An Intracardiac Navigation Interface for Electrophysiology Modelling Tools by Ojonimi A. Ocholi Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of Bachelor of Science in Electrical [Computer] Science and Engineering and Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology May 24, 2006 Copyright 2006 Ojonimi A. Ocholi. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to M.I.T permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis and to grant others the right to do so. Author Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science May 20, 2006 Certified by Pr Research -- Accepted by William J. Long ntist, MIT CSAIL Thesis ,upervisor K Arthur C. Smith Graduate Theses on Committee Department Chairman, MASSACHUSElTS INSTmJTE OF TECHNOLOGY AUG 14 2006 LIBRARIES BARKER An Intracardiac Navigation Interface for Electrophysiology Modelling Tools by Ojonimi A. Ocholi Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science May 24, 2006 In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer [Electrical] Science and Engineering and Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science ABSTRACT This thesis describes an interface that has been developed to assist in medical procedures. Several commercial systems are currently available each with their own strength and weaknesses and the goal of this interface is to leverage each of them. It is based upon a number of toolkits such as the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) and the GUI development tool QT. To facilitate the rapid deployment of highly modular applications, an Application Programming Interface (API) was created and modeled after the Model-View-Controller paradigm. The interface was then built using this API into an executable application and it provides various features such as accurate catheter navigation and the registration of data from different sources. In addition, the interface was used to investigate the accuracy of one commercial system (LocaLisa) with regards to another (CARTO). Thesis Supervisor: William J. Long Title: Principal Research Scientist, MIT CSAIL 2 Acknowledgements Many thanks to my advisor, Bill Long for being willing to oversee the research I've done since junior year. If I have accomplished anything it is because of the confidence you showed in me. I also want to thank my off-campus supervisor, Dr. Vivek Reddy for giving me the opportunity to research at MGH. Your patience and guidance are deeply appreciated. Special thanks go to Zach Malchano and Ragu Vijaykumar for being the smartest and coolest research group mates ever. I would not be writing this now if not for you guys. Finally, I thank my parents for their love and constant support over the last five years and I thank my saviour Jesus Christ for giving me a reason to live. To all the people I missed out from this list you know who you are and I am greatly indebted to you. Thank you. 3 Contents 1 Introduction 9 1.1 Summary of Thesis Contents..................................................... 12 2 Background 13 2.1 The CARTO system.................................................................. 14 2.2 The LocaLisa system................................................................ 17 20 3 Myo Application Programming Interface 3.1 T oolkits........................................................................... .... 20 3.1.1 The Visualization Toolkit................................................ 21 3.1.2 The Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit................ 22 3.1.3 QT - A GUI development tool.......................................... 22 3.2 Design and Development of the API............................................. 23 3.2.1 MyoControllers for the Model and View............................ 28 3.2.2 Modular Communication................................................ 29 3.2.3 Threading.................................................................. 33 3.2.4 Visualization............................................................ 35 4 38 4 The Myo Interface 4.1 The Catheter Module............................................................ 43 4.2 The CARTO Module............................................................ 48 4.3 The LocaLisa Module........................................................... 52 4.4 The Registration Module....................................................... 57 5 An investigation of the accuracy in LocaLisa 63 5 .1 R esu lts.............................................................................. 65 5.2 C om ments......................................................................... 74 76 6 Conclusion 6.1 Summ ary.......................................................................... 76 6.2 E xtensions......................................................................... 78 5 List of Figures 2-1 Catheter tip components, location determination through use of magnets and rendering of different orientations. Courtesy[7]........................................... 15 2-2 Image of rendered points acquired with CARTO software. Mapping legend is on the top right. C ourtesy[7].......................................................................... 15 2-3 Illustration of LocaLisa principle in one plane. Measured impedance changes as the catheter moves from one electrode to the other. Courtesy[9]............................ 18 2-4 Typical LocaLisa setup. Electrodes in three orthogonal planes and reference patch connected to LocaLisa Machine. Machine connected to PC for data rendering. C ourtesy [9 ]...................................................................................... 18 3-1 Sample Application built with the QT framework. Courtesy [13].................. 23 3-2 Structure of the Interface. Several layers are needed to make development less co mplex ........................................................................................... 25 3-3 Myo API top level hierarchy............................................................. 25 3-4 Myo API implementation of the Model-View-Controller paradigm................ 27 3-5 Structure of Data within the Myo hierarchy........................................... 28 3-6 GUI items within the Myo hierarchy.................................................... 29 3-7 Intra-modular communication. All classes are MyoControllers. A signal from the ListView is reflected to the data in the backend........................................... 31 3-8 Inter-modular communication. An event from one module is processed by one which listens for those events........................................................................... 33 3-9 Threading within the Myo Framework................................................... 34 6 3-10 The VTK pipeline. Source data is ultimately rendered as vtkA ctors......................................................................................... 35 3-11 MyoWindow showing a VTK object.................................................. 36 4-1 The M yo Interface.......................................................................... 38 4-2 MyoPopupMenu selection options for Surface Models............................... 39 4-3 Myo Interface in 'float' mode........................................................... 40 4-4 Myo Interface in 'integrate' mode........................................................ 41 4-5 MyoWindow showing clipping action. Toolbar buttons are above window and modeless options dialog floating on left.................................................... 42 4-6 Typical catheter representations - CARTO 8mm on the left. Lasso Catheter with ten electrodes on the right. 6 electrodes are extrapolated....................................... 44 4-7 MyoPopupMenu selection for a Lasso Catheter...................................... 46 4-8 TTSM in action. Option is selected from MyoPopupMenu on left. Target surface model is selected from dialog on the right................................................... 47 4-9 TTSM in action. MyoWindow shows measurement in mm at bottom and also projection of tip to surface of model......................................................... 48 4-10 MyoPopupMenu options for interaction with the CartoXP Server................. 51 4-11 MyoPopupMenu options for interaction with the LocaLisa Server................ 55 4-12 LocaLisa Diagnostics Dialog in action.................................................. 56 4-13 Registration with the Myo interface (1st of 3 figures). A. The Point maps and the surface models are in different co-ordinate spaces. B. MyoPopupMenu with option for creating new registration........................................................................ 7 59 4-14 Registration with the Myo interface (2 "dof 3 figures). C. The Point maps and the surface models are selected in the registration dialog. D. Registration thread runs in the background after registration process is started............................................. 60 4-15 Registration with the Myo interface (3'd of 3 figures). E. The Point maps and the surface models are now registered............................................................ 61 4-16 MyoPopupMenu options for Registrations and Feedback of registration statistics........................................................................................................................ 62 5-1 Schematic of set-up for investigating LocaLisa accuracy............................. 63 5-2 3-D spatial representations of CARTO and LocaLisa Data. Day I above; Day 2 belo w .............................................................................................. 65 5-3 Graphs of LL v CARTO data along the X axis. Day 1 above; Day 2 below....... 66 5-4 Graphs of LL v CARTO data along the Y axis. Day I above; Day 2 below....... 67 5-5 Graphs of LL v CARTO data along the Z axis. Day 1 above; Day 2 below......... 68 5-6 3-D spatial representations of CARTO and LocaLisa Data. Day 3 above; Day 4 below ............................................................................................ .. 70 5-7 Graphs of LL v CARTO data along the X axis. Day 3 above; Day 4 below......... 71 5-8 Graphs of LL v CARTO data along the Y axis. Day 3 above; Day 4 below......... 72 5-9 Graphs of LL v CARTO data along the Z axis. Day 3 above; Day 4 below....... 