FACULTY OF LAW DEAN: PROF. DR. LÁSZLÓ KECSKÉS TEL: +36/72/501 500 FAX: +36/72/215 148 E-MAIL: DEKAN@AJK.PTE.HU ERASMUS COORDINATORS: DR. ADRIENNE KOMANOVICS TEL: +36/72/501 500/ EXT. 23297 FAX: +36/72/215 148 E-MAIL: KOMANOVICS.ADRIENNE@AJK.PTE.HU MS. BRIGITTA SZABÓ TEL.: +36/72/501-500 EXT. 23241 FAX: + 36/72/215-148 E-MAIL: SZABO.BRIGITTA@AJK.PTE.HU GENERAL INFORMATION AT: HTTP:// WWW.AJK.PTE.HU POSTAL ADDRESS: H-7622 PÉCS, 48-AS SQ. 1. HUNGARY GENERAL DESCRIPTION Legal studies have always been an important component of academic programmes at the University of Pécs. In the period between 1950- 1971 it was the only faculty that secured the continuity of the University after WW II. In 2008 the Faculty celebrated the 85th anniversary of the modern law school in Pécs. The academic eminence of the Faculty is amply illustrated by the fact that the Constitutional Court of Hungary has a member from the University. The Faculty has long standing international relations, mainly with German speaking countries, e. g. with the universities of Marburg, Bayreuth, Vienna, and the law faculty at the University of Graz. Development became even more dynamic in 1992 when financial support granted by the World Bank enabled the Faculty to organise study-tours abroad and invite visiting professors. The ERASMUS programme provides our teachers and students with new possibilities. The number of our Erasmus partner universities and, as a result, the number of those taking part in the mobility programme is increasing year by year, at present the Faculty has 54 Erasmus partner universities all over Europe. In recent years the Faculty has established co-operative relations with law faculties in the former socialist countries (e.g. Kolozsvár, Novi Sad, Rijeka, and Wroclaw) which involve teacher and student mobility and short visits. The successful CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies) applications of the Faculty in the academic years of 2005/2006 and 2008/2009 lead to setting up the first CEEPUS network operating in the area of law in Central Eastern Europe. In the first case, the objective was to study the relationship between three legal systems: international law, European Union law and domestic laws; in the second case the objective is to study the situation of minorities in the Central European region. This co-operation resulted in special forms of joint education and training programmes such as the joint LLM degree programme in Cluj-Napoca, the experimental tandem-seminar launched in the framework of BA-level education and summer universities. The Faculty, together with the Faculty of Law of the Babes-Bolyai University of ClujNapoca, launched a joint Master's programme (also accredited in Romania) with instruction provided in Cluj-Napoca in the academic year of 2005/2006. The language of instruction is Hungarian, three colleagues from Cluj-Napoca and six colleagues from Pécs are involved in the programme. The Faculty is a member of the European organisations ERA and ELFA. The international relations of certain departments have recently become increasingly stronger. The Department of Criminal Procedure Law initiated the establishment of the Central European Criminal Cooperation, involving about a dozen foreign criminal departments and institutes. The Faculty has no established relations outside Europe, though - upon the initiative of certain departments - several visiting professors form North-American universities have delivered lectures at the Faculty. Interest in learning English has increased considerably and the number of courses offered in foreign languages is also growing. The postgraduate and PhD courses offered at the Faculty of Law enjoy increasing popularity. The Collection of the Legal Documents of the European Union and the United Nations Depository Library were established in 1995 at the Department of International Law, and they serve as important sources of information for businesses in the Transdanubian region. COURSES OFFERED IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES (All the courses are advertised both semesters) ENGLISH Course title: Major legal systems of the world AJDINO1001 Language of instruction: English Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Oral exam Course description: Introduction to continental, Anglo-Saxon, socialist, Hindu, Muslim, Chinese, Japanese and African law Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 6 Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Antal Visegrády, visegrady.antal@ajk.pte.hu Course title: Comparative Governance in Central and Eastern Europe AJSZNO49301 Language of instruction: English Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Quality of thepresentation of the chosen topic, activity participation in class work Course description: The coursebegins with a general introduction to Hungarian constitutional law. The model presented by the teacher provides a sample for students to make their proper presentations. Students choose a country in the Central and Eastern European region and make a ppt presentation on its constitutional system. During the presentation comparative considerations are welcome as well. After each presentation students can discuss it and make conclusions to their respective constitutional systems. Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 4 Literature: Nóra Chronowski - Tímea Drinóczi -Tamara Takács eds: Governmental Systems of Central and Eastern European States. Wolters Kluwer Polska - OFICYNA, Warsawa 2011 Lecturer: Dr. Tímea Drinóczi, Phd, dr. habil. drinoczi.timea@ajk.pte.hu Course title: English for Law Students AJDINO0801 Language of instruction: English Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Grade is calculated on the basis of an oral presentation and an end-of term paper Course description: It is a skill-based course for those wishing to pursue English-medium legal studies or prepare for working in an international environment. It provides practice and progression in the key academic skills including understanding and taking notes on lectures, participating effectively in seminars, giving presentations, developing arguments, understanding a wide range of specialist texts, producing coherent and well-structured assignments and it also equips students with the specialist legal language they need in the following areas: contract law, tort law, criminal law, company law, commercial law, real property law, litigation and arbitration, international law, and comparative law. Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 6 Lecturer: Marietta Pókay, language teacher, head of department, pokay.marietta@ajk.pte.hu Course title: Languages, Human Rights and Minorities: How to Legislate Linguistic Diversity? AJDINO0101 Language of instruction: English Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Evaluation of lecture diaries and students' presentations Course description: The purpose of the course is to discuss some fundamental questions of linguistic legislation at different levels. The reason why the issue is urgent and must be taken seriously is that linguistic diversity, like biodiversity, is dramatically decreasing and the process depends, to some extent, on linguistic legislation, which in turn seems not to be coherent and satisfactory enough. The course intends to present not only the existing linguistic regimes and their weaknesses but a perspective of a more coherent and simpler linguistic legislation which would probably contribute, to a reasonable degree, to the preservation of linguistic diversity in the world. 1. Linguistic and cultural diversity in the world - past, present and the future; the issue of responsibility 2. Language, linguistic change and the law: language, mind, communication, identity and culture; levels of legislation on language use and diversity 3. National legislation on languages - the principle of territoriality (Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, Finland) 4. National legislation on languages - strong minority language protection (e.g. Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, the U.K.) 5. National legislation on languages: weak minority language protection (e.g. France, Romania, Greece, Slovakia) 6. International language law in the interwar period - the League of Nations 7. International language law after World War II - the United Nations 8. International minority and language protection in Europe after World War II - the Council of Europe 9. The language question in the European Union - treaty, official and working languages; minority and lesser used languages 10. The language question in the European Union - language rights and the impact of economic and political integration on language use 11. The language question in the European Union - challenges and prospects (globalisation and the European model of globalisation) 12. Legislating linguistic diversity: the question of coherence 13. Legislating linguistic diversity: a new governing principle is needed Credits (ECTS): 6 Lecturer: Professor György Andrássy, andrassy.gyorgy@ajk.pte.hu Course title: European Union Law AJDINO0601 Language of instruction: English Credits (ECTS): 6 Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Active participation in classroom discussion; presentation; written final exam Course description: This module explains the history and institutional framework of European Union law to students. Apart from the discussion of recent developments such as the Lisbon Treaty, the accession of Croatia and the Turkish application, the module explores the evolving role of the EU in international and global politics. The module also examines the interplay of Union’s main bodies in its legislative process and illustrates the role played by the EU Courts and the importance of fundamental rights. Participants will be introduced to the key principles of the internal market, in particular the free movement of goods and the free movement of workers. In addition, a number of other EU policies, such as European competition policy will be outlined. Students are required to carry out individual, and sometimes comparative, research in their preparation for the classes. Schedule: 1. Introduction (international organisations, integration, etc.) 2. History of the EU: Deepening. From Rome to Lisbon 3. History of the EU: Widening (enlargement). Candidate countries 4. Union institutions 5. Union legislation 6. Union competences 7. Internal market: goods 8. Internal market: persons 9. Competition law: cartels 10. Competition law: abuse Literature: Robert Schütze: An Introduction to European Law. Cambridge University Press 2012 Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 hours per week (90 minutes) Lecturer: Dr. Adrienne Komanovics, LL.M. Ph.D, komanovics.adrienne@ajk.pte.hu Course title: European Human Rights Law: the Approximation of EU and Council of Europe standards AJSZNO84901 Language of instruction: English Credits (ECTS): 6 Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Active participation in classroom discussion; presentation; written final exam Course description: It is important for every society to live human rights through its practices, behaviour, and attitudes. In this vein, the module aims at providing an overview of the protection of human rights in Europe, including the regime developed by the Council of Europe, as well as the gradual introduction, and subsequently the full embrace