Introduction An Explicit Formula Energy Estimates Fundamental Solution and Energy Estimate for the Characteristic Problem for the Wave Equation in collaboration with Damiano Foschi Piera Montanari Università degli Studi di Ferrara Journées “Equations dispersives sur les variétés” Laboratoire de Mathématiques, Applications, et Physique Mathématique Université d’Orléans April 9-11, 2008 Piera Montanari Characteristic Problem for the Wave Equation Introduction An Explicit Formula Energy Estimates Summary Statement of the problem References Some remarks Summary 1 Statement of the problem and references; 2 A Fundamental Solution in 3 dimensions; 3 Energy Estimates; 4 A local result and the extra regularity hypothesis due to the tip of the cone. Piera Montanari Characteristic Problem for the Wave Equation Summary Statement of the problem References Some remarks Introduction An Explicit Formula Energy Estimates Statement of the problem The Characteristic Problem for the Wave Equation u = f t ≥ 0, x ∈ Rn u|C = ϕ where C = {(t, x) ∈ [0, +∞) × Rn s.t. t = |x|} is the (future) light cone. t 0 x x1 0 Piera Montanari Characteristic Problem for the Wave Equation Introduction An Explicit Formula Energy Estimates Summary Statement of the problem References Some remarks It’s not a new problem... R. Courant & D. Hilbert, M.H. Protter, E.C. Young derive explicit formulas for the wave equation; F. Cagnac (Problème de Cauchy sur un conöide caractéristique) uses a parametrix to obtain the solution of a hyperbolic system of second order differential equations; H. Müller Zum Hagen (Characteristic initial value problem for hyperbolic systems of second order differential equations, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré, Vol.53, No.2 (1990) 159-216) solves the local problem for a generic hyperbolic system of second order avoiding the tip of the cone; M. Dossa (Espaces de Sobolev non isotropes, à poids et problemes de Cauchy quasi-linéaieres sur un conöide caractéristique, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré, section A, Vol.66, No.1 (1997) 37-107) solves locally the quasi-linear problem on the tip of the cone. Piera Montanari Characteristic Problem for the Wave Equation Introduction An Explicit Formula Energy Estimates Summary Statement of the problem References Some remarks ...but We want to: understand the Müller Zum Hagen and Dossa work looking at simple semi-linear Wave Equation, in particular Energy Estimates on a neighborhood of the tip of the cone; solve the characteristic problem for the semi-linear wave equation locally and globally. Piera Montanari Characteristic Problem for the Wave Equation Summary Statement of the problem References Some remarks Introduction An Explicit Formula Energy Estimates The differences with respect to the Classical Cauchy Problem We don’t need to assign on C the derivatives of the initial datum; There is a gap of regularity between the solution and the data. Main difficulties: We want to solve the problem for smooth data, but when we restrict a smooth function to C we may get a singular function (the tip of the cone is a geometrical singularity), u(t, x) = t ⇒ u(|x|, x) = |x| ; The transversal derivatives are not immediately determined from the initial datum (they must solve a Transport equation along C). Piera Montanari Characteristic Problem for the Wave Equation Introduction An Explicit Formula Energy Estimates An Explicit Formula The Fundamental Solution E+ in 3 dimensions is given by Z φ(|x|, x) 1 dx , φ ∈ D(R4 ). hE+ , φi = 8π |x| Let χ ∈ C ∞ (R) equal to 0 on (−∞, 0] and 1 on (1, +∞), set t − |x| uε (t, x) = χ u(t, x) . ε Easily we get 2 uε = χε f + ε 1 ∂t + ∂ω + uχ0ε . |x| Piera Montanari Characteristic Problem for the Wave Equation Introduction An Explicit Formula Energy Estimates Hence, when t − |x| > ε, we have u(t, x) = E+ ∗ uε (t, x) = Z t − |y | − |x − y | f (t − |y |, x − y ) 1 χ dy + = 8π R3 ε |y | Z 1 1 u(t − |y |, x − y ) 1 0 t − |y | − |x − y | + χ ∂t + ∂ω + dy , 8π R3 ε ε |x − y | |y | letting ε → 0, we get the Explicit Formula u(t, x) = 1 8π f (t − |y |, x − y ) dy + |y | |y |+|x−y |≤t Z ∇ϕ(x − y ) ϕ(x − y ) 1 + + dσy . 8π |y |+|x−y |=t |y | |y ||x − y | Z Piera Montanari Characteristic Problem for the Wave Equation Non-reduced Energy Estimate Reduction to data Reduced Energy Estimates The differentiability gap A local result Introduction An Explicit Formula Energy Estimates First Order Energy Estimate Integrating thy identity ∂t |∂u|2 = 2 [∂t uu + ∇ · (∇u∂t u)] on the cone t τ Cτ x1 0 x0 Bτ we immediately get the First Order Energy Estimate Z k∂u(t)kL2 (Bt ) ≤ k∇ϕkL2 (Bt ) + Piera Montanari 0 t kf (τ )kL2 (Bτ ) dτ . Characteristic Problem for the Wave Equation Introduction An Explicit Formula Energy Estimates Non-reduced Energy Estimate Reduction to data Reduced Energy Estimates The differentiability gap A local result “Non-reduced” Energy Estimate Then we easily derive the following “Non-reduced” Energy Estimate X k∂ α u(t)kL2 (Bt ) . (1 + t) hP |α|≤s−1 k∇∂ α u|C kL2 (Bt ) + |α|≤s Z t + X 0 |α|≤s−1 k∂ α f (τ )kL2 (Bτ ) dτ where the term k∇∂ α u|C kL2 (Bt ) still have to be reduced to the initial data ϕ and f . Piera Montanari Characteristic Problem for the Wave Equation Introduction An Explicit Formula Energy Estimates Non-reduced Energy Estimate Reduction to data Reduced Energy Estimates The differentiability gap A local result Characteristic coordinates We introduce (ξ, η, ω) as new variables according to the relations ξ = t + |x| x = ξ−η ω 2 η = t − |x| . ⇐⇒ ξ+η ω= x t= 2 |x| The equation u = f becomes Lv := ∂ξ ∂η v − n−1 1 ∆ n−1 v = g . (∂ξ v − ∂η v ) − 2(ξ − η) (ξ − η)2 S The cone C becomes the hyperplane η = 0 in the (ξ, η, ω) space. The derivative ∂ξ is tangential to C , so ∂ξk v (ξ, 0, ω) = ∂ξk ϕ(ξ, ω); on the other hand the non-tangential derivative ∂η must be reduced. Piera Montanari Characteristic Problem for the Wave Equation Non-reduced Energy Estimate Reduction to data Reduced Energy Estimates The differentiability gap A local result Introduction An Explicit Formula Energy Estimates Reduction to data We set X` (ξ, ω) := ∂η` v (η, 0, ω) , then X1 solves Lv = g on η = 0, that is X10 (ξ) + n−1 1 n−1 X1 (ξ) = ∂ξ ϕ + 2 ∆S n−1 ϕ + g (ξ, 0) . 2ξ 2ξ ξ In general, all the functions X` fulfill on η = 0 a Transport Equation X`0 (ξ) + n−1 X` (ξ) = G` (ξ) 2ξ ⇔ n−1 n−1 ∂ξ X` (ξ)ξ 2 = G` (ξ)ξ 2 , where the datum G` is given and ω is fixed. Moreover Z − n−1 + − n−1 2 2 X` = ◦(ξ ), when ξ → 0 ⇒ X` (ξ) = ξ ξ G` (ξ 0 )ξ 0 0 Piera Montanari Characteristic Problem for the Wave Equation n−1 2 dξ 0 . Introduction An Explicit Formula Energy Estimates In general, if X` = ◦(ξ − ∂ξm X` (ξ) n−1 2 +m L2 (Sξ ) . ) when ξ → 0+ , we have m Z X k=0 where G` . X h+k=`+1 Non-reduced Energy Estimate Reduction to data Reduced Energy Estimates The differentiability gap A local result ξ 0 1 ∂ k G` (ξ 0 ) ξ 0m−k ξ dξ 0 . 