73 8 Chapter 1 Introduction According to statistics from the American Heart Association, treating patients with Heart Diseases and other conditions (such as coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure, and cardiac arrhythmias) will directly and indirectly cost the US healthcare system about $258.5 billion in 2006. [1] In addition, 335,000 people die of coronary heart disease without being hospitalized or admitted to an emergency room each year and most of these deaths are caused by sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). Sudden cardiac death (SCD) happens at about 930 times a day in the US and the risk in adults is estimated to be about I per 1,000 adults 35 years of age and older per year. [2] SCA occurs when the heart abruptly and unexpectedly and stops functioning. Prior to this victims may or may not have had diagnosed heart disease. More often than not the underlying cause is arrhythmic - a result of either ventricular tachycardia (VT), ventricular fibrillation (VF), or a combination of both. The heart stops beating suddenly because the ventricles cannot pump blood properly to meet the demands of the body. Although it is less likely, SCA can also be a result of the heart beating extremely slowly. SCA leads to SCD in 94-95% of cases. [3] Cardiac arrhythmia is a condition where any chamber of the heart beats with an irregular rhythm because electrical impulses in the heart cells fire more quickly (tachycardia), slower than they ought to (bradycardia) or in a chaotic manner (fibrillation). Apart from being an underlying cause in SCA i.e. from VT and VF, there 9 are many other types of arrhythmias and they are typically described by the part of the heart which they affect and the nature in which they act. There are many clinical manifestations of arrhythmias and these include shortness of breath on exertion, lightheadedness, fatigue and weakness, or loss of consciousness. Overall, these arrhythmias affect more than 5 million people in the US and result in more than 1.2 million hospitalizations and 400,000 deaths each year. [4] Traditionally, there have been several approaches used to address the various arrhythmias. They range from the use of anti-arrhythmic pharmaceuticals, to the implantation of medical devices known as pacemakers that electrically stimulate the heart directly, to more surgical approaches such as radio-frequency ablation where a burst of energy is delivered to destroy a small area of heart tissue that causes the abnormal electrical signals. The underlying goal of these approaches is ultimately to improve the quality and length of life of patients and lower the healthcare costs by reducing the number of hospitalizations and the amount spent on medical drugs and other medical costs. Before many of these approaches can be executed, the attending physician needs to know several details that are specific to the anatomy of the patient, usually obtained through intracardiac procedures. This typically involves a minimally-invasive process known as catheterization where the physician uses a tube (catheter) to guide several electrodes to relevant areas of the heart. Using these electrodes, it is possible to measure several cardiac signals at different sites such as the electrocardiogram and thus create a map of the arrhythmia based upon the electrical data acquired and previous knowledge 10 and memory of their anatomical location. [5] This map ultimately serves as a guide for the physician in numerous types of procedures. Furthermore, advanced systems have been developed that can superimpose the information upon 3-D models of the relevant heart chamber in several forms such as voltage, propagation or isopotential maps providing more insight. Examples of these advanced systems include 'CARTO' by Biosense Webster, Inc. which is based upon magnetic fields, 'LocaLisa' by Medtronic which is based upon impedance changes, 'Realtime Position Management' by Cardiac Pathways which is based upon ultrasound and 'Ensite Array' by Endocardial Solutions Inc which is based upon triangulation of low frequency signals. [6] Each of them has its own strengths and weaknesses which makes it particularly suitable for some procedures and less suitable for others. For instance, the LocaLisa system is designed so that it can be used with catheters from various manufacturers making it more flexible than other systems while the CARTO system allows for catheter localization and navigation to within 1mm which is more accurate than other systems. Overall, the general benefits of these systems include providing an increasingly accurate anatomical model of the heart, accurately guiding radio-frequency ablation (i.e. the process of electrically isolating regions of the heart that cause tachycardias) and reducing fluoroscopy (i.e. the need for exposure to ionizing radiation in order to provide guiding X-ray images during a procedure). This thesis describes a customizable interface that has been developed to manage several of these systems (CARTO and LocaLisa) and leverage their various strengths. Furthermore, this thesis provides an investigation of the accuracy of the LocaLisa system. 11 1.1 Summary of Thesis Contents Chapter 2 provides some background for the subsequent chapters. It describes the underlying principles behind the CARTO system and the LocaLisa system. Chapter 3 describes the API that has been developed to facilitate creation of the interface. Chapter 4 describes interface that has been designed to manage each of the systems in a modular fashion. It also highlights the features of the interface that allow it to leverage the strengths of the other systems. Chapter 5 describes the approach to investigating the accuracy of the LocaLisa system by comparing it with another system. This chapter also concludes with a discussion of the results. Chapter 6 discusses any lessons learned in the implementation of the Interface and possible avenues of further research. 12 Chapter 2 Background Current practice has shown that a number of arrhythmias such as atrioventricular nodal re-entry tachycardia (AVNRT - an AV nodal slow conduction pathway) and accessory pathways (anomalous connections between the atria and ventricles, located along the mitral or tricuspid valve) can be treated with conventional catheter ablation and fluoroscopy with a high success rate - about 90%. [7] This is largely because these arrhythmias are largely stable with predictable locations or characteristics on their resulting electrocardiograms and so determining where to provide therapy is relatively straight forward. The same cannot be said for more complex arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation (AF) and many other forms of ventricular and atrial tachycardia. For each of them it is relatively difficult to associate observed intracardiac electrograms with particular sites and account for anatomical variations over each cardiac cycle, thus determining regions to ablate becomes a very elusive process. It is for this reason that several systems have been developed and this chapter describes two such systems, CARTO and LocaLisa. The underlying principle of each will be explained followed by a brief discussion of its clinical contribution and finally any perceived shortcomings. It is overcoming these shortcomings and leveraging these strengths that have strongly motivated the implementation of the navigation interface described in this thesis. 13 2.1 The CARTO System The CARTO system is based on electromagnetic principles and was designed by Biosense Webster (Diamond Bar, California, USA). [8] It continuously records catheter location and uses that to connect heart anatomy to electrophysiologic properties for each site. The system consists of an external emitter of magnetic fields and a catheter with a magnetic field sensor, several electrodes and a thermocouple at its tip. Furthermore, a positional reference device such as another catheter is used and all elements are connected to a processing unit. The emitter is designed as a pad and is placed beneath the operating table and consists of three coils. They each generate ultra-low power magnetic fields that map the space around and within the patient's thorax with spatial characteristics. The magnetic field from each coil decays in strength as a function of distance from the coil and the sensor in the catheter tip uses the variation in magnetic field strength to determine location and orientation i.e. (x,y,z and roll, pitch, yaw). Other electrical information acquired from the system includes the local electrogram, and its voltage (unipolar and/or bipolar). The reference device is used in conjunction with the catheter to determine position more accurately by compensating for respiration and any other body movement during the procedure. In addition, it helps to determine the local activation time (LAT) by comparing the time between the cardiac signal acquired in the reference device and the cardiac signal from the catheter. The system continuously monitors the quality of catheter-tissue contact and LAT stability to ensure the validity and reproducibility of each measurement. The information acquired is processed by an external unit and sent to a 14 __ OW 99 A 0 § 'WA - __ - - - _ I- - -"I --- ,, computer for rendering. The electrical information is color-coded and as new positions are collected sequentially by the physician, the new information is superimposed upon the previous data to ultimately give a three dimensional model of the chamber. Thus maps based on the different type of information (voltage, LAT) can be generated to aid in localization of tissue abnormalities. Ti P*Lef p elecurod a we k~cafl.~fl Ring ler 9W 9W elecfode I Figure 2-1 Catheter tip components, location determination through use of magnets and rendering of different orientations. Courtesy[7] Figure 2-2 Image of rendered points acquired with CARTO software. Mapping legend is on the top right. Courtesy[7] 15 From a clinical perspective the CARTO system has been shown to be effective in the treatment of several complex arrhythmias. For AF, the main approaches to treat the arrhythmia involve ablation of the actual trigger sites, usually from the pulmonary veins, or creation of linear lesions in the heart to block electrical conduction pathways. Because anatomical sites can be recorded using CARTO with their corresponding voltage information, the system can be used to return to these locations in the pulmonary veins that may be the source of these arrhythmias and perform ablations. [7] On the other hand creating linear lesions proves to be more difficult and time consuming regarding mapping of the entire length while pacing from a second site. For VT, by mapping the chamber during sinus rhythm or pacing instead of mapping the arrhythmia itself, areas of scar (those with lower voltage) from the product of previous heart conditions can be determined and used to predict areas likely to exhibit macro-reentrant behaviour. Guiding ablation based on this information can eliminate VT without the need to map the arrhythmia itself. [7] Overall the strength of the CARTO system lies in its ability to create accurate maps with a very high resolution (<1mm) with localized information that can be used to treat various complex arrhythmias. In addition, it greatly reduces the need for fluoroscopy. Its shortcomings include the need to use dedicated magnetic catheters. Furthermore, sequential data recording can prove to be a time consuming process and for some types of arrhythmias such as hemodynamically unstable VT, the system is not as effective because the acquired data is incoherent temporally. 16 2.2 The LocaLisa System The LocaLisa system is based upon the principle of detecting applied electrical fields through sensing electrodes and was designed by Medtronic (Minneapolis, MN). [9] Three low current fields, each with a unique frequency close to 30kHz, are applied along three orthogonal planes through pairs of skin electrodes on the patient. A catheter with sensing electrodes is placed intravenously within the volume encompassed by the planes. In addition a reference patch may be placed on the skin of the patient or another catheter may be intravenously placed with the first one to act as a reference. The purpose of either is to determine position more accurately by compensating for respiration and other body movement during the procedure. The skin electrodes and catheter are all connected to a central processing unit which provides the applied current and processes the sensed electric field in three dimensions. The position information from the processing unit is then sent to a computer for rendering. The total signal mixture from every electrode on the catheter is digitally separated with the use of filters to measure the amplitude of each of the 3 frequency components. The electric field strength for each plane is the difference in amplitude of the neighbouring skin electrodes divided by the known distance between the electrodes. By diving the measured amplitude from the catheter electrode by its corresponding electrical field strength the electrode position along that plane can be determined and thus the position of the electrode in three dimensions can be realized. In addition, positions that are streamed to the processing unit in real time can be averaged to reduce cyclic variations. 