MARIST The Master of Education (M.Ed.) program at Marist is for students with an undergraduate degree who are interested in careers as teachers. The Professional Education Unit at Marist College is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), This accreditation covers initial teacher preparation programs and advanced educator preparation programs at Marist College located in Poughkeepsie, New York. The M. Ed. program leads to New York State initial certification in Adolescence Education (grades 7-12) for the following areas: History, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, French, Spanish, and English. The 36 credit hour program includes one full semester teaching practicum and focuses on developing the professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed by a new teacher. Our goal is to prepare reflective professionals who think critically and work collaboratively to help all students learn. To qualify for New York State certification students must also pass a series of state-required exams including: the Educating All Students Test (EAST), Academic Literacy Skills test (ALST), Content Specialty Test (CST), and edTPA. The edTPA examination is completed in the last semester in the program while candidates are in their student teaching practicum. DISTINCTIVENESS Advisement: Each student entering the program will follow a study plan that considers the student’s schedule and other responsibilities as well as what she or he needs to prepare for a successful teaching career. Students will have regular meetings with the Director of Graduate Education Programs to discuss academic progress and ways of enhancing their Marist graduate experience. Electronic Portfolio: Across the program students create an electronic portfolio that demonstrates the professional knowledge and skills they have developed. This is a multimedia, standards-based document that is stored online. An early course prepares students to use the online Marist system for portfolio development and students present and defend their completed portfolio in the final semester of the program. Master of Education CURRICULUM The M.Ed. program is oriented around a pedagogical core curriculum that cuts across five essential areas of knowledge and skill needed by teachers: 1) The Art and Science of Teaching, 2) Characteristics of The Learner, 3) Teaching Literacy, 4) The Foundations, Context, and Purpose of Education, and 5) Research and Inquiry Skills. Students complete coursework in each core area. Methods courses and 100 hours of Field Experience are completed before the Teaching Practicum, which takes place in the last semester (placements in Middle and High Schools). Core Courses (3 credits each): EPSY 505 Advanced Educational Psychology EPSY 506 Content Area Assessment and Portfolio Development EPSY 630 Teaching Content Area Literacy EPSY 640 Social Foundations of Education MEDU 510 Foundations of Inclusive Education MEDU 565 Educational Action Research MEDU 631 Literacy for Diverse Learners MEDU 665 Classroom Management and Field Experience MEDU 580 Graduate Elective (decided in consultation with Director) Content Methods - Students complete one (1) of the following courses (3 credits): MEDU 520 Methods of Teaching History in Secondary Schools MEDU 522 Methods of Teaching Science in Secondary Schools MEDU 524 Methods of Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools MEDU 526 Methods of Teaching Languages in Secondary Schools MEDU 528 Methods of Teaching English in Secondary Schools Teaching Practicum (in Middle & High Schools) MEDU 664 Teaching Practicum (6 credits) Total = 36 credits Graduate Assistantship: Up to $4500 per year may be awarded to selected full–time students in the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Assistantships are available in research, student activities, as well as tutoring, and require 10 hours of experience each week during the fall and spring semesters. Continued on back FORMAT The program is a combination of coursework on campus in Poughkeepsie, NY, several online course opportunities, completion of a minimum of 100 hours field experience, and student teaching practicum for a full semester in Middle School and High School, in nearby schools in the Hudson River Valley region. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS • Graduate admissions application (available online at • $50.00 application fee (non-refundable) • Official undergraduate/graduate transcripts from all institutions attended • Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA required • Applicants should have the equivalent of an undergraduate major (30 credits) in the content area for teaching. Marist is authorized to offer programs that lead to certification in the following areas: History, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, French, Spanish, and English • Students who do not have the equivalent of an undergraduate major in their content area, or have very low content area grades, must complete additional coursework at Marist or another institution, to meet this criteria before admission to the program • Two letters of recommendation (one from former professors) • A current résumé • A personal essay • In person interview with the Director of Graduate Education Programs • The interview process involves a short written task Note: Graduate Assistantship application should be submitted with the application for admission documents APPLICATION DEADLINES Fall April 15 SpringDecember 1 TUITION & COSTS (2014-2015) Tuition $550.00 per credit Tuition Deposit $250.00 CONTACT INFORMATION Marist College Office of Graduate Admission Poughkeepsie, New York 12601–1387 Phone: 888.877.7900 E-mail: Web: AIM: AskMaristGrad Rev. 12/14