EVALUATION OF FIELDWORK SUPERVISOR Name of Fieldworker: _________________________________________________ Date: ________________

Name of Fieldworker: _________________________________________________ Date: ________________
Name of Site Supervisor: ___________________________________________________________________
Name of Fieldwork Site: ____________________________________________________________________
The Fieldworker must complete this form at the end of the fieldwork and submit it to the Faculty Supervisor in order
to receive a grade for fieldwork.
Please rate the fieldwork site supervisor on each item below according to the following scale. Add comments in the
space below.
Very Dissatisfied 1
Not Applicable
Very Satisfied
The site supervisor:
_____1. was regularly available for supervision.
_____2. made clear his/her expectations of the fieldworker.
_____3. was accepting, understanding, and interested in the fieldworker.
_____4. allowed fieldworker to participate in the activities the fieldworker wished to.
_____5. provided appropriate orientation and training for fieldwork activities, policies, and procedures.
_____6. discussed ethical and legal issues associated with the fieldwork site.
_____7. attended to the fieldworker’s personal growth and professional development.
_____8. gave the fieldworker constructive feedback in a supportive fashion.
_____9. provided fieldworker with appropriate levels of responsibilities.
_____10. involved the fieldworker in a broad range of activities.
_____11. provided fieldworker with opportunities to practice technical and problem solving skills.
_____12. was fair and objective in evaluating fieldworker’s performance.
_____13. allowed fieldworker to observe professional staff performing various duties (such as providing counseling,
assessments, conducting research, etc.).
_____14. helped fieldworker meet the learning objectives that were specified before the start of the fieldwork.
Please share comments on the supervisor’s strengths and any areas that may be in need of improvement.