Power of Probability Principle of Maximum Likelihood Weighted Averages Linear Least Squares Fitting Lecture # 6 Physics 2BL Summer 2015 Principle of Maximum Likelihood • Best estimates of X and s from N measurements (x1 - xN) are those for which ProbX,s (xi) is a maximum Clicker Question 8 Upon flipping a coin three times, what are the chances of three heads in a row? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 1 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.0625 Clicker Question 8.5 What are the chances that two people in this room have a Birthday within one day of someone else? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) > 80% 60 - 80% 40 - 60% 20 - 40% < 20% Yagil Yagil Yagil Weighted averages (Chapter 7) Yagil Weighted averages • X=x= • swav = where wi = 1 s i2 Yagil Clicker Question 9 Two measurements of the speed of sound give the answers: uA = (332 ± 1) m/s and uB = (339 ± 3) m/s. What is the random chance of getting two results that is this difference ? (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 2% 3% 4% 8% 40% Clicker Question 10 Two measurements of the speed of sound give the answers: uA = (332 ± 1) m/s and uB = (339 ± 3) m/s. What is the best estimate (weighted mean)? (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 336.5 ± 2 m/s 336 ± 2 m/s 336.5 ± 0.9 m/s 332.7 ± 0.9 m/s 333 ± 2 m/s b) Best estimate is the weighted mean: Linear Relationships: y = A + Bx (Chapter 8) 8 Slope = 1.01 Y value • Data would lie on a straight line, except for errors • What is ‘best’ line through the points? • What is uncertainty in constants? • How well does the relationship describe the data? 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 X Value 6 8 Analytical Fit 8 Slope = 1.01 ± 0.01 Y value • Best means ‘minimize the square of the deviations between line and points’ • Can use error analysis to find constants, error 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 X Value 6 8 The Details of How to Do This (Chapter 8) y A Bx • Want to find A, B that y minimize difference deviation yi of yi between data and line • Since line above some yi y yi A Bx i data, below other, N 2 (y A Bx ) minimize sum of i i i1 squares of deviations y i AN B x i 0 • Find A, B that A minimize this sum 2 B x i y i A x i B x i 0 Finding A and B y i AN B x i 0 A 2 x i y i A x i B x i 0 B • After minimization, solve equations for A and B • Looks nasty, not so bad… • See Taylor, example 8.1 A B 2 x i yi xi xi yi N xi yi xi yi N xi 2 x 2 i Uncertainty in Measurements of y N • Before, measure 1 2 sx (x x ) i several times and take N i1 standard deviation as error in y • Can’t now, since yi’s N 1 2 (y A Bx ) are different quantities s y i i N 2 i1 • Instead, find standard deviation of deviations Uncertainty in A and B • A, B are calculated from xi, yi • Know error in xi, yi ; use error propagation to find error in A, B • A distant extrapolation will be subject to large uncertainty sA sy sB sy 2 x i N N xi 2 x 2 i Uncertainty in x • So far, assumed negligible uncertainty in x • If uncertainty in x, not y, just switch them • If uncertainty in both, convert error in x to error in y, then add errors equivalent error in y actual error in x y Bx s y (equiv) Bs x s y (equiv) s y 2 Bs x 2 Other Functions y Ae Bx • Convert to linear • Can now use least squares fitting to get ln A and B ln y ln A Bx Experiment 3 • Goals: Test model for damping • Model of a shock absorber in car • Procedure: develop and demonstrate critically damped system • check out setup, take data, do data make sense? • Write up results - Does model work under all conditions, some conditions? Need modification? Simple Harmonic Motion x x0 3 dipslacement • Spring provides linear restoring force Mass on a spring is a harmonic oscillator 2 x 0 1 0 -1 F kx d2x m 2 kx dt x(t) x0 cos t -2 -3 0 10 20 30 time T 2 40 50 60 k m Damped SHM • Consider both position and velocity dependant forces • Behavior depends on how much damping occurs during one ‘oscillation’ b k b 2 . x x 0 exp t cost 2 2m m 4m d 2x dx m 2 kx b dt dt b k b 2 x x0 exp t exp it 2 2m m 4m or 22 b b k b k exp tt xx xx00 exp 22 22m 4m mm m 4 m Relative Damping Strength: Weak damping b k b 2 . x x 0 exp t cost 2 2m m 4m dipslacement 3 b2 k 4m2 m 2 1 0 6 -1 4 position weak damping 2 -2 0 0 -2 2 4 6 (underdamped) -4 -6 t ime 8 10 0 100 200 300 400 time 500 600 Relative Damping Strength: Strong damping b2 k 4m 2 m strong damping 3 dipslacement 2 b b k t x x0 exp 2 2m 4 m m 2 1 0 0 (overdamped) 5 10 15 time 20 25 Relative Damping Strength: Critical damping b2 k 2 4m m critical damping t 3 dipslacement 2 b k b x x0 exp 2 2m m 4 m 2 1 0 -100 bcrit = 2 mk 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 time Comparison of the various types of damping dipslacement 3 overdamped critically damped 2 1 0 -1 underdamped -2 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 time Terminal Velocity For velocity: . y(t) = vt[1 - e-(b/m)t] Experimental Setup for Falling Mass and Drag How do you measure velocity? Plotting Graphs Give each graph a title Determine independent and dependent variables Determine boundaries Include error bars Demonstrate critical damping: show convincing evidence that critical damping was achieved • Demonstrate that damping is critical – No oscillations (overshoot) – Shortest time to return to equilibrium position Remember • Write-up for Experiment # 3 • Homework Taylor #8.6, 8.10 – Last assignment • Read Taylor Chapter 12