MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS SHORT-TERM STUDENT HANDBOOK A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS PREPARING TO STUDY ABROAD MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS Page WELCOME! 1 INTRODUCTION 2 STAYING IN CONTACT 3 CHECKLIST 4 ACADEMICS 5 PRE-DEPARTURE PLANNING 6 CONDUCT AND SAFETY 8 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK WHAT TO BRING 13 TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS 17 HEALTH ISSUES 18 MONEY MATTERS 20 REVERSE CULTURE SHOCK 24 SUGGESTED WEBSITES 25 APPENDICES 27 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK WELCOME! DEAR STUDENT | Welcome to Marist International Programs (MIP). Your success as on a short-term program will depend upon how well you have prepared yourself for the experience. We look forward to assisting you with a number of matters that have to be taken care of prior to your departure during orientation for your program. This handbook covers a wide range of information necessary for the next important steps you must take as you prepare for your short-term program. Please read all of the enclosed carefully. Keep this information and bring it with you to your program site. Please feel free to call us at (845) 575-3330, or if you are on campus stop by our office on the third floor of the library in Suite 334 for any questions or concerns. Sincerely, John PetersCarol Toufali Jerre Thornton Dean, International ProgramsCoordinatorCoordinator 1 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK introduction Congratulations on being selected to participate in a Marist College short-term program. You are about to embark upon an amazing experience and incredible opportunity! One of the best ways to prepare for your program is to learn as much as possible about your host country prior to your departure. This handbook is one tool that will help you prepare for your winter intersession, spring break or attachment program. Other resources can be found online or through travel guides and books, or speaking with past short-term participants, or with the short-term program coordinator. Changes to your program may occur before your departure or while you are abroad. Your flexibility and willingness to adjust to these changes as they occur will help you to have the best study abroad experience possible. Read this handbook carefully! You are responsible for the information covered in this handbook. Remember to take this handbook with you. You may need to refer to it to help answer questions while you are abroad. WE WISH YOU A SUCCESSFUL AND REWARDING STUDY ABROAD EXPERIENCE!!! 2 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK staying in contact MIP MAINLINE - 845.575.3330 (8:00 am - 5:00 pm) MIP STAFF John Peters - Dean, International Programs Carol Toufali - Coordinator Jerre Thornton - Coordinator Elizabeth Mulligan - Office Assistant MARIST OFFICE OF SAFETY AND SECURITY - 845.471.1822 (after hours) For emergencies after hours, call the Marist Office of Safety and Security. Explain to the officer that there is an emergency involving a Marist student abroad. Security will help you identify the individual from Marist International Programs who can assist you. WEB 3 CHECKLIST THINGS TO TAKE CARE OF PRE-DEPARTURE Copy down all names, phone numbers, postal and e-mail addresses of people with whom you might need to have contact while abroad. Verify with your bank that your checking account ATM card will work overseas, and have them tag your account so that overseas charges won’t be seen as suspicious. Leave bank deposit slips with your parents, if they will be “feeding” your account while you are abroad. Take care of college financial issues. Consider having a medical exam/physical and bring your vaccinations up to date. Get a dental check-up. Have wisdom teeth extracted, if necessary. Need an eye check? If you wear contact lenses, bring supplies. Also bring eyeglasses in case you can’t wear your lenses. Bring a copy of your prescription in case you need to replace lost/broken glasses/lenses. Bring an adequate supply of prescription medication (in pharmacy-labeled container) to last your entire stay abroad. Know what items are permitted and prohibited for air travel: If you are not a US citizen, consult with the international student advisor to make sure your immigration documents are in order. Leave a copy of your passport, credit/ATM cards with your parent(s). Bring a copy of your birth certificate with you. It’s a good idea for parents of students going abroad to obtain and maintain a valid passport, in case of emergency requiring them to travel. Should you get an International Student ID Card (ISIC)? Register your travel with the US Department of State: THINGS TO REMEMBER WHILE YOU’RE ABROAD Follow the program director’s instructions at all times. Never leave your hotel door propped open while you are in the room or away from the room. Remember that this is not your dorm room. No late night parties. Keep noise down. Keep a journal of your experiences, travels, friends, contacts, addresses, etc. Take lots of photos!!! Start a blog -- your family will love it. 4 What you need to do before you go abroad and what you need to do while you are abroad. MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK academics BEFORE YOU GO CONFIRM YOUR ACADEMIC GOALS | While it may seem like you’re on vacation, remember that your short-term program is an academic experience and that you are going to receive a grade upon it’s completion. KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT | As with any course at Marist, read the course syllabus and ask questions about the academics for your program. Many program directors will expect a pre-departure paper, a journal while you are abroad, and a post-departure paper upon your return. You may also have a group presentation. Complete all assignments on time and read all required texts. Remember for Spring attachment programs that your grades will be posted once you have completed all assignments, generally 2 weeks after your return. Short-term programs cannot be taken pass/fail. WINTER INTERSESSION | Winter Intersession programs are self-contained programs and are generally 2-weeks in length. SPRING BREAK AND ATTACHMENT PROGRAMS | Spring break and attachment programs will meet regularly during the spring semester, generally following a modified class schedule. It is important that you work with the program director if your short-term program conflicts with another course you are enrolled in. Remember that is it your responsibility to complete all work. FINAL WORDS | As with any course you take at Marist College, keep copies of papers and other assignments in case there is any questions that an assignment was completed. 5 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK pre-departure planning You will get the most out of your time abroad if you find out as much as you can about your host country and culture, and if you anticipate questions and situations which may arise before you leave. Sources of information could be returnees, Web sites, tourist and travel organizations, native faculty or students, friends, and relatives. Questions often posed by prospective study abroad students follow. You’ll find many of the answers in this Handbook, and at the websites listed at the end of this book. Some questions are best answered by students who have returned from your program host country, and the Marist Abroad Coordinator can put you in touch with returnees. Some students prefer not to do a lot of research and enjoy unexpected discoveries on site – sort of like jumping into cold water! Regardless of the amount of research you do, and the answers you find, returned students say, “Expect the unexpected!” However you approach preparing to go abroad, ENJOY the adventure! PREPARATORY QUESTIONS | What am I looking for in a study abroad experience? Have I made a list of my goals? What are my hidden (or unspoken) expectations? What cultural experiences am I looking for during my time abroad? How will this experience impact my career objectives? How familiar am I with my own cultural heritage? Can I answer questions about my hometown, state, country, US culture, customs, and politics? TRAVEL AND ARRIVAL QUESTIONS | How do I get a passport? What can I do to avoid having my passport stolen? If my passport is stolen, do I know where to get a new one? Did I photocopy my passport and other important documents? What is a visa? Will I be going to countries which require a visa? If so, do I know the procedures for obtaining a visa and how long it will take to get one? Do I know weight and size limits for luggage on planes? Can I carry all of my luggage for plane and train connections and to my accommodation alone? What do I really need to bring? Do I know the currency exchange rate of the country(s) I will be travelling to? Do I know how and where to obtain that country’s currency? Am I familiar with the bills and coins? Should I bring a pocket calculator? What is the value to me of an International Student ID card? What other discounts are available to students? SITE QUESTIONS | What is the climate like where I will be? Do I have the appropriate clothes for the climate? Am I bringing too many clothes? What laundry service is available? If needed, what are the banking hours? Is there an ATM nearby? How long will it take to transfer money or to cash a check drawn on a US account? Do I have an ATM card? Will it work overseas? Can I access my savings account at an overseas ATM? Can my parents access my account for deposits or withdrawals on my behalf? Do I know the long distance and overseas access codes? Will I be able to call home on arrival? 6 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK What are the normal expectations regarding the use of hot water, heating and power consumption? What about voltage? Plug size? What should I do before I leave? Have I read as much as possible about the country or countries in which I will be traveling or studying? Have I been reading magazines or newspapers to become more familiar with world news and events? Do I know what’s going on the U.S. as well? Am I prepared to discuss world events with new acquaintances? What, if any, diseases are prevalent in my host country? Have I checked into this? What inoculations, if any, will I need to get before I leave? What medications should I carry? What is included in the program costs and benefits? How much extra money should I take? Have I planned for such additional costs as meals and personal expenses (i.e., souvenirs, etc.)