. Even with the development of our routines ( which reduced our testing time by each subject that, unlike The problem is further normal individually tested. subjects approximately 40% ), in our study was tested approximately 16 hrs per week for almost four months. fact sequential testing listeners, compounded impaired Not only is it difficult to the by listeners must be obtain impaired willing to participate in studies of the type presented in this report ( particularly at academic institutions ), but such programs are also a drain on the experimenter. A resolution to this problem would be the development of quick, simple and robust binaural tests analogous to Bekesy audiometry. Standard audiometry can easily be perform binaural detection ( modified tasks, but equally easy was to test interaural time, as Jergeret.1.1982 yet, interaural ) to there exists no intensity or interaural correlation discrimination. In chapter 1, we argued for the use of narrowband noise appropriate impairments. chapter In addition, we introduced the binaural audiogram 4, a new description of impaired discrimination jnds. description an stimulus for the frequency analysis of binaural hearing definition of impaired binaural hearing is dependent on an tasks. as of normal binaural hearing in in This accurate these discrimination Thus, given the paucity of data on the frequency dependence CONCLUSIONS AND REMARKS Page 9-5 of narrowband noise binaural phenomena ( particularly for interaural intensity and interaural correlation discrimination ), we see a need for an extensive study of normal listeners in the binaural tests of this study to measure the mean and limits of normal performance. Ideally, such a study should include older, normal hearing listeners to reduce differences in ability due to age differences. Finally, given the apparent independence of interaural time and intensity sensitivity, interaural time future and binaural we feel interaural studies of it critical intensity impaired to measure discrimination listeners. Based modelling results, the inclusion of interaural intensity appears to be both in any on the processing particularly important to the understanding of high frequency binaural interaction. B. Conclusions from the Modelling Results The conclusions we draw from the modelling portion of this study are 1. A mechanism which low-pass filters ( averages ) time and detection models which interaural intensity differences unifies lateralization and predictions of current binaural interaction under the same set of model parameters. extract directly, the interaural averaging time can this study. For models which time intensity and and For models intensity estimates be included as presented in do estimates, not explicitly a similar extract type of CONCLUSIONS AND REMARKS Page 9-6 modification would be the inclusion of a correlation window which temporally averages the computation cross-correlation ( Sayers and Cherry, 1957 ; Bachorski, 2. interaural time Stern and NOS7T averaging Ks ) and interaural intensity differences appears to be needed to predict observed and the 1983) Different averaging durations ( different for of detection thresholds at correlation high jnds frequencies. Without a relatively larger K ( a slower, temporal tracking ability ) for interaural intensity averaging as compared to interaural time averaging, high frequency predictions are better than observed performance. 3. Given an augmented model of this sort, it characterize detection binaural tasks hearing from a in is possible correlation description of and to NOSZW sensitivity to interaural time and intensity differences. 4. The predictions of the model using the weighted, linear sum of interaural time and intensity differences significantly worse than the predictions combination The of difference combination variability. using is the not ideal interaural time and intensity differences. between rules are the predictions within observed of the two experimental Page 9-7 CONCLUSIONS AND REMARKS 5. The general model presented in this binaural impaired characterize simply study us enabled hearing to four in of' hearing hearing impaired subjects with different types Although the model is purely functional and includes loss. only a gross description of the impairment, it is a and can expose the essential character tool investigative useful of relationships between various binaural phenomena without in involved getting detailed computations typically the based encountered in physiologically of models binaural interaction. 6. By having a model with simple and separate descriptions of interaural time and intensity processing, we can assess the importance relative differences interaural of intensity and time at a given frequency for a particular binaural Although a ratio of observed time and intensity jnds task. is a necessary component of such an assessment, it can only the describe how well each difference is processed and not of consequences task. binaural integration stimuli of A the with along degraded that complete amount a processing assessment for a given requires an of information present in the description of how well such information is processed. We emphasize the fact that we have not developed a new model of binaural interaction in this study. Rather, we have proposed a general, additional mechanism to the models presented in chapter which allow those 2, models to make predictions consistent with both CONCLUSIONS AND REMARKS Page 9-8 lateralization and detection data. For example, inclusion of an averager of binaural differences in Hafter's ( 1971 ) lateralization model would enable lateralization predicted data. value approximately variance of that Recall of 90 the model A at usecs. With stimulus to predict that without an would predict and the averager, the threshold was added averaging mechanism, the interaural '=O,2Z =Fi . _K= detection signal-to-noise time reduced by a factor of 1/Kor the value of factor of 1/ both differences A a be would be reduced by a Thus, Hafter's a new threshold value for would lateralization model approximately equal to 20 usec, a value consistent with his assumed time-intensity trading ratio and observed time jnds at low frequencies. Since the temporal averaging mechanism plays such'critical role in enabling the model to predict discrimination and detections data with the same set of parameter values, further study of the temporal tracking ability of Grantham ( 1980 ) essential first comparison of correlations the and Grantham step, the binaural but more temporal system is needed. and Wightman ( work is needed. tracking capability The work of 1982 ) was an Specifically, a of interaural near unity ( recall that they tested fluctuation about zero ) with interaural time and intensity tracking capability about a diotic reference, would help to further identify the relationships between the three binaural phenomena. The main essentially deficiency a narrowband of the model. current model averager which that it is One possible modification of the model so as to include wideband stimuli would be to additional is averages the C7s and incorporate ~is an ( the time Page 9-9 CONCLUSIONS AND REMARKS ) intensity and averaged estimates of interaural time narrowband section across the different frequency bands. stimulated would it predict increasingly 1975 ) less report than a difference two of factor Leshowitz and Zurek intensity jnds with increasing bandwidth. time and interaural better noise intensity jnds. ( between and narrowband ( 100 Hz centered at 500 Hz ) noise intensity jnds wideband or noisy be Such an averaging processor would necessarily have to else each from A similar result between narrowband ( reported time jnds and wideband time jnds has also been Durlach and Colburn, 1978 ). Given such a question resulting a averager, frequency-band would be how to average the different number of independent Z 5 due to Recall channels. available from the different frequency s and that the larger peripheral bandwidths at the higher frequencies, there were more independent averages available at frequencies high than at low frequencies. model We feel that the main contribution of the has study this been to the demonstrate would be better expended for need in an Future modelling interaural-differences averager or lowpass filter. efforts presented at refining existing models of binaural interaction to include such an averaging mechanism. The simple model presented in situations this study to be useful in where a quick, rough estimate of the relative usefulness of interaural time and interaural intensity cues ability may predict which are needed. The interaural difference is important at a given frequency for a particular binaural task can help in the Page 9-10 CONCLUSIONS AND REMARKS and fitting so hearing aid could be adjusted binaural residual match to as The binaural hearing aids. binaural of development For example, subject VF might be fitted with hearing aids hearing. of characteristics time interaural designed to preserve the the stimuli near 500 Hz in order to match her residual time sensitivity. Moreover, one could also enhance the stimulus interaural differences in order to possible to magnify the differential interaural match through differences intensity and scaling interaural It may be sensitivities. impaired for compensate an impaired subject's residual intensity sensitivity. In addition, although the model was developed stimuli of set a of characterization a Specifically, All that is needed stimuli used in the experiments in the ( time interaural terms of the stimulus differences. model phase ) and intensity of this type will be able to correctly predict masked time discrimination results ( Ito et al., Stern et al., 1983 ). 