Single-degree-of-freedom energy liarvesters by stochastic excitation MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TEC --'.-O0OY by AUG 1 5 2014 Han Kyul Joo LIBRARIES Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2014 @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2014. All rights reserved. Signature red acted Author ........................... ikep&trifiit of Mechanical Engineering May 9, 2014 Certified by.................... Signature redacted istoklis P. Sapsis ABS Caree evelopment Assistant Professor Thesis Supervisor Signature redacted Accepted by ....................... %0 David E. Hardt Ralph E. & Eloise F. Cross Professor of Mechanical Engineering Chairman, Committee on Graduate Students 2 Single-degree-of-freedom energy harvesters by stochastic excitation by Han Kyul Joo Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 9, 2014, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Abstract In this thesis, the performance criteria for the objective comparison of different classes of single-degree-of-freedom oscillators under stochastic excitation are developed. For each family of oscillators, these objective criteria take into account the maximum possible energy harvested for a given response level, which is a quantity that is directly connected to the size of the harvesting configuration. We prove that the derived criteria are invariant with respect to magnitude or temporal rescaling of the input spectrum and they depend only on the relative distribution of energy across different harmonics of the excitation. We then compare three different classes of linear and nonlinear oscillators and using stochastic analysis tools we illustrate that in all cases of excitation spectra (monochromatic, broadband, white-noise) the optimal performance of all designs cannot exceed the performance of the linear design. Subsequently, we study the robustness of this optimal performance to small perturbations of the input spectrum and illustrate the advantages of nonlinear designs relative to linear ones. Thesis Supervisor: Themistoklis P. Sapsis Title: ABS Career Development Assistant Professor 3 4 Acknowledgments I would like to acknowledge my thesis advisor, Prof. Themistoklis Sapsis, for his support and academic advice. It is my honor to work with him. It should be mentioned that this work is supported from Kwanjeong Educational Foundation as well as a Startup Grant at MIT. I would also like to acknowledge lab mates, visitors, and UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program) at SANDLAB for sharing time for precious discussions. GAME (Graduate Association of Mechanical Engineering) is one of the most exciting and amazing society I've ever belonged to. Thank you very much for your support. Furthermore, I would also like to thank every member in KGSA (Korean Graduate Student Association) as well as KGSAME (Korean Graduate Student Association of Mechanical Engineering) for mentoring. I am also very much grateful for my undergraduate advisor, Prof. Takashi Maekawa, for his kind support and cares. Last but not least, I would like to sincerely thank my parents and my younger sister for their enduring love and support. This thesis is dedicated to them. 5 6 Contents 1 2 Introduction 13 1.1 Ocean Wave Energy Harvesting ..................... 13 1.2 Vibration Energy Harvesting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 An Overview of Probability and Stochastic Processes 19 2.1 Random Variables ...... 19 2.2 Elements of Probability ...... .......................... 21 2.2.1 Probability Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.2.2 Noncentral and Central Moments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.2.3 Characteristic Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.2.4 Correlation and Covariance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.2.5 Gaussian Distribution Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Stationarity and Ergodicity for Stochastic Processes . . . . . . . . . . 34 2.3.1 Stationaxity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2.3.2 Ergodicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.3.3 Examples of Stationary and Ergodic Processes . . . . . . . . . 35 2.4 Power Spectral Density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2.5 Energy Spectral Density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 2.3 3 .............................. Probabilstic description of water waves 43 3.1 Central Limit Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 3.2 Ocean Waves with a Gaussian Probability Distribution . . . . . . . . 44 3.3 Sea Spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Analytical Steady State Response of Linear Systems . . . . . . . . . 51 4.1.1 System Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 4.1.2 Response Power Spectral Density of Linear Systems . . . . . 53 . . . 51 4.2 Analytical Steady State Response of Nonlinear Systems Excited by Gaussian White Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Fokker - Planck and Kolmogorov Equation . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.1 57 4.3 Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Systems Excited by Colored Noise 59 4.4 Gaussian Closure for Nonlinear SDOF Oscillators Excited by Colored . N oise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quantification of Power Harvesting Performance 61 Absolute and Normalized Harvested Power Ph . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 5.2 Size of the Energy Harvester B ................. . . . . . . 67 5.3 Harvested Power Density pe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 5.4 Quantification of Performance for SDOF Harvesters . . . . . . . . . 71 5.5 Results of Performance Quantification . . . . . . 74 5.5.1 SDOF Harvester under Monochromatic Excitation. . . . . . . 74 5.5.2 SDOF Harvester under White Noise Excitation . . . . . . 79 5.5.3 SDOF Harvester under Colored Noise Excitation . . . . . . 81 . . . . . . 85 5.6 . . 5.1 . 65 . . . . . . . . . . . Results of the Moment Equation Method . . . . . . . . . . 5 48 Statistical Steady State Response of SDOF Oscillators . 4 Expression of Ocean Wave Elevation . 3.4 6 Performance Robustness 89 7 Conclusions and Future Work 95 8 List of Figures 2-1 A random variable is a function which maps elements in the sample space to values on the real line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2-2 An ensemble of random signals with five different realizations. .... 20 2-3 (a) Gaussian probability distribution function. (b) Gaussian probability density function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 (a) Double sided power spectral density. (b) Single sided power spectral density. 4-1 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 A system with an impulse response of h(t). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 4-2 Input and output relation in terms of stationarity, ergodicity and gaussian process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 4-3 55 (a) Autocorrelation function of the periodic ocean wave elevation signal. (b) Autocorrelation function of the aperiodic ocean wave elevation signal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 61 Various spectral curves obtained by magnitude and temporal rescaling of the Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum. Amplification and stretching of the input spectrum will leave the effective damping and the harvested power density invariant. 5-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The shapes of potential function U(x) = jIk x2+ 1 3x4. (a) The monos- table potential function with k, > 0 and k3 > 0. (b) The bistable potential function with k, < 0 and k3 > 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 9 68 5-3 Linear and nonlinear SDOF systems: (a) Linear SDOF system, (b) Nonlinear SDOF system only with a cubic spring, and (c) Nonlinear SDOF system with the combination of a negative linear and a cubic spring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 5-4 Response level B. and power harvested for the case of monochromatic spectrum excitation over different system parameters. The response level B is also presented as a contour plot in the power harvested plots. All three cases of systems are shown: linear (top row), cubic (second row), and negative stiffness with V^= 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 (a) Maximum harvested power, and (b) Power density for linear and nonlinear SDOF systems under monochromatic excitation. . . . . . . 5-6 76 77 A nonlinear system with the combination of a negative linear (i^ = 1) and a cubic spring. Blue solid line corresponds to a local minimum of the performance in Fig. 5-4: Ic = 0.1 and A = 0.2. Red dashed line corresponds to a local maximum of the performance in Fig. 5-4: I3= 0.25 and A = 0.2. (a) Response in terms of displacement. (b) Fourier transform modulus Iq (w)I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7 (a) Maximum harvested power, and (b) Power denstity for linear and nonlinear SDOF systems under white noise excitation. 5-8 78 . . . . . . . . 81 Response level B and power harvested for the case of excitation with Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum over different system parameters. The response level B is also presented as a contour plot in the power harvested plots. All three cases of systems are shown: linear (top row), cubic (second row), and negative stiffness with 5-9 =. . . . . . . . . . 83 (a) Maximum harvested power, and (b) Power density for linear and nonlinear SDOF systems under Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum. . . . . . 84 5-10 Harvested power density pe for the three different types of excitation spectra. The linear design is used in all cases since this is the optimal. 10 84 5-11 Results of the moment equation method for the cubic system under the colored noise excitation. (a) The size of the device with respect to system parameters. (b) The harvested power with respect to system parameters. (c) Maximum Harvested Power. (d) Harvested Power D ensity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 5-12 Results of the moment equation method for the negative linear system under the colored excitation. (a) The size of the device with respect to system parameters. (b) The harvested power with respect to system parameters. Density. 6-1 (c) Maximum Harvested Power. (d) Harvested Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Robustness of (a) the response level, (b) the power harvested, and (c) the harvested power density for the monochromatic excitation under three regimes of operation: B = 0.5, B = 1, and B = 8. . . . . . . . . 6-2 91 Robustness of (a) the response level, (b) the power harvested, and (c) the harvested power density for the PM spectrum excitation under three regimes of operation: B = 0.5, B = 1, and B = 8. . . . . . . . . 11 93 12 Chapter 1 Introduction Energy is everywhere; waiting to be harvested. This powerful truth opens up an ample opportunities for energy harvesting devices to bring benefits to this world: from structural health monitoring and autonomous marine sensors to forest fire prevention and in-situ medical care devices. All of these are based on energy harvesting techniques to power small devices by means of targeted energy transfer from a given source, such as mechanical vibrations and ocean water waves. 1.1 Ocean Wave Energy Harvesting The main purpose of the research is harvesting energy from large phenomena, such as ocean water waves, by means of targeted energy transfer techniques. Sea waves are generated by the turbulent interaction of the wind with the ocean surface. Due to gravity forces, water waves can propagate over the ocean for large distances making the process energetically dense over a wide range of frequencies. In terms of analysis, extensive work has been done on the physics of water wave evolution and energy spectrum propagation. However, the problem of energy harvesting from ocean waves is still treated in a rudimentary way, through linear techniques which have the major disadvantage of energy absorption through a narrow and pre-tuned frequency band. 13 There are a wide variety of water wave-powered mechanisms for the conversion of wave energy to mechanical energy. These mechanisms can be categorized depending on their location of operation: shoreline, near-shore, and off-shore structures. An important representative from the first class is the oscillating column of water (see e.g. [1-3]), where the water surface elevation is used to create airflow through an air turbine generator. The simple principle of operation as well as the conventional technology required for its construction are the main advantages for this class of wave energy harvesters. Moreover, since it is constructed on the shoreline, it has low maintenance cost, although the wave potential is much higher offshore than in shallow water. For this reason it requires very specific location characteristics and, hence, is not suitable for all coastal regions. Another drawback is the difficulty of building and anchoring the main structure so that it is able to withstand the roughest sea conditions and yet generate a reasonable amount of power from small waves. Near-shore mechanisms usually operate within 3-5 miles of shore and are the most widely used devices for energy extraction. Typically, these devices have the form of a buoy that oscillates on the ocean surface (see e.g. [4,5]), converting the mechanical energy due the vertical component of the oscillation to electrical energy. This is done by means of a permanent magnet that moves inside a fixed coil inducing electric current. Since, these are smallscale devices, they are generally deployed in large numbers forming a grid. Important benefits of this concept are lower construction costs and small environmental impact. On the other hand, while the offshore site of operation is characterized by intense wave power,there can be high costs associated with electricity transmission to land; and since power generation is based on the vertical oscillation, the energy conversion mechanism must be pre-tuned (optimized) for a specific range of wave frequencies, which is usually much narrower than the spectrum of the ocean waves. The third class includes off-shore configurations which are generally much large in scale and which operate in the open sea, away from the coast. The usual principle 14 of operation for these devices is to follow the water surface and act as wave attenuators. An example of a surface following device is the Pelamis Wave Energy Converter. The sections of the device articulate with the movement of the waves, each resisting motion between it and the next section, creating pressurized oil to drive a hydraulic ram which further drives a hydraulic motor. As with the near-shore configurations, these devices operate in an environment with very strong energy potential; however, the cost to transfer the energy to the land may be prohibitive, especially for the case where the point of operation is a significant distance from shore. We choose the second class of energy-harvesters as the focus of our consideration, where the main challenge we address is to significantly increase the efficiency and robustness of the energy-capture mechanism. To this end, we will apply techniques of targeted energy transfer through essentially nonlinear (i.e., nonlinearizable) local resonators which act, in essence, as nonlinear energy harvesters. Due to their nonlinearizable character, these nonlinear resonators have no preferential frequency and are, therefore, able to harvest energy over an extremely broad range of the energy spectrum. This concept has been applied successfully to a wide range of applications involving energy absorption and dissipation, including seismic mitigation in structural systems and flutter suppression in aeroelastic systems. We thus expect that this will lead to the design of efficient and robust energy harvesting mechanisms and strategies that will operate effectively over a wide range of the wave energy spectrum. 