? If I need medical assistance while abroad, do I know what to do? If I am sick or have an accident, what do I do? Do I have the international cell number for my program director? Have I discussed my medical insurance with my family? What coverage does HTH Worldwide provide? Are their exclusions for pre-existing conditions? Do I have any prescription drugs that I need to take with me? How about glasses? Contact lenses and supplies? Prescriptions in case of lost glasses, contacts? Have I had a physical lately? Have I asked my doctor about any special vaccinations I should have before going abroad? When was my last dental checkup/cleaning? Are my wisdom teeth OK, or are they going to give me a problem while I’m travelling? Are traveler’s checks a good idea for me? Do I know where to get them cashed in my host country? Do I know what to do if they are stolen? Do I have a credit card in case of emergencies? Do I know about the different ways to have money sent to me in case I run out of funds? Do my family and friends know how to reach me while I’m abroad or travelling? Have I updated my address book so I can reach them? Do I really need all the items I plan to bring? Do I have a journal or notebook in which to keep a written record of my experiences? Am I aware of the penalties if I am caught with illegal drugs or in the company of drug users while overseas? What are the laws of the country/countries I am traveling to? _________________________________________________________________________________ *Questions drawn in part from an article by Mary Elizabeth Debicki in Transitions Abroad , International Resource Guide No. 5. (The MIP Office has a subscription to Transitions Abroad magazine – past issues are in the resource room.) 7 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK conduct and safety You will soon be entering a culture which is probably foreign to you. Please read through the following sections carefully; they are not meant to frighten you, but rather to inform you of issues about which you should be aware upon arrival at your new setting. This advice is applicable no matter where you are in the world. STUDENT CONDUCT | Marist College seeks to provide all members of the Marist community with an environment conducive to learning. Your application to participate in MIP indicates a free choice to become part of an academic community, to participate in its programs, and to accept the responsibilities of membership therein. The College’s acceptance of the student in turn represents the extension of the privileges of community membership to the individual and the right to remain a part of it so long as the student meets the academic, financial and behavioral expectations of the community. By enrolling in or attending a course or program of study sponsored by the College, all persons are deemed to have agreed to respect the rights of the College and its members, and to be held accountable for all regulations and procedures as presented in “Student Rights and Responsibilities,” published by the Marist College Office of Student Affairs, to the normal expectation of ethics, conduct and good citizenship. Marist College reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any student for failure to maintain a satisfactory academic record, acceptable personal behavior, or satisfactory standards of health. While overseas, you are not only subject to the Marist College standards of conduct and disciplinary sanctions, but also to the local laws and sanctions of the particular country and institution in which you are studying. In many countries the punishment for possession and/or distribution of controlled substances and for driving while under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances is much more severe than in the U.S. You should be aware that if you are arrested for a crime overseas, there is little Marist College or the local U.S. Consular authorities can do to intercede on your behalf. Rarely have there been students in violation of Marist College’s standards of conduct. On the whole, students who choose to study abroad exhibit a greater degree of maturity and responsibility than many of their peers. Marist International Programs office also has the authority to establish rules of conduct necessary for the operation of the program and to reserve the right to require a student to withdraw from the program. In such instances, the student will be entitled to the same due process established on the Marist College campus. GENERAL SAFETY IN PUBLIC PLACES | Many people’s impressions of Americans come from what they see on American television shows. Americans are seen as wealthy, particularly in developing countries, and in many locations you may be more well-off than the local population. Americans are also easily noticed. We dress differently, we speak loudly in groups, we carry backpacks, we wear athletic shoes and caps, and our American accent is unmistakable. By following the suggestions below, you can minimize your exposure to unsafe situations: US citizens are encouraged to register with the US Consulate while abroad. Registration can be done online and is the easiest way to share information about your trip with consulates abroad. US Consulate addresses and phone numbers for your host country are easily found online. The US Consulate will notify registered US citizens if a situation arises which poses a threat for local Americans. 8 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK Do not leave your bags or belongings unattended at any time. Security staff in airports or train stations are instructed to remove or destroy any unattended luggage. Do not agree to carry or look after packages or suitcases for anyone. Make sure no one puts anything in your luggage. When you travel use a waist or neck pouch to carry your passport, credit cards and travelers checks. Wear the pouch under your clothes. Keep a separate record of your traveler’s checks in another part of your belongings so that you will have a record if the checks are lost or stolen. Do not carry more cash than you are prepared to lose. Do not carry your passport unless you are travelling, or advised to do so by the program director. Carry a copy of your passport instead. Be as inconspicuous in dress and demeanor as possible. Downplay those elements of your appearance and manner which broadcast that you are American. Here are some “tip-offs” to avoid: • • • wearing US college or university insignia clothing or heavily patriotic American clothing wearing baseball caps talking loudly with a group of friends Use the buddy (or in the evening, small group) system, at all times. Never go out on your own. Walking with someone else helps to deflect approaches by would-be harassers. Do not talk on a cell phone or use a iPod, Zune or other multimedia device while walking in public areas. Be aware of your surroundings. Be careful how late you come home at night. Try to get home while public transportation is still running or plan to take a taxi. When hailing a taxi, be extremely cautious about from whom you accept rides. Be alert to the people with whom you have contact. Be wary of people who seem overly friendly or overly interested in you. Be cautious when you meet new people and do not give out your hotel information or phone number. Be careful about sharing information about other students or group events. Be alert to anyone who might appear to be following you or to any unusual activity around your hotel. Report any unusual people or activities to your program director, on-site staff and/or authorities immediately. In countries where drivers drive on the left-hand side of the road (e.g. Australia, England, Ireland), you will have to make an extra effort to check traffic before crossing the street. Be careful to observe traffic lights. Stay on sidewalks away from the curb, and walk facing oncoming traffic whenever possible. Drivers in large cities can be aggressive, and often erratic. Never assume a car will stop for you or steer out of your way. MONEY AND OTHER VALUABLES Keep your cash and other valuables (travelers checks, passport and visa, airline ticket) in a safe in your room or a hotel safe. Do not take with you jewelry that you value or that has sentimental value. It can get lost or stolen. Be aware that it is common in some cities for thieves on motorcycles to pull gold chains off the necks of women. Leave your inessential valuables at home. Avoid putting important/valuable items in the back pocket of your pants or backpack. Wear your backpack in front of you in crowded places. We highly recommend bringing a money belt, waist or neck pouch that can be worn concealed under your clothes. Do not handle or display large quantities of money (dollars or local currency) on the street. Only bring as much money with you as you need for the day or night. Always keep an eye, and/or your hands, on your purse/bag/wallet, especially in crowded public areas (public transportation, crowded sidewalks, markets, and metro stations). 9 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK Be particularly vigilant in areas where there have been numerous reports of pick-pocketing and purse snatching, especially tourist areas. Be aware that thieves on mopeds snatch purses, so have your bag face away from the street. Never leave personal belongings (i.e., purses, backpacks, etc.) unattended. If you suddenly find yourself being “crowded” in a market, move away from the crowd. Thieves work best in a crowd. U.S. STATE DEPT. CONSULAR INFORMATION SHEETS AND TRAVEL WARNINGS Consular Information Sheets are available for every country recognized by the US. They include such information as locations of U.S. Embassies or Consulates, health conditions, crime and security information, drug penalties, among other information. Travel Warnings are issued when the State Dept. recommends Americans avoid travel to a certain country. Consular Information Sheets and Travel Warnings, and other information are available at: LOCAL TRANSPORTATION & TRAVEL If someone leaves a package unattended on a seat near you in any crowded public place (e.g., airports, train stations, metro, or on a bus or other public transportation) notify the driver or other authority and get away from it as quickly as possible. Be careful with whom you ride in a car. Some countries are less adamant about drinking and driving, and therefore driving under the influence of alcohol is more common. Driving and pedestrian behaviors overseas can be very different from those we take for granted in the U.S. Even in developed countries, accident rates are sometimes higher than in the U.S. Carefully consider the modes of travel you plan to use overseas, and especially if you are planning travel to lesser developed areas during extended holidays. You may see other passengers on public transportation who don’t appear to be paying the fare. Be careful not to copy them. Many of them have passes that they only show when asked by an inspector. If you get caught without a ticket or pass, you can be pulled off the public transportation and taken to the police station. Always purchase a ticket for all public transport and remember to have it stamped if required to do so. Often, a you will be given a metro pass (i.e. London Tube, Paris Metro, etc.) for your program. IN TIMES OF A POLITICAL CONFLICT Keep in touch with the current political situation by listening daily to the television or reading the newspaper. In the event of an emergency, advisories may be made to the general public through the media. In case of an emergency, remain in contact with your program director onsite staff. Register with the American Consulate nearest you. When in large cities and other popular tourist destinations, be aware of your surroundings when visiting places frequented by Americans; bars, discos, and U.S. fast food restaurants; branches