STUDENT EVALUATION OF CLINICAL EXPERIENCE/MIDTERM Student Name: Internship Site: Experience Started On: 1. What best describes your assessment of the Supervision and Guidance you typically received? o o o o o Need much more Need a little more Just Right Need a little less Need a lot less Comments: 2. What best describes your assessment of the Progression of Responsibility? o o o o o Too slow A little too slow Just Right A little too fast Too fast Comments: 3. Rate your assessment of the Frequency of Feedback and Discussion. o Need more o Need a little more o Just Right Comments: 4. What best represents your level of satisfaction with the overall type of feedback you received (i.e. specific, balanced, constructive, timely, etc.)? o o o o Very satisfied Satisfied Slightly satisfied, need some adjustments Not satisfied, need significant changes Comments: 1 5. What best represents your level of satisfaction with the achievement of your goals for this internship? o o o o Very satisfied Satisfied Slightly satisfied, needed some adjustments Not Satisfied Comments: 6. In terms of your learning experience, what did you find most helpful? 7. Do you have any suggestions for your clinical instructor about how to make this a better learning experience for you? 2 STUDENT EVALUATION OF CLINICAL EXPERIENCE/FINAL Student Name: Internship Site: Experience Completed On: 1. What best describes your assessment of the Supervision and Guidance you typically received? o o o o o Needed much more Needed a little more Just Right Needed a little less Needed a lot less Comments: 2. What best describes your assessment of the Progression of Responsibility? o o o o o Too slow A little too slow Just Right A little too fast Too fast Comments: 3. Rate your assessment of the Frequency of Feedback and Discussion. o Needed more o Needed a little more o Just Right Comments: 4. What best represents your level of satisfaction with the overall type of feedback you received? o o o o Very satisfied Satisfied Slightly satisfied, needed some adjustments Not satisfied Comments: 3 5. What best represents your level of satisfaction with the achievement of your goals for this internship? o o o o Very satisfied Satisfied Slightly satisfied, needed some adjustments Not satisfied Comments: 6. In terms of your learning experience, what did you find most helpful? 7. Do you have any suggestions for your instructor about how to make this a better learning experience for future students? 8. Please provide any other constructive feedback about this site you may want to share. What was helpful and appreciated and what could be done differently to make the overall student experience even better? 4 STUDENT EVALUATION OF PRECEPTOR Name of Clinical Instructor: One (1) I Strongly Disagree Two (2) I Disagree Three (3) I Agree Four (4) I Strongly Agree CI was welcoming and supportive. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Appropriate time was allotted to discuss patient management. 1. 2. 3. 2. 3. 4. Progression of responsibility was just right and challenged me appropriately. 1. Comments: CI allowed me to share my ideas and contribute. Comments: 4. Comments: CI provided suitable levels of supervision and guidance. 1. Comments: 2. 3. 4. 3. 4. Comments: CI was an excellent professional role model. 1. 2. 3. 4. Comments: Expectations & goals were appropriate & discussed early, often & revised if needed. 1. 2. Comments: Feedback was constructive and balanced. 1. 2. 3. 4. Communication was good between CI and student. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. 3. 4. Comments: Comments: I would recommend this CI to future students 1. Comments: Please provide any additional comments about the clinical instruction you received at this site that would be useful for future student development and planning. 5 6