of human rights concerns by the European Union. The module will introduce students to the European level institutions and systems for the protection of human rights and the promotion of democracy. The module will incorporate a Hungarian focus on these systems but will also include study of the European systems as regional systems in international law and a comparative treatment of human rights concerns in different European countries. The inter-relationships between the systems will also be explored. The module will set out the institutions and systems of the Council of Europe and its main instruments on human rights, in particular the European Convention on Human Rights. The module will also provide an overview of the European Union as a human rights organization. Furthermore, the aim of the module is to analyse both the institutional aspects and the substantive dimensions of human rights as applicable in the EU. Relying on extensive references to primary materials, the module offers analysis of the institutional, policy and substantive aspects of human rights as protected by and within the European Union. Students are required to carry out individual, and sometimes comparative, research in their preparation for the classes. Schedule 1. Introduction: origins of human rights, the first documents relating to the protection of fundamental rights, classification of human rights 2. The most important international and regional human rights instruments 3. The Council of Europe: origins, structure, activities 4. The European Convention on Human Rights: catalogue of human rights 5. The European Convention on Human Rights: proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights 6. The European Union: origins and structure 7. Protection of human rights through the caselaw of the Court of Justice 8. Constitutionalization of human rights (from the Single European Act to the Lisbon Treaty, with special regard to the Charter of Fundamental Rights, as well as the Fundamental Rights Agency) 9. Human rights as a constraint on the institutions and bodies of the Union 10. Human rights as a constraint on the Member States of the Union (suspension clause and preventive mechanism) 11. Human rights in the external policies of the Union 12. The European Convention on Human Rights and the European Union (EU cases before the Strasbourg Court; accession to the Convention) 13. Conclusion Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 hours per week (90 minutes) Lecturer: Dr. Adrienne Komanovics, LL.M. Ph.D, komanovics.adrienne@ajk.pte.hu Course title: Introduction to the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice AJSZNO48301 Language of instruction: English Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Oral examination (an analysis of a case) Course description: The aim of the course to introduce the legal interpretation methods of the ECJ. S cases are discussed in class. Students are expected to study the judgements. Detailed programme: 1. Orientation for the analysis of the judgements of the ECJ 2. 26/62 Van Gend en Loos v. Nederlandse belastigen der administratie 3. 6/64 Costa v. Enel 4. 104/79 Foglia v. Novello, 244/80 Foglia v. Novello 5. C 6, 9/90 Francovich & Bonifaci v. Italy 6. Bulmer v. Bollinger, 283/81 CILFIT v. Ministry of Health, 166/73 RheinmühlenDüsseldorf v. Einfuhr- und Vorratstelle für Getreide und Füttermittel 7. C 263/02 Jégo-Quéré v. Commission 8. C 224/01 Köbler v. Austria 9. 145/ 83 Adams v. Commission 10. 8/74 Procureur de Roi v. Dassonville, C 267, 268/91 Keck and Mithuard 11. Gebhard v. Consiglio dell'Ordine degli Avvocati e Procuratori di Milano 12. 34/79 Regina v. Henn Darby, 121/85 Conegate v. HM Customs and Excise 13. 120/86 Mulder v. Minister van Landbouw en Fisserij Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Dr. Mihály Maczonkai, maczonkai.mihaly@ajk.pte.hu Course title: Tax Fraud and Tax Compliance AJSZNO5701 Language of instruction: English Form of teaching: Seminar-type, 13 2-hour seminars Form of assessment: Written exam Course description: This course is designed to introduce students to the domestic regulation of taxation and tax fraud, to the new tax avoidance measures, and to the economic, social and political effects of these harmful phenomena. This module deals with the following topics: 1. Definition of tax fraud 2. Definition of tax compliance 3. The fight against those phenomena 4. Taxation problems in Hungary 5. Taxation problems in Europe 6. Taxation problems in North-America 7. The problems of the budgeting gap 8. Tax-havens 9. The role of tax administration 10. The history of taxation 11. The role of politics 12. Empirical investigations of tax fraud 13. Empirical investigations of tax fraud Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Dr. Csaba Szilovics, szilovics.csaba@ajk.pte.hu Course title: Information and Communication Technology Law in the EU and Hungary AJDINO0201 Language of instruction: English Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Oral exam (presentations) Course description: - Basic concepts of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Law - The theories and EU strategies of information society - European regulation of personal data protection – history, context and new challenges - Copyright issues of software and other online contents – comparison of different types of license agreements - European framework for the regulation of electronic commerce – legal status of ISPs, consumer protection and other rules Week 1: Basic concepts of information and communication technology law. The theory of information society Week 2-4: Regulation of the telecommunications sector Week 5-6: Information rights: Data protection and freedom of information