1982 ; Moreover, subjects study certain and experiments in mind, there is no reason why it cannot be applied to other binaural experiments. is a with were should intensity only although tested also be in this useful bilaterlly symmetric hearing-loss study, the model developed in this in relating interaural time and discrimination to correlation discrimination and binaural detection tasks for other types of hearing impairments. Appendix I Waveform Generation Our waveforms are sample functions process which from is periodic in some interval T. zero mean, Gaussian The sample function n(t) of bandwidth W and center frequency fo can be decomposed into a finite Fourier series in the interval 0 < t < T as shown below ; ~ Cti I 21 A. VIcS-szTr( Yý -Y\) -L+- f , where 7- -) '-2 4 Y17- V -J Z z_ r u i~ ·. )C j c1t J/ = JkJ o It can be shown ( Davenport and Root, 1958 ) that the random variables and the S. ýA with I AQ are a Rayleigh probability density distribution are uniformly distributed in the interval from - q to Below is a Fortran listing of the program used to generate the noise waveforms used in both the experimental portion of this and in the waveform analysis section. study F'ror NOL SE. F fram k Generates Gaussian noise wavef'orms of any given bandwidth and level (< 110 dB SPL) by using sums of The program random amplitude, random phase cosines. also generates the Hilbert transforms of the noise waveforms by creating corresponding sums of sines waveforms. real*4 uniformrayleigh, freq, amp,pha.temp,pimagsq real*4 arraq( 1023), A,P, F comp integer*2 cnoise(0:1023),snoise(0:1023),tbuff (0:1023),fileid 1o integer*4 freq, hi freq, in _•req, ncomp integerA-4 seed, idbn,creabn,putbn, index character"* f ulrlam characct. Ler*9 fTi lnamf *4 ext p i, 3. 141592G54 t e mp =se c nds (0. 0) se edi j in .(temp) call clear screen type *, 'Lnter low, high and incremental freq; level , ave-Form family file name and number' type , lo_freq,h i_freqin__freqlevel,fi accept :((hi _freq -- 10o freq)/in_freq) =10*alog10(float.j(ncomp)) power =2.62*exp(.2303*(level -- comp ncomp do i = Io - 30.0)) ! random amplitucde and random phase olat.j , ( i ) call wavcos(F,A,'.,tbuff{, j -0, cn E,n I d - 10:23 is e ( I ) : ro i '. 1-7 , 0 ;.3 j ):snji, Sni ise 10 4.>)! Generate cos component ( j .)+tbu uaus in ( ,A, ',tbu{{, call do + 1 Generate A=r atj 1 e i gh ( un i form, power P'=2. *p i*ran(seed) do nam ,fileld fr'eq, h i __f req, i nfreq un 1 form=r an (seed) V=f : and' e j wa,,)e f - ( j) Generate 1024) )+tbuff sin component' j) tnri c clo0 Lur tteC e . 1. -U + I e i Store r cos componen ca u obn t n nu 214 wr 1 te exL I,1 ) (file ,d+64) fu I n am = fl nam//ext. idbn = creabn(fulnaam,2048, 0) call putbn( idbn,.snoi e,204•0) call c losbn(idbn) e n cl " Store sin component wave as fi inam. (Wt-64) real2 ) i les (buf,nfies getf subrout ine t ime,nfileP integer*;; buff (2, 0C 1 0 ý 3), ( ) integer*:4 idbn, creahn openbn, getn, putbn, nbyts, seed characte.r*9 fi lnam charactr Pr',*4 'ext. character 13 fulnaam secnds(0.0) time ed seed 10 = Get seed for the random # generator .j nt(time) ii nt (nfi lesran ii nt(nfiles*ran n(1) n( -2) if ( do i = 1,2 (: ) .eq. n(2) seed)+0.5) Pick two uncorrelated noise files from 1--nfiles (seed)+0.5) ) go to 10 i I wrnite(ext,20) 20 n(i) fTormat '. fulnam = idbn nbyts = openbn(fulnam,1) getbn(idbn,buff(i),2048) call e n d do r e t. ur rn E n dt 13) filnam//ext closbn(idbn) Put file contents into buff(') and buff(2) re a 1 4 amp, f req, I evtl,p integer*2 buff (0: 103) ase len bff integer*4 idbn,creabnopenbn,qetbnputbn, nots,closbn character*30 if Inam par ameter p i :3. 1,1159.i'E654 data buff len /10~'2i/ call clear screen type *,'Enter tone level (dB SPL), frequency and starting phase' accept *,levelfreq,phase,filnam amp = 1.414*5.12*LXI'( cal I waucos(freq . 115* (level amp,prase,buff i dbn = crjeabn(fi lrI am,2048, 0) call putbn ( 1 dbn, cno c alI closbn(idbn) end e , 2048 ) - 40)) buff len) Appendix II Sequential Testing Methods An essential element of certain psychophysical the construction determination of of experiments is psychometric functions and concomitantly, the thresholds. Typical experimental methods of testing require estimation of performance at several stimulus values which span the full range of performance (chance to correct response on every stimulus presentation). Prior to the experiment, it is not clear to the stimulus suitably experimenter sampled performance. values to psychometric Hence, the provide a coarse function function experimenter followed by successively psychometric what finer is values completed. initially of divisions selects surprising that a considerable directed towards the development of a stimulus the stimulus range until the final This can require substantial amounts of time, effort and cost to the experimenter. not produce over the desired range of partitioning grain will amount efficient of Thus, effort procedures it is has been for the estimation of psychophysical performance (Taylor and Creelman, 1966; Levitt, 1971). A. Previous Work To date, the procedures developed to reduce the amount of collection have been varieties Details of these procedures vary of across stimulus-adaptive specific data methods. implementations, Page 2 but, in general, the adaptive methods converge at a single specified level of performance by using several of the most recently presented stimulus values and the corresponding subject responses to modify the stimulus value for the next presentation. These methods have been and are considerable procedures success. are experimentation In general, However, issues relevant to all adaptive used extensively measurements and efficient repeatable, time. being there made by significantly are a procedures with these reduce number of critical which restrict their generality. Pollack (1968) in his review of PEST identifies (1966) must be specified applicable to by most experimenter. the adaptive procedures; initial stimulus value, and the step size. assumptions Taylor and Creelman six parameters of the procedure which least at by Of these, three are the exit criterion, the Thus, in addition to the all experimenters need to make concerning the selection of intial stimulus values, the specification of the above parameters requires the experimenter to make arbitrary assumptions about the shape and slope of a subject's psychometric function. Although the efficiency of the stimulus-adaptive methods is not critically dependent on all of the parameters examined by Pollack, the mentioned above three efficiency of are a substantial effect on the the methods if chosen incorrectly (or, equivalently, if the initial assumptions function have false). For concerning the subject's psychometric instance, a too fine exit criterion or step sizes which are too small (i.e., changes in the stimulus value Page 3 have a small effect on performance) increase the number of trials required until convergence, thus reducing the speed and efficiency of the methods. The above discussion becomes even more critical when applied to testing of hearing impaired subjects. experiment being performed and the type hearing Depending on the particular of hearing impairment, impaired subject's psychometric function may be (1) normal, (2) shifted ,(3) have a different slope, (4) both (2) (5) have of