THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 485 : 680È688, 1997 August 20 ( 1997. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMIC TURBULENCE REVISITED P. GOLDREICH1 AND S. SRIDHAR2 Received 1995 September 5 ; accepted 1997 March 25 ABSTRACT In 1965, Kraichnan proposed that MHD turbulence occurs as a result of collisions between oppositely directed Alfven wave packets. Recent work has generated some controversy over the nature of nonlinear couplings between colliding Alfven waves. We Ðnd that the resolution to much of the confusion lies in the existence of a new type of turbulence, intermediate turbulence, in which the cascade of energy in the inertial range exhibits properties intermediate between those of weak and strong turbulent cascades. Some properties of intermediate MHD turbulence are the following : (1) in common with weak turbulent cascades, wave packets belonging to the inertial range are long-lived ; (2) however, components of the strain tensor are so large that, similar to the situation in strong turbulence, perturbation theory is not applicable ; (3) the breakdown of perturbation theory results from the divergence of neighboring Ðeld lines due to wave packets whose perturbations in velocity and magnetic Ðelds are localized, but whose perturbations in displacement are not ; (4) three-wave interactions dominate individual collisions between wave packets, but interactions of all orders n º 3 make comparable contributions to the intermediate turbulent energy cascade ; (5) successive collisions are correlated since wave packets are distorted as they follow diverging Ðeld lines ; (6) in common with the weak MHD cascade, there is no parallel cascade of energy, and the cascade to small perpendicular scales strengthens as it reaches higher wavenumbers ; (7) for an appropriate weak excitation, there is a natural progression from a weak, through an intermediate, to a strong cascade. Subject headings : ISM : general È MHD È turbulence 1. INTRODUCTION the density and transport properties of the Ñuid are constant, the equations of (incompressible) MHD read There appears to be some consensus regarding the notion that turbulence in the ionized interstellar medium is of magnetohydrodynamic origin. However, even three decades after Iroshnikov (1963) and Kraichnan (1965) Ðrst, independently, presented their ideas on MHD turbulence (in an incompressible, highly conducting Ñuid), there is much debate on what this theory really is. Recent controversy has centered on the existence, or otherwise, of certain nonlinear interactions among Alfven waves. Sridhar & Goldreich (1994, hereafter SG) have argued that there are no resonant three-wave interactions in weak MHD turbulence. They also asserted that the Iroshnikov-Kraichnan (IK) theory is incorrect and constructed a theory of weak MHD turbulence based on resonant four-wave interactions ; in this theory, nonlinear interactions strengthen on small spatial scales, resulting ultimately in a strong cascade proposed by Goldreich & Sridhar (1995). However, Montgomery & Matthaeus (1995) have maintained that resonant threewave interactions are nonempty, holding these responsible for the anisotropic cascade seen in the numerical simulations of Shebalin, Matthaeus, & Montgomery (1983). Moreover, Ng & Bhattacharjee (1996, hereafter NB) have recently presented calculations that show that smallamplitude wave packets do interact via three waves, so long as the k \ 0 (zü is the direction of the local, mean magnetic z Ðeld) Fourier components of velocity and magnetic Ðeld perturbations are nonzero. The present investigation is an analysis and resolution of this controversy. We consider magnetic turbulence in an incompressible Ñuid, although we simply call it MHD turbulence. When L b \ $ Â (¿ Â b) ] i+2b , t L ¿ \ [(¿ Æ $)¿ ] (b Æ $)b [ $p ] c+2¿ , t $ Æ ¿\$ Æ b\0 , (1a) (1b) (1c) where ¿ is the velocity, b \ B/(4no)1@2 is the magnetic Ðeld in velocity units, and p is the ratio of total pressure to the density. The dissipation provided by i and c is important only on small spatial scales, so we ignore the dissipative terms. The homogeneous state, ¿ \ 0, B \ B zü , is a 0 Alfven stable, static solution of equations 0(1a)È(1c).0 Shear waves and pseudo-Alfven waves are the two kinds of linear perturbations about this equilibrium, the latter being the incompressible limit of the slow magnetosonic wave. Both kinds of waves have the same dispersion relation, namely, u \ v o k o, where v \ B /(4no)1@2 is called the Alfven z perturbed A velocity 0 speed.A The and magnetic Ðelds are related by d¿ \ ^db, where the upper/lower signs correspond to waves traveling antiparallel/parallel to B (with 0 with k \ 0 and k [ 0, respectively). Equations (1a)È(1c), z z i \ c \ 0, possess the remarkable property of allowing for nonlinear generalizations of the linear Alfven waves. Mutual cancellation of nonlinear terms permits the following wide class of exact solutions : if d¿(x) \ [db(x) at some instant of time, t \ 0, it can be checked that d¿(x, y, z [ v t) \ [db(x, y, z [ v t) for all time, irrespective of the A A Parker 1979). This nonlinear functional form of d¿(x) (see solution describes a wave packet of arbitrary form traveling nondispersively in the direction of B . Similarly, we can also construct another class of nonlinear 0solutions, with d¿ \ db, that travels nondispersively in a direction opposite to B . 0 Both types of nonlinear solutions are stable, and the dynamics is simple so long as there is no spatial overlap (““ collisions ÏÏ) between oppositely moving wave packets. 