SPNHA Department Meeting January 17, 2011 2:00 – 4:00

January 17, 2011
2:00 – 4:00
SPNHA Department Meeting
DeVos 202E
Mark Hoffman
Greg Cline, Rich Jelier, Priscilla Kimboko, Sherry Moyer, Ramya Ramanath, Sal Alaimo, Dan Balfour
Donijo Robbins, Mike Mast, Mike Payne, Steve Borders, Sue Nieboer, Fran Cain, Diane Kimoto
Mark Hoffman
Agenda item: Update from Jayne Dissette on IT
Blackboard upgrade
9.0 to 9.1 on 12/21/10 - a lot of great new features and a gentle upgrade of the interface
The new stuff!
Help to Get Ready! http://www.gvsu.edu/it/index.cfm?id=148D8A8F-A911-DF28-37822D1AF5EF6E2F
Blackboard Mobile
Features include integration of NookStudy and CafeScribe.
Email change coming with better support for mobile devices
Good for Mac and Win and the mobile devices! http://www.microsoft.com/exchange/2010/en/us/default.aspx
Clickers! (what's new and exciting for using them in the classroom)
Mac and Win -- Turning Point Anywhere
Responseware http://www.turningtechnologies.com/audienceresponseproducts/responseoptions/responseware/
No longer a checkout system - students will purchase devices from Bookstore or online -- IT will have a Web Page
for all to guide through the process
Students will register their ResponseCards or License Codes and faculty can access class lists for software.
iTunes U
Public Site Upgraded to Public Site Manager -- some issues until we can implement a Podcast Producer server -have a small demo of that server available, but itÿs very limited.
Support added for ePub!
Academic Site still authenticates through Blackboard http://itunes.gvsu.edu
Office 2010 and Office 2011
Office 2011 is available for Mac -- AD bound machines received it via push
Office 2010 is WIP as issues are with department use of Access databases -- another platform change and IT Is
still testing.
In Labs Fall 2011 and will be added to Win 7 machines and available by request. Not fully processed yet until all
testing is complete.
Video Conferencing Solutions
Wimba Pronto
Chat, Voice, Video, Screen Share, Whiteboard
Wimba Classroom
Full online classroom experience designed to engage students online
Up to six people can conference, video of all participants
To Do:
Sherry – schedule and coordinate upgrade to Windows 7 with Bob Holcomb
Agenda item: Phi Kappa Phi
Because of their GPA, three of our undergradaute students and seven of our graduate students are candidates for the Phi
Kappa Phi national honors society. In order to be inducted, they must have a "good character" reference from the department. In
past years, two students were selected from each program. Now they must be in the top 10% of graduate GPA. This means they
need a 4.0 because so many education students have a 4.0
To Do:
Faculty – okay student nominations (completed at meeting)
Mark – send list back to Melissa Cunningham by Feb 11
Agenda item: : Graduate Showcase 2011
Graduate students will be able to display their scholarship and research activities as poster presentations at Graduate
Showcase 2011, scheduled for Monday, March 28, 2011 at the Loosemore– 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Its purpose is two-fold: (1) to
recruit new graduate students; (2) to demonstrate to community leaders and prospective employers the high level of research
and scholarship activities that occur at Grand Valley.
To do:
Faculty - identify 2 MPA and 2 MHA students / mentors to display their scholarship and research activities as poster
presentations at Graduate Showcase 2011.
Report to graduate studies:
Faculty - identify two (2) top graduate students each from MPA and MHA. These students can be current or recent graduates
from your program who best exemplify your program’s quality. The deadline for graduate studInt participant identification and
abstract submission is March 1, 2011.
Mark & Greg (?) - oral presentations to be made by the graduate program directors as recruitment is an important aspect of this
event. We will use the program description found in the program flyers in the event program unless you request something
different. We will provide a Powerpoint template for your use in constructing the oral presentation of your program. The
deadline for submission of your oral presentation is March 11.
Sherry - invitation lists (prospective students, advisory boards, community supporters) to grad studies by February 2.
Agenda item: : Review of personnel policies
Per the request for graduate studies, we looked at the MPA and MHA admission requirements again.
With regard to the decision tree, Dr. Kimboko questioned if 5 years is enough experience to outweight a 2.5 GPA. Dr. Jelier
pointed to some successes of people now serving as city managers who came in with low GPA, but with over 10 years of
The decion tree will be change to over 5 years experiebce with a above a 2.75 GPA and over 10 years experience with above a
2.5 GPA.
To do:
Mark – send report to grad studies by March 11
Agenda item: Formation of Subcommittees
Mark reviewed the need for the faculty to accomplish two major tasks this term. Learning assessments for each program and a
strategic plan for the department.
Strategic Planning Committee: Ramya, Dan, Sherry (adviser: Greg)
First Strategic Planning Committee Meeting: Wednesday January 26, 3-4 PM, 230C
Learning Assessment Committees
MPA:: Donijo, Sal, Mike
MHA: Priscilla, Sue, Greg
PNA: Rich, Quincy, Dianne
(adviser: Mark).
First Learning Assessment Committee Meeting: Monday January 31, 2-4 PM, DEV 202E