Civil Service Employees Council February 2, 2012, 1:15pm Capitol Room, University Union MINUTES I. Roll Call – Present: Pam Bowman, Chris Brown, Jim Buffalo, Kathy Clauson , Julie DeWeese, Carla Farniok, Rich Hamilton, Cindy Roon, Bill Rupert, Kim Sedgwick, Peter Skrypkun, Wendi Mattson, Linda Wade Excused: Suzanne Boussard, Tammy Fretueg , Tishly Herrington II. Joe Rives, Quad Cities Campus - Dr. Reeves stated that hopefully everyone has had time to look at the strategic plan update. He would like the Council’s input and if there are any questions, now would be a good time to ask. Jim asked what the term “under-represented groups” meant. It is used several times in the plan. Dr. Reeves stated that it means minorities, females and individuals with disabilities. Dr. Reeves will be back one more time to get our feedback. III. Minutes (Wendi Mattson) – Minutes from January – motion by Rich and seconded by Carla to approve the January minutes with corrections from Pam bowman IV. Treasurer’s Report (Carla Farniok) – Attached. Also, moving funds from general to scholarship account was discussed. As we made a profit of $777.71 from last year’s events, Rich made a motion to move $800 to scholarship account. This was seconded by Jim. After final scholarships are made, we will discuss moving funds into the endowment account. The goal is to have the scholarship self-sustaining. V. President’s Report (Bill Rupert) – Bill reported he had been to an Advisory Group meeting. Funding came in from the state. The focus is on recruitment and retention. VI. Civil Service Employee of the Month (Wendi Mattson)- Wendi reported that the February Employee of the Month is Carrie Keeney from the Billing and Receivables Office. Her presentation will be on February 6 at 10:00 am in Sherman Hall. VII. Vice President for Administrative Services Report (Julie DeWeese) – The appropriated funds currently have 35.7 million in what they call “cash” to run operations. The university spends 10 million every month on operations. Currently there is funding to run through April. We are in better shape than we were this time last year, but it is still a struggle. VIII. Director of Human Resources (Pam Bowman) - Pam reported that the State Universities Civil Service (SUCSS) biennial audit is scheduled for February 21-24, 2012. During their visit, SUCSS conducts classification reviews, in person and job description review, and many employees have been contacted by our office for that reason. The purpose of the classification review is to ensure that positions are classified correctly. Please call her office if you have any questions. In addition, Civil Service Employees Council February 2, 2012, 1:15pm Capitol Room, University Union MINUTES SUCSS conducts the biennial audit to ensure the University adheres to the statute, rules and procedures. IX. Employee Advisory Committee Rep (Peter Skrypkun) -–Peter reported Due to blizzard conditions all EAC representatives were unable to attend. Our guest was UIUC President Michael J. Hogan. President Hogan spoke mainly on the importance of the Universities interaction with State government, and the impact that Universities have on state legislation. Particularly his role in the: Testimony before the Personnel and Pensions Committee of the House of Representatives of the State of Illinois on May 26, 2011 in regards to the proposed pension changes in SB512. In this testimony he expressed that he is "uncomfortable with the proposed legislation, because it makes it more difficult to recruit and retain highly professional faculty and staff; it will damage the University, and in so doing, damage the State, as well." He spoke highly of the Governmental Relations office and how it serves as the University of Illinois as a liaison to members of the Illinois Congressional Delegation, the Illinois General Assembly, the Office of the Governor, agencies of the federal and state governments, key local officials and major higher education associations. SURS Update by Susan Courson: From July 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 SURS provided: 65 employer visits, 41 presentations, 2728 counseling appointments, and 452 written estimates. Susan also pointed out there are 72000 active members, and 73000 inactive members in the SURS system. SURS paid 1.6 billion dollars in benefits in FY 11. The State funding for 2011 was at 45.3 %, up from 2010 that was at 40.2 %. The report of the Director, Mr. Tom Morelock, focused on the proposed rule changes. The changes affect Section 250.30 The Classification Plan. The changes effect exemptions under the rule: 1) That the Executive Director shall publish guidelines, as approved by the Merit Board, for exemptions identified in Section 36e of the Statute. 