1 Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 ; 2 Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Post Bag 4, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007, India ; 680 MHD TURBULENCE REVISITED Let us consider a situation that is less restrictive than perturbations about a static equilibrium (a uniform magnetic Ðeld). We imagine that turbulent motions on a large scale are set up in the Ñuid by stirring it in a random but statistically steady fashion. These create large-scale, disordered velocity and magnetic Ðelds. Kinetic and magnetic energies will cascade to smaller spatial scales.3 The central problem of MHD turbulence is to determine the statistical steady state amplitudes of the Ñuctuations in ¿ and b, on intermediate spatial scalesÈthe so-called inertial-range power spectrum. Mathematically speaking, this cascade through spatial scales should emerge from the e†ect of the nonlinear terms in equations (1a)È(1c). Physically, it is common to speak of interactions between ““ eddies ÏÏ (see Frisch 1995). Do interactions between eddies of dissimilar sizes make signiÐcant contributions to the form of the cascade ? For hydrodynamic turbulence, the answer seems to be that no, the dominant interactions are between eddies of similar spatial scales. The reason for such a locality in interactions between eddies is that the sweeping due to the velocity Ðeld of a large-sized eddy (on a smaller eddy) may be transformed away by a local Galilean transformation. Kraichnan noted that, for MHD turbulence, such a transformation has no e†ect at all on the magnetic Ðeld of the large eddy ; the magnetic Ðeld of a large eddy acts upon smaller eddies in much the same manner as the mean magnetic Ðeld does on Alfven wave packets. Hence MHD turbulence in an incompressible Ñuid should reduce to turbulence of interacting Alfve n wave packets. We recall from the previous paragraph that Ðnite-amplitude wave packets that travel in the positive/negative z-directions do so without change in form, so long as oppositely directed packets do not overlap. Kraichnan realized that the cascade of energy in MHD turbulence occurs as a result of collisions between oppositely directed Alfve n wave packets. To derive the results of the IK theory, consider a statistically steady, isotropic excitation of amplitude v > v , l A on outer scale l, of the static equilibrium mentioned earlier. Alfven waves have dv D db, so that v is the amplitude of l excitation of both velocity and magnetic Ðelds. The resulting Ñuctuations may, at any time, be decomposed into Alfven wave packets with scales j [ l traveling in the positive and negative z-directions. Iroshnikov and Kraichnan assumed that the energy transfer is local and isotropic in k-space. Collisions between oppositely directed wave packets occur over times of order u~1 D (v k)~1, and these k collision, A create small distortions. During one each wave packet su†ers a fractional perturbation dv v dv j D j (v kv )~1 D j > 1 . (2) dt A j v v A j During successive collisions, these perturbations add with random phases. The number of collisions for the fractional perturbations to build up to order unity is A B AB v 2 v 2 (3) N D j D A . j dv v j j The energy cascade rate is v D v2/t , where the cascade time j 2). j The three-dimensional is given by t D N /(v k) D v /(kv j j A A j energy spectrum, E(k), is related to the velocity Ñuctuation 3 On scales small enough for the i+2b and the c+2¿ terms to be important, kinetic and magnetic energies will dissipate into heat. 681 by v2 D k3E(k). Using KolmogorovÏs hypothesis of the scale j independence of v, we obtain the following scalings for the inertial range of the IK theory : AB j 1@4 v jD , l v l With these scalings E(k) D v2 l . l1@2k7@2 A BAB v 2 l 1@2 , N D A j v j l so the cascade weakens as j decreases. 2. (4) (5) INTERMEDIATE TURBULENCE 2.1. A New Cascade Based on T hree-W ave Interactions SG argued that the IK theory, although seemingly plausible, was basically incorrect. Here we discuss the reason for the failure of this theory and propose a new cascade based on three-wave interactions. Let us begin by listing three key features of the IK theory : 1. Wave packets of size j live for N wave periods ; large j values of N correspond to weak interactions between wave j packets of size j. From equations (3) and (4), it may be veriÐed that N P 1/j1@2, so that the cascade weakens as it progresses intojthe inertial range. 2. From equation (2), the fractional perturbation su†ered by a wave packet during one collision is D(v /v ) > 1 ; in A the IK theory, interactions between wave jpackets are described by the lowest order nonlinear terms. 3. Isotropy is assumed in the derivation of the IK theory. The derivation of this theory is essentially heuristic, roughly as given above in equations (2)È(4). We note this so that it is clear to the reader that there is not a more rigorous version of the ““ theory ÏÏ that we happened not to mention. Together, features 1 and 2 imply that the ““ elementary interactions ÏÏ between Alfven waves must satisfy the threewave resonance conditions k ]k \k , u ]u \u , (6) 1 2 3 1 2 3 where u \ v o k o. Shebalin et al. (1983) noted that the only k solutions A z nontrivial of equations (6) require that one of either k or k must be zero. This implies that waves with 1,zk not 2,z present initially cannot be created during values of z collisions between oppositely directed wave packets. As they point out, there is no parallel (i.e., along k ) cascade of z energy. Thus the turbulence must be anisotropic, and energy should cascade to large k . In what follows, we derive anM anisotropic version of IK theory. As before, we imagine that the system is stirred in a statistically steady and isotropic fashion such that v > v l A on outer scale l. The absence of a parallel cascade implies that wave packets belonging to the inertial range have parallel scales l and perpendicular scales j > l. We estimate the spectrum of the anisotropic cascade by modifying the arguments of equations (2)È(4) so as to keep track of parallel and perpendicular scales. In one collision between