training procedures, consecutively a for hearing single for more impaired stimulus than methods value four subjects. is rarely stimuli near threshold different than threshold). may be (3), or Furthermore, provide the In right adaptive presented trials, hence providing little opportunity for a subject to get acquainted to the task of and a different shape (possibly non-monotonic). it is not clear that stimulus-adaptive kind a (perception radically different at values Page 4 B. Sequential Decision and Estimation Procedures The method presented in this study was motivated by a desire to reduce the number of observations at extremal levels (stimulus values corresponding to performance different from a desired performance level) and trials, is estimates several at each of then from constructed stimulus values 3 near stimulus value corresponding to the desired performance the introduction, it is not a priori experimenter what stimulus values will produce psychometric recording calculating a percent correct at the end of the run. A pyschometric function in with Performance estimates are usually obtained the run, presenting a specified, fixed number of stated a a particular stimulus value which is fixed throughout selecting responses in of testing requires estimation of performance level at method several stimulus values. by substantially A typical experiment fixed-number-of-trials (FNOT) procedure. this stimulus values function. Hence, in a FNOT a to 5 such and at the level. As clear to the suitably sampled procedure, there will necessarily be cases where a considerable number of trials are used to estimate performance at extremal stimulus values. Most extremal stimulus values correspond chance performance. stimulus discern. value near perfect or In each case, after the first 5 to 10 trials it is usually apparent to both the subject and the to the experimenter that being used is either very easy or very hard to Intuitively, in order to save time and preserve subject Page 5 vitality, the experimenter the remaining trials. continued should stop the run without presenting However, the FNOT procedure of all the trials in the run. presentation requires the Practically, an experimenter often implements an arbitrary criterion (e.g., if a subject has 10 consecutive correct responses, then stop) in order to terminate such runs early. the above intuitive In the following sections, we about notions formalize data experimental reducing collection into a systematic, well-defined, objectively implemented rule. i) Theoretical Development of Sequential Testing A detailed description and development of can be found in Wald (1945, sequential analysis 1947) and Bernard (1946). In this section, we present the results for a family of sequential tests and apply them to psychophysical procedures. The general form of the classical hypothesis test. sequential In test is similar to the a conventional, binary hypothesis test, one typically obtains a fixed number of observations, computes the value of a statistic and based on whether this value lies in the acceptance or rejection region, decides to accept or reject the null hypothesis. The acceptance and rejection regions are delineated by a single criterion or several criteria depending on the form of statistic's conditional density functions, the a the priori probabilities of the two hypotheses and the conditional probablities of error. Page 6 The sequential tests described here involve the operations on a statistic, same but with three decision regions; stop testing and accept the null hypothesis, (II) stop reject the null sort (I) testing and hypothesis, or (III) take another observation and repeat the test (until the maximum number of observations have taken). Moreover, the value of the compared to the criterion at the end of sequential of testing affords an statistic each opportunity is updated and observation. of been making Hence, an early decision when the null hypothesis is either clearly wrong or clearly right. Furthermore, unlike constant updated criteria, at sequential the the end of the conventional criteria each hypothesis tests with in the sequential tests are also observation. For the family of tests considered in this paper, the criteria delineating the three decision regions are linear functions of the 1945) CA (m) = IA + Sm (Wr. L ) C (m) = I (. + Sm where C (m), C (m) = acceptance and rejection criteria IA , IA = acceptance and rejection intercepts S = slope of the decision lines m = number of observations Z ) form (Wald, Page 7 As in classical hypothesis testing, the criteria are of the conditional probabilities functions and the form of the statistic's conditional density functions. ii) Application to Psychophysical Testing For the application presented in this study, the decision statistic ( the total number of correct responses ) can be considered a sum of Bernoulli random variables presented in a run. and the observations are the trials The null "hypothesis" in the psychophysical test is that the subject's performance level (Ps ), is greater or equal to the upper value of the desired performance range (R), about the target level of performance (P R/2). ), i.e., (Ps > PT + The alternative hypothesis is that the subject's performance is less than or equal to the lower value of the range (P R/2). than Hence, the < and and one of the three decisions is made: ; accept the null hypothesis CA(m) (PS if k(m) < C (m) > Pr + R/2) ; reject the null hypothesis (P5 if C (m) < k(m) < C (m) R - total number of correct responses at the end of the mth trial (k(m)) is compared to the values of CA(m) if k(m) > P A < P + R/2) ; present another trial and repeat the test (until the maximum number of trials have been presented) (IP S - P- I < R/2 ) C, (m) Page 8 The sequential test illustrated in Figure I.1 has been designed for a symmetric, 21,2AFC experiment. The targeted level was P 75% correct, R = 10% with conditional error probabilities of probability of rejecting hypothesis is true) and the null hypothesis ý (the probability of X = (the given the null accepting the null hypothesis given the alternative hypothesis is true) equal to 0.05. Note that the slope of the decision lines, S, is equal to 0.75, the probability of a correct answer at the target performance level. Furthermore, if R is decreased, the pulled farther parallelness), likely. apart thus two decision lines would be (but still maintain the same slope and their making an early termination decision less Finally, by increasing the conditional error probabilities (the testing decision is more prone to error), the lines will come closer together (again with the same slope and parallelness) thereby making an early termination decision more likely. Page 9 Implementation of the Test C. The incorporation of the sequential decision rule is simple. extremely Most psychophysical test keep track of the number of trials presented and the corresponding number of correct responses. test is to If the be implemented on a computer, it is a simple matter to write a subroutine to inspect subject performance at the end of each trial. If the automated experiment equipment, is being number of without the use of a piece of graph paper (with decision regions drawn on the graph with axes versus performed of total number correct (ordinate) trials presented (abcissa)) can be used to track subject performance and stop the test when the subject's "path" enters one of the two decision regions (see Figure J-.1). As stated in section B-ii, the "null" hypothesis is iPs - Pr) < R/2, i.e. subject performance is inside the desired range about the target performance level. no preference for the For most psychophysical tests, type there is of error made in reaching a decision about the null hypothesis. Hence, o( (the probability of incorrectly deciding R) PS is outside will probability of incorrectly deciding P. usually be equal is inside R). to ý (the Note that the general sequential decision rule does not require these assumptions. The author has made these assumptions psychophysical (which are valid for most experiments) in order to simplify the application of the decision rule. Henceforth, a sequential test with- = . will be Page 10 referred to as a symmetric sequential test. For symmetric tests, the acceptance and the decision lines is just equal to the response intercepts, In addition, the slope of and IR , are negatives of each other. IA rejection at the target performance level. a of probability correct For example, in the test of Figure 1.1, PT =75 percent