17 30kHz 1mA SkiShin 10 Log L)TV 150 Long \ Inv 10 V 3110 -'#V IrnV 151 MYQ Figure 2-3 Illustration of LocaLisa principle in one plane. Measured impedance changes as the catheter moves from one electrode to the other. Courtesy[9] 00 00 ~ z om 0o o Ref n Figure 2-4 Typical LocaLisa setup. Electrodes in three orthogonal planes and reference patch connected to LocaLisa Machine. Machine connected to PC for data rendering. Courtesy[9] 18 From a clinical perspective, the LocaLisa system has also shown to be effective in treating several complex arrhythmias. In treating incisional-related AT, the system effectively marked areas of scar, reproducibly identified past ablation sites and future location targets and allowed for the realization and evaluation of ablation legions. [10] Accessory AV pathways have also been successfully treated with ablation techniques using this system. [9] Because several electrode positions can be measured at the same time arrhythmias where a point by point acquisition would be ineffective can be more accurately determined. Overall the strength of the LocaLisa system lies in its ability to use almost any type of catheter with the system to acquire simultaneous locations of cardiac signals with respect to a reference electrode or patch. In addition, ablation sites can be tagged with respect to fixed electrodes and the information can be used in subsequent procedures. The need for fluoroscopy is greatly reduced as well. Finally, proper filtering ensures that RF current during ablations does not interfere with determination of catheter position. Its shortcomings include its lower resolution when compared to CARTO and its inability to provide maps with voltage information or local activation times at different sites. 19 Chapter 3 Myo Application Programming Interface The design and implementation of software to be used in medical procedures is a very complex and challenging task. Part of the challenge is as a result of the current plethora of existing commercial packages available to physicians and the features they provide. Unless a system is able to provide superior functionality or the ability to leverage the features of existing packages, attempting to create a new system is inefficient. The interface described in this thesis attempts to address the latter option. In addition, it must meet the following criteria if it is to prove useful to physicians: (1) It must employ the most up to date algorithms in medical visualization; (2) It must be stable enough to run at its full potential throughout a surgical procedure, some of which can last up to 10 hours; (3) It must be aesthetically pleasing granted the potential frequency of use. 3.1 Toolkits In order to deal with the challenges of medical visualization and cross-platform development several software frameworks have been created to compile sophisticated algorithms into modular libraries. The ones used in this project are the Visualization Toolkit (VTK), the National Library of Medicine Insight Segmentation and Registration 20 Toolkit (ITK), and the GUI development tool, QT. All written in C++, these libraries provide software engineers with the ability to process and visualize medical data with a variety of algorithms and present that data within rapidly developed applications that can be executed on several platforms. 3.1.1 The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) The VTK package is an open-source framework that is primarily used in the visualization of 2D and 3D graphics. [II] It is essentially a collection of C++ classes that provide and interface to the OpenGL environment and thus the functionality to process and render images. The design and implementation of the library was strongly influenced by object-oriented principles. A number of choices were made to improve its accessibility and usefulness: (1) Several interface layers were designed to allow it to be used on a variety of operating systems i.e. PCs, Macs and most Linux machines. These include Java, Python, and Tcl/Tk layers. This choice allows software programmers to quickly design powerful applications in languages they are comfortable with. (2) A wide variety of visualization algorithms were supported including vector, scalar, tensor, volumetric and texture methods. Advanced modeling techniques such as mesh smoothing, contouring and triangulation (Delaunay) were also supported and algorithms were created to allow for the mixing of 2D and 3D information together. Support in the form of mailing lists and texts books is also available to reduce the time it takes to become familiar with the library. 21 3.1.2 The Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) The ITK package is an open-source framework primarily used in performing registration and segmentation. [12] Registration is the process of developing correspondences between data typically from different sources i.e. determining spatial transforms that map positions between images. Segmentation is the process of isolating data in a digitally sampled image. For instance, some connected arteries and veins from a digitally acquired CT scan of the heart can be removed to give a better perspective of the chamber of interest. Similar to VTK, the ITK is a library of code written in C++ which was designed to be platform independent (i.e. able to run on PCs, Macs or Linux machines). Java, Python, and Tcl/Tk interface layers were designed to make this possible. On its own, the ITK is unable to visualize its outputs. Thus, it was designed to work seamlessly with VTK and display its outputs through it. 3.1.3 QT - A GUI development tool The QT framework is an application development framework developed by Trolltech that provides a substantial library of C++ classes and other tools for crossplatform development and internationalization of software.[13] Many of these classes are widgets (menu items, buttons, etc) and objects that can be sub-classed or instantiated to rapidly develop graphical user interfaces which are platform independent - similar to the Java programming language. To further assist in the process of rapid development Trolltech provides QT Designer, an optional graphical user interface for design and 22 .-- I W_ - . '.. WHEN" , development within the QT framework and QT Assistant, a collection of very extensive documentation. It also provides support for back-end interactions with servers including XML parsing and networking functionality. Birds of the Western Palearctic by Famil... e STpna -- M 'PilbF f dI Birds of the Western Paleartic by Famil v~irds of the Western Patearctic by Family *Ostriches b.Divers VGrebes Pied-billed Grebe ...... Vas as w fte~a iliie Lttle Grebe Lapwing Vanellus vanellus Field 29-l characters dg4 ,n rq% deII ad iW7 82-47 c. MP- ~ I Wh A IMC4V'i 5N -4Wd C d i Great Grebe Great Crested Grebe Red-necked Grebe Slavonian Grebe Black-necked Grebe bAlbatrosses wFulmars. petrels, shearwaters ioStorm-petrels mTropicbirds bBoobies. gannets b.Cormorants. shags P'Darters P-Pelicans beFrigatebirds 4 W faList down... eggs nest Filte chick chick... non- copul. Hunc Anta... Cat-. Invita Copu eggs West... annu... song Figure 3-1 Sample Application built with the QT framework. Courtesy [13] 3.2 Design and Development of the API Leveraging the power of each framework proved to be a challenging task because of their fundamental differences in design. For instance, the VTK framework forces constructors and destructors to be private and wraps them within its own public methods. This allows it to prevent direct memory management of objects. On the other hand, in 23 order to use container classes such as linked lists and hash maps in QT, all objects that are created are required to have public constructors and destructors. In addition, the ITK framework is based upon a "C++ Template" style also known as 'generic programming' and although this provides for a very high amount of abstraction, the result is a framework that is much more difficult to use. As a result the interface that was designed had to take these and several other differences into account before the frameworks could be used together. All development was done on Windows XP Machines using Visual C++ 6.0 with the QT, VTK and ITK libraries installed and with modified desktop environment variables. Cygwin, a Linux-like environment for Windows and the Concurrent Versions System (CVS) were used to get and store the interface code at a remote location through secure shell connections (SSH). Using the tool NMake at a DOS prompt, with settings customized for the project, the Visual C++ workspace was constantly being rebuilt to incorporate any new changes during development and ensure the interface was still stable. In order to bridge the gap between the VTK and QT framework abstractions, a vtkQtObjectFactory class was created. Its function was to convert all vtkObjects into QT GUI objects upon initialization. As a result, the interface could be developed without a concern for direct integration and display of VTK and ITK objects. Below is a diagram showing the structure that the overall interface is based upon: 24 Myo Interface (Application) Myo API VTK/QT integration VTK/ITK integration ITK QT VTK Figure 3-2 Structure of the Interface. Several layers are needed to make development less complex. Before the any application implementing the interface can be developed, an application programming interface (API) is required to allow the program to use the VTK, ITK and QT libraries easily. An additional specification is that the API must be able to support development of applications that are highly modular. This API should also provide classes that can be sub-classed for intra-modular and inter-modular interactions. The figure below illustrates the hierarchy of the API that has been created: Myo Myo Object MyoController MyoWindow Figure 3-3 Myo API top 25 MyoEventpvha level hierarchy First, all the coded classes of the API were prefixed with the word "Myo" to prevent namespace clashes with other software libraries. Within the code, there are miscellaneous identifiers that are used which must be globally declared. A Myo class exists at the top of the hierarchy to serve as a place holder for them. Next, there are some properties that must be common to every class that is developed in this interface. They include having a unique string hashcode for object differentiation, the ability to compare itself with other objects and the ability to 'print' itself i.e. convert its internal properties into a string representation. The last property was particularly useful for debugging while creating the interface. A MyoObject class is derived from the Myo class to meet these specifications. The architecture of rest of the API must meet some other requirements if highly functional and modular applications that exhibit robust inter-modular communication can be developed. They include the ability to implement common visualization standards, the ability to manage GUI widgets, and the ability to implement data processing algorithms. Several architectures exist that make this possible and one such paradigm is called the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture.[14] In order to make software more powerful the data (the Model) and how it is viewed (the View) are decoupled, and a Controller serves to mediate between the two. To keep them synchronized, changes to either the Model or the View are reflected through the Controller. The design of the API is based upon this paradigm and illustrated conceptually in the following diagram: 26 K 2 API Model (MyoDataController) Alters Controller Updates Configures (MyoProcessor) View (MyoGUIController) Observed by Uses I User Figure 3-4 Myo API implementation of the Model-View-Controller paradigm. In this design the developer must first create a MyoProcessor to allow the module being constructed to be able to interact with other modules and to manage the flow of information within a module. More information about interactions between modules can be found in section 3.2.2. The MyoProcessor also acts as the main Controller of the MVC architecture. Each MyoProcessor can then define specific instances of MyoDataControllers and MyoGUIControllers. MyoDataControllers are responsible for managing data that is made by a module and MyoGUIControllers are responsible for creating GUI widgets that support user interaction with that module. 27 3.2.1 MyoControllers for the Model and View MyoDataControllers serve to manage the data that must be stored and manipulated within a module. Because the nature of the data is hierarchical, two classes were developed to encapsulate this tree-like relationship - a MyoRootNode for data that has no parent data and a MyoDataNode for data that has parent data. [ 000 r MyoRootNode MyoDataNode MyoDataController 73 MyoDataNode MyoRoot Node ,,, MyoDataN ode MyoDataNode MyoDataNode MyoDataNode MyoDataNode e Figure 3-5 Structure of Data within the Myo hierarchy MyoDataNodes hold pointers to instances of a data type. MyoRootNodes are used to distinguish specific types of data and can hold any amount of MyoDataNodes. Each module, through its MyoDataController can have as many MyoRootNodes as necessary to handle the different data types it manipulates. 28 MyoGUIControllers on the other hand serve to manage the GUI widgets that allow for user interaction. Many of them are part of the QT framework but required extra functionality and this was accomplished through sub-classing together with additional modifications. Examples of the widgets created include a MyoDialog that provides for the ability to make choices through pop-up dialogs, a MyoPopupMenu that provides selectable options when the right mouse button is clicked and a MyoListView that is a visual representation of the tree-like data structures. More details about these can be found in Chapter 4. MyoGUIController Myo-QT Widgets MyoDialog { MyoListView MyoPopupMenu Figure 3-6 GUI items within the Myo hierarchy 3.2.2 Modular Communication Before the API and subsequent applications can function properly there are a number of requirements that must be met. Communication occurs in two different manners: Intra-modular communication (within a module) and inter-modular communication (between modules). 29 To facilitate communication between all classes in this architecture a MyoController class was created. It serves to automatically setup communication pathways between the various sub-classes. For example, upon creating MyoDataControllers within a MyoProcessor, the MyoController constructor stores a pointer to the MyoProcessor as the parent of the MyoDataController and the MyoProcessor also stores a pointer to the MyoDataController as its child. This behaviour is reflected throughout the API. In order to actually communicate between MyoControllers, a sub-classable MyoSignal class was created. It encapsulates commands to be performed within the module. Of note are the two methods that are used in processing these signals: 1) void send(MyoSignal*, Receipient) - This method is used to send a signal throughout the module. The second argument represents the intended target of the message and could be one of three options - 'Children', 'Parent' or 'All'. With reference to the MyoController hierarchy, 'Children' implies that the message is sent down the chain, 'Parent' implies that the message is sent up the chain, and 'All' indicates both directions. 2) void receive(MyoSignal*, Sender) - This method is used to receive signals that are sent within the module. The second argument informs the MyoController of the message sender and could be one of two options - 'ParentController' which implies that the message was received from a node above or 'ChildController' which implies that the message was received from a node below. 30 In addition, the MyoContoller class handles memory management by deleting MyoSignals once they have been processed by every Controller in that module. MyoSignal path traversed MyoObject Subclassed by Parent Of - ------ - - .-..-.-. M yoController -- MyoProcessor MyoListView --- ............ MyoDataController MyoGUIController MyoDialog -- -- MyoRootNode MyoRootNode MyoActionManager V MyoDataNode Figure 3-7 Intra-modular communication. All classes are MyoContollers. A signal from the ListView is reflected to the data in the backend. With regards to inter-modular communication things are a bit more complicated. Before the modules can communicate with each other, the following elements were necessary: 1) MyoEvent: This is very analogous to the MyoSignal in function. It represents data or a set of instructions that must be transmitted between modules. A post( ) method is provided to be able to send events from any point within the application. 31 2) MyoListener: This is an interface that must be implemented by a MyoProcessor. When coupled with a respective MyoEvent it allows modules to selectively receive information. For instance, if a window wishes to receive events from a Catheter module then its MyoProcessor must implement the Catheter Listener before it can receive any Catheter Events. This applies to every other type of module within the application. 3) MyoEventHandler: Before events can be processed by the different modules a MyoEventHandler class was created to handle the receipt and distribution of events. This class is instantiated only once and is able to receive MyoEvents that are sent from any point within the application. In addition, MyoProcessors are also required to register with the MyoEventHandler upon their creation. A received MyoEvent is processed by iterating through a list of all the MyoProcessors that implement the appropriate MyoListener and delegating the MyoEvent to each of them. This functionality is abstracted away to make the design of module specific features easier for the programmer. Once again certain methods are provided for each MyoController to be able to process received MyoEvents: 1) void notify(MyoEvent* ) - This method is used to propagate events within a module. Because all events must be received by MyoProcessors first, it is only possible for events to be propagated down the chain to child MyoControllers. 2) void receive(MyoEvent* ) - This method is used to receive propagated events within a module . Because of the notify( ) method above it is safe to assume that events can only be received from parents. 32 MyoObject Subclassed by -- Parent Of - - -- - ( MyoEvent path traversed - - -1-- MyoController MyoEventHandler .......... ], . MyoProcessor (MyoListener) MyoProcessor MyoRootNode MyoRootNode \V 0 MyoRootNode MyoRootNode * MyoDataNode N r 0 S S MyoDataNode Figure 3-8 Inter-modular communication. An event from one module is processed by one which listens for those events. 3.2.3 Threading A very important property of any large and complex application is the ability to perform several tasks at the same time. Unthreaded programs can only run tasks serially and typically end up blocking user access during the process. In order to implement multi-threaded functionality a MyoThread class was created. When sub-classed this allows for modules to perform tasks in parallel without blocking user access within the 33 main application thread. The MyoThread class provides a run( ) method that can be called from any point in the application but within a different thread environment. MyoObject Subclassed by P trent Of MyoQTEventHandler .........> MyoProcessor Distributed as MyoEvent or MyoSignal V MyoDataController VV MyoRootNode MyoQTEvent MyoRootNode sent V MyoThread I Thread Environment MyoDataNode MyoDataNode Main Application Environment Figure 3-9 Threading within the Myo Framework A challenge posed by this configuration is the ability to make use of the information from MyoThreads within the main execution thread. To allow for this communication in the current architecture two classes were created: 1) MyoQTEvent: This event is used to encapsulate MyoSignals or MyoEvents that are created within a MyoThread. They can only be processed once they are received by the 34 main execution Thread. They also have a post() method to allow them to be sent from anywhere in the MyoThread. 2) MyoQTEventHandler: This class is similar in functionality to the MyoEventHandler class. The only difference is that it is exclusively used to process MyoQTEvents for use within the main application thread. MyoQTEvents that are received from MyoThreads are converted to either MyoSignals or MyoEvents for propagation. 3.2.4 Visualization Before the data could be viewed in an application in 3D a MyoWindow and MyoVTKPipeline class were provided to provide integration with the VTK pipeline. [11] Below is the basic structure of the VTK pipeline: Cascade of Filters Source Data Filter I Filter 2 Data processing Level -- Filter 3 Ma er Rendering Level F Actr Figure 3- 10 The VTK pipeline. Source data is ultimately rendered as vtkActors. 35 Source data is passed through as many filters as necessary before being mapped to a 3D form called a vtkActor. These actors are then rendered in an OpenGL 3D space and they allow for user interaction - rotation, translation and zooming the perspective. Analogous classes for the earlier stages in the chain were created in the API to provide for extra functionality while also integrating with the VTK. They include MyoSource and the MyoFilter classes. The MyoVTKPipeline class was responsible for mapping the filtered data into vtkActors and the MyoWindow class was responsible for managing their presence in multiple windows. Figure 3-11 MyoWindow showing a VTK object 36 MyolmageSource, MyolmageFilter, MyolmagePipeline, and MyolmageWindow classes were also created to visualize data processed using the ITK package. Work is currently on-going to provide full functionality for segmentation tasks. Another important element was the creation of a MyoApplication class to allow for proper instantiation of standalone programs. This class contains a single execute() method that automates the process of building modules and any event handlers for communication. It is this MyoApplication that contains the main thread that MyoThreads provide information for. 37 Chapter 4 The Myo Interface Based upon the designed API described in the previous chapter an application been built that is currently in use by the Massachusetts General Hospital Cardiac Arrhythmia Service. Below is a snapshot during a typical medical procedure: Re Toots \ldov ep P dyt esse amw u'e ma A LL AL LAO AP Ph RAO LPO NPO WP F Nar sdy 2_essel esse -udy Surfac. Mo,*s aca 'O.zr'A=AP PA LI LA M O " WO SP IF N. erts 3eraI TC P Pe o ete Pavent 'rformabon Regstraco 1 ?7:rfm tatitvs : 1.2 2 - m "I. x ... f Thess. MyC4.... 