two such oppositely directed wave packets, the fractional perturbation is given by dv lv dv j D j (v k v )~1 D j > 1 . A z j dt jv v A j (7) 682 GOLDREICH & SRIDHAR Adding up the perturbations due to successive collisions with random phases, the number of collisions over which the perturbations grow to order unity is A B A B v 2 jv 2 A . N D j D j dv lv j j Making use of the steady state relation (8) v2 v2 j D l Dv (9) t t l j (““ KolmogorovÏs hypothesis ÏÏ), we obtain scaling relations for the velocity Ñuctuations, as well as the threedimensional energy spectrum of the anisotropic, three-wave cascade : AB j 1@2 v2 v jD , E(k , k ) D l . z M l k3 v M l It follows that for o z o ? l. The distance along z over which o * o increases by a factor of order unity from its initial value of j at z \ 0 is A B jv 2 l A lD L D ; (14) * lv s2 j L is a function of j. The signiÐcance of L in intermediate * * turbulence follows because turbulence involves the transfer of energy across scales. If s > 1, single interactions between wave packets result in small perturbations. Cascading of energy requires of order L 1 N D D *?1 j s2 l (15) such interactions. 2.2.2. Nonlinear Interactions in Intermediate T urbulence (10) AB v 2j , (11) N D A j v l l so nonlinearity increases along the inertial range of the new cascade. The anisotropic cascade di†ers from the original IK cascade in (1) being anisotropic, (2) having a di†erent spectrum, and (3) strengthening at high wavenumber. This Ðnal di†erence has a profound consequence. It implies that the anisotropic cascade has a limited inertial range, thereby diminishing its applicability in astronomical contexts, where the excitation at the outer scale is likely to be quite strong. It turns out that this anisotropic cascade is an example of a new type of turbulence, which we call intermediate turbulence, because it has properties intermediate between those of weak and strong turbulence. In particular, intermediate turbulence does not submit to perturbation theory. 2.2. T he Failure of Perturbation T heory in Intermediate T urbulence 2.2.1. Field-L ine Geometry To lowest order in perturbation theory, wave packets move along Ðeld lines. Thus the breakdown of perturbation theory may be understood physically by studying the geometry of the divergence of a bundle of Ðeld lines. Assume that the mean Ðeld lies along the z-axis. Consider wave packets localized in velocity and magnetic Ðeld perturbations, but not in displacement, having longitudinal scale l and transverse scale j with j/l \ 1. Let us require that the velocity Ñuctuation, v , is small enough, j lv (12) s4 j >1 , jv A so that N ? 1 (cf. eq. [8]). The rms di†erential inclination j Ðeld across scale j is h D v /v . It is correlated of the local j j A to z. over distances l and j parallel and orthogonal Let us focus on a pair of neighboring Ðeld lines separated by j at z \ 0. The expectation value of the separation between these Ðeld lines, *, varies such that *2 D j2 ] h2 l o z o j Vol. 485 (13) We have deduced the form of the spectrum of intermediate MHD turbulence from scaling arguments based on three-wave couplings. Moreover, these interactions are weak in the sense that N ? 1. This might suggest that j three-wave interactions dominate those of higher order and that a rigorous derivation of the steady state cascade might result from truncation at this order. Unfortunately, this is incorrect ; interactions of all orders have similar strengths. Consider the distortion su†ered during a single collision between oppositely directly wave packets of similar strength with perpendicular and parallel dimensions j [ l and l. We assume that lv > jv . Contributions from interactions j mayAbe written as involving n waves A B lv n~2 dnv j jD . (16) jv v A j Clearly, three-wave interactions dominate those of higher order for individual collisions. Next we consider the cumulative distortion due to n-wave interactions as a wave packet travels a distance l > z > L . We can picture the distortion as arising from the * of the packet as it follows the di†erential wandershearing ing of neighboring Ðeld lines.4 The net displacement of individual Ðeld lines over distance z deÐnes a vector Ðeld whose shear tensor transforms the packetÏs shape.5 For l > z > L * this transformation is close to the identity, so it may be expanded in a Taylor series. The expansion parameter is (z/L )1@2, the dimensionless measure of fractional spreading over* distance z of a bundle of Ðeld lines whose crosssectional radius at z \ 0 is j. Terms of order n [ 2 in v correspond to n-wave interactions.6 These terms have thej form A B AB A B lv n~2 z (n~2)@2 z (n~2)@2 dnv j jD D . (17) jv l L v A * j A notable feature of equation (17) is that contributions from higher order (n º 4) interactions carry extra factors of (z/l)1@2. By ““ extra factors,ÏÏ we mean those beyond the single factor (z/l)1@2 expected to arise from the addition of a sequence of independent interactions between pairs of wave 4 A uniform displacement of a wave packet does not contribute to the energy cascade. 5 This transformation is subject to the constraints of Ñuid incompressibility and magnetic Ñux freezing. 