1. Name: Mark C Hoffman
3. College CCPS
2. Date employed by GVSU Fall 1999
4. Unit SPNHA
5. Semester(s) and year of latest sabbatical leave NA
6. Dates of Leave of Absence as faculty since the latest sabbatical leave NA
7. Sabbatical leave is being requested for this year and semester(s)
Academic Year 2011-12
8. Sabbatical Title Visiting Scholar at Polish and Korean Universities
9. Are grants, fellowships, or other financial support expected during the sabbatical leave? Specify.
Support is expected from:
Yeungnam University (YU)
Cracow University of Economics (CUE)
I will also apply for grants from the GVSU Padnos International Center, specifically:
Faculty/Staff Exchange Program grant (for activities at CUE)
Partnership Development Grant (for activities at YU):
10. Is acceptance of a sabbatical award dependent on your receiving some additional support?
11. Where will the sabbatical work be done?
Gyeongsan, South Korea (YU) and in Krakow, Poland (CUE)
12. In accord with the Sabbatical Policy as stated in Chapter 4, 2.30.4D of the Administrative Manual
(see also Chapter 3, Section 3.04.C.5.d, Chapter 3, Section 3.04.E.6,7 and Chapter 4, Section 4.02
item 2.30.4.D, Faculty Handbook), I agree to submit a written account of my activities and a
financial statement by the end of the term following my leave. I will remain at Grand Valley State
University for at least one year after completion of my leave regardless of the length of the
Signature of Applicant
This sabbatical request has been reviewed by:
(approval, disapproval, or approval as modified)
Applicant's Unit Head
(approval, disapproval, or approval as modified)
Chairperson, College Personnel Committee
(approval, disapproval, or approval as modified)
(approval, disapproval, or approval as modified)
Rev. 5/92; reviewed 2003; revised 6/06
(approval, disapproval, or approval as modified)
Descriptive tile of your project
Visiting Scholar at Polish and Korean Universities
Goals and Objectives
I am submitting this sabbatical proposal to express my interest as serving as a Visiting Scholar at
Yeungnam University (YU) in Gyeongsan, South Korea, and the Cracow University of
Economics (CUE) in Krakow, Poland. The sabbatical request is for the Fall 2011 and Winter
2012 semesters.
My goals and objectives have been developed to meet the sabbatical leave mandate as stated in
the University's Administrative Manual. That is, my sabbatical "will enhance the teaching,
research or professional capabilities of the applicant" and it will "provide an opportunity for
work in a different environment in order to learn, develop, or perfect understandings or skills
which will improve the applicant's teaching and professional competence." The following are my
goals and objectives:
Goal 1: To improve my teaching and mentoring skill sets
Objective A: Development of content about comparative public service administration that will
be used in College of Community and Public Service (CCPS) courses.
Objective B: Broaden my cross cultural competencies that will improve my ability to serve and
mentor international students in CCPS programs.
Objective C: Offer instruction to CUE and YU students aimed at allowing them to compare the
history and philosophy of public service in their home country with that in the United States.
Goal 2: To provide service to GVSU and one of its partner institutions
Objective D: Enhance the long-established relationship between GVSU and the Cracow
University of Economics (CUE) and establish a formal relationship between GVSU and
Yeungnam University. This work will be done under guidance from the Padnos International
Objective E: Develop several course modules where students studying public service in separate
classes at GVSU, CUE and YU will be provided a common set of background material and then
participate together in online discussions, exercises and/or simulations.
Goal 3: To augment my personal research agenda
Objective F: Create a research-agenda around a public service information technology issue that
can be advanced jointly by scholars at the three universities.
Evidence of preparation
(A) Development of content about comparative public / nonprofit administration that will be
used in the College of Community and Public Service (CCPS) courses.
I have experience in curriculum development. I successfully developed two new courses for my
department (PA311 Public Sector Information Technology and PA644 GIS in the Public
Service.). I served on Division / College Curriculum Committees for five years, being the chair
twice. I have served on the committee that has developed the proposed Masters in Philanthropy
and Nonprofit Leadership.
