Teacher Summer Institute 2011 Video Transcript

Teacher Summer Institute 2011 Video Transcript
We fade up on a Black video screen with DPI official speaking to
NC teachers in “Standards” breakout session. A title, Summer
Institute 2011 Transforming Professional Development, fades up
over black as we start to see the official speaking… “And that’s
why you guys are all here, to get that new content those essential
standards, those common core state standards, and what does that
mean for us in terms of our content? We think of content in terms
of the concepts; the skills; the standards; those main ideas and the
knowledge base that we want to provide for our students in the
classroom. The foundation.”
DPI official leading a “Local Curriculum” breakout session
…”And what we will be doing today is hopefully networking
amongst each other across groups and with your team at your table
to kind of find out what is it that local curricula really is and what
do you have in place at your LEA or your charter school and where
do we need to go?”
On screen graphic:
Switch to:
These Institutes equipped the Core Leadership Teams with a
Working Knowledge of the new Standard Course of Study
Brief clip of an NC teacher speaking to colleagues on the topic of
adopting current technology into educational curriculum.
On screen graphic:
Core Leadership Teams lead their districts in implementation
& continue to work with NCDPI
Sound bite from Steven Weber, Orange County Schools: “Coming
to the Summer Institute has forced teams of teachers and
administrators to come together and we’ve met yesterday even on
the lunch break we met with teachers from other school districts
who we don’t always get to meet with to hear their plan. The
afternoon sessions each day allowed us to meet with a couple of
districts who we’ve never met with, so you build collaborative
teams across districts and it sounds like with the Wiki’s and with
the online tools that DPI is really going to for the first team enable
teacher teams to communicate ongoing with DPI, with the teacher
teams and teacher leaders we’ve met from other districts.”
DPI instructor conducting a “sequencing activity” in breakout
session: “You got to understand where you fit in with the larger
structure of things, so that by the end we fit in with student
Sound bite from Nashett Garrett, Guilford County Schools:
“I think several of the activities that we’ve participated in over the
two day training have been very helpful, especially with the
alignment activity so definitely want to begin to include those in
our first Professional Learning Communities. We’re committed to
Professional Learning Communities, within our building but also
in the enrichment region we’re developing Professional Learning
Communities through our monthly teaching and learning sessions.”
Brief clip of teachers working collaboratively on a role playing
activity in hallway with a video recorder: “Hey guys, where have
you been? Well, I’ve just come back from training on our new
world languages and central standards.”
DPI instructor leading a content area breakout session: “Students
can actually use tweeter and use tweets to synthesize information”.
Sound bite from Noel Grady-Smith, Dave County Schools: “One
of the really positive things about this experience was that I
watched our group gradually become less anxious, more ready to
take on the task. We have mostly teacher leaders and they weren’t
sure what was going to be asked of them, so I think a lot of what
we have done has helped to clarify the process.”
NC teacher participant in a group discussion in breakout session:
“You can still teach them the concept but take it to a deeper level.”
Sound bite from Silvia White, Newton-Conover Schools: “To
think of the undertaking that you guys had to roll out in a short
period of time this entire new curriculum was amazing, so I came
here with eager excitement. It’s really a re-insurance that there is a
pattern, there’s a framework, there’s support and there’s a very
well planned process to helping individual systems do this.”
DPI instructor leading Curriculum breakout session: “When you
create experiences that you can make relative to your audience,
when you take this information back, that’s going to be very
Sound bite from Jennifer Solis, American Renaissance School:
“I’m thrilled! I’m very pleased with this, I feel all energized and I
think, you know I hope that that energy, that motivation will be
like a virus, someone said yesterday, and just catch on and like
spread you know, not just through our school, but through all the
districts in all of North Carolina. I thank DPI for taking this on
because it’s long overdue and I really think it’s a move in the right
direction, very positive.”
DPI official instructing teachers in “Green Light” activity: “This
process is designed to help you think of the magnitude of the
things you might want to consider putting in your action plan.”
Sound bite from Robert P. Taylor, Superintendent, Bladen County
Schools: “I heard a teacher comment this morning that they were
so afraid of what all this was going to be about, but coming to this
Institute gave them an opportunity to understand and now they’re
not afraid and they’re excited about going back to the district and
implementing everything they’ve talked about, so I think that’s the
greatest benefit that you have teachers that have an opportunity to
understand and then go back and share that information with other
teachers. That was a real big “Ah, ha” moment for me.”
Fade to end logo titles.
Fade to black.
Throughout the video, the viewer sees action footage from the
institute along with the following on screen graphics.
Unprecedented Collaboration
Common Core & Teaching Standards Matching
This work is designed as a continuous training model
Connecting & Equalizing Education for All NC Students
Building Structures & Networks