6 Since wave packets follow Ðeld lines only to lowest order, nonkinematic terms appear at orders n º 4. Those of n \ 4 are given in ° 3.3.2. No. 2, 1997 MHD TURBULENCE REVISITED packets. These factors reveal an interdependence among collisions associated with the nonlocalized Ðeld-line displacements of the wave packets.7 Intermediate turbulence is nonperturbative because distortions of all orders become large as z ] L . This is as * expected, because the cascade time across scale j is t D j L /v . It implies that n-wave interactions of all orders n º 3 * A make comparable contributions to the energy cascade. A Ñuid element whose Lagrangian coordinate is a has Eulerian location x, at time t, given by (18) where n(a, t) is the displacement Ðeld. Velocity and magnetic Ðeld perturbations at the Eulerian location are deÐned in terms of the displacement vector by Ln Ln (a, t) , b(x, t) \ v (a, t) . (19) A La Lt A SG employed a formulation of the MHD action due to Newcomb (1962) and developed a Lagrangian perturbation theory for weak MHD turbulence. The Lagrangian is a functional of the strain tensor Ðeld, in other words, the gradient of the displacement vector Ðeld. Expansion of the Lagrangian density in powers of the strain tensor yields terms of second order, n \ 2, and then fourth and higher orders, n º 4. The absence of third-order terms signiÐes that wave packets follow Ðeld lines to lowest nonlinear order. The absence of Lagrangian perturbations based on threewave interactions implies that Eulerian perturbations due to three-wave interactions are purely kinematic. Kinematic contributions to Eulerian perturbations are also present at each higher order, n º 4. But these are augmented by dynamic perturbations arising from order n º 4 terms in the expansion of the Lagrangian. As before, we consider small-amplitude, (lv /jv ) > 1, l wave packets localized in ¿ and b but not in n.j Roughly speaking, convergence of the perturbative expansion requires the components of the strain tensor to be smaller than unity.8 An ensemble of independent wave packets generates an energy spectrum that is Ñat for k l [ 1. Since u \ z v o k o, the power spectrum of the displacement vector Ðeld A z varies as k~2 for k l > 1. The same behavior characterizes the power zspectra zof some of the components of the strain tensor. It implies that these components diverge. The divergence is the mathematical expression of the spreading of Ðeld-line bundles described in ° 2.2.1. In this light, the failure of perturbation theory is seen to be generic, and not just a consequence of an unfortunate choice of perturbation variable. Next we investigate the e†ect of cutting o† the energy spectrum below k L D 1, where L Z l. The most strongly z divergent components of mij have power spectra given by ¿(x, t) \ o m8ij(k) o2 D AB v 2 l j . v k2 A z Multiplying equation (20) by k2 and integrating from k D M z L~1 to k D l~1, we obtain the average value of o mij o2 due to z power in this wavenumber interval, o mij o2 D j~2 P A B l~1 lv 2 L j dk o m8ij(k) o2 D . z jv l L~1 A (21) Thus o mij o2 D L /L 2.2.3. L agrangian Perturbation T heory x \ a ] n(a, t) , 683 (20) 7 These extra factors of (z/l)1@2 are absent in the corresponding formula for wave packets that are localized in displacement. 8 From this point on it is best to proceed in Fourier space, since the breakdown of perturbation theory is closely related to the behavior of the energy spectrum (i.e., velocity, or magnetic Ðeld power spectra) at small k . z , (22) * where L is deÐned in equation (14). Once again we see the * crucial role played by L ; the perturbative expansion con* verges if the energy spectrum is cut o† below k L D 1. z * The absence of third-order terms in the expansion of the Lagrangian signiÐes the absence of resonant three-wave interactions in perturbative MHD turbulence. Weak MHD turbulence based on four-wave interactions is discussed in ° 3.2. 3. ON WEAK AND INTERMEDIATE TURBULENCE 3.1. T ypes of T urbulence We have discussed, at some length, the intermediate cascade. It is time to state in a precise manner the properties that characterize the three kinds of turbulence. Let us begin with a deÐnition. Weak turbulence is characterized by the following properties :9 1. Nonlinear interactions among an ensemble of waves that are weak, in the sense that the fractional change in wave amplitude during each wave period is small. 2. The existence of a convergent perturbative expansion for the nonlinear interactions. Typically the small parameter is the fractional change in wave amplitude during a wave period. When these two conditions are satisÐed, a formal theory of resonant wave interactions may be derived. For the theory to be nonempty, either the three-wave or four-wave resonance relations must possess nontrivial solutions. Power spectra of cascades arise as stationary solutions of the kinetic equation describing modal energy transfer. SpeciÐcally, for MHD turbulence, we Ðnd the following : a) The turbulent cascade based on four-wave interactions, derived in SG, is the unique weak cascade that satisÐes both conditions 1 and 2 above. Moreover, this cascade is realizable ; it could in principle be set up experimentally. While three-wave interactions do not vanish, they are nonresonant and do not transfer energy among di†erent waves. b) The critically balanced cascade described in Goldreich & Sridhar (1995) is an example of strong turbulence. It violates both conditions 1 and 2. The interaction time is of the order of the wave period. Interactions of all orders have comparable strengths ; there is no valid perturbative expansion. c) There is a third type of MHD turbulence that satisÐes condition 1 but not condition 2. It is an example of what we have called intermediate turbulence. This turbulence exhibits weak interactions, but strains in the Ñuid are so strong that perturbation theory diverges. The three-wave interactions are included, but not dominant ; it turns out that inter9 For a standard discussion of these points, see the introduction to Zakharov, LÏvov, & Falkovich (1992). 684 GOLDREICH & SRIDHAR Vol. 485 actions of all orders contribute equally weakly. The inertialrange spectrum of intermediate MHD turbulence is given, for the Ðrst time, in equation (10) of this paper. the weak turbulence of SG is realizable (see ° 4 below), this feature makes it less applicable than intermediate turbulence. 