Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Algebra 1 Sophie, MARQUES Algebra 1 1 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Contents Set theory Integers Group theory Transformation groups Permutation Groups Product Structure in Groups Algebra 1 2 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The set of the integers The Group of the integers (Z, +) The set of integer Z = {. . . , −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, . . .} is embedded with an addition operation that is a map +: Z×Z (n, m) → 7 → Z m+n that satisfies : G1 (x + y ) + z = x + (y + z) (addition is associative) G2 There exists an element in Z which is in fact 0 such that 0 + x = x = x + 0 for all x ∈ Z. This is the "zero element" of the system. G3 Every element x ∈ Z has an " additive inverse", denoted −x which has the property that x + (−x) = 0 = (−x) + x A set satisfying these three properties is called a group. Thus (Z, +) is a group. Moreover, we have that + satisfies the commutativity property GC : x + y = y + x, for any x, y ∈ Z A set satisfying these four properties is called a commutative group. Thus (Z, +) is a commutative group. Algebra 1 3 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The set of the integers Exercises 1 2 From only G 2, one can prove that the zero element is unique. From G 2 and G 3, one can prove that the inverse is unique. Algebra 1 4 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The set of the integers The multiplication on Z The set of integer Z is embedded with a multiplication operation that is a map ·: Z×Z → Z (n, m) 7→ m · n Is (Z, ·) a group ? NO. More precisely, G 1 and G 2 hold but not G 3. Algebra 1 5 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The set of the integers Exercise Is there a maximal subset S of Z such that (S, ·) is a group ? YES. One can prove ({±1}, ·) is this maximal subset and thus a group. Algebra 1 6 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The set of the integers Units The elements such that u ∈ Z and there exist v ∈ Z, such that uv = vu = 1 are called the units of Z. They form a group, called the group of units of Z.. Algebra 1 7 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The Ring of the integers (Z, +, ·) Definition R1 (x · y ) · z = x · (y · z) (multiplication is associative) ; R2 x · (y + z) = x · y + x · z and (x + y ) · z = x · z + y · z (distributive law) The properties G 1, G 2, G 3, R1 and R2 are characteristic of what we will call ring. So that, (Z, +, ·) is a ring. Moreover, the property RC x · y = y · x, for any x, y ∈ Z (the multiplication is commutative) together with GC , make Z into what we will call a commutative ring. In addition, there exists in Z a "multiplicative identity element", 1 which has the characteristic property that 1 · x = x = x · 1, for all x ∈ Z, for all x ∈ R. This property RU is characteristic of unitary commutative ring. Exercise : Prove that the unit element is unique. Finally, obviously 1 6= 0. This only say that Z is not the trivial ring : the ring which has 0 as its only element. Algebra 1 8 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The Ring of the integers (Z, +, ·) Definition R1 (x · y ) · z = x · (y · z) (multiplication is associative) ; R2 x · (y + z) = x · y + x · z and (x + y ) · z = x · z + y · z (distributive law) The properties G 1, G 2, G 3, R1 and R2 are characteristic of what we will call ring. So that, (Z, +, ·) is a ring. Moreover, the property RC x · y = y · x, for any x, y ∈ Z (the multiplication is commutative) together with GC , make Z into what we will call a commutative ring. In addition, there exists in Z a "multiplicative identity element", 1 which has the characteristic property that 1 · x = x = x · 1, for all x ∈ Z, for all x ∈ R. This property RU is characteristic of unitary commutative ring. Exercise : Prove that the unit element is unique. Finally, obviously 1 6= 0. This only say that Z is not the trivial ring : the ring which has 0 as its only element. Algebra 1 9 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The Ordered ring of the integers (Z, +, ·, >) Definition If we take P = N to be the subset of Z of the positives elements of Z (x ∈ P if x > 0), then : O1 Z is a disjoint union Z = −P ∪ {0} ∪ P of the sets P , where −P = {−x : x ∈ P}, that is for x ∈ Z either x > 0 or x = 0 or x < 0. O2 P + P = {x + y : x, y ∈ P} ⊂ P, that is x > 0 and y > 0 ⇒ x + y > 0; O3 P · P = {x · y : x, y ∈ P} ⊆ P, that is x > 0 and y > 0 ⇒ xy > 0 ; A ring with a subset P with the properties O1, O2 and O3 is called an ordered ring. We refer to P as positive elements of the ring and −P as negative element of the ring. As a consequence, (Z, +, ., >) is an ordered ring. Note that x < 0 ⇔ −x > 0 ( x ∈ −P ⇔ −x ∈ P) and x < y ⇔ x − y < 0. Algebra 1 10 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The Ordered ring of the integers (Z, +, ·, >) Exercise Prove that an ordered ring has the following properties : 1 1 > 0; 2 x > y ⇒ x + c > y + c, for all c ∈ Z. 3 x > y and y > z ⇒ x > z. (transitivity of the order relation) 4 x 6= 0 ⇒ x 2 > 0 ; 5 c > 0 and x > y ⇒ xc > yc ; c < 0 and x > y ⇒ xc < yc (reverses inequality). 6 7 x > 0 and y > 0 ⇒ xy > 0 i.e. (+) · (+) = (+) ; x > 0 and y < 0 ⇒ xy < 0 i.e. (+) · (−) = (−) ; x < 0 and y < 0 ⇒ xy > 0 i.e. (−) · (−) = (+) ; x > y ⇔ −x < −y . Algebra 1 11 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The Ordered ring of the integers (Z, +, ·, >) Proposition A ordered ring satisfies the following properties : 1 No zero divisors : If xy = 0, then either x = 0 or y = 0 (or both). 2 Cancellation law : If a 6= 0, ax = ay , then x = y . Algebra 1 12 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Induction Definition 1 2 A subset S ⊆ P in the set of the positive elements in a commutative ordered ring R is an inductive set if 1 The identity element 1 lies in S : 1 ∈ S 2 The successor s + 1 of any element in S is also in S : s ∈ S ⇒ s + 1 ∈ S. A subset S ⊆ P in the set of the positive elements in a commutative ordered ring R is an strong inductive set if 1 The identity element 1 lies in S : 1 ∈ S 2 1, . . . , s ∈ S ⇒ s + 1 ∈ S. Algebra 1 13 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The integers as the only inductive system Definition We say that an ordered commutative ring R with set of positive integer P verify the (strong) induction axiom if any (strong) inductive subset of R is equal to the full set P of positive elements in the ring R. It can be proved that there exists an only ordered ring with this property. This system is the system of integers Z. Algebra 1 14 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Induction. Theorem (Proof by induction) Suppose an assertion P(n) has been assigned to each counting number n ∈ N, and each statement is either true or false. Suppose we can show that 1 Statement P(1) is true. 2 If statement P(n) is assumed to be true, we can then prove P(n + 1) true based on this information. (In symbolic logic shorthand : P(n) ⇒ P(n + 1) for all n ∈ N.) Conclusion : the statement P(n) must be true for all n ∈ N. Algebra 1 15 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Induction. Exercise Show that for any n ∈ N 1 + 2 + · · · + n = n(n + 1)/2, ∀n ∈ N Algebra 1 16 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Minimum property. Theorem (The minimum property) If S ⊆ N is non-empty, then there exists a unique minimum element in S. That is an element s0 = min{S} in S such that s0 ≤ s for all s ∈ S. Algebra 1 17 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Minimum property and induction. Theorem A commutative unitary ordered ring satisfies the induction property if and only if it satisfies the minimum property. Algebra 1 18 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Divisibility Definition If a 6= 0 and b are two integers, we say that b divides a or a is a multiple of b. , often written as b|a, if there exists a m ∈ Z such that a = mb. Algebra 1 19 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Divisibility Exercises 1 2 3 4 5 a|0 for any a ∈ Z. 0 does not divide any non-zero element in Z. 1|a and −1|a for all a ∈ Z (Thus ±1 are "trivial divisors" of every a ∈ Z) Divisibility is transitive : If a, b, c 6= 0 then a|b and b|c ⇒ a|c. If a, b 6= 0 then a|b and b|a ⇒ b = a or b = −a. Algebra 1 20 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The Euclidean ring of the integers Theorem (Euclidean Division Algorithm) Let a, b ∈ Z with b 6= 0. Then there exist q, r such that a = qb + r with q ∈ Z and 0 ≤ |r | < |b|. We can always arrange that r ≥ 0, and then the pair (q, r ) is unique. Algebra 1 21 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The GCD ring of the integers Definition (Greatest common divisor) A greatest common divisor of nonzero elements a, b ∈ Z, denoted by (a, b) or gcd(a, b) is an element c ∈ Z such that 1 c|a and c|b ; 2 c > 0; 3 If c 0 is any other element of Z satisfying c 0 |a and c 0 |b then c 0 divides c. A greatest common divisor is denoted by gcd(a, b). Lemma For any pair of nonzero integers there exists a unique greatest common divisor gcd(a, b), and Za + Zb = gcd(a, b)Z. Algebra 1 22 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The GCD ring of the integers Lemma For any pair of nonzero integers there exists a unique greatest common divisor gcd(a, b), and Za + Zb = gcd(a, b)Z. Main step of the proof Prove uniqueness. (Suppose there are two and prove they are equal.) Prove existence. Prove that (Za + Zb) ∩ N 6= ∅ and deduce it contains a minimal element. Call it c, we will prove that c = gcd(a, b). Clearly c · Z ⊆ Za + Zb. Observe that c > 0 by definition. Prove that c|a and c|b. For this, prove more generally that c|ma + nb, for any m, n ∈ Z (Do the Euclidean division of ma + nb by c and deduce that the reminder is in Za + Zb, finally conclude using the minimality of c). Here, we have proven that Za + Zb ⊆ c · Z and thus that Za + Zb = gcd(a, b)Z. Prove that if c 0 is any other element of Z satisfying c 0 |a and c 0 |b then c 0 divides c. Algebra 1 23 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The GCD ring of the integers Exercise Let a, b be nonzero integers. Prove that their greatest common divisor has the following properties 1 gcd(a, b) = gcd(b, a) ; 2 gcd(a + kb, b) = gcd(a, b), for any k ∈ Z 3 If a, b 6= 0 and a divides b, explain why gcd(a, b) = a. Algebra 1 24 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The GCD ring of the integers Theorem (GCD Algorithm) Let a and b be positive integers, a > b. Then we apply a series of divisions as follows. a b r1 rn−2 rn−1 = = = . . . = = bq0 + r1 r1 q1 + r2 r2 q2 + r3 0 < r1 < b, 0 < r2 < r1 , 0 < r3 < r2 , rn−1 qn−1 + rn rn qn . 0 < rn < rn−1 , The process of division comes to an end when rn+1 = 0. The integer rn is the G. C. D. of a and b. Theorem (Extended GCD Algorithm) Let a and b be integers with gcd(a, b) = c. There exist integers u and v such that au + bv = c. Such u, v can be obtained by backward tracing of the Euclidean divisions in finding the G. C. D. Algebra 1 25 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The GCD ring of the integers Bezout lemma Let a and b be integers non zero. Then, gcd(a, b) = 1 if and only if there exist integers u and v such that au + bv = 1. In this case, we say that a and b are relatively prime. Algebra 1 26 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The GCD ring of the integers Exercise 1 2 Use the GCD Algorithm to compute the greatest common divisor of 48 and 347 using GCD algorithm. Find r , s ∈ Z, such that gcd(48, 347) = r × 347 + s × 48 Algebra 1 27 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The UFD ring of integers Definition A prime is an element p in Z such that 1 p is not a unit, and 2 p does not have a proper factorization p = ab (both factors non-units). Algebra 1 28 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The UFD ring of integers Gauss lemma Let p > 1 be a prime 1 If n is a nonzero integer, then either p|n or gcd(p, n) = 1 2 p divides ab if and only if p divides a or p divides b. More generally, if a prime p > 1 divides a product b1 . . . bk of nonzero integers, then there exists an index i such that p|bi . Algebra 1 29 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The UFD ring of integers Theorem (Existence and uniqueness of the factorization) Any integer n > 1 has a unique factorization as a product of nontrivial positive primes p > 1. That means, m Y p1 , p2 , . . . , pm > 1 are distinct primes () n= piri where ri > 0 for all 1 ≤ i ≤ m i=1 The prime pi appearing in () are unique as are their "multiplicities", the exponents ri . Algebra 1 30 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Review on