University of California at San Diego LABORATORY MANUAL for PHYSICS 2CL Electricity and Magnetism Waves and Optics Section I: Introduction to Course This course is intended to provide some basic familiarity with experimental techniques as applied to electromagnetism, optics, and waves. In the first phase, a series of four experiments are used to show how simple circuits are designed, constructed and tested using items of standard laboratory equipment such as the oscilloscope and signal generator, and procedures for measuring time dependent voltages are developed. This type of experience gives insight into the methods of research used in many labs and is essential to the development of good experimental practice. It also has a practical reward in that it should provide some background of understanding for connecting up or debugging other commonly used items of electronic equipment such as stereo systems. The second phase involves experiments with wave phenomenon, such as demonstrations of refraction, diffraction, and interference effects using microwaves and lasers light. Techniques for measuring magnetic fields are explored in another experiment. An experiment using lenses and the human eye demonstrates with simple equipment how lenses form images and how the human eye functions. Finally, the relationship between mechanical energy and heat can be also studied. Experimental physics requires careful measurements of a variety of phenomena, and in all measurements there is some limitation on the precision, or accuracy of the quantity being determined. No physical measurement whose result is in the form of a quoted number is complete without an understanding and analysis of the uncertainties associated with the measurement. A statement of the result of an experiment is incomplete without a statement of its precision or accuracy. This course therefore emphasizes error analysis. In many experiments several error analysis techniques are possible and the judgment of the experimenter is required to determine which is appropriate for the particular result. This course assumes a previous or current lecture course in which the foundations of electromagnetism, optics and waves are developed in a cohesive manner. Because of the nature of this laboratory, and its conduct (including limited sets of apparatus), it is not possible to "key" the experiments of a lecture course. While some of the background for the experiments is developed in each description, outside reading or review in a calculus-level introductory physics text may be needed, first to understand the role of the experiment or measurement in the context of electromagnetism or optics, and second for the "theory" relevant to the particular experiment. Throughout this course we will use the metric (MKS or SI) system, the basic units being length (meter), mass (kilogram), and time (second). Familiarity with the metric system is assumed. On occasion, however, we will make measurements, or express results, in terms of the related cgs system, which is also used extensively in the scientific literature. Here the units are length (centimeters), mass (grams), and time (seconds). Engineering in this country is increasingly being done in MKS units; eventually the rest of the society will follow. We may occasionally use an English unit such as the inch or lb in the discussion of an experiment; however all work and calculation are of course to be accomplished in the metric system. The mechanical, electromagnetic, and thermodynamic quantities are related through the definitions of current (Amperes) and temperature (Kelvin or centigrade) in the SI system. The derived electromagnetic quantities, Potential (Volts), Charge (Coulombs), and Magnetic Field (Tesla), are assumed to be familiar as they are used in all scientific, engineering, and practical work. The goals of this course are therefore to: 1) Perform certain experiments that illustrate the foundations of electromagnetism and optics. 2) Develop the experimental approach as a method of inquiry, upon which all physical science is based. 3) Illustrate the use of modern techniques to improve measurements. 4) Understand, quantitatively if possible, the uncertainties or errors in the measured physical quantities as determined by limitations of technique. There are a number of methodologies that are needed in order to succeed in these experiments. The following sections describe some of these, including data taking and notebook technique, errors and error analysis, graphing and presentation of data, electrical circuit conventions, and electronic test and measuring equipment. Important Note: A separate syllabus for the course is handed out in class and contains a schedule, course requirements and information on other features of the course. If there are conflicts between that syllabus and this manual, the syllabus is the final word. Section II: Laboratory Notebooks and Reports Results obtained in research must be documented. Most researchers keep a notebook in which results are entered as they are obtained. The object of research is to communicate new information to other research workers and to society as a whole; this requires the writing of complete and understandable reports. An important part of the laboratory course is to learn to adopt these procedures and make them a permanent part of your own way of working. To help you with this, you are required to: 1) Maintain laboratory notebooks for use during the performance of each experiment. 2) Write a brief report in your laboratory notebook for most experiments and a full formal report on one or two of the experiments. The instructor will announce at the beginning of the quarter for which experiments a formal report is required. The formats of a laboratory notebook and a formal report are very different. We discuss each of these below. 