3.2. W eak Alfve nic T urbulence Having discussed intermediate turbulence in some detail, we provide a brief outline of the theory of weak MHD turbulence that SG constructed using resonant four-wave interactions. By studying the resonant terms of the fourthorder Lagrangian, SG derived a formal kinetic equation for the evolution of energies (more precisely, ““ wave action ÏÏ) in di†erent modes and proved that a cascade of energy indeed emerges as a stationary solution. The elementary interactions involve scattering of two waves that respect the following conservation laws : 3.3. A Controversy and Its Resolution NB have proved, analytically, that three-wave interactions between small-amplitude wave packets are nonzero if the k \ 0 Fourier components are nonzero. On the other z hand, SG have argued, using a Lagrangian perturbation theory, that three-wave interactions are absent in weak MHD turbulence. In ° 2, we claimed that the interactions found by NB lead to intermediate, rather than weak, turbulence. Here we bolster that claim by an explicit evaluation of three-wave and four-wave interactions in Lagrangian coordinates. The simplest derivation employs the Lagrangian displacement vector Ðeld as the basic variable (cf. eqs. [18] and [19]). Incompressibility implies that the transformation between Lagrangian and Eulerian coordinates have unit Jacobian. Thus k ]k \k ]k , u ]u \u ]u . (23) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Using u \ v o k o and the z-component of the equation z SG proved that k \ k [ 0 and involvingk theA kÏs, 1,zof equation 3,z k \ k \ 0. Of course, the symmetry (23) 2,z 4,z allows us to Ñip the signs of all the k Ïs, or permute indices 3 and 4 ; the important point is thatz the scattering process described by equation (23) leaves the k -components unalz of k not present tered. This implies that waves with values z in the external stirring cannot be created by resonant fourwave interactions. In addition to developing a formal theory, SG also provided a heuristic derivation of the weak four-wave cascade for shear Alfven waves. Here we note the main properties of the weak cascade of shear Alfven waves : 1. As discussed above, there is no transfer of energy to small spatial scales in the z-direction ; the energy cascade in k-space occurs only along k (i.e., in directions perpendicuM lar to the mean magnetic Ðeld). 2. The three-dimensional energy spectrum, E, is deÐned by ; v2 \ j P d3k E(k , k ) , z M 8n3 (24) where the sum is over wave packets of various scales. Weak turbulence relies on a convergent perturbation theory. As discussed in ° 2.2.3, this requires that the spectrum, E, be cut o† for o k L o \ 1. Moreover, weak four-wave interactions z * k , which implies that E may have a quite do not change z arbitrary dependence on o k o. This simply depends on the nature of the excitation andz is not of much interest here. If j D k~1 is a perpendicular length scale belonging to the M range, the scalings derived by SG for the weak, inertial four-wave cascade are AB j 2@3 v2 v l jD , E(k , k ) D . (25) z M l l1@3k10@3 v M l 3. The number of collisions needed for the packet to lose memory of its initial state is J \ 1 ] $ Æ n [ 1 $n : $n ] 1 ($ Æ n)2 ] 1 mijmjkmki 2 2 3 [ 1 ($ Æ n)mijmji ] 1 ($ Æ n)3 , (27) 2 6 where $ refers to derivatives with respect to Lagrangian coordinates and $n : $n 4 mijmji . The displacement vector n is split into transverse and longitudinal components g and f, respectively, such that n\g]f , (29) $ Æ g\0 . (30) with The components of g are the two independent variables ; f is obtained from equation (27). Thus (31) $ Æ f \ 1 $g : $g , 1 2 2 1 (32) $ Æ f \ $g : $g ] $g : $f [ 1 gijgjkgki . 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 The Ðrst term on the right-hand side of equation (32) is included for completeness, since g \ 0.10 Following the development in2 ° 3 of SG, we write the Lagrangian as P AK K K KB Ln 2 Ln 2 [ v2 . (33) A La Lt A However, we present our calculations in real space, rather than in Fourier space ; the results are identical, but the realspace version turns out to be useful later. Solving equation (31) yields L\ A B A BAB jv 4 v 4 j 4@3 A D A . (26) N D j lv v l j l Note that, in common with the spectrum of intermediate turbulence (given in eq. [10]), N decreases as the cascade j proceeds to smaller j. 4. In their treatment of weak turbulence, SG unwittingly made the assumption that E was cut o† at small o k o. While z (28) o 2 d3a f \ [$ 2 P d3a@ $g : $g 1 1. 8n o a [ a@ o (34) We now write L\L ]L 2 4 10 See eq. (42) and the footnote that follows it. (35) No. 2, 1997 MHD TURBULENCE REVISITED (the third-order terms vanish), with o L \ 2 2 o L \ 4 2 P AK K P AK K d3a d3a Variation of the action S4 P K KB K KB Lg 2 Lg 2 1 [ v2 1 , A La Lt A Lf 2 Lf 2 2 [ v2 2 . A La Lt A dt[L ] P d3aP($ Æ g)] (36) (37) (38) with respect to g leads to the (Euler-Lagrange) equation of motion.11 3.3.1. T hree-W ave Interactions in L agrangian Coordinates In this subsection, we recover the results of the threewave interactions calculated by NB. Moreover, we demonstrate that they are purely kinematic in Lagrangian coordinates. To lowest order, the contribution of L may be ignored. 4 of S (eq. [38]) Using equation (36) for L in the variation 2 linear equation :12 results in the following simple, A B L2 L2 [ v2 g \0 , (39) A La2 1 Lt2 A whose general solution is a superposition of wave packets traveling in the positive and negative z-directions : g \ g`(a , a [ v t) ] g~(a , a ] v t) . (40) 1 1 M A A 1 M A A NB calculated, in Eulerian coordinates, the lowest order perturbation due to a collision between oppositely directed wave packets. It is a trivial matter to obtain this quantity by using Lagrangian perturbation theory. To do so, we transform the right-hand side of the expression for ¿, given in equation (19), into Eulerian coordinates. To Ðrst order, Lg ¿ (x, t) \ 1 (x, t) 1 Lt (41) is the velocity Ðeld of unperturbed wave packets, and g is the corresponding displacement Ðeld. To second order, 1 Lf ¿ \ [(g Æ $ )¿ ] 2 , 2 1 x 1 Lt (42) where the subscript x refers to Eulerian coordinates.13 When we substitute equation (40) in the right-hand side of equation (42), we obtain three di†erent types of terms ; those that contain two powers of g` or g~ have nothing to do 1 collisions. 