equivalence relation Definition 1 2 If X is a set, a relation between points in X is defined by specifying some subset R in the Cartesian product X × X . Once R is given, we say that a is related to b indicated by writing a ∼R b (or simply a ∼ b) if the pair (a, b) lies in R. A relation R in a set X is called an RST relation, or equivalence relation, if it has the following properties 1 x ∼ x for all x ∈ X (the relation is reflexive) 2 x ∼ y ⇒ y ∼ x for all x, y ∈ X (the relation is symmetric) 3 x ∼ y and y ∼ z ⇒ x ∼ z (the relation is transitive) We say that "x is equivalent to y " if x ∼R y . Algebra 1 31 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Review on equivalence relation Definition Let R be an equivalence relation on X . Given a point p in X , we define its equivalence class to be the set [p]R = {y ∈ X : y ∼R p} p is called a representative of the equivalence class. Since p ∈ [p], the equivalence classes fill X . Every RST relation corresponds to a partition of the underlying set X into disjoint subsets that fill X . Algebra 1 32 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Review on equivalence relation Lemma Let R be an equivalence relation on X . Its equivalence classes have the following properties : 0 0 1 If C = [p] is an equivalence class and p ∈ [p] then [p ] = [p] ; 2 If C = [p ] and C = [p ] are two equivalence classes in X , then 1 1 2 2 either C1 = C2 (the sets are identical) or C1 ∩ C2 = ∅ ( the sets are disjoint). Algebra 1 33 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Review on equivalence relation Partitions and equivalence relations The distinct equivalence classes partition X as a union of disjoint sets, in which two points are equivalent if and only if they lie in the same subset of the partition. Conversely, suppose X is a set and P = {Xα : α ∈ I } is a collection of nonempty subsets indexed by a set of labels I that partition X , so that [ X = Xα α∈I and Xα ∩ Xβ = ∅ if α 6= β in I . Then we can define a relation R on X such that the partition PR is the same as the partition P we started with. In fact, we define : x ∼R y ⇔ x and y lie in the same subset Xα of the partition P Exercise : Prove that this defines an equivalent relation. Algebra 1 34 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Review on equivalence relation Definition Given a set X and an RST relation R on it, the associated quotient space X /R is defined to be the set whose elements are the equivalence classes [x]R in X . Be careful ! Points in the quotient space X /R are subsets of the original space X . Having defined X /R, there is a natural quotient map π : X → X /R defined by taking π(x) = [x]R = the equivalence class of x This map is clearly surjective. Given an equivalence class C = [p], we refer to p as a representative of the class. Of course, every other point in C is also a representative. Algebra 1 35 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Congruences Definition Fix an integer n > 1 and define the following RST relation in X = Z : a ≡ b (mod n) ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ b − a is a multiple of n b = a + nk for some k ∈ Z b ∈ a + nZ = {a + nk : k ∈ Z} b + nZ = a + nZ In plain English, the relation a ≡ b (mod n) is read as : " a is congruent to b modulo the integer n". Exercise : Fix an integer n > 1 1 Prove that the relation mod n is an equivalence relation. 2 What are the equivalence classes for this relations ? They are referred as congruence classes in Z. 3 Describe the quotient space and the quotient map. Algebra 1 36 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The ring (Z/nZ, +, ·) Theorem (Algebraic structure in the quotient space Z/nZ) Fix an integer n > 1. Let Z/nZ be the quotient space of (mod n) congruence classes and let π : Z → Z/nZ be the quotient map. In Z/nZ define operations [a] ⊕ [b] = [a + b] and [a] [b] = [ab] for a, b ∈ Z. These operations are well-defined despite the fact that class representatives are used to define them. Furthermore, 1 The element [0] is the zero element with respect to the ⊕ operation [0] ⊕ x = x for all x ∈ Z/nZ, 2 The element [1] is the multiplicative identity element with respect to the operation : [1] x = x for all x ∈ Z/nZ. Exercise Prove that prove that (Z/nZ, +, ·) is a ring. Algebra 1 37 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Units of the ring (Z/nZ, +, ·) Definition An element [a] ∈ Z/nZ has a multiplicative inverse if there exists some [k] ∈ Z/nZ such that [k] [a] = [a] [k] = [1]. If it exists this inverse or "reciprocal" is denoted by [a]−1 . The invertible elements in Z/nZ are the units of the system (Z/nZ, +, ·) ; we denote them by Un : Un = {[k] ∈ Z/nZ| there is [l] ∈ Z/nZ, [k] [l] = [1]} Exercise Prove that (Un , ) is a commutative group. Algebra 1 38 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Units of the ring (Z/nZ, +, ·) Exercise Give an exhaustive list of the elements of U5 , U7 and U12 . Theorem If n > 1, the group of units in Z/nZ is Un = {[k] ∈ Z/nZ : 1 ≤ k ≤ n − 1 and gcd(k, n) = 1} Theorem If n > 1 is an integer then all elements [a] 6= [0] in Z/nZ have multiplicative inverses ⇔ the modulus n is a prime. This means Z/pZ is a field for each prime p > 1 (A field being a ring such that the units are exactly all the non zero element of this ring), in which division is allowed by taking [a][b]−1 for all pairs such that [b] 6= [0]. Algebra 1 39 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The rational Q Exercise Let F be the set of all "fraction symbols" p/q with p, q ∈ Z and q 6= 0. Into this system we introduce a relation (∼) by declaring that p 0 /q 0 ∼ p/q ⇔ p 0 q = pq 0 in Z () 1 Prove that () is an equivalence relation. 2 Prove that mp/(mq) ∼ p/q, for all m 6= 0 inZ 3 Given two classes, take any representatives p/q and r /s and define : [p/q] + [r /s] = [(ps + qr )/(qs)] and [p/q] · [r /s] = [(pr )/(qs)] Prove that the equivalence classes on the right don’t depend on which representative p/q and r /s of the original classes we chose, that is the operations on classes are well-defined in spite of the fact that we used class representatives to determine the outcome. Algebra 1 40 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Groups Definition A group is a set G equipped with a binary operation mapping G ×G (x, y ) → G 7 → xy such that G.1 Associativity : (xy )z = x(yz), for all x, y , z ∈ G . G.2 Unit element : There exists an element e ∈ G such that ex = x = xe, for all x ∈ G . G.3 Inverses exist : For each x ∈ G there exists an element y ∈ G such that xy = e = yx. The inverse element y = y (x) in G.3 is called the multiplicative inverse of x, and is generally denoted by x −1 . The group G is said to be commutative or abelian if the additional axiom. G.4 Commutativity : xy = yx, for all x, y ∈ G is satisfied. We write |G | for the number of elements in G , which could be ∞. Algebra 1 41 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Groups Lemma In a group (G , ·) the unite e is unique, and so is x −1 for each x. Algebra 1 42 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Groups IMPORTANT When working with a group first of all answer to this question : WHAT IS THE GROUP LAW (ADDITIVE, MULTIPLICATIVE OR OTHER) ? Then, use the appropriate notation. For a start, it will be good for you to rewrite the definition in additive or other notation. Algebra 1 43 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Groups IMPORTANT : BE CAREFUL WITH ADDITIVE AND MULTIPLICATIVE NOTATION. Multiplicative notation (G , ·) Additive notation (G , +) Identity Inverse Product Powers e 0 x −1 −x x ·y x +y xk = x . . . x k · x = x + ··· + x Algebra 1 44 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Groups Definition A non-empty subset H in a group G is a subgroup if it has the properties 1 H is closed under formation of products : H · H ⊆ H, or equivalently x, y ∈ H ⇒ xy ∈ H ; 2 The identity element e lies in H. 3 H is closed under inverses : h ∈ H ⇒ h −1 ∈ H. Definition The trivial groups H = (e) and H = G are subgroups ; all other subgroups, if any, are referred to as proper subgroups. The suggestive notation H ≤ G is sometimes used to indicate that a subset H ⊆ G is actually a subgroup. Algebra 1 45 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Groups Examples 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 G = {e}. G = (Z, +). G = (Z/nZ, +) G = (Un , ·). Let G be any vector space V , equipped with vector addition as the binary operation. The set G = (C, +). The set G = (C× , ·). The circle group G = (S 1 , ·). (Ωn = {z ∈ C : z n = 1} = {e 2πik/n : 0 ≤ k ≤ n − 1}, ·)nth roots of unity). Algebra 1 46 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Matrix Groups Examples 1 2 3 4 5 (Mn (F), +) with F = Q, R, C, or Z/pZ where p > 1 is a prime. The general linear group over F, (GLn (F) = {M ∈ Mn (F) : det(M) 6= 0}, ·) The special linear group over F, (SLn (F) = {M ∈ Mn (F) : det(M) = 1}, ·) The orthogonal group over F, (On (F) = {M ∈ Mn (F) : MM T = In }, ·) The special orthogonal group over F, (SOn (F) = {M ∈ Mn (F) : MM T = In and det(M) = 1}, ·) Algebra 1 47 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Matrix Groups Examples 1 2 The upper triangular group consists of all n × n matrices of the form a11 a12 . . . ann 0 a22 . . . a2n . A= . . 0 ... 0 ann such that det(A) = a11 . . . ann 6= 0 and aij = 0 for below diagonal entries. If all the diagonal entries are equal to 1 we get the group of strictly upper triangular matrices. The three-dimensional Heisenberg group of quantum mechanics consists of all real 3 × 3 matrices of the form ! 1 x z 0 1 y A= 0 0 1 with x, y , z ∈ R. It plays central role in Quantum Mechanics. Algebra 1 48 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Transformation groups Examples Many important groups are made up of bijective maps (transformations) T : X → X of some point set X . For example the n-dimensional group of rigid motions M(n) on Euclidean space Rn consists of all bijections T : Rn → Rn that preserve the usual Euclidean distance between points n X ||x − y || = [ |xi − yi |2 ]1/2 i=1 Exercise : Prove that (M(n), ◦) is a group. Algebra 1 49 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Permutation group Definition The permutation group Sn is the collection of all bijective maps σ : X → X of the set X → X of the set X = {1, 2, . . . , n}, with composition of maps ◦ as the group operation. Show that (Sn , ◦) is a group. It is easily seen that Sn is finite, with |Sn | = n! = n(n − 1) . . . 3 · 2 · 1. It is non-commutative except when n = 2. One way to describe elements σ ∈ Sn employs a data array to show where each k ∈ X ends up : 1 2 ... k ... n σ= i1 i2 . . . ik . . . in where (i1 , i2 , . . . , in ) is some ordered listing of the integers 1 ≤ k ≤ n. In this notation the identity element is 1 2 ... k ... n e= 1 2 ... k ... n Algebra 1 50 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Permutation group Definition For k > 1, a k-cycle is a permutation σ = (i1 , . . . , ik ) that acts on X in the following way i1 → i2 → · · · → ik → i1 (a cyclic shift of list entries) σ maps j →j for all j not in the list {i1 , . . . , ik } The action of σ depends on the particular order of the list entries i1 , . . . , ik . Algebra 1 51 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Permutation group Exercise 1 2 3 The cycle σ = (1, 2, 3) in S5 ; The cycle σ = (1, 2) in S5 . The one-cycles (k) and the identity map idX Algebra 1 52 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Permutation group BE CAREFUL ! ! ! ! ! ! The symbol σ = (i1 , . . . , ik ) denoting a cycle is ambiguous. If we make a cyclic shift of list entries we get k different symbols that describe the same mapping of X . (i1 , . . . , ik ) = (i2 , . . . , ik , i1 ) = (i3 , . . . , ik , i1 , i2 ) = · · · = (ik , i1 , . . . , ik−1 ) Algebra 1 53 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Permutation group Example You must understand how to evaluate the product on an element k ∈ X can be evaluated by feeding k into the product from the right, as shown below taking σ = (1, 2) and τ = (1, 2, 3) in S5 . στ : k (1,2,3) / τ (k) (1,2) / σ(τ (k)) = (σ ◦ τ )(k) To determine the net effect of στ , start by examining the fate of k = 1, then look what happens to the image of 1 etc. Action 1 2 3 4 5 (1,2,3) (1,2,3) (1,2,3) (1,2,3) (1,2,3) Net effect /2 (1,2) /1 1→1 /3 (1,2) /3 2→3 /1 (1,2) /2 3→2 /4 (1,2) /4 4→4 /5 (1,2) /5 5→5 Algebra 1 54 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Characteristic subgroups Definition 1 The center Z (G ) of a group G is the set of elements that commute with everyone in G Z (G ) = {x ∈ G : gx = xg for all g ∈ G } = {x ∈ G : gxg −1 = x for all g ∈ G } ≤ G Obviously G is abelian ⇔ Z (G ) = G . More generally, given a nonempty subset S ⊆ G we may define 2. The centralizer of S is ZG (S) = {x ∈ G : xs = sx for all s ∈ S} 3. The normalizer of S is NG (S) = {x ∈ G : xSx −1 = S } Both ZG (S) and NG (S) are subgroups of G , with NG (S) ⊇ ZG (S) ⊇ Z (G ). Algebra 1 55 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Exponent laws Theorem Let (G , ·) be a group. For any element a ∈ G and any k ∈ N define ak = a · · · · · a (k times) ; a0 = e (the identity element) ; a−k = (a−1 ) · · · · · (a−1 ) (k times). Then the following exponent laws are valid for all m, n ∈ Z. m 1 a · an = am+n ; 2 (am )−1 = (a−1 )m ; 3 (am )n = amn . 