1. Laboratory Notebook and Brief Reports The laboratory notebook is a log of all activities during the performance of an experiment and the analysis of the data. You want to be able to reconstruct a few days or weeks later what happened during the performance of the experiment. This is especially important if you find some problem in the analysis stage of your experiment. The hard thing to learn is to make sure that all necessary information is entered. The notebook is by no means neat and will normally contain crossed out words, sentences, sections or pages. Some people find this hard to accept and choose to either write their initial data on separate sheets for later transfer to the notebook or they enter the data in pencil in the notebook so that it can be erased if necessary. Both procedures are wrong. The data taken is a permanent part of the record of performing an experiment, especially if an error was made that was later corrected. Therefore, all information is entered in the notebook in ink. You want to avoid making an error and not realize it. It is clear that it is very suspicious when a notebook looks particularly clean and neat. It is obviously necessary that the text in the notebook is readable. You can achieve this by writing on alternate pages during the performance of the experiment. The blank space can then be used later for annotations, graphs, or more calculations. Here are some guidelines for the laboratory notebook: n Leave the first two pages of the notebook for a table of contents. n Begin the text in the notebook for each experiment with its title and number, the date, and the name of your lab partner, if any. n State briefly the objective of the experiment. Five sentences or less are usually sufficient. n Enter all data in your notebook in ink, using a kind that is not prone to smudge. A number alone is meaningless, without a description, appropriate units, and an associated estimate of uncertainty. Label each column in data tables and give units. n Make clear diagrams of the overall experimental setup and all relevant circuits. Note the geometry, dimensions, settings of the apparatus, and conditions under which the results were obtained. n Use graphs to display experimental results, including labeled axes and plot points. 2. n Justify the choice of plot. A sentence like “We expect the voltage V to decay exponentially with time so plot logV (voltage) vs. t (time) to obtain a straight line”is all you need; n Give the graph a title; n Label your axes and put the units (e.g. sec) in parentheses next to the axis name; n Put error bars on the experimental points; n If you are fitting (comparing) some mathematical expression (the fitting function) to experimental points, then include the fitting function on the graph. Also include any fitting parameters with their uncertainties (errors). Finally, graph the fitting function through your experimental points and include in your report a succinct comment on the agreement between fitting function and experimental data, i.e. goodness of the fit. n Show how you converted the measurements into the final derived quantities. Do an error analysis on the results by using the rules for propagation of errors. A single example of each type of calculation is sufficient. If feasible, the results of calculations and accompanying errors should be presented in the form of tables. n State results and comment on them including their (dis)agreement with accepted values. If your report requires a comparison between an experimental result and some expectation, then make a quantitative statement. Simply writing two results (numbers and their uncertainties) next to each other and making a remark like “they ’ re almost the same”is not sufficient Formal Laboratory Reports The formal report is meant to provide experience at communicating the results of an experiment. The intended audience is your colleagues who have not done the experiment and have not read about it. You should assume that they have had the same courses as you and are equally familiar (or unfamiliar) with the theory. Reports are the primary method by which scientific knowledge is disseminated; but writing a readable report requires considerable effort (as you will notice) and practice (that’ s the idea here). Clear and concise writing is an essential element in a useful report so that reports are limited in length to no more than five pages of double-spaced typewritten text (not including figures and tables). Handwritten reports are not acceptable. Note that Greek symbols and equations may be added by hand, if you keep it neat. Graphs, diagrams, and data tables should be individually labeled (e.g. Figure 1, Table 1); they may be on separate pages, and are not part of the 5-page limit. Cut and paste procedures for tables and figures are acceptable. Reports that are shorter than the 5-page limit, and convey all of the necessary information, will receive the highest grades. The formal report should have the following elements: n Title Page. Include the experiment title, your name and institution, the date, and a succinct, well-written abstract. (You might want to consult a research journal in the library to get an idea about how to write an abstract.) In general, the abstract briefly states what you did, summarizes the principal results, and mentions the work’ s significance, if any. Do not exceed 150 words. n Introduction. Write an overall description of the experiment and state briefly, in your own words, the principal objectives. n Theory. Briefly review the theory behind the experiment and include the theory’ s numerical predications. The measurement results will be compared to the predictions of the theory. n Experiment. Describe the experimental apparatus and the measurement procedure. Use diagrams to make this section absolutely clear. Neatly hand-drawn diagrams are as acceptable as computer-generated ones. The reader should be able to understand clearly and quickly your procedure and the tools (apparatus) you assembled to accomplish your objectives. 