University Library Mission Statement
The University Library is central to the intellectual life of the University. By providing and stewarding
collections and content that comprise a current and retrospective record of human knowledge and by offering a
wide array of services, it enhances the University’s activities in creating knowledge, preparing students for lives
of impact, and addressing critical societal needs. The Library advances the University’s goals by ensuring
unfettered access to information and by providing a network of expertise that ensures value, quality, and
authenticity of information resources. The Library integrates and manages knowledge to enable learning and
the creation of new knowledge.
Communication No. 22 from the Office of the Provost states “Our excellence as a University is grounded in our
ability to attract and retain the best possible students and staff. To do that, we must provide a working
environment that provides support and guidance for our staff. Therefore, the campus has a policy requiring that
all academic professionals be evaluated, in writing, at least once a year. We do this to provide an opportunity for
a review of the employee’s goals and accomplishments, and for a discussion of suggestions for improvements in
the employee’s current job as well as his or her career aspirations. Goals and objectives for academic
professionals should be derived from their department’s mission, which in turn support the mission and goals of
the campus. Thus, evaluating the performance and providing for the development of academic professional
employees contributes to their support of the academic excellence of this institution.”
The annual review should be conducted on a schedule that accommodates the work cycle of the unit. The annual
review should focus on things such as performance progress and any needed improvements, along with the goals
of the unit and the employee.
There are a number of forms which pertain to this process. Some are required, others are optional, but highly
recommended to ensure the most productive review. Those forms are: AP Annual Performance Evaluation
(required); updated position description (required); Pre-Evaluation Employee Worksheet (optional); Goal
Setting Worksheet (optional); and Post-Evaluation Employee Comments (optional). NOTE: Please contact
the Library Human Resources Office for the most recent copy of the position description/PAPE for the position
in advance of the evaluation.
The review period shall be based on the calendar year, January 1 through December 31. Evaluations will be
completed between the time period of the return after the annual holiday break, and the Monday after the end of
Spring Break. It is strongly recommended and encouraged that the supervisor provide the employee with a copy
of Part III: Pre-Evaluation Employee Worksheet, at least two weeks before the formal evaluation time is
scheduled. If the employee chooses to complete the worksheet, it should be returned to the supervisor a few
days before the evaluation so that the supervisor may consider the employee’s comments while completing the
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Name __________________________________
Title ___________________________________
Dept/Unit _______________________________
Supervisor _____________________________
Date of Hire _____________________________
Review Date ____________________________
Outstanding—Performance often exceeds objectives
Solid Performer—Consistently meets objectives
Needs Improvement—Sometimes or often fails to meet objectives
Not Acceptable—Work is below the basic requirements in the critical aspects of the job and immediate
improvement is required. NOTE: If there are any categories which are rated Not Acceptable, the Supervisor
should follow up with Library Human Resources to discuss further review and procedures for improvement.
NOTE: If the overall employee rating is “Not Acceptable” as a result of the evaluation, the job description
will be reviewed with the employee, in addition to written communication concerning expectations of job
THE EVALUATOR. The employee will have a period of _____ months in which to raise the evaluation.
After this interval, another formal evaluation will be conducted. Failure to improve will result in notification
of non-reappointment.
Not Applicable—This factor does not apply based on the requirements of the position.
PART I: Knowledge and Job related Skills
1. Job Knowledge – Understands the concepts, techniques, requirements, and other aspects of the job.
Demonstrates mastery of the procedures, techniques and instructions required for the job.
Demonstrates good working knowledge of the unit, the library, and their mission and goals. Keeps up
with trends in the field, continues to learn and expand knowledge. Quickly and easily grasps and
applies instructions and new methods.
____Solid Performer
____Needs Improvement
____Not Acceptable
_____Not Applicable
Comments _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Organizational Skills – Plans and prioritizes work effectively. Coordinates, prepares, and presents
projects well and/or follows through with assignments. Juggles multiple projects and priorities.
Demonstrates effective planning skills.
____Solid Performer
____Needs Improvement
____Not Acceptable
Comments _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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3. Productivity – Produces quality work and satisfactory quantity of work. Delivers work on time,
consistently meets deadlines. Able to translate efforts and actions into tangible results. Works
independently with little supervision.
____Solid Performer
____Needs Improvement
____Not Acceptable
Comments _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. Patron/Customer Services – Manages external and internal patron interactions in an accurate, timely,
polite, and professional manner. Is proactive, providing excellent service to all.
____Solid Performer
____Needs Improvement
____Not Acceptable
Comments _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. Communication Skills – Demonstrates the ability to communicate with others, including co-workers,
supervisor, and/or the public. Able to use verbal and written skills necessary for the job. Listens well.
Articulates well. Comprehends and understands information and explanations. Keeps others informed.