4 If G is ABELIAN we also have (ab)n = an · b n . Algebra 1 56 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Characterization of finite groups Theorem Let H be a nonempty finite subset of a group G , such that H · H = {h1 h2 : h1 , h2 ∈ H} = H Then the identity element e automatically lies in H and H is a subgroup of G . Algebra 1 57 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Homomorphisms Definition 1 A homomorphism between two groups (G , · ) and (G 0 , ∗) is any map φ : G → G 0 that intertwines the group operations, in the sense that φ(x · y ) = φ(x) ∗ φ(y ) 2 for all x, y ∈ G (1) The map is an isomorphism if it is a homomorphism and is also a bijection. Corollary Suppose φ : G → G 0 is an isomorphism. Then φ−1 : G 0 → G is an isomorphism. Algebra 1 58 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Homomorphisms Definition Certain terminology is standard in discussing homomorphisms φ : G → G 0 of groups. 1 The kernel denoted Ker (φ) of φ is the set of elements that get “killed” by φ : Ker (φ) = {x ∈ G : φ(x) = e 0 } , 0 where e is the identity element in G 0 . The kernel is a subgroup of the initial group G . 2 The range denoted by Range(φ) is the forward image of the initial group Range(φ) = φ(G ) = {φ(x) : x ∈ G } The range is always a subgroup of the target group G 0 , but it may be a proper subgroup. Algebra 1 59 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Homomorphisms Corollary If φ : G → G 0 is a homomorphism and e ∈ G , e 0 ∈ G 0 are the respective identity elements, then φ(e) = e 0 . Corollary If φ : G → G 0 is a homomorphism and x ∈ G , φ(x −1 ) = (φ(x))−1 . Algebra 1 60 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Homomorphisms Lemma A homomorphism φ : G → G 0 is one-to-one ⇔ ker(φ) = (e) Algebra 1 61 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Homomorphisms Example 1 2 3 4 5 6 The trivial homomorphism φ0 : G → G 0 sending g in G to e 0 in G 0 The identity map Id : G → G sending g in G to itself. The inversion map J : G → G , for G ABELIAN sending g ∈ G to g −1 . For instance, if G = Z, J(k) = −k for k ∈ Z or if G = Z/nZ, J([k]n ) = [−k]n for [k] ∈ Z/nZ. (The inversion map is not a homomorphism if G is NOT COMMUTATIVE). The quotient map π : Z → Z/nZ sending k in Z to [k]n in Z/nZ. The exponential map e : R → R× sending x in R to e x . For G ABELIAN, the power map p : G → G sending g in G to g k where k is an integer. For instance, for G = Z, p(n) = k · n for n integer and for G = Z/nZ, p([s]n ) = k · [s]n for any [s]n ∈ Z/nZ. Algebra 1 62 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Homomorphisms Example 1 The important linear algebra map given by L : Mn (F) → Hom(Fn ) A 7→ LA with LA (x) = A · x for all x ∈ Fn . Inducing a morphism L : GLn (F) → A 7→ GL(Fn ) LA with LA (x) = A · x for all x ∈ Fn . and L : SO(k) → RO(k) A 7→ LA with LA (x) = A · x for all x ∈ Fn , with k = 2, 3 2 The map ψ : Z → Ωn sending k in Z to e 2πik n . Algebra 1 63 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Generated subgroups Fact Given any family {Hα : α ∈ I } of subgroups in a group G , their intersection H = ∩α∈I Hα = {x ∈ G : x ∈ Hα for all α ∈ I } is also a subgroup, even if there are infinitely many Hα . Algebra 1 64 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Generated subgroups Definition Let S be a nonempty subset of a group G . The intersection < S >= ∩{H : H is a subgroup and S ⊆ H} is a subgroup. It is called the subgroup generated by S, and the elements of S are referred to as "generators" of this group. Note that < S >= {a1 · · · as : with ai ∈ S ∪ S −1 } Algebra 1 65 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Generated subgroups Definition Subgroups generated by a single element are called cyclic subgroups. Remark A cyclic subgroup can have various generators, so that H =< a >=< b > with a 6= b. The case when a = e is of no interest since < e > is the trivial subgroup. Algebra 1 66 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Generated subgroups Definition Let (G , · ) be a group. The order o(a) of a group element a ∈ G is the smallest positive exponent k > 0 such that ak = e. If no such exponent exists the group element is said to have infinite order, which we indicate by writing o(a) = ∞. Example 1 2 3 Let a 6= 0 in (Z, +) o(a) = ∞ order ; If G is a finite group, o(a) ≤ |G |. By definition o(a) ≥ 1, and we have o(a) = 1 ⇔ a = e. Algebra 1 67 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Generated subgroups Theorem (Structure of Cyclic Subgroups) Let (G , · ) be a group. A cyclic subgroup has the form H = hai = {ak : k ∈ Z} for some a ∈ G . There are two possibilities, which depend on the order o(a) of the generator. k 1 o(a) = ∞. Then all powers a , k ∈ Z, are distinct and H ' (Z, +) 2 embedded in the abstract group G . o(a) = k < ∞ . Then H = {e, a, a2 , . . . , ak−1 }, with ak = e. In this case H ' (Z/kZ, +) embedded in the abstract group G . Algebra 1 68 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Generated subgroups Idea of the proof of the Theorem (Structure of Cyclic Subgroups) We separate the study in two case either the set S = {ak , k ∈ N} has repeat or it has not. 1 Case 1 : S has no repeat. 1 2 3 2 Prove that that {ak , k ∈ Z} has also no repeat. Deduce that o(a) = ∞. Prove that the map φ : Z →< a > sending k to ak is an homomorphism and an bijection thus an isomorphism. Case 2 : S has a repeat. (That is there are l > k such that ak = al ) 1 2 3 Deduce that o(a) = k < ∞. Prove that < a >= {e, · · · , ak−1 }. That is prove that H = {e, · · · , ak−1 } is a subgroup of G and that all the elements of H are distinct. Why is this enough to prove that it is the smallest subgroup containing a ? Prove that the map φ : Z/kZ →< a > sending [k]n to ak is well defined that 0 is if k, k 0 ∈ Z are such that [k]n = [k 0 ]n then ak = ak , that it is an homomorphism and an bijection thus an isomorphism. Algebra 1 69 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Generated subgroups Proposition Every subgroup of a cyclic group is also cyclic. Idea of the proof Let G =< a > be a cyclic group generated by a and H ≤ G . Consider the smallest k ∈ N such that ak ∈ H and Prove that H =< ak >. (Hint : use the Euclidean division to conclude). Algebra 1 70 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Generated subgroups Particular case : subgroup of Z The subgroup of (Z, +) are cyclic, and have the form Hm = Z · m for some integer m ≥ 0, with H0 = {0} and H1 = Z, H2 = 2·Z, etc. Algebra 1 71 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Generated subgroups Group of order 2 Let (G , ·) be a group of order |G | = 2. G must be cyclic, hence commutative, and that G is isomorphic to (Z/2Z, +). Group of order 3 Let (G , ·) be a group of order |G | = 3. G must be cyclic, hence commutative, and that G is isomorphic to (Z/3Z, +). Idea for the proof Determine what are the possible order for the non trivial elements in those groups. Algebra 1 72 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Generated subgroups Theorem For n > 1, a nonzero element x = [k] in Z/nZ is a cyclic generator under the (+) operation if and only if gcd(k, n) = 1 (i.e. if and only if [k] lies in the set Un of multiplicative units in Z/nZ). Idea for the proof Bezout theorem should help you. Remember that as soon as [1] is in the group generated by < [k] > then this [k] generate the all Z/nZ. Algebra 1 73 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Cosets Definition Given any subgroup H ⊆ G , its left cosets are the subsets of the form xH = {xh : h ∈ H} with x ∈ G . These are of interest because the whole group splits into a disjoint union of its distinct cosets xH. One can also define right cosets as sets of the form Hx, right translates of H by elements x ∈ G . There is no difference between left- and right cosets if the group G is abelian, but we will encounter many noncommutative groups where the distinction must be recognized. The group element x is a coset representative for xH. A coset can have various representatives, (below we will determine when x, y ∈ G yield the same coset, xH = yH). Algebra 1 74 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Cosets Lemma Let H be a subgroup in G and let x, y be points in G . Then 1 We have xH = yH ⇔ there is some h ∈ H such that y = xh. In particular, xH = H ⇔ x ∈ H. 2 Two cosets xH and yH are either identical sets in G or are disjoint. The cosets form a partition of G . 3 The relation x ∼ y ⇔ xH = yH is reflexive, symmetric, and R transitive, and the equivalence classes for this relation are : for any x the class [x] = {g ∈ G : g ∼ x} is equal to xH. R Algebra 1 75 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Cosets Proposition If φ : G → G 0 is a homomorphism of groups and K = Ker (φ) is its kernel, then 0 1 All points in a coset xK map to a single point in G under φ. Thus a homomorphism is constant on each coset of its kernel. 2 Distinct cosets xK 6= yK in G are disjoint, with xK ∩ yK = ∅, and they map to distinct points in G 0 . Furthermore φ is one-to-one, and hence an isomorphism from G to the subgroup Range(φ) ⊆ G 0 , if and only if its kernel is trivial : Ker (φ) = {e}. Algebra 1 76 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Cosets Definition Let H be a subgroup in a group (G , · ). The left cosets are the subsets having the form xH = {xh : h ∈ H} for some x ∈ G , and the collection of all such cosets is denoted by G /H. Similarly we could define the space H\G of right cosets, which have the form Hx. We will mostly deal with G /H. Algebra 1 77 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Quotient space Definition The space of left cosets denoted by G /H is just the set of the left coset. It is the quotient space of equivalence classes under the rst relation x∼ y ⇔ xH = yH. Note carefully : R Points in the quotient space G /H are subsets in the original group G . The quotient map π : G → G /H for this relation is given by π(x) = xH (since xH is the equivalence class for x) General properties of this surjective map follow directly from this definition. 1 Under π, each coset xH ⊆ G collapses to a single point in the quotient space G /H. 2 Distinct (disjoint) cosets xH 6= yH in G are mapped by π to distinct points in the quotient space G /H. Algebra 1 78 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Quotient space Exercise 1 2 The coordinate plane R2 becomes an abelian group G = (R2 , +) when equipped with the usual vector addition operation (+), and the x-axis H = {(x, 0) : x ∈ R} is easily seen to be a subgroup. 1 Describe right, left cosets. When two cosets are equal ? 2 Describe G /H. If G = (Z, +) and n ≥ 2 the set H = nZ = {nk : k ∈ Z} is a subgroup in Z. 1 Describe left cosets. When two cosets are equal ? 2 Describe G /H and the quotient map. Note that we have defined a group operation in G /H from the operation on G = Z. WARMING For more general groups G and subgroups H it is NOT ALWAYS POSSIBLE to impose a GROUP STRUCTURE IN THE QUOTIENT SPACE G /H ; it worked in the last example largely because the group was abelian. Algebra 1 79 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Quotient space Exercise Let G = (R, +) and H = Z. 1 Describe right, left cosets. When two cosets are equal ? How many left coset are there ? How can we choose the representative ? 