'C 5. O Figure 4-1 The Myo Interface There are several features of the interface that improve its usability. First, it leverages QTs ability to create multi-document interfaces (MDIs) and so the same data 38 can be viewed from different angles. Each window is an instance of the MyoWindow class which can provide several different views from the same data. Next, a feedback text pane is provided at the bottom left of the application to inform the user of choices that were made or any actions currently in progress. Right above that, a TreeView is provided that holds a major part of the interface's functionality. It is based upon the MyoListView class. Most of the root nodes correspond to modules in the back end of the application e.g the 'Catheters' node represents the catheter module, the 'Registrations' node represents the registration module and so on. Because the TreeView is right-clickable most of the actions that can be performed on each module are made available through pop-up menus. These popup menus were derived from a MyoPopupMenu class in the API and customized for different modules. ..study_2_Vessel 4 Surface Models .. 3 lodules - olor M Design 1 Map Do Model F Registra er -ere ings -- ients Show' Hide - Set Color Set Qpacty- Solid Pickable Point Dragable Spaw.n Pipeline Remove --.. TC P. Figure 4-2 MyoPopupMenu selection options for Surface Models The illustration above shows that the surface model data type (acquired from MRI images) provides options to view the data in wireframe, solid, or point representations 39 from the right click menu. Depending on the point in the procedure one representation could prove to be more useful than another. 9e 'NincloviTools Help {A AP~~~~s a Figurhe- 3 yo. Ce ' PA 7*N NF4bft md Figure 4-3 Myo Interface in 'float' mode Another important feature is the presence of toolbars and menubars in the main window and within the MyoWindows. These are QT GUI Widgets that are created within different modules and sent to the main GUI window for placement. Most notable on the main Window are the buttons representing 'float' and 'integrate' modes. Virtually all MDI applications exist in the 'integrate' mode where child windows are always constrained by the dimensions of the main window. Sometimes this can be a problem for a physician who desires several views without sacrificing the size of each window. As the name suggests the 'float' mode button releases each window from the main application with the use of the reparent() method provided by QT. These windows can then be 40 resized as desired and translated to any position on the desktop. The 'integrate' mode undoes the change by making the main window the parent of all the floating windows once again. File Tools Vndow Help Patbent Knonndon study_ A eSels ssudy_3_Voses1-studyj2 iess2 - - study_ AP U Nw . LA"MLPOWXoWxiw2i WL ? _esset study_3_essev a Surface Models -aorta i - p ocules .aAP PA LL NL LAO RAO LPO RPO S M L.:"ign ne ap Down Mcdel Rotatfic Registratmons termtve Oosest Port ar Settings - ena Port Patient lrformahOn Target et4 5347 1412 n sta'stcS -... 1 m- 00w. 'Y.o....M Figure 4-4 Myo Interface in 'integrate' mode Within each MyoWindow are several buttons that allow the user to directly manipulate the current data view. Many of those buttons allow the user to view the image from opposite directions along the three cardinal axes and even along oblique planes. For example the 'AP' button translates to VTK arguments that cause the window to be viewed looking into the z-axis perpendicular to the x-y plane - an anterior to posterior view. An 'options' button opens a tabbed modeless dialog of several options for further manipulation of the view. For instance, an important feature is the ability to see the internal view of a vessel with the use of clipping planes. When selected the option 41 translates to some level of temporary filtering of the data source (using the vtkClipPolyData filter) in the VTK pipeline. ~tert nfonraton O ;_. Gid Axes Enable A ! Sagittal ipping SceneOptone F AP PA LL RL LAQRAG LPO RPO SP 11 Namei Igstaticn OtherOptons o f- Enable .,oaI Ciping F EalCamna OqV r-t-t- fw Enable Oiblque dippng Figure 4-5 MyoWindow showing clipping action. Toolbar buttons are above window and modeless options dialog floating on left. Next, in order to record a procedure a red button is also provided with a text-field to identify the recording. The recording effectively amounts to successive snapshots or frames of the current view during the procedure with the provided name appended to the current computer timestamp and then saved in a typical image format such as jpeg. This allows a physician to post-operatively review different aspects of the procedure. In the sections that follow, several modules crucial to the proper functioning of this interface will be highlighted. The specifications for each module will be listed as well as a description of how those specifications were addressed. 42 4.1 The Catheter Module The catheter module is responsible for the visualization and the interaction of the catheter with the data currently visible. During a typical procedure it provides the physician visual feedback of the catheter location which is very important for techniques such as tissue ablation. In this interface, the specifications for the catheter module include: " The ability to convert position and orientation information into a 3-D representation of the catheter tip. * The ability to extrapolate any missing electrodes with proper dimensions between those that are adjacent. " The ability to render multiple catheters concurrently and have them respond selectively to events from different servers. " The ability to accurately be transformed to a new co-ordinate space after any registration steps. * The ability to change visual properties - electrode and body representations (Cylindrical/Spherical), and visibility. " The ability to selectively determine active electrodes during run-time while using the LocaLisa system. * The ability to provide real time measurements of the catheter tip to the surface of a vessel (TTSM - tip to surface measurement). This last requirement is particularly helpful for determining when the catheter is in contact with the tissue prior to ablation. 43 To address the first requirement a custom vtkDataSetToCatheter filter was created. Its main function is to take in a set of data points representing electrode and body locations and construct three dimensional catheter representations such as the ones below: Figure 4-6 Typical catheter representations - CARTO 8mm on the left. Lasso Catheter with ten electrodes on the right - 6 electrodes are extrapolated. A key method in this class is buildCylinders( ) which creates a vtkCylinder at the position of interest. It then uses the information from the dot and cross products of the vector representing the cylinder's initial position and the vector of the supplied orientation to determine the angle and axis to rotate the cylinder along. Finally it uses the vtkTransform and vtkTransformPolyDataFilter classes to perform the actual transformation before rendering occurs. Another key method is buildSpline( ) which uses the vtkKochanekSpline class to parametrically extrapolate positions in between the provided locations and then uses a vtkTubeFilter to create a volume through all the points. There is also a buildSpheres( ) method that is responsible for building vtkSpheres around given locations. Together these and several other methods ensure that location data can be converted into a three dimensional representation. 44 To extrapolate electrode positions that are missing from the data provided by the algorithm is inherently dependent on the type of catheter to be used. For the CARTO catheters the tip end is approximated as a rigid body while the LocaLisa catheters are approximated as more flexible. Because the physical distances between electrodes is already known a method called extrapolatePositions() in the MyoMath class provided in the API is used to take in several arguments (tip position, a direction vector and the distance between electrode centers) and return the position of a second electrode relative to the first. For the flexible catheters the vtkKochanekSpline class is used to parametrically extrapolate the locations of missing electrodes in between two or more given electrodes. In figure 4-6 above electrodes 2,3,5,6,8 and 9 of the Lasso catheter represent extrapolated positions. In order to selectively respond to events from different servers, the classes that represent the different catheters had their receive(MyoEvent* ) methods modified. For instance in the class representing an 8mm Catheter the receive method checks to make sure that any MyoEvents can be successfully cast into a CartoOrientationEvent before applying position and orientation updates. Similarly in the class representing a Lasso Catheter the receive method checks that MyoEvents can be successfully cast into a LLElectrodePositionEvent before applying position updates. Multiple catheters can be rendered at the same time because they are each treated as separate MyoDataNodes upon creation and they can be modified from the main tree View. To be accurately represented after registration steps, a CatheterPipeline class was provided which subclasses the MyoVTKPipeline class in the API. It implements a requiredpostProcess() method which couples the output of a preceding transformation 45 fer filter to its internal vtkDataSetToCatheter filter. The output of its internal filter is then returned for rendering upon request. Changing visual properties is a feature also included in the design of the vtkDataSetToCatheter filter. Methods such as SetElectrodeRepresentationToSphere() and SetBodyRepresentationToOff() are used to fully encode different visual representations. Visibility can be turned on and off, and representation can be toggled between rigid modes comprising of just cylinders or flexible modes comprising of spherical electrodes and a spline tube connecting them. The ability to selectively determine which electrodes are active was implemented as a selectable option in the MyoPopupMenu associated with the MyoDataNode representation of each Catheter in the main tree view. Upon selection MyoSignals are sent to the Catheter representation in the back-end to alter which electrodes are processed in the receive(MyoEvent* ) method. Tools ,-,atheters --Cathetermm 4PatientSnow Patient Information Hide Add T ts Measurement atarting Registrat onCatheer source f: 1C1 Y = Body Set Radius Target C:11 Registration Statistics: 1.2' 1.2rn > Catheter 71p Set Color Registraton Min Max Error .22 - 5.S2* Localisa: Select 1-4 Localisa: Select 5-8 Cylinder Reoresentaton Log Remove Hide Sphere Representation Figure 4-7 MyoPopupMenu selection for a Lasso Catheter 46 Finally, an important feature is the ability to determine the tip to surface measurements (TTSM) between the catheter and surface of a chamber in question. A TTSM module was created within the Catheter Module and it contains a TTSM class that can be instantiated upon request from the MyoPopupMenu. During an update, the output of the CatheterPipeline is used to obtain the current catheter position after any prior transformations. This is supplied to the internal TTSM class. The vtkPointLocator class and a pointer to a previously designated Surface Model are then used in the TTSM class to calculate the smallest distance from the tip to the model. This is then used to update a vtkSphere representing the projection of the tip upon the surface. It is also used to update distance labels in the MyoWindow which take the form of 2D vtkActors at the bottom left-hand corner. A00, To Tools Surface "odels El aorta Pipeline Show Patent Infomiation Select Models to estimate TTSM from. Catheter Body Catheter Eectrode e47y Models which are grayed out cannot be chosen. 