Shares information. Responds to inquiries, phone and /or email in a timely way.
____Solid Performer
____Needs Improvement
____Not Acceptable
Comments _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Judgment/Problem Solving and Decision Making – Identifies and anticipates problems. Open to new,
alternative or different solutions. Manages those problem situations that fall under employee’s
purview and refers to more senior personnel when appropriate. Uses logic and sound judgment to
solve problems and make decisions. Follows up on problems and helps bring about solutions.
____Solid Performer
____Needs Improvement
____Not Acceptable
Comments _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. Professionalism – Demonstrates a high level of professionalism in person, through email, and on the
telephone. Exhibits initiative and self-direction. Accepts feedback well. Expresses disagreement in an
appropriate way.
____Solid Performer
____Needs Improvement
____Not Acceptable
Comments _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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8. Interpersonal Skills – Cooperates with peers, participates well in team situations. Productive and
unifying team member.
____Solid Performer
____Needs Improvement
____Not Acceptable
Comments _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9. Reliability – Dependable. Works to achieve results and meet promised deadlines. Reports
unavoidable delays in advance of deadlines. Complies with University and unit policies and
procedures on attendance.
____Solid Performer
____Needs Improvement
____Not Acceptable
Comments _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
10. Adaptability – Demonstrates ability to adjust to a variety of situations, maintains flexibility. Willing to
assist by taking on difficult or inconvenient responsibilities.
____Solid Performer
____Needs Improvement
____Not Acceptable
Comments _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
11. Supervision – Others in the unit support employee as supervisor. Employee works to develop trust with
other workers. Acts as positive role model for people supervised. Able to elicit cooperation from those
supervised. Delegates tasks wisely and follows up on task(s) assigned to others.
____Solid Performer
____Needs Improvement
____Not Acceptable
_____Does NOT Apply
Comments _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
12. Management and Leadership Skills – manages own area of responsibility. Understands the goals and
needs of the University Library and its staff as a whole. Gains respect and trust of fellow staff
members. Work and behavior exhibits commitment to the University Library’s mission, vision and
goals. Cooperates and contributes to the overall wellbeing of the University Library.
____Solid Performer
____Needs Improvement
____Not Acceptable
_____ Does NOT Apply
Comments _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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13. Investigation Time – employee effectively uses and manages Investigation Time. Amount of time spent
is discussed with supervisor, and is related to or enhances the work of the employee.
____Solid Performer
____Needs Improvement
____Not Acceptable
_____ Does NOT Apply
Comments _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
EMPLOYEE COMMENTS [Please attach additional sheet(s) if necessary.]
After careful review of the performance factors above, the employee has earned the following overall rating for
this appraisal period:
____Solid Performer
____Needs Improvement
____Not Acceptable
Reviewer’s Signature _______________________________________ Date __________________
Employee’s Signature: * ____________________________________ Date __________________
*Note: Your signature does not necessarily indicate agreement with the evaluation, only that is has been discussed
with you. You are obligated to acknowledge receiving the evaluation if the supervisor has discussed it with you.
Completed form with job description should be sent to Library Human Resources. This form and any
attached items will be placed in the employee’s personnel file.
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PART III: Pre-Evaluation Employee Worksheet (optional)
To be completed by the employee before the evaluation occurs. The supervisor should give this worksheet to the
employee at least two weeks before the date of the formal evaluation. If the employee chooses to complete this sheet, it
should be returned to the supervisor within an ample amount of time for the supervisor to be able to consider the
comments of the employee before completing the evaluation, i.e., two or three days. The purpose of this worksheet is to
give you an opportunity to formally share with your supervisor information that you consider important for your
evaluation over the past year. If you choose to complete the worksheet and give it to your supervisor, it will be attached
to your performance evaluation for information purposes, and placed in your personnel file.
1. List the key elements of your job and any special contributions you feel you have made to your
unit during the evaluation period.
2. List any notable obstacles you encountered in accomplishing your job responsibilities during the
evaluation period.
3. Add any additional information that you wish to have considered in your evaluation.
(Please attach an additional sheet if more space is necessary.)
Employee signature ____________________________________________ Date ______________________
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PART IV: Goal Setting Worksheet (optional)
These objectives should be set and agreed upon by the employee and the supervisor/evaluator for the next year.
Additions or modifications may be done at any time during the year. These objectives become the subject matter upon
which the employee will be evaluated next year. It is strongly recommended that employee and supervisor meet formally
to discuss goals and progress toward achieving them at least once during each semester.
Goals are listed for the time period January 1, _______ through December 31, _______.
(Please attach an additional sheet if more space is necessary.)
Employee signature _____________________________________________
Date ____________________
Supervisor/Evaluator Signature ___________________________________
Date ____________________
Unit Head’s Signature ___________________________________________
(if different from Evaluator)
Date ____________________
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