3. n Results. This section should be divided into two parts. Present the data in tabular form with explanatory text. State units. n Present the raw data transferred from your laboratory notebook. Use tables, graphs, etc and pay attention to organization and clarity. You have already mastered this in your brief reports, so just keep up the good work; n Analysis of raw data. Here is the place to convert the raw data into final results. Do an error analysis on the results. Example calculations of relevant error analyses are performed as required. Use tables and graphs to maximize clarity and brevity. n Discussion and Conclusions. Summarize the results in a brief quantitative discussion of their agreement (or disagreement) with the theoretically predicted values or other accepted values. Avoid repeating what you may already have stated in the Results section. Course Procedures Please consult the syllabus for information not found below. You are asked to include some information in the laboratory notebook that is not mentioned above. This information is necessary to administer the class and would not normally be part of a laboratory notebook. All experiments will be documented in the two laboratory notebooks. Each notebook is a bound, quadrille-ruled 7 7/8" x 10 1/8" record book. The course name and number, your name, section ID, and lab assistant's name must be on the outside cover of each. Maintain an index on the first page of each notebook giving the week number, experiment number and page number. If the experiment is performed with a partner, make sure to share all aspects of doing the experiment. For example, do not have one partner perform the measurements while the other only writes in the notebook. At the end of the laboratory session, all data should be transferred from one notebook to the other so that both contain a complete record. The notes in both notebooks might be very similar at this stage. However, work added in the notebook outside the classroom must be your own. Prior to leaving the lab you should show your work to your TA, who will sign it if he or she determines that you have completed all necessary work. In most cases, this should include computer printouts of plots of your data and curves you have fit to it. After you leave the laboratory you will perform any additional analysis that is needed to complete the work. Most labs are to be reported in a “brief format”which includes only a description of your analysis of the data and a statement of your conclusions about the results of the measurements. These brief reports must be written in the lab book as described above. Do not exceed two handwritten pages of text after the signature of the TA. The required brevity of the reports is an indication of the limited time that we wish you to spend on the report and a requirement that you organize your thoughts carefully so as to write concisely and accurately After performing an experiment, the notebook that contains its data, analysis, and results must be handed in to your TA a week later on the same day of the week. If a report is required on that experiment, it is due at the same time as the notebook. The TA will grade your notebook and short report and return the notebook to you a week after you handed it in, again on the same day of the week. Because you will do another experiment in the interim, the second notebook must be used for it. Thus you alternate between the two notebooks; one is with your TA for grading, the other is in use by you. You must carefully prepare yourself for each experiment by reading the laboratory manual and reviewing the theory before coming to class. The need for advance preparation can not be overstated. Unprepared students will have a negative learning experience, place a heavier demand on the TA at the expense of the other students in the class and will usually have trouble finishing the experiment on time. Therefore the TA may ask unprepared students to leave the class. The TA will initial the notebook when you leave the class at the end of the session. Outside class you are to complete calculations, error analysis, and graphing. A page limit of two pages beyond the TA's signature is enforced. This is to discourage you from spending excessive amounts of time at home adding unnecessary material in hopes of obtaining a higher grade by turning the laboratory notebook into a report. A formal report contains material that should not be part of a laboratory notebook. 4. Grading Conduct in the laboratory and the contents of the laboratory notebooks and reports are the basis of a major fraction of the grade in this course. Other grading criteria may include the following: 1) The care taken in making your measurements. The quality and completeness of the data obtained. 2) The analysis of the data (including errors), the interpretation of the results and comparison with accepted values. 3) Completeness of tables, quality of graphs. 4) Your understanding of the experiment. 5) Your adherence to the guidelines for laboratory notebooks (page limit beyond the TA's signature) and reports. As part of the preparation for each lab, you are required to answer the questions posed for the experiment in your notebook before coming to the laboratory. Section III: Errors in Physical Measurement 1. Introduction and Overview A real measurement of a physical quantity is never perfectly exact. This is in part due to the fact that no real instrument is infinitely precise. Therefore, an integral part of any experimental result is an estimate of its precision, or conversely- its uncertainty, and this estimate is referred to as the measurement error. This section describes the methods that should be used to correctly handle errors when analyzing experimental data. It is instructive to classify error into two categories- systematic errors and random errors. Systematic errors affect all measurements in a particular experiment in a similar fashion. The sources of these errors can be as simple as an incorrectly calibrated instrument or the tendency of an observer to consistently overestimate readings that fall between scale divisions, or real physical effects that were not accounted for in the design of the experiment. Systematic errors that stem from instrument calibration can usually be detected (by repeating the experiment with different instruments) and avoided by careful calibration. We classify errors that are not deterministic and that may affect each data point in the experiment in a different way as random errors. These may result from finite instrument precision and from