2 Describe G /H and the quotient map. Can we define a group structure on G /H 3 But what is the mysterious quotient group (R/Z, ⊕) ? ? ? ? We can prove it is isomorphic to something quite concrete and familiar, namely the “circle group” S 1 = {z ∈ C : |z| = 1} equipped with complex multiplication as the group law. (IMPORTANT PROOF ! ! ! !) Define the exponential map φ(θ) = e 2πiθ = cos(2πθ) + i sin(2πθ) Prove that it is an homomorphism from (R, +) to the circle group (S 1 , · ). Surjective ? Kernel ? One-to-one ? Important idea : φ induces a bijection φ̃ between the quotient space R/Z and S 1 that turns out to be a group isomorphism. Define φ̃ using coset representatives, letting φ̃(x + Z) = φ(x) = e 2πix for all x ∈ R (2) Well defined ? Homomorphism ? One-to-one ? surjective ? Algebra 1 80 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Normal subgroup Why do we define normal subgroup ? Let G be any group and H be a subgroup. How could we naturally define a group operation : G /H × G /H → G /H? Is it well define ? How could we make it well define ? That give a simple condition on H meaning what we will call normality insures that this construction does work, even if G is nonabelian. Algebra 1 81 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Normal subgroup Definition A subgroup N in G is a normal subgroup if it has the property xN = Nx for all x ∈ G , (3) which means there is no difference between left- and right-cosets of N. All subgroups are normal if G is abelian. Normality of a subgroup is indicated by writing N C G . REMEMBER Normal subgroups were defined in order to put a group structure on the quotient space. Algebra 1 82 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Normal subgroup Lemma If N is a subgroup of G , each condition below implies the others. (a) The subgroup N is normal : xN = Nx for all x ∈ G . (b) xNx −1 = N for all x ∈ G . (c) xNx −1 ⊆ N for all x ∈ G . (d) xnx −1 ∈ N for all x ∈ G , n ∈ N. In partice In practice, I advice you to first try to use (d). For this pick x ∈ G and n ∈ N, and try to prove that xnx −1 ∈ N. Algebra 1 83 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Quotient group Theorem (Quotient groups) Let N be a normal subgroup in a group G . Then the operation is well defined : the outcome does not depend on the particular coset representatives x and y . This product satisfies all the group axioms, making the coset space G /N into a group in its own right. Finally, the quotient map π : G → G /N becomes a surjective homomorphism of groups with ker(π) = N. Algebra 1 84 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Quotient group Lemma A subgroup N in a group G is normal if and only if N is the kernel ker φ = {x ∈ G : φ(x) = e 0 } for some homomorphism φ : G → G 0 . Algebra 1 85 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Isomorphism theorem Exercise Prove that the surjective homomorphism ψ : Z → Ωn ψ(k) = ω k = e 2πik/n where ω = e 2πi/n (the primitive nth root of unity) induce a isomorphism ψ̃ : Z/nZ → Ωn . Algebra 1 86 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Isomorphism theorem Exercise Let G be the set C× = {z ∈ C : z 6= 0} of nonzero complex numbers, equipped with multiplication as the group operation. Within this abelian group we have the two-element normal subgroup N = {+1, −1}. What are the left coset of N ? What is G /N ? Prove that G /N is isomorphic to the original group C× . Algebra 1 87 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Isomorphism theorem (First Isomorphism Theorem) Let φ : G → G 0 be a homomorphism, let K = ker (φ), and let π : G → G /K be the quotient homomorphism. There is a unique map φ̃ : G /K → R = range(φ) that makes the diagram G π↓ G /K φ−→ % φ̃ R ⊆ G0 commute : φ̃ ◦ π = φ. This map is a group homomorphism and is bijective, so it is an isomorphism from the quotient group G /K to R = range(φ). In particular, when φ is surjective we have G 0 ∼ = G /K . Algebra 1 88 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Isomorphism theorem Idea for the proof 1 Explain why since φ̃ ◦ π = φ, we have no choice to define φ̃ it has to send xK 7→ φ(x). 2 We need to prove that φ̃ is well defined, that is for two x, y ∈ G such that xK = yK , then φ(x) = φ(y ). 3 Prove that φ̃ is an homomorphism. 4 Prove that φ̃ is one-to-one. Deduce the rest of the theorem. 5 Algebra 1 89 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Isomorphism theorem Exercise Let G be the matrix group GL(n, C) of all n × n matrices A with complex entries and det (A) 6= 0. This is a group under matrix multiplication, and so is the subgroup N = SL(n, C) of matrices with determinant +1. Prove that N is normal in G , and that the quotient group G /N is isomorphic to the group (C× , · ) of nonzero complex numbers under multiplication. Algebra 1 90 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Isomorphism theorem Theorem (Second Isomorphism Theorem) Let A be any subgroup in G and let N be a normal subgroup. Then (a) The product set AN is a subgroup in G , with N C AN. (b) A ∩ N is a normal subgroup in A. (c) AN/N ∼ = A/(A ∩ N) Proof left as Exercise In (c) consider the map ψ : A/(A ∩ N) → AN/N given by ψ(a(A ∩ N)) = aN for a ∈ A. Start by showing this map is well-defined : if a(A ∩ N) = a0 (A ∩ N) then aN = a0 N Algebra 1 91 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Isomorphism theorem Theorem (Third Isomorphism Theorem) Let G ⊇ A ⊇ B be groups such that A and B are both normal subgroups in G . Prove that (G /B)/(A/B) ∼ = G /A. Note : This is the group-theory analog of the arithmetic relation (a/c)/(b/c) = a/b Algebra 1 92 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Lagrange theorem Theorem (Lagrange) If G is a group of finite order |G | = n and H is a subgroup, then |H| must divide |G |. In fact, we have |G | = |G /H| · |H| (4) so the number of left cosets in G /H also divides |G |. Corollary If G is a finite group and a ∈ G then the order o(a) of this element must divide |G |. Corollary If a group G has finite order |G | = n then an = e for all elements a ∈ G . Algebra 1 93 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Lagrange theorem Corollary If G is a finite group whose order is a prime |G | = p > 1, then G = hai for every element a 6= e and G ∼ = (Z/pZ, +). In particular, every finite group of prime order is cyclic, abelian. Algebra 1 94 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Subgroup of Z/nZ Theorem In (Z/nZ, +), for every divisor d of n, (1 ≤ d ≤ n) there is a unique (cyclic) subgroup Hd such that |Hd | = d Idea for the proof 1 2 Existence : Just prove that Hd = h[n/d]i is a subgroup of order d. Uniqueness : Suppose there were two subgroups A, B of order d. Consider A + B = {x + y : x ∈ A, y ∈ B} Prove that A = B = A + B. Algebra 1 95 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Counting principle Theorem Let G be a group and A, B subgroups. Then 1 The product set AB is a subgroup ⇔ AB = BA. 2 Whether or not AB is a subgroup, we always have |AB| = |A| · |B| |A ∩ B| Idea for the proof 1 2 Good exercise. Look at the map ρ : A × B → AB ⊆ G defined by setting ρ(a, b) = ab, and ask : Question : For how many pairs (a, b) in the Cartesian product set A × B do the group elements ρ(a, b) = ab take on the same value ? Algebra 1 96 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Automorphisms and Inner Automorphisms Definition An automorphism of a group is an isomorphism from G to itself. We denote Aut(G ) = {φ : G → G : φ isomorphism} the set of all automorphism. Prove that (Aut(G ), ◦) is a group. An inner automorphism of a group is a automorphism sending g to aga−1 , for some a ∈ G . We denote In(G ) = {αa : G → G with αa (g ) = aga−1 for some a ∈ G } Prove that (In(G ), ◦) is a normal subgroup of (Aut(G ), ◦). Algebra 1 97 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Computation of some automorphisms groups Automorphisms for some classic group 1 2 Aut (Z, +) = {id G , −id G } ; (Aut (Z/nZ, +), ◦) ' (Un , · ). Idea for the proof (Important to remember) Let G =< a > be a cyclic group. Prove that there is a unique homomorphism φ : G → G 0 such that φ(a) = b where b ∈ G 0 . That means that a homomorphism whose domain is a cyclic group is fully determined by knowing where the generator goes. Then think of how you need to choose b in order to have an isomorphism. Algebra 1 98 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Inner automorphisms Theorem For any group G we have Int (G ) ∼ = G /Z (G ) Idea for proof Use first isomorphism theorem applied to the map : Φ : G → Int (G ) ⊆ Aut (G ) sending a ∈ G to φa ∈ Aut(G ) sending g ∈ G to aga−1 . Algebra 1 99 / 179 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Left group actions Definition A (left) group action on X by G denoted by (G , X ) is a map τ : G ×X (g , x) → X 7 → τg (x) = g · x We get a mapping τg : X x → X 7 → g ·x for each g ∈ G . We require the action to have the following properties. 1 For each g1 , g2 ∈ G we have τg g (x) = τg (τg (x)) – i.e. 1 2 1 2 g1 g2 · x = g1 · (g2 · x). discussion. 2 τ (x) = x for all x ∈ X , so that τ = id and e · x = x. e e X Note From 1 and 2 we have that for any g ∈ G , τg is invertible and its inverse is τg −1 . Algebra 1 100 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Left group actions Fact The existence of a map τ : G ×X (g , x) → X 7 → τg (x) = g · x defining a group action on X by G is equivalent to the existence of a group homorphism Φ: G g → (Per (X ), ◦) 7→ τg Algebra 1 101 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Left group actions Definition The normal subgroup of G K = ker(Φ) = {g ∈ G |τg = id X }, is often referred to as the kernel of the action G × X → X , or simply the action kernel. Fact A group action on X by G induces a group action on X by G /Ker (Φ) and this action has trivial kernel. Algebra 1 102 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Left group actions Definition Given a group action G × X → X , each point x0 ∈ X has a G-orbit G · x0 = {g · x0 : g ∈ G }. The action G × X → X is transitive if there is just one orbit : For all x, y ∈ X , there exists some g ∈ G such that g · x = y (5) or equivalently, G · x = X for any x. Algebra 1 103 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Left group actions Fact In X there is a natural an RST relation R x∼ y ⇐⇒ ∃g ∈ G such that y = g · x R (6) Furthermore, the equivalence class of a point x0 under R is precisely its G -orbit. Thus X splits into disjoint G -orbits which fill X . Algebra 1 104 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Left group actions Example 1 2 Take X = G and τg (x) = gx (left translation by the element g ). Prove that τ define an action and compute the action kernel. Is this action transitive ? Take G = Sn (permutations on n objects) and X = {1, 2, . . . , n}, with the obvious action of σ ∈ Sn on the integers 1 ≤ k ≤ n meaning τσ (i) = σ(i) for σ ∈ Sn and i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n}. Prove that τ define an action and compute the action kernel. Is this action transitive ? Algebra 1 105 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Left group actions Example (Permutation Action of G on a Coset Space G /H) Here G is any group, H any subgroup, and X = the space of cosets G /H. We define a left action G × G /H → G /H letting τg (xH) = gxH 1 2 3 4 5 τg : G /H → G /H Prove that τg is well defined. Prove it is a group action. This action is called the permutation action of G on G /H. What can you say about the action kernel ? Is this action transitive ? What happens if H = {e} ? H = G ? Algebra 1 106 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Left group actions Example (The adjoint Action- Action by conjugation) Here we take X = G and let G act on itself by conjugation : αg (x) = gxg −1 1 2 3 for all x ∈ X = G Prove it is a group action. Compute the action kernel. Compute the orbits. They are called conjugation classes. Algebra 1 107 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Left group actions Example (The adjoint Action- Action by conjugation) 1 2 Under the adjoint action G × X → X , with X = G and action αg (x) = gxg −1 , prove that the action kernel which is the kernel of the homomorphism Φ : G → Int (G ) is precisely the center Z (G ). Deduce using the first isomorphism theorem that for any group G we have Int (G ) ∼ = G /Z (G ). Orbits under the adjoint action are the conjugacy classes in G , Cx = G · x = {gxg −1 : g ∈ G } = {αg (x) : g ∈ G } 3 4 Prove that the action by conjugation is not transitive. (Consider e ∈ G .) Prove that if x ∈ G then Cx = {x} is a one-point class if and only if x is in the center Z (G ). Algebra 1 108 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Left group actions Theorem (The class equation) If G is finite and if C1 = Ce , C2 , . . . , Cr are the distinct conjugacy classes, then |G | = |C1 | + . . . + |Cr | = #(one-point classes) + X |Ck | (7) nontrivial Ck = |Z (G )| + X |Ck | nontrivial Ck Furthermore, if G is finite and Cx is any conjugacy class, the number of points |Cx | in the class always divides |G |. Algebra 1 109 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Left group actions Example The group of matrices G = GL n (F) = {n × n matrices A : det A 6= 0} acts as F-linear operators on the vector space X = Fn of n-tuples x = (x1 , . . . , xn ) if we define τA = LA , the left multiplication operator LA (x) = Ax (matrix product (n × n) · (n × 1) = (n × 1)) 1 2 3 (8) Prove it is an action. Compute the action kernel. Is this action transitive ? Algebra 1 110 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Left group actions Example Let G = R and X = R2 . We get a group action G × X → X if we let θ ∈ R act as the rotation operator Rθ , a linear operator that rotates each vector x counterclockwise about the origin by θ radians. 