Urban Health Collaborative Funded Practicum for Students: AY 2015-2016

Urban Health Collaborative Funded Practicum for Students: AY 2015-2016
The Dornsife School of Public Health, Urban Health Collaborative (UHC), has made funding available to support
four (4) practicum placements in the 2015-2016 for students wishing to focus on urban health. The UHC
Practica have the same requirements as a normal practicum experience; students will go through the same
placement process. Details on how students can apply for this opportunity for their 2016 practicum can be
found below.
The Dornsife School of Public Health, Urban Health Collaborative (UHC)
The mission of the UHC is to improve health in cities by increasing scientific knowledge and public awareness of
health and health variation within cities, and by promoting urban policies and partnerships that promote health
and reduce health inequalities. UHC aims to (1) describe health variation in cities and conduct research on the
drivers of population health and health inequalities in cities, (2) identify and evaluate policies to improve health
in cities; (3) engage with communities and policy makers to disseminate information, promote public awareness,
and catalyze action to build healthy cities.
In order to apply, a preceptor needs to be engaged and the basic structure of the practicum should be
decided. While a signed learning agreement isn’t necessary to apply, an executed learning agreement must
be in place by June 30th, 2015 or prior to start date. All practicum hours must be completed by August 31,
All students in good academic standing are eligible. The practicum can be completed anywhere, but a
preference will be shown for students working with organizations who are engaged in improving the health of
populations in the Philadelphia region. Research projects may be eligible if they are aligned with UHC goals,
have a clear practical application, and the student can demonstrate how they will acquire practical, professional
In addition to the standard Practicum deliverables, selected students will be required to:
Participate in monthly Friday afternoon UHC research seminars;
Write a short paper upon completion of their practicum (in addition to standard practicum
requirements) that describes their project and how their work aligned with the mission of the UHC, and
co-present with fellow UHC practicum students at one of the monthly Friday afternoon UHC research
seminars; and
Be available to UHC communications staff for interviews about their practicum for publication in
newsletters, websites, etc.
There will be two open periods for applications:
Urban Health Collaborative Practicum 2016
January 15th – February 15th (2 applicants will be selected)
April 1st – April 29th (2 applicants will be selected)
If you aren’t ready to apply or are not selected during the first open period for applications, please feel free to
apply again in April. Hours for practicum can be completed anytime between Jan 1st – August 31st.
In order to apply, please complete the following questions below and email to
urbanhealthcollaborative@drexel.edu. Please put “UHC Practica” in the subject line.
1. Please give a short description of your practicum. (500 words or less). Have you engaged a preceptor?
2. How does your practicum align with the goals of the Urban Health Collaborative?
3. What do you hope to gain/learn from your practicum (skills, personal development, insight into career
direction, etc.)?
4. Please disclose any other funding opportunities you will be applying to for your practicum, including if
you are receiving an hourly wage.
If you have any questions, please email Caroline Voyles, Director of Student Placement, at chv25@drexel.edu.
Urban Health Collaborative Practicum 2016