correct which implies S = 0.75. Thus, by specifying PT , R and ), the experimenter obtains , S IA and I . calculated from the equations below for S and Ip c P,- S- and is intended as a parameter graphical, Having -IK ) figure, Figure 4.2 is ( Wald, 1945 ) on PT- , one moves vertically decided The value of I'A (or is the value of the intersection point plotted on the ordinate for three values of the and symmetric-sequential-decision-rule until one intersects the desired R curve. equivalently, o. " - computer. both R/L) IT= = of ý' (the value directly ' . opposite the PT The slope S (at the top of abcissa), although equal to the target P, is provided for completeness. To provide an illustration of this experimenter wants to experiment where PT interval between 70 apply a figure's symmetric use, decision suppose rule to = 75 percent correct, R = 10 percent (i.e. and 80 percent correct) and Figure1J.Z, S is seen to be 0.75 and IA 2 = 0.05. an an the From equal to approximatley 5.5. Page 11 D. Statistics of the Test Thus, values. performance is a measure reasonable how a number of observations at extremal stimulus the reduce to desire by motivated was Recall that the sequential decision rule test's sequential the of it allocates the number of trials to the well desired range of stimulus values. Figure versus presented trials average the .3 shows theoretical plots of Ps , level, performance subject number for a symmetric sequential test with PR = 75 percent correct, R = 10% S= 0.15 . and 0.10 0.05, and Note that for the conditional error probabilities considered, the maximum number trials of within the range of desired performance levels R. that the farther Ps of always is In addition, note is away form PT , the less trials are presented at that level. over One way to interpret the advantages of sequential testing FNOT procedures the measurement provides better is of that for a fixed number of trials allocated to a psychometric function, sequential testing estimates (smaller standard deviations) of subject performance at stimulus values threshold. Quantitatively, the illustrated by a graph of the type corresponding to and amount of the shown in Figure near the advantage can be r.4. Figure f-.3, the same sample symmetric sequential test is used. As in Page 12 Alternatively, the advantage of a sequential decision rule over an that is procedure FNOT fixed for estimate errors (standard deviations) at stimulus values corresponding to in R, test requires approximately 40 % less trial sequential the levels performance than the FNOT procedure. of The early termination, besides reducing the number a causes in bias general, for the tests negligible, thresholds predicted the in considered this In bias is this particularly within the desired range of probabilities. evident from the graph, values of P5 is at termination. study, . versus the true P Figure 11.5 plots the sequential estimate of P. As trials, + R/2 greater than Pr have positive, increasing biases while values of P 5 - less than P. R/2 have negative, increasing biases. All of the above statements remain essentially true for any P chosen, the only major difference being in the place of the maximum, as stated earlier, the maximum i.e. By R. within decrease the improvement choosing degree over to number different Rs and which sequential of trials is always s, one can increase or testing provides an an FNOT procedure, but not the basic advantage of the sequential decision rule. Finally, an advantage of the sequential decision rule which hard to quantify is the salutary effect it has on subjects. is During the course of using the sequential test in psychophysical tests, the author has found subjects to be more alert during experimental sessions and has found that they maintain a higher level of interest compared to a FNOT procedure. Page 13 E. Data Analysis The above statistical advantages based on an important assumption. of sequential testing are The number correct and the number of trials presented are retained at the end of each run and not just the estimated There are two reasons for this : correct. percent (1) since the number of trials presented during a run is not the same, estimates of percent correct at each stimulus different value are based on different total number of trials, not always hence, it is to calculate percent correct estimates from individual correct runs and average those estimates to obtain a grand average, and (2) the variance of the estimates (due to the random nature of the total number of trials) which are obtained at sufficiently large to negate the the end reduction of the run in variance usually obtained by averaging percent correct estimates across runs. at the are Hence, end of the experimental session, a subject performance at a particular stimulus cumulative number value is computed correct to the from cumulative the ratio number of of the trials presented at that stimulus value. This is not to say that estimates of percent correct at the end of individual runs are not useful. Estimates should be calculated and used to help the experimenter in deciding next set of observations. i) Computation of Percent Correct where to place the Page 14 show We now sequential an example experimental of how from data hypothetical a session should be analyzed in order to (1) use local estimates for placement of succeeding observations and (2) guarantee reduction in estimate variances. Let K- (X-) = number of correct responses obtained during the jth run using stimulus vaule Xý . Nj (XC ) = number of trials presented during the jth run using stimulus value X- . Suppose we perform an experiment using the decision rule presented in section D. sample, sequential Thus, we are interested in the stimulus value (which for the purposes of this example, will in some arbitrary units) corresponding to P. = 75 percent correct. Let us say we believe initially (either through assumptions regarding encompass be the choose past the stimulus threshold. Kl(0) P(O) = ------ x 100 = 52 stimulus experience physical these values could be as follows, N1(0) three nature or of values through the which we reasonable stimulus) to A possible result of testing at Page 15 Kl(1) ------ P(1) = x 100 = 64 K1(5) P(5) = ------ x 100 = 95 N1(5) We now choose another three stimulus values on based these A reasonable set to test next would be any three stimulus results. values in the interval (1,5). Hence, after the seconds set, we may have Kl(2) P(2) = ------ x 100 = 70 N1(2) Kl(3) P(3) = ------ x 100 = 76 N1(3) Kl(4) P(4) = ------ x 100 = 84 N1(4) We would continue in this manner, presenting new stimulus values or possibly returning to previously presented stimulus values until our alloted time trials) had been (or reached. equivalently, At the the alloted number of end of the session, we would collect the total number correct and the total number of trials and compute collective, percent correct estimates of subject performance at all the stimulus values presented. Page 16 F. Estimation of Thresholds By the plotting Xi, values, we probabilities, obtain a P(Xi) psychometric versus the function with constituent points calculated from unequal numbers of observations. in stimulus stated As sections, we are interested in extracting that value of earlier the stimulus corresponding to some desired level of performance. There exist several methods for extracting values ( 1972 Ashton, ). threshold stimulus A method which takes into account the unequal number of observations and at the same time, provides a measure of the statistical goodness of the analysis is the method of Z Minimum Logit As is ( MLz). evinced quasi-sigmoidal by the name, this method a assumes psychometric function which can be described by the logistic curve A + N-- where N is equal to the number of alternatives in a forced-choice experimental paradigm. In most psychophysical experiments, threshold is defined as the stimulus value corresponding to a performance level equal to the geometric mean between the worst possible performance and possible performance. the best Thus, the stimulus value at threshold, X is that value of Xi which satisfies , Page 17 P(T) ( 11.4 ) NJ or S= ( 7.5) / Therefore, T b Ashton gives formulas for estimating cumulative score. program, which took the calculated psychometric functions These stimulus were the estimate of and Even in threshold was psychometric functions deteriorated were generally to close the estimates. Nj(X.)s as input the and where the psychometric considerably non-sigmoidal ( but still