Week 7-8: Legal protection of computer programs and electronic databases Week 9-10: Electronic commerce Week 11-12: Electronic signature Week 13-14: Computer related crime Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 6 Lecturer: Dr. Gergely Szőke, szoke.gergely@ajk.pte.hu Course title: EU Environmental Policy and Law AJDINO0701 Language of instruction: English Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Written examination Course description: 1. Historical background 2. State of the European environment and sustainable development 3. Aims and objectives of the EU environmental policy 4. Environmental protection, financial assistance and free trade 5. The role of EU institutions 6. Legal bases for EU environmental measures 7. General principles of EU environmental law 8. Enforcement: the general legal framework 9. Enforcement proceedings (1): Art. 226 EC 10. Enforcement proceedings (2): Art. 228 EC 11. The role of private persons and environmental NGOs 12. Access to justice at the national level 13. The role of environmental inspections and IMPEL Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 6 Lecturer: Dr. Attila Pánovics, panovics.attila@ajk.pte.hu Course title: Citizenship and Combating Crime in the EU Course code: AJDINO2301, DFIN2301 Language of instruction: English Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Written and oral assignment Course description: The aim of the course is to analyze various, highly significant areas of Justice- and Home Affairs Cooperation in the European Union, paying attention also to the question of EU citizenship and how it relates to the free movement of persons in the Union. The course covers the following topics: The evolution of Justice and Home Affairs Cooperation in the European Union The EU as an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice The concept of EU citizenship. Rights of EU citizens Free movement of persons in the European Union The migration law and policy of the European Union The asylum law and policy of the European Union Combating organized crime in the European Union The European Arrest Warrant The fight against terrorism within the framework of the EU State surveillance in the EU and the Member States Data protection in the European Union An overview of judicial cooperation in civil matters in the EU The institutions of JHA cooperation 1: EUROPOL, EUROJUST, OLAF The institutions of JHA cooperation 2: European Asylum Support Office, FRONTEX Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 6 Lecturer: Dr. Erzsébet Sándor Szalay, sandor.erzsebet@ajk.pte.hu; dr. Ágoston Mohay, mohay.agoston@ajk.pte.hu Course title: Democracy in the European Union Course code: AJSZNO85001 Language of instruction: English Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Oral assignment Course description: The purpose of the course is to examine the concept of democracy within the supranational system of the European Union. Forms of direct and indirect (representative) democracy and the role of parliamentary institutions (the European Parliament and national parliaments) will be explored, with reference to relevant case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights. Topics include: Democracy and the rule of law in modern states Democracy as a fundamental value of the European Union. The Article 7 TEU procedure. Democratic legitimacy of European governance: achievments and shortcomings The European Parliament: active / passive voting rights, representation of the citizens The role of national parliaments in the EU: indirect participation via scrutiny of national governments. Government – parliament relation models in the EU Member States regarding scrutiny of EU affairs. The role of national parliaments in the EU: direct participation via Article 12 TEU. The subsidiarity-check mechanism: yellow and orange cards and court actions Direct democracy in the EU. EU-related referendums in Member States and candidate countries. The concept of EU citizenship: identity, rights and possibilities The citizens’ initiative procedure Openness and transparency of EU institutions and procedures Accountability in the EU Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: dr. Ágoston Mohay, mohay.agoston@ajk.pte.hu Course title: The Hungarian Criminal Procedure Law AJSZNO65101 Language of instruction: English Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Written Course description: The main characteristics of the Hungarian criminal procedure. Process principles. The authorities. The defence. The other participants in the procedure. Proofs and evidences. The coercion measures. The investigation. The intermediate procedure. The court of first instance. Ordinary remedies. Extraordinary remedies. Special processes Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturers: Dr. habil Csongor Herke, herke.csongor@ajk.pte.hu, Dr. Dániel Antal PhD student antal.daniel@ajk.pte.hu Course title: Constitutional Law and Penalty – an interplay between freedom and compulsion (law course and language improvement) Language of instruction: English Form of teaching: seminar Form of assessment: presentation, short written exam Course description: Introduction to the main fondamental rights and their influence on the criminal procedure on the basis of current criminal cases in Germany and elsewhere. 