Format for 2010 Faculty Workplan Proposal As required by University policy, please submit a plan (as a DOC, DOCX, RTF or PDF e-mail attachment) of your activities for the current calendar year to the school director on or before February 19, 2010. I Outline workload and goals A faculty member's workload (see chapter 3.01 of the faculty handbook) consists of baseline requirements and a significant area of focus. In the area of teaching, the baseline expectation shall normally be 9 credit hours per semester over the course of the academic year, in addition to other teaching-related work. (This does not count courses for which additional compensation is provided.) All tenure track faculty members are also expected to engage in basic, applied, or pedagogical scholarship. A faculty member's workload includes service to the unit, college, and university as well as to the community and the profession. In addition to the nine credit hour teaching load, the baseline requirement will normally require at least one scholarly product and substantive service to the school, college, or university, and, depending on rank, some service to the community and profession. In addition, every faculty member is required to select an area of professional achievement in teaching, scholarship, or service that exceeds baseline expectations. This is referred to as the “significant area of focus.” Following the six point outline below, please list all the teaching, scholarship and service activities that you anticipate for this year (both for baseline and area of focus). Also provide your goals associated with these activities. A1. Teaching and Advising 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Identify scheduled teaching assignments Indicate courses you will teach for additional compenastion (summer or overload) Identify your anticipated supervision of independent study or thesis projects Identify instances where you will be mentoring / supervising adjunct instructors. Identify curriculum development activities Identify the number of your student advisees. Identify anticipated professional development activities related to teaching A2. Goals for Teaching and Advising 1. Describe your overall goals relating to your teaching activity this year (possibly in terms of improved student performance, improved student evaluations, etc.) Please note where these goals are influenced by: a. the department, college or university strategic plans b. student learning assessments c. peer-review and/or student evaluations d. your work plan evaluation for last year e. changes in the field f. changes in the program g. desire to present new research or use new resource h. or for any other reasons 2. Identify any new resources that would facilitate accomplishing your teaching goals. B1. Scholarly Endeavors 1. Identify any research projects that will require time commitment, including any anticipated a. grant proposals (indicate anticipated submission date) b. presentation at conferences, seminars, colloquia, or meetings, etc. (indicate dates and places) c. publications in journals, books, web sites, etc. (indicate anticipated submission date, resubmission date or publication date) d. other scholarly activities 2. Identify professional development activities related to your research area. B2. Goals for Scholarly Endeavors 1. Describe your overall goal(s) relating to your scholarly activity this year (possibly in terms of grant money received, collaborations fostered, articles published, improved reputation, etc.,) Please note where these goals are influenced by a. the department, college or university strategic plans b. collaboration with others in the college. 2. Identify any new resources that would facilitate accomplishing your research goals. C1. Service Activities 1. Identify university / college / department service a. on faculty governance committees or task forces b. in administrative positions c. by advising student organizations d. through student recruitment activities e. through alumni relations activities f. through other specific department / college tasks 2. Identify community service a. on nonprofit or public boards b. through assisting with Johnson Center projects (if not listed elsewhere) c. through other activities supporting human service agencies, charities, schools, neighborhood /community organizations . 3. Identify professional service: a. as officer or committee member of a professional organization or conference b. as editor, board member, or reviewer for an academic or professional journal c. as consultant for an outside agency d. as guest lecturer or presenter for other schools C2. Goals for Service Activities 1. Describe your goals relating to your service activities this year in terms of what you want to accomplish in one or more of these activities. 2. Identify any new resources that would facilitate accomplishing your service goals. II Identify significant area of focus Significant area of focus means that every faculty member is required to select an area of professional achievement in teaching, scholarship, or service that exceeds baseline expectations. A combination of these areas of focus can be specified in the annual work plan with the director's approval. This focus should require about the same amount of time as teaching a 3hour course and not counted as part of the baseline requirement or have been compensated externally or additionally. Faculty members that select teaching as their area of focus will normally teach 12 hours per semester (but are not released from the baseline scholarship and service requirements). Faculty members that select scholarship will normally be expected to produce more than one scholarly product per year or make significant progress on a book project or funded research. Those that choose service must document their work for a public or nonprofit agency and produce a written report or work product submitted to both the school and the organization served. If your work plan list less than 8 courses (24 credits) this year, and this is not a result of administrative release or a grant buyout (see below) please indicate which of the above non-teaching activities you will perform in lue of teaching. (Remember that some scholarship and service is required in your baseline expections.) III Identify course load reduction In the area of teaching, the baseline expectation shall normally be 9 credit hours per semester over the course of the academic year, in addition to other teaching-related work. In specific cases for administrative work or for grant buyout, the Dean may approve a course load reduction. If your work plan list less than 6 courses (18 credits) for this year, please indicate which activity you will perform in lue of teaching. (Remember that course load reduction always requires the Dean’s approval.)