1 with perturbations induced by Only the mixed terms describe distortions su†ered by a wave packet during a collision with an oppositely directed wave packet. If *gB \ <[gB(x , ]O) [ gB(x , [O)] (43) 1 1 M 1 M is the net displacement of Ðeld lines due to the (^) wave packets, then the asymptotic distortion due to a collision is *¿B \ [(*gY Æ $ )¿B [ $ 2 1 x 1 x P d3x@ $ (*gY) : $ ¿B x 1 x 1 . 4n o x [ x@ o 11 P is a Lagrange multiplier needed to ensure that $ Æ g \ 0. 12 We assign Ðrst order to g of unperturbed wave trains. 13 The absence of Lg /Lt is due to the vanishing of L . 2 3 (44) 685 The above expression is equivalent to equations (15) and (16) of NB. The wave packet distortions expressed by equation (44) are kinematic, as described in ° 2.2.3. Displacements resulting from any sequence of collisions are obtained by summing individual values.14 Note that both terms on the right-hand side of equation (44) depend on *gB, the net displacement of Ðeld lines, which is related to 1 the Fourier amplitude of gB with k \ 0. 1 z 3.3.2. Four-W ave Interactions in L agrangian Coordinates Our principal aim in this subsection is to demonstrate that four-wave interactions obey the distance scaling proposed in equation (17). Our secondary goals are to obtain the spectrum of weak Alfvenic turbulence from a conÐguration-space calculation and to recover the frequency-changing terms discovered by NB, in full MHD.15 We have shown that the three-wave interactions of NB arise from kinematic perturbations in Eulerian coordinates. Dynamic perturbations require the interaction of at least four waves and are associated with perturbations in Lagrangian coordinates. We already possess the machinery necessary to derive these. When L is included in the action 4 respect to g leads to of equation (38), the variation with 1 Euler-Lagrange equations, which may be thought of as adding third-order terms to the right-hand side of equation (39) : A B A B L2 L2 L2 L2 $P3 [ v2 g \ (g Æ $) [ v2 f [ 3, A La2 3 1 A La2 2 o Lt2 Lt2 A A (45) where P3 is determined by requiring that $ Æ g \ 0. 3 For simplicity, we evaluate the deformation3su†ered by a wave packet traveling in the positive a -direction. It proves convenient to transform to coordinatesA a\a [v t , q\t . (46) A A As given in equation (40), the unperturbed wave packets in these coordinates have the forms g` \ g`(a , a) , g~ \ g~(a , a ] 2v q) . (47) 1 1 M 1 1 M A The equation of motion for g in the new variables, q and 3 A 4 (a , a), reads M L L L L L L [ 2v g \ [(g Æ $) [ 2v A La 3 1 A La Lq Lq Lq Lq A B A ]$ P B d3A@ $g~ : $g` $P3 1 1 [ 3, 4n o A [ A@ o o (48) where the primes indicate dummy integration variables and the choice of superscripts applied to g on the right-hand 1 side of the equation is dictated by the requirement that the di†erential operators acting on the integral do not kill it ; one g` and one g~ must appear in the integral over d3A@ 1 1 14 SG missed these distortions because they studied wave packet interactions in which the wave packets were localized in g ; for these *gB \ 0, 1 and third-order couplings vanish even in Eulerian coordinates. This is consistent with the point made in footnote 5 of SG (p. 616), that resonant coupling coefficients are independent of the variables used. Of course, for this to be true, one must be in a regime in which perturbation theory is valid, which obtains only for wave packets localized in g. 15 NBÏs discovery was made using reduced MHD. 686 GOLDREICH & SRIDHAR because the derivatives L/Lq and (L/Lq [ 2v L/La) annihilate A g` and g~, respectively.16 1 Further 1 expansion of the right-hand side of equation (48), obtained by writing g \ g` ] g~, results in two terms. 1 1 1 Rather than carry the cumbersome pressure term through the remainder of our calculation, we discard it and replace g on the left-hand side of the equation of motion by g8 , to 3 3 remind us that its longitudinal part must be subtracted o† at a later stage : A B A B L L L L L [ 2v g8 \ [ [ 2v (g~ Æ $) A La 3 A La 1 Lq Lq Lq L $ Lq ] A ] P BP d3A@ $g~ : $g` 1 1 . 4n o A [ A@ o (49) Although we have used coordinates, (a,q), moving with the positive wave packet, we emphasize that the equation of motion (eq. [49]) remains symmetric in g8 ` and g8 ~ , i.e., the 3 3 action of the Ðrst term on a (^) wave packet is identical to that of the second term on a (<) wave packet. To determine the perturbations su†ered by a (]) wave packet, we set g8 \ g8 ` on the left-hand side. 3 If the 3 Ðrst term were the only perturbing interaction, we could peel o† the operator (L/Lq [ 2v L/La) from both sides. Integration over time would yield A P P `= d3A@ $(Lg~/Lq) : $g` 1 1 , (50) dq(g~ Æ $)$ 1 4n o A [ A@ o ~= which describes the four-wave interactions (cf. eq. [23]) that form the basis of the weak turbulence theory of SG. The third-order Eulerian velocity perturbation consists of both kinematic and dynamic terms. An explicit expression follows from equation (19) : *g8 ` \ [ 3a Lg Lg 1 1 ] (g Æ $ )(g Æ $ ) 1 ¿ (x, t) \ g g : $ $ 1 x 1 x Lt 3 2 1 1 x x Lt Lf Lg Lf Lg [ (g Æ $ ) 2 [ (f Æ $ ) 1 ] 3 ] 3 . 1 x Lt 2 x Lt Lt Lt (51) The Ðnal term is the sole dynamic entry. Each of the other terms is constructed from g without use of the equation of 1 motion. In particular, f is obtained from equation (32). 