1.2 Vibration Energy Harvesting Energy harvesting is the process of targeted energy transfer from a given source (e.g. ambient mechanical vibrations, water waves, etc) to specific dynamical modes with the aim of transforming this energy to useful forms (e.g. electricity). In general, a source of mechanical energy can be described in terms of the displacement, velocity or acceleration spectrum. Moreover, in most cases the existence of the energy harvesting device does not alter the properties of the energy source i.e. the device is essentially 15 driven by the energy source in a one-way interaction. Typical energy sources are usually characterized by non-monochromatic energy content, i.e. the energy is spread over a finite band of frequencies. This feature has led to the development of various techniques in order to achieve efficient energy harvesting. Many of these approaches employ single-degree-of-freedom oscillators with non-quadratic potentials, i.e. with a restoring force that is nonlinear see e.g. [6-18]. In all of these approaches, a common characteristic is the employment of intensional nonlinearity in the harvester dynamics with an ultimate scope of increasing performance and robustness of the device without changing its size, mass or the amount of its kinetic energy. Even though for linear systems the response of the harvester can be fully characterized (and therefore optimized) in terms of the energy-source spectrum (see e.g. [9,19]), this is not the case for nonlinear systems which are simultaneously excited by multiple harmonics - in this case there are no analytical methods to express the stochastic response in terms of the source spectrum. While in many cases (e.g. in [8,11,13,18]) the authors observe clear indications that the energy harvesting capacity is increased in the presence of nonlinearity, in numerous other studies (e.g. [6,7,10,12]) these benefits could not be observed. To this end it is not obvious if and when a class (i.e. a family) of nonlinear energy harvesters can perform "better" relative to another class (of linear or nonlinear systems) of energy harvesters when these are excited by a given source spectrum. Here we seek to define objective criteria that will allow us to choose an optimal and robust energy harvester design for a given energy source spectrum. An efficient energy harvester (EH) can be informally defined as the configuration that is able to harvest the largest possible amount of energy for a given size and mass. This is a particularly challenging question since the performance of any given design depends strongly on the chosen system parameters (e.g. damping, stiffness, etc.) and in order to compare different classes of systems (e.g. linear versus nonlinear) the developed measures should not depend on the specific system parameters but rather on the form 16 of the design, its size or mass as well as the energy source spectrum. Similar challenges araise when one tries to quantify the robustness of a given design to variations of the source spectrum for which it has been optimized. To pursue this goal we first develop measures that quantify the performance of general nonlinear systems from broadband spectra, i.e. simultaneous excitation from a broad range of harmonics. These criteria demonstrate for each class of systems the maximum possible power that can be harvested from a fixed energy source using a given volume. We prove that the developed measures are invariant to linear transformations of the source spectrum (i.e. rescaling in time and size of the excitation) and they essentially depend only on its shape, i.e. the relative distribution of energy among different harmonics. For the sake of simplicity, we will present our measures for one dimensional systems although they can be generalized to higher dimensional cases in a straightforward manner. Using the derived criteria we examine the relative advantages of different classes of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) harvesters. We examine various extreme scenarios of source spectra ranging from monochromatic excitations to white-noise cases (also including the intermediate case of the Pierson-Moskowitz (PM) spectrum). We prove that there are fundamental limitations on the maximum possible harvested power that can be achieved (using SDOF harvesters) and these are independent from the linear or nonlinear nature of the design. Moreover, we examine the robustness properties of various SDOF harvester designs when the source characteristics are perturbed and we illustrate the dynamical regimes where non-linear designs are preferable compared with the linear harvesters. 17 18 Chapter 2 An Overview of Probability and Stochastic Processes Probability theory and stochastic processes are one of the essential backgrounds of this thesis. Specifically, the harvested power of the SDOF oscillators under the colored noise are investigated in terms of stochastic processes and power spectral density. In this chapter, We first offer a brief overview of the basic probability and stochastic processes. 2.1 Random Variables - o *Re x 2 X3 X4 Figure 2-1: A random variable is a function which maps elements in the sample space to values on the real line. A random variable is a function which maps elements in the sample space to values on the real line. In many physical problems, including base oscillating energy harvesters, 19 their dynamics can be described in terms of probabilistic approach. This is the concept of stochastic processes. Then, the stochastic process should be defined. A stochastic process, or equivalently random process, is the family of time dependent random variables which obey a specific probabilistic law. In other words, it represents a time evolution of a random variable. For example, as will be fully explored in following chapters, heights and amplitudes of ocean waves are representative examples of stochastic processes. In this case, we can consider that the outcomes of mapping from the entire sample space to real numbers are connected in terms of ocean wave heights and amplitudes. Mathematically, a stochastic process is expresses by x(t, Q), where t represents a parameter for time and Q indicates a parameter for probability. This mathematical expression can be interpreted in two ways in terms of time and probability parameters, respectively. For a fixed time t, it becomes a function of probability parameter Q, and this is called "random variable". On the other hand, for a fixed probability parameter Q, it becomes a function of time t, which is called "realization". In general, the collection of time history data, realizations, is denoted as "ensemble". All these notions are clearly illustrated in the Figure (2-2). Random Variable x(t, 0=2) x(t, 1=3) -.x(t, 1=4) V V Relzto x(t, 0=5) Figure 2-2: An ensemble of random signals with five different realizations. 20 2.2 Elements of Probability Random variables as well as stochastic processes should be accompanied by their probability distributions in order to fully describe their behaviors. Probability distribution represents how probabilities are distributed over the values of random variables. Thus the review of the probability distribution function and the probability density function are offered in the following sections. For the brevity, counter part definitions for the discrete random variable are omitted. Interested readers can refer to elementary probability textbooks [20]. 2.2.1 Probability Distribution According to how the random variables are distributed (i.e. discrete or continuous), there are two ways to express the distribution of probability of a random variable. If the random variable is discrete, the discrete random variable has ProbabilityMass Function and ProbabilityDistributionFunction, while the continuous random variable has Probability Density Function and Probability Distribution Function. Either of those two functions will fully describe the probability of a random variable. Here we will introduce the probability density function and the probability distribution function for continuous random variables. e Probability Distribution Function (PDF) The probability distribution function of random variable X is defined as the probability that the random variable X is less than or equal to an element x. It is clear that this probability depends on the assigned element x. Fx(x) = P{X ; x}. (2.1) Here, the upper case subscript X denotes a random variable and the lower case x denotes its arbitrary element. This probability distribution function has several important properties. First, it is obvious that the function takes a value only between 0 and 1. And, it is a non-negative and non-decreasing function with respect to x. 21 Thus we can expect that the function takes 0 at negative infinity and takes 1 at positive infinity. These properties are summarized as follows: Fx(-oo) =0, (2.2) Fx(+oo) =1, (2.3) P(a < X < b) =Fx(b) - Fx(a), (2.4) P(X < b) =P(X < b)+ P(a < X < b), (2.5) where a and b are two real numbers such that a < b. e Probability Density Function (pdf) The probability density function for a continuous random variable X is defined as the derivative of the probability distribution function with respect to its element x. -Fx(x). fx(x) = dx (2.6) Since the probability distribution function is a continuous function with respect to the element x, the probability density function exists for all values x. Similarly, several important properties are introduced. It is obvious that the probability density function is a non-negative function. Also, it is important that the probability density function does not give the probability itself, but the underneath area gives the probability. Please note that this is different from the fact that the probability mass function for a discrete random variable gives the probability. fx(x) 0, Fx(x) = j Fx(oo) = j P(a < X < b) = 22 (2.7) fx(u)du, (2.8) fx(u)du = 1, (2.9) fx(u)du. (2.10) 1 0J.4 0.9- 0.35 0.5 025 02 - 0.4- 0.15 0.30.1 0.20.05- 0.1-5 0 5 -5 X 0 5 X (a) (b) Figure 2-3: (a) Gaussian probability distribution function. (b) Gaussian probability density function. * Joint Probability Distribution Function (JPDF) In many cases, we may encounter situations with more than one random variable. Then it becomes our concern that how those random variables behave jointly. The joint probability distribution function and the joint probability density function fully describe two random variables. The joint probability distribution function for two continuous random variables X and Y is defined as the probability that the random variable X takes an element less than or equal to x and the random variable Y takes an element less than or equal to y. This can be mathematically expressed as follows: Fxy(x, y) = P{X < x ri Y < y}. (2.11) It is also clear that Fxy(x, y) is a non-negative and non-decreasing function with respect to x and y. Fxy(-oo, -oo) = 0, (2.12) Fxy(oo, oo) = 1, (2.13) Fxy(x, -oo) = 0, (2.14) Fxy(-oo, y) = 0. (2.15) 23 Marginal distribution function for X and Y can be obtained by replacing each element with positive infinity as follows: Fx(x) = Fxy(x, oo), (2.16) Fy(y) = Fxy(oo, y). (2.17) 9 Joint Probability Density Function (jpdf) The partial derivative of the joint probability distribution function with respect to x and y is defined as the joint probability density function of two continuous random variables X and Y. fxy(x, y) 02 (2.18) Fxy(x, y). = Since the joint probability distribution function is a non-negative and non-decreasing function, the second partial derivative is also a non-negative function having following properties. Fxy(x, y) = f Fxy(oo, oo) = f 0xj fxy(u, v)dud, (2.19) fxy(u, v)dudv = 1. (2.20) x Marginal density functions can be obtained by integrating with respect to each element. fx(x) = fxy (u, v)d, (2.21) fy(y) = fxy(u, v)du. (2.22) For more than two continuous random variables, the joint probability distribution function can be defined as Fx(X) = P{X1 < x 1 n X 2 5 x2 24 ... X x }, (2.23) and the joint probability density function can also be defined as follows: &n fx(X) = 2.2.2 -Fx(X). (2.24) Noncentral and Central Moments Even though the probability distribution function and the probability density function fully describe a random variable, it is sometimes necessary to evaluate simple numbers containing its probabilistic features. Those simple numbers are non-central and central moments which can be expressed as the expectation of various orders of a random variable. In this thesis, only the continuous random variables are treated and introduced. For more information on the discrete random variables are available on [20,21]. * Expectation For a real valued function of a random variable, the expectation, or the mean value, is defined using the probability density function. The symbol E{} reads the expectation. By definition, the expectation of a arbitrary function of a random variable X, g(X), is given as follows: E{g(X)} = j g(x)fx(x)dx, (2.25) where fx(x) is the probability density function of the random variable X. Above expectation is defined only if the absolute integral f"i| Ig(x)Ifx(x)dx < oo converges. Then it is clear that the expectation of a random variable X can be expressed as follows: E{X} = j xfx(x)dx. Some important properties of expectation operator are introduced. 