1 Catheter Tip Localisa: Select 1-4 Localisa: Select 5-3 Log Remove Name !at Figure 4-8 TTSM in action. Option is selected from MyoPopupMenu on left. Target surface model is selected from dialog on the right. 47 W1. Patient Information tstucyesse u stucy_ + Surface A AP PA LL RL LAO RAO LPO RPO 5UP1F X Name Vessel 3 Models f-aorta 4t LA-P' s -odues Coior Mapping Design Line Down Vodel Rotation Map Registrations terstive uosest Pont inSetgs >ents TCP. IP Servers ntiveX Calto XP Senal Port - TCP. IP Too[s Catheters - Cathetermm Patient Informatiorn Figure 4-9 TTSM in action. MyoWindow shows measurement in mm at bottom and also projection of tip to surface of model. 4.2 The CARTO Module The CARTO module is an illustration of how the interface that has been created interacts with an external system. Several specifications must be addressed if the interface is to function properly and they are: 9 The ability to provide information about catheter position and orientation for the whole interface. * The ability to hold features that are specific to CARTO catheters. * The ability to load and save CARTO data in a distinct format. This data includes bipolar/unipolar voltages, Local activation times and any other custom tags (e.g. 'ablation', 'scar'). 48 A number of specifications pertain to direct interactions with the external CARTO server and they include: " The ability to receive data over a TCP/IP Ethernet connection. " The ability to interact with the external server via ActiveX protocols, originally designed by Microsoft. " The ability to process a constantly updating data stream without causing the interface to deadlock. " The ability to create/remove instances of the connection to the external server during run-time " The ability to rapidly process incoming data or suspend its flow. " The ability to use multiple CARTO maps during a procedure and alternate between which of them is active. When information is acquired from the CARTO server, this module is responsible for distributing that information to the rest of the interface. This is done using the CartoOrientationEvent class which is a subclassed MyoEvent. This module is also responsible for holding classes that contain catheter specific information. For example the 8mm catheter class has the unique dimensions of the catheter tip that are used during catheter construction. It also contains the modifications to the receive(MyoEvent*) method that allow it to filter all but the CartoOrientationEvents. In order to successfully save CARTO data, a save( ) method was provided in the CartoMap class. This save( ) method uses the vtkPolyDataWriter class to store the data structures in a custom file format that ends in '.cpm'. Each file contains the bipolar and 49 unipolar voltages for each acquired position, the local activation times and any associated tags (e.g. 'ablation', 'scar'). To load CARTO data, this requires a CartoParseController, a subclassed version of the MyoParseController class found in the API. Its function is to take CARTO files and load them into active maps that can be modified as MyoDataNodes in the main tree view. To receive information from the CARTO server an extra local area network card was installed on the machine running the interface. This had an ethernet port that was connected to a network hub. The CARTO server was also connected to this hub to complete the physical connection between the machines. On the software level, the interface needed to implement ActiveX protocols to communicate with the CARTO server. QT provides a class called QAxWidget that implements many of the ActiveX protocols. Modeled after the architecture already described, an ActiveXServer class was created in the interface and it was subclassed to give a CartoXPServer class that contained several more modifications. The setControl() method of the QAxWidget class was used with a string argument of letters and numbers to register the interface with the external system. Because the incoming data off the server was a continuous stream, a MyoSemaphore class was created to prevent system blocking during data processing. Only 150 successive data points could be processed at any moment. The lock( ) and release( ) methods of the MyoSemaphore class helped to prevent different methods of the CartoXPServer class from using the incoming data stream at the same time. This also made it possible to perform rapid acquisition of data without deadlocks. 50 Using the right-click functionality already described, the user is able to create and remove an instance of the CartoXPServer in the main tree view through a MyoPopupMenu. They are also able to toggle the rapid acquisition of data and can also suspend data acquisition temporarily. Each selection is translated via MyoSignals to a backend method in the CartoXPServer class that reflects the request through ActiveX calls. Settings settings -TCP. IP Servers Servers ctiveX Sen Senal Port -TP. IP - Tools Patient Infomtnation Successfuly saved file: Procedures athetersAdd Catheter-m 4 Add Catheter8mm Patient Hformation Add CatheterIrrigated Add CatheterMinor Successfully saved file: study_2 _Vessel 1 Successfuly saved file: study_2 _essel 1 CARTO XP Serr Using stuay Vessel Start Rapid Acquisition Stop Rapid Acquisition Suspend Information Disconnect Lo7g Figure 4-10 MyoPopupMenu options for interaction with the CartoXP Server Finally, the ability to create CartoMaps to store acquired information is provided as a choice in the MyoPopupMenu of the CartoXPServer node. Because the menu items can also be toggled it is possible to select which map should be active. The effect is translated to the backend through MyoSignals to determine which CartoMap the data should be sent to. The maps are visible as nodes in the main tree view and can be renamed. 51 4.3 The LocaLisa Module The LocaLisa module is also an illustration of how the interface that has been created interacts with an external system. Several specifications must be addressed if the interface is to function properly and they include: * The ability to provide information about multiple (14) catheter electrode positions for the whole interface. * The ability to hold features that are specific to LocaLisa catheters. " The ability to load and save LocaLisa data in a distinct format. This data includes position information and corresponding electrodes. A number of specifications also pertain to direct interactions with the external LocaLisa machine and they include: * The ability to send and receive data over a Serial RS232 connection. " The ability to interact with the external machine via sending and receiving data in bytes. " The ability to process a constantly updating data stream without causing the interface to deadlock. " The ability to set-up/remove instances of the connection to the external machine during run-time. " The ability to rapidly start the flow of incoming data and to save data using a foot pedal. 52 " The ability to use multiple LocaLisa maps during a procedure and alternate between which of them is active. " The ability to provide real-time diagnostics of incoming data and alter some server parameters such as number of electrodes in use. When information is acquired from the LocaLisa server, this module distributes it to the rest of the interface via the LLElectrodePositionEvent class which is a subclassed MyoEvent. The module is also responsible for holding classes that contain catheter specific information. For instance, the Lasso catheter class has the dimensions of the catheter head (the inter-electrode distances) that are used during catheter construction. It also contains the modifications to the receive(MyoEvent* ) method that allow it to filter all but the LLElectrodePositionEvents and to determine which of the 14 electrodes to process. To successfully save LocaLisa data, a save( ) method was provided in the LocaLisaMap class. The save( ) method uses the vtkPolyDataWriter class to store the data structures in a custom file format ending in '.lpm'. Each file contains the timestamp, the location information and corresponding electrodes. By subclassing the MyoParseController class, a LocaLisaParseController class was created for loading LocaLisa data. It loads LocaLisa files into active maps that can be modified as MyoDataNodes in the main tree view. An RS232 serial connection cable was directly connected from the LocaLisa machine to the 'COM 1' port of the system running the interface. Further configuration was done in software. Based upon the architecture hierarchy already described, a 53 SerialPortServer class was created in the interface and it was subclassed to give a LocaLisaServer class that contained several more modifications. Coupled with this server was a LocaLisaThread class that also subclassed the MyoThread class and was modified to handle interactions with the LocaLisa machine without blocking user access. The LocaLisaThread class contained an internal QextSerialPort class provided by QT that made it possible to write and read from the port. During the running of the thread the communicate( ) method in the LocaLisaThread uses putch( ) and getch( ) methods of the QextSerialPort class to write and read characters from the port. Because these values are in a primitive form a MyoValueCommunicator class was also created to perform the translation of these signals to bytes. The class uses mutexes on all its methods to ensure that it is thread-safe. The first time the LocaLisaServer is instantiated a transmitDSPcode( ) method is called and it transmits digital signal processing code that allows the LocaLisaServer to understand subsequent messages from the interface. The communicator can then process arguments within an array of up to four words. There were five types of arguments used which are: 'S' - status of the LocaLisa server, 'M' - current mode of operation (Program, Hold, Running), 'I' - determine if input is being adjusted for variations in amplifier gain and/or foot pedal is being pressed, 'D' - request electrode impedance data, and 'R' - set up system ROM. When the system is ready and has successfully accepted a request to send position data the byteToFloat() method is used in the LocaLisaThread class to translate the bytes into impedance floating point values. These values can then be used to calibrate the system through mathematical processing and translation into co-ordinate positions. 