1 Prove that it is an action. 2 Is it transitive ? 3 Compute the action kernel. Algebra 1 111 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Left group actions Example (Similarity Transforms of a Matrix) Let X = Mn (F) be the set of all n × n matrices with entries in a number field F and let G = GL n (F) = {S : det(S) 6= 0}. Elements S ∈ GL n (F) act on arbitrary matrices A by similarity transformations τS (A) = SAS −1 . 1 Prove it is an action. 2 Compute the action kernel. 3 Compute the Orbits. Those are called the similarity classes (remember from linear algebra those correspond to change of basis). Try to think about diagonalization in term of similarity classes. In linear algebra the similarity invariants of a matrix A are properties that hold for all matrices in a similarity class. These include such properties as 1 2 3 The determinant det P:n Mn (F) → F is constant on each similarity class. The trace Tr (A) = i=1 aii (sum of diagonal entries) is also constant on similarity classes. Another invariant is the spectrum, the distinct eigenvalues of A in F sp F (A) = {λ ∈ F : det(A − λI ) = 0} Matrices that are not similar might by accident have the same spectrum, but the spectra of A, B always agree if they are similar. Algebra 1 112 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Cayley’s Theorem Action kernel The action kernel of the action G × G /H → G /H on cosets is the largest subgroup N in G such that : (i ) N is normal in G , (ii ) N ⊆ H. In particular, ker Φ is trivial and Φ is a faithful (one-to-one) embedding of G in Per (G /H) if and only if there are no nontrivial normal subgroups N 0 C G that lie within H. Hint for proof Consider the action by permutation, Φ : G → Per (G /H) and prove that \ ker (Φ) = xHx −1 x∈G and prove that ker (Φ) is the largest group with this properties (i) and (ii). Algebra 1 113 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Cayley’s Theorem Theorem (Cayley’s Theorem) If G is any finite group then G is isomorphic to some subgroup of the permutation group Sn , n = |G |. Hint for proof Consider the action by permutation Φ : G → Per (G ) ' Sn Prove that G is isomorphic to the Range(Φ) the latest can be seen as a subgroup of Sn . Algebra 1 114 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Transitive actions Given a group action G × X → X , its orbits Ox0 = G · x0 are invariant under the action of G . The restricted action G × Ox0 → Ox0 has the properties required of a left action and this action is transitive ; Since the orbits form a partition of X , we can split the study of the action of G on a set X into the actions of G on the different orbits involved. Algebra 1 115 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Stabilizer Definition Let G × X → X be any group action, and let x0 be any point in X . The stabilizer of x0 is the subgroup of G of points that leave x0 fixed. That is, Stab G (x0 ) = {g ∈ G : g · x0 = x0 } Exercise Show that Stab G (x0 ) is a subgroup in G . If x, y are points in the same G -orbit under a group action, say with y = τg (x), prove that 1 2 In G , Stab G (y ) is a conjugate g ·Stab G (x)·g −1 of the stabilizer of x. Stabilizers of points in the same G -orbit have the same size. Algebra 1 116 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Orbits and stabilizer Theorem If G is finite and G × X → X is a transitive group action, then the space X must be finite. Furthermore, if we fix a base point x0 ∈ X and let H = Stab G (x0 ), we have |X | = |G /H| and |G | = |G /H| · |H| = |X | · |Stab G (x0 )| (9) In particular, for transitive actions |X | must always divide |G |. For a general group action the size |Ox0 | of any individual orbit must divide |G |. Hint for proof Let H = Stab G (x0 ) and ψ : G /H → X where ψ(gH) = g ·x0 Prove that 1 ψ is well defined. That is for any g , g 0 ∈ G such that gH = g 0 H then g ·x0 = g 0 ·x0 ; 2 ψ is a bijection. 3 Conclude with Lagrange theorem. Algebra 1 117 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Orbits and stabilizer Corollary If Cx is a conjugacy class in a finite group G (an orbit under the adjoint action), then the cardinality |Cx | of the class must divide |G |. Algebra 1 118 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Orbits and stabilizer Theorem Let G × X → X be a transitive group action, fix a base point x0 ∈ X , let H = Stab G (x0 ), and define the bijection ψ : G /H → X where ψ(gH) = g · x0 . Then ψ intertwines the two group actions and the diagram commutes : ψ G /H λg ↓ −→ G /H −→ That is ψ ◦ λg = τg ◦ ψ ψ X = G · x0 ↓ τg X (or equivalently, that τg = ψ ◦ λg ◦ ψ −1 , ∀g ∈ G ). This property is often described by saying that the map ψ : G /H → X intertwines the actions of G on the two spaces, or that ψ is an equivariant map. What all this means in practice is that there is a way to identify points in G /H with points in X so that the action of λg on G /H becomes the given action of G on X . Intuitively, the actions λ : G × G /H → G /H and τ : G × X → X are different models of the same action– they are “isomorphic” group actions, in the same sense that certain groups are isomorphic. (The notion of “isomorphism” applies to all sorts of algebraic structures.) The preceding discussion also shows that permutation actions on coset spaces G /H are “universal models” for all transitive groups actions. Algebra 1 119 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Orbits and stabilizer Exercise The matrix group SO(3) := {A ∈ GL(3, R) : AA T = Id and det(A) = 1} Given A ∈ SO(3) we get a linear operator 3 3 LA : R → R via LA (v) = Av (a matrix product (3 × 3) · (3 × 1)). It is well known from linear algebra (Euler’s Theorem) that the resulting group G of linear operators on R3 consists of all R`,θ = ( Rotation counterclockwise by θ radians about an oriented axis ` through the origin. ) Next consider the unit sphere in R3 , X = {x ∈ R3 : kxk = 1}, where kxk2 = x12 + x22 + x32 . We get a group action G × X → X and this action is transitive (Exercise). Take x0 = (0, 0, 1) in X . The stabilizer H = Stab G (x0 ) consists of all rotations (by any angle θ) about the z-axis ; the corresponding group of matrices in SO(3) is cos θ − sin θ 0 sin θ cos θ 0 :θ∈R H = 0 0 1 By our discussion, there is a bijection between G /H (a purely algebraic construct) and the sphere X , given by ψ(AH) = Ax0 . This bijection transfers the purely algebraic action λA : G /H → G /H (with λA (BH) = AB ·H) to the geometric action LA : X → X . Thus the geometric action of SO(3) on the sphere can be studied by algebraic methods by examining the permutation action G × G /H → G /H. Algebra 1 120 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Class equation Definition The centralizer ZG (x) := {g ∈ G : gxg −1 = x} is the stabilizer of x when considering the action by conjugation. Corollary (Class equation) If G is a nontrivial finite group then |G | = |Z (G )| + X x∈S 0 X |G | = |Z (G )| + |Cx | |ZG (x)| 0 (10) x∈S where S 0 is a set of representatives of the distinct conjugacy classes such that |Cx | > 1. Algebra 1 121 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The center of a p-group is non trivial. Definition Let p be a prime. A finite p-group G is a group with order |G | = p n for some integer n. Theorem (Cauchy) Let G be a nontrivial finite “p-group". Then the center is nontrivial : Z (G ) 6= {e}. Idea of the proof Use the class equation. Algebra 1 122 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Groups of order Permutation p2 Theorem If |G | = p 2 for some prime p > 1, then G is abelian. Idea of the proof 1 2 3 Deduce from the last result that |Z (G )| = p or p 2 . What does it means if |Z (G )| = p 2 ? Suppose |Z (G )| = p. Take a ∈ G \Z (G ). Prove that ZG (a) = G and deduce a contradiction. Algebra 1 123 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Cauchy theorem Theorem (Cauchy’s theorem for abelian finite groups) Let G be a nontrivial finite abelian group. If p > 1 is a prime that divides n = |G |, then there is an element a ∈ G of order exactly equal to p – i.e. G contains an isomorphic copy of (Z/pZ, +). Idea of the proof We argue by induction on the of order of G n. The result is trivially true when n = 1 even n = 2, why ? We procede to the induction step : for n ≥ 3 we assume the result true for all groups G 0 of order less than n and all primes p > 1 that divide |G 0 | ; we must prove the result holds for any group G of order n and prime divisor p|n. We distinguish several possibilities. 1 G has no proper subgroups H. Prove that if G is non cyclic it has a proper subgroup, prove that if G is cyclic with order n which is not a prime it has a proper subgroup. Deduce that G ' Z/pZ with p prime and deduce the theorem. 2 There is a proper subgroup N. 1 2 Suppose p||N| and deduce the theorem from the induction hypothesis. Suppose p - |N|. Prove that p||G /N|. Apply the induction hypothesis to G /N (why is it important to know that G is abelian in order to apply the induction hypothesis ?) and get a inG /N such that o(a) = p with a preimage of a via the quotient map π : G → G /N. Prove that ap ∈ ker (π) = N but a ∈ / ker (π) = N. Prove that (ap )|N| = e and than b = a|N| is an element of order p in G . That finishes the proof. Algebra 1 124 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Cauchy theorem Theorem (Cauchy’s theorem for finite groups) Let G be any nontrivial finite group. If p > 1 is a prime that divides n = |G |, then there is an element a ∈ G of order exactly p. Idea of the proof We argue by induction on the of order of G n. The result is trivially true when n = 1 even n = 2. We procede to the induction step : for n ≥ 3 we assume the result true for all groups G 0 of order less than n and all primes p > 1 that divide |G 0 | ; we must prove the result holds for any group G of order n and prime divisor p|n. We distinguish several possibilities. 1 there is a subgroup H 6= G such that p divides |H|. Deduce the theorem by induction. 2 p does not divide the order of any subgroup H 6= G . Deduce that p||Cx | for any |Cx | > 1. Deduce that p||Z (G )| (Hint : class equation) and deduce a contradiction and thus that this case cannot happens unless G is abelian and that this finishes the proof of this theorem. Algebra 1 125 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation What you need to know at least about this chapter. You need to know 1 the definition of a group action, orbits, stabilizer, how to define the homomorphism associated to an action and the action kernel, what is a transitive action and how to prove all this with the correct notations and operations. 2 what is an action by permutation on a quotient space, by conjugation and they properties, what is a conjugacy class, centralizer, the two version of the class equations (and how to obtain them. 3 Caley theorem. 4 that G /Stab(x) is in bijection with O(x) for each x ∈ X and so |O(x)|||G | 5 what is a p-group, that the center of a p-group is non-trivial, that group of order p 2 are abelian. 6 Cauchy theorem. Algebra 1 126 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The Structure of a Permutation Definition The permutation group Sn is the collection of all bijective maps σ : X → X of the set X = {1, 2, . . . , n}, with composition of maps ◦ as the group operation. Algebra 1 127 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The Structure of a Permutation Definition For k > 1, a k-cycle is a permutation σ = (i1 , . . . , ik ) that acts on X in the following way i1 → i2 → . . . → ik → i1 (a cyclic shift of list entries) σ maps j →j for all j not in the list {i1 , . . . , ik } One-cycles (k) are redundant ; every one-cycle reduces to the identity map id X , so we seldom write them explicitly, though it is permissible and sometimes useful to do so. The support of a k-cycle is the set of entries supp(σ) = {i1 , . . . , ik }, in no particular order. The support of a 1-cycle (k) is the one-point set {k}. Warming Recall that the order of the entries in a cycle (i1 , . . . , ik ) matters, but cycle notation is somewhat ambiguous : k different symbols obtained by cyclic shifts of the entries in σ all describe the same operation on X . (i1 , . . . , ik ) = (i2 , . . . , ik , i1 ) = (i3 , . . . , ik , i1 , i2 ) = . . . = (ik , i1 , . . . , ik−1 ) Algebra 1 128 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The Structure of a Permutation Fact If σ = (m1 , . . . , mk ) and τ = (n1 , . . . , nr ) are disjoint cycles, so that supp(σ) ∩ supp(τ ) = {m1 , . . . , mk } ∩ {n1 , . . . , nr } = ∅ then these operations commute στ = τ σ. If supports overlap, the cycles may or may not commute. Algebra 1 129 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The Structure of a Permutation Theorem Every σ ∈ Sn has a factorization σ = X = r [ supp(σi ) Qr i=1 σi into cycles whose supports are disjoint and fill X and supp(σi ) ∩ supp(σj ) = ∅ for i 6= j (11) i=1 Some factors may be trivial 1-cycles, which must be written down to get the support condition (12). The factors σi are uniquely determined, and they commute. Idea for the proof If σ = e the result is clear (why ?) So, assume σ 6= e and consider the cyclic group it generates H = hσi ⊆ Sn . 