25 (2.26) E{c} =c, (2.27) E{cg(X)} =cE{g(X)}, (2.28) E{cg(X) + dh(Y)} =cE{g(X)} + dE{h(Y)}, (2.29) where c and d are constants and g(X) and h(Y) are functions of random variables X and Y. The linearity of the expectation holds regardless of the independence of random variables. e Non-central moments Non-central moments are the expectation of several orders of a function of a random variable, and the nth order of non-central moments of a random variable is often denoted as an. E{X"} = f= xfx(x)dx. (2.30) Obviously, the expectation is the first order non-central moment of a random variable. o Central moments Central moments are defined as the expectation of several order of a function of a random variable with respect to its mean value. nth order central moments of a random variable are represented as #n. , = E{(X - p)"} = j(x - p)fx(x)dx, (2.31) where M represents its mean value. 9 Variance The second order central moment of a continuous random variable is denoted as variance. Variance indicates how the random variable is distributed with respect to 26 its mean. Large variance represents a large spread of a random variable from its mean, while small variance indicates a small dispersion of the random variable. The definition of the variance follows. ak = Var{X} = E{(X - p) 2 } = j (x - p/) 2 fx(x)dx, (2.32) where /z is the expectation of a random variable X. Variance has several important properties and some of those are introduced as follows: 0. 2 a2 -A 2 (2.33) Var(X + c) = Var(X), (2.34) Var(cX) = c2 Var(X). (2.35) * Standard Deviation The positive square root of variance is defined as standard deviation. Ux = Var{X} = IE{(X - p)2}. (2.36) Standard deviation has the same unit as the expectation, thus it can be easily compared with the mean on the same scale to obtain the degree of spread. o Non-dimensional coefficients There are dimensionless numbers that represent several features of a random variable. A dimensionless number denoted as the coefficients of variation represents the dispersion relative to the mean value. A large value indicates a wide spread while a small value indicates a narrow spread. V X=--. (2.37) Coefficients of skewness is a dimensionless number which gives the measure of symmetry of a distribution. When the distribution is symmetrical about its mean, the 27 value becomes zero. It is positive if the distribution has a dominant tail on the right, and negative if it has a dominant tail on the left. (2.38) 71- =- ox Coefficients of excess is a dimensionless number which gives the degree of a distribution around its mean. The value is positive if the distribution has a slim and sharp peak, while the value is negative if the distribution has a flattened peak. It becomes zero when the distribution is Gaussian. #4 72 =-T - 3. (2.39) ex For more than one continuous random variable, joint non-central moments and joint central moments can also be defined in the similar way. Joint non-central moments are defined as anm = E{X"Y m } j j flnym fxy(x, y)dxdy, (2.40) and the joint central moments are defined as follows: j j(x nm = E{(X-x(Y-y)}= - x)(y -p yfxy(x, y)dxdy. (2.41) 2.2.3 Characteristic Function The characteristic function of a continuous random variable X is defined as the expectation E{eitX}. It is the expectation of a complex function and therefore it is generally complex valued. #x(t) =E{etx} = je*txfx(x)dx, fx(X ) =- o e-itX $x(t jdt, 28 (2.42) (2.43) where t is a real valued parameter. Further, the characteristic functions have following properties. 0) = 1, (2.44) x(-t) = q*(t), (2.45) Ox(t #x(t)I (2.46) <; 1, where * represents the complex conjugate. The characteristic functions provide useful tools to investigate stochastic processes. One of important properties of the characteristic function is the moments generating function. This is the process of determining moments of a random variable. Taylor's expansion with respect to t = 0 (equivalently the MacLaurin series) gives #(t) = #(0) + O'()t + #"(O)t 2 + " + - -- = 1+ 0 an. (2.47) n=1 From the above relation, we can deduce that an = (j)n#(n)(O). (2.48) Therefore the knowledge of the characteristic function provides the moments of all order of a random variable. Another important property is that the characteristic function can also be extended to the cumulant generating function as follows: log #(t) (jt)nA" (2.49) log ox(t)It=. (2.50) = n=1 where the coefficient An is obtained from An = (j)- "d 29 There is a simple relation between the coefficients A, and the moments a,. Al =ai, A2 =a 2 (2.51) 2 (2.52) A3 =a3 - 3a1 a 2 + 2a . (2.53) Here we can observe that A, is the mean, A 2 is the variance, and A 3 is the third central moment. The coefficients A, are denoted as the cumulants of a continuous random variable. 2.2.4 Correlation and Covariance In the case that there are more than one continuous random variable, the interdependence of those random variables become also important. The central expectation of two continuous random variables X and Y with respect to two different time is denoted as the covariance function. If those two random variables are the same, it is denoted as autocovariance, or simply covariance. If those two random variables are different, it is denoted as crosscovariance. The autocovariance can be expressed with two different time t and s, or equivalently with the time difference r as follows: Cxx(t, s) =E{(X(t) - px)(X(s) - px)} =E{(X(t) - px)(X(t + r) - px)} = Cxx(r). (2.54) The crosscovariance of two random variables X and Y can be written as Cxy(t, s) =E{(X(t) - px)(Y(s) - py)} =E{(X(t) - Mx)(Y(t + r) - py)} = Cxy(r). (2.55) The non-central expectation of two continuous random variables X and Y with respect to two different time is defined as correlation function. Similarly, if those two randoms variables are the same, it is called autocorrelation, however, on the other hand, if 30 those two random variables are different, it is called crosscorrelation. Autocorrelation function of a random variable X is Rxx(t, s) =E{X(t)X(s)} =E{X(t)X(t + T} = Rxx(r ). (2.56) The crosscorrelation of two different random variables X and Y is as follows: Rxy(t, s) =E{X(t)Y(s)} =E{X(t)Y(t + T)} = Rxy(r). (2.57) There are several important properties and relations between the covariance function and the correlation function. In general, the covariance function can be expressed with correlation function as Cxx(Tr) = Rxx(r ) - p2X, (2.58) Cxy(r) = Rxy(r) - pxpy. (2.59) In the case that the expectation of each random variable is zero, it reduces to Cxx(-r) = Rxx (r), (2.60) Cxy(r) = Rxy(r). (2.61) Furthermore, the covariance function and the correlation function are even functions. Cxx(-r) = Cxx(r), (2.62) Rxx(-7)= Rxx(r). (2.63) The physical meaning behind the covariance function and the correlation function is very important. Positive covariance indicates positive correlation while negative covariance represents negative correlation. 31 Zero covariance is called uncorrelated. It is important that if two random variables are independent, it is uncorrelated. However, uncorrelation does not necessarily indicate independence of two random variables. Moreover, positive correlation indicates that as one variable increases the other variable also increases. Similarly, negative correlation represents that as one random variable increase the other variable decreases. 2.2.5 Gaussian Distribution Function One of the most important examples of the probability distribution is the gaussian distribution. A continuous random variable is denoted as the Gaussian process if its probability distribution function and probability density function have the following expressions. f ~ fx(x) = Fx(x)= 1 _,ro (X 2_ pl)21} fx(u)du= 1 1 v/-r (2.64) J _0 xp exp- (u-)2 2 2a- du. (2.65) Graphical illustration can be found in the Figure (2-3). A random variable becomes the standard Gaussian random variable if its probability distribution has the Gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit variance. In general, a random variable with Gaussian probability distribution has its expectation and variance as follows: E{X} = t, Var{X} = . (2.66) (2.67) Furthermore, the characteristic function of Gaussian distribution is given as qx(t) = exp {jpt - -a 2 t2 }. 2 (2.68) As illustrated in the previous section, we can derive several properties of central moments by using the characteristic function. In the case that a random variable follows the Gaussian probability distribution, the expression for the central moments, 32 = 8,, becomes much simpler. 0 (2.69) n = odd ( 1 .3 -5 ...(n - 1).-an- 33 n = even 2.3 Stationarity and Ergodicity for Stochastic Processes 2.3.1 Stationarity For many physical phenomena the associated stochastic processes are characterized by interesting properties such as stationarity or ergodicity. Here we define these properties in detail. A strictly stationary process is defined such that the joint probability distribution of a stochastic process does not change with respect to the time shift. However, this definition is sometimes too strong for the engineering sense. Thus a rather relaxed definition is introduced. A stochastic process X(t) is called "weakly stationary" if the mean, E{X(t)}, and the autocorrelation, E{X(t)X(t + r)}, are both independent of time t. These conditions can be written as px =E{X(t)} = constant, Rxx(r) =E{X(t)X(t + r)} = function of r. (2.70) (2.71) For a zero mean stochastic process, above conditions reduce to Ipx =E{X(t)} = constant, Cxx(r) =Rxx(r) - mi2 = function of r. (2.72) (2.73) Thus, a stationary random process has constant mean and variance for all time t. 34 2.3.2 Ergodicity Another important process is ergodicity. A stochastic process X(t) is called "ergodic" if the ensemble mean can be replaced by a temporal average over a single realization. px =E{X(t)} = lim T-oo 1 x(s)ds, - 2T Rxx(r) =E{X(t)X(t + r} = lim T-*oo 2T f (2.74) x(s)x(s + -r)ds. (2.75) _T If we assume a stochastic process to be an ergodic process, then we automatically assume the property of stationarity. However, an important point is that a stationary process does not necessarily guarantee the process to be an ergodic process. Therefore, in order to assume a stochastic process to be ergodic, it is required to be a stationary process. 2.3.3 Examples of Stationary and Ergodic Processes Several commonly adopted stochastic processes are discussed and investigated their properties in terms of stationarity and ergodicity. Example 1: X(t) = A cos(wt + p) Let's consider one of the simplest stochastic processes. The amplitude A and frequency w are constants, and the phase W is the only random variable with uniform distribution among 0 to 27r. As illustrated in the previous section, the stationarity of the above process has been investigated. A E{X(t)} =E{A cos(wt + p)} = T 00 E{X(t)X(t + r)} =E{A 2 cos(Wt + p) cos(w(t + cos(wt + p)dy = 0, T) + W)} = (2.76) =A2 cos(wr). 2 (2.77) It is clear that this stochastic process X(t) is weakly stationary since its mean and 35 autocorrelation do not depend on time t. Also, the process has px = 0 and oi'3 = 'A 2 Now, let's look into the ergodicity property. E{X(t)} = Tlim soo 2TI E{X(t)X(t + T} = lim 1 T-+oo2T _r _TT A cos(wt + p)dt = 0, (2.78) A2 cos(wt + W) cos(w(t + -r) + p)dt = -A2 cos(wr). 2 (2.79) It is also clear that the ensemble averages of mean and autocorrelation exactly match with the temporal averages. Thus, it guarantees ergodicity for the given stochastic process. 36 = EN An Cos(wnt + ) Example 2: X(t) The next example is the superposition of several cosines with different amplitudes, frequencies and phases. As the previous example, amplitudes An and frequencies W." are constants, and phases Wn are random variables with uniform distribution among 0 to 27r. Following the same approach, the stationarity and the ergodicity will be investigated. Followings are about the stationarity. E{X(t)} =E{E An cos(wnt + W,,)} = = 0, (2.80) N E{X(t)X(t + -r)} =E{l A' cos(wnt + Wn) cos(w,,(t + r) + 'pn)} N = E A' cos(wn-r).' (2.81) N It is obvious that the random process X(t) is weakly stationary, and has pIx = 0 and X = 2 EN A . For the ergodicity, we will have E{X(t)} = lim -T-4oo E{X(t)X(t + -r)} = lim 2T T-+oo 2T _ fT _T nA A 2 cos(wn7). A1 cos(wnt + pn)dt = 0, A cos(wnt + n) (2.82) cos(w(t + 'F) + Vn)dt (2.83) The ensemble averages perfectly match to the temporal averages, which guarantees the ergodicity property for the given stochastic process. 37 Example 3: X(t) = A cos(wt) + B sin(wt) Third example has a constant frequency w, but two amplitudes A and B are random variables. In this case, we have two random variables, which differ from previous examples. Following the same steps for the stationarity, we have E{X(t)} =E{A} cos wt + E{B} sin wt = \/E{A} 2 + E{B} 2 cos(wt - 9), (2.84) E{X(t)X(t + T)} where 9 and # E{A2 + B 2 } cos wr =- = + {E{A}2+ E{B} 2 } + E{AB} 2 cos(2wt + w-r - 4), (2.85) are corresponding phases. In order for the stochastic process to be weakly stationary, it should meet following conditions. E{A} = E{B} = 0, (2.86) E{AB} = 0, (2.87) E{A 2 } = E{B 2}. (2.88) Thus, the random process becomes weakly stationary process if and only if E{A} = E{B} = E{AB} = 0 and E{A 2 } = E{B 2 }. Then the process will have I'x = 0 and u2 = oA = a2. One can easily follow the same steps to derive that the above stochastic process cannot be ergodic in terms of the autocorrelation. 2.4 Power Spectral Density It is well known that Fourier analysis is used to decompose the time history data into the sums of sines and cosines over frequency domain. A periodic time history data can be decomposed as discrete components of frequencies, while an aperiodic time history can be decomposed as continuous components of frequencies. However, this Fourier analysis can only be applied if the time history data diminishes as time 38 grows. In the case of the stochastic process, realizations are not generally periodic and do not diminish with respect to time. Therefore, this difficulty is overcome by introducing the power spectral density. For a stationary stochastic process, the power spectral density is defined to be the Fourier transform of the covariance function. Sx(w) = j Cxx(r)e-'"dr, (2.89) Sx(w)eW'dw. (2.90) 100 Cxx(r) = Specifically, for the case of zero mean stochastic process, above relations can be rewritten as Sx(w) = j Rxx(r)e-j""dr, (2.91) Sx(w)ewlrdw. (2.92) Rxx(r) = The above Fourier transform pairs are called Wiener-Khintchine relation. It is often the case that the input power spectral density is a given information. By plugging r = 0 into the above relation, we will obtain Oi = Rxx(0) = Sx(w)dw, (2.93) which represents that the power spectral density can be viewed as a distribution of variance over the frequency domain. By using the properties of Fourier transform, it is shown that the covariance function and the correlation function are even and real functions. Then it is also obvious that the power spectral density is an even and real function. Considering that negative frequency components do not have any physical meaning, we now introduce the one sided power spectral density defined as follows. We denote the one sided power spectral density with a + superscript. ) 2SX(w) 0 39 W > 0 < 0 (2.94) It should be noted that many practically developed power spectral density is defined only for positive frequency. However, the above Wiener-Khintchine relation holds for the original power spectral density, thus one is required to convert one sided spectrum into double sided spectrum before applying the Wiener-Khintchine relation. Note that the expression for the variance changes to U.2x S (w)dw. = -2,7r (2.95) 0 The unit of power spectral density can be evaluated from above relation. Since the unit of variance of a random variable X is square of its unit, the unit of the power spectral density is the square of the unit of X(t) divided by radian per second. Throughout this thesis, the stochastic process X(t) represents the elevation of ocean waves, and therefore, the power spectral density has the unit of [m 2s/rad]. 