intrinsic or external “noise”. Errors of this type may be reduced by optimizing the experimental setup or averaging large number of repeated measurements, but can never be completely eliminated. Note that for the purpose of the discussion here, mistakes are not considered as errors- these can and should be avoided. Finally, for the purpose of the discussion that follows, it is important to understand the distinction between accuracy and precision. Precision refers to the resolution or sensitivity of the measurement apparatus. In instruments such as a ruler or a gauge, the precision may be taken to be the smallest separation between two marked “ticks”. For example, the precision of a ruler with marks every 1mm will be 1mm; the precision for reading a voltage off an oscilloscope set at 1V per division, and that has 5 ticks per division will be 0.2 V. Accuracy defines how far the measured value is from the “truth”. Note that one can have an instrument with high precision but low accuracy- all measurements of a certain quantity done with this instrument would fall with a very narrow spread around a particular value, but this value would turn out to be far off from the actual quantity that we set to measure. An instrument can also have high accuracy and a low precision so that the spread in readings would be wide, but their average would fall right on the ‘ true’value. 2. Statistical Error Analysis A. Precision and Multiple Measurements Earlier it was suggested that random errors lead to a limit in the precision of a measurement. It was also mentioned that the effects of random errors may be reduced by repeating an experiment many times and averaging the results. Understanding how this happens requires some discussion of "Gaussian distribution of errors". Figure 1 Multiple Measurements of a Physical Quantity The distribution of results one would get by repeatedly measuring a single physical quantity will be Gaussian, or bell-shaped curve, centered around the true value of that quantity. The more measurements one makes the smoother this distribution gets, so if one performed an infinite number of measurements, the mean of the results would coincide exactly with the true value of the quantity that was measured. Since it is only possible to make a finite number of measurements, the average of the results, noted as x , would only be an estimate of the true value. Fig. 1 shows schematically how this distribution emerges for increasing number of measurements. The probability density function of the Gaussian distribution with mean x 0 and standard deviation σ is given by: G x0 ,σ( x) = 1 σ 2π e −( x − x 0 ) 2 / 2 σ 2 We use this distribution to determine probabilities that a new measurement will fall between two values of x; the area under the curve (definite integral) between the two x values gives us the probability. Since there is no useful closed form for the integral, we have to look up these areas in a table of "Error Function Integrals" or some similarly named compilation. It is customary to assign the error associated with a single measurement to be ± σ with a probability of 68%. The Gaussian distribution usually arises because of many smaller effects coming together to form one overall error distribution. The improvement in precision comes from the reduction in the "error of the mean". It is a property of the Gaussian distribution that the mean value of several samples will also have a Gaussian distribution and have a decreasing width as N increases. If you make N measurements then you may say: [Best estimate of x 0 ] = x [mean or average] [Best estimate of σ] = s = 1 N (x i − x )2 N − 1 i =1 ∑ [Best estimate for error on x 0 ] = s [standard deviation] [standard deviation of the mean] N In other words, the error in your final answer decreases as 1 / N ; taking the average of four measurements should increase precision by a factor of two. What is the limit of this improvement? A good rule of thumb is that a factor of ten is hard to achieve because the assumption of many small random effects contributing to the uncertainty fails or systematic effects dominate. Also, this implies 100 measurements! However, improvements of a factor of 2 or 3 are usually possible with four or nine measurements. There are additional benefits from doing several measurements. A single measurement may be quite wrong or very different from the average of the others. Secondly, the spread of measurements indicates the width of the initial distribution (which may tell us some important things about the measurement technique), and defines the random error. The whole procedure is the following: a. Make a set of N measurements of the quantity x. Call these xi , i = 1,L ,N . b. Find the mean (or average): x= c. 1 N N ∑ xi i =1 Find the standard deviation: s= 1 N ( x i − x) 2 N − 1 i =1 ∑ d. We can equate s to σ which appears in the formula for the Gaussian distribution (which allows us to calculate the probabilities for where to expect subsequent measurement values). e. The statement of your result is that the parameter x has the best-estimate value: x=x± s N Note that a correct interpretation of errors is in terms of probability. If you did an experiment with N measurements and found x = 15.5 ± 0.1, then there is only a 68% chance that doing it again with N measurements will find x between 15.4 and 15.6. Example: Free-Fall Experiment During an experiment to determine the acceleration of gravity, ten trials (drops) were made from a known height. The time was obtained in milliseconds (ms) to the nearest ms, and reduced according to Table 1. Trial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sum Free-fall deviation d*d time [ms] d [ms] [ms*ms] 645 0.0 0.0 640 -4.8 23.4 643 -1.8 3.1 649 4.3 18.1 644 -1.1 1.3 655 10.4 108.1 641 -4.3 18.6 648 2.7 7.0 649 4.6 20.9 635 -9.8 96.1 6449 0 297 Table 1 Analysis of Free-Fall Experiment The mean or average value was t= 1 N N ∑ ti = i =1 6449 = 644 .9 ms 10 The sum of the algebraic differences between the mean t and each ti are of course zero by definition of the mean. The standard deviation was 1 N SD = (t i −t )2 N − 1 i =1 ∑ 1/ 2 = 297 = 5 .74 ms 9 The final result