Administrative Council November 17, 2008

Administrative Council
November 17, 2008
Attending: Tom Teper (chairing), Lynn Wiley, Scott Walter, Tony Hynes, Greg Youngen, Mary
Stuart, David Ward, Sue Searing, Tina Chrzastowski, Beth Sandore, Scott Schwartz, Marek
1. Draft Document, "Acceptable Use of Library Technologies."
Beth S. led this discussion. This document was formerly part of a larger policy, but has been
split into two. The other half is now "UIUC Library Electronic Resource Use Policy for Library
Patrons" (discussed next). Nearly a decade old (prior update was 1999), this document was
getting creaky. There are references to University Policies (with links), so full details are often
found in the original campus policy.
Suggestions for improvement included:
- add staff to the policy (not just for patrons)
- move second sentence in second paragraph to the first sentence, strengthening the point about
licensed and copyrighted use policies.
- remove Section 2
- remove age limits in Section 4
- add wording: "The library does not censor content."
This policy will be redrafted based on our suggestions. A second draft will be sent to AC
members for distribution to divisions. Our next meeting will review Draft 2 and any suggestions
from the field.
2. Draft Document "UIUC Library Electronic Resource Use Policy for Library Patrons."
Tom T. led this discussion. There are again references to campus policies where needed.
Additional detail can be found in these related policies. Suggestions included:
- eliminate first sentence (a single paragraph)
- in Section 2, define 2 broad types: licensed and copyrighted materials.
- Send after approval as an FYI to University Counsel
- Add a point about consequences of violating license agreements and cite policies of Student
Affairs Office
- Include the role of the CIO's Office of Security in responding to inappropriate use of eresources.
This policy will also be redrafted based on our suggestions. A second draft will be sent to AC
members for distribution to divisions. Our next meeting will review Draft 2 and any suggestions
from the field.
3. Discussion of the need for additional staff training in regards to our security procedures.
Scott W. led this discussion. AC agreed that it was time to resynchronize our Library Security
Guard manual and procedures with what library staff are aware of and therefore will know when
to call Library and/or Campus Security. We discussed an open forum to gather ideas and assess
the situations taking place. Updating the library "flip chart" is also part of this, as it updating the
Library Security Guard manual. Beth suggest we ask for volunteers from library staff who might
be interested in this topic and willing to work on these updates.
4. Update on the Library's migration to the domain name.
Beth let AC know via email before the meeting that John Weible had addressed this topic
recently. Here is a portion of her email with the link:
"John posted an update to the Library in October that applies to our portions of the
migration. It is still accurate.
Additional details not mentioned there:
--Individuals' email address listings were switched some weeks ago in the Library's Employee
Directory to the domain.
--Library IT will be able to start the multi-part project for dual-DNS hosting of library servers
soon after the System Engineer position is filled (interviews were last week).
Beth also said at the meeting that the "transition of our servers has not yet started." The group
also noted that netfiles and webtools have not yet moved to the new domain.
5. Announcements
David announced that all media items in the catalog will be switched from Media Scheduling to
Voyager Circ (using short loans for advance booking) over Winter Break. This means that media
will now show up in My Account and can be renewed under certain circumstances (not at
renewal limit for item type, no advance bookings on item, etc.). In order to facilitate this switch,
beginning finals week (Thurs 12/11) all media items will be building use only until January 16th
so that they can be re-catalogued.