of American banks; American churches; American consulates or embassies; American cultural centers. Keep away from areas known to have large concentrations of residents sympathetic with interests unfriendly to the U.S. and its allies. Consult with the program director before traveling around your host city/cities. Keep away from political demonstrations, which can easily result in clashes between demonstrators and authorities, particularly those authorities seen as aligned with the US. If you see a situation developing, resist the temptation to satisfy your curiosity and investigate 10 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK what is happening. Return to your hotel and contact your program director. Do not agree to newspaper or other media interviews regarding political conflicts or controversial issues. It is important to remain as inconspicuous as possible. Do not make reference to your program group. In such cases, always say “no comment” and hang up or walk the other way. ALCOHOL AND DRUGS It is important to keep the following in mind so that you don’t find yourself in a situation which could put your personal health and safety in jeopardy, or lead to violation of the Code of Student Conduct and/or local laws. Do not consume large quantities of alcohol, particularly with people you do not know well in public places like pubs, bars, or parties. You should be careful in public places where alcohol may be consumed, and constantly aware of the fact that you are in another country with another set of social customs. Until you are familiar with these customs, you should err on the cautious side. If you consume alcohol, remember that your ability to make sound judgments is impaired, and therefore you may be putting yourself in danger. Many drugs are available in other countries over-the-counter that wouldn’t normally be available in the U.S. Be certain when purchasing medication that you know the ingredients and understand their effects, especially if you’re taking other medication. Do not consume alcohol while taking any medication. It is your responsibility to know what the drug laws are in the countries you visit. Drug laws vary. It is important to realize, before becoming involved with illegal drugs, that you are not covered by U.S. laws and constitutional rights while abroad. For information on drug penalties abroad consult the U.S. State Dept.’s Consular Information Sheets: RELATIONSHIPS Entering into a relationship overseas should be approached with the same precautions as at home. It can be very tempting to be charmed by the idea of a once-in-a-lifetime foreign romance, but you should consider any relationship carefully, particularly when you are overseas. There are different cultural values and rules regarding dating and relationships. Proceed cautiously, realizing that you are in the country for only a short period of time. Evaluate your reasons for entering into a relationship. Are you attracted to the individual or are you struggling with a strong bout of homesickness? Please be aware that in any type of intimate relationship, you run the risk of acquiring a sexually transmitted disease or AIDS, or becoming pregnant. This is not meant to scare you but rather to help you to realize that it can and has happened. Be sure that you know the person very well before developing a more intimate relationship and always demand that you both practice safe sex. Some countries do not admit that they have an AIDS epidemic. Assume that AIDS is everywhere and take precautions. ADVICE ESPECIALLY FOR WOMEN What may be appropriate or friendly behavior in the U.S. may bring you unwanted, even dangerous, attention in another culture. Some cultures view eye-contact, or a smile, as an invitation to approach. Observe how the host country’s women dress and behave and follow their example. Try not to take offense at whistles and other gestures, regardless of whether they are compliments, invitations, or insults. Ignore the gestures, but if your intuition tells you a situation is dangerous, then act as if it is. A common stereotype of American women held by people in other countries is that all American 11 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK women are promiscuous. Be extra careful with giving your trust. This applies generally, but is especially important when traveling alone. AVOIDING SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND SEXUAL ASSAULTS (FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN) It is important that men understand and be sensitive to the kinds of problems women in their group may face. Also, American men can be victims of sexual assaults overseas. Be aware of how you carry yourself and dress. Even things as seemingly insignificant as smiling and your stride will mark you as a foreigner. Avoid looking like a stereotypical American; dressing fairly conservatively will help deflect at least some potential harassers (avoid wearing microminiskirts on the street, even if every local woman you see is wearing one!) In some countries, normal American female dress could be viewed as that of a prostitute. In many parts of the world, meeting a man’s gaze/making eye-contact is widely viewed as sexually provocative, and you may be followed, verbally harassed, or touched as a result. Usually the best response to unwanted stares, comments or touches is to ignore the harasser and remove yourself from the situation quickly and calmly. Although verbal responses often work, cursing your harasser in the local language or English may result in your being struck. Avoidance is the safest tactic. If you continue to be followed, spoken to, or touched after repeated attempts to get away, try to remove yourself to a very public place. Tell your harasser firmly and calmly to leave you alone. Sometimes threatening to get the police is effective, but sometimes the police are less than supportive. Do not judge the physical appearance of your local friends by American standards. You may be inclined to trust someone because he or she is nicely or fashionably dressed, well-groomed, self-confident and outgoing. Sometimes, however, the most fashionable people are those who are the most skilled con-artists, or who make a mission of befriending Americans in order to gain money, goods, passports, or sex from them. Be wary of smooth operators! CULTS Cults refer to religiously-oriented groups that may not have any affiliation with an established church. Cults differ from traditional churches in a number of ways: they generally operate in a secretive way, members’ personal possessions sometimes become the group’s property, and they may require complete obedience from their members. Cult members try to recruit other members by offering friendship, help, and answers to problems. They often choose people who appear lonely or confused, because such people are believed to be more vulnerable to cult members’ ideas. Cults have similar recruitment techniques as in the U.S. You should be wary of people who tell you they can provide easy solutions to your problems, of people who seem excessively friendly and eager to help, of people who urge you to join them because “everyone is doing it,” of people who push a sense of guilt on you for not joining their organization, and of people who invite you to meetings or social events without stating clear goals. Do not agree to go to any meetings or social events. If approached, alert your program director immediately! 12 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK what to bring PASSPORT | You will need a valid passport. Obtaining the passport is your responsibility. It generally takes four to eight weeks to process a passport application, but please be aware that the process may take longer, especially during peak travel times. Many local post offices will accept applications for passports. If you are in Poughkeepsie, you can go to the Dutchess County Office Building at 22 Market Street (across from the Bardavon and a block south of the Mid-Hudson Civic Center). This office is open Monday through Friday 9 am to 5 p.m.; 24 hour passport info can be obtained by calling (845) 486-2120 ext. 9. This office will take instant passport photos of you for an additional fee. Complete information regarding U.S. passports (including application forms, where to apply, how to obtain documentation, etc.) is available at the U.S. State Dept. Web site: passport Once you receive your passport, you should make three photocopies of the information page of your passport. One copy will be for you to carry separately, in case your passport is lost or stolen. The second copy should be sent to the MIP office for your file, and the third copy should be left at home with your family. In the event of passport loss or theft, it is easier to obtain a new passport if you have a copy of the lost one. VISA | Obtaining a visa can be a long and complicated process. You cannot apply for your visa until you have a passport. Apply now for your passport, if you don’t have one already! AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, FIND OUT IF YOU NEED A VISA AND WHAT THE APPLICATION PROCEDURE IS FOR OBTAINING ONE. Visa rules change constantly. Some consulate web sites are included in the list at the end of this booklet. Information on how to obtain your visa will be discussed during orientation VISAS ARE APPLIED FOR, SOMETIMES IN PERSON, AT THE HOST COUNTRY’S CONSULATE OR EMBASSY IN THE US. IMPORTANT: NON US PASSPORT HOLDERS: If you are traveling on a passport other than a U.S. passport, you should check with the nearest consulate of your host country to determine whether a visa will be required. Do this as far in advance as possible. You should also check with the local consulate of your home country to determine whether there are any passport or travel restrictions of which you need to be aware. You also should determine whether you need to apply for a new visa to re-enter the United States. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT IDENTITY CARD (ISIC) | The ISIC verifies your student status and permits you to obtain discounts at many museums and galleries, some culture/performing arts events, and travel discounts. As a cardholder, you have access have access to a toll-free hotline that can provide assistance should a medical, financial, or legal emergency arise while you are abroad. The card also carries a small amount of health insurance and emergency medical evacuation coverage. Marist 13 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK College can issue the ISIC card to students interested in these services. The basic card is available for $22, while premium services are also available for higher costs. Please inquire with the MIP office about ISIC card types. Visit the ISIC website for more information at STAYING IN TOUCH: PHONE CARDS, CELL PHONES, E-MAIL | Check with your U.S. long-distance carrier to obtain an international calling card for calls back home, or ask a returned student about low-cost phone cards which can be purchased in your host city. Phone card calls to the U.S. from overseas can be expensive, but invaluable in an emergency. More and more students abroad are acquiring mobile phones which allow them to make and receive calls to and from the US. Minutes can usually be purchased as needed, so that you are not locked into a contract. Set up a plan for staying in touch with your family and friends. E-mail is relatively inexpensive, if not cost-free. E-mail access may be limited, depending on the host institution’s computer facilities. Cybercafes can be found in most cities. MONEY TRAVELERS’ CHECKS | The safest way to carry money is in traveler’s checks, available through American Express, Thomas Cook, Citicorp, Barclays Bank, Visa, and BankAmerica, among others. With documentation/receipts, traveler’s checks can be replaced if lost or stolen. Some banks provide free traveler’s checks to their account holders; otherwise the commission fee is usually 1% of the amount you purchase. NOTE: A good ‘backup’ if you cannot access cash or if you lose your ATM/credit cards. CREDIT CARDS | You should carry a major credit card (such as VISA) for emergencies. Keep in mind that interest accrues for cash advances from day one, and often at a higher rate than purchases. ATM CARDS | Contact your bank to confirm that your ATM card and PIN number can be used overseas, and at what locations (most ATM systems abroad support only a four-digit, numerical PIN). Often, ATM cards can be used to get cash (in the local currency) easily, and at a better rate than you may receive for traveler’s checks. You may only access your checking account (not savings) with an ATM card. MEDICAL INSURANCE CARD | Students will be covered through HTH Worldwide coverage while abroad. Your program director will have a copy of your card while on the program. Information on this coverage will be covered during orientation. Share this information with your family. Keep a copy of your card in your wallet. Take information about your family insurance coverage with you as well. BIRTH CERTIFICATE | Bring a photocopy of your birth certificate, if possible. It is handy to have in case your passport should be lost or stolen and you have to replace it. 14 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK AIRLINE E-TICKET | Before departing, information on your airline e-ticket will be given to you. Keep this information safe and share with your parents. You should print out a copy to bring with you to the airport. You will need your passport when checking in at the airline counter. LUGGAGE AND PACKING | Take bags that are light, easy to carry, and sturdy. If you’re buying luggage for this journey, choose bags that are soft-sided and made of heavy-grade nylon or similar material. Buy luggage wth wheels as you will be moving a lot (in the airport, while checking in). You are responsible for carrying your own luggage. Pack light! The more you carry with you, the harder it will be to move about through the airport or while checking in. Divide your load. Remember that you can carry something over your shoulder or on your back, which leaves one hand free for doors, etc. The best set of luggage might include one large suitcase, one smaller bag or backpack, and one shoulder-type bag. Carry your travel documents and valuables in a waist pack or money belt. NEVER PACK VALUABLE IN ANY LUGGAGE YOU PLAN TO CHECK-IN! PACKING Label your luggage (inside and outside) with your name, destination address and telephone. Remember to pack with the realization that you will be carrying these bags when you get off the plane and you will be carrying them if you travel after the program. Do not lock your luggage! Do not pack valuables (cameras, money, jewelry, items with sentimental value, etc.) in checked baggage. Don’t carry valuables (such as jewelry) that can’t be replaced. Pack essentials in your carry-on. Just in case your bags go astray, pack a few toiletries, any prescription medications you need to take, an extra pair of underwear, change of clothing— anything you can’t live without for a day or two—in your carry-on. If your baggage does not arrive when you do, file a claim with the airline before you leave the airport. In a waist or neck pouch, pack your passport/visa, airline tickets, money/checks, credit/ATM cards, phone card, letter verifying participation in Marist International Programs, and address/ directions of where you need to go upon arrival. Know what current airport rules are for carry-on items. Visit for information — Transportation Security Administration. Watch your bags and do not agree to carry packages/items for anyone else. LUGGAGE RESTRICTIONS | All airlines have restrictions on the size, weight, and number of luggage items that you can take without incurring additional, and significant, expense. Visit your airline’s web site for specific information on luggage restrictions. WHAT TO BRING (MORE SUGGESTIONS) e-mail addresses of key people on campus (e.g., MIP coordinator, academic advisor) comfortable shoes jeans, sweaters, etc. 15 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK dressy outfit(s) for theater, special events, etc.) warm winter coat, gloves, scarf, etc. as appropriate raincoat & umbrella (or purchase umbrella overseas) bathrobe toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, etc. - sometimes more expensive abroad) contact lens supplies for entire stay abroad, extra set of lenses prescription eyeglasses (in case contact lenses fail) an adequate supply of prescription medication to last the semester/year camera, film, batteries sunglasses bathing suit dictionary (and a handbook of verb conjugations for foreign language students) travel guide (e.g., Let’s Go, Fodor’s, — see travel section of any bookstore) journal for recording experiences, thoughts, etc. wind-up alarm clock (electric will not work properly with different electric current) sports gear (if you plan to exercise while abroad) foreign voltage converter (and/or plug adapter) for electronic equipment WHAT NOT TO BRING electrical appliances (e.g., hairdryers, electric radios/alarm clocks, etc.) because problems arise from differences in electrical current, even with adapters. clothing you might wear, because you won’t! clothing that needs dry-cleaning and/or ironing expensive or precious items 16 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK FLIGHT ARRANGEMENTS | MIP makes flight arrangements for most shortterm programs. Information on the flight schedule will be provided during orientation. For programs where MIP does not make flight arrangements, students will be instructed on the when/where/ how to do so. ARRIVING EARLIER/LEAVING LATER | A small number of students may elect to arrive earlier or depart later than the group, depending on group reservations and restrictions. You should speak with the short-term program coordinator as soon as possible if this is something you are thinking about. Students arriving before or departing later than the group are responsible for any difference in airfare charges, and for hotel accommodations, meals, etc. until the program start date or after the end date. CONFIRM YOUR FLIGHT | Confirm your flight with the airline before heading to the airport. Many airlines now offer text messaging services that will notify you if a flight is delayed, cancelled or on time. TRAVEL INSURANCE | MIP requires all participants on a short-term program to have travel insurance, which is included in the program fee. Details on the coverage will be discussed during orientation. TSA | The Transportation Security Administration coordinates the services of security officers, inspectors, directors, air marshals and managers to protect the nation’s transportation systems. Visit www. for information on current security regulations, banned items, and for tips on what to expect at security check points. 17 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK health issues BEFORE YOU GO MEDICAL INSURANCE | Adequate medical and accident insurance must be carried by each student. Marist College provides limited accident and sickness insurance coverage designed specifically for American students abroad. The premium for this insurance is included in the program fee. Please take the time to review the summary of insurance coverage enclosed with this booklet, as well as the health insurance coverage you may already have and what it includes. Keeping in mind that all students have varying medical needs and that each host site will not have the same health care services, you need personally to make an assessment of your needs. A few important questions: Does the insurance cover students engaged in international education while outside their home country? Are there limitations? What is the maximum sickness and injury benefit? Are pre-existing conditions covered? Are accidental death and dismemberment covered? Does the policy cover repatriation of remains and if so, what is the maximum payable? Does the policy cover emergency medical transportation/evacuation and if so, what is the maximum payable? Are there limitations? The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) which was described earlier in this booklet also includes health/accident, repatriation and medical evacuation coverage. A summary of the coverage is provided with the ISIC card, and is available at 18 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK MARIST COLLEGE STUDENTS | Please note that while abroad you will NOT have the medical insurance coverage through Marist. VISIT YOUR DOCTOR AND DENTIST | It is strongly recommended that you have a thorough medical and dental checkup as soon as possible and at least two months pre-departure to allow time for any tests your doctor may order, or for scheduling follow-up visits for treatment, vaccinations, etc. Study abroad can be stressful both physically and mentally. A healthy mind and body are essential to a successful study abroad experience. If you are experiencing any physical or emotional problems, please address them before leaving the U.S. If you haven’t been feeling well, make an appointment with your doctor for a check-up; if you anticipate any dental work (e.g. extraction of wisdom teeth), get it done before departure; if you are experiencing any emotional, eating, or substance abuse problems, seek professional advice and consider deferring your participation in an overseas program until you have the problem well under control. The sorts of pressures which lead to eating disorders, emotional, and dependency problems are only exacerbated when you are coping with adjustment to a new culture, language, and way of life. Leaving the country will not make your problems go away — if anything, it will make them worse. The range of counseling services available to students on the Marist College campus and most U.S. college campuses will probably not be available overseas. Many insurance policies, if they reimburse for counseling services at all, may not do so for services obtained overseas. In the event that appropriate counseling is unavailable overseas, you will be advised to withdraw from the program and return home. For your safety and well-being, it is vital that you inform us of any physical, emotional, or psychological difficulties or special needs you may have on the Special Needs form provided by the MIP. On the other hand, if you are simply nervous about experiencing a different culture, don’t worry. You