can be expressed as t best = t ± SD N = 644 .9 ± 1 .8 ms It is understood that the "true" value of the time, which could, in principle, be determined by an infinite number of measurements, has 68% probability of lying between 643.4 ms. and 646.6 ms. 3. Propagation of errors A. Errors of derived quantities Consider the following situation: one is interested in finding the frequency of some sinusoidal signal. In order to find it, one views the signal on an oscilloscope, and measures its period (recall that ω=2π/T) - T ± ∆T where ∆T is the measurement error. How would this error translate into the error on the frequency, ∆ω? Suppose the error on the period is ±0.1 ms. If the period measured is 1.0 ms, then the true value of the period could be between 0.9 and 1.1 ms. This would translate to frequencies in the range 7.0 and 5.7 kHz so ∆ω=1.3 kHz. On the other hand, if a period of 10 ms is measured with the same error, the frequency would be in the range 0.63 and 0.62 kHz so ∆ω=0.01 kHz ! Clearly, the way the error on the period translates into an error in frequency depends on the period. More accurately, it depends on the derivative of the relation between the variables. In general, the error on a function f(x) where x is measured with an error ∆x is: ∆f ( x) = ∂f ( x) ∆x ∂x ∆ω = 2π ∆T so if ω = 2π / T B. Errors in several variables then T2 . When several variables go into making a result, we write it as f ( x1 , x 2 ,K, x n ) The result is a function of the n variables x i. The sensitivity of f to changes in x is characterized ∂f by the value of ∂x1 , the partial derivative of f with respect to x1 . If each of the variables has a Gaussian-like error distribution with σ = ∆x i (the "error" for xi ), then the "total error", ∆f , is the root-mean-square of weighted errors ∂f ∂f ∆f = ( ∆x1 ) 2 + ( ∆x 2 ) 2 + ... = ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂f ∑ ∂x ∆xi i= 1 i N 2 (1) The above relation also demonstrates another important property of Gaussian errors: the total error σtotal resulting from the cumulative effect of several errors σ1 , σ2, ... is obtained by summing the squares of the σi’ s (i = 1,2, ...) and then taking the square root of that sum. For example, finding the total of 2 errors σ1 and σ2 is equivalent to finding the hypotenuse of a triangle with edges σ1 and σ2 : C. σ total = σ12 + σ22 . A simple case The above expression (Eq. 1) can be simplified if a function f depends on its arguments in the form: f = A r B sC t L df df = rAr −1 × B s C t ... = Ar × sB s −1 × C t ... The partial derivatives are dA ; dB etc. We can now df f df f =r =s pull f out of each term: dA A ; dB B and so on. If we now plug all this into Eq. (1) we get: 2 2 2 2 ∆A ∆B ∆A ∆B ∆f = rf + sf + ... = f × r + s + ... A B A B or: 2 2 ∆f ∆A ∆B = r2 + s2 + ... f A B The quantities etc. ∆f f , ∆A A etc. are called “relative errors ”and can also be written as ε f , ε A Example: Electrical Resonance Here ω= 1 1 2 2 = L−1 / 2C −1/ 2 εω = εL + εC LC , so 2 . Note that the fractional error in ω is typically smaller than the error in L or C. Example: RC time constant The decay time constant for an RC circuit is given by τ =RC . If R and C are measured with errors ∆R and ∆ C then the calculated ∆τ will be: 2 ∆R ∆C ∆τ = τ × + R C 2 Example: Resistors in Series If Rtotal = R 1 +R 2 , and the resistors are measured with errors ∆R 1 and ∆R 2 then the calculated error for the equivalent resistor Rtot is: ∆Rtot = 4. (∆R1 ) 2 + (∆R2 )2 Drawing Conclusions It is often necessary to draw conclusions on an experiment with regards to its agreement or disagreement with theory, specifications, or previously established results. The relevant question is whether within measurement errors, the results of the experiment are consistent with the expected value for the quantity measured. A quantitative answer can be given by performing a statistical t-test. This test assumes again that the errors are Gaussian, and measures how many standard deviations separate the measured value and the expected (or given) value. Therefore, in order to compare the two values, one calculates t= xmeasured − xexp ected σtotal (2) where xmeasured is the experimental value, xexpected is the expected value, and σtotal is the total error including the total error on the experimental value and the error on the expected value if it has any. Once we have a t-value, we can say how confident we are that the measured value agrees with the expected value. We will have to use a table of the Gaussian distribution integrals to find out what is the probability to obtain an result between xexpected and xmeasured if xexpected is the “true” value to which we add random error. For example, for t = 2.0 this probability is ~95%. This means that in only 5% of the time we would get an experimental result further away from the “true”value than xmeasured. For t = 3.0 this probability is ~99.7% so it is quite unlikely (0.3% chance) that x measured comes from a distribution around xexpected, so we can conclude that this particular measurement is in disagreement with the expected value with 99.7% confidence. For the purpose of this course, 95% confidence level is sufficient so results that yield a t-value of less than 2 will be considered to agree with expectations, and those with t > 2 will be considered to disagree. Note that a low t-value does not mean that the experiment was “good” or “successful”, it just means that the results are consistent with the supplied values. In addition, one must be careful with low t-values as these can arise when a measurement has a large error (σ in the denominator of Eq. 2). Therefore for a conclusion drawn based on t-values to be meaningful, the relative error in the experiment should be kept small. Section IV: Tektronix 2225 Oscilloscope 1. Summary of Controls, Connectors, and Indicators No. Title Function Recommended Use 1 INTENSITY Adjusts trace brightness. 2 BEAM FIND 3 4 5 6 FOCUS TRACE ROTATION POWER Power Indicator Compresses display to within CRT limits. Adjusts for finest trace thickness. Adjusts trace parallel to centerline. Compensate for ambient lighting, trace speed, trigger frequency. Locate off -screen phenomena. 