1 Prove that τ : H × X → X sending (σ i , x) to σ i (x) is a group action that determines various disjoint H-orbits that partition X = (H · x1 ) ∪ . . . ∪ (H · xr ). Let’s label the orbits Oi = H · xi in order of increasing size, so that 1 ≤ |O1 | ≤ . . . ≤ |Or |. For each orbit Oi we are going to define a cycle τi such that supp(τi ) = Oi . 2 Let x ∈ X . Prove that there exist a k such that O = H ·x = {x, σ(x), . . . , σ k−1 (x)} with σ k (x) = x and {x, σ(x), . . . , σ k−1 (x)} all distinct. 3 Consider the k-cycle τx = (x, σ(x), . . . , σ k−1 (x)) with support supp(τ ) = O, show that for any choice y ∈ O, we have τx = τy , (the resulting cycle does not depend of the base point x ∈ O) 4 Define S the cycles τ1 , . . . , τr , one for each orbit as before. Why are they disjoint ? Why X = ri=1 supp(τi ) ? Qr 5 Prove that σ = i=1 τi . 6 Why uniqueness of the cycles τi is built into the above construction ? Algebra 1 130 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Cycle Types of Permutations. Definition If σ ∈ Sn and H = hσi the cycle type of σ is the list of integers 1 ≤ n1 ≤ n2 ≤ . . . ≤ nr such that n1 + . . . + nr = n (12) determined by listing the H-orbits in X in order of increasing size and taking ni = |Oi |. The ni are just the lengths of the cycles in the unique disjoint cycle decomposition of σ. Algebra 1 131 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Cycle Types of Permutations Exercise Complete the following table. Cycle Type Example ? ? #(Elements in S5 ) ? Algebra 1 132 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Parity of a Permutation Lemma For n ≥ 2, every σ ∈ Sn can be written as a product of finitely many 2-cycles. Idea for the proof Prove that (1, 2, . . . , k) = (1, k)(1, k − 1) · · · (1, 3)(1, 2) and deduce the lemma. Warming This decomposition is far from being unique but the parity of the number of 2-cycles on this decomposition is unique and that is an important invariant as we will see. Algebra 1 133 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Parity of a Permutation Theorem (The Parity sgn(σ) of a Permutation) If σ ∈ Sn is decomposed as a product σ = σ1 · · · σr of 2-cycles, then the Parity : sgn(σ) = (−1) r (r = number of factors) (13) is uniquely determined. Furthermore, sgn(e) = 1 and parity is multiplicative sgn(στ ) = sgn(σ) · sgn(τ ) for all σ, τ ∈ Sn (14) Thus the parity map sgn : Sn → {±1} is a homomorphism from the group of operators (Sn , ◦) to the 2-element multiplicative group ({±1}, · ). Idea for the proof Each σ ∈ Sn can be thought of as a permutation of vectors in the standard orthonormal basis X = {e1 , . . . , en } in Rn , with σ̃ : ek 7→ eσ(k) . That action induces a linear operator σ̃ : Rn → Rn given by n n X X σ̃ ak ek = ak eσ(k) where ak ∈ R, 1 ≤ k ≤ n k=1 k=1 The matrix [σ̃] = [σ̃]X of σ̃ with respect to the standard basis is called a permutation matrix. These matrices are characterized by the following (i) Each entry is 0 or 1, (ii) Each column contains exactly one “1” and (iii) Each row contains exactly one “1”. 1 Prove that The correspondence Φ : σ → σ̃ is a homomorphism mapping Sn into the group (GL(n), ◦) of invertible linear operators on Rn . 2 Prove that det (Φ(σ)) = sgn(σ) and deduce the Theorem. Algebra 1 134 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Parity of a Permutation Definition We say a permutation is even if it can be written as a product of an even number of 2-cycles, so that sgn(σ) = +1, and otherwise it is odd. Algebra 1 135 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Parity of a Permutation Proposition In Sn all k-cycles have the same parity, namely sgn(σ) = (−1)k−1 for k = 1, 2, . . . (15) If σ is a product σ = σ1 . . . σr of cycles of various lengths then Qr sgn(σ) = j=1 sgn(σj ), regardless of whether or not the cycles are disjoint. Algebra 1 136 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation The alternating group Definition The alternating group An is the set of all even permutations, An = ker (sgn) = {σ ∈ Sn : sgn(σ) = +1} (16) An is a normal subgroup in Sn , with index |Sn /An | = 2 Algebra 1 137 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Conjugacy Classes in Sn Theorem Let σ = (m1 , . . . , mk ) be any cycle. Conjugation by τ ∈ Sn yields another cycle of the same length −1 τ (m1 , . . . , mk )τ = (τ (m1 ), . . . , τ (mk ) ) In other words, the conjugate of σ is a new k-cycle whose entries are the τ -images of the entries in σ, in the same cyclic order. Corollary For n ≥ 2, let σ ∈ Sn and let τ στ −1 be any conjugate. Then 1 The support of the conjugate is the τ -image of supp(σ), so that −1 supp(τ στ ) = τ supp(σ) 2 If σ = σ1 · · · σr is the disjoint cycle decomposition of σ then the decomposition of the conjugate is τ στ −1 = τ σ1 τ −1 · . . . · τ σr τ −1 . 3 If σi = (m1 , . . . , mk ) then τ σi τ −1 = (τ (m1 ), . . . , τ (mk )). 4 Conjugate elements in Sn have the same cycle types. Corollary Let n ≥ 2. Two elements σ, σ 0 are conjugate in Sn if and only if they have the same cycle type. Algebra 1 138 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Simple group Definition A group G is simple if it has no proper normal subgroups. Algebra 1 139 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation An simple for n ≥ 5. Lemma For n ≥ 3 the alternating group An is generated by the set of all 3-cycles in Sn . Idea for the proof 1 Explain why it is enough to prove that every product (i, j)(k, `) is a product of 3-cycles. 2 Write e as a product of two 3-cycle, compute (i, j)(j, `) when j = k and prove that (i, j)(k, `) = (i, j, k)(j, k, `) if the 2-cycles have no entries in common. Deduce the theorem. Algebra 1 140 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation An simple for n ≥ 5. Lemma If n ≥ 5 all 3-cycles are conjugate in An – i.e. if σ, σ 0 are 3-cycles, then there exists some τ ∈ An such that σ 0 = τ στ −1 . Idea for the proof 1 Why all 3-cycles σ and σ 0 are conjugate in Sn , that is here exists some τ ∈ An such that σ 0 = τ στ −1 ? 2 Since n ≥ 5, how can you find (r , s) two cycles such that τ 0 = τ · (r , s) still conjugates σ and σ 0 . Use this to deduce the theorem. Algebra 1 141 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation An simple for n ≥ 5. Theorem If n ≥ 5 the alternating group An is simple. Idea for the proof We need to prove that An has no proper normal subgroup. For this, let N be a non trivial normal subgroup of An , we need to prove that N = An . Why even if An is generated by the 3-cycles we do not know that N contains a 3-cycle ? Why the theorem is proven if we prove that N contains a 3-cycle ? Let σ ∈ N, 1 Prove that σ is of one of this 3 forms σ = (1, · · · , r )τ , r ≥ 4 with τ disjoint from (1, · · · , r ), σ = (1, 2, 3)τ with τ disjoint from (1, 2, 3) or (1, 2)(3, 4)τ , with τ disjoint from (1, 2)(3, 4). 2 Case 1 : σ = (1, · · · , r )τ , r ≥ 4 take δ = (1, 2, 3) and prove that σ −1 −1 δ σδ = (r , . . . , 1)(1, 3, 2)(1, . . . , r )(1, 2, 3) = (2, 3, r ) Deduce the theorem in this case. 3 Case 2 : σ = (1, 2, 3)τ , take δ = (1, 2, 3) prove that σ −1 δ −1 σδ = (1, 4)(2, 3) and take µ = (1, 5, 2), prove that µ(1, 4)(2, 3)µ−1 = (1, 3)(4, 5) and (1, 4)(2, 3)(1, 3)(4, 5) = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Deduce the theorem in this case from case 1. 4 Case 3 : (1, 2)(3, 4)τ . Deduce the theorem in this case from case 2. Algebra 1 142 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Subgroups of S3 . Subgroups of S3 1 2 3 What is the cardinality of S3 ? Deduce the possible order for the cardinality of the subgroups of S3 ? Describe the different subgroup of S3 up to isomorphism in terms of well known groups ? What is the cardinality of A3 ? Prove that there is only one subgroup of cardinality 3 in S3 , use counting principle ? Is it a normal subgroup of S3 ? Is A3 simple ? How many subgroup of order 2 is there in S3 ? Describe them. Are they normals ? Algebra 1 143 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Useful criterion for normal subgroup Lemma Let C0 = (e), C1 , . . . , Cr be the distinct conjugacy classes in a group G , and let H be any subgroup. Then H is normal in G if and only if it is a union H = Ci1 ∪ . . . ∪ Cis of whole conjugacy classes from G . Consequence If H is a normal subgroup of G , we have the following purely numerical constraints (i ) |H| = |Ci1 | + . . . + |Cis | (ii ) |H| must divide |G | that restrict the combinations of classes whose union can be a subgroup H. Remember the conjugacy class of e which is {e} is always here. Algebra 1 144 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Normal subgroup of S4 Normal subgroup of S4 1 2 3 4 What is the cardinality of S4 ? Deduce the possible order for the cardinality of the subgroups of S4 ? Using the previous lemma and consequence, what cardinality cannot be considered for normal subgroups of S4 ? What is the cardinality of A4 ? Is it a normal of S4 Prove that A4 is the only normal subgroup of cardinality |A4 |. Prove that there is a unique normal subgroup of S4 of order 4 using the previous lemma and consequence. Is this group abelian ? Write the table for this group. How many normal subgroup are there in S4 ? Is A4 simple ? Algebra 1 145 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation What do you need at least to know about this chapter. You should know 1 the definition of the permutation group, cardinality of the permutation group, parity of a permutation, k-cycle, support, cycle type of a permutation, how is defined signature homomorphism, the definition of the alternative group (that it is simple, normal in Sn and its properties), how to decompose a permutation in disjoint cycles (and that this decomposition is unique) and how to decompose a permutation in in 2-cycle, compute the parity, order of a permutation. 2 How to count the number of permutation of a certain cycle type, how to obtain the subgroup of S3 and the normal subgroup of S4 (using cycle types) and that A3 is simple but not A4 . Algebra 1 146 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Direct products of groups Definition (External Direct Product) Given groups A1 , . . . , An their external direct product is the Cartesian product set G = A1 × . . . × An equipped with component-by-component multiplication of n-tuples. If a = (a1 , . . . , an ), b = (b1 , . . . , bn ) in the Cartesian product set G , their product is a · b = (a1 , . . . , an ) · (b1 , . . . , bn ) = (a1 b1 , . . . , an bn ) for all ai , bi ∈ Ai The identity element is e = (e1 , . . . , en ) where ei is the identity element in Ai ; the inverse of an element −1 a is a−1 = (a1 , . . . , an−1 ). There is a natural isomorphism between Ai and the subgroup Ai = (e1 ) × . . . × Ai × . . . (en ) , the n-tuples whose entries are trivial except for ai . It follows easily that 1 Each Ai is a subgroup in G . 2 The bijective map Ji (ai ) = (e1 , . . . , ai , . . . , en ) defines an isomorphism from Ai to Ai . 3 The Ai commute with each other in the sense that xy = yx if x ∈ Ai , y ∈ Aj and i 6= j. Note carefully what 3. does not say : the subgroup Ai need not commute with itself (the case when i = j) unless the group Ai happens to be abelian. 4 Each Ai is a normal subgroup in G . 5 The product set A1 · . . . · An = {x1 . . . xn : xi ∈ Ai , 1 ≤ i ≤ n} is all of G . 6 Every x ∈ G has a unique factorization x = x 1 ·. . .