are not alone. Stop by or call our office to talk about your concerns. WHICH SHOTS TO GET BEFORE GOING OVERSEAS? | Ask your physician. Also, consult the Center for Disease Control and Prevention Web site which provides information on vaccinations for travel abroad, as well as other information: OBTAIN COPIES OF YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS | You should be sure to bring copies of prescriptions for any medications you may need and for glasses or contact lenses if you wear them. Since medications tend to be expensive overseas and because it sometimes can be difficult to get the appropriate equivalent medication, we recommend that you BRING AN ADEQUATE SUPPLY OF WHATEVER MEDICATIONS YOU MAY USE WHILE ABROAD. Any medications you bring should be in the original, properly-labeled containers. If you wear glasses or contact lenses, bring an extra pair in case you lose or damage your original pair. SOME WEB SITES WITH TRAVEL HEALTH TIPS HTH Insurance International Travel Health Consultants (Office in Poughkeepsie) 19 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK money matters “When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and twice the money.” - Susan Heller DETERMINE YOUR BUDGET FOR YOUR PROGRAM | You will find it helpful if you put together an estimated budget for your program. Airfare, accommodations, health insurance, travel insurance, site visits (i.e. museums, historical/cultural monuments, etc.), program-related local transportation, metro pass (when applicable), breakfast (at hotel) and one group meals. You should plan to bring additional money to cover 2 meals per day (lunch and dinner) and personal expenses, and any other costs not included in your program fee. CONFIRM FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE | Students should consult their financial aid advisors as early as possible prior to departure. If you use a federal student loan or parent loan or any credit-based loan to help finance your program costs, you should apply early, as it takes time to collect and complete all loan application materials. Disbursements of loan funds are made after the start of the semester in most cases. Do not count on having the proceeds of a loan available to use for living expenses on-site. MARIST COLLEGE STUDENTS | For Spring Break and Attachment Programs: A cost sheet will be sent to Student Financial Services for your short-term program. Additional financial aid may be available, 20 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK but you will need to address this with a SFS representative. VISITING STUDENTS | Meet with your study abroad advisor or financial aid officer at your home institution to initiate a study abroad consortium agreement between Marist College and your home institution. This agreement will allow your home institution to support you with financial aid while you participate in Marist International Programs. Visiting students should send all financial aid documents directly to Marist International Programs Office. If you are receiving loans or other financial assistance for your semester/year abroad through your home institution, please submit, as soon as possible, the completed “Non-Marist Student Financial Aid Promissory Note” (included in your acceptance packet). The completed form must indicate the amount, types, and estimated date for disbursement of aide. The Marist College Student Accounts Office can then tentatively credit your Marist College account for the portion of the program fee to be covered by financial assistance. If you do not submit this information, your account may not be settled and it may be subject to late fees. If financial aid funds create a credit balance on your account, refunds will be sent to your home institution upon request unless you have made separate payments equal to or in excess of the amount of overpayment. WINTER PAYMENT SCHEDULE Tuition charges (3-credits) are not included in the program costs. SFS will send out invoices for Winter Intersession in early December. Payment is due immediately. Alternative loans are available for winter intersession programs. Visit the SFS website at http://www. for information on alternative loans. SPRING BREAK AND ATTACHMENT PAYMENT SCHEDULE. Program cost is included with the spring tuition bill and is payable by the Spring bill due date which is early January. Tuition for your course can be part of your spring course load. If you decide to take this course in addition to your regular full-time course load (16 credits maximum), you will be responsible for any additional per-credit charges. Tuitionpay offers a spring only monthly payment plan option. Contact 1.800.635.0120 Or visit their website at www.Tuitionpay.Com for additional Information. Spring plans can be spread over four (4) months, and can be Set up in November with first payment due in December. PAYING YOUR PROGRAM FEE | Payments can be made online by check or credit card at must do so online at Note that you must place your payment into the appropriate term (i.e. winter or spring) for correct billing. NOTE: A 2% convenience fee is assessed for all credit card transactions. COURSE REGISTRATION | MIP cannot register you for your short-term program course without financial clearance. 21 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK PAYMENT DEADLINES | Payment deadlines are set by the Marist College Office of Student Financial Services (SFS) and Marist International Programs (MIP). Students are responsible for settling their accounts by the deadline. Students who have not made satisfactory financial arrangements by the deadline may be dropped from the program. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE | If you will receive financial assistance for your short-term program, you must pay the balance that is not being covered by aid. Be mindful of financial aid application deadlines and arrangements pre- and post-departure. READ THE POLICY ON REFUNDS | A copy of MIP’s Policy on Refunds can be found at the end of this handbook. You and your parents should read this information carefully so that you understand the terms under which your short-term program operates. HOW MUCH MONEY SHOULD I BRING? | One of the hardest questions we are asked is, “How much spending money do I need for my semester abroad?” The answer is as varied as the students who travel abroad. Students have made it on a shoestring budget; most spend between $700 - 1,000. A few spend more lavishly: $2,000 or more on shopping and other activities while abroad. It is also dependent on your short-term program location. Remember: There are two things you can do with your money, you can buy things or do things. Material things are much less important in the long run – experiences passed up while abroad make for long-term regrets. It is not true that the more money you have the more you will enjoy your trip! Keep these variables in mind as you build your personal budget: The fees you pay for your short-term program include: airfare, accommodations, meals (lunch and dinner), program-related local travel, site visits (i.e. museum, historical/cultural venues) metro (where applicable), program excursions, health insurance and travel insurance. Additional money you’ll need will depend a great deal on the country/city you’ll be in, as the cost of living varies greatly from place to place. Exchange rates vary. Evaluate your expenses here in the US. How much do you spend on going out? How much on personal items? (i.e., souvenirs, clubs, eating out, etc.). Keep these things in mind as you estimate your cost of living abroad. PURCHASES ABROAD GIFTS | How much on Mom and Dad? Big family? Lots of friends? (Bring small gifts significant of the U.S. for the host family, or people you’re bound to meet overseas. Flowers are the custom when invited to someone’s home.) SOUVENIRS | A sweater from Ireland, a leather jacket from Spain, a mask from the far east…. LOCAL TRANSPORTATION | Taxis, buses, subways, etc. The cost of the “tube” in London can be a shock and deplete reserves. Sometimes a walk can put you into another “zone” with lower 22 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK fares. In some cities mass transportation is a bargain. PERSONAL ITEMS | Toiletries, clothing, medicines, etc. FOOD AND BEVERAGE | Meals out and during travel, pubs, etc. POSTAGE or INTERNET | Post cards are costly, stamps no bargain. Aerograms are the best deal. Figure on $1.00-2.50 for each sending. A cybercafe will give you internet access for a fee by the minute or hour. FILM | Best bought in the USA. Film and processing overseas is expensive. STAYING ON? | If you plan to stay on after the program ends, your expenses will go up (unless you are staying with friends or relatives). MORE HINTS FOR KEEPING COSTS DOWN walk whenever you can (you’ll see more and feel better too), hand wash laundry, don’t get caught up in the “keep-up-with-the-Joneses” syndrome which often infects groups, if your hotel room has a refrigerator, shop for groceries for lunches or dinners rather than eating out, keep a record of where your money is going, plan ahead. Study your guidebook. If you know what you want to do and see before you go, you won’t waste time and money in your host city. Read, talk to those who have been there before, and pay attention to documentaries and TV news about places you might like to visit. 23 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK reverse culture shock “Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” - Miriam Beard RE-ENTRY CULTURE SHOCK | While many students anticipate feeling culture shock when entering a new country for the first time, many don’t realize that similar feelings can be felt upon return to your own country after being gone for an extended period of time. During your abroad experience, you are likely to change and grow, adopt new perspectives, reexamine your priorities and reconsider your values. If culture shock is severe, students may choose to seek counseling to help them through this process of readjustment. CHARACTERISTICS OF REVERSE CULTURE SHOCK | Often students who are experiencing reverse culture shock have a disparity in what they expected to find when they returned home and what they actually found; you may idealize home when you are abroad, and when you return, you may be disappointed by what you find. Students also often expect nothing to have changed while they were gone, but just like they have, the places and people from home will have changed in the time they were gone. You also may be irritated with American culture and longing for parts of your host country’s culture that you can’t find here. To combat this, seek out exciting activities here, just like you did abroad. Weekend trips are not just for overseas. Find interesting places around your hometown or college town to explore. Rediscover your surroundings with a newfound appreciation. Look up events calendars, restaurants, museums, hikes, etc. to try to help fill the void that is left when you return home. Also, you might try to interact with the international students at your college. Another common problem that students who have traveled abroad experience is a disappointment in the lack of interest their