54 Once again the right-click functionality already described can be used to create and remove an instance of the LocaLisaServer in the main tree view through a MyoPopupMenu. The temporary start and suspension of data acquisition can also be performed. Each choice is translated via MyoSignals to a backend method in the LocaLisaServer class that reflects the request to the LocaLisaThread class. Settings TCPA P Ciens 4.Settings L Client - Clients P. IP .erers 3I~VT1S ertivex A.tiveX Senal Port .TC Tools Add LocaLisaMap .0atheter- Catheters - - -- Request Data dShow,. Diagnostics - Reconnect Set Isotropic Scale Disconnect Sv eo - _Load rnfommttin tM I U A Add F!ower lap Patient v Add Localisa Tools study_3 /,esself CARTO XP Serier: Usi Locausa: Atempting C0 _ocausa: Reset DSP LhccaLsa Server: Using: points Add Carto calibration points -- zero data A dd Lasso Add Lasso4 Add Cecapolar Add Flower Request Data Advanced > Reconnect Disconnect Zeros Figure 4-11 MyoPopupMenu options for interaction with the LocaLisa Server Creating LocaLisaMaps to store acquired information is provided as a choice in the MyoPopupMenu of the LocaLisaServer. Because the menu items can be toggled, selecting which map should be active is possible. The effect is translated to the backend through MyoSignals to determine which LocaLisaMap the data should be sent to. The maps are visible as nodes in the main tree view and can be renamed. In addition, altering which set of electrodes are to be used is also an option that can be selected from the 55 MyoPopupMenu for each LocaLisa Catheter in the main tree view. The change is effected in the receive( MyoEvent* ) method of the Catheter class. Finally, a LocaLisa diagnostics dialog (LLDiagnostics) was created to make it possible to monitor the information coming in off the server. The dialog subclasses the MyoDialog class in the API and has tabbed panes each providing the streaming impedance information, the impedance at the six terminals of the orthogonal directions, The calculated distances between electrodes and a moving average filter. This was also particularly helpful for section 5. ? 1.J 'M LocaLisa Diagnostics mpedance Patches EIeIoelsitons Electrode Distances Position #1 X: Yr: Z Position #2 X Y: Z Position #3 X Y: Z Position #4 X, Y: Z Position #5 X Y: Z Position #6 X- Y: Z Position #7 X: Y: Z: Position #8 X: Y: 2: Position #9 X: - Z m Position #10Q X: Y: Z Position #11 X : Z Position #12 X: Y: i Z: Position #13 X- m Position #14 X: Z: Y: Y: i Z: Close Figure 4-12 Local-isa Diagnostics Dialog in action. 56 4.4 The Registration Module The registration module is responsible for using registration algorithms to deduce transformations between different datasets and applying those transformations within the interface. The specifications that must be met are: " The ability to perform the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm. " The ability to selectively choose which maps to register with which surface models. " The ability to perform registrations without blocking user access. * The ability to undo transformations. * The ability to select which elements in the interface that the transformations should be applied to. " The ability to provide registration statistics. The iterative closest point algorithm is used to correlate distinct point clouds. In this case the point clouds are data sets of the same vessel acquired from different sources. As the name suggests the transformation between the two data sets is iteratively deduced by: 1) Associating points by their nearest neighbour criteria 2) Using a mean square cost function to estimate parameters 3) Using those parameters to apply the transformation to the points 4) Repeating the process for as long as desired. The output is a highly refined transformation. A class in the VTK called vtkNIterativeClosestPointTransform was used to perform this function for given data sets. Statistics for the process were also made available. 57 In order to provide these datasets the registration module relied heavily on the patient module which contained the data unique to each patient. The main types of data used were the surface models acquired from MRIs prior to the medical procedure and PointMaps (e.g. CartoMaps) acquired during the procedure. By registering the PointMaps to the SurfaceModels then the correct transformation can be used to put the catheter and other elements in the correct co-ordinate space during the procedure. A special MyoDialog called MyoSTAOptions was designed to allow for the selection of maps in a tree of checkable elements and models in a different checkable tree prior to registration. Another tabbed pane in the dialog allowed for the selection of elements that the registration should be applied to in a tree view. In order to function properly this communication was heavily dependent on the sending and receiving of MyoEvents between the two modules - Events to the Registration Module with a list of source maps and surface model targets and events to the Patient Module to confirm which elements were already registered. With this setup, successive registrations could be performed without using the same dataset more than once in the chain of transformations. 58 -- - PPROMMUMW A. Tooks Wio FPe g - ,- me Name ai - - - =- Hell gMEtS a Patmeno A M PRA P~at Data - -- - -1?4 U W LAORAC LPO U SOP 0JO - Pont Maps study_3_Vesje 1 - study_3Veaseal 2 study3veassa 3 +*t 4 Suface Models *aota Mdules Color Mapping Dwk, Map Dow Model Rouon Region GenX Iteave Cosedb Pool ses TCP/iP serve" cvex Seel Pot TCP/IP Pafta bfoubon Log - Registrations GenX Start New Registration .. ttigjs Clents TCP/IP Servers Figure 4-13 Registration with the Myo interface (1" of 3 figures). A. The Point maps and the surface models are in different co-ordinate spaces. B. MyoPopupMenu with option for creating new registration 59 - "E"44- NOON a- I C. Source/Target Apply To Sources Point Maps - study3_essel 2 study_3Vessel study_3_Vessel study_3_Vessel Targets Surface Models aorta PIpeline LA-PW Pipeline DPipeline 1 PipelIne 2 Pipeline 3 Pipeline study.3_Vessel 4 Pipeline Surface Models - Name aorta Pipeline LA-PV Pipeline reg OK Fi. Tolsa Cance hlW Hl 1OWU 00 PatiPtoen [)I" 01 Spacebo A AP PA U.I A G AL - O W VM NOW: Pont Mums Sadi,-3vessel 0 ud*y3_vessei 1 +-u_*3_Vessel 2 udy_3,Vessef 3 4 *2dy3Vessel LAP% RSuda des Model %etabon Geg TCPIP SenalPont IStatk&g Repizabon Scuce O- 106 Twgi 0- 125594 j in. ~3W 3Th.. -1] 3:560M 1 *My.. Figure 4-14 Registration with the Myo interface (2nd of 3 figures). C. The Point maps and the surface models are selected in the registration dialog. D. Registration thread runs in the background after registration process is started. 60 F*e To*l HeO WVndW M@ E. S A Da AP PA LL RL LAO PAO LPO RPO S 000 Nurne mages Port Maps - tudy.3yVessel 0 4 study_ 3Vessel 1 sudy 3Vessel 2 study_3_Vessel 3 study_3 Vessel 4 Sbac Models LA-PVs Wdula Color De MappNg um MapDow Model Rststlsn Regotrabos Cliets TCPAP -ActiveX -s&rWa Pa t Pon r! nmabn gd0: 125584 Regstaln Stabstss 189nmmt.+ 1A427mm Regisen MnMa [0.008 -5.84] Regssrtin Eo (m): Anmhed Figure 4-15 Registration with the Myo interface (3 rd of 3 figures). E. The Point maps and the surface models are now registered In the registration module an ICPRegThread class was created to perform the registration algorithm without blocking user access in the main thread. This thread was given the input sources and targets and returned the transformation after the algorithm was applied. It is this transformation that is used in the VTK pipeline. Because each registration was represented as a MyoDataNode in the main tree view it could be removed by using the option in the right-click MyoPopupMenu. The effect was a MyoSignal to the backend to remove the MyoDataNode and undo the transformation it represents. Because registrations can be chained together, all registrations that succeeded one removed higher up in the chain are also removed. 61 Fie Tools VWndow Plp E. On C3 Pabut WOMHOW A -Data - 1 MP PA UL W LMO RM LPO WO SW Iwo Is* NhFl 3Veso0 stdudy3Vse adpvLeaWo 2 d studyJVess6 3 study3Vessel 4 LA-PW COlbr Mappn ft DoRege lratians 1GwiX TCP IP -Sew' Saw Pont Taget Oi-125594 ReFegoran Stafctml8mm Registration r (_)_ 1.487 rm, ja_ Figure 4-15 Registration with the Myo interface (3rd of 3 figures). E. The Point maps and the surface models are now registered In the registration module an ICPRegThread class was created to perform the registration algorithm without blocking user access in the main thread. This thread was given the input sources and targets and returned the transformation after the algorithm was applied. It is this transformation that is used in the VTK pipeline. Because each registration was represented as a MyoDataNode in the main tree view it could be removed by using the option in the right-click MyoPopupMenu. The effect was a MyoSignal to the backend to remove the MyoDataNode and undo the transformation it represents. Because registrations can be chained together, all registrations that succeeded one removed higher up in the chain are also removed. 61 Chapter 5 An investigation of the accuracy in LocaLisa. The interface that has been created may also be used to evaluate the accuracy between systems. Previous research has stated that localization accuracy with LocaLisa was better than 2mm with an additional scaling error of 8% to 14%. [9] Unfortunately, the methods and processes of determining this accuracy were not explicitly described. This chapter aims to propose one such method in an investigation of those claims. The schematic set-up below was used to make measurements: Phantom C eter ----- CARTO System PIU Carto Magnet Localisa System RS 232 TCP/IP Myo Interface System Figure 5-1 Schematic of set-up for investigating LocaLisa accuracy. 63 First the catheter, the reference catheter and the magnet were placed in and around a phantom water tank and connected to the external unit to process signals before sending them to the main CARTO machine. Six patches and an extra reference patch were also put around the phantom and connected to the terminals of the LocaLisa machine. Using extra ports from the unit, the electrodes of the catheter were also connected to the input of the LocaLisa machine. The machines were both connected in parallel to the machine running the interface and the remainder of the analysis was done on the software level. The CARTO system was used as the reference system because multiple procedures done in house have routinely showed an accuracy of about 0.8mm and this has also been externally corroborated.[ 15] Using the interface, instances of both servers were created as MyoDataNodes in the main tree view and a generic PointMap was used to collect data from both systems. Because the LocaLisa module was coded to detect the use of the foot pedal, the pedal was used to make the process of data collection from both systems into the same map easier. Data was collected along the different orthogonal directions and saved into different maps. These maps were then processed using Matlab scripts and plots were made to provide more insight into correlations between the different systems. The data from the CARTO system was positions in space while the data from the LocaLisa Machine was impedances at those locations. Given the nature of the space being mapped it was expected that there would be a linear relation between the CARTO positions and the LocaLisa impedances. 