36e. Coverage. All employees of the Illinois Community College Board, State Community College of East St. Louis (abolished under Section 2-12.1 of the Public Community College Act), Southern Illinois University, Chicago State University, Eastern Illinois University, Governors State University, Illinois State University, Northeastern Illinois University, Northern Illinois University, Western Illinois Civil Service Employees Council February 2, 2012, 1:15pm Capitol Room, University Union MINUTES University, University of Illinois, State Universities Civil Service System, State Universities Retirement System, the Illinois Student Assistance Commission, and the Board of Higher Education shall be covered by the University System described in Sections 36b to 36q, inclusive, of this Act, except the following persons: (1) The members and officers of the Merit Board and the board of trustees, and the commissioners of the institutions and agencies covered hereunder; (2) The presidents and vice-presidents of each educational institution; (3) Other principal administrative employees of each institution and agency as determined by the Merit Board; (4) The teaching, research and extension faculties of each institution and agency; (5) Students employed under rules prescribed by the Merit Board, without examination or certification. 2) That each position proposed to be exempt under Section 36e(3) above shall be reviewed and approved by the Merit Board, or as designated by the Merit Board to The Executive Director. Mr. Morelock also reviewed the Systems office Current budgetary issues, and announced the new website: A remodel of, NEW SITE: X. WIU Quad Cities Campus Report (Chris Brown) – Chris reported that they now have employees in two different buildings so the Civil Service Committee is helping to keep them connected. They are settling in their new building. Funds have been released to begin working on Phase II. The grand opening of the new building went very well. XI. Representative Reports to Council a. Affirmative Action Internship (Kathleen Clauson) – Kathy reported that they are accepting applications until the end of the day, Friday, February 3, 2012. They currently have two applications. There will be Difficult Conversation meetings coming up. Civil Service Employees Council February 2, 2012, 1:15pm Capitol Room, University Union MINUTES b. Web Page and IT Issues (Jim Buffalo)- Jim and Bill will be working on the web page tomorrow. They are working on changing the front page, update scholarship information. Jim will be doing most of this work in the future. c. Training and Development (Carla Farniok) – All training sessions are on the website. For a complete list you can go there to find it. d. University Diversity Council – (Tishly Herrington)- no report. XII. Committee Reports a. Policy and Appeals (Bill Rupert/Suzanne Boussard)- No appeals or policy changes. Bill has learened that the person who serves on the appeals can adjudicate traffic ticket appeals on campus. b. Award Selection (Cindy Roon) Bill and Cindy will meet on the suggestions on how to do things more effectively. Hilary will serve on committee as tie breaker if Cindy’s daughter applies for a scholarship. A motion was made to not carry scholarships over if not all are awarded. 2nd and unanimous. The option of adding graduate students was brought up. After some discussion, motion by Rich, 2nd by Carl to have only undergraduates eligible for scholarship – motion carried. c. Constitution/Election (Jim Buffalo) - Second Reading of change. d. Education (Hilary Churchill) - No report. e. Mentoring (Kim Sedgwick) – Kim reported one new employee, Rebecca Schluter, Office Support Specialist – athletics – starting date January 23, 2012. f. Social Events & Development (Hilary Churchill)- Hilary reported that she will have the Major Donor’s Banquet and will be very busy the last couple weeks of April and first week of May. A possible date for the luncheon could be May 3rd, however, Hilary would not be available to help us if we use that date. Wendi brought up having the luncheon on a Friday. Chris agreed that it would help the Quad Cities campus employees to have a Friday date. Hilary checked on dates for Friday’s and the closest one would be June 1. It was agreed to have the spring luncheon on June 1. XIII. Old Business – a. Continue to send calendar dates to Jim to add to the web. Civil Service Employees Council February 2, 2012, 1:15pm Capitol Room, University Union MINUTES b. 2nd reading of amendment of committees and duties and rules – Bill read the amendment again. Motion by Wendi to accept, 2nd by Cindy – motion carried to accept. XIV. New Business – a. Open Meeting Training – everyone should take this training. Linda has taken it for another board she is on and will send us the link. Everyone should print the certificate and send to Wendi. b. Audio recording of meetings – Bill feels this should be done. c. SUCCS Biennial Audit – meeting February 21, 2012 from 1:30- 2:00 p in Sherman 224. They want feedback, comments and concerns. d. Shirts and photos for new people – Bill will look into the shirts, new people should go to VPC for photos. XV. Group concerns –none. XVI. Announcements – none XVII. Motion by Rich, 2nd by Bill to adjourn meeting. XVIII. Next meeting March 1, 2012 at 1:15 pm in the Capitol Room.