friends and family have in their stories and pictures from abroad. While they may exhibit interest for the first few weeks you are home, they will tire of you talking about your experiences much more quickly then you will. To counteract this, keep in touch with friends that you went abroad with, or other students who have also traveled abroad. They will understand your need to talk about your memories and experiences. Also, consider submitting photographs or writing to Marist’s Globetrotter or other publications that accept travel entries. The most important thing to do is to incorporate the positive aspects of your international experience with the positive aspects of your life in the U.S. 24 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK suggested websites UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, SAFETY, SECURITY US Dept. of State: Bureau of Consular Affairs US Embassies and Consulates Worldwide Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Transportation Security Administration GENERAL TRAVEL AND SAFETY Exchange rates for foreign currency Lonely Planet Guides Travel Links at Conde Nast Traveller Online Hostelling Int’l/American Youth Hostels Study Abroad Handbook STA Travel (student travel agency) MIP Student Handbook Cultural Training (Culture Shock) International Student ID Card (ISIC) AUSTRALIA Australian Catholic University, Syndey Macquarie University, Sydney Deakin University, Melbourne Study In Australia (visa information) Sydney Transport FRANCE American University Center of Provence Embassy of France Consulate of France (Visa Information) IRELAND DBS School of Arts University of Limerick University College Cork Embassy of Ireland GREECE University of Indianapolis - Athens Consulate General of Greece NYC ITALY Lorenzo de’ Medici 25 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK Embassy of Italy Consulate in NYC (visa info) JAPAN Temple University - Japan Consulate General of Japan NYC NETHERLANDS Consulate General of the Netherlands in NY: NEW ZEALAND University of Auckland University of Canterbury Consulate General of New Zealand NYC SINGAPORE New York Consulate of Singapore Singapore Visitor and Tourist Information SPAIN The Association of American Programs in Spain (APUNE) Spanish Tourist Office Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Consulate of Spain in NY UNITED KINGDOM Hansard Scholars Programme St. Catherine’s College, Oxford Univ. University of East Anglia, Norwich Marist London Center/FIE The London School of Economics University of Westminster UK Consulate in New York CONSORTIUM PROGRAMS* Academic Programs International (API) Council for International Ed. Exch. (CIEE) Cultural Experiences Abroad (CEA) IES Abroad Knowledge Exchange Institute (KEI) Paris-The NC Consortium Program *Our consortium partners offer additional programs to Africa, Asia, Europe and South America. 26 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK appendices 27 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK 10 commandments of travel THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF TRAVEL 1. Thoushallnotexpecttofindthingsasthouhastathome,forthou hastlefthometofindthingsdifferent. 2. Thoushallnottakeanythingtooseriously,foracarefreemindisthe startofagoodtrip. 3. Thoushallnotletothertravelersgetonthynervesordistractthee fromtheyplans,forthouhastpaidgoodmoneyforthistrip. 4. Remembertotakehalfasmanyclothesasthouthinkestandtwice themoney. 5. Knowatalltimeswherethypassportis,forapersonwithouta passportisapersonwithoutacountry. 6. Rememberthatifwehadbeenexpectedtostayinoneplace,we wouldhavebeencreatedwithroots. 7. Thoushallnotworry,forhethatworriethhathnopleasure,andfew thingsarethatfatal. 8. WheninRomebepreparedtodosomewhatastheRomansdo. 9. Thoushallnotjudgethepeopleofthecountrybythepersonwho hathgiventheetrouble. 10. Givenottrouble.Rememberthouareaguestinotherlandsandhe thattreatshishostwithrespectshallbehonored. 28 29 U.S. Department of State Publication 11495 Bureau of Consular Affairs Printed December 2007 1-888-407-4747 (toll free in the United States and Canada) 1-202-501-4444 (outside the United States and Canada) Contact Overseas Citizens Services: For the latest student travel safety information, go to hol Alco & Drugs Overseas MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK alcohol & drugs overseas 30 go from here. consulates and embassies in the United States. Go to for a listing of foreign sure your medications are not considered illegal narcotics. with the foreign country’s embassy here in the U.S. to make be in their original containers and clearly labeled. Check prescribed drugs. Any medications carried overseas should condition and medications, including the generic names of you should carry a letter from your doctor describing your If you are going abroad with a preexisting medical condition, Make Sure Your Prescription Medication is Not Considered an Illegal Narcotic be in many places in the United States. criminal activities by local authorities, as they would street or on public transportation may be considered driving under the influence and drinking on the occurred as a result of alcohol abuse. While abroad, Many arrests, accidents, and violent crimes have Avoid Underage and Excessive Alcohol Consumption Let’s be serious about this. When traveling overseas, it’s important to obey the laws and regulations of the country you’re visiting, especially those pertaining to drug and alcohol use. Every year, many American students are arrested abroad on drug charges or because of their behavior under the influence. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, so be informed. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, so be informed! you in trouble. associated with illegal drug use can also get the death penalty. Contraband or paraphrenalia to years of hard labor. Some crimes even carry and sentences ranging from fines and jail time, a year before a case is tried, physical abuse, including imprisonment without bail for up to Drug charges can carry severe consequences, Don’t Import, Purchase, Use, or Have Drugs in Your Possession years of your life during a stay behind bars. could miss your flight, your exams, or several didn’t know will not reduce the charges. You illegal drugs or substances, the fact that you ignorance is no excuse. If the package contains package in their luggage. If you are caught, vacation abroad in exchange for carrying a small advantage of an offer for an all-expense paid Some Americans think it’s a good idea to take Don’t Accept Packages From Anyone MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK alcohol & drugs overseas 31 U.S. Department of State Publication 11493 Bureau of Consular Affairs Printed December 2007 1-888-407-4747 (toll free in the United States and Canada) 1-202-501-4444 (outside the United States and Canada) Contact Overseas Citizens Services: For the latest student travel safety information, go to We are here to help you get connected to the support you need. about the local criminal justice process. locate resources for a variety of issues and can answer questions countries where they work. They can help American crime victims are familiar with local government agencies and resources in the Consuls, Consular agents, and local employees at overseas posts Consular personnel can also provide assistance to crime victims. certified professional, to help you get through a difficult time. be afraid to reach out to your personal support system, or even a problems. These are normal reactions to an abnormal event. Don’t and anxiety can occur, including headaches, nausea, and sleeping your surroundings. After an incident, physical symptoms of stress of the crime may be intensified because you are unfamiliar with friends, it can be overwhelming. Additionally, the emotional impact but, when you are thousands of miles away from family and Being a victim of crime in your own backyard can be distressing, Don’t Blame Yourself of a Crime Abroad VICTIM If You are a STAYING HEALTHY ABROAD MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK if you are a victim of a crime abroad become a victim of a crime in another country. Use the following 1. Register your trip with the U.S. embassy or consulate in the 32 go from here. Go online to update U.S. embassies or consulates about your change of plans. Changing your itinerary? for crime. 4. In short, don’t draw attention to yourself as a potential target 3. Keep credit cards, valuables, and jewelry to a minimum. 2. Don’t flash your cash! Be subtle with your money. 1. Stay with a group when exploring the local scene. While overseas: lost or stolen. visas, etc.) with your family back home in case the originals are 2. Leave copies of important documents (passports, credit cards, help contacting your family back in the U.S. Register online at Registering will save time if you need to report a crime or get A list of more resources is available at: of the U.S. Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime, communities throughout the U.S. is available at the website • Information for non-emergency victim assistance services in Incest National Network). Also on the Internet at It is operated by a non-profit organization, RAINN (Rape, Abuse and crisis counseling and referrals in the United States is 1-800-656-HOPE. • The toll-free 24 hours a day /7 days a week hotline for sexual assault to offer help for Americans: 3. Depending on the type of crime, there are various hotlines available Don’t forget to request a copy of the police report. 2. Contact local police to report the incident and obtain immediate help. Overseas Citizens Services, call 1-888-407-4747. consular agencies overseas, and in Washington, D.C. To contact available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at embassies, consulates, needs that arise as a result of the crime. Emergency assistance is friends, obtaining appropriate medical care, and addressing emergency crises, including replacing a stolen passport, contacting family and assistance. Officials at these offices can help you with a number of 1. Contact the nearest U.S. embassy, consulate or consular agency for resources if you are in trouble. Even if you are cautious, you may, through no fault of your own, Before you leave: country you are visiting. That way, they will know where you are. Crime Happens Be Safe, Not Sorry You could become victim of a crime while traveling overseas. Plan ahead so that you will be prepared—not panicked—if it happens to you. MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK if you are a victim of a crime abroad 33 unique medical conditions you might have. them. Also, carry instructions for treating any allergies or other your doctor listing your medications and explaining why you need your medication is not included. Think about getting a letter from list of drugs that are considered illegal narcotics—just to make sure should contact the embassy of the country you are visiting to get a should be clearly marked in their original containers. In fact, you travel in case you and your luggage get separated. All prescriptions may not be available in some countries. Keep it on you when you delayed during your trip. This is important because