1 Xk + lower order terms . ξh Inductively, we can estimate the term ∂ξm X` (ξ) k∂ωm X` (ξ)kL2 (Sξ ) , L2 (Sξ0 ) L2 (Sξ ) , and similarly by terms involving only the initial data and their derivatives. Note that X k∇∂ α u|C kL2 (Bt ) . |α|≤s−1 X m ∂+ X`+1 L2 (Bt ) + lower order terms . m+`+1=s Piera Montanari Characteristic Problem for the Wave Equation Introduction An Explicit Formula Energy Estimates Non-reduced Energy Estimate Reduction to data Reduced Energy Estimates The differentiability gap A local result Reduced Energy Estimates Finally, we get Reduced Energy Estimates n sup t − 2 ku(t)kH s (Bt ) . t∈[0,T ] . (1 + T ) " s−1 X k=0 sup t − n−1 2 +(s−1)−k t∈[0,T ] kϕ(t)kH 2(s−1)−k+1 (St ) + 2(s−1)−k−1 + sup t − t∈[0,T ] n−1 2 +(s−1)−k X j=0 j ∂− f (t) H 2(s−1)−k−j−1 (St ) + # + sup t t∈[0,T ] Piera Montanari − n2 kf (t)kH s−1 (Bt ) . Characteristic Problem for the Wave Equation Introduction An Explicit Formula Energy Estimates Non-reduced Energy Estimate Reduction to data Reduced Energy Estimates The differentiability gap A local result Hypothesis on initial data For deriving the Energy Estimate in H s we need at least 2s − 1 derivatives for ϕ, 2s − 3 derivatives for f , in other words 2s−1 2s−3 ϕ ∈ Hloc (Rn ), f ∈ Hloc (Rn+1 ); ϕ and f must satisfy n−1 n−1 ϕ(x) = ◦ x − 2 +s and f (t, x) = ◦ (t, x)− 2 +s−2 ; s then we have u ∈ Hloc (Rn+1 ). Idea: If ϕ and f which admit Taylor expansion of order − n−1 2 + s and − n−1 + s − 2 respectively, we can split the initial data ϕ = ϕp + ϕr , 2 f = fp + fr and solve up = fp ur = fr (Decomp. Harmonic Pol.) (Energy) up |C = ϕp ur |C = ϕr Piera Montanari Characteristic Problem for the Wave Equation Non-reduced Energy Estimate Reduction to data Reduced Energy Estimates The differentiability gap A local result Introduction An Explicit Formula Energy Estimates Is it possible to reduce the gap of regularity? Consider the simple case of two characteristic hyperplanes π± = {s± := t ± x1 = 0}. In the new variables s± := t ± x1 , y = x0 we have u = 0 u|π∓ = ϕ ⇒ ∂+ ∂− u = ∆y u . u(s+ , 0, y ) = u(0, s− , y ) = ϕ(y ) s−`− 12 s ` If u ∈ Hloc , the Trace Theorem gives U` := (∂+ u)|π+ ∈ Hloc moreover U` (0, y ) = 0. It’s easy to see that U1 solves on π+ the equation ∂+ U1 = ∆y ϕ Piera Montanari ⇒ U1 = s+ ∆ϕ. Characteristic Problem for the Wave Equation (π+ ), Non-reduced Energy Estimate Reduction to data Reduced Energy Estimates The differentiability gap A local result Introduction An Explicit Formula Energy Estimates Generalizing, we have ∂+ U` = ∆y U`−1 hence s−`− 12 ∆` ϕ ∈ Hloc ` s+ ∆` ϕ. `! ⇒ U` = ⇒ ϕ ∈ Hloc s+`− 21 . When ` = s − 1 the previous computation gives 2s− 23 ϕ 6∈ Hloc ⇒ s u 6∈ Hloc , on the other hand by Energy Estimates we have 2s−1 ϕ ∈ Hloc ⇒ s u ∈ Hloc . The s − 1 differentiability gap cannot be reduced by more than derivatives. Piera Montanari Characteristic Problem for the Wave Equation 1 2 Introduction An Explicit Formula Energy Estimates Non-reduced Energy Estimate Reduction to data Reduced Energy Estimates The differentiability gap A local result Theorem: If the data ϕ and f are such that ϕ = ϕp + ϕr f = fp + fr n−1 2s−3 2s−1 (Rn+1 ), where ϕr ∈ Hloc (Rn ), ϕr (x) = ◦ x − 2 +s , fr ∈ Hloc n−1 fr (t, x) = ◦ (t, x)− 2 +s−2 and ϕp , fp are polynomials of degree at n−1 most − n−1 2 + s and − 2 + s − 2 respectively, then u = f t ≥ 0, x ∈ Rn u|C = ϕ has a unique local solution u ∈ H s (Rn+1 ) . Piera Montanari Characteristic Problem for the Wave Equation Introduction An Explicit Formula Energy Estimates Non-reduced Energy Estimate Reduction to data Reduced Energy Estimates The differentiability gap A local result Final Remarks Remarks: For some couple of n and s no hypothesis on the Taylor expansion of the initial data are required. We improve the Dossa result concerning this particular hypothesis on the initial data. Piera Montanari Characteristic Problem for the Wave Equation