monotonic ), However, and used in an analysis the cases threshold. functions were , as well as value along with a plot of the threshold function. b formula K (Xi)s the 0- and estimates not the for rapidly as robust visually the for as spread estimated of the non-sigmoidal the threshold APPENDIX III Estimation of Model Parameters For the development which follows in this appendix we will assume t 1. (1) the 2. (2) the stimuli used in the interaural time and intensity o( s and experiments s are Gaussian random variables interaural are perfectly correlated ( hence no variability in the interaural differences present in the stimuli ) 3. (3) a symmetric, 2I-2AFC experimental paradigm. We can represent the interaural differences present in each = interaural difference, either intensity (zL ) or time interval of a given presentation by Interval Stimulus 1 (Sl) Stimulus 2 (S2) where ( -). A9 h8~Z - a g/, - '& -2 4A / Page 2 I. Separate Differences Assumption For a single observation of either interaural difference alone, we form a likelihood-ratio-test ( LRT ) as shown below decide S2 f( 69 : S2) &, : S2) f( f( ---------------f( S) f( > ( III.1 ) S)---------- :Si) f( Sl) decide Sl where f( 8 ) = probability density function of the interaural difference @- = interaural difference observation in the ith interval = decision threshold For Sl and S2 equally likely and a minimum probability of error constraint, we have je y = 1 and hence _d+ a8S2-- 0 1. -( -2 C 2- 2- a ( 111.2) Page 3 Taking the In of both sides and collecting like terms, we get a decision rule of the form decide S2 6 1= 0 /j ( II.3 .) decide S1 where 1 is usually refered to as a sufficient statistic. Since 1 is a Gaussian random variable, we can characterize performance the of this test by a quantity known as d ( Van Trees, 1968 ) given by the expression EE 1 : S2 ] - E[ 1 : S1 I ( 111.4 ) d=------------------------ Var[ 1 : S2 From equation 111.3 and the stimulus presentation structure, we have EE 1 : S2 ] = A E[E l S 1 = S1 3 =- ( 4 •9 2- - - (-e) A&) 12. and Var[ 1 : Si ] = Var[ 1 : S2 ] = -6), Page 4 = Var[ 0z :S2] + VarEC :S22 ; but since there is no stimulus difference variability, Var[ 9 :S2] = Var[ 9/:S2]3£/= where 6 . or = Therefore, 2 A & --------f= ( I.5 ) -d At threshold, d ( for a single observation ) is equal to 1 hence ) = threshold interaural difference value. t where (• For observations, we have that d increases by a factor of 6' Thus for 6 Vz k' ( 2/. = Odr and hence (a&) we have 2-7 t-- ( 111.6 a ) and Page 5 and similarly for time Z7 ( 111.6 b ) (4T7) Fixed, Weighted Linear Sum Assumption II. We now assume a single, compound binaural difference variable of the form S13 : o+b . Assuming a single observation of the combined a perform LRT equation 111.3 . Unlike the development in section I however, i1 : Sli G =-~ , , and Var[ 1 : S2 2 = Var[ 1 : S1 2 + b Thus, 2 A& d = we can obtain a decision rule identical to the one in and EE 1 : S2 ] = E differences, ----------- b Z) ) /er Page 6 or at threshold 0). ="iý'U +(tr . For intensity discrimination experiments , ( &L9 f + be ) = ( ,&D ) or (611,W. and 4.2 + + For independent observations of the compound variable, we have , =bY2r - b b + + bz 4 C0 ( III.7a ) 2K/Y = and K7: +bdL f2I/ T:E-~inr) b ( III.7b ) (LACt Note that with the fixed, weighted effectively only one source of sum assumption, processing note that the values of ~ and e is noise in the system. Therfore, Equations III.7a,b imply that b must equal ( addition, there In will be smaller ( even though we cannot estimate them ) under the fixed-sum assumption than in the separate differences assumption. Appendix IV Predictor Equations for Correlation Discrimination and Binaural Detection For the development which follows in this appendix, we will assume s and T s are Gaussian random variables 1. (1) the 2. (2) the means of the 3. (3) the variances of the scaled o4 sum of the o s and 't s are equal to zero sa and 't s are equal processing noise variance to the and the variance in the stimulus differences 4. (4) a symmetric, 21-2AFC experimental paradigm We can represent the stimulus parameters in each interval of given presentation by a Page 2 Inteival 2 Stimulus 1 (Sl) Stimulus 2 (S2) /Z 7 T &· where R = reference stimulus value T = test stimulus value A. Separate Differences Assumption As in Appendix III, for a single observation interaural difference alone, we can form a LRT of the __, e. 2 9 7L ~ Z , S T' 2-"• r P.- where 7- = (1/K)E de' + = (1/K)l 2&R •e ] r = stimulus interaural difference Si of either Page 3 variance for the reference value 97 = stimulus interaural difference variance for the test value where the subscript I denotes internal. Taking the In of both sides and collecting terms, we get a rule of the form decide S2 A 1P - O( Iv.1 ) a, decide S1 Alternatively, we can express this rule as decide .S2 9 S1. decide S1 Dividing each of the ". by .i/7SZ 601.0r 71 6 S I 8,we get ( decision Page 4 Thus, our test is now equivalent to L • , = where F(1,1) is an F-distributed random variable with degree of freedom.. For T 1 independent observations, we have S, _ We can characterize the performance in such a test by directly Since the test is the probability of a correct decision. computing = symmetric ( Sl is equally as likely as S2 ) we have P(correct) = "[C PV) + y > ( )< 1 - Furthermore, from the reciprocity rules of the F-distribution P(correct) = P )] 2 >•'(•s For P(correct) = 0.75 ( threshold level of performance ), we have that , Rv t where F variable (Y ;/ such equal to 0.25 . ) = the that .r value the of an cumulative F( ,V ) distributed random is evaluated at this value is Therefore, at threshold, we must have the following relationship hold for the ratio of the variances Page 5 r HF VK oZAz t !/K E Fu-(Yý 'ý) *7 or 4 ez, z82:8ter Sr. ( IV.3) 4 For reference stimuli values with no stimulus interaural variability / e = O, equation iV.3 reduces to F - (Y V) ( IV.4 ) From Appendix III, we have z (A r: ) thus, 1(y 0.. 2-& or 'I (ac)7 i) Intensity Alone For 9 = O alone, we get ( IV.5 ) difference Page 6 00 2114. ii) f: (Y,- , Time Alone For B =t e'T alone, we get Cc, CA C), where C 2.6 = usec/rad, a conversion factor from time in usecs. iii) Weighted Linear Sum For = o , we have + and hence, at threshold < Cpoc 2 Cr iv) Optimal Combination Rule 2/C)F UY,) --, phase to Page 7 For a single observation of interaural both differences, have *1DC z g , Cr e -- e -2. -·r~ decide S2 P,22a - TI&11 1 -2. -2.'Z -It 2.47' 2- decide S1 Taking the log of both sides and.collecting terms we have, (Z 7. . ~1 7- 1 zlr~> r~ or ( c ( - Z 4 dr 4- ( pc where 2 6 00(P 2. 2. & c4T TIT Te 7 Z, ' (1011z. 7. 5 we Page 8 B. Sum of Interaural Differences (SID) For a composite interaural difference of the form (1&o) =4 the calculations of performance up to a critical variance ratio identical to the calculations of section I. Hence, we can begin our analysis at equation IV.3 or d'2.xr_= e ST2. 4- ( Iv.6 ) 4- bP where z - (docA, ar 8 T 7 and from appendix III, Therefore, combining the above equation with equation IV.6, z -7 or Zlc~ Y .Finally, .Finally, r are Page 9 40 _ _ (a2r-A tI FOOTNOTES it (1) Although both A(t) and ( (t) are bandlimited' functions, not clear that the interaural intensity difference ( and the interaural phase difference ( tLe)Clearly, bandlimited. since phase the i ) -Zol~ ) are necessarily f4LLi) difference a linear is operation on the right and left phase terms, it is bandlimited. interaural log intensity transformation to communications) is The difference is not as easy to analyze, but the has private (Braida, observed been not significantly alter the spectral properties of bandlimnited speech waveforms. to (2) In order for the average of the phase terms Gaussian, average. one must be careful to a defining what is meant by the in When phase estimates are averaged, their distributions are convolved. For non-circular functions, this succesive averaging, and concomitantly the successive convolving produces converge estimate 'average distributions of the distributions, which approach that of a as the phase, However, for a circular succesive averaging not necessarily result in an increasingly may function such Gaussian. Gaussian average estimate distribution. the This is primarily due to fact that succesive circular convolutions do not converge under certain conditions. Such a condition uniformly distributed between -7 occurs when the phase is and '7 ( e.g, corresponding to = 0 ). Regardless of the number of phase sample estimates averaged, the resulting average estimate distribution will still be a uniform distribution. Table 3.1 Presentation Levels Of Noise Waveforms ( dB SPL, total noise power ) Noise Center Frequency .250 High-Frequency Loss Listeners 500 1000 2000 4000 50 60 75 90 Flat Loss Listener 90 90 90 90 90 MS Listener 50 50 50 50 30 Table 7.1 Noise Center Frequency 250 .y .Jy 14.0 500 6.3 1000. 