your medication live without? Make sure to bring a back-up supply in case you are Do you have a prescription for a medication you literally cannot Be Prepared: More Than Just a Motto A list of international health insurance companies is available at: check out our info on sending money overseas. your insurance company on how they handle those situations, and and clinics may insist on cash payment for treatment. Check with Even if you have international insurance coverage, some hospitals that guarantees coverage in case of an emergency. If necessary, look into purchasing a short-term international policy through your school, confirm exactly what is covered and where. policy. Whether it’s in your name, under your parents’ plan, or health insurance doesn’t cover it. Before you travel, check the HAVE an actual medical emergency before finding out that your mean you are covered in another country. Don’t wait until you Even if you have medical insurance here in the U.S., it doesn’t Cover Your Bets Whether it’s a broken bone or food poisoning, be prepared in case of a health emergency overseas. Plan ahead and protect yourself. Take Care. oad r b A y h t l a He Staying STAYING HEALTHY ABROAD MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK staying healthy abroad 34 U.S. Department of State Publication 11490 Bureau of Consular Affairs Printed December 2007 1-888-407-4747 (toll free in the United States and Canada) 1-202-501-4444 (outside the United States and Canada) Contact Overseas Citizens Services: For the latest student travel safety information, go to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website at For more information on Travelers’ Health, visit the your entire trip. hands regularly, will help ensure that you stay healthy and enjoy water sold as bottled. Practicing healthy habits, like washing your (even to brush your teeth), and beware of fake bottled water—tap also be a breeding ground for bacteria. Always use bottled water room, it could be worse in the kitchen. Local water supplies could choose your local restaurants carefully. If it looks dirty in the dining all meat ‘well done’ and stay away from raw foods. In addition, Do your research on which local foods and drinks to avoid. Ask for make you sick. is not stored or cooked properly could standards found in the U.S. Food that same food handling and preparation sick. Many countries don’t have the the wrong things could make you very experience of overseas travel, but eating local delicacies is part of the wonderful cuisine? Of course you are! Enjoying Thinking about sampling the native You Are What You Eat Trust us, you’ll be glad you did. go from here. before leaving the U.S. to get them. with your doctor four to six weeks enter the country. Schedule an appointment but without them, you may not be allowed to PROTECT YOUR LIFE while you are there, getting the proper vaccinations literally need for your trip. Not only will on which vaccinations you might importance of doing your research We cannot stress enough the Vaccinations: Not Just a Shot in the Dark MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK staying healthy abroad 35 U.S. Department of State Publication 11495 Bureau of Consular Affairs Printed December 2007 1-888-407-4747 (toll free in the United States and Canada) 1-202-501-4444 (outside the United States and Canada) Contact Overseas Citizens Services: For the latest student travel safety information, go to Other provisions of travel insurance usually include lost baggage coverage, missed flight connections and cancellation charges imposed by airlines. You have invested a lot of time and money into this once-in-a-lifetime experience—don’t leave anything to chance! sSevere weather or a natural disaster causes travel cancellations sYou are involved in a car accident sYou get sick Check out various packages that can provide coverate if: Safeguard your trip and your belongings with travel insurance! y For ou INS & r you f Stuf CE N A UR MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK insurance for you and your stuff 36 Find out if you are covered for a medical emergency overseas BEFORE you leave. Many foreign doctors and hospitals do not accept American insurance policies, and may require full cash payment in advance of your treatment. Your existing medical insurance company may require you to call back to an office in the U.S. for advance approval of any treatments or expenditures. Your policy may also set a dollar limit above which you’ll have to pay. Read the fine print. You might need to purchase additional coverage. Visiting the doctor’s office while you’re abroad is probably not in your plans, but what if you get sick? Or hurt? Did you know that a medical evacuation back to the U.S. could cost up to $50,000 if you aren’t insured? What’s more, if Uncle Sam helps out with a medical evacuation, it’s considered a loan—and do you really need another one of those?” You’ve packed your iPod, new clothes, and extra socks and underwear, but believe it or not, those aren’t the most important things that should be on your list. Did you pack INSURANCE? Make Your List (Double Check It!) go Smart. go from here. When you are traveling far away from home, protect yourself and your stuff. You’ve been looking forward to your time abroad for a long time. Imagine the exciting cultures! And all the new people! Now, imagine your horror when you learn your trip has been canceled due to severe weather. Or, what if your new set of luggage - with all your clothes - gets lost along the way? A number of unexpected things could put a damper on your travels. Insurance: Not JUST for Your Health If your plan does not cover you fully overseas, purchase a short-term international insurance policy. Many travel agents and private companies offer plans that will cover health care expenses overseas including emergency services such as medical evacuations. The names of some of the companies offering shortterm health insurance and emergency assistance policies are listed here Check your current health insurance policy. Are you covered under your parents’s policy or through your school? Does it protect you outside of the U.S.? Before You Leave: MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK insurance for you and your stuff 37 U.S. Department of State Publication 11491 Bureau of Consular Affairs Printed December 2007 1-888-407-4747 (toll free in the United States and Canada) 1-202-501-4444 (outside the United States and Canada) Contact Overseas Citizens Services: For the latest student travel safety information, go to the Bureau of Consular Affairs website at Contact information for U.S. embassies and consulates appears on to provide emergency assistance to U.S. citizens. It’s what we do. abroad and in the U.S. are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Seriously, consular personnel at U.S. embassies and consulates Contact Us in an Emergency make it home safely. packages for strangers. We want you—and your luggage—to don’t leave unattended luggage in public areas or carry any or jewelry and don’t carry excessive amounts of money. Also, To avoid being a target of crime, don’t wear conspicuous clothing Save the Bling for Back Home for Going A Safety Tipbsroad MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK safety tips for going abroad 38 go from here. And besides, you’ll earn you some brownie points with Mom. country you’re visiting. It will let everyone know that you’re okay. important to contact home if there’s been an emergency in the your family and friends know your whereabouts. It’s especially No, your mom didn’t bribe us to say that. It’s just a good idea so Contact Home Periodically of an emergency. and visas with family or friends, so you can be contacted in case you will visit.”. Leave copies of your itinerary, passport data page, required, also make sure you have valid visas for the countries you to have a minimum amount of validity on your passport. If information page. Check with your airline to see if they will require Make sure you sign your passport and fill in the emergency Don’t Forget the Details Register for free at in the country you’re visiting. (No, it’s not to keep tabs on you!) whether it’s a family emergency back in the States or a crisis registration makes it possible for us to contact you if necessary, registration service is quick, easy, and can be done online. Travel Extra paperwork can be a hassle, but we promise our free travel Register Your Trip on, With preparati d a your trip abro a can not only be g fun, eye-openint it experience, bufe. can also be sa incident now, would you? laws, and the culture. You wouldn’t want to cause an international at Familiarize yourself with local conditions, Information, Travel Alerts, and any Travel Warnings available Review Country Background Notes, Country Specific Thoroughly investigate the country you’re traveling to. Research, Research, and More Research (Not Just for Your Term Papers) it’s better to be safe than sorry. don’t get advance approval for treatment? We know it’s cliché, but insurance. Will your insurance company pay for expenses if you evacuation. If it doesn’t, consider purchasing supplemental overseas, and if it covers emergency expenses such as medical Ask your medical insurance company if your policy is valid Check Your Overseas Medical Insurance Coverage MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK safety tips for going abroad U.S. Department of State Publication 11494 Bureau of Consular Affairs Printed December 2007 1-888-407-4747 (toll free in the United States and Canada) 1-202-501-4444 (outside the United States and Canada) Contact Overseas Citizens Services: For the latest student travel safety information, go to Women rs Travele For MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK for women travelers 39 go from here. stay safe. Everyone traveling abroad should research local customs, but women should be especially attentive. 