64 5.1 Results In order to improve the reliability and repeatability of the results the data was acquired multiple times on different days. Figure 5-2 shows 3-D plots of the data acquired along the three orthogonal axes on two of those days. The CARTO plot has a unit of mm while the LocaLisa plot is in microVolts. Carto spatial plot ILL spatial plot x 0.5- 120'-- - 40 ++i 100 80 60( -2 40 20 y (mm) 0 40 20X(mm) -- -2.5 x 10 - p3 x 10 -2.5 x Impedance(WV) - y Impedance (uV) LL spatal plot x 10 Carto spatial plot ~ x 1~-1 120,-5o E E 100- ++ 0 -xeu 5~ 60 - -,~-- 80 - - 60 40 y(mm) 20 20 -- 0 20 x (mm) xx 10 y Impedance (uV) - -05 - -1 J -1417 x 10 x Impedance(uV) Figure 5-2 3-D spatial representations of CARTO and LocaLisa Data. Day I above; Day 2 below 65 MW - - -2mmmn- - -,- - - Figures 5-3, 5-4, 5-5 show the correlation along each of the orthogonal axes. X -1J.4 LL vs Carto - X axis 5 F -1-6 -41 I * -2 * * , * * -Z-Z * * * * -2,4 [ E * * * 4 * $ * * -3 I -32 L -5C I)- -40 -20 I I I I -30 30 20 10 0 -10 x position (mm) LL vs Carto - X axis x 104 * -4 -6 * * * * -8 C3 E -10 - * * * * * * * * * * * * * $ -12-14 - -16' -4 0 -30 -20 0 -10 x position (mm) 10 20 30 Figure 5-3 Graphs of LL v CARTO data along the X axis. Day 1 above; Day 2 below. 66 - =m -A LL vs Cato -Y axis x 105 -1 5F $ * -21 * A * * 0 0 -2.51 I * * * 0 9 * * a. E ~ * * -31 . * * * -3.5 L p. -41 -40 1.5 I I 10 20 I I I I 0 50 40 30 y position (mm) I I I 60 70 80 * $ __ 90 LLvs Cato -Y axis x105 11** 0-5 I * 0 * * * * * CL * * * * * E * * * * * * * * * I * ± * -0.51- -1 ~1 -20 r, -I - I 0 - - I 20 - - I I 40 y position (mm) 60 80 - 100 Figure 5-4 Graphs of LL v CARTO data along the Y axis. Day 1 above; Day 2 below. 67 OEM= 0 X LIL vs Cafto - Z axis 5 I I I I I I I * -5 * * $ * * -1 : $ I * * E -1.5 F- $ * I * -2 F- * * * * 4C 1.5 I I I I 50 60 70 80 I I I 100 90 z position (mm) 110 120 130 * * $ $ 140 LL vs Caito - Z axis 105 I I 0.5 I * * * 5 * R. 0 * E * * -0.51* * -1 -1.51 40 50 I I I 60 70 I 100 90 80 z position (mm) 110 120 130 140 Figure 5-5 Graphs of LL v CARTO data along the Z axis. Day I above; Day 2 below. 68 In each of the figures, only the plot along the axis of interest is shown. The 3-D plots (CARTO) show that the data is fairly linear along each axis. First impressions show that the Localisa system is not as accurate at a 5mm resolution (this was approximately the distance between the CARTO points acquired). Although the LocaLisa versus CARTO plots were roughly linear there was significant overlap of LocaLisa points that corresponded to each CARTO location leading to ambiguity at that resolution. This seems to suggest that the resolution of data from LocaLisa is lower than previously suggested. Using the same set-up similar data was acquired on separated days but this time a moving average (MA) filter was applied - from the last tab of the LLDiagnostics dialog. Previous literature has shown that this technique is used to deal with respiratory compensation during in vivo procedures.[16] Here, it is expected that this filter may help to improve the resolution of LocaLisa that was demonstrated above. The plots of the acquired data are below. Once again, Figure 5-6 shows 3-D plots of the data acquired along the three orthogonal axes on two of those days. The CARTO plot has a unit of mm while the LocaLisa plot is in microVolts. Figures 5-7, 5-8, and 5-9 show the correlation along each of the orthogonal axes. 69 LL spatial plot 5 Carlo spatial plot 44 100 -44 -20 O) -2 x0 4 y' p dance (W) -26 -3 xlo -- 2.2_.4 x ipedance(WV) LL spatial plot x 10 5 Carto spatial plot 1601 140 tv - * -2s aV CL fU T4 80, i I0. - 50 0 y mm; - * 1-20 20 -3 40 6 x (mm) -6 * -2x 105 -2.5 2 4 -2 -3 y 5peance tuv) D 3 v a x elw below Figure 5-6 3-D spatial representations of CARTO and LocaLisa Data. Day 3 above; Day 4 70 10 x 105 -1~6 LL vs Carto - X axis * * . * * -21- * * I -2-2CL * E I 26 2.0 - * 0 -31 -a 0 f ;0 40 20 0 -20 -40 x position (mm) LL vs Carto - X axis x 10 A. 2 I I 0 -2 CL E -4 I -6 I I -81- -101 -60 -40 I I II -20 20 0 x position (mm) I I 40 60 80 Figure 5-7 Graphs of LL v CARTO data along the X axis. Day 3 above; Day 4 below. 71 -1 l0 X LLvs Carto - Y axis I I I * -1.5 * ** * -2 5F 4 * t * ** 40 .1 ~ -2-5: * * * * -3 3 -20 I I I I I 0 20 40 60 80 120 100 y position (mm) -1.5 LL vsCarto - Y axis x 15 I I I S * -21F * S CL -2.5 F * S E * -3 S S * -3.5' ) 0 I I 20 40 I 60 80 100 120 y position (mm) Figure 5-8 Graphs of LL v CARTO data along the Y axis. Day 3 above; Day 4 below. 72 LL vs Catto - Z axis X 10 5 II1 -05= g+ * -1 -1-5 [ CL tI E -2 = -2;5 [ -3' 21) I I 40 60 I I I 120 140 z position (mm) -0.5 LL vs Carto - Z axis x 10 I I I * 14. S * -1.5 = S -2 CL S E S -2.5 -3 -3.5 ' 4(0 I I I I I 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 z position (mm) Figure 5-9 Graphs of LL v CARTO data along the Z axis. Day 3 above; Day 4 below. 73 The graphs above appear to show a much better correlation at that resolution. The set of graphs acquired on day three were from the use of an MA filter of 10 points while the graphs acquired on day four were from the use of an MA filter of 20 points. The overlap was much less (and virtually non-existent for day four) and the relationship was highly linear. The 3-D plots for LocaLisa also showed linear data along each axis rather than a cloud of points as shown earlier. The implication is that resolution increases with the use of MA filtering which is expected. On the other hand a by-product of MA filtering was slower response time to the motion of the catheter but this effect was not too disruptive to the eye. 5.2 Comments Certain sources of error could have affected the above findings. First it is unclear if the presence of the magnet with the CARTO system contributed to the noise of the LocaLisa system - possibly through any electromagnetic interactions. In addition, variations in the homogeneity of the phantom solution could also be a factor affecting the results over multiple days. At this point only in vitro experiments could be performed and it is possible that in vivo experiments could be more accurate because of the homogenous nature of blood. Accounting for any noise errors in the LocaLisa machine itself was not a straight forward process. Although the patent of the system describes an internal noise compensation process using filters, the data acquired still appeared to be fairly noisy. Finally, because of time constraints not as much data was acquired as would have been preferred. Again at this point it is unclear whether collecting data over several months as 74 opposed to several days would have made a significant difference although intuition would seem to suggest so. With that said there was definitely improvement with the used of the MA filter although that came at a cost of catheter responsiveness to motion. 75 Chapter 6 Conclusion 6.1 Summary The goal of this thesis is set out in the introduction: to create an interface that leverages the strengths of various electrophysiology modeling tools currently used in the medical field. Several of these strengths include increased accuracy during procedures, and the ability to associate electrical information such as bipolar or unipolar Voltages, and Local Activation Times to specific locations within the heart vessels. As a starting point, various toolkits such as the VTK, ITK and QT were chosen because they each provided necessary functionality for the interface - a GUI for real-time user interaction, the visualization of data to be processed, and so on. An API was developed to make integration with these toolkits an easier process. Classes were created to abstract away complex function calls into simpler ones and to make the creation of highly modular applications possible. A messaging system was also designed to facilitate seamless communication between the different modules. New modules can be added without the need to restructure the whole design. An interface was then designed to build upon the API and create a fairly straightforward way to perform several important functions such as registration between data sets and catheter navigation during a procedure. Many of these functions were accessible 76 through familiar avenues such as toolbars, dialogs or popup menus and these improved the usability of the interface. Over the course of development there were a few lessons learnt and challenges that were encountered. First it paid off that a considerable amount of time was spent in the design of the framework before coding. And earlier prototype of the interface was created which lacked the modularity described in this thesis. As a result, integrating new systems into the interface was difficult. The further time spent on the design of later iterations for the interface led to the choices to abstract out common functionality into the API and to model the API after the MVC design pattern. With hindsight it is regrettable that an equal amount of effort was not put into the creation of help and documentation for the interface. This would have greatly contributed to the learnability of the interface by future developers. With regards to the look and feel of the interface, each system had a customized feel of its own but we chose to use that of the native Microsoft machine. The benefit of this was also less time spent learning to use the interface since many users are familiar with the Microsoft look and feel. Finally, whether it was the time spent debugging, or the time spent getting the development workspace to compile with custom settings, or the time spent deducing and translating the protocols of each system, this project also reinforced Murphy's Law. Things almost always took longer than anticipated to tackle. It helped that this was factored into the planning of the project timeline. 77 6.2 Extensions There are several next steps that can be taken in this research. First is the remainder of the LocaLisa Calibration process. The experiments in the preceding chapter demonstrated a shift in the range of impedances measured on different days. A scheme is needed to ensure that calibration into position co-ordinates (mm) can be performed in real time. Next, is the integration with other commercial systems. Work is currently ongoing at MGH to integrate the interface with medical systems from Philips (Andover, MA), and Hansen Medical (Mountain View, CA). In addition full integration with the ITK and segmentation functionality is also still in progress. Compiling the ITK within the designed interface has proven to be a more complicated task than the VTK or QT. From a usability perspective, there are a number of other functions that resident physicians who use the interface request for and this is inherently an iterative process. For example, the surface models acquired from MRI systems could not be directly manipulated within the MyoWindows. The perspective view could be changed but sometimes it is more convenient to rotate, scale or translate the model itself and not the view. This functionality was developed as a new module and integrated into the designed framework. Because of the groundwork already in place it is expected that the interface can develop into a powerful tool since new functionality can be integrated into the existing setup without causing complications. 78 Bibliography [1] American Heart Association: Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics-2006 Update. Dallas, TX: American Heart Association, 2005. [2] American Heart Association: Sudden CardiacDeath! CardiopulmonaryResuscitation (CPR) Statistics - Date Visited: 4/14/2006. [3] Pell JP. Presentation,managementand outcome of out-of-hospital cardiopulmonaryarrest: comparison by underlying etiology. Heart. 2003;89:839-842. [4] Medtech Insight: Reports Date Visited: 4/14/2006. [5] Vias Markides, D. Wyn Davies, New Mapping Technologies:An Overview with a ClinicalPerspective, Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology, Volume 13, Issue 0, Aug 2005, Pages 43 - 51. [6] Packer, Douglas L. (2005) Three-DimensionalMapping in Interventional Electrophysiology: Techniques and Technology. 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