7, 9 POSITION 8 TRACE SEP 10 CH 1 - BOTH - CH 2 11 NORM- INVERT Turns power on and off. Illuminates when power is turned on. Moves trace up or down screen. Moves the magnified trace vertically with respect to the unmagnified trace when HORIZONTAL MODE is set to ALT. Selects signal inputs for display. Inverts the Channel 2 signal display. Optimize display definition. Compensate for earth's field. Control power to the instrument. Know power condition. Position trace vertically and compensate for dc component of signal. Position unmagnified and horizontally magnified traces for convenient viewing and measurement. View either channel independently or both channels simultaneously Provide for differential (CH 1 - CH 2) or summed (CH 1 + CH 2) signals when ADD is selected. No. Title Function Recommended Use 12 ADD-ALTCHOP Display summed or individual signals. 13 VOLTS/DIV ADD shows algebraic sum of CH 1 and CH 2 signals. ALT displays each channel alternately. CHOP switches between CH 1 and CH 2 signals during the sweep at 500 kHz rate. Selects vertical sensitivity. 14 Variable (CAL) 15 AC -GND-DC 16 CH 1 OR X CH 2 OR Y 17 18 POSITION COARSE POSITION FINE 19 X1 -ALT- MAG 20 SEC/DIV 21 Variable (CAL) 22 MAG(X5 - X10 X50) Provides The CAL control continuously can be pulled variable out to vertically deflection factors magnify the between trace by a factor calibrated of 10. Limits positions of the bandwidth to 5 VOLTS/DIV MHz. switch. Reduces gain by at least 25:1. In AC, isolates dc component of signal. In GND, gives reference point and allows precharging of input coupling capacitor. In DC, couples all components of signal. Provides for input signal connections. CH 1 gives horizontal deflection when SEC/DIV is in X -Y. COARSE is convenient for moving unmagnified traces FINE is convenient for moving magnified traces when either ALT or MAG is selected. X1 displays only normal (horizontally unmagnified) waveform. ALT displays normal and magnified waveforms alternately. MAG displays only the magnified waveform. Selects time-base speed. Adjust vertical signal to suitable size. Match signals Inspecting for common small signals. mode readings. Adjust height of pulse for risetime calculations. Selects method of coupling input signals to the vertical deflection system. Apply signals to the vertical deflection system. Control trace positioning in horizontal direction. Control trace positioning in horizontal direction. Select normal, comparative or expanded waveforms. Set horizontal speed most suited to requirements. Extend the slowest speed to at least 1.25 s/div 24 PROBE ADJUST Provides continuously variable uncalibrated sweep speeds to at least 2.5 times the calibrated setting. Selects degree of horizontal magnification. Provides safety earth and direct connection to signal source. Provides approximately 0.5-V,1-kHz square wave. No. Title Function Recommended Use 25 SLOPE Selects the slope of the signal that triggers the sweep. Provide ability to trigger from positive-going or negative -going signals. 23 Examine small phenomena in detail. Chassis ground connection. Match probe capacitance to individual circuit. This source may be used to check the basic functioning of vertical and horizontal circuits but is not intended to check their accuracy. 2. 26 LEVEL 27 TRIG'D 29 30 RESET HOLDOFF 31 SOURCE 32 COUPLING 33 EXT INPUT Selects trigger-signal amplitude point. Indicator lights when sweep is triggered in P-P AUTO, NORM, or TV FIELD. Arms trigger circuit for SGL SWP. Varies sweep holdoff time 10:1. CH 1, CH 2, and EXT trigger signals are selected directly. In VERT MODE, trigger source is determined by the VERTICAL MODE switches as follows: CH 1: trigger comes from Channel 1 signal. CH 2: trigger comes from Channel 2 signal. BOTH-ADD and BOTH CHOP: trigger is algebraic sum of Channel 1 and Channel 2 signals. BOTH-ALT: trigger comes from Channel 1 and Channel 2 on alternate sweeps. AC blocks dc components and attenuates signals below 15 Hz. LF REJ blocks dc components and attenuates signals below about 30 kHz. HF REJ blocks dc components and attenuates signals above about 30 kHz. DC couples all signal components. Connection for Connection for applying external applying signal that can external signal be used as a that can be used trigger. for intensity modulation. Select actual point of trigger. Indicate trigger state. Improve ability to trigger from aperiodic signals. Select source of signal that is coupled to the trigger circuit. Select how the triggering signal is coupled to the trigger circuit. Trigger from a source other than vertical signal. Also used for singleshot application. Provide reference blips by intensity modulation from independent source. Learning the Controls After turning the power on, let the oscilloscope warm up for a few minutes before starting this procedure. n Set instrument controls as follows: Display INTENSITY FOCUS Vertical (both channels) POSITION MODE VOLTS/DIV VOLTS/DIV Variable Input Coupling Horizontal COARSE POSITION MODE SEC/DIV SEC/DIV Variable Trigger SLOPE LEVEL Midrange Midrange Midrange CH 1 0.5 V (10X PROBE) CAL detent (fully clockwise) AC Midrange X1 0.2 ms CAL detent (fully clockwise) / Midrange MODE HOLDOFF SOURCE COUPLING P-P AUTO MIN CH 1 AC n Connect a probe to the input BNC connector for Channel 1 (labeled CH 1 OR X). Attach the probe ground lead to the collar of the EXT INPUT connector and apply the probe tip to the PROBE ADJUST terminal. If necessary, adjust the TRIGGER LEVEL control to get a stable display. n Change the Channel 1 input coupling switch to GND and use the Channel 1 POSITION control to align the baseline trace to the center horizontal graticule line. This sets the zero reference for the display. n Switch input coupling back to AC. Notice that the square wave is centered vertically on the screen. Now switch input coupling to DC and observe what happens to the waveform. The zero reference is maintained at the center horizontal graticule line. NOTE: More information about using the controls is contained at the end of this procedure. Refer to it as often as needed while learning the front-panel controls. n Use the following controls