(B) Broaden my cross cultural competencies that will improve my ability to serve and mentor
international students in CCPS programs.
Over the past two decades, I have been a mentor for many international students both at GVSU
and at Cleveland State University. Many of these students were from Poland. Please see
appendix B for testimonials from some of my former international students.
(C) Offering instruction to CUE and YU students aimed at allowing them to compare the history
and philosophy of public service in their home country with that in the United States.
Instruction at both universities will be in English. CUE and YU seeks to offer more classes in
English as it is becoming the default universal second language. I have twenty years of
experience teaching public service administration and information technology courses covering a
variety of topics. Please see my CV.
(E) Develop several course modules where students studying Public Administration in separate
classes at GVSU, CUE and YU will be provided a common set of background material and then
participate together in discussions, exercises and/or simulations.
I taught an online class for several years. I used discussion boards as a key part of those classes,
but I have never tried to get students from different classes, let alone different universities in
different countries, to participate together. Nonetheless, this is a very exciting idea to me. If the
sabbatical is granted, I will find articles, models and advisers that might be helpful in building
these modules.
(F) Create a research-agenda around a Public/Nonprofit Administration information technology
issue that can be advanced jointly by scholars at the three universities.
I have several IT-related publications co-authored with Sungsoo Hwang, a faculty member at
Yeungnam University:
Advancing e-governance at the community level: creating an information chain reaction
with Neighborhood Information Systems” (2010). In Handbook of Public Information
Systems, 3rd ed.. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL: 211-232.
In pursuit of the effective neighborhood information system: User-friendliness and
training (2009). Government Information Quarterly, 26 (1), 166-173..
Project Plan
(A) Development of content about comparative public service administration that will be used in
the College of Community and Public Service (CCPS) courses.
In my YU and CUE classes I will be comparing and contrasting foundational materials in the
history of ideas related to public service in the US, Poland and Korea. Some of those materials
that provide significant insight into differences among the three public service cultures will be
introduced to students that I teach at GVSU. This may or may not involve formal course change
(B) Broaden my cross cultural competencies that will improve my ability to serve and mentor
international students in CCPS programs.
I will participate in the formal opportunities that may be offered by the two universities during
my stay. I will create my own informal opportunities by talking with the resident experts in their
international offices and their academic departments. A list of contacts is available in Appendix
(C) Offering instruction to CUE and YU students aimed at providing a comparison of the history
of ideas in public service between their home country and the United States.
Class schedules at these universities are made the semester prior to the offerings. My teaching
schedule will not be known for some time. Both universities will work with me to find the best
way for me to inculcate my knowledge of US public service in a comparative context.
(D) Enhance the long-established relationship between GVSU and the Cracow University of
Economics (CUE) and establish a formal relationship between GVSU and Yeungnam University.
This work will be done under guidance from the Padnos International Center.
Should my sabbatical be approved, Yeungnam University has expressed an interest to establish a
formal relationship with GVSU. With direction coming from our Padnos International Center, I
will introduce myself to their Office of International Programs and lay the groundwork for an
agreement that can be finalized by PIC and our President's Office.
(E) Develop several course modules where students studying public service in separate classes
at GVSU, CUE and YU will be provided a common set of background material and then
participate together in online discussions, exercises and/or simulations.
Creating online learning communities with a mix of students will be challenging. However,
young people from around the world often participate in common online forums like Facebook
and YouTube, so some common experiences exist. Currently, there may be articles, models and
advisers that can help in building these modules. But for students in three specific universities,
this project will require looking at differences in common netiquette and difference in the online
learning norms at the three universities. Then, it requires finding the appropriate technology,
learning objectives and instructional environment that will be beneficial for all students.
(F) Create a research-agenda around a public service information technology issue that can be
advanced jointly by scholars at the three universities.