0.8 0.35- 0.7 0.3- 0.6 0.25- 0.5 0.2- 0.4 0.15- 0.3 0.1- 0.2 0.05-15 0.1 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 0 (a) 10 5 15 (b) Figure 2-4: (a) Double sided power spectral density.L(b) Single sided power spectral density. 40 2.5 Energy Spectral Density Let x (t) be a stationary and ergodic signal for which we assume that it has finite power, i.e. T lim - fX (t)T2dt 2T T-+o < O. (2.96) -T Also recall that the correlation function is given as T Rx(-r) = lim -x T-+oo 2T x(t) x(t +-r)dt = x(t) x(t +-r), (2.97) -T where the bar denotes ensemble average and the last equality follows from the assumption of ergodicity. Note that we always have the property (2.98) IRx(T)I 5 Rx (0). Based on the correlation function, we can compute the power spectral density as introduced before T Sx (w) =.F[Rx (r)] = lim 1 T-oo 2T j x (t) e-*"dt 2 (2.99) -T where the Fourier transform is given by 00 T [Rx (r)] = J Rx (Tr) e-"'dr. (2.100) -00 The power spectral density describes how the energy of a signal x (t) is distributed among harmonics in an averaged sense. Therefore, the averaged energy of a signal 41 can be expressed using the power spectral density as Ex = Ix (t)12 = Rx (0) = x (w) d. (2.101) -00 In contrast, it should be noted that the usual energy spectrum is defined by the square of the magnitude of the Fourier transform of a signal. Se (w) =|- [h (t)]12. (2.102) Furthermore, it is important that the power spectral density can also be defined for a signal for which the energy fT Ih(t)I 2 dt is not finite. Therefore we should see the power spectral density as a time or ensemble average of the energy distributed over different harmonics. 42 Chapter 3 Probabilstic description of water waves In this chapter, ocean waves are introduced as an example of stochastic processes. General reviews for the ocean energy harvesting can be found in [22-24]. Throughout this thesis, we are interested in harvesting energy from external vibrations using SDOF oscillators, and ocean waves along with winds and earthquakes are representative sources of energy. In the offshore industry, it is common that the state of ocean remains constant for a short period of time and small range of area. Within these conditions, it is possible to model the ocean waves as stationary random processes, and therefore let us have several important tools to asses the response of offshore structures. In the following section, it is shown that the ocean wave elevation is a stationary and ergodic stochastic process which obeys Gaussian probability distribution. As a basis, the central limit theorem is briefly introduced first. 3.1 Central Limit Theorem The central limit theorem gives a very general class of random phenomena whose distribution can be approximated by the normal distribution. When the randomness in a physical phenomena is the result of many small additive random effects, it tends to be a normal distribution, irrespective of the individual distribution. For example, 43 let's denote {X} to be a sequence of mutually independent and identically distributed random variable with mean p and variance o.2 . It can be written as N Y = Zx, (3.1) j=1 and, by normalizing the random variable, we have a new normalized random variable with zero mean and unit variance. _ Xj-N.-p V (3.2) - Z= YjNp VN-o- The probability distribution of a new normalized random variable Z will converge to the standard Gaussian distribution as the number of sequence N goes to infinity. 3.2 Ocean Waves with a Gaussian Probability Distribution The ocean wave processes are assumed to be Gaussian stochastic process, which gives a reasonably good approximation to reality. This can be proved based on the central limit theorem. Let's consider the structure of random ocean wave as a superposition of many waves with different frequencies, different phases, and different amplitudes. By constraining the ocean wave in one directional wave, we can then express the wave elevation at fixed time t, q(t), as follows: 7= X + X2+ ---+ X, (3.3) where Xi are statistically independent random variables, obeying the same but unknown probability density function. This indicates that the mean and the variance 44 PT 7 can be written as E{Xj} =0, (3.4) Var{Xi} =.2, (3.5) then it is obvious to express as follows: E{ 7 } =E{X1 + X 2 + - -- + X} = 0, Var{r}=Var{X1+X 2 +---+Xn} =n-. 2 . (3.6) (3.7) As illustrated in the previous section, the random variable rq is normalized and a new normalized random variable Z is introduced. (3.8) Z= = = The new random variable Z has zero mean and unit variance. Next, the characteristic functions Ox and Oz are illustrated. There are two important properties for the characteristic function. Y = aX + b K=X+Y -+ by(t) = eibt$x(at), -+ OK(t) = OX(t) - Y(t), (3.9) (3-10) where X, Y, and K are random variables while a and b are constants. Then, the normalized random variable Z can be written in terms of characteristic functions. qz(t) = {x( t )}n. (3.11) This characteristic function can then be expanded as Ox(t) = 1 - !t2E{X2} + o(t2 ), 2 45 (3.12) where o indicates little o notation which implies more rapidly approaching function of t toward zero. Therefore, applying this expansion, the characteristic function of Z can be simplified. t t )= 1--+o( 2n X 7no- #bz(t) = {1 Recalling limn 2n ), (3.13) o(-)}". n (3.14) - x( (1 + z)n = e', it can be easily observed that as the number n increases, the characteristic function for a new random variable Z approaches to Oz(t) = e-2 .(3.15) Therefore the normalized random variable Z obeys the standard Gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit variance. Hence, it is proved that the ocean wave elevation ,q has zero mean and variance n - o.2, and it is a Gaussian random variable. (3.16) A, =07 .o. a;-,,2 46 (3.17) 3.3 Sea Spectra Examples of widely adopted power spectral densities are introduced [25-28]. Those are developed from empirical data for the ocean wave elevation at a specific location in North Sea. Following power spectral density functions can be used for preliminary design of energy harvesting devices since it provides with a sufficiently realistic modeling of spectral properties. * Pierson-Moskowitz Spectrum S (w) = 0.0081 2exp (-0.74 (g/U)4). (3.18) Here U indicates the wind-speed at 19.5m above the sea surface and g is the gravitational acceleration. * Bretschneider Spectrum (Modified Pierson-Moskowitz Spectrum) S (w) Sx() 4w5 1.25 w H2 exp (-1.25 ()4). W (3.19) Here H, is the significant wave height and w, is the peak frequency as which SI(w) is a maximum. e JONSWAP (Joint North Sea Wave Project) Spectrum S (w) = a 5 exp (-1.25(-)4),, w W (3.20) (w - 2 W2 2a W (3.21) r -- (3.22) a =0.076(-U2)0.22, Fg 2 w U=22( )13 (3.23) Here F is the fetch, the distance from a lee shore, U is the wind speed, and y is the sharpness parameter. The JONSWAP spectrum is developed for the limited fetch and is used extensively in the offshore industry. 47 * Ochi-Hubble Spectrum X ()=4 J'(A) W4A+1 exp {- 4 W (3.24) (.4 where A is the width of the spectrum and F is the gamma function. Ochi-Hubble spectrum is an extension of the Bretschneider spectrum, allowing to make it wider for developing seas, or narrower for the swell. All the power spectral density functions developed for the ocean waves are assumed to be uni-directional. This can be modified by introducing a direction function D(9). S (w,0) = S (w)D(), (3.25) where the directional function describes the spread of energy over different directions. Thus the following should be satisfied. J D(9)dO = 1. (3.26) An example of directional function is provide. 2 D(O) =- COS2 (0). 7r 48 (3.27) 3.4 Expression of Ocean Wave Elevation Based on the proof in the previous section, we can safely state that the wave process is assumed to be a Gaussian stochastic process. However, even though the stationary and ergodic stochastic process with Gaussian probability distribution is widely adopted as an ocean wave description, it should be mentioned that this is not acceptable in many cases. Depending on the situation we consider, other assumptions may be taken into consideration. However, in the context of harvesting energy which is the main interest of this thesis, a Gaussian ocean wave elevation is an enough approximation. Let's consider a fully developed stationary ocean wave whose wave amplitude is much smaller than the wavelength. Under this condition, we can assume that the ocean waves are deep water waves which have a dispersion relation of W2 = gk, (3.28) where w is the frequency of the ocean wave in rad/s, k indicates the wave number, and g is the gravitational acceleration. Then the ocean wave elevation q(x, y, t) in terms of space coordination x and y can be represented as follows: N M (x, y, t) = ES(wi, 0j)AwiA6;{Aij cos(wit - kx cosw - ky sinw,) i=1 j=1 +Bij sin(wit - kx cos wj - ky sin wj)}, (3.29) where the coefficients A 3 and Bij are mutually independent Gaussian random variable with zero mean and unit variance. By applying the dispersion relation for the deep water, the equation reduces to N M 2 71(x, y, t) =EE S (wi, 0j)AwjA6j{Ajj cos(wit - w'-(x coswj + y sin wj)) 9 i=1 j=1 2 w +Bij sin(wit _ _-(x cos + y sin wj))}. (3.30) 9 49 Please note that the ocean wave elevation does not depend on the spatial coordinate. Thus by choosing the coordinate at the origin (0,0), above general equation reduces to N M )= VS+(w , 93 )AwAG,{Aij cos(wit) + Bij sin(wit)}. i=1 (3.31) j=1 And by further combining cosine and sine terms with same frequency components, it can be written as N 77(t) M =E E Sk(wi,93 )AwiA9iRi cos(wit + Oi), (3.32) i=1 j=1 where R,?_ = A, + B,?, and Rj is Rayleigh distributed random variables. Also Oib are random variables uniformly distributed among 0 to 27r which represent phases. Then this can be simplified into N M 9j)AwiA05 cos(wit + 7(t) = E2Sk(wi, i=1 j=1 ij). (3.33) The above simplification does not guarantee the ocean wave elevation to be a Gaussian random process. However, as illustrated in the previous section, the stochastic process 77(t) becomes a Gaussian random process due to the central limit theorem. If we ignore the directionality and reduce to uni-directional expression, it becomes as follows: N 7(t) = V 2SX(wi)Awi cos(wit +Oi). (3.34) This expression is a reasonable approximation of uni-directional ocean wave elevation and thus it is widely adopted in the offshore industry. There are several technical details which must be paid attention to before conducting simulations. These details will be discussed in the following chapter. 50 Chapter 4 Statistical Steady State Response of SDOF Oscillators 4.1 Analytical Steady State Response of Linear Systems In this section, the statistical steady state response of SDOF linear oscillators is analytical illustrated. For a stationary process, the power spectral density of the response can be easily deduced from the knowledge of the power spectral density of the input excitation. Three different types of excitations which will be treated throughout this thesis are the monochromatic excitation, the Gaussian white noise excitation, and the colored noise excitation. These excitations can be viewed and differentiated in terms of the shape of the power spectral density function. The monochromatic excitation has a delta function while the Gaussian white noise excitation has a constant value in the power spectral density function (i.e. no characteristic frequency). The colored noise excitation can be described with a band limited power spectral density function. In the following section, several important properties of the system are discussed. 51 4.1.1 System Properties In the previous chapter, several properties of power spectral density of an excitation, i.e. ocean waves, are explored. Now we want to find out how the response of a system can be characterized in terms of the power spectral density of the response. Thus, several properties which define a system will be discussed first [29]. Dynamic/Static System A system is called dynamic if the system depends not only on the present time, but also on the past or future time. On the contrary, a system is called static if the system depends only on the present time. Linear System A system is called linear if the superposition holds. Time Invariant System A system is called time invariant if the time shift in the input corresponds to the time shift in the output. Causal System A system is called causal if the output of the system does not depend on the future input. Stable System A system is called stable if a bounded input gives a bounded output. Throughout this section, we assume that the transfer function of a system can be modeled as a linear and time invariant system. Consider a system with an impulse response of h(t) where the input is x(t) and the output is y(t). Then the input and 52 the output can be related in terms of convolution as follows: y(t) = h(t) * x(t) = j x(r)h(t - -r)dr. (4.1) If the system is causal, above relation reduces to y(t) = j (4.2) x(Tr)h(t - Tr)dr. Here, the equation can be interpreted in the way that x(t) is one realization of the ocean wave elevation and h(t) is the impulse response of the proposed structure, and y(t) is one realization of the response. x(t) System Y(t) INPUT hit) OUTPUT Figure 4-1: A system with an impulse response of h(t). 