4.3 2000 2.0 4000 1.5 FIGURE CAPTIONS Figure 2.1 Interaural time jnds as a function of frequency for Hawkins, ( normal listeners. )3 McFadden and ) ( Pasanen, the Klump (+) noise and center Eady, Henning, (A ) and (o ) the nqise Bernstein and Trahiotis. Figure 2.2 Interaural intensity jnds as center frequency a for normal listeners. and Leshowitz and (0--) function of ( A ) Hawkins, (V ) Zurek Durlach and Colburn. Figure 2.3 NOSO and NOS"Y detection thresholds as a function of noise center Webster, (3 frequency for ) Bourbon, ( normal listeners. ) Wightman and (O Figure 2.4 Block-box description of a the ( V ) Hirsch and ) Zurek. general model of binaural interaction ( from Colburn and Durlach, 1978 ). Figure 3.1 Audiogram of subject FG, a high-frequency loss listener. Figure 3.2 Audiogram of subject DH, a high-frequency loss listener. Figure 3.3 Audiogram of subject VF, a flat-loss listener. Figure 3.4 Audiogram of subject CS, an MS patient. Figure 3.5 Representative psychometric normal subjects in the NOSTr function for detection task at Z000 Hz. one of the Page 2 Figure 3.6 Representative psychometric function for one of the impaired listeners in the NOS7r detection task at 4000 Hz. Figure 4.1 Average interaural time jnds for normal -ancillary experiment' of subjects in an this study (V--7 ), along with results of Figure 2.1. Figure 4.2 Average interaural intensity jnds for normal subjects an ancillary in experiment of this study (V-V), along with results of Figure 2.2. Figure 4.3 Average interaural correlation jnds for in normal subjects an ancillary experiment of this study (v-•), along with a result from Gabriel and Colburn ( 1981). Figure 4.4 Average NOSO and NOSTr detection subjects thresholds for normal in an ancillary experiment of this study (-r ), along with results of Figure 2.3. Figure 4.5 Interaural time jnds for subject FG as a function of the noise center frequency. Figure 4.6 Interaural time jnds for subject DH as a function of the noise center frequency. Figure 4.7 Interaural time jnds for subject VF as a function of the noise center frequency. Figure 4.8 Interaural time jnds for subject CS as a function of noise center frequency. the Page 3 Figure 4.9 Interaural intensity jnds for subject FG as a function of the noise center frequency. Figure 4.10 Interaural intensity jnds for subject DH as a function a function a function of the noise center frequency. Figure 4.11 Interaural intensity jnds for subject VF as of the noise center frequency. Figure 4.12 Interaural intensity jnds for subject CS as of the noise center frequency. Figure 4.13 Interaural correlation jnds for subject FG as a function of the noise center frequency. Figure 4.14 Interaural correlation jnds for subject DH as a function of the noise center frequency. Figure 4.15 Interaural correlation jnds for subject VF as a function of the noise center frequency. Figure 4.16 Interaural correlation jnds for subject CS as a function of the noise center frequency. Figure 4.17 NOSO (4--A) and NOS1T (V--V) detection thresholds for subject FG as a function of the noise center frequency. Figure 4.18 NOSO (4-- ) and NOSrTY (V--V) detection thresholds subject DH as a function of the noise center frequency. for Page 4 Figure 4.19 NOSO (4--6) and NOS7r ('--V) detection thresholds for subject VF as a function of the noise center frequency. Figure 4.20 NOSO (d--d) and NOS7r (V--V) detection thresholds for subject CS as a function of the noise center frequency. Figure 4.21 Binaural Time Audiograms for subjects FG ( V ), VF ( + ), and CS ( O ), DH (6 ). Figure 4.22 Binaural Intensity Audiograms for subjects FG (V ( ), VF ( 4 ), and CS ( ), DH ). Figure 4.23 Binaural Correlation Audiograms for subjects FG ( V DH ( A ), VF ( + ), and CS ( O ), ). Figure 4.24 Scatter plot of interaural time jnds versus interaural versus interaural intensity jnds. Figure 4.25 Scatter plot of interaural time jnds correlation jnds. Figure 4.26 Scatter plot of interaural time jnds versus NOSTf jnds versus versus NOSqf thresholds. Figure 4.27 Scatter plot of interaural intensity interaural correlation jnds. Figure 4.28 Scatter plot of interaural intensity jnds thresholds. Page 5 Figure 4.29 Scatter plot of interaural correlation jnds versus NOS thresholds. Figure 4.30 Scatter plot of interaural time jnds hearing versus loss. Figure 4.31 Scatter plot of interaural intensity jnds versus hearing loss. plot Figure 4.32 Scatter of interaural correlation jnds versus hearing loss. Figure 4.33 Scatter plot of NOS7r detection threshold versus hearing loss. Figure 5.1 Block-box description of the general model of binaural interaction used in this study. Figure 5.2 The separate-interaural-differences assumption ( a ) and the Sum of Interaural Differences ( SID ) assumption ( b ). Figure 6.1 Probability density distribution of interaural differences for = 0.995. Figure 6.2 Probability density distribution of interaural differences for intensity = 0.8. Figure 6.3 Probability density distribution of interaural differences for intensity e= 0.0 intensity Page 6 Figure 6.4 Probability differences for of' interaural phase density distribution of interaural phase distribution of interaural phase = 0.8 Figure 6.6 Probability differences for distribution = 0.995 Figure 6.5 Probability differences for density density = 0.0 Figure 6.7 Probability density distribution of interaural intensity differences for 10log(S/N) = -26.0 dB. Figure 6.8 Probability density distribution of interaural intensity differences for 10log(S/N) = -22.0 dB. Figure 6.9 Probability density distribution of interaural intensity differences for 101og(S/N) = 0.0 dB. Figure 6.10 Probability density distribution of interaural phase of interaural phase of interaural phase differences for 10log(S/N) = -26.0 dB. Figure 6.11 Probability density distribution differences for 10log(S/N) = -22.0 dB. Figure 6.12 Probability density distribution differences for 10log(S/N) = 0.0 dB. Figure 6.13 Plot of interaural intensity variance as a the waveform correlation. function of Page 7 Figure 6.14 Plot of interaural phase variance as a function of the waveform correlation. Figure 6.15 Plot of interaural intensity variance as a function of function of signal-to-noise ratio in an NOSWr paradigm. Figure 6.16 Plot of interaural phase variance as a signal-to-noise ration in an NOSTr paradigm. Figure 7.1 Probability density distribution of intensity obtained differences for by numerical = 0*995. simulation, averaged interaural Solid curve is distribution dashed curve is Gaussian distribution with the same mean and variance. Figure 7.2 Probability density distribution of intensity obtained differences by numerical = 0.8. for simulation, averaged interaural Solid curve is distribution' dashed curve is Gaussian distribution with the same mean and variance. Figure 7.3 Probability density distribution of phase differences obtained by for numerical = 0.995. simulation, averaged interaural Solid curve is distribution dashed curve is Gaussian distribution with the same mean and variance. Figure 7.4 Probability density distribution of phase differences obtained by for numerical = 0.8. simulation, Solid dashed distribution with the same mean and variance. averaged interaural curve is distribution curve is Gaussian Page 8 Figure 7.5 Probability density distribution of intensity differences distribution obtained for by 10log(S/N) numerical averaged = -26.0 dB. simulation, interaural Solid curve is dashed curve is Gaussian distribution with the same mean and variance. Figure 7.6 Probability density distribution of intensity differences distribution obtained for by 10log(S/N) averaged = -22.0 dB.. numerical 'simulation, interaural Solid curve is dashed curve is Gaussian distribution with the same mean and variance. Figure 7.7 Probability density distribution of phase differences for distribution obtained 10log(S/N) by = numerical -26.0 averaged dB. simulation, interaural curve is Solid dashed curve is Gaussian distribution with the same mean and variance. Figure 7.8 Probability density distribution of phase differences for distribution obtained 10log(S/N) by = numerical -22.0 averaged