and notice the effect each has on the displayed waveform as the settings are changed. Each POSITION control CH 1 VOLTS/DIV CH 1 VOLTS/DIV Variable (CAL) SEC/DIV SEC/DIV Variable (CAL) HORIZONTAL MODE HORIZONTAL MAG TRACE SEP TRIGGER SLOPE n At this point, connect the second probe to the CH 2 OR Y input connector. Set the VERTICAL MODE switch to CH 2 and TRIGGER SOURCE to CH 2, then follow steps 2 through 5 again, using the channel 2 controls. n Now set the VERTICAL MODE switches to BOTH-NORM -ALT and return both VOLTS/DIV switches to 0.5 V (10X PROBE). Rotate all variable controls clockwise to their CAL detents. Set the TRIGGER SOURCE switch to VERT MODE. Then use the VERTICAL POSITION and TRACE SEP controls to position the four traces to convenient locations on the screen. n While watching the Channel 2 waveforms, set the middle VERTICAL MODE switch to CH 2 INVERT and notice the effect. Then set the right MODE switch to ADD. What happens to the waveforms? Finally, return the middle MODE switch to NORM. What waveform is displayed now? Congratulations! You now know how to use the 2225 front-panel controls to display signals and move them about on the screen. The remainder of this section gives you more information about the controls and offers suggestions for their use. 3. Display Controls Set the INTENSITY control for comfortable viewing, but no brighter than you need. Use highintensity settings to observe low-repetition-rate signals, narrow pulses in long time intervals, or occasional variations in fast signals. 4. Vertical Controls When making voltage measurements, rotate the VOLTS/DIV CAL control fully clockwise (in detent). Best accuracy can be achieved by setting the VOLTS/DIV control for the largest display possible. A. Input Coupling For most applications use DC input coupling. This mode is compatible with the standardaccessory, high-impedance probes and it displays logic levels and dc levels of static signals. Use GND input coupling to show where the 0-volt level will be located when you shift to DC or AC coupling. Use AC coupling for the special cases where you need to see small signals on large dc voltage levels. B. Channel Selection With the three VERTICAL MODE buttons, you can display combinations of the two vertical channels. When CH 1 is selected, the other two MODE switches are not active. When CH 2 is selected, the middle MODE switch (NORM/CH 2 INVERT) becomes active. And when BOTH channels are selected for display, all three MODE switches are active. C. ADD and INVERT Select ADD mode to display the algebraic sum of the CH 1 and CH 2 signals. When you use ADD, the CH 1 and CH 2 VOLTS/DIV settings should be equal. Selecting CH 2 INVERT changes the sense of the CH 2 waveform. This allows you to see the difference between the CH 1 and CH 2 signals on the ADD trace. D. CHOP or ALT? When BOTH channels are selected, the display is time-shared. The CHOP mode displays each channel for a short time and multiplexes during the sweep to give the appearance of displaying both channels at once. This mode (CHOP) works better than ALT for sweep speeds slower than 1 ms per division and for low-repetition-rate signals that make the display flicker (up to 2 µ s/division). The ALT mode displays each channel for the duration of a complete sweep. It gives a cleaner display of multiple channels than CHOP does and is usually preferred at moderate to high sweep speeds. E. Increasing the Sensitivity Pulling the VOLTS/DIV CAL control out (towards you) magnifies the vertical axis by a factor of 10, increasing the sensitivity to 500 µV per division. This function is useful for investigating small-amplitude signals (in general, less than 5 mV p-p) or small amplitude details on larger signals. 5. Horizontal Controls A. Sweep-Speed Selection The unmagnified sweep (MODE set to X1) is the horizontal function needed for most applications. Best measurement accuracy is achieved by setting the SEC/DIV control for the fastest sweep that will display the interval of interest. The variable control (CAL) should be in its detent (fully clockwise). B. Magnifying Waveform Details Each of the two magnified modes — ALT or MAG— expands the unmagnified trace. When ALT is chosen, both the unmagnified and the magnified waveforms appear together on the crt screen. Vertical separation between them is adjusted with the TRACE SEP control. If MAG is selected, only the magnified trace is displayed on screen. This is useful for eliminating unwanted clutter from the crt when you are making accurate timing measurements or looking at waveform details. Whenever ALT or MAG is set on the upper HORIZONTAL MODE switch, the amount of waveform expansion is determined by the setting of the HORIZONTAL MAG switch located beneath the SEC/DIV control. Three magnifications are available— 5X, 10X, and 50X. Having the ability to select various combinations of waveform expansion and SEC/DIV control setting lets you extend the time-base range out to a maximum of 5 ns per division.. The marker that links the timing of the unmagnified and magnified traces with each other is the center vertical graticule line. The intersections of that line with the unmagnified and the magnified waveforms are the points of equal time duration from sweep start. With the center vertical graticule as the reference line, the investigation of waveform details around any point on the unmagnified trace, as well as the measurement of time with greater accuracy, then become easy tasks. 