1. week: Getting to know each other, Introduction, distribution of the summaries 2. week: Basic rights to justice in the constitution 3. week: Democratic principles and the rule of law 4. week: Physical integrity ./. Freedom of action 5. week: Criminalization ./. decriminalization 6. week: The human dignity during the criminal procedure 7. week: Physical coercion in the criminal procedure 8. week: The right to obstruction of justice, inadmissibilities of evidence 9. week: The state’s and the accused’s rights during the criminal procedure 10. week: Freedom of religion ./. self-determination 11. week: Freedom of opinion ./. informational self-determination 12. week: State anti-terrorism measures ./. personal rights 13. week: Written exam, discussion and evaluation Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 6 Lecturer: Assessor Iur. Philipp Schneider M.A., DAAD guest lecturer, pmschneider@gmx.de Course title: Commercial criminal law in practice (law course and language improvement) Language of instruction: English Form of teaching: seminar Form of assessment: presentation, short written exam Course description: Introduction to the general basics of commercial criminal law, various forms of corruption in real life and preventive measures 01. week: Introduction to the commercial criminal law 02. week: Theories of crime, victimology 03. week: Economic damages, estimation of criminality 04. week: Property crimes within the enterprise: theft and fraudulent conversion 05. week: Property crimes within the enterprise: fraud and embezzlement 06. week: Corruption in public projects 07. week: The role of the organized crime in business crime 08. week: Illegal exploitation of copyrighted products 09. week: Marketing of unapproved drugs 10. week: Marketing of incorrectly declared / spoiled food 11. week: Punishable market manipulation 12. week: Preventive measures in business crime 13. week: Written exam, course evaluation Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Assessor Iur. Philipp Schneider M.A., DAAD guest lecturer, pmschneider@gmx.de Course title: Quality legislation AJDINO2901 Language of instruction: English Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Writing a short paper about the following topic: “How the measure and ideas of quality legislation are realized in your country?” (max 5 pages, TNR 12 font), and/or active participation in the discussion during lectures Course description: The course „Quality legislation” intends to give a deeper overview to Legisprudence (or: Legislation and Legistics) and offer an insight into the best practises developed mainly in the EU and Western European states. The course makes it possible for student to discuss legislation and legistics related questions and formulate their own opinion. Week 1. Elements of quality legislation, implications Weeks 2-3. Evolution of Better/Smart regulation policy in the EU Week 4. Legislation, influencing elements, need for dialogue Week 5. Legislative processes and ICT Weeks 6-7. Impact assessment Week 8. Consultation Week 9. Quality drafting as a process and form of communication Week 10. Quality draft as a result Weeks 11-12. Reduction of administrative burdens Week 13. Exam Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 4 Literature: The entire teaching material will be provided by the lecturer. Lecturer: Dr. Tímea Drinóczi, PhD, dr. habil. drinoczi.timea@ajk.pte.hu Course title: Sustainable Production and Consumption in the EU – The Integrated Product Policy (Jean Monnet Chair Course) AJDINO0501 Language of instruction: English Credits (ECTS): 6 Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Based on students’ participation in classroom, discussion; presentation (Ppt) or submission of a paper Course description: The course explains changes in the traditional way of environmental policy-making: in addition to emission control and waste management, the integrated approach covers all stages from the mining of raw materials to the production, distribution, use, recycling and recovery and final disposal, to reduce the life cycle environmental impacts of products. During the course the main objectives, principles of the IPP strategy and its key role in the EU sustainable development strategy will be discussed. The existing and newly developed policy tools aiming at the creation of incentives for greener production and consumption patterns as well as the relevant EU laws are examined. Content of the Course: 1. The principle of integration of environmental requirements into the other policies, the role of the IPP in the EU Strategy for Sustainable Development. The aim is to promote a market for greener products that use fewer resources, have lesser impacts on and risks to the environment, thus improving the competitiveness of the EU industry. 2. The establishment of the IPP at EU level. The integrated product policy approach: the “life cycle” concept. 3. Key principles of the IPP approach (life cycle thinking, working with the market, stakeholder involvement, combination of voluntary approaches with mandatory measures, etc). Further environmental principles to be applied: precaution, substitution, minimisation and producer responsibility. 4. Product related legislation in the EU: e.g. legislation on the composition of products, restriction or ban on export-import, marketing and use of chemicals, heavy metals, etc. 5. Ozone depleting substances, the EU policy on climate change. 6. Products from biotechnology, regulation on genetically modified organisms (GMO). 7. The EU chemicals legislation and policy, the new REACH system. 8. The economic and legal framework of the IPP, its tools and means: price mechanism, taxes and subsidies, voluntary agreements, standardisation, green public procurement. 9. Environmental managements systems (EMAS), product design obligations (eco-design), environmental labelling (the “European flower”). 