3 Let us estimate the fractional distortion su†ered by a positive wave packet after traveling a distance z ? l. Among the plethora of kinematic terms, consider only Lg` 1 1 . *¿` \ *(g~g~) : $ $ 1 1 x x Lt 3 2 (52) To order of magnitude, both this term and the dynamic term contribute A B lv~ 2 z d4v` j D j , jv l v` A j the same order of magnitude as the fractional Eulerian distortion given by equation (17).17 To make contact with the weak four-wave cascade, we suppose that the velocity spectrum of the negatively directed waves is cut o† at k D L~1 > l~1.18 Then the disz tortions build up coherently over distance L . Over longer distances, z ? L , they add with random phases, implying A B AB lv 2 L z 1@2 d4v j jD . (54) jv l L v A j Cascade occurs when d4v /v D 1 ; thus j j jv 4 l A . (55) N D j lv L j But for the extra factor of l/L , this is identical to equation (26), whereupon, provided that N ? 1, the spectrum of the j weak four-wave cascade, given in equation (25), follows. Next we return to investigate the second term in equation (49). Imagine that the Ðrst term was switched o†. Then remove a L/Lq from both sides, leaving the left-hand side in the form (L/Lq [ 2v L/La)g8 ` . We expect the action of L/Lq 3b to be subdominant ;Atherefore A B d3A@ $g~ : $g` L 1 1 [ (g` Æ $) 4n o A [ A@ o Lq 1 L L [ 2v $ A La Lq Vol. 485 (53) 16 Proof of the second of these relations requires an integration by parts to transfer L/La acting on 1/ o A [ A@ o to L/La@ acting on $g : $g . 1 1 Lg8 ` 3b ^ [(g` Æ $)$ 1 La P d3A@ $g~ : $(Lg`/La@) 1 1 , 4n o A [ A@ o (56) implying that the net change in the (]) wave packet is A B * Lg8 ` 3b ^ [(g` Æ $)$ 1 La P d2a@ M $g~ o= : 1 ~= 4n P da@ $(Lg`/La) 1 . o A [ A@ o (57) We have written equation (57) in a form that makes explicit the dependence of the perturbation on only the net displacement induced by the ([) wave packet. In other words, the perturbation induced in a wave packet is proportional to the amplitudes of the k \ 0 Fourier comz ponents of oppositely directed wave packets : these terms were Ðrst discovered by NB in the limit of reduced MHD. We may describe the interactions by the following kind of resonant four-wave process : k \k ]k ]k , u \u ]u ]u , (58) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 wherein one wave may be induced (by an oppositely directed wave) to split into two, or two waves could equally well be induced to combine into one. Manipulating the resonance relations leads to k , k , k positive (say), 2,z Thus 3,z u \ u ] u while k approaches zero from1,z below. 2 and3 allows 4,z for changes in the frequencies of wave 1packets, harmonics, as well as subharmonics, are generated by this process. These four-wave interactions require the energy spectrum of the negatively directed packets to be Ñat near k \ 0 ; thus they do not arise in weak turbulence. Are they ofz importance to intermediate turbulence ? To this end, let us make an order-of-magnitude estimate of the pertur- 17 We draw particular attention to the linear dependence on z/l. 18 For simplicity we consider the symmetric situation and drop the ^ signs in the superscripts. No. 2, 1997 MHD TURBULENCE REVISITED bation. From equation (57), the perturbation su†ered by the (]) wave packet upon traveling a distance z D v t is A dg` D k2 g` g` *g~ , (59) j M j j j where *g~ 4 g~(j , z) [ g~(j , 0). Using g D l(v /v ), j M M j j A v~ (60) *g~ D j (lz)1@2 . j v A Thus the fractional distortion of the positively directed wave packet is AB dv` dg` lv` lv~ z 1@2 j D j D j j , (61) g` jv jv l v` j A A j which is smaller than the corresponding quantity in intermediate turbulence (set n \ 4 in eq. [17], and compare with the above eq. [61]) by a factor (z/l)1@2 ; thus, harmonic generation is unimportant for intermediate turbulence.19 4. EVOLUTION OF A WEAK PERTURBATION Now we address the issue of the physical relevance of the cascade proposed by SG for weak turbulence. We go on to show that weak turbulence, intermediate turbulence, and strong turbulence can be consecutive stages of a single turbulent cascade. Imagine exciting shear Alfven waves (isotropically on scale l/L > 1 with amplitude v /v > 1) in a cubical box l A Ñuid that is threaded Ðlled with an electrically conducting by an unperturbed magnetic Ðeld aligned parallel to the z-axis. Let the box have side length L and assume that its walls are made of an excellent electrical conductor. Then Ðeld-line displacements associated with turbulent motions must vanish at the walls. This boundary condition provides the cuto† of the energy spectrum for k L \ 1. z Suppose that AB v 2 l l > . (62) v L A Then Ðeld lines initially separated by scale l maintain this approximate spacing. This ensures that there are no resonant three-wave interactions in the upper part of the cascade and that resonant four-wave interactions dominate. From equation (25), we have AB v j 2@3 v jD l . (63) v l v A A The weak cascade grades into the intermediate cascade when AB v 2 j2 j D , v lL A which occurs for A BA B v 3 L 3@2 j 1D l . v l l A 19 However, it might play an important role in strong turbulence. (64) (65) 687 For the intermediate cascade, A B A B AB v 3@2 L 1@4 j 1@2 v jD l . (66) v l l v A A The intermediate cascade steepens into the strong cascade when j v jD , l v A which takes place at A BA B v 3 L 1@2 j 2D l . v l l A Within the inertial range of the strong cascade, (67) (68) A BA B AB v 2 L 1@3 j 1@3 v jD l . (69) v l l v A A The complete three-dimensional inertial-range spectrum is given by E(k , k ) D l3v2 z M 2 (k l)~10@3 M v L 1@2 l ] (k l)~3 M v l A v 2 L 2@3 l (k l)~8@3 M v l A g A BA B A BA B G G G l~1 \ k \ j~1 , M 1 L~1 \ k \ l~1 , z j~1 \ k \ j~1 , M 2 for 1 L~1 \ k \ l1 , z k [ j~1 , 2 for M L~1 \ k \ (k j )2@3l~1 , z M 2 (70) for There are a couple of points worth noting in connection with the above combined cascade. The intermediate cascade is conÐned to j [ j [ j , where the ratio 2 1 l j (71) R4 2D L j 1 is independent of v /v . As R ] 1 from below, the inertial A range of this cascadel shrinks to zero, exposing a direct transition between the weak and strong cascades. This is the transition discussed in SG and Goldreich & Sridhar (1995). 