dB. simulation, interaural Solid dashed curve is curve is Gaussian distribution with the same mean and variance. Figure 8.1 Correlation predictions of the optimal combination and a linear combination rule ( L) (7 ) along with observed, normal performance (V--P). Figure 8.2 NOSTY detection combination (V ) and threshold predictions of a -linear combination rule (A observed, normal performance (v--V). the optimal ) along with Page 9 Figure 8.3 Correlation jnd predictions of the SID rule Ks for using equal time and intensity averaging (&-----A ), along with observed correlation jnds (V---V ) for normal listeners. Figure 8.4 Correlation jnd prediction of time alone rule (---along with observed correlation jnds (7---J ) ) for normal listeners. Figure 8.5 Correlation jnd predictions using intensity alonie (--~) ) along with observed correlation jnds for normal listeners(V--7) Figure 8.6 NOSI'T A--• ), along detection threshold predictions. using with observed thresholds (7--V ) the SID for normal ( listeners. Figure 8.7 NOST't detection threshold predictions usning time alone ( d--A ) along with observed thresholds (V---V) for normal listeners. Figure 8.8 NOS7r'detection thresholds using intensity alone (A--- ) along with observed thresholds (V--7 ) for normal listeners. Figure 8.9 Variance threshold values as a function of noise center versus noise frequency for four values of K. Figure 8.10 Correlation predictions using time center frequency for K = 10 ( alone ), K = 20 ( A ), K = 40 (3 ) and K = 80 ( o). Figure 8.11 Correlation predictions noise using center frequency for K = 10 (7 and K = 80 ( O). intensity ), K = 20 (A alone versus ), K = 40 (t ) Page 10 Figure 8.12 NOST threshold noise predictions center frequency for ý = 10 (V using time ), K = 20 (h alone versus ), K = 40 (D ) and K = 80 ( a ). Figure 8.13 NOS7r threshold predictions using intensity alone versus noise center frequency for K = 10 ( 7), K = 20 ( s ), and K = 80 ( K = 40 ( 2 ) ). Figure 8.14 Modified SID rule model with different averaging lengths (Ks) for interaural time and intensity estimates. Figure 8.15 Correlation jnd predictions using the SID rule (A-A.) along with observed correlation jnds for normal listeners (V--7). Figure 8.16 NOS7T detection threshold predictions using the SID rule (4-4) along with observed thresholds for normal listeners (v--i). Figure 8.17 Correlation jnd prediction of the SID rule ( 4 --- ) along with observed correlation jnds (P._• ) for subject FG. Figure 8.18 Correlation jnd prediction using time alone ---- ( ) along with observed correlation jnds (7--- ) for subject FG. Figure 8.19 Correlation jnd predictions using differences alone (6----d interaural intensity ) along with observed correlation jnds ( \i7--V) for subject FG. Figure 8.20 Correlation jnd prediction of the SID along with observed correlation jnds (_---~7) rule (,-- for subject DH. ) Page 11 Figure 8.21 Correlation jnd prediction using time alone ) ( L--- along with observed correlation jnds (V--V )' for subject DH. Figure 8.22 Correlation jnd predictions using differences V---" alone (---A) interaural intensity along with observed correlation jnds ( ) for subject DH. Figure 8.23 Correlation jnd prediction of the SID rule (---- ) along with observed correlation jnds (7---7 ) for subject VF. Figure 8.24 Correlation jnd prediction using time al6ne (~L-A ) along with observed correlation jnds (C----V) for subject VF. Figure 8.25 Correlation jnd predictions using differences alone interaural intensity ( ----- ) along with observed correlation jnds ( V--- ) for subject VF. Figure 8.26 Correlation jnd predictions observed correlation jnds (---7 (4---- ) along with ) for subject CS. Figure 8.27 NOS?,' threshold predictions of the SID rule ) (A---- along with the observed NOST- thresholds (~---7) for subject FG. Figure 8.28 NOSTr threshold differences alone (6---- predictions using interaural time ) along with the observed NOSTr thresholds for subject FG(k----')o Figure 8.29 NOS'Ti threshold predictions using differences alone (&-A for subject FGC 7--V), interaural intensity ) along with the observed NOSf thresholds Page 12 Figure 8.30 NOS7( threshold predictions of the SID rule along with the observed NOSTq Figure 8.31 NOSTT threshold differences alone (A--A for subject DH( •--- ). thresholds (7--V) for subject DH. predictions using interaural time ) along with the observed NOS7rf thresholds ) Figure 8.32 NOS7i' threshold predictions using differences alone (A----- (A--- interaural intensity ) along with the observed NOS'V1 thresholds for subject DHLI ----V Figure 8.33 NOS7- threshold predictions of the SID rule along with the observed NOST' thresholds (C- ) (--A -V) for subject VF. Figure 8.34 NOSTi threshold predictions of the SID rule (- A ) along with the observed NOSIT thresholds (--- • ) for subject CS. Figure 8.35 Plot of relative usefulness ( dB intensity in ) of interaural differences to interaural time differences in correlation discrimination (V--V ) and NOSIf'detection (----A) versus center frequency of the noise for normal listeners. Figure 8.36 Plot of relative usefulness ( intensity in dB ) of interaural differences to interaural time differences in correlation discrimination (V---V) and NOS7f detection (A----) versus center frequency of the noise for subject FG. 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I I C L9 C \ -V0- acr I -4 2.0 - C H H- t2 0.0 = 250 ----- L 1000 4000 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 4.9 "U -U C C a 4C L c H 250 500 1000 200e 4000 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 4.10 10.1 9.e -u 7.0 C -Ii C * 3 6. 5.0 a L S3. e 1. 0.0 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 4.11 C D -4. C L C a C H Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 4.12 .e I I &9 0.8 0.7 -o -/ c 0.8 C 0 . 0.5 L L 0 0.4 O 0.3 0.2 -/- -v V 0.0-- / I I I 250 500 1000 I 2000 II 4000 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 4.13 __ >1 __ 0.9 0.8 \ 0.6 0.5 T .-.VOW 0.4 0.3 0.2 --- 250 500 2000 4000 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 4.14 >1 0.9 i-/ 0.8 /e - 0.7 -" C ) 0.6 C 0 .• 0.5 C 0 0 0.4 - \ / 1, 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 250 500 - 1000 -- 2000 4000 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 4.15 - - . . . . -__ _ >1 •- - - - --- -- ~- 0.8 07 ) c 0.6 . 0. C 0 0.4 - Iz 03 0.2 0.1 0.0 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 4.16 r I 20 I- -I I- 15 / -4 / / / 10 '4 0 -d -5 -10 1. I --- L 250 L 500 40e0 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 4.17 ...- -- 20 LI *- d' 0- & 10 -va0 -5 -i0 -- i - 250 500 1000 __ m • m 2000 4000 NoLse Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 4.18 = / 15 // #1 /8 • 0000i / t- rý% z00) w - / 0 0 -5 -10 / 250 A 500 -! - m 1000 2000 4000 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 4.19 I 20 '-- 1070W / -r - to0 - 14 m. ,m m 250 500 1000 -- 2000 4000 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 4.20 4 0 -(S I T0 12 16 Noise Center 0 0 * Frequency (Hz) 9 0.0 3 4 0 2.0 '21 4.0 8.0 Noise Center 0 0 Frequency (Hz) -z 5 =r1 **-1 20 2e2 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) l I Emu se.a 200.e 10.0. 1 I _ _ -- i I I I I I I I I I I E- - a - 0 a " I I -- 2. I 4.0 i 8.0e Interoural Intensity Jnd (dB) Figure 4.24 _ _ _ lIi soa." I Il-- ' lii I "[ 0 500.0 E-- U C -3 * 300.0 E a a C- U H 0.0 0.00 m IIIIIIlli l 0.25 aSO l l i l l l l L i l 0.75 Intereural Correlation Jnd Figure 4.25 I 800.0 _I I I I I I 1 I I I I I Iil Ir U 400.0 TI C * 38.0 E 2 a C a 0 0 0 0.0 r r0. I I I I I &0 1 i I i I ILI 10.0 1 i I 150 I I I 20.0 10log(E/No) Figure 4.26 _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _0 C c cct L .e U H i-.i aL --4 .iJ cI] L- 4.0 - a C =1 C H 0 00 0 ---.-- _- a I I I I I I I I I I I1 1 1 0.0 0.25 8as 1 1 -1 I - I 0.75 Intersurel Correlation Jnd Figure 4.27 I I 8.0 00lIII1II C I [ C 4 00 Hca H 2.0 00 - -- llllliilll~lllllll Iii 1"o 15e I J I m 20.0 10log(E/No) Figure 4.28 III LI II 1 1 1111 ~ ii! [4I a .50 - .25 80.0 lilllIllI I I l l l I I I l l 15.0 101og(E/No) Figure 4.29 II I I I I I I I I 10 ci U O * 3080 E a J C 1-1 100.0 - 0 00 6 0.0 i 10.0 I I I I 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 _L I 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 Hearing Loss (dB) Figure 4.30 _ I .0 I I I I I I I I_ El 5.0 48 - a 2.0 + 0.0 I I I I I I I I I 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.8 Hearing Loss (dB) Figure 4.31 10 C C 0 *4 0-4 0 O C. c H Hearing Loss (dB) Figure 4.32 I 20.0 I I - o I II I I i 0 15.0 H r-% 0 0) 0 '-- 1i0.0 a - 18 a 5.0 - 0.