10. The new concept of producer responsibility (an extension of the producer’s obligation for environmental impacts of products arising prior to and after the production phase, i.e. responsibility for the choice of raw materials, energy sources, for impacts during the consumption/use phase as well as for impacts of waste generated by products after the end of their useful life-time). Examples of EU regulation of producer responsibility: Directives on packaging and packaging waste; batteries and accumulators containing certain dangerous substances; end-of life vehicles; waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 hours per week (90 minutes) Lecturer: Dr. Zsuzsanna Horváth PhD, horvath.zsuzsanna@ajk.pte.hu Literature: - Krämer, Ludwig, EU Environmental Law (7th ed.), Sweet & Maxwell, London, 2011 - Commission, Communication on Integrated Product Policy, Building on Environmental Life-Cycle Thinking, COM (2003) 302 final, Brussels, 18.6.2003, - Commission, Mainstreaming sustainable development into EU policies: 2009 review of the EU Sustainable Development Strategy, COM (2009) 400, Brussels, 24.7.2009, - Commission, Communication on the Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainable Industrial Policy Action Plan, COM (2008) 397, Brussels, 16 July 2008, - Commission, On the State of Implementation of Integrated Product Policy, COM (2009) 693, Brussels, 21.12.2009, - Commission, Europe 2020: A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, COM (2010) 2020, Brussels, 3.3.2010, - Treaties on the European Union and on the Functioning of the European Union) (Lisbon Treaty modifications: OJ C 83/1, 30.3.2010) Course title: The Role of Human Rights in International Relations AJSZNO82201 Language of instruction: English Form of teaching: Seminar Course description: The aim of the course is to demonstrate the theoretical bases of human rights, and the role that human rights play, could play and ought to play in the contemporary world. This subject may be useful for students interested in foreign policy, cultural differences, international law, moral and political philosophy. Minimum number of students: 1 Class ours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Dr. Gábor Szabó, assistant professor GERMAN Course title: Europäisches Arbeitsrecht AJDINO3201 Language of instruction: German Form of teaching: Seminar Course description: Acquisition of the basics of the European labour law in German. 1. Grundlagen des Europäischen Arbeitsrechts 2. Geschichte der Sozialpolitik der EU 3. Grudfreiheiten und Entsendung der Arbeitnehmer 4. Diskriminierungsverbote I. 5. Diskriminierungsverbote II. 6. Information und Unterrichtung (Nachweis) 7. Atypische Arbeitsverhältnisse 8. Schutz bestimmter Arbeitnehmergruppen 9. Der Betriebsübergang 10. Die Massenentlassung 11. Zahlungsunfähigkeit des Arbeitgebers 12. Europäische Regelung der Arbeitszeit 13. Kollektives Arbeitsrecht der EU I. 14. Kollektives Arbeitsrecht der EU II. Minimum number of students: 1 Class ours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 6 Lecturer: Dr. Gyula BERKE, associate professor, Dr. György KISS, professor Course title: Rechtshistorische Wurzeln des Handels- und Wirtschaftsrechts im Rechtsleben Europas AJDINO1501 Language of instruction: German Form of teaching: Contact Form of assessment: Written exam Course description: 1. Legal Status of Participants of Economic Life in the Antiquity and in the Middle Ages 2. Basics of Modern Economic Systems: Freedoms of the Economic Life 3. Historic Types of the Regulation of Commercial Activities 4. Classical Commercial Codes in Europe 5. Basic Law Institutes of Economic Life I: Stock Exchange 6. Basic Law Institutes of Economic Life II: Share Company, Ltd., Trust 7. Basic Law Institutes of Economic Life III: Letter of Exchange, Cheque, Share, Insurance 8. Labour Law in the Development of European Economic Law 9. Competition Law in the Traditional and Modern Legal Systems of Europe 10. Intellectual Property Rights in the Development of Law in Europe 11. Historic Types of State Economic Policy 12. Hungarian Economic Law in the Legal History 13. Written Exam Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 6 Lecturers: Dr. Eszter Cs. Herger Associated Professor, herger.csabane@ajk.pte.hu Course title: Das Rechtsssystem und die Rechtsquellen der Europäischen Union AJSZNO44301 (spring semester) Language of instruction: German Form of teaching: Seminar, only during the spring semester Form of assessment: Written or oral examination Course description: Der Kurs basiert auf der Beschreibung und Analyse des Rechtssystems und der Rechtsquellen der Europäischen Union. 1. Völkerrecht, Europarecht und Nationales Recht. 2. Die Geschichte der Europäischen Integration 3. Die Institutionen der Europäischen Union 4. Primäres Unionsrecht: geschriebene Rechtsquellen 5. Primäres Unionsrecht: ungeschriebene Rechtsquellen 6. Sekundäres Unionsrecht: Verordnungen 7. Sekundäres Unionsrecht: Richtlinien 8. Sekundäres Unionsrecht: Entscheidungen, Empfehlungen, Stellungsnahmen 9. Rechtsquellen in den ehemaligen zweiten und der dritten „Säulen" der EU 10. Rechtsetzung in der Europäischen Union 11. Unmittelbare Geltung und Anwendbarkeit, Unmittelbare, Vorrang des Unionsrechts 12. Die Rolle der Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofes 13. Relevantes Fallrecht des EuGH. Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: dr. Ágoston Mohay, assistant lecturer, mohay.agoston@ajk.pte.hu Course title: Nationalitätenpolitik Ungarns 1990-2004 AJDINO1301 Language of instruction: German Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Written examination Course description: 1. Der Begriff der 'Minderheit'; Typologie der ethnischen Minderheiten. 2. Die Geschichte der Nationalitätenpolitik in Ungarn vor der politischen Wende. 3. Die Nationalitätenpolitik in Ungarn seit der politischen Wende. 