·x n with xi ∈ ai Algebra 1 147 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Direct products of groups Example 1 2 G = (Rn , +) is precisely the direct product group (R × . . . × R, +) made up of n copies of the real line (R, +). G = (Zn , +) is precisely the direct product group (Z × . . . × Z, +) made up of n copies of the group of the integers (Z, +). Let Λ = {a1 u1 + . . . + an un : ai ∈ Z} = Zu1 + . . . + Zun Prove that (Λ, +) is an abelian group isomorphic to (Zn , +). Algebra 1 148 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Direct products of groups Theorem (Internal Direct Product) Let G be a group and A1 , . . . , An subgroups such that (i ) Each Ai is a normal subgroup in G (ii ) The product set A1 · · · An is equal to G . (iii ) Each g ∈ G decomposes uniquely as g = a1 · · · an with ai ∈ Ai . Then G is isomorphic to the direct product group A1 × . . . × An . In particular, elements of Ai and Aj automatically commute if i 6= j. We say that G is the internal direct product of A1 , · · · , and An (Note that (ii) insures the existence of such a factorization while (iii) insures its uniqueness.) Idea for the proof 1 Prove that if i 6= j we have pairwise disjointness Ai ∩ Aj = (e) 2 Deduce that Ai and Aj commute when i 6= j. 3 Prove that the map p : A1 × . . . × An → G is an isomorphism. Algebra 1 149 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Direct products of groups Corollary Let G be a group and A, B two subgroups such that (i ) A and B are normal subgroups in G . (ii ) The product set AB is equal to G . (iii ) A ∩ B = (e). Then G is isomorphic to the direct product A × B under the map p(a, b) = a · b. Remark If you prove that in a group G , you have two subgroup A and B such that satisfying (i), (ii) and (iii). Then you will know that G is isomorphic to the direct product A × B. Algebra 1 150 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Direct products of groups Groups of order 4 Up to isomorphism, describe all groups of order |G | = 4. Solution : We first consider the largest possible order o(b) for an element of G , what are the possibilities for this largest possible order ? Justify. 1 Case 1 : o(b) = 4. Describe G . 2 Case 2 : o(b) = 2. Prove that there exist two distinct elements x and y in G of order 2. Let A =< x > and B =< y >, prove that G is the internal direct product of A and B. Describe G . 3 Are the groups found in case 1 and 2 isomorphic ? Algebra 1 151 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Chinese Remainder Theorem Exercise Here are two systems of congruences x ≡ 5 (mod 3) (a) x ≡ 1 (mod 12) (b) x ≡5 x ≡1 (mod 3) (mod 5) Taking a “bare hands” approach we shall verify that the system (a) has no solutions and that the solutions of (b) are of the form x0 + k · 15 where x0 = 11 and k ∈ Z. Algebra 1 152 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Chinese Remainder Theorem Theorem (Chinese Remainder Theorem) If m, n > 1 are relatively prime, so that gcd(m, n) = 1, then Z/mZ × Z/nZ ∼ = Z/mnZ as additive groups. Furthermore, the system of congruences x ≡ a1 x ≡ a2 (mod m) (mod n) has a solution for every choice of a1 , a2 ∈ Z, and if x0 ∈ Z is one solution the full set of solutions in Z is the congruence class [x0 ]mn = x0 + Zmn. Idea for the proof Define ψ: Z/mnZ [k]mn → 7 → Z/mZ × Z/nZ ([k]m , [k]n ) 1 Prove that ψ is well defined. That is, if [k]mn = [k 0 ]mn , then [k]m = [k 0 ]m and [k]n = [k 0 ]n . 2 Prove that ψ is an isomorphism. 3 Prove that the unique preimage of ([a1 ]m , [a2 ]n ) via ψ is the solution of the congruence equation of the theorem. Algebra 1 153 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Chinese Remainder Theorem Algorithm for Solving the Remainder Problem. If gcd(m, n) = 1 we know that solutions exist and are unique up to an added multiple of mn ; Prove that [x0 ]m = [a1 ]m x0 = a1 + Km ⇔ there exist K , L ∈ Z such that [x0 ]n = [a2 ]n x0 = a2 + Ln Thus x0 = a1 + Km = a2 + Sn which implies a2 − a1 = Km − Ln. Since gcd(m, n) = 1 we can find r , s ∈ Z such that 1 = rm + sn = rm − (−s)n. Multiplying both sides by (a2 − a1 ) yields (a2 − a1 ) = [(a2 − a1 )r ] m − [(a2 − a1 )(−s)] n from which we can read off suitable values for K , L. K = (a2 − a1 )r L = −(a2 − a1 )s A particular solution is then x0 = a1 + Km = a2 + Ln (both values being equal) and the full solution set will be the set x0 + Z/mnZ. Algebra 1 154 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Chinese Remainder Theorem Corollary Z/n1 n2 . . . nr Z ∼ = Z/n1 Z × . . . × Z/nr Z if the ni are pairwise relatively prime (so gcd(ni , nj ) = 1 if i 6= j) Idea for the proof Use induction. Algebra 1 155 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Chinese Remainder Theorem Corollary If n1 , . . . , nr are pairwise relatively prime, with gcd(ni , nj ) = 1 for i 6= j, use induction on r to prove that Un1 n2 ∼ = Un1 × . . . × Unr and |Un1 n2 | = |Un1 | · . . . · |Unr | Idea for the proof Prove that a unit is sent to a unit via ψ and thus ψ induces(Umn , · ) ∼ = (Um , · ) × (Un , · ) and use induction. Algebra 1 156 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Semi-direct product) Proposition (Internal semi direct product) Let G be a group and N, H two subgroups such that (i ) N is normal in G (iii ) N ∩ H = (e) (ii ) NH = G Then, each g ∈ G has a unique factorization as g = nh, so there is a natural bijection between G and the Cartesian product set N × H. The group action H × N → N via conjugation operators φh (n) = hnh−1 in Aut (N) determines the following group operation in the Cartesian product set N × H. 0 0 0 0 (n, h) ∗ (n , h ) = (nφh (n ) , hh ) 0 0 for n, n ∈ N and h, h ∈ H (17) This operation makes the Cartesian product set into a group, and the product map p(n, h) = nh becomes an isomorphism from (N × H, ∗ ) to the original group G . If the condition of the previous theorem are satisfied, we say that G is the internal semidirect product of the subgroups N and H, which we indicate by writing G = N×|H or N×|φ H to distinguish it from the direct product N × H. Of course if the action H × N → N is trivial, as when the subgroups H and N commute (so that φh = id N for all h ∈ H), then the semidirect product reduces to the ordinary direct Algebra 1 157 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Semi-direct product) Idea for the proof 1 2 Prove first that (N × H, ∗ ) is a group. Closure is clear, associativity is annoying to prove but not hard. Prove that the identity element is (e, e) and the inverse of an element (n, h) ∈ N × H is (φh−1 (n−1 ), h−1 ). Prove then that p is an isomorphism. Algebra 1 158 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Semi-direct product Theorem (External semi direct product) Given abstract groups N, H and a homomorphism Φ : H → Aut (N), define the binary operation on the Cartesian product set G = N × H : (n, h)∗(n0 , h0 ) = (nφh (n0 ) , hh0 ) for all n, n0 ∈ N and h, h0 ∈ H (18) where φh = Φ(h) ∈ Aut (N). Then (G , ∗) is a group, the external semidirect product, which we denote by N×|φ H. The identity element is (eN , eH ) and the inverse of an element (n, h) ∈ N × H is (n, h)−1 = (φh−1 (n−1 ), h−1 ) The subsets N = {(n, eN ) : n ∈ N} and H = {(eH , h) : h ∈ H} are subgroups in G that are isomorphic to N and H. They satisfy the conditions N ·H = G , N ∩ H = {(eN , eH )}, and N is normal in G . Thus G is the internal semidirect product of these subgroups. Algebra 1 159 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Internal semi-direct product Example (The Dihedral Groups Dn ) These groups of order |Dn | = 2n, defined for n ≥ 2, are the full symmetry groups of regular n-gons. Let θ = 2π/n radians, and define the basic symmetry operations ρθ σ = (counterclockwise rotation about the origin by θ radians) = (reflection across the x-axis) The dihedral group Dn is the subgroup Dn = hρθ , σi generated by ρθ and σ in the group O(2) of linear isometries (distance-preserving transformations) of the plane. Obviously N = hρθ i is a cyclic subgroup isomorphic to Z/nZ and H = hσi is a copy of Z/2Z embedded in Dn . Show that N is normal and Dn is the semidirect product N×|H. Note that Dn is fully define as follow : Dn =< σ, ρ > with o(σ) = 2, o(ρ) = n and σρσ = σρσ −1 = ρ−1 Algebra 1 160 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Semi-direct product Example (The Group of Affine Mappings Aff(V)) The affine mappings on a finite dimensional vector space V are the bijective maps of the form T (v ) = A(v ) + a where A is a bijective linear map and a ∈ V The set of all those affine mapping is denoted as Aff (V ) and it is a group under composition. Within G = Aff (V ) we find two natural subgroups Translations : N = {ta : a ∈ V }. This subgroup is abelian, normal and the map j : a 7→ ta is an isomorphism between (V , +). Invertible Linear Operators : H = GL(V ) = {A|A : V → V is a bijective linear map}. Prove that Aff (V ) is the semi direct product N×|φ H. Algebra 1 161 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Semidirect products Z/nZ o Z/mZ Proposition If Φ : (Z/mZ, +) → (Un , · ) is the homomorphism that sends the generator a = [1]m of Z/mZ to an element b = [r ]n in Un that satisfies the compatibility condition b m = [1]n , then the group operation in the semidirect product Z/nZ×|Z/mZ takes the form ([i]n , [j]m ) · ([k]n , [`]m ) = ([i + r j k]n , [j + `]m ) (19) Idea of the proof : In order to determine all the possible external semi-direct product of Z/nZ o Z/mZ it is enough to determine all the homomorphism Φ : Z/mZ → Aut (Z/nZ). 1 Why finding a homomorphism Φ : Z/mZ → Aut (Z/nZ) is equivalent to finding a homomorphism Φ̃ : (Z/mZ, +) → (Un , · ) ? 2 Explain why such a homomorphism is defined sending the generator a = [1]m of Z/mZ to an element b = [r ]n in Un that satisfies the compatibility condition b m = [1]n . 3 Describe the homomorphism Φ : Z/mZ → Aut (Z/nZ) corresponding to Φ̃. 4 Describe the group operation define by [r ]n . Algebra 1 162 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Group of order 6 Group of order 6 Let G be an arbitrary group of order |G | = 6. 1 What are the possible order for subgroup of G ? 2 Why subgroups of G of order 2 and 3 exist ? Denote H 3 a subgroup of G of order 3 and H2 a subgroup of G of order 2. 3 To which well known groups are isomorphic H 3 and H2 ? 4 Is H 3 necessary normal in G ? What about H2 ? 5 Prove that H ∩ H = {e} and G = H H . 2 3 2 3 6 Prove that G is a semi direct product of H 2 and H3 . 7 Describe all the possible external semi direct product Z/3Z o Z/2Z. 8 Deduce all the possible group of order 6 up to isomorphism ? How many are there ? Which ones are commutative ? Find Z/6Z, D3 and S3 . Algebra 1 163 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Semi direct product Z/5Z×|Z/3Z 1 2 3 Determine the group of units (U5 , · ) and its isomorphism type. Find all possible homomorphisms Φ : (Z/3Z, +) → (U5 , · ). Describe the possible semidirect products G = Z/5Z×|Z/3Z. Algebra 1 164 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Semi direct product Z/9Z×|Z/3Z 1 2 3 Determine the group of units (U9 , · ) and its isomorphism type. Find all possible homomorphisms Φ : (Z/3Z, +) → (U9 , · ). Describe the possible semidirect products G = Z/9Z×|Z/3Z. Algebra 1 165 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Group extensions Exact sequence Suppose N C G is a normal subgroup. Then there is a natural exact sequence of homomorphisms φ1 =id φ2 =π e −→ N −−−−−−→ G −−−−−−→ H = G /N −→ e (20) where π : G → G /N is the quotient map. Here “exact” means range(φi−1 ) = ker (φi ) at every step in the sequence. The middle group G in this exact sequence is called an extension of the group G /N by the group N. Algebra 1 166 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Group extensions Definition Let G be a group and N a normal subgroup, as in φ1 =id φ2 =π e −→ N −−−−−−→ G −−−−−−→ H = G /N −→ e A subgroup H is a cross-section for G /N if each coset in G /N meets the set H in a single point ; in particular, H ∩ N = (e). If such a subgroup exists we say that the exact sequence splits. Such subgroups are generally not unique. The idea of the cross section is that Every coset C in G /N has a unique representative x (i.e. xN = C ) such that x lies in the cross-section subgroup H. In particular H ∼ = G /N for any cross-section. In effect, cross-sections H are copies of the quotient group G /N embedded back inside G . Algebra 1 167 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Group extensions Lemma Let G be a group, H a subgroup and N a normal subgroup. Then the following statements are equivalent (a) The product set NH is equal to G and N ∩ H = (e) (b) Each g ∈ G has a unique factorization g = nh with n ∈ N, h ∈ H. (c) H is a cross-section for G /N cosets These conditions are satisfied precisely when the previous exact sequence splits, and then we have H ∼ = G /N. Algebra 1 168 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Group extensions Example If we take G = R and N = Z, the extension e → Z → R → G /N → e does not split, so G is not a semidirect product of N and another subgroup H. To see why, prove that G /N is isomorphic to the circle group S 1 = {z ∈ C : |z| = 1}. Arguing by contradiction, we now show that no subgroup H in R can cross-section the cosets x + Z in R/Z. Suppose such an H actually exists. Consider any rational value 0 < θ < 1. 