6. Trigger Controls For most signals, the trigger-control settings that will yield hands off triggering are: MODE HOLDOFF SOURCE COUPLING A. P-P AUTO MIN VERT MODE DC Which Mode to Use P-P AUTO/TV LINE — With this mode set, the range of the LEVEL control is confined to the values between the triggering-signal peaks. For example, selecting P-P AUTO and rotating the LEVEL control to the center half of its range establishes a trigger point that is about midway between the peaks of the triggering signal. In this mode, the absence of a triggering signal causes the sweep to free-run. And with signals below 20 Hz, the P-P AUTO circuit may not find the correct level. Whenever P-P AUTO is active and VERT MODE source selected, the triggering signal is supplied by the channel that is being displayed— or by Channel 1 in a two-channel display. The P-P AUTO mode is effective for monitoring logic signals and television lines having at least a 20-Hz repetition rate. Selecting P-P AUTO at the instrument front panel also sets the TV LINE triggering mode. NORM — This mode produces a sweep only when the triggering signal meets the criteria set by the LEVEL and SLOPE controls. With NORM mode selected, range of the LEVEL control is sufficient to set any voltage threshold that can be displayed by the instrument. In the absence of a triggering signal, there is no sweep. Use the NORM mode for viewing infrequent events and erratic signals. SGL SWP — When this mode is selected, the sweep is triggered only once. Press the RESET button once to arm the trigger circuit and illuminate the READY indicator. When a trigger event occurs, the sweep runs once and the READY light extinguishes. Use the SGL SWP mode to display or photograph non-repetitive or unstable signals. TV FIELD— This mode triggers the sweep at the beginning of a television field. To change the TV field being displayed, you must interrupt the trigger signal by setting the input coupling switch momentarily to GND then back to either DC or AC until the desired field is displayed. To display Field 1 and Field 2 at the same time, connect the same television signal to both the CH 1 and CH 2 inputs; set VERTICAL MODE to BOTH and ALT; set the SEC/DIV control to 0.5 ms or faster sweep speed. If you magnify the vertical display beyond the graticule, the trigger may be degraded. To avoid trigger overload, use either CH 1 or CH 2 for display and use the EXT INPUT channel with an appropriate video signal as the trigger source. A composite sync signal can be used for the trigger source as well as composite video. B. Source Choose a single trigger source to correctly display the timing relationships between two channels. Choose the channel with the lowest -frequency signal to avoid ambiguous displays. With VERT MODE TRIGGER SOURCE and either P-P AUTO TRIGGER MODE or CHOP VERTICAL MODE, the triggering signal is the algebraic sum of the Channel 1 and Channel 2 input signals. Use a composite trigger source only to compare asynchronous signals. To generate a composite trigger: select VERT MODE TRIGGER SOURCE, BOTH-ALT VERTICAL MODE, and any TRIGGER MODE except P-P AUTO. C. Coupling For signals with strongly interfering components, HF Reject and LF Reject coupling give added selectivity. When AC coupling is selected, triggering continues as the dc level of the signal changes. D. Slope Use the SLOPE control to select either the rising (/ ) or the falling (\) edge of the signal to trigger the sweep. E. Level The LEVEL control gives you complete freedom to choose the most appropriate threshold voltage on a signal to initiate sweeps whenever any trigger mode except P-P AUTO is selected. F. Holdoff With irregular signals such as bursts, the HOLDOFF setting can improve display stability. Also, if the signal has a fixed pattern of variation from cycle to cycle, some modes of the signal may be omitted from the display. Changing the HOLDOFF setting can force the instrument to display all the modes of the signal. Normally, the HOLDOFF control should be set at MIN. 7. Calibration Summary Calibrate the voltage (vertical) and time (horizontal) scales of the scope as follows: 1) Connect a wire from the PROBE ADJUST to CH1 or CH2. 2) Adjust the trace using the position controls until the square wave is located at a convenient position on the screen. 3) Measure the height of the square wave in volts. You should find that it is 0.5 Volts peak-to peak so that the 0.1 V/div scale is appropriate. Make certain that the Variable (CAL) knob is in its calibrated (detent) position. If the square wave does not measure 0.5 V ask your TA for help. 4) Measure the period of the square wave in seconds. Use a time scale setting that displays several cycles of the square wave. In order to obtain the best accuracy, measure the time for several cycles and divide by the number of cycles. Again make certain that the Variable (Cal) knob for the horizontal sweep (SEC/DIV) is in the calibrated (detent) position. The period should be 10 -3 seconds. Section V: Goldstar FG-2002C Function Generator 1. Summary of Controls, Connectors and Indicators No. Function Usage 1 2 DISPLAY COUNTER INPUT SWITCH 3 4 RANGE SWITCHES FUNCTION SWITCHES 5 6 7 ATTENUATOR OUTPUT IMPEDANCE OVERFLOW INDICATOR 8 9 10 11, 12 FREQUENCY DIAL GATE TIME INDICATOR MULTIPLIER INDICATOR NA DISPLAYS INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL FREQUENCY. PUSH IN : EXTERNAL FREQUENCY COUNTER. PUSHOUT: INTERNAL FUNCTION GENERATOR FREQUENCY COUNTER. FREQUENCY RANGE SELECTOR. SELECTS SINE, TRIANGLE OR SQUARE WAVE OUTPUT. CHANGES OUTPUT LEVEL BY-20dB 50 Ω,600 Ω WHEN THE LIGHT ON, INCREASE THE FREQUENCY RANGE. COUNTER CANNOT DISPLAY FROM .02Hz to 2Hz X10, X100:1SEC X1K, X10K, X100K, X1M:.5SEC UNIT OF FREQUENCY MANUFACTURER’ S ILLUSTRATOR COULDN’ T COUNT. 13 14 15 16 EXTERNAL INPUT SWEEP RATE SWEEP WIDTH VCF INPUT 17 SYMMETRY CONTROL 18 19 20 21 TTL/CMOS CONTROL TTL/CMOS OUTPUT DC OFFSET CONTROL OUTPUT No. Function Usage 22 23 24 20 AMPLITUDE CONTROL TILT STAND POWER SWITCH DC OFFSET CONTROL ADJUST OUTPUT LEVEL. PULL SIDES OUT TO ADJUST. CONTROL MAIN UNIT POWER. ADJUST DC LEVEL OF OUTPUT SIGNAL. INPUT SIGNAL TO USE EXTERNAL COUNTER MODE. ADJUST REPEAT RATE OF SWEEP. ADJUST RANGE OF SWEEP. VOLTAGE CONTROLLED FREQUENCY CONTROL. SWEEP RATE SHOULD BE OFF WHEN IN USE. ADJUST SYMMETRY OF OUTPUT WAVE FROM 1:1 TO 4:1 WITH SWITCH PULLED OUT. PUSH: TTL; PULL:CMOS LEVEL OUTPUTS. OUTPUT SIGNAL FROM CONTROL CONFIGURATION. ADJUST DC LEVEL OF OUTPUT SIGNAL. OUTPUT SIGNAL FROM GENERATOR CONFIGURATION. 2. Settings Summary POWER ON SWEEP RATE OFF (CCW) SYMMETRY OFF (push) DC OFFSET OFF (push) ATTENUATOR RELEASE (button out) COUNTER INPUT INT (button out) IMPEDANCE 50 Ω (button out) RANGE any ONE button in FUNCTION any ONE button in AMPLITUDE midrange NOTE: RANGE, FUNCTION and COUNTER INPUT must be set for proper operation!