5. DISCUSSION In a recent paper, Ng & Bhattacharjee (1996) claimed that (1) in weak MHD turbulence, three-wave interactions between oppositely directed wave packets are nonzero if the k \ 0 components are nonzero and (2) three-wave interz actions dominate over four-wave interactions. We hope to have persuaded the reader that (1) is correct so long as ““ weak ÏÏ is altered to ““ intermediate ÏÏ and that (2) is true only for individual collisions between small-amplitude wave packets. However, NB deserve full credit for demonstrating the importance of three-wave interactions, as well as discovering the frequency-changing terms in four-wave interactions. Both are a consequence of a nonzero net displacement of Ðeld lines, due to the perturbations of wave packets that have localized velocity and magnetic Ðeld perturbations. Intermediate turbulence shares with weak turbulence the property that wave packets are long-lived : interaction times 688 GOLDREICH & SRIDHAR are much longer than the wave periods. The distinguishing feature is that perturbation theory is not applicable to intermediate turbulence ; this should be clear from our demonstration that interactions of all orders have the same strength. Of course, during individual collisions, three-wave interactions dominate over all higher order interactions. However, as described in ° 2.2.2, for wave packets localized in velocity and magnetic Ðelds, but not in the net displacement of Ðeld lines, subsequent collisions are correlated ; this makes all n-wave interactions contribute equally to intermediate turbulence. If Iroshnikov and Kraichnan had performed their heuristic estimates taking account of the fact that there is no parallel cascade for long-lived wave packets, they would have found the spectrum of the intermediate cascade. This is one case in which the assumption of isotropy (usually innocuous) is misleading ; the anisotropic intermediate cascade strengthens on small spatial scales, whereas the isotropic IK cascade weakens. We have devoted attention almost exclusively to shear Alfven (““ sA ÏÏ for brevity) waves, ignoring the dynamics of pseudo-Alfven (““ pA ÏÏ) waves.20 A generic excitation may be expected to put power equally into both kinds of waves. Should not we then study the interactions of the pA waves among themselves, as well as with sA waves ? Will this modify the cascades we derived for the sA waves ? It turns out that the pA waves are slaved to the sA waves. The reason is as follows : Suppose that we were following the distortions su†ered by a positively directed wave packet due to other, negatively directed ones. The nonlinear interactions are given, to order of magnitude, by some power of (¿~ Æ $)¿` D (k Æ ¿~)¿`. Because the cascades in MHD turbulence are anisotropic, we expect that k ? k in the z wave inertial range. We note that the polarization ofM an sA 20 The only exception is the proof that there are no three-wave couplings for either type of Alfven wave, in the Lagrangian perturbation theory of SG. Frisch, U. 1995, Turbulence (Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press) Goldreich, P., & Sridhar, S. 1995, ApJ, 438, 763 Iroshnikov, P. S. 1963, AZh, 40, 742 Kraichnan, R. H. 1965, Phys. Fluids, 8, 1385 Montgomery, D., & Matthaeus, W. H. 1995, ApJ, 447, 706 Newcomb, W. A. 1962, Nucl. Fusion Suppl., 2, 451 Ng, C. S., & Bhattacharjee, A. 1996, ApJ, 465, 845 (NB) is essentially along zü Â k , and that of a pA wave is along zü , M and hence estimate that the ““ operator ÏÏ k Æ ¿ D (k v A) M s ] (k v A) D (k v A).21 Thus the pA waves are slaved to z p M s the sA waves ; in a later paper, we will derive kinetic equations and demonstrate that the spectrum of the pA waves is identical to that of the sA waves for weak, intermediate, and strong turbulence. How might an energy spectrum with a cuto† below k L D 1 arise ? Two related possibilities come to mind. The z Ðrst involves a thought experiment that could be realized computationally ; we described this in ° 4. A more natural setting might be the atmosphere of a massive star that possesses a strong external dipole Ðeld.22 The energy spectrum of waves in the stellar magnetosphere would be cut o† on scales longer than the length of the Ñux tubes that link the northern and southern magnetic hemispheres. The cuto† at small k necessary for weak turbulence makes it, in general, z less applicable than intermediate turbulence. However, the limited inertial ranges of both weak and intermediate cascades suggests that neither is likely to Ðnd much application in nature. The critically balanced cascade, proposed by Goldreich & Sridhar (1995) for strong MHD turbulence, remains the most likely candidate for interstellar turbulence. Financial support for this research was provided by NSF grant 94-14232. P. G. beneÐted from visits to the Institute for Advanced Study and the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics. We thank Omer Blaes for comments that improved the clarity of the manuscript. 21 If the amplitude of the pA wave is very much larger than the sA wave, we could imagine that (k v A) \ (k v A), but this is an unlikely situation. M s rules zout p this possibility in cases in which However, a detailed analysis both waves have comparable amplitude on the outer scale. 22 Stars with masses in excess of a few solar masses have radiative atmospheres with little mass motion. REFERENCES Parker, E. N. 1979, Cosmical Magnetic Fields (Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press) Shebalin, J. V., Matthaeus, W. H., & Montgomery, D. 1983, J. Plasma Phys., 29, 525 Sridhar, S., & Goldreich, P. 1994, ApJ, 432, 612 (SG) Zakharov, V. E., LÏvov, V. S., & Falkovich, G. 1992, Kolmogorov Spectra of Turbulence, Vol. 1, Wave Turbulence (Berlin : Springer)