2013 Faculty Work Load Plan Name: Rank: Unit: SPNHA Date: 15 February 2013 As required by University policy, you are being asked to submit a report of your planned activities for the current calendar year. Information provided should apply to the 2013 calendar year. When completed, please add your signature file (or type your name) and the date below. Then submit your Faculty Workload Plan to the SPNHA Faculty Resources Blackboard site by the end of the day on February 15. Please name the word file you submit as lastname_fwp.docx (e.g hoffman_fwp.docx) Annual Workload Outline agreed to by: _______________________________________________________________________________ Faculty Member Date _______________________________________________________________________________ Unit Head Date _______________________________________________________________________________ Dean, College of Community and Public Service Date A. Teaching Normally, within a full-time load, the expectation for teaching is 9 hours per semester. Evidence of effective teaching is significant in decisions on tenure, promotion, and salary increments. Criteria of effective teaching include, but are not limited to: • • • • • • Knowledge of the field taught Classroom performance (e.g. clarity, pacing, breadth and depth of coverage) Communication skills Evaluation skills Course development Performance as an academic advisor I. Scheduled Teaching. Please indicate the course names and numbers, if known. Describe any pedagogical innovations, new teaching materials, or syllabus revisions that you plan to introduce into this course during the coming year. Please indicate if you plan to encourage students to enter course projects or papers in external forums, such as Student Scholarship Day, a student paper contest, a webbased information resource, or a conference poster session. II. Alternative Service. If teaching less than 9 credits in a semester, please describe the reassigned time. III. Academic Advising. Describe the type of students will you be advising (e.g., MPA students in the nonprofit concentration.) IV. Directed Student Learning. Are you currently planning to advise any masters theses or independent study projects? V. Professional Development. Are you currently planning to participate in educational activities which will contribute to your teaching performance? B. Scholarly/Creative Activity Within a normal full-time load, all faculty are expected to engage in basic, applied, or pedagogical scholarship or creative activity as determined by the unit, college, and profession. Evidence of scholarship or creative activity is significant in decisions on tenure, promotion, and salary increments. A variety of activities are considered appropriate for accomplishing these objectives and such activities are significant in decisions on tenure, promotion, and salary increments. Examples include, but are not limited to: • • • • Original research (creation of knowledge) Integration of knowledge (synthesis and reorganization). Review articles and books, metaanalyses, and well-crafted texts that bring diverse findings together, including theoretical analyses, surveys, analyses of archival data, outcome research, qualitative and case studies Application of knowledge (e.g. research reports, program audits, program evaluation) Scholarship of pedagogy and teaching in public affairs and administration. Please note that in most cases, the majority of your scholarship should be described under Area of Significant Focus (Section D). If this is the case, you might place here a single item, such as a conference presentation, a book review, or a blog. C. Service In addition to teaching and scholarly/creative activities within a normal full-time load, all faculty are expected to engage in service. Service may include participating in department, college, or university activities that support the operation and mission of the department, college or university, the profession, or the community. Evidence of service is significant in decisions on tenure, promotion, and salary increments. I. Service to the Department. Faculty members’ contributions to the department may include SPNHA departmental subcommittees and leadership activities, mentoring a junior SPNHA faculty, advising a SPNHA student organization, editing the SPNHA Review, program-specific recruitment activity, development of curriculum, development and maintenance of the SPNHA web page, social media and brochures, coordinating award nominations, and the preparation of department-related grant proposals. II. Service to the College and University. Faculty members serve through election or appointment to college and university committees. Each faculty member should serve on a college or university committee or task force following their first contract renewal. Service to the College and University also includes participating in college or university activities that support the mission of the university or college, including: • • • • • Activities that support another unit, such as a search committee or peer-review committee Activities that support a university or college initiatives, such as certifying as an inclusion advocate and serving on a CCPS expert group Activities that support general student advising, such as freshmen or transfer orientation Activities that support general recruitment, such as Laker Experience Day Activities that support development, such as Awards of Distinction and the Recognition Dinner III. Service to the Community and the Profession. Faculty members are also responsible for contributing to their profession and their community. Community service and service to the profession involves the engagement of a faculty member's professional expertise. Community service includes, but is not limited to, engaging in community outreach, acting as a board member in a community based organization, participating in public service programs, and work as a pro bono consultant on community projects when representing the University. Service to the profession includes leadership or committee roles in professional organizations. D. Area of Focus In their annual faculty workload plan, every faculty member shall propose a significant focus beyond the expectations established by the unit in the areas of teaching, scholarship/creative activity, and service. This focus shall require approximately the same amount of time as teaching a 3 credit hour course per semester; it shall not have been counted as part of the expected 9 hour per semester teaching load. This is typically scholarship/creative activity, but it could also be special service, special teaching assignment or extra course, or some other area agreed upon activity. It is usually a single focus, but it might be a combination of these kinds of activities. Please indicate the category of your Area of Focus by indicating a percent share for each activity (e.g. scholarship/creative activity 100%). The three together should total 100%. ______ Teaching ______ Scholarship/creative activity Please describe your planned area of focus activity. ______ Service Additional compensation and other activities Please indicate any activities listed in your work plan for which you will get additional compensation. Please indicate anticipated teaching assignment or administrative assignments (not listed in your work plan) for which you would get overload pay. (For example, summer teaching.) Please indicate any non-GVSU teaching or work you plan to do. Note that according to the University’s Administrative Manual: “Since faculty and staff members are required to fulfill their responsibilities completely and effectively, any outside employment which a faculty or staff member wishes to undertake must be approved in advance by the appointing officer.”