& - a a SI I i i i I -10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 I 1 .0 -4- 1 Hearing Loss (dB) Figure 4.33 6TM L.G US m,n N(O, r;,) ZLNT ti S (T7Y R CS 9TiO00& I(O) 2 /v h/a;,' ~'1 /YI w LO GJ tT5 tnl r,. .4 EA I C S OK I 0( ab) ( [I I 1I1I 111111111 IFF II 11111111 IrIII 1F111F11 I I.0 0.8 c ea C. 0. 0 P-4 a 0.4 0 L 0.2 0.0 -20.0 -15.0 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 0 10.0 1.0 20.0 20logIIl Figure 6.1 7-l111 111111 111lllII11IllllllllI ll 0.8 0c V-4 a .- 0.4 0 C. 0.2 0.0 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 -20.0 -15.0 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 .0 10.0 16.0 20.0 2 01og II Figure 6.2 4A C 0 0t -D 0 L I. 5.0 10.0 1.0 20.0 201oglIl Figure 6.3 i 5.0 I I I I I I I I I I lr 4.0 0 I L I I-4. I 0.0 IIIIII -4.0 -30 -2.0 11111111111 I I I I I -1.0 0.0 .0 2.0 0 4.0 2 I ( radians ) Figure 6.4 I .0 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 4.0 0W4 0c 2.0 4. 1.0 0.0 I -4.0 I I I I .I I I -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 SI 0.0 I I II I .0 2. 3.0 ( radians ) Figure 6.5 I II I 4.0 I 4.0 3.0 c 0 O 0 1O 0.0 0•8 I I t -4.0 -3.0 I I I I I -2.0 -1.0 .I I I I I I I 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 ( radians ) Figure 6.6 4.0 1iI1lI lii lIIIIIIIIIIIIIl1IIIIIIIIIII i.0 0.8 0.86 0.4 0.2 0.0 111 11111 -20.0 -15.0 111 11111lllllllllll l11 l i l l l l -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 ll 15.0 20.0 201og II Figure 6.7 0.8 0 e, C3 II11I1 1111111111111111111111111111111111 1 .0 c- 0.4 02 liLLLLLLL1111111111111111111111111111/11/-1 --- -20.0 -15. -10.0 -0 0.0 5.0 10.0 18.0 20.0 2 0 1ogIIl Figure 6.8 Lo 11111 1iIilII1 II11111111111111111111111 I 111 I __ 0.8 c 0.6 40. .) 0-4 -. 0 0.4 IL 02 0.0 -20.0 -15.0 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 201og II Figure 6.9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 m I 1 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 111111 -1.0 0.0 LO 2.0 3.0 4.0 4 I ( radians ) Figure 6.10 5.0 4.0 .g a 0c -0 0 0J 2.0 3.0 2.0 C0L. 0.A S1111111111 -4.0 -- -3.0 -2.0 -. 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Y I ( radians ) Figure 6.11 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 SI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -4 0 L 2.0 - I I I I I I I I 0.0 -4.0 -3.0 -LO 0.0 LO 2.0 3.0 4.0 4 I ( radians ) Figure 6.12 10.0 0% o 8.0 0 0C 0 ,4 a 00 C U) 0.0 --- Correlation Figure 6.13 I I I I I III ca C0c 0 I I I I I11I I II I Lto O. 13 a 0.0 0.0 0.1 Ii l ll llIl 02 0.3 0.4 l 0. 0.6 0.7 0.8 I I I 0.9 1.0 Correlation Figure 6.14 I I I I I I I I I I II I TI I I -U 0 O 6.0 C 0 i o1 C 0Q -U "0 .4. I I I -28.0 -24.0 I I I I I I -20.0 -168.00 -12.0 I I I I I g a -8.0 -4.0 I g 0.0 I a I g 4.0 10log(S/N) Figure 6.15 I I I I I I I1I IS. I I _ _ _ I I I I I I I I n ThLJI -28.0 -24.0 I I I I I 1I -20.0 -16.00 -12.0 1 -8.0 -4.0 I 1I 1 0.0 4.0 110log(S/N) Figure 6.16 I I I I I I II I I II I I I I I I I C QI a -0o 0 -c I 0.01 0L .1 0.001 I~ III I I -10.0 -5.0 II I I I' 0.0 I I I II I I 5.0 10.0 201ogIIl Figure 7.1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I_ i.0 0.1 I -10.0 I I I I I II -5.0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10.0 20logIIl Figure 7.2 l ll l l l IIII111II1I11IIII 10.0 l l l l . . . I. ·. . I. 1111 ·. . ·. ·. . liii1 . I'1 1.0 II 0.1 Ii II I! IIIIIII I IIIIIIII I I I I I I I I -L00 -0.75 -0.50 -0.25 4. I 0.0 0.25 0.50 0.75 LOO ( in units of 77 radians) Figure 7.3 ill 1 1111 1 lrllil IIII I I i I I I llril I I I 01 0.01 11tIIII1~~~~I~t1111IIIIl 0.0001 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~''~""" -LOO -0.75 -0.50 tI -0.25 ""' 0.0 0.25 0.50 0.75 LOO ( in units of Tr radians) Figure 7.4 10.0 I _ 1 I I I I I i I I I I 1 I I I I I 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 I -10.0 I I I I I -5.0 I I I I I i 0.0 I 1 1111 I 5.0 i I 10.0 20logII Figure 7.5 10.0 _ I I I I I I i_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 I 0.0001 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 201 ogIIl Figure 7.6 III IIIIIIIIIIIIII 10.0 1.0 H Ii 0.1 it I I I~ 0.01 it 0.001 H 0.0001 II 111111111 111111111 111111111 I II i~ -LOO -0.75 -0.50 I -0.25 0.0 0.25 ( in units of 7r 0.50 0.75 LOO radians) Figure 7.7 I Il I l l l l i T1 10.0 l l l llllT l 1l 1l1 1 1 1 l II L.0 >l. 0.1 0ci 0.01 EL 0 0.001 I1 0.0001 I I I I II 1IIII 1 I I I I I II I I I I II l I I I I I I tI . -1-00 -0.75 -0.50 4 --0.25 0.0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1 ( in untts of 'TT radLans) Figure 7.8 0.25 0.20 -u C 0.15 C 0 L 0.0) 0.0 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 8.1 20 15 10 0 0 0 -S -10 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 8.2 0.25 I I I 0.20 0.15 C 0c 0.10 0.05 AZ - 0.0 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 8.3 0.2 5 0.20 01 0.1.0 0.0 5 0.0 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 8.4 0.2 5 08.20 c - 0.1 L 0.10 0 250 2000 4000 Noise C(enter- F--requency (Hz) Figure 8.5 20 IS a Z * LU 5 0 -E Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure8.6 20 Li-I I..-- 0 -E -108 Noise Center Frequency Figure 8.7 20 15 0 Zo LLJ g) --' -5 -tO 250 1000 500 Noise Center 2000 4000 Frequency Figure 8.8 K = 80 I> -K = 40 0 r L C- -r1' K = 20 K = 10 I E E 125 ••I 250 I I I 1000 II 2000 4000 Noise Center Frequency Figure 8.9 0.9 0.8 0.7 "U C 0 L 0 ) 0.6 o0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 8.10 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0 C 0 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 8.11 00 10 0 -5 -15 -10 Noise Center Frequency Figure 8.12 20 15 10 '-N 0 Z % 0) 5 0 -5 -10 Noise Center Frequency Figure 8.13 (A 7_ ~ N(0o OC1 -of) 0 0 0 '0 ) 0.25 0.20 C 0.15 C 0 0-6 0.0 0 0.05 0.0 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 8.15 15 10 -5 -5 -to -0% 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 8.16 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure8.17 -0 C C 0 41 a al L o 0 Noise Center Frequency Figure 8.18 LO 0.9 0.8 0.7 C ) 0.6 C 0 a C0 0 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 Noise Center Frequency Figure 8.19 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0 S0.6 C 0 0., 0.3 0.0 250 S00 1000 200e 4000 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 8.20 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 C 0 -4 0.5 o LC 0.4 0 0 0.2 0.1 0.0 250 500 1000 200e Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 8.21 0.9 0.8 OJ C S 0.86 C 0 S0.5 L. 0.4 0 O 0.2 0.1 0.0 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 8.22 >1.0 0.9 0.8 07 -ur C -) 0.6 C 0 S0.5s L S0.4 00 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 250 500 1000 200e 4000 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 8.23 A'I Ji JI I 2000 4000 0.9 t// 0.8 0 a CL 0 0.5 a 0.4 0.0 0•8 I 250 I 500 I 1000 I Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 8.24 1P 1/I 2000 4000 t// 0.8 a7 0.7 C 0 a 0 0C- 0.5 0.4 03 0.2 0.0 I SI 250 500 1000 I -- Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 8.25 j 0.9 0.8 -• C -0 -i ~ 0.5 a L 0 O 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.0 -i 250 i I I I 500 1000 2000 4000 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 8.26 15 10 0 Z 0 0 -5 -10 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure8.27 20 15 10 0 Z 5 0 0 -5 -10 Noise Center Frequency Figure 8.28 15 10 e-l% 0 0 0 -5 -10 Noise Center Frequency Figure 8.29 20 15 10 0 W S 0) 5 0 -5 -10 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 8.30 15 10 0 r-1 W o -5 -10 Noise Center Frequency Figure 8.31 20 15 10 0 %-0 o0 5 0 0 -5 -10 Noise Center Frequency Figure 8.32 0 Z 0) 0 0 -5 -10 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 8.33 20 15 10 0 0) 5 -5 -10 Noise Center Frequency (Hz) Figure 8.34 a? 30.0 Uo a, o ý4 20.0 ::I o 0 -4 10.0 N 0.0 -10.0 -20.0 00 -30.0 Noise Center Nolse 0 0 00 Center ~~ Frequency (Hz) Frequency 0 (Hz) 0 * N n 3 CD ID rO z0 :, r II 201og( 47 /cte6) Figure - 201og((& r/ 8.36 O ) 30.0 20.0 Q-4 10.0 (N o 0.0 i- Ot -10.0 0 -20.0 -30.0 Noise 0 Center 0 Frequency (Hz) Figure II.1 ~-------·-- -7- - I I -- -- i I t'.: I" i ·- · I I-- f i; i i L ij -I i_: Y-' ~---' ' f:- ----~ SLOrE 15 - 0.20o 0.40 I I I I I I I I I CS) 0.,o I I I I I 0.g0 I f= 0. 15 .oo00 III I I - 5 2.7 11.4 7.8 - 3.8 - 2.9 t a a II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 80 60 100 40 0- Figure 11.2 0I o mp 0 J 0 3 P co M p A. & p s p G STANDARD DEVIATION OF m 0 - s E(rn) 0 y ; 1s5 -Qr x <a. Ci- 1.25 0 -a +5 0' Ul 0.75 PS Figure II.4 98 0n a -+j a E 1• W 70 80 True Ps Figure 11.5