4.1.2 Response Power Spectral Density of Linear Systems Consider that there are N realizations of ocean wave elevations x(t) and it is denoted as X(t). Also, the realizations of response of the structure y(t) are denoted as Y(t). Then the expectation of response can be expressed as E{Y(t)} = E{j X(r)h(t - r)d-r} = j E{X(r)}h(t - r)d-r. (4.3) Therefore, the above relation simplifies to mx = my j h(t - r)dr = H(O)my, (4.4) where mx and my are mean values of X(t) and Y(t), respectively, and H(O) is the frequency response of the system evaluated at zero frequency. Thus we can conclude that the mean value of the response of a linear time invariant system is the mean 53 value of the input multiplied by the system response of zero frequency. As the case for the ocean wave elevation, if the excitation has zero mean, then the response of the system also has zero mean. Now assume that the input is a stationary stochastic process with a zero mean. As we have shown before, it is obvious that the output also has a zero mean. Let's consider the autocovariance function. E{Y(t)Y(t + r} =E{j h(r)X(t - r)dr1 -j 0 0 =E{j jX(t 0 0 i-1)X(t + - h(-r2 )X(t + r T - - r2)dr2} T2 )h(T1)h(T 2 )dridT2 } = j j E{X(t - -r1)X(t + r - r2 )}h(r1)h(r2 )drdr2 = j j Cx(r + T1 - - )h(ri)h(-2 )dridr2 . (4.5) r 2 )h(r)h(r2 )d-rdr2 . (4.6) 2 Therefore, the above equation follows that Cy(r) = j 0 j 0 Cx(r + Ti - Thus it can be generalized that under a linear time invariant system a stationary input produces a stationary output. Furthermore, this can be easily extended that under a linear time invariant system a stationary ergodic input with Gaussian probability distribution produces a stationary ergodic output with Gaussian probability distribution. The mean value and the variance play an important role on describing the response statistics. In the previous part, we have shown that the mean value of the response can be easily deduced from the knowledge of the mean value of the input in addition to the frequency response. It is also shown that the autocovariance function of the response can be related by the autocovariance function of the input. Now we will investigate the relation between the variance of the input and the output by taking 54 Fourier transform of the autocovariance functions. As described in the previous part, the Fourier transform of the input and the output covariance functions are given as Sy(w) = = j j h(ri) j0 h(T1)eil d-r1l h(r2 ) j Cx(r + j0 T1 - T2 )e~WrdidT 2 dr1 h(T2 )e-iw'rdr2 - Sx(w) =H(-w)H(w)Sx(w) =H(w)H*(w)Sx(w) =|H(w)12 Sx(w). (4.7) Thus in terms of the one sided power spectral density, there is an explicit relation between the input and the output power spectral density as follows: Sy(w) = H(w)1 2 SX(w). (4.8) Then the variance of the output can be expressed as follows: S= j S,(w)dw = j Stationary Ergodic Gaussian INPUT |H(w)I 2 Sl(w)dw. (4.9) Stationary Ergodic Gaussian ITI OUTPUT Figure 4-2: Input and output relation in terms of stationarity, ergodicity and gaussian process. Knowledge of the transfer function of a linear system in addition to the knowledge of the form of the power spectral density function of the input excitation will let us derive the response power spectral density function analytically. For example, consider a dynamical system whose governing equation can be written in terms of a 55 second order differential equation as follows: (4.10) m + A + ky = -z,7 where m is the mass, A is the dissipation coefficient, k is the stiffness coefficient, and x(t) is the displacement of the external excitation. It is obvious that above representative system is linear (because there is no higher order terms), and time invariant. Furthermore, the transfer function of the system can be easily obtained by taking Fourier transform of the governing equation. {m(jw) 2 + A(jw) + k}Y(w) = -(jW) 2 X(w). (4.11) Then, by combining relevant terms in both sides, the transfer function H(w) can be obtained as follows: Y(w) _ _______ H(w) = X(w) =(W -mw 2 +A(jw)+k( . (4.12) Please note that the response power spectral density is related with the input power spectral density with the multiplication with the square of the absolute value of the transfer function. IH(w)1 2 = H(w)H*(w), where * indicates complex conjugate. 56 (4.13) 4.2 Analytical Steady State Response of Nonlinear Systems Excited by Gaussian White Noise In this section, the statistical steady state response of nonlinear systems is investigated. In contrast to the linear system, we do not have an explicit expression of the transfer function for the nonlinear systems. However, under a specific situation, the Gaussian white noise, it is possible to obtain a statistical steady state solution for the probability density function of the response. The statistical steady state probability density function of the response will fully describe the nonlinear system, and this knowledge will be fully adopted to investigate the harvested power of SDOF nonlinear oscillators. Thus, the procedure of obtaining steady state probability density function under the Gaussian white noise excitation is first given in the following section. 4.2.1 Fokker - Planck and Kolmogorov Equation Fokker - Planck Equation, or equivalently Kolmogorov forward equation, describes the time evolution of probability distribution of a stochastic process. The derivation of the Fokker- Planck equation is not provided in this thesis. Interested readers can find the detailed derivation in [21]. Let's consider a 2D stochastic differential equation such as dX(t) = p(X(t), t)dt + o(X(t), t)dW(t), (4.14) where W(t) represents Wiener processes. Also yt denotes a drift vector and a denotes a diffusion tensor. The probability density function f(X(t), t) for the random vector X(t) satisfies the following Fokker-Planck equation f(Xt)= - a [ 1/1 (X)f(Xt)] - - a a2 + Ox 1 1x 2 [D122(X)f(X [P 2 (X)f(Xt)]+ 82 -[Dn(X)f(Xt)] a2 t)]+ Ox1ax2 a2 [D 21 (X)f (X, t)]+ - x [D 2 2 (X)f(X, t)], (4.15) - a 57 where x, and x 2 are elements of two dimensional vector X(t), A 1 and p 2 are elements of two dimensional drift vector 1A, and al, U 12 , a 21 and a 2 2 are elements of 2 x 2 di- mensional diffusion tensor o-. Specifically, we will consider an example of a dynamical system under the Gaussian white noise excitation whose governing equation can be expressed as a second order differential equation. For the generality, the normalized function F(x) which represents the stiffness of the system with any order is used here. i + At + F(x) = C(t), (4.16) where ((t) is the Gaussian white noise excitation with zero mean and intensity of 2D. By replacing x, = x and x 2 = i, the governing equation can be rewritten as follows: dx dt dX 2 d , = 2 - (4.17) Ax 2 - 1(x1) + ((t). (4.18) Equivalently, the can be written as [ dx 1 dx 2 x2 -Ax 2 dt + 0 0. 0 2D F(x1 ) - K (4.19) dW2 Thus, by plugging these into the Fokker-Planck equation, we will obtain a f(X, t) = -- a ax (x2f)+ a ai(X2 F(xi)) + D (Ax2 + 82 2f. a X2 (4.20) For the steady state, the left hand side of the equation vanished and we will have a2 D2 x2 ft - -(x a ax 1 a [(Ax - 0W 1 2 fst) + ax 2 2+ F(xi))fst] = 0. (4.21) By rearranging the above equation, we will obtain a ux 2 D f, - a - + (A [(x)fst + Aax 1 ' ax2 58 a D afst )[x 2 fst + -- axX2 ]. (4.22) The solution should satisfy D (9fa = 0, -A &x1 (4.23) 0. (4.24) F(xi)fst + - x 2 fst + D A 0x 2 - By integrating, we will finally have fat(Xi, x 2 ) = C exp{- [ + F(x)dx]}, (4.25) where x 1 = X, x 2 = t, and C is an integration constant. This steady state probability density function will be used for investigating the performance of SDOF oscillators under the Gaussian white noise in the following chapter. 4.3 Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Systems Excited by Colored Noise We have shown that the response of SDOF linear oscillators is analytically described by the power spectral density of excitation and the transfer function of the system. Also, under the Gaussian white noise excitation, the response of the nonlinear SDOF oscillators also can be analytically expressed. In this section, the response of nonlinear SDOF oscillators under the colored noise excitation is investigated. Since nonlinear SDOF oscillators do not have explicit expressions for its transfer functions, we should evaluate the response of the system numerically. A colored noise excitation can be viewed as an excitation with a narrow banded power spectral density. Ocean wave spectra such as Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum are representative examples. In the previous chapter, the expression of ocean wave elevation with those power spectral density is fully explored. In this section, several simulational details will be discussed. 59 Recall that the expression of the ocean wave elevation is given as r7(t) = 2S (Zn)Aw cos (wnt + pW), (4.26) N where SXk(wn) is a given one sided power spectral density, wn are frequencies, and W, are random phases with uniform distribution between 0 and 21r. An important point which should be discussed is the aperiodic property of the ocean wave elevation. It is obvious that ocean waves do not repeat as time passes, thus the generated time history data of ocean wave elevation should be an aperiodic function. However, depending on the choice of frequency components wn, the signal can be either of a periodic or an aperiodic signal. Thus it is critical to make sure whether the generated ocean wave elevation is an aperiodic stationary Gaussian random process. There are two ways of selecting corresponding frequency components. One way is adopting uniformly distributed frequency components as follows: Wn (4.27) = Wo + (n - 1)Sw, where wo is initial frequency and Jw is the frequency span between two adjacent frequency components. Depending on the selection of wo and Jw, there is a possibility to generate a periodic ocean wave elevation. Thus, as an alternative approach, we will introduce an additional term into the previous equation as follows: 1 Wn = wo + (n - 1)Jw + -bn6w, 2 where ip is a random number between -1 and +1. (4.28) By introducing a small pertur- bation into the frequency components, it is now guaranteed that the generated ocean elevation signal is an aperiodic signal. This can be observed in Figure (4-3) that the autocorrelation function of the first case has multiple peaks while the autocorrelation function of the second case has no peak as time increases. 60 0.3 0.2 0.2- 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2- -0.2 0 00 100 10 200 2500 -0. 3000 50 1000 (a) 1500 2000 2500 3000 (b) Figure 4-3: (a) Autocorrelation function of the periodic ocean wave elevation signal. (b) Autocorrelation function of the aperiodic ocean wave elevation signal. 4.4 Gaussian Closure for Nonlinear SDOF Oscillators Excited by Colored Noise There are many different methods to tackle down the nonlinear random vibration problems including statistical linearization method [30-33], moment closure method [34], perturbation method [35,36], Monte Carlo simulation method [37,38], and so on. Among those techniques, Monte Carlo simulation method is primarily adopted for SDOF nonlinear oscillators under the colored noise excitation for the previous sections. Obviously, the accuracy of the results will increase as we increase the number of simulation records. However, this will lead the computational cost of simulation significant. Therefore, with an aim of increasing accuracy while keeping the computational cost low, an innovative moment equation technique is illustrated. Let's consider a SDOF nonlinear oscillator whose normalized governing equation is in the form of x + Ax +kix + k 3x3 where I = Y, (4.29) is the dissipation coefficient, k, is the linear stiffness coefficient, and k 2 is 61 the cubic stiffness coefficient. Here, we assume that excitation, y(t), is stationary random process with zero mean, y = 0, and the power spectral density function has a band limited frequency components. Also, for the vibrational system it is natural to assume that mean value of the response is zero, Y = 0. In order to derive the moment equations, we first multiply the governing equation (4.29) with y(s) and take the mean value operator. Here, y(s) is a function of new time parameter s. (t)y(s) + Ai(t)y(s) + kix(t)y(s) + k 3 x(t) 3 y(s) = j(t)y(s). (4.30) By taking the partial derivatives out, above equation can be rewritten as a a2 5j2.X(t)Y(s) 42 + & Ax(t)y(s) + I (t)y(s) + I3x(t)3y(s) y(t)y(s). = (4.31) Recall that the expectation of the multiplication of two random variables are the correlation function. In this specific case, we have zero mean for both of x(t) and y(t), the correlation function equals with the covariance function. Now, each term in the above equation will be replaced by C which denotes either of the autocovariance function or crosscovariance function depending on the parameters indicated in the subscripts. 92 2 Y+AlC + kC. + k 3x(t) 3 y(s) = a2lts 52 . (4.32) where the super scripts denote time parameters. Similarly, if we multiply the governing equation (4.29) with x(s) and take the mean value operator, we will have i(t)x(s) + At(t)x(s) + kx(t)x(s) + k 3 x(t) 3 x(s) = j(t)X(s), (4.33) Then, it can also be expressed in terms of the covariance function as 82 .8 02 - Ca2 + AC8 + kiC N2- C X + CX '+ +CI(t) 62 3 x(s) (4.34) X = 2Ct. (4.34) Now, we have obtained two moment equations from the governing equation, but the problem is that there is higher order terms in the moment equations. We thus need a closing technique in order to solve the moment equations. Considering the excitation is a stationery and ergodic Gaussian random process, we can assume that the response is also a stationary and ergodic Gaussian random process. This enables us to apply the Gaussian closure assumption in order to express forth-order moments in terms of second order moments, in accordance to Isserlis' Theorem as follows: x 3 (t)y(s) = 3Cx Ct = 3ak Cx, (4.35) x3 (t)x(s) = 3CxxCx (4.36) = 3UokCt. For the convenience, the variance of x(t), C. is replaced by uk. This will lead the two moment equations into simpler forms. Cts+ C9 a2t (&t 2+ = (92 Ct + (I,1+ 3kcarx)C =-Ct , + C2 + + + 2 wt =92 = 2 t (4.37) (4.38) With the help of Wiener-Khintchine relation, we will have the power spectral density equations by taking Fourier Transform of above two moment equations. {(jW) 2 + A(jw) + k1 + 3k3 ok2}SXY(w) = (jW) 2 SYY(w), {(jW) 2 + A(jw) + k1 + 3k3 ak2}Sxx(w) = (jW) 2 S22(w). (4.39) (4.40) Thus, we will have a relation between the input excitation spectrum and the output response spectrum as follows: SX.(w) = a cA2w2 d n c)2+ (fteea S(w). (4.41) If the excitation is given as a colored noise excitation with a power spectral density 63 in the form of Pierson-Moskowtiz spectrum, such as 11 + exp (--1). (4.42) The equation (4.44) reduces to wa1 S(w) = - A 2W2 (ki - W2 + 3k3U)2+AX2 1 exp (--), (4.43) and if we take integration from 0 to oo, 000 (k- ( + 3k3 a 2 )2 + A 2 w2 (= 5 exp (---)d&. (4.44) This will give us a nonlinear equation for UX as follow. X2 = 0W =o (k1 - w 2 + 3k o) 3 2 + A2W2 W5 exp (- W4 (4.45) )dw. The above nonlinear equation can be solved numerically by estimating the square of the absolute difference as follows: 2 exp (--)dw1 W4 (k, - W2 + 3k^3aX2)2 + A2W2 W5 . X-i O (-6 Please note that the above nonlinear equation can have more than one solutions. By solving above equation, we can fully describe the response of SDOF nonlinear oscillators under the colored noise excitation. Please note that the stationary and ergodic Gaussian random process is assumed for both of input and output. Computational results will be presented in the following chapter. 