40 for women travelers go from here. should show consideration for the country you are visiting. criminals looking for targets. Any fashion statement you DO make flashy jewelry to a minimum to prevent attracting the attention of makeup local women are wearing and try to follow their lead. Keep you go and pack accordingly. On arrival, note the clothes and standards of what is appropriate. Research the culture before or lead to a dangerous situation. Different countries have different In some countries, wearing the wrong things can get you arrested What NOT to Wear: Use Your Fashion Sense but you should abide by them while in that country. You may not agree with all of the cultural practices you learn about, social mores before you go and respect the customs of the nation. female behavior. Remember, you’re a visitor. Do some research on have more conservative views about what constitutes appropriate include very different ideas about gender roles. Some countries to observe a rich tapestry of cultures and customs—which may Traveling through foreign lands gives you a unique opportunity I am Woman: Hear Me Roar? unwanted attention. expressions, body language, and a firm voice to fend off any creating boundaries to protect yourself is important. Use facial someone. While it may seem rude to be unfriendly to a stranger, don’t feel the need to be overly polite if you are bothered by when exploring locally and avoid walking alone at night. In addition, unwelcome advances of strangers. Always try to stay with a group burlap sack and sensible shoes may not protect you against the If you are a woman in a foreign country, even dressing in a Walk this Way (And Talk this Way) MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK 41 Blanket Student Accident and Sickness Insurance 2010 – 2011 Study Abroad Program ENROLL ONLINE at! Enter your Group Access Code ACM-158 in the box on the left side of the home page to sign up for coverage! MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK hth worldwide healthcare 42 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK hth worldwide healthcare MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK policies & statements I authorize Marist International Programs (MIP) to release my name, photograph, address, telephone number, and e-mail address to faculty/staff, and to current and prospective program participants. I authorize MIP to use photographs from my study abroad experience in marketing and promotional materials and other college activities and programs. I authorize Marist College to forward copies of my Marist College transcript, MIP short-term application and academic record (and related documents) to Marist administrators and affiliates overseas. I understand that Marist College affiliates have the ability to approve or deny an application. I agree to immediately notify MIP in writing if I no longer wish to be considered for acceptance to a short-term program, or should I decide to withdraw from a short-term program. I agree that I am personally responsible for my conduct. I agree to abide by the laws of the country I visit, and to obey the program director. I understand that Marist College has no obligation to intercede or undertake to protect me from the legal consequences of violations of laws for which I am responsible. I understand that possession or use of illegal drugs in any form is not tolerated. Laws state that possession or use of illegal drugs is punishable by fine, imprisonment, and/or deportation. I understand that students found using or possessing illegal drugs in any form are subject to immediate expulsion. I agree to bear the costs of return transportation in this case, and to accept the withdrawal policy of the program. I understand that in becoming a MIP participant I am subject to MIP, Marist College, and affiliate institution rules and regulations regarding conduct, scholarship, and full participation in the program. I will comply with all reasonable directions and instructions by the program director. If placed with a host family, I will comply with all reasonable rules of the family. I understand that, due to the special nature of off-campus programs, the onsite administrators reserve the right to effect the return to the home campus of any student who is not meeting the standards of scholarship or conduct of the program. I agree to bear the costs of return transportation in this case, and to accept the withdrawal policy of the program. I understand that Marist College cannot be held responsible for any injuries, loss, or damage to my person or property. Marist College reserves the right to alter or cancel any short-term program at anytime when deemed appropriate. PAYMENT AND FINANCIAL AID POLICY I certify that I have adequate means of financial support, and I accept final responsibility for payment of tuition and fees associated with the program. I understand that Marist College fees and charges are due before the departure date. I agree to pay or make arrangements suitable to Marist College for payment of all fees and charges by the settlement deadline set by the Marist College Office of Student Financial Services. I have read the program refund policy and agree to abide by its conditions. 43 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK I promise to pay Marist College any balance remaining if, for any reason, the estimated financial aid is not posted to my account. INFORMATION REGARDING NEW YORK STATE SCHOLARSHIPS New York State Scholarship (including TAP) award letters are not a guarantee that the student will be eligible for the award. Colleges have to verify residency, full-time status, GPA, and appropriate academic progress. Please see the Marist webpage for NYS Scholarship (TAP) eligibility criteria at It is the student’s responsibility to understand and maintain eligibility requirements. Regulations for certifying New York State Scholarships (including TAP) include a review of the student’s semester schedule of courses. Marist College cannot certify the scholarship, nor can the funds (if certified) be credited to the student’s tuition account until the student’s course enrollment is available for review. Students must e-mail their semester course enrollment to their Coordinator in the Marist Abroad office as soon as registration is finalized at their host campus. PROGRAM WAIVER This program involves studying and traveling, with planned group excursions and social/cultural activities. Some excursions may be overnight, and most will involve transportation on a bus and/or train. The undersigned fully understands that there are certain dangers, hazards, and risks inherent in international travel, in group excursions, and in the activities included in the program, and has signed an online version of this document in full recognition and appreciation of the dangers of these activities, which dangers include, but are not limited to, physical injuries (minimal, serious, catastrophic) and/or property loss or damage. The Undersigned expressly acknowledges that the participant is not required to participate in this Marist College program, but chooses to do so. The Undersigned therefore agrees to assume and take on all responsibilities in any activities associated with the Marist College program. In consideration of, and in return for, the service, facilities and other assistance provided to participants by Marist College or its partner institutions (and their governing boards, employees, and agents) I, the undersigned, along with any of our assignees, heirs, distributees, guardians, and legal representatives release Marist College and its partner institutions from any and all liability, claims and actions that may arise from injury, harm or death to the Undersigned and from loss or damage to the Undersigned’s property in connection with these activities. The Undersigned understands that this release covers liability, claims and actions caused entirely or in part by any acts or failure to act by Marist College, including but not limited to negligence, mistake, or failure to supervise by Marist College or any of their employees, agents, or contractors. PRIVACY POLICY | Marist College is fully committed to respecting the privacy of all applicants to our programs. The information that you provide on your application will be used only for the purpose of carrying out your interest in applying for a MIP short-term program. Your personal information will not be shared with any third party. CERTIFICATION | I certify that I have carefully considered each question on this application and that my statements are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I accept as binding any and all 44 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK conditions that normally apply to undergraduate admission to Marist College and MIP. Furthermore, I understand that Marist College may refuse or revoke, without showing cause, admission to any student prior to enrollment if it is deemed necessary or advisable in the judgment of Marist College. POLICY ON REFUNDS • • Students who are applying to a program after the stated deadline must make a $500 nonrefundable deposit. Only if the applicant is not accepted to the program will the deposit be refunded. A portion of the program cost may be refundable if a student withdraws from the program. Specific refund dates are: AMOUNT OF REFUND WITHDRAWAL DATE • Now to 30 days before program • 25% of Program Fee except nonrefundable deposit, and any and all special charges assessed to Marist College. • 29 days to 15 days • 50% of Program Fee except nonrefundable deposit, and any and all special charges assessed to Marist College. • 14 days to official arrival date. • NO REFUND • • • • To be eligible for a refund, STUDENTS must INFORM the Marist International Program office IN WRITING of their decision to withdraw for all refund policy options to be initiated. The “official” arrival date is the date students are required to arrive at the airport as indicated by MIP. “Special Charges,” including but not limited to non-refundable tuition, housing, or other fees paid by Marist College to secure the student’s place on the program. No refund will be given on these charges. You are encouraged to explore trip cancellation insurance, which may cover you if you unexpectedly have to cancel your trip. DO NOT SIGN UP FOR A PROGRAM IF YOU ARE UNSURE YOU CAN GO. SAVE YOURSELF THE TIME AND MONEY. 45 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK basic questions BASIC QUESTIONS Here are some basic questions about your host country and culture. Write down the answers to as many as you can. 1. How many people who are prominent in the affairs (politics, athletics, religion, 2. Who are the country's national heroes and heroines? 3. What is the attitude toward divorce? Extramarital relations? 4. What is the attitude toward drinking? the arts, etc.) of your host country can you name? 5. How do people organize their daily activities? 6. What is the normal meal schedule? 7. Is there a daytime rest period? 8. What is the customary time for visiting friends? 9. What foods are most popular and how are they prepared? 10. What things are taboo in this society? 11. What is the usual dress for women? Men? 12. If you are invited to dinner, should you arrive early? On time? Late? If late, how late? 13. On what occasions would you present gifts to people in the country? 14. How do people greet one another? Shake hands? Embrace or kiss? How do they leave one another? What does any variation from the usual greeting or leaving-taking signify? 15. What are the important holidays? How are they celebrated? 16. What kinds of television programs are shown? 17. What is the normal work schedule? (start/end/lunch times?) How many days comprise the work week? 18. What kinds of local public transportation are available? What do they cost? 19. Is military training compulsory? 20. Are the host country newspapers generally friendly in their attitude to the U.S.? 21. What kinds of health services are available? Where are they located? 22. Is education free? Compulsory? Questions adapted from chapter 14. "Let's play fifty questions" in L. Robert Kohls' Survival Kit for Overseas Living, 2nd Edition, 1984, Intercultural Press, Inc. 46 MARIST INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS STUDENT HANDBOOK notes 47 Marist International Programs Marist College 3399 North Road Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-1387 845.575.3330 tel 845.575.3294 fax