1 Prove that there is x ∈ H such that x − θ ∈ Z, 2 Explain why there is a m such that mθ ∈ Z. 3 Deduce that φ(mx) = φ(mθ) = 1. 4 Explain why, the restricted homomorphism φ : H → S 1 is a H bijection. 5 Deduce that x = 0 and the contradiction. Algebra 1 169 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Sylow theorem Definition Qr Let G be a nontrivial finite group whose order has n = i=1 pini as its prime factorization. A subgroup H ⊆ G is a pi -group if its order is some power of pi . It is a Sylow pi -subgroup if its order is as large as possible, namely |H| = pini . For any prime p > 1 we write Syl p (G ) to indicate the collection of all Sylow p-subgroups in G . Unless p is a divisor of |G | this collection will be empty ; otherwise Syl p (G ) might contain several distinct Sylow p-subgroups for each divisor p. Algebra 1 170 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Sylow theorem Remark In analyzing the structure of groups, special interest attaches to the p-groups, for which |G | = p k , so it is worth noting that A finite group G is a p-group ⇔ the order of each element is a power of p. Algebra 1 171 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Sylow theorem lemma Let X be a finite set acted on by p-group G . Let X G = Fix G (X ) = {x ∈ X : g · x = x, all g ∈ G } be the set of G -fixed points in X . Then |X G | ≡ |X | (mod p). In particular fixed points must exist if |X | 6≡ 0 (mod p). Idea of the proof |X | = |X ∼ X G | + |X G | Prove that |X ∼ X G | is the disjoint union of non trivial orbits and conclude. Algebra 1 172 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Sylow theorem The Sylow theorems Qr Let G be a nontrivial finite group of order n = i=1 pini . Then for each prime factor pi n 1 G contains a subgroup Sp that has exactly p i elements. i i 2 If S pi is a fixed Sylow pi -subgroup, any subgroup H whose order is a power of pi can be conjugated to lie within Spi – i.e. there is some g ∈ G such that gHg −1 ⊆ Sp . In particular all Sylow pi -subgroups are conjugates of one another. 3 The number of distinct Sylow p -subgroups is equal to 1 + mp for i i some m, so their number is congruent to 1 (mod pi ). The number of pi -Sylow subgroups must also be a divisor of |G |. For each prime divisor p > 1, all the Sylow p-subgroups are isomorphic since they are conjugates. If p k is the largest power dividing n, one can generalize the Sylow theorems to prove that there exist subgroups of order p r for every 1 ≤ r ≤ k. Algebra 1 173 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Sylow theorem The Sylow theorems Qr Let G be a nontrivial finite group of order n = i=1 pini . Then for each prime factor pi , G contains a subgroup Spi that has exactly pini elements. Idea of the proof We start with the abelian case, working by induction on n = |G | with n > 1. Prove the theorem for n = 2. So, we may assume n > 2 and p > 1 is one of its prime divisors, say with p k the largest power dividing n and suppose that the theorem is true for all the groups of order strictly less than n. 1 Prove that G contains a subgroup H of order p and that if k = 1, we are done. 2 Suppose k > 1. Prove that p k−1 ||G /H| and construct a Sylow group using the induction assumption For general groups G , we argue again by induction on n = |G |, and again the case n = 2 is trivial (not to mention abelian).So, assume n > 2 and that p > 1 is a prime divisor whose largest power in n is p k and suppose that the theorem is true for all the groups of order strictly less than n. 1 If there is a nontrivial class Cx such that |ZG (x)| is divisible by p k , conclude for the theorem by induction. 2 If there is no such a class, deduce that p||Z (G )|. Take a Sylow p-group Hp for the center. Consider G /Hp and deduce the theorem by induction. Algebra 1 174 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Sylow theorem The Sylow theorems Qr Let G be a nontrivial finite group of order n = i=1 pini . Then if Spi is a fixed Sylow pi -subgroup, any subgroup H whose order is a power of pi can be conjugated to lie within Spi – i.e. there is some g ∈ G such that gHg −1 ⊆ Sp . In particular all Sylow pi -subgroups are conjugates of one another. Idea of the proof What if |G | = p m ? Suppose now that |G | = n with n = p k m with gcd(m, p k ). Fix a Sylow p-group Sp and let H be a subgroup whose order is a power of p. Consider the permutation action H × X → X on the coset space X = G /Sp . Deduce from the previous lemma on fix points that this action has a fix point and conclude. Algebra 1 175 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Sylow theorem The Sylow theorems Qr Let G be a nontrivial finite group of order n = i=1 pini . Then, the number of distinct Sylow pi -subgroups is equal to 1 + mpi for some m, so their number is congruent to 1 (mod pi ). The number of pi -Sylow subgroups must also be a divisor of |G |. Idea of the proof 1 We fix a Sylow p-subgroup Sp and look at the group action Sp × X → X of Sp by conjugation on the set X = Syl p of all Sylow p-groups in G . Is the action transitive ? Give a fix point for this action and prove it is unique. (Hint : For uniqueness : Prove that Sp ⊆ N := NG (H). Deduce that there is n ∈ N such that Sp = nHn−1 , and conclude) Deduce that |X | ≡ 1 mod p. 2 Let P be any base point in Syl p (G ) and consider the action G × Syl p → Syl p . Prove it is transitive. and deduced that |G |||Sylp |, using StabG (P). Algebra 1 176 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Sylow theorem Remark By the Sylow theorem, a Sylow p-subgroup is normal in G if and only if there is just one such subgroup. Sometimes we can determine when this happens, and a lot can be learned about the pattern of Sylow subgroups by looking at intersections of conjugates Sp ∩ gSp g −1 with Lagrange and the Sylow theorems (part 3) in mind. Indeed, the number of pi -Sylow N has to divide |G | and be of the form 1 + mpi . This gives constraint on N which together with consider the union of all p-Sylow and it possible cardinality might lead to contradiction and permit us to conclude the uniqueness of the p-Sylow. Algebra 1 177 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Sylow theorem Theorem A finite abelian Qr group is isomorphic to a direct product Sp1 × . . . × Spr where n = i=1 pini is the prime decomposition of the order n = |G | and Spi is the unique Sylow pi -subgroup in G of order pini . This direct product decomposition is canonical : the subgroups Spi are uniquely determined, as are the primes pi and their exponents ni . Warning : The components Spi need not be cyclic groups. (Think about groups of order 4, for instance). Idea of the proof 1 Why all the Sylow subgroup have to be normal ? 2 Use induction in r and counting principle, to prove that G = Sp1 · · · Spr . 3 Note to check the uniqueness of the factorization of g into a product of elements on the Sylow subgroups, one can show that e = a1 · · · ar with ai ∈ Spi implies ai = e for all i ∈ {1, · · · , r }. Why ? Prove it. 4 Prove that G is the internal direct product of it Sylow subgroups. Algebra 1 178 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Sylow theorem Theorem Let G be a nontrivial finite group and let S be the subgroup generated by all the Sylow subgroups in G : [ S= h {H : H ∈ Syl pi (G ), 1 ≤ i ≤ r } i where the pi > 1 are the prime divisors of |G |. Then S is all of G . Idea of the proof When G is abelian the result has already been proven. We argue by induction on n = |G |. The result is trivial when n = 2 why ? So we may assume that n > 2 and that the theorem is true for all groups of order at most n − 1. Suppose by contradiction, S 6= G , there exist elements a ∈ / S. Consider the cyclic sugroup of G M =< a > and denote by m its cardinality. 1 Which prime appear in the factorization of m into prime ? 2 Let p be one of those prime suppose that p n |||G |. What can you say about the order of a p-Sylow in M. 3 Deduce that such a subgroup for M has to be contained on one of the Sylow p-subgroups for G . 4 Deduce that the product of all the Sylow subgroup of M is in S and deduce a contradiction using the abelian case. Algebra 1 179 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Sylow theorem Study of group of order 12 Let G be a group of order 12. 1 Describe the Sylow subgroup of G . 2 Why 2-Sylow subgroup and 3 Sylow subgroups exist ? Denote H 2 a 2-sylow subgroup for G and H3 a 3-Sylow subgroup for G . 3 Describe H 2 and H3 up to isomorphism. 4 Why H ∩ H = {e} and G = H H ? 2 3 2 3 5 How many 2-Sylow subgroups can we have ? How many 3-Sylow subgroups can we have ? 6 Using a counting argument and the union of 3-Sylow subgroups, prove either H3 or H2 has to be a normal subgroup. 7 Deduce that G is an internal semi direct product either H o H 2 3 or H3 o H2 . Algebra 1 180 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Sylow theorem Study of group of order 12 Let G be a group of order 12. 1 First, suppose H3 is normal and H4 ' Z/4Z. Determine all the semidirect products of the form Z/3Z o Z/4Z. 2 Now, suppose H 3 is normal and H4 ' Z/2Z × Z/2Z. Determine all the semidirect products of the form Z/3Z o (Z/2Z × Z/2Z). For this determine all possible homomorphism Φ : Z/2Z × Z/2Z → Aut (Z/3Z). 3 Suppose H ' Z/4Z is normal. Determine all the semidirect products 4 of the form Z/4Z o Z/3Z. 4 Suppose H ' (Z/2Z × Z/2Z) is normal. Determine all the 4 semidirect products of the form (Z/2Z × Z/2Z) o Z/3Z. Algebra 1 181 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Sylow theorem Study of group of order 12 : Study of the case H3 is normal and H4 ' Z/2Z × Z/2Z. Determine all the semidirect products of the form Z/3Z o (Z/2Z × Z/2Z). For this determine all possible homomorphism Φ : Z/2Z × Z/2Z → Aut (Z/3Z). We use multiplicative notation and write H2 = {u i v j : i, j ∈ Z/2Z} = {e, u, v , uv } H3 = {e, a, a2 } 1 2 3 with u 2 = v 2 = (uv )2 = e with a3 = e Prove that we have either the trivial morphism or Φ(e) = Φ(u) = I and φ(v ) = J (Inversion map J : ai → a−i on H3 ) Deduce that we have either a direct product or the group law is given by j (ak , u i v j ) ? (a` , u r v s ) = (ak+(−1) ` , u i+r v j+s ) Prove that the later case is D6 . (Hint : Prove that N = H3 · < u > is a cyclic normal subgroup of G and that G is a semi direct product No < v > and if ρ = au and σ = v then σρσ −1 = ρ−1 .) Algebra 1 182 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Sylow theorem Study of group of order 12 : Study of the case H2 ' Z/2Z × Z/2Z is normal. Determine all the semidirect products of the form (Z/2Z × Z/2Z)Z o Z/3Z. For this determine all possible homomorphism Φ : Z/3Z → Aut (Z/2Z × Z/2Z). Important insight is achieved if we relabel elements of H2 = {u i v j : i, j ∈ Z/2Z} as x0 = e, x1 = u, x2 = v , x3 = uv Observe that xi2 = e and xi xi+1 = xi+2 = xi−1 for 1 ≤ i ≤ 3 when subscripts are reckoned (mod 3). (Thus for instance, x1 x2 = uv = x3 , x2 x3 = v · uv = u = x1 etc.) 1 Prove that Aut (Z/2Z × Z/2Z) = S3 . 2 Prove that Φ([1]) = σ with σ 3 = Id . Thus we have two cases. 3 Suppose Φ(a) = (1, 2, 3), Φ(a)(e) = e 4 Φ(a)(u) = v , Φ(a)(v ) = uv , k Φ(a)(uv ) = u Φ(a) xi = xi+k The group law is given by : i j k r s ` i j k r s (u v , a ) ? (u v , a ) = (u v · Φ(a) (u v ) , a k+` (21) ) and k ` = (e, a ` = (e · Φ(a) (xi ) , a = (xi+k , a ` = (xi · Φ(a) (e) , a ` = (xi · Φ(a) (xj ) , a (e, a ) ? (e, a ) k (e, a ) ? (xi , a ) k (xi , a ) ? (e, a ) k (xi , a ) ? (xj , a ) 5 Prove that this group is isomorphic to A4 . k+` ) k k+` k k k+` ) k+` ) = (xi , a ) k+` k+` ) ) = (xi xj+k , a k+` ) Algebra 1 183 / 17 Contents MOTIVATION Permutation Sylow theorem Study of group of order 8 Let G be a group of order 8. We argue about the possible of the center Z = Z (G ). 1 If |Z | = 8 then G is abelian. Prove that G is isomorphic to Z/8Z, Z/4Z × Z/2Z, or Z/2Z × Z/2Z × Z/2Z. (Hint : argue in term of maximal order). 2 If |Z | = 4, prove that G /Z is cyclic and deduce that G is abelian and deduce a contradiction. 3 if |Z | = 2. Prove that we must have an element x of order 4. Let N =< x >. Why N is normal ? So we have the exact sequence : e −→ N ∼ = Z/4Z −→ G −→ Q = G /N ∼ = Z/2Z −→ e If it split prove that G ' D4 if not prove that G is the group of unit quaternions Q8 = {±1, ±i, ±j, ±k} in which the elements ±1 are central, −i = (−1)i, . . . , −k = (−1)k and 2 (−1) = 1 2 2 2 i = j = k = ijk = −1 from which we get other familiar relations such as ij = k = −ji, jk = i = −kj, and ki = j = −ik. Algebra 1 184 / 17