64 Chapter 5 Quantification of Power Harvesting Performance We study the energy harvesting properties of a SDOF oscillator subjected to random excitation. In the energy harvesting setting, randomness is usually introduced through the excitation signal which although is characterized by a given spectrum, i.e. a given amplitude for each harmonic, the relative phase between harmonics is unknown and to this end is modeled as a uniformly distributed random variable. We consider the following system consisting of an oscillator lying on a basis whose displacement h (t) is a random function of time with given spectrum. The equation of motion for this simple system has the form m + A (& - h) + F (x - h) = 0, (5.1) where m is the mass of the system, A is a dissipation coefficient expressing only the harvesting of energy (we ignore in this simple setting any mechanical loses), and F is the spring force that has a given form but free parameters, i.e. F (x) = F (x; ki, ..., k.). One could think of F as a polynomial: F (x; kp) = kxP. We assume that the excitation process is stationary and ergodic having a given spectrum Shh (w). We also assume that after sufficient time the system converges to a statistical steady state where the response can be characterized by the power spectrum 65 Sqq (w). We expect a stationary response given that we have only one structural mode involved and thus we do not expect to have non-stationary phenomena due to nonlinear energy transfers. For this system the harvested power per unit mass is given by A Ph = - t - .2 (5.2) where the bar denotes ensemble or temporal average in the statistical steady state regime of the dynamics. For convenience we apply the transformation x - h = q to obtain the system S+ A4 + F (q) = -h7 ,(5.3) where A = A m and P = F. m Through this formulation we note that the mass can be regarded as a parameter that does not need to be taken into account in the optimization procedure. This is because for any optimal set of parameters A and F, the energy harvested will increase linearly with the mass of the oscillator employed (given that A and F remain constant). 5.1 Absolute and Normalized Harvested Power Ph In the present work, we are interested to compare the maximum possible performance between different classes of oscillators and to this end we ignore mechanical losses and assume that the damping coefficient A describes entirely the energy harvested. In terms of the spectral properties of the response, the absolute harvested power Ph can then be expressed as Ph Af = w2Sqq (w) dW. -00 This quantifies the amount of energy harvested per unit mass. 66 (5.4) 5.2 Size of the Energy Harvester B An objective comparison between two harvesters should involve not only the same mass but also the same size. We chose to quantify the characteristic size of the harvesting device using the mean square displacement of the center of mass of the system. For the SDOF setting, this is simply the typical deviation of the stochastic process q (t) given by 00 d= = S,,(w)dw. (5.5) -00 Our goal is to quantify the maximum performance of a harvesting configuration for a given typical size d and for a given form of input spectrum. To achieve invariance with respect to the source-spectrum magnitude, we will use the non-dimensional ratio S$(5.6) 2 which is the square of the relative magnitude of the device compared with the typical size of the excitation motion V"=. The above quantity also expresses the amount of energy that the device carries relative to the energy of the excitation and to this end we will refer to it as the response level of the harvester. It will be used to parametrize the performance measures developed in the next section with respect to the typical size of the device. 5.3 Harvested Power Density pe For each response level B, we define the harvested power density pe as the maximum possible harvested power max Ph (for a given excitation spectrum and under the { ki , B} constraint of a given response level B) suitably normalized with respect to the response 67 / ~A5 0.45- 0.4 - 0.35 0.3 -- 0.25 - 0.15 - 0.1 - 0.05 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 W Figure 5-1: Various spectral curves obtained by magnitude and temporal rescaling of the Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum. Amplification and stretching of the input spectrum will leave the effective damping and the harvested power density invariant. size q 2 and the mean frequency of the input spectrum max Ph I B} { I B} {(1 Pe(B), max (0) 3 W 32 W3q2 (5.7) where the mean frequency of the input spectrum is defined as 00 1 Wh WShh (W) = A)- (5.8) h2 0 This measure should be viewed as a function of the response level of the device B. As we show below it satisfies an invariance property under linear transformations of the excitation spectrum, i.e. rescaling of the spectrum in time and magnitude (Figure 1). More specifically we have the following theorem. Theorem 1 The harvested power density pe is invariantwith respect to linear transformations of the input energy spectrum Shh (w) (uniform amplification and stretching). In particular, under the modified excitation g (t) = av bh (bt) or equivalently the input spectrum Sgg (w) = a2 Shh (f),where a > invariant. 68 0 and b > 0 , the curve p, (B) remain Proof. Let A0 and ki,O be the optimal parameters for which the quantity Ph at- tains its maximum value for the input spectrum Shh (w) under the constraint of a given response level BO = . For convenience, we will use the notation F0 (q) = F (q; k i,o, ... , fkn,O) . For these optimal parameters we will also have the optimum re- sponse qo (t) that satisfies the equation do + Aodo + Fo (qo) = -h. We will prove that under the rescaled spectrum Sgg (w) = a 2 Shh (5.9) (E) the harvested power density curve pe (B) remains invariant. By direct computation, it can be verified that the modified spectrum Sg9 (w) corresponds to an excitation of the form g (t) = aV'-h (bt) . (5.10) Moreover, by direct calculation we can verify that = a2 bH and wg = bWh. (5.11) We pick a response level BO for the system excited by h (t) and we will prove that Pe,g ('6o) = Pe,h (Bo). Under the new excitation the system equation will be -a\ d2 h(bt) S+Ad+F(q)= dt 2 (5.12) We apply the temporal transformation bt = r. In the new timescale, we will have (differentiation is now denoted with') b2 q" + Abq' + F (q) = -abI h". For P9 4 (5.13) = Bo, we want to find the set of parameters A and ki that will maximize = A4 2 given the dynamical constraint (5.12). This optimized quantity can also be written as Pg = A 2 =b Aq,, 69 (5.14) where q' is described by the rescaled equation (5.13). However, the optimization problem in equations (5.13) and (5.14) is identical with the original one given by equation (5.9) and it has an optimal solution when A = bAo and F (q) = ab2F0 -a-). For this set of parameters, equation (5.13) coincides with equation (5.9) and the solution to (5.13) will be q (t) = aViqo (bt). Note that for this solution we also have 2 g2 2 g2 a2bh2 h2 (5.15) BO, 0 '(.5 and therefore the optimized solution that we found corresponds to the correct response level. The last step is to compute the harvested power density for the new solution. These will be given by maax { Ii I Bo} Pe,g(B0 ) = Wgq2 ( A0q max b2 {1,kca IBo} 2-/ (baw3) (a2bQ) - (baw) (a2b2) -T w - Pe,h(BO)- (5.16) This completes the proof. We emphasize that the above property can be generalized for multi-dimensional systems; a detailed study for this case will be presented elsewhere. Through this result we have illustrated that both uniform amplification and stretching of the input spectrum (see e.g. Figure 5-1 various amplified, and stretched versions of the PiersonMoskowitz) will leave the harvested power density unchanged, and therefore the shape of spectrum is the only factor (i.e. relative distribution of energy between harmonics) that modifies the harvested power density. Another important property of the developed measure is its independence of the specific values of the system parameters since it always refers to the optimal configuration for each design. Thus, it is a tool that characterizes a whole class of systems rather than specific members of this class. To this end it is suitable for the comparison of systems having different forms e.g. having different function F (q; ki, .. , k. ) '2 bAo) (bag o'2 since it is only the form of the system that is taken into account and not the specific parameters A and k, ..., k. 70 These two properties give an objective character to the derived measure as it depends only on the form of the employed configuration and the form of the input spectrum. For this reason, it can be used to perform systematic comparisons and optimizations among different classes of system configurations, e.g. linear versus nonlinear harvesters. In addition to the above properties, the curve p, (B) reveals the optimal response level q so that the harvested power over the response magnitude is maximum, achieving in this way optimal utilization of the device size. We note that for a multi-dimensional energy harvester it may also be useful to quantify the harvester performance using the effective harvesting coefficient Ae which is defined as the maximum possible harvested power max Ph (for a given excitation {,k I B} spectrum and under the constraint of a given response level B) normalized by the total kinetic energy of the device EK : max Ph Ae(B) ,hEk = (5.17) WhEK where we have also non-dimensionalized with the mean frequency of the input spectrum so that the ratio satisfies similar invariant properties under linear transformations of the input spectrum. Although for MDOF systems the above measure can provide useful information about the efficient utilization of kinetic energy, for SDOF systems of the form (5.1) we always have A,(B) = A and to this end we will not study this measure further in this work. 5.4 Quantification of Performance for SDOF Harvesters We now apply the derived criteria in order to compare three different classes of nonlinear SDOF energy harvesters excited by three qualitatively different source spectra. In particular, we compare the performance of linear SDOF harvesters with two classes of nonlinear oscillators: an essentially nonlinear with cubic nonlinearity (mono-stable 71 system) and one that has also cubic nonlinearity but negative linear stiffness (double well potential system or bistable) as illustrated in the Figure (5-2). The first family of systems has been studied in various contexts with main focus the improvement of the energy harvesting performance from wide-band sources. The second family of nonlinear oscillators is well known for its property to maintain constant vibration amplitudes even for very small excitation levels, and it has also been applied to enhance the energy harvesting capabilities of nonlinear energy harvesters. More specifically we consider the following three classes of systems (Figure 5-3): S10 25- 8- 20 - 6- 15 - 4- 10- 2- 5 0- 2 -15 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 x x (a) (b) 0.5 1 1.5 Figure 5-2: The shapes of potential function U(x) = }k 1 X 2 +{Ik X 4 . (a) The monostable potential function with k > 0 and k 3 > 0. (b) The bistable potential function with k, < 0 and k 3 > 0. q+ A4 + kq = -h, - q + A4 Igk + 3q3 = 4+ A4 - Pq + Ik3q3 -. _ (linear system) (5.18) (cubic system) (5.19) (negative stiffness) (5.20) Our comparisons are presented for three cases of excitation spectra, namely: the monochromatic excitation, the white noise excitation, and an intermediate one characterized by colored noise excitation with Gaussian, stationary probabilistic structure 72 x(t) Ih(t) (a) (b) (c) Figure 5-3: Linear and nonlinear SDOF systems: (a) Linear SDOF system, (b) Nonlinear SDOF system only with a cubic spring, and (c) Nonlinear SDOF system with the combination of a negative linear and a cubic spring. and a power spectrum having the Pierson-Moskowitz form 1 Shh = - exp (-w- 4 ). (5.21) The monochromatic and the white noise excitations are characterized by diametrically opposed spectral properties: the first case is the extreme form of a narrow-band excitation, while the second represents the most extreme case of a wide-band excitation. Our goal is to understand and objectively compare various designs that have been employed in the past to achieve better performance from sources which are either monochromatic or broad-band. We are also interested to use these two prototype forms of excitation in order to interpret the behavior of SDOF harvesters for intermediate cases of excitation such as the PM spectrum. We first present the monochromatic and the white noise cases where many of the results can be derived analytically. We analyze the critical differences in terms of the harvester performance and subsequently, we numerically perform stochastic optimization of the nonlinear designs for the intermediate PM spectrum. For the PM excitation, we employ a discrete approximation of the excitation h in spectral space, with harmonics that have given amplitude but relative phase differences modeled as uniformly distributed random variables. The responses of the dynamical systems (5.18) and (5.19) are then characterized by averaging (after sufficient time so that transient effects do not contribute) over a large ensemble of realizations, i.e. averaging 73 over a large number of excitations h generated with a given spectrum but randomly generated phases. 