4. Die demographische Lage der Minderheiten nach den Volkszählungen 1990-2000; Die Altersstruktur der Volksgruppen in Ungarn je nach Muttersprachen. 5. Die Zusammensetzung der Minderheitenbevölkerung nach Schulabschlüssen; das Bildungssystem der ethnischen und nationalen Minderheiten in Ungarn. 6. Kulturinstitute und Medien der Volksgruppen. 7. Der ungarische Staat, die politische Elite und die Mehrheitsgesellschaft. 8. Die traditionellen nationalen Minderheiten in Ungarn und die Roma Volksgruppe in Ungarn. 9. Die rechtliche Stellung der ethnischen- und nationalen Minderheiten in Ungarn: die individuellen und kollektiven Rechte der Minderheiten (Das Gesetz 1993: LXXII über die Rechte der nationalen und ethnischen Minderheiten). 10. Minderheitenselbstverwaltungen in Ungarn. 11. Die ungarische Minderheitenpolitik in den Nachbarstaaten 1: (Grund-), Freundschaftsverträge mit der Slowakei und Rumänien. 12. Die ungarische Minderheitenpolitik in den Nachbarstaaten 2: Das Begünstigungsgesetz von 2001. 13. Die Bewertungen der ungarischen Nationalitätenrechtspolitik vom Ausland. 14. Was für eine Rolle spielen die Volksgruppen in Ungarn? (Brückenfunktion oder eher eine Brückenkopffunktion). Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 6 Lecturer: Dr. Ferenc Cseresnyés, cseresnyes.ferenc@ajk.pte.hu Course title: Vergleichendes Kommunalrecht (Bayern, Ungarn) AJDINO1401 Language of instruction: German Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Written and oral examination Course description: 1. Begriff der Selbstverwaltung, Arten der Selbstverwaltungen. 2. Verfassungsrechtliche Regelung der Selbstverwaltungen. 3. Arten der autonomen Gebietskörperschaften. 4. Organisation der kommunalen Selbstverwaltung und der Geschaeftsgang. 5. Die Aufgaben der kommunalen Selbstverwaltungen. 6. Mitwirkung der Gemeindeangehörige. 7. Gemeindewirtschaft. 8. Staatliche aufsicht der Kommunen. 9. Kommunale Zusammenarbeit. 10. Ortsrecht in Bayern. 11. Ortsrecht in Ungarn. 12. Zusammenfassung der Erfahrungen. 13. Bestimmung der zukünftigen Aufgaben und Herausforderungen (z. B. EU-integration) Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 6 Lecturer: Dr. Adrián Fábián, fabian.adrian@ajk.pte.hu Course title: Internationales und Europäisches Zivilprozessrecht AJDINO1601 Language of instruction: German Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Written examination Course description: 1. Einführung. Grundlagen des Zivilprozessrechts in Europa. 2. Die Elemente des Internationalen Zivilprozessrechts. 3. Brüsseler Übereinkommen über die gerichtliche Zuständigkeit und Vollstreckung von Entscheidungen in Zivil- und Handelssachen vom 27. 9 1968 (EuGVÜ). 4. Die Revision des Brüsseler Übereinkommens. Paradigmenwechsel im europäischen Zivilprozessrecht. Die Vergemeinschaftung des EuGVÜ. 5. Verordnung (EG) Nr. 44/2001 des Rates über die gerichtliche Zuständigkeit und Vollstreckung von Entscheidungen in Zivil- und Handelssachen. 6. Die Urteile des Europäischen Gerichtshofes zum Europäischen Zivilprozessrecht. 7 Das Zuständigkeitssystem des Europäischen Zivilprozessrechts (EuGVVO, EuEheVO, EuInsolvVO. 8. Anerkennung und Vollstreckung (EuGVVO, EuVollstrTitel_VO). 9. Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1393/2007 des Rates über die Zustellung gerichtlicher und außergerichtlicher Schriftstücke in Zivil- oder Handelssachen in den Mitgliedstaaten (EuZustellVO). 10. Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1206/2001 des Rates vom 28. Mai 2001 über die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Gerichten der Mitgliedstaaten auf dem Gebiet der Beweisaufnahme in Ziviloder Handelssachen (EuBewVO. 11. Die Urteile des Europäischen Gerichtshofes zum Europäischen Zivilprozessrecht. 12. Europäisches Mahnverfahren. 13. Europäisches Bagatellverfahren. Minimum number of students:1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 6 Lecturer: Dr. Miklós Kengyel, kengyel.@ajk.pte.hu Course title: Die Geschichte der Rechtsanwaltschaft AJSZNO32401 Language of instruction: German Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Written examination Course description: Summary of the history of attorneys in Europe. Legal counsels in ancient legal cultures: Athens and Rome. Procurator, advocatus, Vorsprecher, Fürsprecher: diverse forms of advocacy and legal counselling in German Law and in the "ius commune". Historical introduction to the Hungarian administration of Justice. The development of advocacy in Hungary. The most important legislative provisions, acts and statues, Austrian influences. Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Dr. Korsósné Dr. Krisztina Delacasse, delacasse.krisztina@ajk.pte.hu Course title: Grundelemente der Rundfunkregulierung AJDINO2701 Language of instruction: German Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Presentation, class work Course description: Die Studenten können die Entwicklung, die Instrumente und die aktuellen Problemfelder der Regulierung des Rundfunks und der Telekommunikation in der EG kennen lernen. Sie bekommen einen allgemeinen Rahmen, in denen die einzelstaatlichen Regulierungen auszulegen sind. Die Rundfunkregulierung wird als Querschnittsbereich vom Rundfunkrecht, Telekommunikationsrecht und Kartellrecht dargestellt. Die einzelnen Regulierungsfragen werden im rechtsvergleichenden Aspekt betrachtet. Medienordnung, Konvergenz, Medienpolitik; Rundfunkfreiheit in der Rechtsprechung des EGMR und einiger Verfassungsgerichtshöfe; Entwicklung und Instrumente der europäischen audiovisuellen Politik. Einfluss des europäischen Rechts auf die mitgliedstaatliche Kommunikationsordnung; Das Herkunftslandsprinzip; Auslegungsfragen des sachlichen Geltungsbereichs der europäischen Medienregulierung; Jugendschutz in Europa; Europäische Werberegulierung; Regulierung des digitalen Rundfunks; Zugangsregulierung; Medienkonzentrationskontrolle. Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 6 Lecturer: Dr. Gábor Polyák, polyak.gabor@ajk.pte.hu Course title: Das deutsche Strafverfahren in der Praxis (Fach- und Sprachverbesserung) Language of instruction: German Form of teaching: seminar Form of assessment: presentation, short written exam Course description: Kennenlernern der Ursachen, Erscheinungsformen und Folgen von Kriminalität im Wirtschaftsverkehr; Verbesserung des Fachwortschatzes und der Sprachpraxis 01. Woche: Kennenlernen, Einführung, Verteilen der Referatsthemen 02. Woche: Grundlagen des Strafverfahrens 03. Woche: Rechte des Beschuldigten im Ermittlungsverfahren I 04. Woche: Staatliche Maßnahmen im Ermittlungsverfahren I 05. Woche: Rechte des Beschuldigten im Ermittlungsverfahren II 06. Woche: Staatliche Maßnahmen im Ermittlungsverfahren II 07. Woche: Beweisverwertungsverbote im Strafverfahren 08. Woche: Zwischenverfahren 09. Woche: Ablauf des Hauptverfahrens 10. Woche: Beteiligtenrechte im Hauptverfahren 11. Woche: Entscheidung im Hauptverfahren 12. Woche: Vollstreckung der Strafe 13. Woche: Abschlussklausur, Kursauswertung Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Assessor Iur. Philipp Schneider M.A., DAAD guest lecturer, pmschneider@gmx.de Course title: Das deutsche Verfassungsrecht: Staatsorganisationsrecht (Fach- und Sprachverbesserung) Language of instruction: German Form of teaching: seminar Form of assessment: presentation, short written exam Course description: Kennenlernen des Aufbaus des deutschen Verfassungssystems anhand von Fällen aus der Praxis,Verbesserung des Fachwortschatzes und der Sprachpraxis im Wirtschaftsverkehr; Verbesserung des Fachwortschatzes und der Sprachpraxis 1. Woche: Kennenlernen, Einführung, Verteilen der Referatsthemen 2. Woche: Staatsbegriff, Staatstheorien 3. Woche: Internationale Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Staaten 4. Woche: Staatsstrukturprinzipien Republik, Bundesstaat, Sozialstaat 5. Woche: Staatsstrukturprinzip Rechtsstaat, Justizgrundrechte 6. Woche: Staatsstrukturprinzip Demokratie, das Wahlrecht 7. Woche: Staatsorgane I – Der Bundestag 8. Woche: Staatsorgane II – Bundesrat und Bundesregierung 9. Woche: Staatsorgane III – Bundespräsident und Bundesverfassungsgericht 10. Woche: Das Gesetzgebungsverfahren 11. Woche: Freiheitsgrundrechte 12. Woche: Gleichheitsgrundrechte, Abschlussklausur 13. Woche: Zusammenfassung, Kursauswertung Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Assessor Iur. Philipp Schneider M.A., DAAD guest lecturer, pmschneider@gmx.de Course title: Das deutsche Verfassungsrecht: Grundrechte (Fach- und Sprachverbesserung) Language of instruction: German Form of teaching: seminar Form of assessment: presentation, short written exam Course description: Kennenlernen des deutschen Grundrechtekatalogs anhand von Fällen aus der Praxis, Verbesserung des Fachwortschatzes und der Sprachpraxis 1. Woche: Kennenlernen, Einführung, Verteilen der Referatsthemen 2. Woche: Historischer Überblick zu den Grundrechten 3. Woche: Über allem: Die Menschenwürde 4. Woche: Die Freiheitsgrundrechte: Die allgemeine Handlungsfreiheit 5. Woche: Die Glaubens- und Bekenntnisfreiheit 6. Woche: Die Meinungs- und Pressefreiheit 7. Woche: Die Versammlungsfreiheit 8. Woche: Das Briefgeheimnis, Unverletzlichkeit der Wohnung 9. Woche: Die Gleichheitsgrundrechte: Der allgemeine Gleichheitsgrundsatz 10. Woche: Das Verbot der Ungleichbehandlung 11. Woche: Die Verfahrensgrundrechte: Das Rechtsstaatsprinzip 12. Woche: Die Grundrechte des Beschuldigten, Abschlussklausur 13. Woche: Klausurbesprechung und Kursauswertung Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Assessor Iur. Philipp Schneider M.A., DAAD guest lecturer, pmschneider@gmx.de Course title: Wirtschaftsstrafrecht (Fach- und Sprachverbesserung) Language of instruction: Gerrman Form of teaching: seminar Form of assessment: presentation, short written exam Course description: Kennenlernern der Ursachen, Erscheinungsformen und Folgen von Kriminalität im Wirtschaftsverkehr; Verbesserung des Fachwortschatzes und der Sprachpraxis 01.Woche: Kennenlernen, Einführung, Verteilen der Referatsthemen 02. Woche: Straf- und Opfertheorien 03. Woche: Gesamtschaden, Hell- und Dunkelfeld 04. Woche: Kriminalität im Unternehmen: Diebstahl und Unterschlagung 05. Woche: Kriminalität im Unternehmen: Betrug, Untreue, Sachbeschädigung 06. Woche: Korruption bei öffentlichen Ausschreibungen 07. Woche: Die Rolle der Organisierten Kriminalität bei der Wirtschaftskriminalität 08. Woche: Straftaten gegen das Urheberrecht 09. Woche: Handel mit nicht zugelassenen Medikamenten 10. Woche: Handel mit falsch deklarierten / verdorbenen Lebensmitteln 11. Woche: Strafbare Marktmanipulationen 12. Woche: Präventivmaßnahmen 13. Woche: Abschlussklausur, Kursauswertung Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Assessor Iur. Philipp Schneider M.A., DAAD guest lecturer, pmschneider@gmx.de TURKISH Course title: Macaristanın av hukukuna giri (beveztés a magyar vadászati jogba) AJSZNO75501 Language of instruction: Türkçe Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: dersin süresinde çalıșmalar ( órai aktivitás ) Course description: Avcılıkla ilgili yasalar ve hükümlerinde: av alanı, av kooperatifi ve kurulușu, avın neden olduğu zararlar (tarım ve ulașım), (a vadászatra vonatkozó törvényekben, ítéletekben: a vadászterület, a vadásztársaság és alapítása, vadkárok (mezőgazdasági, közlekedési)) av kazaları, (vadászbalesetek) yasak bölgede avlanma ve cezası (orvvadászat és bűntetése) Minimum number of students: 1 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Dr. Csanád Antal