When I am at YU, I will work with Dr. Sungsoo Hwang to develop a research agenda that
follows up on our previous collaborations realted to use of data and information technology to
connect government with citizens. When at CUE, I will find a third partner with convergent
research interests so that we can apply for research grants as a three-continent team.
Note: Dates are approximate, baseds on the best information available at this time.
Pre-sabbatical activities January 1 - August 19, 2011
obtain visas
obtain additional insurance
arrange finances
finalize arrangements with YU regarding housing accommodations, office space, and
teaching stipends
familiarize myself with YU policies
briefing with PIC
after scheduling specific classes / lectures at YU and consulting with YU faculty, prepare
lesson plans.
Semester at YU: August 20 - December 25, 2011
orientation August 21-27
classes begin August 30
midterm exams October 17-21
cultural competency discussions concluded by December 19
IT research agenda discussions concluded by December 19
final exams December 19-23
return to USA December 25
Mid-sabbatical activities December 26, 2011 - February 12, 2012
debriefing with PIC by February 1
finalize arrangements with CUE regarding housing accommodations, office space, and
teaching stipends
familiarize myself with CUE policies
after scheduling specific classes / lectures at CUE and consulting with CUE faculty, prepare
lesson plans
Semester at CUE: February 13 - June 29, 2012
orientation February 14-18
classes begin February 21
summer break April 23-27
cultural competency discussions concluded by June 18
IT research agenda discussions concluded by June 18
final exams June 18-29
return to USA June 30
Post-sabbatical activities: June 30, 2012 - September 30 2013
debriefing with PIC by July 15
sabbatical report submitted by September 15.
fall semester common course module(s) implemented in November
inter-university agreement with YU signed: by December
public service IT grant-proposal submitted by February 15, 2013.
winter semester common course module(s) implemented in April
derivative curriculum changes (if any) submitted by September 30
Benefit to one's own or other units
This sabbatical proposal offers three benefits for the School of Public, Nonprofit & Health
Administration (SPNHA), the College of Community and Public Service (CCPS), and Grand
Valley State University.
1. Both as a teacher and an administrator, I will have many opportunities to use improved
cultural competency and communication skills when dealing with our international students in
CCPS and SPNHA. Since Fall 2003, there have been more graduate degrees issued to
international students by the CCPS than by any other College at GVSU. The majority of these
are from SPNHA's MPA and MHA programs. Since Fall 2003, 39 MPA and 2 MHA degrees
have been awarded to international students;17 of which have been awarded to Polish students.
One MPA is expected to be granted to a Korean student at the end of this semester.
2. My sabbatical experience will better prepare me to provide the "globalized" education
mandated in the CCPS and SPNHA strategic plans. The CCPS strategic plan calls for a review of
"evidence that graduates have gained the skills and knowledge they need to function in diverse
local, regional, and global communities" (emphasis added). The SPNHA strategic plan calls for
"increasing emphasis on international perspectives." By experiencing Polish and Korean
educational environments, by preparing course plans for Polish and Korean curriculums, and by
interacting with Polish and Korean students, faculty and staff in their home environment, I will
be far better prepared to make a contribution to the College and Departments efforts at
globalization and intercultural competency.
3. My effort to establish a long-relationship with Yeungnam University may lead to more Korean
students choosing to come to GVSU and the MPA program. Sub-objective 2.5.1 of the
university's strategic plan states "by fall 2012, the proportion of students who have graduated
from a high school, or its equivalent, from a country other than the United States is at least 3% of
overall enrollment annually". Grand Valley does not currently have a connection to YU, so any
students that may eventually come based on the groundwork of this sabbatical would be helping
achieve a university strategic planning objective.
Arrangements with people at other institutions
I have received invitations from both Yeungnam University (YU) in Gyeongsan, South Korea
and the Cracow University of Economics (CUE) in Krakow, Poland (see Appendix A). If the
sabbatical is approved, I can move forward with specific arrangements with these universities.