5.5 5.5.1 Results of Performance Quantification SDOF Harvester under Monochromatic Excitation Linear system. We calculate the harvested power density p, for the the linear oscillator under monochromatic excitation, i.e. the one-sided power spectrum is given by Shh (w) = a2J (w - wo). For this case the computation can be carried out analytically. In particular for the linear oscillator we will have the power spectrum for the response given by Shh (w). Sqq (w) = 2 k,- w2)2 + A w (5.22) 2 Thus, the response level can be computed as 4 ~i B= W 2 h2 (5.23) 32W2 2 where h2 is simply a2 . Moreover, the average rate of energy harvested per unit mass will be given by P2 . (k, - WO ) (5.24) + A Ww2 Then we will have from equation (5.23) (ki W4 ,2 2 2 - w)+2w = B. (5.25) Thus, for a given B, the mean rate of energy harvested will be given by Ph = = 74 2WO. (5.26) Therefore the mean rate of energy harvested will become maximum when A is maximum. For fixed B, equation (5.25) shows that the maximum legitimate value of A will be given by A= and this can be achieved when Ici - WO. Therefore we will have Ph = Iq = =a -r max Ph {4 IB} Pe - /, 1 (5.27) (5.28) Hence, for a linear SDOF system under monochromatic excitation, the harvested power density is proportional to the magnitude of the square root of B while the harvested power is proportional to the square root of the response level. Cubic and negative stiffness harvesters. For a nonlinear system the response under monochromatic excitation cannot be obtained analytically and to this end the computation will be carried out numerically. In figure 5-4, we present the response level B for all three systems (linear, cubic, and the one with negative stiffness with V = 1) for various system parameters. We also present the total harvested power superimposed with contours of the response level B. For both the linear and the cubic oscillator, we can observe the 1:1 resonance regime (see plots for the response level B). For these two cases, we also observe a similar decay of the response level with respect to the damping coefficient. This behavior changes drastically in the negative stiffness oscillator where the response level is maintained with respect to changes of the damping coefficient. This is expected if one considers the double well form of the corresponding potential that controls the amplitude of the nonlinear oscillation. Despite the robust amplitude of the response, the performance (i.e. the amount of power being harvested) drops similarly with the other two oscillators (especially the cubic one) as the damping coefficient increases. Thus constant response level does not guarantee the robust performance level with respect to system parameters. To quantify the performance, we present in figure 5-5 the maximum harvested power and the harvested power density for the three different 75 5 1.2 4.5 10 4 E 3.5 10 - U C C 0.8 Ca 0.a ~11 0.5 151. 10.4 .5 -2 0.8 1E A kAk - 2.50.6 10 0.4 4.5 15 10' 0 02 2 3- 3 5 0.5 2 4 0 le i 2 3 4 0.8 01 5 5 0)' 2 33 211.5 0 2 A 0.5 3A 4 (.) 1.2 -0. 0 2 41 . 1 0 kA 1 0.6 Figure 5-4: Response level B. and power harvested for the case of monochromatic spectrum excitation over different system parameters. The response level B is also presented as a contour plot in the power harvested plots. All three cases of systems are shown: linear (top row), cubic (second row), and negative stiffness with C' = 1. 76 (b) *e Lnear --- Negatve -Lna ~ Only - - --Cubic ---- - 1.8-O.l- Negative Stiffness Stffn- 10 - - (a) 2a)i 21 1.4- -- - - 0 .2 -- -.. % 1 - - - - - -- - - - - 0 .4 - - 0.8- -..-----. 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B B Figure 5-5: (a) Maximum harvested power, and (b) Power density for linear and nonlinear SDOF systems under monochromatic excitation. oscillators. We observe that in all cases the linear design has superior performance compared with the nonlinear configurations. In addition, we note that the cubic and the negative stiffness oscillators have strongly variable performance which are non-monotonic functions with respect to the response level B. To better understand the nature of this variability, we pick two characteristic values of B (one close to a local minimum i.e. B =8.5 and one at a local maximum, i.e. B =8.1) for the negative stiffness oscillator (Figure 5-5). From these points, we can observe that the strong performance for the nonlinear oscillator is associated with signatures of 1:3 resonance in the response spectrum. We also note that the small amplitude of the higher harmonic is not sufficiently large to justify the difference in the performance. On the other hand, the significant amplitude difference on the primary harmonic, which can be considered as an indirect effect of the 1:3 resonance, justifies the strong variability between the two cases. Independently of the super-harmonic resonance occurring in the nonlinear designs for certain response levels, it is clear that the best performance for SDOF systems under monochromatic excitation can be achieved within the class of linear harvesters. To understand this result, we consider the general equation (5.3) multiplying with 4 and applying the mean value operator. This will give us the following energy equation I d 2 dt - + q2+A2 + F (q) 4 77 =o-- h.(5.29) (a 5 v ................. ........... . ......... ......... 3 (b)1o R,=:0.1'andl DO2 R,. t 0.2 -2 ............... .............. 0.1 and 02 ......... ............................... ..... ........ k-0.25 and 1=02 ........ ....... ........ ................... ...................................... ....... ........ ........ 10 ...... ............................... ........... . ........... fjI.. 1 ........ .................. ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ .......... ......... ............................. ......... ........ 21, ~ (-1- 0- 10~' ...... ...... 1 1'', .............. ................................................ ................. ...... ......... ......... ......... .......... I ................... .................. .......... ... .. .. . ...... 1, fl. ... ... ......... -7 10 . U. -1 :4; .......... ............ .................. -2- :V ....... ................. ................ .......................... I......... ................... -4 -O V ...... C. ...... ............ .... ... 210 220 V: V .......... ..... ......... ......... ......... ...... 10~~ . - 3 .... ......... . .. .. . ........ ......... ......... ......... ........ 230 240 250 260 270 200 290 ................... .............. ............................ l0 300 ... ..... ....... .............. ......... .......... .' ...... .... .. .................. ......... 0 8 t ........ 9 10 w Figure 5-6: A nonlinear system with the combination of a negative linear (P = 1) and a cubic spring. Blue solid line corresponds to a local minimum of the performance in Fig. 5-4: k 3 = 0.1 and A = 0.2. Red dashed line corresponds to a local maximum of the performance in Fig. 5-4: k 3 = 0.25 and = 0.2. (a) Response in terms of displacement. (b) Fourier transform modulus 1q (w) 1. In a statistical steady state, we will have the first term vanishing. This is also the case for the third term, which represents the overall energy contribution from the conservative spring force. Moreover, the harvested power is equal to the second term and thus we have (5.30) = -I4. Ph = A For the monochromatic case, we have h (t) = -awo cos w0 t. We represent the arbitrary statistical steady state response as q= with di > 0, and Eq cos (wit + #4 are phases determined i), (5.31) from the system. From this representation, we obtain T Ph = 4iaw2 i lim IJcos wot sin (wit + #i) dt. 0 The quantity inside the integral will be nonzero only when i = 0. Thus, 78 (5.32) 2w WO Ph = qO cos wot sin (wot + qo) dt = 2oawo sin #0. (5.33) 0 Note that from the representation for q, we obtain ijcos (wit + 0j) cos (wjt + 0j) = i~j E 4icos2 (W~t + 0,) = i2 (5.34) ii It is straightforward to conclude that for constant response level F the harvested power will become maximum when do is maximum, and this is the case only when all the energy of the response is concentrated in the harmonic wo, a property that is guaranteed to occur for the linear systems. Thus, for SDOF harvesters, excited by monochromatic sources, the optimal linear system can be considered as an upper bound of the performance among the class of both linear and nonlinear oscillators. 5.5.2 SDOF Harvester under White Noise Excitation We investigated the monochromatic excitation case of both linear and nonlinear systems as an extreme case of a narrow-band excitation. The opposite extreme, the one that corresponds to a broadband excitation, is the Gaussian white noise. We consider a dynamical system governed by a second order differential equation under the standard Gaussian white noise excitation W(t) with zero mean and intensity equal to one (i.e. W 2 = 1). 4 + A4+F(q) = aW(t). (5.35) For this SDOF system, the probability density function is fully described by the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation which for the statistical steady state can be solved analytically providing us with the exact statistical response of system (5.35) 79 in terms of the steady state probability density function (see e.g. [39]) Pst (q, ) = C exp (-4 T+ f (5.36) F(x)dx]) where C is the normalization constant so that JJpst (q, 4) dqd4 = 1. In order to use previously developed measures, we define h = a2 (the typical amplitude of the excitation is equal to the intensity of the noise). Moreover, since there is no characteristic frequency we can choose without loss of generality w 2= 1. Using expression (5.36), we can compute an exact expression for the harvested power = a. PW = (5.37) which is an independent quantity of the system parameters - the above result can be generalized in MDOF system as shown in [40]. We observe that in this extreme form of broadband excitation the harvested power is independent on the system parameters and depends only on the excitation energy level a. In addition, the harvested power density pe will be given by max Ph Pe( {uk IB} })= W3q2 a2 -a2 1 hq2 h2 - . B* (5.38) Similarly with the harvested power, we observe that the harvested power density is also independent of the employed system design (Figure 5-7). Moreover, when we compare with the monochromatic excitation case (where we illustrated that the best possible performance can be achieved with linear systems), we see that the harvested power density drops faster with respect to the device size B when the energy is spread (in the spectral sense) compared with the case where energy is localized in a single input frequency. 80 (a)~ _Lre'(b) 10*_ 1.8 - - -1. 1.4 - --- Cubic- - ---- C bi - - - - - - Negative Stiffness Negative Stiffness -10, .8 - -... -. .. -.-.-.-.i i 0.6 1 0.2 . - B B Figure 5-7: (a) Maximum harvested power, and (b) Power denstity for linear and nonlinear SDOF systems under white noise excitation. 5.5.3 SDOF Harvester under Colored Noise Excitation The third case of our analysis involves a colored noise excitation, the Pierson-Moskowitz form (equation 5.21), which can be considered as an intermediate case between the two extremes presented previously. For a general excitation spectrum, the computation of the performance measures for the nonlinear systems has to be carried out numerically. However for the linear system the computation of the mean square amplitude and the mean rate of energy harvested per unit mass can be computed analytically [39] -~ exp q2ki =2 (-w~ 4) dw, (5.39) - exp (-w 4 ) d. 2 o (/ci - w2) + A 2 w (5.40) 2 For the nonlinear systems, we employ a Monte-Carlo method since the computational cost for simulating the SDOF harvester is very small. In particular, we generate random realizations which are consistent with the PM spectrum using a frequency domain method [41]. The results are presented in Figure 5-8. We can still observe similar features with the monochromatic excitation even though the variations of response 81 level and performance are now much smoother (compared with the monochromatic case). For the linear system, we do not have the sharp resonance peak that we had in the monochromatic case while the two nonlinear designs behave very similarly in terms of their performance maps. However, the characteristic difference of the negative stiffness design, related to the persistence of the response level even for large values of damping, is preserved in this non-monochromatic excitation case. Note that similarly to the monochromatic case this robustness in the response level does not necessarily imply strong harvesting power. A comparison of the linear system and the nonlinear systems under the PiersonMoskowitz spectrum excitation is shown in Figure 5-9. As it can be seen from Figure 5-9b, the linear oscillator has the best performance compared to two nonlinear designs (note that for the negative stiffness oscillator a wide range of values P was employed and in all cases the results for the power density were qualitatively the same - to this end only the case P = 1 is presented). This is expected for any colored noise excitation, given that for the monochromatic extreme we have shown rigorously that the optimal performance of any nonlinear oscillator cannot exceed the optimal linear design, while for the white noise excitation all designs have identical performance. An important qualitative difference between the response under the PiersonMoskowitz spectrum and the monochromatic excitation is the behavior of the harvested power for larger values of B. While for the monochromatic case the harvested power scales with VB, this is not the case for the colored noise excitation where the harvested power seems to converge to a finite value (a behavior that is consistent with the white noise excitation). Therefore, we can conclude that for small values of response level B the optimal performance under colored noise excitation behaves similarly with the monochromatic excitation while for larger values of B the optimal performance seems to be closer to the white-noise response. The above conclusions are also verified from Figure 5-10 where the three optimal harvested power density curves (corresponding to the three forms of excitation) are presented together. 82 0.8 4.5 0.7 10--4 E4 1E 0.6 0.5 1 CD) 2 0) 10.3 2 101 0.2 0 4.5 2 3 00 >22 10 1. 30 S200 A 210 3 5 50 E0 10k 10 0.5 20 2 30 40 50 0.1 43 o a 10 - 102 J <q 30.5 2.5 5 0.8 .0.4 101 135 0.2 0 2 . (U)- 0 0 007 A 20 30 3 2 1.0 10 4 40 40 21 5 0.5 0 50 10 20 30 40 so k 3 (a) (b) Figure 5-8: Response level B and power harvested for the case of excitation with Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum over different system parameters. The response level B is also presented as a contour plot in the power harvested plots. All three cases of systems are shown: linear (top row), cubic (second row), and negative stiffness with D = 1. 83 (b) le 0.9 cmty r -=Cubic N"at" S#ffr*n b1c o.a 0.7 10, ......... ...... ......... ......... ....... ..... ...... ...... . . 0.6 CL 0.5 . ..... ..... 0'4 .... ....... .... .... ................ ...... ... .... ...... . . 0.3 .. ...... ..... . . ... . . . . .. .... . ...... ... ...... ... . . 0.2 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 10 9 0 1 2 3 5 4 B 6 7 a 9 10 B Figure 5-9: (a) Maximum harvested power, and (b) Power density for linear and nonlineax SDOF systems under Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum. lop .................... I ......... ......... ............ I ...... M onochrom atic ..........: ................. ........... ...... .... I .......... ........................... .............. I..................... Co lore d ................ ........................ ........................... m ite ............................. ......... I ...... .............. ......... .......... ...................... .............. ................... ......... ......... ........ ....... ..................... ....... ........ .................. ......... .................... .................. I ......... ............................................... .................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ................... ........ .......... .......... ......... ......... 102 CL ........... ......... ................... ......... ......... .................... ........ 10' ................... .................... ......... ................... .......... . ............. .. ... ............. id, 7 .................. ......... 7 ........ .......... ......... ......... ......... I......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ..........*................... ......... ................. .......... ....... . ....................... ... ........ . ..... ...... .................... ........... ................. ................... ......... ......... ..... .. 10-1 0 L 1 2 3 4 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ .................. . ...................... . ..... .... ........ 5 6 7 8 9 10 B Figure 5-10: Harvested power density p, for the three different types of excitation spectra. The linear design is used in all cases since this is the optimal. 84 5.6 Results of the Moment Equation Method In this section, the results of the moment equation technique are illustrated and compared with the results obtained by Monte Carlo method. As stated in the previous chapters, we can expect a stationary and ergodic Gaussian random process for the response only if the SDOF oscillator is linear. In the case that the SDOF oscillator is nonlinear, such as including the cubic stiffness, there is no guarantee of having a stationary and ergodic Gaussian random process for the response. However, throughout this section, the stationary and ergodic Gaussian random process for the response is assumed and the Gaussian closure approximation is applied correspondingly. There are other closing techniques such as cumulant closure approximation and the results for these methods will be considered for future work. In the Figure (5-11), the results of the moment equation method for the SDOF nonlinear oscillator with the cubic stiffness under the colored noise excitation are illustrated. If we compare the moment equation method with the Monte Carlo method, the 3D surface maps of the size of the device for both methods are very close. However, the harvested power for the combination of different parameters of the stiffness and the damping gives a difference that the moment equation method overestimates the harvesting power and gives a broader range of high harvesting power range. This can be obviously observed in the maximum harvested power curve with respect to the size of the device. Since the moment equation method in this section assumes a stationary and ergodic Gaussian random process for the response, it overestimates the performance of the oscillator. This overestimation is due to the energy transfer to higher harmonics (because of the nonlinear terms). More accurate closing approximation methods may enable us to take into account this inherently nonlinear behavior that cannot be captured in the context of the Gaussian closure. The results of the moment equation method for the SDOF nonlinear oscillator with 85 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.5 c-w 2. 0.4 102 01~0 2 5 0.1 10 20 3 D0 50 10 2 k 3 30 40 0 50 3 (a) ................- -......... - Cubic( DE - --.- .-.-...-..-- 0.7 -.... -....... M--- -- - - - 0.8 - - - - --ui -C-i-(N -)-------- ) 10, 0.9 - ... .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .... .. ...... .. .....--...- ....---.. 0.6 -. ........ ---. .-.--. --.-. ... .......... ..... ............. .----. -... .-....-... -.. . -. .. ... ...-. .. .---.. ---- .. .. -- ... .. .-.... ---... -. .. .-. ... -.. .. -. .. .. -..-.-.-..-..--.--. - 10e -.. -.-.---.. -.-.- 0.4 - .. - - 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 B 6 7 9 10 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a B (c) (d) Figure 5-11: Results of the moment equation method for the cubic system under the colored noise excitation. (a) The size of the device with respect to system parameters. (b) The harvested power with respect to system parameters. (c) Maximum Harvested Power. (d) Harvested Power Density. 86 9 10 On the the cubic and negative linear stiffness are presented in the Figure (5-12). contrary to the results of the cubic oscillator, it can be observed that the 3D surface map of the size of the device for the moment equation method dramatically differs from the Monte Carlo method at small stiffness coefficients. This is also the case where the response of the system is not a stationary and ergodic Gaussian random process. Overestimation in the harvested power can be observed as well. The maximum harvested power curve gives even more deviated result and this indicates that more accurate closing method is required. 0.8 5 4.50 1024 3.5 02 40 3200.5 1001 0 4 2.5 0 0 30 10 30 20 40 50 3 (a) (b) a. 010 0 0 .47 - (d) ....-. () () 10 Havete 010 ( Harvested PNOWer 0.30 - ... -........ -....... --.8 -.. 0.20 ... -. .. -.-..---..-. ....... - -.......... -.... --.... -.... -.... -...-..-. - -- .-.--.-------...-.-.-..-.----. .-----.-..-.- -. 0 ..1 ---.---.-.--------...--.--- .1........ .... .... ......... .... .... ......... ..... ....... ...... B. rantes (b)..T.....r..sted p Harvested16 . ....... ... .... .... .... . .. .... ... .... ... ... .. ............ Q!ut ftemmn qainmthdfrtengtv iersse r.d...x......... e the... ra.trs .pramtes..c)Maxmu havse power......wit.repet.t.sste (d).... ............... .... .... (b4) The........ (.........................).... ... .... Figur - -2 .-.-.----..-.-.-..-...- 0 . . .. . .. . 7n (a).. .e.wt. The........ s...ze. .f.he.ev.e.wth.esp.t...sste .pa ..... m tes.()Mai u -- - - ...........----.... -............. -.--.-.--.-.--.--.-..--.--.-.-.-.--.--.. 88 Chapter 6 Performance Robustness We have examined the optimal performance for different designs of SDOF harvesters under various forms of random excitations. Even though the linear design has the optimal performance for fixed response level B, the robustness of this performance under perturbations of the input spectrum characteristics (and with fixed optimal system parameters) has not been considered. This is the scope of this chapter where we investigate how linear and nonlinear systems with optimal system parameters behave when the excitation spectrum is perturbed. More specifically, we are interested to investigate robustness properties with respect to frequency shifts of the excitation spectrum. Clearly, the harvested power and the response level (that characterizes the size of the device) will be affected by the spectrum shift. To quantify these variations we consider the following three ratios B9hifted Bo ' _ (Ph)shifted (Ph)O (Pe)shifted ' (Pe)o ' _ where J quantifies the variation of the response level BO which essentially expresses the size of the device, r quantifies exclusively the changes in performance while oshows the changes in harvested power density, i.e. it also takes into account the variations of the response level B. 89 Monochromatic excitation. For the monochromatic excitation, perturbation in terms of spectrum shift can be expressed as Shh(w - e) = J(w - wo - E), (6.2) where wo = 1. In Figure 6-1, we present the ratios describing the variation of the response level 3, the harvested power r and the harvested power density a in terms of perturbation E for various levels of the unperturbed response level B. For small response levels, i.e. when the system response is smaller than the excitation (B =0.5) we observe that the negative stiffness oscillator has more robustness to maintaining its response level when it is excited by lower frequencies (E < 0). For the same case, the harvested power decays in a similar fashion with the other two oscillators. Therefore, for E < 0 and B =0.5 the nonlinear oscillator with negative stiffness has the most robust performance. For faster excitations (e > 0) we observe that all oscillators drop their response level in smaller values than the design response level B0 with the linear system having the most robust behavior in terms of the total harvested power. We emphasize that as long as J < 1 robustness is essentially defined by the largest value of r among different types of oscillators. For B =1, we can observe that for all values of E the negative stiffness oscillator has the most robust behavior in terms of the excitation level while the behavior of the harvested power is also better compared with the other two classes of oscillators. For larger values of the response level (B =8), we note that the response level ratio J is maintained in levels below 1; therefore the size of the device will not be exceeded due to input spectrum shifts. On the other hand when we consider the variations of the harvested power, we observe that all in all the linear oscillators has the most robust behavior, while the two linear oscillators drop suddenly their performance to very small levels for larger, positive values of E. 90 1.4 1.2 - - .......... .. .. 1 . . - 5-- Oj ui - ..- ..--. CLO -. ... .... - - - - - - - .2 - -* . 2ICubic 0 .5 5 0.4 . *.. ..... 0.2 S -&.4 -"~ -&2 -&.1 0.1 0 M2 2AI 0s o O .4 -03 -. a2 S-4 -1 0 0.1 0 03 0,4 -0.4 -43 0 I -2 -0. 0 01 0.4 4 -1 - -- .. .. .... -.. . .... .. &3 , ........................ 'l . 1 0il (U tb 0R 1- -........ .......... ....I.....- 2A 5 2 12 1. -0.-&-0 -J 02 M3 O L4 -Z 4 -&2 -Z &1 0 06304 05 2 -4 -&3 -2 &1 0 01 0.2 0.3 0.4 4 4E . ........................ .. 0.4-. b 0..... ... -... .. .2 '0. - - - a4 -. -. 5 -OA -4.3 -0.2 -01 (a) 0 0.1 0.2 . -o4 -~0 0.5-. 2 -&.1 0.4 (b) - & -. 0 0.1 0.2 0-3 0.4 0.5 (c) Figure 6-1: Robustness of (a) the response level, (b) the power harvested, and (c) the harvested power density for the monochromatic excitation under three regimes of operation: B = 0.5, B = 1, and B = 8. 91 L 03 0 . .------.- Colored noise excitation. Similarly with the monochromatic case, we consider a small perturbation E for the colored noise excitation spectrum: S(W - 6) -= exp (-(W 1 - E)-4) . (6.3) The results are presented in Figure 6-2 for three different cases of unperturbed excitation levels B0. In contrast to the monochromatic case, the ratios 5, -r, and o have much smoother dependence on the perturbation e. Moreover, their variation is very similar for all three response levels B0. More specifically, we can clearly see that the two classes of nonlinear oscillators can better maintain their response level over all values of e. On the other hand, the linear oscillator obtains a larger response level B when the spectrum is shifted to the right (e > 0) without substantially increasing the harvested power compared with the other two nonlinear oscillators. For e < 0, all three families of oscillators harvest the same amount of energy. Thus, for colored noise excitation, the two families of nonlinear oscillators achieve the most robust performance. Hence, as long as the nonlinear design is chosen so that it has comparable optimal performance with the family of linear oscillators, it is the preferable choice since it has the best robustness properties. 92 l' &. . ..... . --- ............ --- Naganve~~~ine ....... .... ... . . . ...... 2. . -. A 9Sne --ga to ....... ... . .. ...... ......... 0 1 - LQ I w C.0 E. 2 1. 0C " 0A -L2 0. 0 U. M2 U3 DA --- I Q -0.A -0.3 0.1 0.2 1 U.3 U.4 -41 5 4 03 01 02 0.3 04 0 1 &S ' . Cub.c clh0 I 23 ......... . . --------~ ~... .. ....--. .. --.. --. -.---------- ........... ... N... .. .... ...... 2 ' - . 2 .2 --.. ......... - .. 4 5 -Q4 -4L3 -0.2 0 -01 0.1 0.2 0.3 6 -QA 0.4 -0.3 0 2 0 -0.1 02 0.3 0.4 OLI 5 44 t LI ... --. 7 . 23 -4-c a~ 00 ...-.-.-..--.--- -.n .. .. . .. . .... . ..... . . .. ....... . ../... .:2 . '0 b ..... 2.1 . .......... -&S -a4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 043 OA 0.5 -&S -4 -0.3 -02 -W (a) 0 (b) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.A0.3 -. S -0 -0s -02 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0. (c) Figure 6-2: Robustness of (a) the response level, (b) the power harvested, and (c) the harvested power density for the PM spectrum excitation under three regimes of operation: B = 0.5, B = 1, and B = 8. 93 0.0 94 Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Work We have considered the problem of energy harvesting using SDOF oscillators. We first developed objective measures that quantify the performance of general nonlinear systems from broadband spectra, i.e. simultaneous excitation from a broad range of harmonics. These measures explicitly take into account the required size of the device in order to achieve this performance. We demonstrated that these measures do not depend on the magnitude or the temporal scale of the input spectrum but only the relative distribution of energy among different harmonics. In addition they are suitable to compare whole classes of oscillators since they always pick the most effective parameter configuration. Using analytical and numerical tools, we applied the developed measures to quantify the performance of three different families of oscillators (linear, essentially cubic, and negative stiffness or bistable) for three different types of excitation spectra: an extreme form of a narrow band excitation (monochromatic excitation), an extreme form of a wide-band excitation (white-noise), and an intermediate case involving colored noise (Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum). For all three cases, we presented numerical and analytical arguments that the nonlinear oscillators can achieve in the best case equal performance with the optimal linear oscillator, given that the size of the device does not change. We also considered the robustness of each design to input spectrum shifts concluding that the nonlinear oscillator has the best behavior for the colored noise excitation. To this end, we concluded that, under a situation of designing a har95 vester with specific power, a nonlinear oscillator designed to achieve a performance that is close to the optimal performance of a linear oscillator is the best choice since it also has robustness against small perturbations. Future work involves the generalization of the presented criteria to MDOF oscillators and the study of the benefits due to nonlinear energy transfers between modes [42-45]. Preliminary results indicate that the application of nonlinear energy transfer ideas can have a significant impact on achieving higher harvested power density by distributing energy to more than one modes achieving in this way smaller required device size without reducing its performance level. 96 Bibliography [1] D. Evans, "Wave-power absorption by systems of oscillating surface pressure distributions," Journalof Fluid Mechanics, vol. 114, 1982. [2] A. J. Sarmento and A. d. 0. 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